New York Clipper (Mar 1857)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. 375 LATEST FOREIGN 8P0RTINQ NEW& THE RINa. rioBTB TO ooua. •l.-4>akhl«r ti)4 Otonn Un«-13t aild*, lADdoo. SIB. S.—ilMiAilramtad1WTtl«r-£3itil<l6, LoodoiL y fc—OiirlMljiKbiod Yoiiiigailb*n-^OtM«,lai4aB. U.—HuslUM iDd fioe 1>ler-M0 »ltd*, ladoo/ in. It.—Ibl<«D ud Cluapb«Ii-.<20t ildi, Luidan. . »,-abla7tiid(>od(iilt-£lWkilda,Laedoa. Kir tX-Btja ud ItaTcn—£100 iildt, Loudoa. Imwid Ud OtUtnt rigbt bttwMB Tte SiytTi «Bd Au«B JfBM for 4800, ud a B«t ti 1100 a lida, ^ OuB leaden who are edmlretB of the truly national ifoti of liozlDg matt rtlU have In thefr mloda a Tlvld Inprenlon of the game and protact«d atmggle between Tom Bayers and Aaron Jonea eone Ore vreeka back, In which It win doubtleaa be recollected that the chances WCTe fo eveDly baluced when darkncfs camo on, oa to tender the laeao a perfect "(ots ap of a half-penny." On that occasion we Twent Tcry fnlly Into the hlatoiy of the nen's former dolnga, ud also gave a long ud eireamitantlal acconnt of the combat Itaelf, bat we at the wne time refMned f^on offering uy remarka or opinions II to Om merits of the men, or (be probable termination of the mlU, from pmdentlal reasons. It will follow, there- Are, that on the preaent occasion, although onr labore wUl be ehortened at one end (ks regards introductory aatter,) we iball find onr tag reqnlrc eo mnch attention II iblly to ballance the accoant at the other. It maybe remembered that almoet Immedlatelrafter the firat meeting Saycn offered to apid uother £100 a ride to the staKea, and fight In six' or eight weeks, requiring at the same time Uiat, in the event of a refusal on the part of Jones, the referee should name another day the same week. A ftien<f of Aaron's who was present de- Sned to Increase the atakea, ud nrged that as Jonei had ored hli arm, he aboald be allowed two months to htcover. A long dlscnsdon ensued, which ended in u |off«r br Jones's »lcnd to split the dilTerence ud fight In fmonth, and nltlmately Tuesday last was fixed upon. iffot, determined to make hay wnlle the enn shone, now unonnoed his benefit, which came o§ at the Chudos- {^icet Aooms, ud hero both men were present, ud of loaiM became olgecta of extreme curiosity to all, and ■orecipeclally to those who had mined witnessing the nod thing. The day after his benefit Tom returned to fji old inunlog qnarters at Newmarket, while Jones, with Mm pradence, remained one more day in order to witness ifci prowess of BlU Cleghom, who had been his compulon ttnng his training. Immediately after the decision of Olegfaoin'i natch, however, Aaron followed the example (f fits adversary, ond returned to his galloping ground in the neighborhood of Brighton, .whither be was on this Mcoiion accompanied by Charley Jenklnson, who, during Oe first tialnfog, bad looked alter Tom Sayere, but who MW, owing to some disagreement, changed sides; ud It k doe to him to say, as regarded condition, Jones, on Toetday last, presented a marked improvement upon his Itnner self, having got off a great deal of extra fiesh, and Rdnced himself from about 12at 7ib to list 121b, which, n opine. Is his best flgbtlog weight. Soon after the men hod left London, a gentleman, who had backed Jones, called upon us to say that if the friends tf Bayers were still of the same mind as to increasing the stakes, he was prepared to add uother £100 a aide, to be regarded In the light of a bet. The offer wos, as Otf readers know, eagerly accepted by the Mends of Tom, ladthe money staked in ear hands. Thia fact displayed 10 much of confldence on the part of the light-weight IMalon, that Tom Immediately became the favorite In the letting, ud a very large sum was laid out In the course of last week at guineas to pounds. As the day of battle diew near, the Interest In the mill became more intense, and, In the absence of racing ud steeple chasing, the Turfites of high ud low degree—to whom both men are mil known—turned their attention to a ring bnt little B«qnented by them, ud among then the betting ru lay high. Tom still had tho pull, ud, on the night before the flgbt, 5 to 4 might have been had to almost any unonnt The backers of Aaron, however, were very aby U last, ud held back for longer odda Bayers come to town on Uoidar, lookbg better thu ner; his cast'lron mug was bard as edamut, and the iheeifnl smile that played aronnd his whistler betokened M lack of confldence as to the morrow's fray. Ho went lo scale at Du Dlsmbre's to decide a bet, and was found lobe under lOst 101b. He took up his quarters at Nat Ungham's, where,, in the coureo of the evening, he was [Tteted by ea immense concourse of admirers. Jones iIm returned to bead qnarters on Monday, ud held his 'm at his backer's house. Both men showed at the joint loefit of Bob Travers ud Bill Cleghom, ud wero vool- ^oosly cheered. Considerable surprise was expressed at ho Improved appeoruco of Jones, hut still ft had no ftot In altering the betting, Attempts having been Bide, without success, to secure a comfortable spot of wlent renown, It was onco more found necessary to have ecourse to Old Father Thames. In whose comfortable 'haven," after a serlone dlEappoinlment, the affair was rttled in a most gratll^Ing nuner. As OEUoI a very early start was made from the metro- oUi, the mnster of Corinthians at tho London tcrmlnua ru such as to remind us strongly of olden times. True i*re was a marked gap among tho uclent well-known alrons of fisllo sports, bnt the Inlbeton of yonng patri- lan blood fblty compensated for the falling off, and left 0 cause for uneaetncGS as to tho future. It was indeed a lost gratliyiog sight, as showlDg that the lovo of true MUth boxing is by no means extinct among Engliahmen, Id thot we may still look forward with hope to a inewal of what have been Justly called the palmly days 1 the ring. As wo have over and over again said, it uy depends on the men themselves, ud if they will tmt lert their strength to secure the comfort of the " gentle- tn" at the dllTerent contests, no matter whether they low them or not, the day Is. sure to come when they will Id their reward, ud backers will still be as plenteous liheywereln days of yore. Tuesday's business was: a tying contrast to any recent mills, and u for as wo Of able to Judge, the rlng^kecpers, one ud oil, exerted «mselves to tho utmost, ud wero obly aadsted by many, bo although not uUtled to any payment, still did their itto preservoorder. Among these stood cocFpIcuons was • well-known Billy Duncu, whom we have Invariably d the pleaenre of pralshig for his exertions in. tho bd cause. ' ' - i The expedition soiled IVom Tilbury against the young >od before ten o'clock, ud a descent was made at twelve ion the lud'of a good-tempered beak, who happened io I conning there at the tune, ud who naturally felt nnd to interftro when the evil doers (tj shoved them- ms under his nose. He said, he oould not permit on Mflgemcnt of the Queen's peace In his bailiwick, ud It li ihcrolbre necessary at once to re-embork. It WM tiemely unoylng, after wading through some yarids of Ick, dlrny mud, to have to retrace one's stops, but ell w It good hnmoredly, ud " over the water" was the iden of eveiy one's song. As a matter of course much U wu thus cut to waste, but still the commissary ud I Mwe eoMatut exerted themselves with such seal thft ' hilf.pait one the ring was pitched, ud very soon afler, Mnen, who had performed their toilettes on board, *i their heavers into the arena. Ton wu attended by • Btnnted Life Gnardsmu and Bill Eay'cs, Jemnjy ^ affording useful advice Id the comer, and AarQn (,the OBsIstuce of Jack Hicks and a renowned sporting cxhanitcd their stons, u the amount laid on the groud wai unniuilly malL Evciything being in rtadl- nesi, <'All out" wu ihoutcd by the eommlsiuy, the Inner-ring compuy, whose investments realised to the Association £18, took their fcats, ud at two o'clock precisely tho niaal ahaklng took place, "time" wu Mlled, ud in a dead rilenee imsineM eommenecd. IBRnOBt .. . Bdntid ], Ob toelDf llie icnich the oosdlUoB ofboUi nen ttnck Ui* ipevUlon nub idmlrtijoo. Id ovr oplaloo It was ptrfMI on both >ld«, butUioderelopnuDtotmoMl* wm dfcMedlj In nTororijtjon, wboJi beUer ribbad gp, lud bu hti Ibem lad •loewi Uld on Id lbs nibt plua. Bi hMktd brown, wlr;, (Sd bMllbf, ud (br a alddle wri|bi leentd wondtrftaUj Uf. Jona, wbo l» ot hint complnkiD, 10 mnob ul]<r, bearkr, ud loDgor, old D<t loom oul lo mocb Itrier u Dilfbl be exptctod. B« U a ppt niido, muicultr young Ibllow, bol ■Ull Uwre la u ippevuca ibout bim vhlcb •( once Icodi to tbe coD' cliaiOD tbat bla lUmba la icaroetjr dued tar lbs wear ud tear of gta' dUortil ucouBtar*. Ea la. ta onr rtmdors know, abonl 21 jrut at age, and lo b«l|bt la otct Sli llln, wblls Tom Ftycn la 81. ud la Uulo Dion 1^ in Bio. II wan aooo seen tbat S»fm Iniendad to punuo dUTarcDttactlaloUiose bt adopted od tb« prtvloos octaaloD. Ha dodged abonlfor ■ Fnr atcoDda, ud tbni lot go bla left and tigblwlib great quIckntK, but Jonei alopped bim Dcall;, and In gelling back fell. 2. Too cuie opamlllng, Mnted wlib bb led, ud then tried bis fa' TOrito doublo; tb« flnl bit wia stopped, but Ibo eecood cangbt itroo onUiecblD. Tbli beropttlcd.ud gotawtjr wllbouta ictun. Attn trylog hb-donbla once noro wllbout ancccaa bo planted bla left very beiTiiy OD tbe mark. Jonei at onca went lo doM qnaileia, ud tomo tnick • - leftaldo S. Boib quick lo Ib'a call of Umo, ud gayer* at once went to work with bla left, Jonaa oouDlarlog bim beiTlly, cacb gelling It on Ibo Ibro- bead. Tom Iben popped blaldi on Uio mark, ud Aaron rclnmod, but 117 OD ue marK. jonei at onca went lo cloaa qnailera, ud tomo I In-Sgblleg look plica In bvoror fajen, wbo got well on 10 n'a anor box wlib bk left, drawing Drat blood. Jonca got on tbo ld« oTTOm'a nut, bnt not hcavllf, and at Icagib bolb 1011. Torn BOW again plulcd ibe left on Iba fii Know Intense excitement, aid the ipecUtorii, to the Boer of (bout 1,000, were ill eager to get a peep at > heroei. The ipeoulatlre ftmttnuty Mened to hate not beavllf, on Ibo tmeller. niark, ud wu ilopped Id a second eDbrt. ficary cicbuges neit look plao», lorn once mora drawing Uie cork from a cut onilaron'a ■nlOor, ud receiving on tbo left log. After sAiwdodgti Tom agaUi approncbed, end nude a beavr ttUon iliron'a broad-baikct, and tbto llio peepers, ud got awar Uogblog. Be atlcmpled lo repeat Ibo doeo, but waa alopped. Aootbor eObrt «aa more auccetiaftal, ud dropped 00 Uo mark, aUggotlng Jones, who, bowerer, rocoverod blmielTud popped bli left on Ibe cbeat, ud Ibon on Ibo left d)e«k, but not heiTllT. tfparrlng unlll Tom got wlUiln dis- unco ud abot out bla IcTI bcaTlly on ibo proboacb, wlibout a rolnrn Jones being a Uulo wild, Tom now naoycd his donblo, but Jones go. aw»y ud relumed on the klaaer. Tom per*CTered, ud napped a III- Uo-un on Iho left aqnlilar for his T«lns; ailll be would b« at work, and act veil on Airon'a left peeper, drawing Ibe mby. Heavy cxcbangcs rolluwcd, Jonca gelllag on Tcm'a left brow, ud Ton turning on ibe home brewed from Aaron'a conk, iller two or tbreeall|htucbuges In riTor oTEiyers, bo again put Iho doublo on, reaching Ibe left cheek ud brcid-baakel. Kaxt ho popped uolbor hot one on Ibe vlctualin department, receiving a alight return on the ftirebcad. After a breaL away he alola In, ud bug went bla left on Aaron'a damaged ogle drawing more of Ibo mby. A meny llulo rally followed lo Ibvor 0 Eayera. who at leogUi broke away, and sparred as If blown ttcm bla asi flgbUng, Jonei approached lo lake advuuge of tbia, wbon Tom popped bim OD tbo bruw, ud Iben on tbe forehead: Jones relumed with boUi buds, but not heavily, on the brow ud body, ud uother buBllIng rally came on; Tbmgeulng borne on tho left ogle ud throat heavily, ud Anion on tbo larboard ckeek. Another break away, uJ Tom OD geUIng hlmaelf together reaumed the' doublo ud got 00 tbe mark very btavUy, and Iben popped bla right od tbe left aldo oT Aaron's nut; bo got sway lugbing, ud u Jones Wed U> follow bin op be warned bUn offby a pop on Iho left peeper. A beavy rally at lau look placo, to vblcb Jones got abarply on Ibo left ear, ud Esyers on Ibo left peeper, and Ihla prouacud ud wcU fought round was coD' eluded by Tom slipping down. i. hycrs. on coming op, ebowod a mark on bis Forebrad, ud uo- ther on bis loft ear. vhllo Aaron'a left peeper ud conk were much out or tho perpcudlcultr. Tom loot no time In going lo work ud plut, ed bis one-two, the left on Aaron's rlgblpeeper, and Ibo right on tbo left Jaw, knocking Aaron offbls plna. [Rnt knock dovm (br Payera.] Jonea seemed all abroad, ud It was wlib Iho grcaloat dlfflcully l£al be wu got round to tbe call of Urns. 0. Payers at onco went In left ud right, but bo wu loo uxloos lo flnlib his budiwork, ud tho blows Isckcd precision. Eo reached ibe Bide of Aaron'a nut, ud Jonea returned all|blly on Iba aamo apot, ud after mUd oichuges both fell This gave Jones lime lo get round, ud by Ibe commcnccmeni of Iho next round, ho had shaken olT Iho naitr one bo got lo Ibo luunb. e. Tbm tried hla doublo, bnt missed, ud Jones nsbed lo to dose, when Tom caught bim round tbo neck ud punched bim beavlly on the loft peeper ud noule, drawing more of the ruby. In Uie end both fell, Eaytn under. 7. Aarun came np wlib his left peeper aD but oloacd, Tom 1^ go his left, but Jones relumed on the beak; Tom tried again ud got on Ibt ribs; Jones relumed merrily left ud right, bol did UUle dsmsgo, and Tom fell in bla comer. 1. Jonea daahed In ud pegged away with both mawlaya on the loft side of Tom'a knowledge box: Tom relumed on tho loft brow ud -doted, wbu bolb te\), Tom under. S. Jonea again disbed lo, ud some abSTp In-SghUog took plso), folkwed by a dose, bi which both fell, Jona this llmo being imder' nealh. 10. Tom's dial teemed flusbed, hot bis ogia wore slIU nolnlurad. Jones rallied In 10 doie, lome quick flbbhig took place, followed by a longstrunle for Ibo fall, which Sayora got and (Oil on bla mu. In drawing bla legs away, ho brought one foot In smart contact with Aaron'a leg, which waa cbtltned u a Ibol kick, but Olaallowod by the relbreo, being evidently acddenia], 11. Joaea agato took Ibe InlUaUve, ud let go bolb buda 00 Tom'a Ibrebead, ud then his left on Iho -nose. Tom returned on tbe left squlnler, ud then a iquasbtr on tbe mark. Ekcbugcs, ud Esyers full, eviocnily QiUgued by his Ikst UghUog. 13. Jonea persevered In bb Ibrdng ayslem, ud got on tbo left side of Tom's cranium, Too relurnUig very beavlly ou Ibe aoout Jones BgsIn went In, and planted Us left under Uie left opUo, cloaed, udbotb fell, TOm under. 13. Jones roahcd at Tom, ud pegged away at him ]a bb cnraor. It was a rambling, acranbllog round, ud both foil, no mlacblef being done. 14, Jones aialn led off; but TOm propped biffl well on Ibo left eye, and Aaron Ibllon bb Ikce, . 16. Good eiobugca on ibo left cheek, after which Jones got well on Tom'a throat, cloecd, and butb were down. IB. Jones OBsbod at Tom, popped In bb left ud right on Ibe fronlla piece ud uetEcr, ud bored Torn tbtougb ibo ro|ice. IT. Jonca again opened tbo ball, got on to Tom's left ear, closed, ud bolk down. 18. Aaron led off on Tom's snout; Tom roturaed on tbe left peeper very heavily, ond Aaron fell, 10. Tom resumed tbe blUtUve. ud reached Aaron'a nose—by bb fiiTorlle double. Jones retumoa, but not beavlly, on Ibo forehead: after which, Tom oroaa-coumered bim prelUly on tne left peeper, ud tbb led 10 exchanges In fkvur of Jones, when Myera ttW. 20. Bolb qaick to work; good eicnuges, and lo tbe end Jones floored Tom by a heavy right-hander on tho Jaw. [Loud cheers Ibr Jones.] 21. Jones, ebted, roibed hi, bulTomaleodled bim by a atralght-un on Iho left cbct-k, and Jooea dropped. 22. Aaron mbulcd boU) buds, ond sfter some epanlng Tom caught bim heavily on tbo left ogki, and Jones dropped; Bayers alto (Oil. 28. Too, who seemed gelling Itesb wind, rauled lo, and pluled bb doublo on the nose ud moulb. Jonea rushed at bim, ud In Iho Bctimble Sayera was bored over. 24. Tom popped a leO-budor on Iho "gnibbcry," rccdved a UUlo one on tbo noee, ud fell. 26.' Heavy exohugcs, Eayera on the left eye, and Aaron on tho snout. Jonea slipped down. 21. Jonea led off wlib both buds, bnt not heavily, and Tom relum- ed severely oa the noee ud left eye, whldi wu now qullodosod< Jonea foil. 2T. Jones nisbed lo dcae qnarters, ud, after a brief atrogglo fell. - 28. Tom related, ud popped bb lerltwioo on Aaron's damsgod peep- er. Jones returned on tbo moulb, snd Tom fell. 20. Jones went lo work, catdilng Tom over Ibo right eyo, and Bay- ers, In gclUng back, fell, 80. BtiUi wont lo work with good will, ud, after abarp excbaingoB, bi bvor ofBayers, Jones got down, 31, Aaron tried lo lead off, but was well alopped, ud Tom rolnraod on tho mark. Bo noil popped bb left on tbo left cheek, ud In getllog away Bllpped down. Just cacaping a beavy upper-cut, 82. Tbm folnlod, ud then got weU on to Aaron's noule wlib bb len, snd rolrcsteo, Aaron pursuing him. At length Iber got dose, ud Tom sent In a sllSbner on Iho scent-box, receiving a rigot-huder on the left lug, which opened a cut reodved In Uielr former flgbt, ud both fdl. 83. Tom again aeemcd llred, ud spsrred for wind. Jonas came to Um. when Tom let go hb left on tbo law, cloecd, ud both fell. 81. Tom slowest to tine. Bo tried bb left, butwss sloppod. Aaron oloaed, and Tbm flbbod bbn on lbs left eyo as Iboy fell. 86. Afler allulo dodgUig,lh4y got dose, and heavy eounlors were oxobuged. Tboy now oloacd, ud u Ibey fell, Tom sgain put a lllUo ono on Aaron's left eye. 88. A closo snd struigle, whoD both fdl, Jodos noder. ST. Tbm led oir,butwilaBlapncd,udalV!rawlldscrsmble, Tom roll. [One hour and Ova minutes hod now cbpeed.] 88. Jonea dutacd In, but Tom steadied him by a liA-hudor on Ibe loft cbeok, ud Aaron got down. 80. Jucs sUU flrel let go left ud right on lbs moolb and led cbeok. Tom roloned on Ibe bUnd eye, ud got down. 40. Jonea lei go bb loft, but niasod. EUgbt exchugea lo a doae, and both down. 41. Jones, on the Ibroing ayalom, pluled bb loft on the Jaw ud Iben 00 Iho left ear, ud as be wu pnrsolng Us man bo (Oil on bb rooo. 43. Jonea obacd hb fcift. Tom roturaed open-hudcd on Ibe bade, ud Jones dropped. 48. Jones daibed lo a oloaa at the ropea, wboro Ihey pegged away amarlly but huflbctoally mUl Ibey rdl. 44. TOm got homo on the left jaw. Aaron missed both bands, ud fdl 46. Jones went to work bnl wUbool precision, ud, u Tom re. treated, Jonoa lUI on Us noe. 11 was dear that Tom wu carefully nursing himssir, wblle Jonea, Ming that bolb bb ogloa wore gdog, ~u fordng the flgbtlng, In order la lira oul hb opponaut before be be- imebUno. 48, Jonca rallied hi and oaagbt TOm on the Ml cheek, but not hea- vily. TMn relumed OD'Iba left peeper, drawing more darot, and Jonea dropped. 4T. Aaron, la bb aaxlfly, mbaad lolh oawlaya, ud Tom caofht bIm a heavy rlgbt-budor on tbe proboscb, wbsreupon Jonea dropped. 41. Jonoa went lo bla mu, who nailed falm 00 Iba left ogle, ud, u JoDsa psi i aw ad, ha caoghl hlai beavlly an Iba ihroal, aad Jonaa fill. II. Tea tried to lead or, bnt wia short, ud Jooea returned beavlly osi Iba nba wlib bb right. Ba then auemplsd to oloaa, but oa fiayaia cakblag bold crbim ba Ml. W. Tom IrM bb doabb, bnt Jones jloppad him, and la |sttls| away ollmied down. * II. fiUgbl cxcbugca; Jonea 00 lha gioatli aad Tom ea lha aoaa, tat Jonca dowa. 19. ilonea M off ud waa neatly ilappad, Ibm abaid Ua ntam, and Jonis IbD Ibrward. 18. TomledoffandgetoDiarcD'ablfaidaya. Jon« ratomed vary iII|hUy 00 Ibe Dose; ud (Ml. M. Tom pluled hb left beavlly 00 Iba mark, wbleh M to mntaal axchaages; ud Jooft ML 66. Tom (Hated, ud. popped both banda' digbtly on AaroD'a good ays, wblcb bcgu to tall tales. Johts rAurned on tba left ear, but It wu too long a abot lo do damage, and Payers fell. 68. Aaron opened, |ba ball, andpUolcd bbleft ud right 00 Iba nosa ud car twiod tti IneboBlaD. Ba Iben ratbtd lo, when TOm stopped bim by a siralght .one oa lha bUnd goggle, drawing mora eo- dilneal, ud Jooea down. . 6T. Jones again went lo work, bnt Tom wu loo quick on bb ploa, ud gol out of hum's way. Payers obiad hb rtlora, and Jones (dl. 61. Tom, aUII on lbsnorslng fyslem, kjpthlmseirquiet, walibgfbr Iba atlack. Joiea went In, hut Tom Mopped back; sUgbl sicbugea enaoed, ud Jonca down. V). Jonea let go bb left; Tom dncked bb nnl, end Iba blow went over, when Jonea (bll. \A cidm tflbul that Jonca (dlwllboatabkw. Tbo referee (sld •■ flgbt on."] to. Jones popped hb left on Iba cbeal; Tbm relnraed oil Ibe left cberk, ud Jones fell. (One hour ud a half had now elapsed.] 81. Jones, sUU flrst lo beghi, gol oaTomI nosa, ud fell, Tbm (blUng over bim. 81. Jones planled bb left very allgbUy on Ibe tide of Ten's nob ; Tom Jnat loutbcd bbn on Ihermeller In reluin, and Joocs down again. 66. Jonaa nisbed lo, caught Tom on Iba coin, ud TOm (kU. Ibe blow wu not very heavy, 04. Jonca mbsed bolb beads, got a IllUa ana on Ibo aide of bb nut, ud<(kU. 66. Jones got home, left snd right,- heavily on tba riba; Tom retail- Bled on the mark, and Jones down. 48. Jones let go hb left, but Tom avoided tbe Ibrce of Ibo blow by BKppbg badt. Ho relumed on lbs neck, and Jones got down. II to 71. In sU tbeso rounds Jonea led off, bnt did no mbcbbf, (Mm Tom's qnkkneas on hb pins, snd lo each Jones wu down. 71. Turn aUU walUDiand resUng himself; Joocs came In and pbniad bb right on Uio ribs. Tum relumed on tbe right ogle, bnt not heavily, ud Jones down, bb right eye going fast. Esyers, tboogb much Ured, had bolb eyes woU opto, ud bb (kco prcsutcd no vsry serious marks ofpunlvbmuk . 78. Heavy cichuges, and Jones (Oil on bb tut, 74. Jones tried lo lead off, but wu stopped. Counttr-bllai Ssyera on Ibo neat, ud Jones on Uio cheek, ud Jooea fdl. 76. Heavy eichuges, la Ikvor of Payors, snd Jonoa down. 76. Jonea, who law hs muat do It quickly or not st dl, dubcd bi recklessly, hut wu slopped, Tbm popped a liulaoneon Iba nose, ud Jones down. 77. Jones wu sgahi alopped, ud TOm got well on lo bb good eye, ud Jones fell. 78. Payers alopped Aaron'a nab, ud sgabi got on to bb good peep, er. Jones InstsLtly fell on hb knees. 70. Aaron delivered bb left on Uie nose, ud. In trying to repeat H, fell on hb face. [Another dalm tkal he had fkllu wUboul a blow not dkiwed.] 10. Heavy eicbsngcs. Too geUlng sgaIn on Aaron's good peeper, wblcb wu DOW all but up, and Jonea down. 81. Jones led off; butwonilly outordbtuce, ud rdl forward. 83. Excbuies, In favor of Eayeis, ud Jonea dowo, weak. 88. Ton, Who saw bb Urns bad terlved, went In, pbnied bb Ikvor- lle doibia on Aaron's good peeper, and Jonca fell. 84. Alter a llulo Odoilog, Tom crept doss sgaIn, dsibed oat bb left on tbe good eye, ud then on tba cheek, snd Jonca down. 88, ud Isst. Jonca made a last ellbtt, wu tully slopped, ud u be turned ronndTcini caught bim with bb right a terrlflo baU srmhltoo Uie right eye, snd knocked bhn off bb puis. It wu avIdcnUy a fln- bber. Poor Aaron'a nob fdl lor ward, and Uwuatonoe apparent that bb remalplng dayUghl waa cloecd, ami bb seconds settog Uib, orooona threw np tbe sponge.Tom being proclaimed Uie wUmer, dier a gallut balUe or exactly Im koun. Payers at once want lo abako hsads with bb bravo uugonbt, snd then rejvlrcd on board Ibe vessel, wbllher hewsaaoon rolluwcd by Jones, wlioso dsmsged peeper wu al onto looked lo by a medical rrlend. Iho poor fellow wu very aeverdy punbbcd, hut be did not seem to feel Ibb 10 aculelv u bo old tbe bit- ter dbsppolnlnut of having to play second fldole lo ono ao much smaller than hlmaelf. Tbe eipcdiilon quickly got under weigh, ud dl reached Ibo mclropulb by nlio o'clock. As toon u Psyers wu dressed he went round among bb fellow puiengera ud made a col- lection for hb bllen utsgoulst.wblcb reached tho snm of i8. Thto, doubtlaaa, will be largely added to when Uie money b given up, wblcb ceremony b to take pbce at Nat Isnsbam'a, Camorlu, CasUo atreet, Icktalar-tquare, on nrlday next, ibe backeraoT Eayera are large wmnera, ud we doubt not will ba too happy to contrlbuta budaomdy lowatda conaollog Ibeir opponut under bb adversity. On arriving In town. Payers proceeded to Mat Langbam's, where he wu received with abouu or welcome. Beyond fatigue, and a fOw trifling brubca on hb forebesd ud noee, be wu unscalbcd, and ba certainly could scarcdy ba said to bava a black aya. We have little doubt that muy of onr reoders wlU have uticlpatcd tho remorks which we feel called npon to. make respecting the two game encounters between these men. On the flrst occasion It wu obvious that Bayers felt he had a great undertaking before (In, ud be wu therefore nalunlly cautious In tho outset not to throw a chuce away woich might at once put the victory beyond his reach. Jones was known to be a very heavy hitter with his right, as wu proved by the severe punish- ment he dealt out to Tom Paddock in both their mills, Sayeis accordingly "played possum," and In the flrst few rotinda allowed bim to take the Initiative, in order that he might mcasnre his powers carelblly before he exposed himstif to danger. Tom proved himself extremely quick on his pine, and by his aglllly he, to a certain extent, neulrallgcd the effects of Jones's severe lunges. True, he 9t hit cccsslooally with effect, u witness the cut over \b left eye, and also on his lellt car. Jones, to bissurprlse, fonnd before him a mu clearly his superior at outfighting, ud one too, u he soon discovered, but little his inferior In bodily strength. For the flrst hoiir end a half. It will be recollected, he had apparently the advutago, Sayers suffering serereiv fVom cramp, and having to depend principally on his leas to keep him out of norm's way; but after this he gradually recovered, and Jones, as wu the case In hli fights with Fsddook, after the cold hour and a half, gradually foil' off, ud became languid In his exertions. Tom, pf course. Improved tbe occasion, ud showed such superiority In bitting that many thoagnt he would have won with the greatest certainly had not dark- ness come on. We must conicss that, ollhough we did not say so at iho time, we entertained a similar opinion, and we at the same lime thought that the darkness wu ^ other respects an uDfortupato circuinstance for Bayers, believing u we did, that Jonei, profiting by experience, would at, the next meeting have resorted to a different system of milling, and by at once going to close quarters, have reduced bis adversary to each a state In a few rounds u lo render victory certain. It seemed to us that Ibis would have been his gamo In the flrst flgbt. Instead of trusting to long shots, at which he found Bayets u good as himself, ud we, in common with othersj were tblly prepared to see him adopt the system of Tuesday last. There Is no harm now in making known onr opinion that Aaron's performances on the flrst occasion disappointed us not a little. We all olong thought Sayers had over- matched himself, and it wu not until tho conclusion of the first round that wo changed our mind. Many shared our belief that tho man who could maul the game ud resolute Paddock as Jones bad done, most prove too much for u antagonist so Inferior hi site and weight 11 Bayers, and many blamed tbe latter for bis presnmpUon. Among this latter doss we do not number ourselves, for It Is our practice never to blame a mu for soaring at high gome, when he really feeli .confldenoe ln;hlB own powers. Am- bition, when ke])t within bdunds, li'a praiseworthy qualllv, ud Bayers merely followed the example of other middle weights who had preceded him, tn enaylng to raise him- self to a level when he could not find u antagonist worthy of his flst in bis own sphere. How Mlj he was Justified In bis confident atplratlooi the result has proved. On Tueediy lost, u may be gathered iVom our account of the flgbt, Jones iought even less " Judgmatlcally'7 than at tbe first merry meeting. Instead of forcing tho fighting at once, u he had expressed his Intention of doing, ho allowed Bayers to open tno ball, and in the very onset to Inflict such pnnlehmut npon him as to shake the confidenco of his iUendi verv materially ; and not only did he allOw his adversary to lake extraordinary liberties with bin, bnt he seemed to hive lost hli precision In rettunlDg, aha for some time made not the slightest Imprenlon upon Tom's wig block. Tho exceedingly olcrver perfomance ofSayenin the third ronhd, ud the ippirent Impunity with which he got hone upon all parts of Aaron's dial, took hla omi Mends by rarprlse, and the only feir ex- pressed wu that he wu flghUog too fut for • long diy. ud that the strength ud lenj^ of hli opponent nnii tetl wltli ftarfbl eticct when be became Irkd. Ho wu ciuUcned.M to this, bnt rtqueit to be allowed to fight hli own way, IS bo knew what suited bim belt Tho'blow^ Aaron s Jaw in the fourth round wu veiT severe, ioA. nearly decided the event, and thli iH an Ibduced t» beUere had lone efl^t hi stopping bis mahes later la tk* fight, when, had he been capable of continuing the olU- dre with efftot, the renlt mi^t bare been tott MrTdw to Tom. who tot along period wu exceedingly fatigued, ud bad to none himself in the most caieful munn \a order to bring hinielf throngb. Tho improvement la (Bayers) displayed In every way, itnei his lut mitelr. wu extraordinary. Uls system of leidlngoflT Is almosi pcrftot, ud his quicknea on bis legs would bavo dellghteA tho late Vr. John Johnson, whose opinion on (he raqtet of this qualification Is well known. Be had little reeoniM to stopping, tmitlng to bis'wtlvlty to keep hint out of harm's wav, and the success with which his nancuTTlag wu attended wu proved bv tho hot that he had icaioely a black eye, ud, beyona exhaustion, had nothing l» complain of. In addition to bis quicknea in defines, ht seems also to have acquired greater ftuUIfy In punaUg the onnsive, ud tho weight with which maby of hli btowa fell upon his opponent proved that bis bIttlDg wu u effective ss that of most Usi men. As usual, he stood up In the gamest, most rrsoliite muner, and fhced bli ad- versary throughout with tho utmost niod humor, but, at the lane time, with determination. By muy It wu <k- ptctcd ho would bavo adopted the dropping lyiteit, aa he had done with FOulson, but we were dcllgbtcd to f*^ celve that on neither occasion did such a notton enter tSa head, ud indeed wo are told that even with tbvbolS Nottingham mu he would not have had rcconne toli^ had ho not been terribly out of condition, ud altogether In such a itato u to be Incapable qtburwise of resisting the ondaagbta of 10 powert^il u opponut. Wo nnder- stud that Tom' bu now u intention of looking stilt higher In the scale ibr u opponent worthy of hlapow^ and,both Tom Paddock ud the Tipton Slasher are talket of u bis next utagonlsts, but that he will fintrest on hl» oars awhile to recover from his recent fktlgite'. How ihr this may be true, we know not, but we presume time will show. Of this, however, we are confident, that whoever the middle weight champion may next plpk out, that wor^T muit looK to hls-Iiurels, ud leave no itono tin- tumca to get hlmielT fit fbr tho f^y, fbr, big u h» Haj be, he will have a hard day'i work befbre bin. At!|h» sami time we are sure Ton himself will pardon tisfiDr warning him of the perils of too hl^ a fllgfaV ud oalUiig to hli mind the words of tho Immortal bora (not Chaner Hallett) who says, •I TuIUng ambition dolb o'artaap Ua saD, iadlkUonfottieraids." Of Auon Jones we must say that bis exhibition oa«ael» day disappointed us, ud fell nr short of what wdexpeot- ed after his extraordlnaiyenoonnterB with Poddoiek. Tcii» It Is that he never once flinched flrohi punlalment, ara when severely hit pemvered in the moit oanly way t» tum the scale In his lkvi)r. t^ot a word ^ now be Mdft against his character for gimenesi and gluttony, for bolb- which qualities he had already earned Ibr blnueirsufflotent. fame in his pasttgea with Paddock io tiUbm-taj itlgm» that his meetlngi with Onne might havo cart upon mm, bnt In other respecta wo think he hu fallen ofC Thet» wu a wut of steadiness and precision In hlihlttlng whticli we were not prepared to wltneo, ud hli ri^t hand oa Tuesday lost appeared entirely to bavo forgotlts onnning, for uly onoo did he plut a imwk likely in ur degree to moke a change In bli favor. Hut gamely did he pe> severe while Bayers wu fatigued to forco the mllUog uA to wear out his utagonlst, but, owing to the great qulelt> ness ud Judgment of Tom, his efforts recoiled upoti bln- •eir, ud being unablo to effect uy punishment he did but reduce himself below the level of^ the gallant Ton, uS thus fell u easy prey tohli superior Judgment ud tutlci. We were lorry to see him retort 10 constutly to the drop- ping qrstem, but u It might be In lome degree owing to tbe dlppery nature of the ground, we will ny no uor« about It, thu to rcffluk that the clumsy way hi wUoh he often fell must have tended nore to his disadvutage than If he had stood up ud battled It out manfblly with Us ad- versary. As we have often befors obiervM, ud u we now noro enphatloally itato, there appears to be a wut of stamina about hhn, which renders bin unfit lo undergo tbe fatigue of a lengthened encounter'. He oia sonetlaee smke a very excellent fight for ubonr ud a half, but almoet Invariablv after that tlmo he appears to fall off weak and luguld, ud io become Incapaole of anything like extrurdfnary exertion. Wo eunot help thinking that the prizo ring is not his vocation, ud ttiat if he can only get a good utnatlon as gamekeeper, or lomethlDg of the kind, he will do well to stick to It, u more congrolol to hli constitution ud habits. Ho Is a thorough sport*- mu In evetr way; a civil, obliging young ftllow, ud ws have no doubt in this capacity will^ve latlslhotlon. We do hope, however, that he will take onr advice, ud relMa tnm wooing fortune uy fbrthcr In a clrale where he in never likely to make a show beyond mediocrity. H« haiL by his lost few encounters, recovered the inpntati«a or wut of pluck, ud ho may safbly ntlre f^om tba roped arua with credit We have been Informed that ear» In the fight hb Ii^nred his hands veiy Kverely, and wu Uns to a great extent prevented firom administering punish- ment If this be so, it is u additional reason why ho should retire fhim a profesalon whero strong, finh'huda form two of the principal neceisarlei. We doubt not that the result of Tuesday's affray hu left It nearly de^ low water in bis << cly;" but we trust, u we have beforo ob- served, that when the money li given to Tom Bayen^ be will find flriends In the enemy's camp, ready knd wUUng to lend him a helping hud udsolien down Us diiap- pointment ^e are glad to hew that tho Mends of Tom Sayen whoput down the money for him have promised tojircient him with the whole of the' itakei. This is bnt a Btting tribute to the gallutry ud daring of the man. Aabon JoNSb'a BiNinr.—We are glad to boar thai Jonei'i flrleqdi are lo latliflcd with his efforti on Tuesday that thoy have, one and all, paid him for his colon, and not only that, bnt havo engaged the Ohudoi-street Boen» for bin foe a benefit, wblob Is to lake plwe on Uonday week, when Bayen and he will fight their battle o'er agaln^ We are glad to find that Jones hu node np hli mind t6> rotlre fion the Blng... ... „ , . ., FioDT FOB Tdisdat Next.—Uaok and' Tbobfi^ iisO k SIDE.—Tho whole of the noney for thli little matehwai made good at Mr. Bunyu'i, Hud-la-Hud, PiUioe'f^treeti. London-rood, Bouthwirk, on Wednoday. '; - Toe Bfideb add Bobiri*.— Uorrli^Boherla bu aaol: us £A to nako a natch with the Jplder on hli own tenni, vIe., at fist Albs, for £100 a side, to come off In the nlddle of Jue. He will Uke reaaonable expenses to light In the London ring. The Spider hu sinco called on ni to'key that, if Roberts will give hlib tho wdlgblng, be wUI give bin £5 to come to London, ud that tbe match may be considered on, provided Roberts consonta to onr naming tbe referee, or namea a responsible person In the artlelei^ which he cm draw ud send to the Spider u soon u be pleaies. MiDDZN AND BumB.—This aatob. after all, le e«BH to nothing. Maddon will not agree to Bretllo'a t^DiL and Brettle will consent io no othen, bnt bu itqjijmn ni to return his deposit, should the match not m oo. This will be sent next Wednesday. PRDItTHI ANI9M. Waiuki UAn)B.—Fiiiijni m RooiBf .-^TUe luUih between tbe two well-known veimn pedfiWau^ Bob Fuller and Dlok Rogers, wblo)^ Uid M^i .pMrtpenc^ fyea Tuesday laii, on aceout of the IglbtiMhrsn Jcam tM Seven, came off on Thnnday. between the tM and Mth mlleftone on the Slough rou, In th4 pfewne* cf 4 laif*