New York Clipper (Apr 1857)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. TEE « OF CBB88. TO OOBflBSPOVDBaTI. iu W. VDU, BnSUa, M. T^mita Umiolf wlU hurHablr tx tuM n * (bw ISOTM, In yoor IiM: iDl If sot, »OQr lolaUa <* liiiPPlw" toUMpMlUonT K. J. W., aq., Bortn.—Brnr tton «( toot kit Mt«r If wtVmu MdTihtblt. Autrtab, U 7oaau,wha»Ma<«slsn>«u<>lc^ ud'MM ai' for vWUigUi« bet of ou bdnf Infbrowdof Uia UmA upoo the <itad<r. Onr ipus It qiiiu too crowded wtUi orlglul ud Tilaible ooBlflbaUcu, to bo Impoud opca by nch pbMlat. Wimzoo, Vtrtbun, Uin,—Bl(l)ti ^ '**>'• & Lois, N. T.— rcH m not onao etnibt otpplii wtth doobla tela- Htma ; both out ooolilbalcn ImI uiwircd wh* " THok o* lh» Tindt" Uin: WhU«. S..BxB.t... XT.Z., Stack. KJoBT B IsttrpOM K-BBtot TbKa. 4..R-E2dll()ll t..KlXP mita Ibutai»,la'lttt BUck. KtoKtS L—bniu No. BS, BlMksw«r«bMt«B pill all bope, ud wbNinth »enoioilai li rMob6d,oouolUUooiui«oo(blu ooostabamlfMd. Kwu. WodoaotkMwIbdpouUoaofUiokU ^me Hood «, E. blch. Toor oballoiie not wtak. b FiBi, N««vk, N. J.—b ptrtleepi erlmlnli. Amoo^ Sdtin, Uui.—fioIoUoiu rlibl Uuij ihiiiki ftir Tvor e*r- 4UL wvm-btwtad comnModtUoni ofoai (ObrUlapUueua lulract OUT itoduti, and Ibnrud " oar nobU gimt.'" Socb tpprecUUoD m- cooifm at Indaed. All year •Dcomlont «f " PoMiai jirfnenril/*- ra" tre rally metUtd, ind umuymon wUbUMiD. Oi tafoiuii^ Fhllidtlpbto^A leol imnfamtal; ttxrj It ool taUxtsd. IbnuR, Bnteota, N. T.—Balb BL I^jd udWiDUieo dtDUB' ■bal* uotbcr tolaUgo t» Froblaia Mo, M, lb* F ntj b* Qoetatd. A VBBOBBVIOAIi OPBVIHO. ODnorPiwa^TvD Hum, lbs foIIowtai( lutnknt mod* oi pUyliii Um " Ftm tod Two-mon" OpulDi bu jm bteo oontrtbatad to nt Mra by CkpL Ktnatdy. II will proTt paonUiily nlotbla, tod, we Untt, MMpubl* to (bow <t oaritadtati-wbo btrt;illilaedIba nikoT mdTlof botlUttddi firom Ihtir ttroocatt ftltBdi. i^awTt lb* E B F trom tba amy of tbt DefaoM.) Attack. 1..PI0E4 S..P.44 S..KB^8 4..PK6 •..QB4a «..Q-SBi ^ Attaak. IMhDOt. T..QtaKBTa KSIIoEl I..QEt-B8 PXQP» t..0f^f4 QxQEiP 10..iKt-BS QXQR-f U..K-bliS QxER It.. Ei X Q P| tod Uw Mbnot 1^ PlaEB P.4B4 4-btrB4 4- ^barEtt . E-Qaq peanlobaTolbraedUbrtBtmodaiof pioeadan; taebelow, a 4 Et tO'B 8d It tomaUoMi played fiera. Mb«iDeT8tortbaIMl9Doa,aplolUt polDt,are IbOMvUehwtra (raqotDlly adopted by Da la Booidoasali. Formerly, at tb* AUaok't ffb'mart,Ettot)EtMhwu playad, bat OepL Eenaedy •a(|«rt( Ibtt Iba mora IB Um tail teadt to a better reanlt nBBT DEFENCE, Ptaq4 |U..QIaES+ StoBS QMI I«..Kt-EtS4- E-E1( BxKt . I lT..()-barl 4-,mitaBtxlmsTa. '. HBOOMD DDENCE QEItaBS |U..Etlot)« EloQtt OxEtF l«..Et-EB1+ Eboma ExQ__ |lT..KVtJ«ina«a. THIBD DEFENCE U.. U..E(4)e M^EtxEF-f la.. aB..Et<|EtB u..q-ES.> n.. U..E{<EIS 14..P-EB8 U..Et-QS QXEtP O E EtS 4 OEKtS Q-EtT + • qtoEEtS-l- QEEtS U.,KlaQi4 1T..B-Ke<i lt..B-EB4Ui, tod tba |ima la won.' ' (Oo U b« poaalbia that theta oddt giTe, Ibaoralleally.iaob to OTtr wbalmlDi attack at caooot be boma up igalmt loogartbaa tbli F - Wa do not beUtTe It Da la Boardonatla It 1 great sama, bat tbara matt betomtttroogarBatbodoropaalDglbrlbeDerasca, Certain It It oar atKngatt playan bare woala sot obaak at tbs <Ui Dora. VIU not Miae or oar atrosg analyitt glra ut tbair Ideal on Ibli aatOaotr— MoDouiall'i malbod ofglTlog tbeia oddi.wu ufoUowi: Attack, O. Wtlkar. l..PtoE4 4..F.04 8..PE( 4..P-QBS «,.P-EEt4 Dalbaca, UoDonnelL Attuik, O. Walker. 6..PI0EBS T..ERXB 8..QB'EB4 S..KB-Q8 Daftnoa, UoDonnalL t)BxEEI PES PER 4 Fx P Draim game la VD moTtt. l..Pt0E4 S.iP.g4 - 8..P-EB4a 4..F-EI •..F-qB8 QEtloBS P-Q4 <)B-EB4 Q B-E t Xba Ibllowbig ti anflntntly PhllMor'a bvorUa atyla: Hr. Atwood, ,, Fbllldor. Vr. Atwood. Fbllldor. -im-. ' a_IEttoa8- qtobarXtt F414 8..Q-berEI8 P-QBt p4B4 8..Qxq Pxq qEt-B8 • muipalaly won by Fbllldor. • FbUldor't eoatam'porarlet ware all Ibsd or making tbli nora, bst UwUlnol do. Ooobianabuabo'wnbiblalreatMUiailtatonoailret np eoa oflba monTand placaa tba Attack ptaolaaly la tba p«ltlon of itoalTtag only tba oddt cf Pawn and moT*. ':; ^tvnov of fbobuih ho. va, 'By 'a mitnndenttndlngwhlob' wouldn't intereat onr raaden, tblt problem wiiipat'iip wrong. PImo ffUlafamiMlkeratta ITkiUX Mandf, and jNtf Mm an Q £ to. / irobimoE or FROBum HO. Bft. WUto. 1..PXB + 3..ER-bll4 4- B.'.E R X B ■ 4..B-EB + PxP B-SB PxB FXB orSjKi]i>( own ottUt (enn bit '■Barcopbagat." Wblta. Blick. B..EttoqBe4^ PxEt (..RxR-l- Et4)4,f T..BxKt'f PxR >..Et-qBemila, and tba ntni ■OLVTIOV OF BSIOBA VO. 83. Wblta. Btak. I Wblta. Black. l..EtloE8'f EtoBSBiri 8..RlaqB44- EloqO a..K'Be ' Eblit |4..p.q4mila. ■OLUTIOB OF BHIOHA RO. S*. ;Wblle. Dlaak., | Wblta. Btaek. l..BtoqB4- EXB 8..RtaEtB4' PxR a„F-E4't- PxPOTiMV. 4..P-B4dlaabmtto. FBOBLBB HO. a8_BT J. TAH OBOBL. JMBOBIBED TO E. J. H. BLACK. V.P 4..PftB« e..OasUQl 8i.P*BB_ 9..EBEeo .qKtxKt qp ' '' iTin outBr, Wblta, Hr.—s Pta K4 ■ HIOBA HO. SB, EU TOOBNAHENT. "raiHAM 40t ■■■.011 riaiT." atqBT: OUbarBiqi BatqBe- El'a «tQ6, tadEB B; PaitEB(,udqB8d. BbUB-E at q 4: R'l tl q 8, tod E B T; Et'i at E 4, and E B T; rt tlEB8,q9^tntilb. ' ' WbHa to play tad mata In Bnr moTOL TUt to lb* problam wbloh, not ulrabla lo tba way Hr. Eealay pro. poaed, tott blm tba 0tit prda, Tbara<iafbnr.moTa toIoUoo loffl. dtaUy dlOeolt, no doobl, totai oar conlrlbatcn not a Utile. WERE, WUIa lo play and mtlo In tbraa mOTif. ' ' OAKB RO. as. ,.BatliMtioUfeonlrflintor "Btimfflt,"or Brooklyn, andaTatralioni ^arcflbaNewTotkOlob.' < -o QKt-BS B-QB4 X KIP »4 [IBS E^f' Bt-l QB aBlUick «iinii K B 8d wonW t>a <*B0 Black, Bttmma, 18.,EltaSBS 14;,Et X El F 4- '18.,QB-KR«6 lB.,q.berKt8 IT.iPxPmptm Et-q4o I8„KBXK| ' 1S.,B4BI9 , M„RXQtfP ai..BxK BP 4- >3..BRtiltooh Sa.,B.KBT 4- q-barB 4- tbreaaoTat, ■ HIOBA HO. B«. BT BBRR ANTON NOTOTNT. From tba /OoMrii Ziifiiiv-lbroogb Tht Bra. Wim-KatqBKi QalherT; BatE B S; Etatq4; P'tatES, Q 3, Q B 8, and O R 2d, i!ui>-katqBB:qitKRia: RatqBiq; BUEB8: EtatqR l|F'«UEEt8,EB8,t)8,qBtraod4,qKt4,aodqB4UL (Vary Wblta to play andmita In fiiar morat. j^Wbto any or oor eomapondania aolra tba abot* problemi, plaii* taod la tba aolollona. FBOBUOI HO. M,-m OABBBIDOB. BUCK. Wblla, EB toqEtS E-bliB Bl E'Ktiq I p.q 4 Q-EOSd qxQB EBxqP KXKRI E-bli B8 E-Kt 4 ' K-RB, iii*plaMb^ll..q to !4, bat perbtpa I am " cronff" bars. ItaUy, It h ao aellraly new dodrlne to ma, that tba " mora" out be "aant^dartd", or Iran^torad wltboot to exobanga; tba vary ular* cf tba " fDOrt" Ibrblda IL I will aif aolbtig agalnil bla anandalloo of lha kw ef Irao^ at ft*- MBl,uItoBtldarmbiatbacltirtit;bot whaa mlnatopiOTedtoba lUliioloaiilwlUadfflllueraaly. Tosntnly, ,D.a.B. I, AprflS, IIBT, Xb. SwBT—Sear Br: Uy noTO In mate wtlta Iba noknown U 31 a. Tbagtmewllb BirryBolaal tbonld Uka to Innalbr lomallir tsraaable, la wa can bring II to a ipaadler raaoU, bMldea ptaytsg two or Bore gamaa. HaTlag more laltnia lima tbtn I aipwliid a weak or iwbago,! cao attend to It ballar, bealdai, I Iblnkltwin pr0Tt,by eorraipoadlog, ■aooioaor amuamantlototb. IT Bury tgrooa, tba ipiotaoiBbepabllibad. Fleaie nddno D, I. Bant, Boilan. Toaralnly, B. TO OOBBBtPOHDBHTB. Ibuim.-WamikatbeoerTeoUoo. 0(barmttltr"aMngbL» Bia Tiairm—Hora oo bud. Db. a D. EBBa.-rWa pnbllib one or your poBlUaat tbli weak, tba otbartoon. Lotnabear fMmyon. &, oTBoitaa.—Wa pabllab yonr latter. /. a—BalUodenoagbto <<Bltok op, and BotTtaroat aamacb>w rope," rriend J, a Wa aay to yoa, at webiTaoHenaald toolban, tU., wa anall mika oor own dedtloaa In all eaaoi. H.B.,1brosto —Wa bare InTormad Uncle. Bolnllou 0. E. a a—Will attend to yoa In oar nazL Wylla or Andenon on I)iaD|bla, U yoa can prooara tbem, wblob U doobtftiL Nait bett— Btuie'a work. Uaoa Bix.—M. B. tblnka that tba eolation or FcelUoa No, 80. New Bortea, contaloi an error. Bawrltae—«FromOlo2Slntla«16r33lo 36,1 ilioald tblnk Wblta woild win.'' ,_1banki (br yoor game. Hqfalik" wlibei yoir private addrtaa. UkoNwi,—Let It bur bom yoa. ■ ObOTIOH OF POBITIOH HO. 101. White, 0,8. k PtoE4 qKI-BS &QB4 BxKtP B-QR4 P.q8a EPxP B4)Kt8 qKI-El qpx Kt EBqB qs-Q 9 EKIBS F4)Et8 F.qR4 EtxKP EIXQEI F^QRI &qB4d E&QB EBkB Ckstlet PEBS < E-Req Bliak, WbHe, Cunbrldga. 0. H. B. 2B..PxqBP EBP + q 28..P X q Queeriu qR X q 2T..RXKP/ ER-B4 38..P-EB4 29..B4)8 80..PXKR 81..B4)B a S3,.P^)R S 8S..R.KB8 84..RE 8 3S..B-KEtS 3a..BxKBP 8T..PEEt4 B8..E-Et2 3«..P.EXtB 40.. KB 3 41..B-K3 49..BXB 4S..RPXP 44..PES 4B..P-KT 4«..K-hlt3 47..Pqaeani ■^■ 48..P-Kt« P^Et4 ERxR; B-blaS B4)4 B-bleS BKaq PKR4 R-KBiq R.KB4 BKB8 4- R^B B4« P4)EtS Rqst BXB RxqKtP E-Eteq R-RBt 4- P4)RS BEBe<i P R T, and wum. Wblta to play and mate In Omr morei. OAUB HO. se. Between 001 Boataa eootrlboton "Ckmbrldga" and "0, B. E" Back, (kabrldga. I. .PI0E4 9..EEt.BS 8..ERqB4. 4..P,qKI4 B..P.qB8 •..Outkt T..P-q4 8..BPXF 0..p.qBt 10..EKtxEt II. .qB-R8 U,.q^barR4 + 18..qbor KI4 14,.qKI-B8 ]B,.PKR8 16,.qberEt8 e lT,.qR-Sea 18..qB-KI3 lB..qbcrR3 20..qxEKI 31,.qber Et4 23..qxEB 3S..qxKP 24,.Pqedlacb Black matat by rorce In roor moYea. NOTES. a In mmmUaBDliI* '"■ijiMoTihu ap.pi»«fW«iim>Myi;-."Anwr '8^.iBloqiUlboy uaDetsnca, roUowad by t..Ckstle9,onlhepartor the Attack, Ibe Defence may take ap a a<ourenaalllon by <..PIoq8d or K B to q Kt Id, raoolrlng Ibe'gama Into a elmllar clan oT poalllona aair blaBtb mora had baenEBIoqB4tb; or ha may elmply play B. .K Kt to B 8d, wllb ai eqaally aoand poelUon." IIU at (bli point, nndertble formoTattack, Ibat CoL Xaad'a DeTenoa, EEttoE2d, la applloable, ^ Not to good at q B to Et id, to which the aniwar Bboild be, S Et loBSd. . y e Black't Mh, tboogh apparaiUy attacking at tba moment, now r»- oolle on blmieir, Ibwartkig oli own progreaa. d EtMesUy a nlactloultUoiL It moel oorlilaly bo that he bae eoma move at oomnund to teoora mora eOtelually loma oT hit adrantagea. WIUO. B. E.Iryltr , a KRtoEtq, lalbor, Ee la illU In condition vlgoroaily to play Ibr awtn, / And Ihe game li redaced to a dead eqaallly. a Throwlcg Ihe prtpooderanca Into Black'a bondt at once, wblob be nerv oeaaaa to retain and gradually to Improra, to. the end, BATOB e&HBB. BSrWIEH BOSIOK AND FHILADSIJHIA Kmons On.—SoonB OiXBi. White—Beaten. Blaek—Phllad'a. B..BIakeaqEleh PUkeeB B..Ptakeaq2dP BtoQKlB 10..P10ER8 qstoqRS KaaB Tw».-^in auBz. ' WbUe—Pbllad'b Ebck—Beaton 8..PtakaiP BloqKtS •..qBtoKta EElloBS io..PtoqB BETWEEN DE FRETONTAINX AND LOPS. While—Do FretbnUlDa. . Blaek—Lopa& u..qioKBa EEiioEa 1B.,BI0EB4 QuUeB with E R 18..Ettoqi EEllohliS BCrffON BTAEUA AND IHDNIOBI. BlaA—Btamma, While—Udnlght B..qKttoB8 Ckalloe 10..qBloEB4 EBtoElf U..qEttoKa BETWBDI EM PBIBB AND Z. T. Z,, BSNIOB. WhUo—BiPiiie, ' Black—XT.Z. U..qBtoKB qBtakeiKEt ao..BUkaaEI qtakeeB ai..RtaketB qtoERS CflE(llJBBS OB DBAVfiHTS. TO OCB OOHTBIBUTOBB OHB, AHD ALIi. Wa embraoe Iho preeeni opportaolly to axpraat oar gratllade to ear namerout contributor* to tba Dranghldaparlmcsto( the Cuma. Ihe ■leadlly Inoraaaing Inlorait minireeled ror the game Ibroogbout the ooDa- try, UaobaerlogaTldaDcatbat wadonot labor In vain. The Bold It by no meant rally eiplorod; new oombloatlont are conitaally artiing and the tcleaoe oT Draogbl'plajlog, Initcad or being " threadbare," to oontlantly looreattng In lnlares,t and daTolopmaoL In Ihe Brat nam- bar or the new rolamo, we ahall commence pabllahlog tba " Theory o( IbeUoTeandllatSunges," byjohnhtlaraon, an eminent malbema- tUanoT Scotland. Tba irtUlaabororeTarrad to It Ineorportlad lo « Abdeiton'a Treallae." lb oar readonwewonldaay, ouraSbrtato plaaao and bitlruol,.abill be Inirtaud, lalher Itaan loaiened. " All abotrdi" 4^ <'Uq|alak" wtltae at Ibllowi—"Mote (d) In my IttI gtmoU wrong; is lo IT would win Inatead oTbalng drawn." TIIB'BIOVID., NiwTou, April nth, ISBT. DiiaSB—<<CluU«rbnok"oaneadownon me "llkeawoiron the fold," bat Id my homble atUutlon (kUt to make good hli polnla, or to proTO that I am "all wroog,'! .1 wl)l pott by.hlt analyalt oT Iho Oral IwelUon quolod In my'ooDibunliiaUon, at I am not at all itranuoat aa lo which moTact WUle Ulbe nie gabiod. 7 ir, bowoT«r(Wel6okAt hli eitmple, White Eingi on < and ,S, B, KIngi on 18 and IT, bo It at rkall by nit own ibowbg, nnloia the more oT 6 lo 1, It the move gain od. In Sfr^nmp)*^," W. EIngi tt 1 ind 8, B. Euigi US and 10," I am totally at a loa'lt^ -tot bow aq adinve eaa.'be, DhcoJ, or «von made ai all by playMv 8 to,^.-> ^ait, " Wbllq Emga at 10 and 21; a Elnga at Bud 14," Whlte'a'fU^ SI lo 13 la a myalory to mo | I •hoqld tnppoM ba.^voiild haira lo mV* ar^ eajilBring BUck Ebg ^ ABiVSEMEITBe WhUo. It lo IS a..u IT s..». u 4..IT 14 Black. 18 tots 11 18 U IS 10 IT While. B..3T lo 81 B..ta 38 T..81 SS,aadwlai. 1 to 10 U 38 BOLOTIOH OF POflTKOH BO. lOH. Wblla. 1..90 lo 18 3..1t 38 8..34 38 Btaek. 141038 U IS 19 38 WhUe. y 4..81 to 8 B.. S 1 8.. 1 B, aadwlni. Black. B to S S 14 OABB HO. ai. Ulely played batwaen Enow Nothing" and a Balblo Amataar. "HIW TOU." Black, Amaleor. 1..11 to IS A TiBUTiQir or: Wblta,' Enow Nothing, 28 to 10 Black, Aoatear. B.. 7 to 14 ».. i 10., 0 11.. T 12..13 18., 18 aava Ihe game. T IBB 10 32 While, Enow NolblDg. 38 to 24 24 IB 38 22 22 ITc 3T 24 ThtatrltaltH^BUBB-BthlepUB Wutnlqr, At, . F.ATB, PUTS, PUT&-TBB BTAMDARO AMD MNOR DBAIUB.- ind aU other poblkhad Ptayi, Ibr aale by & FRENCH, UIHibS ' alraet, New York, -price 12M oanta each, tea Ibr tl: boond r-'^^^ BL. A new play pabllabed every week. Oonplala iWa teat fm, when raioaled. J9>1beprDpatttl0B>tartadby Ihtapaper topobUah alltteralltba' plaoeacrpablloamaaamant In America aeani to meet with gaitnli tpproballon, and wa are amlont to make tt aa complale et poMtblt, - Tboeemanagera who have not yet reported tbenaalvea and thatr la.. lUtoUoD at " the Ciptaln't oOce," will pleaie do to wUbonl hrlte ' detay. Send a imall playbill. To ear oalgbbon, aad brethren of Ihe Freii |«nanlly, we art na. dergreatobllgalkat br the tkvonble manner bi which ihaybaT* already BoOoed oar llal or "Ihe B)gll^Tbeelr<e," and Ibr Ibelr Uat aid hi (brtbarlngthe preeent dealgn. Let at ihow "the OUIUka" whether we [Btionlta or neglect amuemeota In Uilt land of pleo^, Oammanlcatloni iboald be addnated lo " Tba New TorkCllppar, New York." TBI varltUcat obaervable between an andenl and a eompenUvtly recent Mate oT aodely, or between older eialled ilandarda and medera nnanllied eqaallllee, aObrd moch reflection asl laggeitive nimaik. m theatrical oauan, Ihit aort orpraTerenoe (br prevloua rembltcanoti or Ibr preeent glorlDcaUoni generally brUiga oat tba prlodpal Itetna Intereat In convaraallosal dleouailon. Soma mlnda are inch lUofclan Ibr tba pail that they ehaka their hetdt when BDeakuigor Tomg, Un. Qlorer, Cooko, Eendenon, Ilia O'Nell, J. F, Eemble, and othen tt their dayi, eolemsly aaaertlng Ibtt wa ehall act aea their "Vk» again," Other mlnda epootaneonaly lake opeooe booby bompUna or pert madama who have net jet aoblavad even a prelbnliiary ooarat tt eloouUon. and IniUt upon nnlvenal admlralloa on accoant o( " no- Burpaiaad and nneurpaaiabla uceUenoa" to begin with. Weiearoaly know which olaaa oT exiremee to olaaliy u the -moat roollih, bnt ear. talnly tbe latter It the meet dugerout. Wnen, however, tbe ranlnlacanoei of the pail are broagbl Ibrward In tba aoclal iplrit or a detira to ahara tbe reclprodly oT teolhnent with regard to acme Ibealrlcal aventa or peraonaga, the eiprtaalon la perTeoUy natural, and bu a (endenoy fbr tha righl Und ^ oonrer. tatlonal duouialta, toch aa hannonliee Ihe mlad whUe tbe argiuuat prooeedi. Among an Imnonia matt cfthctlrted oorretpondence receirad lUi week, waaragUd lo welcome a commanlcallon from "Amarloat," who writee In predaelr Ihe right vetai of provocative coarteay lo ec- anra a Brat-rate Iniartlon and laeare soma Bnt-rale repUee, tor ha teemt 10 be a fliet-rata rellow all aronnd. Bear blm :— IlB. Ebmt: Permit male drop Aom-CoR Ibr a while, and eaU tba atteallon or your readen to an "old ramlobcence" In a Iheatrtcal way. I wllneuod Bherldan'a Comedy or "Tbe RIvate" ai'Wallaok>a laat evening, and eajoyed tbe treat Immeniely; and I bare no doebl bat all or oar old Ibealrlcal people (Ibr I aaw many woU-known beadt or Ihe old Park pit oaya there) experienced the aame pleaaore, Tbe caat waa Immanie, elronger loan any oilier Ui America, and I antll doabt whether at Ihe preeani day It can be eoniled In Eagtand. The caat lilt nlgbt-waa aa IbUOwi, and la deaarvedly worthy «f being placed on Ihe record Ibr ralara rererenea I— Sir Aithony Abtolale Mr, Blaka. captain Abwlate BlrLocIoa Oltlgger.,.., Aoree.................. David FUklind 27, and Black cannot a 11 to 18, with tho Intention or pityleg from 14 to IB, lookt InvlUng; but u Vbllo can reply 28 lo 21, nothing would be gained, b Black tppoara to be nearly "ashore" br moral, e A " letter." OABB HO. S!8. Kiw Toix, Aprlld, IBBT. Ha. L D. J, Swnr—itair Sir: Will Hirry, J. B., H(||alak, or acme other or year nomerooa correapondeoli, analyia tha IbUowlog game, aAar Whlla'e 12th move, and aay which winj, or Is II a drawn game t I believe tho movee beTore the 12tb, are all t^malt. SmaLB CORNER. I haartny agree Ibr one to that anggeitloa or barbg a mee)hig or all Drmughl ^y'en. Pat me down aa ooe. Toara, Bxnsa. BBAVGBT BHIOHAI. FoamoN NO. 8I.-0LD sEUEa By Ooontryman. Black men at 1,3,3,10,11,12, 28, and 30. Wblta man at 8, B, 18, IB, IT, 20, and 82. WhUe Etaig it It White to play and win. FOamON NO. 82.-0U> I By Hairy Bolt. Black men at 2, S, IB, IB, and 28. Black Elnga at 8, and 21. Wblla man at 18,24, and 81. While Elnga at B, 2S, and 31 Black lo move and win. POUTIOH HO. 1(13. By Dr. B. D. Eeeler BLACK. rosmoH HO. loft. By A. R. N. Dedicated to D, F. F. BLACK. WHITE White to play and 1 WHITE. White lo pity aad win. BATOB OABSB BSrWEEK ALONZO AND BAB TWELVES. ' BItok—Sam Twalvei. Wblla—Alonio. ».. B 14 18 8 30..10 IB — — BBTWIZN DNCIX SAB AND J. S, OF WINCHESniS. Whtte-J. & BomBaoia. Btaek—UnoIeBim. 8,.ST IS T 10 «,,8» ar lUBlUVWIk White—VnOle Bam, Baek-J. & T..82 28 10 14 S..28 . 24 ... BETWEEN B. OF BOenON, AND TBE DNENOTTH. WbU»—B or Beaton. Black-Unknown. 1..21 to IB 10 10 14 3..2B 33 BETWEEN BARRT B0U9, AM) B OF BOafTON, While—a l.,23 lo 18 BAVOH OABB. Batwcon Bttlalak and Eipraaa. . BLACK, (Eipreea,) Black—Berry Bolae. 11 lolB ■ ATOB OABB, Between Thiiton and A 0, BLACK, (Truzlon,) WlflTG, (Uqjeltk.) mack to more wunE; (A, 0.) While to mora. JuSa'.! .. " BrODgham. ,. " WalooL . " Dyott ., " licvere. JuDa Ibi. Eoey. Lydia laogolah vi« Uary Cannon. Hra. Uataprop .Un. Temon. When Wallack ronlad tbe National Theetro, corner or Leonard and C%urcb atreeta, many years ago, ho collected erousd him a remiika. biy iLroog compeny, ud opened with the lama comedy c( " The Rlrab,"catllbua:- ar Anthony Abaolala OldBaroea, Ceptelo Absolala Ur, WilUck. . ' EIr Luetua OTrlggor " Henry WaDack. Acrea " J, 8. Browne. David " W. n. Wllllamt. Falkland " Abbott Fog "J, Waltack, Jr. JuUa Uia Emma Wheotey. Ijdta Langnlsh lira. Rogera. klra. Uataprop " Ruaaall. Which U Ike bdlerpidure or the twoj remains for your readen la decide. Four oTthlt number have "eheOIed oir their mortal ootL" Til., Old Bemee, AbboU, WlllUma, and Ulae Onma Wbeatley, altar warda the wife oTlIr. Jamea Uason, oryourclty. I hareloelaO track oTUra. Rogoreaod Vn. Roaaell, and know not wbellier they have deoeaaed, or are ellll In the tand or the living—pcrhapa eoma oT yonr IbeaUIcal readen can laform me. I ebould be pleaaad 10 know, Ibr' the cherished rccolloctlona I have or Ihu great cast. Old Bamia wot very One In cbaractare like Sir Anthony; while the Captain AbtoMe or Mr. Wallack waa voftdim Itaeir, ae can very readily be Imagined. The BIr Lucius orEAry Wallack wet one oT his beet perTormanoei; and the Aorea or Browne, or Robert Bacalre memory, cannot, hi my opinion, be enMled oven by Ihe great Burton hlmaeU. To make tM caat at completa aa possible, Br. J. Wallack, Jr., now playing at Bar- lon'a In tbe " WInler'a lUe," took the part oTFag. Without commosUng apon Ihe oxcelleiicea oT the varloaa piila M admirably ptayed last night, whlcb I ehoold be pleased to de U It did not treapaas too mach on year columna, my " with will be entirely anawerod and my ond gained" ir I have at all directed tha attention oryournwmeroaareaden loan ^^(UtheakiteWcmlnljccnce." Raspcct/^iWr vouis, AMUiaoB. New York, April T.ieST. " Are you there. Old TTaeponny T" or, ai Poor Tyrone Power aald, (when ha made his " flnl aeamd appeamnoe" at the Park Theatre, on hto return from Eorope,) <> b II there ye aref" The mention of wal. laek'a National Theatre, at the N. W. oomer oT Leonard aad Church atroela, (where Ihe Indomitable Drnty-Uner canted on an agreeable oppcaltloo lothe "Ckmp-Heetlo Church,") we might have borne with. oul wlncloi; but that allualon to tho old FItltoa at tha Park wu a UUIa loo much for our usual atook or nonoommlUal philosophy. Tbcae well-known heads" have now noarlyall Joined the vecenble eodely or "Old Tope;" or, Unot, Ihey are very likely lo balbllyiiaalUleditir memberablp on the aeore or baldnaaa. SitUsUcal readen, who con remember Brolbor WalUck'a eorapa- BylnLaonBTdalrect,would no doobt be able to tell nt "which U Ihe better picture oT Ihe two" In Ihe above cssti, and we ahonld be gUd 10 have their coolraaled oplnlona. At a general rale, we alwan avoid meotlonliig tho namea or contemporary perfbrmen In any de- gree or bvldlout comparison; but, perhaps Ihe preeent dtacotalon might yield a jusllDcatlon Ibr aatpondlog each a role. Dogberry'a Idea or comparbona abooM alto be remembered whan comparing whatever In art bae eo changed lit reltUvo poelUon it to be viewed In a dllferent light We mutt consider Ihe many changca alnce that "Italian Opera Bouao" waa Brat attempted al the corner of Loon>' ard and Church alroel; how Huiagar Wallack ahelled oul bta meant, and tried bis natural poUleneaa wllb pump-handle prime donnei how Sandy Wilson lelt his daffy-down-dllllee and hot-houiee to rebolld Ihe . National, and all he got waa a loea, to whiob waa added the aboie c( Jamie Gordon Bennett, or the Herald; how W, B Burton broagbl Ut' Brummagem Ideal (e<a " Vltechapel" and Philadelphia) to the re|. cue; and bow Iho ralea, Ihe furies, and Iho Ores, Anally triumphed la Ikror or tho darkneaa, too alupldlty, and the bigotry, on tha lower cor-' nor cr Leonard etroet Wemuat also remember that the Brcadwar- Theatre haa einco coma Into Ihe Bold; and, on towering tba price cfaa. mlaalon to Ofly oeota, the old Park gahied nolhlDg by endeavoring lo follow ault A cost for " Tho Rlrata" In Ihta dty twenty yean ago parlakeaorthoiodllTereneea which are always obaervable In ezpen- enco, when equalising changea have leveled down enlled atandardl. We ere Inlbrmod by good aulhorlUoi that whenYauihall Oardeniln London ware opened In 1739, Iho price oTadmlmlon waa a guinea, and fburhundred peracna attonded, within our own ramembrance, we have aeon ten thonaand persons In those girdena, and been Inlbrmed tbat four hundred guineas would not begin to pay for the ham aand. wichas and obampagao.callod for In ino reiyeahmenl arbon, TUt generallilng of audlencea prodncei a gen'erallzbig of perfbroara—a mutual leveling, we may aay. Luckily, Ihe attndards erartcannot be ohangedwIlbibeebangesorpaaalngohvumstaBces; and hence we Bnd that Ibe mtailon and provlnoe of tba'tniocitUeremahi In oonalant nao- rulneea. Indeed, the praienco oT medloorliy polnu oat and nxinliei the eontervatlve tnfltencas orirue orlUdam all the men. There to no oooaslon, however, lo alt down like Yoloey among Ibe nios, and give vent to reflecUont at mounfril at Sooloh tbeolonr or tbe North British Ravlew vroald aoggeet on the approach or a oomat ThBre to a hopeful Ihllh among the, tnio k>ven of art which carrlea nt throogb all Iranalent changea; and, aa ire aee cor IHand " Amorlooa" hat Ihe right kind oreplrll, no doubt a Tew rtmarka may bo aooeplabit lo Ibe reaoor. On comparing W. R. Btake'e Sir Anthony Absolate with that oT Jack Bamaa, we mutt admlliha Oiolorwballbo dorgycall "a deelonalon," In that particular. We have great reapoct for Ur. Blakd) bat Ibel cer- tain Itiat be to out oT plaoe In auoh oharaclen at Sir Anihony Absoluta. or any aaob poUahed gentlemen aa can say to their aona" yoa dog I" 00 Ihe atage, and still not appear lo any way dorogitory to dignity ' or good breeding. We do not mean uat Ur. Btake'e own mannait. tack ooarlly dignity, Ibr we well know bolter then that; baiyolba . doea not aaaamo the abaolutltm or Sir Anlhdoy with the grace of action or tho uooUon or repose which Jack Bamae readily aaaumod the me- ment he took up bij cano to " go ou" In that character. It ta with ac- ton aa with vocallsis—the epoaking pilch and Iho alnglog (acUiig) pitch may vary ocnstdorably In tha samo Indlvlduil. Wonareseoa DowtoD, Bortloy, Jaok Fawoolt, OldFarren, ond auoh liko, play Sir. Anthony Absolute; and iheao niampica have also boon enjoyed by both tlio partlQS wo are now apooklng of.' Wo rather think that Ur. Btako himself would not like lo compero blmsolTwllh slerlieg old Jack Baroaa, Jock waa oca of thoao men who never bullonod or unbutton- ed his coat Hltlioui giving forth tho eiprosslon of some (bollng or seme sentiment—either of-bb own or eoma other obarector—and all wou worthy of nrUsUonoUoa. Like John Philip Rcmble, If bo tookaoor with tho lefl band, be had a raaaon lbrlt,whlob Iho world might cr might not noUcc—lor he never cared, belog wollJusUlledbyhta owa genius, Mr. Dkike would, no doubt, try hto beet; but he could no more give at a gontiomanly paaalonale Bir Anihony Abaoluto than he oan give a good air Haroourl Cburtly. Aa Joeaa Auml he would oe^ aura to please, end that to tho dau of chtr4otam Ihta gentlemanly pef' Ibrmorgoneraliyoxoetoln. - IIn aayiog ibit much, we lake II Ibr granted Hut oar eorreapon "Amarloaa"u correct In bis reoembraaco aa ragarda Old / ptaylog Sir Amboay Abaoluto on ibe oocatlon mentioned. Wf