New York Clipper (Apr 1857)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. v- op^f or tlx dmiuUt eoBpur a 'V«nuk1 MiUoul, bal SoMt iSSiM Jtek BusM betog lliet*. HoweTar, we but imd « flfit nUbli,» Uitt w« do DM udtriik* 10 ba poiUlTa, ud l^^rSelkn Uul wo ouDOt dbUiiniUi wild '«U Um Sr. InlbODjr of SmmMd. W« bw "BUly VlUluMor Ibe TtUi'Mfomt Hit ibi} £Xu«iui 111 lbs old-Kbool floarisbct, md tbe reiqtAbruca of tbat konlioclnr. WowtUramembwutbg JickButrnvltySlrAst^ • «» hi IWHH dorlDg tho «»rlf i»rt of 1887, *X. Cbo oM U>e»lf«J" %uaii«l •trett, ud It wm ■ glorloua crMlloil ofuL Um b»p«0M .. .Ibeitra ud drcntot irt ill doloi wtll In Q)ptBba|M,,,,lluiifer Ooppli'i biblon of raiUlDg Ihrag tbaira ud ODiy occnpjlsg oat In Bjtmj, N. a W,, li ruliUsg tba diumllo protpKM of that Aoorlibliig dtj... .Ibore tn about •bnndrad ulon ud levtDlj-flTo utnum dow Id Aoilnlla, ud Ibora tra Ifteoa tbuira In t droult of tbonl two tbouua miNi.. ..NottUsg soir on Ibo Eoroptan Conlltient duilEg LuL CAN IN K Me'imoBloiloro. For y»rtou» re>wn».i»lDO««<«»7to particular- Sabm, we wort lare to "get Uwelher" U pae"'"- " ^7*"'T SuSSltT for Mr. Buiw we •houTu not let It J^oe"ce our pubUo wil- {bg,ud have MlntenUon of dlspnraglM OflbolwoCkptaln AbsoloU*, we p>«5 •I*' prefer that of Mr. J. •Sacklothatofllr.LMter. 'rwttitttmn^ lUo no dlapongo- milto Ibe lauor named vuij.fUht "youni 'on" nuit have Umo 2!5i » ST lis." jS Ui5n»l»«Wori>d. Mr. Leeler b In aJvuoe of ^&^JS^lZtif^^«^l^'<''^r^'''^<i' bU "Uluililou. .^'itlEJtoo two GIr Uxi^ OTWggare I and aooh a pair I "Bore neb . ^ •'^.^r^»^ Harry WalUok In anob a character, almost iBTMTftrmcr'iMt ^7 ""O compartem la long aa Harry Uvea to mca the And yet John Broogham la, perbapa. Ibe neareat Kl^iim^noDocandealre WearegrtatBdmlreraofKr. Broogbam ly^aiwt, When apeaUsg, bo aeema equal to Harry Walltck| riiZiiot gpeaking, there la tbe nanal lank of repose which mara the Sodam school, ud bla by-play la oODWmUvely deficient In narraUre power ud paatomlffllo amootbneaa. Who else could approach aucb a teader as Barry Wallackr Longmay hellre I And "eke also" John ''to^dglng of the two Acres mentioned, we most rtmenbtr that tbo character luelf Is a matter of ooolroTerey. Mr. Browne vas a |ood .Acna, aoconllog to bla coscepUoaof the fbaractar; but, as u actor who prided himself on apedallUea, (ancb as tbe followleg of Lomtltre In BoVert Macalre, for eiample,) we ratber Iblnk that Ur. Walcot de- lerTM the meet credit. Somehow Charley seems to delight Ui the mystarloos. Ho cerlalnly Is a very promlalog potformer, ud we hare gr«i hopes Ibr ha ftturo. Acroa remains like Falatalf, a aiwlyfor the erlUca. or Ibe two Davids, Otorgs BoUud ud "Billy VllllamsoriheVolla" woold be as near alike as tbeir agea. \T. U. Williams was bolter ffnaUBed for Sir Anthony Absolute, ud he knew It; Qeorge Holland woold prefer dressing up for tbe noachman, ud no doubt bo known that.' Both perftrmen woold ondcaTor to do Jnallce according to the Higg manager's cast, but we are euro tbtt Mr. WllUims waa the meat (Uldloua ud electric. By the way, It b our goeea .that " Blly VU- llama of Iho Tells" did not come to tnU country until IBU, ud that bla Srstappcaruoa at the KaUonol was as BIr Anthony Abaolote. Ibe two raikluda probably noTor bad better auatalnara aa aontl- moit-uUeren. In tbe elocutionary ud all colloquial relattons, Mr. Dyelt la truly praiseworthy; ud, not knowlog of Mr. Abbott, one need BOtlooklbrabcllorFnlklud. £|1U, AbhoU had the adrutagcof that aleginca of acbooUsg whlcb experience bad taught him among the Or- landos, Foregrlos Mcklea, ud Wince Claudlos of tbu Loudon etage, aa- Iblad by Jack FawccU's frludablp ud George Butley'a adrlco while MOovenlOardeo. Ibe FSga are nottobeoTorlooked, apcclallyaucbas J. Wallack, Jr., and Mr. Lovore. Fag waa Ibe youthnir Jim'a choice Ibr hla flist light ta New York, and he ablyahowed hbuaJnlog iloco the dayi when ••Oora'achUd" In Philadelphia. II waa a bnlllut triumph fortbe nameof Wallackandthemuager'a "noTvy." Inhct, "Uncle Jem" had a right to be proud. There waa n fresb, top-booty, tigory, witer- Ing placy kind of vitality about the Fag of J. Wallack, Jr., which waa tore to please Ibe odmlren or Bherldu. We missed aeelng Mr. Lovcre'a peiaooallon of the character laatwcek, but liare been hjormed that II waa Tory creditable. no two JuUaa—Emma Wheatley ud Mrs Iloey—are both favorably known to Now York theaire goera. Ibe former lady waa aa example of every virlae, wllta many mertia as a uorruroer. lb apeak as a cilUo, we must award the preference In this cose to the most modem ac- tieea, Mrs. Uoey. Emma Wbcatley would no doubt have attained great eminence bad aho remained In the protcealon, ud her reasons for retomlog to It fbr a short period were of tbe moat honorable character. Ear deaib on Long lalud left a moumlbl void In Now York aodely. In the other two cbaraetere—Lydla LooguUh ud Mrs. Ualopiop— Ibe Imperaooaters at Wallack'a In 1857 are undoubtedly superior to the two previous ladles. A belter aclreia tbu Mrs. Vemoa cunot he Ibusd, ud wo ehould becomo loo uecdolol for our limits iroUemptlog to apeak of her ud the other membeti of the Fbbcr family, to whlcb aba originally belonged. No doubt "Aocrlcua" or some such " Old ntlte at tbo Park" would tnit us with their vlowe. We now proceed wllh our dalles. Cm Bduurt.— Unra Keene has acblevod uother triumph hi tbe prodacUonof Charles Gaylor'a "LoTe of a Prince," whlcb la one of those blatorlcal dramas that are anre to please If well rendered,.,. Hw liallu Opora has "gotBtsrled"alNlblo'a, ud Madame Qaizsnlga baamadea good lDpreaalon,...TboPyneudHarrison Troupe are doing the alternate at Borton'a... .As " The Money Question," by the Junior Dumos, la ta be adapted at Uura Keene'a, we may now aipect a sudden Incroaae In the abominably Ignoiul attempts at putting a ftoncbmu'a name Into tbo Engllah poaaeaaWo caao,,,,Dempalerla trying to put aome aoul Into the tabemoole,... That comedy company at Wallack'a la better tbu all the' atar people that ever kicked up a AisaUi the papera.,.. Various atlcmpla are now made to keep the Academy of Mualo alive.... The Oermu Theatre In tbo Bowery glvos a very leaaonabls ChmlUe by tbe aid of Mrs. Hohm aa the Germaelzed beroUio....R. Johnston succeeds to the stage muagement at tho Bowery,,..The Broadway will aoon have Mr. Mllea'a " Bo Soto," ud £ L, Utvenport «U1 ablver hla hmben as tbe hero,.. ,Mr. B. C. Jar' lett Is not going to put the dgUab atage lo rights Just yet.,., Tbe rO' port that > certain down eaatadventarerbas taken the Bowery for the (Dsolog aummer lsalltadgo....The J. R. Scott Dramatic Club have very pleasing rehearsals.... Who the dogs ore the BchmcUEerst. Brful's Hloslrela continue lo prove Ihomsolvea tbo most allracUve oocj^!' ici Mna ><«Ch<ngnewbom tho other losUtullovs. DRAMATIC AND DESULTORY. Madame Blvlu Tall'a ooncorlot Heboken cauaod Odd Fellow'a Hall to bo flUod with a (Isahlonablo audlenco the other evening, ud the perlbrmaooaa give great aatlsfkcUon, for the lady's splendid voice In- dioatasthoblgtaeataucceasas uacoompUabed vocalist, ud she was ■adated by other talented porlbrmera-.. ..Ada Robinson's expected concert UNlblo'a wUI be vrortb kwUogVler...." I'll Toll Your Wile" If you neglcol going lo see that played at Wallack'a One report aaya that Mrs. MoUohon Is golnito Bigumd, ud another ea'ys tlut she wlU have tbe Chamben-StreetTbeatre for the summer. Either report may be believed, with similar consequences.. ..Manager Stuart will hove hla Summer Garden In full bloom aoon.,, .People any that Irlab Collins Is comlog to Burton's.... Lola Monies had her last flnro up la Louisville opon the carpet queatlon..,. Joaeph JoQ'crson leads tho bualneas at tho HolUday-Slrcot In Baltimore..,. Wvmin Is doing tho magical in Tioy, ..The new thcalro hi Worooster, Mass., Is quite a favorite there, aa It should bo....Maggie Mitchell Is at Norfolk, Vs., ud gocsUicncato Baltimore.,,, Don't Blwbi Booth's agent pile 'on Ina agony 1 Mr. J. Wallack'a engogemenis In Qnclnnallud in Chicago have been cucelod anacoountoruloaaa In thovcteru manager'sfiimlly...."Neighbor Jackwood" la soon to do Ibe neighborly at our Museum.... A ■■ Yukee Notion" ploce ailed " Ttio Oireer of Crime," etc., la talked about at tho Bowery,...Froftaior Harrington la at Lowell.,..lucaaur Hall,In Pnrllud, haa been enlivened by Udwoll ft Manilon'u DranutUo ODm. nuy, one of the beat m tboU. B....JoeProotor IsalUovelind, 0.... . W.,jL Fleming la reaping a Ine harvest In Qklllbrnla. ■/^^tnnsvMimijL —^The National Cbcos b cloaod for tho prcaeni, Mr. LenI Is on a tour of aucceaa, ud John Drew Is to open the house In Mav.. .,At Ibe Arch, Muagor Wheatlaj has produced "The Sen of Ise" aaoccsaruily. ud will aoon bring out "Tho Nalod Oneon." The people who Ibuna (kult wllh Mr. Norton on tbe nighl of uie benelt Ibr the £>mlly of J. Ingles Matthias were a Utile loo quick on tho trigger ... .John Drew has wound up hta Irish cbamctcra at the Walnut, ud la DOW auocoeded by Peter BlchlDgs ud Charlotte.... Eanford'a Opera IVoope oontlnuo very suceeaafUl,., .The Irat oporailo aeason (twenty- nine repraenlollons) at the Academy of Musk) has closed with every proapeci of a safe ibotlng In publlo opinion.... Do the *■ Sona of MilUi'' ever drink beei't.,..Mr. udMra. E, U Davenport are engaged at the Arch Ibr the enanlng aeason. Bonos.—Mlaa KImberly boa been dcUgbtlng elegut audiences In the nelgbborUig towns ud Ststes wllhSbakespoareu ud olhor poetic leadings. We eipect aoon to find " Sbikospearcu Readon" among the regular claaslllcaUona of dly directories. - Mtes KImberly has Im- mr tod a higb degree of ortlitlo consldoratk>n to Ibis olaaa of oratory.... The National Is rapidly reaching tbe dregs of vulgarity. LItUodldwe lUnklauehalhlewaslaBlorelbrlhal ttne theatre when sealed In a rallrod corner wllh W. 0. Etton, tbe author of the "OpeulngAddras," on the Bight the hooae opened.... Edwin Booth will commenoe at the B(alon OD,the20lh,ud MatildaUeron on May 4th,.,.Tho Ordways are on tho move, as stated laal week... .Cttthedral musk ud utlpho- nal choirs are algna of tbo good taste of Boaton, ud the Tremoni Am- ple haa been "gladdoned" with them,. .,E)liaI«gu ud tbe Musenm are proaperons,, ..Blooding Ksnsai Is done on cuvas at tho Molodeon .. .Three newspapers In this oily have consolldalod tbdr dud stupidity, ud nowcillll "nowapaper onlarprlae,"...,Thall)erg'a gonlus ud Boaton Juatlce have triumphed, nolwlthiludkig the bad ladimcnlof hb " manager." St. Loob,— Mr. Eddy bad asuccossnil Ume at tbe People's, ud Is lew In dndsnaU.. ..Mn. Maeready made a good Impreaslon with hor J*dhigs,ud b yel In BL Louts....The Marsh CiuidrenwUlcom- nuoe at the People's In Hay.. ..TheKellen are also eipeoM.. ,.Tbe Old Oirlsty's MlnatreU are at Wynu's BaU,...Wood b making a '*,**hlianoe lo his house on Fourth Bueel, ud hi future It la lobe au^ " The Fbunh^reet Theatre".,. ,A Qsrmu oompuy wUl keep lhaTsrl«UasopeDimUItheat<f May. h^Si'^"''?^'* ^PWUitl" wlU be oloaed for s oonpla of weeka, u order to redooonle, ud on the 4th oT May Mri, Bhaw (HambllnJ WUl opmnunoaanaagigimaDt Ibr two weeks. Then Agnes Robertson Sa olcairThSil,*^"' • ^ ^ BoocaBfUl at rOBElON AND UIBOBLLANEOITB. [noa 001 cm oo sssnmiun B,] OJarlei Pitt ud wife are U llochdalo....Ibe KaUonsl BruiiUo jrao Dave been very sueoosarbl at Ibea-Jamoa'a, In LoDdpn....Tbe aSS^i? I[«rt'orBancea at AaUey >a are now among the meat popobr oSJJi2!.i° -Ibe privilo thdUldb In the Aldarshot «np kaoplmprovlna, and ire made noble uaos of for oharlloble pnr- SnltasSSSL S?** '5"'ff^» BlTon tba IlalluOpera Owi^mi °^''?'S^'iS'',?* P»Pnl»rllyUian ever....The London SSir "f^a*^ 8hemold....fha National Optra Oompuy Is at bi.?'55IS?.,T",i"''.if« ™ •» UTtipool, Otaagow, Ddhi- ""lb, Kawcoatle-Upon-Tyna, BrJgbtoA, ud PiymOTlh....rroft«aor BPTINW XllNITIIBL*, , AT HECHANICB' BAU^ 4T4 BSOADWAY, OPIK WHO'S?'.: THE ORIGINAL udonly BBYANN' tUH8IBE l8-^bf bast Band Id eiWenM (jiuuoaed at tbo Ibllowlog unkqn* pernapns: Ji>Ty BrmLtfiO BrraiL Dm AjoU, T. a t^nderjirt, P. B. lawa, a Slbi, W. PrEaLr. J, Svorirk. Howard, a KalkrtT, t H- f^- ohell, uiiL Uwla. New Burlouuei ud OomKaUUcaarery nlibL Admlaslos 2t eenu. Oommence ai 1M o'eloek. U-M FioBT IN Clbtblanu— A light took place In Cleve- land, Ohio, on tbe 7th Inrt., between T. f. Andrewt' dog Jaok, and Ur. Brewer's dog Watch, for JIOQ, Each dog made four scratches; bat on the fifth, Watch leflued to face the music, and Jack waa pronounced the winner, after a well-contested battle of U mhtutcs. Considerable mosey obanged bahds on the occasion, and all present at the fight were perfectly satlsfled at the manner in which It was con- ducted and concluded. Our " Mew Correspondcot," who sends ns the above, says: " We consider we havo some as good dogs la this city 08 can Iw scared np in any part of the country ; New York, Boston or Philadelphia not excepted. Wo are pre- pared to make a match against any 2S-pound dog (give or take a pound) for ttom $100 to $600 a-slde. Shotild any of yoor Mends think this a sufBclent iudocement, or have occasion to visit ilie West on baslness during the coming summer, they can get a match (by informing ns previous- ly throngh the Clipper) or by oalllDg at George Speed's saloon, No. 16 Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio, or at T. F. Andrews' saloon, Pittsburgh Street P. a-Watoh died on the lOlh Inst. FiOQT IN FaoviDEiios.—The match between John Snl- llyan's dog Spot and Castleton's dog Turk, for S2O0, caioe to a focus on the list Inst, at Prentls'e, Rhode Island House, Providence. The dogs appeared at the scratch at a little after 3 o'clock, both looking In good Condition, although Sullivan's dog was somewhat lame la one of his fore legs, the result of a previous tnm-up with another dog. Ou gettlug to the scratch, both went at It with a will, Spot playing on the legs and nose, and Turk fighting at the throat At the end of twenty minutes, Turk turned. On the 2d round. It being Turk's scratch, he went in, and was well met by Spot, both playlog atthe same point as before ; In three minutes, Spot turned. It being nis scratch, he went at Turk like a shot, and got a telling bold, which he kept for two minutes, when Turk broke bis bold and turned. On time being called, It behig Turk's scratch, he refused, and the battle was awarded to Spot, after fighting 26 minutes, BiLLT ON Hand.— In our last appeared a challenge, sign- ed by Wm. Gouldlog, offerhig to fight hlsdogTigue, agalnit Mr. Roome's 28-poaod dog, for $200 a side,' Mr. Mome has since called npon ns to state that be will accept the challenge, as given, with tbo exception Uiat a toss ^all be bad for the place of fighting, itr. Gonlding can be ac- commodated as soon as he likes. If a match is made, the contest between Roome's Billy, and Gouldlng's Tigne will be a spirited affklr. A match can'be made by calling on Ur. Roome, at 110 Church Street Matob IN Cbicaoo.— Johnny Uackey has matched his Dog " Lion," against Shermon^s Dog " Jaok," for $2iS0 a side, to come off on Uonday, tho 2uth lost, ' The fight to take place at the Garden City coarse. Each to fight at 48 pounds. Uatoh in Pawtucset.— Ulchael Graham's dog Niggar, Is to fight tbe Pawtncket dog Touch, on the 26tE Inst,, at Wm. Prentiss' Rhode Island House, Providence, at 2 o'clock, P, U., for $60 a side. Graham's dog has hereto- fore beaten all his competltoni, but the Pawtncket boys think they will fetch blm this time. We shall see, Glasoow Billt,— UcAnnlty's dog, Glasgow Billy, can be matched to fight any dog in the United States or Cana- das, at 30 pounds, give or take half Si pound, for $100 or $200. Apply at 107 East 13th Street ^ Frank.— Heniy Drennan will match his dog Frank, 32| pounds, against any dog of that weight, for $100 or nlore, Ir required. A match can be made by calling at No, 110 Church Street CnALLENOE TOiTBB WoBLD.—I will fight my dog Spring, 26 i pounds, against any dog In the world of the same weight, for $200 a side and upwards, Jacob Boome, No. 110 Church Street TtaUOTO vs, RoansnR.—Toronto, April 11 As Mr. Burt Kelloag, of Rochester, wbhes 10 make a match with me wllh a 381b, dog, he Is JuBl Iho man I hare boon lookUig for, u I have a dog his welgbt, that Das been at real loo long. I think If Mr. Kellogg meant Ui make a malob, ho would not ask mo to go lo hb own door to Bgbl; but aa I am uxloas Ibr a match, I will loss up wllh hid to cboose tbe place Ibr the boulo. I Inland to go to Rochester. In a tbw days, when we oui moke further arrugemoiits ; If ooL answer through the Currxn. Jasim Nbiix, Sportsman's Homo, Bsyer-streeL TBB OBieinSL OUHTBTT'I MINBTaSU, Ca» oldest catoblbhed Band ki Ibe world,) Itom m Vntiwtf, New York, ObmprUng Twelve Hnskbas, Tocsllsb, ud Ogmadbiit, J. W. RAYNOB t B B. PIERCE, ProprMan, an now making their Annual Ibur, ud wilt appear U ill Ibe Frlie^ aUes of the Union daring Uia Spring and Soinmer, hi a choice aelactlon o( Geos of Mkulrsby, iMm J. T. DONNOLT, Afol. ■ OZIHO WIVBOVT 01, MBRIlflU An ASD ATTACK AND BILt Iiplalntd ta io easy a Bsnner Ihii uy ptitoa Boy^ na^Ark Oaalaliilng di seripUoBsa C ooRRGCi rnoiLDiio Ainnirait M pnstked by Ibe moat oelebnlad Boxers «(lBa BY OWra 8WIFT, FROFESSOB OT tei met UK oents, mailed froe of posUga. ' JbiL, U4m F. BRADY, PntUgj OAMEB FOR lALB. AB I BATE TWO PAIRS OF MY IMPORTED FOWXfl, HOW ON hud, which I am done breeding from, I oShr them fbr lalo (tor a pair—color of tbe Oocka, dark red; lege ud back, darkj weight, siflba. Hona, dark brown, wllh jelkiw neck, a good slao. I warrul tbem lo suit uy man that Andes gome Ibwta. For partknian drop i line to the Custom Bouse offlcor, ForUud. I;mb tirom the same Ibwls •B per dozu. I have a few One Elaga left Ibr U a ptec*. Dover, April 14. L. B LEGO. SIS HAKD-BOOKS FOB BOMt IMPnOVSMEirT, BT MAIL. Wbbrb'b That Craok SuotT— Detroit, April 6.— Ub. Editor : I have Just seen a challenge in your paper IVom some unknown lover of the trigger, to sboot a match at pigeons against any man in this State, at 26 birds each, for $100 a side. If this crack bad let us known bis nsine, perhaps he might have been accommodated upon hla own terms. As It Is, nothing can bo said; but should this nameless aspirant for fame think proper, to come out bold and say what he means, he shall be met npon tho most flrlendly terms; all that Is wanted Is a fair field and no fa- vor, I can assure you, Ur. Editor, there are several sportsmen In this city anxious to have such an opportunity to decide which Is the most expert shooter In this peninsu- lar State. ' Tours truly, Baiihod, Lambert and Hendlbt'b Raoe.— The last deposit of $26 a side, for Lambert and Hendlcy's flve-mllo foot race, was made on the I6th, at Ur. Grace's, Cambridge street This match, which has created much Interest In pedestrian clroles, tabes place over tbo Lawrence raoe track, on the 16th. GHALLBNOB,"Ohestcr, April IS.—I will run Tom Chance, of Marcus Hook, or any other man in Delaware County, a foot race of 160 vards, for $26, Uad and money ready at Ulrob k McCall's segar store, Chester, The race to be run In two weeks after tho match is made. Larry Wood, alias LIghtfoot QmoK RoN<—The barque James U, Hicks, of this city, recently made the run from Boston to the Balize, below New Orleans, In eight days, Piamif Booonro Matob EniuoRDiMiiY.—Between Mr, John Ibylor, of Jersey Qty, ud Mr. FVucea E. Weeber, to aboot at 100 birds each ; Mr. Tbylor lo shoot out ofa shot gun—quuUtr of shot unllnutcd; Mr. Weeber toshootoutof arUs-baU gun, with ball: 21 yards rise, N yards boundary; the gun to be held below tho elbow, aooordlog lo rules; to shoot on Friday ud Saturday, 34lh ud Utblnst., on Mr. Tavlor'a ground, Jersey Qty: H birds to bo ahot each day; the maloli to be Ibr UOO a side, 1100 being now deposited; ahooUog to oommenea Inch day all o'clock. We are Informed that Hr. Weeber haa lately relumed :t<m Callforj nlo, ud b reported to bo a flnl-ralo ahot, ud at prosonl Is slayloi lbs Oregon House, 264 Fulton streeL How; TO TALK; A POCKET HANOAl OF OONVmATION AND Dobota: with DIrecUona ibr Acquiring a Oram—— QroocfulStyre,embracligtho Origin of.Luguage. tory of UieEngUsh Luguage; a Pnctlcal. EspcelUon of the Firli of Ppeccht ud Uielr ModlOcaUona ud Arrangement Into Bantenoei; Ulnis on PronundsUon; the Art of COnveruUon ; DebaUog, Reidtaig, and Books. With more tbu Five Hundred Erroca In Speiklng Cor- rected. ' Price, In pipor, SO cents; mosUn, W cents. F«r lale by all bookaoUers. ■ ., . HOW TO WRITE: A New Pocket Hunal of OompOsUcn and LoUer WrIUng. Paper, 80 cenia; muslin, H conta, n nni^ to bs rusuBiD moMAmT. HOW. TO BEHAVE: A Hioual of Republican EUqnetla aid Guide to CorrectPeraonal Habits: with Rulea for DibaUng eocletles ud De- Uboratlre Aaaenblles. Paper, SOc : muaUD.'SOo. BOW TO 00. BUSINEES: A Guide to' Euctcaa In FncUol life, ud Hand-Eook of Legal and Commercial Fbnna. Paper, lOo.; maalln, 600. One dollar will pay for the four vrorka In lapcr, or •! 7i In muallD, ud they WlU bo aont to subiorlbere as faat u publbhed, 62-21 By FOWLER AND WELIB, 308 Broadway, M. Y. ORICKBTEBai ATTENTIOIf I FH. LILLYWHITE reapedfully Infomu the C^lckeUng lyatemlly • thatbehaajuat Imported a large ud oxcellul laaorunent of Bala, Balb, Elunpe, Leg-guarda. BalUng ud Wlckcl-koeplng Olovea. ta. which ho Is prepared to sell at the lowest roealble pricaa. Eaob u( every arllolo b of Ibe beat muuCurture, uo warruted. A letter id. dressed lo lbs Post Ofllce, New Brlghtoo, will bo Unnedlataly aUuded trORTSMAII'S DBFOT, FMILAOBLPHIA. TGOLCHER b CO., 118 North Eeoond Street, corner of New Street, , Muutscturera ud Importers of Guns, RIQea, ud Pistol ud Gun Locke. Powder, Shot, and Ckpa of every vorlety. Cock Spnra, to., al' Ail PBAIRJcO*., < '\ 8TBAM JOB ?BIMTBB II BBSMAM Snmr, NEW TOBK. Xrarr da*erMloai of TUa ud OmlmenUl Job Printlnt l eBt*dUlli*ilMMslBoUea,udBortiaaiOBiUa roaoASB. DBIEHOILjg^ day. ir.T. tRIHIV, just BBCSVBD, A IIUEH f' riOHTB VOR THB OH iMDCniHBATKDPRni'A'.j^^j^jj^ _ OriBueomtor lUtbe PriM UUea tJ^^Stt uditanar days ft figi and Brongbun lo tb*f*'4ea betweea muy other fine and ntawtf^JJn 11mm, flnt-nts PugUbU of uolsi^„4 ^ ODDpOed from '&B'| W <i» '"'^^''^S LONOffif BY TOE EDITOR OF BD LimdoD: FnbUabed It "Bell's Uf^ wnjjiE* Price Two DoUin ud a a, Isoldbr tiNianaH.N.T. Ill OAMBB TBE BDB8CRIDIR HAS OVI^ POWUB, eomprtaUig C""--"""' wild iDdb, Bumaln, ud ant by Bipreas to uy juit, 41-4m JCii lO THE »i!j?J[fl08DPPLYT0tHK BFOimira TBB IINDDISIOKEDm g<£l oomplete aasertmsnt of Ibe SMSl community oribeCr^2f%rlcu Playing Chrds, alkiw itUi, OFFERS IDR BAIX, OAia res, Betloaa, Irish, Bargenta, er th« above bretdt ft WART, l ABCsstsT CUy, Pa. modem palleroaor Inii^ poatpslt Advutif™' S7-«m TAOB' lipuk, ftesofi DYTUAnniL, lOILDBB. ^giAS LAID POWN AND HADE ileomer . , DOW reidy to guuulee the,, ud beintr.n; FnnD, It GroeoPolBt-"^'^ the Uta Oeorgo Stean' ' mlbeVDlledt ateaner idrlatti^ !■ :d YACUia of every deaerlplJOD, and wQ ahill Dol be iDfeikir hi speed, alraultt k-iir. Bleet* ever oonatrsdad. Apply to fir. ^utungtonaUeet, belweao Bind I a li aH S, GEO. W. FRIRb, B-oor of the lata Oeon paUems atoSi fl <i>>*^ <* ^T^t down Yiohta, ud wb( .ne mammoth OolUna ate NUoS^W^ I^bB AND UBLODEORB. Tjr nflRS MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS AKD HBLO- HE nf^ hfound only at No. 888 Broulway.—Pluoi to lo^ DGOIfgd tVirobase; for alia oo mooUily pavmsnli, Bascoi' ud renlAj^U to Bieo; Makideona, MO to %VU. ^ hudPt^hrifOn Intelligencer: "Tbe Eonoa WalawPlano i,fcr Bays oon/ucUon, auperior depth ud aweelneBS of Ions, war* I bv^petenl Jndgti at the Crystal Falora to be la SB —^uuileces of mechukal sklU. Havbig lunetod a Um of ih Horace Waters Fbnos, we cu spMk of their maitt, • knowledge, u betog of lbs very beat <iuaUty." dl«B vraya on bud.. .Fbblng Tscklo nude to order, each aa Rods, Recbi LIuas, ArtlSclal Files and Bills, Blk Worm, Qui Bnooda, ud beat faa- Uly of Hooka—sold wholesale ud retail. N.a—Pigeon Guna casL Steel RIOea, with hicrtaaod tiriat, mads order, of tbe best matcrbl and workmanahlp. Repairing done In the beat mauer ud at the ahortoat notice, JAUB9 GOLCI JOdEPH BUTLl 61-8m BAMUEL BIRr TO FISHERMEN. SIirSB MEDAL AWARDED AT TUB LATE or TIEB AMERIOAN INSmOTE, MD TBI BESTIMPEOrED PATENTBESL, FLIES, LWl Td Sobacrlber has constutly on bud a tbll supply mut of every article Ibr FISHERMEN'S DBS, such OS DEACON'S IMPROVED PATENT REEL, which \ lo uy Reol now In use. BDEL'S PATENT DAITB FOB IBOVT, BAS8, HI AO.; abo OUTTA PBBCBA AND SILTBS LACB, Mli SPOONS, FROaS, MIOB, OBASSBOPPEl AND SPOON BAIT, with Qusrd to fbh among/ gUng the Hooka, REELS of every descT)plk)n. DfOUBH,. GERMAN SILVER, BALANCE DANDLES. HI FiaAL FUS), la great variety, sultoblo wllh RODS, REELS, HOOKS, LINES, BAHiT, NEHS, BAMBOO, and REED POLES, by Iho/ ' GRASS LINES by tbo caddy or cose. L York, w arn JOHN WABHIN, "'^ rt- [OR 'SBTAT IN MOVTHB OW WISBIT OBHWB B." .^NFFORBSTER'S SrOBUKO WOBEE—RBSMTLYFDBUBHB^ NewEdlUOQOfthe JXT 8F0RIB IN THE UNITED STATES AND BRniBH FROmKBl I IwoJCtavo volumea, Slath edlUo n. 84 .00. rtat AND FIBBINdiN THB UNITED STATIB AND ERmBH FB(K INOIS. In one ocUvo volume, nflb edlUon, tsvbed. 88.00, OCMFLEFE MANUAL FDR YOUKG BPORISMSi, of Fowling, Ugh. ud field Sports Injienerel. Prolbaely llluslnted, 81.60. IINES AND MAYHEW ON TBB DOG, WUh practical SDfiavtap. SI 28. OLD FORSr RANOIB ; or, Wild Qiorta InlDdlo, WUh stsalSBi ''sOAFYBroNaE'BBPOBTmGTOOB, WUh coloied Steal esfnTtaa from drawlnga by Lcocb, ILeO; _„__~„ PabUabed by RBINaBR k TOWNHEHD, ' 23aBratdwsriM,T, N.B. MiUad bee of poatsg* ea raeelpt of piloe. ■8, BVJID3, UN SPOON wllbonlenlU' 6AN. BBAEa and ,YD<a, ta, ARTI- easona. Itogelher TACKLE BOOKS, UNDER THE PATRONAGE OFi Cricket Club," Boston.—M. I large stock of well aoasoned WlUow, aUenUon of all lovers of Cricket, Urge stock of Bats and StumpSi ud Guila Percha hudles, whlon, be surpaaaod. All orders forwarded to the i Boston Bazaar, 802 WasUoglon a The Trade ud Cluba auppllei' " STAR AND THDItE . having Just Imported a :ullybega leave 10 caU the tcket Unba ki lenenl, to hU bbrly Ibeae with Whalebone gtlcliy tnd duisbUIly, cannot letory, No. 7 Ohio Pl»o<VO' •IllboprompUyatludwllo. • lotmi A*™ GREAT NATIONAL Wl Publbhed In proparaUon avely f HORS ONITSD STA' BRT'B TOE HORSE OF AMEBIOA. for Subicrlbora, , loady^^ NK FORESTER'S . !»D HORSEHAKSmP BBmS PBOVmCffl OF HOI AMEBICA. By Hnrn WaiuK HnsiiT, ikForater'aFleldSporia," "FWiJb. eta.' ^els Muual for Young BpotUmen^'j^^ ImperialocUvo volumea of Jiib palnUngsud !ieoI engraved original rorlrallay;,rollowbig cela- Ihemwt dbUngoUbedirUsIa,-^ m, carefully printed on Indl AUQUCAN BQ'ifARIA, IB, ' W FASHION, SJON, / WHAIBBON^ xSdHOTOX. /OLE, LADY /FLORA TEMPLK HAY, AO., Title Pagea, from original daalgn, Bnbellbbsd wllV'F. 0. 0. Diuxr, Iteol by tha moat emlnul Bggravan; In- KgSS?^'MD BfOBATINOS... ^id}D^mboasedotolb,glll extra. Bold only by HIOBABL rUMLUP*. Mtf BBS4 J l S i » , l > ■ » . .TATOf-' AND OOMBINAnON CUSHIONS, PATENTED yEBRDABYU IJM, Tbaae Tkblea combine the nloesl malhemattoa^ aoenarooy of wort manSplrilh eleguce of daalgn, udpoueas sU Ihequa^^ ^tMrnedbvlhasdeotiaopbyai. They have muy advutogea not la JSf (5Sw ^ta MuS«£r4 Ibe Cuahkma havtog • nloely«UosM, taval ud ore very kiw Jinl to oonalnoted u to praveni oU boppbg SlJiJSgrf^SalL W«renownsrttapre^5eaootoaUo(K» Z, the nIncliBl Boteb ud PubUo Billiard Boons In N«w York, ud \i •«irbe"sfflt'r»a-a,AELraELiK.„,./ BalesroonalMud 188 Broadway, N.T.i BatruoelalsUhsf* jror poBLBHED-paid %\, "thb GAME or nijujj^ lis Theory ud PnoUce, with nomsiw DIustniUons. Z*"*^ SeSioulborof "floS* VilMaMa^-"^-^^ SS" receipt of prioe, by p'OOHNfflA OpL Bt-8m. I ; UFB AND BAtTlBB OF TANBBB I EMBRACING FDIB iOT AOOOHAIB wllh Hammer Uje, Tom Bocor, Marry BelL J John Morrbaey. TogJUierwIUi a synopsis 01 bis w Also, lbs bat- AM rTBE ADVl IIOAN TBOTTINI 1 BEINa ABOUT TO OBBBB. JH AWORS ON TBI. er One IrotUng bones; TUB «wT*ij,*w— - ,n w uuv wuiuuh wiwmt Aporlcu triUng horse, MQuesU oj, stilHons,) wbosa (ana others poaatalng valubls troUlo|£e,i',„g, obeoorily, t« sand btotoiy ud portfrmuccs they wbh_|,, ^ u„i, anlmsb u cu be ' Wm If pracUca1[e as complolo a blO" ^ - ,.— IRYO Elei Price 810. obShicd-taclJlDg u acMunt of Jb,,.. v»«.-,^ Jpearod on lh/turf-(ogolhor WlUg,.), u,g tnou ir deemed eip*, *pe llkeneas,lihlobcubesedt,„,|,],o„u ilvsya accompujr dlenL Where^ pedigree ain/b|] whether tbe hone be Ihoroagfi.. irformucea when they have er 00 eognvM) or daguerrso. the blognphyf It being ImW^hned at. GenUemon who are not bled or not,—Irnib aloge b^'^^ fijaablo InformiUon, (aa well as ownen of hoikca, hot who j;,), ^^ |q h,, (uu usorueo tbat their ownen,) are requested t^, Py thb meu* we shall be enabled' conlldcncowlllnoibeml\„|on, ud domonalnla to 1 nicely tha' to irriveot corredi cii„|„i,. j) ^lo Amorksu troUlng hone haa aourcea lyom which thr*^ ' • ■ . bem derived. up to a alyle worthy of the anbbct, eontalo no work will be ^ important matter that can be nmd n> much curious, toler(m^|^ not by fknoy aketchct. bnt by angiiT-. where; ebe, and ^SmrtiAivt llkeneaaes of ovary eolobreUid troUlng toga taken from ^ centory, If obtainable—logelher wlUi portralU A bone of ihepriiQ 1 gentlemen conneoled with tbe turf. It wIU also celebnted drlvj ehapier on the feeding, Iralntog, ud driving of tret- Gootam a ptad,u jggl,]g lurncaa.' All comnonlcallona on UM HiSeVt'SSa? tt 8,, Curro Omc^ No. 80 Ado (tnd,, New Yoric, ' —BOAT AHB TAOHI BlIILDIHe. A RANDAlIi, BUILDEBS OF SOME OF TBE BEST BOIS' have Juat token peeaealon of their new ud ateaalT* l!L,^d real service, ifoot of 119th sUeet, BsalRlver, where they are prapsiM ll orden to the Bealtog and Yacht Una, with .U sye I* n remlUJDf direct to thspiblbhan, win racers oipoDse. ' ■ SIBINOEB A TOWNBEND, Publlaben, _ _ -Competent ud r^b^'J^SkXlSU^-^'^-^^^ , cuvisa for aubaorlban to every Suia lo tha tnlon, ud t> Froyl«:as. TbeProapeclaaooDUfaitogapeclmmbortbawo^ gensnlOroolin, will bafUmbhadwIUiout charge. t^f Movini.—May-day wlU aoon be here, with all lis itlendaij conaeqaent upon our ibaord ooslom of mortog, or ohangi or residence. By thb rjnwbs ayalem, old frlenda are/<^*'i ^ algbt oi; perhaps forever. II b a eonsobUon to kno/vuartan in our respected friend. Dr. Goaraud, wlU romato il *l>lch Ibey Walker street, so that Ihose wbo have snpcrPOKtor, purohua wbh to rid IheBaelvas of, hive only to call «>«>on lUiload. Or, some of hb Foodres BubUls, ud the dolrwl^ileb, 'Iba Doctor's Ifyoadsslraiohave a eleir ud brUIbr^ yoa to 1 twtokltog,. well-kDown Ilalba Medicated Soap ^ttoge of roaaala hie, and while Uqnld Bonge Jual gives the itaaUon. II may be that yonr coDplaKa the almple procaa ofUM color ahould be^rwall,:* One hair ta nol np to your Meaa of tsiinod, which changes red, light,, article of Dye b prepared bs; n Jet black. So II b a good tbbig. or gray balr lo a beutUWAoto at Us popnlor iieod (nartan, '.bT. that tha Doctor lamM/Utm Broadway, whcra lhaae and Boay Walker alreet, In'Jbd. SotdabdbyT.R.OsIlendsir, 88 ftootti other oosmeUa <^£^ilTf- B> Bates, 128 Watbli«t(nstrati, Third atrtat, " KZTRAOBDINART TOLUUBI QonnssaEMCB of knowledge WQUIRE WITHIN, roi aanaua too wan n now, OB, OVER 8,10s FAOIB FOR TBB PBOPPK dothOUt, , PrilS, ONE DOLLAR .INQUIBB DA DOOrOR, A 0ARDD4ER, A BatooLMAsnn, A lANCINO-MASaB, AMARTMT. . A lATURAUBT, A lODELER, AtDOK. AjUWYEB,. «U pages, A"HOYia'» snd^UolranalGoldsloiUUndscf OMUtld Faosy IkDployaMat, imeDli'Ud MODer-miktor : " - Pnblbbed by nliUdMoDey-Biktog.. ■;. •-• . OARltett DKB k FITZGBIAtSL Ko. 18 Add street. Maw Yolk. ilaoArtalsbriUBdeklelbntolJibplioa. ; a «f ttia ihova Book SMil|^^Ball|MraO(lp« af II, 10 U^ tia Aftals wiatad to euvaas Ctr "'iNQOIBI WnBIV." B - OHbOrtestolhaPabUabaii, , IM 'Si,,"SSS::S2ieriii:'SS^ Bosiicrdiuatt; bnllltoorder. . , TO TUB LOTBBB OT TUB OIiD BBflUtB TNVIGOBATTNO GAME OF O'O^-'Of-^lS^'S'^J^i'^,.,??'^! 1 TAN BreWABT rsaptslftUlr WWf" Hl%2tS!t''"(PSl^^ £ hu flilad OP 1 DMnlesdld dry BEnTLE<)BODND, whert patta. tni?avmp&aa^^ iTHYXruaMfooklyn, two AlScht.ftom FiUlaDandOtlharta 'ITB-Ata. Wtoet. Bnodlea, and Sspnof the tKrtqjJlX; «2; ud Beaks cooked St tha ibortattDsUoa Good ooolbrtabls bad notta by Ibe nlsbt or week. ' BeU'B Ufa to LoDdoD, and snthe tporthifpiptn taken. AlaoaBM ' qlasdldooUscUon of ptetsrasta tba Dtr room sad parlor, . ••■AWDOBT HOVBI." £11 PARKER wm. BE BAFTY TO BEE BD FBIBNIB iND ID pabUo generaUy, at bb new salooo, lha " Bawdnsl Boaaa," H«, M m etrMi, wbart tha best of Alas, Wlosi, Utaon,8agtn, babadalaUtlosa, . HANDAIt OV DBIOKM, .. ■ lirnH lUCTTBATKWa TBE LAWS QF.IHE OAHEEmWW W of Us Progressiva ImprovaaiaM. *»^i»*SSS^ lbs rnattsa sod¥uy cr tbb Muly aol AthlaUo Biarebai Iba wM*.' SibvA0OMPLBIXCSICBItIR'Sat)D>B;io»Usb It added aUlM ilBMrtaDtar"Jtitaaalka£A" ^ " Frt>h60e(BU, Addt«ttairriBoa6t,K««.T«rtb