New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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422 THE NEW YOBK OLIPPEB« September 8. llROAiivAY TiiiArRi.— Ad tadleace wblota com- pletdj nilcd ever; foot of room In tbU Hpftclou hopse was ft»tbered there Sept. 3, to bono? De Wolf Jlopper and tovluen the ilretroetropolUuipro- dooUon oC hlA new moftlcal extr»vafis», "tor. BjnlAx." rrobftbljr no perfomer crer received » licftrllcr ffreetlDff, Md throoffhont ttio enllrc per- rormtiico tho oniliUBluin of ihe Aodleaco wu Hlmott riotous. roIor far beyond tho oonToatlonsl forme of dcmooAtnifloD mU bursllog tf>nh Into RhoDlinn and chcerH. Tlie new work, the libretto of wtilrb la bj J. Obcovor Qooitwln, and the iDoalo br WoolaoD Uorm, liai It flrit produciton Aug. ii, at Hon I real, CAoada. wbcro It was picscnicd during all of last week. Ill anceatorj can be traced ImcK through "UlO' ilerallft at fichool" and Tom JtobcrtiOD'H comcdj, "Mohool ** to the Uorman plar. "jtaclienbrocdQl." Ab nrcsontcd In Uila. Ha Jau>ai form. Itlsexiremelr farcical, bnt vaal)7 cnicrialnlng. The book Ir of very IUIId valor, aliTiougli ii conuina manr lines winch aro ninli provoking, If not aiisolatelj wltij. Thoro were Bomo dull pauagei as well, and a few Bccnes tijat wcro tcdfutu, notftbly that ponloD of the front acono In tho iccond bci In which iho young laillcs aro rclooacd from caiHlvliy by tneana of a ladder. Bodio tiuincas la, of ojurse, necessary here tu allow ilmo for ilio RCtilog of the flnal accne, and Pajche'a song la thoroughly accepuble. T)Qt tlio cnlHOdo JuHt mentioned la awaward RDd entirely deHiitulo of liomor. lluch of the fun \n, aa In nil of Ur. Uoppor's pro- 4lDcllonfl,of tho acrobntio Mrt.ond mual of Ilia provocailvo of lillarlty, but the llroadway cablo car bnslaesi Isorohsolctn form bad la decidedly Suorllo. Ur. Uorao baa, la li hia wonr. endowed Is score Willi pleating melody, though lils znualo Is of thai raoHinuous sort tliut cloys. Bono of the HOlo nombcra, however, aro very preity, and nororal of tho choruses woidiy of iho roiieiltlon donumled. TtieBt.ttlnga werolunuaually floe, llio l«ck drops iritlng cspuclaliy aiilsilc. Rnd tho oxtcMornr too Bemtnary. In ilio secontl act, l>clDg eqnsl, If not aoporlor In )>cnuiy to uny bciiIok of himlrur sort 'Which llnxors in mcnmry. Of Ur. Hoppcr'a perforniADCO lliiie need bo ssld. Ilo wu iilmself, and protllgitl In nil of ihono trickn of speech and rccklCFH acrtibnilo frals whidi liRve niHdo bim wi arent a favorlie, nnd It mutt farther be nililcd lo lila ci^edlt llitt no aang aoreral of Ills nurulicra with n frcoilnni from burlCKiuo and with a aonoroiilty nf tone whicli roiwt havo vnually oalonlBlied and dcllublcd intny of Ills snnilors. >:ilaa WalUco Hopper, hin Dciivr fracitunal part, was easy und nKtur<tl,and It nho did not ijnlio Oil the place of her prc<lcceiiJior, U is probiibly itecaiuo Hbo basycito team ihaitboarileHniit'iswblcboharnia upon ihoalsgu iHbiit seeming. nndlapirdUoxIcally the oatgrowuibf carclullT Rtaillcd art. Ufrll bcotL who lias dCHCrteil iiip dmtmiiic aisgo for that of comic opera, fatted ic pui In ovidonro any ftitlifac- torrroiann^ fur hu vliokc. That ho liadrcoaona fwtlMractory to lilnim.-l(mluittMof nntluubl, bnliui he la not It buricRqiier, nor csu ho sing, tbo oanso of Ills duclilon niUBl remain a mailer rf ^pecuNlioti, While at tlio Hitnio tlijio rcsrci muattHi felt ibat bo lias abiiodtinvd a fluid In wbloD lio wuk rapidly ([rowing, rulunolnwbicli hlu inlcnia will proCubly tear iiu frnlt. ilcrtlin Wiilizlngur proved a most valitab^o Kdillllon to tlic comn>iiy. Mho aang with a ))iiro nine, with nii exciiiicnco of ineiiiod, nnd wiUi artlsMo iMlo, ■inl If her ext^cuilon was not at nil limes faultlcMiy fAclii.', it ^v.ifl iiioroughly cor- roct, and ber Hnveml m\'tn Htronicd ronl enjoyment. Jennie Uoldilnvatio, ua ibu ileepr rsyciio, con* trlbiitcd tliu nitwi gonuliio ncttriK of Uio entire pfrforiiiiiiix, nnd Mng )\v.r soli) In tho aec* nnd act In iho ii)o».i ncucplntilo fasMon. Bhe rnorlls hcnrly couRrnlultitiiiii nod ainccro pralBO. Kdmund Sduilcy vaa inunly and bandaomo, nnd URnIn provnl litmscir a valuatjlo lunor In organlTa* tloiis of tlilu auri, mid Alice lloamer was qulie RSlUraclory a:^ tho HChuulmnnn. Tbo casl: Ur. Biutax, l)u Wolf llupiH r; jKck Atdnn, Uyrtl BcoU; I/jrd l.awuieniilfl, Alfred KMn; Arthur Uarrlngton, KdiimndKtenlcy; rrofrn8<)r.^v>ffl(», ThuniaaOuItu; BobH, Ij'juIh bhmdcr; Mlw /.onobia Tropics, Alice lloauiiT: Ucrcipu iliUlov, Kdoa Wallaco Hopper; Mlubo Nnridi, Ikrilm \Vali/.liigcr; rufcho J'endni- inoDP, JbihiIu QoMtiiwallc; TAnsy rlcklo, MHIrd Jlalnui; Bally Dimple. LouImh Campbell: ClrctoSlnla* poDcll, JaoiiI l>iiuUi. A. A. MrConulck la builncsri luanagcr uf the Imuiu.-, nnd l-Mward Mclchcr irvas* iirlir, will) John W. lliigliva an ntiihiant. Bou 1>. Hlovitna la hUII iiianngor for Ur. Ilopiwr, Juu. \V, UoKtuncy huBlnewi nnuHgcr, and II. U. Tklolrcaa- urer. It ncriiis nlmoHi HiijHirituotis to state thai Ur. lloppcr made a wltiy speech In response lo Impcra* tlvo dcinandn. Jicon^' Tiii:ATiiR,-John I*. Snillmo was aeon )ioro Bopt.3, In *'A Ttuo Aiiiorlcan," bylMmund K. rrlco, whioh then received Its (Intprodacilon lu Iho molropoliu. Ita flmt prcsuulnilon ocourred Aug. 'J7, At (lio Ollvu tlpcra llniHO, .Slug Hing. N. V It was uprurtrbiuflly rcculvcd iiy nu Kiuiloucii whloh tilled tbU thcatro to IIh cnpKliy .Moudnr ulgbi.aod whkh greoltMl tho aiarlu n iiuniiurv.x|m>8Hlvoot ihclr reincmbmocA of bis fotnior Hi'-iilcveniouia. Ilmiucallonnbly llm proMni voblcin fortlio dliipliiy 4>r Ur. BulllVrtii'ri nbfiltleH la dvuMciliy llio best In which ho liaHyvl ln'cn Ht^n. Ur. I'rk-c, tlu author, Hppreolallvo uf thj dinicnit; nf writing h pliy wlitch ^Tutild bitug thu puullui BlrgnKly to ibu fmnl.nnd yet gumd Hfinlnst Iiih iKMiig prtnlomlncnl, and In UiIh way buotimlns wrHi i^niv, tiia nucceed< uti InoonstrudlDgn nlooi*, wulcli u-t\\*s Hdiulmbly he purpuRO for whicli It wiih hiiomlod. A gunr.iu* leouf 11.1 cvcntiiril popularli; Im fnriiUbctl by ttm dtiilogiio, whk'lt la bright. Tho siorf imy be brtcdy HumUK'd up Hi fultowa: Joiiii ItoiiuuDU comes to Amorlci fruiu Ireland to iK*rwimltj- take ohargeof Hii cslHt J then In iho liiuuN of lila undo, who acts na Ills gnunlUn. Ilo triiv()l» Incogntlo, nnd U em- jilojwl HB hlH uiiuto^H AuianuimHls. In ihh capiclty 111) laouiibhd tu thwart n pUin vt hiB dlislpAlcd cuunln'M, wtiu tiiteinpu lo nient tho uucto'a llille ilAunlitcr, In order in secaro money for ber rcleaNO. Iln Ih twiiv imlhod In an attempt at kldna|ii>liig her, nud duAllr htrra a Itnxer to down Dentuoiid lu a llulil, but the buxor Is hluiSDif derentcil. Uf ihu vunipany. (he nauKi* itC whirl) wo njiiK'nd, ItoliMy Miu-K, Nclllo l^w- ronco iitid liiull Vi ftal'U diiu honor for most ttX' ioyatdowork: Juhii ]), Kuwiiwii, alias Mosnionil, Jfilm L. Hulliv.iu; l*rtt lUsitlDH, Hobby Mack; Jcronin Nowitmii, Wlilirtni 1'. BhelJon; ltnl)ih llvl* iiier, Kik'Mlio I'*. Clllplu; oUver Itoiga, Harry dor- dou'.Ur. liruunttultl, DmM Wi^at: Jim, tbo llludgeon, Jtasll Weal: l.iiui* Hilt/, Wlllio Iktrrows; llllly,John Kouuox: Mrs. Uutvliuul, Uary Donohuo; IMIay T^ollov. Itoso Klnn; M.ivKull«y, Nclllo King; I'lor* f mi) NiMviiiHu, Kv.iKciiili>; t'litstile Nownian, t.iute Jniio ItArrnws; lloic, Nelllo Iawtodco. Ncxiwcuk, •'Tno Coast iJniim." UiNfciu'a KuiiiTn Avksi'r Tiiit.vrni:.— TIio Bea< aon which niwiicti iuoj<i aimpiL'lomly hero Aug- 2& liaa tor Ihu Bcutnid wwk n nirongcolloot lonof VAUde- \lllo talent, euttaRcd b.T Ummgur l/iiih Itolilo. lluilueu diirlMU tiio imiu Wfok wa^ oxceliout. lion iitu Tiiornion, 'I'roJ t. lli'niictto and Gannun, John K. ])rc\r. Itoiicr lutd llell't liohm, Falko and Bcmon, four Frcneii dancc)-:), llil'y O.utrr audU. A.Baup- aou, till) Hiruiig man, roiitiMio tUta wcek*s 1>UI, uiicnlntf wlMui iimtlittfouu Bjp>< 3< Tlio liotuo at nltflit w.iH paokt il rrtnii oroltctim to gallpry. lIunKH':i I'Ai.AOK UrtiKiiu.—Sept.:) waa n red let- ter dty (ur thin plnco, ai llio apiclnu!i ourlo liKlU woro cniwiliil nil iUy. Tlio l)iil: Carlo hall—Tne llliiduo OlAiiti', I'diu-o Tim* Mllo, Alllnol's lioxlux iihiiikr.vii, I'll/, tiuil Oiiiircnill, H\ror<( iiwallowortf: Jliiiiuiv llrjuiii, Miulied laily; hla Mnnib, tattooed lady, and llo.ij iM^otiun. Iiwiilod lady, on tbo hUno nro lri>unKo lir^is. and tliolr noting UogA. CvntM) lliiiir (iAUitCN.—Tlio bill prun'utnl ScpL .iltielu tod Tony lUrt Jr., Milo. I.Huur, llodgeanud J.iniiuU'ru, llilivdldacll, iMvUniul Jcromo, Ircup nice, Jiuicph Wiitor', Uiirlo lawn.iK-o, Uorilu uraw fori, lUtnel IliirU'lgli and Kulolh'Auiunlo. Nll^l.o■^TllKATn^:.—^VnU^'rS.mll[o^^H newly or gaul/.cd Hiot-k (.■o;n|may madu their nral appjamuco Hi IhlHthtMirt'iiinnuMuco uu Itabor l>ity, S:p:^ J, lu "Harbor l.liihta.** i'Hm*f»m s.—In ilioollonp.1 liOi.Mrt and o'llrlon, ljvwr\>ni'0 and ILirrluglon, ilm lt:in> Ur\>:f., l>mwro, litfonoiln, Krrd lloiirriH. Solin nuti McS:i.tiu\ luve l-'or^ler rtu>l I'minlo Lowls, Mir/.i UiMater, WiH Uor* toil aiidJonlo Slairt'. Frank nnd AiUllo llnrl. luez Palnur. Oettrgo r Ul.ier. lidlo Ho«e, IKHtlly K. (loiro. Ohrli). Allen and Uilitu I'liyllU. 'I'nolivlug pliiurcB aroouniliiurtl. Iivrni'M TiiKATnt:.—Tho altondanco was vcr lar/d durtniT ilio ihai wi^k uf "The Victoria trroM,! K. (l.Suihi-rn'rt now p!aj, and li will probablr have a vory pmniatiiu ron, ospcrlillT aa Its auihur li •ini'*»iiy revising II. TUo accoud week itegau Bept.3. OALv'dTiiaATnR—"A Night oir,*> pro^emod br Ur. Utiy'rt own coniiuiiy, ratcrod uiun Its auoond wook Sjpl.u. ACAUKUV ov Mi'sii-.—"Shenandoah." tho revival o> wh.chin apeiMrtnilnr lona Is iticniloncd In ^u- foh'r ci^lninn of tbi^ tune, has thus far drawn iioTVdM house?, aud gives promlao uf a lengthy r. u. KounTKKsm.HntKin- TiiKAniB.-<-Coon Hollow" liifioauu.VpuniiH aecoitd and Uat week.liaving m fur 'iii't Willi n f ilr inrasiin) of lucccfs- The nexi niiracllon, lK*gliinlii|t Sept. ]0. will bu' Ou the lion I'ly,'* wiih :>iuvo ilrudleaa tho alar. Togr rivroR's TniATni.—Two portonnaoccB wereglvBDBfipt. B(Ubor ]>a)),wt]en acais conldDOt ba had sooD after opening the doors, and standing room wuatapreinlaD. The Howard AthenrcBm Blar Specialty Companv la the atlracUoDfor Ihls week, and a dcvar and enleruiolog prognmme waa preieDtcd. Bunaon abd Morton, in 'The In- serdnce Agent," started the pcrfonnaoce in lino style. iL\n6 Aaymond, aerlo conic, pleaacd. Her ooatame was very haodaome. KrcrcaOreicondos, musical eccentrlqoes. did aome clever work and amused. Bmlth and Campbell, In their akcicb, *<AiVon Mke It," kept Iho andlooco In a roar or laughter daring tbo lime tnoyoccnpled ibo stage. Tbay were followed by Kalkssa, eqalllbrlit, who did aome clever work, and be gave way to Knnlca Vanca, who sang aome new aooga. Tbo Kddy Trio, acroimia and lomblora. won appUose, tho tumbling and aomersaulls of tuo lady cstib- Ing aurprUo. Illcbard Pliroi, mimic, mot with hia UBoal rcceptloo. Alclde Capltalno, tnpesa perfonner, was to have closed the prograIDm^ but afoloDonihe middle flogerofber rigbt band pre* vented her appearmnce, and the Bampaunl Bhtera, strong women, were angaged lo fill the vacancy. Uande Itaymond and Enntce Vance wore presented with (lowers. Tbo bill as prcaoniod ;i la not the reguhir bill of tho Howard Athencciim Company. Next week Calccdo, tbo wlro walker will Join the company. Aa soon aa Ulle. CaplialDO'a flnger la well enough she will bo onoof the featores. James J. ArmifroDgla Uie proprietor of the company, and W. fi. Uooro manager. Next week, Una Illirs World uf Nnveldcs. HAniHuN BqOAni QinoKK.—llagonbeck's traloed animals wero pUiced npoD oxhlblilon bereSepLS, and their marveloun feala were wlincesod with sur* prfae and delight by a large aadleoce. Tbo won- derful docility of ilieaeterrora of tboiilBlo andtbe Joogln liaa already received mucb comment, sad probab<y no oxbibttloa of this son hsa ever proved as excellent and IntnresUngaa iho one under con> siderailon. Al'lioogb r.rowds have attended the Bummer oxhlblilon of these animals at tho aeaaldc, tlievarellkoly toprovoaatroug attraction dnrlng their stay at tbla liuuao. fiO.wnoN TiiKATnK.—Daahlog Hay Howard, at the hcail uf a Imrlcsquo orgdnlzatloii which eclipses the eiTona of previous aeaaoos, waa the magnet thai altracled crowding aadionuea lo this house Bcpl. 3. During (ho entire show the audience was enier tained with a series of olTccilvo combinations, cal- culated to please tho eyo aad ear. Tho flret part. "Ulgareties," hi replete with aongB, every one of which wasencoreil. Thu coitumca la tbla act pro- aonta bowlldeiing serlCMof novoliles In deilgn and color. Ulai Howard looked baudaome lo aeveral changes of drcas and aaogln e.xcelleatvelco; Al. Bellman acted and pang well, and Phil UoParlnnd waa a fanny Dutchman, oincr comcdtana In iho cut wero iMve Oonroy, Tom Jsrvla and Charles Uanly. Tbo cono'ndlag song, by Ulss Howard, with chorua, wa« encored repeatedly. The ladlca of the chorus are good looking, wdl formed, nad aro lood alngcra. Tba apeclaluca wero oponed by Bonator Frank Bell, wiioao sallies of wit wcro heartily appreciated. Milo. Carvcroue followed lo cncoulrlo aonga and dances thai were laughable. Uanly and Jarvls, In iheir clover black face act. Introduced aomo catchy songs and dances. Pollr Uatohollor, In songs, received tho bparilcstreception and eocorca. conroy and UcFarland, In an Irish comedy avt, were funny. At. Dellmno cUrsed ibe 0110 with aeveral dwrlpUve aongB, rendered In bifl Imprcsdtve manner, and aovcral dram* alio reoliatlona. "The Une-Uosa Ulrcua*' la ihe afterplocc. A lot of circus piraphemalla is carried, locliidlog a live horso, leaping boards, nods, etc. The action of llio akU Is lively and tbo leapiDg Is well done. Naiia also Iniroduces ber Juggling act. Uay Howard, aa tho circus nroprittior, looked well to red. I'olly llitohc'.ler ''buichered" candy lo grvatetylo. Alice Ban>An,aa the abarper, looked well. At. Bellman. Frank UePi I'bll UcFarlaud, Frank Uavorly nud I-ldlo Lorabio, aa the "llubes," were fuony. Thomas Jarvls was Ibo olowo. Cilia. Uaalor tbo snake oiiarmer, and Dave Conroy rodo tbo horse, aerile Kcltb, Uollio llcid, Anna Yalo and Jane Ualy wero also In the caau Tho cosiumea and Incidental rosrcboa are prolly. Uiss Howard has aitendeil pcrsoualljr to the staging of the ahow, and bor eiroria luivo been altogether saccossful, HsrrrUorrls Is proprietor aod manager, Krcd Btrauss,(reaMarer; Uobort Hills, adnuce a;ieni; John Btromucrg, leader, and Prank Uaverly. aiage manager. Next week, Fields k UaaaoD*a Drawing Cards. KoOTRK k Uail'8.—Ad andleuce that nUeil tho bouae to the doors waa preaeot Uonday night (o Baas upon tbo bill presented for weok of Sept 3. scar Uammcrateln'B second serlea of living pict- urea contlono lo bo a very atroDg card aitbla noose, and every pleinre shown came In for a generous amount of apnUiuse. ThOT wore preceded by an ex- colleni bill, wnlch met with tho oailro anproval of tho audience. Ulle. Illalto made ber Initial bow at this liouBO In her Are danco, and was well reeclred. Uolph and finsla Levino, In a comedy sketch, aluo nude their drsiappearaoce here, and wero enter* lalulog. Ulle. Carrie, bell performer, hod no ttonblo 111 ringing horaelt Into tho good graoca of her andlonce, and Flslkowaky, nilmlu and aulmil linUntor (third week), woo heariv applause aud lauRhior for lilB o*over mm. Mile. Jlarauerltf, couioriloultit (Utth week), waaa coniluuod favorUo. Calcedo(scvcuicenl]iweok),Trojii(iblrteentli week), and the Iata Urien Family uoarth week), ail entered upon tlioir last week. The UBual conoert was given oa the roof gardou by tbo Kossuth lluo* BHrUn Ornhoslra, naslaleit by Tiieodoro llooh, Kulb bavcnport ami Joaophino Babd. Tbo Fall and v/inter season will bo inangitrated Hoot, lu wlili a hill tnado UP larficly of Koropean novelties. UiHiK'a Uoa-aav TuRATnk.—An excellent hoaie abuw. anuouoccd aa iho Itievcs and Palmer Uojmo* iwlltau Company, provldos entertainment at this nousn thU wu«k. Tho boose on I,aiior l>iiT, Sopt. 3, was well filled at bom porformanc»fl. Uavla aoti Qeroma wcro ino curtain lalRrrd In iheir comody net, "mo IMfl^batl Umpire." KlU CilJweH, vocallBi, followed In annmucrof seleclloas. TheOaroclla Urothora' new acrobatic aet wai well applauded. Nellie Seymour, aoubrutio, alao made a gooil lin* preuloii. Foreman aud west, In their oomedy Bkt-tch, aud Allyoo and Lluganl, In chanioter aongs and dances, were well remembered. The lllg Four, BuUtb, Uanin, llcatyand Spnrh^dId their snock- aboutaoi la excellrutetylo. UadgeKlltsma'leabltt her sons, "Uy Pearl la a llowery Ulrl," iKliig rondorod very cireotlvoly. Blionlao aang "And Her (loldoii Hair was Hanging Down llor Uack.^' Klnn- ner, In n serlea of heavy weight balanees, avilatcd by a lady, ditp'ajod wondorfitl sirvngth In iho muKclca of bis woll an skill In balanolng Huoh irldes aa cart whocle, lahlcs nnd nxlo bars on bisforehrad and ubin. ThoAoino Fonr.lndudlog Dink aod Hob Oamolla, Uzzic Auilonoo and Alice (JlliTord, lu *^ublai Vielt," concluded thu Hbow. Next week, a house sliow. lliJOU TUEATKK—Fanny Ktco, In "Ulas lano- oonco Abroad," bogau, Sept. 3 ilio aerond week of hor atay at ttils house. Baiisfactory business (a re* vvorKd, whloh Is uompllmcotary to IhuaUrnul lo Uharica t^oote, of hur support, Inaamuob aa the ptay has received bat lltilo commendation. EuriRR Thkatur.— "Oliarley'a Aunt." wkl"h oitonodthls huuBO last week, nbuod.i'jtiy proved t.tat Itliait lodl none of lladratvlDg power. Itticgnu Sept. 3 lu dual week, as Ita visit waa onlr prdiml* nary to (hat rtf Johu brew, who will tieglu hl^cn- aaRcmoni Stpi. li wiih Uio ilrat prcscntaUoa iii thh country of '^Tho llauldo Shop." Br.VH TllKATHH.—"Tho Cr08£ lUUdBOf Llfu''tif. gan Ita second and diutl week Sept. ;i. II did not meet wiih a verr o^nlUl rceptlnn. it will 1m) fol- lowed BepL to, by Joaeph llanorth. lu "ItoAedalo.*' (lARiiRN TuKATHg.—lUco'a *'l4i)i'' cutcrcd Sept. 3 upou Ita second (vcekni Uils house. Tho tmsiacw of Iho \yht\ week ifas excellent. Ollbfri Gregory Is now apitcarlnc as (ho Infant bod nf King Kcrillimnd nnd aithe |)Oliocnian. In placo of W. II. Sloan, who has gooolo play thoroloof tliu King la tho roid contpAoy. Cknthai. Oi'kua UorsR Mi hu' HAU.~Tho c.vce: loul bill provided by U'in(g>T Uajsrr fo* week of Bcpl. 3 drew a good huuae on UondAy Dtght. Krooat Yuunt*, miuoillaD, was well received, aud lllJou UIgnon, wlUi her aoncanuddaacca. wasac- oorded good applause. Toduyand CIsnaBlmciikOa, aketcn per.'orincrii. wero amualog, aod licor^ (tlenileld, vootnloimtai, was ontcr alnlu;. Ii^nth y aod 4?a iicron. inu^lcalooiiindlaua. received huiani ftvor, aad Ueohan aod itaymond wcro givtn a beariy reception In their akcidi, "A l.ucky :i(rlke." lUidA Tbomid waa recalleil aoreral tiniejforber sloguig, and Oonuors aod cilsou were well liko>l for their work lu Iboir Hketcb, "The Uauer.<* Mine. Carllol.wUh ber troupe ut iraineddonaad monkt'y.'*, won tho approvalof bor audience. Haring Ibo ln(ernils)lon, and itcforo aod after tho perform* aniT, Iho uatuU concert was given on the roof g rdfn. Woinit'fl Ui'sxriJ.—The Colored Mlnntrela coa ilnao to plesso (ho iiatrons of tola bouae. nnd an likely toduplloito laelr former inng cngasoTncnt here. liuslncM will comitare lavorably wnh that of any former loaiHKi. Tbo following conipriso ihe ooiunany: lltlly Karrrll, (iiwlo L. Ihtvis, Ifen Wlic, W. 11.1>roctor, Billy Young, Fred Piper, lilllj John- a-m, Jim Uuiaell. Oeo. It. Wlltoo, AdqIo Jonee, Ulsi Wise, UoUie Thompson and Alico UeatoiL Ukioh 6Qt;Au TaB&nB«-lAbor Day, Bapf. 8, will be long renumbered by the aitaobei of this hooso, for several limes daring th« day the box of- Hco bad to be cloted, u Uie fireman on doty woold not allow any more tloketa to be sold. Ttteitandeei extended almoat'back to ttie doora, and thero waa but little room to move abooL The bUl waa excellent, aod lotiodoccd Romnlos, atrong man (hIa Hew York debni); Le01alreaodUille,lB "Cleopatra Up to Date;" Harlo aad Van Anken, bar performera; Ulle. Carrl. mailcal turn; Btoart, fe- male Impersonator: WhltmaitandDavislnaslcetcn; the Three Oamclla Brother*, head to beadbalanc- en and acrolials; John and Nellie Haler, In a aketch "What la It:" Mney, bnmorlat: the Bt. Olaira, In a little nonsenao: Uobert Hansddd, singer: NoUlo Beymonr aad Uaater Forbes, buck aid wing dancer. Romnlos gave an exblblllon of his masoular development before lining baaTv wetgbta, aod was loodly applauded. J. Aldrlcb Mbby, baritone, wlU be a featoie of nan week's bill. ^ FsorLi>aTRiATiig.-"TbeLlmHedUaJI" la tUi week*aauracHonhere. bogtnnlag witli a mallnee lAbor Uay, Sepr. a. The oapaolty of tbe boose was tested at botb the afternoon and evening perform- aacea. The mechanical and eleotrlcai effeetB of th) play aro very merltortooa. while the scenlo dis- play la above tho average of road organizations. It was tho flrst prodnction of "Ttie Limited Uall" la this theatre. Daring the progiYse of the play Beatrice appeared in a contortion act and la aev- oral stylea of dancing. Lonlse Oibonw, W. U. Uurphy and Will Bpiuldrng alto appeared In spe- claluea. Tbe cau follows: JlmDarland. Deatrlco; John Olddloga, w. 0. Holden; Oharlea Uorlon. D. A. Biirkhardt: Zeke Uatland, E. II. Btepbena; Jack UawktOB, W. U, Unrpby; Barney O'Reagan, Will Bpaulding; Uagulaeas, fi. Jobuson; Tombstone Jskc. Phil Hunt: Jaoeaoo. T. Uatbews; Brolthey, C. winters: Nellie Ilarlaod,Lonlse 04bome; Nancy Uartand, UIrs Fiarer, Rachel Ban: Clara Old- dings, winlfrede Bveletb; Frisky, A. Korr. Next week, Hanlon Brea.' VKaatasma.'' 0A3INO.—"Tlio Little Trooper'* bas met wltb Buccess, and Delhi Fox, lis star, baa received nooght but praue. Tho second wook of that whloh prom- ises (u bo a very proflublo ran began 8cpU 3. llarlem.—Tbellarlen Opera Hoose will open for tho MSHoo t>opL 10. C0I.UMIIIA TiiNAVaa—BIsbiulDSM vaa llia niU last vooli. KtnerdraodlD'a "H'srenol 0oM"n!c«iT8dltiian(t Now Vork pr«MOUUoa8<pL3,atani>«ctft1 malloiie, to a tHKOautllenca. Atnlsht Ilia hooia waji cnwdtd. Tbe tIacapoi*Mti<»itaT«rj aUmiDt of miccsm, the RCAnary »loR betuUlul. Ui« dialotua crlap aod ths cllmaiea nUnoB. Tliecul: Williamllop^, EliDsrOmadlB; HIcb- ard Birtlr, A Frank TaoDeblll: LMoaid Uoocktoo, John T. Burka; Colonat Ollfford, Wltltaffl B-Anold, Waltar 0]tiT<in], Liwroaoa WilUamii: Pony Fturoy, Pimnlilro llurlolgb; Boa Bumlor, aorald Aodemoo; Ftrklit', At Poolar; doiaotifa. Edward Palmor; land- lord, U. K. Morolud; Julia Ullffnrd, IdaVtllanco; Lacy Moncioa, LIuioUrooM; Doraa. A nolo Hay Field; Mra, Davwn, Maraaral Moore; Qrsclo. Ltlllo KloraDOi Plold; draco Dope, fira BUa OraadlD (Bra UouoUonJ). Noit vaek. "Dorhatt Ruttla." OLYHi'io—TbaO.W.WIItlama Co p!ayod topoorbaal- nom at ihlR hooia iho put v«ob. Ruab'a Loouoa aporu oMiaed toacronrdtd bouaeS. ThlalslbooompaDr'aflnt K«w Voric appeiraoca, and thoycanfloil do roultwlib thoir reooplioo. Tlio drat part aotltlod "Oar Paraa,** profoatod aoreo fioa aoaoorr aad twanUlnUy fonnod re- maloj. anajod lo fiao eootanoi. Tho opTDlog part la full or clORor, aod tbo CDmpaap worfc.wlih a aoap. Jatia Cotomui, Id charaaorchaoato. wu voll rocolfod: Bar* rows aod Wllllatniidld a aood alDslsg turn: Paoojr Ii«>llo, eoDioriioDl't, did aomo Qoo work; Ward and Ward.lo thoIr comedy itkatoh, "Irlsb Arltloomcy," wor« applaad- «t: Horio Itoger', a« tba Howor/ girl, was voll rocolTod; Uaanioftaod Urinidi. occaotilo cornedlaaa, mado a bl| bit. * CuiinwIoDo" care Uio aoToral mooibora anplo opportuiiUr to dlifilty iboIr revMoUTe uloota, floe lanita aoil haadMme coatomes. Keit wook, tbe Cliy Club Hurleaniio Co llAHLKii UutivuH la dolog voU M Ur. Tbla ve«k: Ciiriu Hall—/.iroma, tbo Laoii. A. J. Jagrlon, Cbarlo* l«o Hoy, Jutopti l.acoDira and Jl*daoo Waoda. Htag^ llftrr* aiMl UumIo Miirtoo, Dare (iooaro, Adolo CrolluB, Phil II. Mnrtuo aod llariy Culemaa, Horn. Fotber aad JoMie CatIL N«wbiirB.«At the Academy of Uoslo Ulceus SarprUo Party. No. 1 loaanrated tho optoloirof the regular lauoa here ^opt. i, lo^"M91" ."A^Omp Lot" Dam 7. I.liliu Kooaedf 10, 11, Lovia Morrtaon la BleblUon" 12, KoUar u Poropaosh'a Clrcvo ex- hiblUboraS Samaal MamlOD. a von kaovja teoor alonrol ihia clty.jolss Iho Ueyvood CaUbrltiM and Jaliao Jordan'o Co. coaiolldoiad ai Barria, OoL & Will Tan Dourbu slgnod with the "Wans" Co. ai aa Dederatudy totvo paru Elaaln,*At the Opera Hoase Joaeph Olt^ to Tbo Star Otier," vaa tbo lolUal oiuaeiioD fortbeaoa- 000 aod draw blr boalaoi*. Oleiaant Balobridao'o Oo. >manud*'Atabania"aiU)'>8. B. c; as a apooltl faa^ ore Mn. UaaBrovo Ponl, of Uilicltr. •«**7w}U>« part of Hra. Paao sad made ao exMllODt ImproaaloD. An- BODD««d:-Ittaft No. T' Sept 4, ••Spider aad Fly" 0, Bosa Cogblaa6l ^ CONNECTICUT. NEW YORK STATE. Brooklyn.—The season In this olty Is nowopen In ftill blail.aod Ibe patronage ii twlBgreiy lalrlydl- ridoJ. Tito Tarlous managara expreu thamoolTM u bolDg voll pleased vlih ibo preaoat tmilook aod hope to bavo a mora protptrooa Maaoo, flDaoelally, than tbey have bad for iOToral roara paaL Nooe of tba play housaa aoia oesteo^cd daiing the Bommer, aa ihep vera all tlioroQBhtyoTOThaoted aad pot In excellent coodlUoo, iiiaoy of them recelrlDg tbe atteaUoo of tbo decorator and uptaoljtieror, aod, la loiae lnataDcaB,tt>o arcbtiact Tliey are all oieeodiofly aU raoilTo oo v. Tito oomoo vu not loaugurated noill SepL 1 by tho Urand Opoia llooa*, AiiipbloD aod Ibo (lAlotr Tboatre% aod tlio attiactloos Ui«y opoBod vltb Will ht coaUnuoa thla vaok. Thla wu rul)ow««) B«pLSwlih Ui« opeolng of tbe Park Tlieaire, wbero "HoKdale" via preceotod. Ohaxji orKBA Bouai:.—Ihbi thaatra liad aomathlogof a gala oight appuraoce vheo It vu raopeDod ror Ibe wakoD, ttapi. I, wlib "A Rallnad Ticket." Tbebooae vae well fllied with an appraolailTe auaoiblage, vlie looked with admitatloo upno the eoiuplaia uaoarormaitoa tbat had takeo place dnrlog Ilia Buiitiaar moniba Ao added auraciloD to tiie alOKiog, danoiog aad epeolalUoa vi ■ight^tu i>[ KiUDil'a iWlog pleiurea. It vlU t>« oo: tiDued tiilN weak. CoLUMiiiA TiiMATat.—A BuceoMhl week vu dooed 1 1)7 "Tbe PiRdiig aiiow,'* vlilcit wu lolldvod by John Orev In '-CiirUtopfaor Jr." Sept lOi "Obarler'a Auot" Pahk TOEATRL-Sept S VU Uio Opening day of the ■eaaou att)il« bou*e, wbeo Jot. Uawor*b began a week's eDgagtDieDttn "Aortdale." The Tavary Eogliih Opera Co.oextveeb. BrAR TUBArHB.--Tbe alliaolloD, begtootogxat thla llioairo !■ "Id the Name ol tbe Cur." ItTUB A RKiiMAM'a Tuba tna.—Tbe Rallly A 17ood Com- Ploy opened hero S, and a laugbable ootartaloowot vu fur lUlied ilia raUooi orUiUpopular ulaeaol aiuuumaat Wild WKrtTSiiov.—Buira'u Hlli'iMtnw oodUquoi and ilieattondancoat Ambnieo Park keepi oo itaadllylo- ort^ilop with (ho aoproadi of the ^'all neaaoo, aod to oplie uf iheoiheraliracUoDM Id tlio amaeameotllDemrough- nii^^Uio ctiy. ThomuBdlaonha^loTlud the deleiatu Ui iboeoavenilunof eiperialedrtclaDt, vboconein>ia all over ihs Uoiiod BiauMA vlatt tbo w||d WestBhov witli 1)101,7, to tospeot Ibe "oloctne plaol** vhldi bo bu placrd ou ibe premlier, aadeonilderaoaoor btaOoui praludlooa (or a auiall piaut. loddeolaUy, tber vlli "take ID" ttaojierfbniiaac*. AHi'HiON.—Th» MaaoD bare vu tMgan Bept I, with "Suucb (III" as (tiaoponlagattxacdoD. Thoohl patraos ot Mr. Knovloi' preiv play lioui« vlllHWH«toralim' nroTODioDiM lo ilie bouae'a lD(er1or aloca last oeaioo. It vaitarosularilrtt ntRht audUoce that attended the u^trurinanco, beirjt largo aod goourous In lu applause. < Tho I'lnOlnal DaucblOt" 10. UAvarr —Tlie ontf naiomant for tho paat week of the aoA'OD liere, vbloh bogao I. «u nirotobod by tho Aui>ell HfAihera' Coinodltoa Tbey are well koovo lo tbe li'iuto'i patrooa aod tliojr looaived a oordlal vatoone. Among the people ara LntUe UIIiod, Vlh H. Pnx. Ban liaroam lluilnee, P. Uarlon, O'Brtea and Havel. Llnle llayuond and WbiUog and tibopaid. Tba Uovard Alhe- ueuiiiCo. to. UHiTicH(Ox.-Pror. B. a. Baldwin, hnovo u ibt White Mat>alom began a IvoIto olBbta'eBgaaaDaotbere a, In niaBlo- tie liaupporied bp Klltf Baidvio, the Itoilont- clan KomnoDilat. aodaoumberolBogllitaTaudotlllepao* pl-k TdoopanlDgboiuewu Bood. KmiBB Ti(BATSB.—"Ttie Lt(e Quard,*' vltb JoKpfa J. UowliDiaad Mpra Dafla lo tba prlaolpal roloavuuo ■u<aciino hates. Tbe niolodrama (a wellaulied lo the |(tirooR' la•lo^ aod ibecoawqueDca vuabtg house oo tlionpoDtoiolght Lvcci'H TuiATRB —Mr. PhUllpa vlU inaoage tbiibouaa tbU aouoQ. IId oiT«nta«liia openlog aiiracitoo *^e urrhauiofNev Yoib," villi N. b. Wood In the Utle role. A big audleoco vu preaeot ou tbeopeDlogolghU Com' 1114 11^ "The I'aj Tralo." II orU rat or.—The livceum opened SepU 3, lnaag< uradng tlio Ha«oD ,wlui llanlooa' *Bopera" lor Ore ntehuanit atua'toee. Ilo«e Coghlso follova 0, alTlog *inplain«cr" aod "A Wuiuaoorito loportaaca.'^boo* nrlirand (lliartl 10-11, *'A Trip lo Cbinatovn** IVIS. Thr Nkw AOAitiMYor Meniuopened tbe eeaooaS, vlih A. Y. l'car*on'a 'Htae" u the opealne aiuacilon, t*> be rutltivad lu-lft by "A Uod* »ro Heroine." The p.'oprtetor.Satnael WIMor, haihad Uio lotarlor nf Ihe Iiaupo e"tlret/ raoKHlalad and raillied' T1ie»t«iroonil«(iiei L. 0- Cook, managvriM BtaartTay* lor, priwi ageoi; Prof D. Uorgsn, leader of orebeetn; K/.ra liojili. irfaiurer; Jamu llawea, aulitant tnafr uror, anj II UaoAoty.aute naaager. WoMUHLASp Mu^aa.—Curio ball: The Baarad Ball' Knnk'N broom (aciorj-. aod Uatter. the inpBUrtloff Aoa- t.-Aiian. Tnratre-Pif Ida and Lovla, Nellie Wallerf Cato Rbd Uuhtiia. Ciiarlta Kanna, Bonnie liotue, and Jerome, aintortiooUL Nu PATB hai befo ut for tbe oreologol the Cook Opera Ilouie JaaaHcicta. vhohw baen locbargeoi ihe Audltortum TiiMir*. nmarlo Beich, clooeit lb* RoaJoa Aog. & Tbe Knipiroti^rairo waa the alirtelloa at tbla hoa*e dur- ing tbe auilteBumuier, aad did qotte a auMaaanil bnal< KoiA. Ur. Uaroohuengaged Uieoonipaoy toroeiteaa- vna. lloleltlor nerolaod Ohio, Aag. tf. vbeie be vlU h.-\Te cbarge or II. It Juuba' TbMtr% Syracuao.*-At Ibo lUstablo Theatre Uw l>ook aUd«T'iMloatreUb*l aood bualaew Aog.l7. Hooked: Ardilo B.^rd^. io"A Coontrr Bquira" SepL 2-|; Hue LVf^dtan la "l)lplomaoj"6: "Von Vuott>B"aa. WiniMiOfBRA llucsB.-InrB Heeuaher had fair boat' iten In '1h» Prima Doooa" Aoff. 31. 8<pL I. Rookedi "A Kallmad Tickol ' K "A Trip tot'oleatowa" II. Il.ll. jAC(»ts*TiiaATiiR—Toe; Paawr draw vail Aog. 71-2t Joi)n L. HulllTeD, 9>.S«pt. I, drev top beavy booa*e m-TTi« True Anititcaa." Ueiabled: **Jaue"S-«, "Loot lo Nov York" e-^ ^ Albany.—The past week witneaaed ttie formal oMoiog PI our aoiaon,aod the at'eodaofa vu gnod. llarmaDua Blaecker Hall bad Prlioim* A Wen'a Mia. strait, Aog. U. aad the aBtattainnaat vas gtaaUy ao. ned bp alargeaadleaoa. Coailog:Bapt.^4,B,"lMt S'h%"ork:'T7.a.-Paol'aBid5.y.; Taa Lblard Oraai Ilooji opaoad lit i M. iPJvnh Af^la Bojd la •The Ooaoliy S k^oau Booked: BapLLXarla JaDaea ^~ ~z£rr SS(e?l.^o"ireSoB;" 7,^ Wca's BorprUa Party li 'USB** and living pielotet. _ Donnelly _ 8 for one ••^ __Donoa,"dU veU **Lvo8el*TuiATaB.-»Tbe Paver of doM" bigin 8. for a week. Next vaok •^oMIU Alam." Buve Brodla, la * On tbo Bevary," bad apbanonieoal eugageaeot, pteked ^(S}m"Mnr TaaiTB«-TbU vaek: BaHlioldl. Tan. oeVud I^mSo BtoaTaad tba tut. London Aalety ^'nu's H*Dato HAU -Llnger lADoer |^ae» Q'>l5S*i> Hants aad Walier«,Lev iftvktns, Ealalta, tev Ban- daU and LlUe Moirla. Tror^At the QrUwold Opera noose, Ang. 30, n, 'A Balfroad TIckeP'drav ftlrboofs. :'M'»D|OMit*'' vat pUfod by Marie Jaoaeo, for ibaflrat Uneoa aoy Btat* Bapt l.lielore a tario bonae.^ Bosa Cogblan came 3,-I*M"BLa,^eBlackCroob"7.fl. .„ , . Riso'sTlpmA Hocaa-Doekatader-B MIoelrtladrev a UrgahoaioADg.aO. "AOIreasClovo"eame8tpL7.a OAinv TflaATBa.-Thla iheatra opened ihoiaarJ01. with Lanvorth'a Vaaderllla Compaoy. Tbey remLlnod vaek of I. ^ BiBRhamtoB.—At the Stnne Operft Boaae 'AaermanSoUleP'eanraladAng. a. Book logs: Sept 8, "aplderand Fly;" a. "Tbe Dorhj Mwot." Biioo TBBATaa^AU Ladlea* Show S-& UovTiKo'a Oiacoa eomea 8- rau Iloesa opaoed lla suaoii Aag.n, a Bold la "The Ooaoliy Bqolr^ ' to good * B^LL Marl* JaDaea Ui "Wlaa Dyu' irouoa;" 7,^ Mca's Borprlsa Party la f pielotet Baffklo,-At the Aoadenr of Hnalo Donne aod Olraid, la "Tbe BalaaakerV-eama *^Pt • .ft" w^ loM Manaher. la "tba Prima Dooaa,** dU w New Hawen^Aftcr bavlng been In the bands ol patoien^ deooratois aod eltaaers for nearip two montha Iba ibrte local lamplu of Thupis thrav opeo their door* BepL S. vheo tbo Pall aod WInlarMtaoo vu formallp loaagoraUd. Tlie several managaratiava made Mneflntelau booblDga. BvrsBioa.—The aaUra lolertor hu been thorooghty reooratad aad brlgbtoned op aod the theatre Is oov ooe ortbeBneetootbaNewEialaDdaroniL Only flratolaoa aumcttooa will Iw twoked. The taaaoa opened L wltb PrlmroMl WMt'eMlajtrala. Tba advance pate or aeati aogorad veil for big bnaioaaa. Coming: T. W. Keaae k **A TenperanoaTovB" tL Onixb Oraai Uocn.—Vaat ImproTementa bare also baao made lo tbia hoota, vhldi thrav open lis doon Aug. Avith "Loot Id New York" u the opening attrao- Uoo. Tba booae bu t»een all otwly palotad In whito tod loM, aeveral ctiaagat made In lofalioa of twz olHca and rol>bp, all eoadocive tocoinfoitaod eooTealeoee, aod tba lonae praaaats the appetraoca ol a brand oew plate of amoaameat "Loat In Nov York" drav large audteocea dnnn^iu three ntghu' tiar- EffleEllAiereofflM 6#pt 3-s. "A Buocb of Keys" 0, Botabel Morrltoo, In "Pauu," 7, a. Poll's WoxDBBLivDL—lhia plaoe ol amuaanent hu beeneoilrely vabnilt and ramodeled ttnce the oloteol Uataeaaoo. Prom tbo entrance back to the stage every- ihtogbu been ohasgad. Tbo aeailog capaoliy of the boute bat baao tncr«a*ad about HD. The bill for the opeoiDf, a, lootadu Uay Bollo, Laog aad bliarp, genoedr aod Oregor. Utile Ooltlte. Auber Siaiera, Qeorgo Leslie, OtenrojBroL.aoUsniibSlataraaad Jamu fi. RadohlfaL Drldgoport^The Tmtk City Theatre wna aospl* cloaaly opaoad Aog. St) by Lontt Aldrlcb, id "My Part* oar." Tbla vu tbe drrt praaaotatloo of tho piece In ihli eltp lo elgtitpean^ and It vu accorded a warm welcome. Tbe audlenea vu Urge aad ootbuiutto. There It ■carta Ip a vulaga left of iba o:d tbaatr*. ao complete bu baea tbe chaagea. A oev gallerr tiu beeo aodad aad tba roof of the Ibeatre ralsid tffL Tba floor hu baao ' d lo a higher pitcb, and tba fomhtaloga are ODtlrely nev. Maoagais nraooa and Janolngs received maor compltnaoitnpoL tbetropaBlDgDlght. Booked: Morri* aon'a"Pauat" mpL S. Pnmroaa A West'a Mlnatral< 4, sole Bllalarjn "Buel Kirk"e. "A Temperance Town'' 7. Ou UtII'a World orNovaltlua. TBS AootToaiDM. vblcb vupravloaalyboomu as the Grand Opera Uou8a,hu bean temodetled aad radnlthed lo many rtspecia. Tbo eatranoo (o tbe iheatre to tbe put wu op a ataep flitbt ot atain .Tbta hu dmb ebaoged to avindlogenliaoec Mr. Belkoap bu taken Walter Eovland u hu a«aoclaio Id tbe manageoMnt of tba hooM (hiayear. Tbt doroiao Sroa., lo '-Tba UU- boolay'a Abroad," pivod to good baaloou Ana. 0, u did "A Bnoeb of Kepi" BapL 1. *'Tne Rlalng Oeoera uoo** ooDwe 8:ThoiiiM w. Keena, lo"Uaadet," 8: Qua Wllllams,lD"Apm PooV*7. & Nooaa'a OiaiMO VaaianBS—Era aod Qsorgte Uarab, Bobby Oarsap and tba Part lu Brethen. Harifenl.—PToctor^ Opera Hoose opened for tbe aaaaoD vltb the Wilbur Opera Co. aod llvlog ploiorea Aog. a, folloved by Tooy Pauor to "S. K. 0." O. Prlm- roeeA WMt'tMlnttreltCTOvdod tbe lionoa frooi pit to dome, aodbadibo lanwioamborofpeopleaver to the hooae. Their atreetpamdo proved a big aUracUon. Tbe Oonnao "ftie Ollhoolya Abroad," plaTod to foodiKialoauflapt. 1. DnrtogtbeBomaerthobooaehat eenla tba hanJi of tbo ptTntan and decorators and loukabrlahtaodolaao. Iberabuatao be«nacbaoga In the elaetrlo ajatan. Booked: '"Tbe Nov South" Sept. 8, Wm. Barry V'Banoh of Eera" s, **Jaae" 8, Bihe Blitler 7, "Bpldarand Ply"iS, LowlsMorrtaon't **Pa«at" la 'The Danfer" U. **WaDK<< li-Ui EieooUva^iaff: F. wTLloyd, ~ Uapdar ■ " - praparlea; 1.Smith,atsluaatpropertloa; W. K-Camp- bau, adverilelDg ageei; W. watroua aod 0. Braver, llthographeta. ALLVH UALLvlllbeopeoed BoptS, Labor Day. oodar Ihe naoagenient ol the Vaodevlile Amuaemeot Co. United, p. W. Uoyd npreaeautlre, u a flratelau Taadavlllelwaaa liiera vlil bo tvo perlomaacu each day, ttegtoalog all 30 and B r. h. The boaae vlll be cod- ducUd ID a om ctaM nuaer. Week or Bept s*, Une and Vlaa, the Loltetlea, tbe Oarrtaooa, theaharrloya, Ihe Preoilow. Da 0*010, PlltxeraodSrdoey. MlkeOoak- loy. Ida RoMoh and UUa korrlt Tha lURl V. W Uoyd, manager; T. Pati, trauoror; David Pofoer. aiaga maa. ager; W. Bovera. earpeater; U. Stone aatlatAQC: U. Klag, property maa; A. LItebtald, ticket taker; E. Rer noMo, bead neoor. Nora.—Manager P. W. Ltopd's fbther and mother, of Nev Tork rtty. aorprlaad bluwiihaviitt over Baoday, LoellleHaandera la apaodlog berTacailoa at her home bera aod maor sooUl reeepuooa havet>eeo given her Cook A Whitby's Otrooadid blrlp veil Aug. 3'. Bereral diechaxged luao of ihe olrcuswera Inoklogfnr Ibelr nonoy aod boarded the train as It left tba aty lAd vere thnwo off, aod tiarely escaped twing mo over. IOWA. Dea Nolnos.—At Foater'a Opera nome Roland need coBMsBepL Sand week. Oaavo Ohra UocaL—daorfla Hlnstrals oomo I, 'The Put HaU" "The Toroado" G-& TaiWo.ioaaLAMDHuaiua opaoad Its regular aauon Aog. SI. BmrllDBloii.—Atlheamnd Ricbarda ft prlo- gle't Mlnauala dropped id no abort oobco. Aug.». u> good bualaeaa. MaDaier* Chambarllo aod Barbydt have atTangedtotabatbepraea of iblaclty toPeona, Sept. 8, atvhlohllna they open Ibelr aaaaon vlth "Oor rial*' Uo. Tlia regular eoaaoQ vUl opeo bare with the nme company, U. Prof. J. Ueori Plaeber. leader at the Orasd. vlll d iToet tha or^H tra u Peoria, 8. Cotancll Blwffi,—Dohaoy'a Theatro will open for the regalarsaaaoo Bopl. I. vltb "The Fart HalL" "Ttte Toroado" comet IJ Ooelor vuUiar the part veek caeoed dlmtolahad aliaodanca at LakeMaoava. nettaaUaa MiUer. lo fatU ot Btraagu, Is tha only drawing card on lb* Uraad tiUA. Cetlar RapldB.^t Oreeno's Oporn Roaae Plaber ABcoU'aeomhlood *'A Cold Day" aad ' A Obipe* the Old Blook" eonpanles win op«a loo regular aaaiwn aepL I. Roaco* A Swld** "\J. T. 0." le booked for ^ Ro- land Road n, **Jaoe II Baraun A Balley'a CtrcoaS. UTAa Ball l«ak« Cliy^At the Salt Uke Tfiostre Edwanl llarrlBaoplayadBTo nlght^ beginning Aug. S, with aebange ofblU alghUy. LvcsDH.—The iteck preaented *^llesa Chomf avataga good boalnta. M. W. Uaauv, for many jean the manager lor Zd- vard Harvlgao, got Into a rambiltoaol mood rtoaotly, dariag the aanganaot ol Mr. Uarrtgaa lo ihl* otiy. Calliog npibadtya ol ror* be ramembirtd tlialbeliad Kdoead "Tbt Ph log fVutcbniaD" at the Balk lake Tb*a> twenty y*araaj(o,ahi)a*iairlngoa*erihaBav*| tars. TbiaauloUteaiocfcdayaortJieaaltLUeTbeaira, vheo Brlabam Young ptaaMtd over ib* thaatrf, u vali u otb*r inaUtuUoaa lo Utah. Mr. Ilanlay wu elaaaed to flod tbe aame slag* carptoter. Mr. Bvana, oi had koowo tventr leara aga, aod vu allll mora aurprlttd vbaa Mr. Bvtna eoadaaad him lo whom tba special aeaoarp for 'Ttia Fly lag Datchman " wblcb ha bad hid piapaied many yean iMfora, wu atotad. ROBTSB OP mg ZONl OOMBDT AND OONCgltT CO.- Dr. Edward Jenkins, leelnierand ouuiager;Un. Dr. Jenkins, treasnrtr; Dick Pyne, comedlao, etsse manager; Uarry Leolalr, hnman corkscrew; Joe Lyons, Irish comedian: Zack Tajlor, musical moke; Rod Uiood, Tall Pine, White Beaver and Crazy Dog. ROSrgB OP COLB'8 "DKOLB TOH'S CaBIH" C0.~ L.J. De Lunarter, manager: John B. aralner,P. Edwin Handy, Obarlee WbltenotBe, Asa ODmmlogs, Oharlea Cltoe, Charles Knott, Obarlea Spean, ctara UUler, Uilian Peck, Beatrice Fendeiton, Penr win. sey, Lou Thompson, Jamee Ttozel, Fred ftanks. aonodaKsijIk, William OlLnf.Dave Yonog, Frank Carpenter, "CoL" Rice. Walter ChlMs, Robu lUker. Clarence Hweet and lYed Wrighu lioboda Kaijik latbefeatnre of tbe conoert with his den of scr- peota. Qe received foor large new anakea last week. LnrLX Dora Pinmbu. wm fonrteenyearaold tbls month. Uer mother and father gave her a nice riding pony, and the performera of CampKo. i, Kewaoa Indian Uedlclne Co., gavo her a dlamood ring. ROSTgB OP lIUPrLE'B FAIR QROUND Snow, COU* pany Ko. 1.—John W. Hottle, proprietor and man* aver; Hre. John W. noftle, treasurer: Tliomas Bl4ofcbnio.Thomsa King, Uameue Oroa., Ed. Pluok- ett,Uluwanetce,Art Canl and Wood llros. The company will carry ft band ot elgbt pieces. Ur. Unftto will make his own annooDcemenia and do all tbe leoiurlDg. Koraa and RogrsR op Fribicd M. WBiTga'ii Roval Eotertalnen.—Friend U. Weaver, proprietor and manager; Uollle E. Weaver, treasurer; Uiliy CnrttB, si^e manager; Frank WHltams. advance; Michel Uorrls, canvsa man; performers: U. Weaver, black faeo comedian; Billy Uorlls, Irish comedian; Belle Qordoo, serlo comlo singer; Mollle Weaver, descriptive vocalist; Billy Do Wltt> cootortlonlat and trapeze. Master Raymond Weaver, three )esr8 old, mnde bis find appearuce on any suge Aug, 20. We are In our twelHh week and bnalnesa coo* tlnues good. Prof. Jake Baoo,maslcal director, Joined Aog. 22. Norm PROH wu. UB:4DaBaoa*a TsartH ok Wondku and All Peatara Show.—Wa are In oar fourdi week awl bUBlneu still contlnota good. Wm. Iltndoraoo, uiui- clan. TOQtrlloqtiUt aod comedian, la making a hit io bu oew apeolaldot. Linl* Lorraine aorlo comic; Wni. 8imm«ral, clog dancer; Uu*er Oal. DItoo, clown; Hlo. otoMaioperi aketch; Aooto Enalt, wing dancer, acd Oreo Muoiper, In bis canon ball act and heavy ball IIU- Ing, are all drawing (MtoroB for the Miow. AV* arern rouia ibroaah BoallierD lUloola. Wa travel by vateo aod carry aTDfL round top Tbe roao In whit* maktahit roond every Banday morning. Brerybody la well and " "ipy- laoEwB.v, aulatad by Carl nermann, vlollaaokiUt, opened their acason at Adol, lova, Aag. a. A. w. Vaaicti, adraDCo agent, will pilot ihem to tbe Ptclflo Ooast Paou Ton DKLiTAim'a Show.— We opened at Ani- vorp, N. v., Aug 3^ for onr flrat fair data. We have tt S-Ht round top vllb a Sift middle piece, lOpalotlngt, lOilX doobla dackais, and carry a drum aod dra oorpi Tbe roptor: Tom DelavantI, proprietor and manager; JameaO'Utlr.tlcbettellor; Prof. J. W. Lee, laoturer; LqIu May, mind raadlae aod aoahti; Chuley Skoll, Are actand maalc: Dale Wans. Tenulloqulat aod high wire ouUldo;J.P. Lee, glaai blower aod Pnoeh. Tbe tbow vlll play Iba ratra noUl Noromber, tbeo go lo to storoa. Alt araiiappyaod bavuigagood tima. Jaok 0. (iRBKH (Ibe vlaitd} aod bla Royal Eriptlan Gbott Sbov are eDj|4g«d lor tbe lllosion bomilDgaat tbe (alraatQueboo niiy, Ktogaton CUv and ColUogvood, Cao. and will lotrodoce four new iDoalona aad atvtQ people, altor which bla abov takta lo Ibe big citle* for tbe Winter taason Ualtbilt. Ihe high vira walker, ctotvl hit third en- gagMDontof tbe atasoD at Ontario Beach, Rocbaater, N. vTrAuff. 2C. ranv DRJirciioi^ began tha toor ol bit InabTlllate Co. at Toledo, O. The compaoy: Jolm U.Marron.tho Iriah piper; Jamu Ward, Mabel uunroe and Sadie Brao- Dlgan. FflOF. Waua AUD Mixa. Aviota opeo ibelr aaaaon aboot the middle o( September, atCambrldg*. 0, wlih a eompaorol colored singer* aod danc«r* aod a ounber of oew 11iD>lona. JouM H. IliCKBV vlll manage (he loar of Prof.S R. and gItUo Baldalo and tbolr BatiOTOy Cot«rlo. Tee toor vllltMgIn at tbeOrlterloo TbuUe, Brooklyo.BcpL 9% lOr twelve Dightt. Capt. Jack CuvrosD. tho "Poet Scout," la aUraclIng mocb attoDtloo In London. Ue bubeeo taheo up by tbe oewapopera, and la bacomlog tomevbatui aaoclaty lloo. Airrov Sbidl vlll make a tour vlth hi* orchMttra of tbeprloclpal elbuol the Soaib. Aoumberoratageni vlll accompaoy bIm and tie Uteods to arrange a aeriu of Wagoer leetlvaU. PaiKOB Flavow. asDouncer of Pavoaa BllPa WIM West, arrived In tbi* dty BepL 3 Ragardlqg ilte receot publiabed tcooonu of (be dllDcultiet ol Favste Bill'a wlidWaatIo Aoivarp, Belgtuoi, ibe Prioca vrltca ua tbat tbo abov vu attached lo tbat city, but not lor Pawooe Bill's debia. According to oar Informant, John W. Rybmao. who reproaeoied The American ayodica(e which wureaponslblefor the tbow golog abroad, mida a contract vKb Qordoo W. Lilll* (Pawnao Dill) by wbleli til* *iDdlca(* wu lo luroltb grouod*. folly equipped and complela, wlUi tlie worklog force to mo thorn, aod Ur. Ulire vu lo tumlab a fall aoitog company, to prodnca a Wild Wutpertormaoee. "May e wu died Tor tbe open- ing day," we quote Prince Plaiow'a worda, "butwa eoold not opeo, u the chief •nglneer bad not paaied tlie grand ■taad. and over tan thoaaaod people vere toroed away. BaalnoBiopenodSveiy llobt, owiog lo (be dlaappolot. meot of Ibe day before. Tliree mondi* wool by aod bnalnau coobnued ll|bt Tbeo lb* grand aiaod <oauaclOI^ tbe Paaelreo Brua, allacbod ^ tho tMB olflc* recelpla for their money. Major Lillio'a * CQotraet vUb tba American ayndleai* aUpolal** thai O. W.Lithe vu to rtctir* tbe Bret II.QtU per we«k,aDd all over that *nm vaa to t>e abared at Ti per oaoL for Major Llllle. aod tf par ceoL for tbo ayndlcata. Major I.IUie had ooc bt* 11^ vh*o tba attach- m*ac wu made, aod u Mr. Rykman avora hlmaetf loualielglao olUzao, Pavnee Bill'* dtaienlUea v*re iocraaatd. UalorLIUlatlienaoed Mr Rykman, and cot Judgment lor IMBO (Tanea In tha Balglaa courta Juat u *oon aa Rjkmao'a oitier Aredttor* heard of Ui* adach- mentUiey tried to stlu I'aaooe Bill's boraea, vagooa, •to., but tlie cowboys were too qnkk for Ihem, and got them to tba frontier, whara Major LiUle, after paying all hIa own debu to apeooy, joined tbam.aod opened witli a now caoru In Tilbnrg, uollaDd, to blgbualoeitt. Tbey thto wenc (o B. Both and Utrecht, and vlll play aeveral moraplacea lo Ifollaodjaod tlieogo toGermaoy." Kona vBou Wblls' wo:<dkblard Mcsbou, cohuli- daiad with Tony Whlte'a Olrcua aod Trained Animal Hbowa.—Wo are oow playing the large Slate fatra. Id cooeolldatlDg ihete twoafaowa forooeprica, lOo. admit- alon, we fear no compatliloo, for we bare tba largeit lOo. show on tba road Boaier. Tooy WhKowlih bia troupe ofedocaiad boraea. t*D loDnmber; Billy Burk with bla traloed doga: Billy La*, (aikloe and aloflingelown; llany P^)UaId, Frank Cbaao, Will Wblt*. Will Hartman, J. If. Bami, aerobalaiBylve. oootortloolat: Brovoiug Broihan double trap* aod bar*; Mra. Bally Wbtto In iierinaoage act, with tbo taUlDg boraa Beauty: Haniord Bnlth, lalk. log down, Introduclog bla perfomlog elephant BoUvor, aod Ihe January msie Cyclone. Aooex-Capt J. R- Wells, Itctorar; Prot Decuiro, uugio aod Punch aod Jody; Mile. Tergia, Otrcaaalan: Flo. tuatio, aoake ohanner; CapeTovnJoa, Zulu chlei, aad Sarbo, Juggler and ivord aaallonar; a gorilla, tbe happy family col- lictloo and a don or alligatora. W« carry a baod ol alt • pl*oea,Iclr«aB t«nt,gK>.. with SNt middle pieca;anoeii 40 uy SO; aanca rront, 10 by 20. Nuiaa raoH w. 0. CLAkga'a CnBS0R.VT Snows.-We forgot to nonlJon lo our lavtcrmmuoicatJon that vobad ao encouoiar wltb derperadot, Aug. 0. at Tolaa. I T. Tbay cut JeuBrovD aod knockad hTs wire down. Thoy ijaioaoded money of Kdw. Oookllo. aod no( attbog any tbay cut blm aod (hen cat tb* tontdowo, aod after pour- log oil on Uio aldeAow tent, aat Bre lo IL While Uie toy* irere aiUnBUtablng die flamu ibey were ebot at, aad wo bad allvair Ilm* geotrally. Wo efaowo'l to twelve dldo'eot lodlaa natlona Bonote Orr ,prlnclpal clovo, nov bu charge of iba concert, which la mde up aa lot- Iowa: Jeu* Uean, long aod dance; eoonlnOrr, lough •OD0 aod dance: Conk 110, eirord valklng: MIUaoara<-, Tooallal; Jerry Walker, black face comeolao; J.Colm, Irlah com*dlan. Jeny Walker bu Oniabed hi* novlotil * bead balancing act, and will put In aoon. Beria, Mexican aarlallet, eloaed Aug. 1 Busuea la good and roadt •lira bid. LouKT Bill's llisroaicit Wilo Wssr iHO Tsxas Illppodrone reportagood buloeu;tbroogh KoDiockr andObie. Kvarybodrlawell. Tli« atock aie all fkt and In good ebtp« w. UI Kaonedy. Lucky Bill, la biaaking a new horw for bla fancy tide. He and hIa brother. C. 1*. Kennedy, ara doing aenie Bne barctuck Romao ttasding racea. Ada Korepsugb'a bigb Jumping hordleracti are a Itatoia. Tbe three bucking ho rat, Baldy Bowers Black Diamond and Nelll* Bllgb. rhldan by Rockakin Slauae oriheaudleoc*. Rooulog.Blk aod Waona ate olDg aome good rlile abootlog. Tlie back pick "P by I'l* cowboy* aod lodtana le a oew (aalura. We go Sooib (or — Bara ReodaD took iba iMd at Logaoaport, lod.. and vlU preseoi thla aaaaoo "A Pair of RIda" aad "Tba flob- atluta.** aader tba naoagvBaotol Will O.Wb*olar. lb* epmpoay teolada* Juol* Dun. Oarinda Foliar, Vuia MoUlneaaa, L«o Btailltaa, X*dl* B. Waller, J.D.WIt- Uaaaaadetbsi^ Jobar.mvlll be nulealdlieetor. Bill, gii Star aod Joe Caaey, never fall to racaire tbe ap- Rnoulog_Blk aod "" ig. Tlie back p -- ;(aalura. WegpC a long wtjoo and toor iliroogb Qf Drvla and Florida. ■NoTCS raoM Msxic\x billy's wilu Wssr Paih Orooad Bhow.—We opened oor tuion Aug. 0 al Ml 6(arllog,llL, aod hare played to iplendld butioeta ever ainc*. The company: Haxlcao Hilly (W. D. Ameat), Sroprtelor aod mananrJ PrlncomNaosa. 8.1*. Bowman, annlaBovmao. Billy Browo, May Darrloger, Will Mc- Bilde, Matter llaroM imeoi. a large troupe ol trained doga, inonkeraaodblnt*,andadtn of aoake*. Oor toe la mSMV atHl •*antblng ii new from *(aka to ceoue pA|e. Wa vlll playBonita Ibl* Fall and rem Ua oot all Winter. Kav Zau AND MovRA havo doBod Uialr Wild Weat Bbov and Joined PeuConklln. PHor.ED. R. lltrTCBi90.v vrlua' oa tha tbe Orasa Bhaoooa BaUooo Co. bu baeo eouged to furouh Qve triple rarachota lupi from one baDooo at iheTorooio. Ool, eipotltloo. Ruby Devean and Prof. Bd. Uuleblo* ton. Vlih tbelrlible dog Dilay, vllibe the aerooaoi& TtioeoiaxtmentcommtncotHapL 10. Koxocuh Bros. NoTU.-Baalnott wlih oa It eicelleoL Wo were the flm (o ptint onr vtgona yellow, tbe color that I* cooildtred a "Jonah." It la well kaovo Uut uaoyayetlow dog (hat attempted tocrouaahow loi 4 while tbo canvaaaeo vera oncung taata bu net a vin- leot death od aecooot of thla aapatatlUon amoogio* "laaor tackt '* Nora nOM na Bogi AWoodOo.— Wa ua oow 10 Araqotpa, Peru, aad aro doing « splendid battoee* Tbla bolng a Wtoter month beta It a very ooU, aod more eepodallr^era ri«nth*raettbaa*<itsdcrll**DpaoioDg IbaADdM. Tba Yidal Family of Avaaenbaujolaadaa