New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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484 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. September 29. THE TTJRF. ALIX TROTS A UILB Iff DlOS 3-«. OUitr BMorda Placed <a tbv Cndit of Troltan «nd Paeen« Tbo iDllltl meeting at Wllllanu' oew irick nt Otlaborfr, 1:1., npecoi) on UoniUj, Mpl. IT, con- UniilDg tliroiiRliont the week. It wu ilgullad I17 tome rcDwrk>i>l« ptrfomitocCB, IncludlDf • (reib rMord (or one mile, IrotilDi, ilitt ftoe IKUe mirc, Allz, on Bepi. 10, plwlng Ibe Dguni at »M)s, tliu lowerlnir licr own an/1 HaadH.'r ncontonerioHtier •ecoDd. Tiie day wna all tliat could be dtalrei), tbe boiann polling tlie track In perfect order. Twodij Iboaund pen )ua were at tbe traok. At t.lO Mr. WililatnaauuoauceailieapKlal aicat o( the dtj. tbe auompi o( AUI to b>at uo world'a record or 3M. V,'lieii tbo mare appeared on Ibe track, wllb McDowell bobind taer, alie wai gmied with a mlfbtr oncer, (in Uie aecond acore UcUowell nodded, and, witii ihe runner br ker aide, Uie lliilo mare waa oiron ber Jonmoj. To the quarter ibo wentlu 0:3J)i'. and aind on to the half lu 1:01^^, An aba nearcil tno tlirce-iiunrtera tne watcbaa ourkeil beral 1:3*.^?;. When the mare toroed Into llie itntcb eho falrlr new. and wltbont a akip came onder the wire In 'J:(a,H. Tuo crowd wont wild, •ndokeoradorciieorwcntup tor Allz, HcDowoli, Morrla anit Willlama^nd hit raat track. On tbe following di>T lloMrt J., ihe alar pacer, at- tempted to lower li la record of 2:uija, made at Terra IlaiiM, Ind., Iiut, alilioiign Ihe track waa In caplul coailluon, ho (alleil to accoopllan tbo IrIck, taking tMH to reach tlio wire. It waa after 4 o'clock wbcnUoeraanpmrcd on tbo track behind llobcnJ. Ue gave lilm & wanning milo In 2:13. Ua tbo aecond ■ooro Ooora nodded fur llie word. The iUrt waa Bttoog and aieady, and thu pair reached tbe (|uart<r In 0:30. To tlio half the novo wu a bit alowcr, and Uie waichea auowi'd IKil.','. The crowd cheered, and evorjbudy thought lOO lioiao would aureir break bla nuord, liui from the half Hubert 1. Aoemcd 10 f.iltor, and at ilio three-qoartora he marked l:3i;«'. uown iho airotcli Ocera grew nn- ea<i. and bogan to ply Ibo wiilp a little. R availed noluing, for the beiul acemed tired, anil the Inat ho coo Id do waa to tlniab In HcDowell iliua brought liirecUy out to beat tbe two year old n^cirii, '.iKW, made i>y Uarbonate at Terra llauic. The horao weat to the quarter In 0:3i, to the halt la l:U41i. i-) Iho thror-i|ii<ri«ra In IM'i. and tbe iiillo Id 2 up;, toua reducing the world'a record for two ye^r uiua. (Inlino waa then glreo a mlleto heat the (our rear old record, :i»T.'^. lie madithequartcrin0:31.';,the Out in 1:03;;, tho thnw-quartera In 1:3i, ana the mile In 3W;, thiu Uelog tne record. M«M Till N'lw ijuiaN'a UouKTr Jookit (Jluii, tbe Ut- cat turf orgaulMiloD In tiio Kaat, la to cuomenco operatlooa thia week, opoaing on Thuraday iifur- nooo, SepU t1. The iraok la Tocaled at Aqucdact, L. I., 00 till) llao of Iho Ung liland llaliroad, la three qiiarieni of a mile In urcumferenco, and la well laid oot, llabackatretcli anil komnireioli lielug nearly \,O0<l Inor. The club haa been denied a llo<iue by the Jockey Ololi, uui ibe inauageioeni ba*e determined 10 carry out their ptograuuno de- ■pita Ihe oppoaltiou or tbeconirolling body. They EroBtio til BMure tho aorvlcca of conipeieiit and ooeei odclala, who win dn ibelr duly to Ihe public wlibout tear ur favor, aud alHie tliat about ono bnndRd and Arty Iniraea IMve alRady bceu accured for the alkieen Uaya' meeting. The grand auud wlil accommodate ubuiil two ibouaaiid perouoa, with a iKUlog ring capable o( doing llkewiae. TimKenuicky llicing Aaaoclallon liavo decided not to bold Iheir Fall iiiceilug till Nov. 16, In onler that a oaab wlUi iho Nnahvlllc and Hoby Auocla- tlona may bo avoided. Auixa5DKhTavi,.ih, Hio liiii'iint KdkIIhIi Iraliinr, dlod Bapt. 13, ■ihliliiiiii*. llio Utotun II9UW. uoir Uarllnr ouali, aa*.! ^Trnty.nnv yran Tui FiNAt. BiluoTorihoaerloa of threo Included In Ihe plgeou match bciwctii J. A. lu Khloit and W. F. Uarver, 103 lilrUi ikt tnau oach ahoot, took place at Kanaai (Jliy, Mo.. .Sept. la, Eilhitt winning by a acore of 00 to vi. Klliuit won three alralght cun- t«eu. WANTKU. A riHS'r rL,AIIII'riiltllPB,TQ PI.AY KAIII H>:KK,.Voi. I.IU inDoIuaWa A. KINNf BHBW. M-naunr. Op^rm lliiu*e llniiiar. La. j.nailDaDt ilnatieilaiir««a*aau)ai>u Uia ruwl nilh llrvt cUm coinpiar, opara praferra.1. Aildr'u A 0, care ul MttlWJf a AtlTetlUn'a AufPcr. MaUiniow. Md. AT MHKiiTir, ArThii Tiini.'UMi! ul' uoiiK a WiltTBTa ulH<:UH. llUr n. I.KW .MUIKiI,!) aad WI»'K. will maoaaa ii:dMliu«, iiiaha opaolnal lactu'e atidoo. cart aooouBcaiuaau; wita lo lurDutli and liaailln aood daaofaaaliea; harolliaianAkaralntlnB. WouMlllirto arruia vltb aonie eircua Nulofl tl*iiiilt. Malary lo Butt IballinaiL II. W. Ilah, arlla. l.KW MllllllLO, Haauar 01 atd*»hair, I'ooV A Wliubf'fi CIroua: ('habnicaa, Uloli. »l.l(a«diMy.>llfh. K'lu.ia Hrnion llarhur.Hia'i .Uct.O. WAN'l'KU, A PAIiThli:* BU.\. BalliorhalriJiara. lafiwwi jQdr I'vrlonnar. t'nr rull iiarilri addrwa UBO. A. HILUllAN, Htiael. ^.»Mlna'on. Kv. 'I'O A'lTICNO rAolaanod I'QOOhaud aLlj|<>'ri"H U1>KII A IIUUHEI. KbW UAHTINd- VILLK. WHAT VA. iiildny bamaao Wl:< ' rarkarabara. Won Vn'. Dams naiita«l for 1 elaaa trnuno* nnly. fopiiUtliiu 3 UO. .tddraaa W. M *'ll.l:v. Mwmiir. Haw MirllDlT l lla. Wail Va . WAN I'KU, IInln>UK<:ilILIIHKN TU UAKK HIK, BVKHKl.'ftl) I.AUV: b«>t 01 raliTiiDco. Toroia iti ault — ; ILallmai AUil ra*a r WANTKU, O. Hn\ lai Wnli ti. Il l AalA'J'RlJk Ml'Hn^AX «>NH ABFIar, ALau HIIV IIVSIKAHT. Aildnu ll 'i.xai Kall«niurfKYIralnl». OUli ll.kNU JllUnlt',-Aivril(>«dvr.'KlliiBall. il' N. A MllHti:i ; ' . a.iWl J«nii. . Ht. Monlnul ran. rlASIrir. foSITIDN ..Idrata K«llilK X >: l.-U A.'i WKt.l. . Hi-tdlii. Naaiiaji; H'la ,.,jjuiir i^iiu'AfionY, la'T.AiEft btaiib THIOK& rldrK ft .<lu ai.paralua ranaiml. HplMt OablaatU.ltor). ai.. AliMiUteal.vfoiiilani lu ara._ Taniia TVAiU'I'ISo, Ar u.v ^.. I Wiril HkM.tlll.E niMI-ANV. Aildra Ka Dabia Sa'Oi - t> Aalitiinl simit, hiivklTii. N Y. AM A • Kl'Jtvr.\K K NtrnCIO.-W ANTED, eix auaTKUK Ai^KKK.iHHujdoiun>«oiinaU*oolnaaed Hahttlharaoiar raria, lo apiiriu i Anaaaruuieii. AiMra a \V III BltaaU PlalnflBltl. n^w .Un*y -.- - niati'M 111 Ilia vaak. KVlliiLU.^ Ko. 13 Bonianal WANTMI>, turn HIHIi CtlllHUV CO, oiIaLlbniik iianii anii OKI iiK.iriiA. I'lioi'KiirY UaNwhucinaclaiitl play li«a«Oiitni. Uunl iiotlaialand raaalo. Want tn lipar iinm yiml uHlul liaopla, alao Mull' OUONat ainim»a. »F.n. II. HUWH. aildraMaaparrogla. "T^Oll BAI.K CliKAl*.—una let of acanary. ri.n. alatloii of Ava driilM lialfi, alth Haa ruruin, alt palnioti ' Japan colora Now laatHprlnf. Alao |i«a and all«Rnry r ''Dnalf Tom " rhusi> 11 lakan alKiica ('ECU. A THlilf, BOnOR, DKBTOHB*, MOMOLOOVES, KTC^WmtTIlK TO ORDEtl. Band •larop for raplr. JOB.>tBIWItAW. IM yalmoimt Ava., fbllarfelplila. THHiH HllBKT I'OMfKHH, a CBNTH. Lllboa. balleaai. Baad Scania. 10 alampa, for umiiloa. O. I.CT Balld ailtnl. I/>uiaTill». Ky. or ALL BONOII hese Are WINNERS. TilF. rlllHr TtlllKI! tllR FRKBH KRI>V TIIK I'llFXS, ASD AHE THE LArFJITLO.VDON llir.-'. *'To Err la llnmAti, to lorfflro, nirtne." (IIBKBF.KT IIOLCOUBK R baautirol daacrlpUroaoor. for Mriluna. lanorurcnoirailo voicoa. Tlia moat poaprfnl dranialla Ialla4 aT«r wriltan). lOe with erehatiiatioD. •>ToD Can't Tell All Tliat Yoo Knon." Sarlo comic and aaobratu apaolatly. lOc An aicallenl oovaliy. "ThoroN a Notr One CiibId? In the Mornln;." Not aoiaaillTe. b:it atrloHr. arfully, funny, lilt for apeclailiuaod media/a, famala. 10:. L&'TE WORKS.' STANDARD HITS. '^boHlilpI Lord" (Iraat nanloua ih^rripllTo miu. «ttli braiiialic Ko- dtatlTa. IOC.. allliurclio5trn|>art«. "Tlio Porgotlon WorJ; or. What D'Yoii Call It'!' ronilclilt, lUo. NooKbaairanaeaaaary. '^Iie Name Sireet Delia Are RlnglDg." Oraa^UasoripUralllt of Lonlon. tOc.wllh orclioa- tra paria. "Back 10 thft Old Home Agoln." Huullfill Vln<irfl bnllail anJ FIrat Fa^t^oll||. Na«. III.'.. Willi nreliMtn nan*. TUB E.HOLIItll !tO>°0 pun. lIUt'SE, 31 M. Hoora Hli«el, N. Y. Honga Taught Krea u> rrnf^lonala. 3 ami i H. it. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Am I In Iti Well, I UiiOBi'.. Au Uiipreeetlented Huccesa. THE ROSE'S BALL rudonhlMll)* la (lie mont cutohy *oh% And dftnce wrUt«n Iti yeara, and pre* dIoUd to Uiiv« o ruu vquat to lliat uf >*P«'«tty Ai n Plctiiro.*' A llmlliMl inim- bnr nr <-o|>lu4 will bn mwut to prnfei«i(i<iiiKl4 only, uii r«tc(ilpt of 10 r«utitf with pro- gramme or corda Atldr«44 CII«H. U. (10 HIrntfurd Plnrc^ ^'^^warli, W. J. CALL. BOB FITZSIMMONS' own mm CO. Itchoarb'iil nt Ainnrlcaii Tlirtitrc, I'litcr- HOD, M. J., Sklarda), Srpt. 20,10 A.M., Bbarii. I'Icaso acbiiowloilK(< tlilH call. r. C. RICE, ll.) Urccu Street, Mow York Cllj. EVERYBODY KNOWS THE BOWERY KING! "MY BEAU'S A IIOWKIIY 1K»Y" WILLIE WILDWAVt'S Up lo Dalo Wall2 Song. Der'K louol ilio niuB« Irr (a wId tD», Ad' Huh outileir biaroll oi roiD, Hut "nnioQ yoitr lllo,"u>t <ll* wry, I'nt \\y «li»n I li^vo a inoil turn. Dtrti'% QQ\f ona m It wlili .V«llle, Ad' tSiQVd 1 Km a blnl, for lie la i]«r '-l>«%ut" ol ilor Bovsry. Wo'il eel rplkAil lia ■iA>a Jor wtinl To lliB)iMffp>i<ion. in ntntn WIlaLI AM W. 1)K[.^.*IKY. 117 i'Ark Unv, Utrn Yi>rk. A GRAND SONG, IIY F.W. ROfiKIIS. rUULIBIIIIII IX NHW YOlIK AND LONUUN HGIT. II "AFl'ERrilESHOW IS OVEW." 'ro^••llluDau:nplf^ iiIo.RA(:ii. c:<aii urtmii to VHKSK IIAUI)IN<).2»K<>tr«<Ty. Nott V«il. Orelt«llrntlnni for "tkci>in'?er auO .^ai"iiiiJ "Wlioii Huniin«r Cotnti All4lD," Rl'o "AdiiI« ll*lll>" Tn-g. ~)i>H>H i>AI«Ha—i'li<iBi-«'t iiuiaieior MnJ-Oiw Hide w»ll£itlMtlt)nti, 10 !•<*( liiHlt, b«*n up«(l *\x wmIib 40 iMtof It ii*T*ruDi|no«; 3 bnnj d«*T*ii(a. 11 («et bj U.3>( fNt: •Ueirtll, poltti 411(1 all cnuit<l*io. TIim iwo lentii «ir«n*rer»«t u|t Tlicyitie 10 ounce Uuov. Alio one l<ilB«iRiitPunc« Duck utMl nn«fe«Hn: gond r« new. One Itil* Oixik T*ni. uii»i iAoa^iui: oDo >ixll Sonne* Daok, ummI a MWitn^ Alto IVlpi (or Itio HiJowaMii. B*4wa*Ukra for oacli bIO* imjIh. So in|>itiiM wHU ihU: U'R for « moOleiue klmv. Ihln »ltol« uiillll lor tSi. Uaiiil rU, tod will leuil >:. o. D., mih iirlrlli>|io of tD«i«cilpn. I'l wor(ht<Mtl ll'iuorih* colli, but I Uoo't oeotl IL No worn out ■uiir, but •iwl ■nf>il. aUh 3 HoditoiL nK 1.0WAXI)*. WiTlli Hr» oc1i. Mich. WAI^'KO. Ktill HKrKiMDI.ITA'i nfMSlTv CIV. HI'KOlAlaTV I'hUI'LK Thofei>U«in«br4Uflvenitrolfir uoo. Aliat If KiUr lur I'Rittl ami OKhrklra. Full |>«rlU*n lun ami |uT»i( >aUr< Aiiu \fi'\fr We mt butt J. Atl dff UinKll KI.VIOHK. NwHIiumTlllit Olim . "XtelimfiN*!* lni|>ni«t«l MoUeti) lltr|). Acknowlnl■ f«l thaonlr i>«Tlerl tiul Ictnif il htrp m vYimtnc*: no uaihlotin oTOhna'n Mmnm be «Utiout on*. Iut)ulr« nl Ioitr looil uuitc (I*t1*r nrMnil l><rilo»crlplli«olmtlirto latr y l>»ln»>r 'i i Miin to IIuupq. H d iilier Bu1»»ilD<. tjhletgo. 'jptVftrrio^ wAwrKn iiv an Ai.T(» haxo^ rOOaNK rLAVUH WILL IHirHl.K OH VtUUM. Ht>V KOl'LK. U>nT Ul»._rt. WANTKU—InilitliM. IVrloMii'ra toO «oo3 Xrifo LM*anf«. CtQ I'ltCM ynu lar Wlnlor KOK«K«'tnOQl If Toar Mlttf UwiihM) reiMiu. cm ihlimit, tnil wiion yoa arvAulorvork write Ilio. 1 »UI l>* loctled at Uankalo lor thi Wintpr AiUlitli'k. writ*. IIH. K. OHASr. TBI. - ^- . mSj (otof*ti\nvi ilcl. 1. Only $noi\ OAinittaloa wtDl»L A aooA Pliiiw luai). HMtniq tiW. HOODOTT by K. L. Xliohtll- Atltlri*>i A II. 1IKK> MttitKor. |flrr»pTy. 'I lIKNMWH^iiN. I.WMHttnl Pl, AlVTKUt. tOMlU Al^TRACtiONM AT riLOT nnsT (ritXAS) orBHA Uou^k. win b« •iKBmiKti Uoo o( Ihe kivleri IIAKKY llrt^MU . Ky. a.ti. KAON MuO i<rIcoi,hTiili JrtcriP' flu want, and vnu wtlj 1>t enllail. hK'tnN Halnl Hi, LoiiUtiII*. Ky. 4 sALi4, i PHtiki'oUHiiN^ htVnir— ADORU^ti, WlTllHrAHl*. A. K, MSOarOnar fliceer, UpIoq nill. W. J . "WaWT Y6 HK4•< ii^ROaSI AWftV ^A^Slf lliimer"W«Tof tbeWoria. ' noil \V. T- U. nSOWKK Mantc(>r "Ui VoMi 'it titrory." Kln>l!y Pond foar tJ drtmand ruuu. 1Ia>o 40) oiMrt chairi lor tali itH. u. rAMrbbU. n«inMi. meit WAl^iPBb. bOMli-AL NuVKuTIb^ tll'lTABLKPtIR Hatlc«) »cl. ■inlbocho* p Hair y r onieri>r.'* b*fll *l<l "CAI.i..—iTtHMilliiTlKS. WIlilN IN NK\V~VoHll' MoptimaitO 141 ht-i Kilii««tmti KirH't,TIIK«TI(li:.\l UBALHjUlHrKKis («n libcKn fidm a<l tim IreitDtl i»w •■OIL Kamlah«tl tiww tor li|tltl h(<UN>k»oplnH. Hninl U«««lr«l. MBfl. J. BARHUWB. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLI-]. Tlio'O «Iio ilnititTortfrrMl. Mu»t liav* wardrobo tiid bo tirlcilyUni|>ot«te Wook MaailiL AddroM wllli lon»Ht uUiy, t|«, tieiglit ami wo'clii. Mai im:K OKRW. carfol CLiri'KH.- WANXED, mmm m soubkehg rnH IIKI'llKr''IIIK. .VV.STIIKVIilUtTM.l! WITII IIIXID lilNIIIMI ASK IMVI IM) SI'KriAI.Tll(3 COI'LII L'^K lllH'DKKErCIITKAM. Al.'illOI.U UaNTO UUL'HI.K I.\ Wi.\M Ailttrrai |>LCK A HICK, WNltlitu. Mua.lhlM «Mk;NMlius.S It . uaxl ww.k^ "U01DS.V1TH TRUNKS." Wiili! for lIliwli'iitiMl €iitiilf(;iu'. HIlTl-l Makoup Uui, Willi Trs)-. 3t>r, KadorrTIT AT«tm>. ctininr ^lat fiirr^t. N'aif Vijik, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, PRACTICAL MANTIIOKOiruiILV Ul* IN "BLACK AHT AND iiW- AlH ILLl'ttlUSt). Muil be A Ni> 1 ii>:il <•» preparcl tu Mart work tt ooc*. Hti onfiavfincDt in rlatit rarly tLr^ry IlilDf lUToUliod. l*roi. H-neMo, vlio liail l>|itc« uf lllii »ioa* firtl yoar of Detroit (Mleb.> KxihibkIoo, r rllo •lUlox Uyou can D* Mpn in New Vork thiH aoek. Die HtUr)' lo you. A'lrlT»r< M AN'AilEK ».. cat* ofCLirrKR. kOSTER&BIAL'SMUSICHALL Utl.B. DI 1)10 IKS PHAHTOB. IILI,B. fOUdKBE, . Tt^lE KLCTOIIEIl^ TIIE IIATTOIU). _ TSCIIEHKOPP, UAIITINETTin, SECOSD 8ER1E8 LITINQ f ICTDHE8. H. R JACOBS' THEATRE, Cor. 31.1. Mt, ■(III 3d Ats. MONDAY.THURSDaTaNO SATURDAY. REVIVaI. op TIIK F.VKR FOPi I.AR PAFCE COMEDV. PECK'» BAD BOY. WEKT wkltltwi-hai mill Alarm. TONY PASTOR'S. MATINEES TUESDAY{ AM) I FRIDAY, 1«TH «Tm BET. 3J uui lib ATa FREU WAbDHAN'8 CHEAT BPKCIAl/rV CO. BARRA TROUPE, JOHN HART, RICItUO.VO AND nLEMBOr, imni. I I'A'TLR'OX BRUS.. UKO. I). lIRI.VIf.LE, WILL UKN.NY. OtTILBR MAIIKEAItOORUUIMI tmlolbaia. IIRHALD BliVAlin THBATHE, BKUAOIYAY aTIUTIIIIITY FIKTH UT., RICHARD H&NSFIELD. KvauiDR*. MktJafs IVwIoAidkr, 'Tiinc* KuL" "ARMS AMD THE BfAH." Mr. II. V. I'ilt, Mr. IlaniT leneli. Sir. WAldeD R1111U7, '.Mia. ycKM Rftukin. MIta Amy Butbr inj MlM BEATKtCE nAULnOX. Salunlay Mallnw. "Anna BBd Uia Bin." B. F. Kellli's Amusement Enterprises. E. F. ALBEE - • - Oea. IVr. B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boiion, Man.; THE BIJOU, Phllitlelplila, Pb.; B. F. KEtrH'S OPERA HOUSE. Provldtnce, R. I., AND B. F. KEITH'S NEW UNION SqUARL UOUE OP UR. KEITU-S OBIOINAL ContinuouB Performanoe. NUON TO 10.15. MO BTOr. STAR PERFORMERS WRITE FOR DATES. BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST, AT AUBRDSB fAHK, SOUTH BIIUOELTN TWIUK UAILT ALL BUMMEa PPOPl.V'.'li TIIBANHB, 1 KAJL Mjli a riKNKV 1! MI.SRR, Pf(iprl«U>r. U>t.U-«J. I CAIlIi A.ilt!l«VIN. I itnLitL "THE SILVER KING." RUBER'S il 3IUSEUM. UponalllheyeAT. WANFED, POR TUB nUBIOUALLS. LivlDg Carioriltloi, Krotka oi Nal-jro, lUro tad Curloiu Aoiiutln ol orory iIoKrIpUoD tor our oew Ueoagorla D«|itrun»nt, and at all tiinta tba T«ry bau VtodovlUo HunrurtLotiivatre. Hv nlary tuo hlnh forKintClau NoveliiftL HotpiSBiueDU from i toUwwhi dtirlDgtba DORIS' Sth AVE. MUSEUM, 3S1 Sth AVE,, N. Y. CITY, For Scaaon 'IM mill <U.'>. Curio Hall Bad stusu AllruclluiiM utiilrpiia .TUIIX II. D0KI9, Ml HlhATe. llA.BLi)M MUSEUM, II6II1 Slt^el anil Third Ave.. N. Y. Cily. TBEiVTON MUSEUlil, North Broail SIraet, Trenton, N. J. JOHN IIAN.<I<)N Prourlslor Ell. C. S.niTII ManuBcr H'A.NTKD AT ALL TIIIEK, HMOS FttUini, l!url- oaiti.M aqO KoTuitlH fur L«ctur« 1I*IU: 4U0 lllab Clau VtuilATlllo ActA tor TliutrAii. All applicatloat lor tfPianOmdula (tiotli Iiouaon) aiiiat bs aililniMd 10 KD u. BMITII. Iltrltm MuKao CHAN. WO LIT iis CO., TUB LKAUINU NIlOW I^AIN'TEIIN, III Klillilli Slrrol. N. Y. W C E ]V la It Y . Entirely Newl No HumbugiYt IKHTANTAKKtUie UUKK FOR IIEADACIIK ASIIHA- TAItRII. lu kluiiilu-iin oAtt. La«i. lorvtur. Krili KlKhl. AnAnu wiotcl ovrrrwhvr». SodiI 3&rriitii lur uinpl*fttiJileM)rl|41v»circular. M. TETHII^ T) >:. TMrminhBirwl. V..rli Wanted, at Present, a Good Young rtriB*r ft>r Mupticil Acritbatlc Aci. T'l'iiw vriiu ti onro. ■■ HHHKKn).ai*i Wwi Twf»l)-HMllt SUt-bI, N V. (Miy NEW TRICKS. Latest Europau- Noiellles. Htgio, MMOod Hliht tod ADtl-tfpintotllm. B«ud 8 eaola . ..-..1 : ino«DUilorootuHoi«»li' .- Kf>V, UnCoiiri 8it»<4. Boston, WANTED, LADY TO TRAVEL, WHO CAN IX) LKI.l- lll'HKT (li:UKUU WONUKII .MAQNETIC BUDISK$.'<. AililiMK I'nni-'. WDIirliSTHR. M»iui»r, r iDilra. X. Y AT LIBERTY, FRANK P. MINNELLI, AOKNT. NKWdr.M'KR VltirBUiUid UENKI'IT VUKKKK l>TlawaT« n WANTED, SWISS BELL RINGERS AND CON. i^UT ftUM'LK ItAHl' 1*L\YKU. LADY or (lliNT. tlial piiuhtr in Hr«^j(: LaOV f Jd'Tlsr Muail-oif^'tt mnfoifu AdJr*>» t'. III'ST. lUl*»tr<« fllioei. Bluilmiiiif^n. N . Violinists Wantid In Pilndpal Towns and Cities 'ntat:i*nL>«RSTMK T)>krlitiBr«nnitk»t>iffmi>iiry. .St> «tpiial. U'li ilr^l cUm io of*"!**!! rooMlr**!. PQUIKH. VinMii ManiiUci u ror. Utnlo rrcol:. Mich. OLYMPIC 130 St., and 3d Ave. HlghGiasiVaudevllkt. CIIANOB OP PltOORAKDIB WKEKIaT JAB. nONAUlSIOM JR., Prap. JM. II. ctiltTIN, - - - ■ tUnmger. THE WILMOT DTTO, Vi. 1). WILHOT-W. il. BAUBER. TIIK JlOsr HUrCKSSPUL DOUBLE -nYOLIKO ACT KVKH fllOOUCED-BAlt .\0K11. Itoclirit^r, (N II.). V*lr. Il«pl. »-23. Olioo OcL T. OorrrBpoiiilBiic* iprlt wl fToui r wpoDifbl* mtntu flni. "UNTHAN," ALBINI'S LONDON EMPIRE ENTERTAINERS. ENGAGEMENT WANTED, YOUNd WOMAN 111'TALRSt" WOULD MKE TO JOIN KLI,rAHLB<:i»MI>A\V TO I'LAVIIBSFONHIBLBFARTS, ilrxtit <lr«irtiir nn nml olTmape. AddroM CllllIaTI.NK Nimril.ctro vt lAvrooco School of Aclloi, H i'l Wrm Korty pf cond B4r>«t. Kow Vorfc. Ol'KN TIMK, Cooper Opora House, CSION riTY, I'A. I'ur,3.un). llouHd rtMalad. MtllOH UU. stnodtnl allnctiiiiu iln uixHl bit Want a rep, c«nir>i>y J. II. HLANnilARD. Uaaigar. AT L.IIIKKXY, t'.Xt'lllllKS'CEU, HKSr OK IIKKbHE.U'ES™ AililMX LANCASrF.K. OHIO. "Jonah and the Whale," "I Don*t Want to Play In Your Yard." TbHt UirM Mii«i watotlaprotwlt". Flaan Intfomc to pay poMay. PETRIE MUMP CO., t^blcac. m A aiMreia, RMEOPmillYlorMlRS SECURE A GOOD ENGAGEMENT. mi.ort«d iiU«a. IbU ralDt li •'>»'S1."X liriDl«4 anil po«»M«il ol piopaiUaa •I"''"',"!'; 1} TaluabU u a nin bMntllKr, rMdarlnic It clMf UKl brlabl. Tbo porter In iba boi ii P"l«'*'""!'*'•" n\n. all bLnlol Innrailiran boiiiii tomof*). To louo •I.ICO moM Rooda lor wblcli wo aio ihaMloMtou forUio U. B. loicapilogltlnj^ Qoetoa aod N. ). Coootla"), « will./or l«o wMti. out Iho price lo « eoiil«. Ibree lor II. an) inaipetlaloitor and aou liberal loJooooiont, naort Ibo purehawir'a name, tddroM, lloa ol boalnjM anaaabortWomiliroB oltoniVe pa«el Ola new Iliiaila lealher cotokiI 'Male book ■ for UW-Saal '»«L,wlilcb we era aMol to pablmli. Tlieee booti are to bodl'lnbuttd irBtiiltoDilr b» tbooaaodeto maoaiien aod actora all orer Ibe cooolir, Ibaniloi almott lo a certaloir tbe probabllilr ol obulolDl ao enioitoioeDt aoitcd lo jour altaiDmeDia wlilvat oipenee lo jou. Tbe price aikeo tor Ibo box doei not copieient pear lu ratae. Aa wo ere deoarcTd from eellloii to raaldeoU 01 KlDia, Ouma and M. Y. CouDtlei, «e loilattbat all onlen ooioo bj malL One aod two cool poiUite eiampi accopud tn paiment Wllb onleii for tbroe boiee. It pletore It eent, we will In leitpbolo enicarlnglooordaie book.and prenntjon wllb eleclrotjpotn o'oon jonr leitor JjaJ" "Jj-Ii"*- lopoa AddrouallmaUto PAVLPERniRn, Ko. 3 WotC Ponruonlb sunt, Mew Tori. SPECIAL DESCRIPTIVE STANDS. Tlie veiT ihowleat paper poeltd. Tbo onir rwl doejiin- ra in tbelrepedalTloe nefereneo,tbe leading ebow prlotare ol Ibe U. B. JuM Iryoor work end bo copitnced. lawiro of fakea V« do thIa work cheaper iban aojr prlnllni Oiui can drawlbablockeocaniirBre tlienlooe, and eren tlien make ebowler auidf. We onlj aik a trial Irom ebowewliodonolkoow aa Ttile eoATCowobare done Ihe largem aminoc of aland work for old patrooa wbo hare been nif lakea, tooling wlUi moahrooni d.ub- emwhodoDotkoowTrhaldealRnla New Ideee.catchr deilioe, no depoitta. ani qnanlltr, prompt ietr ce. Send II and readini inatler for 31 tbret lUnl lo colora to D. Wanted, at Once, Repertoire People FOR TUE ALUAMBBA TUKATRG CO. DRtUATIl! PROPLE IN ALL Ll.SES. PLEAKE IN- CLOSE PHOTO AND PKOORAHHE AND STATE WHAT TUU CAN DO. Galarrnire and muet bo emaa Prank Wlilttler pleaee wrlto. No ninner advance.1. Adilrott F.i;aENE BRYANT, Brillol. VL WANTiff), FOR IL L UIS1 111 UiulclftDe,ftUo itorlbrninn Inall brmnohei ofClrcaa Dueliiflin, «i€«pt Rlriero. SALARIES LOW, BUT8URE. Anewerto MORnAN OlTVjLA. Fanc) Watches, Jeielry and Sliiermri Salt- AULK FOlI KAIK!l.i'llti;U!ll'.8 anil IIIVE AVYAY I'l'R- IILiKt Kon.l lUourale.l caialoiua BAZZETT ± i: II EH. IM K. Marlleoo »t. ClilMaii. llC FUTURE WIFE ANDIIUenA-VDS AND BABIES, alio NfKrooe anJ Portunta J. EARLY, Ml Wuhlnr'rtn m. nnwihlto. N. Y. IUmpli.ainalle.1. IPn LOOif ■:<)'E aiAONETIC LADV kWIVe ACT atiil How lo Boonme a CUN- TUIITIOMST. iniolhrrwllh :i other acta, all lenl, c*.ari:ee i.tltl ivl'lt my now rUBant bound booh, for 11 AJIiw JiillXil lii:llEIULliR.rier»lapJ. dilo SONGS Kuil tny ktiHl 01 touilo tmngtd ud c«iiti[>uuid. Kmall aoogi tt rMWn- ■blervtwt. OrlBtDijMD|ii,tte.,writo ton. Takoii dowo. fioon ttughL A. HK1NKRT.S17E KHhHL.K.T. SERPENTINE DANCER BKAHTIFUL \VAIini(UHK. UE9I11E8 KS(1A(IKUEN*TH. (TiiiitiADyi'Tcroiiotl. M. L., rtToorMA'MSoN, 7 W'twl FouTWnlh Btrtot. No» YoTk. Experienced Advance Agent Wanteior MACICIAV SNOW: ALSO A JL'OQI.RH. AddnM P. K., ftfw of IHIU.V. I:?! liQvittnn St.. Jnui. I'Uln. Po«loB. M*M. THE WONDERFUL DOUBLEJIICK JUGGLER, ZS. TJ rt T SB,, MA.Stl'ULATIVE MAIIVHL f>|- THE WOnLD BILLY NELSON'S GREATEST SHOW BE NK.VTII TIIK 8XV,0N IT.'l .lOUn.N'RV HOME KmpIdk lliptu dill Willi riLilit. ilrlTlno DKni »«-iy with ihot hudk. MlnxuM niiiyw«Btt» ii^uir Y'liir c^NKT. man EARLE COMEDY COIMPANY i;n T">iiii TiiRouiin v. s. a. rilANK MCCUIIUICK. Mtnagar w. D. JOimaoN. Bud Meiter. Repertory and Stock Companies Sind Staaip I'Oll Ltur up MAM.'St'KII'r I'l.AYIS will >ell at panio lirlfte Xi.wl.iM . NnHro.V '..I P.. llth r^roet, N. T. Clly. AT UBERTY. A Vllll.I.>l PLATRR AXI) FIAXO PLATBS. UP IX vtHiprr mi. AiijrxaMit. i: hciinell andmb. Al.iiKiir.c«ri.iifi'l ii'i'F.ii. CAROUSAL ORGANS. THE FINEST STOCK OF I NEW HALL, RUTHERFORD, N. J., SEATS 600, ell •lie oiran. in il,. wnrM l.<r uK at lo-'llmu .■•■<i,»l I .-I ."iK 1\i\;i l'i:(>*-tsll-M lt<l\oncllF.'TRA. HOU- TAYI.Oni BKMKI.I.OH, lis fork Kow. N Y. llrKalr I KIIX l.gllP.MPN t. IlltOfXU I I.OllK, P.LR'-nll! LIOUT, Ini; and exlia c>lm.lrr« a (pMlal lT. K'l aMlibftI ISM lin.t.l.i;\. .\.lili».« r I, rAKKKR. Baliaaer. WANTED, PiiNGH AND JUDY MAN. Ono tktl cftn lift toUtOB Ac«r«4 proUrrod. Aildrou OOfLEY UHU&, t'tlUbu'n Uotal, ikTUlOD, fa. WANTED, A BLACK FACE COHEDUW. TO IIO.-III.K I I- «iril AH.AlK WtnKWALKEIl WIU iir«|«Ta»kttlc)iii>,nll. Piir pkTlieolaracmll aiet Maiden 1.4M.N. Y. Mooul. UU8 SIBISnOil. Cupid at the Door." IS HO* BBINO PROF. J. W. HAMPTON'S NEW ACT. BOXING CATS, JIU CORBBTV AMD PETER JACKSON, ASD DOQ8 AKD MOXKEVS. GREAT LBAPERH, CLOWNS, II0.1IBR$AIILTS AND TRICKS, lew .p.. weak.. Wonld like.« bear f™« P.i; f WBI. H. FRIDAY JR.'S •ONO, SOCIETY." Uaiolioiud complloMatarT l*U#ra ptarlQi la rrom iii OTor ^OBDirx. Erorrbod^ protmuaein thft baok bd Idiub tfta«ODi hit W« Bunateo noihlnR oat c&n b«ft( il iw CopUt, WMDtl. FRIDAY A IlALb. ID n*lph Atoouo, Brookljo, N. v. New Bedford, Mass, BANCROFT BROTIIBnSt Lei««pii, Good itage, ncenery, floor, 160x73, Wonlil like to hoar frotu Combination*, Horio Bbo^vi, Bipoiltlout. Sealing ca* Iiaclcy, 9,000. Only popalar priced home In llto city. 0|)en« Oct. t. Wire or Yrnte« F. C. B\SOKOPT, Bianancr. WILHELM, THE UBEA.T tIEK.HiN HERCULES. AND ^ WORLD'S GHAMPIOH TEETH ATHLETE. Wlidhultbt hoonr of perfonnlns bMforo tbe loHo»lair EoroMftn Crowaoil UeAdt: 1^0 Emporor Wlibolm I ot aonnnor. late EioMror 'roderickoraerratuT. EmMrorWillitlni II of Oonntor i>Ar Aleiendorll oi Kuiwe, lite KmpororNftpnleoo III orKruco. EmiHiror Fnnz JoH^i-liof Aiimrit. kio Kini AlfoDioof HpitD, Klait Leopold [ of BeiRium, winpir hli drat TlMlt to AmtMcA, alter Uro yoin* oiperimeoMDs 00 Dov futurof. Id NoTembor, lf91 llkTingmido ODKMomonto elrvidr. lie ^lUilaffoar ve«ka Id New Ton, oal7 ud poslilrelf lie will clulleogoAB^mAn or vonitn lobtattilsfMU orTciili Sir^nyili mr ad enouat ortza.OOO- OomraDulCAtloDi lo be directed to bliprlTtteceertUTr ODlr, catb Boi 47. ISO But Htn fit, New York Cltr Atuorlce. Be OD tbe lookout for the dile ol exta arrlral. WANTED, HAN FOR OENEBAI BUSINESS, to Double Baaa Dram Id Band. Alao, 80I0 B>tet Conxt for Band and Onbeetra. Write or wiro J. A. PREBTUN, llaveretraw. W. If. "DIDN'T I TEr^U YOU," Tbou two clerer ilnging and talking cone4lani GILSON AND MILES, WOtJLD NOT BB AT LIBERTY LOKO. Eniiaiieil lor the balaoco ot Ibe oouon with "Auetlo'e Olnnnuana'' Thtoklnir manaaere for Ibelr Kind offera. HR. DAVE B. LEVIS IB KO LONOER iCOMNECTP.D WITH 'losr IK Eovrr." i hold all cuktrauis MAI>E FOR "LOST IN EIIYIT' AND WILL FILL SAVB AS PER COKTHACT. I.. W. WaSIIBURK. Propileur "Loat in BgFpt." Permanent addreu cam or Donald. eon'w Lltlionraph Co.. It ffem Blalit Btroet. Clnelonatl.0. 3VOTIOE3 ! COMIKU TO 00 TO HOTEL WARWIOE, 31 Sonlb Clark Street OnIr onebloek Ironi PontOllIco ami conrenlenc to all Ttiea- tree end Rallroada. Room and boant, U per week. T. V. DAY, lormerlr PalateTtiea'.ra. SU Loola. Mo.. Proprietor. Want to Buy a Horse Aboot UM hondi, mut lie fine lookw, lirokui to uddle and know a few trloke, T. E. BDTLER, 8 Murray St., Wew York. A Ant cUam titrecUoo for Oet, 6; elio, open Oct 8, D. 10, II, IS. 17. It^ 10, 3X 21, XI, X< aod lAter iD MtM>D'9I4. C'oiBv>uiee cwttIdk bsod preferred, ' AUnetloD' not neve ^ ' ■ CArrYloaOftDd, we I I floe en orcbeilr* ei will be foDiKl ttali eMe ofNew York tiWr. F. mVUfO CRANB, MwMTl'ower'inpeTe llouwe. IpeplDRburf, W. Y. FOR SALE, PAIR OF DISS0LV1N6 SCIOPTICON LANTSnSS AND 121 VIEWS. Tbree complete Uctnre Bem, oiioy ot iliem the Aaett colored en pIciureB. Bcreeo, ell eonplet*. Fioe lor hill or maituin work, reel me over fxaa f90.C0 the lot. Tbii le e One ctaence tn «o lato Uie builD«fe at e unell fipare. ff. P., 57 Ledierd Blk.. OtuwetH.. OrAPd Bepld. Mich. VIOLA, FIRST OR SECOND VIOLIN, AT LIB- ERTV. Srptnieorioiether. Doubtebua. PermeoiDt tbeeirepreurred. Sober eod relleble. Z. A. PBATT, care of Unieu 6AI Broed R'reeta Neverk. N. J Wanted, to Correspond at Once witli AN AEKONAl'T AND PAHAOIIUTE JUMPEIt. WOBAM I'RBfBHIlllU. Bin it. Enlaiila. All. THE 6REAT TEEL, EXPERIENCED, CLEVER OoiUurer;«lrea two houre'dae eot; »oberead reliable; aof bufioou man wiih %W ceo mtke tnoner with me. Addr*uTfii:U«OPee.<hRl.,Bil«. Pe DI6NAM & BAKER'S CONCERT COMPANY. Wanltd LADY FIAK19T: one ranable ordoloeaUa elcal Kpe<lillr. AdJreu W. J. BAKER, IMMannatun St. Allralienr Clir. Pa WANTED, A Partner for Triple Hori- ZONTAL BAR. Uuit be eeuoQB Paatnre end do Donble. LAFE MILLBR. ore of Sue Broe' Show, To>tdo, Oblo. WANTED. PICK, GOOD "LISTIN6" ADVANCE AOKKT. MUST BB 8V0OTU. Adilraea «. B. •■AllRULD. Mgr. EonUieia Price "rami" Co. Sep' « Boni.r>el Ohio. AT LIBERTY, CLARiONETIIST, EX-MEMBER U. K. UmHo* B4ad: alio A TBOMBON OAHBROK, CUrloB-t: J. HOIMN, Ti- Feik. MoBintel. ''eoide >T. Addreu P. .ibooe, Bobmer Stige Digdiig, JIr, Cloe, Sotg an! Diin, Iridi III and reel dinclnw tanibl for Ike eta(, ot tmnae Bent; nanjoand niindolln unehL iiend iiaoplorclr- enlar. J BOHAM.MTtlnl Arenue. New York. WANTED, SMART, HUSTLIN6 SECOND HAN For "A BIIKBZY TIME." One wbo can work etioet etere- oolinulroB nabanorbu aome ipetiillF prorerrod. liMb,i«ltabla. w, AuaUbostau AddmawMtnrate, AGreatSong! JustOutll Juat DOW U. 91. Stultn* %nn^H arc nil (he rage. '*llle Htvrnfeel Story l£v«r Told" line run over 100,000 co|ilfibt lils aong <'Fau* clei^* uckrl/ 7U,00U. We have Junt pnb- ll«hed title autlior^e orowiilnit work en- tUledi "A STORY EVER SWEET AND TRUE." ThIa le not a copv- after Ihe "Sweelvnt Story Ever ToId,i*mit It UJumC a« prdly. Profeealuiinli HCiid 10 cenia and v^t tlia ■onfc will! orcltenti-ntlun* Niiltable for any Tolce. SANDEItS 6t 9TA Y.HA.V, 13 W. Ohnrlea *<tr«et« Ualtlmore^ 3ld. CRAHAME'S STAGE SCHOOL, EsL 1886. Hall, 1,306 Oltvs. SL Louis, Mo. Act*,Tnrae,Bb*tBhef aod all klod^of Rien DeociDf taofibt, lor toe tlnmeilo or Terlfty Hiefie. rupib rio eDtAraDrilme. fl*nd or call fgr circular*. DePcripilTo PrlDllDc, IllDmlDAteil Colors, Moil At- trtotlfo Paper rotted, auv rixe aod qoeotliy; tareeu faelllitee aDdDioitrelltbleiiouee In Amerlra; nowelti: prompt deltrery: 6a i>er »beet od ordera ol S& or lircor; ■end reedlnit DietterHadOlloruinpleiheeL NATIONAL LtTll. cn..ia-7« K. Seconrt strwi. yhilidrlphle. I'a. AdarHeptS). TIIOROUOUr.Y RGLIABLB MaN..OER. boiloeae maoeser or advaiire. UipBrifoced la bonhiee eiiii mutioff. RecosDlzMl eitracUoDi weDtInc a COa- PETENT "Hue. Uwr?* or "AaeoL" ooe tbRt iriil work for >ourlDterear*, ad<trciii B. K. UlTOnfcLL, No. to Alblen fa., noreellevllle. K. Y. TO MANAGERS. A DRANATIC AND VARIETY LEADER; One who la Bzperlenred and Bellable, can ba eagitfied* Addrean BARITARD, aal Allnn tlc Atb.. Broj klyn. W. Y. Drummer^ Full Set Traps; Bass lo Double Tuba; 2d Violin, Double Alio ; Repertory. Woek auodfu UaDiMra*Dt doia Dot pay board. Ad- ever lowt^'t nlerr. Mn^t bo reeioDDble. JaNO. K. DIOHBON. MaDDierKeDDelr'iPleyete. Mftrri'mnwn. N .1, K«r>l 7A-ti. AT UBERTY, SEPT. 26, John J. Nolan^ ToDor Vocellet, laterloulor, Vocal Director eod fliac* Meoaoer. VtM. and ureuut eeawDa vlib the W. B. Clere- liod UlDiiroiH. Ad(Iret>. week of Si. Ciit<-ai:o, alter ihat <lold 9lrwt, Souih RfHoi>. Me**- A SUPERIOR ORGANIZATION. Mr. "Jack" rowler nndhUStrrlllig Com- pany or Plny.m, Op.riallc Orolmetra. WAMBD qillllK—Uia lor nieraelara aoil aentral RiulDoae: \YaiiuQ lor Charaelere aoil lleDArmI Beemer- Hnn ti« At and jcood wardrobin Halarv low, but rura "JACK" FOlTLbR. Maeeser aod Proprietor. CoraiGfi la.. PepLlI and w.wk aiiO ae per miilo. WANTED, FOR THE GREAT EUROPEAN CIRCUS, PROrRIETOR. JOHN 8. IIEDTRK. WHICU VriLL UHEK IN CUdA OX NOVEUBKII l>. NEW AND NOVEL ACTS OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION FOR LONG SEASON, Aid for wlilch a lltKial aaUrr will t» |iald. Ad'Ireu wit]> AiII partlculara In Ar«> letter to JOH.-IS IIESTKR,cai»OlrcoO>rlo. MeTiM. P. 8.—Would purctinie toer or Oro tiuodred lohllof dlalr^ llio.e loMloe flit profrrrcd. WANTED, A Slpgbig. and Danclae ComediaD aid Soubrette, Character Actor, Plailsti aai other Usefil People. Don't irrltnuDleurouun cn,iie oo rorolnt of t*Iee>eie- WILL U. SMITH, Toleca. Ill LiOcturer Wantedi Wanlei], MedtolDO Leolurir for Oprra UonBCs. Brains, not long bilr, wanted. Uoo Norlk preferred. Address ff. E. TWI8S & CO., North East, Vi^-_ AT UBERTY-, MAY OALLAHAN. EllOIIl)!(.\I.I,BAI», IIBAVIl!.1 aod JUVENILE:). FRANK OALtiAHAN, JUTRSILESANDSOMHItBAVIKJ Bleiaalwardroto. PRANK '"AI.I.'HAN 1.SH Browg Blreel. FlilU'lelplil". Wanted, at Once, to Traiel. At Singer aod BAMJO NAN. COLORED OB WUITB. Ai)drf» ^ T7. A WILLIAMB, P. 0. Bor 11, Cameioo.