New York Clipper (Nov 1856)

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m 1 222 NElW YORK CLIPPER. Simael Clark, of BtookUne, Sbtnger. Otatt CtneaiUp EallomU, He,, Uoiutj. I^au A. BItohoook, Botton,'WUlUm Owpenter. 0.0. BIzlST, North Brldganter, Fanoy. AUen-Btftlett, DedbuD, Ua. OiItId Dean, Outoo, Jenle.. OhirlM B. UelTln. Uwnnoe, Belle Aire. 0. Ftmn, BoOkfleld, B«t Ballet '» D. F. TtggarL OolIHown, N. H., N*t Bder. B»7 BoUet did aot ippear, Swan Colt vru ruled ont od uooant of orer age, and Btreoger vlthiew; leavliig^nlne 00 the field. Tbeie, for convenlaooe, were divided Into two olaaeei, of flTe In ooe and four In the other, ^be lint olaae oon- slited ofilorgan Maid, Idu, Jeivii, i I'lit Aire, Bay Bol* Itt, and Mat Baker. Alter one falae start, they got off, tod the mile was made by Nat Baker In 2:871 and Ida la am. The time of Belle Aire wai 2:66. To ber was adjudged the leoond irlze, and to Nat Baker the third. Thn.flnt olaawas (ben permitted to retire tenmlnatei, to allow of the trial of the second olaas. In this olasib Fanny, Modesty, Ned, end Tom Carpenter ranHVom CtfP«nt«r combg In In 2:06, and Modesty In 3:14. The ilni trials therefore gave the result of the first heat aa fallows:—Ton Carpenter, 2M: Nit Baker, 2-fi7i; Ida^ 3:08 ( Modesty, 8:14. Another heat followed. Tbe'first class presented bat three, the ether two with- diawlag, and Belle Aire made the mile la 2:fi6; Nat Ba- ku In z:fi9, and Ida oame In third. The fonr of the eeeond olsas ell went arenhd—Tom Osipenter coming In la 2:46, and Modesty hi 3:04. Tom' never broke onoe. The result of theee two gave the ee- ooad heat thas:—Tom'Carpeater, 2:45; Belle Aire, 2:45; Nat Baker,^:69: Modeoty, 3:04. The indges, (Messra Wm. King, of Fhlladolphla, J. W. Jenkins, of Bsrre, Maes., and Thomas Farmer, of Rox- t>my), were now able to decide on the awarding of the first premium to Tom Oorpenter, but for the second it was neoeasary to have another trial between Belle Aire and Nat Baker. Belle Aire had the Inside. While on the first qoarter Belle Aire gradaally forged ahead a fall length and a hall, and on the third quarter gained twice that distance; on the fourth Nat gained rapidly, then broke Into a full run and came In a length ahead, and at the sane time slightlv fonled, on both whtoh acoonnts he ot course lost Belle Aire's time was 2:16, and consequently she had the sicond prize ($60) awarded her. This made Nat Baker oonnt as third In the main race, bagging the $25 prise. In addition to the usual obeerlng during the races, dls- Uflot rounds of applaiue were given at tbeir termination while the President and thoee holding tickets. Invited guest), etaj proceeded to dinner. No speeohlfylng was attempted, for the fan tnd excitement ouMde made snob oeitauHiles useless. . By 2 rjL the seats^ aooonunodatlng 60O0 persons (at lean ohorthlid of whom wer6 bidles,^ were all filled on the Harrison Avenue Bide, and bySp.v. there were not lea than 20,009 speotalors on foot on the field, and about as maaxBOia «a tha aalghboring bouses or Otber bund-' IngK The " attraotton" bad been annoonced for 2k p.m.. Mid the horses were then bronght on the ground, attach- ed to fonr-wheeled skeleton wagons, attended by their grooms bnd drivers.' Ethan AUen la a pretty animal, with white feet, remarkably easy when movlnff, and was driven bv Dan Mace; Ethan's sire wits the Old Black Hawki and Ethan's dam a Morgan mare; he was entered Sr Bowe£Oo. of Cambridge. Hiram Drew has some essenger blood, and " some" other; bo was driven by Warren Peabody. The middle fioor of the jadges' stand wns oecopled ex- olnsively by the three Judges, viz.: Mesars. Joshua Sew- ard of Boston, John FhlUlpa of Twampaoot, and TrUtram Bnrgess of Providence. No other pereon was permitted theDa,.lhe members of the prees and Invited guests occu- pying the upper or the lower floors of the tower. This role wlU apply to the other two great races, The pole (or bade) was awarded by them, 1^ drawing lots, to Ethan Allen, Hiram Drew taking the outside. This was ths most exciting leatureof the day's pro- ceedbigs, mile heats, best three In five, for prizes of $1000 to the first' and $100 to the secondJ The race bad been confined to not moro than three horses, but only two en- tries )»ere made. ' Ethan Allen was the whiner In three straight heats, all of which were well contested and v«ry exciting. £lhah very much the favorite. We regret not having room for oar notes. Between the heat^ that fast pacer, Pocahontas, was put brer the track at various rates of speed, bat the time was not taken, Dan Mace and War- ren Peal)ody did their prettleit with the two trotters, and the offlolal result was as follows: i)»iiiiM*Dut*iiUMhiiiu.'..,.i.... ...ii i' WuiMPobodr DiBwsninnBrair...,t 3 2 Then came a trot to eoddle, for which a graialty of $26, with $16 to the second horse, was oS'ered by the Aeaoola- tlcn for all hones, best two heats out cf three, to saddle, and the followhig'entries made and result oocoapllehed: ToinOirp«Bt*ra«iiiMT«]tiiiuhos.i 1 1 Stii Hm« Bimti Albior Olil. 33 Tlm*-9:<i; 3:49. ' After this followed ntrot to snlklee, on the programme it Is tms; bat slIU a scrtof eemt^outslde affair, and the sport was " Immense," like minoe plo on a good dinner. It was a trial in barnesB. Prizes, gratultlee, of $20 and $10. There were entered for there-^ Jenny LInd, Know Nothing, Green Mountain Black Hawk, and Nellie. Nellie got the pole, Oreen Uonntaln Block Hawk oitme next Jenny Xind third, and Know Nothing on the outside, A /rood deal of amueenent was created on account of <3ri.>en 'Mountain Black Hawk's running away whenever headed. He \m acoordingly dlatanoed by the decision of ■the Judges...Enow. Nothing kept t» his work steadily ihrou^hout, was nevsr fairly headed, and won the first -heat In 2'.66. Provloue to the Eeoond heat, the jadges told tho own- -er cf Green Mountain Black Hawk that there was a slight ' objeotloa to tho gait ef his horse which put them 'to tho neoeeatty of ruling him out,-oonseqacntly only throe oomt to tho start on the second beat. Know Nothing led • off, being Mowed by Jennj", Llnd, and Nellie alter her. •On the'flrst half, Know'Notblug broke but quickly rccov- - ertd;'dnd on reaching the half-mile peat Jenny LInd about -.'five rods.' Tho heat was again easily won by Know Notb- ingy^ho.oamo to ahead in good style In 2:62. Aooord- ilngiy Ihe first prize was awarded to him; and tho second 'Ol $10'I6'Jehny LInd, who oame In second but some dis- '4anoe behlndt',' Immenac cheering closed the proceedings lif Wednesday. ' '• : TnunsDAY. The third day wis ueboted Id with rather a raw and 'jToggy 'atmosphi^e j.'but, as the wind weslVom a fair qqarter,' tho ladles oomo quite os numerously and grabloudy as oh the preTlons oocosIodb. The inuslo oom- ' menoeft-At 9 A. M. The grind general cavalcodo, led by ttaoBntlllOnsi'^d followed bv horses In single harncas, anil they by.the'matcbed and tandom pairs, wont twice around th6' obtuse. Bead's Cornet Band wont on ohcad, and the glofv df heallh lMamcd from,every oheck as tho sun began to olidr elmt the mist of the lUornlng. At ol A. M. tho draught horses wero chlled up. Tho judges wero Mcasrs. 'Qeo. Meaohani, of 'Odmbi'Idgo. Ezra FoRlstall, ol Boston, and J. H. Thomas of Orwell, Vt The drag and a wagon load bf stones, were both used' In this trial, tho wagon cihtalnlhg 0404 pounds. Hiii onj^ competitors wero Ool. Robert Oowdin, of Boston, wMeh- tered Tom Ever, Tom, and Honesty: andW. 0. S. Bar:; rington, of (Jhorleslown, who entered Bay Colt, BoBlen Jiok, and Chub.' TomHverwaS evidently well nameS. moving tbq,btayT.load of oVer three tona with apparent ease, and ' iven ^i.wliig ItoTor a boom with which the wheels were blocked. Tom, however, obeolutoly reftased iodraw the drog loaded with etonca, not understanding the operation or relishing such on apparatus at his heela, and he tiisrefore penrislM hi " (aomg" the drag till bs wsstakenout. At 10 A. M. twenty-two pairs of matched horses were preaented to the inspection of the committee composed bf Means. 0. H.ChUds,Providence, R. I; Joseph Fldier, Dedham: B. M. Abbe, Enfield, Conn.; Jods^ Orbsbr, North Andover; and E B, Forbes, Boston. One pair of poneys, belonglog to James A. Diz, oi Boxbnry, won great admiration as regards size, weight, condition, and color, After poradlpg around twice, ue pairs severally belonging to Ool Tom Adams of Boxbnry, and Benjamhi M. Wneelook of New Tork, were pnt to their pai ~ » ..»..w.». .'..n * via. wwviiutwttieir paces. They made a fine, stesdy trot, the Adama pair maUng the mlu in &13i, and the other in ai71. Five ether pairs were then put to their speed, and Mr. Lyman A.-filtobcook nude his mark with a span of beauties in SM. A dark bay span owned by Coi. Tom Adams, of Boobury, made a mile in 3.13i; a fancy matched pair owned bv R. M. Whitlook. New York, in 3.17}; a span owned by L. A. Hitobcook, Boston, In 3,06; and another span owned by S. M. Whltlock, of Westchester Co., in 3.29). After these oame the tandem teams, before the same judges, and only three entries walked the pluk, namely: S. 0. Pray, Boston, GIpaey and Charley, mare and gelding, color white and btaeh, of Old Black Hawk breed. S. H. Wbltweil, Boston, "Tip" and "Ty,^' mare and geldhig, both brown, breed unknown. T. BTgelow Lawrence, Boeton, geldkga called Jenny Hawthorne and Marengo, of Hambletonlan breed, color brown and gray. ^ At 11 A. M. the saddle horses turned up, before a com- mittee oonalstlng of Hon. P. H. Moore, Pblilpsbnrg, Canada, John B. Clark, E«q„ of Manchester, N. H., and Benjamin M. Wheelock of New Tork.' There were .13 entries, but only 12 showed themselves. They were as follows: Linda, a Vorgan mare, 7 years old, by Wm. H. Angler of Boston. y Ned, a Morgu gelding, by J. W. Bartlett of Boeton. David Orookiat^ a Messenger gelding, by Americus Farrarof Buckfleld, Me. ' Dancing Jack, an EagUah hunter, by T. L. D. Perklna of Rozbury. Jack, a Morgan gelding, bv S. W. Drew of Wobum. Fanny, of unknown origin, by John JefDnes, Jr., of Boston. Spot, entered as Hanoverian, by J. C. Pray, Boston. Jacko, a Sir Peter and 81r Henry geldhig, by the same gentleman. Kate, a Messenger mare, by Smith t Thayer, Bostoa M^jor, a Messenger gelding, by the same parties. Tcpsy, a black mare, no origin mentioned, byA.B. Hardy of Brookllne. Charley, a Morgan^ Solon Fisher, of Cambridge. Lfghttoct, a Blaok Hawk, owned T. B; Lawrence,;of Cambridge, was the absentee. At noon came the roadsters. There had been 66 en" tries (although only foor premiums were offered,) and now 48 showed front The Judges were Messrs. Lewis B. Brown ot New York, W. H. Gstdner of Provldeace, R. I., Hlnm Fnller of Hancock, N, H., Daniel E. Colby of New London, N. H., and BenJ. H. Hodges of Masnohuaetts. Uenv of the horses' were of choloe breed and st^le, so that their olrclbig run gave great pleosnre to tne im- mense mass of speotatota. The names of their owners are Eben Hanbhett, Henry A. (Took, S. £. Spragen, John tforrell, S, A. Sbnrtleff, B. M. Adams, Augustus Russ, Olark Brown, R. B. Denny, Jones Sawyer, John L, Eeyes, W. P. Mer<IU,C. P.Flint, J. D. Bradley, T. 0. Clark, Francis H lUIs, W. W. Eilmcatb, B. P. Wlgdn, R Swan (Flying Jlorgan;) A. Traesdale, D. F. MoHogh, Benja- min Tburaton, R. R Meaaenger, J. H. Harrington, Edwin Litchfield, 0.0. Hanse, J. F. Braokett, Morrifl Cole, Gea Robbson, J. A. Rogers, Job E. Cheney, B. Warren, 0. F. Whltoomb, D. Floyd, L. M. Hitchcock, Wm. F. Osbom, G. W. Wesson, Wm. Parkinson, (Seorge W. Todd, Amasa Farrar, and E. Rogero. Generally speaUng tho horses were driven by thev owners. For the convenience of all, the racing was dona In three lots, five at a tine, lu sulkies, and the running showed very &lr time, Ur. Thurston's horse making the beat mile In 2:40. Dan Mnce drove Old RIpton, and Dan's vocallam was Immense, Vi. E, Litchfield's hone led the second five hi 2:64. Mr, Hanotett's led the third Ove in 3:04. Then come eight in skeleton wagons. The three prln- olpals were Worcester Boy, belonging to Charles B. Pratt, making It In 2:63; Bhnrtlers Dred in 2:69; and Warren's Blaok Ralph hi 3:00. There were five other horses which were not timed. Six otben were then en- tered; the three fastest of these were—Cole's Brown Mao, who made a mile In 3:02; Flhit's Romeo in 3:09, and Robinson's Lady Pierce, who came in ahead, In 3.-00. Then came elxmore inllgot buggies, when'Whiloomb's Roman made 3:20, and Houghton's General Putnam 3:29. Followhig these were Bekor'a Kitty Clover, Warren'a Charlie, Rogen's Lady laadore, and R Swan's Flying Morgan. Five In sulky-ehalses closed the trial, F. HoUls's Man- cheater Boy making S:1C. J. A. Rogers's Lady Fanny 2:26: and the others not behig timed, viz,. Brush's bay, 0. 0. Honae's Major Clifford, and Meaaeoger's Lady Bwanton. Nobody seemed at all sulky when the bugles and pipes piped out" Peas upon a trencher," and an adjonnunent to dinner took place. At 2 P, M. tho sports weic rcaamed with a trot for $76 and $60 open to those not over three years that had never trotted for money. The jadges wero David Hill, of Bridgeport, A. H. Dbon, cf L. I, New York, and J. J. Ornndall. There were three entries, but S. T. Payson, of Newburyport, withdrew hia horse, and the following started, both three year olds; 8t Lawrence gray mare Nina, belonging , to Alex Snyder, of North Bridgewatir, 'Morgan bay mare Mystery, belonging to Eldridge Wheeler, of Feltonvllle. Fliat Ilttt .Hrattrr 8:20 Nlat...... 8:88 Btoondnekt •' 8:11 8:11 Myetory therefore solved the mystery of tho flnt prize, ond Nina the second. At 3 P. M. camo the evout of the day—tho match be- tween Flora T(^mplo and Laiicot. for a prize of $1000, the Becbnd to receive $200, end the third. In the event of three starting, to have $100. Ullo heats—best three ont of five, to harness. Tho Judges were Messrs. Peter Deblole of New York, and W. H. Gardner of Providence, R. I, and John B, Clarke, of the Manoheater (N. H.) Minor. James D. MoMonn of N. Y., entcn b. m. Flora Temple. Sam. McLaughlin of N> Y., names block geldhig Lancet This ta-ot was la light gigs, (Lancet had the pole,) and was won by Flora In three s^alght heats, scoring 2:3Ci— 2:40—2:43i. Shouts of applause accompanied each heat, and at tho close also except from a few obstinate Bip- 'Vau-Winkle people who do nbt read the OurrsB. and, had only Just neard of Flora's 2:241 exploit,, so that ihey' hod been easily Induced'to lay some ridiculously absord bets oa quicker time. Methtng like everybody behig suited, espeoloUy " fiast" people. Between tho first and second boats, Bob Logic and Belle, belonging to J. U. Forbea, wore driven around the course, lu saddle, at ftill gallop, and proved themselves, so' for OS appeared, a match. Between the second and tiilid boats, the pacing maro Pocahontas, was exhibited on the truck, a portion of the time at speed, but alternating in her gait from slow to fast and fast to slow, the owner having reasons not to time her. After the trot Belle was again saddled, and driven around the half-mile track twioeat ihU gallop, making the mile hi 2:16. '' Then csme another trot, by spbntaneoiis combustion, arranged on tho spot, mile heats, best two'pnt.ot three. Tor gratuities of $20 and $19, between the mare Fanny entered by Mr. Jacob Ffelffet, and Honest John, ridden by Dan Mace. The latter had the Inside. Honest John broke In the openlog and was left far behtod, but closed up a little afttfwards. Fanny took the beat—time 2:66. On the secood heat, Fanny went ahead foor or ftv« lengths, and kept so with some sliriit fiuotoatlou, Hobest Jou ocesslonauy breaking; on tbe lut half of.thelieat he closed up, but Fanny oame in a length oh^, hi 2:44, thus wlnnlDg the heat and the raoe. / The stalUons of ell work then came up with some ad- ditions for the eoinpiltlee to examine.' The premiums were $76, $60, and 825. Nine DoUeiTellows were shown up, but nofMt to speed. AmjnSB tiis most approved were Daniel Webster, an 8-y^-old Morgan and Messen- £r, owned by Nathan Holbrook, of DorcheeUr. Anglo zon, previously described. Young Emperor, a Black Hawk and Messenger, owned by f. fi. Beokford. of Mel- rose. Wild Lion, ntrtly French and Eaglish blood, owned by EUhuKlsl^, of Dartmouth. Also, Prince Ed- ward, owned by Charles A. CRIrke, of Prince Edward Island. The committee wished further time to report Pocahontas, the paobginare, 'was sold by Mr. MoMann, of New York, to Mr. R. J. Denny, of Leicester, Mass., and the price Is sold to have been $3600. Pocahontas will retire to private life and nsefulnees. The third aay of this remarkably Interesting exhibi- tion was closed In rounds of cheering and various expres- sions ot the popular eatltfactlon. FRIDIT. The foarth day began with a nipping frost and a very unceremcnlons north-westerly gale. Bat Bond's Comet Band and a very fall cavidcade commepoed the ceremo- nies SB usuaL The ladles, also, came out solBclontly au- merous to prevent anybadiing out on acconnt of the weather. Indeed, thoee visitors who had fast horses seemed ratfier to like Uie keen edge of the wind which comes Into Boston by way of Cambridgeport Meadows and Powder-Hom HUL As many of the committees wished to have a Airther examination of tbe respective classes submitted to their inspection, the cavalcade went around but once, and then the roadatera were pnt through all the varieus paces. Some stallions, tJM, which had but recently arrived, and several mon teams of matched horses, were put over the course, either to saddle or harness. This sort of ftan was kept up for nearly two hours. At 11 iJL attention was called to a " trial of speed," open to ell trotting horses that had never trotted for mo- ney. .Mile heats,best two in three, to harness. First premlnm, $160; second, $76. Three horses to start The following entries had been made: EuowNothhig, by W. H. Poole, Wilmington. Bill Berry, by 0. C. Butman, Boston. Perthes, by C. P. Keeler, Boston. Vermont Boy. bv Dan iiuao, Providence, R. L Nameless, ^A. Cook, Boston. Fanny Balcomb, by R F. Balcomb, 'Wor- cester. Jim, by George R. Weston, Worcester. And Mountain Boy, by Warren Peabody, New York. Nameless, Jim, and Fanny Balcomb, were now with drawn, and the five otben put in for the premluma. --Tha.Judges were Mesars. Moses Wilder, of Topsfield, Mast;,Joshua Seward, of Boston: and<David BBl, of BrIdport,Vt This race excited much attention, and the tfane mode will be seen to bavo been a Uttle ahead of the average thus far at this exhibition. The start on the first heat was a straggler. Vermont Boy and Bill Berrv went In for a " run," and got rebuked by the judges. Monntahi Bov took and kept a falr^and square lead, making his mile In 2:38. On' the second heat Mountain Boy and Forthos ttmi' [led well and fairly for the mastery, but the New Yon lorse kept ahrad, favored eomewhat by the balde posi- tion, and come In a neck In advance on another 2:38 strike, winning the race in two straight heats. The fol- lowing are the " retnms :"— Jit Mils. 3dUU«. Hoantatn Bojr 1 1 PorthM 8 3 Ttraoat B«r 3 8 BlUBrniy 4 4 KoAwVotUto ov«.-*,«.,r...... a S Tlmt. TM-3M. Perthes was assigned the second place by the judge;, on the ground that ne had made the best averoge Ume on the two heats. This shows tbe distinction in merit be- tween him and Vermont Boy, who, as may be seen, also ran second and third. This race was allowed to have been tbe beat contested of any, Another case of apontaneoua combnation broke out among the roadsters, and the attention of the Judges was called to a ehiglo-mlle doeb for a trot with four competi- tors. The horse called Granite State 'wos the winner hi 2^4 The call for dhmer was now made by Mr. Caterer Smith and his well-dleolplhied waiters. At this time the re- gelpts had been about $12,000. The premiums and ex- penses were about $16,000. So that there was everv prospect the Association would come out of their experi- ment on the safe side of the l^ger. Cbnsiderhig tbe cold wind and tbe clouds of d jst blowing across from the Tremont Rood, Washington street, and Earrlson Avenue, the attendance was very numerous and enthusiastic. At 1 r. H. the trial of pacen, open to all except Poca- hontas, came off before the judges, Messrs. George Moacbam of Cambridge, J. Stcver of Palmer, and R. M. Albe of Enfield, Ct There were but three competitors, as follows: Gray stallion Tom Wonder, belonging to Warren Peabody of New York. Boy gelding Tecumseh, belong- ing to ifoaeph Monball of Mapohester, N. H. Bay gold' ing Reiver, H. E. Thayer of Mommouth. Tom Wonder had the pole, and took the lead, winning the heat, as follows : Tom Wonder....3:tS | Teoannh 3:81) | B«lT«i....3:48 In the second heat, Tom got the start of a length, but Teoumaeh passed bin hi good style: Taaanu«h.3:B81 TomWondor,l:841 Btlrn (prabiblj) 3:10 Reiver was now withdrawn, and Tom Wonder came ui a winner In 2:40. Tecumseh run In ahead, but of coune It did not count for blm< At 3 P. H. came the second trial of speed between the two trotting stallions, Ethan Allen and Hiram Drew, the same that trotted o4i» Wednesday, when Ethan won the race. This trot was for two promlums, of $1000 and $100 respectively. Tbe jadges were Messrs. Joshua Seward cf Boston, Moses Wilder of Boston, and Triatram Bnrgess of Providence. Ethan Allen was driven by Dan Mace, and Hiram Drew by Mr. Peabody on the first heat It was Hiram's turn to have the pole, according to tho previous agreement that whichever had It flnt should give way ot the next trial. Ethan came In winner In 2:4Ci. Mr. Drew now toek charge of bis namesake, but Ethan won the heat in'2-32j. Ulram was then withdrawn. Ethan now run the third mile alone In 2:361, and Im- mense oheerhig followed. There were also other trials of speed, for two-yearold and under. Three entriea . ip^al^y Chllders, flrom L, Mayvard, of Brsdford^Amerioani itom Stephen Hayes, of Natlok; and Jenny.Llnd, ftoi» J. D. Bradley, of Milton. The fint two took the p]HzeB, .$60 and $26. Then came a saddle race .'between two poneys, one a bay, bred in Porto Bloc, 'we believe, .belonging toO. E. Davidson of Dorcbcater,:aiid ridden by a young aon of ■■ ■■ " ■■ belonging to R. S. lad. They went yAn incidental match of a mile, best two la three heats • In hunesB, wos made between Otn Mace's Honest John and a horse called Jbhoby Maekay, sold to be owned b*. a Mr. Olork. The first heat went to Donsot John, by a neck, In 2:&L The seoend went to Johnny Mackur by a nose, In 2:60. Tbe third was'led all Ihrongh by Honest John who came in.whmir in 2:46. Another match, to please the crowd, waa "fixed up" by the gentlemen owiung Honest John, Yoang RIpton, and Fanny—the two former to enlkles and the latter to wagon. Honest John ltd off, never waa headed and wm the heat hi 2:60—RIpton second, and the mare some twenty lengths behind. The aeoond heat Honest John made oil the play, never stammered, and oame In.foar lengths ahead in 2:47—the two others almest neck and neck Tor the second place, which fell to Young RIpton. Thin-proved one of the moat excltlngfef toe sports of the week. Dan Mace drove tbe whiner, D. Pfifer Fanny, and Brownell Yonng RIpton. Various other matches were made up on the grounds to take plaoe subsequently to the close of this exhibition, some in Boston and some in other places. The reading of tbe awards occupied some time. We have already given nearly all of prominence. The com- mittee on " Cuss XIL, horses for speed," now granted the following, extra premiums in the saddle trot: 1st premlom, $26, to Telemachus, catered by A. Carpenter. 2d premium, $16, to Albany Girl, entered by -A. Carpenter. The committee -also reported the horses belonging to the parties named below, as worthy of especial commen- dation : 1. SwtD.WorMittr; Htrrtok k Hudlaf, Wlsooakl ftlltrTt.; Jmpb Walktr, NtwtoBj T. B. WklM. I. Bo;ntOB, aiie L, a. BMb- udMS, BntOB I a, a. BfowMll, OuabrUn | J. M, HuiaoBd 4 Oo., OoohHut*: L. D. Ilutow u&Hioallid*!*, BoitoBj Thoi, PwioBi, BrMkUB* I J. B, a DJ^-i\tlP*t, ObuUi Osttcr, 8.0. Stmarait, lad Sddin Orock«tt> IlMtOB; UluL/fotd, LowtU; 8. W. IUMB,8pr<Bsa«Id; Obt^M Wund, BroohllB*: J. /.Btwrtr, LiwnBo*: Jobn Bobit, W*u*, N. H ; WlUlsa CBButon, Bu- lloftOB, mu. The committee remark that the horses hi the above class are ail of such general excellence, and so many of a high grade, t^t they felt extremedllScnltyasd dItBdence In makhig their selection. They regret toat, in accord- ones with thebr histructlons, they had to consider speed OS a secondary consideration, and uerefore overlook some superb horses. Mr. Wllder's speech at the dinner in the Committee Rooms was loudly cheered. At li P. M. a trial of speed, open to all trotting stal- lions—Ethan Allen and Biram Drew excepted—was con- tested by the followlsg horses—best three ont of five mils heata Fhst premlnm $160—second do. $76. B. Tburaton of Lowell ns. roan stallion Romeo. Peter Debols of New York us. blk. stallion Trotting Chllders. On going off, Romeo broke op at tbe first comer, thus givhig Clulden an advantage which was aggravated twice agahi durbg tbe heat, and Cbllden ran In an eaij winner by three good' lengths hi 2:64. He won the-eeoond in ^-66, and the Udrd In f:4a Various voluntary trots took place between races and between beats. A grand saddle trot, open to all horses, flnt premium $200, second do. $100, was the last Item on the programme. The entries were as follows: Join L. BtowD, cf BertoD, ounti Htjoi Boni - - - " AlburObl. Mr. D.'sj the other. Denny of Leicester, b}so j^j&tn by a round the coono at'^mll'jpiSm; tvrice, and made'a most laterestlng mateh, ellolthij^t^ts of merriment from the spectators. Tho black came in half a length ahead., An exhlblUoB of roadsten followed, when several fioe horses were brought forward to test their qualities, hi honess. This closed the day's proceedings. i ■ • SiTORDAT. :The fine and mild weather bronght a " remarkably full ohunh" In attendtmoe. All sections hi each dsss of horses were well represented, and. on Immense cobconrse of spectators, cf either sex, (soon filled the grounds, especially as the awards of the judges and other mterest- Ing ceremonies were to take place oa this tiio last day. Boitoa QItL ToBBfBlptOB. BUekobmOBl. KbU. B bUoB, PlOTldtnU, B. I. A. OupuUr, do, do. ' Wm. Banvd, Jr., BoitOD, 0. BratOB, Ntw Tork. 0. B. WoMon, WorMlUr, Meears. Dennis Flagg, of Boeton, C. Toartelot, of Mil- bury, and Z. G. Brownwell, of CamMdge, were the jadges In this match. Black Diamond was drawn, and the oth- er five started for the match, which 'was for the best two out of three tw c mile heats. The following are the re- sults:— HtJorB«(«n. 1 1 AlburOIrl '. a 3' E«U...... - 8. S BMlo»o^ri.'.".'.".'.'.".'.".'.^'^'.','.""."^"^"-".*^' TIffla:-(:»-S:t8X. President Wilder now proclobned the programme com- plete, the bond played "Sweet Home 1" resoIoUons. com- plimentary to President Wilder and his aids were psssed, and the aatemblage dlapersed praising up the "Boston Agricultural Association." THX 010 PVBITAR BLOOD GOT 8IABXE0I mx UAINB STATB lAIBIS Portland Needing mere H*telsIII TuissAT, Oct 21, began tbe exhibition of the Hahie State Fair hi Porthind. The 1 i P. M. passenger train b^ the Atlantio Road on that day brought hi fifteen can ihll of our Canadian and Northern friends, but Neol Dow's temperance polloy never contemplated snoh a Ume oi neighborly reoiprcolty, and the great trouble with the Infiax of strangen aeema to be how to find " good accom- modation for man or beast." The weather was very fine, but little was done the fint day except to make errance- ments for the exhibition of the goods, articles, and live stock, sent in by the contributors. The neat oattie well saatained the reputation Maine al- ready enjoys. Among the moat notable epr.slmens of working oxen were those of Adam Lelghton and George Monntfcrth, of Falmouth, Eenry S. Jackson, of Ospe Elizabeth, Charles Huonewell, Samuel Mllllken, and Daniel True. Fine cows and calves from E. & P. H. Holmes, of Wlntbrop, J F. Anderaen, of, Windham, J[, Tufts, of FbtIb, Charles Hunnewell, Geo. W. Chamberlain, of Carmel, E. C. Burley, A. B. Panons, S. R. Sweetser, H. Soutbgate, W. S. Grant, of Farmhigdale. Fhie year- Ibga by Obarles Huonewell, Harrison Mooro, CT. . E. Shores, and Obediah WhltUor. A. 3. Bartlett, of Norway, exhibited a magniSoent grade Durham bull, and an eno^ moos specimen, owned br W. S. Grant, attracted much attention. Also fine bulls owned by Samuel Mllllken, W. W. Porter, and Harrison Noble. Among the many fine bones on exhibition, were a black Morgan, three yean old, owned by James Robhison: a . blael Messenger, one year old, owned by George Fowler;, of Westbrook, and three superb horses f^om L. P. Warren. Robert Bornham had a pair of matched colts, fanoy color- ' ed; J. F. Andetsbn, of whidham, bad a handsome Messen- ger colt, of three yean, an excellent Messenger mare and colt, end a pretty Drew colt; Merrill F. Files, of Gorbam, bad two fine, well formed, light red horses of the Sir . Gbarlee breed. The love of sport broke out on tho afternoon of the very first day In an Impromptu foot raoe. There were nine entrieS'for the three prizes of $16, $10, and $6, The following three ran the half mile course each In the time agahiat us name, coming In ahead of all .the others:— . A.P.Htllald.Oiuo S:IS 8«th 0. Bogtrt, Pottlind 3:80. r. Ow» 3:81 . After a few minutes, these three started again, perform- . ing the half mile a second time as follows a— . A. P.lUia«Id.,i 1:83 Beth 0. Bogan: 3:tT r. OwM.... 1:11 MaxBeld took tho lead from the start and retained It easily. The race went off In a very.aucoessfal manner, and was witnessed by a large number of speotators. Ex- cellent order was preserved about the track, a circum- stance In no small meaeure owhig to the management of. osslatant Marshal Lang. . The meeting of tiie Maine State Agrionltnrd Sodety was held ot .tiie United Steles Court Room hi Portiand on. Tuesday eventog. Cot 21. , ^ , o i i_ The Hon. Samael Bntman,.PresIdent of Uie Society, took the chair at 7 o'olock, FrM. Hon. EzeUel Eolmee, the Seoreiuy of .Uie Society, rood the doings of tiv IngaiGardlner, Sept26, lfl6<J,i. . Peering Eall, Olh EaU, Mechwdo's Hril, and OLmp s Hall, wen all well filled with vlstton during the eihlbl- tioa