New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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^BFTEMBER 15. THE NEW YOBK CtLJPPER. 437 RO0TU OF OHARLD Lira U08SIAK U083AB B4od^iCftr JoDM, Inder; WaRer JimM^Tbomu niler, H.F. Ovens, mak BMnun, Kddla 1\*yIor, jotn Uojer, WUl ftrker, Junes F. Borke, UU Rg- gltftoDii.W.CotofGeorge W.Jones, RUpb Back- ler Ed U. Reed* lCr.Oolo.oiirenjtionlnmsololtT, Is DUkkioff ft bit on tbc etnet Ed. Puller, drummer, doied St TIaeUod snd bis Tscanoj wu filled bj Rilpb Backlej. Tbs bsnd is in good slupe, snd tMXij praised bj ibe pre^ TOHT LowjlMdb, tbe Oubsn clreos msntger, will rMOb NttW Ycrk sbont BepL 15. He comea to en* nse piople for bis oirona. ItOSTIH OF Bio. SlUTBLLrS ADTAKCS.-1I. A. TOU- aer, gesersl sgent; Ueniy Scofleld, In ctasrire ot sd* TUicebrlgsde,Ko.l,wlib tbree asslsttats; llarrr lirowD,locbsrgo ot liibopnpbssnd progreramea^ wJtb one ssBUtsoi.snd Freu Wllllsois, to cbsrge oC brlgAde No. 9. wftli tbree ssalatonts. 0. W. lup. lej hss reoorered from bis socldent snd left to Join genentl sgeoL Tne Uoja pTtseaied bim witb s gold headed csne. TOB SuFBUin COURT of Oonneoilcut bss rendered i dedaloo In ibo ease of 0. Barnoffl Seeley sgalnat ibeexecntoraot tbeeatsto ol P.T.BumDin, wbicb Hiuialni the ez( eutora Id tbeir oIMm tiisi thoj could not pa; Ur.Becley the a jear from ibe prodta of ID0 DsroQin & Bailey show iialesa tbe ^'domesilo irlbaosP'oC tbne, created bj tbe will, certified tbat lie bad performed ihe services wblch eouued blm to Ibe money. Ur. Seelej's services were not ac- cepted by tbe msDigement oC tbe circus, sod tbe irlDoiud, wblcboonslBia of tbe ahowmaD'ausugbCer, Un. CsrollneU. Tbompson, Beiijamla Ftab and II. K. Bowser, will now be obliged to say wbetber besball recelre tbe money. JonNllOLTOM writes us ft letter conceralDgtbe deatb or (Emery BonoraoL wbo was kilted by ligbt. alDg Sept. 2, at Toionto, OnL Ur. floltno aaya mat Ibe deceased wu ft bard working yooDg man nnd was aUnoat iba sole support ot bla widowed motber, wbo IS bearlbroken over ber loss. TBI Uiiai0M>8 bave doted wlib Cook k Wlthby'a Clrcna. Big. Bitnaui bas recovered from a severs 111 Dca and reacmcd blsdnUrswltb bla sbow. J. B. Bwsfford Is again In advance. Hakby K. Otbrto.n wrltoa as tbat be la msDAgtr Of tne advenlslug depAilment of Leon W. Waab- boTQ's CUoaa snd of sdvertlalog car No. l, of tbat ihow. Obo. Baldwin, wbo lias been wItb tbe Bamnm A BdUey Staows tor many years, has signed a contract to work In UoktoOf tfasi., ncit Wloicr for U'ogan i Co., blilpottcrs. Dot Dbluo, juggler and alack wire walker, la one of tne (eftiorcB wiin Bautelle'a Ul^oos. llNrTBD States Uabsdal Uriktom sent a depnty 10 UoDticello, riatc County, Uo., Scpc 0, t> take poaseaalon ot Adam Foreoangh's Circus on a Judg- ment for 17,000, rendered by Judge Jfukloa, la tbe United HUtes Circuit Conrt atCblodgo, In a auK for damigesfot peravual lojarles. Tbe clrcua people intenued to leave tbe Buiu 7, and tbe attomejs for tbe complatoaui 0 secured an aiiachment, wbiob was placed In tbo bands of Uarsbal Orlnton. TBI asbeyj, Wbo are witu tbe Uiocling Bros.' Circus, were presented wlib a bandiome floral trlbntfl, Sf pL 6. at Uudion, N. Y. Wm. BLutfiN baa resigned his poalilon In ad- vanco ot Waabbnrn'a t^ircua, to go wltb Ed. F. l>avis» Western U. T. 0. Co." Tbincr UuRO,acrlallstandcontonloolat, laone of tbe leading aiinciloae wItb tbe 8«itelle Circus. Leo Uartuuuiu, iils partner, bAs recovorcd from her recent aeverc Bit«cK of fever, and la sticcessiully perturming lu her male and sloglngapecIalUea. i<OTHS VROI QOLLSlAa HHCU.' i'lRCrH IND HKMaUBRIS —Will bRT« 10 rei»ut Ui« ncna ohJuorjof coDUoaed good bQAloe*! Lilt ve«k Fr«l U. aollmnr broootatil oat Irom hli rejultr roullDO of work od iho adTaou, tod becamomlxwl up lo abone tmleirlUiA band ofupilor. Itsmuioaa exctiiDBQ ol hor-e*, ud loivbtt tioiup' poMdTua tbTOugbbrod «ltli • iKllffrce. II« wrot^ Uio ■faoir a ilowiuK toiler id pralMollbemuyB'^od (liullilM ol biB lUod, aod lUiod tbtt he would fhip ^hi hoM 01 to tbo ibow liumediaielr. wlib the uadirttabd lOBtbaiho woold be u»od odItm o lead boriotoplloi IboelepliMta orer ilio road. Two dara Uur tbe Qiot* oucbbnd arrlTod. an*! looked overr loch a »pr«dy aol- Old. butartfrmakiDg ooo trlnuTor Ui» rotd lui podij eauomlitoi fMTO out, oad licoBtt><e ahow Oto doibri to tiBTo U buri»i. Notrlir all tiio boja tio tMslDolog to iMob of tlie appiottibiog Wlaier, aod. Id coaH*|U0DC6, are |ii«i •■ 8«tIdb aa poaalblo. Prol. o. F. Sbmw Lu ■woroolT itDoklDir and bujing dciroitoa; FnC Butt SylTcaltr la bunlr vnfBgrd tnaagloa tliuo for bu iitoelaltj eoropaor; Joiid Nabiato puia out a aotU ahow, tod will plij ibo iDUod towoi of MiHilgoo. It will bo knowu tB Lomiul Nehmu'a Moral Mow. Neailj all oor porlorntraconiemplaio puiilog out ittsir ooo abowa, and ir tbaj aro auccratful wo win haro to eaaan all DOW actora lor doii *caAoo Fred Do Ball UilJta aeriouitrorithlDguntohlmMira balpoiaie tJiiaFall, to do double troptu, eto Mia A. 0. BauKhorrecelTada lelegrain at Moodota, III.. ataUog Ibal bar moibor waa daogtmualr 111 Kbe Ult at ooce for bar booieatUo- buque, la. Vnl A O. Baoachar la setMog to be ao ox Kreoitaoltt Mia. Amo, ol Chicago, a alalarotFrod • Mali, paid blm a vlalt laat woak. Ooorge flan, the |ii|gler, olBun Broa.*Sbow. waiafUitortaceotlr. Uarrr Ouiae U proRrotolDi floaly wltbbla rKllogmoDkor* Our itock u looklog great, aod ererythlDg aboot iha ahow la lOKowl coodluoo. C'oaa. A., 0. K. ami Walt Uulinur took a inp oot lo tba conntrr Sept. 3, ai^d nturood irlib five beaaiirol aboilaod poDioa. Tbej will b« brokeo ibia WlDier to mork Id tbe nog, lo niOuocuoD wlih Cbm*. A. OullDtar'a poolaa and bumoa. NOTia VKOM FlilD LOCKVS Boowa—BallDAit Id In> dlaoa waa only lair, but aloce we etnick Ohio It baa IwoD Itrie. U« Boa doled to fill datei. Fred Hud aod Charlea Za Mar. are receotaodliloaa Charlea Tolbert wai cvtapelled lo oloae «d aconuot ot aickowa. Cuit Batlay and hia lliUe army ol bllipoatara aro plasienog eTarrtkloi tbrj eouo id contact wiiU. Froi Iladdar- nuA'a Iliue girl hM baeo a Tiiiior lor the put week Krale Loeka lartiorOApao. Ulch., to aueoil aoiool. flit WaUer, of Caitac, and Frmok Flatfhar, of Fort Wayoe. lod, pild Managar Loobe a viait for a eoople of dai a. At Marklf, Ind., nharo Frnf. Uaddoitoan UU<Lt tLo clir baod laat Wiour, they were bighljr aotfnalatd bj the baou there, Id the of a doe buqaat altar the abow. ETorybodf la In aood haalib, and erarr Moodar moniliig the borb lia* up lo Ibe coat olHce and let ilia long greao. ROBTsaOP Lxox W. WABUiUH.i 8 AovAXCB Cjia,7;o. I. —Uarry B. Orertoo, nianaaor; JobDOondmaD. In charge ot paper; Jake Kaiar, John Hahan and II. A. Ulgbr» rallnad roaiee; Andy cholllD. atorge Todu. Joba Narln and Fred Tbompaop, cuunUr rouiaa: Frank Sua* Alch, llihographer and programmer; Fat Uaeger, one ahiet boarua aitd paato makrr. ROsTia OP PHi?tK FoRD'n Kiv CoirruBRir flnowe.— Frank W. Ford, aole oToer and muagar; BHIr Snriov UurloD, amoa^nioot director; Mra. K W. Ford, treai- unr; JohnO Blilr,adiancaa(tenLwlthioaraialatanla; Trof. HariT Miller, leader of band ol ten pkcu; par- Inrmon: Waller Ererti. altck wire and balucloguapa; Willie TraaiAala, nilog rlngn; l^t. KIce, Iron Jaw king: Prol. Vcrllo, trlcv duge antl ponlaa; Bennett CbaTfa>, ilio bomao aoake; Hank Kenwf, dancing bar- rrll; ihe Burton Slaieia. Jeuie,Mlllio aod Aitcailying irapcxa: the Lemon Broa.,Ci)aji.,Oac«r, rate and Ular- eace, aoro'.aia; tiialih and HuDina, inialori; Jnnnle NlchoHa ntlor parcha; Dilll* Barlov tfurtoo, Minglog ctoanaDdoomedran; Marry Blair, clown and trick mulai; lltUe Ninole Rurtoo, ibe amalleat tope walker lo tbe world, who walba ih« ouuide rope aacooalon. and Uto. Roach, boueaavas meo. We um ao tuit round top, wlUt middle place. Tbaabow opaoa inMcKinney, reiaa. tfaot XI, for a Routhern lour. Nona rnoM tub Witrva L. Uiii Bnowa—Someiblpn out ofihe uaual mo occurred atBoontTlile. N Y., wharo wa enctrd oor maininoih tcnta on the lair groood while itae lair waa Id progrcaa, aod deaplle tho atroni opposi- tion ol the many aiiraeilona we were tracked to the door*. A E. Ailard.DiaoaKeraeTeUnil Orar'e Winter t'lrCQ*, waaapleaUDt rlailur, and kept Ki|ueatrlan Dl< rector Fred Ajmarbua; eoga«lnguleotlor iliair eoUr laloiDaat. Oeo. K. Ballay. tbevoieran circnvovaar. wu tbe goeaiorHiDaaarComn Jadd Webb la once nure bicb ID the raokL haTlog lotumed Iroin Wliconiin much Improred In healih Olto Ringllog. Ifugb llarrl- Mo tad wile and tnanj othen ware oor guaaiA at Kloxa- loo. and Dao7 of our people rcioroeU Iha vlalt at rouRii* keepale. Einiraloo uaiua bring ua manei ol people dUlr,aDilhlgbaaineMitrfTalliL We will aooo be headed fortna "UooDj Houth,"aod will uadoublodly put lo a Ion I laaaoB. fiDWARU Suirr'B WLXTSi CiRctJB NonM.—Tbo lollow- ing people appeared week ol f^gpi. :i: Julia Lowande, Caal LowaiKle, Marietta Coriiei. Juho Cornea, T. Aiawa, Japaneae; William 8. (Iilberi, Chitlaa t'nu, Alexiodar Lo«ande, Clarence Lamklo, L W. BInliopand Ma edocated dota. T. ugaea, (he Japaoeee top aplnocr. proTed to be a flood drmwiog caid. Ibe ahow eloio*l 8«pt ttoabiR wcek'a butlnaw and will open again od or alunt Not. 13 for the loguUr Winter leafon. Nona raoii Weuh Bhw ' Bio Citt Biiow.~Wo baT4 JuaiooQoludad our tweailath weak, and bnaloeu contln* uaa up to the lop notob. Oorenterlainnionia are giving creatutlalaoilon (0 ooriDtny patrooa. Wm WbiiJub, c^otortloniat, la a new addition to our eorpr of pariono- •ra Alltliep*o|laBr4eoJj)tog excallaot health. Ibe parapheraaliatookeliho new, and. In conaeqnence. our rarioraanoaaffo witta a dath and Tim. The aonex de- rAr'DwoihaabeeD na'erlallj mren^thaned. Followloi latheconplaiernatAr: Pror. tX M. Newton dirrctor ant naaater; Oeo. W||| lam a. col Id tor; Narreloui HcConn- lek, Qi« eipeit; Mme. McC •riulck, menui photograpfaer; King KalaJdcaa, Z'lla chleiuin; Htitar Kor, Meilrau nRgiar;8lg. Bolaod aod wrouUng tieaif, DeadvotKl Fere via dao ol ratuaanakea, ibe iiuoc'-back pony of Souialin. ^enetiaagiau blower* and Pooch aodJndr. Bualnoia i>Urte.andFrer NewtoD'aeIo<|Oontoratorlcil dirph; KeT«thithef«lhe right mail id the rli;> t place. u>i •eaioo ctosea Oct. U at Laucaaior, Pa., nax ffintor f\w l«r«, , W. D. ArATH. better Voowd ai ' ned" Auaiio, died •^ Mko rharie*. La., alter a »lir>ii IllVai The •laceued waa a privilege oian, aod bad worked with aoms Iha forenon tentnnowa on the roa<l. GowARO Oaaiv. of the Orrln SioMiora, Meileo. U ■gau) In town. If* ha* beao oDloying a SammeronUog for Uia pMt law weeka, aod haa buckled down to raaieeu ooee note. Ue wUl aoawer all eoBtoanlca- uoudorfog the eemlaf two weeka. O. B _?»i«aj5uai!»'« Owni MmoM. and n. b. Rich Ppoy aad Dog rima. hRTo forrned a paTtoerehlp Anar plajlog a few lalta tbe ahow will go BoVnhg r Ibe'wintar. NE W JERSE Y. Kowark.^At Ulner's, Usolons* "Fsnlasma'' Rlarted tbe aeawo bare Uat week In good atf Ir, drmwiog VikVK^^il* 'afw« Toopklna' "Black Crook" beno Ite ioor S^h. ISTIi la on a mora etaborata_fcala ihaa ever, iDcindlof aev Heoerr and aoce^ Tbe WUtt^har bean reinJaled and a ea^aaVf vlog pictnrei added. The hosae wh well filled la and » idweet """Pby, Id "tain Kettle," coiDea J*«>Ba^-"TbeProdlgat Father" Uft week enlertalnel '•.V.'5."Sf*^**°"K.''' ^ 'oho u flulilTaa wllldlTtdehonentklawoek. N.8 Wood opened In ■Toe Orphanaei Kew York" tea comforuble bouaelO 'Tbe CoantrFair" week of 17. WALOjaHga-Tha Tivlan I>e MonioCo.plaaaed good hooaw week ondlngB. The BaairSanUey To. open ihair aea«onhare thieweak. The perlomaocelOwaalargely f)/.'??''.?i '.1'* ■J>«»wona weak la anUclpatcd. One IIllk'B"VArM 01 Movaltlu * 7 aid week. BTAa.-HarteIeUa»d Morrla, and LInle Abran. UtORK—Uaiel Bort. nara Joboaton. Victoria Notlh, HalUe Mayara aod Frank North. °.^J'"rr^l^'*Bh(elda, Emmie Farkhr, noreoce Raed and Pror. Bachmao. KiLtira-Mabel aod John CsUlvan, Ooa Legtr. Fraoble Moaae. Nellie llarrlngtoo. tine aad Mlome 8oh]kar,Joue wallaca, Frof. Uaberla, and Anmemann. _Niwa—Leon Kuial, foraerlj treanrer of Ja'oba' Newark Theatre, will repreieot Mr. LiU with *~OIa 01 ROD," thia aeaaoc K, E. Siarkea, who haa been Ireuorer of Uinar'R Newark Theatre, (or eeraral ieai«> la abost entering another boAineaa. aod 11.0. DeDola, bU aaaUtani, la oow the ireararer. Tite newauletaDt la a Mr. RolMiina .The diamond atod which waa alolen from Mr, WaUinann'e ahirt boaon aome moo<ba ago, waa retomed to hhn 7, and the thlerea are la Jail. Jen«7 CItf.—Qua Boegc. In "Yon Yonaon," made bla drat appcarmDca In Ihiidtj at the Academy or MnaJc week of Beit 10 •*The Capialn'a Mate" loUowa. "The Power of the Pieaa'* waa a krge Onaoelal gainer week ending & Box Tox-Maaaaar DInkloa haa provided a palaiable varietf menu for ihu week. Two American Maea.*<mtbe Broihera Nelion Trio, Nellie Pejmoar, Heailey and Orarea, Aefon, Edward and Loelae Lerrett. ToByHart Jr. W. U. Hotke. Sr. Claire. Aeile Reae, thearimefl, Fmr. new, Joarph Fovbea and Mile- Htalia la two new daaeea, are the aitneilon. Ba*lnf »a liaa lieen eioallent. WouD'a lliLL—Tbe Otmonde Famllr remain analhar Nona.-Pred Peel laiely lotereited la "Ruah CliT." jHl now doing ad ranee for "Vod Vonaon," wlllloin "The loilgn" Id the aame capnoliy at Baltimore, Md , weak or II Under (lee. Uratig, or tbe Bon Ton, baa la*nel bla lateatcompoa'tion, "Sweet Aotah Lee." Aconaidar- abla poriluo ol the melodrama haa been eliminated irom "Von Vonaon" and mora comedy infoaed. The plar haa bean cearly eniireir rewrlueo Lightning, durlog the atonn ol H, lao along the Bon Ton eleotrtc wire and dnured the glim lo earnest. Stage ManagerFelover.nbo nraa Juat atnut to tare oo tbe bonier lights, waa laid Dat OD h!at>aeic. Qaawaa aabailtnted lor awhile Will- iam Fenetion.o) ibe Boo Too orchutia aod pergeaot drummer or ibe Van Uoalen l'i«t Drum and rloie Corpa hiR depAiltad a for'elt of one hoodred dot- Ian, In aaawer to a challenge of a Brooklya corpa riiracompeUi'retrlal to take place during the Drrmaa loumamentaiNiack.N. Y.,lDOctober. The atakea are nvehundre. dniiara replljmaa la again atbla old pbw, the Academy itaae doof Top Woglom hw beea reliOTed irom the Bon Ton aiage door, and la oow doiog dotr at tbeaeilary William Biair-nl aod FlnreDCO Roberto are doing learta with "Tlie Fewer or the Preaa." Max Zoallner h bdilnaaj maoaf-r. Jobn Looghrao, machlolBt, Uarry IHwea, propttUea, and Clair M.Tatae. advance A twaDiy.iourabeet aund done to IllomtB- a*ed oolora lor the Boa Ton by Will HedhoU la a preunt Dovelir and attracu much attenUeiL It li eleraied tfalrtjrtetat the angle ol two promloent aireeia...... rerrr. the irogmao.bu been engaged wl'b "Tiie Booth Belore ibe War." Mile. Feroaodcx, wire of Bard Oil- more, who waa booked at Ibe Imperial canceled on account ol an Injury rocelvea at Balilmore, Md. Trenton.—At Taylor's Opera nonss Powell caine SepL } to light bnaloom. Primroae A Woai*a MId- airwla took the to«D by atorm7- The aldeaalka ware . . __ _ ^. Teiae telli7,OIUerBirDDS. ^ h'ovaLTT TBRATai.—Lekter Ftankllo opened hiR hooae 00 Labor Day with bla owi company to a crovUeJ and appreclailTo audience. Tnlahouaebaa been complaialy ebanged inB|>FOlntmenU and preaenu a praitf dreia. Among the many dun gee made were niialDg tbe roofoTer the auge 20ir., a new tniraoce and ladlea' toilet room. Id ractib^wliolehoaaelanew. Mr. Fraoklln haa eecored a long lew on the bouaa. At the opeoloi aigbt every Ud) uraber ol the companj wm pna*aied with flower*. Mr*. Leater Franklin waa prea«Dted with a baodaome doc*. The houae will be nio a« a eiock atd oombtnuliD honfo. The rollowiog an ttrt people aaaooiated with Letter Fraoklln'n Sio^ Cooipaoy: J. T. Moore,ArthaT tJogllMr. Dave Hoch-, Harry Chimera. Annie Bveljo. Loglse Hot»eru,Mr». Leater Franklin. Wllber Melville. Mr*. MelTlUe, Will DuOMuer. Mn. Q FraaoonI, Milt lleielelt, Uia Newell aod Ban odiOJi, ncenle artlat, who haa painted all new aeenary foruilaaeeioaaodaDew drop curtain. , , . „ .i,. ■NuTea.-OarpeolarR, maaona and nahiUra »" at work oo Uanaoa New Traotoa HoMUin......Bmy Augelolb. 01 the New White falace, Buton, waa herel llaboken.^. K.Emmet la Ihe opening attno* tlon at tbe Uoboken Bepr. 13, in "Frile Id a Ma* Boom." Ue remalni until 15. -*rhe Uallev SUve' 17-19, -Yon Yoniion" »>21, Tbe Oreat Brooklrn Uandlcap" 3ita. Theekocoilve auff: Jolin Clark, manager: Janei BoU ler.machlDUt: Johotofina. propanlea; Fred EUalner, gaiman.asd Oeo. Dniiloger, leader, ilie ongtoal leader under ftwbtWareiog'amanageuieoi. _. . „ UKRHAMi —A hooae companr, comprialof Haaon and LnrJ, Nolan and HeShane. Ocu*U>. ClirlaUDe Bleuiog, tninon and Delncay, Uea Melville and John Urerea, Diiilnrsi ban beeo lair. Nest weak ibe Alexander Zan- irettaComblnatloD. . ,., » UntasTAL.-Tonr (Iroff, Myrtle Treialdar, Battle Mey< era, Clara Ooie and Smiair, flick leggetand JeeEaain- aer Bualoeaa la good. lafRRiAL-Neine MordtODt, Carman Boaholl. Marie Rmiib, Malt Wea on, Carrie rrevarCOnaUve Ouera, and Prof, dandera. Butlnea la good. Patenon.—Aitbe Oper* Uonae '*Tb« Engineer" bad apleodidboalnau Bent. The boiue waa dark <L "A BnDch of Keja," Ada Bothner ludlog. had good bOBHu 7,8 BookiDga: N. 9. Woode. Id ' ibe Orphapa o( Kew Yor^," IJ-ia. •T^e Fay Tialo-17-19. Hobert Camp- l»ell'a "Galley Biava" Company tt-U . ^ raoPLV'aliiBArRi.-Tbfa hooae will be dark 10 and week. Manager Rlchmoed la rvponalble tor the an- B.iQDcamont tbat the Benu-BanUay Company would play thla booa^ 10 and week. ^ .l, t. kDR.y Mnaa—Boalneea contlaiea good at ibit konio. Among Ihe aooouocenieoia for 10 and week ware iiie LcoDio Broa. in their repertory. ,^ ,_, . - . ,„ APOLLO HALU-Prof M. Catbcart the Iriah Doke,w||l opto thla boue 17. an a Taidavllla and athletic hall. The ball, whieh la a larie ooa. haa oeen engaged aubjeet to a nuuiberorconiracta, which hoTOalready oeen mada Bllaabfltb.—Drako^s Opora Ilouse opaDs, Sept IS, with Marie Kalnwrlalit in **A« Von Like I.*' Tbe hoa'o la nawiy aold. "Spider and F1.T" 17. LTORirH TUBATHR oMD^2l, With 1*00)100 Uaira oaw pltf, "florcaa" Thedropcurtalooi thla bonae, antiiled '■Tbe FooDlata ol Uie, * paioted br Fredeneb Hottler, la a nagnlOcanl work ol art. The ooilreboow lagorgaooaly decorated. Plalnflvid*—Tbe second reason or *'WaDg.'* uader the raanaaamaotol D. V.Trou ACa, openedat Moalo Hall Sept 7. Tho houae wu Slled wlib a Urge aodleocewhomaDirratcd ihalr approval by cootinnoua applaow. Albert Hart, lormarlyol Uieorlgloal nilpper Uuirtet, eararcd tbe part ol Waogand ■roreda aecceaiL Home allgktcoangia have t>een made In tbe can from lutaeaBon,and the rvater at praaant comprlwa Chaa. BumwB. John A. I^ikR. Frant Caaey. Camm Van»al, Charlea A. Morao. Ed. Blkaa, W. San Doxer, Mrglnla EarL M Florence Drahe Joarphlne Rtantoo. Hoae A. Krobe.Kana Fairhvai, Nome Kopp, Uelea Bikaa. Bea trice namtlea, Jennie BariletL Orace Long. Lucille Slew- art, Almaade Moeller, Beule L«cy and Harlan Ranger. Alwi Iha ehlldrrn. Dollle KIbu, Llule and Blla Unihanda and AdcKna WalUca. Leader. Eugene Ranieoljarg- »Uge iiiinager. t;amm MaoTel; auiatant, Wm. Nan Daxar;macbiniat,Wm. Kcfarocdor.aDd prepertlaa. Frank Haikt. Thecoatoiaoaand fernery are new aod tbe entire omduciloD la to be nommeoded. Maoaaer Tniu goea dlrecUr Baataod intottie Hrliiab FroTlocearoraurlaa »rnnenlebtaiaada,aiid returoa about October to thla Rtaie. The prvaeat h**ee of Mailo Hall la jraac C. Varlan. "Jane'' li oDderllned for 8apLI1.aod Morrl- npn'e' Faoar lor II. W. il. (loiimao la the le»ier. Manager Marvli. who |Aiiii«rlf oootrolled Mnalo Hall, la DOW imrtlcln gtaw. TEXA& DalUa.—At tb« Opera Uonae tbe acaaon will be opened by Nellie McBenry 6epL 19. Camp BTFRRT.-KllUe Orant, Lain Uwtoo- Mlonlt Harriaon. Uanr Mendel. Roae Mitchell. Stefaon aod RteMoo. llatryRolmaaand Frank OlbbooL Bnalneaela fur. Manager Joe Ulila baa cloMd down hie Main Boeet hooae foraahort time, and I* playingboUioempaBleam »''5oSo'i;b7ia^^Sy«0«.IU.OpiraCo.,who.l«^^ Dallu B 1*.".E- Ao.lT'MlwlII t. mm, I. Ml.™ Oi» So noa u<I tlilUi.n lo M.iieo......TIi.TjiiiBi.i./.Ir •D. DtllW KlKlllioo Wl I 0|»D Ou w. Coor M]i h. Bill h.t. t Dommr i,r«<.jil allncllon*. CEORCI/ . Ail>i><>.-.M in. «noJ f«P'-'I'."' Flrkitr. rol«in . Po..ii' y;nllrfli dm f.lilj ..n* V •Til. Iloill.f«l 10 ihf .rMii I)""".'' Uil B<bl.d M.-'lljIS *l. o. M.kl i llioili.U 17. ir, %.0|>.nut" I*. A. Hllloo NoMfi tl. U AvKaitB.—TM MaoD op«M4 Bapt 9 wlU =S! U.KKi'' toltoiSI.^« Opuuoi" It, "Om la OUW'IL Id food roras, thKerery aUraeiloo that lua ao peand at ibeboaio h>a aeeortd eicellent bgalneiR. .•"rl?"™ RwelifleandAike De Lees (oon-rmlea- lieoal) weie married recently la JlobokeoJ*. J. — Aaale yeamana returned la Kdward llanliaa'aCo. Sept. KL la cbleaga 111., aod will a>niioae«>ih that or- IMlnjjoo. opeoiog with it in thla citr. -,"Off tbe Karth." by Joba D. Uiltert, ncelved Ita iDlilaJpraieniaiioooo any aiage atihaDavhlMDlhea re, Milwaoaeo, Wia, Sept 10 Among tbe ptlncipaia lo he cut aro: Kddie Poy. Ilallen MoAtyn, Joaai b Cenar, Uolfe Hootagoa. Sadie McDonald, aod Kale t'aiL — *l>otheMiuiulppi" a now play by Mo. Ilawortb, deptctiag «eeoaaoi Bootbem life, waa originally acted at llama; Academy of Moalo, Baltimore, Md, H<»pu la — *'Ve Karly TrDohle^ or A Romance prA'^ by Henry Oor Carlaloo,«hlcli waa origiaally acted at theBoatoo. Maaa. Muienm. Ang. at, isJl, baa been revlied, and, aa ■The Man ol Ta." waa prodocod at iheCbeatnuiSuea Opera Uonae. Pblladelplila. Pa. 8epL 10. Mr. Carieion baicondaaiad tbe piece and abrldgetl the caaL "Living Fictarae" repreaeoilog the baiUe of Banker Hill aiid TTaahlngton croealng the Delaware are lolrouaced. Aoguitua I.eTich.N«il Waraer.AlexaBUor Vincent and Maad kUna Hall are la tbe eaaL —-'DowD la Dliie." br Bcntt Marbl^ waa originally acted at llouck'aOpera neaae,Clnelnoatl.O.,S«pLl —The three act lareecomedy,"A WIM Ouc*,"byJne. M.Oaltaa,waa acted tor thadntUme on any aiaga,attbe Academy of Muaio, Beading. Fa. SapL V — Tbe flr>t performance ot ' ATruoHlua YaokaedirL" by Seymour U. TIbbala orconwd BepL 1 at Rpilniflahl. 0. — J.tV. Career'e-TheHod of the World''«a% origin ally acted at tbe MarvtDTho«tre, FlodUy, U.. Hopt 1 -•'A Black Rheep."by <;Un It. Hoyt. wai acird for ne^Dnt tline oo any aiage at the Academy ol Uuaie, lluOalo. N v.. BepL la — 'The Haaior raaaloo" waa acted fur tbe Oral time on any aiaaeatKteabenvllle, 0.,6epL7, with HandOmnger aa the alar. — '*0M Ulorr." anew American naval play, byCha^ T. Vloc4Dt aod wm. A. Bradr, wu originally acted at the Bewdoln Aiuare Thealrv, Boatnn, Mua, Hent. III. — RoaUrortbe Hroadwar Tliaatre Co.: W.T. Itodaon, managar; W.T. Hodaon.d.RariRIcbatdaoD,t:iaitoo\r. Legge,Jaa T. Al«iandar, Arthur Alcoit. Mary llnma. L«Ua Hope, Leiba Home, Pni. A. L. Parker, leader: II- U. DatIi, advanee. Bualnaaa la very good, and the com- pany la booked Id Canada aolld aotll Jaauarr. — WhileSietaoo'a-U.T.C* wuplailog at Yooken, N, v.. BepL 8, eeme me enieicd Mra. Hoabera dreaaing room aod took |3S. — Jobn T. Ilaoaon, of 'Teb. the Ctodliopper" tamo, re- poru omilng with aucceaa playing the "Vaakee'* part In JtK B Mackie'a "Bide B)*ow^' C9. — Tbe Swedlah Ihioa eomaoy, "Ole Olaaoo." entirely rewritten by theaothor tloa lleego. with aatroog raat of apeclalty performer*, will opto theaeaaon under the man- ageraent ol Jacob Lltt abnut Uot 8- John H.CumRon haa bean oDgaged fwr Ihe partoi Ole Oleaon and Alice Ef aoa for tlia Mubieue paiL — BUoley Walla hat aigncd aeCoomln' Co. -TIte iiiemberaof tlte Margaroita Paul Co. write aa . mplainlngornopro eiaiAail trvatmant froD the loan- HgeiiiAot, wiiom they inionaua, leit themairanded.aed with their bagtage attached. — Harry a Varg^ot liu Jnlaod the "Aont Ralir" Co. lo look alter the lotereaU el Manager A. 11. Woodhull, wbo vaacalled to tbla city Uat week ou trailoeaa. Mr. lUr rant will *hortly aamme the role of "O'Ooontan Bred- ley." which will t>e made vacaot by the depariute ol Kd. MclloRh. — John W. Rurton aod Mtrgaret Warren have beao oagaged by Joaeph Moiphy. — Lida iMiter goea wlUi "A Mllh Wlilte Flaa." — Mra. Rachel Cantor, at praaeot In tlie Edwin Forrett nome where alia hwtMan ihe piai ten yeara. celebrated ber eighty fearth birthday oo 8«pt 10 BhelaeDloylpg Tefy_good health. — TbeBanter l'ajton Comedy Co. cinaed their Sommer aeaaoD atMotkogee, I. T., 6«pL 6. Thev report a attc- ee^rai tonr. The regular aeaion begina i7. at Claromoiv. I. T., opening the oew opera houa*. Tlie tour will be throojh TOiaa. — w. F. CaoBald baa baeo eogaged lor Maude Qraoier'a O. — CoraPnrorhu bean eoganed to play Iha part of Mugu. lo "Mugg'aLaiidiDg,''^tbia aeaion. — llenry Buribard liatlecn eogaged fnr "A Limited tfair* f^r tbe eeaaoo. commencing in October. — RoaeSnlherlaod jolna *-A Railroad Ticket" at Roch- eaier. N. Y., thia weei, l.lnle Molvey retiring. — Robert Bberie ladlreetiog tbo rehearuli of "New Blood" at Palraar'aTtaeairo. ihia city. — V. Brown Smith la wlib "A Prodigal Daoghter." — Maorlce Drew wrltw ua iliat altar two poriormaneea he found It neoeaaarr to cloae aod come Co thla city lo reertaBlio bla compaoy, aovanl ol the male menibera of which, ha auiea, made mlarepreienuiiooN eoocerolbg boib ibeir wardrobe aod ability. — Hit. B.A. Eberlebia beea engaged loplay Tabtiba Stork lo-Rea*iala" ' — AdaLevirkhanbronibtault In the Sao Pranclaco, Cel., courtarordlvorcerrom flua'avoa Levick. the coa- todr of their only child aod liai a month alimony. — George W. Lederer hu Inatltnted proceedloga to el^ tain thecuaiody ol hlaliuleajo, who haa recently tmn lirlngwlth Uermao OppaDbeltDiHr. Ledarara brother in law. CUPPER POST OFFICE. A BUMns ■BTBLon.plalalraddrMaai.BUlka laeloaed toreacfelMr.aad tkVllnaar imSbSmtSEwS by the peiM aJ t ifed iboald be gttaa, U «iMi b pmoa ptareat mlaiakea MOTB.-p-oieaaleaa)a aad olban abooM hau ta ihataUlettankota, latnaaltbetveealbeUBlMl aad Canada, HM he pa Uil fi, otherwlaa wy a» vaidad. aol Annoar, Ahlalf. Alblott, Btia Adeliaok — Alleo Btaten Alvarta, Camea lis. Atwood, Elale Aleiaoder, LIHIao A-Mogton dlitar* Aleeae, Maale A^■arla. aigaorita Ama a Linjtaid Aoderaoo, Carrie Atberion, Atnia LADIES* LIST. Foreat, LIUIe Fair, Alice Fnmar, amma Franka, Julia /liiberL Beam* Vuraham, Blale (lirrlo. Minnie flraham. Berolce (IranvIlia. Hoae OormaD, Hvtile niUnore, Alice ilrotlDl. Jennio Uanrode, — OIlberL AtUe 'Broeo. Maude Hlanchard, Mae Hucka, Jennie R. HhrnlgeodiFanala Bond w>io Ball Mlhfe BnucontMi. Minnie Rradbera. Pearl Bun Nellia satchel )er. Panllna Blake, Mantle Bellool. klena BelL JoMle Hererlr, Dalay Blark. Llllie Bojdal). Nellie BeiL Baima Bend. Mabel fUmaroo. ^ Joaaphlna Clayton, y.eUa Cannini|ham,Mlu I'ahao. Vtoala M. l^agroTa, Lou Carulhao, Beiiiia lle,CUrm COLORADO. Deaver.—At tbe Tai>or Ormsd Opera Uonas week of BepL a. Kdward Harrlian. In "Rellly and ibe dOJ." "OM Lavendar** and "nordal'a'a APplrallona,' plared to to^ houae^ Week of lo, ' Jo Old Healueky." KliTCD fUBDiXB.—Week of 3: Hoeo and KaoizLHIr- aada Btaiaia, Little Ln)o, Baolord and Weal, Wlllard aod Ball a'd Myorie Jollaka Baaloeu la good. Manuaitik BBAcn.-The Mage tninloyra' benellr, 4. ehiaod ibe inoateucceaarolaeaaDnihlaplace haa ever hid. The auge baoda preeanled Hennalia t'roiainao with a aelldailTerlewclcaieaDd Wm.Kogenol and U.O.Clark with canea Coaria BraKwr TiiaAvaa.—Week of 3l Tbe Hpoenere, In "A right for a Mllllo*'." draw hig hooaea CBRraA' Tu-'-r-r.-w--^ 'M:ToulRWorl^Magtle Marahall MayWaUoaandBaasoi aod Fox. Bontneaaii lalr. PoeblowAl tbe Qraud Optra Uooae "f.sdj Wlodermere'a Fao" Kept. S, "The UevJI a A iictloo" 15. CoLUHDiA TflRATRi (ooiiBoea dark aod a III loiiiatD ao pnbatriy for Dw reit of the mootb. BARLix'a Rtarparu.— Lait weak: Leo, Chapnao and Leo, Nina Cllfioo, Ada Yoeor. Aoole tcnetia. Masde Bpeocer, FreilBtooeendiheoldatock. Jae Hanlio.pto- orlatAr. alter a raiberaevere attach nf atcknaaa. which kept blm coefloed to hIa bed, la up and about again, Kona.—Mamie llowaid la now vlMting I'uebin, afier having obtalited a divorce fmm Lew EdJ| a the ao calivd "beman arldcr." oo Joly 13 at Colorado Hprloga Mtne. DomornwBky, Hie broad tword Uncer, i* in tovD Many or the old rarlatr theaire ratfoni of thN city will recognlte her aa Mile /oe, the flying rlnga rerlormer. Leadvlllo.—Tbe Wcaton Opera Uouae rcDuUna dark A' O-'Idnnlih'aMaacot, wee« niHapt S: Mabel niTorF, Addle La Moot and /.ella Laitweeh'a people re* malo Laura Oaao iHTliitlogherinoiharbere the took pert lu the BIka' eolerialomeDt Aug. 31. , ae#e'< WASHINGTON. BtnUle.—At Ilanna'B BealiloTbPAtre "Krlcoda*' opened a two rtigbiV enpagainent tfepL 3 lo '"B. H. O." CoROHAT'aTtiaATRR hdark. IfDCdl Park Favilio!< conltnoea todallglitiargoau' dlencaawiih ibe lolloolog bill: Dick MaureUua, M llle Hheiir. Buckahio Rll.Oen. Ilepdaraoo, Aotilla DeAire, B. F. Koohler and llarn aitd lone Do Anno. Maoiro!* HTRRBr rAviuo5.—Hruna and Nioa and JthO' ■on e Oemedy Co. ailnct go^d bouKva. NoTU rauM TUB l>Taii BrATa F«ik —Manager E W. McCoenall. wiihhlanyclorama of Mlailnoarj Bidge aod Lookoat MoDbUln. haa the place crowdedatevery lae- tare. 11- Holialre'a Palace ot Illualooa atlracia big crowda. Sophy Finhlum'a lllvalon of "Phtrub'a Daoah- ler" la pronounced tbe grealeat ever f eon in thla efiy. Your correrpoodaot wu the bolj repreaan'ative ol a dramaiie paper Inettad In the opening o^ the lair. All ilie dally papara were repreaeoud. aneouiulnmrnt wu nlren In the TurkUn Theatxe, and a traaqnet waa aened lor ihalr e*pecial becelL ei|iokmne^At tbe Attdltonum, MrB. Alice J. Bhaw aod a Taodevllle compauy eanie lo fair iiualneaa Pept. i. Blind Tom Rave two perforroancee on si aod fl.pL Ito good hAU'aa. LiiPVRB.—Cad WilMo or^ntd week ol A. Hold orera: Uardaer and Remard, Lulu K. Roia, K'Imufld Clatafa. Bernard BUtara, Lilllaa 8hir«ood. Mamie Dillon, Ad'lia giaterf.Ed. Dolan aod Larry Uelmor*. TilBATRB CouiqCR —NOW licea a: Era Ht Cbilr. Amy Boahell aod liMince l^orralna. i-aioing: Rief e ftr- roll Claudle NIcholaa. l>|pi Bunhelm. fl<|. Ne(rear<>o aod Iha alAck. Buge Manager J. J. IMladtau la ihr father ol a baby boy. born Aug. 19. CONNECTICUT. iv«w llmTrn.~At tbe ll;perlon Primroae A Weu'a HiDBtnla HapL 3^ gave ao eacelleot entertain mint an-1 toroel people away. At o'clock ii«aa Imp-HibleloaecureaaviL T>umuW. Kaene. 5, aojojed aiC'Uent laturoa ' ATamperaiKeTowo" cametogond bnaiDWB tor leo perrormaoceaS. ORiRD OriRa Uocai.—EBlie Ellaler appeared lo a hooae crowded Irom pit lodomeStLabor bar), aod cen- unacd to big bualneia 1.3. Ada Roihear. In "A Boacb of a«ya.'* rame to big retorna 6 aa did HorrlaAn'a "FaaaL"7.a. Una Wllliame comae IS-IX,' Acro*a thoFo- lomae" IS-ia. _^ . ^, WoROiRUiD.—The' R n 0." aigo wu placed la poai Hon S and rwmaloed there oaarly erery night ibrooRh' ouithewea^. Tliia week: Coewavand Lefaotf.Iioieri and O'Brlea. Bonnie l^oltle. Dorothy Draw rarr and Jordan. Emait Vouog, flcorge Plahar and Vldella aod Hooltoo. Brlrfceporl^At Ibe Park CUT Tbealre, rrftii- ro>a A Hwit a Mlnilr«U did a floe bnalnoja, H«pL 4 Zifle Rrilrr, lo - Ifarel Kirk " rtl4 a p or badneaa. S "A T'mp^ranco Tuen-'illd a large lidftKeia, 7. playlog lo fl. JL O. Uo«. Hill a Horelilei dr«>w a fair aadienca, a -Wang" comae "The Kew Bu>" M, "The Coraloao Broihara"ls, _ _ , . AOOiTDRJca.—ThenaaW. K*eoe.le "Baml«i,**drewa larceaadlance.S. Ooa Wiitlama draw a fair aodlee-e, IT *^OilmBa** Uk IL "BpMeraad fit' U> "Vade Tcn'a caMa^ta. Heywood, Lola UaaheaMlont llabeebe.Nelghma uuahe^ Hatuia Uechler. Nellie llaynea, tMrtrude Hopper. Laura U llairiB, l4ara Hoaled, Violet UamllloB.MluQ. Ulil. Nellie Hawha, Carrie lienandei, tlee *hiua , Uamta inr," Klaaell, Mra. Frank Kanocbl Mil* KenwirkBliiera KiDg, Matila F. Kaalan, Hoae " -T.Kltl - jle. Nellie Laeeraa^Cbarlott tAwreocei, May TL Uhadl^ Mario L. RIehmoed, Aoole aiaiDoad, LolUe BaMoB^Lillir Blchmood, LUale BbaatMae Ripley, KitUe Rich, LOO Ruaaell, Ftonaae Rogera RIatara Rlveie, Maggie Adele [lire, Llllne Hohi, Jennie Rorlielert, Lou Ritter, Faultna aooti. Flora K^rthehloa, Lalo ShlekK BhAda So. i*eott, Begenle Roby dhearer, Joale ataaaalle,Mr«.r.l. Boatbaro, Mr*. Jnllel „ Vaa. M n. Obaa, steiTerd, Nadah BaoehM, MoHle Room Carrie Silckney. EniBa tfenaitt,Nallle BiiiiaoD, Uoldia B> iTiaur, Annie Bloddard. Minnie aurfflrd, Nellie Saod^ fltdloM. Bwinbarae,MiuB. - ^^Miu tAwrencek MayTI Shannoo, Daley Uhfcdlfc Marie L^-* —' Learned, Jeoole Chaoeile, Clara LeoneiRk — (oont) ciiaaboDrne,lrona Lillian, Lai"~ Caine.Uaorale Garlinaien.Hlla CaillMe, LtlUan B. Cun«taotlor. Emily Cleveland, Maud r|o">>toBj Madge ■l^ey. ida Dean. Hvl lie Delmar, Jeanne Darling Biaiere Doemond Hilaoa name, Biella K. Deagle, Naiy U. Daao, Joaie Derere, Florence DaTla,Xlula Uovrre, Jennie Ue Forie*t. Clara De Lon, Irene Davia, Bcaale Duiuoot, Delay Emety, Ueortie barre, Jeonte Hraaa, May f.. Ulina, Lillian Kvelloe, Carrie hVKti^ May F.d«arda,lLlllle Loita, falle Lo Hoaie. Edith r*a, paaoie __oofe, Urace Borrmy, Fioreace HcMillao, Lhla Hiirrla. Ullie Hltdieii, Annie HoCulloib, Kdna BadiMO, Mav Bad ey, Julie Bertoii, Dollle Bay. Marie K. Biuer,Ploreaca A. BoDdoaa, cleo Marbbam.Fanllae Seek, Madge Blaeo, Faonla Mei ere. Maggie Baurl. May BcMalioo.fare Jo UendueaBiaiara HniOauot, Nellie Holrotaui.Uaiie Barhey.Julia VuBuiien, Lula NeikoD, Llllie NelooD BUiera Krbi. Hoybla ^itcr, Alice Foiler, Hoale I'laher. MraU K Fiaher.Mra Frank Fiankiyn, Nellie Frankii n, Carrie Froeman, LoUle Kaba, lauUoa aorl, Adele P. Ullre, Mile. Purveli, Mate rrvacoti,MleaM Pembroke. Kitiia It uaael), Jeeale tbHoalna, flaodolph, little Keed,Jaoole Temple, Dollle Tailor. Bird Tucker, Mary Temple Slatera Towtre. Lillian VaD,Uladia VetieUi,Mra. Tale nu DO, teulie VeraoD.Kay Vyae.BUaace Viotocallea, Uaia VHdar, taonlo Tondlreta, Ray Vadara, VernTe Weetworth VMorlR ■TiLicua ir, label ir.BltaA. Wade, Oalay Waabboroe Bitten Winner,' Win aer, Warner. Webber, MraPrlee Wella, Kluy Wreno. LouUa Wood, Emma Wilhor, ■oUle WilUama. Bella Walker, Lilllaa Walker, Maud Wellington. KiuU Wood, Manila Wocda, Joaie Wyaodotie, Anna Weoban, IdaU Wall, Delia »llllaln^Ualtle Mey Augoata AHlngtiani, B, '"Aoaina, 0. Andoraoo, Joe B. Allen, Llout W. AlllaoD, U. W. Alekaoder.U. U. AllauS Oelmaine Appal, Frann Acver, M. A. Alexia, — Angu'l, ft. R. A Iro, Paul Albeit, Lew Archer. W. A. Addy, T B. AriuBiroag, Dale Armb^«dl^ U. U. Aldrich,C.T. Arimao, Ji>e Aiei,Peier AnihoDV,Vlotor Roydefla, Tbe ■^iraiy)o, tbaa. BaggeaaaD, U. M. uigeiotf,FredA. Broofca, i^i roey Bulger. H.U. barrett, W. W, Boidao.J B. Hailay, Chaa. L. BunoD.W. H. BaMwiD. W. tf. brjant,A. J. Budwoiih. Harry Biaati, w. E. Horry, HI lea Bowere,r 7. BendoD, P.H. Beard, dual are orianc, Jaoa Bojle, t;haa. Biker, Lew BfIi,ju U. Bowel a, Billy Baldwin, Baraey Briatol, W. II. Bariieli. Ed. Bulk) Broa. BaiKcr, lleniy Broweia, F V. baroeli, Edward Brackeit, W. W. Byron, 9raok Bell, (leo U. Houroe, K U. BunoD.ll.O. . Barlbw, Uarry Barton, J. A. Biluht Broe. Buau. 1 T. Bal-iwin ADaly B«rneaBrOL Boon, y. E BiowD, E T. Butler, Alaa BauKhar, Prof. Blondell, II. If. Burnley, Vernon Burks, Jaa F Buroham.Heat Buar. Claire A. Itoii, Jiu lie. Barnanl. Utu. Htlnunt. Uarry Bailay, Ueo. Buike. W. If. Beri-I, Mai BantoD,Cl.a8. Banelio. K. B-u«n,W, W Baunark a Adair seede, C. U. Buriou, lialbeit Blood 10 Dioa H:ue, II. M. UuUioi a Farley u.ark, II. K. Collioa,II.W. Chenlf, Hal. CuiopaioD, Nelain Cooian Broe t'onaai, M. B. Coyle. 11. (i. CaatpbalLJ. W. (ootuia aioa Ctle, Arthur W. CttuuoriL J»a. CeinpUlf,J. H. (am a Welch Courtoay Dram. Co Carleton, Prince CampbeiLJu. F. i:uib«ti, Hiliy ratvar.Dr. it. Y. Cadet. Ilarry ( ulliaoe, W E. Cabao, Obia. Cairuli^ooy W. Cijda, W. 0. raiupbeil. riid Cauity, t'lell llnivD, Harry Collloa, Praoh CCiper, NeiTiaO. CoralLC f. Caiiella, harry Ualllgao. P. P. i'oupe,Ueo. R. Cdmuiioga, H. B. Caiy. Prui. K U. Crawford. Cbu T. CarilooAAoOrewa Cbai'lo, Cecil Ciliioa. W. A. Cbaville. Kuiil Carter, #. J. i.'iemeat Mey C;^|>«r, Lin CooaloRttam,'! \t roiiiD, Jerry Ciiaiiirtiio. Will (oiiirr, John De ureae. II. uumobt, Fraahi' Ddfly. K fl. DiiMfbacb.B II. DeTlio,Jaa. R. l>eveaai. W. O. pweaaettaa. The PaTesp9ita,Tbe GENTLEMEN'S LIST. noddy, A. 0. Deavei^ Waller Uuiano. Uarry belraonia, Tba Oowole, Andrew lie Pew, Thoa. E. Do FiUii>i, Joa. Paly. Tone. D. Iftiualo, Jay b'Arcy.H. A. UeagoDa, Tiie Udly, w.U. hilion A Monay Uaro, Frank D«rila. Jaa. UnahlDgtoo, Jerry Drev.goba Dorore. W. B. uaveoport. If. J. Mlaon a Lang DowoR, E L. Uunovao.J. 0. UeUbliar,, UurfctD, Jobn Doana, M. J, Del Kuego, - ,Ham HowieyADoyle HIra>a, M. Uenoeaaer.J R.W. Hodauo, W.T. Ha>den A BetbertoB larilaoD. W. O. : . Vw?- uuduiu Trio iabtD, rruk D, ltrrl..JoLr. loudiol, U. ll(.Mlao A foi UMIar, r. K H. yinii „ HMdia^rlhar Urtn*. . Uuohiw, lot. iHirMyiOM. 1.. U.b.t 01.. H.)ph !>. I un., ub... Duoroa, vim., Vruk M. brtT... Mali.r UMa.Dllir U.T.Dpotl n. i, D.wl.1, U, N. D.Uacr, J.U LMr, Liul. p.nlBlmllh KM. Dolinaaalag Bra., U.tea.y, huill. u'Aivl.n., HoBL Ilurai A L.vD.r* l>.iiiiOK, ArUiur D.CourMj,Mwlo Uualar U. DicbHia, Wai. IHjIiag, rrtd Elll.,<im Er.n,, Mdl.,1lioa. Kflltoilea.l.'liu. hi.rMl*. W KMtMl.. H U. Kbailiirt, bill/ p.llli, tllK. T. H.guj, Loan, n Di. Kiiiorfoo. Hlllr Kiuoiki, Um. II. KT.I.M, H. A. I£a|.a.. T., W, i:mI.iii..- iiiblt, IfttA D. r.lal, 0. U Foioniu k mnaob Koi.mii II. ruurr, r. Koaior. ITaak I. . lUf .raid, llarr/ Full, rinl U. vniit, Wiior KerauMB, Hobt ruh.tir, w. J. U.aiT, . Uiamr, joho J. avt9jk Uluiford u.ltr . BeiHU Uon., DM lluMr, riuk B. H.grr,U. U. UaUM, ti.lTf JolMOB, O. U. ilatto/kObrk U..III,— UlBMlClllbr uoii.., r. A. llaiT.j, Burr Bo.., il'.lt UOJID. Mdl. U.r.r, Mm. M. llolluJlVokni. Uoru, ifaui. ii.n.r, iwL 0. llud.(ttiu.B. UtaiploB, AL A. Huko, .iMdi. llardin.ll, Lm. aavkialt B. r. wio, J. a. IIIU. UM lliniBitl«)n,J, A, d.rMrt, U. UMI.ny, 4. i. lIUlJolio ' UI(|lai.IMli llaiicfl, WD. Uaitotl« UMl.r uo.aid, Lail.r Holbiovt. VIII Hani. U.rrr 11.11, 1.1. li.nllwa, ttUTf Hill, liarrr uaiuaao, UH, W. ralB,(I.U li.lud, riad UM.MO.U. U, Juou, fltrrr jonlwATuiij Jotaa.uw, MiuoA Uoou.f Jord.0, Hone. Joliaaoa. itirM JaeliMio, u. T. JmoIm^ MaarlM Juluii.U.J, Ji.K..7* Wallar Kluall, ?. KiU'r.ToB r. KtUt. t. U. K.,lrr>w Kinkall, Bart ll.oa«lv, Jolie r. lf>liM.C4il« Vial, ¥. U. Ufa, W. r. Kniil 4 Bare.. ValilU, w. r. Kim, <Im. W. K.noo, -~ Klalar, J.ha KrlM, (Ku. HtU.W.i. Kiur.tlA, — llaDa.tUllalti..l Kaoo . Uaila, HaiTf Klm,i.v. Kiaimaa, V. A. ll.1Cd.kl, Uall Aaaart ■ liMar.liliuV. Kffl oiitf, Jia. L, l,|,7l I,. "Lun. M. Lanoiajlooa. L.00I0 Broa. Lav.rd, AllMil L.lll., H. U. Liedliolm,, LlrlB(.t.o«^ L.opold. ttutf L. Dior, raal Liuhl.U, KaU U.I.. r. W,'il.r, Ibjor LMunlA fnltao llelVjiMara Poller a Lewii Prceioip, Hu Flabor a CrowaU KiJI.JIra Kvrry, Wm. Kalh AHemi.^ Fwrbrr, Moor. Pl*h, F.I I. Prey, Henry Poaier, Chaa. Fay, Dave Fiiit, Deino •"orJ A Fraoeli Kaiiell. Ilany Fey a Verrtou Plolay.Edwaid Pleury, F. Ploirnee Jr. D. H Francii, u. t;. Faroworlh, Dudley Full*r, Uiande Qevlor, Bwbby lloriieo, Ifirry '•'iiudreauii, i&opli iriaoa, \i L. ijrimei, T. J. UMaaou, M F. (llbUD.J. H. Uaie, Walter ■ iriiiiep,T.a(JarlU rjrimn. h P iloeraa, PraeiO. iieia Uev. U. tl W.L. Uorton'aMlnaL drover, W. D. tirafti, AI fJraut. Loo iJlaairord, W. A. (iuinev. Chaa. Uilday, Jia liurlaooa.llie tliaokda, rroC lalimoie a Pananfei Llal Oeldle, Harry (Joaheo. CoL Jaa. Jriiwold. P. R. iJlier«r, JtfbD B, (Jreen, Ilarry (Iarfla4<n. — 'ley, Arihur 'ianloar. D. F. ttamlnett A KuilMrlaodi wa. Prof, ar Billy LaaioR Bioe. Ue L T Vtng,KJ. A. UwlB, J.ti, L400M Broa, Lyona, w ». IdOrriJulea LM, wulie Lemon Brii. ll»l>loo. Wall/ Haonay, HoDry Hante/.M.M. oioar.aaBii, tfaaib,0«o,W, Hauaa, rraak M, T. SBrrange. Harry merd i Taa De igbiOB, Harry Lawreoea s MMllulaaddi.W.B aiUar, mak ilutl.,lld MvilB. rnak r. 9Mk.r, Om. llarrU..^ fhM. 8OHM. mat a onoa. rhil H. tfjefwii. J. A. Ila(iilra,r J. ilBlU.Cliu BoirWor, T. r. IIIM IWI. ■oonTkii. r, >anill^ A. D. ■imoeA raal a.rtluAW.Ich cDM^n.l Mtiniii,^: (eL.«n A Rail MUeMI, llw. B. Sucliaiier, Rabu nri.n,J I'. |Ol.r,Ja» O'Bmrk.,T0m (^Miua, f. roiur, tia» PbllllpK Ju. Po.tta, Joha l-aaUormMimal) roll, r L Prnutiof. — I'ntUoJr.W. Pnoa, fnak Paclwd, Dm rhlUlpa, D. W. rhllllra, D. V. Palaar, La. Parkiaa, Jack PUtll, Hairy ParclBO PfaL riiiiiB, rial J. l>atl.rmn,OM. lataUoiL Om. r. Ubn, Klaji Beli.uti, Ik. ■ t U.^.- Rion. Rol Rtlfial.r, Wurr itott, MIlun B..BI.B, Uanr Mhaeli, J. r. gclialtr, B. II. rtolllrao, i. II. llb.laiui Braa. HafilorLllalry HiiilUl, W. O. Hpll,, Jnbn If. b|.arki^ Job. 11. ">nllf, Ooa T.fHir,Cbia.O. Ticlioudl J. N. ITll L Joha , ilkn SotatiiK B. cuailrar, Jaa.A. BaHttAltonl aillar, 1^1. U r. «nil,ll. Maok.chw. lotwla, Jaa. BiridM, J. U. aabUr. nor. ajo^ Vr. II. tforollo^Th. lallaly ARaao Mud«rbao., tiM. llanb«ll,ClanBca UaoiuIhA IIU.HII UulB A Normaa Maddaa. Ju auBi1a?.t,lllla mar, W O. IhilMl.r.W. A. iilcli.ll, B. y. Muoio A Vlvt.B Maralm, U. U. Ilau^ U,o. Ilai:utii]ra, Tb. ■allu.t, Iddio Biak, uUa. J. allar, irradil/ MoDluat, II. Blldioll. Prank MoBrld.A U6«Iiloli McCain Bagahy, Joho Moitun, Praok ll.lrMD,ll. J. Mack, J11.J. Haowili BalllB,. ... BaMIl, Bd Mil.,, raddr Milrb.ILU.1l. Millar, Uli da 0. Millar, M.I GcCuDgllao P. eOotlilra, PiBBk Maika, ' Mllla,! Ipi, Job Polur.O. A. Patka,T«l A. Paik.r, W. V. Qalao, Tboa. H. lebaidL Albtrl 'MulkBlll/ R.aa, Qdo. KaaalBK Klk KuDobr.U H. MawMB, a J, KkMbioh, TOffl Ho„ra,i (I. KoaaMo, Or. A. RuoMII, II. J. lUiilitHicBioiL rtoa.rr, — (cablo) KI...II, iVm. .Ilea, II00. Hoy, Jaa. Haudall, La. Rumiil, LA.r«BC HoBM, PraBb lobanaoBiTonimr InHO, lllDO. lo.wlbi, Mutiol KalBiond UrM. Hudd, A. Hoaa A floolB Mauall,, Th. RIeharila, Uaa lUbaib.^lia U. Kadtn, llfcrrr KublBiOB, 11. II. Kavan Diok Hiidaabaoib, II. H. Idtfolrv, hrooal llodollcu, W. U. Illlty, ToBiiill. H.Bu. ft nt. Hl.ranl. II Iko Ro«l, II I. Hiirk.all. J. a. hhvh, ai., C. J. Iloi. IhiO HHlln,B lUrry H).nAltirbllnhl Tratiliiiaa, Kd. Toblo, Jarry Thompaoo, W. J. galM, John cBild.. Jobn H. Hutpby.J K. Mack, D J.«B,llui A^mco. Ji.|iu l<.Il.,B F. NawloD, J. 1. NaTora, 111. Motion, Billy MO.OU A PlrATd Nit. Md, Ed. AI OaboBl.., Ilarry uine.,— Opaim llouH Oalii B.U Blaian (I'Uil.n, A. t. OblaboaiA, Bill Unoirl.A. U|l., 0. a. 'rti.ldbii, llvry OL L.OB A MeOuilok (parka, Jaa. P. Haalar, P. V. HiilH,JoliaM. daiiiiour A Bor. rtaioiMoii, W. H. iil.pliaoaoa, W. II HL Jull.a, fl. (illTara, I..., Al. o|>raddiDt, Uaa lUleonilia, Plod MliaaBuu Ualkioa Miarwood, W. II. dulilay, II. P. dailoB Broa. alra.ala, Tba Halnion, Krul iabuf lor A Nailt rialtiia, Ilarry dMk.r, l«w doMi, b. u. krltnarA Uollli Ttioni|iMO, AL B. Thooipwa, II. B. Taiaa B«a Tildao AHimI. ThololoD, CPU P. Taraar, llippy Dick T.ny,W.(J. Tail, illcliaal TteU Olaa. Tbatcli.r. J. \f. Tbaldo, Ed. Tborp., J. K. TiKirao, W. If. Tliayar, Ban 0. U»iio,- Vlnnnl, Walur Voaa, W. R. VldallaAMoullaa Vuola, w. L. Van Diwraani,« Vane L (I. V.iBor, U. U. Van Aabin, llarrr \|rllllaaiB,II.U. >' Wlaaaa, i.hii. Wood A bhopard Woi^lvwd, u. O. Hlnlar, Maaka Wood, A. J. Hb.lan,J. J. Wlliun, Knna Waleunia, Prftl Wanleb,B A. W.illaha, mily IVanI, Harry Waltar, A. Wilniaa,llul.r WiKidhiill, A. U. Wallaii, Uao. Waroar.Hiiilili Hhlailar, llaii. WlllUmi, Huiar u oalay, Ilarry IVooJ, Allhar WairoB, Kd. Halkar.Piad/. WrsL Wally Walcli A Hack Waob, llano Walkar, Ulyda ftlilu, lliaa. B. Wailaoa, Law Wild.a, A. J. williaioioii,Pniik Wuil,(lhaa. WaiuiloRlon, — *<aTor,nnainlaB Ward A Brn.Bo Wblla Kail. Hill WabDor. Ilarry WloBUBioy, Joba lYak.ltold. L'yrui Woillay, Kd. A'ailay,!!. K. Vounil.llllla ^ YUUBf, (>. I.. Yuuni, Harry Voun,, u. B. Voaaar, Billy /rituiii. Hair c^/antnaa, Zaraolbi, Tli. I.IU,- /.abaar, Ilarry /Altam, — /aiiiora,J. J. /OHIO. A,-. INDIANA. IndlaaBiwIlBA-At Hogllib'fl, Dafli' "Undo ToB'at^io" api^eared to ll|hl bualneaaHepL illeTO' laad'a Mlaaueli waa wall reeelied e-R. Tbe Uourgia MiDiUeU Ift-lt, "A Ride lur I.lle" week of 17. raBK-BadlellaaaoD, lu "A KeaiachyUlrl,"aeorcd a htiA4; IIoUan'aOi»aody«V,BrefentiaB"A WHdiiiwae Chgae'' and 'Riiulre llafkiov' played to fairhuaiueaa WL Bbarman and Morriai,ln"A Jay CIreua," week ul 10. AUfOJUB Nauvllle. In "(latl a," If aad week, BBrigB.~LoDdoa llinplre Koieitatnara had fairly good tMialneae week oi a. Hice A Harton'a Comedlaaa week of 10, "Tbe WorM" U and week. UaaiTiHu-Tbe Uraod opeoa 17 wlili < Hlue Jaaoa" fora week, to be followed by -'A Baek Natober" "The Flaoiar'a Wife" wai rIvoo at Arniairong'a Park week of S; "Ploue for Piqua" and -'Ihtaidlng Hobool Fan" week ol 17 1'ama' "Laat Daya ul I'nnipeii." preaeoied for tbe Oral une la ihla ally, baa iirovedaiiari* iatl«i aa well aa a floaholal ■ueeoae. a atage MHU long. i. have liiBii ■ produoiiDn, en amphitheat e eeetlog l(I.UU peonie. have liinii led,an(rau |>eop|« are eogafed lorUie p Hllum uunvK r«i>r#aenUng Thai J. D. Price, repreaeatiRg I'alnAHoi It liilairea*; Oahaa Koae, aiag* iiiai j*age carpenter; Jean Webainan, _ walker; Lenlen Nr<tbera. L* Pailte Kvelln, Bl. Plorre Brotbere, ao'i the WhileUiiv rianeeia,aiRiit in uombar. Tbe pyreleelinical dliplar la ntagnlDo«nt, aad ihaolre walkingofJeaa Weiumaafcaaacore-iahlt The Park opeoeu tbe a<aaoawith tbe lollowing auif: Dlokaoo A Taibott, proprietor!: Juho T, Ulobiim, inauaaer; Win. UavlD. traaaurer: Walur llaoaoo, aulaiant treaaurar; Malt Adhlnaand Uuafrol De Veauf.dootheepera; Harry UiirewD, Rtafo manaivr; Toota liochane, iJ. B. iirira, ulirer Beed, Klmar t'ookoR, and Pallor Jarbeeo, muaical dirMlor Diokaon k TalWit aro hlihiy graHflad otar tbe auueaa aiteodlDg tlie evening o7 tnetr new High Rtreei Theatre. Culniohaa, n There will ha no dearth ot aiuaetlona during ilia HiaU Fair, week uf 17, w)Ui all thaaireiopea, ■ lAaritaiaoiPoupoll" at LlacolaPark, aod oulduur amuaeniauu at Arinatroag'a Park. ■ ♦ - ■ narloa.—.Hadle llnaiiOD, In "A Kfiotuoky dlrl," wu wakoniMl by a large aedlroeo HepL I. Ihe Ifen- oaaai-Jje Itoyle CoiiiwIvCo. helil ihe Iwanlawotb ol 9. Their repertory laclad'd "Miibed by,« "By wita UutwIUad," 'Tare to Faoe" and "ffiuabbloi." The an. gaienentwai unHtthfacibir, hoih tu thm (nanagainanl aod patrooa Hnderlliied: * A Wild (lun»a IfiiMO" 15, Tooy Farrell ii. "LHUa Trlile"0 \V. J. Joaaey joined the HoDoaaay.Le Hf>yt« Comedy Cn. here 3 Haoagar Mvermoro huadded tbe new Upera lluaaa,at Bt Marya, 0., lohlaeirculL Fori iVayna.^VBLioolo Teraple, reoiotSolcd and eijulpped up to dale lo averr laapect, waa opened Bept n uoder ilm niantHeinent or F. V. Biauder, kit iroiaorar. and Nat Hintih, or Uie orcbaatia. Julia Mir- Kwe i>raaealed "Umneoaod JnllaC'tn iheeaiieoltf of ihe leae hoiwliliataodlM Iho advenee lo pricea uoote<l: Maadedraagar l(. "Hoaa aod Hooa" 17, "Olorlanoa" K Robert DowologU ■vanavllle.—Th« amnd wri opeocil Hopl o fur the aeawa by Al. IJ. Fletd'a Mloalrela \» a paekatl bouM. "llotTamalea" le bifobed Inr 13 (,'artie (.aiiiimi a|<- tiered at ItM People**! In "Megga' f Aodlog" lu u'ldoiato uilneaa "Kdgewooil PolRa''^are due 10 Varlaiy Biill lielda Uia l>oaida at tba Theaire Oonil'iiie \jk Fearra Cireui allowed hero laai eeeb tu rather Haht arowda.oiiaccouDturniceulie h«al. NEBRASKA. Oaiah».«-AI Uoyd'a TbcatTB tlie rjceaoi Tbra* ire Co, Id "The Amai^na,*' eomelepl. 10, Jl, Wm. Iloey lo The riafoi,*' ir, in, in. (^laa. Fiohman'a Htock Co. }>, 31, n. Tlie bouie was dark the peal weak. rirfiRRTB flrairr TNgirRg.~"Tlia Tnrnado" opened a four eighlo* angegainani V 'The HIack Flag" cume* II, N, lA. Emily Baoaar, la -"Our Plai," for lour ot|hia lieglanlDgl& Tlie Flat Hall" did a good hqalneta Ihe flrathaifaad "Mr. Rainee of New Vork" had fair huil- oa*a Ibe laat Itall of laat «a«R. NoTBa-f'aiHa'"Laattfara of I'ompelP'clofed a luc- eeaarnl engegemantoi ienal|hi« eitendlDgiivar three weeke Baraiiiii A hailey'a Clrcua came lu to large audlencea. Mneotn.—Al tho Unatng lUverly'R UlDgtrela had fair buaioeaa M«pi. S. "Mr Barne* m k«w VMrk" came ft and pleaeeJ a fair i ced aadieooe. "The Vaat Mair did a good baaloeaa 7. R (Irimilt'a "Faual" opana 10 for three niahU Hieo, WoUird AHheridin. In **The Train Wrtckeia,'' "The Dmegaiera," ami * Uod^rgrouait" oome II, II, IL Ljceum Block Do. 17, "The Teroado" IR. Z.W Cole will remein aa preu agent of ihe Laming le eeaaoo. FOBig—Tbe Royal P.alartalnera come l'^ II, RnU'd Baad, In "The Woman Kaler." U tlie Royal KnlerUioen ta II, II TOB RgRRif Hi Htatb Fair opaoed 7 and cleaea H. TaaKoRViL-gBiRriaR lloMeo aodcrou, Harry Fao* loo. Moan Beher, aod Llilhn Karl Joined iha NoialKn- laloera B. Baker aad Kail elll probably renain only ■aektB-U. SOUTH CAROLINA. C|iarli4«on.oAi Ogreoa' AcAdomy of Iftain BdbbyOeylor, in*B|<ort McAlliilor," Bept 4,liadagiKd notae. "fbeffoailer," Band malooc,driwwall. "Ihe Omatnf'eomeaH, "Uown In Hlxla'* 15. — "A Liberty Beli," which vaa pat on at tlie Areana Tliratra, Mnlivllle, ITr.,RapL I la a revUad veraioo i.f "TwoOUOroolea." Waller McCaao, of Tfa lkk\umore (Md ) 5«fi did the revlalog. -H.O.CarletoDbuoreaali'd IheNeteta HIibfllMi TaadevliieCo.. whlcft ooeoedHepr. 10, atBrocfcioa. Maaa, HefUteaiAattbaBioadvay Tbiatrt, chelaeai la ane- aeeisyuut*.