New York Clipper (Mar 1857)

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374 NEW YORK CLIPPER. .^vaouTfC, of..>p«oUton,,amonBit>bomw«re ctpeolally .,«<>ii>pIcaoiu several of oar rallant oountrymeD irbo bad .-Bomved tbe diuigen and duasten of tbe Orlmetn oun- t'palgn.. ,The dlttenoe to be miked woa 20 mlle^ ud tbe atiucaatl8sae£2SaBlde. 'WtaeoitbeniDplrosAndrefereee liid::i)eoa,minted, Mr. H.Lockwood and Mr. XFarlah Illlog tbe ust-mentloaed offlce. tbe pedestrbuu made tbeir -Appaatance on the ground. FnUer looked remarkably - veil; Bogera, on tbe otber band, did not hy any means '. Mtni tif, be well np to tlie mark. Notwilbstaadlng tbla bla '-inends wen^cbhldent, and made bim a decided favorite, ,I^l7 laying the odds of S to 4. On Btartlog the com- ^jettton welnt avray well together, Fuller walking In that air, even, and grtweAil style for which be was at all times ^cojiifltly famed. For the llrat two or three miles Fuller .-"Juiai the lead, but ftdlog unwell \a the course of the fourth .-mile. Us opponent gave him the go-bye, and at the com- .^latton of tbst distance was fulW a hundred yards ahead ; of Urn.' Hob, however, seemed snortly to recover himself, ,-aai amidst the loudobccrs and encouragement of bis Xlead$i regalued ere long bis leading position; and at the 'termination of the IStb mile was so far in advance of Ro- ]^en that the latter gaveup.the contest, and retired to bis . joaniage to don bis toggery^ telling the umpires that tbey 'imlgbt Inform Fnller ho oad given m, and that Fuller need . not walk any farther; Bob, nowever. to make esaurancc doubly sore, proceeded leisurely on nls way until the fin- ish, and was nailed with acclamation on tbe achleval of Us triumph. Hfllliam Jackson and Charley JenldnsoB raccessftilly attended on Fuller; Bogera wss waited on by /old Roberta. The following is tbe time in which the first 18 miles were gone t)ver:—First mile 9mla SOscc., second Smln. SSsea, third Sinin, Usee., fourth Omln. fiSsec., fifth lOmln. 9seo., alxth lOmln., seventh 9mln. ICsec,, eighth Smin. 42seb., ninth lOmin. 13kc., tenth lOmbi. Sisec., eleventh lOmlo. ISsec.. twelfth llmln.' fisec., thbteenth Umli). IZseo. Total, Sn. ISmln. 24 sec. ^OVEL ■ffAOEB.—On Monday last, Mr. \f. FronclB, of .'{be Foresters' j^rms, HammorsiMth, undertook, for a .wager of £6,, to run a mUe.wlJbout stopphig or walking, ,laapalr,of tralolngboots) weighing l4ib, bclongbigto H. jUltobell (the Lnrober).- The inalch came off on the ,Hurpw-road, near the Cemetery, Kensall Green. At ..lUum o\ol6ck Francis made bis appearance equipped in ,lbe boots, attended by a Mend. Betting wna 6 to 4 " against him: he Immediately started off at a pretty good pace, which no. kept up for half, a mile, when the weight began to tell upon him,, and after struggling along for , another quarter, he gavo in, dead beat, doiog tuee-quarters . iof a mDe in eiac.tly eight minutes. Mr. Francis baa again /accepted the'same wager, for £10 a aide, to do it in a Ifbrtnlgbt tnm the present'tlme. noo. M, Bwwv, Nawvk, N. J.—iU Hbtid; iioDMDM«boiitb«lD( Sow.lut Yon ikoM oar gannlMlOB to nuk* 011I7 ooo-ttDlb u vuoj iDODbCT. Ton, iDd70(i(H«od"BiFllM,"l>iTa both nmliilolhe nliUka of IndalflDg to u aztranit. EMp nti th« practice tr cboo, bDl, IS tn tmoMmeot only, keep It nbordliitl* to Uia fraver duta oruik: ttMBwUlfoaealortlMliilffiw piMnre cbou Is cakoUtad to btMow: Hod year paalona cooled ud ttekdJad, joor Jadgmsnt cletred tad itraitbaied, ud 7001 Intsllectiul idag pot la tone for gnpf Uog coancMmlr with lbs daUea, coiuitor-iiiOTM, ud ioecoaa at Uu ofUfe. U. N. (Wbo and wbere r)—Wo are eoDpelM, nnUbnnlr, to dcdlo* sooli propoalUomat jon lint; yonraoooBd I* ttteadedto. Um or mako dlagramf. ' BBD OAHB -■BWTOBK PHIfiftOBtPHI*.. VBnC>-New Tork. TIB d&HB OF CHESS. BLACK.—Fbllodolpbla. Black to more and mate In six morea. ■OLVnOH OF FBOBUSa NO. 48. Wblle. Hack. . I Wblle. Black. L.BtoQBq EtobliS 8..Ktoq3 Kto44 2.,K'^BS T'Qt + |4..B-KB8iiiati). SOLOTION OF FKOBLCH SO. 47. WUIs. Back. Whlto.. Black. l..Qlobertq BtoQt 4..KlaKl6 Pmovog 3..^XB R-E4 + a (,.<)niat«s. 'a irBkee;sopontborojalrank,EtaKt$,andinat«8lntwoDioro DOTCS. b 8.. KtoKtl 4., Q to bar T+, and matiB neit move. foiiimoH or BinaHA no. *9. WUIo. Black. I While. Black. . l,.Btotila8 PtoRt 3..Rtobla2 KtPxK I'.BxKtP BPxB 4..F.KllmaU>. S&TBIKIOIiOeiOAIi BOUCBUAH'T. •rraoqBgg Bi m u bim u a g i uiu i im .—Th» (bllowlngud romlnlS' ''!<e«Bco or the gnat Uvonlan'i but bonoTB, ead, yet so taonorable to tbe ; 4k««U and batrit of tba Faria Obaia Qob, it on tbo anttiorlty of U. Bt ■■■■ Oatnt, b'a toUtr to l^i t- ^ Wa woTO Informed or Kleearttzky'a dialbattbe club, andwera '-^M that, at be bod left abaolalely aotUng, be most be burlod Uko tb« j'-''etctitt tbecoat or Iho ■Oommuno,'nnloaa wo couM raise '^^saadant funds to ptoTlle.fbr decant aopulkire.. Tturaupon aanb ; 'BcHpllon wot lomodlately ataitigd; and allboagb fifom Tulont caoaaa , .tbsre WIS Utile ijnnpathy between iba dab and If. Eltaorltxky living, ." 11 is to bis faOow inombors of 'Lt Cade,' that ha wta indablod tot tbo - ' ^B^oorilog pall and bl«r, tha last aad olOcae Iho world can betlow. ' .xatharcu'riooi !drcQnafanco happcnad Immediately atlar hit bnrlaL tbo room ha occupied prior to onterlng the hospllal, ('La Charitt'), ,;. jiffMA pin«U toantlly of tttinltiiie, a piano forte, lome txioka, and oUur .,;arUclaa not known to be hiaUllallar death. Iheaa being aold by the ;t:ip«bllopaoan piqduMdnojtu.lhantlzlaen hondfed ITanca. Klea' .:j:fdtik7Jatlnowlll; hewaaaliroalaB, aBattlao.tnhlaet,andlaltnb r- .rOuellr.'. naJnanob goranunanti tbarolbre, became hii hair and In' N Aeritedlhemoaey. .Tolhit the Farlt.Cbib''pnthinoolalm, but left < > . thtle nbaotlpllon a ftse gift without 'raaenre; accottoaad as French ' fUyen are thus to bb called oo by Ibalr'proflisson,'to whbm lame iiai'arar been 10 muohdaarar than fbrtona." ; '. .iTIfTio!/ii,(taBboMiiaiiT.—We bellere the loTorsorchesaln ^atooOimlry are lidoblad tb.Ur. Uonlgomoiy, of Philadelphia, for pe^ ;. tl^'iiilt'irjily Ubaral Idea Into Uie tangible Ibrm of a propoalUon. It jitibomadtedopoawllhaTldllybyoToiy player; and If carried ont, '.. wlUglye the cause Buob an onward Impolto among us as a doieo years ! . ;4)rpU>(Mlog coi^d jbardiy aUaln, AVhat renders tbe acbome almost ,. |4raU)[ totf seating la, that It to propoeed to have a conteat carried on In .; '/^jolh^iuuiliee of Ibosdenco, gtmeeand problems. Weare vary much .il.iatecoat44Uitlila,propoalUon,whlobpromls«a aoipaedUy suchngtont . «inde of progreea to American Cbeea; aboil keep our roadere posted . ,aU>laltaprogTeea; and, In doe time, annoonco onrtclf aa agontforre- I . celTlng and tbrwirdlng aubacrlpUooB lu nulheranco of tbo object.' By .all meant let Uietoiimey be organlied, and the lint pottage at arms ■■ > i iD tbate gtstbi eoitastt be tried on the onnlTentry (day of good omen I) r.^rPkUdor's birthday, SepL T. ]''/'.)Ta>iiiiiw.QiW—IheCheea Editor of the Cigm hereby aanounoes ^ ','psireadlpass'ta give.lessons on Ibf theory ani^ pracUce of Cheat, on ^iVIfandsyawl^^eilntadiy.areal^ at hia'raaldance, 174West28dat. *Tanng ^entlaiaen' dealgnlng la Join the New York .Club, and wishing to '- Ixjablelamakaa reapeotoble stand at their ddur against lis ainog ,/,jfiivan, wlU .fli^thltaa exoellent opportunity to gaUi . the requisite ..^iihiiowledgeaodprai^. The resources ofa large cheaa library an at . ', 4lb»: service (while present only) of the atodenls. Terms, It per /..•piaster.' 'na5IM«i]|»xiic$Ti>inuriiiEiT.--0n our return to the Quliwo '"fanU iliat JCr. Flike had taken Hr. Uchtcnboln'a place In this, tour* iMMiii;''nieoent<stls now narrowed down to two competllon— Ifisain. Fiske and Hbntgomery. This final game we eboll ondtaTor to ^itv^ifltre^lytderst^llr,Hake has woo hla way to Ihli btt match '.4trsiieMsilvel)rdalkallng (avaB) Ucasn. UOraobe «nd Ferrlo. Ibis ';.i«asaltba»aataihbed the whole Qub. Donbtlosa they made somewhat ?:itm Ugbt vt lilffl, but this young and ardently enthualasUe amateur has V<*<DSoa|)Ulf tbUbereaKar our stordleat veterant) only, will think •"'«rtlTlnrhlia so nooh aa Pawn and more. lui; „ ■.. .■ . TO OOBBBIPOHOBHTB. lomiiiDDsPiiiDiiTinis.—Iho correoUon la made. Wo lake no J. «aa)KiaalblU|yUthe "MatchOamca"beyond sMlngthat the moroa h/«isntuiano9rTectlyenl«red. . . ♦*"ii.£!!5t?,*S"'~;'i?" fi>rw«rded. The propoaed meUiod of .. wndocUig Uiemalab aocordt wlUi our views eucttf. No. no I we ^'^ ftS!:f„?2"J» ," i^'." ~< or uiTSr/bit ssSiiS? , obsgrlnedttthedlsappolnlmeBt. You'U see lt--aome Ume: IflkiJfSSySSSK!!?^?' '^•r^^*"V.>* reoelvediromyou wllhprob. , TWUi^at no match moTo. A louor (Tom " Delia" has no doubt retch- '. •';JiS2iiS?;^'' * looelred the promlso of a game from ilfl«i.i;.ttotonbtedly your opponent may compel you to more your renialD,yettrKlng: WeVcoept yonr apotogy f^tlfiS^iSSm^' '^"* aklrmlahr/riuU . . 'M:"^- PewanaJ Obiufell Bulb, Iowa.--Your amended dloiram •!'^»Jo«t In the hldk of time, as Ui'e old copy was Zul to be put£ 1.1 rfiA.- W. JBU, BuOUa-We tiullbnaiy declloe occedlog to sooh wodo* •isUlonsas yoorfltat Weshoold be Tory happy lo oblige youbylnsert- "lag your aew woWom, but It has a btal ilaw; (niSoln 2) besides. •suohaD Bodoe dbparlty of Ibrco, with no especlaruoalneasln tbo m- oirMM, fUarlTeClt ofkll lolereaL Can yon send ut some account of lUo .•■"<ffSS.ff ■ifefUSf?''' ^'^ RemoTo Q B, ud sUll male Intwo u.»iJi?SwKJ'-~°° •? J«-«w»f Opening with Quoea'a '""BMkr net Bit the moTD, this Ume. Bee.' , ' Oiioaaioa, Beaton,—You Aera dono your port well. Don't tiro. Wo uTe been IrylDi privately lo seouro you some allies. Olreuaanhi your prlvBla tddreas. J iM. SiSSE"' W»reh»ra,'lUas.—Yoor Una enigma ne'iKiroak.. ,If that "'''iiKfl¥t.^''"'J "'•o'ly yeor owni-tfUiMUiiigly ri' JKSvSfS'" t'oiMt>t yoii,In.Umeandwllh careflU.-*Uidy, a OMffiB £un!22^i.1!^ compoaen. N. B.-Make fbw In mm, !.«ojaiiieei:edUorlhanloreoelTeabatohor problems ITomabead In \: y5i£!!L^i'i2!^V'?.'!S l>"«.noconfldanco,udahudwhoae sUU tUttwalkn he,baa learned byeiperlouoo ho cannot tnut. Kow K X Q, or a ■oLonoB dF BinoKA ro. «7. White. Black. I White. Black. l..QtoE8 ' ' FtoEeteK 8..qxR-F S..Etx?dbleh ExEtP 14..EB 4 molOc o 8.. EtoBS 4..QtoBtmtte. FBOBLBU HO. 4B.-DT Bf. V. FOCitDBTTB. BLACK. sroblafflreselved. • WHIIE. White to play and mate In Ore moves. OAVB SO. «B. From tbo Juoary No. bf the " Berliner Sobachzcltung." Between Herren Andensen ud HllleL Etiss a^HBO. While, Blaok, . White, Black, HorrAndomen. BerrBUlel. Herr Andersaon. HerrUUIoL l..PtoK4 FtoK4 20..qxqB QBIoqsq 3..EKt-B8 qEt-B8 2l..q-herR8 . EEt-B4 S..EB-qB4 B4)B4 21..qB-Ks(i ' O-Et 4.,P4)K14 BXKIP a..KKt-hls6 q-ER8 »..PqB8 B-qR4 24..F-K4 EEt-qS S..P4)4 PxqP St..EI-EB8 El X Xt 4- T..G>ttlei ' B^KtS 26..qxJIEt' qB^q? 8..Pxqp p-qa 2T..qB-ua8 Rxqap e.,P.ER8 Q-KB8 28..P.K> Et^S IC.qB-Eta EEt-B3 »..BxEt qkB-f ll.,qEl.q9 CtasUes 8«..S!nBii K it so Il..PEt qPxP 81..qRE4 q-bcrStT 18..qPXF . q-KS S3..B-EB4 qxEP 14..qEt.E4 qSES S8..q-ber8 PER4 l»..KB-q3 QB-EB4 84..q-KBt Qxq ie..Et-Be4-a KtPxEl 8«..KRxq K-RS 1T..EPXP q-Esab 8a..BEKta E-R8 U..q-ber2 KaEe . 8I..qRxPmale. ie..FXEB BxKB N0IE9.. a The commencement of a vorrflae comblnalloD, by which such advutages are seoured as render whllo't victory cortaln. b It was eisanUal that the Black q should remain on the E'a llle, In order to avert the mate threatened by bla advenaryjs playing q to her 2d. From this pobit notes are not neoessarr. The advutages already gained by Herr A. plica auooess wlUUn the roaoh of a plover ofhlsakUl. . " BRIOUA irO. ftS. as moEoous iumuox.—inr laDsiaar, WBin.-S at hla Kt e; q at K R 8; B'B at E Et 8, ud q 8: Et at q T; P'aatEB2,qB3,udqKt8d. BuoL-EatblaBe: Oat her R ao; R at E sq; B at E B 8; Et'aat E B 2, ud q Kt 3; P's at E Kt 4 and t, q 4 ud t, ud q El 4 and 6th, WUIo lo.ploy ud mate with the q B P In six meves, wlihout taking I any of the Black pawns, or allowing any of them to be moved, BULTOH, OAHIM. BETWEEK, BOSTON AND pmr.iagr.wma Mono OiB.—fioinca aiHBD. White—Boston. Blade—Fhllad'a. I..SBIoqKtt EEttoEft 8..BUkeiqKt eh PtakesB »..PIakesq2dP Ndiod Two.—Eviis Oikan, Whlte-Phllad'a. BtaCk-Boston. S..OBaUes Ptoqs ' T..Ptoq4 V , . PtakeaqP 8..Flakq8P , BtoqEIS BETWEEN B. HATCH AND ALQNZO, WhltOTpE. Batch. Block-^onio, 24,.qEttoKB8 qtoEaq , 2t..BtakeaEl BlakoaB ' 20,.PIakesP' qiakesP BETWEEK DE FREnUTEAINE AND LOFiZ, While—D» FreRmtolno. Block—Lobet. ' U..KttoqRlft • qEttoBS . 14..qtoKB8 . .:<■!. •:, KSllo'ES . li ;: BEIWEEHSIAlOU'AlfDMnnnaBTj : '■fnanlTi-Btamaa. . -. .Whll^-^dnlghl.: •..fthome^,, . ., ..^KDtpKa. «.,qElloB8 10..CksUss OtsUes BEIWEOr EN PROE AND Z. T. Z., 8ENI0B. WUta-Bi Prise. Baek-XT.Z. lS..KttaK4 qioS4 IT..KRIO Esq Chatlat U..PtoqB4 EiloEBt €HB<IIIE|18 Oft DBAQCHTS. OBAIiLBSOB. " B," of Bosteo, win play " uy one of oor conlrlbnlon" o Oaihe or Diaogbls"lhroaghtheairnB." Who'alnT AVOTHBB. If uirtln does not accept Uarry'a challenge, I will play Um a game; that la, ir£ela wlUlog, on the same terms: i e. by mall, ud the game eboll be for the soke of love. If Earry octapla this, hla communlco- Uoni directed to Nathaniel Brown, Jr., will reach •< Hej^Uk.''- Boooa. ^ Uncle Sam would hilbrm tbe Draught ployen that tbo colon ore to be reverted In PcslUon No. 00. 3" An Interesting loUer flrom " Usrtln" next week. y Correct Solnllons of Ko.'s tl ud 02 by Slrugcr, Jr. Of 91 by B.W. Wilton. March B, 1S6T. Mb. SwDr, Draught Editor CurPBt—Dear Sir i Cut J. a tell why he makes Block's 4th move, Qome 89, i to 18, when, I Uilnk, 10 to 14 would vrin the gamef Black wlna tbo eicbuge, onleat Whltoattompts to hold It, when he Is ao broken In both " rank ud He," that Block cannot help bot win the game. Why don't" Uqjilak" moref This wolUng three weeks (br a move Is not "Bxpreas" bnalncas. Youn truly, Einoa, Kkw Yoie, UOrcb t, 1887. Ub. Swiii— Ztar 5<r I I am snrprtsed that Ur. DuUon or the "spec- lalor" bos not answered J. &, of WInchcaler, In his aomewhat aovere romarka on Noto B, Game 41. Yon will oblige by inlbrmlng J. 8. that I wUI carry the play further, commencing where be left off, I taUng Dolton'a aids, bcUlpg 88 on tbo result of each varliUoo; one at the 11th move and one at tbo lOth;' the money won (If I should win) to bo ap- propriated to the pnrcbaso ofa board and men, to be played for by contrlbotora to tbe Currao. I will also make a stparoto bet of 15 on each, J. S. to win If ho draws. Yopn truly, A.R.N, BTANOABO ZiAWB OF OaAtlGHTS. IROU ANDEBSON'S TREATISE. CarrfuBil drawn up' firm Ike cn\jo(iie<i lUiiwnta of Apprmal and AmamunUjTtaivet <n rndy lo tlu Olrculan iouoi lo the toKoiu DraufSI Ohiti <n Sriloin, aiul olio lo many qf Ou tat Play- en tot omneded vUk a Clvb.—Olaigiim, April, 1862. 19. A draw, la wbon nclther of the playera con force a win. When one uf the sides onpeara etrooger than tbe otber, tbe stronger party is rcqtlred to oomplcto the win, or to show at leoat a decided advutage over hla opponent wltUn fbrty of bla own moves, to be counted from the pobit at which lulte was given; Billing In wlilcb, be moat rellU' qutob the game as a draw. 20 Anytblog wblcb may tend to annoy or dklnct the oUcnUon of tbe player, U itrlcOy (brblddon; aueU as makloEsigns or eponda, point- ing or hovering over tbe board, unnecessarily delaying to move a piece touched, or Bmokeio. Any principal so acting, alter having been warned of the conaequence, ud reqoesied to deslat, aholl forfeit Uie game. 21. Whilo agamo la pendUig neither player Is pormlUcd to leave Iho room without giving a aulllclent reason, or receiving the oUien con, sent or company, 23. ElUier player commllUng a breach of any of the Iowa, most auh mil to tbe penalty, ud bis opponent b equally bound to exact the Bomo. 23. Any apedator giving woiTilDg, slltaer by sound or remark, on uy of the games, whether ployed or ponding, staoll be expelled from the foom daring the matcb, '24. Should uy dispute occur, not soUalkctorlly delermbied by the preceding Iowa, a urtOoi tialanat qf facU most be acnt to a dlamlor- esled orbUer having a knowledge or the game, whose dcdslon shall bo EfD or um. 0- For the preceding eighteen Articles, toe the two previous nom, benoftboCurna. TO OOBBBBPOIIDB5TB. AioBio.—Wo " ooUopso," "condense," ud "fotcb up dead on the centre." Wo pobllsb one of your poalUons Ihb week. Ifillyeu " let up?" A. R. M.—Thanks. Your bvora shall receive our early aUontlon. ExmssB.—It Is not Uojabk's bull; he wrote, but the loUordldnot reach ua, HiBBT.—Wo bave boon unsoccesaful thus Ihr In the " book" maUer, the customer proving a "deadhead." Thanks for muy bvere. We think he does reside there. 0. Ddhox,— Tbuks for your gomo. Lot ua hear irom you often . J. &—Your friends seem to "noUco" you. Tld:o courage. J. UcL.—Don'tgetdbcourogod. Wehave "things" flrom you whieb lAoD appear, Ukou Sin,—Your gome contains a few errors hi the figures. We pnbUabed the position as aonk In proof of wblch we are prepared to forward the " orlgUial," Nmo.—" Exorctoe your aoul with patience." We have all your po- slUons, Bear to mind, friend Nemo, that we hove a ■■ few contrlbU' ton," ud noto tbo fact that we have poelUons on hand that have •> kept" muob longer thu yours. No dugnma. Ou tell when we seoU. Uismt,—Olvo ua your Now "you are talking." YourleUcr next week. Thuka for the game. We venture the assertion Uiot our contributors wUl all be as much rejoiced as ourselves, at your return. SiBiNOEB, Js,—Observe our exptaooUon of Undo Barn's ".pcslUOD." SoloUon correoL RouoB ixD Roinr.-^Yea. Will (brward Vol, IV. when cemplcto. R. W. WuioR.-^luUon afFealUon No. VI torrocu SOIiilTIOR OF VOBITION NO> 01. Whlto. 1..2ato 22 2..10 7 8..19 16 4..23 T Bbck. 17 lb 26 a 10 12 19 2 11 White. e..lB to 14 6.. 9 6 l^.tS 24 3..32 10, and wins. Block. 10 to 17 1 .10 20 27 SOIiVVIOH OF POBIVIOH MO. BJi. Wblle, to u 2..18 0 8..11 8 4..U 18 SI, ond wb>s. Block, 20 to 27 ■•■8 10 THB OLD FOVBTUBHTB A gome buely pbkyed la BuOOlo, between Ur. O. Dutton ud Ur. Jen, kins, 0 strong ployor from tbo country, with Metes by a Bpeetotor, Block, Ur. JenkUis. 1..11 to 16 White, Ur, Dutton. 28 to 19 22 17 Block, Ur. Jenkrns, 18.. 7 to 11 14.. 2 T 16.. T 16..11 17..16 18.. a 19.. T 20..11 21..10 22..14 Whlto, Ur. DuUoD. 22 to 8 26 22 27 24 82 24 21 8 18 33 8 24 19 38 19 18 8 11 5 T« FOIlTIOa BO. 93. FOIinOS HO, M. 3.. 8 11 8.. 4 8 17 18 4.. 9 14 38 22 8..14 18 39 28 6.. 6 9a 26 23 7^. 9 14 22. 17b 8.. 1 6 30 260 0.. 6 9 26 23 10..11 16 d 24 20 11..16 24 20 4 12..12 16 • 28 12 NOIES. a Ur. J. profon Iho centre game, ud at this pobit, said his game waa InvluclDlo, Bat good pUycre Imow that U to 10 u the only draw. b Tbis move was unexpected to Ur. J,, and rather dompoaed bis splrlls, c A splendid ploy, the oUect of wbloh will aeon bo seen. d Deloro Ur. J.'modo this move, he expressed a deelro to resign, ovldontly "emolling o rat." Ur. D. InUmolod that he could sand nls opponeut to "Chicago," Then Uio battle cocamoacad. e The result tolls us own lolo. BBAUOHT BlIiaUAS. poamoN NO. 21.-0LD asAns. By Harry, Black men at 1, 4,12,16,17,18, 26,'ud 26, Black EIngs at T ud 38. Whlto mon at 8,9,10, It, 20,28,27, ud 89. White Kmg at t. ' Whlto to play ud win, POemON NO. 12.-0LD BERIE8. By'J.D.'--'- Bbick men at 2,8,11,12,.19,17,' !1,' 24: and 37.' Black Elbg at 9. Whlto men at 16,32,38. iO; 38, and 80, Whlto Khigs at 4,10, obd 16,' Block to ploy ud witi. WGUTE, 'While to ploy ud wio. WHITE. Black to move ud wbi. BATCH OABBB BETWEBT 'MOHTO AND 8AU TWQ.VIS, Back—8am Twelves. Whlte-^Alonie.' 39 26 14.. T 11 U..12 16 28 21 BETWEEN DNCLE BAU AND J. a, OF WINCHESIBB. Whlle-J.a 8..39 26 4..18 16 t..22 16 6..24 19 While—Uuele Bam. 3..24 90 8..38 22 4..2T 24 6..24 19 HAVOB O A BB. Betweea Uqlolsk ud Express. BLACK, (Express.) suaasBTwe. Blaek—VnoleSam. 8 11 11 16 16 20 BloetC-^.B. 10 IS T 10 8 12 BATOfl QAB^, Between Truxton and A. 0,' BLACK, (Truxton,) WHITE, (Uqjalsk,) Block to move. WHITE, (A. 0.) Block to move. AUDSEIIEIITS. Tbeatrloals—Clreuea—Zihloplan KiBBtielay, to iLAim, PLAYB, PLAYS.—THE STANDARD AND MINOR DR _ and oU other pubUahed Flays, for aale by S. FRENCH, 1211 alreet, New York, prlc4 cenis each, ten for •!; bound vohu 81. A now play pubUalied every week. Oempleto Usls aent by g fitt, when requested. 2Mo | Aaoni this Ume of Uio year we hove a remarkably general i of the particular lino of managerial InOuenco In theatrical tlEd. may bo seen In Iho Ikcl that ollbougb tho prices of eggs, fish, ela 'i Increased by tbe gcoenl absUnence ftom meat required durlo' ebservanee of Lent, the price of moat remains parUcuIarly blUi Its prevleos high roles. There Is u ostoolshlog sbnllailly of si. ness, " all la the way of trade," botiroen our purvoyon of thctir and the porvoyora of provisions. This elmllarlly' seems to be t of " heads—I win, tails—you lose" allUr. If any bystondor bin to make a Ibw remorka for Iho beneOt of tbo public, be la aUgm as " a (lialt-flnding crlUc," a mere " newapaper man," ud he | many acowls end ospersloas as If he were o poUcemu wbo r firopor to do bla doly by dcfondlng a rlcUm from tbe " Ultle oat about to be played upon bla pockels by a swell mob of sm foderstos OS do not scrvple to loke every advutage of their ap] respectable position Ui sodely, . Iho most mercurial.of our rcodora cunet lall to observe Imi tooaoly emoUonal and Impoblre are Iho cntorlalnmenis—aye, sail some caaei, the perfbrmen—nauoUr " aelectod" by managerial li Tbey aeem to have been ccntrlvod fbr peepio wbo—either bdbi .behind the curtabi—have arrived " pretty well primed," are .i Ukelyto "pick Olot and Iryogala" belwcen eachaa: and,byiL tUuo tho final toblcon la fonned, they are ready to go on to gtor,! Forodlae, ortoanyother.nndlacorcredeounlry. ' Wllh our Uitelllgent populaUon ud taalafUI theatrical drtles, k Ills time we hod 0 bolter oaaortment of bills of fbre provldeo, not enough thot Uio pieces ployed sbonld be prepared wlUi UcUcalil blue-blozes or dobtndiery, set off with tbo eUla ud aailoi of I ous luxury. It Is not enough Uiot Uie performers (lacking I obouldbeso "hilenselyemoUoooI." Pkmtyof emouonolpeoplaa be found to every village and evory bar-room. Formerly, pi used to get drunk. More recenUy, they got 'lexdled." Now, are only "emotional." In these ■> emouonol" days wo must i tell the news OS cobnly OS possible. We ore old-roablenod enough to suppose Uiot GoeUie know i. Iblng^of tbe poetry of the slogo as well as Uie poetry of tbe pige, he soys tbot—" The rade nuin hi nsoolly coutont If no sees some vlty going on; the mu of some raflDement will expect to ba^ aentlnients ud feellDgs sgrecobly aroused; ud the man oflntelli refinement desires U> eobaoqoenUy roOect at bis leboro." Ihb c IlcnUon Is so explicit, that the question U naturally suggested—"[ which ebiss should the luOerity of our mungera be (bundMfUKja 'binrontt'" Besldce, QoeUio says. In uolhcr essay—"Ihe on mere habit to generally rude. The mu wbo appeola to taste Is s to bo In the only possible rood to progression.'' And again, dee says-^" Olve scojn to tha empire of taste, ud you break down Uisi| surd barrion of Individual or local restialnt, ud touch uio l boundless sea of universal Iboogbt, In which all ndnds, to fUUI r destiny, must buucb, ud loom the mental discipline of Us novlp On tbo coDtrarv, give way to hobll, culUvoto ud consult that < aad yon bind numu tbuiklog to a stake when, after having b bommerod Into dabieis by vain allempts to please Itself, our l^— wU| be swallowed up Inonebiiyind lengthened yawn of dl laasltode.". We now proceed with such " progress" as Uiapasts giyoa us to report, BRoiwwjtT,—Ur, Forrest gave OB four porforuiances,ond now UhI tractions are In thehuda of Uial queer party, the"gnndcoDif oomblnnUon," Just Inoglne suob ploya as Bulwer'a '■Udyefll ens," miat a " bebjlck of hbitereet'' for a talented ccmjuv I olepbuUeo perfl>niur8, Victoria ud Albert, wUl soon cony u t trunks to tho tuo of a piece callod " Iho Uaurper of SUm," aadd their Bartluny Fiii trolnhig In Uiegbi-ud^auaogos achool <f Itel BimToi('s.—Scaroely on Item worthy of remark. aiodMridB ard la beUsr brought fbrword lately. J, W. Wollack, Jr., est <" Tyler" we are glad to aee. Tho oltenUons to "JohnBalL'T to show oir Ur. Brooghom as Dennb Bulgruddery, ore not la. moDla. This one-man or ona.woinon power la plays wUl notdo I donbt the manager will gradually Ihll back upon nlsChamMnir catalogue. '' ' Lauu EiBa'a—no most Importut lum here Is the c of IberomorlbtlKatoBolgnoldslusaotoaUy'oarrledherearili' flrom tho Dewery to resume her place In the ruks of laun^t bio troops. " Faust ud Uarguerlto" to Just obont ripe for I glory, ud wemay mygood-byo-to Ur. Uepblstophlles—boofll legs and ludlsgalsod mouera loclnded—for Ihe present. TtMlj ro Eeono's " bill editor" cu toU us wbot longusgesucb o celledM lellenss "porquel-n" belongs to, weshaJIbereadytortoeltil InfornuUon be nay have>o oler about Ihe writings of Godbs. ■ a pity tbot the rtceotlr deceased Birl of Blesmera died wUboirJ benefit of Laura Keene>>s ployblllt. AunoM.—Here wa see aomo atgna ofprogreas ud vllolHr. _ Manager Davtoport Is merely maluog u expcrimcnL But, ta B so much tact ud peraeveruce, In ceiOuncUoo wlUi hUwaaD' morlto as a perlbmer, that we Inst hla flag will bo kept Hrlsf^ vu of all oompeUton for public (kvor. Ur. Uclgbu's taleef dom Insulty, or Forgery ond FOabloo," tut beendnmaMj wo aro aun that Ur. Bavonport'a cftmpony can do uy atyleio dn full JnsUce, Ura. E. L Davenport Is a grettor bvorito Ilia ' Soccass to Uie American I NiroxAi.-Then la nothing (Tesb bero'exc^t thspeaistt^ Mr. Crane, the mocblDtot, boa n boooflt on FVIdoy night, and dorhlmthoprUiclpaltrUatbitlioetlabllabmoaL ■(tboMsfloV la empty euougb. Short ahlUluga aoem to be to foaUcii, , BowiST,—Our remarks of but week wlU do for Uie .Tbo palrloUo agony Is piled up to malleK.druffl.aUo etyle. .MtrsniM.—Slmlhir remarks to Iboso'or Jest woekwlUdokr>|' sUtiiUon, We'are not aware of nottblng particularly ncw.^V. some highly (achool) educated cbUdnn from Uio rural duW" learned bow to put salt on a stuffod bird's tall, ud tiiS ilK°°rS given great Joy totbebrsoncUQed teachon, ud excuses lbs nir wlckeduoaa of Uio dranutle performonoea. ' Woiuca'a-Wllh riucho'a I'PromoUen," lo wbloh Vr-If*!^ peon, ud a now.cemody by Oliver B. lelud, aomecliaanj ebango from the Ulsa UaUIda Beron muls bcglna to be We an y et.nnablo to apeak- of, Miss Haron, except In ceosaw? auch placas as wo ore qulto sure never.oan old Uio permasoA w Sny.acUeas. Our toiyiHpnds will soon forgot" Tlldy" wiM" at tbo fine Ihoe and Ogoro of Brother Lcaler, Iho crazy roaouj a partloular oatreaa to a ikrUculor - personoUon forms no l*'*,^ roally.drnmoUo progress, especially whan tbe herotoe o"»-*fIi obel In 'roablyond rudely Uirowiiignll UiooUier cbaroctoij ahadovory much like obUvlon. Tblsklndoffon (perbopa"no>1