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SEITEMBEK 29. THJH] NEW YORK CLIPPER. 475 NEW PLAYS. ■ •'Old Glory," nil pVt uoordloff to tea progrmnune, la by CbtriM TlDoentand Wd. XT^Biidr. r(written ud Hdapted fioDU old pH7 O^UT rauittftcdrftol Uerrltt lB"0:daior7"«tr«cel7ed ItalDltiii pre fteiitftUon At tbo fioirdoliitk|ui«Tbeatre, Do^d, DiA, Sept. 10. aod oa IT waa prodaced at tbe ^olomlMianntre, for ibe flrat tlnM Id New York. ActoDO ibowa Uie ablpplng oOlco of Olnm Uwton n K«« Voi-h cur Lawuto ID AD irainr «iib <;bili. awl ta« II anbiUocui lu vio iiaoil of Uty llarfftf. «ho IP tbaprniDiMd wlffflr RoiMrt Adamt. cni^ Wb>«ci«rll«- "nrt tuerebioi plouio niiD tiii implore, wti Vduok Adami uid M\tr Jickmo, a Iriroil aoj .lulni in uie UoiuO SutM ntrj confroDi ilic ctrtlgninii U«UD «tUi proof III! owo panldy In uc iwo the viltiiDtiroaod 10 Cbill oBilcr tn hmuoKO aaoM. Tho Bci vi«M«lU> ft Blreel Mite In Vtlt>«ratHt upoa a fota ■dlf TUV iDBDrnnim nuanvu witn wior wl •IC1UID6OL •BfDltonr0aa In Ibu they ara M on by Lawiod. wiio t«nair(mllaa, udit thUttinit lau oiBcar id ilie •rrvicr ,>[thataonnmeoL Mr llirray ItibcroTMir. u Unite*! Stale* eoanlnr tcent and Adama la Im aacreiarr EniJjta .iMhMiD !i ai«o pieaenl as an attache of tta« lenticM. Ilie I'billan Konroor oribiwrrorinoe. Don Iimatlo Alrmrailn. nua daa(bier. • paaalooaia. Iwadmroua Rirl, «hu liAn itJieo dentU* ID loTf with ihi* viilmin Hn declaria that yooaii Aiiama had (.loitad to kill tJi« gorrr ror#TTi6 -lattar Md:ra tli« AiDcrleao flag turn down TblacroaieaatittrrfM'llng. which u not MHeneii br tiia ttmalr aiTiTal ofa di*|iatcli fmin Waahincioo. It rradi' "ir the niiliana aiiampt to trar duwnnar ilip. nhouttlttni dovB libadORK (SIitdhji James 11 Blaine." Act third rhowM a *ttperb»«eni< uu ilir coait oT Chill, and 10 the 1^(1 a fbrt id wbicb ■« impruuDod tltn hero lie m cbanied wlib beadlasan iDturrection. lanion Laiac ihr Mcoaer- TbachanteusbeeDapproTcd brDoo Alraradu. mod Uia DODiabment ii qrauoiiDinut drttii. LawioD MT««a to ma bbi eoeoy. iiruTidlni he will Mgn a coafoii fjoo ofhia nUt Adam* rcfoaeiipoiotlitaDk. Javia* tlip riccatloo laaboatto take Hac«ilHiaan40i (he Baliliuore Alt bean), nod anDouacemeni ta niidti that ab* la ap^ rraaehlugtbefbct TTtaoiecailoD laitoMponed. Lawion w plansad to wreck tbe veaael, and faUo mbodoi turo bten placad aJoiw the thoro. Omcklv ihp alaoi light iionM appeanL Ute Chilian luir iirr«0 and hii cohort* fl«ale tbe liRhiliniiae. hurl lu tender into the ocean. Aod eitioguuh tbo linitL Then, eoirendtcd apoo die rocka. tber awail the arrlral ut the Baltimore. May llarrey coarageoualy grappe the cjbl* of tlia bnd|;e to Ibe Itght, whlcb haa ttoan cut away, and. hand ■over bandT luabea the trip to tite lower. Ao in- fftaat later Ibr beacon flaahca out. drnlctlng tha lunoCwaracarrea#htv'alenuthawav Rheuacka away ■I the cortaio lalla. DfUcn froni Chili hf tlie dmcortry «[ hlareal<«hanelar, 10 act fourth Lawion u a niejnber d abend of lu^urgeDia Uu laaboanl a raklnht'inllan prlntMr. The llarroyi and AOanii have been luailerap- ilTca. IblBplacoa tfar completely id ibe miwcruf lllrani lAwtMD. f%raecatcd by Lawloo. MayondeaToii to throw l.ene]f (iTerboanJ, but ii prevcoied Atthm moment the tooiniog i>r the gone of tlK> Baltimore are tMHTd. Adimi 1)1 roleaml by one of ih« AtnerkaoL and a flght ooniea Tho AnericaoR arecapiuretl. and all neenu dark again. «hca a twardioic party fVvm tho man ofwar. hd by En ■iftn Jackson, arrlrn. and In titp fuftllado f<awtoo U killed. Aa the dame* oT tho burning prkrateer nbooi inio the air Mil* eoalni haubduwn tbo InanrseDt flag and liol^ta "Old <iloty" lo it. atrtd, airnd ilio cuaeii 01 Hie American* Thvcaat: Robeit Adama. Jaroea Heme: Don Ignailo Al y*nio. Ooorve C. f%ale/: Mr. Ilarrry, U. H CooKular ApenL David Darlst: Iflrmm Lawion. Daniel Jarreii; Juramiah Plin. Joltn A. Cotenani Eo>lgD liedley Jack- Min. U. )t A., Uirlck B Coliina: Sllan Bradner. (leorge R -t'aine; Remnen, a nailer, Ueorse Duke: Snow, a lallor. ^ylTcater Wam-n: rollcoman, riiarlea Tuadall; Mciaen- B.T. Tony Dudley: Hay llarrfv. Uiaa RoaeUe Knoii: una Harle Alvarad<i. MIb YItIod £daaU; Mllijnuni- loor, Mlu Loulte Mootroae. •The Victoria Crow." PmI U. Potter's new four sot plaj, "The Vlotoria Croaa," was oilfloallj acted at the LyMom Tlieatro, this CI17, Aog. 27. Tbe pUr deals wltb iifelo India,and ilteaciion take* ptacein aceoeiwblcli nudyard Klpllog dnd Introduced to the American putd'c- The enbjecla of the h'avab of lUniponi, a tributary State lo tbe mouotalQotu nrta of tbe NorthweU prorlncea* aru bilterlr Incensed Agalont tho Britlidi goTemmeDi. They hate tne Briiiab Kutident. Fir Allan Hiraiiiallan, wIm Jroaietnein with cwntoinrt. aod ltoc«de little to loclto Uieoi to oDOo Duiloy. Thlt nocvaury Inclieniant ■« fumiKhed uy ao Iniinit which Mlaa Juan, sir AllnuV ■dAU7hi«r. Ii suppoaed to offer to a hone—an animal held uovtl by tho Indiana—by eDtcrlne hini lo a rncr. Ahuic* dooUah.tJie Viiii-r. wlw fovra Joan, ttcrotly fomenu tbe growing discontcnL and when ilio i^ay opiiiii ao out break laoearathand. ThPilratnctoccurelD Nr Allan** bungalow oa CliriMniia Evo- Ilalph Seton. lalo i>r Ihe .S'lnlli lanc«n(,a*'padre," an tha clergyare called In India. arri(e>iro tlicsceua. The nexi actatiowa ihoprDgmatii' AiiineOooIlali'a ^^ttl. and In tho third act tin outbreak itMcomo and the bungalow baa Imn uirnod Into a be- Isaeuered forlreu. The young iiadn' rl^a 10 tho occailgn ■ and leacuoa the Inipcrilltnl houM-huld. IIi', too, lia* fallen in lore with Ji»ao. and ouw tho rvMili Ii Inevitable. 'Ji only nceda the fourth act. theereDlvol vlikh ari>aup iHtfcdtotake place tbrre niontha later, ata ball In can> I'inincoL 10 coinpt<>ie tbo dlacomflturv nf the plotting Viclor BeMiIo* n bride, tbi* padro'a brorery baa woo titr him the VIcttmx Oru*«. TblalDMenU, from which itm play lakealt^ title. Iiaa tbe foria or a Maliei^e croM. nod Ip tuadoof bruuie. wlili the worda "Kor Valor" tu Krtlmlun a ncrull. Originally Inlcndod aa a reward fitr couraaa in the anny and uary. It «ai U-alowed 00 cUII- i4Df iitirlog tho Sopoy uiuilnr. and inuro than one padro l AHXTun iL Tlie cant: Hali^h fieton. B. II. Sotlicrn: Ocn. Sir Allan Ktntbaltan.c J* riuckioo; Atimedoullab. Ar- tJiur IL Idwrencc: Uvmld itlralhallau. Vloceiil Stem. /'>>d.CApL Lord Lochlorar. MOrton Selleit: Capt. TIil* lion, klowbmy Sleltoo. K. Bolhrrn; Oortlm Beg. Rowland HuchBloD«: Abdool. Tully Marahall; Joan Klraihalhn. ■diaco Kimball: L.adyTremenlHrere. Fanny AddlMn l'ht: Miufdalen Trennuhi>vT«. Bortlia B.-irtleii; llarodlaa Tro- iiifniivere. Jeani^iye: Mn 8ooaiiiyrrlcc,KiU>ralliMD- ,'Sfltbo; JdODCe, KihL-l Errlyn. "The Silver Weddin^." This rouruct mtulcAl farce cnmedj. bj Fred Mil- jcr Jr., was orlglnilly: c:o J at T;rone. Pa,, Atig. 30 The plot blDgo uiwn tho action ol Abner Bam* Btftble and bit wife, who Laro Uen married forty- two rears. At tho time if ibelr iweDi;*lirihannl* Teraar;, tbej bad not monej wberewKh to celebrate di, and (her therefore kept pitting It orr. nrtho -death of arcIaUTo Ah'^er la left aainaUfortiue, aod KugBoain to h'tP wife lh.tt tliry have iheirallrer wealding, He roTltea all bH rdailvea and irtvudH tmuid or whom Ih- hat nut MOD fur )earii) tu lilo farm, aud detcniiiort lo glvethema good tliiK*. Hi* niral Ideaa dunut Hultlhe -«lty fulka, who tako charge of tliliii;< and hare a aeoeral "hurrair* lime. A country constable, whu iiilnkn hp knuwft more than anybndv ebie, pla)j( detective, and gul. ^erarybody in truuUI.\ ond a dnclur, who U a hvi>noll^i. infuw Into iho inlndt of Ihe gu««lii <llirougli hU al- leged hypnotic poncrai tho Idea in.it ilier ar« actorx and acirvoea Fuur of the nialu mtexla Induce four uf the fiimile gueUa to go to Uina Hmnch, and the cootinblo nakea tlia former bellero h> li rr^pODalble for tiK-lr action, and ioduco« him to folloiT tho ranawaya. The Jarmer*a wifo auarlalning their wliereabouiM and tliiuk- inu that old Abner ha^ lefl her to cut up <-aj<r^ with the ^iirhng city glrb<. rolluwii them. AbnerN irtori. In «tl*- rviog hia wUe "Uiat hia lirart In Mill tnio.''and that a ifinatloD with a lot of ireah luwoladleala Ln»>|M>rt reran ordinary and plain fanner like hlnwlf, are ludlcroua. l^oally there M general rejuldog all arouml. and both farmer aud city folk* take part Id the inarrlniflot. Tito <aai: Abuer BartuUbk. Buf Alkrn: I'. PInkortun npp*, ■ChaM V. Kcamon: Arthur De Twlrllnger. irhflR. UInanii: Dr Prior Peritonitl*. AndyUwIn; AbljPill. Julia Aiken; l-:tbel B(«dlDguto. Mayme Taylnr: (llycorliiv Brlndlr, ■<ieorgle Laurenco: Arainlnla Oravifs l^ua AuiroM*: .ADDabel Anoliecd, Ella Kuck. "The Great Brooklyn Handicap." This racing drama, hj Alica E. Ives, wna pro- doccd forlbedrstUmocn anrttugeat iboEmplie TQcaue, PbllaCclpbla, lU., Sept. lo,andrecolredi:s N<;w Volk premier at iho draad Opera Honse, IT. Tbe stor;: lloward Clevs, son of a mlUlonalre tiaoker, becomes, tbroogb tbe failnro of a friend, tivaTilr Invotfed la debt, and la brought elinoat to the verge01 diabooor Ilia fatiH-rrenire. 10 iidhlm.andai * crlttOAl moment when apKarancea fwint to llir yuun.j ■nanaaa ciimlnaLhIa fntlier belkvei tlwHortt ni him Anddcnounceablm Vhda ||i>nH,Klio iio^-nalhe b.inb «r*. ward, and bfcomea the atflaoced n l(a ^ MoKatd, in In ■eahty an advenlurcM with a ioai. Site In In ilie power or Jack Preotioc. wlioni i-lw paa>n on a* her couiiii. Howard haa loved Kleanor WilUrl. wlH<ni he goru on. i.e litvmgheriobe beiroihed l" hln (rh-nd. .she alw lun « him. bat, belUfTiog iK-r ariecilou not nrtuinitl. contemn Jiir fei-linn altboustUln tbo hourof hU tMil kIw U active lu bie behall "KreOfty ' Van Auki n. a hiwy ynung »uiiiao. playa tbo deiectire nn<l nutwiu the p:utieri*wii<i ire pLiDOloB a diatnoDd lobltery. Iliiward pliiii8i>p> on fuvllrniklyn llandic-iu TIirouRh KiedJ>'« detecilv.' «>ork Viola llertaaiid Jack l*renllre ^valk Iniu a ii3i|>.and Howaid'ainnnmnco li> vntablinliiril. Ih'wanl not only *" •irietoa liia I'ul luiiune, Irtit winn the uirl he luvci. "A True Blood Yankee Girl." TblBliihetltlootaocw play l>rSejmour5.Tlb- I'llB, which received ita miilal pcrlonuaoco at SprlngOtM, 0.,Bopt. 1, Ur Uuirard Wall'a Id^ats. Tac piar la In four acia aud tlie sceoo Is laid in EoHland. Gnce Welviter, the daaghier of a de- fewed \erraont maphr ]>yriip n):inur.irt)ir<*r. Ii laknn 4tjr<dd by her ntepniut(tt.'r. nhu winlie* to marry her to ■ lurutn-r of tl»e aristircrary i^ti H-rbt. Harrhia.nn im ■•ovrrinlied nubltmnn. «uea U<t her hanilaml lurtuni*. an l ilie suit M pii-i«cd by the Mcpinothtr llmiro m pUiIcM <o a ytmng New lutkrr, huwv*er. and rchifoi ilie hml While abiuad aho dl^coTera her bmlhar, t<l'n IctI frciii * ermoDt rnanr ream beforr beciuae he »a* nrrii»e'l a robbon. tiHl through the tMlntaoc* of PhUhp Helwai-I. her afnancad hatband, narra him from prinon and e<lah Hih»* hia innncenee. Tbe lord In eKpo«ed an a kn^.to and the etepmoiher eonnenic to the mamave nf her da<<ehterand Belward. Tho comedy la well mint^ln-l hv a Oennan Buod. an Eoiliib fop aod ao ectrntnc old Afflencaa. "Down InDlile" "Down Id Dlile" is among lb« lateat nddiuoiu t.> (helUtof Sonihtm plara.and wu presented for tbe Ural liraeat Oenck'a Opera Dooso, Clncincaii, 0. , SepL 2. onder ibe personal direction uf the antbor, Scoit Marble. Tbe amrr is tme of iotc. at- tempted blackmail and the nitlnuie tool of the plotters against the bappineia cf the Culboun ramtir in OeorgU. It deals wiirt modem life, aod tbo onir rcmini^ceocrs of the tbe daik dijs iniro- daccd are the oft cvprrssed lameota or i^Qsire lias bin Loonda, who imaglncsibateTentbeaus docu't actqolte right "aloce the war." "D^wn in Duie*' la in fonr acts, and thereare two ihrcada in tbe plot to follow. Dnrtng a reuow fever epidemic Jndge Col^wnn, of Charlekton, u noraed saftl/ into health by a fair young Northerner, who ha^ gone South to encape thv thnldum «f ao uobnpp)- uurnaco Tlierr aho learBfof thedenth nf hvr woTihiw hunband.and gladly accept* tho iiidee'a rmiFrroi bm haoilanti bean. Ilapi<liy wedded ami at li ej idee*a plantation, thonceoe 01 action npcoa tJooTKia lltlolna ineml>er i»rthe ludce'^ Iioomv hold aa one o| tl odonie«lici>. inil the Judge'* oioool t'lara .Kent, la iDonily jraioun of ht>r and leanog tiiai iH-r counln J.ick <;Ll,(>un. win cho<>%.' ileorgia rAilier ilinn hsmelf, ^ho■uCTced« In having t)i« girl dlMilan«d (luin the Judue'a nernce. Alvtn tluiti*. ihe brother ol Mm 1.'ulhoun'a nrai huabaod. diacorer* herwiirrvabouia. bunu nor up and plaoen ainrgod latter in her budn. which tells her that t)K- dead iv alira l-'or advntt he aaka'a^OUUL DreedingripOBurr, Un. Cotboun fooli.hly loiroduceathe nclieming blackmailer tu uioJudKoa* tier iiroiher. Ilarrr De Land, and lt« U welcomed ax one ofthe family Cur ineaowMlii fahn In lore with the Judae s niece, and uifera to alone fur all past badncai if Urn. Culboun wlU throw no '■bHiaclOH ID hIa way to win lbs heirvu. Curtis. Iritwever, had partly rerealed hid iund to AtfO Lamptor, the oU tim. uvemecr. and bad nraletl a compact with hini ■lilch made them partaerolo tlw blsckmaiHag nchenie. umptoD. like Jack (rultiouo. u in Into wiib lleurgu.aod thin fact does not ln»lill muchratr«in lor the plant ~ fton ln tbeoTeraoer'a breasL Curtu alto i>ers in young Culbouo a pooalble enemy, but Ihe plot to murder hiio at tIte uutlying cabina. la fnatrate*! by Ueorgia. wbo in aidnl by Bacon (frvenand hla faithful Mtterbalf Durmg thenecoud acL at tho Cuihouo man>loo. the real Harry De LanI an-irea. aod to litrbrotlier ajri Cuihouo tviu thowtwJe miserable ^tory of deceit. Ilu aer. a plan t^i work out liar>alTatlun. aM well aa thu outwitting uf the blaeknullsra. and l> IntruducrO aaLteuL Kmg. tl. H. N LaoiptOD, howreer tn cuuienouch to >«• the fkmlly ro- Mmblance. and volceii hla nu^plclona m i^irtla The orenwer tellsIlioJudge IhslhlMMD had ruined Unrgla. and advisee hini to ik*nd tlie boy away. Tlie Ho In da nouDced by the girl, when the fkther eirora her repera' tloo fursuppOM'd wrong*. After Mis had guno. Jark. thv BceilHed, proclaims her hla wife. I.amntoo'« Jealouny geuthelh-tterof hi* tudgmeot.and he kidnaps the girl, and luckN her up lu ino ulOca uf the cotton conipresa. on tbe CharlettiHl wharf. Lieut. King is one uf those la the party who aerk her there, and ho kcrps up the nrarch after otliera liad abandoned it. lie \» atiarkul by ilio TiUalnn, and while insensible, in placed undt-r tl»e com- -rru, tho machine >Urtfd, and the mill set on dre Jeorgla, who had hidden beneatJi the floor in the old oltltnf, break* down the door and roKues tha lleuienaol unt OB ll)D heary weight fklla. Curtis, who had gained :iie ci-operatiuo ofHquhe Lounds, upon the pretext ibat "It was all a Joke," trk.-« lu cremate him. but ho too escape!. lleTeope only le nuw the para- mount hoiie ol the oftoti fblled. DiHguUedasacolured man. LaniMooreturnHaDd lelln tlist the niMlnx itvrr- nccr la id iho swamit. Curtln m ho haa Dianaci-d !«• rKape arrest, trirs to invelglotlto KItfUtviunt and Jack Cullmuo 1010 the nlldomCM lor the esuress pnrpiim) uf murdering them, but t;eoTRia rurvabi ihe truth that iho Dtcro Im l.aniplon in disculse. A telegram from thu Chief uf Police at liOuUrille apprises Harry Do Uod.the n-al, that his sister's flrst husband died in JaiL Curtlaaud L.-\iiiptOD are shackled. Judge t^ilhoun green Uoorgla aa his own daaghtrr and Hairy Da Land and Clam Kent Ilnd thoiti- aelven in Cupld'a net. Jncldeatal to Iho plot there la n screuade by a iiickanlnny hand of aunir cauo cullora, soaiesooga by (ho Florida Quartette, (if cottun pickers, aisl tiio etsenco vfRouthero lioo downs by youthful colur- eddancer^ Jn uno sa-no. a little coon whu Ih busily en- gaged Id flnlslilng a watenitelon dnip* Into a stream, nnd IB swallowed by a monster alligator. Pio cut: Jack f rut houD, JoasphSlaylor: Abe Lampii'o, J. W. Tliompsnn; Judge CuIIioud. JuhnHuuitierlanil Squiro llanliln Lounda. t^liarlea Kemblij Alrln CurtK \Tilllant J. Cumlngit; Bacon tirten. Slnrrls We«toii: Henry Do lAnd, Oeo.raunc\-forio: Georgia llal^ Slarlan Bollnw:rlam KeDi.nertrude Ma- ~lir. Mm. Anna i.'ulbuuD, Charlutte Ray; Maule Ureon, Ira. Milton llarluw. "The Master Passion." Hande Granger produced "The klaater Paulon" for the Oral lime on anr atago at Bteobenvltle, O.t Sept T. To the end of securing tbe serrlcea ot Uarlo de Fontangea aa a police spr, Joeepb Foncbe, minister of police, haa her lured to tbo gambling table and beggared by his agents. Hailmlltau Oca* msRts, the bead ot Fonche^s secret pollco, la cn* amored of Karlo dc Foniange's chatma, and offcm licr :n.\rrl.tge. 6lie tomporlte.< with hlni ai llrT't, as bv ii her self coDitituied banker, and up tu tbia tluio her rul- ing paa^lun I* ptay. DoAiiisreia, thouch cmtcDilbly a filend of Kuuche, is his bitter oiitniy, and cunrcyA loono llrnrl de NeuTlllc lmH>riani hocrelii and dueumenia ctm- cerulUB Kouchu'ji pltiltlngR acaliut tlio Emperor. Volci> and piibllcliy la eWon by do NruTllle to iheM occret* through tlio meuluin 01 an Kngllsh nesspaprr—a plsii suicgested to Neurlllo by Denniartta. Poucbo Is furluus. nndTdiscorerlngthoaulhur nf the articles lo oueatluo, which nroiJKncd 'TImoii," in tliovemon of do NeuTllle, lie plans tuharu tho yuuoc Creole rmniurcl In adungcun ■It Vlncenooa. DeHUiaroL*. howcTcr, balka Fouclto in this iiiovp, end d» NciitIHo eiApea tu I'rsgnr. Fouclio. by means of an abl>e'a garli, rinlta Vuxk. de Kontangcs at will a'l her father cuoretsor, and then loCTta iMBmareia. who, under the nanio of Moixs. Lcbfln, ticcuplea the dwelling adjulolnif thu FKntaoges residence, whicii U connected wlili It by a secret luuage, cbo- ainicled by Uio order of Fuoclte. Wlien du Neuvlllo es- espon tuPrtcue, Pouchu ordora SJnio. do Fontangea to fol- low lilm and to lure hini Ijack lu I'arls. Hho at flr^t re- fuses to become his docio*, hut Kouche's power Is lou strong for her, and kIio Is tlDally obllgiil locunneni. fflie goes to Prague, and tln-rr. Intent ud luring do Neurlllo to hie dealructlt>n, she awakens In him a luyal and pst- sloaato lore, and nlthe aaiiie lime learoa what lun-Is horseir. Slid (Joiemilota to return to Pari* and defy Fouche. and quits Prague without tbu bnowltdge of do .Seurllle. Proni Desmsrcta she learns of Fouclie's In triguen acaln>t the Kioperor. and when do Nvurlllo lot- luwa her to Parla and Is arrmted by Fouche, alio rnunei a fbll knowlodee uf tlir«u Intrlgutn to be traaamllled tu ihe F.mperor, with tlie reaulti-f confoumllnc Desmarau and a1lhereD«inlea.aodtl>o fkirther n^nultofbsTlni Fouche tent Inui valla. Hhe msrHei llonry do ^CU1lUe, and bees (unrer afterward a happy rife. "Athenla." The Oral performance on anr ^tJge ot "Athenla; or, the Falao Pruphet," libretto br John O'Kecfc, mnslo br Leonard WnXea, occurred at M jriVkei'a Theatre, Chicago, III., Bept, 10. Alclblades Gunn, representaUvo front Cbi-ln'UaccdonIa to Congress, arrlrea In Athens wlih his onlr daogbter, AthenU, hlspriTste aecretarj, and hla twentr wires. Tte scnalorareeelTo Ihotn with nnen arms, hut, unfortnnalely lor Uunn. the law* uf lu-ln Macodonla, not l>«inj racug nlied 1-y Uie Cai>IUl of Aihi-un,a lot of ditllculiles and cuiuptjrjtlona arlm> from that fsel. fur tiuuii nnds hlnwlf In'tween twii diingerH, that I'f Uio Miiaturs haiing falli o 111 luvv with Ills «lTe^-and the Trogranc^'of .Monnti. wlio hax citino to earth dlNgnlBeil as a D4alte to threaten hlrn If he sliuuld ubsiid<iD the faith. It la furUiermore cmn- plK-attil hy his Omt wife, whu has lecunie a cuuSrninl TlH-osuphlst, and by hU daughter, Athenla. who, nieeling Itiiellu. Ahysnlulno ntlolhter lu AtU-ns. falls In tore wlih hhn. The actlun Is atlll mure entancloJ. for there U one woman whu lures (tuun. and. under a dli«ulne. fulluw. hlsevery lOap. Uonitu. finding that his power Is gradu- ally dwindling away, furcoi Cunii to return to Uiicedoula undrr n uruiniw that if he, Nunnn. can aecure on* of tlunu'* wivonjn niarrlae<\ hMlfo will Le spared. To this Ouun agrees Rn>' retumH to I'ln in-Uaceduala, where he awalu iVli fate. Monno, harlna discardnl the diseu lie of llie Dsnlle, iipi«an lu them, but seeing the inl*ery of married llfu on e.trth, prefi-rs tu r> turn to hU ellM-ral rinAt lileiwidnrss. Ueanwiille a law lisa been pas>^ to candrinn polvg^ioy, and the tenatuntwho have lulluaeU (liinn Into Macedooia, rUlm each a wife made free hy thai law, and (luun la left free lu marry the woman who love* hini. and bestow hla dHUihter'a liaod upon Kuelh>, and ererythlng ends happily. TI»ecast: Alcli'Udet (iuin.ChaM. A. Hlgvluw: Kuullu. flerald (lerunie; Munno, Kilinn AlleD:0nr7u» Hull, (horae Brod.rlck; Ner*drr Ifiirf^ Uwi.rd Morris; rrailtvleH I'nner. Prank Kld>dsle; KTriiie* fkcamp. Mward Oatlov; Tlwinwlo, Jlrace i|.J- den : Athenla, Klecu (illforrl; Hoaallod. Mabvlla BsktT: Iteatnc^, Mury Marble: Flllae. Hiiude Hhaw; Ureulion, ChtriK^ Agncw ; Uabella, Mar Lowry. "On the Mississippi" Wm. lUfTorlh'a uew plaj, "On thoUlialailppI," waa acted for tho Ural timo on anr BtAge at UarrU* Acadcmj (j( Uual', IlAlllinire, Ud., BepL 10. It la a panorama lo whlcti the principal characters more wltb a bacKgrouod containing dtrkers, Ku Klui, Martll Cms Uiaskcr«.a iluatlDg ihealro.aud other T.rt I'lrt'ireKiii" loaluio^ Ned Ilaymnuil i« Ihe ohjcrt -if li.eViiB. r.f (;ele.le\ernel.* .Vw nile.n* ..ivenimrM nriiir<mlTeMluuin liiiii. nud IobImi buUIcc: t i the pl"t*>tif hrr I'lv-r Ar-lre. wlnMh-sirrs to witl .\>d • ■weeilnarl.V ir- ■,iila nn li. ires-. Andfe and a Kii Klua man, sani«rn, di^t'i.iCr a Ui.rao oier which .\m1 an l t.^la le are lo !*•». hut they are »avrd by P«i«ly. a Vaukee, Bguiliig .^a *o.i. aaeiii IM^ir rulus .Sedand l«gors m drowuhim n-ll! Iiul i« pr<*«(iitol iroiii dumu -o b) a M.irJi l.ran ms- KfT wlio really Virainia in •ri-rn<«. lugauiUiu^ pslve rele t.* -houling at N'd. hltn An'Ir**. -Vd. «• cuN4 loririgrrimn.i«rlM<ed hy Ku KIni. ■hoereH'Oot to lyneh him whi-n I'esU-lv wrrt him. N^l bidra in s;sii. which in All irked l.v Ih- K<i KNm. who hirre sn ernr.^n«'o msi as Ne-I rva|«<. -Vd'n donrnnt Inje for Ylratma awaken* an l .h-r..p..n I-t-iit A rtTilT fn.m >e* "r- lean. srr.nl*N.d.l.ni -n «r.lrrlo r»ka«e h m. a« Anlr* Is tiill all*, and lis* lol-l il* imth about Hi* •ho-una. H bronahl h> Pealo.ly. whoi.irn. out T'* Tire d-f^-iire A mo- a il.e wnp^ ..f action are tTaW^n Raose and l,w»boui Hounuin. Tennevea: "rhsrlesmiJ renal Hireet^ a ■■"»'''"«^^«:»/'',-L3 IfTte, N^w iHiean*: a looHf awamp In Louulana, sod ihejail at Kelly's Ferry. "A Black Shsep." Cbaa. D. Uojl's Uteat farce coniedr. **A Black Sboep." was acted lortho flrat time on anj aiage at tbeAcademrof Jiaalc. Bnifalo,N.Y.,8epLie. The •ocarsarelildln AriaooasndNow YorkCHr. Tbe action of the Oral act ukca p?ace In lbs i«noom ot Ibe Morgue Hotel, at Tombatone, Arii, An eccea- tiic lAdf hasleft a vetr pecnllir win. Being dealr- tins that Ibe prond name ot Undo ahould be per petoated, abe leaeea hir eDllre lortone to her ofphew, Goodrich Modd. her onir aorvlrlog rela- lire bearing tbe tami'r name, on condiilon inai be slioll be married wuhln daya after the date of the ad- misilun of the will to rmbaie. Prartag that lid may not ciieeae a sDiiabie penoo, nlio directs tliat he shall take lor hia wile his cvumn. AuaMerie. Kho also dralrea that ibo DTpbew, tu properly wainlaio the dignity of the fkintly. shaiitakeaomeiy days' tuurof Europe, for thepurptHe ol education and to acquire the tuaoocra ot ctTlhscJ na- itona. FaiiiBa tocoini4v wiih tbeM>siipnlatiocu. ihooM lady directs that ihoeniitoaltall to to benaherneiiliew. Perev Verr. on similar coad,iino«. The laoiilr lawyer. arririDg 10 Arnuna. ivaros thai tti«dTKh MutMtwhula spoheo uf as iha Mark sheep ot Ihe lamlh l k known as Hot Htuir, and iB as worihleaa a chararter. tiamng hi. cood nature, u ever hred. Ilut Siaif u loiJ or his f'pod fonuiM. and he immedisirly urdera drinks fbr he crowd When, howaeer he in toM ol the ctHMlitlnos ol tbe will he lelUse.t absolutely tu acc«l<L Tlis lawyer Mihimbfounded. and turns to tiMetlitorol fke ftoMSMMC /fucrfpfiaa fur baip. Tiie i«oria ui Tombntoiif aie a* aoiious lu gel rid oi Hot KtnlTasha miorenala wlih ihm. The editor confer, with Mforal leading utiaens. liDaolmuuslv ther agree tolyocti bin iflis jooaotitleare ati«c«. Headed hv a band.lhcr wait on Hot KtulT A ro|io I. biaced about his oect and he is aboai to U- UunelK-Uinto rtemiiy. when. realiiiDg that aomelhlog ha. got tu be done, aiid guickly, he agrv«« to iho lomin. Aet secoiKl i>one4 In New York. Hot Hluff amvea In takepottesalunol his new liome. Ho has imtught wiih hiiB B theatrical cnnipanr that wa. sinndnl in Torab- aiooe, tiieediturof PMl ■ecWpilen and several conipao luos. Hols iniroduredtu hualOaiiced, Ada Hteole, and imuediately falu desperately in lore with her l'ni»r lo Hot HiatrnarnvaJ Porrr Van, who has fur a loog iiaie been engaged lo Ada Kteele. eiplslna lo her Ihe condi liooa of the aunt's will Hh. relisrs 10 marry Hot Ktalt Perry lelU her this will D>it hr nrcan^ary if nhe will agrrv to assUt him Ho ihco •i|dslD«iu her that the will aayi Hire Stuff must marry vlihin SGAdavs after ihi;* date of ii4 adnlaMoa Ui prolMle. ll she will engage lienwlf lo llut Ktarf Willi the uihlar.landlog lh.it slto l< Lui m marry him uatil the end of the vear, lie wiil ho able to Rot the lortuoo hlnineif. He tell* her It Is k^p year, and Hot HtulT. forgetting thin, will delay the wedding until iho Iam dsy of Iho year. iwrotV'fuur hours bK> late. Percy will then atepm. claim llic Turtuoa, and marry Ada t^trele hinitolr. Tli. I'lay end* with the defeat of Percy in this scheaie. w hich Isaccumi'liiliediutlH'lhinl act. when Hot Mulf n-luin« fToni Europe ami marries the woman bi-queathed lo hint byhUauDt*. will. Thecut: HutSiulfKlnodrleh Uuddl. Oils Harlan- l>rcy Vere. Joseph Fraokau: llrHidlellow Uuonina, William De Vere; Jsrvis ^1eld. llarrv l.urk Bt^oe; Jack Awpen. Joseph Katut-. hlater. JulintV. Mitch •11: Under Dog. ceorgo llutchlos: M. T. Kelts. WUI II lUltOf: Phil IHssa. Jufin W MilchiH; WMh.rhee Fovle. tMIl II. Ilaltpr; llurfers Ryder. Mere Maloy: I'kh lAcke. Mitt Hlevens: Jimmy Wurk, II. Ceurgi*: Lhia hkhhlons. Belle Black: AdaFierh', AanesRoM lane. llsl»y singer. Aencs I'aul; MBy Wing. Lottie Muuro; Curs Pay, llaitio Well*. "The Derby Winner," A. n. Kplok'a racing dnuna waa orlglmllr acted ai Ihc Qrand Opera IIoiuc, In SL Louie, Aug. Ii. Alice Noble and Hilt Weat aro engaged, hot abe la jtalooaof hla "Ulaiourl Glrl,"aa bo callther»aup- poslogtbe race hone to beaglrl, and remains asde- ctlTcd to tbe end ot the fonrili act. Mitt Wen la attacked br Jack Wright, wbo la a lover cf Atlco Noble. Tber ^ aeparated. Jick Wright gora wltli Tummy Ilell to ihe Pair Ground stable* to foluin the MiHWurl Ulrl. Alice Noble couu-n tir hiuk for tho Mis- uurl tilrl. Site heara a uulseaiid cruuche^ duwn In time lo see Jack Wright coihk furwsrxl m thuMlniourl tlirl'. stall. Kho anilclpAtea hin iiil4h>n and coufronla hlni wlthadrawn n-volver Jack LiiKks It nut of her haml. and niteinplpt III nlrnngls her, but I. uvsrpowered by Ullt Woti, who Is looking afli-r tin welfare of hi. Miuuurl (ilrl. Tho third act iJiows the Fair ilrnubl. Hacu Trark Jockey Club and the horM-s ready lu run. Tho raco ukf. tlace and Miatourl Ulrl wina anihl grant apptausi«. Thv lurtli act open, ai Cherokae Uardeo. where all thu ftpi-claliy people aro brLoaht In. Milt Wr*l Ihioi comes In to cislni hla aiDaiiced, .Mice Noble.and H gUeii tlip coM p>houlder. because ahe thinks lie U In lure with Ihe Mluourl lilil. Ho tltenliaahis lockoy bring lolho MIPkMiurl (ilrl. followed by llie tlouth Nidn Track Band, and allond« harmoolou»ly. Tlio cmat: Mill Wett, Frank Day- ton ; Jack U'rlulit, Frederick Urmondr' Tommy Boll. Ar- ibur Dunn: Adam llagonlK'Ck. Maa Miller; t;olunt*l li>ii> imito. lAKidon Mcf^nnlek: Dan McCleary. ImuI*]!. Hall; Tom Uoodiuan, Ei|..^'anforJ: Mlko McilUHkr.J. 1*. I.«e: KsUliia Uinkel, K. HoiTen>: lllHIo Junes, W. Kldrldgi*: James Martin, William Hark: Jockry Fred Wllllains. Miss Vlula Ariliur; JImmleHaln. Mnt. W. Kldrldgo; Altca Nohlo. Ju» phlne MurM: Mrs. Wilson De llo/t. Jes^ liatelter: Freda llageiiueek. Mlna Uennell: Florence Kdgenon. Arllna Alliens; ViHlaHt^ Clalr.llussle Oill; iho Three Itultea. Va\. Bowers. Tom Dlaun aitti Marry Jilsun: Dmj FoarTroubadoun, W. Mack, J. A. Porter, J, Jukneuu aud 0. CODley. "Young America." \Vm. VoDog'a foor act comcdj dnuua, "Youog America," received Ita Initial prcaenlatlun al ihu Colombia Thcalro, Uostoo, Maai., Aug, 30. T:if plar tells a pretir and aimple lore slur/ of two roong Amerlcani, living inrevolutlonarr dari,wbo thwart tbo matrlmonUl designs of a Urltlah majur, Mrs. .Slilrhy, a liaughly southern autocrat with lory pru clirltica, tbo head of a houacliold io whicli her will Inlaid farors M."!!. UoIIobux a. a P-ultor fur llw hand of her niece. Judith, wli'ils III love with Tcdily Veruuii, gudwdt of Mr.. Hhlrley. Tedily Is sumew hai of a scaiK-grace, w itli a firr- tiine c«|uahng that of tho prorerblal church dhium*. ThIoklDg Ihe inajDr'sloro la reclprvenied, Teddy rufuM-n all uroriurt-. uf ik-bco ulfeml by Jiidilli, and clmllengi-* lilB ilval tu tight a dut-l. This state or alfjlia Is madu known lu Iho lioroino by oieans uf an Iniercviiled Icllgr which tho uiajiirhanglveu lleltort. Mr>i. Shlth-y'. nrpbcw, tu deliver ti* the commander of the Knaliith truoiMi en- camped near the manalon. Hlapurntiie 1. tu arrest Tiildy bi-fure tlio duel isbes place. Judllli dons a bny*. drvoi and ildca tu the idaco In which Marlon's iiiea arj In aiiibiisli, hrlo^^in;; l:i0 Amerlcm pailr lothDMciioJnntns Teddy haN dlncuverod Ihalllio iiiiOor U a pijltroun, aud hy airlck han Insured hltoun aalely lu ihuduel br au es- cliaiiguof wvaui'iii. In whieh he ha. retained tlio only b>adodooe. Marlon IIgure« In the |<1oy ma itilnfirchar- ncti-r, apiicarliiu llr>t u4 a i-rlauncr and thenacalnln thu swamp nconu alulog Id t^u^apl•)rllof the t^iigllsholtlcer. Toddy luins iliu Amcrlcnn luros. Is woandid several llin^s, and r^'lums homuwlth ncommiailuii lo lluu to eipel the major fruin Mra. hlilrh-y'* home, which. In a Kt ofchagrin, lliu I^rigllahinao has ihn-aU-nfrl Ik burn. Mr*. Shirley nnally n-lriit«. and tht- yi>uog cmplo aro rcuallc-l, and ■•ojco in tho hausehuld reigns at the fall of ll,e cur- tain. The coAi: Toddy Vicnun. Ktrplnn liraitan; MaJ- Mulineiix. Jou-ph K Whltlnc; Marlon, H. P. Mct.1annln: Ur. (jiia-h. Prank NbImd DroH-: KIttrrll. K 1, lhian<-: Kergt. Hllen. Wm.TallHit llurkp; SlMtrr Hi4>ert Ihtrerli y, r. jJJackion; Jiwphun. Jamsn (;.Mi|>«r; llunliu f^eMir. l.ouki Haines: Private Mullriim Ariliur tlsTdiipr; l*rivato Cawy, Juhu Parry; Mr*, hhlrley, Kloanor Caioy; Judith Kbiiky, yi olio Durell; lluluoa, Agnra PrUlle, "A Jolly Cood Fellow." This fonr art oomcdy drama, br BtacUlaoaBtange (elaborated from tho coruln riucr, *-A Man Aboui Town," also wntien br bun acd orlftnallj acttd at Ibe Ooiombus Theatre, ibu dir. Marob la. 1603), received Its iniilal production under Its pifesnt mioalAaburr p4Uk,M.J.. Aug. 3, Tbeatorrlsor a joong man. Capt. Uaik WethertU, a Jollr good f.liow, who auocecds earlr la brtoglog hla name loio lia.1 i^M>r in ntcteir. falls in love with, vinuniu girl. 14 lound out br hrr laihor. ami. m order to s«ie In. •ww-thean'.brothi-i fromrxfwsure. agree.to (ere«ii all niriher claims ui>on the airi in ronsideiaiion of a bnona Ol Sio.nv The laiher eunsidera iia lianvsln—ths juHr gfHMl fellow turns the money uver lo ilie brother, and then gors lu l^ondou. Ilu miua nnj him itui and ha meets his sweeiheartai Maiffetr. liuudon. when she ui*- biWHls hmi fttr hi. perAtlf. aikl tells htm abe*. jnang lu marry the I'nnllneotal Herman baion out of aheer do. soalr. < Kho doea nut know of the iranorilon l>etween hlni at»l her fklher, but Ilia bar^n placee tho papers winch tlto >uliv Boi.l lellnw piecuteo in Tvtum fur the monev In the wreiehed girl*, hand*, which upons hfw erostuthesnonnitroi'the crime ni wlileh ■hf< i* t*vm inglr tho vici im At thj rrincsi momeni ilu* latlisr pearsand takes to Hie siliutlna ai a glaaco. tears lha unaimeni lOlo iraameiiU when he leami the itdlygut.J frllow'B sacrlBee tu aaro ibe ssm andlinither. and. e»A- cludiDjt Ihsi hi< lUughter muhl do worM than aiarry Ibe reiiirmni nraiMram. cnnseoia lo their uniun Tlie cast: Capt .Mark Wrttienil. Charles DmIsor; Jamas Blaisdell. Homer Uranrille: Harold RUnalall. TlH>a W. Knan: Kosmii Klni. Amustun llalhaeh; Biaron Frederk v,tn Hchleiniia, fleo. W nsmum: Jack Riurievaot. Prvdk. Rackas: Brush and Copid. lIsnUTa Yorhe: Mantol RlaUdell, Lilian Rurkbart,<)lUo Kalrwell. prorinai^mpheli, Apaniiu King, UertruJe \\muy; Yul* lie EUiotle, KathryoKarueo. "By KIni'a Command." The initial perfomaaee of ibe ronantlo eomlo opera, "Br King's Command," In three acta, oo* currcd at Enolld Opera Bouse, Oteveland, O., BepL 10. The opera was wrllten br E. C. Beach aod W. R. Boss aad Ihe Kore br J. II. Rogers. Tbestorr: Tbe rival princlpallltes of Pau and Mlraade became Involved In a quarrel over Ihe poeseailon of a cha- teau which Ilea between Ibe two. The former owner ot this bone ot contention having died without heirw to claim It. tho e*isie, aeconllng to an ancient Pnncb law. rwrerta to the nearent |*rlnclpallty. Bulh l*Nu and Mirande seek to tako piis*e««iun. and am about III commence hnsllhlle* agajn.t each nibrr whm iIm Freoeh king orders a Irvcr. declaring llialthe nlmtilcnl way IJ settle the (|uastii(o will be bya nwltlnioninl union Iteiwren the two nrlnripalUlen. As ihe opeia uoenn Prince llenrl. of Mirande. who has l«en a wandi'iffr for a half doten vMr.. Is un hla way home hr myal rimmaihl to inert and e«t>ous« Prlnrena Marie, of Pau. Miranda I. rnleil Id lilsaii««nrohy hi.uiiele, ilsn. llnrls, w Im ha^ t>ren makingfte« Willi the Prlncea.' fundn. audi.un-all) wor rlrdnrer hla nephew', rotnrn. Knrunr.gnl Hy ■ nrnfni- slonal Conspirator. Baccarat, ilio ilenoral hire, a iniidii chief to Intrrcrpi and capture the Prince. Iniithe Isltrro* rai>ea through ilie a.4lstsnni uf Don Fpm«ido iv h|>ani*h C4Tllfr iravaling wlih a r«rlv nf niihlary Minli'nu T1ii> bandit itaDdl.ailaekril and ilrnirofaal, and ihe frlkly of thsregrni rnvealnl Hon Fmisndnand the Priiin* atrlkn lip a Irlendshtii. and determliiAloBoindlMulMt inMUnn dr. and mako llioa« un|ileiiuiita.p«aibla ri>r Bofle. Tlio Prince. iiioroovi>r. Is glad ul tlm onpnrlunlry ■■• iikti the Prlnceita Inrftaniii,, The taocavalu'ia enter Mlramtn dl.. Lulsed aiikwnrdnmsn. and ihu recent socii flnd.hlniM'ir liaraMfd on orerr side, lion Feniando fall. In hivn w itli the Prlmta*. and the Prince Iimo* Iiih heart tolbOietlp. Ihn ndnplod child ^f a Cunipsny of Kins'a Mniki-trtT. Aflrr niimerniiiirom,dlrallon4 rverythlnatiiinaoiit uril. The rogi-ni ntnl hi. adrlsrr ara punlBhrtf, Ihm Fernaixhi In nrce|il(d by iIm Prlnr^*.. and Ihn Prlnn^ e'lx.iM'a Its lietle. «l.t la dl«coven-d !■• l»o iIh> )»ng iitlnsllig helh-.i lu the Ihi (^nihri ntale. Tho ra«t: llal.>iN>, tiara Iaup Marie, Map limr«': ttunsniM*. Hum l.ffiaiiion; Prliiei< ry llallani; Hon Kemando, J K. Murray: tieneral llorl*. Harry Hmwn: Biccnrst, WHtlani Wolff: IS rlnnlllo, Uerald Pe|ley; Hergrant t;atu, Alfrvd Usy w'uud. "Carry Owen," Tonr Farrell'a ncir IrUh melodraaa in fuuraciB, br Murphr O'llca, received lla lolllal pruducUou Aug. IS, at tbo Opera llooae, Ueoton Harbor, Hicb. Tbe liorr la of lore and lotrlguo at Ltacarrab, Connlj Oalirar, Iro., In wblch one Htephcn rurcell, a lurdly luagUlraio. tu M-ciim hi. ow n ead.. lakes oil van l4go III thu tinii luriorloii. Irish sun|in-t Un. loKi-t ikl id hi. rivsl. At Ihi*Jiinclun* ih. v.irlsh prlput liii|ir<|r. ToKi-ttld of sofuiiiildtlilosniiieini- l'urcrir.actlouB. Ihi i-ngage. ihu M-rrlee. uf aliutnrloii. hdlre »|iy. .MIrkv llleky. Ilotwevii them they murder thnltuv. Itulil. I.iwl uy, a IViMaJMani rlerwynukn, anl Mtrnlary of tint |jini| l4<ngup. and place I tier rlmu on tlm lurUli i)rlm, Fntlmr I'oiiway. MIrky lllrky having couiinlitiii lUi imirihT In Ihe |>rlr«lly gowuvuf Fathi-n'onway, alvr. atldllloual cidi>r to Ilie gnllt oltronwny. Tu uve the I'rin.l. tlarry liwi-n cdnfeufi to tliorrlnifaiul l.s«ntencetl tu lio Imng. Harry itwrn's frlniiiK knnwing his lmii«eiire. uirnr. hU e)«a|.'. In thu l.nt acl, iho supiiowl F.thrr i:nnwa> U nbiiut to iniirilt-r ileml'l Fliigi-rahl. (Isrry tiweii rl*k. III. Ilh.riv and. dl.Curnrlng ihu alleKnd prlp>l. slmw . him toboMli-ky lllcky. the re.l inurdeier uf KitU-rl l.huU^y Thara«i: Htephen Purrrll, W. J. Kennedy: llrrahl Fitx geraVI. P.. M. iJlhlmiii; Ijtnard Markhsm. Frank Amlnr wm: MIrky IHcky, Win. II. rahlll: Bov. Hnlmrt f.lnd-ay, l.«roy Payno: K.th^r rnnwar. Jilurphy 0*H.a: dairy (iwen. Tonv Farn-ll: M.nn t*j<nway, Ninnin Kniiiieil; Kate Purcoil. Jirsslo Nassii; KllyAruun,JoiiiiiiLelaud, "Jack and Jill." »baw A Oralg*s new farco tomodr, "Jack and Jill," waa glTon Ita Ihltlal performance in Wicblta, Kan., Bepi, I. Joilah Dobeon, an aged widower with an adopted daughter and a ward,entered Into a compact, aomo Ofteen rears prior tj tho upeolog of iboplar. vHh auold armr friend, Himon Troitcr — #ho baa twin sons, Turn and Jcnr-'thal tbe lonr children aboQld bo nolted lo marriage when tber arrlTtd at ihr proii.r age. At ih.t time i:<d. Himoii Trotier, the fatlH-ruf the twin.. agruM to Mlth>eJ).UU nil lliiltMii. provldlnir he rviiialii. a widowrr, tmi If Ira tliub%on)iiliiiulil iimrry, thuSJttUi U tu fall to his alMer. Fllndr, with iho i.niviMi that fiiv routaln .Ingle. Iluloun iHiiutinsd that Ihu Iwliia itlHcall ou lilm at a l erinin itiii'-, but Would do ao lu dlsgulnr. In lha iiieaiiilniu Jack anil Jill, n firm ol lawyer., delrctiv.*. eio.. Irarn that underci-rtaiu clrainttfaiices IiuImhi la tuci>iiie inbi )H>Mi-n»h>n i>f MJIUU, ami call on hlni to Icrtfii the natiiro ofthoraS'i and gat lhil<ai,n ai a el Ir til. Thtlrcni-nirlu iiiano>-rcsuav< iHibMjii to l;ellen> thai thi>y ar. ilii> iwina In diimulne. Jack and JHI, re-ilUInK Hint tht-y ar. sup. po-wllo Itu some unu »>m>, lako advantagnul tho .itm. lion aifl koeiiup tlio dac< ptl<in, while thu original twin. ap|«ar III dLguInt a. a tiaiiip andamlllltary man. It h>adq t<i many ludicrous .liualion.. bsrlfwiii. diinl.. el<-. TIhi rinalocuine. wl>«n thu twin. ihro. olf ll>»lr dli^iilM* nniltleelare thrlr |«raniiallty. TlmCMt: Timothy Jack. Wnltar W. l-nlg: T1ioo|Hdl. Jill, Jno. W. Horn.r; JiMi.h Ih>tMeu. Kaiii T. ffliaw; Ji-rry J.iililiit,W II. Van Klti-ii: Thoniai Ju<l*on. H. M. (Innltb; Pllndy Doliuu, .sviiio Malnr; Huih, Kat. Dav.npurt: EatbvTi UuXv Jaun-it. Mluuk, LUtl«AiiUlvJiuie4. "That Sister of HU." nelenDauvrar'8nowpltri"That Bister of Uls," br Wffl. (tUl. was acted for tbe llrst time oo anr stage St tbe tjceum Tbiaire, llocbcater, N. Y., Kept 17. Tlio suae of the piece Is laid in Han Paulo, a rauuoialn tiuiomor neurt, aiiout a hundred miles from Rio Jonclru, BniH, dur'.og the,recent civil war In tliat country. In the Uutel Klarru are Ftlli Urwsiy, a banker of Rio, andUllvla, his wifr. llreoiJyhaaa lore fur flirt- ing, and III. wir>; has written to hrr hustwiid's sUlcr, MiiL Cynthia MekotU ■ >ouag wldua. whurv.ldea In Lon- duo, (taking lierUi pay tin-ui a vUll,aasJie thiukalhat fOtne sisterly advlci.- u)a> cure Felli of his tend lialdl. Pelil ha* met ID Kiu .Mrs Jessies l.ai*slge, a Iratellng eiponeat of tlie dociriure uf Huddhs. and. In order tu continue Uie study uf llie*>> docinnes uedar tula guld aoce, he lias lodueed the lady to lume to Kan I'aulo wnhU »lrier. t.'intliia. whom hu ha. nut soon siocl- site won a lit- tl- girl, kud w hoin liia wifa ha. iieior si-en. It turns out llut Mra. I^paige m f*-alljr I'ynihia. and slw had iak<ii thin nii-tliui| til irarh her Lroilier a le.aun, Kite revedla rui», hxit *!■»■, ■ tp«,ii«ii» •, ij. r r.ori<; ■■.ih-ii. herldantliy to heramter In law. and togrtlier tlioy Its oil I ManliMx. Maud Hoaforil; Bsmb-e Ford, F.tlrrI Itsinn-; averkauf MuriTiM-k that lovolrr averyluly inloe Iio1j4. j K'fUit* Polb>lt, KUIe fltsd^a; Mm. H.itrr. Mini* and furnish plmiy i>f .mu^einrni hir theni.elvr*. Tim caat: Cynilila U< lcott aod Jeuka |ji|«lg*. ilrlen |)au- Tray; Olivia Hrenlv, l<iirena Alwuo.1- Ho«>slir. H*r< "Matador." This four act comedr drama, bj Ueor,(u C. Jebka, received Itsaratprodocilouon aoralagual Johpg' tows, ra., Aug. 31. It Is Slated on Ihe bllla ai rrprcsenUng Mexican life, bntcooalala of a juinblo of comedr acd acniatlonol iDCideots, Hliton itan* dolie'i, a young American, goes to Meslco to hrftk after bis iDtereatIn a lolue, whldi la litt\nn run fur hint hy a Meslcan. t^d. Caatro, who Uln lure wlih Ullion'. vlrl, Bernlce Furd, thoagh hu la Utruthkl to l«ab.lla il.r tlur-L and Intend, lu marry h.r lor her m>»n.). lui.«>IU l.ttslovrdh/ U*on rarb^. a cwd.t al Mralco's inlllury sehwl atOiapiillFper. t'a^iro, whlia view l<igrttliiu n-l ?ff l<roii, poiAu.idea him bi llifht a Itdll In the plara uf a amuu* iMHtadur. hut grpaily to Id. dl«ai>po>iitm«iit, Leou kills Uia buH Innlrad of IIm hull's killing blin. Tbt-re I.a great d--alor lioiibleall through Uv plerr. hut at last i:astro I. kllle'l liy Miguel Nf ntl-rfa, a cri-atur. wht.n he liad i-niploved to do th* duly work in bin nrfsrtnuB M'lirniea. Tlie right feMowa gri iii. right ilria and all ends li.pplly. The ra-l : CaHaln Adulphiu Jon^. Hal de Foieat; Hllloo lland»lpli, f|i-u. A. iV Juhn»on; I'olonrI Ih-nlUi Cakipi, Fdwin Browne: MliuH Msrulou. Pr.nk t'. Ia Hrndl; l.«un rarln.. Waller V'lnrent; iHrh FuH, Ilarrr MHU; I'rMhlent Illai. f. L. Prsnr|4;l*.l.-lla vray; triivi. nrwaii, i^ircHB aihwimi, nuwir, n'.m Tiltaiiy: Frili Hrretlr. Will M indrvl le: Major l^illHir P. Tuttl". T. M. Hunter: J. Tunbrhlgs W.IU. Wl ILantCiMit talgli: Cii.rh-y l.'amplMil, (Iraliaoi llt-o-lwison; Julian, AJLuid Daly; TboupH/b, Fiank A. Deulihuin--. "Lem Kettle." Tim Morpb/'snew pUr, "Lern Keiile," br Meurr Gur Cariiiou, was crlglnallr acled at tbo L'opiro Tliealrc, Uoljoko, Mj49 , bepu a. Tbj icodo Is Uid al afarm near Piab L-Ur. OcUiraro O iu ntr, N. Y , aod in New York Cltr. Leu KuiUr, tbo hero, n a simple, seotie, coanirr la*!, wih> Invents a uew bottle siuii|>er and who saeka bis prfiuiotioD. Ilaviog .< nie limi.' prenoiiklj reacual a young city girl fnwn a daiigeiou. pntltrAm' nL lie lokrt up a curre^pandfiKt «iih lr«r .html 111. lovrnihio. sbd Iwr guardian becuiaes Ibr proinoiar. Hi. iiiachinatK^n aiHt falturv, however, deprive Ihe rooDg inTrOfrof M*i>rullti;.*Mil, loeaowtillr, ht. atinilration lor the ^irl ha. bluMuinsd Intoluvr. aad, BifMirbcd III ihwdres'o. ■hich happily re.litJ<d. 1*0 ac- rrpts tbe rre-it.r l<l.i*lDg. II*. Itowarar. r«>^*ives a l.raeaonibf luoneT l'>r a s.eonil iriTsntion. The cast. I>-ni K»'Mi», Tun Murphy: fam Terlf-h.. Ram T H^-a-l; Riihce William.. Bieh.rd Cfiltar: Maiihe* Hollvw/iod, ilo'-iire Haroint>#r. Arthur Brrnton. riarence Handy- Kai bati; (l.rcla. Wm. Kill*: flaphji l, !«■ na-d Wlll'.n: Cavarhi. P^lw.rd tlresne; Kaulalla, Chri*. Uaiiio*, HIaxa, K A Huihsrfurd. iida*: JriT. hri'lher lo Lain. Jams* Manl'r; Hn*)k«. .erv ■nt to lloHrwood. J»hn R. fnc>': Hsri>«n(!raneh. Iiorallir Ph^rrnJ. B'tlvlr. rian Tliropp; Mlas Hockay. Sadie R. hirlosham: Jeu. da'iihier "f Rain, Ltrrralae Drtui; Mam KetUe, metLcr to Lem, MIts Tbreder. "The Star Gazer." Tbla farce comedr 1* front tbo pen ot Fraoklrti W. I<ee, and received lis amlproUucilun on aoraiage al ibu Acadcmr "f Music, Cholica, Maaa , Aog. A. it la a Bitlyeun asirouoitir and ihu iclcnc(.-a, and adurds a Inroad Held fur Uio rldiuuloua, I'lof. Jupetrr Mara, a i«eudo aain'ourijcr, mviog, uf urn alleged biiowlcdgo and fame, von tbi: a'lifilrailoa I of Mrs. CIriomestfaOrldt.a neBlilirwliluwanxloua I i/> fathom the mr.ierlit* of (he heatenly "h|ia., Latth-u I larl> eom'-ta. stt* a>*-iul log.in i;«i>^..ii>nol h-rroiione I Totlil* end Ite as^icui*:* hiiii.. If will, ffr. JiiiiHwtl F<-n Ioell. on-tlf^r intpo<lor. wlMrelalmat- im tSfi<liw,vMrnr of hydrngeuiOiiUie gaa. Ihr chisf viitu- of .Itit h ■■■ii>oiir' oisklng a wlali whih* uodt-r it« iitfliirnn .III Lirun , gratiArd. To te*l its mrril., thu proff.s.r Mr*. ifiLit , and iiivitHl g4r*t«a«a<imMHm ihf do-:lor'a|.r,nrilory nn I I Inhale ihe ■iratdisovfy Whil. imajininff lli-ni*l»ra I oQiler Ita Infln^nee manv rirtnir.1 noil lodlrroii. sliut- . tions arlv. Th- frand la Bns'k di-flowd. Imii ili«>riro I fMnoT'a inaenuitv win* hi. tirhie, an<l air .n<ia hai>|tiiy ■ Tbe Hay It rkvarly written and ron.trnriM. and r.iifv , n*intilai«-e with innn<-#nt .mD^nn-nt. Tha rnu. I'rof. Jniei^r Mar.. Jn. (ill. r>r JlmwMd renn^ll. .Is*. R W.t- 1 kins: flalal'^ ParrhMa. Jo.. Harrlntton: Handy Hook, • Msit fnt: Mercury Phil rHi:Orlr« H.r^liH.T1i*o.W.*t ma>i: an olVer. Thna. I'o'.h; Mrs rlrlfrtnf-«ra flrhlt, Dorothy Oray. Davlwhl. (Vila Mathers: flonllaht. Marlon McAlvlo; Mo^oilght, FaflBle Entle; Clio, May Jordan. The Man From the West" This U a dramatlsaUon, br Ilarry. Uor and OUvsr J, Booth, of a novel of the eune'name, aad was produced al the Cheainat Bimt Opera Uooss, I'biUdelphta. Pa,, 3epL a. The advent of iho Haa from tbe xyeai from ihe cbapparal to WaU Street to preceded br ihe swlodilng ot hla brokers wllb a forged leiter of credit In bisname. AronogTena mlliiunaire, Gordon Dexter, lanssnrlng tbo chief of detortivra, Rodman Bubter. that n certain "fluOy kaliaS BPgel 'cimid lHilpu*.ibljr liave Urn at the birtloui of the Iraud, wlien his old sn eelheail. May llendereon, apMatS uu tha sceno with hoi brutiier in dltgracv over suek *pi-calaiii>ns with hia nnpbiyer's luonsv. In theairll^ meul of rrvlvrO love, Itvuter saies tlio ynuiis man. baS iMHis eWttJOU ua tbe puixhsse of rwilaey ahorr* Tbe dotretlte islln In luve at nr.t suhv with May'saieler. Tlie MTOUd act rnveAU llie llully TiaiiiU aiigrl Planclw Kvertoo, as tit. Iielpwa* toui uf a desperate cilnunal. lor Murgpii, who doga her father for coming lime druak. RlaiKhe laiorved aUi m iiau fergwl l.>nOa on Iteater. Deiter and llulnU'r win tlieir nveeilifarta, kowevef, at ihe,id>lhu lludwD home, witba toy nilioad iiamaaa elimax. Tlie auventurMs reponia. returns Deiier'a uwney. ami reoaivee his fuiiivenesa Kawa arrives of Na\ 'a abtluciioii. but bell>re liester ran fly to her raoria hal*roTc«d ttidiiogu the bullet. Otrd si litni by a thief la thedark Tliehrro arnve.ai the xlllsiD'aiiasnhloolata, Murc*^ haa Just hrpuoiised Blanche and poisoned bar. Doner puiwues the unirderer iLrougb the window ud iran«lormalion dischiae. their Usadly battle while dang, ling Ml midair bv ooe iMind ircoi the eaves. Ilavug hillNl Miurgn*. the roiuantio Teisn. in ibe disgDlaenfanlrlab* wtHiian, rv.ciies his proapective bnde fluni ber lupnWB. !*■• II. III. npeculaiinn* turn out saeteaaraiaDd tea play en < luippiiy The east tiotdon Deiter, llarry tMfi a luian Bouter. Arthur Kllioit: Rny Ktnrm. PaloB liibba, Tim ll.ly. the eat. Dura pavWa: Mr PIsB, hrnasiWinia;Mr Whipple. J K Donnellr: lierbertHae- deraon, Mnrreii Beane; Cupid, Kdward NTsaa. I'eatherir, JaniM Ihinhani: Prrguwn. Kdtar Matlhewa: Mt KTevlaa* Richard Ne.uiiih. Hisnche Kvtnon. BevarlyRiigranTM; May HondefKiii. May C Hiandlsli: Afrll lUaiknea, lAUiaa Wakolee, Mvllf llouiihao. KUiy Coaaar. "The Little Speeufator.'* This tht«e act farce comedr, bj Derbsrt IlatI Winalow, waa flrrt produtxdat UaUklll. N. T., Aay. 3J, br Eioles'WilUrd. Ttaeiiorr: John Mrie starle for a trip aronnd the world, loavlog his dsughtsr^ | uncket. In the caro ot a tnend, Coipcpper Meek, j a KlcntiOc man, who is writing a book lo prove that tbe moaker la descended fioo man. Meek ta . a barhelur. and dithiie* Ui rec<*lve Crirbet as his word until he leain. ihal kh. has t>n»uglil hini a dead tu flva liuiidml acre* uf wila tnoil in Teta.. tu rew.nl bim fur taking cam of herilurlng hrr hither*s sbancn. He be- ciiiui-aliivutvrd with Ihe aisiculstive uianla, itarta a new town, which he eipeci. will gmw Into a grsai city.and |ivfliHhii*inr»a witn inching hi Ihu town aieei't a real eaiateotllcr'. Ilia ruaiUutorw am t;iirkDt. the little specii. latnr, and Jerry Judkins. a iirofi-rslonal nirsmeilst. Tba tihi io throuuh a virle. of leniaiksblp advrDturr^ wiriin tfH> rinilblhig purehaMr. of luia In tlia niylh* li-ai rlt>, np|«ar on the ground, and dlvcuver ikaS thrio I. nu tuwn. The ttirculatur. ate dnally cnuipelloJ to Hy, l>ar«*ly e.caplng with Ihrir lira*, and after Duiiirr- OU4 ailvrniuros, lurii up In di»gni»e on boaid n .traw* IxMl un thn Aikanta. Itiv.r. uuly to find that Iheir par- kUrni unknuwa luuarh itllier, havosll laksn t«*Mgv oa the ■amii Imiol trrkket dU4]u(M<* Mrrh as a i-uiilisl. bul aatlieru Is a cunKial>h' un IhuimI wiih a warranl for Iti* arroM of a real iHiuih.t. this ksd. to Mnek * ancst aud I piecipllatesaaorlpawr ludlcrou. Iiai<i>eiiia<s cau*sd bf nil.isken iiloiiilly. Cum |d had una hilluw anill Crirkn nnally .IralihlDit* inattrr. out lo lli. .allslsrlh>n ol all. Thn ihn-o Bn-nr*^ e*i>vriall]r llio*e lorated In the new : hot n and In tho .iramUMl raMii, afloiil sl'Ulidaiit up- iMiriunittfur rlaboraia kcaiilo di*play and iiierhanlral ' uileel*. Tlie hh a ol Ihe .rrund art I. funoilrd op«)n Iho liflinool rivli-.tsta.ih-rulaiiHiu.vil In an earlier play I) trie naiiip aollHir. hut oi|i»rw|.e ■tIh) Nttlu Bpeca* Itttui" la eiilltely new in diaioan.. wouo. ud iliuatlooa. "The Prima Donna." Tbla larolcal u|nrailu comndr, In three aots^ | iHMik br Uliaa. Ilufffli/. and Juica K. I'ererra, ■ Bpeclal raualo oompoavd aud arranged br Frauk r. Alhcrlon, waa uriglnallr Hulcd al Barabigo, N. v., Aug. 'M, /.tcharlalt Urrllttld, uf (|uiet- vine, Vt, la a farmar and a rural landlord, iHMrd and liHlglog bokj pruvldod lur Hiimoicr iKiardera fur a nominal t:ouHlderation. Belolfak Ijsrk, prima dunna of the Ulobo Tbuairu Oompanr* li on her vacation, Hho Icarim of llreaold's loca' Hun, uiddocldoalu apuud tliu Humiuer luontba al I tjuleivillo, Hhu wiltea tu Uial ed^ci. aud grsai proparaildnaaru niaile by lt>i:ik!ld uinl bis laullr , lurouelvelbo dliiltiguUlicd quual. Tbo villagers • aro lufunnoil ot Ibo fact, uitd asaL-nibla lo iircel her. Tbeprliua dunua iafolioirrd lu btr doailuallun by i Algernon L'Icaruule, a weallUv liiy awell and de- toted ailinlrer, wbu has cimrtad nar lor maay DioatSa. lljrruB Mroalway, ao euceuliio Indivhlual, alio loll««» her, allhiiughao entire stranger to tho prima donaa. Ut>on Ibe srilvalol the pilma dunua iiiauy r| the vi|> lageraaroseiseil with a sudden dr.irn lo gu upua tba ■lago. Tbla la a.peclally iruaofBetoy lillnktr, ibe viV lageold nikld. Hhelaeuoouraged in liprauibllKta br i. Flsibera, a cummareial drummer auillrlsfldol iba m]» flekis-wliuluiuruis her for ihw sake uia |uha thatl'loar- Boto isa UieauieahnaJiaiisr louaing lur a bigh hieker. Many of Uio couipliniiluna that follow aro due t* of fuuds, and a bensoi enteriaiiiioanl hai boaa arnuged In the Town Hail, iho pritoa doanaauperia- tooding labearsala, and thn hwai talent aud visitors taa< log parL ToHart.B lite cloae ol relieanala Eacharlaa roea home aod rails aalesp una bench before the k(.Hi& le haa a atrauge dreaui ol tllewbole, lu whom be baa takeunauddeuiTislIhe,anduiher cbaracieiein tbeplav, and much of whatirwi.piiea In tke Uiiid aol la die eu < geaUemau's dieaui. He I* diaoovered by Pleibeig, I* wluini he relatae hla dream, all u,a cltaraeierarelura ' from raliearMkI, and lleuy Blinker learn, that bsraiubl. lion Is not tu be leallted, ualng to tlie deoeullua ul tka ilrummer and Hie veracity ui Iba prtn<a •lopo& The Utter aoBuuueM Iter doieruiinauuD lu leluiii to Hew Vurk, having spent a pleaaaot vacation, aud ailooda bap- [•Hy. thscoAl: tlfiua Hro«Jway, llughey Duugbeit/; i. Plallierg Ksi| and Merer Cuho, (:haii Tloiwila: Algernoa Clearnote, KoherlNMline; /Acharlah Hyeaeid, NeirLIUh- pl CI nekl: KllaaDivine, Claraace Itueiuiell: kbin^ssr, V. II. Hend: Jaues, P. Baader; Aiiisnda Uyerfahl. Kata Kvaaa; M«Uy Blinker, Uateoloe Belhaau; Dully Ity.ueld, Ceclle I vernesa: liallla Hawsoo. Bsliu Chaiuiierlrii, • ami lie aod Jaciiues Ifwvere, Uauoo Martelio, MUa iMrUe Lark and ' Moutaoa, lueiMeouaker. "A Run on the Bank," Wnrd and Vukca' Ihreu ati fiiuo comedr la br Cbaa. ¥„ Utajinr, uuil wan urlglDallr acted al tue Grand Hpcra lluuao, .Sprlugdcld, o., Aug. 11. i^ord ' fcrcr buakuj) and bir llan^ld Do Canter, two genllofiico uf cxiicriuacu and Itlaure, sro on a ateamor a lib iwu Kugllsli uuliii'inoii, wbo are on t:itlr way tu viall flcu. Nuie Hliawr, a wealUij Now York b4Uker, wliU a vlow lu marrrlng biB dMiigbtare, liiielle and Iklle. Tbe stea- iDur la wrecked, aud Hie real lurda aro luii. bul lAird I'ercr and Hir llaruid aro «a»bcii aihore ivllh t(iU real bird'a luggagtf, wblcli tbor an- bruprUiu,aud, dlaguiaed anibu real lurds, ta)] upoa UuU. Nutd Hiiavir al bla auhurtaui rcaldoboe. DunnR their slay at ttie lenersl'e ie»ldeocoieo aveB< trio d.teciivsa cvuieupon ihe Koua, in a«ueh ol Parer and Harold, They aie drugged at a wlue eui'per givea la their huuur by lha gsneial, al Peioy aou Harold'a augBOsiiun. *hu claim Uiey are hngiisb fiierdsufiiote. Ar.er eacai'iag frurn Ihe d.tMilves ibry Lose «u okl bwih buikling from Uie tjenaral aid v|,en a combi* oatiuu bank and saloon. Alter seveial iirge deals la wild cat alucka ibev Dad Ihemielvee i^nnibte, acmI in aoiicipatlun of "A Nun oo tbe aauk,' ibey aigoiiito ■ lUi an old pal.Cu</neyAeker,aeouDUrrelier. lor tTStUi worth bf hia Piooey. and payufl 1I4 credliura ahen itio run occurs. Tu aaoapo the cuwetjueoceiof ibeir diaboa- eti> Uisy fly lu t aliiuroia where, by lucky flaOa in gold, auil tiisauudenjuiiip In value ol uiiuoold BJiiiingaiirrfea, Uier Itiid tbeoisflvea waaJUtjr Id leallty. lle> m* all ilHlr d.bu Uiioughao ageut. and laud fur Haa Itoto Miaveraaddauibteia to visitibeu, and aiveagiaod bell at tbo Palaee lintel, Han PiantUoo, ln H.Bir Utut. Tba caat: Lord Parcr Hvahup, Julm Ward; Baioa Haloid Da flaniar, Ilarrr Vokes; How l^g*. Harry Blanev; Heo. Note Hbaver, Tuny Wilhtuia; Mtddy Mui.ay, Htd De lliay: Willie rhase, Udberl barony: WomI H. Ply, Al Hrsnt: l^uoneyACkar, AI.Hraot: Ilia Must. Hh) l>e iJray; Barley i*.<iro, Joeepfa Rusacll; faula Kye. lillberl Haruuy; Bill HtMfse. JoHph Ku»s«i:: AU.m Hiauio, Lag.r lIo| p* aod Clu(>a K Truntps, Harry Huuiter; ^era Mene, Hbaalta Worrell: Hasty Wrii«r, Claia ll.ll; hatella M.avar, losa iNisy: Belt ritiavar an<l Ha*.y Vuil, Margaiat Daly Vuk»*: trarrie ltoiii.iii:r, Mim KrioMll; UtK9 ^buich Miss Lt^HKk; Memo W.r, Mlia Vaugheo. * " The Croisroadi of Life," fUrrlck aod Oilikr'e iirw nvuHcliiiulOilranu irse Aral prcHcntcd al J.i>:<ii h* Thvuv, Nuwark, S. J,, Aug. u^. TdO Rccnlc dhpar lucludni auveral alroiigfualtjfi:*, IVIiiclptlaftiiitK Ibciu it acuiioof I'ark Avuuuir, a scciiijh nf Ibo lliirloui tuunul of Ihe Now York Ceiilralll III rOMl, 1)11:1110 aavliig abiHun Ku r, naarfUoiiy Hook, sno the .losoiahip Ciiy i>| Rene at sea llie slury ol (h. I'lay is liniiMt n»d by n,sby la- tereaiing»i»i<.l«s. p,il,el Hualujii, t yuuiig gul ' i Kog- li.h bir<Ti. IS ■sv.dlrum a*htp.ie fcby Jerk hSbdsr*. a flali.iuian. lie e>luC4te. the giiL who luins ool to ifO a very aiiracuve won an. dicb llawth.rae, rsptain ol U«o hro Kav»ra, lalla in lore *i>h h»r. Julian A>hefiMl knnva thsi Ihe girl Loa a totteao awai'Ing hrr in Fnaiaad, 't.i n rmaa fftosplrary tu Ih|. nap h.r. lUiaNtMutlu t« aaceesalul When Haw'horao eomra on His s<;.n. and satat her. Aabwutd iild R«tma e plan to irl Hawlhorao cot nf lha var, H. tratDS <bak llawrhoms la rnlna m Alhanv on rome hD*inrs«.sad Irlesio wrack Ih. train SB 11 pavs*! Ihroneh ihe lerasL Th^fehen'a la di*cov.ra)1 ny Lilr Raendsie. and Aihnnod IB'hwartsil aeain. Ha siiapipi. iora«rv oat Ms neran. eaai*akigna insevaniotherwsf. nr,tahlr in an aiisaias to wrerh ibo steamship Cilr or Rooie In Aei 1 nat If irasiraiad each una, and the nelodiaBa eada bippilf.