New York Clipper (Nov 1856)

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NEW YORK CLlI^tiR, 243 Stmj fMt,' " yon b»Te odI/ betteo oi at' ibortdltUnoeV yita« U'. Broaglnffl'g ipeoUI mnelghly-Qve mllM la one bnodnd tnd tweaty-fonr mlnntta. What htre jou to . AU la " good time,'.' akeptloal friend—wo have mtde . taple pKvUoa for all thoae Utile nwtton, tai Intend to ipoll 70nr elgbty-flre dUm feat with the imm rMlUiy iMinimjoiu,"tpt\iiixaBaiiig.'* Onnrenl rtllnMda Is Eogliad, the time oalled for Hd made onezpms InliB, !■ at the rate of one mile to the minute, for long ; u well ai ihort dlatanoM. The ordinary time on the Gft** Woftem Batlwaj la fifty mllea per hoar. In oar ewn eoontiy we have done eqoally u well u ear traiintlantla friends. For Instance, on the Hadaon. BIrer Ballread, a few yean since, the loeofflotlre New Tork, u aleo the Datchina, with regular trains made the . dlitaaee from Slit street, New Tork, to East .Albany, one bondred and forty-two mllee In all, in two houa and flf^- ' wren mlaates, or ont kundred and forty-tvt mtZa tn one hmM mi mmty-mm miiuia, being at the r»te of «m 'wilt ii(ctu mimiU and a quarUrt and thb, be It remembered, ; wai the time called for by the company's tl^e table.' We know that In one Inttanoe this time was beaten oon- ridferaUy, bat as wChare not been able to obtain partlc- nlin of the performanoa at present, we shall " let It . .slUe," bat our readers may eipect to see the time* set forth la oar annual tlmS-table, to appear In onr forlh- eomlng PioroBuL. f' In short, this " New Jersey feat" has been so often ex- eallsd on different roads, by regular trains, that engineers and railroad men laugh at the attempts made to bolster 'Sp brothsr' Broagham's " extraordinary. railroad per- larmaBos," as " the best time on record." We think we hare given ezampIessuOolent to oonvlnoe the most skep- ileal that brother Brougham's " great speed" was nothing more nor less than an ordinary pleasure trip, and that the performance by himself " and company," on om even- ; Ing, "In two dtatlnst pieces—In two separate theatres—In two dtfftirent cities, one hundred miles apart 1" was really nothing astonishing; was a feat that could be acoom- - pushed by almost any Indlvldaal without all the acoom- panylcg balderdash ai^^puffery bestowed upon '"our .manager's" aatonlihlng piece of "fast travelUng" and ..bufflboggery. Infaot, the only reaUy fast time'made was that acoompllahed by Ur. Brougham and his company (t) In getting tbrongh the "Stage Blruck Irishman',' In the '^<< nnpreeedented time" of njUtn mnVUtt All the fiisa ,;'d)oattbls "astoandlog railroad feat" Is to be placed to the credit of the reporters of the "respectable press," who owed this much to . brother Brougham for his ez- / ireme liberality In allowing them to participate In the ^•eicanlon, feed and all, free of expense. It was a sort of vdeblt and credit aeoonnt, "yoa tickle me and I'll tickle yon," and the balance abeet chows a trifling amo;int In ' (aror of brother Brougham, the " reporlorlal corps" hav- Isg misled their readers and laorlfleed troth In order to make their aceonnt come oat straight with " onr manager." Thus maoh for oar view af this " extraordinary per- .formaboe" la " two pieces. In two theatres, In two cities one hundred miles apart" " If It ain't right, we'll make It right in the morning," BiLU, Bills.— We are now entering upon the seas6n of terpelehorean amosement, and eveiyUibg promises well for a brilliant campaign. Washington Hose Oa, Na 6, wiU glre their annual In- Tltatlen Ball, on Tuesday evening next, 2fitb IniL, at Go- thic HalL The ball follows In the wake of the target ex- onrslon of the Washington Hose Yolnnteers, which comes offon Tuesday next The ball of the "Oriental Coterie" will be given at the Apollo Rooms, on the 17th of December, ' The flfth Invitation Ball of the Warren Light Guards takes place on Friday evening, 28th lost, at the ApoUo Booms. While upon this subjeot we might mention that If any of onr friends wish their printing done neatly and at rea- sonable prices, Phair A Co., No. 22 Beekman street, will do It for them at the shortest notice. They possess many flwllltles for getting np fancy work which other printers do not have. TrytheoL Fmna—Onr friends should not negleot to provide themselres with the Cupfxb regniarly, for we are now : publlshlDg reports of some of the best contests that ever took place In the flstio arena. In this No. will be fonnd an account of 'the'great battle between Johnny Broome and Jock Eanaan. In Cur next will be given a report of an ezoltlog fight which took^ place In 1841 between Dlok • Oaln and Ned Adams. ' Ahxrkun Inbtitotb FBiiotniB.-The followbg are among the premtoms recently awarded at the Fair of the American Institute, at the Crystal Palace: nOBfllS-eiLTlB ODPI, VALUES AT tlO TO MO. A 8>7T«, New r«tk, for tlw b«it pair of maUli<4 honei (BoiDi) CIO. foifpb Ohinblll, N. T.ifortli* Motnil Ixit pair of natobd t b»rMi iQitjn). tSD. . Blotibtn fliilif, OlInttD, Dubtu Oo, N. T., for tb* boit poll orr*to»a. tso. . >oho AprlttoiL Oroiin Oo,, R. T., In tho boit lUlUon (B rwri •ld),"ToiDOrlb» A. 0. Otnpbill, Now Tork, for tb* btit tUUlOD, "Tobdi AnSjtaw Jiobnn." SU .V1>1>'<; Oamalnii, Now Tctk,r«r tb* boot iliiil* koiH In ba^ Tbomu Bjob»r4nD, Woitltmi, H. T., for tb* b«il baU, tbr*o . y*»iioW,oraDwu<^"nob*ofO»nibil(lit." SU. ^6. I., Hulba^ WlaobMUr Oo., Ot., for tb* bottB.jiu old bull k-S'iilTj** »''>'»<«»»l»iWoitflb*iUr Co., N. T.,for tho boot blood aoto and onlt. tit, How Totk, far th*Moood boot il>|l* bono 1b Uo'*"i"» °°°*""*'"^'"'* ""WBd bottitol- Tbonu WbltioB, nBiblog, I,. I., for tho boot brood mu* asd eolt. (90. ' - >dw«d A hwMBOo, lltuhlBf, L. I, for th* teit ptir of outeb- odhorMi. CM. « DltBB Tofbob; Now Utrootat, L. for fln* berMmiBiblB. MO B!il»»i«»«B, Weot f UBU, N. Y., for tb* boot bbUt* oow, \ Biih Lbobt, Voitoboitor, If. 7., for tb* b*it gnd* eow. %V). \ Blwwd O'rallo, W*it«b*it*i',N.T.,for tho but Dbtoo oov. "IlltBU" $10.' ' ' Airnd M Tr«*dw«ll,IIt4liOB, Morris Oo.,M. }.,for tb* b*it A»iltli*«ow,''J*iar.>.< •30, B. k L Horlbat, wtaob*it«r, Ot., for tb* boit pair of woiklii eita. 190, ' BOATB-flnTlB MIDAI, W, H. k: J. 8. DirllDg, £68 toath •<r«*t, for tho b*it n«* boaii. louph OoltoB, 8U Broadwsy, for th* b«i( U[*>b««t CEAHnoN O^Msv^Through the coarlesy ofourBt. John friends, and the poUteness ot Ospt W. U. Smith, we have been favored with ambrotype llkeneases of Messrs. Dennis tforris, John Lambert, John Uorrls, and Edward Walsh, those celebrated can^en of St. John, N. E, who hsTS aohleved so many triumphs daring the. past year or two. We are having an esgtavlng made tnim their likenesses, which wiU appear In our next. So look oat for the champion oarsmen. Tbi Coimie Fooltxt Exammoa n PmusELrBiA.— We have great pleasure la stating that the Exeontlve Committee of the SUta Ponltry Society of Pennsylvania, have ssooied National Hall, Market strest, (above 12th street,) Philadelphia, for their third grand Annnal Bxhk bltlon of Poultry, Pigeons, Canary and otter Birds of Song, to be held daring Christmas week. The eolleotlon wUI be ready for visitors on Tuesday, December 2Sd, at 9 o'clock, i. M., and will continue open the whole of the week from 9 a. k. until 10 o'clock, r. v. Ths following particulars wUl ftamlsh all necessary information oon- oemlog the proposed Exhibition: It li tho StttralBotloB ef ill ooDSoraod t* aik* Ihl* th* aieat a(tn*UT* •ihlbitloa of th* r«Bthrro4 *i*>U*b OT*r h*ld oa tkli •natlBOBtj ud iB Titwet lb* Bsmbor of pteaioiBt poatunn who h«T* BlntS/ aotlSod th* au»(«r* of tbolr latiBtlOB to oob' tribal*, tb*r* l< BO doabt of OBtli* iitato. Jobs JiMb Bawar, ot B*l'lm*i«, vhohueBoor tbcaoit f t*Bi)T* oollootloBO or laportad bbS domootle wator fowl, looiadlBf bluk asd wbll* (aBoa, alae b tfJkttt jwa/owl. la saw la oorriapoB- doao* wlib lb*Boolotj la lolatloa to bltdlipl»7l blaatook at tha latt aaaoal tBblbltlon olloltid BolToifBl adailratloB, Alboriol W«lab,or Toik, Faaa.. baa (If alflad bla latoatlOB to ooatrlbaU Urply; hi* oollaoUoa la a abouf ItMll Joaatbaa Doraart, of Ii4Baa4t4r, who If poibaa* oa* of oar Bloat onlorptlalBf poaltoiota, ataUa bla datotmloBtloB t* *ihlblt 0aB/*f blibiBI rowla,ofw&lahhobB*BmoatiBooU*Bt aoUoo- tloa HattWu Buk aad Bansol Baik, both MTobratoA for tbotr sbb* foala, laUndahowlai onohaadiod hoad oftbtlr baot atook,wblob will iaola** apoolB-aaot tho roaovatd Wbit* Eaakloa, Bliek Badt, bibb Bada, Braaa Baoko, Blaokaad BllnrOnja, UrtSof- toaa,Lor4 Darbja, sedolhara To Ihia dapartnoat tbaraoilaia tba fraataatrlfBlfr, Bad ao doobt thtt* will b* tb* fraataat ona- bar of raailjr Sa* |*ai* fowla that baT* orar boaa broogbt to|aibar for pablla iaaptoUoa. Thoao la wa'at o/ good fowla aboold om- bra«* tba oppottaaltfthai alfordad of maklof'lalaotloaa. Aa Boso kBt mtinlwn of tha Soolocj aia Bllowad to riblbit, thoao ot oor roadan [OTor 31 jaan of aial who daaira to Jala, oaa *ddr«ia tboBoaidor Maaafon, box lUl Poat.oaoa, PaUidalpbla, aad forward a dollar, tb*r*ar(r fa* for monboiahlB. Ur*manb*r- ahlp ooita Btb dollBiA. , Tb* 8ool*lr owa^ oa* baodrad and itilj-lra alag aat wir* eapi, wbloh tbor rant lo aiblblioraat a ebari* of SO eaoU aaoh; rood la alu pror dad, aad daj aod night watebaaa aafagtd lo food aad wator thafowlf, Blwtoprotaot tha foala whUa la th* 8ool«lt'a •harg*. A •• nitl ba paid for la all eaaaa at tha tlno tbry ar* togtiad. Althoaih th* Sixloty oigaalsod 1b PaoaaTlraalB, jat foallamaB from oibor Btatag ar* baartil/ lo?ltad to Jola aad oo«p*rat* for th* InpruvoBtBt ofthfa the Poaltr/ dapirtmoatof Ag rlealiBia. Tba BooUiy nambora at praiant aamatbna baodrad Bambori, who fMl iBtaraaUd la Ita ancoaia, aad aotblog will b* loft aodoat that *Bt*rpil*a, Uloat asd mtaai will BMomplUb. 70WII loundod for oonpotltloo mait bt at Natloaal Hall bafai* Oo'alook oa TBoadar, tha 38dof Dooombor; at that boar th* book* afantrj will oloa*, A po>t>r vlil bo oBt at OB •axlf day, aad wUl aoatala th* or rao|*m*nt( la datall. doofc-rard mia, Bdvard Bowlaad aad Wllllaa Bartb«lom*w.. ban had a IOC-;Bid no* tor <i0, Bad Bowlaad wa* tbawlaaaf la II aaooadi. At BlnalBfbaB.BhoBold.SalfoTd Boroaah, Maatbaitar, Boatoa, PalarkecoBgb, Br*dr*id, H*wo»all*, BaBMiaad. Vork, Briatol, Pljaaalh, araathaa, L- ada, Lalaaaiar. aad DBib/, ras* ara to «0B* ot. Not a daa la NoTaabor wltbaat oa* or aoi*. Ta* orloh*t*n ban nnak to aay aboBt tb* aoatoaiptalad ■aUbM ol IU'iBbI I aadantaat that argetlatloBa b>* ob tool for aa lat*i«baa|w of good t**llBga aad Siat-iat* plar balwata tba aid led asd tb* B»w Bfiakal groaada la •■ I«aag Aa*il«a " It B«ad b«, a ploktd larir will go 0T*r to }oa, or tbo folk* hir* will pa* M a pl*k*d parti froa th* Ualttd BUtaa If th* Oaaadlaai pat la alao, allhar war, ae.aath tb* b*tl*r. Pat la, beja; BBtlB. ' I. Llllrwblta la pNpariag aa hlilorlaal trTaag*Bi*Bt of all tba kaowB arlahat aatahaa In wbleh lb* i«oraa hara baaa pr«Mr*ad, aoaawhaia b*tB*«B foar or Sta ibaBiaad, alaoo ibost ITTO. Tbo ,werk la to b* lauraporad with blogtapblaal aaaadotaa aad »- aarki, lllB«traUro of tb* modaia iBBMraaaata la orlahat. Th* itad ftrn Khaaa at Nawaarkat dooa Bot aako ao aatk talk *a fuiBorlj. B Itaaa la bow at BIr Tattoa Brbaa'a alBl turn, and tba HrvlBg r*a la aat at II galaaaa. BllaBaa haa woa aiaht oat of dBlaaa raaii, p akallag XtlW. Oapt Oikaldaaton'a wldnw r*Ik(*d IMS gall aaa for bla whaa »two.}0*^old, Hr. A. Joh*. it«** will Bot part with tba f aarltag aUtar to Tlrags Ibr lata thaa HWgalBaaa,aBd paa aap iBBaabar that abowaa boaght la at DcaaatUr oa a bid ofltO galaaaa. A dtfaat la en* lag aaktaMd* d*raah7.bBt*haBa7 0BigTowlL PlibaraaB aad Btaeabox ai* aewlbrtal*, lb* baat prioaa bow •bUlB*d at TattBtaalla ar* for bSBttra, Id tI*w of th* aoataa. Th* Ualtoalana aiwla high glaa, aad nuy for a dath troa KIrbj Oat* Tba Barl ol BUaroid. Sir ioha TralloM, Lotd Poraitor. aad Lord Boar/fiaatlatk, latand lo ba BOt oalf «p to tbair walgbt bat" ap to tba keanda.** Qnat Dalb/, Aibbr-da-Ia-Zuaeb, Uul* Dalh*, aad llubat Huboroaih, will aooB boar tb* "•abolog bom'' ono* bo». BIrBlehaid Biooka la tpokao of ** Uaatar of tbo Oliaibtro HoBt. Blaapla ahaalag la a44ad oa aowat BiatlDga whaBoonranlint Oow- bildg* and OanlebBaaoat ar* oaaBplaa of thl^ Tha IltswUllaa •olor* aro ta loan Danabair for RIobbobjI. Mr. Toa Broatk'a aonBoata btgla to attn*tg*aatBl att^atloa, Tb* Aatot Cap of IBtT la BOW aptikaa ot aa likoly to b* tha irat oppertaoltj ftir hit Aaarlaaa horwa ta aaka tba raoBlag If not tba wlaolog oa aa Bagtlak ooana, aad w* b*/ look for ooao rlab IttBifroB AioatHoath aoatJaaa. If tb* tbi** priata ataall/ glraa at A*ao* bp tb* aaat of "(Bp" <wh»t*Tar aaj bt It* fotai or* OB tb* prograBB* la lUT, Hr T«b Bfo**k'a thra* hoit*t LaooBt*. Prjcr. and Prioraaa, aaj Btko a duh for tho Botal Baot Onp, tba Bnporor'a Taao, or lb* QaMB'a Oap, tad ptobablp h* BU7 Sod " laok la odd Bambon " Ar all oTantt, lha aport wUI b* good, aa lb* Xagllib bow aodaiataad that tba; aaal bring oat Irtt-olan horaat In ordtr to ooaptia with Hr. Tao Bioaok'a oaolo* AppllUBti for eag«( will addfooa " ObalraaB XiaaatlTa Ooa- lltaa," box'lUS P. 0., bafota tba Uth ofllaaaBbtr; oagaa Botk UaabaiB of tbo pitia ara eordlallj larltad to b* arfaaat; thoi* iroB a dUtanot aaat b* Intradaoid to tha ~ will oooalltai* a OoBBltla* ot Boocptloa b* nrtaaat ofUaBagi ion, who . Bpacial lovllatlona will baaiuodad to tb* Pr*ild*at of tha llaltad Sutta, to iba baada of dapartaaat at Wtahlogtoa, aad t* tbaOotoraoraoftbatanralBtBtoa. Oar owa worth; eblaf Bagtatrata, QoToraor Pollook, la a Bra friaad of BirlealtarB aad OTfrjthlog partalalag to Ita advanoo' Btnti ba waa tba gaaat of tba Booltip dailog lia latt aiblblilen. and aada maay frlaada bjr bla gaaMooaalf and lialllar dtport- aantj ba atanad dallghUd altb blaTlatt, aod llwia gratlf/log ta all eonoarntd to bar* th* plaatara ot bit agitaabla ooapaaj. It la aipaotad ba wlU bo again with aa thli aauoa. OoTaraai Pollook la a aoat adaltablt aad floaat apaakar, h* la aarar at a loai for Idoa* aor a propar miaaar of •iprtMloa; b* la lonlblo la irgoaoBt, and hat a happp war of Buklag Iboa* roaad bla faal at boaa, Tooia ttalj, PbUadaipUa, Hot. IS, use. ' BBBomra OeHMinaa ePORTINQ MATTERS ABROAD. coaBisroRDXRCi or ibb rbw tobi ourria. LoxooH, Got 81, lUS. Pbiind <)d»r— With tho ttapotor; loll la paehtlag aad la arlokttlag, eaaaad bp tha obtog* ol tba aataoa, wa bara bow raa right lota ttat football ton Bhiota I apok* of two or tbtaa wtaka ■go. At XtoD, Bhrairabar;, Bogbf, or Waitalatttr, aad at all uoi* plaoai whar* larga aohoola ar* lo tzIiUaoa, tbia aabliaral- logrportiaoaTTlad oa with * rath, la girrltoai, bimoka, aad all th* larga pabllo laatltBlloDo, tho aaltaaal Ioto of oat^oor aport rtadllr ialHaapoB football aath*b-tt putloa to brlag oat all olatraa apoa a alallar footlag," ' No doabt bat that If th* N T. Ourrai iboaU Ukaaptb* tabjatt, tbi* nttllog aad llralp gaaaBlfht baaoaoaa popalorla Aatrloaaa job baf*alr*Bdj aada crlehit aod baa* ball. Pat In, Piaok; pat la, and wla. PtdaalnanliB. alio, haa tba tuaal Inpttai of aattBoat aoaakln* aad glowing btaaiai. Tb* tpptaraBoa af Ufa Pndo*/ (whoa raa- Blng for bit bat of £tO to mako oIitob allot wltbla tba boar) at lha Prlate of Walaa Orlabat Oroaad, aotr Oarotd, haaoaaaad qali* a"nTlru'' aaoag tho loag-loggod amauort In that anolaat anlaertltj. Ur. Niioa, tb* «*ll-kaowB orlekoltr, taporlBlaodid tb* arraagantata, Taa foUowlog It tbo tlalog for aaob alia— lal, t:ia Id, 4:tr. 8d, 6:11.. 4tb, t.'IB. Stb, t:». Stb, t:IO. 7tta, 1:10 Ith, e:<0. (lb, S:4t. 10th, 1:10. Oo tha alanBlh alia, tb* Btmoat oBoltantst ir*ralltd aa tba tiat Itfl waa a bard Jaa for Podaap. Two dialntaroatad tlatkaapan had baaa ohoMn' ontbagraaBd, bat ao ralara*. - Aaoordlog tooooof thoao tiBt- koipora, Podtaj wob br a aoroad; aooordlog to tho otbor, Padatj had lott bp a 1*00. d. Tblt btlag tbo oaia, and ao ttftrao appolat- ad, JOB will paroalTB that all bata war* IsTalldttad, aad aaat b* ooaatad oS Tbo tlBoplae* atad b/ tba tlBaka*p«r at th* wlu- BiBg poat wot aot a otoy waloh. BIIU tbo iport waa good. Th* Brat two lalUi. la 10: T. gavo irtat boptt for Podatp,' Jatb IitTttt wlahaa to rno Jla Pndatp or aop ethar ptdaatrlan, laa allaa for SAO a alda asd tha ahaaplonahlp, to eoat oS la SootloBd barbraOhrlaiaaa. Jaok la toebooaatba groand, aad wUl allow £10 foraipaaaaataaaebaoapolitoT. Tbis la plaekp ta'k, aad Jack will ao doobt b* aaooBnodtt*d. In Haoabaitar, Hr. Jtoalton bu bttaDBklng groat laproTO- Btala la tbo ronBlog groaad at Bollorao. Tha Iron rallloga at tb* top totalng bav* boaa ait«ad*d at Itatt two baodrad jorda IbIo thafkraldt. to that rBBaofaota than half a nlla *ra tar* to ba wall protaotad aad tha ip«olatort aor* Moor* la tboir plaooa. Nodoabt thopadMtrlBB tportaat Aidaithot sod at Obathaa haVa laorBtaad tha pabllo attantloa tbIa aaaaoa. Tba iBootia of Hajor Aitltjr, of tha Boota lotUiir Oaatda, la vlonlng foar oat of tb« taelropriaai at Aldtrabot/ haiertattd qolto an aotbatlaio IB fkTor or oar Boottlih frloadi. I aaat 70U ibt Brat Aldeiihot progrsBBit at tbo tlao, aad parhnpa job woald bow liko tha rt- talt In Ibt atoond, whoa tbt ooapttltloo waa ooaflaad to tba offl- oara. I ballaro I aaat all tba aila parlloaltra. Tba daj waajoat salt Bad*to ord*r. Oapt. Balbarit, of tb* Oraoadlar Gurd^ aatodaa dark of thoooan*, at at tha Srtt Biatlog. Aldatthot wu Slltd with tb* b**at7 Bad fatbloa of tba aatropolla. Tb* troopi w*r* to arraagad that ararp ata eoald aojop th* tpott. Baoh Itan oa tba progrOBBO oaa* off (Brltlab stjla) to th* bIb- ata aaaoBBoad :— 1. Hardlt racaa. 100 Tarda, aad Jbdb 10 hnrdlia. Prlaa—a tllitr lakttaad, laln* £12. Woa b/ Liont tbilllpa, O. S, with Oapt. B*;*r. lit D. a,, **00Bd. 1. nigh Joap. Prtti—tllTtr taoB boiaad th* OBtraBoaao- B*p (la. aa«b.) Woo bj Bon. Oapt. Hoitpa. 8 Baea. Ptlia—Aldarthot Oap, tbIo* £10. Woa tj Major Aatlar, B. f 0, with Oapt. Bajar, lit D. 0., aaooad. i. Tha Votaraa Bukaa. Ool. tha Hob. Jaati Lladiap, 0.0., waikad OTtr. i. Plat raoa, 900 Tarda, Prlaa—Tba Rajal PbtIIIos Oap, glroa bp BarkltJ'tt/aad Frloo* Allort Woo bp Major Attlo/,8. P. 0., with Oipt Batbartt, 0. 0.,alarp oloia aaooad. 0. Broad Joap, poatooD fatbloa. Piltt—BllTtrOipiaaAOBtroBO* BOBOp. Woo bp Llaat. Phllllpt, O. O. T. Bao*oftdOparda. PrlBa-BllTarOiPiTBlaillO.asdoatraBC* BOBOr.' Won br Major Aatlar, Oapt. Batborat asooad. 8. Aablap Park Buaaa, for 100 paida. Woa bp Oapt Pagat, Bop- al Arllllarp, ISit Tib. 8. Book rao*, 60 pardt, Prli*-BBbtorlptloa pnra*, Wob oaillp bp Oapt. Btpar, bat all lha ooapttltnrt war* rtialrad to aako lha dUtaaoa, amid tb* nor* of langhlar ioggaatta bp thali apt tad dowaa. 10. Mllo no*. Prlaa—a Talatblt paaoh bowK aad th* *Btiaae* Boaap (10* aaob). Woa bp Boiign Ol(dwood,(} (}. II 'Baeakt«kwarda,60paTda. Babootlptloapan*. WoabpHoa. Hr. PIOBBi*, tbt faaoaa orlokotar. U. Btarp.UarablBg-Otdat raoo,900 yatda. Prtaa-BIUor taa- katd,.aadthaonU*BtoaoBOp (lOt oa«b). WoabpHtJor Attlo/, wlib Lloak. Pkllllpa a rarp naighbtrlr aaoasd. ' Tba oaaal popalarltp.of tba Boota Foilloor 0*a>4* Bad tb* Of**- adior flaardt haa of aoata* aot baaa Itiaaaad bp tb* port Ibap took la tba Orlnaaa oaapalgB, BBd tba aanp at Aldattbol wUl be doBbI •aatlaa* l« alt* aosp B dap ot alallar apart. Tbait artlrtar* Tarp " ooattgloaa." Tbn* laae tatllog whfr* th*lt lafloaao* atop*, aaoag tba right tort of blood, Tbo garrltoa iporu at Obathaa bar* **l th**rrllUai all ollr*. Two of lb* Biaaplaaof Aaoiloaa bratding lioa Bogllab bload. Tha pablla ar* laia to ba galoara, aad I thlok ll lalt* Ukalp that "tb* old folk* at boB»"h*t* will laan to waka ap asd aaa what "atrldaa" lowatdi parfiotloa th* poBog folk* la Aaarloa bar* bata Bating. BpAb* wap, Mr. T*b Bro*ok bu a Torp orthodox atrapplng dariap bar* to iralB and braath* bit honaa It woald ba rorp laogbablt U Hr, Taa Btoaok ihoald bow aar to th* Jo*k*p Oiab- " Old folki, o1* folk*, poB'd bottor go to had, Too OBlp pat do dobbol la d* poaag folka' bBid." Tb* N*widatk*l Baaghtoa Haatlsg Jtit aoaaladad la a gisid proof, bowarar,of tba tltol bold with wblob horaa.raolog la aograftad apaa Bagllab aoKont of aport and oaitoat of batlatw. Tbia BO ohao|ai tmn to affaot, sad onip dapopulatloa of th* lalasd **ald artdloata. Tha prlnelpal obaogta la aptlaa hara baaa B>da bp tba aa tf rallroada, aad pot N*«BUk*t o«tBa tb* *ib* giorlona old tsboal off port u aTtr. In tb* good " boldoa tiaoa" of aiaga ooaobai, whan aaatlaaaa pat oa a "dooa-tbt-roadtr'.' for aa OTO'Ooat, and war* ao aatra " bird'a-ap* obokor" arooad tb* aaok, with tight Siilai aod llgbtor (trapptd trooHr* wblab aaaa. *d to *ipr*H ad>eld*d ■flalip with tb* daparlad dapa of boak- akia braa«haa,<ht dlitaeoo froa Losdoawaa * aarlooa aattar. Now, It It * Bir* J'oat of bb bnor aad * half, "ptr roll." Wbar* t4* BOW tb* '■Itwttarst*" wblpt who owd to wlald tbaIr whipeord a**pti*a vllb taeh JoTlaa aajwtp whila petting tha " prada" Ifoar la baadi tbroagh tha aoaaroaa oobbla.noat TllUgatt Whir* ara now tba ata " wat dioT* lb* Bo^rtttliat" Whar* la Old Barkar,who aaad tapatth* Btaafnrd "dlllp" tbrcalb Hoat- lagdOB and Oaabrldga t Whaiw aball wa look for tha "OortBthlaa arllaU" who eoald ** toot tha titt" hoa Londoo to Nrwatrkai, B)*, or to *. Nonldg*<* (Norwieh,) wltboat tsblog tbilr fttt off tho footboard T Whrr* ti* B*w th* " aitonlaban" wbo Btad to bnid tb*r*lna wbllt tahlsg aglataof btaadp asd watar froa tba btr oiald, aad wlablog at tba *■ Tiddtr" laadlodp with aa aaaataaa* that ba waa to bo bar "aaaoad t" wbor* ara th* wblpa who aoald taka th* Ntwmaikat "HlghBp*t" fioa ooaeh-poid to ootob-pard, aad aaka aisrp tora aa oaar aa tb* alBlaaaib of to loob 1 Wbar* ahoold wa look bow for a Dowop BUI or a Jaaap Barlow f Tbop war* tb* oor*a for tha "atalu oorda" aad Iba "pallav topa " Bat thoao aattara ara all obaagtd. Wo aap aow go from Loadoa to MoBBtrkat wllboat tolllog a kaUa or fork. latt abnat tho tim* oa* gats 00 good talklag tarat with blaeonpaapipitato.J g,tbata poB or* la KawBorkat, right "rotolsat" Haitra Bomw'a atad paddotktl Tblt rtalodi ao that I Boat aot oatt tb* N**Btrk*l HoBih- toB Utallsg la th* Brat foar dapi tbIa waak, Hoodtp kagaa with B Bwaapatak*! of 10 *ot*m wblab waat to Patar Plat, with Jaak IbapptaA Moood. For tb i Haadloap Plata, Bploatar got th* I**d, wItb-TpnweoBd, Tba OrltarloaBtataa aada good tport.glTlgg tba fltldtn a tars, at waa tba oata In Pbatoa'f, Pata't, aad Spoal tba PloBgb'a loara. Tba tttkaa waat to Lord liatar't Baaokaot (BIttar tonisart,) for aba aooa (book off Boto,ADgBrp,I)raBOBr, Bod Ofoa BoaaBoobaor, Bpdatp ooalog In aaoond. It will bara- Btabtrtd that BaaohBnt woa tha BntlaBd Blakot laat iBmatr, and battlog paopio tboald roaoabor that aha la no* In tba Oaka. At tba Barlatgh lal* laat aaaaaf Lord Xiottr boagbt bar la bla- wlf for <S0 nlnraa. Watball toon haar mora of Bat«haat la thkSaUlog Hisdlotp, Xnglaad'a Baaatp aaaa la bp a aoio, with Amktl oacond. lit Bvtop<tatoaor ItMTo.broagbt In B^nlr* Watt, with Noltsti* Maoad. 3d Bwaapaiakaa of 10 adn. brooght la Bpla- Bot, with Pollp aaonnd. Tho Optional Balllag Plato fill to TaBaDaar,wllhOoal-Blaok Bon taaoad. Bd Btoapalakai of 10 aoTt. broogbt la Splaitor, witb Flnbaaaat aabond. On TutOij, tba Blip Ponnda tall to Coapaolos, with AaatI a'ooBd, Tb* ran for tboOambrMgathlrsBlaktaaOaaad darptrat*. Tangaaae* bad toBll*w89lb. t« Halaooa for oga, aad Halaooa'a »oawa* at kllllog Bt wkaa tbraataolsg to wla tba 0*att«wlt«h •at waak. Oo tha pi«i«nt ooauloa Taogaanea aiaa In aaooad to Ualaaos, with. Polatlar third, and thittprona otbtra Jait aboat Bowhti*. Tba Balllag Basdlsap Bwaapttaba* vast to Paleoo, wltb Abutor Bf ooad.. Tba Baadlttp Bwaapttakai want to Paitar, wItb Bardrop Nooad. Tbo Opllossl Bolllog Btakaa want' to Btol- BOX, wltb thoBlitbdap Blip aaooad. lot Bwaapttakaaot 10 tora. broogbt la Pops Jo*o, with Ttddjr aaooad, 3d aw*epauk*a of 10 aora broogbt lo OltonliBa, wltb Affibaa (aaoad. WBdaaadap taa* la with a fontott* of tba fop of NoTOabor. It waaabarpworn forthaopat, asd toB|bwork fortbajookopa. Tho Optional Salllog Plata fall to Noltatia, wltb Bloatea taaoad, lit Swoapalikta of 10 toTa broogbt la Draaatlat, wlih Taaa Dtar otooBd, gd Bw**pal*kat of 10 aor* broogbt la Bplaittr, wlib 01- tooltaa a*S0Bd, After tblt, tbawaalhtr wat aaaalaoailp TOtad at" too bad." aa It waa ataroalr poialbl* to i«* aaiou tha ooon* wllboat atUnptlDg to gat a tight alaog It Tho Jooktp Clnb aat for botloau aooordlog to piavloa* aadar- alandlng. Tblt atttlad, a Jorlal tlaa gtatrallp aat la, aad tb* fog waa iBBghod at wbll* ooaatlog tba port''(wlBO.I Tbertdap broogbt botttr waalh*r, aad, alegalarlp onoagh, tha Brat hoia* to wla woa aaaad Storatill, with Popo Xoaa taaoad. for a Bwaapttakai of 10 sot*. Par tba £80 Btadloap Plata, Xalgbt of AroB wu atoottafol, with Tandaroaalla Maood, Twaaip'tra atartad for It, aad aaong thoa Haadp,' hit " Irtt appaaranea'^ alaoa tha tooldant at Soodwood. Tba Bandloap Bwaaptlsbtf broaght la Dtwdrop, with Blag of Porttt Moena, Tho Bwtop-' atakaa of 60 aoTi. aaa* oat a daad haat with Bal Baparacta and BoBth-Waalaro. Tba Olatgow Blakaa Q*d. Psal'a MaiioB- ger, with BIr /. Bawltp'a Mohawk aaooad. 3d Bwtoptlaboi ot 10 aoTa fall to Bplonat, wltb Bauo Lttall aao,)nd Id Swatpolakaiof 60 aoTt. fall to Ur. T. Parr'a H, 0,, with Mr, J. Oiboroa't aagBrp taaoad. Tb* Sabiorlptlon Plata want to Btaadr, with Dopi to- oond. In IhoFrto Baadleap, Fltharaaa and MIntapl* ihook off all oppoooatB. Th* SiUlog Baadleap «OBBtad for iiosgalgbt, wlib Oallpb aaooad. Boob ara tba aTaata ap to lotl sight, whtB T—— laft la tb* Baitarn OoBotloi Ballwap tnla aboac an boor attar tba laat rao*. I West to OM*! bla b*r* at tb* Blihoptgat* tatalBBi, Toa wlU ptroolTB tbst tbo raeet sad Iba oMar of roeBlogwaro aaob obaagtd, (br tba wtatbar aad otbor iBflataoM) froa tbo ordor laid down la tbo prof loot progrtanaa Tba foa will h* kapt ap to- dap and to-Borrow, (to asp aotblog of tka laotdtatal sad pott- poaod natobit,) aiid I ahall get ap aolaa froa H— who waotad to tsa tba lait two-dapa' aport sad waat dowa " par rail" thia Borslog. M. B. aad Plaat* Baatabar, (what «rltl«*l tarfltta msttb* wall awaraot,) that tb*dltt*B0**OB tba eooraat raa at Nawaarkat ar* aboot ta tarlabla aa tb* t*ra* of tho raaaa For iBttasoo, tho B. 0, iBosaoa Ooanol It 4 biIol 1 forloag, and 118 parda, wblla lha New T. 7. 0 (Two-ToarOId Ooarat) oa tho B. H. iBunbnrp Mllo) Is oalp B farlonga aad 140 paioa. Batwaaa tbaa* axaaplaa ihara are ahoak twaBtp-lfa Torlatlti; wall kaowo to Iba Inlllatad 00 tbo bolllBg sUad, bat sot to gtatrallp kaeva to th* itodlsg pab lo OD olthoi lido of ih* Atliatlo, Tho Hosgton weak at Kowaarkat li alwapa a llralp tlaa. Aboat ilitp aat tsofa u* oa tb* prograaaa, taoh aa tbt Crltarloa, tha OaabildgatblrBi tb* Noraetp, or tbo Hoagbloa Uandloap. Th* addid aeaap aad tha axtrs aatibat ar* aoro tboa aror thia paar U16 win aloo ba aaaorabla for tba latrodaatloa ot what la osllad tba " BBOtloa olaaao" la tb* i*lllag rae«i. Bare It la: - *■ Tb* aarpla* (IfaBpi aboT* th* prio* for wb<oh lb* bora* la ob' t«r*d to b* aold, to b* paid, two-tblrdi to tha food, aad en* third to tha owner of the Hoond horta t bal, If tba oot third thoati ta- oiad the Tslo* of tb* prlaa, tba owaar of tba aaasd horae ahall raoalro oolptba Talaaof tha prlaa, asd all th* Naoiadar tball ba paid to tba food." Tha salt good thlsgwill bath*Qraad Bt**pl*-ahaa*a of th* ButaraOoaoilii,wblob bob* off soarIpiwlob. ThoB*it laat WIndaor, rslitaS or so PaliUS. Th* aBh|*«t oftrettlBg la asi* so^aor* lolkad ef Tb* tTtst* at* lat*raitltc as abowrag aa lae(*aa*d atUatloa to tbIa braaab ot noiag, bat tbo paHUaltrS waald ■ aot latoiaatoaf AbmiUbb « glaitoBt" la trotllof. uoBtlsf raot aod •ppolantbpl* at* 'at! lh*'f«. Oir Irltb frlaod* ar* patilaalarlp oatlT*, tbop bar* tb* iiaghoabdi, f'lX' honadt,aadhanl(n,aIl pr*ltpw*U''Mtapthla pear la Old Ir*' Tbaeoinlag lo Bailaodaodla Soolltad btgloa UU, hat fro alaja Brtt-taU tpori, with a torr fall aauoa. A aow aabterlptloa m*» ^ Warooro'aoaatrpbpMr.O(**B,»f RoUuton, with Toa Dar tor bnoUau. Tba hanaaU at* at Cad- bp. Poba 'eon la totaoeoad Ih* will haowa BIbobob oa baalo- SL'ff ^J^^ SlV* BtaUaok Tba Boalh Uaoublr* » op*.*" w*U, BBd lb* Ardroawi oiab (with lb* pamsag* sf U* Bail ot Bgllatoa) an doing noblp U mint* StolUad. Tba «ropt bib «*U •i**?f.' tha taralpa *t*olaaUf»l. tbedlaaara ai* gleHau.aa* tb* killa la tha «*alag ar* " .» ap lha*p palaUd." a*a ( TUl t«atla<sa*lbatIaaat4allwrliiBg. uuTaaa*t**iia*i. BOSTOl OOBBBttaiBISOl, Bcaras,Mov.nil8Se. Dbab Fsamx,—As tnert Is absolntely notblug to noord from this aXtj In tits way of sports (with exoeptleo of a race between the boats Undaonted aoA- Lt^htTaot, In which the former won—no time kept,) perhapsj as I am 1> the vein" I nay as well descant a little on theatricals, which, sinoe the election excitement, are reoelrlng their usual share of patronage. At ths Boston Theatre, on Amarlcao tragedian, Mr. Forrest, Is drawlug Immense booses, and his aoUng li almost u vigorous as when he played at the Old BoAon, some years ago. King Lear, in which Ur. Forrest has galued a great notoriety, from his vliltlng Insane asylums 10 perfect himself In the peonltar habile of their lumtte^ drew a Ortt-rate honte. Lear, of all charoeters In tragedy, Is the most diflkoll to periorm, and slcoe Qanlokvltii presumed there has never been a perfect Lear, and befne bim there Is no one on record. Lear Is aa old mail .of Impetnotis Impnlse, and constantly In exeoas: Hs' IB capriolons and Inhaman: bat being aged, a klitg, a father, and an outcast, peiaeonied by his ongratefM danghter, he Is an object of oommlssratlon. Mr. ForrestdM hrmself great credit In his Impersonation. The faolHty with which he entered Into the age of the character, Utedlgal^ of blsdeportmsnt, and general apcreheAiIdn of the aaihite, were remarkable trails of excellesce: The rana denounced with great feeling and effect, and the li^(6al, thongh pathetio ntterance of these llnep, waa very propriate— "Dial diBgbtar, I aoBftia that I aa eld | Aga la aoBtoaiiarp I on ap ka**a I big xbat job'II Toaohiafb ao ralaoat, baf, asd iaod.* The moment when his senses began to desert him was happily marked, and the sahjeots of his raving wbeB,hs enters mod to Edgar and Qloater, were rendered mj dlsllsclly. As a whole, bis rendition of the charaotsr waa remarkably truthful Ur. Belton, u Edgar, galnsil much deterred reputation, and be dlstlsgulsbed hlb pep> tooation by traits of ibe moot jodlclous dlscrimloadoDb Kent, by Ur. Barry, (eld Tom,) had all the stunly lilant- ness of the part | and the teodvmeps was not 111 portrayed. The ballylog soene bad much merit Uy limits will not admit any further remarks on the play, bat I hope to see a seoood representation of li Ur. Forrest comneneed this week In his great part of Olhella At the National, mefudrama holds her sway; bot does not receive many admirers, on aeoonnt of the great at- tractions at ths other theatres. A "star" wonld be of much more valne at this establishment than J. B. Howe'B dramallb effUtloDS, Adoiiy as they are. By-lhs-by, I wooU advise this eoli0n6i«M writer to oonSne his playa to three aots, aod not make.them disagreeably .long by extending them tbrongh some five. That ponnlar actor and well- deserving mtn, Ur. Wyieman Uatshall, plays aa eogage- ment here this week. In the French drama of "The Three Gnardsmen." dramatised from Dames' norel of that name. Ur. Uarahall Is n6t only a good actor, hot a " llrst-rate fellow;" and being a decided favorite with the Bostonlans, his short engagement trill be marked wllh success. It reported that Mr. Marshall la to be stage manager at this establUbmeut, Instead of Henry Farren. The ever attraollvo Ravel Family, under the maaageBcnt of that son of Momns, Qabrlel, are at the Howard Aihsnenm. The good old times of the Howard seem likely to be revived, and there Is not a place I am so partial to, u this little temple of Thetpla " Uasalm" is to be brought oat this wiMk, with A\ the oHcjlua tricks and comicali- ties. George Yanjlenbolf Is the present attraction at the "Economical Museum," and be bas performed' bla nsial ronnd of" high comedy" characters tbrougbont the week, to flnt-rate hoages. Lest Friday was set apart for the beneflt of " Old Billy Warren," a regular brick, and one of the best comedians on the stage. The pl^ fbr the evening, was Sheridan's School for Scandal; warren ^s the testy Sir Peter, and YandenholT as Oharles Sorrace. The friends of the "Unwam favorite" turned oat In strong nnpbers, and filled the house to overflowing. The School fbr Scandal has contributed, more than ai^ other prodnctloo, toeialt the name of Sheridan to the blgh'statlcn In the sphere of literary genius which it bae attained. Of this comedy, its tendency Is highly eohdn- oWe to the best Interests ot society, In lis exposari of tha oioDstrons deformity and venbm of scandal, by teiriog from it the sednotlve attire In which it Is robed. Some people who affect to despise the jadgment of the critlod, throw oat remarks prejudicial to this comedy; bot the time for cant Is aboat over, and all such bypeoritlctl nonsense for tho public mind, passes It by "ss .theidts wind," Sir Peter Teesle, by Warron, Is one of bis most Jndt- clous personatlous, His first scenes were remarkable for force and nicety of discrimination, and when the oocs- slon demanded peculiar eflloacy to be given, "then he went In," aod bis msaner of expoelBg Joseph to Oharles was Irreslslablr oomlo. His peculiar ttyleof smotbered langb- ter, when ne discovers the " Utile French Ullllner," fiOrly convulsed the andlecce. Mr. Vandedboff 'b' Pbarles waa admirably delineated, and be played the spirited'and warm-hearted, thoagn exiravagan^ rake, to perfectloo. True, the exeontlon sometimes wanted force, Mr. Davles 1p not qaite as Bucces»rul as' Joseph.' Harry Bisllb per- sonated the frank aod old fashioned Sir Ollver.ln an ai^ tlello manner; and Ned Thompson did Justice to Orab- tree. Sir Benjamin by Bascom-^but ye gods I spare, oh spare us fromsfelug snoihersuoh Sir Benjaiblo.. .The othor characters, wlih the exception of Frank WhltnutD'a Moses, and Urs, Vincent's Urs. Oandonr, were so-so,- Aladdin Is to be revived here, wllh all the original music and decomtloos. If ene ever has ao attack of the blues,.or feels . any way depreeMd in sptrlts^ Just let hia stroll into Ordff ay Hall of an evening, and they will soon be dbpelled. There be can witness the.fnaint sallee of Johnny Fell, the Inimitable drolleries of the Uorrls brothers, and .be moved to' tears (of laugWer) by the lachrymal ballads of E. Kelley. The slnglog ot the oom- ^any was never better; sithoogh I would ivish to bear a Ittle better alto singer. Ur, Huntley trips U on tbe light fantastic, aod appears to be an ardent worshipper Of Terpsichore, by the skllllnl manner In which he exronles some dllBoult ooi, Uaster'Edwards, the Javenlle Jlg- dancer, gains admirers every night by his excellent exe- ohtlon. One evening, Yroa Mathiss, the Busstan dsn- sense at tbe Howard, was called "In front" by ber ad- mirers. " Speech, speech I" suoa out one of the gallery gods. " l^ay, hold your tongue," said an nrchlu along side of bIm " she can't make oo speech. Doa't ytr know she's a Bashlii'T" The first god smiled kooi*logly, and torning to his friend, remarked, " Well, for that reason she ought to make a tuthM speeoh." Saob youibflil de- pravity should be denouooeo. Well, I've playfd erlUe long enough. Bin Vr—^'; A New StfiB or DiooT Dora.—A gentleman, Te^ld In North Weymouth, has a dog In bis poitenlon>bo fill betake himself to tbe water, and secrete himseu Sfpong a number of deooys arranged for tbe pnrpose, nntU'a flock of wild ducks alight.near blm, when be iflUiBdlse npoo- one of their nnmber with his month aqd.convey It aihore, alive, to hlamanter. Now, that is wb»t we shdald call a uaefbl dog,' one which, if iaUhftallr' amploycd, will be likely to earn his own living; iKblw Is vastly more thai^ many of them do, Inoladhig soilt^ of the bl^ sjpeolsft