New York Clipper (Nov 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. WEDinSDAT. 'r Thl« Mcond dAj the ireather not at all iDvltlng foe ont- inr oelebratloiu, and yet PortUnd never had her ttreets gicpged with a nore Joyoai popiiIatioiL The BOin of UOOO wu taken for (dmloloa at the fair gronndi, etc 1%t drawing br matched oxen began the ipmrti, th- (ibg piled with granite blocka, and the " heft" the load _ get at \-nnt' trial—UoeeBAdant of FertUad; age of oxen 7 gii^ 8 feet. Thb yoke mored 6460 IBb. 2U feet JtoMid trial br the aame—moved 6460 lbs. 4 feet Third trial—F. Proctor of PortUhd; age 7 yeare; girth 7 ftet 8 Inches—moved 6010 Iba St feet Foorth trial—F. Uaraton of Portland; age 8yean; girth I fiet 4 Inobee—moved 6010 lbs. ik feet ■gjlOi trial—George O. Shores of Watervlllfl; age 6 girth 7 feet 3 Inohei—moved 6180 lbs. 21 feet trial—aame team as fourth trial-moved 6180 lbs. jO'feet Seventh trial—H. 0. Borlelgh of Watervllle; ■ age 4 Mirr; gtith 7 feet 3 Inches—moved 6180 lbs. 10 feet Elghu trial—J. O. Field of Lewlston; ago 6 yean; MH 6 feet—moved 6180 lbs. 10 feet "wnth trial—S. 3. Warren of Scarboro'; age 8 yeart; 01 7 feet 1 Inch-moved 6180 lbs. 40 feet Tenth by the tame—age 4 yeart; girth 7 feet 3 laches i-inoved 6180 lbs. 10 feet 'Having been delayed by the bod weather, It was now {Inner time. In the afternoon came the display end trial of (took and carriage horses. Abont tiilrtyof this class fire brought on the track, and among them were the fol- Inring, many of which were remarkable for their sym- jgetrjr, slie, and blood. A seven-year-old Meesenger, owned by Robert Hooston tf Falmonth. . A three-year-old Arab colt, owned by L. P. Warren-of Siecarappa. A three-vear-old Arabian, owned by Cyras L. GaUIson (f Portland. . A flve-yearold Morgan, owned by Briggs and Tonng. ;^Toang Drew, seven years, owned by Alson Stront, tfurhauL Rising Snn, twelve, W. S. Grant, Farmlngdale. Messenger, three, Andrew D. Haxficld, Casoo. . ,.Tlger, nine. Dr. Moses Cell, Newcastle.. 'Messenger, four, J. Marshall, Saoo. Messenger mare, two, J. L. Cortls, Qorham. Morgan, one, J. E. Trafton, Harrison. gorgan and Messenger, .one, Edward Moses, Scarboro'. essenger, one, George Fowler. Westbrook. Messenger, two. Jeremiah N.Llbby, Westbrook. Morgan, firom French mare, James Robinson, Dorham. ' Messenger Morgan, seven. , Messenger and Bush Indian, four years old respectively, L, P. WarrenJ^accarappa. Morgan, four, SamnelMllIiken, Saco.. 'Messeoiger mare and colt,ten'years,J. F.Anderson, fflodham. ' 'Muscat, two, J. F. Anderson.' ' Mare and colt, six, Joslah Black, Portland.. Morgan, two, Theodore Llbby, Scarboro'. Foar-yea>old colt (Rising Son blood), Irving Blake, Portland. Red gelding, four, Wallace Brown, Baldwin. ' Mwfllly, fonr, Amos Felch, Llinerick. ' .Bwuea these was a very'fine large horse, o^led State ot Maine, (a'Bosh 'Messenger!'owned by Mr. Moody, of 'Singwyllle,) which has always elicited great admiration iHiersver exhibited. "Rather late in the afternoon there was another foot riee, bat ttils time twice aronad the track. Twenty-nine toys pot in for a chance. Frizes similar to Tanday's noe. The winners came in thus— Junta V. Nojai, FottUid tM Ltom» F. Ttrkar, BkMwlo 8:11 JtmM Cutl), Weattcook S:16 THQHSDAT. On the third day the cloads were lifted by a stiff breeze from the north, bat the weather remained cold and gnaty. ■jijia njggghlng matohw werereeomadwltb-giMt Inteten,' aaduea came the exhibition of matched horses. H. H. Hay and D. L. Mitchell, Portland, entered a beautiful span of black Morgans by Black Hawk, C years old. . Merrill E. Files, Gorham, a span of good-sized, clean-limbed light bays of the Sir Cnarles breed, 6 yeara Robert Bamham, I pair of fancy colored four year olds. Rocky Mountain need. Thev traveled prettily and attracted much atten- tion. We also noticed a noble span of whites, traveling iocog. .At 11 A. M. all Portland and parts adjacent came to see Ihe (rottlDg match between Young Tiger, owned by Dr. Oill, of Now Oastle, a Morgan English, largo and well bnned,'4 years old; Brandy, owned by Beqj. Yoong, Jr., of Hartford, Morgan English, dark bay, qatte small and pttv, 4 years old; and a heavy white horse owned by Mr. Bradley. The conditions were announced: three mile heats, best two In three: 20 mlnatee rest between each hear By some nieunderslanding, the large Iron gray. State of Kalne, was allowed by the judges to go Us first heat on dme, and then trot with the others. Mr. Bradley's horse was withdrawn, and after' some dlfflonlty. the three renew- ed the trotting, resalling as follows for tne three horses: - lit. 2d. ad. lltttotHtInt 3:ig 9:67 3413 Staij 8:U 1:01 8:01 TougTlitr. tM 8.-02 BM State of Maine is a splendid animal, but he broke badly it times. Toung Tiger, also, only needs more training. Bat'.tte sympathies of the crowd were evidently with little Brandy, whose trotting was handsome and honest Six geldings were next entered as follows, on similar tsma:— Fremont, owned by 0. A. Marston, Mt 'Vernon. Yankee Boy, S. W. Ohadboum, Harrison, Uncle Ned, " G. F. Hltohings, Portland. Zlmrl, " D. L. Haines, Readtleld. Flying Clond, " H. Bradly, Portland, Rockland, " Mr. Lbg, Portland. The three first named ran first, Fremont winning on each of the two first heats. In the afternoon, at least 20,000 speotatora came to see the ladlea ride and drive, although me weather was rather trying. The following equestrians took tiielr plaoes open the track, eacortea by gentlemen :— Miss 8. OoSn, Portland. " S.£.Kezer,Wlnthrop. " Georgia A. Craig, Readfleld. Mra. E. M. Stiles, BIddeford. Miss Annie W. Fowler, Westbrook. << Emma PuUen, Aagosta. " LonlBa NorcrosB, Atignsta. " Sarah M. Lancaster, (aged 12) Farmlngdale. Mrs. S. L. Carleton, Portland. Hiss Lottie Kelsoy, (aged 0) Lewliton. '• Mary W. Herrick, Alfhd. <i 0. A Mason, Portland. The riding and driving won groat admiration. The committee to report was conpcsedof Meaars.B.C.Bailey, Ohas. J. Qllmah, J. Cntler, and John N, Goodwin. They awarded the first prize, (a stiver onp, value t60,) to Mlsi Lonisk Nororos^ of Angnata. The seoond, (a set of cot- tage fonltore, value $60,) to Miss Emma Pollen, of An- Ck The third, (aaddle^bridle, and cap, valae $86,) to Annie W. Fowlor, of Westbrook. The f oartb, (sliver vare, valae $25,) to Miss Georgia A. Oralg, of Beadfield. The fifth, (silver ware, value $16,) to Miss Huy W. Hei^ tick, of Alfhd. In the evenbig an address on the sut|jeot of. American and European Agriculture was delivered by theUon.<]ea ^W. Morah, at the Seoond Fulsh Ohoroh, In Middle street This, with the Demooratio Tonhli^t Frooeeslon outalde, kept old Portland pretty wide awike that night ramiT..-' , Weather better. VlsttorfarriTlng In thoaaands. > Lo- 4les delighted. Huoh IntetMt to see the nee for ihs 82OO premium. The following horses were entered; Lady Bamham, owned by Mr. Bnmbam, of Portland: Lady Norton, owned by Mr. Norton of Farmlngton': BeaafleI4 owned by Mr. FhllUps, of Lynn, Mass., and Albert, owned by Mr. Ling, of Portland. The first heat was made Lady Norton and Lady Bamham. in 2:61. Readfield and Albert then made the distance In 2:46. On the seoond beat of the two " Ladles," the time made was 2:6a The second trial of Readfleld and Albert was declared a dead heat; and upon another veiy closely contested heat, the time made was 2:41, ^etdSeld coming home a vary lllt'i ^ead. In each of the other matohea, there was not a second's dUbrence. In the afternoon was resamed the trotting for 6200, for honet wherever raised, best two in three, mUe heats. For this, two heroes only were entered, Readfleld and Albert Readfleld won both heats in 2:49 and 2:4& Im- mediately after, came off a foot-race for boy's nnder 16. Three prizes, $10, $7, and $4. Run, half a mile. T. 8. Willis, won first prize. Time, 2:60. J. Hlckey, second irlze. Time, 2:62. 6. K. Obesly, Sd prize Tine, 2:63.' Cboa closed the exercises for the fonrth day. SATDBDAT. Bramhall Hill presented a gay sight Weather better The first thing to come oS was a trot for a premlnm of $100 between horses raised and always owned in Maine, best two In three. Ladv Bamham, Lady Norton, Fre- mont, (owned by 0. A. Maraton of Mount Venon), and Zlmrl (owned by D. L. Haines of Readfleld,) entered. Lady Bnmbam and Zlmri trotted first,. and were driven by their owners. The follcwlng is uelr time In two heats: Lidr BorahiB Mi 141 ZUail 2:tT Mt Fremont was driven by his ownier^'and Lady Norton by Owen. The following shows their time in the two heats: FitmanL ...8.-00 iJU Ud; Norton Mi til Lady Burnham was consequently the winner of the purse. The next thing was a trot for a premium of $100, be- tween horses raised and alway *- owned in Maine, not over seven years old, and that had never trotted for money, beat two In three. For this purse were entered the Sawyer horse, owned by S. Ling of Portland, Lady Burnham, and a horse own- ed by Isaiah Fompllla of Toner. The following Is the tine In three heats: 8»wrorhon« 3:>8 S:M) tM LtdrBirahun 3M 940H IM Pompllla 0:10 Pompilla's tine was not noticed after the first heat The Sawyer horse proclaimed winner. Thus ended the "show." The exhibition halls are to be kept open throughout this week, and Portland is how In all her glory. OkVM I.—SlCILIiR OrlRIIK. WUIa-N.T. Blaok-PUUd'a IL.KBUKa PtoKl " ^BtoKrq THE fliHE eF CHESS. PAST AIiL OOCBT. ° Wb u* bkpDj to b* able to uooanoa to our Ohtn raadan ud eoatarlbntora that the niw Amtrloan Ohaaa Hanalna, to b* eallad "THiOHiaa UoBTULT," li DOW a Siad fact Bog<n<roiial7,Bax, avan antbuIaatleallT hava lb* amataoi* of oor prlnoaly amiua- mant ratpondad to tbia piopoaal that tha piojaetora now plad(* Ita ooatlBOanM for ona jau at taut. Has; namai an jtX Mad- ad In Ita aspport, aid wa taka naat plaaaot* la oallloi upon all tw Ohau blasda to add ateh nu owb aid a tcland'a nama or two to tha llat. It la not alaitad aa a apaoilatlon, bat with aa aarn- aat •ithulaatlo dealN onlj to apnad tha kiowledta and praotloa •f thU noDla and aanobllnf tama In ou aonntij. Hanea wa faal tbi graatar ftaadon In InTtUni tha attantlon and mbaetlptlon of atarj Ohaaa plajar, lorar, and waU-wlihar within tha wida aliala of ont Inlaenoa. It will ba Imad In tha bart st^la, 83 pp. month- lj,atS8 Mr annum; t*joa raoalpt of lit No. Original Ohau oontrlbntloni ai« wlloltad. For datalla and olroolara, laqalr* of Dakiil W. Ftaii, ) Idltora UiBon J. BiziLTins, or( aad 'WllLUK MiiLiB, ) Pobllahara, Ho. 18 Thamea at., cot. Trlnlt/ Flaca, or 171 Wait 2M A, N. T. ivO OOBKBBFOSDBUIVI. lIlDMiaBT,S7raoaM,N. Y.—W* iball (latliy 70a with giaat pliaanra to oorialTaa and, wa bopa, jproBt to 7on. Ton will And ana opanlag In "Pbllldor'a Dafanoa'.' u tha OLirria, Jut praTlou to our BOoaBUsn to Ita Ohilr of Ohaaa. Wo hara Orat to daipaloh tht "Oantre Ooular Qamblt" Dblti, Boatoa, Uaia—BiiTO! It tha Ohaaa la u good u Dla- cram No. T, It will apptar aa a pioblam. "0, whan, and 0 whare" la Ohaokmata T a. H. H.,Boiton.—'tantloat "lahoald IlkatomeatO. H. H aeroaa the board. Let oa aiohaaia addraKaa." Toora la Ohan, Dilta. [Taa; and InTlta OaBbildgo, and a doaan othaii.—Xs ] E, IlATCB.—It lid not eomatnto ou poiaaaaloa. Hare jon rooalred a latter thronih the P. 0. hom oat iTBo, Phllad'a.—We ahall be happj to hara joa oonHnse jonr ooReipondeaoo, for we hall wltbplaaaor* and a halplig band arar/ acaeialon to the ranka of Ohw-plajrera; bat oh I oh M oh I!! alm- pllfr Tou notation. The appe of jout foar-mora aolntlon, and rariatlon, wonld hare held a forty-more game aor^ortablr. So Inlloa of Mo. 35, not right; Inataad of K to Q or Kt'a aq., at move 2d, B wonld Intarpoia. Don't gat dlaoonragad at the fliit mlatake. Oiler (Ohaaa) haada thaa jom failed to aolre that fine problem. Wa ahall hare aoma matter from and to "Ba Prefontalna" of joar altf next week, to whlgh we Inrlte you attention. Db PiiroRTAiHB, Phllad'a.—We ahall pnbllah your latter, with aoma addlttoia, naat week. Ottilix, Baltimore, Ud.—Tbanka for the letter leoelrad. ahall be eiamlnad and aoiwirad In onr next. It ii.onzo.—In ou next: only—the diagram of "Qam No. 1" la oorreet. TAitOasxL.—Uanytbaaki fottha beaatlfbl problem dadl- oatad to onraelf; and you latter generally. H. B. 0. Bkiih, New Tork.—X T. Z., Senior, of Briftol, B. I. wlihea to taka np you lata matob same with J. Tan Oadal, an( eany It to a termination; C t. he wlinei to oatry on Tan Oidal'i all*. Woald yon Ilka to go on t ■OLVTION OF PBOBLBBI NO. XT. White. Blaok. j WhIU. Black. .QtokerSx KtoQt 8..QtoKtx KxQ .Kt-Kt5x BxKt U.Kt-BSmate. BOLVTioif OP mmavA no. m. WblU. Btaek. j WhlU. .PIoltBSx KtoQd 8..StxQ .B-KBSx «xB U..Kt'K7miU. Bliok. B morel VroMen Vo. AS.—87 Midnight BLAOK. u WHITB. WUte to aal mat* la tlueo mevM. Bnlnu Ve. flft.—B7 ■aiiulo. i^;»^-K»t,Q«i Bat«B»i KlatKBIi >aatSBt,XB BLAai.-K at Ua B 41 Fi ftt K S, aad S B U. Ifklto t« plir Ml mate la ttwaorasi ■ATOB GABUB Buuim tfiw Ttrk tnd PAUatblf »<s. OAMB n.-BcaTCB Oambi*. WUU-Fhllad'a. BlaekR.T. il..BlakaaBt KtakaaB .WbHa-B.Bitah. " ■Udi--Al»aio. * ie..KEttoUi4 rtoKBi ' 17..XXttaKt i Atrnea I. T. Z, Bmbr, mi Wm tttaUr. Whlta-X T. Z. Blaak-Wait ^olnUr. < 8..KBtoqB4 KttakoiXP 4..KttakeiKP P to Q 4 anwunSiammaandlUMiU. Blaak-atammi. - ■ WUta-UMaliht 3..Ptaq4 Ftakaaf 4..l)titasF Eilwun CbthfioM ant DtUa. Blaak-Ohaakmau. Whlto-Salla. I..PI0K4 PtoK4 I..PtoKB4 PtaeeP Buuun Dt Pttfanlaint ant Ift. Wblta—Da Pieroatalaa. Blaak—Iiopea. a,.p.q4 PtakaaKt T..QUkaaP PtoQS CHEQVBBS OR DBAPfiHTS. *0 OOBBUPOBDUn* H.U—WebelleTeyouaaalyalatoboeemet We will giro bla "Sable Ibjeaty" • "rap em tha Unoklei»^aU In good tine, belag perfwtly aware of the eabbaglBg prepearftlaa ot tbli "aoa of dark- -»i»." , • ••• - ^ Fluio.— "Plato, thoa i iaaaaeit wall,'' la a alawle aaylag 1 bit, oh I- Pinto, thoa raawaeat badly. To ba plain with yon, blend Plato.tkoae 'rMg lltaa" ont of BtBrgaa k Oo. ara.iaally le* trasa- paialt Baform, and wa pledge onnelTeito aontlnae In ou pia. aeat mild atrala. Now "behiTe yoaraair like a good bey," and land oi lomithlBg orlginaL ' If IKO.—Thaaki for you podUon. Ba pirtlenlar to wad dla- gram. ' BlKriB Babbt —Poaltlon OB hand. Aeoept oor thanki. We win nuke the other matttr all right. Krow Nothiro.— PoalUon No. 44 la a draw. ' We did ast ana* lyia It a> eloaely aa we ahonid hare done had It not bean the pro- dnoUon of a flnlabad plajar. Tbanka for year game. It appaan tbiiweek. J. I. flrat dtaooreied that No. 44 waa drawable. H.K. ^ao forwarded a itatement of the feat. nscix BiM.—Tbaaki for game and Ihayihall oalTa dne attention. HiiBTiK.—Uoraa raealTad. All O.K. Going to " bid Carewell to Stanghta?" We won't hear a word ot It, OiBiR HoBH.—Poaltlon leoalTld and reeerred for examina- tion. We hiTa by no meana "forgotten yon |" on the other hand, wa lamembtr Ten with feellnga or gralltade for forwarding aoma Tirj good poaltloni for the OurpBB. Alorzo.— Ton are oorreet, aa nnal. Ton wUI obaerre we write to Uaitla thia weak. Harry Holt wonld like to play yos a game by ilall, or throofh the Olippxb. He wrltee: "aire my iloeere thaika to Alono for the honor he haa dene me by dedleiting lo olaolsal a eompoiltlon to me." Go It, boya. Baic TwBLTBi.—Pleue aaad you mora again, aa It hai been mlalatd. Tbb Usbbowk.— We were angaied In aaalyiing youpoafUbn when you ehallegge raaahed oa. u tbare la to be a "fiiM' yon oan eonnt u ont. We hnnbly apologlte, and qiletly "aollapae." Thanki for poiltlon. It ihall appear aoon. Solntlona 0. K. Be kind anoogh In flilare to aend u aolatloaa. aaplendldraaaat«lla*,wUehoa«not*tr»bta*.«tl U*l«*aa4 Oents, tail ana t«it them! „ Dr. Qeuaad'a oaly Depot U at 67 Walker A, toft atoia FBOH BfOidway. SaIdalMaJ.L.Bai«i>l,U»WaiUa(lMitM*t,B«t- tea, and at T. B. OalleBdai>t, Thhd and Walnat itreitB, ^llad'a. JVSr BBOBITBD, A FBIBH tOIVVt OV ^ FIOHTB VOR THB 0H A KPI O K iHIPf AMD OBLIBBATBD PBICB BATTUB | Or an aeoooat of all the Prlae BalUai (tor tha ObamploBihlp beia thedayaof Flgaad Broogbtan to tha aneint time | and alio or many ether game and •itiaordlauy flatUae MweM fliyt-raU FagTlIataef aneleat and modara tlmea. Oooplled from »B4U1 Life In iMndoB," " Boxlana " and origtaal aooreaa, by the nan 01 Bull's un in mhdoh. London: Fabllihed at" BeU'a LHb" oflee. and eold by WILLMBB * BOailfl,, _ ■ a RaHia itieet, Wew Terk It^PtleeTwoDollanaadaHalf. FRANK rORBBTBB'B NBW BPOBTQia WOBE. ;tJBT F1JBM8HBD, "IHOOIJ- pleto Uaanal for Tonng Bportamen:" with dlteottoBi for haal- ling the gnn, the riSe, and the rod; tt* art of •hMtlsg on the wlogi the breaking, managamant, and hoatlag^er the degl the TarJaltia and hablta of gami, rlrer, lake, and lea Biblsg, eto., ate. lUutraUdwIUk Sixty Bna ODgrarlnga frOD erlgtaal Oawlagf, by Heuy WiUlam Harbett, Eu. Prepared far the iaatnQtloa and nMof thayonlhef Amarlea, by fBABi rcBBaTBa, tawerof " FUld Bporta," ■> Ilah and Ilahing," fce, Ae. b oae (KfUtItmo Tolima ofSOOvagia; enboiaed oloth gill, BLIO; extra slit, tl.Tt; foil gilt, n Pnbllabedby BTBINGBB k TOWNBBND, • aat Broadway, N.T. N.B. Ualledonreeelptorprloe>V«ofP>it<I*. .1* FISTIAIfAe OB, THB OBAOLE OF TBI BINO.—JUST PDBLUBXD, PBLlOk tl. The BlgbUanlk SdlUoa, with an Appandli, oealalalag the leanlb of all the Priae BatUea ftom 1700 ta Jaaoarr UUl tte Naaai of the Men, alphabaUeaUy anaapd | the Hew Batei of the BiM, aa alteiad by the PB|llliUe AaaoolaUoB) Sattea o( HmplM* aad'fcalbreee: HtnU on Bparrlog: el Health la General | Training | aad other mattara Iniareating to thoae who dealte athleUe vigor. PlUlahad at the oDoe of Bell'e Ufe, 170, BItand. London—and aeld by WnLHBB A BOOEBS, 41 Naaun ittiet, New loik, aole Ageats bi Amarlea for Bell'e Llf^ la London. 2t-9m HARRT QRIBBiN'S HOOSB. TBia WILL KNOWN RX80BT FOB THB BPOBTINO PBA* teralty, No. 71 Uadaon aranaa, Bioohlya, la In tha foB tide of iBMen. The beat of Alee, WInea, LIqaon, aid Began alwayi on hanl UNION BAIiOOn, COBNBB OONOBBBS ATINUB AND UOBOOOO 8TBBBT, New Uaren, Oonn. The anbiorlbera, haTlng opened the abora Baloon, are prepared to funlik their pabeai with the beat Oriteit tha mukat aSorda. A good Bnpply of Londoa and DsbUa Portera, B«ouhAlaa,Aa.,onhand. dULAQHBB A BHBBIDAR. t? ■OLOnON OF FOSraiOH HO. S3.-HBW White. Blaok. I WhIU. Blaak. 1..3S to S ]8toUl4..ia to 8 a..37 28 10 ae 6.. 7 80,andwlu, 8..1i 10 98 U| 4 to 11 ■OIiUTIOir OF POSITION HO. Oft.-HBW BBBIBB. While. 7 to a to as 1 s 4, M as 81 e Blaak. eto 9 e 18 1 18 6 White, e to 1 1 8.. e s 10 11, and wine. Dliok. S to It 14 18 18 38 FOSITIOH NO. 00. HBW IBBIXa. Dedloated to F. 0. H. Bytha"Vnknown." BLAOK. FoaraioN NO. nxw aaiBi. By "Nemo." BLAOK.' 00, WHITB. Blaok ta more and win. WHBTB. White to play aad win. BlATOa QABIB BBTWBBN ALONZO AND BAH TWBLTBS. Blaek-Bara TwelTai. Whlte-Alouo. t.. 0 e 17 11 KATOH OAIU). ••OLD lOVBTBENTH." BBTWBBN LTBANDBB AND KNOW MOTHINO. WhlU-Bnow Nothing. 27 34 Blank—Lyaudu. 8..U 11 e,.14 18 flUTOH QAHB. Between "Hartln," of Beaton, and J, P. Bweet, New Tork. BLAOK, r'Uartln.'O BATOa QAHH), Betweaa''Hartla" asdH, OortU. Blaak, (H.Outli.) WHITB, (J. P. Bweet) Bladk to moTo. WHITB, (HirtlD.) White to mote. SSf OhesB and Draught games unavoidably crowded out this week. THB OAMB OF BILLIARDS, BT nOHAEL FHBLAN; JUBT PUBLDHBD BT APPLlTpN A Oo., prlea Bl. Blna by a'OONNOB A COLLI atteet, N. T. Single aoplea malltd ftee, on reoeipt of prwe, "LBNDEB, Billiard Table Kakan, M Ann 37 ••SPORTSHAN'S HALIii" BOSTOlf. ALWATB WBL0OMB.-NO8. 87 AND t» BIH BTBBXT, BB tween Dock Banare and Haaorer etreat iUaa HABT, PnprieUr. Always en hand, the aholeeat Wtaaa,Braadlei, OIn, Whiakay; Ala, Porter, Lager Beer, and gider. Alao, Ohaafaga* and other foielgn dallaaolee. ^ Mt. Hart wlahei to (A form hli Mandi aad the pablla f gigt- ally, tnatlieuaopenedlheiVdflBaal,eOBlBUdMafiioa aline- tire aitabUahment, whleh he baa Stted ap aipieaal/ ftt the «em- foit and pleunre of TliIton,aBd that no paliu will he apated to glra geaeial laturaotlon. AFBl laBB LVNOH wlU be aarred erery day, at 10% A. M. aM 8 P.H. : 3»-lm HARRT JENNIIfOS, RAT DBBTBOTEB, (LATH JOHN B0BIN80H) BPOBRNG HD- aeoffl, 114 UidlaoB atreet, batwean Oatbirlne and Market Bhlpplag ud Btoraa elaared at the ihorteit aotlee aad on the meit Naaonabla terme. Oanlne Bporta arery WidnaadayXrenlbg. A goodinpplyof Ball oonitaaUy on hand. BpiRlng arary Batudiy Sranltg, oondieted by Jaek Adami, who abo glraa private lai- aonalnUieaitorMlf defenoe, 37>la THB ARTS AND SOWNOBS. THB UNDBBBIGNBD WOULD BHBPBOTFITLLT OITB HO- Uee that he hM eoaunenoed, and will eojtUBe dnrirt tka Fall and Winter mOBthl,-t«'glVi'tTlTata-lBUiainmrn tha Art orBeir-Dabnoei'athlaapaalonaBooma, 908 Oantre atreet Thoee wlahlog to proaeonte thla health/ and iDrlgotatlng exiralie «UI And the arraniemaati neb u wlU glre goiA general aatlarketloB. »I|ni WILLIAM HABTINQB. SPORTflMBN'S DEPOT. ALFBBB WOODHAU, 160 FULTON BTBBHr, (OPPOSITB BT. Panlj Ohuoh, New Tork. Onna and FUhlngTMkle. Bodi, Beab, Boxing aiorai. Fenaing Folia, Ooek Span, and eTeiytbIng la the Bportlngllne. Wholeiale and retail. e-lm LIFB AMD BATTI.BS OF YANKBE SUtLITAN. EMBBAOma FULL AND AOOUBATB BBP0BT8 OF HIB flghta with Hammer Laae, Tom Beoor, Harry Ball, Bobflaaat, TomHyer, John Horrlaey. Togetherwitnaaynopataofhli mlaot battlei from hia Stat appearaaee In tha Prlae Bloc nntll hli retln- mant Alao, the batllea between Tom Hyer and Donntry U'Olee^ ter, Ohria Lilly and Tom M'Ooy, George Keoaett and Ned Ham. moDd,Alf. Walker and Joe Hollea, the •Jpldar." ,, Price 38 oeati. Addreu, by mall, OLIPPBB BUee, N. T. BOXIRO WITHOUT A MABTBtt ' dRrioiBSBiitoABaaBB-iBaiDiloBa*. — ATTACK AND BBLF DHFBHOB, Explained In lo eiay a meaner that aay peraoa nuy lomytaheaA thla aieiral Alt Containing de>erlpUoBi of OOBBBOI PUOaiBTIO ATTITUDBB, u pnotlaed by the meet oelebiated Boxen of tha preeent day. BT OWEN BWIFT. PB0FEB80B OF THB ABT. Prloa U% oanta, maUed tree of poitaga. n-ta ^ F.BBADT.Pnbllfher,UAnait.,N.T. FoxTic PBoeX/—Behold that lady, yonng and tilt; mukwall her Jet aad gloaay. hair! her brow, and niok, and haada, how white! 10 Ton er Plmplai aiar the light. Bo olaar, and soft, and amooth hat iklo—a Tell of game li Marco aa this!—while nadenealh, the blna valai aleu, In threadi of iiui, all appeu. And pny awrk well her loqr oheeki aad llpi, that leem to lore to ipaak. Qneen- Uka In mlia ihe tnidi the earth u thoB{,'h the aib had gtreo her bltlhl BhawMBotalwaya fair aa new! tanrbd were her haada, and nook, and brew; xbd wai her hair | her akia waa lore with mh> rui, and all rBBOELXD o'er y her ehaek with aoaauana leeaied qolla Taralihedi hu apper Up with baib wac oabbimsbI If Ihli he trae,«'til paiting atnnp |<' koow yoa what wioBght thti woDdiroiiehiBget Tea I OOVBAUD'S Itaiiab Hbdioatbo Boat wUI toAlllUy n- mera emy -reetlga of Tao, Plaptn cr FmUai, and roDdet tha daikMt.-aklaiBimooth aad while aa ta IbBuVa BltPoesaa BuiYilB U eapaelally dedgBed to andlaaU that hair ft«a tiM bM,whlehia ar*aialaiiMaaitghU7. Bis Haia Dts has the Fnt«iaFnp«rljefehaaglaf Nd»r (M/kalr to dark toowaor ' J*t klait HfhUi Us Li4«» BoNi Imparts to the eheek ag« lip " OLIPPBR" BHADBS. ANBW4AND FINE BBTABLISHUBHT, OAILBD rBB ■• Ourraa Biisis," haa iut keen opened by Ihe oaderrigaedt at No. 138 BoBOTalt atreet, where the liteit Bportlag laleUlceaea may alwayi be leaned. The beat of AlN, Wlaai, Bnadlei, OlgMli Ac., alwayi oa hand. " Boxlana," S Tola s " Flatliaa," aad " FIghti toi Um OhaaplOB- ahip ," to be aaen at the bar. JAMEB BEGAW, Fftprlatof. STATE OF NEW YOBK, BBOBETABT'B OPnCB, ALBAHT, Angait 13,18M.—To the Bherll of the sity and eonatr of He* Tork:—BIr—Notloe la hereby alTan, that at tbe geaeraleleetlOB to be held In thla State oa the Taeaday incceedlag the Irit Monday of NoTomber next, the foUowlag oflcen are to be eleetod to wit T AODTeraor,lntheplaeeorUyronH. Olatk. A Llentenaat Goraioor, Id the aliea of Henir J. RaruoBd. A Oanil OODDlieloner, In the piece of Ooraellu Oaadlnar. . - . An Injpeotor of flUte Filaona, la the pliee of ThomM Xttk* patrlek. A Olerk of the Oout o' Appeeli, la the ptaae of Beajsala R. Harwood, daoiieed. ..... .i.' - All whoae termi of offlee wUI exptn oa the lait day of BlsiB ■. . bar next. Thlrtytre Bteetori ot FierfdlBt and Tlae-PiMUeat et tha- UnlUdBlatei. A Bepnieatatlre la tha Thiity-dfth Ooigteu of the Caltedt Blatei for the Third OongiMilonal dIttiM, ee m poied of the Pint, Baoond, Third, Fifth andElghth wardi In the elly and eooaty of' " A!eo!'a*BepneratattTa la Ihe lald OangiaM tn the Footth Oea-- (laialonal dlitrlot, eompoaed of the Foirth, Bloth, Tenth lad.' Fonrleenth wardi of the mid ilty and eqanty, _^ Atao,aBepie<entatlTela theaild Ocogteta lOf he FitlbOos* nualonal dbtrlct, aompoied of the Berialh aad Tkltteenth winla- of the laid dty and oonnty, and the TUrt««ath< BoBrteenth, Flf teenth aad Blxteenth wards la the dty of BfOOUya, la the aeontF "'fwfi BepieiinUUrelnthe mU COBgreislbr the Bkth OoBf. grealonil dlitrlct, eompoaed of the lUreath, Flfleeith aad 8««e»> teeath wards of the citr of Ntw Tork. ^ ' > Alio, a BeateaeatatlTe la Ihe lald OMgfM for the BeTinitr Ooagreialonai dlatrlot, eompoaed of the Ninth, Btateeatbi aad Twentieth waidi of the dty of New Tork. Aleo, a BeBtaieatatlTe la tha aald OoogtaM for tha Eighth Oon. giaialOBal dlitrlct, oompend of thi Twelfth, BIghlaenlh, Hlae- taentb, TveatUth, Twenty-lrat and Tweaty-eeeoBd wtidi pf the of Hew Tork. Oltr aad eooaty oflcera are alao to be eleotid I— A Haror, In the pleee of Faraiado Wood. AOltr Judge, lathe plane of Bllaha 8. OapiOB. TwoGoTenoraof tha Almihoan, la tha pIteiB of Iiaat JieO^ Jr., aad BlmaOD Diaper. ... . Alio, dxtaea membeiaof AMmUy for mU dly aai eeaatpi ' , \ AU whoae Um4of office itfa eipire oa the last day Ds«S«hst aext ToanieipMtfally, N. P. STANTON, Jr., Dap. Ba«etli7 ofBtata, BBBBirr'i Omoi. Naw ToBi, AogBit 90,18(8. TheaborelipabllihedpanBantto thaaotleeof tkeS*«f«taiT ofBtate.iad theieqaliameati of tha itatale la Mieh mm aiaM aadpiOTlded. JAMBI0. WILIiaT. BhettFeflheOltyiBdOeaa^afirewToA ill Ihe paVUe aewmperi U tha eaaaty wU-fablkh the abor* eAlai£ weekaatUUadeetloB,aot^baoA la their bllla far adreitldBgtheMM,M that they BMwta laid baCm Ihe Bend of BuerrtteH, aai|iMrfana^ Barlsed BUIaU^ voirdu».«,tiiu,i;5Siiirii»^i,»*i»i4a