New York Clipper (Nov 1856)

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Fob iba sdnezed eagnvIogSi.iiiid.tliefollow- Mlog npUoe of Um reooit aaandlogii by jOie Aiiie-' ;^jloan iieanuhip Anno, we iue Indebted to the '■London lOiuMtd Nan: OoBX HiBBOB, 8«pL 1,19I6. .'• The marked Interest evinced I»t the pobllo in I |h« details ol the piognea oftUa gignniioiuK ' dtrtaklnr, conpled with the ftot thrt u aMole, ^ one of the. Irlth papers, confadQg one trf 'Un ' ■'pne eiTOis, has oeea copied TcVbatll)! Int^ , ',. s«Teral of ou leading Jonmals, has Indnoedma > to send 700 an anthonsed ofthefhots. Tonra obediently^ ■ '■'.■ . WlLSUlM WBRIHeCSB. On application being nude to the American ^ QoTenment ther, with a most laodable zeal for < the promotion of this great national work, ex- preoed their readiness to renderto the prcjeo-, tors of the Atlantlo Telegraph everr possible ' >. ants^ce ; and the Secretuy of tbe United States' Navy, Mr. Dobbin, oourteoiiBly placed ' at their dlqiosal the Arotio, the vessel most , fitted (or the purpose, and a selection of offl- oen whose known talents and esneilence in this ' particular department of nantlcsl Bolence leaves nothing to be desired. Lleatenaat Berryman, who had ah^ady once taken soundings across the Atlantlo, was appoloted to command this expedition, with the object of repeating and enlarging his former observations; Llsntenant Strain, whose zeal and energy in command of. i tho petUoos DartenJBiiiedltlQii, as well as bis . lovefn'/aiiid attAinmenla. In,soIerpeiT^iialiaed- .^' Mm for this office: eth4 Ur. 'jtuiuiv^ ■ HiUajgr' *~tnasier, WHO naa acoom^^ed Iilent.'Berry- msn on the former ocoasioo; these, wlQi aiul complement of other ofQcen, and men epeolallT chosen for the purpose, have done their worfc nobly. AU. from the highest to the lowest, have ' thrown their hearts folly into the work, and it "has Indeed been weU. done—even those of the seamen who shonld have been below, have been seen creeping from their hammocks at midnight, ':' to wateh the retam of the lead, and to learn the , result in some of the deepest sonndings. The iraok thns .entjected to repeated and critical survey, extends from St John's, Newfoundland, to Yalentla Bay, at the soath< western extremity of Ireland, a distance 0116M naatlcal, or 1900 statnte miles. Within these limits, on a course oorrespondlng to the line of the grest-clrole sailing, soundings bave been taken at intervals of abont thirty miles, and in- each instanoe (by means of quills affixed to the bottom of the sonnding apparatus) a sample or speolmen of the ooean bed has been obtained. . These sample are now andergolng. olose mlorosooploal , . examination; but even the first cursory glance disclosed ' an abundance of the most fragile forms of shelly either of THE AMEBIOAN STEAMSHIP, "ABOTIO," EMPLOyBD IN 80DNDING FOB THE ATLANTIO TBLBQEAPH. reoent or of'fossil Infdaorla, so delicate, and yet. so per- feot, aa t»aflbM a guarantee ct the entire Bbsenoe of any onrr^t or movement of the water ai these great deprths; thus confirming In the most satlslaotory naonsr tne re- sults of thi prevlooB sonndings. Not a single rook has been met with, not a partlole of gravel 'or «and hks been brought np, bnt It appoars as if nature'had provided'It bed " soft as snowbank," to nse Usury's owfl Words, fbr the express pnrpose of receiving a telegraphic Ofible. ■ LleaL Berryman says that be is satlsfled that tho lead, with the sonnding apparatus, has frequently buled: IteeU ten or fifteen feet deep In this soft material, and he doubts not that the cable will likewise sink siid imbed Itself in a almllar manner. The greatest depth attained has been two thoosand and seventy fathoms (abont' two and one- third mUes) ; batperb^ the most remarkable, and at the same time the most sattsfaotory resole Is ths peifeot confirmation which tiiese sonndings givs of the opinion' exprensd by Ltent. Uaury as to the existence of a great flat orbvel at the bottom of the ooean.-ttnparaUeled by '"TgBma ll M f fli>tV l ia yutt u i t u u MUuding.U i t aiiitte*- anything on the Borrace. of tile earth, and wnlob he pro- posed tb name "the Telegraph.Platean." For more than tbbrteen hnndrsA miles the bed of the Atlantic In the direct Itse of our ^aok Is fonnd by these sonndings to present an almost nnbroken level.plaln. Nature has thns placed no obstacle In the way of this great aodertaking, whidi may not, by oantlous perseverance; be overcome; nay, rather (If we except tho enormons length of cable ;:,>*U(ih wlll'be reqatced), it mnil^atamtUt the /..Ifin tobaMloved bythe Atiaotlo oabUue- ■ents tbcohtely fkwer onglneerlng d l fBanit t sB than tl|e dnrttr f^te'(tbeugh Aiore oooplsi, ftpsi;4ip'i>ataT« of the bottom) on whUh,the ' ludtttnancan cable mnst bo laid. . Aa^many of yonr rcadan maj be iatonited ttt'tMe nttnre of th<i prooew' laA , Bwtitealsm t^wbtAtiWaawmndhiM 'ON obtal^TwUl imsSy dstalbe It, isoTodig yod at the aime tbM u UlutraUTe sketch. The vessel being "hove to," and mads to remain as stationary as possible, the lead 1> dropped into the water from a pnlloT on the fbre-yord arm, and carries with It the line, wblobin its descent it. fapldly onwlndi tnm the large ireel teen U the aketcn. Thedesoent, at first very rapid, gradaally dimlnlalm In speed, In consequence, net of the eaomoosly* inoieased doosl^ of the waterj as ti'maUy wpfi nn , tint hf ihn ura i lnaTlT-ihn t fM i n t. ftlfl- — tloo dae .to the leuRthof line to be diawn through the water. This dlmtnatlon of speed at dIB'urent depthe baa been aoeorately noted by Llsatenant Berryman, and Is lemarktUy bnl« form. The descent In the deeper sodndlogs ' orally occupied about three boors.' The a- raogementof the mebhholam Is such that the moment the rod (e) earrybg the quills touches the bottom, tho wires («)„wnlob wore pfevlon^ ly supported by hooks (fr become detaobed, and allow the escape of the lead; wtallt tiie qollla and'the register, which are attached to the rod, thns 'relieved of Its'.lood, av^lmore easily drawn up again. StlU tlte process of raising, though faollltated by dlso Mdlhir the maem i elinii (ut p o xu. lo T i ir tij .)^ <l wid ~B8 i ^tedlODf^issaiaMrlons lorhunlaD handa- There .'i^^tbertflxn'A stn*n stesQ-engtae atinobM to the'Fod, b&Vldg two oscillating cyllnden, whose piston-rods: work direct npoo. a crank on the axle of the reel; by this moans the laiitog of ' the apparatus occupies loss tins than Its de- scent. Still It Is a slowprooesr and^ oooaslon* ^y^fron Uie ocooRcnoe of« inot or til^ Ini the line, It has been snapped at, th({:imlley .. , .vrhen nearly rals^, and tbo whole lalxa .of the sonnding, .together with (lie appantai and specimens, have been lost, PATENT fiODNDlNO APPABAtDft : ' A. Patent sonndlngspparatns whioh reoords apo9 tdlal ths dspUi attained. The fiy and train of wheels an lock- ed the m oment the descent it completed. ed to the movable arms on which are the books (B»'j to these are attached the looped wires (e«) «Uoh support the bottom plate (d) on which tbe lead restsi'i V-k^.: ,,. (e) Brass rod pasting throngb a hold lb tht'Mlitn of the lead (/), sit the bottom of this rod ii.i( siu|ll 4avl^ into which are Inserted, open-noathed, as tusuay (g) osUwlUwntaln. SHTLpOK, IN y ERSE . AN OLD/BALLA.Dl nt«N which, it la ttie opinion of the Ingenious anthor of . obser^Uons on SpeiiiQ^,'s. Fairy .Qaeen,uat Bhakkpeore raised hte whole sapeitsnutore.for.-his excelleht play of Tax UiROHiin orYssKa ;. as the ballad has the air of. a narrative written before Sbakspeare's play; bedsinse if It had been written after It, it would have been more flili and chnnmstantlal; .whereas, at.prssent. It has too mnoh the nakedness of 4n orlglnaL A SONG, Shewing the cmeltle of (iemntns, a Jew. who lending to V a Uerohant ah Hundred Orownes, wonld have a Found ,. of Fleshe, beo^nse he could not pay hlin at the time ap- pointed. IvTeBlpttennotloDtifM,. . A orad Au did d veil, VhlohlrndcUoB ufoilt, " llItiIlks.*iltM«t«ll.'' j: : ■ . " 'ifr •■ ; ' .. 0«mitiiMoaUtdwMtk«/iWi.,^ . Wblob sem thotuBl to dye, ..;.,,< , NorBtmytt dldui/t stod . ' ' ' 11> '-.'TetlMaUrtiMMthatl;*.' "'' io Hblir*«ulll|*ab«nowho||*i i,'...!''" TbatlfTtthDiwradat«»: . ,.^1 T*tB«TaroaM4othaiijr*|oM, ' '... '' .] r.! : Until lun will Ub iU1i.~ OrUkealUibitkMpMi.erdUB -■" , . ' Ih»t.Ijttlita»ho«id: • ,': Whlaht nmr tea 4m mjii ittd, Tmitb«ipndtiBU«M. ; . 'Bo(Mll(witht>ii*sjmiw,' ' siuot'ilMpptInntt, ' ffoi'fliirUi«tlu(n doth himjpame ' ^ To plBck hlB bom hi* Mit 1 1 ■ . I ;. J . ,. - ir. I y..: .,!, HIi htoit dotb tblok.oo.mapi* «irll* How to diMiT* th( po«n; ' Bli month li olitaoit fiU of moeU, . : T«titlUk*|*p«ilormoi*. ' Oil .wUSnnftitsda Ruling*, ' ' T«(MB|>p1idi*-tbtAio«hUworlh*, ' 'VtialrewswmhkTtiaj*. ■' :<-. v : .: A*4*M (UkiwlM) TOWS kaeftjou dais,: ^iUawMttelh^atofnliwllS, Hkr.omA* doihltssD. . b. !!!;•, I within tkatplU* dwelt that ^ , A AnrttaK of (tont ftmo, WUaho' Uftg dlitMtiod Inbti BMd, . . UDt« 0i?mtl«Mssmi; ledilBf him to Hud* his Mud, VortwtWa-moBthiudndalii . ... To Und to hlo ah handnd eiowBM, And h« for It woald p*l(, ThktMoni ho weald dtmtndt of him, Aod plidfM b« ■hoold h*n: Ho {qi, lb* /ow with Bioilof l«ok«t) , , Bur,'uko'whitjrowo will btTO.' Kopooa/for thVloastotU . tor ont jt«i* 7«wo iball pkl* I . Tow* mtf io* mot •• food > iuao, Bifora mj d/lag dalt. BntwtwHibmnminjJiut ., For to b«* ttUtd Ions:' Tow* iball mtk( mot a Mod (inoth b^).. That iball'bo* Urgo ud itreag: ta, AadthU«haUb««tb»forfiltni»- . - or ycsi* own loih* ■ pooad: UjaW«'<(H(,'mik*7Wth'« bead.'.' ' ' 'la^.hne'sahBadndeniraot.,' "'' ^C MOOiid'paTt'cf the Jew's cmeltiest 'sd^hKi the'ideiolllilnea of the Jddgb towards the Ifeiehani With right good wUl, tbt Uanbist hM, And Mth* bond wumilo, , .' Wbn twtire mtnthi and a dalo.drew att, 7> . I .,...Tbatb*«kUihsBldb«faM«. . : ^'. nsVanhui'sihlpi wonaUat 'iM,'' ' iii t,jAndnftt*y4tm* notln; ^' /i . - '< Whtoha vaf t*,iaka n.wbat to da«, " ,. (j.,Iothl8k».h» ,4alhohtgln.. ■, t , . .''iAadto OtmMiwitnlththaooBM.: With ea> and .bondid koto, . ' lad lajrd to him or tatUili ' I prar yowo bou with m«*. ' Mr dilo.lioomi, and I baT* sot Tho menit rw to palo,. 'Aid lllUa good the i&tr«ltBi« ' ' .., WIUlOJOwSldaMHUi : With aU my h»ui; <fimi«i« midi' ■ ■ Oemmaad* It to lowi* mind*: la tblnis of M||«r weight thaa tb7« \^ ryivl!iniluUM.ifuttifi/t», .;.f ;V:,ifejjo«^ To i^t a Mrjtant pmontllo, .; . And olapt him on tht baoia | And lajd him into priMn sttosg, A«,d ia«d hit bond withalli Aid wb*n tb* Jilgtmant dil* wM «0B*, for Jadgat^ml h* doUi oall. ' n* llar«kadt'i trisidl orm* thltbtr CHt, , ."WlthpaayaawMplogo;), . lor otbar mtao* tbo/ eonld not And : Bnt hrtbtt day mul djtt. goma offbrtd for bli lot omraM .nroboad'^fojtopalo, AodaomoatheoiaadilwOiOrthn*, ' Tit itUIba did dinar- Aod at tha laat 10,000 nawnea, Tbar pSmd him t« lar*, ■ OffnMM uM, I will no lald, MrbtblVlwIUbaT*. Apoiuddtflaiho limr dtmas4*| And that ihall boa BW byi*, . . .^.i ,• ■lOv/.i! t jti4u,ajadi»,yrtmr goodfttoaA'- I Ui v'.'ilO.', .iLrtnuS of7owa dHn*i ' 'i' ■ ''t*tak«th*Boiho(tamnohiiaila«« ' ..,1.,' ,4'r*t7owolitblml;To; < Bo* BO, and lo aa lOO enwaoa -.^L . . .,"Ta(h**h*rawlllIgjT*. ' ' 'He,Db,'4aothhi*,'no,jiid|raitntb(Jt*,'' " .'r ,. ' >«'tbri It ihaUbatT/di, foi I wlu hara my poond of Bub* from ODdtr bli tight lyd*.' It'tiltrod^l ih* oonptnli :':'..>..',«''''Eta sitMllla'to'ta*,- . tot silthar frland or fo* otnld hfIp ' Batfc«m4it)';^ojlMdl!«*. . . Sh* blondl* itw now toadr Ii With wbtttod bladt la band, ; Toapejl* tb* bloidcofiaaoaanl, . .> 'ji Bjr r(|>r*U of Uf boad. And H ha'wu aboBt toi itrlko la htm tb* doadly blow, ' < ' "' gtar (iBoth tha Jadgt, tb/ eiMlHi,) , I okug* th** to do* M: Jkib a**la tboa wUt tby.eotMt haVsi i WhltbltorgMbaapoBaJ, . '' gM that /aw* dMdd* avdMefitMU, 't! 'J*;;'; ■ilO)l/ :l 1; ... tA)9[<,;iKU5SiM<X USt BHttst fhini eat -: ^i'vit;; ';'l|*Msthaa.'ieMit*lk*<r . ■. ■ ' : • •■ ■■ for if thoB takaailh*! mora or Um*; . - .-^'trr; .Tothi valno'f amlt*. I • "y i tunyi-y Thsq Shalt t** hani*d pi*i*atU« i ; Alia both law and il(ht...j '->.',.Vi,j»»^,; • OMMM BOW wait flranUo BJa*,-' Va^ifW-.iti-' And woto not what to t»/:' ' ' ' >'-■> ^''1".''^ ^QMth h*at l*>t, 10,000 aMwau ' ,'.if.wlllthathaiball pn/,.':< . ' ''iiait MI (iabt fo Nt blm M*." Tb* fB9ndothaniw«i*m*k«, . ., „ > •■'Tiw* •bnllKot ha>*> ptaaj glrsa,' . ' .. "'V;'?,' • *T«orn>iftltBi*'Boi?Cb*. ' ■ • ' ■■ ■-.■>;'','•'.V' • :.'.. ■ ■■ .■<■ ■■: ,.!'^<./.:);Vl£:fjV Atth*)aath*doth dtmand* .Cf^il :;- Bstf»|a^*f*blaowni , ' . Vil' . l(o,qaothtb*Vadi*,dou/*w«llrt,. •^-vc oiLt.v .' ,,.l!b. J.!.,«n,« Smt*4^T^^^ IHh** takt^MM (OUd^W aiisSe'tqiC'illi^^ ' >Tt{'.-«fJji- . A ("1: ^i.'.it';';? HI :',r.r.;-/-. " Jf.'.'l ■ - 0 tnuU 'adg*, tbaa 4a»th th« hw,. afiiri**!!***'' ■ ■ <'.'.«<?y*l.w.j»*»*! ta*UJadg*,tl That Bath sgab Aad 10 with gilpad grliTtd alaiU H*blddithtb«artr«w*U. AUth*p*opI*n/*'dtb*b«l« That *fra thujMBid tfU. ;r j-^iri ...<l«o«i«otl« that do Vast tUtMHi . :t J»etl^.t/v*.aew*tthb4*l«t .' . ■I ^•.>:Jtfca'sM*tk a»iiiiaff'b«iib«ipo/to ■;•-,(,' r 1? 'iCt!«»W*WBltbl*paB, , ' taiufU tisp tb* laaoeJnt A P*rlMth What tha/saa. - : .li.i;:',-' t: J " •'.■i/iv;: '..yoiV'S'.'. •.■*rv/.r.'.'istflt: f'i^l ■ i. i-i'r %tbm tht Iciddtllr*t mMj- ' 'li- ..;../A«d*Ttrl*Obxl«tlaBl*«( .i.t , '..,; ..hi; ^^.j'. ,,, iBd««Bdtotbimlika»BUaa*»k#,:. ,„.j^o-" Thatm»*B*lbBotodo*, • .',■' ■ -' "•"^T^'V-. ■lit' ^UaMsn,: I f SmOutAB EvKor or A LoooHormiiWiifl' log slogniar looiaenc wnion coonirea ai cjvaiHTUiKtf ei- fsnoBObnnty, In'his praieoos. A mtflMUdi-lllth a Tsry ^oe, bigh-ipirlted, four yesia'.oldhorA.kU'drlrsn . ... ,1. I.. .... ^^f ^ As the •aitii'eii* down to tha station forihs purpose, aJiawld, lofao- ootlooiliig bis hone to tbs looomottvf yhUlIa:' trala'ijlpeiwad; ths eoglbe acratteaa of oiinwii, 1 flna oniy oad soream, anl at flu ^^fltif aiMndoftha whUUartha bona feUdowa 44l*&:l0:Wi tinkSiika rlo- tl«^ 4f iBottAI .frl|ht--[Ila|M?lM^ ^'