New York Clipper (Mar 1857)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. BoinMO IK Boston-.— The following commonlcatlon ti ; from a well-informed Boston conespondent, who aeems dMrooB of seeing aqoatio sports mitintni n the prestige I they have obtalaed of late jrears in the Athens of Ameri- et. We hope onr frlendsofthe " Chsfles BlrerBoat Olab Association" will not flag In their efforts to promote aqoa- tio (unosements among the yoong moit of Boston: Um. Item.—Alloir ma ■ imtU iptcs In ttat pmcnt Ime of your josntl to nmlad our inltMU' bMtiiMo Uut Kmelhlof wlU bo expect. td »rui«m Ibo oomlDg getioo In ths wijr or>niu«rasnU I h»70 beco lad to adlnn yon npon tht snbjoot, from the Ikct that knowledge has '"f™' SPM" «>"> ■PparoDlIjr langntohlog state of thai . mUaworthyhuUtuUoo-llio Charles Him Amatanr Boat anbjlsao- • perhaps well aware of the flaucring aosplcea onder WMOJ Ul9 aSMclaUon waa formed, and of the nasr ptaaaant regalUia whloh have taken place ttea Ume to Umo onder lla Inniedlaic eupor- • vlSSU."'!.'..'^ many who hare been wltnenea huetofhre of Ite doUghlftd urfas of apectada on Charles Hlvor wlU nolbe (Uaappoloted by a noo.reptUUon In 18J7. The asiocUtlon I on dsiMand haa In Its poeaeailon a beaiitiroi gold champion medal, open to any amaienr dab who may wlih to Join and compels tor It In an bonoiMIe race—said medal to be rowod for once a yur—the whining boat to keep thsaame, accompanied with a handaono diploma, antll they mgr be tortnnals enongh to partake of the felicity ot behig bcatan. OUier nrlits are abo selected and rowed tor as olVm as Ihs aasotlatloo mar dictate. In Tiew, then, of tbepait career of this orianlaUlon, and as a (bnd brer of manly and hcaltbtol axsrdse, may I not hopo that onr yonng mon will oooe torward, lend their aU, and partake of Itahenelts, restingassared that nothing wlU conduce inore to the per- rectlig of their physical organization than an loUmata scqnakitanca . with, and practice of, the art of ■■ gracafOUy plying the car." FoclU- Has tor boating nowbsre present thomseWea more forcibly then hero. Ths aooommodatkins hi onr dty fvr clubs are hitorlor to none, while Charles Rlrar hss long bad the reputatkin oflnmlshlsg the beet radog ntnmd to ba tonnd. let there be, then, a grand rally among the dl( Arent oluba; and let It not be sold that the yoaig mon of Boeion are baokmrd Ui supporting a noble and hiTtgoraUng sport. Snouios;. Two Doo Stobies.— The following remarkable little story of a remarkable little dog, goes to show that men ' and monkeys are not the only Imitative animals. " Read, ponder, and Inwardly digest:" "Dorhig the past winter, a gentleman in lawroioe, ICass., one tnomlng when the enow ^as coTorcd with a emooth Icy crust, noticed a little dog seated on bis haoncbes, sliding down the ateep bank before bis houio. Ho guppoaed that ho bad slipped, bat as toon as he reach- ' ed the bottom of tbelilll, the dog ran up again, and asanmUig the some ; position, again alld down. He contlnned this aport tor some Umo, ap- . parantly with groat dellghL" . Another instance of a slmUar charaoter Is thns related by the Olilo SttUeman, of a recent date: " lAdsyortwoshioe, Hr.Chse, of tbls^dty, badng business at the ' boose of an acqnahitaico, a short dlalanco In the cointiT, started onlj aooompanled by bis dog—a latge anhnal, crosied wUb tne Newfound- land and boll dog. 'Vpon arrlnng at the door be rang the bell, and . was admitted by one of the Innates—leaving bis dog on the portico. ' Bis visit was somewhat proloogsd, and betore he bad completed hia I . bnshiea the bell again rang. Boppoahig that another person waa with- out, the gcoUemao of the boose went to the doer, when, to his utter surprise, he tound the dog staadiog upon hla hind feet, with the bell-knoD In his moulh. Ibis waa the second opportunity the animal bad had of wllnesilog the prooeaa by which bb master bad gnhiod sd- -. mlltanca hito the houao, and behig llrod of waiting for his return, he nndertook, by the same means, to oOect so entrance himself, or, per- bapg, to brhig his ouster forth. IIIZBABT ITXKS. EMOwma well that tiie flowers of Uterotnrc sboilld be occasionally esomlncd by the way side of ntllity, we love io stop and have a few words of consultation npon new books. Among those lately talked of we find— tut BoRszB Bona. By Emerson Bonnott Ibis Is a pleasing de- ' acrlptkin of border life oTor tho plains or pralrlos to the Bocky Uoon- tains. It baa been prhilod Ui good stylo by T. a Peterson, In Philadel- phia, who supplies tho work ttee of postage, to those who remit him the price (one dollar) per mall. A Himui ot Coiooamosi tao Lmm Wanua. Pabllsbed by Fow- ler k Wdls, New York. " How to Writo" is the serial tlUo of this work, and the powers abore know II Is needed. All who wish to write pfoperly should obtahi (he document nore are two styles m the pabUcaUoD—one soUs tor 30 cents, the other for 60 cents. VnsxoiB's Tmnr Una Amom Naw Yoiv. This lltUo golde U as Indispensable as a watcb In incb aBorroondlog wlldomeas of bricks and mortar, with the' riling business of our rural neighbors. For twelve cents we can keep onr Ideas sorted out tor ocUtity and useful- sess. Every mau'a coat shoold have a pocket made ezprcealy to car- ry hb "Dhisoiore" In, ■ Tim; Taa Ssanr or Fown. Here we hare one of Urs. R D. E. N. Seuthworth's dellghtAil stories. Inculcating moral mailma In on Inter- esting narrallre. T. B, Peterson, of Phiiadelphb, b the pubibbcr, and he has tho work In two stylee, one in paper for a dollar, and the other bound hi doth for a dollar and n quarter, wbicb ho will lUmbh direct, ttt» of postage, to those who remit him tho cosh by mall. SPORTING MATTERS ABROAD. CDBBBFONDBCI 01 IBB KIW TORE CUF7ZB. Loytxa, Fob. 20, IStT. FuEn Qom-rSt. ValenUno'a Day has "been and gone and donolt" ibr this bland ofOmt Brilahi, and wo now have tho Int pcop of the daialea and the snow drops hi tbo hedge bottoms which are to precede the bntlercnps hi the flelds tor the year 1607. As the winter sob In here at least two months earlier than with you, so we have now the advantage of early sprhig weather, to make up tor tbo Ices of those delldoui autnmn days that msks Now Tork beautUhl almost as UUo ss Chrbtmaa. Yon know how 11 is wilbiportanun—wears "at home" In any olimato where the sun shines upon tho boo of nature. But, you want the sporthig Itoms. Well, here tbey an, done up like a Scotoh sermon, or Dogberry's ruisons, or a bunoh of Spring radlsheg. SB iq/amaa oinua anoAT. On Monday and Tnesday tbe Oitord Unireisity Boat Club have thdr annual polr-oored races for the ellror cups, oars, msdab, eto., usually given, lbs Torpid Races aro fixed tor Uarch 18,14,18, ITj It, and 20, Tbe toUowhig colleges are expected to contend—Bnienoee, Bal- Uol, Exetor, Pembroke, UUreralty, Christ Cburcb, QoeenV, Worccator, TrisHy, Wadham, and Oriel. ' * Tho Tbamea BubecrlpUon Club have hivllod both the Oxtord and QunbrMga crews tor a fHeadly meeting, atlor rowing their matobts on . the Tbamee, on the dlb of April,' to frind up with a grand banqnet on Monday tho SIh, at aome conTenlent botol to London. At a lato meelhig of .the Mnce of Walos Yacht Club, the hcl tUTing been doly announced by tbe hon. sec., Mr. F. Ohnbb, that Dr. Boro' castle (tboir late ooihmodore) bad estabUahed the Sydney Yacht Qub tn New Boulb 'Wales, complimentary readutlons woro passed to honor or that new candldato for bmo In the spreodhig of oiualio sodetlos, ■ More than Uly mefflbois of tbo London Bowbig Qnb sat down at their dinner yeetorday, The naw boat bouses at Putoey are nearly flnbbed. ' The Royal Thames Yachl Club Boll took place on tbe tth. Ahont AW couples were present. Lord Alfred P^el, Iho commodore, pro- 'sided. The Royal London Yacht Club have estoblbhed their new reading loom, and bad a grand ball at WUlb'a Rooma on the 18lh. twomBiatait. . Richard Claaper and Robert Chambers, Iho oanmen, mean to worm MP With a foot race soon oror the Newcastle Race Coarse, tor U aside, and the loser to nimlsh a geiod spread tor 20 friends. At Birmingham, Parker and Ooopor, Akers and Cooper, Badger and Oanser, Hughes and mUiams, and Could and Bailey, bare all ran matobca.this week. Joieph WUleUs, Alfred Simpson, and Young Soutball, are out wllb otaallooges. At Uanoheatar, Bobolleld and Barlow, Hirst and Medley, and Byd- dall and Sevlllo, aro making up matches, Ihoso between the Oral two oonplea to oome off Uaroh T, and tho lattor couple April e. ' AtBaltord, W. WlUoock, of Manchester, was wtoner In tho deddhig Jisat In tbe AU-Bigland Handicap Racos last Monday, so the Flybig Barber hod hb usual (toed luck. The ordinary handicap toot races ore contlnned orery Monday. Malchos are up, varyhig from £S to £tO a aide, between Oreenwood and liiodoo, Fotvlor and Roberts, Turner snd.Morrto, Noben and Holden, Hafdmin and Barber, Keot and noniaon, and Booth and ColUngo. The moremenls here In London ore very numerous. C. Cooke, of Marylebone, and Cummhiga, of NoUlog BUI,'ate to run twonty miles for £20 a aide, to a few weeks. Wm, Jaokaoh has abo challenged Oooke. Levelt and Podney will ton tbeir nlalch toon. Booth, Ibo lancashlro step dancer, has token a pnbllo bonie la London. TbewalUng match between Robert Ftiller (Pedestrian Bob) and nek Bogtrseune off last Thursday. It waa a 20-nille go, bnt Bogen gave to at the twelfth mllo. Bob made his U miles to 2hs. Im. SSaeo. andUOedlhaiSSaelds. DOO ucora. At Bellevne, Manoheslar, Mr. J. Kenyon's Manoy and T; Oroenhal^'a Flyranarac«ot200yarda last Saturday, tor <2i a akie, and Naooy won by a yard. SUnUarmatohos aro up between Mr. Bennett's Nettis and Thomas Cook's Flan, Jsmes Woodcock's Posey and Scholold'a Mary Nobbier, J. Crosaley's Spot snd L Dick's Jenny, and Josspb Taylor's Mary Copp and James Wild's Spark. A handicap dog race b to come off at Bury, March 14. Another at ADdanahaw,.Feb, 28. A trial hunt has been arranged by Mrs. John Andrew, at Iho Church Inn, Saddloworth, to run between Oloasop and Saddleworth, and the prues aro very nbend. nz imxa HiKDiom. Tho jdce about "Darkle" was very abortlirsd, tor tho real use to be madaof aucha nomination waa soon apparent. Just as I stated It would bo. Flacrow bcodtog the Ibt at 9sl. 21bs., It waa necessary to have Jost such a dummy as Darkle at Ml. to keep that weight at least tor a headtog. However, tbe next higbcat weight behig Vengeance In accepUng, Sal. (Iba., Mr. Topham baa now giren Vengeance the hea4 at tsL; and thb,oreo)irss,ralse8 all lbs otben to proportion. As tor "Mr. DarUngton,"and Us "Darkle," they have dbappeared; or, ratbor, nevor appeared. Thb mythical myatory bohig cleared op, and tho welgbttog pot at Blba. nearer roaaon, tho only trouble now b tor the tbroe-year-olda to took out that they can stay the dblanoe wllb the heavy brigade. I think my Utile bet on Vengeance now aator than ever, allhongh the leadtog wdght of horses to a handicap b aeldom the wtoner. The weather will be tho mato tofluence tor or agahist Vengeance's performance. Wo shall soon see. All the Spring handi- caps attract great attooUon, and perhaps our Yankee tolks would like to examtoe some statbtlcs on the subject. They may serve tor makhig up a comparative Jodgment although I have not been ablo to procure the longest orer eleven years :— CiT.—2jj miles. Wtoner. age at lb Corrannx a " " St. Idwrenco a Feep-o'-day Boy 4 Mallon 4 Hounseer 4 Nancy 6 Joe MUlor B GoldOndor 5 E^mlnondaa S Scythian 4 One Act B Year. 1B46 1847 1848 1849 IBM 1861 1862 1813 1864 1866 1860 1667 Subs. Acceptances. . 143 , 176 166 201 189 192 210 . 216 . 2ie. 200 , 196 , 16S , 107 loe 107 101 , 82 130 , 131 , lis . 119 , 101 , 116 7 10 7 0 e 10 e B 4 12 4 10 7 « 4 10 7 4 4 IB* Year. 1846 . 1847 . 1848 . 1849 . 1860 . 1861 . 1862 . 1663 . 1864 . 1866 . 1866 . 1667 . Year. 1864 . 1866 . 1B66 . 1867 . Year. 1848 : 1647 . 1848 . 1649 . 1660 , 1651 . 1662 . 1863 . 1861 . 1866 . 1866 . 1667 . Year. 1861 . 1662 . 1863 . 1864 . 1866 . 1866 . 1867 . Year. 1846 . 1847 . 1846 . 1849 . 1860 . 1861 . 1862 . 1863 . IB64 . 1866 . 1866 . 1867 . • Oarrlod 6sl lib, tocludtog lib extra. GaatT NoBiiuiivioN'saiBi Suzta.—2 miles. Subs. Acceptances. Winner. age St lb 79 .... SO .... Morpeth I 7 . 101 .... 47 WolWof, 6 8 11 . aOl .... 89 lady WUdaIr 4 , 113 .... 42 .... FemhUl 4 . 120 .... 42 .... Priestess 4 . 128 .... 34 .... Valenttoe 4 . 100 .... 88 .... Poodio 3 . 117 .... 78 .... DeOanee 3 , 118 .... 43 .... Jacqudtoe 4 , 109 .... 86 .... Hungerford a , 97 .... 43 .... SIdtog 4 , 99 .... 39 .... 8 0 6 10 « 4 6 18 e 7 18 6 Subs. . 210 . 108 . B3 . 70 QiBiT NosniDLv Hahsiup.— 2 miles. Acceplancos. Wtoner. 60 42 48 age St lb rogo.; 3 8 6 NeTUIe 4 6 11 One Act 3 6 4 Vli 3 GaxiT MnBorouTAK Sr.iEB.—2 miles. Sobs. Acceplancos. Winner. . 81 ....p.p Cbamob . 114 .... 69 .... Clormont . 91 .... 61 .... GlonSoddol . 106 .... 83 .... Femblll 4 . 68 .... 42 .... Backbiter 6 . 113 .... 44 .... Tbe Ban 3 . 116 .... 68 .... SUIton a . 120 .... 62 .... Gadabout 8 . 118 .... 63'.... Virago 8 . 81 .... 46 Fandango 8 . 79 ....'41 ....'Qmnoble. 3 .88 .... 43 .... age et lb 8 6- 6 6 8 e 18 7 8 6 4 4 a 6 7 6- 0 6 2 6 U CtlT iXD SOOCBBIN EiXDicira Sobg. Acceptances. 'Winner. 61 46 81 107 66 , 94 . 100 . !!4 28 23 . 88 48 66 64 l^^mUo. _ ago St lb Elthlron 6 8 6 ButtorOy B 4 12 Etbelbert 8 6 13 Vh'sgo 3 8 4 Ireland's Eye 6 7 4 Hospitality 3 e 2 Kiwiuam Ha.vdicip.— 2 miles, 110 yards. Subs. Acceptances. Winner. age St lb 132 .... «0 .... Reabeng 3 7 0 77 .... 86 .... Clermont. 3 4 10 06 .... 26 .... 6t.Dometrl 6 7 7 60 .... 82 .... Oanezoa 4 8 7 81 .... 40 .... Cheerful. 4 6 12 69 84 .... BesseUomburg 8 6 6 66 .... 36 .... FUher Thamos 3 6 0 66 .... 49 .... Tsltourd 3 6 8 77 .... 43 .... Coup d'Etot. 8 6 13 76 .... 40 .... Hercules 4 7 3 62 .... 36 .... The Earl 4 6 4 34 .... 18 .... , Ibus you may also see'iho present stoto of the acceplancos tor 1667. Tbo bolting b not very brbk, although there b plenty of talk. Most of the bookmakers have been amuatog thomsdves at tho atceple- chasea; those at Oundlo and Weatbury, for example. Tho Caermar- Ihenshire was set down tor the 17th, but I have not yot heard how the Welchmen got thdr fun. Tbe number of maros on friendly terms Just now with certato Ihror- Ito gtalllons (who aro sorvtog them with tho compliments of the sea- gon) b very groat. Tbe namtog of yearlUigs b gohig on with a bnsl. ness-Uko manner, and the breaktog tackles ore put on with an eye to making a Ikmous namo to the " Rodng CUendar." Tbe tour days of the Champion Heottog at Newmarket wero ahnoit as totoresttog as four days of horse radog. The dogs showed a Ins Held, and crowda of ardent admirers went from London to witoess tho sport. Tbe Puppy Stakes went to Mr. Buckworth's Bulbsl on the Ulh (deddtog) run. The All-Aged Stokos wont to Lord Strodbrooke's Ml- raada, on the tourth run. Tbo Exntog Slakes, for puppies, west to Ur. Fyeon's F^ry, on tho, third no. Tho Chlppenbara Slakaa, tor puppies, wont to Mr. Barllett'a Mentor, on the aecond run, Tbe Rut- land Slakes wero divided by Levity and Legion, both belongbg to Mr. Oarrad, on the aecond run. All the ilea were run off beauUAiUy unU thero were but two or three dogs to the dccldUig runs. Mr. McGregor was the Judge, and T. Raper tho allpper. A aeparato malob baa been made for Lord Stradbrooke'a Mahomed and Mr. Ktog'a BecrulU At Holt Fleet, In Woroealerstalre, allor (wo peslponementa en ac- count of badwealher, a aplandid day gave opporUinltlaa tor a very spirited meethig. Ibo County Wsiford Club nut at a capital place of conratog ground to Wexford Harbor, and bad fine rune for the honor of Old Ireland. TheScotchmoi had another flne meeUng with the Ar- droaaandub at SharpbUI, In Ayrshire, Similar courahig mootloga have been hold at Overton, WUbblre; Chcator, Cheehire; Baaoburob, Shropshire; Epsom, Surrey; Andlom, CbsabU'e; and Mallon, York- shire. Tbe Earl of Lonsdale bu alao patronliod Martto'a ooontog meellnga at Lowthor with hb uaual liberality. HI. i» Bsoics's losaa. Mr. D. P. Pahner baa all these to tratotog, and on Iho Isl of April will removo totbohougeand stoblea rocently occupied by Mr. S. Bcott, at Houghton Down, near Stockbrtdge. Tho prembeu have boon hired ftir six raeoths only from that dato, and Ibb gave rise, probably, to the report that the hones had been removed from Newmarket If such had been tbe cage, I abould have known the drcumalance, and In- formed you of It as soon as reason or propriety would allow. 1117008100X1.10. Imfsoviko tws Brebd<— Tho Hlllaborougb, N. H., Agrloultnral Soolety, at a recent meeting, adopted a rcsolatloii not to allow trotting at their county fairs at a faster rate tUan a mile tn four minutea Well, that's an Ifflprovement, for until recently these " Society felien" nsed to look npon a "six minnte gait" as something te< traordlnaiy. They'll get " broke in" before long. THE BIRfl. Prize Ftoht in UassachAkitb.—Arrbbt or sou or THE Pabtim —Onr rcadcra will recollect that for many weeks post a number of " pugs" In Boston have bad qolte a lively time of it in " talking fight," but, for various reasons, nothing camo of it all, until Ileniy Flnnegass, a borkecper for Ed. Price, In North street, entered tho arena, and posted the dimes for a set-to with Johnny Roberts, of Chicago. This match was arranged atwut four weeks since, in a private manner, and Thursday, March 6, solcctcd as the day for tho " tonmcy." Matters wero kept so very quiet previous to the day of battle that oven tho CMPPEn was not advised of the " spot" chosen for the contest. Some of our pugilistic friends aro generally very anxious to have their movements chronicled n hen a notice in the Cupper will prove of any pecuniary benoflt to them, bat when tbey hove opportunities of ■fonrarding us items of news that will prove lutereatlng to our readers, they do not give themselves the least trouble. When the match In question was first made, one of the principals sent us a conununlcatlon In which it was promised that full partlcu- Ian of tho arrangements making would In forwarded ns, so that wo might have a reporter on the spot at the time. But as these promises were not ibifllled, wo naturally supposed that this, like many other matches of a similar charaoter, was more for a bar-room speculation, and thot tho affair had possed off. We wero undeceived, however, on receiving the Boston Btnld of Saturday; that paper, in a brief notice, stating that the fight had taken place at tho time stipulated, and that a number of those concerned in it had been arrested. Tbe following extract^ flrom the Boston Birald will give oar readers an Idea of tbo contest and its results: AaoiusR Faux Flam n tm ViCLvnt or BtnOw.—4lica flio unex- pected donoument nllendant npon Iho proUdStnarloa of a prUa light In the vldnlly of Bpot Pond, last toll, tho dbdpkis of FtaUana in thb dfe .———J—M. »j» uii>.>inu9 UI ruiuuja ID una .dip tho rulcs of tho Loudou Prise Rins—tne flaht totako SliWr»»trSS»Se\«t^^^^^ weeks iVom L fl^« botol the "lovora of the manly art" on the Spot Pond eipurglon. ^T7""E W^UBO his money ns ho sew fit. As Mr. Thompson coiraga, the proUmtoaries of anoUier ring flgbl, tor 8200 n Are dbdplea, were arranged In Uib cUy gome weeka But, gaining a side, between . , ^ since, the boule-holdeis, nmfdrej groupd,'fto., detonnln'od upon.'and the day fixed tor the dbplay. And agreeable to " prlvato toalrucUona," Tbundav lost was Oxed upon for the friends of the men pitted sgalnat each other for the flght, to lake tbe can fbr a spot of ground about twelve milea from Boaton, vb Bittom RaUroad. The arrangementa were condacled to so quiet a itylo that boforo tlUior Iho poGoe of thb cHy or tbe vlUagen wno realded near the bat- Uo-gronnd, were awaro, the battle had tormhiatod, and the apeclatore retomed home oninoloBted. The contcel for auperiorily b described aa having been very pro- tracted and animated, both men proving game to tho laat; and It waa not unUI any lengthy rounds bad been fongbt, occopylng tm hwri and (itini(y-n<iu mtiuUtt, that tho friends of one of the cvtles engaged were obliged to wlUidrnw hhn from tbo ring that hb hlo might nolbo peril led and hb murder be upon tiielr bands. It b said that he waa tarri biy!' ■ after much . _ _ . Flattorod wiUi tho succag wblcti attended the consummation of the Oght,thegeUen-upand porticiponb thereof became todboroet; that b, U)oy made too public mention of Iho panloa connoctod iberewiUi, and tho Incidents followtog Its conaummolion. At lost tho whole affair revealed llMlfto Iho poUce, and Oaplato Savage of Ibo >1nl Polico Db- trlcl—wllbln whoao precincts it was corloto tbo " aiding and abolUog" parlies resided—took measurce to secure Iho alleged guilty ones tor the purpoeo of a criminal prosociitlon. In tills endeavor, it b boiiovod tho Chplaln bos been aucccasnil, and that the right ones aro now in custody. These aro all young men, none of whom being over 24 yean of ego, and tbdrnaines.llenry Flnnegass, Bernard Ford, Qmand E. Price, and Unrtln, (otberwbo coiled James) Ilark Ibeae men wore all- arrested Ibb (daturday) forenoon, and as Iho "rtog" wag pitobcd wilhiD tbo prodncb of Dan- ven town, they will be sent tbitbor, or to Balom, Uib anemoon, tor eianilnaUon on Monday. Tho antocedonis of the arroated ones are deeldodly of a FlgUonlo na- I ana ma muroer ue upon ineir oanos. It b said that be waa tarri. r!' punbhed," bb facial Ikiearacnb bobg scarcdy dbcovenble even or diligent application of the " sponge." Tbe winner did not tore icta bettor, his Jaw being broken, and nb vbkm almoet obllleratod. same known to tho ftmcy In this vicinity by Ms flght wH Kelly, In Now Orleans, a few years sinco. He afterward came to this city, and subsequently wont to Boston, whcrt it was not long befOTo he was matched to flght Johnny Monahan, by whom he was defeated. Flnnegass we have no rccolleotlon of, snd do not think he over before appeared as a principal In the prize ring. Tbas wehave given a brief sketch of the flstie career to this country ofths parties under arrvsi Tbe effect of these arrests will doabtlea be to deter others, similarly situated, ftom using their tongues so ftvoly after a battle has been decided. Tbepartlesln this affair would probably have ikred better had they done all their talking btfon tho fight If tho backers of these mon aro the same who figured In the Ford and LaflMy allUr, we shall certainly ioqaire into the manner in which tho motoh was conducted, so that those totcrcsted to ontsldo bets may know whether they have fairly lokt their money or not Wo have heard it whispered that some of the " principal supporters of sports" were taUniM in this flght; wo will ascertain that fact, however, before notlo- iDg tho matter ibrthcr. BwEETHAN and Thomtson.— ITamllton, 0. W., Hiu«h S, 1857.—Ilaving seen a challenge in tbo Ouppn, m. fow weeks ago, from Bill Thompson, to fight me tot IMO a side, I hardly thought It worth while answering It; but upon a second condderatlon, I thought I would give btiii a chanoe to obtato what he seeks for, i.«., tbo name of a flgbUng man. After I fought Young Dutch Bam, and was chiseled out of the money, except 1200,1 then, among my friends made known that I would flght no more. A? ter I got In business in BuOhlo, this said Thdmpgon chal- whlle mine is but 126 lbs. Your readers can Judge tbe per ocntage he has. Howovcr, I am happy to accept his challenge in tho fbllowing way ^-To flght aeci^un^ to tho rulcs of the London Prise Ring—the ' long and favorably known" tbey bavo all bid claim to be loro: they are gentlemen who bavo boon aa "brubera;" oxcopUng Flnnegaas, tb _ ^ "Profeggon of the Kioly Art of Boir-Oefedee," and have given oxhibi Uong to thb city. AU lay claim to " woU-earned ropulaUon" acquired either In Uvorpool or Manchester I They are dbltogubbcd aa " light welghls," and all bavo fought to the priio ring with various iuccoss. Price b tho proprietor of a aakion to Norto atreet, and It b atotod that Ftoncgasa, who was tormerly to bb empkiy as bsr-lioepor, was one of the pnodpob to tho Oght tor which tbo porUes aro now under arrest; bb gdvenary, the whmer of tbe slakes (8200,) baa not been found. Tho rematoing three, undor arrest. It b tbeught acted In tho aevorel capulUoB of umpbcs. Judges and seconda. wo have heard It alatsd that toe wtoner of tho flght ta John Itohorto, a man who baa ocqulrod aome tome through toe publlo aparrtog oxbl- biUons as a "sdcnco man." Latxr.—Tib Lin Pnzs Flotrr-rA< Fartia Anattd Uddfir JSeon. tnoHm.—Saturday noon, two police ofllcen, auached to too Chief'a ofllce, proceodcd to Roxbury, aid arrested Thomas Davis, another ot Uie parties engaged In tho prize Ogbt which took place to umvon last Thuraday. Dans b said to have acted as goconl to Roberts. Flnno- sag, Davb, Price, Ford, and Hart were conveyed to lialem byOty lanhal Perkins, Sntorday aftonoon. Upon their arrival to that dty, they were bnmadbtely ILcen betore tho Police Court, but as the Govornment waa not reedy to proceed to on examtoaUon, the oases were conUnued, Flnnegass, who b alleged to have been one of tbo prtodpala In the flght, waa ordered to (Urmab sureUcs In 16000 for bb appearance. The other four wero held to the aum of 81000 each aaaldora and abetton. Davb obtatoed tbe requir- ed sureties, hut the olhen wore commlttod to Jail. TheflgbttookplacetoaballlnSoatbDaoven. About flIlyporgoDa wero present firom tob dty. Boberls had bb Jaw broken on the third round, hut, notwIUistandhig hb severo iqjuries, bekl out" game" until theendoftoo flghk Roberta baa not yet been arrested. It b sup- posed, howev^, that he b to Boston, under medical trcaUnont These are all tbo particulars that have transpired up to this Ume. .As usual, tho parties have only themselves to blame for the arrests nado—they kept unusually quiet be/ore tho flght, but afterwards let their tongues ran with a looseness that could not fall to attract ths attention of the city offlolals. Roberts did not find bis Job with Flnne- gass such an easy one as he had anticipated. Roberts is tho same one who was defeated by Murphy, in a flght near Boston on the Uth of January, 1806. On that occasion, tho men ibngbt twenty-three rounds In two hours and thirty-two mtoutes, being three mkutes over tho time consumed to the present match. Barney Ford, is tho sane who fought Laffcrty, near Boston, lost summer, and whloh match was given in for Ford, although it was generally conceded that ho was not fairly entitled to the stakes—in fact, the backers of Laff- ertf subsequently received back a portion of thobr stakes flrom the opposite party. This happened while wo were on a summer tour, and the true facts in the case have only very recently been made known to us. Outside bets paid " the shot" for that affair, or the backers of Ford would not have been so ready to return the tmokers of Lafferty their stakes. Tom Davis, another of the arrested parties, has been mado ihmous by his victory over the renowned Hammer Lane, In England, in 18S0. In that celebrated bottle, Davis was declared the victor after a contest of 10 rounds, occupytog 67 mtoatos. Davis subsequently came to this country, and gave a series of sparring exhibitions in this city, Boaton, and other places. Ed. Price ibrmcrly belonged to Newark; ho afterwards kept a saloon In one of our river towns.' From there bo left for Boston, where he has remained ever since. In 18Se, he made a match to flght Joe Cobuni', of this city, for $100 a side. Thebattlfftoblc JiloceatBtlll Pond, near Boston, to Hay, 1^7. One hdnlired and sIxty{rounds wero finigbt, to three hoars and--twenty minutes, when darkness put an end io tke flght, euh man recclvtog his own'stakcsbook.-' Uartto Hart., who is hotter known as James Hart, be* is-M benevolent. It would be well if he were tbe victor to give his money to the Buffalo Orphan Asylam. I will givo Mr. Thompson two weeks to deposit 160 with the Cupper, and I will cover it immediately. I think two weeks long enough if he means fighting. If not, let it drop Immediately.. Joiimnt SwBiiTitiN. Not Satisfied— Having bod a tum-up with Tom Unrpby on the 21st of Feb., which the polloe pat an: abmpt termination to, and of course put a stop to fbtther pro* cocdlngs, and as tho referee decided that Murphy had the best of the fight, and would have won the battle, Morphy claims the stakes, whloh my backers rctbte to give up. Now, to settle this matter honorably, I will fi^t Tom Murphy a fair stand np fight for 82S or ISO a side, or for lUn, any Umo he may. name, - If be is not eaUslled wIUi this, I wleh to bear no more of his blowing. .Man and money ready at Chelsea Forty Hall, somer of Ha- nover and Conuncrolal streets. JonN UiNoiutT, Boston. HonnioiN ami Liziaus.—The proposed match between these lltUo ones is progressing, some lltUo difforenoe of opinion exIsUng to refcrenco to one or two clause's In tbe articles of agreement, whloh will be settled, doubtless, to the conrso of a few days. There is already cooslderablo totercst manifested In the match between Lauras end Bor- rlgan, for both are known to possess abilities of nb common order. Should tho orrangcments be oompleted this week, tho articles will be publlslied In our ncxL Nor Tuis John.— We are requested to state that tbo John Monabon arrested at Keyport, N. J., fbr betog con- cerned in a recent Jersey City robbeiy, is not John Monna- han, of boxtog fame. Double Matcu.— Scotty, of Brooklyn, and Joo Oobum, of New York, botb now In Pblladelpnlo, are rdsdy to mako a match with any two mon to' the UiUted Slates, of tiielr weight—Scotty's, 120 lbs., and Oobum's US. Men and money ready at No. 271 North Second strset, Phila- dolphio. Amount of stakes from $100 to $800 a ude. BronriNO m Mimnesota.— Mondots, M; T., Feb. 23,18S7. —Friend Fbakk,— I've concluded to. write yon,a few lines, to let you know that I am still to,the " land of the living." As I stated in one of my provions lat(6rs, 'tbls ■ *■ id " ' ••- " port of the hemisphere may be set down as a " sportlDg" countiy; not only for tho followers of"Nlfflrod" aBd " izaak Walton,'? but abw for " trotters," i, ftat men, and fast nags—especially la the young city of St Paul. Thongb tbo "tracks" ore at present blocked np with snow, yet tbo river (the noble Mistlsslml) whloh at this time or the year is to a " sound" condition^ answers all tbe purposes of a race track, on clearing, off the mow. About two weeks ago a crowd assembled on tho Ice, op- posite Uie " Empire City" of tho Vest, to witness a'haV mile mnntog. natch between two well known nags, (out this way) and a trot of mllo boats, 3 to 6. The less said' about It, howovcr, I thtok tho bettor, as I heof Uio " ran" was a sell, (which goes to show that St. Paul has already some of Uie " York" dodges) and as for tbe trot, tbougn of course one nag won, and the other did'nt, - vet as-no Ume was taken (perhaps on account of thsir not naUog "any Umo," as the say tog is) I diall not take Dartloidar pains to record the " great performanoes," If any one, nowever, doubts the fact of tnelr baing any Hurt mtgs out here; (and will back his doubts to tho tune of 9009,) let him call at tbo Empire Saloon (wljcre by the way, they can: find a full supply of all sorts of game, ttady for a " try" at tbe sbortoil notice) and toqulre for V llao," and I've no donbt but what they may find oat that tbo " ele- phant" has even ritmbled out as far aa here-1 don't mean to htot. however, that the St Paolers are able to " take down" the " Yorkers," tor It would soaroely be possible that tho pupU land one so 'voung,. too,) could take the tutor in (especially snohaaofd one as Now York is,) yet I don't see why If Ihst men ooffle out ttoa the east, that "Ibst nags'*, cannot do tho somet though, perhaps, tho lattor might not bo willtog to appear to publlo under their origlmil eognomons (for reasons obvious to yon and I, at least If to no othen.) However, I Uilnk I've said enongh this time, ond to my nsxt will endeavor if possible to tell you of fome "doings" worthy ofnun- tlon. Yours, dec. CuABLnr, Coouxo CniiJ-KKois.—I will flght a mato of five' or Boven cooks, forfftOU or 9200 tho main. Each to pick Us own welghls, from 4\b fioz to flibs. Any parties In Phi- ladelphia wlnlilng to accept this oballonae,can apply to Tboa Vfood, Yorksbire House, FrontstreetbiDlow walnut, Pbiladclpbla, or Lancaster, Reading, or Pottsvllto,' Ad- dress Joseph Franoo, Flshcrsvllle, Downtogtowd,' (A(si«r Co., Pa. F^niLous Feat.— Wc are toformed ^t three heroes. James Somervillo, Jr., Daniel OarinlclM)eI, and Richard J. Bobtoson, vonturcd'to cross the 1m oVor tho'L^btoo Rapids to the "Devil's Island."* ThcBe throe nlonoers can tar that they wero the first: and only.nsortOBt ever walked over tho above^meoUoned-rapids,, SuoU.^ cir- cumstance did'not fall 'to 'eiclte tlio aimlriiildii of tvsiy spectator.