New York Clipper (Sep 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. iVJE^ rORK OLIPPEa, HI umnian uwim uma of iiiuMi CiM-tMA» Olf 41, liMmett, Oeaa^l /taMMtdlieawutM (M^PiMldntoftttValMIUU*. S. H* Mm4 4ve mum*- «M (inui Area IMto'lSir. ISBSSAoam SAMioffBAiti, uru moomra, ' TmAtBUUli,*o.,*c,feO. ■McU#OtI*».«•••••••••••••••••••••• '^J!**** _»SMA«n«* *r «^ ft^. ■■kef fou • • iwi»i niii i Wfktt • SSu miT*»M ' •BtHMitStaTMe*. iSTimBDIII- Mttl SCT UMi iRtMh iMl trVtr'■■*l^«B- f -TT Mii. ttTdtlMBnta,« ttoM of UtHMt to ik* ipoiUif ^inMt la to i**''*>a*, •Mtpt la th«M •MMwkm th* ■MM Ht dbMtlr ka***'*' kfeM alsM. loMNMntaltoalr. SZuwIimSm tbr Ium&b U tUt VMk'i mut I ■it to kr. sytiv'Ka- , V' QOns k lom, PBormuMBf, :V la IW M—n miiH, thW Itoor, »o»m ■». U. YORK CLIPPER. BiknAU)4T, SKPTEUBEB13, ISM. VBAHX QVIII, Idlter. c^:: WHOUf^Lf AOENTt. Sou k TwmiMiri&M ft, H. T, tB4 M OUrk it, OhlMfO. MIU HlBpn, U ul U Abb rttML ■uintrJFiiu* 31 BMkioaa itNtt. ■amutoii ft JoaiiiToa, M abb itrnt A> WiMoa, 1» OhMBBt ftiMt, PUladtlikU. ■aair Tinoa, A. 0. BASiai, OlBolnBBtL WaUacb, Avntn k Bvil, Ohtotfo, QL A. ft 1. IZHiiL, T IxckiBf* PUm ib4 133 P«rdmi itntt, l«wOllMDl,I«. lb D. OAMtaiu, M K1b( itntt WMt, Toioato, Oiatda WMt , lU OhMBBt ftlMt, PUladtlfkU. , IiBUHiB ft Oo.; t Ml U Ooutt Itntt, Boiloa. iTloB, Baa Ball41if<BilUaion, Md. lOTIOB TO OOXXBIBVtOBS. OolTaiiVToai ts M«k lal mrj dtptrtaut of th« OLima «U MBftr • bTor ayoa u fej adlntdBf thdr (oamaaUitloBi to Iha^MlloTorthtirawToaaOurm/' B7w4eiaf,th*r«lU fm*ateoD(kil>a, 4Bd hsTt tbalr tmn moi* ipiidlly atttadtd t*. Will oar IrlMdiplMMMmtabtttUiT AMWEM TO OOMUPONOENTS. AitATasB Oabimab, BoiiaB.—" Ib eauMataM tl tht dbpat* mM fer (b* nMBt aitoh nai. feoadtd, I toUan, oa tht bet tb« Botott BmiBit oiMMd iht bowief th* Vahaova, will yaa pUu* iln you oplaloa ob thli nbjMt, and iifotm mmj of fMU mdm whtthn oa* boat hu a tl|ht to tak* utthtr boit'i vatMt" IT OD* boat aaa CRMi aaoUMr'a bsv, aad poll oa th( wattr npjwMd to btlonc t» thli Itttir b«at,' ah* U •rtr M to do; bat, la taklaf th* othn*! «at«r. th* nut do lo at ■BBilaat dlitaaei to pNnat all probabUltr ofa aallUoa, n th* Itlfhtait Impcdlmwit lo th* prainu of th* boat vboM coan* ot waUr hu b«*o thaittk*a. IrthapK. •bitnotad, «r th* boat roBl*d bjaaolhu bott la paalaf, Ih* enw of th* boat «bOM pr«|r*H hM M*b Ibo* lBMd*4 iheold (Ira ap th* Mot«it, aad fUla ih* ou* to thoM MlacMd loadjadleauapoa ttl* B*tur; aiid,irblr)7aiidutli(iMtoiUrptOT*d,tbarM*ihoaId M awaidid In rator of th* boat M r*al*d. WBtT PoiDTBa, FioTldenia, B. L—V* (t*t«d la aoawatt* *0*nti* Uirhit," In osi lut, that lo out kaowltdi* Tom TLjn kad BBTOr pobllihtl a oballtBg* to Biht aaj man In tb* world for 910,400, TtU eoiT<ipond*ai ujl aaon a ohiUoai* wa* pabUihid. ■B< WbIi qi a sopr, *hloh w* atr* wrtaliBi .■ "Th* andenlgii*! «U1 l«ht as7 man in tht vorld for (10,000 a tld*; and h* will (It* •1,000 to aof aaa rron B^Uad to BiMt- him h*t*. Tht flf bt to •oa* «B Is ill monlhf froa th* da)r Ih* nutoh li aad*. And h* fluth*r •tipaitt*! that If th* fodf m aad Uapin do aottoaoad* Ifc* (bet that th* atteh wat AIiI/'#od, h* nllaaaliha* all olalm te tha lUkta—T. Hiaa. Raw Toik, Vaieb SO, lUL" At th* Hat tbi* WM pnbllihtd, w*hid aot "*nt*i«d th*tlB(,".aBd than- tea bad Boneoidofli.. V*tt Polotar will ptoaw aexpt oor thaaha for th* doeoaint, wbloh orltloalljappaand la a N*w York a, ud wbloh, h* uji, was eopltd into hudr*di of othon. C B^l. Wa>4 aad Saapoon feafht thra* ttoai Tlptaa Uuh«ThH aarar b*«a U thU aoutir. I. Olai* alatieoadi. waaia %U, BalUaoi*.—Tea Thaab vai t«B ham aad mt*b alaatM la trattlaa 100 mil**—Ooataim hM alaea pitfofaid th* aaaa hat la *l(ht hoan, an/>av* Blast**, aad ifty-thi** mtttii. H^Ih*/Mb, taiMd ap, eaaaat aeaat, alao, M (la*. ToMT,OaBd*a,H./.—Wade aot wlah to dUeoanf* joa, btt eai adrle* la, to k**p awap ft«m BUantaa. J. Satt, JTb.—W* da aat kaev that 14 bUm baia bMa walk** la twa heBii, la thia toaatip'. It bM bMa daaa la asalaad, bov- -f*r. 0.]>.,BaUa,H. J,—I»r.Onhaa dldaatwrn hi* Ha* eat—h« VM p*tdoaad Mat tla* ilBM. J. If. DaHToa, PiMBMai—laoMt waa fnaalr aalled Xaow HetUaf, aad hM trottad with aad datbattd flon T*apl*. D.lBiBLooK.—OantaapwhanthoM psaaf ladlM wan b«TBi •ei whtia th*/Bid* th*lr Ont appiamoM. Ilio(WBiTa,Zia*tnU*,Oblo.—L Ki. rhtlaa.of tUi soaiMtnd *iBal to aap otaai pl*7*i In tht eoaauy. S, QniitMl aaab*! la oa* toi^ apot ball| 1740. RBwreiT BiLl, OlaelaaaU.—8«ad ea a dapedt-va ban^a aateh for pes. QOBBT, PieTld4BM, K. L—Th* aula IdMiaBraeail aad Pad' dock'* (gbt WM that th* wlBB*r thoald bave tb*< tight of ehal' l*B(la(lb*TlploBBlMhtre*rth*b*lt ^ , ^ / irAToaBB,Boit«a.—Soaaa*Btr*e*tri4H[t^ta aot bad tla* t* raadltpat ' Oha*. J. HoOabtht, Beft«B>-WeAtt aot thlak It adfbabl* to pnblUh th* doooaMBl, laaonMb ft it woald opaa th* v*/ for as *b41«m dUaaiiloa. - /' Oboioi PiRHBa, PhlUd'a^Ur. Biadlay weald not eat* to Mt jour eoaaBnlcatloB la yitti—w* tbinfor* oailt Ik Old SroiT, UUtaahf*,—Ittmi taMlT*d-alH adnrtlaaauat of Beiatta, whkk'W* bar* laMrt*d, i, t. >., OMaaatowB.—Th* flirt No. ol the Oz,If rak WM Ian*4 eathe8MhorAptll,lU8. T. D., Boehtrter,—Tb* card btlag pla/td, the(aa* pttettdi wlthoat ittaid to J.'i ol>JtoUtB. OoRiTART Bbad*b.— The Pania hM aad* batUr Ua* Ihu tht B^Ut or tap of tb* OoUlaj Ua*, or taj othtr Ua*, In nualag Iroa H«w Tork to LlrtipooL OoaiTAHT Bbasib, rithklU. Laadlar<—"PlatM lafora at whtthtr Pathloa WM tm b*at*B hj a hen* ealltd JaaiM E. Polk 1 IfiOiwhaieaBdatwhattlBaT" Ne-J*BMK.PolkwMapaetDf hoiM, Boaakt PAklBk —Johaaj KMktr, at pt«MBt In Ohtatfo, hM Maa Btwi for pea, aad wlihei poa to Mad poor addnt*, Bouo, Pbllad'a—W* hav* aot room for aa aillel* la thli WMk'a papar, balwlU prebablp lin on* la oar ntxt. lAikPt^Tilt.Loali^Aahootarhutb* right to rait blBMlf u regard* th* right TovHe Ban Bio, Utlea.—Kr. Woodhaa will aappip job with eo4k ipon for (Ma iLSl to tttO. BaiLBroRTAiai, Ohio.—'1. Ve boUire there 1* ao igtat la Vew Tort, for tht Londoa guiBiaktr nfiiiad to. t. Bhaip'a bbei can be parehaied bare tor m. Blaok Duaeas, Aiblaad. Fa.—SlokeBi' keu*hold Vordi ii aboat to be laaed Jbiiewteklr-tlperaaBaB—BeMftbaaer, I(»HiHaailrMt,irewTerk!^ Bbasxb, Bettea.—Tbaak poo. Be* aaiwar to Wort telal*T, yaaiYAi, BoitOB.—I. Tkli eoimpoBdeat npi that the mort tfftctnal rtfflidp lor kllUag ItMiieoBBoa laiapoU—tht fltM being killed almort laittatlp— bm a Oa* tooth oomb on the dog afitrwirdi. 3- W* etaaot *•* whr Patir Ooiooran'i nam* aad paifomasoM haii bMa omltt«d Id alittaaa. .h* etrtalalp daiarTM '■boBorabl* mtaUoB." 8. Abonl that eballtag*, iM "Wtet Pointer." J. B., UaaohtiUr, N. H.—1 Bm Wtrt Polator. 2. Aaiwtr Mat WMk. WBir, BoitoB —"Btat* tb* tim* Biad* tj the J. S. B. Pataan and th* M*ptaBt, la t bUm; alio, th* tiaia mad* bp thaa in I mU*i, lnthilrru* of Jalpt.lUt." — -■ — bIb. '4S MaoBd»-lf«ptna*, ilM. Ntptaat, 4T:U. S.8.a.—Pii* to Ohlei ThtM bUm:— Pataan, S3 Iz allM:—Pntmaa, U»0| hl«ag», from Ntw Tork, Ut elaa.tvl; 3d *l*u,$13, Ha* teqaliM. to 0140 boon. OetobMl* aboat th* BtABATicoi.—Th* th*ktt* ealltd " H*r II*J«i^'*" 1b London via optBtd OB the 4th of Jolr, 1B2L Ihi itejgt liMfHtwIde, to bar* at* 141 boxu, 121 pit lUlla, 83 boxM In th* allpi, ill nllfi7it*Ui,nihlng In all ITTboiu and SI italli yhan,addid t* tb* oidlnuT gallirl*!, and a plate In the pit Mltot, erhitb mar be added Ihe proaoenlam otSIH rttt,aBl tha dtpth la That* at* 141 box " ........ killrritalli,nil . UT gallirli ^01081 aMti, bot diilmbit to geatliatn on totonat of It* prex' tpto the boxM) oallad "Pop'a AU*p," map htip to air* paa ■DM* •itlmttt of tht leetlpti at Pleoolealol'a prleta.- Tn* luat Mldlag alio bti a apaeloii eoBMit room, eoDtalBigg 46 boxei, ^ ltl|* pit nrtoanltd eltta tltgant alalia, aad gallerlti abOT*, whloh Maaaoomaodat* 8000 ptiiou. OaAkixt lonxa, BoitoB.—" I notletd pear anawtr to a eonei- tendent i*iptetlog Hr. norat. I aln Met him ISM emit, and i«- atlred la rttatn« olrenlar,itatlcK that a mtthod of auklog boatp vUhoat btl* had bata dlMOTti*d,and pronlalog to Mnda itfflplt «fSa hoDtp oa tht itttlpt of ST etota. I forwatdtd tht amoaat Imwti bat; no beaty hM pat rtMhtd a*. Aprlated itelpa for '' g M|d hoatp WM proalitd, oa th* rMelpt of SI. 'A DBrat dread* th* Br*,' aad I did not Mad tS. Ii aot thia whol* r a htilbag.'ipd iwlbdltt" Wt pnbUih poor l«lt*r for th* KflfOf "teSbring haaaaltp." J'dVRs nABtiqilli BoiloB.—" I. Orar what Oobim did Taooap k hi* all* iBV.'tBMT 3. Ii tha aetor. Hutt Btdlap; a mb of Wb. H. gnltb, of th* Soiton MoMoa t 8. la Mia. J. U, Pltld, of iht Bofton llB«aam, a iliter of Wb. Wtmo, of tb* ume titab- lUiBiDtt" I. HnnUng Park, Phlltdtlphla-«* rtpott of Iloia'i aatoh wlUi.TtcoDr. 3. Tea. 8. No. daodS. 6»ldpap*niu*not In txlittooe—P. 1. n. atapptd oat nddanip, and bm not b«tn ktafd of tinea. V* eontlder thoM " glfi" consotni M a ipeolu of ' A^..' W* know Bothlsg aboat the Totterltaof Uu/land, StU. iM,ft'o:, fto. ■t{Ai(* BtklBT BoT, Brooklpa.—1. TtkeenradTlee, tomake ell nr*i aad lake oat poor saptrt—It li bnt lltUt ttoable aow, ■miia>#*ATe>yoa Boeb anxMtpand Mrrow htreafler, 3. Tom iHVf- ■V Xfii'*- know what OoL Pieaont'i rtllglooe b«ll*f la. 4. HMaa*r:I(Vi« wabvrar ObaaploBofBiigbDd. (. Bullltaaaerti MkUaOninploa ofBngiahd. iBTt/o.—1.pen are dirold of eoatage, It li hard Aw oi to ad- tlHpoa OB tb* iabjiet—bowtm. inppoi* yon atind ap, llkaa ■IBi and lat on* of yaaroppoBtai* try th* tBtet of beatlagt Ifttlt; l^teo: .B.ltyouitAtbtt wMBalotalUed, Itlinot aotnally nt MftMp thtt.pon ibonld bi,'iiBdtr the elroamataseti, bat onr ail' " gtt natoitlltad." 8.. The pteiiat TOlnma noinatllApril feaoolLTh BoT.—" PltAM atat* the Umt mtdt bp tht Bnp*ilor ia'tb* flirt III allM with th* 11*14 of Bria, In UtB-alio, th* fa* BtgM'by th* |H*stBii* whtn |ht bMt tht Palmaa, In Boalon." BB' ■ulei'a time with tht Maid, Bnt tlx mllu, 44 Blnnda. Neptnat'i UWi-wttb "tba Pntaab, iliullM. 47aln.88 mo. Tbeflnt race irapVrJth'etgbt oanj th* otherwltli fear otia.. 1MliiiaiBbOABD,Biooklpu^-<h*at ohtngH btre tak«B p'a«* IrSntedllM* the time thtt 7*nuyyonl*n. The wh*rtp, tb* tlkaPi HMnHlMi or *T'n lb* ilx-outd OBttet,are nirtr aaed for 'C^gl|^ar|K^aoWiatthoagh m Bamttona m are/ laboaliiaii |(,VBjAt.<-Blehaid Lwm ealltd Btohud 0**w d* Lion,'aad VMtt* MOOBd eoB orHeary IL—hi wu born In lUT, and diad In llUlrBlebatdll.'wMiohorBdwud.tbe BlukPrlnei. Wahare aalMtMtoglre poa all theCuta Inialied for. Oatahlitorp fiMi innilt""'V""'■•■"I"* lPi:HBBUtoB,0. W.-"l. Whit la the grMtert dhtaBte a -MMNbMll IW**feTbMathiowa,aBdkpwhoBT 8. Whilbthe SMrtMtdlitueea etlohetballhH bMa rtiaek from the tatl" I7iK'4(.laim4efI|iewleh,thiewa^ 111paidi. a. Mr NUhoIi, (TOaialblila*; bMak 4 baU iro paidi. i:4^jtTUa*.^Bii.i.lABD>.—1. The raleiitlpalat* that In a fear bttdid BbtoUi Th«a«t*r tht *trlkii aikti a huud, ht pat* oat bl|<epenin.t^wdlheoBponent>p*ttnerlabMhlaplM*. 1. Ear* b4«4sttblngorih*"(onm*atal"UUIy. , Bioaaons, Blthaoad, Va-Ai to tht fliat w* taaBot^ aay, bat KUbiiMKr of neort ihkt tb* dnM worn bj Q*«i(* IT. at bit a^aatloa, (wlthont eoBaUn| J*w*lry oi tht eNWdJewtlail Mit JIMiOt^'tr niuly SIOO.OOO. 'iiiltkHDiB BiLiiBi, PMIa4'*.-"I>ieldt.a bttibf ftellfg vbelhtr Ut Ptttt Blohlngt I* a oaUt* *t thli eoattrp, and. wl^ii*. ' kd aad* hU Bnt apMutnet htrt.'.'' B6ra {a Beilaad—HadeUl illflppdirinM'Ia tbU eonalry at the Puk Theatce, NewToife.''- . I. *Bb f BomeaL, Ohlu|o.—There <* a dIfftitBM bttwMbliB Mb Bad aaJogUih mllt-lu tht fermtr there Bit ItlO pudj| la i5tiM«t,'ltfl8^.,': ^ ...O-.j-j-,-! ..,, .1 ' •UfiiiWtlOr'l-The 4illOD bttvMn' the BillMi brig Bbter aad. <|S3ia*tlBait»ri< BnterprlM tMk piM* oa the Itli:atpf Iktir flf emiBBitt <he Boxer wm eapttitd. Both Ike loaaaadlia, U««t. filyihe and Ueat. Bnneagbi, wic* kllltd. B«it pleaaat moatb for a trip "oBt wait." W. P.—t We eankpt aay la what partolBai^aDd Ur. Jobs4al>. ley wM bom. I. Hr. Gb1U/wm •Iieted aenber of PuUoMat forPontahaek Untie, Phllad't.—It dapanda tllogtthtr npon the eeniUtatloB. TeaeannotptoeniaaitallygoodlaittiiBentfarSIO. ' Two OretXBMXB, Philadelphia—Jntlaut* that th*r* wm umt goauiBK In tht regatta of thtath. bnt M.thay h^n anriMM'te MBtt Bi their naati, w* eaaaot laaert thrtir eoBBaalninna'"- J. B. J., Brlitol —Will giro atlanUoB to yonr ooaailaietiUoB ta onr next. B. W. P., PrOTldenee —E* wboM tara it WM n*xt to d*tl, eoonta game, B. B., Bi)fftlo.—W* do Bot fcaow whether Mill Adelaide FilM hM a litter, Bor whelbir ib* poifonu on tht atag*. A. T. Paiior, Prorldenae.—.The OiiirriB la aow In the foarth yetr of lla exiitenee, Chbsb.— If the Totarlei of Ohea ^reftr the Ouffd, aa they do, to any other joonul deroted to that inttlleotatl game k tblB ooontiy^ It'idiooU not .|iil)]eot fli to .tbe enmity and maUgnlty of Jealons opponeiita, aa H-tia idona.' We have taken espeotal palm to cat«r - for tho leaner (vhloh It eeemi has been' oor crime) aa well aa the;pro- flolant—in dolog so we have sacoeedcd in reoderiog the game popnlar among thoae. who hefore knew nothing of tbla beaa^ftil amoBeMeob', Attempta havo been made, repeatedly, in a oBrtalii ^oarter, to orlpple ^oa In.thia de- putment, bat tboa for wlji^piit effeot—we have Bteadlly poreaed the even tenbr bf.biii' way, .satlsBed that" right makes might" The last miserable aadoontemptlble ei- deavor to "oheokmate",n8 by " oa'ptorlog'oof knight," tiio plot for the aoooinpllshfflent . of wbloh we. were not made aWare of nntll a° day or two since, haa zeoolled on the gallty party, for In , tiie "exobaoge" we are the galneia' We honor men who have manllneeB enough to aot an honest part, bat we. despise those . fA%i who " pawn" their reputation for a mere " meas of - pottage," and who resort to deoelt'and lUsehopd to extrloate them^ mIto! fam a foliie ';pMtiAa,''tn,i)liioli'thelr aTarlolooi aoA gnuiplAg 'dlc^odtlon may lure p them.' We say we detest anoh oondodt aa p^U)h aa we despise the (AiyaHirhb pmptlce It AlthoQgh the latter may be bolstered itp for a time; yet etentnaUy thsy most perish in their otm flllh, for neither salt nor ".straw bali" 'oan save ^then. The "Napoleon" loeaupd'Ait of the "royal pair" who liaTe plotted against as, tnnu oatto bi a/oue jw whloh, if the "Napoleon" of "the.'palr" voiti alltUe longer, (for he ia aoonatomed,to this sort of bnsloen,) ho will find oat tobls oott "Set abegger OB horaebaolc, and he will soon, tide to the devil." Oat npon all" tnlton." W9 Intend to soperlnteind tiie Oben pepartaaaiit of this 'we always hayo .done, wlthoat legiid tbthe snapping of those little oora"^ who ■ oontlnully follow at oar heola.;^^,. ■* iitt th* gUl*d jide wine*-^tr wiiheia at* lawraag."' BxTBAOBOiifiitr FaiT.^We andersthadUia^ the 31st alt, Mr. Joseph Boyle, of Fhelpa, Ontario Oa, New Yorkr perlormed the fMt '^fdfeBslog: a beef, and leaving it banging In two halve^ In the eitraordlnaiy time of 6 min. and 40 aeoopds. Itr. Boyle Is btt 21 years of .fge, and weighs 135 lbSi| and, for his age and slae, ohallenges the wo»!d to produoe bis «iaal in the matter of dteailog and prepiiring beef for the market', What tfj oar W^ (ngtoaiUarket boyst Do they yiel^ .the palm is thifli^ VtintarlpBiaiherl''' . : . . : |(l««t.B£aiie,.C9^^ ^eowHqr swam neatly; i)«IU to.* rook In the Tlolnlty, and iretaned to Ihe ihore. KATOri Ba<b roB tbb ZOtb.— On Batorlay nszt, Mlh inst, the long talked-of rowing maloli between fiou oan- men of St John, New Bmnrfwlek, and four oaiamen of New Tork, wOl be decided on tlio waters of Bt Charles BiTor, Boston. In this natoh tbafe Is no restriotion as to boats, bat aald boali are to be'propellod by fonr men eaob, re^ectlTely tealdenta of Ns4 Tork and St John. The asBonnt at stake, $1000 a ^e, is not so mnoh the otjeot at laane In this laoe, aa it la to determine the snperlorlty as KguiM oanmandilpjuiid boat bnlldlog. What oar Bt jObn friends hare,bran doing sinoe the matoh was made, we have no oppntanlUes ot lesmtng—we presome, how; erer, they lia^'iot been Idle. We may look for a new boat from pL John, and poaslbly a fteA set of men^ al- thoat^ Vta " team" they tamed out In their race with the "Ibjb^Brln, in 1865, would be hard to beat Wepre- jnie they will bring the flower of St John to oontest the paka with tiielr NewTork'doadns. TheNewToikersliaTe been preparing themselves for th« coming event by pnrsnlng a system of training which cannot (Ul to Improve and strengthen their physloal oon- ditlon. We nnderstand, also, that three boats have been placed at their service, and a choice will soon be made. The crew on behalf of New Tork ia composed of Stephen Boberts, Thonaa Daw, William Sellers and Charles Weth- erllL They will probably proceed to Boston on Uonday or Tuesday next, In order to take a look at the " sorroand- ing soenery." A very large delegation of New Torken will take a trip daring the week, so as to be In at the trial, on the 20tb. The ensnlng week will be an eventful one for the modem Athens. Thonsands vrillvlalttheclty who never walked its streets before. Sinoe the above was written we have received a letter written by a gentleman of Boston, just retnraed from St John, N.B., fa which it Is stated that the St John men have had a new boat built for the raoe, and that she seems to be in the style of the Fancy, bollt Iiy W. H. Darling, of New Tork. This boat Is said to be 35 feet in length; the crew practising In her at the time oor correspondent first noticed her, were Dennis Horrli, John Morris, Ed- ward Welsh, and Johii,Lambert, and these gentlemen will probably pdl bi the match on the 20th. The new boat la said to be the swiftest 4 oared boat ever built inSt John, with the exception of the Spins, of Indlantown. It Is also said that the Quickstep Is to be taken on to Boston, to be on hand at the Begatta. Qbbbxt on Srona.—Brother Horaoe Greeley, in giv- ing a " first-rate notiee" In the Tribune a few .d^ sinoe, made the " awful disolosare" that ." sporting is an cllbnea to reltgiona men and moiaUsts." Now, destly beloved friend Greeley, we moat hombly beg to dlfli9r with you; and, aa evidence In support of onr position, bring forward the incontroverUble ftetthat oor mntoallHendandoo-laborer in the good work, bcothisr Beeoher, has, since he comnenced reading the Oumn, beoome one of the most sharp rifle shooters In the ooontry. Therefore, dearly beloved Horaoe, either brother Beeoher greatly belief his oharao- ter as a religlotn man, moralist, and sportsman, or, dear tirlend tireeley, "yon lie" (toose ear dear friend's own language) under a most grievous mistake In thus ml^ reprnsnting the " facts," and villUyingthe " foucy." In the itrnda of iHei^idilp, love and troth, dear Horace, we ton»In B« arer. " ionra trrilY " . DuMom OCT,DiAMOsp.—Some of the vIoUma of the San Franoisoo Vigilance Oonunittee; lately arrived In Uils city, have formed themselves into " stib^minltteee," In eider to carry out the dedgns of the parent TlgUanis; and, strange at It may appear, aome. of the t^glnal mem- bers of the original coDoIttee. have been the first to fidl into the olatobes of the 'f sabB,v' Still more strange, these "originalB" oltJect to Indlvidnals taking the. law hito their own hands, when iMr lives are in peril. " Its a poor rule that wont work both ways." Let those who "set the ball in motion," feel the effects'of Its reoolL. WHBBc'aDioK SuTBS; iiin. Job Bbowit.— The challenge given by Hr. Silter a few weeks since was accepted hy Hlokey Warren, yet Silter has not come up to the scratch as yet In the-iaeantlqie, Mickey Warren deshres nsto state that he wUi'dancO Joe Brown, whose challenge ap- peared in onr last, a jig and reel, for $100 or QSOO. Come gentlemen of the " heel and toe" prolesslon—" let's have a little danci-." Boston on tbb Hovb.— Next week will be a great week in Boston. On the 17th, the Inaognratlon of the Franklin Statue will be duly celebrated, the Flromen, City Fathers, lepiesentatlves of trades and professions, fto., taUng part—the Horticaltnral Bxhibltlon sommences OB the 16th—and the great tioat race, on the 20th, oloaos the week. Who's going to Boston 1 Gbkat Tdos m Newaxk.— TheNew Jersey State Agtl- eultnral Soolety will hold its annnal exhibition, at New- ark, on tiie 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Inst, when over $4000 wDl be distributed In premlnnu. ABplendld track has been graded for the trial of horses. This last will be the great (eatnre of the fair. FauMBN AT Stbacosb.— A correspondent' Informs as that on the 23d hut, a trial will take place between a Chicago uii a New Terk.olty engine, for $1000. At the sa^e time, a puree will be given, to be contended for Iiy Hook and Ladder oonpanles. ^ Ou; HAUi.—:Thlp la the,name of a new drinking saloon juat started at 26 Ohatham street^ opposite the Hall of Beoords, -by Messrk James B. Omtlter ft Wm. O^Bfyon. A trial of the good tUngs there to be had will well repay avbit: ■ ' . " FniisiwOBTHr.—The gentlemen of tiie Stonlngton line to Boston have vSry kindly offered to take on to Boston, ftee of obirge, the New Tork raoe boitt to be pulled In the giMt match with St John, on the 20th Inst Hunt Biuii—A card in answer to one published In oor iast, was reoelved at too late an honr for loserUpn'in' thli' woek's.Ourp^'earlnonrnexl. ,.{'..'.. '., : eBqoTnaMaASa.vnODT.T-A8UverCupwastohavs beea'«hotf»r atOttlgnoa's Shooting Gallery, OUoago, oathetfthlmt BOBTOV OOlBXif OVOXVOI. Bonoi Lasbs— FDBRuinn—TiOBTiiia—Fox Cnia —PaiZI FlOHT StOFRD— TlAHKLB BTAioa—^oiou- BearoN, Sept 8, ISBS, Dm Fbuik : An old writer once made the remirk, that" Boston ladles walk very Ul i they ate so sccnsloned to Uie nnoonmonly bad pavementa of their el ty, that they hobble along like the Ohlnese." Weil, such a stateoent Bfly years ago, when sidewalks were not thought of—«t any mle,dden^alks such as we now have—might not have' been deemed dlacourteont; but where are the wilten aow-a-days who would have the temerity to dlspatam onr ladles' msnner of walUnsT 'Very few, I trOw, mo'*., have the fSsar of "woman's rights" In their mhda.. n<y'<^ night eak— ' WhjawMUy tott'rlag sored the Btid la gaiden aad la grOT* t add the answer would l>osstlng1y be— r*o Utll* w(r* hir b*Mt*0Bi fMt To b*4r th* lOMB of lev*. Little feet Is considered to 1)e the very pephu vUn mark of beaiuty, as everyiwdy kaowa. Our ladles' i^ls of walking must be admirable, or why are they so fond of promenading .WathlngtoA street so freqaentlyf "Dat am de queraoffl." Ton take a strolf on Washington street ofa One afternoon, and the sidew^ks are thronged with females promenading up and down, displaying tbtir handsome persons—beg pardon; I should have said, iof the purpose of shopping. Shopjmu aij be well enoagli, bnt It serves more as an exoaie tor young women—nis, and old ones too, to show themselves b public; for,aner fhtlgnlng the shopmen, and overtnning naif Uie goods la half the stores, they return home without any ouer bar- gain than perhaps a pretty'rlbboo, or a bauble yet more foaignlBcant Of conme, this circumstance Is not men- tioned as an objection to the ladles (God bless then;) oi the contrary, one is delighted to otwerve the frequent with which they repeat ft What more charming tight wontd a person wlen to gaze npon than a bevy of beantt- fal femaleit Aye, but what la the use of being on the street always—the theme of remark among the asnnterlng beaux? Is there'no naenil oceupatlon at home to employ thelr tlmeT Isthere—but what Is the use of talkingf It is none of oor business any way, and so we'll" dry np." TouDg Conroy, not being satisfied with hit late drfeat by Mr. Eendly, Is willing to run the latter 120 yards, for $100. There was a sort of a yacht rao« at Qalncy list week, bnt It did not amoont to much. 'Where are the Boston BpOTtiog men and their fast crafts ? When are we to have a regatta In car heaatlful harbor t Hoirah tot field sports I At an early hour Wednesday norahig, a fox waa obaoved on the vaoant land at OIct Point, South Boaton. A large nnmber of "aporteia" started in pursuit end after a long and oiroultoua ohaae, the " hanlmal" waa wounded by a gun Aot, and flaailw killed by a atab front a pitchfork. Poor' Beynard didn't Have the least show whatever. My hies what a rumpus 1 According to .the Traveler, a piiu fight was to come off at Bast Boeldn on the evening of the 6lh Instant; but the police took care to bo present and Ue combatants end epeotators after looking at each other and the police for a while, thought it best to ab- squatnlate; and so there wasn't no muss after alL I wonder who the prinolpals were T The whole topic of conversation at preient is the Franklin celebration on the 17th. A splendid pedestal for the statae, weighing 11 tons, has been erected In tiront of the City Hall, with appropriate hiBcriptlona on tha sides. All the tndes are to be represented In the grand procession; the mUltsiy do the escort dnty, and eveiy- thing " gives token ot a goodly day," to- do honor to the glorious old pbUoeopher. Theatrlcali are In full blast this week, and a brilliant eeaaon Is antlolpated by all hands. The Boeton. with almost the same company as last seaeon, opent with the nagnlflcent Bpeclaole of " A Midsummer Night's Dream." The Biddies luve gone, and In their plsoe are anbstltnted Miss Ida Vernon and Hiss Llssle Emmons—the latter ~ "fbrmerlyerthe National. It Is 'reported that James Ben- nett Is to do tha leading business, for this ettabllshment He Is a good actor. The National, completely renovated, opens with " Connfa7.8qnIre," "Faint Heart," Ac," and "John Jonea" An opening address is to be reoKed bv Miss Uary Bill—a new acquisition. I don't think muon of the bill for the first night at euoh a theatre as the Na- tional is to be; a little of tne blood and thunder Is wanting. In the first piece, Harry Wallack plays Sqnire Broadland, and of course we ehall witness a rare piece of acting. A grand speotaole la to be got np at the National shortly, on an extensive tcale. Hits Ellaa Logan commences her third week at the Musenm, In the ojiaraoter ot 'Venetia In the new piece written for ber, called, "The Italian Bride." Good houses at the Uuieum for the last two weeks have showed the estimation hi which Eliza Logan Is held br the Muaeum freqnentera.. A grand spectacle iB.prepufng at thie establishment, which wUl supercede anything ef Hie .. kind that hsa been got up formerly. 'Vetenui Hany la always on his mnsole. The Howard, also, opens with a new piece entitled "Moee among the Conspirators." Toodles, Jerry. Clip, : and Hose have drawn rather poorly, and so something new most be brought on the tapis to put on more stoam: and this is but the teoond week, too. verity, the Howard it nnfortnnate, when Chanfcan ceases to do good business at it Alas, poor Torlok. Ordway Hall has been thoroughly refitted during vacation, and opens on the 8th ' lust, with the same company as before. This little establl^ment surpasses anything of ths .' kind In the United States. Ordway, Johnny Pell, and ' the Morris brothers are a host in themselves, and never fUl ' to charm and amose the people with sweet eonga and side .-^ splitting burlesqnea. Miss Ehnma Stanley comnenoes ' her second and lost week at the Muito Htll. . She-has drawn ven' fashionable houiet. and her performanoe caoses the Beau Bnimmela and Maria MatUdss to fly Into eostaoIOB. QiudamanielUatr Tours, BiiiWr-:-;. '. Fibehsh'b " SiwjBxV i!T Niw HivxN.—The parade and celebraUon by the New Haven Fire Department took place on the 6lh liui, and waa-parUotpated In tiy la targe nnmber of companies; among tiiem 'were sev^rid from ' abrotd, one of these having come all the w%7 from-Ohl- caga The New Haven Ooutler says: . The Foremen of those obmpanles who bid entered for , Ihe prize trials, assembled ot the Stati HoniKi,,anldrew ; for the order In whloh they were to play; '^r'^*}^*-- oonpanles were represented, and we'gfvo^be|ow the order - In whloh I hey played,' and the nnmber effSet thrown by ^ therespectiremachines:- ' - ''' ^ " ; ' No. 2, of Oblcopee, 124 feet; Niagara, of Frovldenoe, 182 feet; No: '4, or Bridgeport, 'wIthdtt»flrDetng«r<r!' Northampton, ,137 feet: So. 3, of Brooklyn,, 144 feet;.No. 9, of Fair Haven, 131 Ibet; No. 1, of OolllosVinei 1» fw^ . No. 1. of Mlddletown, withdrawn; No. S, of NArwich, lU feet; No.7, of Harlford, 124 feet; No. 2, of Spriogfleld, 140 feet: N0..I, of Hartford, 128 feet; No. 5, oi BridA- port, 148feet| No. 12, of Brooklyti, 149 feet; Bay Slate. Co., of Weslflsid, 130 feet; Brietol Co., No. I, withdrawn:. No. 2, of Holyoke, 139 feet; No. 2, of Blrmingllam, 186 feet; Ncl.of Charlesiown, 128 feet: No. 1, of fawtuoket, B. L, 140 feet; No..4, of Hartford, 102 fe^t; N(>.,l,.of^a», ford, 163 feet; No. 3, of Chicago, 136 feet: No. 1, of West- aeld, 124 feet; Ho. 4, of GreeHfleld, 130 fdot , : The following maoblnes threw the highest streams ai"; were awarded fleprlaet: „, .-■ixi'.i' lat priso, No. 1, pt Stamford, «600: 2d, No. 4, of Hart-; fort,f!»0:8d,Ko.Tl2,orBroo|tlyn,|lOD, - . jTho nrlaes were pressnlpd to the Foremen of the ..m-,] oessfal oonpanlevby the Chief Bogliuer, and were tt] \ oelved with cheers.