New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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486 THE NEW YORK OLJPPER. Seftehbeb 29. PROFBBIIONAl.* TO HIHO TIIK FOLLOWIira NEW SONGS: A Dream of Golden Days. A p&lh»tto btUld Ihkl MtcJjM the AudlenM Convci'rtation Wat4)r. CooTlTlsl ftoncwlUiROodbnilDMa. TTiAtKU to Us Ui« itory. GrotclieD) Hy Lovo. AoDg sail cbonii for Unor or inpruo, Win. Dearlng. Uood for conc4rt work. llor Kamo Ib Juno. A chlebj waIik mog t>r R. nitrk RMd whinh li now Ittlor lunR by ftitJiii In lh« letdlnn com- ptolf^wiUi irfftitucro't. N«T-rrftilitobrlof Itifl lingrr Uiiti tod four onuirM. Uoroos Ily Mglit nnd liy Day. DtHrintlro tnaw br Jobo II. W. Djrni*. Tik ■nOK (fiat nir«r to loo^ Uio iMarti of tht peopi*. ItAppcili toBil dui««.' I tVondor Wlint Next Tlioy Will Do. Toplttl UDf hr IU>b«rt B. (Irkhui), tod lang br liltn nvtr KDtlmsa; alio b; WalurKordop Ui* M«iih circuit wlUi groat luccefi Josle, Say You'll Do Mlno. Tlia itrlo coDile aooc of th* ilar- A rtrj ratchy atr mil gnoO ptorr. Joila bbol artd ADoa CaMwill liaTa u»e<1 U and n'-t IdudiI It wiQiing. J«Ud II. W. Uymt U (ha aoUior. Hy Old Cot(4igo Homo Ou (hn Hill. Qoni Oral pirtHDglwUh^TaUj wall! chomi bj EugaD* Clara. Miss Bosfe Moraii. ApraUr walls•ong hjr.lo1iQ II. W. Rrrna, aod U wrliian to the auilior'H popular atrta. The Coon That Could M hlslle Up A Tune. There'll Do CrupoOii Ciuoy's Door. A comto IrMi untf Iir nha«, II HUQiej. wllh ft K«o1 Unif. Ill IrlBh coBiodlani Miuuld litTt IblL That's Wliuro the Langh Comes In. A coTolo aoBg tliat cat«liaa ararr tlma. The chorda cau i» iepaat«d lor a laagb at iha option 01 iho alnger, Otw Ileboa la tho auUior. Only a Soldlor's Story, A graat da^rlpiiva wing. wlUi bugia call, hf that pnpular writer, Kilcar Koldon. ami bhla fair lo bncAno ai popaiaraa "ikiniraiea " ll«« I praliy iltirf or ' - - -• bina and gray. Anothar "KaibUan MaToumaan." A aoog tha ■ppaali to itaa tatarl TbatlUo taUatLeatory The Life Boat Was Thei-e. DiKrlptlra UDgrorbarlinna or baaa, TTiaro Ji a cbaoea for graat boalnaai In thli aoog and waracommtod it ailhabaatol luhlnd. Tliro^ Snnshioe aod Shadow I Love You la a good Ortt part or qaariatlaiongwltb a rich naMy tlirougbout aod good wonla. E Ulark naad )■ the anilior. Walking in the Moonlight. floBg and danoa by Otto Uaboa. Thli la a noTeUy. bolh In Iba ibiioa and melody. We Hay Never Meet Again. Ap«iiaratnitfoDr ud goM ktmI whta- «Ttr RoDff. Chu. V. MonoD u tbe ftotbor. When the Postman Itrings the Mail. ThIalaaDswtdaa lo song writing ud can't halpbateatcb on. OrflatdeKrlpilTe work in IL Prank U. Mack litbaaotbor. Any oneoftbc above aongs lenl to proraialonKla only on receipt of two (4) cent el*mp witb card or programme* CENTRAL PUBLISHING COlUPANT, 49 West 28tli Street, New Tork. Whistle, My Laddie for Me. Walu aong by B- Clark Raatl. anltabla lor doet aod caooart won. A pretty atorr, and Mi to caieliy muatc. Old Times. A charmlsg ballad br Robert B. Ormbao. Tain a praiiy itary, and la aat to a good, itlr* ring malody. OliI I'm Snch a Naughty Little Ulrl A serlo comie wng by Elta Wilton. Haa a brlabt, ra>chy nwiodv abd good bn*loaa« riraai aonr for aoobretta*. Peculiar Walks. Tbia aoBclaboaad to become popoUr, Tba baiiaeatto lila ireai, aa tba tlila anrgatii. Tbii li a'great aoog for t«a>ia. Hoile by Em- ma Italia, word! by Fruk 0. Mack. Polly, Pollyy or Jack's Refrain. A lale of iho ua. The moile and words are partieotarly Irlgbt aod cateby. Great rong lor cboroaes. flomitbing oaw lo a sailor aong. Sweet Little Dorotby. Walla SADg by B. Clarke Bead. Atlmplaitory sat u> preuy doiIc. The Bon-Ton Swell. Words and noaio 1^Frank 0. Mack, aad Is a s markac B ODly one of lla kiod oo The Old Lore Story. 4,i PIIUFKHMU.VAI.S ALWAYS WKLCOHK. TUB OllIOINAL Uy E. CI.AHK UBICD. if.ra ^ 99 ALL PHOPICiimOVAI.H HIKtVLI) IIAVR TIIIH CATCHV BONO IN THEIR REPBR.^ TOIHK, AH IT CATCH RI9 V<IUU AUOIEXCK EVERY TIME. Tim li Dot lo w cnDfouiidKl wiU< ■onf ull.d "JtDo." |i'jl>1liili»l iir » Mllvmilioii (Inn. Hoot li> |irulr«(ioDili oo rtC4lpt or Ivo coot tunip, cald or pro- ■rftuni*. Orcb.atjAiluiui inctiia. t;KNTUAL PIIULIHIIINU CUAIPANY, 4U W. 9tltU gtraet, N. Y. A GREAT LAUGHING SUCCESS, In the Funniest of AU Musical Faroe Oomedies, "McDOODLE AND POODLE." (jleo. )V. RIro ai Petor Poodio, Cha.s. Dnrton as KyerMcDoodlo, Bupi>arl«Ml by a strong cnnipanyor poiiular arllBla. Now booking aeaaon 1H1>5*U0. LeilltliimlotbeHlroaunly aililioaa l^lOU Ac BA.RTON. M^veb Hi<iitt!44,llljnu, NaahTllle, Teiin.i wrek Oel.l, Avenue Tb«atr«, Loiilsrllle, Ky. Waiters Comedy Company, PREMIUM BAND AND ORCHESTRA. AN OPEN LEHER FROM MANAGER JEAN JACQUES, WATERBURY, CONN. WATBRBUBr, CONN., SEPT. U,UM. MR. JAMBA n. WA1TR. ManagerTTalu romriW Co. UKAH HIH: In roplylng t»your favornf the imli Inst, asking how vouroonipany wasrecelTad at Waurbnry, and In regard lo Ui»")iit" iiitde by ilient. 1 wiali u% mv, iiarer Id my eilaUnce aioiaosgarat Wat«rbury kaaa com- . . _. J — i_»..r 1— . _ _ upyour roiila noil n*ia-tn I wuulU Ilka lo liarii you aive ina lour waeki^ two lo thaaarty toitia lattfr i>ari, frnridwl y^u have a r^pfriitlra that will panutiui (h» ume, and I will guaraotae to you oot to play any oiJ*«r ooiuptny of lti> aauiediaraclcr. It laiialilnin tlutatnanager orihet>opul«rpTleed attficUoo lulBlla pronnaaamada while booking, hut I with loaay inur oaie II the eacvpiiou, and >ou ran irutbfully say, "lothe ropsrtoira bnaineasl lead and otben must lolluw!^' Yon are at liberty alauy time to refarihe manager ofaoy house, who U a stranger to your ooinpaay aoJ lu inerltatonia. Uuplug Ihla will inaelyour laTor and ihatyou wlUoonlloueln saooeuandpnuparlty, I am. Tarr tTulrjoura, Dioiai*). JEAN JACqufiH. DAY. DAY. DAY. DAY. DAY. DAY. WOHDR BY S. J. JOHB, • U r.«t routn Tenor, Mr. n. J. HIIKO MIISKI BY MOIIT AFTER NIOIIT. JOHN NT, OBOROE. I. JO!)R. .nil tinlintIM .DeorM,1D P«nm.u ThompwD'n groKt production ol tJ "JlJ lloniMleail." Title li ool. niuilirooiii •hiir tmrn lo lir. . fev ninntfai, bulbMCoiu. toiur YRAH AFTBIl lEAH. Oroh.eUt part, villi toDll Mnl lo rr«it<i»liiii.l. Inr too r.nll wiiuiiHyiTiiuuBiii i'uiiunniKaco.,a>ii4 M8i>iibop.sijMt,BoMoD. DAY. DAY. DAY. DAY. DAY. DAY. DID YOU SEE THIS? 1 bava secured tbe oppnlitg nttraclloii fbr 8T. AlAHVB, 0» House opens Nov. 1, wltb HAYES & CO.'S win or «Trll«nii'n|iFii Ilia. n1 Ihl. iirw llaratr.. W. A. MVERMOUE, Marlon, Ind. WANTED^ For thli ind next itBion. SPECIAIaTT FISOPIaE. ESPECIALLY GOOD CHORUS GIRLS who cm ilng, lor Iho 9 KXTU.AVA.CrA.NZA. mul VAUDEVir.I-.ia CO. WATSON & CLARK. Proprlelort. Addroil W. B. WATSON, BIJott Tli.Blv*, KiiBitlMK, l*n.| Oct. 1, Weelmlnit.r Th.»lr«, ProTldvucci, 11. I. V. R —Our nilh I'rliii.r. |>.1<I Iwn iiikinllia .liH«l. .ml coiuptoy o..« uil ninnfr JM THE TWO GINGER SNAPS, CARMANELLI and LUCILLE JiielreinrDtwl ttnn a mtirMa*lal aigbt tu-^ntha' (Aur of Iha ParlBoOoail w| b Ihalr NRV NOVRL ACT ENTITLED "PUN IK A HIirtJIRIt HllitP,'* prvilttcltig iMmular mualo oo ell anna of ni»ataaoil butcher'a (uota. CI«>Md aauc- o*Miuliwowa»ka'«niiagAmeot «i Ktigle'adivera raTilIno, and opened atllairaPaalnnforiwow^eba. Raaagand veaka III Nept 31 and f>ot i at Rngla'a PailMon ai an udnnrad aalarr. A' llb^rtr lor Aral claM cowbloaUon only. Addr*u()lrmt<laTlipatre.nMravo Pantiaoant aililrMa, U» WMT TWHLmi flrltRKT, CHIUAOO. II.L FOR THE ROGERS SISTERS' CO., A ffnod Le.illns Alan fiajiable nf dlr^rtlliB th« pulMni on Ploj. ond inono|{lfis th. atng.. Al.i* • gnnrt JnT^nll. Man »niT Qon.ral 11h«Iii.i. man. lipperloiro uw« III. %Trlief irlay nluhl. a w.^h, r.p.i tolrp. Wrilo or wiro qnlrh, CarlrrtTlll., la., Nrpl. 44 nuil *\ C.ri.rluirn !l.|il. Mil aad XT, Varrollnn tin and HV, N.nnaB Oct. •llo3. ihoaetluublliig brae. iirefcrriHl* A. O, ROOEHS, Ifu.B^r, II lUrtod tl Now York Aug. 27, tnd li tllll lolni- MKmruiA' Iu^FiimB^ i^^toXo, ^f^anmmbm^^'okwiij^^^^t ri'MlllEIT MUMCAL ACT OH EAHTM. Thli wMh BoitOB, Mm*., (low but wre, fT OF TM A POSITIVE, HOKEST BUOOESS. TUB OLETBR, Sliraifa SOUBIBTra BTAB MIMH ECOME WILr.AR£>, Ati bir MiKUd umpur or utIlB, lo BerSalt Bill WiB.lov'f laflolMtnoll'al eoroedf, oalltd "THE LITTLE SPECULATOR." A MIT EVRRTWHEBE-KOW KX TOOR- READ. THE N T. WORLD, of Aog. 8l,sa(d: 'Tbb mraoored a bti Id lira ehaneura tod bsr sAnea wsre rapsatedly an cored Tlia company la fond tbroDghOQL" THE FALL HIVBR HERILD, ofSepi. Aaald: ' A re- freahiag earniatneu characurfiea evair reatnre or Uia periomianna, the •olanainmaot abonMe wlio «IC and merrimaDLdaDelniand aooji" ,^ , ^ THE FALL RI7ER QLOf)B.of BaptS,said: "Itlsda; aerib«d as a *mual<-ftl oiinady lo Ibrea fonoyacta,* and thedea^ripUon leapt. T1)era> lean aboodaooaof apecUl- iles.aDdtb»yara alt good; tba ecanerrls msob betur than lbs averaaa compaoy eaolea aod the company is Terr'lonipAlant, and woo macb applause." TlIE PAWTUCkBT TIMEfl. of Sapt. 7. aald: "The audi- ence wlineafad what waa ondonbtedly the best show that has ever appsared at this houie. There Is not a peer characur lo tha entire cut aod most of them are artuta la iheir Una." . TUR PAWrUOKBTTEIBDIfB.o( Bept 7. said: "niOBB who did oot attand the perlnTmanoe of Tba Little ope*- orator* at the OparaBonaalaitnlgbtmlaaadaoaTaolog of geouloa eiOoyiiisoi,aocb u baa not been offered in Mils cliy for soma lima. It le one of ibe brlfhtaat, wit- iiBit nosical comedies, wriUao br Betbart Ball Wlns- low ,and a beiiar cait tban Kloiae wllla'd and bar fp)ea< did compan/ eonld not be foond tolmpenonala thadiar' aetars." Krary notlea eretTwhare equally as good. Betnra dales asbed forby slimansgeTB. UaTeaome early open Ume for tbres nighu aod weak standi In good ibeairas ooly. Manager ManafleM, of Orand Opera Hoaaa lo Roaton, wants ua lor bis dnt open woab, and he has aeeo oor performaoee. It la the beu equipped and most ereoly baianead o. _ pany In oor Iloe. Ererytblog bigb olasa Bbail be pleaaed to hear from maoagers ofanoceiaftil thaatrai lor lima 10 Noramber aod later daUa. Address with op«o lima aad beatianoL EDWIN y. HILTOK. Manager "TTm LiUla epseolator," Care COOK'rf dPEBA I10U8B. Roobaaier. N T. SPECIALTY PEOPLE WANTED FOB THE NEW THEATBE GOMIQTJE, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. Pint claas Male aad PemaleParforDiera In all lines ol Vaadefil>e, wr.te us tmmcdlaialy. Send datorlptiOBa of acia,prograinii)es. paper, If yon bare any photoa, aod statA lowaii aalarr eipaoiad, In flntletur. People are wantad for we*k of Bapt SI, and lor weak of Ooi. 7 for Totaraiata Pair dates, and mnat t>a good. Tboaadolog aereral tomsand man who double In brass preferred. Good Berlo Oomic Soog aod Dasee and Specialty Ladlaa and good Bkeicb Taama can alwaya secure eBgaremaota of from two to ten weaki at ibta boasa. WriTe Immedi- at#lr. J. LION LEWIS, Mgr., LBWia. BCOTT A BROOKS. Props. NO BUM WORK L u T T E H, HEADS Fnr t^mhtay. Ju.l back Irom Europe, hoja, with lota ofo.wl'Tua. flamplel, IOC. PKAKK MYBRiC <rtl>l, Room 11. TIm.e BMr., K. T. TO MANAGCRH. THE BRYANT CHILDREN, MAROUERITR AND PRINCESS, CBILD DANCERS. AORD 7 AND8, hafe cloHdihalrfngagamaotwItblOWA RTATB BAND, with whom tbeyhavabeen appearlBg In lhi>lr long repert/«lr« of daoeea. Rndnraail by press and poblie eTerrwbent as being WONDERS. Toroanagarsdeilrlnff to secure this can) for Baaion MM- S. will ear that tliay are at ilbarty to sign with flratclass OA. ODly. RoBpco'aaaTeitamBB. Address all e^mmnol- catlonstonBOROE U. HOLCOMBB,S.033 Hennepin Ar., KlOBeapolla. Minn. First Class Attractions Wanted, FOR EDSELL'S OPERA HOUSE, OTSKSO. MICH. PopulatloQ ilud. No. booklpg aaaaoo 'M aoil It. LarRoeta.., sood .coerr. B.atlniieapec]tT6D0i Llabto^ br raa. Haaulaetarlnr lo.o: b«rt ihow lean lo Booth- ero Mich. nAMUTHERB A WOOPBEOt. MaoaMll. A Beautifal Song to Salt the Tines. "IIVDEIIROLDMGEIIOML' NOTHINn MORE BEADTIPULI A BONO UP TO DATEl Tha words are Joit the tblog; the malodr is pleasing, and Iba accoropanlBient Is DeaaUfoUy bar- raiMlsad. Words by M.JO0IE MBNRB, mualoby BOR- AOE R. BABLEa Copy, with orcbeatn parts, tree to rroreaalooals Rani proenrnme. liAiLBR H MUSin IIOUBB, IBBUth fltreet. Pltlabnrg. Pa AT KIBERTYe Twenty year*'espeneoee as Leader ofOrchsainaod Braas Band. TraTetiog or atationarr. HallabIa mao- agere address O. V wiLRISfluV (fflLKIB), aai W. Fulton Bireet. Oraod Rapids. Hieb. H. E. NEWELL, MTJHICA-Li DIRBTrTOB (VIollB, Piano, Arrange). MINERVA NIBLO PIANO, PARTS. WILL SIGN SINGLY OR .JOINT. CLARE k rAREINBON, Pedalle. Mo.. 3M Daarboro Street, rhloago. after. Drniiiallc People Wanted. rOxrLKTE DRAMATIC COHPAKT, IniluJIoiallier. nuxhly cuinpelent etan iD»n,Ber aod dlrticlor, Mock o/<iiipaar. rbaaBO bill twice .eelilj. ni.e fill pat^ tlcufareaaillo.eBt.alarTlollratletler. Eddie B^vu^a aiidJaoieaUlldar.rlu. RDWtK TOUNO, Hanager llarrj Oavin Edeo Mtuee Tbeati^ Alteona.Fa. ■WANXKU, An Oz>e]3Lex>; .NEW OPERA HOUSE. Muikogoo. Ind. Tor., ADOVT OCT, »», Dt. RUReMidO, 8..u.c«n.rr, pleDljof Mt etoff. eleeulo and Raa liglit; Iboie^ 8W op.r* chain, wlUi beet cer- uiotr aod ihariDf tenoa. Addreu fRBD B TORNEB. Mir. OLARR and DE BELL, THE GREAT MALE SOPRtNO AND ALTO SINGERS AND FEMALE IMPERSONATORS, Kn. plarlDg .Ith treat »iicceae at th* Oardeo Thealio, Rt, Looli, would l>. pleaaed to hur Item maoaien ol mlo.lrel.. TaudeTllln romblnallnn, anri ih.a>r.i Halair wlUi the lime. Aildreaa i;LAHK AND DB BELL, fliiuih Hroartwar Rtreet. Rt Lome. Mo. I want leading TOfalUt on minilrel or rarlety atogato ■Ing new t^p>al uag, or to Introduce tt lo eenle opera er mufleal plar. Al«o a darbay dialect aaullmenta) and waits aong. Will oana *logcr nn titia paae. If aatiafae- lory. Far parilcolana'lilrrBa,with rnlllafoTniaUoo aod lerraa. Boi dl. Hiaaaiaad Junction, P. Q. Tanada. AMATRITHH ''bw larob book frnt fob An A I riU ilO 10 eenu. with partlonUn bow to Biart to the almw tiu»loeaa and laamallkloda of aota, tocather with llluatrated ntaliiy.alaht oaw rata Addraia JOHN O. 8C11B1DLRR. CleTalapd. Ohio AT LIBERTY, A NO, I FIRST CUSS SLIBE TROMBOKIiTT. FOR TDBATRBS ONLT: tan jeaia* ei- parlance to Tarle'T bu«iBaM. 8. FRFDRI(:E% <q8 North QufenBrreetLaocastar.Pa. Wanted, tor Comanche ZunI Medicine 00 , AOOnDTALKBR ANDOrn^EWnRIBR. aalarr dtet teller. MaltO. TRAXK WEB.'rrilR, LllUe RoO. Ill For SilL-Voltines 36,37,40 iid 41 it THE iiKw TOBx ourrsB n>B ralb. ik good ooh- DITIOB. ><rrneMO'atMi.<a. J. J. MALUIT. n an* Baobolk IMA Um^\). What We Do would b« viry hird for olbor houMi In our IIbo to Booomplllli. ThU nnn Mkot lo erto tny itylo (or $16.50, SuHi, ol Clar Diagonal, RIbbod Chovloli, Blaek and Blui; Wklpooird Chovlot*, N«al Mixed CauImofOi, Chovloli, Blaok, Blue and Dark Oray; Fanoy Twoodi, Snail Halr> linn and Neil Chicki. ThtM goodi an Mo bott valuo thai wu offered la Mt oounlry In the Merchant Tailoring lino. They are pure stoek and are fail eolore. Our London Stripe Trouun at $4 and $5 Have boon a great (uocen wHh ji*. We have Mme choice Silk MIxlurei (tc'uder) FULL DflESS SUITS (oi^ei) ta Weel of England Broadololh, Crepe aad Oreta Wentedi, illt or loUo Used. SamplH and loll-meaiuranonl golde lent on applloaUoa. $20 $30 JACOBS BROTHERS 229 Broadwmy, opp. P.O.) Bowery, cer. Broome St.) W. T. SIEGMAN&WEIL no and 112 Qnw StrMt, near Prlaea^ N. Y. We oanrthe lamst and most eomplate atoe k ol a ll kinds ol fc ATFfll*TJ OOLD AlfD 8ILWB ■TwiiirkfgMifl*^ Btii, MiiUhu ^thaaWQarwaniDba, ana at lower priosa than any other booss. U loch SATINS In aTerr areoing ahadle, tfdu 6Du. Justraealvad afOll Una of BVENINOF HHASEB OP CHINA estra vtda, 30 InUiea, at 90 cenU per yard. WlOS and BEARDS o( STaiT desoripUon (made -joor premises from human bair) u stock or lo order, Mao's win. UU; Ladles'win tUO andopwmrda PRmB* MTeAIMI and HNAK!eS* HKAiM lor CONTORTIONISTB. Ferfact tmltatlMis made ol XMtmate^ Tary dnrmble aod only walgblnr tl TIOHTS, SlimFs sUTpAJDpilfOS we Im- port and make onnelres. Cottoo Ugiito, fLIO: eitra baaTT, fall fashioned, Bl.TS, (wear betUr than fUO worn, ad Uglits); wonted. UL»: sUk, Cl» and 94: best silk, V7J0. We carry BO ahadu lo eTery quality aad aii* lo stock, i^make th«nto order to feu days. Podded DgbniByTomeinods) il.lO a pOBBd. BUIXION les deep OB oenta a yaid) to 8 twqnired on aH orders. TO PURCHASE, RENT, OR EXCHANGE, A Flotnre for a Cydoramo. Address UOIITBBAIi C7> OLOBAUA CO., L't'd.. Uontreal, Can. CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. U«iale,eettaloaid Qolck ud U an oM time niSsSi rorm tho nKficloel rinei. Ti ood copolbo. litiaV.yl' aUje, ffeodJiTlwJ'yr,'^ eoMdi action IcoriDi i' KJ Ume Qian anr oUier pripai^?!! mok. II TUB Hoar YATlliaMl lOIOWK BBMEDT To ,"ilf"2 Iraod, eo. that eeair tuiinSl bel, with ue e nalui. of t.T ei.n). Boi>iiT.liiliS.. rt.r.''"'^ ^^14 KARAT GOLD PUTE CtT VBU OCT tod wnd It ta i • Ui roiir name aod addrS, ,,1; " . wlU aend roo thle w«S br ..^12 » r.r • iHi, and ebaliTJSi cHann oaot wlili itVoi,- mooej ond eqoal lo .p^ aoc* to a onulne imm OoM Woldi. •wHie'toS? THE NATIONAL m. &IUP0RTIII6 ca, SMDURItllSTBin; ZAMBESI DIAMONDTif^^n^ aad Introdaoed for the Qrat time lb America at t£ WOBLD'S PAIB where they oraaied aaeh a Mnuitoa onaeoonntofttaelrbrlUlaoey and One co^tha naarM approaoh to the geBolna dfamood yet ducorsred bar tog all the Ore end prismatio colors of the scddIda BFECUL PRICES to Ihe profesalOD. For foU pariioa: tara, prieea, eio. Oooda shipped 0. 0. charges onDai? withprlTUefeofeiaraloaUon. Addraa k-'^^i. ft. a BODKIwa WB Dearborp 8t. Chlewo. (FORMERLY PEOPLES'), CHICAGOi ILL iEH cuss Ttmui Open time In 0«t«, Not. and Deo. ftor Speolaltlfls. Alaoier6rmlDsiteefbrVnad»- vllle mud Bnrleaqoe CemblnatloBB. Ooly Ui« beat talent wanted* M, A. DHIBCOLL, Manager. NOTICE. 'AHRKLL. 1 wiA not the oartr .ho eljmed .Ith *<uitle Trlxla.' AM A PERFOnnBR Toora. MABRV sf, EN ROUTE Alleo'e Oomedr Co P. ft—WooM like to bear from Mrae good UUBIOAL WUHAN who If good Singer aod Dancer. Uava ataadr engagement Addr.BL BBAMWBLU wTVa.. 1111 0«1. ». CIRCUS CANVASES ALHOSTNBW. Mft.aod eUtRonodTope. AlM>ne'1IIIL Roond Top with am. Middle neoo aod UOn. Roond Top etaap. 0. J. BABBB. IWW.Thlld Bt..BaoMa01tT. Mo. VOLZ, Costumer, 1»3 W«etTweBt)r>thl>d Bt^ lf«w York. ProfeMlQoal work a apaplalty. Larga orderw »o)leliad. WANTED, AN EN6A6EMENT WITH GOOD COMBDT CO., raOM NOTRMBBR1, At AN ALL BOONO MAN; bare bed eome eiperleoee. Ailna Z MABtllTI. Rtaoleo. Nib. D. A. HcDoniM, Clirloiit ind Solo Euplwiliin, AT LIBBRTT; Itysara* eiperleoee; aaUarh«Uon gnaran. teed: opera oompsay or tha?*re_pra'erred:ar«TeiaaB eon* paolesonly. AddreM IW80UTH HlQnCT..Celombns.0 MISCELLANEOUS. H. STRASSHAN. LAWYER, 92 2d An,, BATTERY WORKJSSrtJS.^^^^ tBrehnsban^ia BATTHRT pn"Tn ro R^^iw Ert»R. vi. II^PEeljyORIVItS. «wi>*i<. MO. Aarga. Jtod H. Maap <er PampbM. PrTH. Hit Bmllh, BgAlM, NU OUn it, et. V*ola; Vf! You Can't ~i^rrx'ii NO (rem, .^^.^ ■ ■ inonua. oolii BC ivorld's Fair for$i3. a ■ItondAomornlliAlrortudor scarf plu «olM 70old BcttJaA by Eip. C. O. D. •S.T&i rings vo>Ove Cfcarcra pr«pald| privnoffo oreienl. nation. ClrcuUni free. INTERNATIONAL OEM CO. BT SUt« BLt <Ucago. Agcata Waalede b -b k k h h b fci b Hi ^ EDMUND Ee PRICE, Counselor at Law, NBW YORK CTLIFFBIB BVILDINO. B AND 80 OBKTBB STBEBT, New Y»rk Cltr. Pmatlea mall the Oouta,(nTU lod OrlmlnaT Soecul attaattonglTantotbe ooUaotlon of olAlms and diotsol all Uada, tn pnpenttoo ot acreenants and olhar isca. buloeaa. roR4LLTfrrirosr UTOmlHEinES BKIRSABi QilSTlUTDtoimi CHir^90.KL ua*. i**rnince BI«fdlum.***i^Bd V caou .with fall a««.sei and atamp,aod raulrs |boroacopeolfOinrelire. Mr*. Dr. Hoon, ,daad trmDca-mediom, eerooth daoghur, :bom with doable tbiI; tells past, praaioi and fbtura; ftillDuna of whom tou «I1I ,maTT7: obaUenive theworld. Itls well known throtigbont the world tbu joms are the onlj rellahte lonone tallera, and their ohanna oaoae Iots, speedy manlages aod succsm la bostneaa. S«eiir» a charm and wear dia- monds. AdTlceoobaslaeasitlort, marriage, fpeeola- itoo, oMDgea, losses, dlTorceieto. Jjnckr charm \f^*Sn. Dr. BIOOftE, Box lOs. New^ Wniinnnil 1 "end lO sanu 10 FAANE HAARIflOH flUHUmrUHBQgton.lCaaa,aBdaeewhatronwHmi. GOOD AS CASH. OenulnseomTlnglo broose fraioH, postpaid Bte. M. WILLIR lUMInth Are. N T. TUB HOST BXTIDNBIVB MAMUPAOTOBSHHOr Billiard and Pod Tables EI VHM WORUl THE BRUNSIICI-eAUlE-COlLEMDER C0IPAH1, na B«0 BROADWAY. aad moat ^aiasl inloiL olth tha u CBaDALBD MONABB ODSBIOm, BUUeld matenala, oloih, balH, eooa, et«L or oor own moagiactor. aod InMnaUoo. _ tbb BBin(Bwioz-BAi,u.aoujBin)EB oo., nhtnten. fllnelnnaH. rl r.Anla lui Fraoclae SrABRINO, WBESTLIMO, ULUS BWIMOIXO AUS rBKonOTAUaHT. No.opeororengigvnent Be money waotod ontll leaaooa alo glean. FBBrSOT SAnarAOTIo/ OnAIUNTRRO. BatpwBoUT, f. J.PITILIN. earectOLlPfBll. A. SOODRICH, LAWYEflfwa%!ibain!SL'BoiUD!« legal and ^olu. Brmoohei aod faollltlee lo other Bum. PEDESTSIMS. "Thej Bre off .(BiB." yty HOUR RAOK. jn # £ Oo BB yoti. pleaM. # ^ ADELPHI THEATRE, N» BidfOfd, MlSSi Week comaenclnir Dot. 21. Finj p.r t»BU Roeelpta to winiien' Bonal mil onfrlM to ■■. O. BAKCROFT.ClBClBDBtt, O, JWoro bia n«oa to rollow. g OOE.YONQE&OO. 0 ■•NurAOTungiiB or 0 WALEina OANEB. •> Importcn of OUTIaERT. <* nirtthebiBesI UnaotJewoliT.No- 4 Uoiu,IlonlUs«,^.«tloweitpilca. j P) Ooo<IgtoTBltc«tiiKa.A<]Ctloooenuid 1 n AgcnIa.OuelUcttandKnIfeSunlun ii obpccliltf, lllaali'iaOtuloguofioo) 0 700 Wiihlflfltcn Ate. ST. lOUIl. MO. i ■fill* VAUiwBnnieriai>ncBa,>"2 ".N ,rjin»«u»..»i»iK.f.»g''?S ■•«VV.MU.KI.CU._.I.A.{>.«>.<l^?S towL AtiM. t-M*p. ■.■*raH*tuurfr«^^ JJWTERNS WANTED IS'iHIu^ aURBACH 4 CO. 809 HI6«tSlPhl»g. Clean Falsa ITeeth Ik* Mir teirt mtdt1nj>> K^oSmu. Ihfoo indloWT CnttBL BoM tnrwrbtn;