New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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SEFTEMBEB 22. THE NEW YORK CJIiTPPER. 453 Hub. OiffTBOMii ineuge and Undem bnrdio rider with ttie Bftrnun ft B&IIej Clrono, wia qalto lertooBl/ Injoted wbUo ibo ihov was at Wtrerloo, l«.,Bept3. BertiorMfltambleduidreHlQttiomce, ibrowlDf bar off, uid site soBttlned a bad cnt la ibe b«d from a bono*a boot and a i n>ken rib from tbe otb«r bonea nuulDK oTer bor. Bbe was Utt txblndattbo Tremont Hooat, Waterioo, aoder the cavooranablepbjslclanaDdniino. UwlliboaeT- eral wmU before sbo rccoTere aotncleDUr to re- (am to ber work. jtoBKiT WnrrriRn, tbe rider, baa beeo ipsnd- iDff tbeSDmmer at nalnfleld, V. J., and bu trained bit borao, DoUunan, for a trottlog act 0B18. BouroN, one ot tbe jiroprleiora or ihe Koir QreatSyndlGatoBbowa and Paris Hippodrome, is now general annt and latlroad contractor la placo of A. B. Robrand. reelgned on account ot poor bealtli. Hr. Holton and bis wlfo vlll sail for Ana- tfilla on Oct. 16 to make arranitements. Tbe sbo w will sblp Not. Ift.and openatSldae;, Ana., on or abont Deo. 16. Tbej will Uko tbo enuro sbow irltb ibem. TBB UlLWAUKIK UlD-WlKFER ClHCUS WlU Onen Ibo BiposlUoD Bonding la ibat citj Nor. -i. I,. I. nodrlguex la Ibe manager. It Is stated that tbo sbow will be moat completo, and tbac considerable monej tua been apent npon tbe entorprlao. RosTJEorCooK M Vonnr'a AovA.Tri Car, No 1.— W. M. Da'«.niuH[«r; 0. cheooroDt, chtrae or ptMr; filHrCorbtu, llitiofrftpb«r: ALUorriiaod C. Prlrnrofs! nroinnoMn; TIra Baftrty. Wllbar llobbtoi. Jl. Kuad! UiVie BAMMUlrelekor. PriDk CollUr, Jtk« Cox, Druc« etoddftid Bd. Ulu, P. TorT«7.P. W]ilti«o,W. 6thw. C. Mut. W. KalMer, a«o. Bot> tod Cbu. IJHiiiome. Norn PKOU Till OoLLMK enoa* Cmccs asd Uina(ii rie.—We tra^Ull dilOR oic«1I«nt buiioMiuul morioa KtoDK imMtblr. Lut SuorftT night ■DtaktliUT«t«u. t«rwl tba b«ui aod TiMicd th« ■laeploft Apartmonii of iOD« of osr peopla, but Jodslng (ron tbe erU- elti the? took iber were eTltlenur vntt^ura Prof.C. P.Shftw lottapickige ofclgaretteiudaboiol matcboi. Prof. Hiny SilruteT'i tooth powder wa« taken, eod John KttbmtB wet a onynn oortralt ol John L. HalllTen. ProC J. W. noeain itrlllop paper iraa aioleo. and Pred Da BeU'a aboea. Tbey aUo lUilo Jaues Piugenld and Jamea KlDg'i pipaa. At Catabrldge, III. two lough* aUempted to paa J. C. Oollnar at ihs front door without ilTlog up thelrilckela.bat Mr. Oollmar vau't there for thai pur poMhand he qglokir Kraeped the two irouru betonghii ami buDped tbelr hsaiii together aod made them elro op their Uckeu Walt QoUmar h&a been laid up for a few dayatrom tho erTecis of a aore throat. At. Jiinea our chandeUer man, la going to pal oat a moMiain ihow thli KalL Hanr dune u broakloR a prloclpal horte for B. V. Qocom. Oar aaoei Is doing aanenuilDiM Prof A.U. Banicberand wtfe, and LuUe Ooldie are tliefea- urei. Oat conceit la alao dolog nloodidlr. Mabel Leandp'e bottoTflT daoce and Fitzgerald and Uiog'a Irlrh ■peoInlileAaroablt. Norm rnoH W. P. BtRRHAiiT's Oriat ahrrioan Khowa —we are now In tho moat proiperoui portion of Iowa, vboro tbe oat and h»y eroM are fine, with about ooe ball tbe osaal con crop, we are >lio»lng to good baaloeee datly. aod, while not turning people aver, wo are cnvdiag them around the rlog'a edgo. Thin aliow U ooe of tbe rery few twenty Uto cent ahowa that bu polled through thia loaaoo. Eieryililog Ih running anootbly, aod the boyi an all tiad when tTuDOiy come*, u that la tbe diy tJie gbou waua. Wo aropaUlog up one oiiheatnngeat perlomtenefi ever giveo under a tent. Ctmlih, Anderaon and Iioulle aie doing their new acuon the bara and aloning rounda oi appunae at each per- lormaoe«. Tie Hml'h, on tbe n*log rloga, doei a neat tnro. and Mylaii AodAraoo, on the elack wire, Joea a eiione aot Bogora Lozeile doei amoit daring eenia- tlooa) aingle trape»4 act. Jim Pajne, fancr rlQa abot) la ftutprlaing the noilTea by liia clem performance lie I* alaodomga airoog ImpaMiogact In thaconcort. Rom rarron. Tema'e nfle tlior, ia doing lome rlever work, an«i leailnp a gooJ Impresaleo at every loivo. TbothreoBliUopBrotbfra Joined S^pLIOand arodoing their broiherao, abut a nowneniatiooal double uapeza net, wblch wIoj rouodiof applaa«e for them and cauMH many a btvt to look In aome oltiar direction while they aro making bodio of their aenntlooal dropi. BheroiaD KIrkbart lidolDgaauoDi cannon ball act beaUeaoti er faaia ol ■ircngtlj. Wat. bleaen, the beneleai wonder, ia proTing an attnctJon at etoh performance aod eurprtaiDg Ibo people by tbe manner In which be ttei hlmeelf In kaota. The band boy* are all well, and are lunlalilng oicellent meele In parade as well aaioatde. Weahnwiu Iowa op to Oct 1, aod ihea loid erenthtng oa can and ablp Booth. We will reormotioat waterfoo, Iowa,and lake new people. Oar buUwiil be aaairong aacan ha brooght together and will be reaiured. Everything win be new ana Id flnt claia ehape. We eipect to putoutai atroDg a ttveniy-Uve cnt ihoir lawaa orer taken tbrouili the Boatb, aod hope to laaTO as big a repuutlon tbero aa wo h«Te through Iowa. Norn raou Cuah Lii'e London Siiowa.— Wo leare Now Jersey lor litlar^r^.croMlug the bay at It*jbold. Our botlovaawab rery soMl. At Cape Hay we tornad them away. We bad aflne :ialr of llooa brouebt on by Mr. Monroe from Uleo Isuoo. Hr. Monroe will atay with the ihow for a week or HO and broak a man lu to go In the den with them. Tbe ahow will not go Seuto, but doaeabo^tNor. 1 aodahlphoBo to Winter qoartera at Canton, Pa., when It will be remodeled and come out In lOBonlarried Id arary department. Joan I'oxwniio, wrltea up from Pacbuca, Ueilco, •taUngtbatUn^ JobnCoaaloKMay Heed) died, 8«pt & atBan LulB I'otoel, aged 24 yaaia. J. B.HWArroRP, goaerat ageut for Bautelle'a Clrcai, wntaau"thatU. A.Touaey vaa oeTor gtoarai agent oi theabow. bat waa coDoeeted with tbe adranee, though he la no longer employed with the kitar. fie furtLer ■lateaitaatWm Blancbard Joined the abow BepL 7, at litbograpber, taking the place olO. W. lllpley. Tan now Oreat Syndlcato Hliowa and I'ana dlppodrome will aaU from «*a PnuelKo,Oal, to Aaairalla,onNor. 15. William Sells, who la now id San FraociKo, la In control of tbo Miterpriio. RosrsR or loa AnvAHca Biiuadb or tbb (;ol. U. W. Hall'a Railroad Circui -B- L Braniun. general agent; Don MoKenale, contiaotlog egeot: W. 0. Uowara, ««r manager; Onarlas Keaney, bow blllpoeler, with via aa- tiatania: Pat Bbioe, Cbarles Eel ley, P. iJ. fieed. Ban Bltrar^ B. 0. Morrla. Loola OatU aod Fraok llilloun, J. V. Uanla, litliogmptaer. asHaaiL Co.trRAori.wa Aua.vr B. II. Bbmon, of the Adam Foropaggh Bbowa, Is at hone In Pblladelpbla, Pa., baTingoloaeduleoairacta for tho eoaaon. Theblgahow cloaas tour In Ootober. Fred B. llatcblnaon. soperln- teodant oftlioBbowa, will publlili tbe ronto hook lor the paataaaaon. Itwiu eonlAin a foil and completa record of Ibe tlilrty-Ont annnal tour. PENNSYLVANIA. PhUmdelplilai^Tbe altmollona ibla week are ■carcely of a naiun ealculoled to draw big buslneai, partieolarly ihone at tbo LliUer priced tbeitrta. Tbe regular patroae of tbaiebooaia bafenot yet beenTary mnob la evidence, nor will Uiey be until aomoatiractlona wortby o( note are preieoted. Tlioafartbeaeaionattbo Niion A Z'tniieman booHi Itaa been light, alihoagb Mra. John Drew did fairly well at the Broad, and -A filaok Bheep"at tbo Ubeatnnt ibia work will probably draw good bouiea. Cbaa. U. Uort'a ptaya are popular in Phllailelpblo, aod coiulderable cariosity bai been evinced in rogard to hia tateit enualoo, ''a Black Bbeep," which bu boen well boomrd. Pajut TBBATBB.—Tbe Duff Opera Company opened the saaaon Sept lA, with 'The MiLado" augmented by a uoupe of daBClog girli. The night waa bet, and tbe bona* waa fcucefjruore than ball full. The bit of tbo perronnanco waa made by Lillian dwain, «ho l:arca tbe comi>any nett week to Joia the "Prlnceia Bonnie" forcof. Edwin A. titereas, Joiepb Herbert, A. P. Kioga- ley and Alleen Burko were aiio faroraiily rocoircd- Neit woak, Cerlnno, In ."Uendrlck lladion." Anon BTRMT TuRATHAfter baviog beeo CKten- elvelr pnifed In advaaco by the oewatiapera, thla bli'.oric old play houH, opened under the management ol Uarry B. Mahn, U. A revival oi tbeeldcomediea oianu helium daya haa been anuonoced, wlUi a cempetfoi atock cou- peny. TbaruuUwu paiofDl. "AiLikeAaTwoPea*,'* "Ban Bolt" aod "The Bpltbre" were glvon, ihe csiu be- ing made op Urgely ol ainateura. During tbe enirt aue BKUkeon and Uaulof raog paiodtae on popular eooEa, and Little WcdaoMlay, ocfiiM vucallit, aaiig aajng. UaKSTKiJT ifTWiiir iHBiTaa—"A Wild Duck" playtd to IndllTarent bailoea Uai i\eek. It la out of hi ipneie to a drat etaaa booaa. Tbia week "A Black Sheep" hai lis Brtt local production, witfi a call lodudlng Oila Harlan, Joseph Raokin. Heory Luckstone. Belle Black, Loulo Moore, Steve Malay lud liatiio Weifi. .v»t week, Ucleo Danvray, m "TbatBlitvr ol Mine " KuruB TaaATSB.—"Ihe Oro&t Breoblyn Handicap" reilier auiuruied the pu*>llolaMwe«h,aijd the play will undonbtodb enjof a noceeMiul ruad tuur. Tbo engage- nwnt eloioa welC Iitro Irou-tea being the lule. fhta week Jamea B Mackte,ln hia new larce comedy, "Tbo Side Sbow," fbould rroro an " "*—""■ Some ol the epeclaltlfi are: - dance by Ur M ale:" buck and trine dancing by td, Whipple, a alack wire au by HUe. Adelaidaeoii mbur- lesfiue clnua act by Topack and Buelo. Next weak, "SlaTaaol Gold." AopiiosiCM.—'Tbe Old South'' provbd e iinlQoe as well an aeuongOnaaclal attracuonUat woeir, ana iliero veto good bouioe nearly Oferr night Tnliweek Ru«- ■eU Broi.' Comeolau prwHDl too fuJIowing taleot: Hue- '•U Broa, Louie Ulisou, ttUI U. Foi, turn Baroaid, LiBle B. Baymoad, (TBtlen and Uavel, WblUog and Hhepbetd and Uasuogi and Marion. .N'tit week. Qua Uiira World 01 Koralifta. BiJor.—Thla week wlioeues a new drpartore, or, lo fpeak more comoiy, a roiorD 10 an old cuaiom, In the introdncUonofoomlo opera, alieroaling at evtry per lormaaoo with a vaadenlle bill. The company li baadml by Milton Abom, sod lacludea l^ulae Hoera, Lnaiee nofCO. Joiep4i W 81111)1, Uaule Aroold. Frank Wooley ud Warnn O. Lombaid. The Orit opera la' Ship Aboy,'' loiiowed nait week by -'fbeTarandTariar." Tbe vaade vllie enuruinmani la fdrolaiod by yialkbwakl. O'Brien ud BoddlDf, Ena BertoMI, Oordoo aod Lick. Mat F«r naoL Bald»in aod Dalr. JohnaoD Tilo, Mrs. Harrj BlooJ- Rood, thoBbeeraiia andtba PaUol goartai. CHBsrncT BTRBBT OfSRA lluvflc—Ahoot ooco every *<eaon NIkob a /.Imiaeioian iiieient a ttroog vaudeville ^^umeiion beiofatbe awaon uau tiioroui:iilyun<iorway. rneBost«a Howard AtlieoieumCoinpaoy laoo ihl<wHk. Next week. Joaepb Ha«orita, la "Hoaedale " BSOAO HraBBv inaiTBR—Mrs. John Drew, In '-Tho nosd to Koia" had a i>irlr aocceiiiul week. Mr, aod '*ri. ■elUrooeocd tJietr season Bept 17, appoanog in K>ne new nod eurUloi f^ata al legetJamaln. Tbasoare !BowB ai Tbe Sbrlne ol Kooma Haml,""Tbf M>tue I'tCbtolBa1^'*aQd"n»TalUB|lfflac«," Tbaadsaisslon 'Mually siroDg attraction. "Billy JonAJ,'^s lODgaod uo. Id Ailiellf 'thi Ih,"iTiolplpil"MII«J( fOMUcoB-aTouMi-Th, ntor. or tb. ,t»tk oon- PMT f».onnIn -t.n. B»nif, u.n A," nlilSl litt, h.HlMl>Mk Uuu.r ronpMili hM bvl ihi. piUwMt.' HoD.Di," whh. ..riJir l ?l"|f?li lina; ror ui iiMk Nr. riiKt«D||ii bu Mnrad Bldim BUT.," (apporM b; Fu.r HelDfrra ud Ih. .lock »£: PMT. "JlB Ui« P«om«n."#M nall, gp u lEi ,t£uluil ol liM huil.ll bulMsa doo. Ull HUM, III. b..H bilD. Plouir told .ni7 Dlibt. Jmph J uolUnd raniloi UUa CoiUMr" ilU b, ilron, ilUi Wllind Cbik al W l*0DipilD, ' rion.>'sTiuiiii.-Tb.n II Doniu. irawlii oal.r iU'dt"""*" ^"^S"!' ««; b. bu lUra hold borinni .1 Hr. Bradtobutl', gpUwD bonitbu tn.Uf ImprotwI. '-Tit Dwbr »l!lMl''pi«t.o . ilro., M:<!suro^^«r?^/.•^^fi^ir..^^^^ du»o..DTo»TU.--'rb. Kueh IIiDi" pUrvl tobli boaliitx U» WML "Wll. lor irir." ptoml.w to A uoUiir iirooiuincUoo Ihl.wMt, .lib . out l.glud IO|[WllilunNlehol>, Loiu Fbil, J, B. Blown, Ubulu n. Sl.nio;, VlKlpl. Hnr, 8ophl. Ihot.. JoMpbln. vry.o. u>i J.nnl. K.r. Vo«l nlKtlon. will bo roodorad br Ih. fojueiu (jouiu. Ncil w«.h, •lb. <>aT or tbe World. LrciUB TiiSATKi.-Tlis May Howard BurleiODe Com- R^i'"^Tf P'y*^ **» receipts. ThU week the edoo Belles Bsrleaque Company. Next week the Bents. Ban tlay O'smpaoy. Nlvtu aso Auon Mi'satru.—An unusually Urae aaMri- itient or freaks b being eihiblted ihiM «e«k, beaded by Prioco Tlntmlto, the d*«rr. In the theatre are Dfl- maiae and O'Brleo, NewHn and Coleouui. Anna May V^il- aon, Kennedy aod Lawrence^ Bartele aod Morris, Kel. eoola, AUas and Coyie^ and Williamson. BLBvarrs rtTMsrrtiraRA IIooaa-MaDagerCamcToas' MIDI tie ta coDiinne to draw big houses wlin their dtverai- Md ontertalnmenla. Then la no chance ol bi'l this wo*k. KBmiROTOMTBBATRR.—Tbo stock coDpauy, under the dlreeiloB of Harry J.Stone, conilnues to Imrrovo coo- •tanUy. Bosiooaa waa Orst cUm lut week with 'Watt- log for the Verdict," and this week "The Ulack Flag" Is given with a conpaiant cast, •tbt Danitee*' Is an* noonced ai the next attrmctiOD. NoTBS-Frank Daniela, UUaaSwain, Prucas Roneau. N. a Murobam and W. i). Beating aro tbe new people In '*The Prtnceea Bonnie" cau Ranearaalabegao 17 LydtaTbonpwo has spent Iheflummar at Oalc Lane, tho (lueatol bar daughter, Elbe Tilbury Lewis, and hereon n Uw, Arthur Lewia. All thiee will appoar at the Broad next week. In "Tbe Idler." Davia Flugibbon, the young plaoiat, baa been tramienrd from Keith'a new tbeatre tn Boitoo back to tbe BiJou The Ihn licha Opora company cloud the local engagenient lA, and api>ear tbIa week In Montreal The pavilion at Tiaeot a haa been oadoMd fArtbeWiotanaod froovande- vllle iliona will be run under tbe management of I. H. KahQwetiar llsrry N. Dovley.of Camcruaa* foicaa, la the ptetid failier oC a new boy Hr. and Mrs. Sioney Drew are Btaylog In town with irlanda Andy Uugbea will niufo to tbo aiage In bta okl act with Faddy MoBrlde aod Barry Walton A. I. Levi la lo town. Do hu besn engaRed by Edwin Knowiesoibuslnea manager of Heleo Daovny'a Mar* ring tour Mt.\OD A/.immennsn will tbia week dote their contract for the erection ol a new theatre In Baltl. more, which will be flBlacied In Uaiober, lOS. Tbe bouse will be uiMler tbe uanagemantol Nixon A /-mioeniiao, aod will twokoulyilrat dau atiractlona Tbe BKlta- lion of tbe managers over the qaeetign of tlielr nght to sell adniMlon tlcketa to persons wliliog to stand tlirougbaperlornunce bubad tbeelTectoi loduelOR the Fire liomnlaaiiinerB to toBporarlly modify Uielr order firohlblting tiie sale ot soch ticseia. The new aw sajs that Uie "paiaage waja" ol tbe thea- tres must be kept clear, aod tlie whole (|uesilon luma on tbo cou'juclloa of the word "p^Maiie way.*' Tbe commitalonon hold that tli.> space back ol the or- chestra leata lsa"paaasffeway."and •beBBOsgeri In- eiBt that It IS Dot, and tbac thoTntentof the law is alupiy to keep the aislea clear. Psndlog the loasl decision on this point, howevrr, tkoflre oemmluloners have decided that Ihe managereml|htsell admlsaioo tlokets, provided that the rear lobby only ihould bo used aa suodlng room, aod Uie aislea ahooldbe kept ojten at all Umea. Plttabarg.—Old floldlen and their national en* campment proved a bethel to our local showmen last woek.moitoftitem doingwolL OrcioaAH A AcoiTOBitiM.—The Bennetl-Monlion Comic OperaCompaoy conunue to hoM the lort, and will do so Indefioltelr- "FraDIsvoIa" will be pot on (ho drat half fif ihia woek and ^-Pinafore" the lauer halt Next week «III be divided between "Tbo Mikado" and "Boccaccio." "Olivette" was s aoecess last week Orako OrRRA Hvuaa.—'•FantaaBa"8apt-17 aod week. Mane Tavary'R QnuKl Eogllab Opera Co, 24. "Bine Joaoa" p'eaaed largely up to lA. OcqoBSKB TiiBATRK.—"A Temperance Towd'* this week. Uarry Lacy ploasod well up to 19. "Tbe Paaalog Show" 21. ALvi.<tTBBATSB.-Bdward Hanlgan 17 and week. Wil- lie Collier made himself a favorite Imi week. Marie Jan»en 24. BiJOD TsBATRB—BlcbaiOa sd-I CanOeld, In 'The Cir- cus Clown." 17 for rlnt time hen. Ueurge Tbaicber'a **Abont aotbsm" gatbereO them lo lutweek. Robert UanteU». pjuiK TUBATBa-Mr. aod Ura. U. B. Uanley, In ' A Wild Ooosa Chase^" 17. lor tbe flrat lime hen J. J. Sulli- van doiod asatlafiactory weak 15. "A Modem Heroine" 24. lUaaT WiLUAHB* AOADiMT OF Uusic —George Dixon'sSpeolaltyand VaodoilUoCo tbiaweek. Horriii' Bnurtolnen dosed a brUllant eogacement 15, having played eTeiT afternoon and eventog during tbe weak. UABHia'TUBATRB.—Thiahoooo Ijnowagood deal Ilka Uexloolniheold daja tMfore the sdveot ol Presideot Dlaa. when she nied to bave a revolution about ooce In twenty.four hoars, and no one could predict one day what tbe government vrould bo the oext At present the bouse ladarh, but It le liable lo te teased and reopened ata moment's noilco. W. J. Magee baviog rollofidiahed cvutruLO. A. TAOBor took the iMaae for 0 rend Army work. Tbontbtbeaotbontles tried to harrau htm by dosing bim op bd<i revoklog his Ilcens*^ because the ex- Its were obstraoied by fakris* atanda, for whien be was not reepoaalble, hn promptly took eat a new one and was running again lo an boor or two. It Is worthy of note, as a matter of reoord, Ibat on Hept 11 Mr. Tabter gavo a oootlnoona sbo* from lu x m. to Ui r. h., and con* tinned to do so inroughoot the weotr, presenting epeelal* tiaa and tbe war daama, "Only a Private. * Business waa aailslactory. What tbe fdture will bring forth la an< knoao. - Uarsy Davis' Eod >!csaB.—a am belts, the wrestling bear, and OoeldLthe floating Ip tbe air lady,,are the principal new attractloni In tbe carlo ball, wntlf the European VsudeTllle Co. live tbe sbo* in the theatre BoBlDOSS waa Urge Uat week. UiTLBTB.—JohD W. Uorra/ la handling the pseteboanls St the Pnik The new WorU's Mneeum Theatre gave up tbe ihoit IS. Maoaor Jnbn P. Flocber foes to Toledo, 0., to maoaae a variety theatre lor Fred Parke, loogmanigerof Libnuy Ball, now tbe BIJou Theatre. HBrvlsbnrg.—The Urand Opeia Hottaeopeoed Bepi. It. to blR uusneaa,wlth Robert Downing This house has Imo greatly loif rored, the sugo eoUrged, a new ailMitoa curuin added, new aeeoerr painted, a new OBtiuoe built, and tie tutrrlor tborougblr renovated, TtpBiotedand frescood. Coulog: ' In tiie Hame ot the Car," 17: "A Texas Bteer," IH; Bobert Nanteil,}); *'A BonebofKeys,"!!. OsoHRsrHiox Hall.— Roller ikatlhg aod vaadevlllo opened tbe hooee lor tbo poaaon to blw nuaioeaa II. Tub Uahrv Davis Bnsv Mcsbr wlliopen about Oct 1. Maoaaer J. 0. Poler, of the Davli Maree. Is in Plttaburg. On AMr. Foley tandaroil a banqaet at the headquarters ol tho local lodge of Blks to honor of tiie flnttaonirer- aary otbia niembereblp In the order. Scnaton,—At Ibo Frotblogbam Reno A Wll> llama'Co Sept )7, IS, 10, In "Tbe ciemoneoau Case" and "Aa Arabian Knlgb*." wltbLstira AlbertaIti the lead. AOADBHV.—Tbomae W. Keeno 17. James B. Macfcle, In *1lie Btde Show," IJ, waa well received. "A Trip to tthinatown" W, Lewis Morrinon. In "Faast," 19, Powell, mailcisn.O. theOsroelba, In 'The Trolley RTstem." 31. Uatib' TnaiTHa—We«k of 17: Waieoif Rfs ert Bi- ■ lavagaouand Taudeville Co. Tiie opeoing week proved asoccesa. n«adlDg.*RolKrt Dowolog, In "Osiiion and Prtlilaa,"drD<rs large andioaeato the Academy of Mo- ale tiect 11. "Wlfo lur Wile" badaligbthou»oil. "A Teiaa Bieor* came to a good businMS 14. (;omlBg: ' Spider aod Fir" 17, "Tbe Trolley Byiam" Ifi, Powell 10, *-A Trip to Chinatown" S, Lewis Morrison, In "Faart,"3l Oraro urBRA lloosK —lletllo Bernard Chase canceled ii-ii. '■fheOIdSonib" conei 17. BiJOO TiiBATSB.—Tlie VIrUn Oe Monte Compaov ap- ptared al thIsrUcelUU. HInoieSeward, lo repertory, l7-n. Lanemaler^At tbe Kultcn Opera Uouse tbe Mason opens Sept 17. with Powell, magician. Thodaiali- loc touches of ibe comp'ete renovation of tiiia house haveboeomaileand ltl>nowoae ol the haodaomeitio therttata. The wholo InUrlor was changed, the aaaUog arrsngemeot Increaacd Irooi l,(DJ to The itan la oaarly double lis Inmer s-is and ran now aoconmodate tni mnary mada The Hahtlog, ireatxlor, csrpetloit, droasiog rvomi, toilet riraagetaeota etc, are ol tbe mrat eleboreis and modem aiyue. OREGON. Portlsad.*.U tbe Marqaam artnd ^wln Mil- ton Bo;le's comedy druna, > Frieodi," plsjed to good bojloeu Sept 6, 7. Lswrence Ifaoley opeaed 10. In ' The Player." The tbeatio will be dark week of 17, afar which Dsn Ssllr will bo aoto. OoRDRAT'aTBaATiiBlidarfc. , , , . Thb ORrascB opened moat aatPldooAly a,pTetantlog a c'esL and atirsfilve vaudeville pngraane. Tbe boaae wu crowded. The followi BV" Cr'*?'*"^ Rreaix Broa , Oertle Cochran. StdrAliarabi Mlla Braga |)'>ol»y and rarroll. Lociir aed Archmore, Aodu aod Oiniie aod tlrorie'"allin. MwnoMu'fl NBwTiiBATBSf:«MiijUH-Ueil BBriino,i;or. eeno LeeUe, Oforfo Troxtll. <lias. 0»«, JoHa Wleche|i. Hand Ha* mood, Leone ilanlln and BtU Leo. A.'*Bicrsia.-Waiior Le Roy. Florence Clarioo. EiTle AdVmP, JanfR Walker, LliUe FetriU aad Breyer-s Ur- che«in. _ Loovu—TbeTloDna()aartst. ^ . . w Mm anm osuo^^Tb* TMua Pralar OnbasA -'The DanghUra of Eve."Marie Walnwrlght's naw pUy. wu actci: fbr tbaOisttlmeonaay atagnstNewbavT. H. Y, SepL 17. — Helen Daovny began bar MaTTtng lonr at Rodiestar, K-,lf;;fi«P*- J7, wMn Wm Uiira new play, "Thai Sister ot Uls.''wa« aetod for tho aratitne on any staan. ~ T**? K'."** flpecuiator." by Herbert HallWlnalov, ?i.'"'*',^*''.»<'"^.»* t^'"*"lt V. Ang.» -'•Oar i;pde podley " whldi waa rlyed at Raplev's *<adeiiiy of Unite, WaibiogiAn, n.CSept. 10^ la Ullo BUnuTbeatia. thlsrltr,MBy 7. ^o"' P?*^ Fellow," In which aiaa. Dickson iMUr- rlng. is RtanlsUos Stango a ooa aot plsr, "A Mao Abont Town." lengthensd Into foor acts lo Its original form f ."'Sf* »hs flreiUmenithe HarlemOpem llouae. lis city. March IS, lUL In luprenntshape It racetved lUpratoleratAabury Park, N.J , Aub.S. w — ""y 5''''C*^'**?!S''^'" * •cteomleopera,book by h. C. Beach sod W. R. Roao. nuaio by J. ll. Rogen, waaorilrtaliyeonsattbe Rucbd Avenne Opera Hodm. ClevclsBd, O., .'*epL le. .v."."-* "•»'•?." "F B- Harrison, was originally actod at tbe Lvceuni Tbeaue. Deuolt. Mich.. RepL IS. — Tbenew opera houM at Barry, 111 .which wuerocleil ontbOBiteofihe eld ooe deitrojedbr Uto March Si, has been completed. TtaeiheaUowaahiillCby Messrs. Weber A McSoi). la «lifOfL, with a sUee ViWi , awl proacen- lum oMLniog I6x2iit It haael|Rtcompieto fete of sr«n- ery,wliiitetAtuir,roardreasiDirooma aod two nrUau r*'!?^ .^*"^'*'*l>"*^**IlKhted Willi electric iitbts. U wlll^ba under the nisnagenieatol IMI. Ware and F. — The aaraetia Bros., In "Tha Trolley flretem," began their toar at PoiUtown, Pa.. SepL 17. Maoager (l.aa. F. Cnmw«il tolegtepha us that th* nlay met wiih suecea — 'Tim .New Roy," which la belBg plavrd st lh# .*tran«l- ard ThsAirr. thit eit)-, waa ndcil lor tho iirat lime lo America at the I'ark t:ity Tbeaire, Brldgcptirt. Ct, Hspt IS It is by Arthur Law aud wa« nrlalonllr aoied at DevA3Bliiro park Theairo,Baiib«mrae, Rng., F«b I, 'ait, a^ "The Btiy " Us nm oreaeBtatloo do any atage aa "The Nsw Boy" was at lorry's Tlicsue. IrfioiIoD.Bog^ Fab. 31. — D. i> Bradley, seenin artlit, haa been engaged by Manager Qoruiao.of Oorniao's Theatn.Haoohee'er, h. U.. fnr Ihe svason. lo manage tbe atage. — AnaloM-fdhavtmn engaged hythe managers of Natl Burgess, for "A Trip to the Olty.'^ — Roller orMoriiraer X DarreVs playera: "JewaL'' V. R-Algaa, F. W. MrNaosy, Jerry Uelull. Oharlas Reed, HadieOennaloeud AneieBixvller, with Fred Mortimer maruHer. — All. O. raaree lasoetoulul with .Vellle Mollenry'sCn. — Urv. Weed Munro, wifaiifmirejiteeued Minnespoils, Mluii., corrrsppndeiit, diod suddenly Kept 10, aaed Uili ty- throe yean. Tbo deceaMd waa on* oi the leading siiigeni of Mliiii>-R|>oIla, and uiig in lereral of the principal churchea ofUiatclty. Kbowaewell btman threORbout the sute thnogb her musical arc Mra Muiim wss uktn lick e, but no sertooe ending was anticipated until a short tine tNfon her dtatb. — Amr Lee la In this elty, rebearilBg "The Fawn Ticket'' ■^uhia'D. Uermann has retired fVom Waller Ranford'a Stock Company, and bis potltlon haa been Ailed by Oeorge lloey. — Kato Rran bsvlog had aa eporation perfnrmed on one of ber erea, rrlolned Sol Hnlth Roaeell FepL M. — "lbs Men of '74," Henry Uur n*rilrn's "Ve Olden Time" under a new title, pUynl In Phlladelplile, l*s., lapt week and thee gave up the plioaL — W. F. Blando ha« gooa slioid for Baroey Fergoson. — Alice PaxtoD liuwiihdrsrn from "* Teniperanco Town," and lier role iiu t»*aD taken by rterlrude Dawfa. —Jowph FlUpitriRb ataioailiat hols not with Hllen- wood areportory of plajors aabu bron ropottod — Lavlola Shannon niums to "The Power of the Press" this aoasoo. — John illendinning ralurned from Kurope during the past week. — Noiea from Sbaw A Craig's "Jadi and Jill" Co.: Wo have displarod tbo "B R. 0." nightly Ibii wek. Oo Thursday tho honso waa sold tMfore a r. H. We cariy sIxteoD people, a band of twelve plKoa aod nrthsstra of aevsn pieces. — At the ilrand Opera llonse, Brooklyn. N. Y., Sept. 17, attha eondosloo of tbe aecoiMl vorsenf her song, "I DoLov* You,"8a4le Odshinas, uf 'TbeBonchol Keys" Co.,wu Dresfitied with an eoonneus doll. The song waa redemandtd and excellently interpreted. This same ditty lenowtwingaong by Madge Bills and other local artlata — William J. Bcanlan, who lias beeo confloed In Rloom- ingdal* Aayluo. Iliia dty, aleco January, 199, was de- dared Iniaoo, Bept. 17, by a aheritTs lory. Tliia rasuit waa brought about by ihe proceediaga brosghi by AQauftna rttou. with the approval uf lua aotora wife Mrs Bceolao stataa that ber bnaband'sproporty cooilsia oroloeloisatlMTenwortfa, Kan ,whicnsre worth about glCDapiece, aod penonal proportv. mclodlng plays aod wararobo, in the eaientofaboat IXOUO. According to Mr. riloa, Hr.Hcsnlsn had been bla partner for eight jf are twforehobeoame inaaoa Ue now owaa tbe llrai fSLOM sidbuabsif Intorestlnalloi tlielrplaya. Hewsa re- moved to the new naflam at White PUI0S.N. T., Bept IM. —Weed Monroe, our Mlnoeanolta, Minn., eorrespood- oot, wae rocontly oominatod for a Jodgeahip on the Democratio and ropubat tickets. — Tbe Kenainayin Family Theatre, I'blisdelpbis, P^, haa been ntllleu and doeonled sinco last soaaoo. Tbe maosgemf nt now caters to Udiss aod children at the matiasos.and In the cbltdren's room uiotheracao leave their lluie ones In charge ol the maiion while they at tend tbe performanco. WISCONSIN. nilwABkce.—Daring tbo past week tbe atten- tion olourplaygoora wu cooOned to the ptodoctlon of "OfftheEartb"aithe Davidson Theatre, and ooneeiioently tbe other housesdtd not lara loU. For the pieseol week opiolBgof tholadusuui F.ipnitiien at the same lime will certainly attract many airaogers, and a goodtnisi. BSM all around Is predicted. Daviosor Tub airs. —Hani ooa' "Supertw" opeood Sept. 16 for a week. 'UlT tbo Uartb"rso vary smoothly daring ita Initial weak, ending IS, and proved a auoceas. Froliman'aEmpiia iliaatn Rock Co. prassota"8owiog the Wind" O aod week. BiJOtr OrsRA Uoims —Jscob Liu'a "In Old Eentucby" commenced a week Id "Tbe Police losotctor" did not •oe many people last week. "Bhsn Mo 2" comee O and week. AOAOBBY or MvRio—"The Polico Patrol" this work Darkoess rtlgood last week. Week ol O, "Dr. Copld." Stadt TaBtias —The regnlar Oeman stock eeasoa opened 16, with "Vaster and Soehoe," by B. Voo WeMen- brnok, sod the nrataabaeripilon perfermanes wm ' Zwal Oluokllebo," o eomfilribyMlieenthaaand Kahfelbnrg, 10. Maaacers Webb A Vschteer hiToaelcctsd their com- paoy with ibflrusaalcsrs, sod look forward to a profit- able season Paori.i'sTnBAiBB.—Msnager John R. Ilaynor haa ae* lactedan appropriate Fair week aareeti m lo "A Jay Ciroos," wblcb opened IS Loiter A Wtliiama* "Ifnok and I"wasnotveiyjpro«perons lut week. Kalbflold's Orphium (knnptnr 23 and week. WO'itBBUNoMvsiou-ForlTsnd w»ak: Carlo ball Eveleen (water laoeo), Daoger (tattooed dog), Capt Thoraion (hand painted aian). Mile. Xelliho (flower maker), ana the Mexican leather worker. Theatre: Miles and Iroiand, tii« Four BeecbSiai#rv, Hansen and Mack, T. nvags and Ollie Leonard. Mbrtio:*.— Nov. (will mark tbeopenlosof the Midwin- ter Ciraoa. which willoccopT the Exposition Masle Hall, under tbe nanagemeotot L. J. HndrlgoeL Ths bill for the flrat two weeka eompriiei Alice Forepaugh, Mile. Ainiee and Ano(oVadlH(aietapposrsnce).theUleva)aod« (principal itsrebaok riders), Uoie. Niewert (msnage aott, ileorglos Dadipo. known abree/l si "Fsehar Kaaalao^' (Ant appearance 10 thiaeltj), thoNelsoo Family, Haotia and Aroo. tlie Braats HieuvA aarlalistatflm apnearaoco in thiR city; Daahaway and MooilDn. Aibioo HroUierr, Ualtorolla aod Uilfloo, U-e Ahearo^ the (lliOMretlAi. BanbolomoK's E(|uln« Paradox aod prof tisntry'a Caolso Paradox W. li. Tan Dyke, nr "A Tallow Candle" Co., waa hero 11 AL RelckelT. a Mllwan- keoboy. BPreiredattheKipositlon Miisio Hail, th^ lut week fobla davarlaatSKf marhsmamhlpaod va« pre Bfoted wlih amedal by tbe Four C.'sBhooilnROIuh "la Old Kentucky" comineoced lU svbmiu si Itsdne, Wia. M end than CAue to ILe BiJou. Maosger Jacoh Lilt iiliero tn sea it aiATied Ilarrr Rarrj inureJinnNl "Ihe FoHce loapector." Annveltv to ha added 10 "On Ibo Eanb" IS. 10 CliKsgo, Is "Tbe Nelson Aerial Bellel." KENTUCKr. lionlar IlloConmr and Pogopcned tboTemple Tboatre for the seaun SepL 13, with "HotTams^es " The atlondancB was good at cacb performaoeo. "rboCol- oael" 9>-n. Maoaulrt's TnBATRB —"The flllvftr Weddlog" closed a wsek'a eogaiemoBt IS, plailoc to falrlf good buslceir ~' popolar pricss. "Coop Hollow" week 0117. A00iTORi(7if.-T1ieanbaonlvar'aryut the opening of tiilabouse will be cMe>jiat«d 31 by a graod oicbes'ral concsn, onder tJte dIrectiMi of Karl ^iiotldi. A pio- gtaome of living pleiura< will also bs prsseoted, AVRHUB.-rirenttr'a I.rceom rnesiro Cvmi-anr gavoa flrf^tciam eairrtaioaient to good houaee lait week. J-'' WalirrA In "didoTracked."weca eommen lnRlO (jRi.'vo OPSRA HocniL—*Tbs Clismy Hair' rravrd n pA|iiiiaraltracUon with Ihe psiruns of liili booio lut week, large aodietcoi atleodlBg erery performanco ''Jane" nerk ol 17. BccHiRfiRiH.—Whslleo A MaruU's Comblosiion play, ed 10 good bouica last week. This uuipioy eloaod too eogagooient '6, sod In order 10 keen the hoosoopen 16 ibananasenMBtaoBO'iBc** the London Empire Eoter- Ulnsn for one olghL Tbo Mane Banger Barlesnns Co.wo*kofi7. HATioitAL PiBK —Tbe nnneroas atlisdIons at ibia re- sort draw Ursa crowds. Tbo ssiBS poopla annoonctd Isot week boU over , ^ , . » Oiv TaasTRS —The asms poepio booked for Isit week aro re-engsged for week ot If. . . , Joan WDALLB)'. of Ihe Whallea Brf^a, proprietors of tboBaeklogbsm.wss lakea sick with irpbeld Isrer 10, sod at the ptspeot writing 11 veryiow. TENNESSEE. Cbatf ■nooga* * At tbe Rew Opem llonae "Down In Dixit'~fWi<t. II. plsr'dioa (air bouie. "Tbe Olrll t*ft FeblBd Me" played to a IflU hooBo U Com' log: Mabol ralga 17-0, Jew utL la "lb* Biar Usssr," jClTaU Barpnr"CoBLalF Falr"^ CLIPPER POST OFFICE. ir^M PVIDB pnTMtmllukw. im/-miHBlenUi «IMn AobM bHtla IbuaU rmn, MO, la nuUMvN* lb. VnTM KMN ulOuud.,wM K f I mn, oit.iwU» {Ur tn »o» m> w*idM. LADIES' U8T. adama,Toma '^Anaon, ids Anderaon, Helen Adams, Blanobe Ayotar, Lottie Alvlra. Milt. AHeo, PhjUls ArdeH. ome Adam a. Halt la Aymar, Mile. Aabton, Dorrlt Bridgoa TInona SordTJeisle Black, Allte Bsbreos, Ml« (Mantell Oo.) Barry, Mollie Hehler, Aaees Beiloni. Blina Bryan, Holen Boua, Mill I* Bucks, Jens Is IL Blak^ Uaiols Bernard, Fannie Ballingrr. Allle Hisnchant. May ncllJessto Moabe, (Irnilo Haraas, Hn H. RasMiL Llitlo- Barrr, Mollie Biy, Hell 10 Rntoe, Flnreoco baif man, TIIHe rtlAflon. Zslla ^^coDiej. Martha Cole, B'la Carter, RfB* t'aner, Rthel U. Clianiberlain. Kellie Cooke, Paulino Cliaflin Bisters I'aban, Hose M. Carlyaa, A nee CarlTol, laibwl Cbartuo,Mabel Oonlson Bills TS Bdlallo, KaiLtfueUMand Berta,KiBe BdIeon,Mand Kekert,M|M H. 0. BUIItd,LeBBh PullerJIthel Fos.klaa K. Florooea, Utttle FoUer, Bthel Forepaejib^Fearl ^t'liTi^rt. sidle Qoodrttb. Mamie Ormhaa, BIsle Gray, Altca ailbert,p._ llQibrle, Ida Hsnler. Llnlo HohfsD. Hay Ha|ter,Hra.w;A. Howard, Nellie Howa, Katherlne Hatch, Margaret liudipeth.PerdlU Hodson-Hllsa Harworth, Jeaale liainlltoo.deurgle noddy. Katie llsiiiiiten, Lillian Hall, Amv Hntley, Mollie llarrinpiKB, Annie Heller, Ktia pving, Natalie Toy, OHIO ^Jonoi, At Cempboll, Aona Carllngton, Blia (^lappelle Blilen Cleveland. Maad rroBor. Mildred Poll 101, Ag4lo to. Ailue CuBiilngliain,Mn. Cnrto. A Hue "uBiiln Jerr> T^almo, D«t -L/oarliow HIstera DeUaao. Mile, be Bvnnalrt. Jeonle Downte, Ada Dawson, Lcoy Drew, Deroihy UsriB, Mrs. J, W. Do Wolf. Marie Uo Bar, rlocsBce Dolmar, Joanne DSTllOfftOO. NIMred DIx, Lllllaa Doamontf, Eileen Dor. Myrtle Dulls. Mnrle Douno, Loiiee DoBohue. Battle Diamond, Mra. O. H He Leon, Na Emery, Usorgle Bmoieti. Unle Elunote^ iiDa Annls kBIlUtL ^KUne.Mn(ieo. ,00, Min*rva ■Leslie, Belle Lynns, ueorglo M, Usile, Bstina Laalla, Luhi Lewis, Loona Uvlne,Mra. Frank U BoUe, Nellie Lytton, Adn Uonaid. Nellie Labiilie, May L. ■ iTT'or (Men. Mra, W. O'Neel, irsUle Psail, Jeaale Potur, Mra. J, B. Fetter, Jaaale 0. PomeroFt lolft Qalgli>, Lottie ^•1, Minnie •■'lUan, Lola Rrsierd, Beck BisynMnd, UolUs Roa^ Arlfoa H«berts,Ora<« RBSielL FlonsoaJ. Bslyea, Com " -BOUd,LlSL . InsoD, Joile Rooney, Jos la RocknsB, PBolloe Ruirell. Hf UlB RaUien, Vlo. Keuo. Adelo HaDuieLCIarwDce Kvgera, Annie B, faults. Annie '^^saads.HaaleS. Bermoor, Bllla Sweeney, Ada Balsbnry, Bmma SUvrna Pearl S|dall,lto«s St Olair, Effle Starr, Beah Bully. Ray Btanit,LoU BL Anbn. Mana Stsvsos,Mrn.R.R. LoBlandieTFusale ^esroa,Trldnl Hanli.ll,k«l.n.. acvuin, Conl.ll. Kqulie, ADD. Hick, Jlrik «. II. MorgUL t^urto.j Uooro, BiDiii. ■or, lto>. milu, Jam. yolHi.r.aiuA. J. HV<">«1. Bit. iioDn>.,lln il.D. VoOonUd, M.ul Mvlro.,, LfilU. K.lcoln, Hoy Ulllor, tl.ruuol McEior, Uloal. Morton, MM«t. Miicb.ll. Anal. llol,ulloiili, Edoo Vilo^Aiilo M.r, Kluoor, fwi Mooro, AOD. B, micboU, rloim HlnoolU, Mllo. TotUir&lllli * Norn., 0.rrw. l<llllMDjlt& AL S.oIlD, an. L, 81 r.ili ll.ari.iu ni.oUlr.'Lilir. a, tkou. Curl. HLOI.Ir, Roll* awtoburn., I.. douUioi^li ' larl. lol Roulh.m, JullH MliaiT.r, MlDnio rruiu., MMli. '■'Tov.r, LlliTu Ttionlon, ViUorl. Tr».n, k.11. Too..., FrlooM ^rllQ., EdD. V.rnOD. Mar viol.nJoldl. TOK.I, K.lll. Vine.>, KonlM VeaBl.t,N,lll VHIOD, ffaloila VeaBl.t,N,lll. Vlltoo. Voloila W.M, ami WttlO. Oi<n W.lwa,K.t. Waii.ii, Mm Jal. WooO, rr.D,la Waohoani, It... W.,1, Olara Wilbur. ilAlla Wall,, Bnm. WooO., Jowl. Wllllaroi, cum Wo.^ norrli WMT.r, Llula 1lalaoiib,VU«li. CENTLEMEN'8 UIT. Alh.rtoo, B. & Alburtoi, — AcUjn^ Wn. E. Alrido,— aii!m>.c. AII.D, rraik E. AMoj, H K. U m. Aroo, o. Artbur, Jolio Aod row. i UcI'Mld.o Aet.r, H. A., DalihtB. Addr..Tb. AII.0, Llait W. AOIor, rror P, & AUIdwo.Um. A0C01.UI Broa, Artliar, W. A, All Broa, Wa, AII.0, H. E. Arm.lfODf, J. K. Addl, T. k. AU.O, CIlM. AlluabI, udi ADd.rMD. York Annood, J. U Aod.rloo, Frod ■'AcrowtUTmll" Uo. Ajmir, Vtid Aid.mTkoaA. Ol.yloD, fraok Or.vford. JUk OradoOiWIII Uooo.llr, L. 8. Ounl., Nad Caaldl, JobD R, CooilaBUao, — (olroq.) ColloD, frol W, Uall.llo BrvL llrooktall., Wm, Cook, Lav, Cli.a U, Churoa, Cha., Oonalla, Polar Culbr, A. W. Oliiw, Uhu. W. OarraUJ, r. l»Uoo,Cliu. n, lllaik,U.M, Uomar, U. A. UumiDiau. Toor L-ollrall,W. J, Oobon, Jobn MakU;, a.r. Coniiota A OlUoa lonHr, B. J, Dnw t Ulm.r 0. roroM, U.rrf ua BolioD, Uo.rr D'Onjiood, JobD DooipMT^.J. Oanooi, rnok D.ll.;, w. 0. ''BliiLa.W B.k.r,E.D. BirrriBor Boll, Uio. _ Btro.rd, JooloB Brunloo, 11,0. B. BIOOOTACbapiDal Bord,Clua R. Bowmu, W, BrIabioD, frod'k BlaMuLB. E. B.rtoD, J A. Brraat,1lia T. BrowDlni, r. r. Buck, Joto J. Barrlopw, J. B. BrookOiT. B.nil.f, V.noD Brook., Iloroof BiDB.jr, rraob BlooOLrChu. B. BroDo, c/u Bntta. J. p. Brr.Dt AL'ODO.ff B.U01, Jike Baoirfird.rraak r. Brraol, r. J. Brovo, UariT B.raBrd.Oba.. Borain, Broohi^JelioA.<a Barauoad, U. II. Br.toD, Ted. Bahor, Dtn L. U«D[oaJ Howard Daot.. rraeb 0, Browo.,j. u, H.II, J.. llaUl.fp,Tli. llilMoii.,ll.rr7B Barlov, a to. w. Hlooni, L.V Uunoo, FroL Baldata, tf L. Borlr.iii. chai. UoikUy k lliKaid BoadTall, Loula ll.rll«llall.r M.L.r, <IK. U.nn.Uo, — HodLnao, If, L. Blct.u|i,Tb. UarxMa, Karl Hood. Pfouk J. BaolMf, Jul. Burb., Via. P. Hlichwowl, Or. T. blum,lll|lrl«l "BWf.laa'' B.U.TI. A. BMalap, Jxjn Browa,Joa BoyoiuD, rr.nk Boomu, Praah B.b.rrAlo B.II, 101 Bauaio'l Co.) (cabl.) B.ldaio. Al a. H.rr, Avir A.rur,u II Vtarr, Mm. Uaniltid, W. f, Cblluuit,— l'aal«llo,ll»o. Cbtriir. lla>IJ Camp, Fraiia L'od>,Toni CttbDlO|hajn,nM. Ooir.o.Jobo P, uoU, Joa IL nrana Bfoa curb, Piank Coib«l, Blll/B clIqaotiCbaT, OrMook.wlU carr, Praok ■ cm Barl b. Oooroy.P.laf Coabbaa, llurr IVAaa.UM M. uanoll,Jo. J Coaipiop, llu|ft Colli.rl,W P. I'oro.lla, Praab naap«r.J.ff Cbilialh Ed. Clark. Aibart L Uartla,luu OaBKMrnak llraham. Qao. Urinn, V. 8, llordoo, flao, Ulaooa, L, L, niiloii, II.FT UaUaibar.Joba Uonnao, Praok lllll,Uw. B. " loMi^T.AOarU. oaaratiL Orrll Uraao, Ohrl. tloodaiG, WUlM. lIualllOB, BuriT H. il.rBDorl. ImlaoD, Prod JurlaAAUan I. lau.d,Praiik IIIL Oh! a. llu|bM,a I, llardar. Will ■llBbP, W, J. UaaLJoa llodBblB.*Lallh Uarba, Ullo 0.U, Kddia Ooaaol, B. I. Ulaoiood, L. B, DoUa A Baldalo Urayloo, u.rr Douafc.rtr, U. A. U. CoarHF.EdalB Uolmooia, Ibo Uobaoo, W, L Oaiiil.f, Anhor DojruiL 9. W. Uarldiao. Praab B, Uooroir, Dao Dealoa'aMlaatrola Dar.aporia, Tba UaBoo,Hni. Uarai., W. B. Ualto., Tom Uw, MUl (1.1.) uarldaoo, J, W, Da Coiiia, J. P. Daaa,Palor OaoialOiJ.r U.ria B. P. • IMMoKJ 11. D.laToj. k Prila D.coaraor,Bd«lii Dot, Adinlr.! OttTH, W. L. D. Loof, Tonr uoaoally, ll H, Uobrnao, It. li. uaTaaoort, Uanp Draa k Uliaar l>uon«, Wai. Oavla, rranh UoooilJp, L.H, UolffiooU, Tb. OLaBood, cbaa. Uoa.lo,, HobL Uo BaaaoU, Hooa Oalmour, r.oiMa IHIbtnio, MODA Uair, Uas Uarw., Pruk D. AII.D, ll.rrp llarT.7,Pr.d IlMlp,TboaA. U.oou.f,. Ball, Jobo llBfo, Via., Bobby Kwicaoo, T. aliTridl., 0 K. ElllumH J.J. Ecliola, Will EuiiD.ll — (BeCabatB) P/ldia, Tb. Ba.noD. UM. alLtorUi, J. 0. Ealon. Uarry Knarlet, u. II. KaMa.o, Klcbard Elltaor b, Jolia.U. j>|.Bl) lluio, I Hltbl.>.,na BardlDiAAblld abia.T B. BliDiD.l.ln, Jabo A loallDB, Bob LrbarCvbaA IIIBloatJobo t. latoaa. A], I. Dorit f^BtotM labb.ll,U. larrli,il. M. Iar|«r AT.ilor Ulbj.r,W K. loauil, Piaak loiib, Prol Vlo HIOM, Ohaa. Uarlo, Prol, J, a Uaaabav, J, K. laraoaBraaat Uul«,fraab liaiDBODd.lU. Uanry.O. 0 Uadtald, U.rrr llodibioa, Bart II. n.rau. K. J., u W. Il.rdoiui, Lao ll.rrlotfoo, A. 0. HWflDlloo, II J. Il.yaood, u. w. • ll.mllloD, IT. U. U.ooaaay, Praak Uallldar, Joha llMioTprad U. Hard, T J, lloautfAWIIUaau InrlaAHooa ^laaaa, II, Broa ■•bam, J, W. 'oaaa, Praok Johoaon, Joa jBdaoD,DrWIUI< Eomaaar. J^oaoQ, OUo Lou 0.1a J.B.rMra AHluiila Jobaioo A M inlay JanaM, Larana |?llray, WlU **Earr,TraMyL, K.ll.f,¥oaP. Kimb.lL Bart Kutu^ Kloi K.Ddall, Kira Kuril, U. II. ICr.ruibuff, II. O. Koib, J. w: Kolly, Ju. P, Kroaaa, A,t, KlOf, Jolio U. Irait,A.u. Kolibl, llwrr K.oaiaa, J. Karaa, r). A. Ball/. R. II ^ 111.AC . JKOlL J Ll.k, Bill; Cai4y F?!il!i;,'?al PI>QO, Jobu Foliar, Lalaod. Fay,a. Flyoo, J<0 Porraal, Cbaa Knrwilu.,(lM; K Flii|.r.,d, lltny Planar, U. V. Foi, Will Fublao, «. M, >laMr,J O, F.rrr, w. (i. Faalar, AL ..raud.t, nury Pr.ll, Uoliiu ^i.auiao, II, J, Flay, llrory PffHl, PnobA, Fi.M, Al O. P.rraU, «m, 'oak r, W.J/, Parry. Wai Flabar.Ooo. B. Frina.r, Ju'aa Prulpori. Aujf. H. G^"^"aao.W. ,llr>ld|a, W. U. 'llrani, Pruk A, nw]4.rd, Wallar La«M ^ cloHaa, Fr..k l,.0|. K B Uaailli.n,ll iLaBootBroa iloodia.rj baaW. lAr.arl,J. II. ilraaaar. V. L. Lana, Praak W. lllroui, M. V. U, Ur. (lorvlon, (I. luiaaard, 0ara cira«ohaojii,JBllBa,tl*iogatoii, llany Akbarp L.mool, WiD. kaoF, Prof Laiabtoa, Durr Llo.AVial Larlf a., (lao. LaoioDt. Boy Lock.. rnS LarooolBiTb. Lafioaa, Oao UHb.lla, Blrla LavlB, Bool, ' BoML Uarry i..arrock,(lao. Uool A Braialt Ualia A Kichai4B Laoo, ildBar Ulooa,- toadaa, B. BIA — 'Lolt lo inpf Ullo<l«,OUiiaa lllaariir, Tboa. W. ilallailiBr, Matl OaiU<b,CM, y>>iHa"IBM lAtord, Anbnr Laaofll Fred La Re I no, Ifan/ UoobaWl, Wsus l4w*on,D, J. Lovlso, Detpb La Marr, llaiiy Ceais. Joba It' Lester. Fred Unk, BIlLr Moer^ Denrr ^^Mjei^Bury SeViSon, Walior orlany, W. a. Monoo. J. K, Msnnrnt^ohn L, Bervla,ln4y ^snilo^lhLrry isIsMy, Jaa 0. Islcotn A TbsoU Sonml^BO. W. HM^raakoB, Ow, HBBOBfDaa MoIrTiri altar Uarloa, Bart MohrlDp. Art. Marrllt huk T. Mario, >. Moora.Ow. SUA,Daa'l ackAtVHill.r Maara, Alftad HcK»,J. Mooilulob, Praab MonalB, Joflo UrDooaU.ChaaM. Halc.lsKd, K BUM,! p. arlla. J. n. Horrla. Folia MMb, Ju. J. H.lroM, Praok Mtiaalo, n, HcFulaada, Ilia Mullrr A Htolbrd MnnAU.riltuao HumltM, TbrM MoroboQM, BuksEdlilo"*"' orallo, Ob.a,W,T. McUluof, R. J. MMlBB.r,T.C. MoD.Da'il,J. B, Millar, aiyda Moon, BP, MoCarthy. Cbaa. MaWIn, Ed, Mourt, Kd, MB0ta,jBa B, MUBDlBjr, II. U. Hutiaalil,O.W. H.NaTl.. J.t Mublo, p. W. HvrrlMu, liOwli MoAidl.. E. MoLaaoAllall Haloy. Jo. MoElld.A lloodrkh Mwlallo, Bruca Mwaa. llurt Murpliy, Hark MoAroy, llatlT Millar, l<1iillp Mueboror, K. MoBday, Llllla M.DooaM, Kd, Horlob, !larrr Mankaa, Oland. Hrllio, I'haa, MaKH, lliriy B. Muld.D, Juaaph Xoiria, U. ^Norton, AL NolaoBAMIIladia NaUoBtl, Trio Nounann, Al. Noblo. Alaa. a N.lalla.MoBa.- Noma, wulay B, MalllB , oraa, P, B, 'O'Briai, W. J. O'BrlaaAjBBBlBn U'Btlw, Arlbnr J. ■■Ooan bauaa" OtK II, K OrrllK 0^aa.T, UraoBa,r H. O'Nalll, W. P. Oraonal JobB Orba W. B. P.ifcloa.O 8. Pack A bain. fUUai^l Joa rrppahn^ Cbkf. Prl«oM O.u. Hut.r. Bddl. PrtilOD. (lao. Ityna, RMI. I'ualar, Qm. Pollwortb, II. 0. Plillllp^ P V. I'ratar, John I'nxutt.Fcaak I'llillo. P. J. Priia, EdvlB R. ■■mk Billy P.lM.od, llanry Pata. <l, Toa r. Parrr, John riaul, Uarry Palham, (llaud. Pat,Blo.(lwt. Poarsa, 0 D, rilnm.r.Bllly rbllllp.,D V. ^.nlD^o k oropalioF, — I'roilon, Jolin A. P.lcblBBBna Pbllllpa, D. V. PraMoll, F, P. PiBB, Dick iUlBl.y Broa noehs, Harry B. •^VRsid, A Jl ItolitnaThnoiler Hay, R. W. Hiissalla, Ilarrr A D0II7 RiiiM A. Richania,Vle KsiJ. 11. N. KtiP, W. U, Kson, Of 0. B. Ra*llni,y ' ni,it. Ih 11, U» .«i RayQioiiil, Hcflit HuBsatl. Uarry J Handnlpli, J, W, ■Ule.J<. if. Hawion, S J. Hnssell. Uerb. RoBilie, K. Hoaers, hd. lluaenbaujtMI.H. HlxionL lllke Rue A Toole luhn, t)S(ar Klr«, Ooo. T. Ituoalna Klb Rash, BU Hau«y. tlio. Kuasell.J II. Henl.t). K. nice, Jae fhtbtrls. ■). K. Rtek. Hilly Rataaa A Aran lluberlhin. Praok Htisnols. rr«4l Roberta. U'tii. Rttlinas, II. J. Hay, John J. Ha)iiinnil, Will HosselL K. J. KIslsy.Neil 8Sanders. Cliw tiblpp,Jou HUokiiey, HnltL T. IlinlUi A Fuller tbo er, Hani iiinu, rrsd KpalTurJ. A. A. Hlvslls,«:liai.T. Hparks,J. II. Kaf otuiir, A. K •thult^ Ju. Hiteitcer A Maeh fkJiDntaclier. Frlii HlieebanA fiurphy Btrslow, Win. Hheiler A Ituppert :tlelner, Jakey ribannsn Hit»a. Hmtih, Uny HtAnt, J.H. Hllio, Hualral Hhsdman Hrus. Kohike, (lui RuiUvan,B.H. rttoao. H«l Stsf ana, Jaa. B. Kmtth, B. D. tUhIo, Uavid ' Htruck UU" (h). riianlon, 11. P. St. Aoburo.U. B rimlib, W. 0. Rytvestar, Jsek Khea A Earle Htaoler. 0. II. Reswood.tleo. i^aranr, (illberl flchasler.Mstt asneer A West erroan Rior. Schiller. Such SMir, Atta slieartr.%DiaiitonJ Sheeran, Jas. rieRoD, Uarrr tth#|>aTil, Bnrt KharpllerTho St. i;Uir, Billy Hhaonon, llavf^ Sloop, Sol. HpvDcor, Fred 0. Hpenrer, John Palvatl. Am. F'ranlBii. J. \\\ Sanrord. Frank HuitoivDIck Htarr, John Tpn^r, Harry Tf eU Br»s. Tonrjee. Dan 11. Taylor. K L TIniay. (ihas. V. Thoiaai, Uhaa Till, John Titalolier, A. U. Thnrlitii, Jas. Taveruler, A. nioinrson, W.J, Tlitiiiv, J. J. Torunlo Jim Tf mnlltui^. I*. T0UII0;, V. II. Vant-s, Klinrr VanI, Ji'hu Vaiioo, J.l>. Vriiin,(1|ltr. r. Vaur»,U.(l. Vanlloire, A. Vnlluier. H Illy VIssI, Jnhn Varunsy, His, Vliloliai Van Auken Vaiidilon.T. i>, VaisiitlDo. Faiii VVmoll <, Kil. r»i)Blla. Fisitk Wllllatn^(l'la Wllk^^frt»er• niilioClourl, l)r, Wfaver. Hon (I. WinhI, Arthur Wnititn, ilnitry Wliliiler.Uett, Wiihiir, A. U ^lilaat^Fsfl "Wilila*' TTallnn, iloo. IVeit, Harrj ft'ooilsdo, laSie Wciinrntrr-o. Walle. Jam. it. While. A. H Uiiiiiir,01aronceH Wilshl. Tiilhis Wayne, Itnlit Wlii<lutn,\V. H. Wilson, lleo. WalMtn, Ciias. 1*, Woaver, Kilgar Ward, John (ill W. A V.) Wliion, Jas. WKldrl•i^ll. II. Whiii|ilrr. Tfriris Wllllaiiii, A I. WcstUh^ W 1>, WtlllmiK, V. Vf. Wht|<pl»r, Burria WallPra, l.gv A Uolla Waliiin, t:iiia K. Walsh A Miillslly Wack, l^u^si no WailiLiirri.I..¥r, Winter, Jtiliit WaltBTikl{.J. We»t,t:bai. M. Wray, Oias. While, t^'l. I>. K. Winders, (iflu. K Warmii,!) K. WtirniwoutI, V. 1*, WMtun, Al. Ynuoil, Wilin. Viii'i '.Hilly 7riiall>. tlliM. 'Xainora. J. J. ZliuiiiBreiaii,W. II, Ctiiimsnuao.Uit M INNESOT A. ■I. Paal—At Uit Helrupolltaa Wm, llooj uml Jobn 0, Rloe, In "Tbe flsmi," plsysd to a big bvisloHa weak ol Sept 0. Bara Kendall. In "A Palrof KUa," aiisea IS. JuUaMsrIowe Taber, sapporud by llobertTaber, IT. In Uie roUovioB rer>ertory: IS aod ai, ''Ttio BbIIb'h atrala|ein"and**ChBilsrloo;" 17, "Itonieu sikl Jullol;'* IQaod matinee V, "Tbo Lovs Cbsao;" au, ' llucli Adu Aboat Nothing:" SL "Tlie Hcbool lor Hcanilal." Mm. rotter and Kyria Rellav week oi a Uaaiii.—"Tbe Derhy Winner" bad eroodiil Iiouion weak orii. Theaireetpandeaesobdar warn a great ha* tors. Week oris, 'Tha Foliee loapector," veek of ai, -'Rnsb Ultr." OLTirio.—Ssn T. Jack's Hreolas plsrsd to Ihs rspaeUy of tba bouse vsok of 9. E<eitsr A Wlnlsms'CoacoinB 17 lor ooe week. W. W. Brooit, inamgarof tlte Olympic, haa also saeored Fcdoo Opo/s llouae,Jinaaipull^ sml viUplsyeoBblnstlooilnbetlioltlee. Wllllaai J. Wsibi, fomer managar ol theOlymplo, will niauageborli Uws- UntotMf Brawn, ■oDKii.—Oleaing week ef 9: The Oupnlnultsm^ Tim Bmma Lee.Okaries M. RrOMt, Hertlw Hlead. t!liarJni M. Kmssthu been ongsied u sisge oioaaier, Mr. Moore, wlio was sink at Lake Hlonotuoks has re«iroi«tl, and is Meh sgsln st hln poiu UlBaeajpolls.—At tbe fJrand Upora lloiuts lira. Foliar aod Hirlo Rsllew beian a wesh'a eosiHenwrit Pept 17 JollsNarlnoeloUovsruratrflnk. iJaniulriuliy had good basmou 10-10. ^ ^ ^. , FaofLB'B TnaaTHa —Mans Healh, in "A Tavklsli Batbi"b«Rsn a week's eoiSKSinent 14. Tho stunk ntm. paay gaveanooperrirmaBeeto large IwumkiI 'Taken From Uls''V-IB. Tbe Hvios niolures wars iMautHiil. Tbe stock gota on tbe read for a veek or two. Adaii RIelinond is so longer bare. BiJOtrOrsni Hih'hb.— *7lie Dsrhy Wlnnsr" began Hi flret prwontstlon in Ihls oily lo, tn remain a veek. 'Tiio Oovirs Aneilon" drov splendidly V-IL Bah T. Jioa'n UasoLU aro at tlis Tlieatre Coinl'iue. D«lolli.~Thero Is Dolhlofl golnn on elibrr In lliB Lyceum or tho Temulo nntll toe last two nighiH ni the week,when *a FalrorHidi"eoiiies in the l.rcsiiiii,sti<l Jobs Marlowe to thoTemple. Thsre Is no ctruin bM'h- IniS St the Lrcsnm for some time to cttrna. Tho Templo has 'The Derbv Wlnaor" Kol HoiiH> HushII 2^ iV. On the lliH Top IheiMslnias was fair lA«twiflk, nlib the Nortiiveat Mlnilrels Tlie I'erlur TliMtra has Mike Ihtlao, Hellii Allan. Dsrrv Fiouecb, hil, Welsh, W. It. Hoheniisl, end the regulsr loinale stock. CONNECTICUT. ifaw Ilaren.—Atlbounnil Opera Ifoum fion Williams raius Bepi. \0-l7, followed by "Across ilia I'uln. mso" 15-lfli mevs Brodle, lo "(10 Iho Bowsry," coinoM ID, n, "Hlavsar.r<lald" W-n. llvrsBiOJfa-TornPklna' "Jflsch i;r«ok" cross a). WoxoSMlaso.—Tats onth: Joe Klrnn,JainpN H. Had* tinroa Hvan and Ueubatil, UtrgurillB Nevtoii, Calaarfl >obois,Usn iJorlelgh, iMgHand Iisuchuicro, KiMksii'I Vinton, anJiho Msrsbsi. . llrld0O|M>rl.*At ttae rark TIicAlro "Wanir." Rapt. lU, iilarsd lo a Urge sudisnco, ss iliil 'Tim Snw Boy" li Habert Nanloll in "Tlte l.'orslcan lima." 16, had light bdlloess. *Tko Hostoniana*' conte 17, "^hn Black Orook" IH, "Tke (Mil ( Leit Hohliwl Hn' V. (JainD Oriaa llo['nr;.-*HM<tersail Kly," 13, ll,<lrn>v good houses ■ UoeleTflin'aCsbiu" iiid a rsfrbuHlneia lb. ' Un Ihe Bowery" come 17, "rahascu" 71. LABHia'NTanrLaor AMUaiHHST orano>l IT, ■Uli i:iaro Cbapelle, DollieHhaoneD, Ifdditsnd Murgen Madlgan. Harlfbrii^At I*roctor'a Opera lluosa bualiteiH continue* good. (Isb Wll laraa. in '*Apr|l Fool," ciiibb BepL17,IS.*lbe Black C'rovk" 19, Jobn t, HmIIivsii)}. Bros. Byrae, in "Kigjit Halls," n IjOwIi Morrliiin a "Fassi" did veil 10. *^be Uvs'er" *u oeil recelvod IS, "Wsng" drev good bosaea 11, IS. Au\n UAtf.-Weeh of 17: AUoy, Annie Hy|r>4t«r. Nolan aod McMiane,ChsitoeOitsn, (faorie Fisher, Harry Barton. Mlrxe Mlaaler, Frof. Fraocia, Dot Laaro|p,Tviii MsnkantfEnll Husller. MARYLAND. BaUlmaaa.«^'A Hummer Ullusrd" commcnccil a week's aisy at llarria' Academy Kepi. 17. beiurea|t'"U sited beuie, *'0a lbs Mlaslialppr'cloiod a week of (sir bssinsH 15a Many Impreretnests were ma4e during tho •BgageiBsnt and the parlormsacA now runs very snoelMy. Chsnncey^Olcoltlf fOSD'a OriBA IJoiJSB -Frlmroio A West have much that U now sod a fieat deal that 11 good is tMlr n«w ni'Balrel cenpsny.iba* pocked th* bouse to .*uif(/c4irnn 17. **TSoFafBlOKhiiow''<lre»UrgBlylV->A. Kellarji. UotLlDAT BiBlsr THKaTHS - Tlie Usngtr fHjtnal" wsabolaied IT In the pieHnta n| two audleocfs m la fadory proMrtlma Fioisoca Hindler did wail lait * timk with "The Cepialo's Hau " "lo tbe .vsinsnfilisCesr" 11 KBM»rallo»UNsirrAi. THSavHB.'llarrr Morns' F.o. UrUiOBis gave a pteaslogi'errornisirco 17, ehlch aajt well atloBded. O. w Williama* ijofDe^iaoa baJ a ligM week, eodlns 15. FleMs A llenaon's t'o. ]| Aoi'iroNJCH IcB FiUL-B^llif roofRardsoeniohsIr)' menie have beeo discoollnoed for Ibe aesiun. Ti.n Crystal HSUaa«t akatingarraatiniotsd smaU oanibirs 17. noBOB TBSiTMB.—Ne« 17: llariv Thouiisn, Fdiiii Maio, Alma iMiiton. Carroll and aarooer asd hl JbIiou. raoBT BTSBsr Tisatrb will rsopsn M nndsr oaw man BSBsaU