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426 Sbi'TEMber 8. Th« Dvrolby tioM Aground) ne nolDg HMOD between .ibo ai fooien wri elOMd «t Newport^ lU I., Aug. 2A, wb«n tbe thlr: ■Dtaorlptlou nee wu ulled over » atietn mtle ooone, from ureotonU Outo to Half H'kjr Rook and iMon. TboMftwucAlm, tlM ilderleiDgMd iia vlDd light from tbe loatti. U wu * rno villi •pin- uken to ttM Ont invk ud i befti ftgnlDii ibe tide utile doUti. T. e eunlDg gaa tu flred at 2.0i, ■kid, u iHiul, VuiMFo WM flrni acron. The Ikmu tamed tbe upper mark *• follnw: Vaquero,3.00:'A; Hoarl, 8.01H)&; Gella, 8.0l:ao: Adclelde, 3.01:40; Dv- fOtbj,3 0i:4b. lofbebeaKheboatflRplltiAckicoo- fllderablf. Uoroiti; worked overioward Hone fnl- and too Tar aud grouoded, loung ftli ctiaoce for ibe noe. 8ba ttieo withdrew, llourl injured ber potl* floo bj iian<ling too far towiird Jamentuwo looKing tot wlod. Tbe dnlib wu: CoIIh. 4 %:iO', Vaquero, 4Jd:80; AdeUlde,6.oi:(ti: llotxti, t,M:K; Cella tbui Winning tbe pumeol |loo. The Dnryra Cup. In a good nonb Dortbwe«t breeze and a illghtl/ «fa(^P7 lea tbe twenix-one (ooicre raced for ilio Dnryea Cap, Aug. S3. oiT Newpori, R. I. Tbe course ontand Uaok wu about ihlrieeo Allies In lengtli, •Bd tbe race wueailed IQ tbo forenoon. TbelKMti Inlibed in tbo following ordor: Vaqucro, Cella, Adelaide,Uourl,l>oroUij. Bummarj: ttdrl. Turn. Flnlih. Bonrl lOh. «fm. i9i. iTh. -.»«. Xk. ih SJm. blr. OtUa 10 « II n » u 1 at w Taquaro.... Ill CO lU 13 27 » 1 S3 50 AdcIaHlB.... 10 10 10 II U 3i 1 Sr 40 Aorotlir 10 49 33 1/ U 4A 1 U 3D TheMofilrval HwlnmliiR Clab Bald tbeir aunuol ruoi at Bt. Ilelen'e liland. Can., «n Aug. 13, the principal events on tbe progmiume nnltlogaa follow: OTtekundTtd aundi, uDU4urchiiDploa4liip of Cuadt. •H. Adami Brae W. T. Laalari Hoood. ffhPOAiUHtreddnddwnivrd'tf'JtiQler obamiilODthlp.— B J. Lartrtf Orst, J. Bm Mcuod Xrjvinir (onpriKioii.—K. LviAurnMu llnit,7< poiDli;J. OMOortn McoDd, 9 polou; U. WiImd ihlrd, 97 mIou. QMorter milt^ uagtMUT obUBplouliip.—U. Adun Dnl, B. /. Lawlen Mcood. Ax iNTBiiimiHa RACi took plac« at lied llank, 9. i., Aug. 28. It wai for tbe Sbrcwstiurr lUvcr obamplonsblp pennant, the boats aililng oTer a ten Bile cooraa. Tbe enlrlQ^ wero W. Haas' Baby, Frank Jamea* l*aullbe, Dr. Il.Tboropenu*k Frances TtnUDl and OUadwlck'a Yam Vum, Frank Tar- lor*! Lonlaa and Hal flslier'a Uljtle. Baby won fn lb. 40m., beating 1*80110013s., corrected time. Til Va4)0BRO woo additional UunU la a nee wltb otter U-fMUri, oootaDiUajf lorUio RllUOup. off Naw* poft. B. I., Au|. 37. Hiia aoitbfd atli alioid of ihi Uourl, Mood, lollowad br Ui* DoioUir, but Uio latter boat gol •KODd pUe« on tltM allovaoce. J. U. TTIH4 WU tha alooar of thane* fbr tbe flra boo* aradiardiuaauuriwluimloRcbaniploaalilporKogliDd, that took Plara at tlio ConMtratiua Btilia. 8uii4oiUo<l, Ab|. 3D. nil tin* for tb* dlaiaoc* «a* So. iM., thui baalloi W. Brui' r*«onl by tvanij-Dlas »*cood* Uii oppoo*BU «*n W. W. Hobloioo ud U. B. Manhall. Til AoHrlaui 10 rmltr, D&koiah, won th* cloilaK rac* of the Bojal ConoUilaQ Tarht Olub,ull*dat lluotar** ftWt ^liL ^*>£* ^ '***t Ui* 3n\% 9m. uid ih* LUJlhOin.aca. TTi*IMtoUbliaavoouimtnJiofILSCOIn oaab prliM tbliwaaoa. Tin lDt«niaUooal piddling no«atthaD**ilDiof tb* Vonnto (Oat) Caoo* Club, Aur. », jtm woo bv (HanDc* BUDli.Hf)rlaKnikl, Hiu.. vllh KV. KIor wcood. Tlia dlitane*, on* nil*, itralgliUwar, «aa p*ddi*d In am. The Caaadlan Cal«doDlanf. ne eiblMUon groands at Montreal, Canada, pre- MDtedagayand atlraorlre scene on Batarday af- temooD, Aug. 18. on tseoccaslon of tbe annoalear' DlTil and sports of tbe Montreal Caledonian So- ciety, wblcb was attended by tM cnstomary large crowd and bronght into competlUon on track and id tbe Held the beat perfomera in ibat line among tbe profeulonals of the Dominion. Bommsfy: ThmetM 143) AiMwr—H. N. (Iirrlion, Tonoto. OUL Iho : J. Micrit. )lQWlck.»a.Oio: H. D. HclMDiM, I*, coll*. 7»ft itiiUng hfara itonc~R. N.nuTlwa.30n. ; J Mac- riA Mfi. IWn ; J. Koii,3lft; R. Mudonald.3 TL Tin. FMfffio iVeabT.-Flrai, R. N, llarrlMo, a&fL Olo.; **e- Orrl. 4. MicrAM. 37ft. 3lll n^pf root, IB()>|}* , uodor l«*1ra jaan.—nr<, aiitMrt OIlmDur: BAfoni), John Mortktt; third, Hobt- b. RiM. MfinlnptoHff/ifiip.—riraL W. I).if«cdosaVl, lOILSK*"-; MCi'ii'l. / Muipby. ISiL Uo.; tfaird, H. U. Maodnoatd, VSti llr //uiinlrtff Aiy, Jf<T aiirf/u«p —firat, J. Morphy. 4lfl- an : iccood,W.f>.Maodoaald,4')lt9lD.; tlilnJ.A.Nirao, It JiD. Itunning ht^h l\tmp.-f\TtX, R. McDooaM.UL: MCOD^, W D Mic4oDaM,4n. lllii. Oi\t wtUt rgn, fiuna —Virtit T llitm|>ti**y, Tomoto, 40. 4te:Mc«nd, H. Ii.t'|itpm*n, 4ni.flrta, I'auiUng Hllh fWc-PIrT, Al*i. Nlran, Wt Bin ;a«o- ooil, A Millar. Dll SID.; thin). W. P. Maotlon^M. WL (/uarU.r rntlf tun, amataur raamtMniDl Hieralcdonlao H»el»lr.—Pint. J. K. Hlrullicra; ncooi), T tfcou; Uilrd, R. n. HrnninK. Bewlpe aimpetlium. IllfbUod caalun*, iiiareli, ■iralAHMT and i«bI.— Pint, l>. Pargnion; mcood.D.Mo. Ulnnii; uilid, D HoUiarland. AKJrrwr. opan.—PirM.A. McBrataay; itcaDd, A. Ban- atlt: ihtnt, K. Murraa //jViiller«it,aniaiaur—Pirar, A. W. Olfford; aacontf, B. A Violar: lliliO.C HcHano. TwohuntrttanajVtw wa'Oi run. ownbaraot lllablaad Oadtt*, Id ualiorm-Pint, l>. Hrown; aacood, T Uao- Hon; Ihlnl, J. W. Wataoo Quoiu.—Vlnt, R. ErriDBton; wcond, J. Baroi; tblrd, D. wiiHaminn. UlQklaita jtitiQ. lo lll|li<andcMluB*.-rint, Pr*d Kid- dla; Mcond, A Niran; ihliO, IJ. KarpiMn. ?itail/r nU/nifi, inembarior Koyal Bcot^ln unKoriD. inuW.i.'roTn; 'tcond,J Dyk*;tlilnl,TbomMBttta Ont Aundml par\li run. mwDDara. flllr ja«raand or«r —Pint, <l. W. Cunnloiliam; aacond, E. naln; ihird. J. D. lUnoalt 0<K wtlU rua.-Flrwt, A. Ulllonl, M. A. A. A.; aM:ood. W. aanlkman, M. A. A. A. Tlioa. 4m 4Sa aitlltU Callin, ItlRbluid cost Ulna.- Pi rat, Alei. Nlrau; aacrind. Pi^dKlddla; third, 0 Paraa^op. Uaif Mfl4 nut. opao —PInL T. Hatnpbrar, la Sm.Sa.; aacood, H. II. Chapinao; third, Joi. Moonar. ATHLETIC. ComlBg filTenla* BapL S—Naw York Caladoolaa Club annual famai, Htaar'i lUrUin Hirar I'arb. B*pL 8—Prloiara* B*oarolant AawolaUooaaDoal picalo aad fana^ Harlam HIrar Park, M. T. Ulty. _B*pt.a—ToungHaa'iOhnitJanAaaoolatloBralliaaia*, nUadalphla, Pa. BapL f^Ainatanr Athlille Uulon ohanitloaahlp itald B*MiDt TravarB liland, N. Y. BopLB-Naw York AtLutIo Olub PaU lamaa.TraTars M. T. The Hona or BcotlanA Wbo belong to the Lowell (Uasa.) Caledonian Cluii, cogetber wlUi ibeir families and swoeilicarts, as* •embled In furco at lUTerslde Oval on Balurday afteniooo, Aug. 2.\ wbeo tbe annual plcoloand games of the club wero bold, Tbe gumcs mulled as shown In tlio summary: HunnlnpAf^h iniiii-W. Wtilla. l•rorM«nc^ aud W. Mntoh, HmIoo, ulTidad OiRt and maud lutmeia; £>. Pullar, Uilnl. MUiamo.Ult Sm. nOilng ktap0 i/ioL-W. Wlillo, I'roildanca. Orvt, »n. lOlD.; J. rurcpll, Nortliautptoft, iiacund, 31:l Tin.: H llaan, Luvral). third, 33IL ' fMniirlrip/lfiira htimmtr.-J. riirc«ll Dial; wrt lin.; W. Vbtia rooiud, Krc.Ulii.; J ruiiiRrev Uilnl.Wltain. One Aundml ^iifi ruii-W. J. Kurklanii. I'awtucket, AnLISa.: Kloraiic«l)unahuo,UrlRhluii,Bacoiid: VIIUriii Looby, l,o«all. tlitrd. rArDipln0Ufttor;uAL-J. I'lircitll nrHt,aDn. Mil: H. J. HoLaan wmuhI. SOn sin.; J. I'aUlirav llilnl,3lli. 4I11. ma muli.-'Kraiik Uavauy. Human dni.vitvin.; J.J. MeNalll, Boaloo, Moobd Ht. eiu.; J. K. CoDUora. Uoaton. tblid. OIL - Om mUe nm.—W, Mannlnu, Builun. 4m. 4i?ia.: J. Laar- lUaaoond, A. B. llanillti'U third. noD Aumlred ami iwHiir »anlj /i... Iliat, Im, S.^i: M. J. HeCano HKwnd. nutnaiU Cdbrr.-W. Whita Oral. Sift. AIn ; J. I'uroall aaoood. SIIL 7ln : a. T. Mcl ean thud. 3dlL «Id. _ifop.«ro>And/IMI^—W. J. BucklAud nT«t,44li. lln.; J. B.Ooaaaraaacvttd, 4tiL4kln : J. Uuonay ihlid,43ti. MId. ThmmtUt rHM.—J. Jonfin Drat, W.ManDlnRMcoDd. J. LaaTlttttalhl. ifHcA and 17rt:-Hobert llarUar Brat, HIL IKIa.; W. Whllaiaeond.J Mc.Valll third. MivwlitfflAaAanMcr.—Alaiandir llamHyOrat,113tt.; J. l*altti[r*v lacnnd. AwntHHp bmiilJuMjt.—W. A. Tboatu drat, tin. IIId.; J. rMliRnw MOund, A. ItaiitMj third. r^niHlf iHol\j. I'alllanw Ont, MIU ftlD.; W. A. Tlteoiai iOMDd. Oaarao (lonlon lhlr\1. ira(fHU«rwn.-W. A.Tbomaallrd, Sm. 2tB ; Alaiandar Bamaay Mcnnd. ffMomraifu rue*, maniban' auna—J. B. llaitloga drat, J, Andarfun aarond, J. Mowau tlilnl. Ihrtt niUt blewctf raer, anialeur.—A. K Hhodn Drat, InLSS'^a.; K. \v liarr)»NMOt»d, J. K. Aaderpontliinl. Om nUc UcfTla rar/, aniaUur—A. K. Khoilai nrat,3iu. Si^ia; J. B. Auderaun laoiud, J. Vr. L>aoit4«y thinl. The Bona of Bl. Ueorgv UTlog In the norlhnesioru Oiairlci uf rblladolpbla, ra., gnlherod at Waablngton Tark on !>a(iirday I fieruoou, Aug.Hiul In Ibo cuetouwry niHUurr oelobrated llielranuual feallval and nibloilc simrle, tbe oventaS.forming the programme reanltlDg as foUow: ITunnfntf brviiii iaa|>.—Won by (laorRo II. Ktibyaon, ton. tin.; Hfcuud. ilwrfa Adar, 19IL Sin. Onr Aitn«lml itiirilf rtiii, for iHirR.—Wim by J. \V. I.«vJi: aaoood, Wtlllaiu Itualtton; Ihlnf. Albaii llallry. Thita, 141- thtfAuiKlml funli mil, lor Rlrlauuilor rum[««n yaara. —VTon t>y Katia Lanncr; Mcuud. LIuia Kobvrtv; third, i\ ButolllTa. Awr Aundrvd iintl ftvly ytinfi niH.—Woo Uf tl. II. Kir- byion, Syda : aaomil, Koliart Nailal, f oialcb, TIup, Ml*. Ont MlV lififctf KUY.—Won by II. U Tirlur; ■acond, AirtoD. Tim*, 3ui. Sa. IVu ndajblrfrl/nicr.—Vun^by J. 8 .Marrel; aceottd. II. Bwanb. TlHia, 7iu. U*. >\iol AdNJIai^lU)d«.—Won by U. WhltahooM, IDyda.; s*coml, Harry woular, Iftyda. Tllll^ 14a &ack rucr, i7A>'dB,uv»r Itirea Itlo. liuidW—Wuu by Wllliatu Irrlnit; Bacuod, Lawoard IIiuib; ilurd, Piaok BHIL Tini*. Sia. r^nt^mir, aavan into aach laani, iM<«ti only to hidaaa jDlhaoid*r.—Wun by Albion Lodae, .Nn. over Kobin Uood Lods*. No- tt, by 3IL I'rolMklonal KiMlball. A special meetlug of the uowljr orgnnlicd .\mcrl- can Lcrtguo of rrofesilonnl Kootball Ulubs was bcld In this city receailj, when ilelogaieo from six cUIca coiujioaliig llio organlMllon pcrreoicil arrangemonis wr tho cniulUK ehaniplouihlp sea* son, wbloh commcucca uu oci. l end ncteoda to Jan. 1. tnclualvo. Tlio elubH wrro reprewuiod aa follow: Arthur A. IrwIn. niltadclphlA; J. f:arl Wag- ner, WashlDglun; 0. II. liyroo, Bruokljrn; A. U. tiodoD, lioeioo; llcury U. Vomlcrhurai, lialilmure. and U. K. Stackhuuso, New York- A conatliuilou luodcllod after thai In uao In the Nailunnl HtuebHll LaaRua wai aduvtrd; Tlw rlaylaa rulaa adopted ar* aubBiaoUally Hi* »«iiia aa thor* To uio In BoiUud. onlTuluurohaii|t*Bb«inR niatla. Tfia **er«Ury waa luatruciad lo racrlr* and act ui<on arpliuUitoi nuiii r«r*r*a«. Tli* U-ard of dirtciur* will ounBlat of R. H. Talcvll, O. II. H) ni» and A. A. Irwiu. A foiiu nf coairact was alBo ado|it*d. Tb* I'hiladflphia aad WaahlnRU-u cluba hava alrtadr alttnad avTaral rlay' ara. and lh« ulbar rlub* w ill bajitii alaiiioii luao at one*. Tba uDllDraiaof Iba horn* laaut will ba ol whIta. with blaok stooklDRa, and th* TialUiii leania will waar Dlaek uitifiinoa and whita itocklDRa Tha Irwin ball waa adoplad (oj iha aaiBoo. PraparallaOB aia ImIor mada to ncalTa th* Huudarland riub, ol Koilaud, wbtcb will ilalt tb* counur noit Pall. Tba BhrIUh taam >ufty arraaf* gauigB la Moh of Iba all oltiaB la tba clrcutL W1U.UH Raau Ui* Irlah amaiaur aalRbt thnwar and abot pultar, diad al hia bom* al K*w Pallaa, County Lmiartck, an Aur. s, aii*r a (ona lUoaai. 11* waa od* of thtlaidarwofthaOaallotaan) ibat vlalted ihii cAuntry aoma y*aiB aco,aad waa for a Ibor tloia a ebanploo ptrtvtmn iitb ili«wal|bM The Bcola of LItlle Hhody. Tbo BODS and daughters of Aold Bcotia congre* gated by thouMnds at tbe handsome Ueiter Street Qronods, Pawtncket, ll. I ,on Baiurday, Aug. IB, to enjoy tbe annual ootlng under tbe aosplces of Clan Praaer, No. U, 0. B. 0., the ohlef feature of which diture Is always ibo competitions between tbe principal Caledonian alblotcs of tbe States and Canada. TDero were also present a oomtKr of leadlog professional pedestrians, wbo engaged in Interesting conieatsforcaabprizes. Buninury: rAnntrlng tkt ktarg AaaiHur.—J. Pfrn*,(^ada, drat, I04IL Sin.; J. Purc«ll. Nortliarapion. aatond, 9ML 4id. ; W. Whlla, Profldance, third, 01IL AHiMfRi; ArffA;uRp.-L Moraliao, M. 7lo.; J. Caiter Mtond,ftlLrio^ W. WblU, tn. flin. Aoyi* roec—Thomu XIrpi* Brat, Patrick Cani*y ho- ODd. Alb*rt food Ihird. OMAuiidnd wirdi ran.—W. P. DoDOTaorSrat, W. Back* llD*aoiiid, WlboD third ihuunp Arav^ (foM.—Oiarlva CurTl*firit,S6(L: aid«on Farriaiacond. SftIL lllo : Joha Pure*!! Ihlnf,Oft ma. Ilau, lirp and junp.—w. Baeblln DT>t, 43IL Sio.; W. Wbli* a»cood, 4lh Ito.; J Cartar third. Wt. One mtte nin.-B. 0. MoCtalaod Aral 4ai. SK*.; W. ManiilDR aacoQd, W. 8. Colburo Uilrd. Unadtwardiana, In eoatum*.—Wtlllara Joboioo Brat, TImrau flulcllrfa aacond. W. (J. Borlar third. l/urriu ncc—vr. BuckllQ tttt, J. Carioi Mwad, W. F. DonOTao third. . iwirno IfoAi Jtonc^^arlaa CurrI* flTtL4fft.: Uldaoo Parrlo aacood. 4aiL 4Id.: W. Whtta third. allLAIo. Quotllng oiAtetL—W. Huia«ll Bret, W. Forauaoo aacoad, R.rraiRUBtlilrd. I'duUIng with tnU.—L. Moraban flraL 9(t- Vm ; J. T. Mo.V«al aacond, HiL (tin.; W. Wblto and W. MuDlog, tia lor third, tXt 410. lUghUmd Atng, In eoaium*.—W. Cameron flrat, Jaoola BulcTilTa aecoDiC W. II. McDonald tbird.> //oV Rilta run.-Joha B. Laavitt Brit, W. MaoloR ire- ond, W. B. Coibum Ihlrd. nrowloa IfoAl Aaaiaur.—(), P*rna ArvS llBIt; J. Pur. call aacood. IHIL 4ln.; W. WhIta third. IQQIL 4in. nming (Ac odAer.-u.Unrha ilrBL SJItHlo.; <'• P*rrlo •«eand,S7n. ftlo.; J. Purcall Ihliil, Sftlt. 8ln. Sad ppc^.-Jamai Allaa nnl, Jamaa Uood lacood. rtim mttn niH.-B. 0. McOlalaod Ural, Itao ; W. Man- ning lacood. J. A. LaiTltta third. The Typoa* OutlDg and Ganiea. On* or llie annual aranta or Uie Hummer Beaton Id thia TiclnKy thai li alwaya anticipated w lili |>l*aBarabl* fMl- lOfta, and thatnavtr ralli to alTurd ani|>teo|ipoituolt>' for an almndaJica of Kaiiulo* enjoymant by ihofowho at- tachl, la tha pIcuIc and atblaUo lamaa Dfi*i« Prlutaia' HaoaTolant Awtciailon. Tlila alTalr wilt tola rear ba hald at Hulur'a llarlam Hk«r Park.Pacoud Aranuaaod Uo* llundrad and T«*nir.aliib Hirtai, on flatvrdiy aliar- Dooo and ovanlnR, KepL 8, ih* ganMa coioDaooIng at UO r. M. A tnoBi iirDrttlaloR iiroRraaiDie liai ba*n ar- ranitd for ilnoecaat'^n.and. ai ihealaRant prltaaon«rod nafor lall toaocura cntioa irnm high claiaamaiaurath. lot**, tha cuitoiiiary aacaaaalon ol air«U*nt coaiivMUuoa mar cotiSdaotly ba kokwl forward to. Tha loUowlaR avaiila ar« all handicap, opao to aiuataura only, aiid will ba undar th* rutai ul Ui* Aniiietir Atb- latio Uulon: lOOida mo—Flrat prlia, haiKlMino ptr- lor latnu; aacond, allrar ptatad caator. Bunnlog high jump—Flrat, Diaaul dock and onamant, praaaotad by Typograpbieal Ud'oq No. 8; aaoond, alUar pitted fancy ttlaaa diah, praaanlad by M. A J. Kaooady. aQ)*d« rua— Flrat, piano lamp, 40. high: aacood, palrbroDM Oguraa. 440Tila niQ- Firkt, Diaoiu clock and ornamaot pr*a*ni*d oy a. 11. Ilylaod; *ocvud. ailrrr plated caator. RanoiDg long Jurap-Flrai. inanial clock, pr*aaut*d byR 0. Ooo A CD : aacond, allrar platad fruit Jar. Ilaii mila luo— Flrat, Hold niadal praaantad br ne /Wte ffotrUc; lae ond, allrar nlaiad bultardiah. OnaoillaruD—Itnt. aolid aiiror Baad aat, In plaidi cat*. pTOMutad hj ADdy llnm: aacond. pair bruoia Beuraa, praNoted by Typo- Rmplilcal Union No. B. Pol* Taul^Plnt, allrar plaud i*a aat. Bra p(ao*a, praiauiad by Tua Nnr York CLin'Ra; aaond, iiianul dock. Two mile run —Pint, ailrar plaiad pitcher, pnaaoicd bj M. A J. Kannadr; aeoond. eleeant parlor lamp and lhada. pra- MOl*dbyll. H. Van Kl**i Th* haadlctpplnf will be donebj ihaonclat haodicapparor Ul* A. A. U. Tliare wlUaUobaaapaoial *Tani,a 44Qyda. mo. o|>*a only to lhe*uiplny*a*orth* Lookwood Preaa. Kntrance f«« for aachateot.flOcauta. whifh Hiuit accoiniiany lb* entrr. Kntri^acloM Sapl. 0. with Julio Wood, 4M .Sioth Arenuo, .Saw Yurk. Ah uaual at lhaia a*>Dual ouUdro of tho typna. thalrwlr*a,dat)Rhian and ben Rirb, irary ladv on antaiiua tba grouoda will ba handed a Duutnred ttehat, which will aotiilahar to a chanra in a drawing loranaiultartd handMiiio pnita, auibraclng kiany aitl* cl0i^ boJi itfeful and urniinanial. Uarca lu (he Day Blatc. ClOHO upon two ilionaiinil persona nsseiiibletl at WavHldo l*nrk, South KrHmlnsliair, Hhs.*., on Sat* unlay afternoon, Aug. ib, to witness tho eompoU- ilona at tho aihtoile and 'ejcllug mcei. Result: //dndlcnii/lvl mn*. mida—T. R. Burk*. Hottoo Alh- l*tlc AiMiciatlon. aritrh. Unit: H. M. Nathan, PItchbnrg, 6Krda. Mart, aarond. Tim*. 13*^1., th* fact Uiat the track waaduaiililU accountlDR fnr ih* tin tint*. (>nc nllf bicttte nior.—T. B. Hutlar, Caubrldji*port« Ujda Biaii, drill; W B. HejnoldiL TSydi.. aaroad: Nat UuU^r, t^otbridRvport, BCratcli, IhtlO. Tiro*, tm. 26*. Dtp mtlej bififlf nirc—Nat Butler, CiinibTldR*|«rt, ■cratch, iirai; \v. H Itat nuMa, llyda I'ark, Iflordi. aiarr, aacond: K. K. Wing, South rraulogbaui, Wide., thiid. Tluw, hn. 81%a. NNfinlnff tang Jump.—Won by Remaid Doherty. B. B A. (\. »,Sio-. iriib tliL 3Hln ; K. F. Keana, U. A. A., in. Ha., aacond, lOft llln. yinir Aundrrd ami Jbrfp gard$ rvn. • Wmd by J. P. Law< lor. Ht. M. A. V- , nvda.; aacond, F, B. Loeney, L. C. A. A., ta^da. Tiiiie.b.>*a4. Otu uUt bicgtlf nT<v.—Won by A F. Riiillk Waltwla; atwmd, n. B Hraokai. Hudbary; Ihlrd, W. L Bowoo, Nallck. Tiu<a,lni (far nil« run-Woo by (I. fl. Dow. B. R. A. C, Tflyda.; aacond, J. s. KuBhwnrth, B. A- t*.., Kntrh. Time, 4m. AitfAlAuiMml iind rTgAlp por^U rum —WonbfW. II. At- llM^n. \\\ A. O., I5tda : atennd, A. M. RanilDiton, K. C. C. «Tda; Uilrd, F. How*, U. A A., Bcntth. Time, ntHtl.-Won by Wllllaiu Murphy. Hi M. A n., 101b.» w|th9lt.VlD : R. t\ llnnaan. W. A. l\ itn .racond, IlKL SID ; r. F. Lyon^ 8t. M. A. C . lO^n., third, Vft. tin. Tiia iHTiTAt. HKiTiitii for tba darUinnoi the aunplo- iii*utary athlaltochaimitonahipawlll be bald la coiguoo- tloi) wUh th« raaular Fall meatiOR nflha K*w Vuik Atlt- latlo t'lub, at Trarria' laUntl, nn ^lutday iflaruooo, RapLt}. The rhaiiiptooRbtp arvola to b* decided am* brace Iha two mil* at*f i>l*chaia aad tha ten mil* run, which ara o|>an to all anialaura. An antnocereaoftao dollar* for ««ch ittao lor aach araat niuat arrunpany the anlry, which iiiuatttaiuaJa with J. E. Sulllian, Box 811, New Tork. not Uler Ibin Hapl. I&. Tub A:<.\t*AL iiki.ii uiarixn of the Atnalaar Athlade Unlttn. at which will l« dacldad iba champlooahlpa lot WL will tl* heM at tha Summer hom*ol the New York AUilede rinb, Trmvtr* Wland. on Haturdar aitarooon, B«PL Ik Tlia iWRraKima will b« eonipoatd uf Ih* uaoal arroiH, and anlrl»* will chw* with Jam** & BilllTaa, 341 Umadway, New Vorh, on HapL A. TuH Mrl:<BM.tiT. of Ohio, and Tom Canooa, th* wall known catch aacaichcinwr*»ilara.aaalnmet In amli*d match, Blatad to be (br tha "champlooahlp ol the world.** aa aauil, aud %M a aid*, ai LIrarpooL EoR, Aug. 37, t:anaoo wian-ng two fall* in Orcco Romao able aad Mclnaraay oa* la Laneathlre (kablon. tb* cabl* aui*a thaialwui Bialhon»aDd paraona w«ropr«»enL Da!i O'LaaaT. tli* T*t*rao padaairlaa. le arranileg lo hold aa athlaUc loumu»ot alCbloago, lU. BepL U lo S. WHEELING. Comlag ttnmU. ■.PL «-r.rk Tnti amocIiUoo nuloul eltnll duM °£pL*s^iB^8uu''C7d. nob otUoul olraollmMUsi, 'oumaniaai. Ilampuao Park. ... aBPLLS-Ylarlvm Vba*lir*a oaUooal circaltmtauag, ^3li?rl-^nnw (Pa.) Bicycle Clab oaUonil clreuli ^pt°l«-Karaton* Wb*«l Clob oailoaal eirealt maat^ ■oa. Wllllamapon. Pa. ItopL IS, 3D --Oif aRO AtneoUnral Socttty race m**UOff, •i4)JDIn punta-rMwrgo,ll. T. 8epL Sf-Aaaoclaled' CycllDg Clobi oaUoaal clreall aaatlag, Plillailalplili. 1^- . „ ^ • B«pL 38. 37-Maryland Blcycl* Clob oaUoaal eirenit •saaUoR. Balilmora, Hd. BapL S-Whealing (W*at Va) AUibtIo Wb**loi*n aa *looalolrcultma*tiuit. . , 'Oct l-OlynpleOlnb Wb*«lmto aoauil raceffl**tug, ^aa PrmDClBo o,tal. The Mercer Coutity Wheelmen Held ibeIr annual Summer race meeilog at the In- terstate Fair (iroanda, Trenton, N. J., on Batorday affmoon, Aag. 2&. Tbe weather was pleasant^ tbo track lo fairly gocd condition, asd abont (wo ibnusandperaonswmprfsent. fininroary: Ommlte nonea -Woo hr Rdward n. Johaaon, Ifolon rouoiy Boa^aiaii: Thomai J. Ball, Rraoblya, *«Mod: Jamaa 0. Beckalth, KioRa C«aaly Whe*lm*o, tblrd. T1m*,3ni 42a. _. . - », Oflcairu,3:40 cUaa-Won bf CharUa nrangar, Bl»*r- aldaWbaalmeo: W. L. Ilowanl, M«rc*r Cooaiy Wheal 01*0. afCAod; Oiarlc* H. Cullto, Oraoge AUiloUo Club, third. Time. 3m.4>B. No race. „ „ « , On<«f(c.-Won liy Carroll B. Jack, W. U. Troa*. Pblla* detphia, flOrda. **coad: CharUa U C«mD, Orange Athl*lioClub.70Tda.ibird. Tiro*, 3m. 10?;* ^ . ., One Mlld-ff00 b| Ooorge 0. Bmiih. N*v Tork AtbUtIo Club; Mont* Scott. Creaceot Wh««ln*o BKODd;W.P. B*mB, P*noai Iranla Blc\ cl* Club. Oi-id. Time 3io. 3ia one miv. Clob d)amt>loDablp.-WoD by J B. Pprcall E. Towna*od eacoDd. Joah Llndl^y Ihlrd. Tlme.3ai S^t. Ua{fmlk.—^oa b> Oarrell B. Jack. Wllmiaaum Wheal riBbrUjdi; Harry B, Harbn. Aabury Park whaelmeo. SPyda, a«:oad: Albert J. Ford. (Ireonwicb Wfc*elQ>*p. 'Ofda. third; Oe^rite 0 Bmlth,New York AlbleilcClub, acrauli, rnnrh. Tim*, In. IKa. ila'SmiU—^o^ bydeorgat: flmlih.Kaw TorkAthiaie Club: Mont* Bcoit, nr**c*nt Wlt*almao,accoDd:Charl** M Krlck.P*oaWh**ln«R, Ihlrd. Tlme,lm. lIKi. One mlK, taam.—Woa br RlTanikle Wh*«lm*o, 16 P>lou; Oraoge Athletic CIoIk K>polDla,ieeoDd:qaakar llr Wbealmao. ft polota. third. lodlvMoai wlooar.C. Urasgar. Hlfaralde Whaalman. Time, 2b. i^Hy rvD nlW.—Won by MoaieBcAit, Crescent Wbeelmen, 40}da.; Charlaa M. Krldr. Paoo Wh*«tioan,6DrdB.,iecoDd; Philip 0. Coflla, Orange Athlotlo Clol>, ICOyda, third. Time, 4n. J7X^ The Woolly Weatern RIdera. Tbe Ganymede Ulcjole Club, of Oooncll Bludk, la, held a race meeilog on Saturday aftcmooD, Ang.u, at which aoerles of most tnterestlDgevents were decided, lo four of which former State records were Improved opon. Snmmary: //az/nUr. aaoymwfe Club champlonahIp.ClafiA.—H. C. Ilattanhucr. wad: O. H. Uo|b*y eecond, B. L. Du- qu*lt* third. Tlow, in. Itka npD Miter, oprn. ai'i B.—C. B. Coulier, Toledo, 0., woo; 0. II Callahan. BalTalo. N Y., eecoDd; Jam** Lary. Chicago, lblrd:L A. Callabaa Bolalo. lonrth. Tin*, 5m. ftia. _ one milt, opan, CUta A.-0. A. Uaiwell, WlnfltU, Ras., woo: Charlaa Aablry. Plooi Cliy.aacood; J. P. Tao Doo- aaa. DarldCity, tblid; W Plil*y,Omaha,foanb. Tiiae, 2m. 3e><a: One Mile. Claw R,—P. 0. Baroatt. Llrcolo, Neb., woo; 0. H. Couli«r, Toledn Mcood; L A. CaUahao, Buffalo, third; Jam** Levy, Chicago, fourth. Tlno.Sm. lS>i«. OncMltr, SAiclaaa, CIom A.— B- I. Duonelta, Counell Bluffa. woo: B. 41. iladenliauer, Coondl Bloffa, Hcond; P. n. Tula. Llocolo, third. TlfflaIm.4Z>ia. /fiU/nfU; I aOcbif, mau A.-J. P. Vao Dooaaa, David CIty.Nab. won: E. XL MockaU, Lincola.Nab..aeoond;B B.narr1ann. DanlaoQ. la. third. Tlme,lm.7)ia. OneMf(«,o_pfn,ClaaaB.-P. 0. Bamett, Lincoln,Neb, woo: 0. P. Callaban. Bulblo, N. Y., aacoad; O. B. Coul- te*. ToMo, 0., third. Tlm*.2m. I8K*. FlK ml/a, ClaM A.-0. A. VaiwtlL WloflrU. Kai. won: Charlaa Aablay. Blooi City, aacond: W. A. Pliley, Omaha, third; B. U. Lawu, CouocllBluna, lourtb. • ••••• ' Pedaling »t the Bps* A race meeting under tbe aasplces of tbe Sara- toga (N. Y.) Wheel Club was held at Woodlawn Oval on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 28, la presence of a large and fasblooable assemblage, to whom tbe contests afforded a deal of pleasure. Snmmarr: Onrmlt^,SrfiOclaii.—L. B Murray,areaowlcb.flrat:0. R. Cobb Jr. llarUui, aacond; B. Qumey, Luierna, third. Time, im. sra. One mfte, chauiplonihlp of Biratoga Coooty —W. J. Totion. Haraloga RprlDga, Ont: 0. U. NeiliOD, Mecbanlea- Tllla. aacond; U. W. Lalog, Bc>)url*rTlll^ third. Tim*, 3m 34*4' Of.eMlle,opeo.-J. 0. Budd,ai*oi Falls,Oitt: B.Bmltfa, Oaweao, aacoud; II. W. Oaria, Albany, third. Tim*, One'nire.-J. B. Ayraa, Albany. Oral; H. D. Elbat, Rrracuf*. aecoud: H. J lllgglna, Albaay, third; A U. Davla. Albany, fourth. Tim*, 3iu tta. pifrr.ronaolaUon.-J. R Whalay, Virtorr MMli, fl'it: W. A. CampbalL Bchenac'ady, lecond; B. E. Boa. Bcheoectady, third. Time. Im. JO*. PedalliiK In the Iron CUjr. Then WAS a big crowd at ttio races or tbe Ilome- stead Bicycle Club, beldatritisburg,Pa.,onSatur> d4y Afteruuon, Aug. 2A, and tbe aiTalr was eucceu- ful In all respects. Summary: erne mil/, noTloe.—O. P. Slocom. P. C. 0., flrat; O n. Ulakely, ll. B. C, aacond; Robert J. Truntle, anaiudied, third. Tim*. 3ra. OntJWtrth Ml(r, open.—A. h. RaaU*r. P. A O., flnt; J. B. Pauanoo, uoaUadied, lecead; II. 11. lIafflmel,A.A. A.,thlnl. Tlma,39ia. Ifoi/mfle, boya under dftaea y*ar*.-R B. Porter. 0. W.,flrfi:Paal J. MflUin,T A.Q, aecood; Archie Wll* liama uuattachad, ihlrd. Time, 1m. lOa. UalfmXU. open.-A. L. Banker, Brat; L. W. Bamiar, Bri* Wanderara, aacoad; J. U. Bbell, lAtiobe, tbin. Tlina. Im. I la. Ua'f mile, boya uoderelibteaayeant—Praok Konal*. H. P. C. arBl:ClaoraeReinoro.W.A A, aecond; WIU- lint Ladlay Ihlrd. Time. Im IC^ii. Ont mlir, opoo —A. L Banker flrat: J. H. Snail, La* iroba. aacood; Paul Jackion, P 0. O, tblrd. time, 3m. aaa. /faVeiit'-—RaddilTo Deoolaon, P. A. On flrat: 11 B. Iluu<nie1, A. A. A.,a«cood; J. U. Pateraoa tblrd. Tlme^ *'an?mffe.-J. K I'atteraon flrat; T. W. Reoaedr. P. A 0.. aacood; V. H. Keed, uoal*acb«d, third. Time, tu. ^^^m.fci-aW. KaamaP. 0. O, flrat; J. H. Soell. l^trulie, Htcond; Oeorgs K. Boyd, A. A. A., tblrd. TImo, 13ui. 46b. UarltiK In Frvure. At Iho Velodrom* da la Saloa, I'll I*, Aug. 3C, A. A. Zim* merman won n two tbouiaod DMr* rac* tailly by a length. Baokerwaaaoco^l aod Baideo aleDgihbeblod. to a one lap race. At* hundred mitraa, Zimmerman aad Hanker wen tied lor Aral place Tlnie,S3m. H* Bar- don, wbo waa nvxt, oorarad the lap In 36m. >^a. Uercler won a Are kiMiatre race for the pro1»*«looal ehamplon- aiilp. Til* race iruui Parte to Doaant, BalRloni, Aug. 33^ waB won by Andra. Prank Wallar, th* Amrlcan, was aecond. Andra oortrad tli* dlaieoca in I^ Um. Tua I<aoa:( Bkotuiss. of the Centary Wheelmen, ol Plilladalphla, Pa, made ao attempt (o kiaer the laoitem reconl fbr Bra mil** on the road on Moatgoiuiry ATenua, from Bryn Mawr, Aug. 33k They wen raced by the coo- (OBianuloihe Wlaaahlckon Whtalmea'a road race and O'Neil. a olub mate, aod they reduced tha Bgurea lor the cour*elo13iii. 13a.,lhe former record b*log iSm lOa.. by Kelly and Draper. Ttia tliiiora w*n L B. Preach, O e. UunualL Fied Uarrlgnaa J- B. Foutaln* aad W. llicka Ball. Tua oaoiR or nitian ol the flnt OItIbIod nieo lo th* l*n mil* road rac* of tb* Columbia Wb*«lu)*n, Aug. 38, oTar Iha lliimboidt-(iarfl*ld*I>ouRlai I'arkroorae, waaaa lollowa: J. HoPIke, Sm.BiArt, flrat, loaDm.U4.;O.Soloin, Cot. 30*.. aacond. In 30u. 7a ;K R. Platcher, dm., third, to aoiu. 4BUa.; Theo. Puuit, ftm., fourth, lo 30m. Ua ; Viniam BainbrldR«,aonich, onh. in asm. ISUa.. taking the flrat lime prita and t»aati0K the record; C 4ad*r*on, Sm., aliih.ln 39m. 14S* : J. B.Luad, lei ,*eTenth,lQl7u. 10*. which alio baale the lomar r*cord. TBB RBCOkP for one mil*, unpacad.ob a bicycle, wu lowered to 3m. THa by llanraTrUr lo a tim* trial at Uamptleo Park. SprlogOeld, Mwa, on Mondar aflamooo, Aug. If. He went rniua fijing Mart, aod thn loterme- dlatetlmeawArw: Quarter 01ll^ n?kt.; hiltmile.e^a; three ipiartara, tm. JOHx Pnd Allan, a Ciaa* A mao. rode a quarter mil* from a fly lae aurl laSl.ti*., a third of a mile lo S.^i*., and a halt mil* In In. li. PiVLtlKOSCH, of Ul* Oraog* AUilatle Club, in a trial againet time al the CItfton track, aor. it, ta ataled to bar* ridden a iioarte; uila, without ncemakera, in X8in which U l>*Urr Urn* tban had pnTiouaIr been accora* pllat>«d under almllar condltlooi Fred, llawley waa th* relet**, A. S. King. J, Vale and J. McDcoild tlm«r*, and 0. Von Bcanker and J e*e Judge*. A aoiD nicB waa hald by tb* Ablogton (Haaa.) *Cyel* Club at North AblniioQ, Ang Hi, tba diatance t>aio| karen mile* and the Aral pHie being won by Frmak Itig* glna, tn 31m 67>k<>; Ceorge Hoaods eecond, Arthar Tib- ball ihinl. Ronoda took tbe fast time pnm, aceompllih- logthedtaiaocelnlOm. la ATB5 HILB haadlcap road imce, fVom Dedham Ceotn to lliahlandTiUo aod teiurn, Haaa. took olace under tha auapiceaoi^ha Dedham'i^ela i^ob oa Aur. 39. Tb*n wa:*0Ter adoieo oontattaaia and the winner tuned op lo A. W. rhambarUIn, Im. 30a., In Sho. ZSHe.: J. N. Ilar- araraa, Sro, aactm*!; J»**pb V. Daly. 9m. 3M., third; Thomaa P. tanning. 4m, fourth. SiiTT PITS HR!( itaited Ib the read r>e« of ih* lUIoola 'Cycling Club, toe mila*, en th* waet iM* eoare* at Chicago, Aug. tS. ni**T«aiwaa vbo by W.&8ao»,tau a)art,no SSbl 40a. Tbe lime prlae wni lahan by r. A. Rogera, whe rod* orer tbe coaree la Ubl PedallBKlnllllnoU. A three days' race meeUng wu held by the Pontlao (III.) 'OycUng aob oo Aug. IB, 18, IT, the events re- salting as shown below: one m(t' oorle*.—A. B- Wood. Chicago, von: A. HeM, ChlS^, I'e^ftdVB. J* Wen, Chicago. Ui\rt. time, lo. *W iiille.op*n.-W. J. ABder««.Cbleai«, «n; A J. NleoJ*i,ChTc»go, **eoBd: A-D. UerTtnian.iblid. TUne, '"Siii^liltt-A. P. Wood. ICDjds. Cbl«ff^ *<»jJ^^J Patmeoter. l7S}d'-. Peoria, aecond; R. J. Watt, lOyda, *%S'^lJ,'L'Sn.l!?o*hn*^JS;i«, Bt^Lpuli, won Jane. Lery and Bey K*at^r of Cbleago. lied foraocrod; Ooa BtaeV Chicago, third. Tlm*,ftD ftSi. . , «. . j^mft^A. E. Wood, l«rd*j woo; R. J. Weat. KSDyda, aacond; W. A, TbomFion, 78yda, third. T^me, *'i7flV*iii(ie, op*n-A. Leonbaidt. Chleagft won; W.J. Aodaraon, Chicago, seeond; M. Nalaoo, ibltd. Time. Im IGt- One m((e. opan Claaa B--Ona Bieel*. Cbleago. woo; Jobo Coibura. Rt- C«nlB,**cond; Jamai L*Ty. Chicago, Ihlrd. TImeauSli. _ , _ . One rnlft-P. L. Parmenter Peoria, woo: W. A Tbomp- Boa, Chlcaco, aacond; O. L. McCarty. Hirana, third. Time,2oL 18a . * » TteonUM,OUaa B.-Oua. BLaale, Ch cag<^ woo, J. W. Colburo (seood. Jam** Lerr, third.. Time, vn. 3v. Ofiem/le,open.cbBmpioDBblpLlTlagMon and McLean (ouett**—L. U. Kamltloa, Bloomlogton, won; P. 6. Colamao, Pootlaa aacond ;(%arlaa P. Agt*. Bloomlog- ton. Uilrd. Tlme,2n.)SB. . ' Oiuirfar-mile. open.—A D. Herrlaun, CLIcato, won; 0. V. Decay, Chicago, second; WiUlara Bialty, Chicago, third. TImaSt*. ^ ^ , OneauU, open. Clau A.-C. V, Djcay, Chicago, won; A. LendardL Chicago, aeeottd. Time, 3m 39a. One mH\ opea. Claaa B, time limit Sm. saa-Ooa. Steele. <'blca«o, woo: Janea Levy, Cbloao, fecood; John Colboro. sL Louir, tbtrd. Tlma, ha 3m. S7a Daelared no race. _ _ UntfmUe, Clta* l.-O. T. Daiey. lOyda, won; P.L. Parmantar. Byda, lecood; A. E. wood, SQyda., tblrd. Tln)e,lm. 7a . „ ^e nde, Clau B-Royal Krator. lUjda. won: Qna 8t*«l*. Bcntch, aeoond; James Lery, 4Sydi., third. Time, 2m 37a Fivemm. Claos A-Dare Colbnn, SOOyda- won; M, Nal*oo,saOfaB.,iecood;AE.Wooda,saQrda,third. Tun^ 13m. 3Sa. Qaarier nfk, opeo. Claai a-Jama* Lerr, Chicago, won: Roy Kcator. Chicago, aecond; J<^n Colbnm, Bt. Lonls, tblrd, Tine.tia Races In Colorado* There was another notable gatherlog of the bright lights of tbe 'cycling world at Poeblo, Col., on Honday afternoon, Ang. 20. The principal event on tbe card was a mile race, open, for Olaas B men, which produced a grand struggle, wltb John S. Johnson flrst at tbe flnlsb. in tbe fast time of 2m. ll^s., with lbs Colorado flyer, Otlo Zelgler, second, and W. 0. Sanger third- Zelgler made a determined eirort to ovenako Johnson, bot found mat be wss ouequal to the task, and be stopped trying twen^ yards from tbe goal. Bomman: One-(Alrd mite, Claaa B.-o M. Mur^y, Breoktyo, flnt; 0.&WaUi,ain PraoolMo, lecond; W. W.Taxla,Pblta* dalphla, (bird. Tlma,4m.3Sa.. r» aiUtt, lap, Claaa A —B. B. Andanon, Boodbonia, III., flnt, It polnu; 0. Pugb. J>*DTer, aecond, 10 poloU; W. A. Uiz, Buffalo, third, lime. ftm. SPa. l/e'/nlle, Claaa B.-A B. York, Paeblo. VXtjda, flrat; r, H. Petalalihtn, Wlohlu, EChda., eecood; A D. Sen- i*dy,Chicago, aOyda. third. nm*,lm.Ka. n*dy, Chicago, aOyda. third. nm*,lm.Ki Oncnll^ClaM A-0,A.MaiwaU,WlnAel B. E. Andaraon, Roodbouea, llL.8«rato\aacond; J. P. Ounn, Salt Lake, X^da, thin. Tlma3m.Z4ks. One MUe, Clra B.—A. B. Tork. 1801 da., Brat; W. B. PablalaheB, KOrda, aecend; J. Q. Batntlt, Lincoln, lOOyda, third. Time, 3m. 9Hs. One Mile, open, Otoaa A.-orA. Haxwall flitt, B. fi. Ao- daraon aeooiM, J. P. Qnnn ttdrd. One oUfe. opeo. Clan B.—J. B. Jobnaon flnt, Otto Zetg* l*r aecond, W. O. Banger ihlid, C. M. Marpbyfoartfi. Tlme,^— Two mliol^i^CI ^Ctan B.-C.S.WalU,8an PranclBeo,13 polnta, flrat; 0. Murphy. Brooklyn, B potnta, aeeond; L. A. Callahan, Boflkto. 8 points, third. ^ma,fta.lK*. Quarhr mile, apeclal, Olaaa A.—L Rrown, Clevaund, flr*t: Oito Zelgler, Ban Praoclaoo, aecond; W. W. Tula, Pblladaipbla, third. Time, Sm. ItK*. The Wheel la Old Missouri. The two dajs* meeting held onder the aosplces of tbe Kansas City Atb eUo Olnb, Ang. 33,23, did not prove flnandally snccessfnl, although a nomber of tbe crack riders of CIais B were among tbe con* testanta. Bommary: m eUIer, up, Ciau A-0. A Maiwell, Wichita, flrst; A.0 Bardlag,t% LeouL aecond; E. J. Bawion,Top*ka, Uilrd. TIm^lJm. 2S«a. Two oUIra. Claaa B.—J. W. Cobnn. St. Lonla, 330yd*, flnt; E, A (Jnth, St. Louis. ISOida. •*oond: W. C. Bangtr, acratoh, third; L. A. Callahan, Bnltilo, uOyda., fotulb. Tim*, 4m. 4Za.; Banger'a Uma, 4bl 421^*. One Mile, Olaaa A —B. J. Rawaoo, Topaha eOrda., flnt; C. B. Jacqoea UDyda, second; a. A MaiwclL acraich, Uilrd. TlmeTlm. JWic One flit/e. open, Claia B. gSQO diamond, time limit 3m. 4De.—Charlaa Jl. Mnrphy drat, W, O. Baoger aecond, A. D. Kannedr third, W, W.taalvfourtlL Tim*, tm. ana TArumltei, Claw B.—Ray MaoDonaU, New York, Hrda., ^rat; A. fi. Ooeliler, Bnaalo. IS^da, aecond; J. W. Co- burn, Bt. Lcola 3Ti4da., tblrd; L. Callahirt. Buffalo, UUIU, Dl. IMBIIb «|U]U«., UIKUi U. SUBSIW, ITOyda, lourth; L. 0. Johnaon, CleTaland, a.Ojda, flflh U.iLDodioo,Chicago,3S0yda,aiatb. Tlma.8«ii. la One Bifle. op«n, Claaa A.—0. A Maiwall, Kaoeaa, first; Ben llaidlOKtSt. Loala aacood; Clarlaa CarU, aanaaa Cl^, Uilrd. Time. 3m. SMe. neo eillA lap, Claaa fi —A. D. Kennedy and A I bio«n,tle.B poiou; L. A. Callaban aod U.S. Oodaon, Ut. 4 polnta. Kennedy won ttnt by toaa up; Callaban third by teas up. Time. ftm. Sf^^a. Tko Rilo, f laaa A.-0. B. Jicoaea, Eaoaas City, StOyda, flnt: J. w. Rawaon, Tepaha laurdi., second; V. P. Dole, aouyda, Uiird lime, 4m. S^a Three mila, Claaa A—A. U. Hardlor, l40yda, flnt; Rawaon, ITUyuj . aeoond; 0. Carll, SOyaa, third. Time, 7m. «9ia The Wheel In Ohio. A number of 'oydlngevente wen decided at Waa- seoD, 0., on Monday afternoon, ADg.21, wbloh at- tracted a goodly nomber of spectators, snd proved very InterssUng. Summary: UdUeitte, opeo. Claaa A.—O. P. Bernhart, Toledo, flret; 0.0.Laakey, Toledo, aecond; W. J. KUogar, OreenTiUe, third. Time. Im. lU. Owuier niile, open, Oiaaa B.—A L Bnwo. CIOTeUad, flrat: B. 0. BiJd, Buffalo, second; B. McDonald, Mew York, Uilrd. Tlm»,SiMa , One nUe,3:g) clavL claaa A.-P.0.Sdir«ln. Toledo, flnt; A.Q. II*rmao. Toledo, second; W.J. KUogar, areeoTlUa, Uilrd. Tiino,3m.8^ ifoirnlb; op«n, Claaa B.—L. O. Johoaon, Cl*T*land, flrat; A D. Eenocdy Jr., Chicago,second;T. R.Bddy, Columbna, third. Tine, Im. IIMa._ OneMffe.dlatrlot-O.T. Biallr. Wauaaoo^flnt; U.Bd- warda, Uoigate, aecood; D A Huddle, Napoleon, third. Time, tao. S>ii. Oiien(le;op«D,01au A—A. B. Ellli. Oberiln,^flnt; P. P. Kllnoer, UreeoTllle, second; O. P. Beraban, Toledo, Uilrd. Time, tnL Si^t. yicoaiUtf, Claaa B.-L 0. Johofoo, ClaTeUnd, IfOtda., Ant; 0. I. Elllihorpe. Feachtowo, ISlyda, second; U. McDonald. New Vork, third. Tim*, 4m. SjH*. 7icoailfe«, Claaa A.-0.0. Laikay, Toledo, fflhda, flnt; A. 0. Ueruan. Toledo, SUrdi-, lecond; 0.1'. Bernhart, Toledo, lorateb, Uilrd. Tlmaun. ft4,Sa- One mile, open, Cliii B.—W. B. Kanger, Mllwauk«^ flnt: B. 0. Bald, Buffalo, second; A I- Brown, OteTelaad, Ihltd. Time, 3m. TJfiu Good Racing at Ulloa. The Summer race meeting of tbe UUca (N. V.) Ul* cycle Club, Aug. 27, vrsn favored wltb floe weather aod a good track, white a fair sized assemblage witnessed.Ibe races. Summary: One nKe, norlc*.—E- 0. Bbaw, UUca, won; 0. Ham, YorbviUe, second; B. 0. Buiebwood, t/Uea, tblrd. Tim*. 7m. 3711*. ifdVMUe,open.—AJ. Pnndernit, Srnonie,woo: J, r. Barry, nracuae, eecood; B. J. Qaorge, t/tlea, third. Time, Im. One nllc-^amaa Brlerly, Whilesbon, 100y<l*-iwoi*: ^ J. Prandergaat, Bynenaa, lOOydi. aeeond; J, F. Barry, Syncuae. raOjda. third. Time. 3ai. lO^a One elite, boja under alstean.—B 0. Hhav, UUoa, woo; ,J. J, Wludbeia.UUcSiMoood. Time,3m.4la One nlle, tand*m.—rnndargaat and Barry, Byracnae, won; Doup and aeor|ie,Utlea, aeeond. Time, 2m 37a Om BU(e, open—P. w. Flabar Birmcoae, won; Emmat RmlUi, Oawego, seeond; B. P.Oeorge, UUca,third. Time, am. lc,Sa ^ ' riw mttti.—J. P. Biny, Bnaeuse, won; A. J, Leon, Wblteaboro. aacond; J. w. Brlarley, Wblteiboro, third. Tim*, 4m. The Aasoelated Xjrcllog Clubs ofSLLoals,Uo., held races on Baiurday, Aog.2d, the events on tbe programme rcsolUog as follows: ruonl/er. fUaae B.-Rayraood l(icDooaM,New York, 3aida, woo; Kennedy, Cbloa<o, 63yda, aeoond, and Mor- pby,N*w Tork, lOOida.. third. Tlm*,tm.>ia one tiilevUlaaa A.—J.J. Howard, BL Louis,I8yda, won. Time, tin. 9a fAlrri or a mile, open. Class B.-A. I. Brown, CUraland, won; Bald aecond* and Mnrphy third; Bangar, Milwau- kee, lourth. r«o Biilfi,Clafla A-B. B. Andonoo. Bt Louis, won; Wm.Cobnra,Wyda,aaoond. Ttme,4m &S>£a One Mile, opao, Clan B.-^Dhn & Johnson wen. Nor- phf •econdand Drown. CI*T«land. third. Time, 3m. 17a Arc mfUt, ClaiB R-J. W.Cobom,Bt. Loala, SBOyda, won; Brown, ClaTalaod, 839yda, aacond; Dodaoo, Cht eago, 16Ajda. third; Mnipby.Nev York.l8a|ds,T*orth. Tim*, Ihu. SB^iS. A riPTT MILS naoH batween horees and blcrelea was held at raMer'a Park. Belt Lake City. Utah. Ang. IS. The wheelmto w*n Jack Prlnc* and Al Bcbock. To*y wan to nlay ararr t«n mile* unUI forty mU** wen Qorered, aad th*Dnlay*Taryflramll**. Tb*covbo|ibadthra* ateedaand changed bore** evary hour. Tb* ridariwan Bart Aoiiln aod Al Weodrainaas The eowboys won. TheUm* ofttk* wh*elBieo wai3h. dkn. PSROT ParrsasoF, a Claaa A rider, la ataled to hare rld*n 1*0 nllae on a half nlle track at Otarelaad. 0., Aug. In Sio. its* Be wai aaauted by paoamakera The Wheel la Ihe Do«ainio». The Leamlogton (OoL) Bicycle Club promoted a nc« meeting on Tuesday afiemoon, Aog. 29 whlcb was auended bj a large crowd, and wu marked by some^oelleDtjaclog. Bommarr: . On* nite, notice.—Wm. Ubr an Wlnda^r B. C wm- Chaa roi,waUarTllleB. 0.,aecond; E Bteibaa,Walk.V TlllaB.a,third. Tlroa^ In.fl^^^B, ' «'."ws«r- dmrter mUe, open.-P*jcyFati*raon, Diamond B C BwrolLwoo; 0«>. D-Orant WtU*rTlll*.a*cond; D.De- Tlne, Ht Thomai B C.< third. Tine 351. Baif mrie, oran.—Walter Muben, Datnlr. won: a D QraDu Walkerrire. Becood; D.Derbie BL Thomaa B 0' Uilid. Tine.lm B?X* 0«emila opea.-ll. D. McKelhr A. C.O.,Tonnto, won; Perar Paiteraoo. DetiolL aecond; Walter Binben, De- tnic. third. Time Zm STUa One miU. Eaaei and Krnt.-E Blapben, Walkcrrllla B C.won; C J. Wad», London B. 0.. aecond; Chaa Poi. Walkemll* B a, tblrd TlEe.3ro SSK*. ' 3%eoniIei. open.-Percy Patunoo, ueuolt flr»t; Wal- ter Stobao, Datnlr. aacood; 0«e. D. Oiant, WaUerrlU*. ihlid. Tlme.So. SiUa QuarUr mUe, ladlea.—Mlra Bhena Hidgtlown, Aral; Miaa Ratao. a«cond; Mlas Mabel Skene, Rldgatown, Uilrd. Time. S3i. One mfle, am. clwa.-Wm. Lehmao. Wlndior B. 0.. Aral: O. J. wad*, London B. U, aacond; A. J. Eoowje*. BraniTord B, CUilid. Tlma 3m. C4Ma. fle«mfl^ opwL—P«roy Paltaraon. ratrolL flrat; Oeo. 0. Grant Wnlkerrllle, aecond. Time. 14m tSKi%. 0'<eeilte.—W 0. Crai^ Eoaei, flrst; W. B TrmlinirD, Bnntlonl, eeooad; T. webeter, Wlndaor, third. Tlma. 3m. 87><i- On the same dsy a meellng wss held on the* BToands of tbe Prince Edward Conntv Agricultural Boclstj, PlctoD, Ont, which attracted eerersl boo- dred pertoni^wbo wltnened some good spon. Summarr; One mife, ooTlee.—Ed. Boulter woo, 0«e. Donklet aeo ood. Emeet Boblin third. Tlma2m. 40Ka Ua^ nltc opeo.—B. E. Cnmmloip. BelleTlll*, woo; 'H. DaTldaoo. Toronto, eaoood; P. A Moon Toronto, third. Tlme^ Im. Uh One wtiUt coooty champtooshlp.—Ed. Boulter,;PIcton, won. Time. Sra. la Ona nUe; Sm. claaa.—W. nobe^ Toronto, wooj K. Robin- son, Elniaton, and Oco. Duokley, U*. Time, 3n. ttMa. One nlle, opeo.—H, Oarldion, Toronto, wonr F. A. Moore, Toronlo^ aeoood: B. K Cummlogs.rBallefille. third. Tine, 7n. 43a S'Sa OneMlle, olub.—P. B.Bonltar, Plcton. won; Ed. Boul- Ur.Ploton.aecond; EraeatBobllnthird. TInaZra 4giL OfunUe, 2-JO elMt.—W. Un*ae,Toronio, won; N. Rohlo. ■00 and H. RobUiaoD, tIa Time, 2m. 48>i*. 3tenlln em. claaa.—N. Roblaooo woo, H. Roblni>oo ■•cond, F. B. Boalter, Plctou, third. Time. ftm. 34«. iTre nUfei —Ed Bonlter won, C. W. Wataon aecond, E. Boblln Uilrd. Time, l3ff.3jK Oosted From Class A, n* foUowIogwell known Clan A ridara bare been de* dared In Olaaa B fbr falling to comply wlih the nla* gOTenlng the former dirlalon of tbe kagne: Nat But- ler, of Cambridge, Maaa:F. 0. Baroett, XInoelo, Neb ; R. CoTey, Dallaa, Tei.; E. P. Condon. Omaha, Nab.; C. a Conliar, Toledo. O.; Loala A. Callahao. Buffalo. N.T.; 11. L. Dobson, Cannon Clcy. CoL; J. W. Poller and T. M. Paller.BuAutoolo.T*i.: H. Fahlelieo, WIchl'a Eao ; A. B. Qeebler. Booah^N. T.; Tracy llolme*, Chicago, IU.;T. J. McElouAn, dan Antonio, Tex.; 0. O.FIaRe, Bncte, Mont; W. H. Bmlth. Ban Antonio. Tei.; Jobo Tn*ll*r, Daltna. T*x.: O. L. Baloman. Waoo, Tei.: J. W. VoQ Benslsar, Fort Worth; Qeorge Walter, Ban Antoolo, RaelBf In France. The Nancy Prlie, S.0D0 m«tI*^waa won at th* BnSklo- Velodrome, Peril, Aug. 3D, by tha Engllah rider, Harris, Basher being s*oond. A. A. Zlnm*nnan triad to biear Tyl*r*8 leoord lor a mUcOiIoc nart. bot fallad; bla time waa Sm. Ift^s* Pormanwoo the fllteen kllomein lace. u Zimmerman reruaed to rida The American oald ibe timekeeper was doing bla work diahonuUr, and ibAt 00 falrawnrdaoouldlweKpeoiednnill be was dismissed. la a fubaeqneot loterrlew Zimmerman laid he bellaTod that tbe timekeeper bad been brlb*d lo take the Ume Im- properly. Zlmnerman aitarwaida cam* out and triad a mUe agaioit tlm*. Be did It In 3m. B>tfa » w s J. p. Blloi aUempted to ngaln the record for a mile, from a ilylog atari, at Waltham. Maaa., Aug. SO, but the t>eit ha was able le do was to eqaal Harry Tyler*a time. Im.as^i A BATTLE WITH PECCARIES. CONTINITID FBOM FtBBT PaOB. Igm than I bad Been In bin before, and I was at once Infected, tbongh I didn't cooot on soeb de- cisive results B8 be seemed to count open; bnt thea I didn't know what be knew aod didn't see fit to eifdalD. Perhaps be wanted to sorprlse me or didn't wish to disappoint me. " We*U seo tbe fall of tbe house the plccarles bnllt,. aod some blazing Pghts of that honse," said I, a» Bob fastened tbe lariat abont my waist. "Uore tban that, I iblok, before the end comes,*^ was tbe reply tbat piqued my oorlosltj macb. However. I asked no questions, bnt went down to do bnslnefa on the troubled waters below, slldlog down tbe rock on my belly, with my armseitended and a plot flask of whisky In each hand. 1 had to stigoo my budy to resch beyond tbe borlzonlnl line of greatest cireomference of the rock, op to wblcb Ibe third tier of plccarles reached, the first rank with their snoots to tbe rock, the anonts of tbe rear rank wedged in iwtween iheir blndqaaricrs; and 80 tight was this dovetailed srrangemtnt tbat no Interatlces whatever could be Been. U was a most compact mass of hair, skin and bones, for the beasts carried no flesh. Tbe stench was borrtble, bot the fomcs of tbe whiskey, as I Judiciously dlstrlbnted It over the- blod parts of Are or six In tbe flnt rank and over as many beads In tHe second rank, mitigated It to a gratcfol extent. The beasts dldnt bodge nnder tbe downponr-tbey cookln't) fbr they were flanked on either side by Ave or six of their kind—and soeb a kind I—bokstoodllke so many BoUd blocks tbroogb tbe drenching, to tbs last drop, when I dropped three lighted Aaees on tbem. Ttie whiskey flamed op Immediately, and the smoke and stench of boming hair woold have over- powered me bot for Ibe slgbl I saw In a moment, andwblobnopenof nortalcoolddesorlbel Imagine It, reader. Yon know the conditions; you knovr Ibe material that was flred, snd to yoor Imagina- tion It most be left I can only say tbat tbe pyn- mid of peccaries went down like a honse of cards I I hsdn't flred bot three of tbe beasts acUallj, bot lo an iDstant a dozen were in flames, when ihe en< tire strnutore gave way, the bomlog brotes falllog' among their struggling, writhing, frenzied fellows to set ablaze sll tbey came In contact wltb, and these others, their dry—msybe oily—sbsggy hair catching and burning like lender, the bamlog vic- tims uttering tho moat nnearibly, borrlfylng cries of sgony as tbey msbed avray In all dlreolloos, like a flight of btailog'moteon i Ob, wbatastartling spectacle was that^ and borrlfyuig to the last degree I I had coojored a lodlcroos scene—tbe sodden tombllog together of tbe batefol little beasts, tbe mass aiTrigbted at the sight of tbree or foor of ibelr bUzlDg fellows, ikorrylDg aw»y belter skelter, for dear life 1 Tbat picture was laaghable In the maln» this one horrible in tbe eztreme. I bad boUded better tban I knew 1 In a mlnote-yes, In thirty secondp, I believe— everr peccary was In flames and flylog with mete- orlo speed from tbe rock on wbloh we bad beeo oomued—tbe devil had taken his own tn a irolr appropriate manner I Bot this flight of flamlog meteors was of ebon doratloo, as wltb meteono flights of upper air. Here, there and evervwhere aboot they qolckly went down and ont nntll not a 'ring flame coold be sceo. Out tbe end was not yeL Tbe picture was not completed. Further and grander touches were be- ing pot to IL Aroond ana aboot wo saw a bondred lltQe yellow toKbllgbls. In a bondred places tbe grass wu alight, and a pralns Are bad stanedl It wss then I understood folly tbe words my com- paolOD bad not spoken, and ssld to him: "Bob, that which has occurred, and Is now occurs rlog. Is immeosely moretbanl dreamed of l*> "Yes, 1 s'pose so," be qaletly rejoined, "bntlwas looking for Jost what has occorred. Yoosee, Ifelt gore the hair of those dtvlls woold burn—why shouldn't Itk with the pitch of the pltat lis rootst— and tbat boming, the othet thing'*—be pointed to (beboralDg grass—'«was sore to follow." ••fiat to tblok. Bob, tbat the eitraordloary thing tbat broke the corral wss whlakey-Jost ordlnarr HoDongabeta whiskey I ■*Abi bat the flriDg of the whiskey, Dan. Tnly that was an inspiration 1" The nonhem wind sweeping down tbe prairie soon licked tbe little yellow torchlight Inlc one broad, rashlog, roarlDg i^e <tf no. Tbe stghk would have been grgid at night, bot we were then In camp, twenty miles away to tbe north, aad saw only a doll red g;ow In Ihe nraway Soothen sky.