New York Clipper (Apr 1857)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. 41$ ti eneotcd^^^^^ivat^bet th^htco^teoofflpUr' iht dltUnoe t&twohoon, oDmoUag the aktMnth roandt fell from eibtoitton. •nd ww obllg*a to bo carried home, having ooonpled Ml hoar, ud k-hwf In completing .thai portion. Ur. Awdry, more pndent than Ui Mtno, took It rerj lelBorely (no time befog ipeoIOed In which it ma to be done,) ud (Qcoeeded la Snldilng the diftuce'wll^ oot ftellng uj the worw for the ondertaUng, with tho oxoeptlon of rather lote f)!et,ooaieqaent apoabardnea of the path. Liwrr AMD FoDNBT.—It ia gently to be rcgreltad tbot tbli match for the 10 mile ohamnlooahlp between :theao celebrated rannen baa been declared off bj 'tho forfeltore of Levett, who was Ino^iaoltftttd from ronnW at the time epeclfledthroaBhhla lataMoldeat Weitated lest week that an oflter on his part of £10 to have the raoe poatponed had been refilled: that oflbr he thla week doubled, but Padbey itUl fblt laatlOed in k refttaL Ko obbleo therefore remained bat toe forfelti Ibon^ w« ai« iglad to lajr that Lovett la to far recovered aa to do able, to go Into training again in a flaw daye, and a flrMh match aa been made between the two aaplirata iUr the ohafflplOb- eUp to ran the eame dittanoe, for £20 a aide, on Ajptu 10, at Cki^tl-lanei Wandaworth. NBw JPaDESTBUN UaTon^Lsce rwiltlng the above, we have received tho following:—Jamea Hancock (of Salford,> the Champion Sprint Banner, Is matched' wltb Jonph Horrocks (of Bnry,) to mn 440 yards oTet th» Salford Borough Conne, on the 6th day of April next, for £26 a side. Ur. James Eolden baa rcoelved £A ^ni caoh. WniBTUNa MiTcn.—Last week a trial of atriiDgtb tookplaoe between two well-known aembera of the Betttog Ring, Vessra. JackMn and BaiVer, the (bmer laying the latter a bet of £200 to £100 thai be did'fiot throw him. After a long atrhgsle fortinie pmoiled in favor of the owner of Polly FHohdm, who throw his opponontln voty olevor r^le. IIW TOBX IISI MATIBBS. Emros CJliffxk— Haying recently noticed the interest jm bare tokep In tbe 'morements of the Fire Department, f'^onld oall atMntlon tfarongh you iridely clronlated 'jtarn4 to the ineonvenlenee which the deportment In the lower districts labors nnder, and which shonld be attended to. We have, In the lower part of the city, twelTa engine companlea, as follows: two OistKilass and ten second-class engines, and when on duty they require at Uad two hydrant itreuns eaA; the flntolass reqnlrlng (Arai Now, It will be seen that it will require (uaifyiiz bydiant llnea to give tfood sopply of water to the engines to be of any service whatever. We have only nineteen hose companies doing dnty, and, as It will be seen, we have not enongh hose companies to sopply the engines properly, cMn if every <^e. of them shonld have a hydrant, and reach to on engine, which cannot be done on account of the .hydrants being nearly. If not qnite, 300 feet apart, and the hose carriage ndt being able to carry over EOO feet, In the first place we are Mwn hose oompanles short; in the second place every hose , company cannot take a hydrant and reach the fire, because some companies have to t^e a hydrant from 1600 to 2000 feet away fnm the Are; those nearest bekg taken by companies arriving first at the fire. This has not been fbr a month or a day, but it baa been for years, and I hope tliat"the preseat Chief will remedy It What is the good of an engine wlthont a good supply of water T The cry among the engine men is," Give ui plenty of water and T|;e will pat oat the fire before It spreads further;" and tb(9y hava good cause to speak thus. I have often seen some of our best engines, well manned, throwing water Ooniparatlvely no higher nor stronger thou a hydrant stream; and the first thing yoa would, hear woold be, when spoken to by a rival company," Ob, onr engine Is out of order 1" The conaeqnence would be, that, next day, tiie engine wonld be sent to the hnllder to be overhauled to see what was the matter, and the engine would be taken to Spikes to ascertain the cause, and notiimg would be found wontlag. Where was the fault T Water was wanting ud nothing else I One half of the engines are put out of order by this long-continuous want. I was veiy much gratified to see some of the hose com- panies of the app9r districts coming to onr assistance, but imagine my surprise to see engines coming too; It was making matters worse. This waa no remedy. The only way to do It Is to send - the hose companies down town, and keep the engines in the districts where they lay, and I will vouch for the engine men of the Seventh and Eighth Districts. It will be seen that in the Seventh District there are three engines and four hose companies laying in the Sixth District, and those.companles laying In the Fourth District, now doing duty, which makes flfleen engines and twenty-four hose , companies in the Seventh; and by giving each engine toe hydrant streams, which cannot be done, there will be five engines without water, and by giving them all water tiiere will be ribu engines with a fall supply and nz with a half supply; thus wast- ing time and labor. Now, in the Eighth District, we have fifteen engines, two coming bom the npperdlstriots, eigh- teen, hose companies in the lower, and three flrom the upper districts, making twenty-one, and leaving us in the same predicament If our worthy Chief wants the engines let him order enongh hose companies to give a good sup- ply of water, and thus not cripple'*but give the " down- townen" a chance to show what their machines are made for. Tours,. Index. A FIBXKAH'B LOVB. mtm CUPTES—Tliare Is bo psrtr Ikolliig kindlad upon the ulUir of bimiu alltacUaos, Uiu a Hreman's pure, DicoDtimliutad lovo for his tiroUicr Hrenun. ItbaallktdlottiarafltetJogt; BOdliaaimoclediillh ■eUab MDSiulltr; lo grett In lla dgTelopmonb; lo dlgnlfltd, ud jul, wlfi^ soltad, aodavolad,Ildtbll>gcu■II«rl^n<aOvta»lUl]llUl<(. ItM.worldiaa/itvolTo, udlla evoInUou efftoi cbaogea In ttaelbr- imm. In Uu ohanctsr, and In Us dltpoelUonor a OrcDun, jel, If h« wut), vboso hnnd wUl ao apcodlly elretcb out u tbit of a brother flraminr and, irUa ohaiuler Is.mallgiod, whose volet will bo readily ■well In bis advocacy? Next to a lUher'a nnqnenehablo lore, a flro- inin's b prO'emlnent; It reals so excluilToly on (ho Ilea of constn- gilnlly for lla amteoasco; It Is go dlvcatad of passion, and spring) firom anob a deep receas In the human bosom, that when a flreman once fimdly and deeply regards hb cenpaiiy, that afloetlon Is blended wltb his aibtenco; In all the annals ofcrlmesU la coneldoredaonielblng ano- malous to find the hand of a lliemon raised against his brother llro- manj or his heart nnrturlDg Uie seeds of hatred; hi all affbcUon of flreihen there ia a doTotmlnesa whioh caanot but be properly appreci- ated, bi tboeo regarda where the paasloni are not at all nacoeaory In tnoreaalng tho itroigtb of the aSbcUons, more sincere truth and pcre fefUng may lie expected than b> such aa aro dependant open each other (br tboir duration as well as their MlclUea. A Creman's lore, bi this respect, Is pecoUarly reniarkablo. nerola no soiHah gratlUda- Ubnln lla oul-pourlogi; ItllTa.t^omthenatniallmpnlse; andpetion- il ebaroia are not In the allgbttst degree necessary to Its birth or du- ration. I can Ouoy genoratlona yet uiliom rising to prove a flreman'a Iqva and grcatnoaa. Qboboi FBoid. miadelpbU, Aprll4,lUT. FIBB DBPABTXSHT OF BAH FBAV0I80O. Tp following Is a summary of the different apparatus in use by the fire departmont of San Francisco, Ocdlfomla;. nis Kvacna Empire Ko..I.—Flnt4lass.englDe: Worth, builder, San FTanolsco; D. Bcannell. Ibrtmaa;.lUty-Blx mepiten; eoiino, city property: tbur- whMled hose carriage, coDMny property; nine hundred feet of hose. Manhattan No. 2.—Flrat-olaaa aDglaai Ibrhoos, Vjllder, Kow York; Ira'Cole, foreman; sixty-tbreo msmbors; engine, olty property: Ibur- wheeted hose carriage, compioy property: eight hundred root of hose. Edward No. 8.—TblrdKilaaa engine and (wo-wboolod bmo conlago: Bondelsan, builder, Beaton: city property; W. T. Oube, foreman: alny-flve members; elx hundred (bet of beae, CuUomia Ko,<.—Third-class eaglso and two-wheelod buae carriage; Bonnemad, builder, Bcatou; company property; W. B. U'Brlan, fore- man; Bfty-nlne members; six hundred reet o( hose. Xnlokorbockcr No, 6.—Second-doss engtse and two-wheeled hose carriage; Bmllh, builder, New York; dlr properly; E. Troeland, fore- man; alziy membnrs; four hundrod and ntty feet of hose, Honumenlal No. S,—FlrstcUas engine and two-wheelod hose ear- >lag«;'Rogon, builder, Baltimore; company property; OeorgeH.Bos- salltoss, Ibrenun; sUly-flTO members; tlx hundred foot of hose. Tolunlcer No, 7.—Third-olsas eoglno; Tbayer, builder, Boston; two- wheeled hoso . carriage; ongbie bolongtogto Cut. Baoondray; hose carriage the properly of the company; John 0. una, foreman; flfty- nlne members; Ova hundred (bet of base. FaolBo Ko. 8.—Tblrd-olaaa engine and two.wbeeled hose carrlaga; Bmllh, builder. New York; city properly; U S, Neefus, fl)remanr%- ty-<Jgbt membora; three hundred and flOy fbct of beae. TlgUailtNo. >.—First-olaaa engine and two-wheeled hose carriage; Jeflbra, builder, Fawtuokst,R.I.; dly property; W. B. Boree, fore- man; Oltylre momWira; nine hundred feet of boae. 'C'eiwnt Ko. 10—^Thlrd clast ooglne and two-whooled hose carriage; Bom, builder, New York; city property; James Borbort, foreman; membtri; Ibor hundred feet of hose. ulumblan No. 11 Second-olaas engloo and two>wbeeled hosa car- nsgo'Van Keia kTorboaa, bonders, Hew York; dly property; WU- nsm^H, Breanao, foreman; fmy-lhres members; eight hundred net of ' l'!?'°*''7^>'<>-I2— Beoond-elaaa mglMaad Ibor-wheeled how ie: Agnew, builder, PUladelpbla; company iiropatty; John tbreaun; forty-eight nemben; (Igbt tanndrecffeel of base. ■u[ America No. 18.—Tblrd.claas engine and two-wheeled hose IBmllh, builder. New York; elljr property: IL Hayes, fbr*. ■ffm^rs; alx hnodred and filly feet of hoes. T'-^'caad-olauaDgbw and two-wheeled hosa oarrtagt; "LWorccater, Uaaa.; engine, prints proptrty; has* car- riage, cUyproperly; QdebClapp.ftiromaa; slily-flTO members; throe btrndrsd Oetofhoas. ■ . _ • ■ Boei iSD UDSB nooa.' a. Fluda No. l.-Book and Uddar inck; 3. L, Benr k Oa., bolldera, San nandieo; digr property: L. Bobla, tbraman; brty-Ave members. Lalkjeus No. 1-Book and Udder track; J. L Berry k Ox, build, en, San Frandsco; dly property; Henry A. Cobb, Amman; flny-ftmr membera, Bansoma No. S.—Book and Uddar track; J. L. Wetb, ballder, Ban mnclsco; dty property; Wm. Adrian, (brsman; flny-toor members, xxuD mnm an> bosx ousuom. One enghie, need by Manhallan Oo. No. S, In good coodllloo. Oiie engloe, koown u 'Hild 9." hoosed by Duward Go. No. 8, In IUr con- diuoo. Ibrse others, ly(ng Ui the old corporation yard, useless and not worth repalrlnr. - One loaned to MarysTllls; In (kir order whoa leased. One smaU cnglM at the CUy Hall, hi good order; need fbr fiurpoaea oTlbe bulldmg. One boss canrlue, now hi uss by Tiger Oo, 0.14, and one at J. L Berry's machine snop—both In good order. OOOKINQ., "Old largtant Cook" aa "WUU HaaUa." Ms. EsnoR:—I see by your valuabls JosnuU of llsrch 28, that " Whits Hackle" la ont again " urging ho* war." open your ootro- pondents, on the subject of Uio Game Ibwl; and ba goes at It, too, with the laTagencss of a hyena, venting his rancoroua spleon upon all '■ old Ibglea," IrrespecUva of the penonal claims of any. He lua certainly been lokhig a large dose of Brandreth'a pUls, alas be conld never bara purged himself of thla rrfute naUtr. I thought he would haTo been contented allsr preaching the ftiaoral ,orallon and wrlUog the epttapb'fiir myself and Ibwla hi I8M; but so, even Uils does not isUsfy Us voradouanesa I Ho moat kick a poor follow after ho Is dead—ao pronounced by his own Judgment and writings. Yet, allow me to auggeat—with this commnnlcaUon oa my backer—that ho may have given one, kick ■■ too many." There la a jposslblllly of a person being in a iranco, and coming to Ulb again I Such Is my case. I am not dead, aa ho had eopposed, but alive aid kicking, and willing to do battle wlUi him to the enl - lu his laat communication ho very modestly advises the Screw Dock party "to Udc oat Ihoao Inlrndon, and if yen havo anything to say, say it yourselves; keep dear of each prelaiai Crlenda as " flame Cock," "SuewDoek," "Old Bport," "OldSergeant Cock,"and all other old fogies;—their communications show them to bo dunghills. In vain have they essayed to depredate Uiebeststock hi the country; thoir motives were malicious—so, at least, I havo concluded." 'WID' my friend "White Hackle," nUoi "Fred-eo," tell mo when and where havo I drer said one word against ai^y man's' breed orit(wla,'ln any of my Ibrmcr commuulcallons t I deiy hbn to point me to a sin- gle Instance where eucb raeana wero employed, by mo. Bo farther says Tbo honest portion of the Screw party, I linow, wet's disappointed at ihsdleastrooB result of tho main of cocks Axigbtsome throo weeks sgo, when their breedbig cocks ran away pell-mell; they hardly stood half a flgbt.. I a^mpaUUse with Ihem, and know Ibll well Uiatirthe conne adopted tiy.ono of . them bo followed oat, they may propagala fowls that may regohi their lost laurels. It Is tho Ollly Dcu-d stock ho has rosorled to, knowing this breed to be the ibCEt." Bear, me I what sbrowdness "Wblto Hackle," olloi ■' Fred-ee," exhibited Ui the above Uuls qnotaUon—leaving out the White Hackle lo connection with tbo BUly Beard—oxx and Ou aun bral I Wby, FVed-ee, hare you become tired of the name of White Hackle—the name whoaa moglo sound and pulTed-np worth bos canaed many a gold-drop to jingle In your pocket? Had you not belter scars up another clutch of tho atarch house fowls, of a little dUbrent Und, and agohi send to Nova Scotia (br Bruiser No. 1, to cross—not a Bil- ly Beard, but a Blue Beard, a Black Beard or a Bod Beard; but, for heaven's sake, do not oi^iCn give us a Aumrinp Beard or WKiU Haelle I I have bocomo mors gciinnlnlftrt with your history of late, and. If correctly Infbrmod, you are not the man whom you would have the people believe you aro. In a commnnlcaUon, published In the New York Cunsa In 1898, you said you had fifty hens, and that you wore oObred 1200 Ibr ten of them, but that you neither sold, bartered, nor wtmid lond them. Host Iraly disinterested individual I you merely wished to advise limners and sporlhig men where they could " get m»b nu amid bo>r«U*d-n,u.. wW-^nui «t-Ihjl Wl>l>» Ibdit* slag you traded with a gentleman not one hundred mlica from Uncas- ,tac7 Little things wUl leak out It la already woU koown—bence im- Deceesory (br me to tell yon. If tho BlUy Beard, altai Whits Knckla, ore the tiest breod In the country, why do tbey got whipped so oflsn t "Old ^iort," and numerous others, testily that they show the whits feather often.- Now, cor aporUng; gentlemen of old Uneaator are of tbo Tight alripe; they never squeal If they lose their money; and a great m^rily of them would not touch a White Hackle with a ten foot pole. They know that It la something remarkably alogular that a While Hackle will aland to the deaUi In the honda of their present owoen, but that when othen get posssaalon of them, they will run away. Truly, ■■ there ii something rotten in Denmark." Terbniis " Fred-ee" can explahi. In answer to "Inquirer," you gavehlm tonndenland that the geo- graphical position of tho consoUdalod dty did not extend quits to West- cheater. I would be very sorry If It did; for the One game fowla I loft there might be contaminated by tho White Hackle. You say further, " I therelbre can have oo allusions to a Dr. J, W. C, box 188 iF. 0. of that remarkable village." No, but you can havo reference to a Dr. Wm. B. Cooper, of the aforesaid "village," who baa,as line a lot of game (bwls sa was ever produced hi America. I boll from old Uncostcr, where Uitro are as preUy a eel of girls, end a goodly number of sportvnon, as any town hi the Union. We have all kinds of sport lo " Iheao diggings,"—a mognlOcenl shooting gallery, kept by Ucssra. Warne li liudson. The former b a true marksman; and the latter glroa leasona lo tho art of manual defence or aystem of Boxing, They ore true gentlemen, and men who folly undontond tboir profes- sion. Ibis gallery Is dologathrlvlng business. Itlaft'OquenUyvlallsd by the iUr sex, and some of them aro excellent marks——ladles, both with rlOo and pistol. Oui EznozixT Coot. Inscoater, Fn., IBtT. Tame Deer scooDd, Ihe Vborth Btaihlal BHkaa «mt to Happy Uod, wUh Tbo Merry SmahhM ssoeid. lU Ihlrd Btsnnlal Etakas went lo7aoller,wlttilfarUialseoo«ML nsatyBowllkUloUdy (tayaf- ham, wllh the Ben) f. ssMed. 00 the Uth, tha Boulb-Weatsra Ballway Flats; want to Mr. W. Dv'> t by WeoUierbll oat of Bobgostseo, with Br. Boward>B Haitlaol seoosd. Tbe Looglbtd ChsUo Blakss want to a w. o. by Mr. X Htw. Ufa Ttaa Many tonsUns. Th* Baadleap Plats woDt t» Hr. 0.' Di««a's Tbo Dope, wllh Br. .Adkins's Eardrop ssoond. The Rett's rials wai won by Ur. T. Fan's FUberman, with Lord Rlbblesdale'a laraca too. ond. Tbe wmoa Fuk Slakob wosi to Lord Blbbleadale's lbs Happy Und, wlUi Ur, E. Hall's Lady ainbelb aeoood. The week wu cold, and Sallabary colder Ibaa Dgocaster. This week ws bavs hod a very Uvdy Ums M thrsa days at War- wick, warmhig op Ihe'vary heart of Old Englaad. Tbe Am b«pu oo nesday with tha Oly Bandkap wbkih fall to Lord Nolaoti, with Birly Bird second. Ilie TVlal Slakea went to Flshemao, wUh Oenuna dl Vargy seconl The Bwcepalakca of B aovs. (bll to Coditail's o., with Auricula saoond. The WUlougbby Handle^ was woo by Byslarloos Jack, with Foodls ieoond. TltoParmera'Flats was lUtad by WarwlaK,. with Jenny Jooea second. Bo, foo see, there la a Jenny Jones here. < On Wsdaesday; thsiWsltor.Handlcap wsa haadsd by l>lnes of Oraago, with Tipton second. Tbe Two-Tear-Old Stakes went to Oresa- jwlch Fair wlUi FaUaooi asocod, Tbs great Warwlokablr* Haallcap waa beaded by Ttioe Dear, with Oaody ascend. Tbe Debdais Bokw Aill to Boyally, wltb Brigadier second. Tbo BwsspaUkM of tliovs. wont loChstaway, with lanraSellnaaaoond. Tbe Handicap PMo wis won by Lord Nslsoo, with Oetarla'seoond. j On Thuraday, lbs <40 Handicap Plato wool to Plaoslble, with Osniet second. Tho Annual Btseplo Chaae was won by Weathetccdl wltb Blnerra aeoend. The Hoidlo Sacs waa won by Jean do Qoeso^ (tho Krcndmuii agtln 1} The otber Itoms of yesterday I have oot yet ob- tained,' but they ara of but little Importance exoept tha 100-gnIneaStce' pie Chase. lIsL Tib, Is ihe minimum weight, and only horses which have been outhuotlog can bo entered. In bntloeas of this kUid tho Baglla& are SOTS IS wbi groat laurels; ss tho old aoaff Bays— " All hall to lhs,land whare the foxes are flyers, ' Wliorc the Ibnces are larger Uian anywhere else; Where nooe value their necka, and If the horse tires,' .1 - Dedlna for tho aoUnal, ligt Air themselvos." ' j ' The yousg Prince of Wales li taking leaaons In tha art of nm^liig a iiono '1 aeress coontry," and Binlro Cbnrles Davia Is his later; His Hlgbnosa promlssa to bo a hlghdyer. ) ' The banting aeason haoga on-well, and the alsepio nh assa are yot nameroua. At Birmingham, next Tataiij wUI be a alaahcr. At Oalos- borough and at Uandlllo, on Wednesday. AtUorelon-lil-tho-Banb, on Thursday. And at Cbarlbury, on Saturday. Some of the " aearlot ooats" arenow auvaaalhg for aparllamootary "aeat." In Ireland, tie ateeple olaaes are beUsr as welt'Si moia ao. mcroua. On Uooday, Uiero will be a dub at Ballymore, Monday and Tuasdny, at babel. Tbe Irish Uelropolllaa meet la on Wedntsday, and thbris Is sure lobe a lal|ge field at EUmalloch on Thursday, nere are ten prlies.(itO0)'lh the Klldaro Meeting IbrEagtar Kooday.' 1 maiiiloii Iheso lo abow how loth the scarlet coats are to give np their sport In coiustaig Itsms a similar tsnaelly may be iMUced. ^oie if tlie. Scotch and Irish nccUnts are aet down (br aa UOe as the second week in Hay, when ws usually have warm weaUier here. AmoDg tbo best bunUng niss ol tho aeason was ono by the Duke or Beaufort's Ibihounila near Dorlzes,' and another by Baran Rothachild'a near Newport Figaoll, The stag buallog Is now more general oa Ibk hontlog comes to a close. Tho aogUog (ktterolly are preparing to quit tho salmon pools Ibr the trout Btraama, Pretty soon they will lUid cusiomen worthy of all their oiU ' At Cambridge and at Oxford tbo Dnlvertlty man are Irjlof Uielr Bcratch-IbDr races and Ainnhig dlvbltas fbr prscUce amoag the various dubs. The Univenlly Boat Race Is act for the Sd of April; or tho next day aflei the BetrapolllaD,' being guided by tho weather, . A very amuslog oontroveny Is now going on aa to whether tbe term ■' a rook " or " a crow " means tho same bird, One good thiDg retails ftom Ihe argnneats, aa they tend to ehow Uiat tho crow Is a good filsod •"'^ no eaemy to lbs nrmer. ■ Some of tha " Tip draiomlty " advertise Is " sxscols comnitalons" lo ths names of the moat respectable members ofTUIorsalls, and ther*; seems to be no remedy for this oioept patting the flats alltUe on IhoU: guard. Prospects are brightenliig In Franco. Tbe Paris Spring Raesa ore to come off. hi the splendid new course at Longcbaopa, between the Beta do Bodogne and Uie Seine, and aet Air April 26, and Bay 8, T, and 10, Tbe Spring races at Chantllly aro act for Hay IT, 21, and M. Tho TSn Broock aidtemoot keeps InoreaaUig, bat I give no wgn- menia this tkne^ not knowing but what yoo would prelbr these llom. I^lBlBSlOOCOia, ' CocBi«> m ComaoncnT,—Bridgeport, Oonn,, Uarch 28-—I am glad to Inform you thatour good old dtyofBrldgeport appcan determlDcd not to be behhiA the thnoa next winter as; regards cock flghllog. <]alto a number oTgentlemon havo goiie lA with a detormlnatlon A>r raising game fowl, and to all appcanncoa wl)l not ilong, bo behind FoDbsylvaola, lAog Island, or anywhere alee, as regards good and fine fowl I look timo a few daya ago to walk round and aoo what was going on, and was surprised to find bkxxla In tbo field with game oooks, and all seem- ed delsrmhiod to ouUdo each other \d good and bendsomo fowl. I called hi at Ur. George Bright'a, having h'cnrd considerable about bla ftiwb, and he certilnly has aome very fine birds. Two breeds bi par- ticular, that struck my fooey, ho lorormed me had biioa creased with the beat atock ofAiwl, until thsy bad bocomo true fealherod; they are ccrlamly very noble and bandaoma, and are regarded aa ttua marked; as tbe dd aaybg la, they are truo to a ficaUier, both broeda, Ono la Silver Duckwhig and tbo otber Ucoly Oray, and uo doubt but they will show Ihemaelvea next wtater. I nndentand they are open for a match lo tho IbU, weight about i}i lo 8 lbs, Thoro ore aevorai other very Uno apedmena here In Drldgeport. As Ou> Ooona. 8P0RTIN.Q MA.TTER8 ABftOAO. ODBBBnUIDnQB OP lUS VSW TOBK CEim Loxoox, Uarch 20,18ST, FSnBin Qmr—As statsd In mine of Uarcb (tb from tbia dly, I wu a llulo doubUhl (after leaving NoWngbam) Uut I could atleod tbo meetings at Ooocaatar and Eallabury during the enanlag wook, and when mhie of the 18lh left I had not any aulbenllo Items ftrom the Uends who attended thoae plaeaa Ibr me. In Cut, It was Impossible, withoal tdegrspblo dd,'and I had my osoal oompletnoot of paper illleif np with oogltatlona about Br: Tta Broock'a Chances, which I hope yoa have received. At Donoastsr, oo ths 10th, lbs tiUl Stakes went lo Odd Triok, with Bourgeois seoaod. Ths BSpafal llakas wsnt to Fully Peaohan, with Poregrlao seoond, ni Doacaster Handlrap waa wod by Uary, with Pantomlma aeoood. The Uusldpal Slakes wonl.ld Polish, wllh BuUodc ssoond, . The Chealsrflold Plate (UI to Hyststlous Jack, wllh LordNel- Oa the lltb, tha BtUkig-RooiD (lakes, want to St OIUs, Willi.. Admi- ral lyons ssooDd. Ths J\iveolle BelUng Slakes went lo l^eeS of Ihe bles, wUhlM. lUI's'o. ascond.; Tho .Oiti^ NallsBSl Stespla Cbaao *U woo. by J^ do .(iaesas, (iraach,) wilh Bla^. aaoond. 'tbe BcitfrySuiua wenlto AdmiralIfoos, wltbFlsadble second. AteailabW7,«olhal2lh, ths Oravsa Flal* was llflad by Sahrk, tkthlba Daps seowd.' Tha WllllUrs Blakaa went to'Apalhy, with LATEST FOREI&N SPORTINO NEWS. Asa AO's U/t WXMKton, March IB, 1867. THE RINQ. Toddy Riy and LncKY. Moobe.— A party of Cbatham- Ites who were thrown oUt of their endeavors to lo see the mill on Tuetday, between Tyler and Haiielthie, got np an extempore aBTalr for £5, between Toddy Bay and Lnclcy UooTC, of Korwlch. It took place on the banka'of the Medway, and was a merry little affair, lasting SO minutes, during which 36 rounds were fbughb Mooro proved him- self a game bit of stuff, but ho could not stona against tbo superior tactics of his opponent. In tho lost round he waa thrown Into a dyke, mm which be waa extricated' wllh some dlOcnlty, and bad a narrow escape item drowning. Uc wlabed to oontlnue tbe encounter, but his fMends would not permit It, and Ray was proclaimed victor. SuLuviM AND Jkhuy NoiiTON.—A uovol matohbasbeen mado, between Young Bnlllvan and Jemmy Norton. The latter stakes £10 to £6, and backs himself to win tho bat- tle in half an hour, or to bo declared vanqnlshed. Uaddbn and Bbbitlb.— We have received the following from Hike Hodden; <■ Hr. Editor : Tour valuable paper of tho week before lost, contains a challenge ftom Bob Breltle, of Birming- ham, to llnd a novice to fight mo at 10s. Alb, Now, tlr, after all tho bombastic pumng which has appeared In year pqlumns from that worthy for tho kut elMit months,.with- out any rcsalt, I think I shall be JustlOcdln taUngno flir- ther notico of hla remarks, unleat they are supported by a < liver' and articles. Brettle well knows that I will flgbt any man In the world at 10«t 41h, for £100 a side; .«Bd I think It would be much more becoming of him were be to cease .this ttseloss nonaenso and proceed to bnalnesa. Once for all. If tbe BIrmlngbain hero Is.not a{>ftid of domtgh bis beantlful phiz with an encounter with a man who wL. give him a day's work, both he and hli noTlce can be ac: cobainodated with lOst, 91b. or (lb,, for £106 a slde oich —master first, and bis man two or three inoDths after: Hfe to be stakeholder, and appoint a referee on the ground. Upon these and no other terma Will i coonint to appear within the P. R. Brettle can send arllolei fdr tho double event; with' the name of hfs novlco at pnco, and If a deposit Is placed in vonrhan^s, it wlll be Immediately covered by, "Venn, dx)., UiiBHiDDnr." OnARLES Lynod was snnirlsed that Gilbert wonld not take £8 and go on with their match. Lyndi wUI fight him for £10 a aide, caloh weight, of Will codObb blnaieir to 8st, and allow Gilbert to weigh 9>t, for £20 a side. Man and money ready at Mr. UasMr's, Anchor and Hope, Oharlea Street, Back Rood, St. George'a East, on Monday evening next PKDBtTRIANItM'. Fbdbstbiamibu ExfBAotiDiNABT.— Oxford.— On Wed* nesday list Messrs. Meshom and Awdiy, both members of Btetor'College, Oxford, the formir being known ss one of the best mnners in the TJniverslty, undertook the extraoi^ dlnuy ftat of running round Ohrist^Drab me^ow twenty tlmM without onoe stoppiog."'Th< distance to ha performtd' would' In the aggn^Se amount to neadr iwenty-^ nlleai the meidow meaanrlnjl'a mUt and- i quarter^ with aome few yaidpTronnd. Mr. Mtthui, who it POLAR S^ffTOHES. : /h(» Dr. itaii'i Ifamttit. ORSAT PERIL ARS NARROW IBOArB. DoBiira ' the famine at EUb. last winter, i^heii 'i^e.'t^oc-,- solves were as much distresied for fteahi food, two of mjr friends, Awohtok and Myonkj determined to seek the wal> ms on the open ice. It was a perlormance of tho greatest donger; but it was better, in ,tocir ayes, than the saorlfloo of their dogs, and tbey both possessed, to tho itallest'ex- tent, ftat apathetic fatalism' Which ' belongs to the lowly-' cnltivated races. Tbty sn'ccieded Ih klUlog a large male, and were in tbe act of reluming joyfully to their villager when a north wind broke up tbe Ice, and they fontad jtheUr solves afloat. The impulaeof an European woiild'haivo been to seek the land; nut thoy knew that the drift wa* alwayamoit dangcroua on tbo coast, and urged their dog» towaraa the nearest loeberg. They reached it, after ^' struggle, and, by tbo greatest eflortsi maido good their landing, With their dogs and tho half-batohertd oarttase Of the walrus. Poor My onk, as he told th4 story to Pil.t«i;- Bfo, made a flrlghtful picture of their snfferlngs, the more BO from tbe qmet, stoical manner with Which be detailed facts. It wos at tho close, be said, of the moonlight of Dt> eember, and in tho midst of the heavy stiirm wnlcb held Petersen and myself prisoners at Anoatok. A complete darkness settled arodnd them. Tbey tied tho dogs flowta to knobs of Ice to prevent their losing their foothold, and prostrated thcmeelTcs to escape being' blown off by the violence of'the wind. At Bitt the K» tMke over uiem^ but they joined a higher leve),,and built, a sort of Mreeni of ice. (M lAa/i^A n^U (t/t(r«iri<,'Jhdgliig as well aa thl^ could, M^ouk froze one of hla feet, and Awahtok loi| bu great tM by ttoat-UU.' Bul thoy kept heart of grace, and ate their walma-meat aa they floated slowly to tbe eonth. The berg came twice into colilaion with floes, and they thought at one ttnie they had passed the Utlaksoak, the' Great Oaldrbo, oi^ had entered the North Water of Baf- fin's Bay. It .tm towards the oloae of tbo Koond moon- light,' after a month's imprisonment,: living as only these Iron men could llv.e, that they found the berg bad ground- ed. They liberated their dogs aa sogn as the. young ice would bear their weight, and, attaching long lines to them, wbtoh they out flrom tho hide of the dead walroi, thejr stio- c^eded' in hauling tiieniselves through-the woter-ipaoe which always surrounds an Iceberg, and reaching safe ice. They returned to their village like men raised {torn tho dead, to meet a welcome, bat to meet.ftimine along with ito TDB AtaOTIO HAha. ' Hero is lomo interesting bformation about the Atotlo hare. Thoy wero very beantiftaV at white aa swan's downi wltb a orescent of black marking the ea^tIps. Thoy feed on the bark and catklna qt the .willow, and aflieot the stony sides of the worn-down, rocks, where tbey dnil protcotlon iflrom the wind ond snow-drifts. They ao:not burrow like lour hares at home, but sqnat! in orevioes or under larbe stones. Their average weight Is about nine pounos. iThey wonld havo entered largely into onr diet list but for our Eiqulnanx dog8,.who regarded .them with relishing appetite. Parry found .the laro at Melville Island'in' latitude 7S deg.; but we have traced'It flrom Liitletbn -Island, as far north as 70 deg. 8 min., and Its range pro- bably extends still farther north towards tht Fofai Its structure ond habits enable It to penetrate tbo snow-otuits, 'and obtain foodwhero the -reindeer and the musk-ox perish in ..consequence of the glased covering of their feeding-grounds. TBBREIKDBBR. During the long and terrible winter irtilch followed,» relndjier occasionally fell to the gun of the akllftil flans,, and was regarded aa a Qod-aend. ^ ;! ' thi Esquimaux call the deer when he is wlthont ai^ilers' abooDos-oak. ThegTeatcrDDmberoftheteanlma1sr«ah» tboir kntlers till the early spring, beginning to drop.uemc about! tho return of sunsUno; but some of the stromest lose tjicm before the wintor sots in. They aro gregonous in their habits and fond of particular localities. Wocre they^ave been gathered together ySor after yoarrtho- accuiRmulatlon of discarded antlers is Immense. Tbey tell me at Holstelnberg, where more than. four thouand relndiersklos And a market annually, that on tbe favorite hnnting-grouttds these fatfms aro fonad in vast piles. They hrlog little or nothldg at Copenhagen, but I suppose would; find a ready sale adioog the nttton-workeu of England. t I Farther partlcnian respecting tbe relodeoi' arS snlv- pequently given: I This deer was among ths largeat of all the floribeni ' specimens I have seen. He. measor^dj/Ive feet ono Inch in glrlb; and alx feet two loolies In leogtb, and stood as largeaa atwo-yedrold heifer, We estimated his weight at 800 pounds gross, or ope hundred and eighty or The head had a more than asnally onmbrons Atnc*' and a loqg waving toflof wbTte hair thatdependej^"' tho throat gave an appearance of excent^e welgbi^ front view.; The rem^et It In do reqieot ifill!™.'' animal. Thire Isao abparent want of proportti'fliTjr!^'', bis combrons ahbddeis and light haunclie a.^^ galnlyeven In bla rapid movements. 'tidaunifT.^ for all bis defects of form when be pieio " »" arltdo of diet _^ - BioH.BtoHwo Qtuiamt^thn ft/tJfJU^^if* d '. Bsberman, ftom the Kn\ ■laumuwij, iiuui »M»,jtn r«wiw ".ni u he wu^i?' Ute one Satnrday afletnpbb, h^i uti'tor ttmLmuu fully"eisaybgfiie wII^bS*!'' - ^^7 "Halloo, there I Oota-^l Idar /'Gotanythingl-^fo^ tfag p,, Wednesday I" m/tbr inoteeaithtiiMMDt''