New York Clipper (Apr 1857)

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410 NEW YORK CLIPPER. r: 8PORT8I SPORTSI Bierolsel SiexolBell Eierofielll NEW YORK CLIPPER, nn BBceoiiizBD fiPOBTiiio jodbiml of aibbici, isp iiiToun or fbvbicai, am hental lucBKATioNa Kb popalar inokaa QpcfttDi Joiira(l,Mirln tlx flnithytvof M»««uJiiii« iid« «ii i mmMi^ fiff n'-"", "'*"'''"! o™**" (BurqUT- lncrib*|MtM. ItMQomglTMftiUudiiiUieDUoreporUartTMT •nolofkinirtlDgBiUin, tachw-Old'el; CtatM: Drugtila: Ttctat " fi BUI ,tUj: PodaMrknlm; Boxing; Hon* Badot: TnulDg: Pa- ; Ma or BtrtpgOi: RoiriUi Ouloe Bporta; Blllo BbooUiv: ■uf; VlfUl Sboottiic; aua»Vni\\ WraiUlsf; COrUsg, fea, ta, to. CuflB iHo glTM two or mon BPORTJNO ILLUSTRATIONS Id MAb niuDbtf • n llN dtitotci oouiMonbla nacs 10 ANSWERS TO 60IIRIBFONDINT8: I Isltonuuion on gtneral lotKo, bnt iportlnf miUui In ;W' Jbrnapondnli uwweml tttt of tipcnM, Bm Ckinn ia ll>< orgin of no jvUguIit olui, bat darolM Hi nar> ria lAd lalatnM 10 the Impraremnit of the pbyilcil ind nMstil 000 owea lb* paopi*, u well u 10 making mon«7, booMtlr, Ibr Ui pro- frM)n> On noeeatf UuCurrn, unipoHliif ptptr, It wttlioat 'ml In una or uy oUin' eounuy. U li now balled u ■' llu re- S fportlng laUiorllr In Amtrka." L-Agia copla, « oanu etch. By mall—11.00 Ibr tii monllii; ttOO teoMyoir. Qub of (bar, 17.00 per tDsam; elab of algbl, IU.0O ptr unam: dab of Iwalra, tU.OO par tBnan)-4a all CMti In tdTueii AdTatUacsumti, t oailj par line Ibr each tad tT«7 Inttr tlOIL pobUmlon, Ihandt y cf ea ch week. qOXEN A JONBL PiarBHioi^ No. 80 Am ttreat, Kaw York. NEW YORK CLIPPERa SATDBDAT, AFBIL 18, 1867. rSAIX 091IV, Editor. WHOLUALE AOINTt. Bo* fe Tonn, IDS Stmta it., N. T., and 2t Otrk it, GUctfa MiDDB k OimnmL, 21 and 23 Ann itraeL BiMOB T^na^ 23 Beofantn itiati. Loo BonJ^ 83 Ann itreal. A. WncB, no Cbaanal (traet, FUladalphla. Bnaiia,FDiiaBifeCo., OandlSOMntlrtttiBottc^ . loa i. Dm kCo.,U Coarl SQuare, Botan. Hm IiiunLBun Balldlng, Baltlmofa, Hd. A. 01 Biam,'anotiinaU. Wiiuo, AumiR k Bm, CUeago, HL 'A.k&BmB, TEiobaagaPlace and 123raydniiiLKtwOrliant. U D. (ItMnrii 10 King atreet Watt, Toronto, Qinada weaL -Bu kUmaitiaiB, SU ttttdw^r, Albany, N. T. ANSWEU TQ OORRESPONDENT*. (t. 0:, VtUlBiton, D. 0.-^lad to latin that yoa are not " ttaga- ■knck,"ftir, If yoa were, wa wall know Ibat til " tdrlca" woold be 4bnwn away. IT yoa art ainoerely dealroat «( going ipon the itaga, yoa iboold aeok tn IntradBctlon to lome member of Ihe tbaalrlctl pro- taalon, and be wooU doobUea bror yoa wllb a kef or two of bla apeilanoe. After maUng allowiaoet for bl^pecnllar preTloia Uitory •ndpreaentalateof mind, yoa will atlll be mach' banelUed by the gmeral parpen of bit ramarld. At tbe ttma time yoa iboold take le ti f i n i from lomB dnt-claii aloouUonlit, and he will motl likely be qnaUllad to prepare geoUemen for tbe alage.. Ton iboold alio take letaona In fiodag, dancing, and moral deportment generally. In year own aptrtmenta yoo aboold acoaatom yonnelf to Tarlooi eoetamea, (WOTdi, weapona, bafaneta, plnmea, eto. In addition, yoa will roqalrt • medical adilacr for tbe coltlratloD of volea, memory, ilamlia, and that inrplat nerrooa powar wblch electrically enablaa ooe Indlvldoal to embody the eiprenloni, the ienUmonla, and the obaractarliUa of tnoibtr. We wbh yoa well, and hope to record yoa ta bmooa. Re- mimber to begin at elocoUon. Start lUrly ttom VuU point, and then let eipedlenoy abape oat yoor coona, wUhoat too mach adherence to anygevenlnmtrki.llka-otn-al-ttaa iiratenl. iBa.aart.yon b«gln right, and then go ahead. Item Demoetliaoei to the elder diarley Katlhewi, donvet aloeallon tlwtya overcame OTOry deftct or mliftr- tane. Tbe proAolon to noble, and Ua requlremenla can Ibrih all the BObUlly Of time nobleman. Fire yoa wtU. r Fiiina Brgnmra CUm, Ballbnore "In yoor Fktorlal Ibr the Cbrbt- nu and New Tear boUdayi, It It reoordid that 112 yarda la the great- eM dliUnoe a ball wai ereralrook. I beg to Inform yoa Ihat that dManca baa boon boalen, and batten badly. On lha 2Mh of Uucb, a yaugmeobaDlooflhtoollyilnckabaU UO yarda firom ihe' Town,' the game played being wbal we call ■Tbwn Ball' Tbla ptraon wbhea tnetOBtatolliatbeGan, alanytlma,'bealll2yardi. Tbe ball uod wii traiall India rubber one, end lha btlaoommon broomatlok," Oar oorretpoptot baa net noticed Ihat wa referred to a cricket ball, which la quite ■ dUbrent thing frpm the ball ho alladee to. If oar friend hat not icon a crloket btU,wawooldadrlaeblmtaget one, and let bli friend try how br he oan itnd it with a broom-handle. Wore .ooeof oor balamen to have a "iby" tttbat "imall India robber ball/'It to probable that would be tbe last of ll,fi>r lie wbereaboola woold never be dlicoTerad, anerwaid. " B. A. B —".Fleaae ttata.Ihe time and dale Ben Otunl and Fyeeman left Ihia coanlry tbr Biigland—alio, the time of the light botwoen F^- man 'and'the Slaiher." We cannot give the pradie data of tbeir de- partare from ibU coanlry, bat Judge Ihey most have lodiome time In nbruaiy, aa they arrived In Liverpool on tbe lOlh of Uarob, 1842. Vreimtn wu 'matohtd wllh the Slaaher on the 2Wh ol September, 1U2, and on.lbe 14th of Docembor,. aamo year, they met and Ibugbt 70 roundi. In 84 mlnolaa, whoa darknosa put an end to tbe balUo for that day—they mot on tbe leita, but the poUco Interfered, and It was agreed to pal It olTlllI the 20lb, when they again met, and alter flgbt- Ing 18 nanda, in 80 mimitea, Flroonun waa dcolarod tho winner, Ihe Bluher having gone down without a blow. Pbu, Onelnull.—1. A player making a mtodeal in AH Iburt doaa BOlkaebtodoaL,a,niorea(«threo lien of bozoi In Ihe Arob ilreet Iheatie, Phlliddpb^ 8. We know of no other thcatra la the Cnllod Blata than the two opora houiei pf New York and Fhlladolphia Ihat wOlktatai many iptctalonai Ihe Ballon Theatre. 4. AaDorderod It up, be baa lha privilege of going alone, If be to obooiea—A may play alcDe agalnal B, but bo oonnol do more than euchre hloi. ■ Ilui or nu Cmm.—A oorrespondent alatoa that he baa all of Ihe llnl volume of the Curm, oicept from No. 2 to 10—oil of the aecond and third, and the Oral 81 nunbora of thelburtb, which be wllleelllo U)e gentleman of Bnlhwark, or any other penon wbblog them, by addttaing a nota la Oeorge Weaver, Long-lane, below Buck-road, MUidelptatoi, MaUng price they win give, fto. ) K :Wi'<^l- A note; with a phyaldan'a addraaa, will be forwarded to 7«a.N'li ftatbewbeie. 8. Harry Orlbbln'a flghtlng weight to aboal I||l),|bi.i,beA!n!ba came lo Ihto coanlry ha foaght Oaika, Uorloa,and Breoka; he wu siatobed lo Ogbl Jem Farker, a tbw yean ibioe, bul owbg to a mlraodenlandhig in regard to the ground. In OuMd^jlfio- thing came of U ; •;• , . i ■ , L JL, BallUo.—Ihto comtpondont itatea Ihat he hu wrHltn to Hr. Boetl, Ibr Ihfae 170 ledpea, adverttoad in oar paper, bit bu ra- odvti no rtply, t^lboofk oonildtrable time baaelapaad. Other oor letpMidlmta'baTe been humbugged In the aame manner. iWbapt .IhlanolloenitFlMlheBeantof prertBllngothera from being treated jq n ^iwu» manner. . J, A. P., Mbfi, 1.1>—The and range of Ihe Uole rUe baa not btaa aaoartalnal. Wo awllreeoidtd reoiallylhat loae laldlen Mng at a target hear Higdaburgb, on the Dbo, at lha dtotanoe of 1000 *paaM, Borlally woondad a laboter at work wllh lome oompanloitt 700 fteea beyond. 1,3. p., Boflkte.—Ihotoland cT BnaUn laln the Ray of Sondnru, and,iwanly.ilx mlloa flroin the main land. TtuilIIotoonihe'mabi land,about thirty mllti todUt-etal, There ntedbeneIgnbmiotof lha gMgrtpby of OinliBl America now-a-dayi. Two Vkmia,CbUteolba, Ohlo.-Jnitrt art twopoiaci wiyi oa Iba maiita.iDipapiIai.brldgat one being M private vehMea, tad Ihe «lhir,ovir'lli«.lnt,fciiallr«tdtiahii Foot patingeri aancw m (Hbar. ■ ■ ■ j ■■■■■y Fu Jicte, PbOail'a.—Teiy eorreol,'ao doitbt, W a leeUa' too ili«og, jmd caleoUtad to ouit nnphataat Mmth «blcb H to dadirable rcrlhe|iood irf all conotnud topuM.- lUiikl At the lafbiniUot •oBlataidIn'fosrWItr.' ■ .' . X W. Bfoni—Wa eaanet lod Ihe namt In any of lha papait «r Al- btay—ttm be mty ba Umt*. If tny oT ear ratdtn la Albtsy know wbalher a. B. Butoo to playing U lha Albany Ttmln, Omj will prob- ably Inlbrm ot. > niiDsao B tJimaiaa .—The DalUo, of IheOoIUa tlBe,hBiBida Ibeqakktttpiaitga from Ilverpool to Ihto eoantry. Sea antwvio a& D. LiNlaeaiaFalli.—1, JtmFtikerlilhtntaeof Ibtmtnnalebed 16 light dribUn la 1813. X If n«h, that finghl and klllad EcUy, to not In Ihto-oonntry it prettnt Tim Ou> RiM'a Bais, PUIid'a.—The ballto and. alakaa wire award- td to Horrliaiy on toconit tt StUlvin gatllog mlitd ip la tnolhtr Ight, tnd not reapODdtog la leaaon to Ihe oall ofUmt. Joaa BiRTOir, Botlon.—By "Couiaeror," tnI8(S,wba be made lOOmllealnSboan, BSmlnnt«a,andt3Meonda. We bava illndad to the Fbnny Janka feat" In another part of oar paper. Ois Bnar, BL looto. Mo.—Bava baolid yoor letter lo If, fc a, who will rtplyloyoa. Will thank yoa Ibrartport of whatevtr takoa plaoe of Intarcit to Ibe aporting world. BuonWiiino.—A Cleveland ooneapendent irMwi to. pnrchaae a good badger. If any of our New York frieiito hava osa tir lale, they can oblabi Ihe genUeman'a addreat, and further parllealan. Niw CounrompiwT, Cleveland, 0.—1. Wintry and look np'aatl l>r yoo. X Of lha three, wt prclbr Ftddoek. I. We cannot lay whtra Br. J. 0. Arnold to at pretanL B. Bun, Buiford, CI—Tbe revtoed rain ibr the govarameal of lha game of Bate Ball wlU be pobUahtd la aweek or two. In. Ihe Cuma. W. T. R.—Jehntan waa not ezeeoled—he wta itat to Iho SItte prl- ■onlbrUfe. Cufiiu.—Pry or. In our oploloo ;batdonotbelntoomaohoft hurry ta tnvett—there to plenty of lima yek B R—The Fenla bit made ttia quIokHt paaaga (e Liverpool from New York, bul mA/nm LIvtrpeoL Ax Ou) Rama, Wilmington, Dal.—The flrtmo of Ihto dty do not receive pay Ibr their tarvlcea. a JOD J., Ckmbr1dga.^B Aicn-Where there to a tto b ooonthig ftr game, a point to icored by the non-dealer. A JiBDT Bor.—If yon hava made lOO'/aida Inlliaoondi, yoa have made eicellent time. Auxf.—Ihto correapoodent haa a lie of Ihe Curm, from AprD, IIH, to Ihe preaent time, which be oOlin Ibr aala. Akitiob, Albany.—Yon wUl lea a'noUoe of the matter In another column.' a A.—1. Jack Randall wia never defeated. 3. Tbm Olbb waa beaten by George NIchoto. Yonma.-Aa Ibe caae to alatad, II to a eul; but yon ihoaU hava taken care Ihat the carda played were not placed on the top.- O'Ciiuaau, Cincinnati.—A nmmary of Ihe mattara refhrred io will prove very acceptable. J. W.,Toroolo.—Aaaoonaawe can prooire a oopy, tbe ralea will bo pabUabed In the Curna. J. a, Chicago.—Thanka, Wa have naed your Itami. Aimiooi.-Do, If yoo pleaie. Bee ehewbere. L, a, BoOUo.—lUmi of newa will be ibankAilly rtoalvad. 0. U., Fhllad'a.—Biglaid ta not an toland; Gnat BMIaln to. a W, C—t, Troy.—Tbanki for your letter, tnd Ito ooottnto. J, B,, N. Y.—WUl eipliln neit week. THE LIQHTNINQ ARMI OR, TBE OLD BAG OF TBI FITS F0INT8. Tois to Ihe title of tn orlglntl tporUng itory to beoomhnneed In our neat It will renew oor tcqutintanca wllh muy a friend of Ibrmer yeara, and Inlrodoca tA our nousv aome~w«n-inio«a • h w n e n w of lha prettnt day; aceiea will Iw vividly deiolbed, of wblob mtny of oor readera will doabUeta have a remcmbraace. Ihto iloiy.wlll be nioa- lialed, and may probably nm throogb ilz or dgbt nnmbera of the Currm, beginning with Ihe Int No. of the new volume. Nona.—OorreipondentowOl pleaie take notloe that we golapreaa on Tneaday evening of eaah week bi order Ihat paekagea for dtolani parte may reach their doeUnallon aome Vme during Ihe oorrent week. Our (Henda, therelbra, ihould mall their hvoii at aa early a day aa poealbla lo aa to enaure tboir publlcalkmln good gtaaon. Wefre- qnenlly receive llama on Wedneeday and Tbunday monloga, (loo lalo for that week'a Isauo,) wblch might Joat oi well have reached ua on Bonday or Tneaday. WUl our coireepondenta bvor ua In Ihto reaped, aa Ibr aa mayault their own. convenience f "And wa will ever pray," to. Lfsn n Vouma IV.—In Ihto week'e kaue, tho lait of Ihe preaoat volume, wlU be found a earelbUy prepared Indoi of evento that have bean recorded In tbe Cuma during the year. TUa table of contonla triu bo the metna of aavlog our readera many an hour in their " pur- tail of knowletlee under dUBcoltlea." 4^ Another Intareatlng oommunlcatlon from "An Old Yorhahire T^irftnan," reached ua too lale Ibr publication In Ihto nupitKr. II will appear In our noxk ■ Cun lnaB—" WiBmROTaii Cub."— At lha laatmeeUngof the above AaaoclatloD, held at their Qub Bouio, No, 8 Dnloo Place, Br. Thedore a Balherway waa unanlmoualy elected Tlca Prealdent fbr tbe enauing year, In place of Ur, John F. Uorrlem, reelgned. Ueeara. John Donnlngton and George Oompland were elodad lo Bll vaeandea In Ihe Flnaaca Committee ; and Beaart, G. W. T. Lord and WlUbun F. Wor- rell were appointed by the Prealdent lo make complete Ibe Uaoiglog CommlUco. Ihe principal olDcci are ai foUowa >-Johii W. Warrin, Prealdent; T, a Balherway, VIco RreeUenl; D. B. EoMrodgo, Drea- lorer; J. B. Loonabery, Bocrolary.' Bnncia Toa Cuma.—Several correepondento have made Inqolrlee aa to where tbey can have Iho Curm bound, price, ko. To tboae who have no choice of their own aa to binding, we would attta Ihat wo can bava them bound In ololh, wllb leather bask, good and atrong, Ibr 11.10 per TOlomo, 82 numbon complellDg the volume. By leaving the nombera wllh oa, we wlU attend to the matter. Ak Ou namua At Rot.— Died hi Pblladelpbto on Ihe 3d IniL, Jacop Trlpplcr, Esq., la the 80lh year of bto age. Ur. Trtpplar waa an acllTO member ol tho " Fire Department" la Fbllodolpbla Ibr eeer i<i4l-JIiie yeari, faavbig been during that time Preeldent, Director, and an active member of " United Slaiee Fire Engine Oompaoy," and run wllb the apparatua op to.a Ibwdaya of hto death. "Feaca to bto oahea." k HoBsa WITH A OoBK Lro.— We take tho foUowliig ftom the Adelaide (Atutrella) Eeglater We have recenUy leen Br. Oolllna' nare, Jeweaa. ' It win be re- nombared (bat abe broke bor near fore leg on the race ceurae In April laaL while ruBDlng lor the town plale, AmpoUUon wia perlbrmod by Br, Grabb, under whoee oare the hui oompletoly recovered. ' fler oondlUon to exceUenl, and lha cork fbot leema to anawor the porpose admirably. Bbootinq EmaosDiNAKT.—Under thla heading, the Hansfleld (De Soto ptilah) Demooratio .figlo, cf the 27th ulL, baa the following paragraph; Our fellow-townaman, B. L Boat, wblto on a banting eioortloa, a (kw days ahioe, bad the good luck to kill Ibur large fUU-grown deer at one ahoU " Uemory of Nlmiod I" gan ihto be eqnaledf Dbatb of a Raicr.— We learn from the [Oolanbiu Sun that Frankfort,. a yerj promldng colt, owned "bj Hi, HoDanlel, died Immedlatoly after the great four mile (no^loed In par Turf dopartnent) in which he:waa engaged. Blxteon mllea wcre toa bofore.tho.race waa .decided.. .Qharleiton won tho tat, Fraoklbrt the leoond, aiid, Sae Waahlngton the third and foor.lh hoatd ^'Thi Hondbu Hom Raokbs Aoam.— It li stated In the Albany Tnnurlpt that -Dalton has oSbred jo.tftit the Ta/Iorhona flfly mUci over a tonne, for $1000 a aide. TBI eSXAT BVaO,B>p-KZIB BAOI. A correapondeat of the Boohoatar Unloii, In apesking of the hondred mile raee, layt: I nelloed In your paper of April let, IU7, an arUeto fVom Ihe Albany Batceman, beaded " The one bandred mile raee-the grealatt feat on reeord-nnparalleled tpeed," fee., to.; tbt writer cf which I thlok nuat be toborlig under t grott mittake. On tbe Bib dty of Bay, 1818, "Fanny Jenkt" waa matched agalnit time for Ive bnodred dulton, lo trot one bondred mUei te ten boura, over Ihe Biill^ Bead Coorae, near Albany, N. Y. Sbe perlbmed Uie enUre dIaUice la aloe bonn, Ibrty-Sve minulee and twenty-aeven aaconda. Eioluilve of Ihe Ume cf (lopplog for refreabmenla—elgbteen mioutta and tweoiy-aeven ae- condi the perflmcd tbe dlttinee In nine bonn, tweoiy-fbar mhiutet tnd thirty toconda. Immediately en Ibe eomplelloo of Ihe matob, and wlUioot alopping, tht wu trotted once round Ihe oooita, and tocom- plUbod her lOlat mUe In foor mlaDtea and twtnly-lhree aeoonda, maklog one hundred tod nu mllta In nine boura, fbrty-eeven mlnntM and twenty aaconda. To wbloh the Staiennan reeponda aa followa: The writer dtotlneUr raniemban tht nee mtdt br "Fknoy Jenkt," todconaldtra there It no oemptritoa between the Aitt taeompIUbed by her tad Out by tbe ]kyk» tnd Dalian honea. It wUI be remem- bered that "Many Jenka" iroUtd on a coarte whkb wot In excellent ooodltlon, wbUe Uie race Ital week waa over roada alooat Impttiable on account of the mud tnd tnow drUla: tnd, yet, nolwIUiatandtog Ihto, tber nude elghlr-lbur mllet tnd t half hi eight boura tnd Ian minulta frtnd would have trouod Ihe one bnodred milea In leee Ume than "Iknny Jehka," had Uie Dalton borte kept bto feet Thedlflbr- •use In Ibe aoodlUon of Uie tracki waa equal to at laaat one hour. [We moat pnt a stop to all Author dlaotualon regarding faat time In trottbg one hundred miles by stating that New Tork Ib atlll at iho " bead of the heap." Some time la the latter part of the year ISfiZ, a match Waa made In thla Tleklty that no horae In tho Northern part of the United States conid be produced within one year, that coald trot one hundred miles In nine boura I The wager wae 03000 to 11000, the odda being on time. On the 12th of November, 1863,. Conqueror, a ftiU-blooded gelding, waa brought to the startbg poet, on a Long bland track, and started on the long and trying Journey, under the guidance of Menara, Splcer and HoHann, alternately. Between S and 6 o'clock, P. H,, the feat was conoluded, the noble animal having trotted oiu hundred mla In the eztraordlnaiy time ot tight hourt,J\fly-fiM mnuiu, md J\fiy- tkm tttml*! Including etoppagee for water, spouglog, Ao. Thla Is the most aetoniahlng performance of the kind on reoord. Our neighbors of the rural districts will now please atop their bragging. When they have conquered the " Conqueror," It will be time enough for them to boast of their fast time, but not till then.—Eo. Clip.] Olosino op Biilubd Saloons.— We see It stated that all the Billiard saloons hi Louisville, Ky., have heen closed ia puTsnance of a State law. We have no anthentlo In- formation as to the truth of this statement; bat, If correct, It only goes to show, tbe pnrltanltal notions entertained by some old fogiet lu tbe great and growing West, where snob {qjarjoas Inflaences, It was hoped, would not be suffered to find much favor. What is there In the beaatiful and recreative game of billiards to call forth such opposition t If It Is urged that the game leads to other matters not quite up to some people's Ideas of morality, let us ask those pretended advocates of moral reform where we may look for pure sanctity, undeflled morality, and all that sort of thing T Let us go to the supposed fountain head of morality, the church; let tis tear the veU from the " pillars" of that ohorch, and what do we behold t Cor- TupUon in ita wont torn, . Uecent developments in the OBseofthe'Bev.Ur.Eallooh, of Boston—one oftheehlning lights of that city, and one whose opposltlou to all amuse- ments and manly pastimes has been of the strongest kind— convinoe us, In oonnectlon with other dlsoloenres ellolted In ahnllar trials, ihat tbe ohuroh haa Its full share of wick- edness, though It Is carried on beneath a moral garb. There b no such bypoorlsy abont our bllUaid saloons or other places of amusement—what Is there done, b done openly, before tbe world. If the Great West desires taput an extlngnisher upon Its rapid growth, let It Inderdiot all eports and pastimes for the people. What would New Tork be without lb theatres, lb billiard rooms, Ib bowling alleys, and other elmUar plaoesT What would that " Little Giant of the West," Chicago be, were It not that It b » fao slnille, almost, of our own great Empire CItyT Crush out the people's pastimes, and yon destroy the vlbll^ of a com- munity. It will not do. It b time that all such old fogy and puritanical notions of propriety and morality were consigned to oblivion ; and If Lonlsvilb hopes to contend sucoessfiilly with other sections of oor western country. In the great race now going on, she matt encourage rather than oppose popular amusements. If there is snob a law as that referred to above, we hope It will be speedily annulled. A Foor-Tkir Old. —^We arc growing apace. We are beginning to look npon our " little craft" as a " mighty giant." With the present number we have attained the position of a fouryear-old, and we feel our strength Inoreaslng with our years. But then, .part of the credit for our healthy and prosperous condition b due to those many Mends who have so. nobly stood by us—who have assisted us by their patronage and advice—who have pointed out tho many ehoals and quicksands that seemed to obstruct our onward course—who have kindly reproved us for errors we may have committed, and applauded us when we were deserving of praise. We say, to our kind patrons, subscribers, readers, coneepondents, and all, we are greatly Indebted for our present proud positioa In the newspaper and sporting world. In the oosduot of on]/ journal. It Is a diffloult matter to please all readers; but In the guidance of a ipmting newspaper It b almost ImjKissIble to cater eueoessfhlly ibr the varied tastes of the readera of sooh a Journal. We nifiy ofcnd one class, unwittingly. In ihe very effort to please another. Again, our etrlotores, npon .oerlain occaalons, may seem severe and undeserved, but were onr readers with us, "behind ihe soenes," they would at once acknowledge that Instead of being harsh or severe, we are far too lenient We are loth to condemn, but when the Interesb of the entire sporting commanlty demand It, we consider It our duty to expose ftand, and to hold the perpetratora of It up to publio Indignation.. If we err b Judgment, we are willing and aozlous to have our faulb pointed ont to tia In a courteous manner. With theso few remarks, we again offer onr sincere' thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the present volume of the Ouffsb, and hope our next may meet with equal fkvoir. " All abowd Ota or ma Oldin Tnd,—Wease Ik stated in a Spring- deli journal that "JehuCrloket,"a florae "well-known Ib that oitj^," died reoently at the extraordinary, age of llfiy years. Poor oU horse, let hlin,die." Niw Bica luattM NnrTouL—Tbe bill ftr the hnprovtmeBl«^ bread or heiaea pataed lha Senate Anally, on MoBday lal; tt lad voaalypaaaedtbtUeata, It anlhoriiea Edward FeanaU of Ne4rert dty, Banry Ltoyd of Qoeem, LoveD Purdy oT BMuBosd, Ardll Bay. mood and'Bobert Vorrlt of Weilchetltr, tad Ibeir aaMotota, ta tork a company for Ihe purpote cf ratotaig, bretdlng,'tnd Improvtaiga^ breed of horaei, intOcct lo Uio provblona of " An Act Ibr the Incorpon. lion of aaaodaUona Ibr Improving Uie breed of bonet," paM Ajril U, IStt, tioeptlng 10 lliraatho aame may be IneoBtlateat wUh l^ pnvtoloniofthtoaoL U aba glvea lha aaaodallon power lo pnrA«| or' leaaa a aulUble tract <t land, to be telcoled by oommhaloiuii aanoed in tho bill, lo ba naed u a coune Ibr teaUog the rtltUve tpett efbonea; to erect toUable bnUdlnga, Ibneee, to,; bul Ihto provtolta ahaUnotbeoooatmedto allow the radog of honea or other aatmah Ibr any wagera oonlrary to Ihe preaent pravtoloni of lha raiked atatutet. The AaMetoUa may bold two nuttlnga, Jnne and Ooiobar In each year, andattheee aeiil-annaal maeUnga may oikrpriiaala be awarded u the maaagan may dtotala, Iheoourtemnttbeloetlad wltbbi one of Uie OnmUea of Ebigt, Qaetni, SoBblk, New Tork, «r Richmond. lha Sheriff of Ihe oooaty In whkh Uie ooune than be etUbUahed, or hto depaly, tbtU ttland Um itml-tnnail'meeUn^ to keep Ihe petof tad remove lO gtmbUng Implemtnli, Ibr which tn- vIoeeUie AnodaUon ahall pay blm IS per day. B Ihe *««~-i»t | < B permit gambling <t any Und wlttUn Uie courae, tbey thereby fcifett Uielr charter and aU Uie powera and prlvUegea conftrred by Uilt aaL Itto to bebopedUiattbanew aaaocloUoo irUl telecl a alia men convenient lo the dty than Ihe raoe tracki on Long latond. It bw alwaya been a great otOeeUon Uiat Ihe meant of reaoUng tboae plaoei were not inSldest; benca tbalr unpopolatlty. We may hava somt^ thing more 10 aay bi reflnanoe to Ihto labjeot In our neil,. Prssebvation OF Gake.— The bill for the preserw tlon of game in thbSbte, which haa Just passed thoLegi^ lature, provides as follows: . "That no person ehall, wlUilo Ihto Stale, kUl any wild deer at aa* Ume during the moniha of January,. February, March, April, Bay, June or July, Every portion who anail expoeo to uie any green deer akin or freanventooD, or who ahall bava toe name In btocnitody at any Ume during Uie monUi ipeclOed, ahall be deemed to have violittd the Uw; and whoever aball eSbnd agolnat the provtolona cf ilie ael ahall Ibr each oOiaeo Ibrfelt tbe torn of twonty-flve dollan. All penal- tlea Impoaed by Uie act may be tued tot and recovered, wllh Uie cost ofaucb anit, before any JuaUco of lha peace In Uio Elate, by or In Ihe name of any person making complaint thereof, one half of tho fine go- ing to the oomplalnasL" " AnoUw blU, relaUve lo Itoot, haa alao paaud. It provldea thai no peraou ahall at any Ume take any tront lo any of tho Inland pobSo walen of Ihto SUle wllh any net, eebie, wier, baaket, apear, grappto, nap or any other dovloe whatooever, except a book and line, mo. ever ahall olfend agalualthe provtolona of the act aball, for each ollhnot, forfeit the tum of tweotj-flve dollaia. AU r'''»'tit i Impoaed by Ua - act may be lued Ibr and recovered, with the cosia of aucb eull, befbrt any JuiUca of Ihe peace hi tbto Slate, by or lo the name of any penen making complaint thereot one half cf the flue Unnsed Bdni to ttil complainant" » • • TuiniFia Fight.— A Winston, Ud., correspondent of ths Baltimore Argns states that a mlsnndentandbg recently took place between a man l>om Chicago, named Drab, and another named Pendleton. A challenge was glvoi by Drain to Pendleton, and what followed is thus related: Be accepted the cballengo, and accepted fbr weapon! bowie knives. They aotfed Uemieha dnm to a two Inch oak plank by Uio pobta, tnd fought unUI Drain waa mortally wounded. Young Pendleton wu eat nearly la plecea, and to now lying In a crIUcal oondlUon. Bvt 4 Pendlelon'a knlfii la lUII In Draln'a bead. There to no hope of hto re- covery. The Doctor Ihlnka Ihey wUl both die. Wonder If Ib true, or only a " penny-a-llner." RoLss OF Sfobtb.— With oar new volume, theflrtt number of which will be Issued next week, we Intend to commence &e pnbllcatlon of the different rules for the government of sporting events, such aa Crloket, Base Bali, The Turf, Pigeon Shooting, Quoits, Ac, Ac. As ths sporting season of '67 b now about commenobg, thest laws will prove Interesting and valuable aa records for reference, decblonB, Ac Let those who wlah to preeervig dies, procure their CLiFPEB»at as early a day aRer pohll- cation aa may be convenient. Bboatta of the New Tork Tacht Club.— The annual regatta of the New Tork Club takes place this year on Thursday, Jane 4. A large number of yachb will take part In thb Mendly contest Tho largest yacht of ihe squadron will be the " Wan- derer," (owned by Ur. John D. Johnson,) now hulldbg about sixty miles up the Sound.* She is 241 tons, and Is buQt both for speed and accommodations. How TO Talk.— Thb Is an art not to be despised, and Uessrs. Fowler & Wells have done wisely In publishing ■ cheap hand-book to teach the proper expression of ideis by words. As the darkey b said to have said of a spring shower," De Lor knows it b needed I'.' We are pleased to welcome Fowler A; Wells In this department of Ilteratuis, for tho logical expression of a olear mind b one of the best proofs of sound health. Everybody should have this amusing and instructive little guide for private consulttr tlon and pabllo Improvement. Out for a Dat's Sfobt.—Now b the time to provide yourselves with Ashing tackle, and other articles of a like description. An abundant and varied assortment may he found at the esbbllshment of Mr. John Warrin, Na 48 Ualden Lane. Our Fhllodelphia flrlends may abo be nocomipodated lu like maimer at'the' store of Jamea Golohcr & Co., where may also be had cook spurs. See advertisement elsewhere. ' SuARP BHOOTiNO.-^ohn J. Bshleman, Esq., of Lancaster, - Fa,, on tho Sd Inst, In the Shooting Galleiy of Hears. Hudson and Wame, In Fulton Hall, In that plaoe, shot off-hand with a rifle, a dbtanoe of thirty yards, bitting the button every shot, twelve times' in succesdoa. . The button b (iM bches In diameter, making, b the aggregate,. dgU Inohes, string measnrement, from centre to centre. < Tiibnbbb' Fbbttval.— The Turners of New Bedford are to have a celebration on the 30th. A number of Tnmai of thb olty and elsewhere are eopeoted to partk^lp^^^ and will he received on the 29lh. ., \_ Faridb or Phxluelfhta Firehen,— This Impwia^' event b sot down for the ISth of September next, that\ being the fortieth annlverniy of the organleatlon of .the | Department ' , CBiiuaoa.-Boxbury, Vaai,, AprU Oth.—The Mendt ttjtmt Orlmet, of Roxbary, trt willing to btck him tgahut yoong OoBiry or Johnny Uorria, of BcatoD, at 180 ponnda, Ibr SlOO or 1200, In alx wetki rna the Aral depoelt. If tbto don't tult Ihem, I wlU ight lay 110 ponnd novice in MtniohoaeUi br Ibe ttme tmounk' An titwtr through ttieCurrBwUl In qnhiklyatlaaded to, and a match can bo made. B. am — PioaaaB or " idi An" n m Wte.—A prln flght took plaoe rt- oenUy between John Ijiak and Fbrgo, at O'Oonneu bland, hallway between the Iowa and Illlnob banka of Um Bteatoalppl. Twenty-Uute roanda were Ibugbt, ocoipyUig JoM ana hour. Fkrgo won tbe btUll. - ijjo a aide.. •Dgbt by tbe ntme of W. W. Buah, of New Tork Bute, I hereby nol The ilako wai.tzU a aide, Gkiiuma.-Having bad a illght mtoundenlandlng wlOi a w/ Hto SMaiav wa ivt bmbii. vb Aistr a a»wiW| a uwvw/ atww/ — Uvtt I will flgbt Um tald Buah a lUr aland up flgbl Ibr SlOO, or mm. If aeoepuble to hira, Be may tbrward to yoq Itaimedtotety, and I wu tend to Uie aame. Joaa Duan Gevelfnd, 0., April 10.' ■ Ciiuxtoi.-David Line, of Ntopn Fklto, alalet' thai be will SgW Umt Barry Grlbbto or Jen Parker, id U7 Oa., ibr ItOO or fion a elUMT aide.