New York Clipper (Nov 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. P^iSW YORK CLIPPER. J^aATDBpAt, NOVEUBEB 1, lUL jS^ijiiifjmpouvatm with iraon. brUw lUa neWa from EogUiid w« tfe glad to penelre tiwt the EaglUh talagnph compaolM baTe given a groDd iNuiqast to Frofenor Hone in'LondoD, on tbt Sth of Oc- toUr:/' TUs Is a* It'-Bhoold be, eflpeolally as the ^raett- oaUUty of AUantlb commonlosUon bas been proved and jnntk aided by Frofenor Uorte's exertions. ^li^Uleon Ihli sabject, we cannot help observing that the laglngt of politics lately so general among onr oon^ tsinjpwarleshavo prevented ormaoh enfeebled a snlta- bltf jftblinowledginait of the services rendeiod by Uent. Joh^'il^ Brooke, of the U. S. Navy, (the Inventor of the deej^iM sounding apparatus osed by Oapt Berryman, of fhe-U;, B. Bteamer Antic,) In the recent sorvey of the Atiutlo^whDe ai^ the depodtof the telegrapblo oailto betwoen the two continents. That onr readers nay CBICK.J^f< LoNOi IiLim> OiOT^TIw t^Dg Island Crlckot Olnb were to hare played their eloalng game for the season on Tuesday, 28Ui Inst A report of tnf doings of the day TAB TUBF. Mono.—will the Sseretarlea of the dUTerwt Cricket -m anpear next week. Olnbe tbrongbont this United Slates and Canada oblige' us by sending an accoont of the nnmber of matofaes tb^ have played, where, with whom, the date of itadi match, and who were the viotors; also the names of thatt bits- men, with thoir scores made oat In form like that below, | Hiwut ind Jioi PMlra^These crack trotters were np to the Itt o( Nov., (as the aetson will dose about that J mttched for a « go" on Monday, Oct 20, 91000, mile tlme,)andtendltdlreotedtooaroSiceassoonaspoetIbIe hei^tg, best threo in five, over the Union Oonrse, L.L after that date T We shoald like, alio, the names of the |,Ib race seemed to be well contested, and the time made Beoretarles, with tbelr directions. beasts the per waabarlea th of the nnfortonate woman. Her body the next day. The child and the dog have been adopted bj this good Samaritan: bat as yet he has been onwle to obtain any light as to the name of the woman, or how she happened to stray on the dismal monntaln^de at each an nnfortonate soar. The child la doing well, and is truly a handsome boy." THE ♦•FIBTIC" ARENA. Xhs Sight betvten Jaek Oiant and Alee Xssn*. Ut 1100 a Udo, Oatobtr 10, MM. Frtm "Fif *!»/<» <»« OknmritntMp." This fight came olT In a field, abont a mile and a halt Sinder all the clrcomstanoes) was certainly " not slow." awley was In harness to solky, but Jack Potter was somewhat heavily haodlctpped with 400 lbs. welRht of .„ , wagon and driver. The weather was One, and the at- fnm the Fleetpond Station, on the South Western Rail- Obind CL0BtN» of tr Makhattu* Cbicxkt Oixo.— I tendance Jast aboat enough to let people know that tome- way, a epeclal train having been engaged to oonvey the The memtMs of the above named olnb met on the Hobo-1 *blo8 was going on. Condderable tin was put up on the ctgnoieenli to the soene of action. We shall not here hen grounds, In fiill force, on Thortdsy, 23d InsL, for a | nedt, and ttie^ttlBf^jiiled^iit 100 to 80 in favor of | waata space en a reoapltnlatlon of the flatlo feats of tha day's play, to be coBsl>lered as the closing match of their ■ — ■ olnb for tbe season. The weather was not very bvorable, day's play, to be coBsl>lered as the closing match of their Hawley at tbe starL When Hawiey won the Orst heat In combatants, seeing that they are obronologloaUy record- olab for tbe season. The weather was not very bvorable, , Jack Potter's friends pat in some time bets In Jack's ed In " Flstlana." Suffice it to Observe, ibst Keene, by the Foo not being at any time during the day quite tbibk fs^or that be would do a mllo b 2:44, and these bets torn- his BIng exhibltlona—espeoIsUy • his defeats of Joe enough to keep tbe ball suspended in the air; however, ed out as good as wheat, for tho sommaty shows IL Haw- pfaelpa and Toung Bamboo, to say nothing of bis na- towards evening It cleared off. and the setting son ehinlng ley does not seem to care aboat shining In the trotUog merons private displays vrttb the gloves—A1 In the es- on the variegated foliage eroood, gave the gronnds an I sonool, for he almost Invariably becomes fractions in the teem of Jem Bum, and of bis noble and gentle patrons, appearance at once beautiful and plotoresqua | ^ half of a mUe beat, but Is under sutb tndnlng as will Grant to was known for bis Indomltabla courage, great At 11 A.M., play was conmeuoed, Ueasrs. Bell end be very likely to make bim more famous. Jack Potter gtrengtb, and undaunted perseverance In his contests figruipme Idea of tbe process of sounding, &0., wohave xameriiaylQgQtioaen sides, (and as will, be seen by the did his work on the square, but could.not " come in" so with Haggeily, James, and Hike Madden. The men thls' tllMk tr^erred to our columns several iUastrations score below) with Judgement, Ur. Tomer'e aide being the ss to prevent Hawley winning In three straight heats, as were restricted to lOat 21bs., and on going to scale on ■hlih'orlrinallT appeared In tho London New* These *y 18 ruM \' « . »„ .. .. w * the day previous, Keene was withlnhalfapoundollOrt., wniniwnsuij.iv « «"»iwuuoa nown. xotue | f^^^ ^ President of theOiub. Mr. W. U»rfoN Coobsb, L. L, Oct. 20.—Match $1000, mile heats, | while Grant was jnet below the sUpulated weight. The At the cencluelon of the match, they a4lonmed best three In five. -• ' ~ engntlogs, and the matter accompanying them, *tUbe g[^^p|| ftmnd Interestbg as well as Inatruotlve to our numerous { readers. to the Florence Hotel to partake ot a supper, tot which they wiare fully prepared by tbeb day's exercise, and In the getting up of which the proprietor of that popular es- 'TS'S BBBO'SOVl IB WOHAB. I tablishment proved himself to be an admirable caterer, ■lo? ",;. t ' !.« » vi 1 * .. 1 Alter their craving appetites bed been felly aatlslled, the, TM.foUowIng sublime passage of history, we anstebLioth was removed.lnd the remainder of the eventeg JtUM Wh.Ipiy auatig. (• Htwler ,, Jiia*i1>. Wtltin Diniad b. g. Juk Potl.r (wtgOD tat drlTtr to w.lih MO Ibt.) TlDt-2:U| 1:41; 3:42. . ,.aiiilk.7) 111 2ta betting, whlob in London bad risen to 8 to 4 on Keene, now came to 7 to 4, and shortly before croislna band& to 2 to 1, there appearing even at those rash odds more layers then taken. The an%agsment of the rings. Inner ana Oator; was admirable, Tom Spring, pursuant to , agreementihavlDgappoIntedtwelvepngUlBtsofreapeot- Ltnus JoBK AMD JmHr.—At the Centreville Course, ^ble conduct and good reputation to perform tbe datles f^om the oblivion of an old magazine. Let every paper I spent in a most aoreeable manner bv the company in on Long lelaod, Wednesday, Oct. 22, Mr. Hendrickeon s of ring-keepers, for wblcb service they were adequatoly -.-•» .- ' I br. g. Little John and Mr. Colyer'sg. g. Jim took a trot- rennnerated horn a fund raleed from the sale of-'priv- tiog turn for $600, mile heats, to wegona The betting Uege" lioketo. On stripping; It was seen that the men before the atort ran about 2 to 1 on Little John, and sure were flue as stars, and active as thorough-brede, Eeene In the land copy It, to relxeah and perpetuate the memory ■Injing and giving toMl^^ „ J „f i'CiT-iii >./n„m.n »™™»o limtiw-j !«, flh-t.ii.n "6 Preaidsnt, Mr. W. Bishop, and the Vice President, of rdeed^ofBoman courage, tampered by Christian prin-Lj^O^^pbgU,^^^^^ the first to receive the honors, to! which the gentlemanly 71ee responded in a very happy I «i>o<>gb he distonced tbe gray joker In the first heat, dgiQg credit to Fuller, under whose wlig be trained at OftUmes woman dlplays a grandeur of heroism far be-1 manner, speaking of the many pleatant hours they had] ^o^ng 2:40i, thus making abort work of the mateh, as | paihtm; Giant belying the rumon Indnatrionsly yoM'-ihe powers of her sex, as bounded by tiie Ignorant enjoyed In each other'a company, aod hoped that they follows: anogaaceof man. Mark tbeconduot of Constance Cezelli, would be permitted to experience them again on many during tiie memorable, war of the League, A. D. 1690, In future occaBlon& The worthy Secretary, Mr. Boyd, was lanatio Fraoce. Her bbaband, Barri, governor of Leneato, I then called on, who atoted that as It was not tbe proper a small town In Lower Langaedoc, bavbg fallen Into the I time or place to go Into a detailed account of the busineis bands of tlie hostile Ligueurt, she hastened to Leuoate, I matters of the Club, he would defer It to the next month- restored the courage of the garrison, and, by her energet-1 ly meeting, but in the meantlmo would congratulate them to measorei^ for Some time thwarted the besiegers. Atl on the oouditlon of the Club, which be felt pleasure In latod as to hia general Inattention to the prescribed hard length' a' gibbet was reared by the ruffian foe; and to I steting was very prosnerous—this announcement was re-1 which may be thue described: « . iv « ^ „t„^_i.i. L , _ Monday, Oct. 20.—Trotting matoh, $300, mile heats, lieat three in five, to wagons. lb. SB641kn nunad f. g. Jim lee'l forft U. WoodralBAail bltek gtl4lD| p.ld forftlt. Centbevilue Codbse, L.L, Oct 22.—Trotting matoh work imposed on candidates forpuglllatlopre-emlnenoe. for 9S0O, mUe heats, to wagons. GUI and Welsh, the tormer at Elatree, the latter at M.wbaiinokDedbr. (.Littujoho 1 Southead, had the hardening of bismusolea, And open- H. WoodniitBimwi g. f. Jim dtf. | j^g hig pipea, and he certainly was all bis friends oonld hope, ana, as the event proved, much more than A Match Bdt No Trot.— A case of this kind came olf I Keene's backers desired or expected. Keane was seo- at the Centreville Gooree, L. I., on Monday, Oct. 20,1 ended by Bob Fuller and Jack Hannan, Giant by Jem- Conatance was ofl'ered the apparently perplexing choice I celved with great applause, ot .the BBoriflce of her husband or the surrender of the I The next toast on the list was, the two town.: Mobly then dld'st thou reply, Constance Cezelli 11 and veteran cricketers and umpires of tbe day, Measrs. " Mkfcrtimt, ma vU, toiU a rmd ; j't la domu vohntUn pour I Wright, and W. Busaell. coupled with that of Mr. Wright, mm your; mait «m vUU aiauni,d mm hemeur a Dieu ; je I son of the former, hebelng a member of the Club, but ttU' deb la'eimtaver jtaqu'aa dernier louplr."'' ~ - - .. . .. . .^^ . . ... .. . , all thoa bad'st—toy fortane and tny li of him whom thou had'st sworn to love; oui uou COnia'St l nuaeou oneny reuuaea uiiuiiu. i —• - -——- ——, — . ^ .Uil«U neh u'li nnlr tin, Tbe success of tbe press was then drank, with threo I mnnloates tbe following to the Country Oenllmm, Albany, I mubi* or Ui. bert i«riodi of OtMiui ut Onnt ptonsUd u la- my Welsh and Jem Tumor. TBI VIOHT. Baud 1. Emiio'j fttoa pratonUd a stad; for tha titlat or tiuto- miit. The iqaaia ihonldar, Ita Uida oovtrad ud aaeniad la Iltho tad powarAil pUf by » Ujar of knottad muola, bli Saa jat btotd lolna, natt hipi, ood tapar " nndnitaBdlBga," ahowad that hIa walght (oatrlrlOat) waa dlatriboUd axaatlj Id the proper plaaai. Thou ofl'ered'st able to attend on account of iodlapositlon; the health oflgT^op, .„ niffPAWnE nw <iAnAnrPT to a hvn Ad4tothiiamiaii,w.ii..toDhaad,har4aDgajMfc^ ,y life-as the ransom these three was drank with all the honors, for which Ifr. SINQOTAB mSTANOE OP SAGAOIW IN A ^EN. wjUto, ove-.butthoucould'st BuasoUbriefiyretamed thanks. ^ ^ M"-*'™^^™^, of Marqfiette,Wisconsin,com- i^,^^^ noW-WOUId'st not, shake thins tioao*, ot betrsy tby trust. Atrootons lndeed must have been the heart that could, I hearty cheers, and one'more for tho "OLirFaB, the sport-1 York: alter such an answer, consent to maseacre thy husband, ling Journal of Auerioa." I ' and: nnd thee bis dead remains. And well might the| Mr. Bbat was called on lor a response, in which he | taraatlBg oonlnal. AtrlflalaMlo halght,aBd iDfertor la taaah, with a broDxad aomplaslos, aod raddy brown akin, ha appaarad to ■ ■ ■ *" iranltaar, IghtUta- more Jnstlyexert his generosity. Reader, whilst tby young clubs, bellevtg that by theae means crfokSt would "/„^;^^^^^^^^ ■oul.b warmed by the memoiy of Oonatauoe OezollI, re- made to take a prominent poaiaoob the sports of the h^^^^ « wm her. NotWng remMtoble oc- ^ ^ u . ^ fleet that fiwt la not only stranger but far anbllmer than people of thb couilryj howfe It had been^nccS°'^*-i^'^?-^' «'«l"Mf^.P'"?Av^^L?A«?'5'?l?^^^^^ Eeaia falatad twlea with hla lalt, bit Oriat flotlon; and that tho romance ol blatory Is the practical I hilberto, exponent or tbe hlgneat tmtba ot nature. I tbe; " —— I pofill.. *Uj loHiaa,lar Ufa,aia my own; I gir* than flraair for mr I Vmerl toibaadi botny towo baloag* to mj iof aralgn, and Dyhooor to fled) itliBrdBtrtopraiarTathaBitooir latait broathi had done no iujuiy to their Innga, at any rata i however, she bad a Utter of eggs, and commenced the I f^iJS^? '..fll^Sl,,,, « I in^1Z!\^^^^tnTlf'.T:Ml i'e w'SJr^B'h F^«» Inoubatlon. Xr healTlaK ^1 USjlM.? th. Va.Wa of K.aoa ,a. Apan,,: flra BnirfnM 1* j uP.fSi? songs. One of whlch WO wote mnoh g;^ jfl t she could not survive long enough Ora«tdQoka48Bi.iBgiT,«a.'i. ♦™,i««i.n«i.rf»«.t,.f.i,« r„-np 1 t engines pleased with, "The Ship on Fire," rang to admirable rTg^^^r^^ eioied.aad E^aaa.anna moDiaDtarTatiogxia,fau oa took!placeIastweek attoeCr78talP8lace,incompetltlon style by Mr.BeUly. At 12 o'clock all hwds Jotoed to u _ when ahe became ex- bnt a few steps I any mlabap ahe wae Mv-to-galB-ltw fMi. till. Decrepit as ahe was. tha~ laf t, trjlbf to play coond hla man, bat Oraat bald a ataady front, and atoppad aibort prop or two of Kaeaa'a with hla right Bats. Qiaat gar. (loaDd ■ iltUa, and l.t go hla faft,' iai» Mi»« n ... t »»tbA •>>Mk-bona. Oraat tatomad rapidly with hiJlaft—Itwia almoitaconatwhw -p* ■.t.M.jii.. a,,. laouUi, broafht oat th. mby Sold In lumlitakaabla ^aaatlty. Vlrat blood for Oraat Uproirlonaaboatlog tram th. takaraof tha eartalnly tha ImproTamant ofGrant war apparant. ^BiAL or FoiE Engincs.— Trials of steam for the gold midal, between the machine of Lec & Leam „,„ „„„ ed, New York, and that of Sllleby, Mynderee & Co., of they all departed orderly Seneca PalU N. Y. These were tbe only steam fire en- homes, much pleased with nljt'alalt aja Ilk. a ahot. Grant wlnkai glnes exhibited. Steam 'was raised to 46 ibe. preasure in Lee Sc, Leamcd's i tint laniaga. machine in 114 minutes alter Ughtlng the fire, and tbe I l..w. Bitbop roa oat.. .!n»i„o.-o..t fl„. nlfl kf\f.i » A i5 1.. her «>e«'. directing her course towards the place singing that ^e baU«d, ^j^,,^ ^^^^^^ f,^, g^, proceeded a Ut- ?S?i?^«!?n»..^n^LwZ™^M "e distance when she came ill company with another hen, I b.t ^.k W, «aai pleased with thelr^e^mng s entertainment. I ^„ 2. Alao meuniad his dlitagoe, asd latgo bli lalt on hla antago- :adaad bllakad, and atapjad kindly. Eaana ratraatad la tun, unat acorntr. Soma aharplih axehaogaa naar tha engine conmeaoed throwing water. Through 66 feet of I'>''*" * <> feet, and with a M toob nozzle, 178 feet borlzontaUy. filllsby, Mynderee and OO.'s machine exUbited a prea- sure of ' ■ *■ ■■ lbs. of steam In 24 minutas after UgbUog tbe fire, ana threw the .water 116 and 179 feet This trial took place on the 16th, and was not deemed satisiac- tory by Measra SUIaby & Myodetse. Another trial was, iheretore, agreed to bo made at 2 o'clock P. M, on Sator day.. On this occasion tbe engine of Lee £ Learned com- manoed playtog in 7 minntes after the fire was lighted, and la 10| minutes had a preasure of 140 Iba In the boU- S..Boyd b Wright 1 0..Oragoryb Wright 6 |T..OaDpbaUb Ball 0 WoolaybBall 8 8..LoTa not oat 1 TTONBB'S BIDB. Daooad Inalaig. b BaU Bait lag bafois wlakat b Wright.. b BeU b Wright.. a BaUlBall. b Wilght aH. BlihopbBaU. notost Bya .'. ped, and putting their hoods together as ii In oloaeLoaldnotaToldaratUerliltbarlba.andanniakontbaproboaela, and confidential conversation, remained so for some " '* -* minutes. After the conversation was ended, the old [ben began to retrace her stops back to her nest, fol- lowed by her younger and more vigorous companion, stopping occasionally to renew their conversation. Hav- whloh brenght a llttia mora of tha olat.t Kaana foaght with hla man till <]rant«llnohad hlm,aar.iiad him la hla arma with a Brain- llko hug, and thraw him a flat batk tall. 8. Kaana to work laaloaaly; ha laamad ai II raMsUng tha llbertlaa takan with hla oorpai Id tha lut ronnd. Ha oaoght OrantaaoandlDg bodlai with tha right, and triad hla laft at Bla pbatlti - . . . Total. M Ilrat Innlaga. 1..M. Bbhop b Blihop L.Waaton b Toraar 8..Bay bW. Blaliop er. / It threw a stream horizontelly of 171 feet 10 Inchea, I j••^''(kt ran out —t • • - — » . - ' I o..Law inn ontr--- ont of a ll inch nozzle—soUd oeluma 120 feet; out of an 11 inch noBzIe It threw a stream of 172 feet 4 inches—soUd column, lie feet BUlsby JtMynderse's machine commenced to play in 141 minntes alter the fire was kindled. It threw a stream 167ifeet horlzontolly out of a 14 inch nozzle—eoUd col- umn I2S feet 4 inchea. It played 20 minutes, when the attam got very low, and It then stopped. It did not do BO welToa on tbe previous trial. It could not generate e..Ball oSmllh b Taiaar... T..IiOngalaffe Holdarlngb lluaar , .QuattlaybTnmar. , e..Urtaaaotonl Bya Totel BBLL-8 sail. Baoond Innlaga. .... > 0 Holdaiing b Blahop... , .0 b Tamar... .18 bW. Blihop .4b Tamar. . 4 a Smith b Tnrnar . a b W. Blihop ing arrived at the neat, along conversation apparently •;»''' aa.aaJ .r,A. nM/.!. tiw. „„„„„ ..„*Aiii, ^lAAtni I baok lanjh n». " Braro, flrant.** A Ultla br-pUy, In whloh tba ensued, after which the young, hen, oarefuUy plMbg ,.jo,„J»i»''„j,k^,;,,„j„t,^t,„^;,£^;;4t,„ heiaelf on the nest, took charge of the eggs as If they » aully "or.rUk.n." Kaana, deUrmlnad to do aomathlog wa^ _,had been her own, while the old hen, as U conBolonslthyorhlafama,droppad"aUok"lnwitbaonBiwo;bial«ftaaiBl.d .40 of her inabUltv to proceed with her task, had provided 9"»t'' o'S*"' '»'• »'bia lan jaw bona, . .-^ihlJi fiJl i., .%1I2,»IS ««^^A- fcu. « Q'"t !»»«•* •"•r. »"4. In loma bairarm azohaigaa that oanad, a mother for her expected oflfepring, and bidding a fl- .ndmanea. H.ratnraad haaTUyoS s 0 ..II .. 8 ..10 1 ToUI.. .. 1 . 0 . 1 . 1 .88 ranoot. ran ont. 0 Oragory b Tarnar ijaa 1 10 rMory b Tarnar 0 feoUon of Bjaa • 4 I .nal adieu to the place where'thelUes of nature hodl K.VnVV^ghrayawdbody.thanda^^^ bound her affection, she lelt the scene. She never ai-1 pa>»nt by tha lolna,kaak-lockedhla lag, and bant him orar, falling i'p^S* ^\.fLT'MSll JiflSSj oi„!SSi«'*„t fl "Ai» "-"-P "ill»S, J.t h. »n.t haT. fait tha affael. of tha' regard for her eggs. She appeared COnSOious of her i„t throw; howarar, ha iwu hulaau at onoa, and got hli lalt approaching end, and ;laldng ner stotlon near where boma on Orant'a nontiapiaa.. iwioaorthraa Umaa aiwdidha sne received her food, ehe never left the spot, but re-1 ''nd him a aonndiag dig in tha rlb«, that awok. th. aohou of thi Im^ed there a few days and expired. The atep-mo-' «- ^..-.^ tber reared the chickens with all the attention and af- an own mother." Total.. .47 SAGACITY IN A DOG The subjoined Inoldent is a atrUting iUuetration of the ring. Grant raturnad on Kaaaa'a not 8om. mma t work, bal- lowi to mand, a atrnggia at tba ropaa, and Kaan. down. 6. Kaana ilrongly adTliad by Haenan aad othir friandi "aot to ba ao faat" Far a fair aaoonda ba Sddlad hla nan, than impallant- ly want to work, eatahing him on tha throat; bat thia did aot atop Grant, who lat go both liaadj, borad Kaan. Into hla owa ooi- aar, and had bIm down. S. Orant'a ftoallaplaoa lllnmlnatadlnoolora; Kaana ahowlag a ateaminsalBcIentqnauUtiestoworklt; while the engine 7^ BOgacity. We find it In the Oallfomia Trinity ™,t ofL.4L.from the moment It commencljd working,nlver ^?«»»*j^'«'f"»^.*^«<^^^^ Kb - vaiiiomia inn»7 gjat ceased, and seemed to have no difflonlty In generating ^ '«"«f' Germautown, the 01;mplan8 Time^. ^. . dark awalling banaath hla right are, a dliooloratlon of tha laft, andaaarlaoadUlgnremaatorthallp' " ... t.^.... ..^ OwjxET IN GEBMA.NTOw>f.—The following Cricket Match. ~ ~" " ■ - aarlaoa'<lUlgaremaato?thaIlpi. Kaana lat hla lalt go with' praoUon on Graat'a Jaw aa ha aam. In | Orant hit ahart. Knenoaantbla laft,atmlghtaaaa arrow, on Orant'a,and _ _ 1- , ... . , . . - r *^"7 I ^ ...... . 1 hla right on hlawlnd. Grant fallon hlakaaaalntho mMdlaoftha pluty of atsam.'-' ° I proving the winners in one inning, bnt having to go in I " WUliam Drege Uvea about five miles from town, at ring, aonfoatd. firit knaok-down for Kaana. Appuu*. TtUB was a very exciting trial Tbe place selected was ^'"^ compelled to play out the second, the base el the mountains whloh tower north of us. A short I. ?• ?*t^" 'l*?!' Um., bat Grant tint (ram hu oomar, daapita tha isui<v ut «ui> ukuBi^iot.y uuo iwTh urjr luiu ran well together. Wet with sulphurlo acid, (oU of vllrol,) mixed wman equal quantity of water. Put the mixture In a flaaa eulhen veaael, and set It In the garret, or rather etween the garret fioor aad the celling. The gas gener- ated,'(cbI(frlBe,) will penetrate eveiy crevice, and Doing heavier than atmoapberio air, will find Its way through every opentog, to tneoellar; and the long-talled gentry, having a portlcnlar aversion to ite odor, will reUre wltn- ' oatceremony, 00^9 th^ the gas above. mentioned poteonons. It Is dcgbtlMS so In large quantlUea It is t£e same gas that IsObltalned from Chloride of lime, and Is need in alok rocUf' to pnriiy the air. I have never known any evU to I remit fron'lts use. The small quantify produced in this I oas^, (j^yi salt 2 or Souncea, manganese, 1 or 1| ounoe,) I oonU luffdty nrove lojurlous; while It would remove aUl nopleaaaiit ooors ih)m garret to cellar.—[Rural New I Yorker. PiaEON Pie.— Onoe, In a wood, Mrs. Wordsworth and a lady were talking, when the stook-dova was ooolng. Aiarmet'awMeoomlogbyisaldto herstll. " Ob, I do like stockdoves." Mrs. Wonlswerth, In all het entbn- ■l«im for Wordsworth's poetry, and remembering Us own bsautltbl address to the stockdove, took th» old woman to her heart. "But," oontlonsd the woman, gone Uko 'em n a pie; for my ptrf," View's nothing like'on stowed In onions." ■ : ~" largo mastiff rushed in. The dog at once caught hold of hook.d to tho aontra atak., and both arma ronnd Kaaaa'a body, . 0 Bajard b Haaaay 1 hls trousers and employed every gentle means to loduce Ka***lBlhtDwlthabraath..xpalUnghag, Eeaaawricglidroind, .Morgan o BunII b Uaa- the man to accompany blm outside. Dreoe's first Im- »■* *"* ""J dlaongaga himaalf, aad both ware down 4..Hfc;at":::::v.::::>S;Si\*?SiM.:::::;^ 8. .Orawford o Hanion b Uaa- Uor and earnest were the dumb entreatiea, that he flnally knaa, ahowad that mob wraotllag wao, if poiatbta, to b. avoldad, aay 38 ran oat Sl yielded, and prooeoded without tbe cabin. A jovfol yell I «blla Grant alio,thonghloalaBadagr*a,ia.madtohaT«hl<blaw' ^?.'SL',h*M.M"'*'"'"'i km!kI 0 was the result, and the delighted brute, 8::&Sia''.:V:::::::::: % \ «a ^b^-k ton ran borSre wm, and now retamtog i 's^x'':r^:^;o'sriS^, (..Boltaraotoat 8 ranant 8 and gautiy seizing him by the hand and trouaere. In- l% GranthltahontwIoo.thanitoBpadanattampttromKaaia'i 10..Oatarbrldg.b Uaaaay.... 0 b Uahl 9 duoed Diege to follow him. ' I laft| th* latter triad It agab, with batlar anesMa, on Qtanfa laft ll..?aItwaHbMa(a.y. % ' • . ... ... Grant daahad Inhlaearaar, in. A Joyful yell whila Grant alio, thonghloalaBadagr*a,ia.madtob La nnw naniirlnir I '■>>appaiatnaaaraogod. AttirabrlaraparforbrMth, ^Z^^^l «n to th. atUck.bnt Kaan. r*tamad,i£dwant down nd now returning grant faUIng orar and bayond blm. and trouaere. In-1 it Grant hit ahDntwla.,th*nitoppadanatt*mpt I laft I th^ latter triad It agau, with batter aaeeMa,o^ - ' ' • ' - WW, Md SMU toOT were forotog T.tai n Total u saow-drlfl that had settled In one of Ite numerous fissures. i4aad is. similar in ohiuaotari KMn. down. GBBUAMTOWN. Hrat Innlaga. .Bayard o Bollar b Uorgta 0 .Tralebal o BoUai b Uot- 4 SMoad tnalafa. Bayards BaioUy b' Tralahal ran ont. Here comes the wonder. Bpon the snow lay the body IS. AwlMiortor "akrlmmaga;' i~m> ov»u .v—m.. — exhaustion. Her limbs were already stiffened In death; R,nna;, howarar, Uighiogly daoUiad, and waa bona to 8 but what was the surprise of Mr. Drege to see that bith- hla ooraar by lia aaeoniia . .. IT. Kaan.patlnaitralghtnobbar. Grant laamadpiailad.thon adTABoIng, borad Kaan. Into tha oofnar, wharo h. g.t down oa iTlDgailt Grant aaanaad tha offaaalr*. bat waa atonpad F*ttU7, *■< nglyamaak on tha oar again, A aloao, Kaana nadar. oloaa. KaanogotGrartlpaSbblag MJUoHjand panah- llghtly.' Grant, by main atrangth of thigh, fcrosgBt him ■■ ■ • - — Ohaaia. mlaaad hla h.M i Kaaoa tuaad ntialig a vloloaa Ult-baadad toatohmra U. .Oarpaatar bBatalay, jnyaabOnwford........ S BlfaaVBuday. Oupnlai 0 Oarpaatar b |iot- lan • .Wld. I, bjM 8^ B» a";M«Vi=w;js,tttohSii^ The tmstv dog had completed her work of stlf-aaorlBoe. um ayar in t^a fail; obaar*. L'lV;"' ! 2 "Mr. Drege Inimedlatelv conveved the child to his 0rant6p.nad i«caa4iMbyBMitf«iaTJoioai baiii...^ B....... J oablbTwd, ^og soS'of Us'lSihZrpK^^ Total.. ...........48 total u I again to the aonntaln to Btoore from ths attack of wild* £ Xaanaahoa. la thalilttla(,b«t atantka4 tba thnw.