New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 6. TSR NEW YORK CJIiEPPER. 491 OHIO. ClDelBnAtl^Hjmen plAye<l Ittdlng cardi In llM UMttrlal gmiDs Uit weak. At Un Qltnon Hoaie, g«pt 3tt IttH T. Btnblir. the lunBfAC, ud &di H«lroaii, th* •oobntt* w«r»muTlwl bj B«t. QMrgftN. ""*nin. netorol tta« Obiuchof tb« BplphtnjtOf tralnot Ultli, TM Meond murUc* *** * aflkir, tnd oeeamd tw- blod tb»fooUl|bUU Ui« Poaotolafhia&redurloii tbtlut ptrrormue* of Um LtUr OUr O&leir Conpuy. The prla< elptliRoger B. PMraoa ud Kluie Pembrak*. Boih 4fam4ubenoi tbeeoDpany, tiid'ifquire Kutbmu tb* ndpu*l boot an^no nriu Qoobi.— "Blue Jems" cameOoc 1. Ltut vMk Polltloun" dnv enwdi. Bo land Raad waa •ratllM wlUi bla reuptloa. and b« wai eaUad npoD lor I fDMdi darlog aTeiT peilonnaDca. ludnn Riuti, ai tba iirtaUaUl caaiiirT jooDg womao. iliand in tlie trl' aopholtbaconiMllaB. Jaaoooic* Lawria wai ouu aa WoolUy'a daagbur. BiutoaM ruM bl^. '-TtfaAnaa- ODt" OcL i. Waurr SraasT TaUTat.-lIany Lac/ iDirodoeed >7b« Uu 'r^B ^* Vati" S«pL 90. Manj bind wonli weia ipotao Uatwaek for JobaOrimth. tli« yoaof aetar who ipptand aa Faoat Ue plaand aodlsDOM of fair Ilia. Kallar Oct 7. Uatum'O Tbutm.—*'Cood Hollow" wai irlTan Ita Ortt local praaaDUUoQ Sapt 30. If aria Btaart and "A WUd [hick''preTad qalta a maRoeilaatwwk. Tb*nar«ooa or ivoquUa pratooUoui Ktoea. Barsey Farnion Oct 7. Bbdok'0 Orsfta Uoobk.— "rfae Btovawa;^'cama B«pt. 30. Walitr Faular plarod to good builoaaa In *'A JUda for Lira." Jobo Uarnell Oct. 7. F0D!tTai5 SoDAU Tai£ATHi.—"A Jaydrcu" waa pat 00 Baf L ao br Hbarmaa A Moriur'a oomedlana Tba Llllv CUr barlHflii«Tiplij«d to goodbailnaMUatwaek. "Tbe prMllKalFaitaer"Oei. 7- RoBi.'no.i'B Oriiu Docfla^-aam Jack'a Craole Bur- latqn* Co. camaBepL Si itia Ont aagraniioD oftlia sort Uiii playadatth* bouMtoraaTaraliaaaooa. I«At wMk Kin*, and Auguitln NeurlUo vara taan la "Ceiiaj" ud 'Tba B07 Tramp." Bailoata wai good. Bt. F«]1| giuen OcL 7 Pion.a'fl Tduthe.— Ranall Broa.* Comadlaoa, with Loitl* allNAn u one of Uie bright lUra. opened Sept SO. WebarA Plalde'Own Co. eDiojtil a weekol profparliy. Magflie 01id& altbougb auoerinit trt>m a cold, warned op under Uie Indnanca of Uie beartv receptione eba ra- calrad. Weber and Fleldi retuToad lo tbetr old bil- liard act aflar a brieC ulalof tba bowling alley Kane. Urdo'* Comadlane Oct 7. KOHL A NiD0LitTD.'«'8 Uv8R0if.—yollle Nolleon, the re* male Or. Tano«r, wari the cblercard Id oariohallUct I. Comiondore Bpeck and ble Boata, Commodore Poote and eltter Zlna'a umllr 01 two legged doce and EU Boaeo, tlie le«t»M man. were alao there. The olio wuproThlu br Hijor llarrla, the ihrte. Duhlngton Urolbera, Wbjta and UulRett, Ada Wilkaa, Holmaa and Waldon. Btumpe and Uueide, JoliQ Fostvr and Turn WllllainaL BuaufM coaUouaa to Improve PiKi Ofsu 110081.—A. T. Miller wu the recipient ol ataiUnionlalBept^X TlieBietar Mmntreli took part TTieJtax Bandit String Quartet ia booked lor a conoart Oct 11. Uoflif.—UarkSuJllTan retired from "A Wlkl Duck," SepL 0, and left lor New York. Be wai enocaedad br Cbarlei Jerome George W. Buck took a ipaclaltf compmr to Baton lait week aod placed during tba lair. Wbpieand Backet. Ubarlas U. King Oecar ElUer, the two Cyclinoi and Uaiel Uchell were aiaonit the people yied Lament, a clown with the Hoblneoo Clrcua, waa laiidbaned and robbed at Wincbeitar, lad Ua waa bnuKbitothe renldeuca ol John Itobluioa at Terrace Pafii. nil ahull la iraoturad aod lie will prouablydla. The Apollo Club annouaoat that it will glra '*Tlia HeteiBh" dlirleimaa week Oharlea B. Dunnebacke garaaeultarreciulat Krell'i Hu«la Roome last week. The Indlaaipolli HaannercUnr, ajsined by the Orpbeui Lloderkiaoc and Oeaagrerin SooleUea, ^re a ooneartat the ZMSept 30 Couli Ballaobent. man- agerorihe Flke Opera Uou*a. Ii alu actingai nualnan manuter at tlie Walnut Bireet Tbeaue Jolin Low* low, the reieran down, hu gone to DeuoU to look altar the inanaitemeat of "Toe End or the World," In which be lidnanelally intara>ted Tlie Washburn CIrcuiwlU winter at Newport, Ju»t aciow Uia rlrer, id Keotncky.... The Conierratory of Uueio will gira their concaru at the PIka Open Uuuia Initaad of ibeScoitiah Kiu CathedraL Dmytoa.—At the Gmnd Open Hoose "A Tfcxaa Btaar'Played lo rwhI buiioeai Sept34. "BlueJeani'* Sleaiao a well Qlied honie S. Comlnic Sani T. Jack's urle«iueCo. ()oL2. "Land of iiie Midnight Sua" was to bare bean bere 8, but canceled. Paric ToElTKV —ilraalor'i Ljcenm Vaadetllle Co. puked the bou*e for three nlght^^coiomenclDs HepL 24. 'Tlie Police Patrol" played to good bailDeu37-0- week of Oct. I, Wilbur Opera Co. BuLbiKRe' UouK TUKATKL—"A Cork Man" 3, "A Ken- tachyUirr'9. WuiTi Li:4K Pahk —Buck Taylor'B WIU Weat played to poor buileeu week of dept U Colunaba««—At ttae Qrend Open House "The Charity Bill" iiprned lor three Dlglit* iicLl. Tba Whit- ney Opera Co. bad laree houeea Mpi. 3S. 2d. "May BIm- aou" did Talrly well tlia renialndei of Uio aeek. flerr- maan comei Oct. 1 fur tlirae nlgbti, followed 8-11 by Uelen DauvraT- Hiciu BrHBSTTiiiATBB.—The Polica Patrol" opened a three nlgbu' engaiement Oct 1. Chaa. A. Loonr Uail bi« bnilnau Rapt U-iO. Willie Collier did wellT7-39. "The Forty TbieTea" come Oct. i, thv reoialader of iha week being ailed br Kua««)ri Comediani. Cauton.—AtmeOnndOpemUouse'The Wblt« GquaflrDat^SepL 2S, 27. did a bif bu»lne««. llaoloni' "Futaima" had a I1.0.2&I9. Doe: Huuell'a Coma- dlaaiOoLV^iv Dau1er"5. TUKATaBCOMiqua.—'Tballa or Mao'e Temptation " la the beading lor the bill tbliweah. The prinoipiUara Emma Cutrally. Uamie Kline, Jennie r>«ir>, Lucy Slaw- arr, John Morgan, JeDnlo Mobda.J. 0 Uurpby, Prank Scanlan and Bob Branlean. BiLasa's Mouo IIall.— Mile. Bayaand Tom CarrolL SteabeuTlllo.^At tbe City Opera Doiue Prank Jonai, In "Oar Counlry Couiln," had a lair bouse BepL 31. Dorothy Morion, In "Tbe Fencing Hwler," bad a good house at aUTanced prices 9. miu Morton bad Ireqaent curtain calla. Iota Haoutker Oct 6 At tbe London Theatrebuilueuleaotid. Opeoina OcL I: Ttiad and Teed. l*ereT Lloyri. Binaey aod Cbaprain, Tilly Buula. liiable O'lHra and the stock Tbe Social Purity Sodeiy tne-i again to dUtlnffnisb themsalrei by elrettrailngraporiatbatilieperiormuceur"Tbe Peneing Hastar" wfiQld ba stopped.on aeconut of the lail'u ol the company appesrlog In tlgbta. The better class of paepla In BtaubenTille, bowevor, bsTA little sympathr wfib these people, aod no doubt the nnmber oraofKl cltliaBs whoatundad 'TIte FeaclnaMostar." have gken a death blow lo the so called Hodal Porlty Society. flprlnga«lil.»AC tlie anndOpeisUouBe "Tbe Charity Hall," SepL 31. had a large aadlenca. "Blue Jeus''Udrew a well filled house. Coming: "A Wild Duck" Oct. I, WillieColIiar,ln "A Ba^k Nnmber."3 At Olack'a Opera llouae Herbert ''A Cork Men," Bept 9, drew a large andlenoa, and gara a good periormanca. Oct. 3, John Qrldlth, In "FaotL" ai»naaeld*—At Uie Utoiorlal Opera Hoase Walta'i Comedy Co. (Wesuro) «ai well recaifed all last -week. "TbaOliySportV'Oot. A 'The Charity BaU"0 ■ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Waalilnglo»»->ThoiiuL8 Q.Seabrooke, IQ "Ta- toasoo," gaTe tlia patrons of Rapley'i .National Theatre a tnat lait week. Tbe house was crowded at each per- iormanca and the satistbetlon waaeompiela. Fanny Rica nra oa "Hlu lonocanca Abroad" at Albangh'i Orand Oeara House; the play did not seem to catch on Tory well, but the week finished to good Jiusloeas. Lewis klorriaoa hid an eicollent weak at Rapley'a Academy of Mavio with "faust" Tlie boose, eepeolally the upper Dorttoni, was crowded during tbe entire engagement John L Rullltan, In "A True Aoeriean," bad a gnod week at Butler's Bijou Thaatia Harry Uorrll'Bur- lesque Co. had fair sited audiencai at Kenan's Lycatim "lutlafB NlTIOSAL TlIiATai.-*'A HllkWtalU Flag" Oct. 1-0, Donnelly and Qlrard, In **Tbe Rainmakers," e-ix ALHADGfl'fl OBAdo OfnRi UorsL-Tlio Howard AtbeuBumCo l-<^ darlaWkiownght^-ll . _ _ RarLiT'8 AOADBMT OP Musio -Kollar 1-fl, 'The Ea* tin" 8-19. HtrrLtB'8 Hijoir tubathk— Dan McCarthy In three Irish plays 1* "Tbe HUH Alarm" 8-13^ . ^ , KtHNAyBLTCHOMTuRATRK -Jobn F. Field's Drawing 'Canlsl-O, WeberAPIeidB'OwnCn S-H. .„ „ _ MniBHOTT Mcaio llAi.u-lm Davenport, W. M. Fay «nd Soatalle, In soiritualMio leaooe^, 1-0- , Koria.-^nley's t;oiiiedlani is the name of a new com- htnaiion which started out irom Uili elty,8ept.9, lor a short tour of Virginia and Nurili and South Carulloa. Billy Conley, a comadiaa ol no mean ability, and an em* Tloya ol tha War Department. Ii«ads the company, wbidi consists ol saTNral clever people, among wbom araVardelle WaMiaod Percy Laseh. They wlirgive a triule bill. Including -Uy Lord in Livery" and 'Tragedr sad Comedy." Tsried wiUi oomic songs......Franel» J. O'Neill, who has been *ummenng bere, and lllllng In his lelinre momenu on the editorial sutTol ne rott, lelt 39, to resume bis poilUoo on tlia staff ol Charles Prohman ts prui representatlra In advance of "Bowing the Wiod" Eva Belbie. of "A True American," * o., closed her season vory abruptly 37 Fanoy Rice hss lo rehearsal the one aet cnrUIn raiser. "Hupberry Shrub, Bee" Dan Bchlllsr. of Wast WaalilngbOn. bss dedi- cated a new song, entitled 'That Qlrl Next Door." to Annie Lewis, of the Boston Museum "Frinea Pro Tem" OREGON. Fottlmnd^Ai thoUArqaam Qiand UUi Bwao- ton. elocutionist and Ora«k poser, aaslsted by local talent. Rave one performance. Sept 31, for the beaedt of the IllnekleyOrasufferars. A large andlaaeewaa present OananllyOflLL * ^ . . ^ CoaDUT'dTHUTii Is itill In Iha bands of the ear- peoiara and daeormtors, and will ba opened sbout the middle ol October. When complttad it will ba one of the Btat attractive nlac«4 of auusemeot on the rout , Onraatnt —Week ol Bept 81: Beuie Phillips, Fraas UelLDe Lain, Ulle. Msislle, B-imood Manm and bli trained duis, Doulay and OarroU, DaltoreUl firoihera, eni AndoaodOnna MoHoao a Niv TuBATti ConiqoB.—Walter Ford, De- witi Ullnton Harry Browne, <:appoio, Maud Raymond, Pearl Ashler. hu1<o Dewey. Illrdle Harrif, Mr. Teroon, JebD Teskel. Mr. aiasall and Hay O'Brien. AXHiiTiiM.~Lnelaraad Arehfflera,Tabl,OaniaD and ToeiDeaa. Lovrac—Tba TIaau Qaastal. PE NNSYLVAN IA. PhlUd«lptalA,-TtM noveUles At Uietheatfca this weak are lew and far between, the only aitnctioni new to FhllsilelpbU being -Tenauee'e Partner," 'Tbe Tide of Life" aod "Credit Lonaina" Tbe last named although in okl play, haa never before been doaeheie* BaMaeee last week was geoerallj good. WAUiOTSnnTTnuTai.-The rsducUoo Id the priee olHau rainllad lo big booMo every night last weak, attboogh "My Annt Bridget" U s« wsll bnoan as to be worn almost threidbata. Scott Marble's new pUy 'Tenneaate'i Paidner," makee Its first appearance In Pfalladalpbla thia week, with Con Van Tas»eU In the leading rale. 8el«ttloos by the Pauol Vocal Qnartetare ll1i^?S5Piba?n"i.Jr''' FoiiirAOOfl'aTmaiRa.-8idney Drew's Imparaooatloo of colonel Molbeirr Sellers, in -the OiUed Agl^diew weU aU Uit weak. Panale Mclntyre will baV^ a part "Credit Lcrraloa.'' Her oppoituolUes In "Tba Uilded Age" werellmitAl. ehewliTbe snpporud byibestoS company. Heit weak,'Tbe BorglarT STABDAHO TDiAT«.--Tba Vendetta" played to good houses last week, aod this leek Pbilsdelphlua wlil C&ro oj"J?I*r. "The Tide ol Life." Neit weak, ' Peck's Bed /ioAD ^UR TuiATRL—"Princesi Benola" opened , ' "IWrnent Oct I, aucceedlag -The Idler," which played laat week to Urge reoelpu. Additional lo- tareet la felt In the produotlon owleg to oumerons chaogee In the company. CaiEtfpoT SraiBTOriBA Uouaa—Soclety isdoainato SM Daly's onmniny ihia week In "A Night Off" and '«evan-Twentr-Elgbt" ' RoMdale" last week played to tbabestboslnassoftheiassoo. Mest week, Ada Hebao. BuooTUEiTM-'TheTarand the Tartar" proved a big in last week, and this week the operaue attrsetton IS "Doioihr." TbevaudaTllleendef thabUlwiUbeablv looked after by Lydla Yeamsna-Tliua Alice Raymond. Barney Fagmn. Bannock and Jdalr. Prof. Peal, lllnesand Remington, Harry Thooisoo, Brothers Venolo, Frank Cotton and Bums aod Uart AiroiTORioii.-aus Hill's World of KoTellles dida largo boilnnerUatwaek, fiUiog the bouie at neirly av«fT per- formanca. Tony Pastor*e company opened 1 wiiS a iirongliit Neat week, Bngeoe Hsodow. CMbHTMOr BriiRn TuiATia.—Uelen Dsuvrsy played to fair busloeu last week. Id 'That fllsur of His," and this week llallea and Hart coma with "Later On." New features ara plentllul, and the company Includes Murray and OroTlnl, Mark Murpbr. Edward t£ Wentworth, Wal- lace Blade, Doni.d UatoU, W. H. Frmncia, Csme Do Mar, Bessie TaanehllL Blaocho Sherwood and Louisa Wlllla Kelt weak, "A Trip to Chlnaiowo." BLiTixTB BnunT OfMHA HoDdi.—RusiDess rsoialos gilt edged at Manager Carncrou'popnlar buma of min- strelsy. This Is the last weak of the tfoUey party bur- lesque, and neit week a nnmber ol new featoies ar« promised. NttTU AND AKCU MoasuH.-A ill dsya' race lor fat girls is tbe novelty this week. The Boston Noreliy Com- pany supply iba amusement In the theatre. Ejiriu fosATiB.—'^lavea ofUold" haa aUthe lodl- catlonaoftwlngamouey wiDner.lf last waek'ahualneaa may ba taken aa a crusrion. This wetk, "A Railroad Ticket" Neit weak. Primrose A West's Mlostrela Oliuao AviRoa TBUTU.—Tbs first week of Wilfred Olsrke'aengagameat Indicate! a heavy buelness during Manager Eiolland'i revival of Uie old comedlea. Mr. Claike'a T<*nf Lnmpkin, In 'She Stoops to Coonuer." wia a Anlslieo bit oi work. Tbln week tlie talented young oomedlan haa an equallv strong part as Doctor I'aoglosi, In "the Ueir at Law." The supportol Ihsstock coinpsoy isalltbatooukl bedeslred. Next week, "Money." Ei.<tii.iOTOH TiiiUTBi.—"The OsDitei" last week play- ed to fine bousei,aDd Uilswoek the stock cooipsDy Is sppaarlng in 'The Leap For Ufe."augmeDtad by the Bull Alarm Quartet, LiUle Veons and BIsocha Lawrence, daucera. Manager Uart will put on'ThaLongBirlkv" oeit week. LTOtDH ToraTRK.—Manigsr Csrnuu presenlsanoT elty ihlsw^ek in the form oi twudiiUoclattractiousat one performance.. They ara ihs aeorpe Dlioo Vaua«- villa Specialty Company aod the Oaletyillrls Surle*|ue and XUtravaganiA Coiopaoy. Neit week. Bob Plusuii- ~ioua Natio:(al TaUTHB.— a big week's busloess greeted tlie drst Plilladelphta prodocuoo of "On the Miasls'lpbl," which Is followed this week by "Darkest Itussla." Neit woek, -OliOhiry." > AKKTuuTRL—rorione played to full houses all last week, with "Hendrlck lludsuo." This wMk Donnellr and Qlrard, In 'The BalDmahera" Neat week, *k Country Sport" I'KOfut'ii TagATRi:.-The Brrons bad a lair week In 'The Inside Tradi." Lewis Monlson opened Oct I, with ' Paosc" aod will giro oas performsnce ol "HIchelleu," 6 Next week, * Tbe New South." NOTM —The Arch Closed lu dnors Sapt 35. Tbe slags bands struck, Ihe money was refunded to ilia audleocs, and the houae Isdark Manager Msho wauis tu open again, with comlo opera, at i>opu1ar prices Josapb irart^of Usllao and liart,haswrtuea a larco called 'TU FamOj Tree," lo which he will alar nsit saison Manager Kelly, of 11.4 Nsuonal, with bis family, returned iTom bli Cape Mar t- ;tage las^ week AtTissot's this week are Kennedy add Lawranca, Cleo Uoldmao, Ella Allen, and Bonnie Bell George B. Allison has been rvsppolnta<i asslslaot treasurer at the Walnut Oeorga W. Reed Is again at iha poet on the door at the Wilnut where he has olSciaied to many years "Priocaa Bonnie" wss jflveo a preliminary perfonoanca at the Temple Theatre, Camdeo. 9. lIarrleburg..Al the Qrand Opera Uoiue "Spi- der and Fly," 3A, l>ad poor busloeu. **A Clrooi Clown." 37. drewaiair bonso. J*m»sYounB, lo "Hamlet" za, did fairly. "Duffy's Bloodera."39. did a good buslnau. BooklDgs: Primrose A West's Miostreli Oct 0, "The Gloat Brooklyn Uandlcsp" 6. Kdkn MtrBaH.-Week el Oct-1, Mr- and Mrs. Usnley. in '1W)uln Uasklns," UaU Kusaell, Frank Burt and Boh Uarrlsan. Tub OsinT Buhlwqoi CoMrAHV came to grief in this clty6epta4. Thecompaoyidiowedat Carlis|eaiaod21 Manager Harry V Morns ferttliem. Tbe comptoy came hen Wand wer* arreited on a warrant Issued at Carlisle for a tMard bill Tbey were lakeo bark and given a iiesr lag and their bapgege held. John H. Harvey, tb* bull neai maaiger, tayi Mr. Morris contracted to pay all bills, aod au ^ accuses tbe mai-ageroi using the money. Several members uf the company are still In ths city, the others having raised rudiment money to take theoi to Kew York. , Rvadlng.—"Tbe Hanliioe Dmnua*' did a large busloeu at tbe Academy of Musle, Bei't 31-0 Msrie Walowrigbt, In 'T)ie Dsnghiers of Ere|," drew a lair sited house 17 Jamw U. Meekle did well 2B. Primrose A West's Minstrels came to ble business 0. Coming: 'The Great Brooklyn Haodicap" S, A "Kosedsle" 0. ORAifD OrsBA llorai.—The Robinson Open Company Dmei week of Oct 1 _ . „ Buoo ToBiTHB.—The Watson BIstera' Eitravaganta Compsoy had the banner w^ek ol tbe saasuo at this housaSept 34-SD. The B. 0." sign aas out at 7.46 the first evening. The London Bporta Big Unrlsatioe Com- pany week oi Oct L WallaorP- RBPPBRand Fred P. Beliseirer.ofHaadlog, have liased the Elmwood Opera House, South Farming- bam, Maas. !jorantoa.~AC tbe Ffuthlagbatn Ous Tbonu, in "The Burglar," came Aug. 2il to a fair hcuie. The London Bporu Buriesijue Co., 37. bad a good bouse.| Jebo L. Solllvao oomes Oot & "Alabaua" i, lor tbe beosfit ol tlie stage bands. Eugens Bandow ft. d, "ItiO*' 9, lUL AOAOSHT.—Chaa Frohuian's Co.lo 'The Aiuaxon#," Primrose A West's Minstrels 3, Roland Hood, under ihe auspleos ol the Elka. A The Faust A Thorn t;o., in "Wife for Wlfa" Bept te, bad a good house- Cosgrove A Grant's 'The Daiilaf"2S^ were well received. Davis' TuuTBB.-Weeh of Oct 1, "Our Irish Visitors." Brio—Tbe Park Opera lloiue wu dlacovered od Oraabout three o'clock r u., Bepr. 33. sod at five r m.. (he stage and lorrouodloas wer* a mass of ruins, when the north well, fronting Flfib Street »■ Irely eollapsad. The iront part, Indudlng draas circle, family circle aod gal- lery, was saved with very little damage. It Is the Inten- tloo ol the proprietors to rebuild iinmtidlataly. aod havo a new bouucomvletad by Dae I. Tikeleseeai. Wagner A HUi, bava leased Manoerchor Hall, comer Bliieenth and Bute BtraebL and will play all companies booked fur Park Opera llouse forOototiersnd November. Tba bail la a fine one, with all aecotsary ecanery and a good atage. aod tocatad lo the eentm of city. "A Trip lo Ohloaiown" comae Oct fi J E- Oirard'a Wonderisnd Musee aod Tliastre enjoyed good bosinesa the past week, with aspeclalty company. Week ol Oct 1: Orsce Cort- and, an<i Moran'e Vaudeville Co.. led by Liula Tot i;urio ball-Perforrotng goats A. U. Knowles' Con* art Co. was received by a large audleoeaat the Academy oIMosio, Bept S. AUooiitt.—At the ElevebUi Avenue TbiAUe Rldiardi aod CanfleM bad a large aod well pleased andleneeBeptSt Primreso k Weat'e Mlnsirals tasted the capscity of tbe houso S- Wards aod Jamas, lo "Julius Cesar." did fairly well JU foes Meeosker, lo Tbe Prima Doona." Ootl, BoweU 3, "lo tbe Name of the Ciar" 3, "A Braeiy Tloa^'*, "Spider and Fly" ?, J. B. Msekie l^ 'The Capialn'e Mate" II. John Itemell Ift, Barry O'Neill 19 At Ifanr Davis' Eden Museo busi- ness waa btrly good week of Bept U-ti. This week: Lectare Uall—HaU Xusell, Bob Uarrlaoo and Frank Burt Thaatra-Tbacoaiedydrama,"HqalraUaaklos." LDDCMater^At tbe Folioa Opera Uoaae Coa- gvove aod Uraot'e "Ihe Dsxder" did well Sept 3B. Pred* eriek Wardeaod Lonls James In '.'Oihello,">ad> large WASHINGTON. BeattU^At nanna's SeaUIe Tbeatro UcKee Rankin opened a loor nigbu' engagement Bept U. lo The Canuck," to a large boose. OaolelSuUy. lo'Tha MIUlooare."28,». COBoaiT's TiiBATSB.-BllDd Toni drew tremendoni houseslT.'l wlllrelam ffct A. a. . „ . „ SSru fMU liirBHffTiTB FiiiL-ProC W. J Msvera, Rolial7s leader, gave reeHals lo die maio balhllng hept IbViielislii of israe audlentes......*jpby Pink- B».B of ' FbsfaoVs Dauiriur," w«s eoiiifsUtd t« Ur off M ^uot of a sore iMost...- . "o'^'J^^ "•ifflff."?.'; draalna Immsnseciowds B W. ■cConosu win use l?le lomber ind mechaoks required to take Ms cydn- Ma of Mlaslonarr Wd« J»9^ '"J'f,Hlf.^iVil*.';« Fitna-Marb Orom. Uta ^•""•\^^3°^ 'J^^ Is now dty editor of Th* Taoma tmioii ,„..Mr, Uo^ kti MnLimansgsrol IE. F««k'» "Dr. Jekyland MrTllyda" Oo-, la ooofload to his bed. MAS SACHUSE TTS. DortoB^Tblon ibcatrlcal are ]ot(lof aloog qaletsod esiybere. HooeiUyBpaaklBgwaareDotgen erally la the full flamaand roariogblanof a trsowodous o ccen all around, aod It li sale to say that a onnbar of our ouoagers will drop good mooey, and ptsairol It, belore thecloieof the laasen ol UM-L Toa may stop one of theio oo tba sueet or lo the lobby of hu ihealra, aod ask "How Is builneu t" and he will rar Ly. 'Tnralng 'em aaiy every night" But ellp In thst evening, aod It will not take ]ou B^oy nlnutee to eouoi op the boasa. There ara eicepuons, of courar, and aoma ol the amuse meotfasorta are making mooey. In tbe suitor Edwsrd Rica VI Camilla D'Arrtlla, pray leg that ihe deCindant be Birmanentlr rastralnsd fiem playing "Madeline, or the Ml« Kiss," Judge Holmes, In Ihe Hupreue Touit Rspt. 31^ refesed the praysrof Hie petitioner and dismisaed ina petlUoo. It Is learned Inni a tnBt«orthy seurca that Manager Wm. AusUn Is deairoos of saltieg out his loier- est ID the Palace Thvaira It Isalso reportrd that Fraok J. Pilllog, who II Intenited with Mr. Aoathi, or. lo fket, a^rinar with biu,s«me time ago offered to "buy or Ubutfl Btmbt TuiATBS.-The Uollls held a mo easaioB of large aodieoces diriog ibe first weak uf Ada Rshao's eugageeisat For week of 0«t 1 she wiu be seen ss Annis In "Lore on Cratdiea" on Mooday sad Tnesdsy evoDiog aod Wedneidsy aiteraooo; Bosallod to "Ae Vou L'ke It" Wednesday and Thsnday eventnis, and Kktherine in 'The Taniini of a Bhrew." on Fnday and Ss-urday eveolofs aod Ssinrday uiatioeea. Neat Marie Janaao In "Mtss Uynamlta." CoLVMBiA THBATHa-The baslusaa of LoiUa Collios andbertruubsdvur«at this lionee last week waa rasUy not wbat should have been a>-<orded iheoi. The iroope Is first class lo every respect, end present an eiceptlon- ally strung specialty show, bat somehow then seemed to be ■*a frutt^' in the house Managers Rich A Harris annoQOce Vrui. Ilawnrtb's romsnile American play. "On the Miulsslppi" for this week. GhANO OcBHA llut ar—'The Galley Slave" closed bept n a week of fsir bnilness. It au anleodldly suged sod the raKbankal ellsois redsoted credit upon tbe maosge- meoi of Ihe bauM ud ibeir corps nf atisehva This week, Richard OoMan, In * OM Jed Prouty." Week ol Oct i'Tawo Ticket aid." Boston Mnsuu.—"PnocePro Teu" eveeps aloag lo his triumphal march In public favor aod is oee uf the few bidders l»r ien«rous patrooiga whose datu Is recog- nlud. Uie bonked for a InDg run. Boaro.v THicsTHB.-Oct 1 bsHioa thn Qlih woak ol Denman Tbooipsoo, In'TheOU Homseiasd." Business has been fair. Noil week do>ts the engagenieof. UowDOLf KqvAHB TiiiuTHB.—"Prill 10 a Mad lionee" draw fair business last anb aod la loliowad tlila week with *nie New KouUi." Neitvaek. 'Tlie Uoilon King." THSMo.'rT TuiATRH.~Tbe J. 0. DuO* Opera Co. praseoted 'TheMlkhlo" bere to lair builoees last week end llwlll be coallnued this «aeb 'Tlie Mikado" win run throogh wookoi Oct 1 ■od win he followod S by Holan Dauvray, In Wm. OIH'i fome^, 'That ^later oi Ilia" Pahk Tuksthb -Geo. Thateber*! Minstrels made many merry muruls at the Park Isit week with thi Uughablo absotdity, "About Uutham," wbldi la % tntiuira of mel- ody, mlnsuelsy, uproarious loo aod novelty, depleting the liumoroua side of life In the big ollv. It will run WMk of Oct 1 and will be lolloved by Fanny Rioa, to "Mlu Innoceoco Ahroad." KiiTU'a Mbw Tubathi.— Week of Oct I, Mansger Keith will coullnue Ibeiiresentatlooof hisarilitlc living pieteres, and In eddlllnG will offer tbe lollewlng suong apeclaliy ahow: The Turtljda Troop*, Raymon Mnore, Hasmn Ben All's uoupe orAraba,!)* Bemsl, The Wii- mola. Welter Leon, Wera»r sod Kiaoley, Pnuca Kablo, Tnoer end Probel, Nolan aodMcshsno, Gie Read Birds, Uruvnand llarrlM>DaodLew|l»k>OB. LVOiOM TUKATHB.-A aUoog viudfvlll* show Is put Up by the Lyceum maoigenienitliisaatk, Ths Mat Includes Doroihk Dnntilng, lUnry lUonay. Laura Bennett P.>|ull- thrill Kenyon, C«rrlo Tutaln. Chss. S. lawlor, Benneltv and Gannon, Lawrence and llarrlogloo, Itwscb aod Cas Ustoo, Basco aod Hob«ns,dia Dsveupon Broa, Frili and Elvertoo, aod oihsrs This Is Maoanr Uohr's owo diow, fiatbered espiestly for the new I.] ceoiii Tlisstre, and ho I deurinioed that oo eifortoo his part will be lacking to make hll house aorlhy of nubile pfttruosBa. lloWAHO AJMu^tMru —Kirdfy ujd Uie Howard Co., lo burlsHjus; Killim's hvlna plciures end speclsKlis l>y Folly lioliD'a.AnoieE HyivMtar, Motam asd ilail,the Wttiorbury Bnilbera Mile* and Itayniviid, May Htysnt Ed.Eatus. Madeline Marshall Tony Mai>k,KiUy Huiltli. Jas W. Tlioropeoii. Seriha Buph. Di>t Darsooort Bert Half aod Florence Ekoe, tlie sntertsinmeulcloeinf with tho tpeciaculsr seniatloo, "Prince loTlslbla," by the hOQM compauy. ilHiKo HruKOH —In tbe exliibltlon li«ll here there Is a rogular horse, dug and luonhey circui, end In tlie theatre pro|.er the dramatic sttraciloo Is the four act senralltinal ilntcia 'The New Magdalen.' with Etiisl Tucker as Mercy Morrick. lupporled by the slrDngesiof Lulhrop'* star companlu. In the olfu are th« Na>ris Hifrihers, trarho and Price. Ib« Hsmlltuns, George U. Klalier, W U Ue Voaui. tlie Bheerans, Jack Talbot, Kltiy Allyseaod John Robinson. Palac'k TUBatrB— Maria Warren, the vocalist has made quilea hit here, and her engagement is contloued. The uiaoageuent alsu aunounc^s ths Jss. K. A>'sui4 Patee Comedy Troups In a carelully selectatl spoclalty aoi^rtalnment Tbemeoibers of the company liKlude, besides Mr. Adams, Paarl RaymooU. Uecy Taylor, Chas aod Wynne Hurruugbs. Hulb, Oau Mulleo, Eddie Colby. John A. Kelly and lona Burgess. AL'tfTLH AHro.Mi'(iMi;sBua.—Tbe Trouiteot royal Jap- eoese acrobats here have drawo Boa tiualneu lo con- necilun with other novelties presvnled hy the nunsge- uientmlhe lecture hall Tba slayol the lauBurllla*. Gumbo Hr. and Ounibo jr.. is drawing lo a clwe aod llio curious Id such maitorswill liavo oaly«ahort lime tu aoethem. Houriy abnwaare given In llio ibeat/e proper by the Johoioo trio, r.olhna and Msudel), (lie Loreits, Crulkthank, Jennie niliviar, Wlihuian mad Uarls. Kd. Hanker. Uilfordand Elmore,tlie ChsfalliirHlslefs.James and Wilson, L«w Colo, the WasblugUiuTrio,Saoronl and Mulvey. and Walter Keeu. Naw NiciLKoUBux.- Prof. Kdwsrts, Id blub art lodlao muiiclaosaod sword walbsra,(iay MvuI'b lodlao Pot- tory I'-o., BIgnor MuHaruiu (lire kiug). waa flower makers, the three lieadaJ lady, Oalchol, Belle Star's ebarp- diooure. and Pnif. Day's Punch and Judy. Worcealur.—At Ibe Worttiiler Theatre, "A Cneotry Rport" entArulnod a larse atidlanco Hept 31. "Muggs' Lauding" drew small houses 2li39 'The Aran of Life" Oct 1,3, Lottie Collins'Troubadoara 3, ramllle D'Arvllle, in Mauelaine," 4, Janiea A. Heme, In "Shore Acres," 9, ft LOTilluK rtOriHs lI'icrsL-Rlhel Tucker, In 'The New Ms«dalen,"Heptai-2«, and "A UouDiaio Pink," tt-H. drew houaaa. Edalo llaofoid, lo 'Toe filiainrocb," Oct l-S. PhortRthibtOhri IIoobb— Tito Kentucky Rosebud VsudevillsCo. dldgMKl builotaa Rept 34*^. 'The Pay Tralo'* appeared (v lair bouses 37-39. U. W. Williams' Conisdlaoa Oct 1-3, "ttlaverr Daya" l-A NuTiu—Luihrop's Opers House niaaagsmsot have ds- rilled to have dally iiisilniiwi durlog the ramaloderot the sasson ElIeaT. Lucier. wile of wiiiiani D. La- cier, una of the fiueiir Pauilly ot uiuslclsna, was mur- dired by herbrolher here SspL 39 Oeorga Roberts. muager of tho Keulucky Roaehud Co., dliappaarsd aflar the porfomiaoca Bept 2^ laklog wlmuver oiuneyhe lisd and leaving the comi»any straodtd and with hardly enough iponev lo buy a dinner. Tlie conipsoy diabaoded aod several or tlianiembersare hero destitute aod are trjiog to raisauonev togeioutof town. The Colonada Uotelhave kept several of the company for the past few days, but without hope uf letltng any thing from ibem. Oforae Lewia,bii wife and six mootlii'uld child, and the Hill flUlors are stlH there. Van Leer and Barton eameirom Easioo, Pa, and Joioed tlieconpaoy Bept 31, psyiogall llielroan eipeosea. Their bill le about fitO. Banders aod Kerr are each out about ItO, bat Iner Dlsce'laDattadimeotupootheboi olTlce receipts Sepi. Maod eipect to getiomethlog when tba writ Is isturoed to court Lowell.—At Uto Opera llotue '^'be New SoDlb" csme Sept 3ft to a fair hou*e- "Oo the Bowery" played to big baslniss 37. SS. "The Poaer of ibe Prau^' bad too medium sited houses O. Comlag: "Waog" Got 1, LetUe Oilllos' Troubadon 3, Cainllle D'Arvllle, Id "Msdelioe." aL"Psul Kauvar" 4,Jaa. J. Corball 0, Lew DockatadiVe Mioslrels e. Mtsio iliLt-*'ThePoy Tralu" Rapt )t-tl aod Breo- nan's 'Tlie Caihiar" 37-0. Both played Id biw housoa •Tbe GoMen CIIIP' will baslaged Oct. 1-9,U. W.Hilliaus' Cemedlaoi Bijuu TuiATR a—Lao worth's f^olond Vsudetllle Cq. plavedweefc ending Hept. 9 tofalrhusLnass. Usy Uow- aid's Co. eome Oct 1-3. the French Folly Co. 4-0. Manaubbs Tuokin A Watboh, of Musle Hall, eomplalo that '*Ovsr the Garden WaU." msoand by William Da- vere, waa booked it their houae Oct but failed to put lo ao appearaace Neither did tbey ouUfr the Lowell nioagers ol their inUDtloo to raoceL AtthelaAmo- uieot - Golden Cliff" was sworsd lor ihadaua Lynn^AttJie LjDDTbeatre UockRtader'g Uln* streis cams Hept 34 tu good bnalness. 'The Ponor uf lUePre*a"pla>ed toablgboosa H. 'The New Booth" did a fair bualoeie W,8. <:omlog:Jas. Corbstt a,the D'Arvllle Opera Compear V, Ed wart Uarrlgan 10; II, "Paust" IX li Mi'siu Hall.— The May lIowardfTomblnalloo did a big buaiDsM Repi. 31, B, tf. Msochester's Night OwU played to good booaes 37. U, 3V. Tlie bill Uiia weak la Oyreoa, Vsn Leer aod Bsrtoo. Gsoige H. Tlmmoos, the Perkins Hnrs.. Edward Adsiiia HealJi and Cadd, Iha AllooaU and Oliie TbouipsoB. Taanton^At tbe .Sew Ttwalre "A Ofazr Lol," fiePt 10, hsd a fsIr fatuao. "Wang," «. had '« H. O." "TlieLltUe KMColalor,"37. hsd isir huiiiieas. Ccjmiog: 'TJiS ray Trilo" Oct 1, 'The Povsr of Uie Press" S ths D'ArvHls Opera Co. ft At tho Bristol t^ouoly Fair 8rpt3A, 39. 77, Hie following •peclallf people gave iwu turaseach day: James K Adans. Haaetiu aod Ganno, the HIckeits, llsMeo Ben Ail's Arab*, three Buffous, Baaso aod Bobetli aod Jofao Starr. UTAH. iail Lake Cllf.—ProboiaD'ft Block Compaoj caooeled Bept 34. ts, at the Halt lake Tbeatro. Havorly's MIoilrali 30,37. Hume Diamiiie Cleb Oct *■$, lopport logj. H.Rtoddafd. ln"8aioU aod Slnnere;" "Frlendr' a. Hobeit Doaning U. LTCBoa—Tbe stock Is prodndng "Old lleada aod Youog Hearts" Msosgtr O'Mslley pat on tho living Sieturei laat week, wbicb were seeo lo Halt Lake lor the rvt time. NvTBl—Worg has retemeil oo the Graod. sod 11 w'U DOW bepastied toebmplstioo.sosito gstihe arwm of the — _ --,iimaag«stTho*. saawD Tbe salt of Charlei Frol . O'Malley for prododng '-Charley's Annt" us out vet eome to trial, being peetpooad at the raaoaat of mt. Frobmu'a lawyers w giro blm tino lobouor prepare NEW YORK CITY. Lait Waek'i BiTcBtf.—Its part WMk left » racoid o( tar l«u impoituM Uun ilut nuMlo In bunedlau pred«ot«or. tbt prlnolptl thnlntus DOW mottu occupied bj aurecUoiu booked tor lentlhr mm, ud thu ibero an coinptnUrelj tew opporlnnltlet tor Imporlui loMl pcodaoUou; hat iMTertbeleaa the put we«k wltoetted » apleiKlId r«TlT>lota8hakeep<ar«an plaj.anil Uie Drainielio polltan pnaeotaMODaot two moilern plaje ot good repute. Tbe aTeimge of boaloeu waa sol Rood. The cootlDued pertomuactii lor the week eodlDg SfpL 3a were: Blco'a "MM" at Ibe OtaoiK, "The LItUe Trooper" at Uio OuiKO, "Dr. atai" at tbe OnoiDWtT, "The llauble ahop" at Ihe Km- riat, E. 11. Bothera at IbeLYOirii, "ShooaDdoah" at Ibe AoiPiiir op Hubic, "Tbe IMvira Iiepui;" at AeHr's,the Llllpollanjat the Finn AT(Ni<B,".>(ew Blood" at Pii.aaR'a, Hlohaid MaaaOeld at the BBBiLO Siji'AHa, "The Kew Uoj" at the Bt«ni>- AHU, "A Oaleif airl" at Uii.T'>, and "Struck oil" at the KoURTiiKTn BrHan, the laal nauied alone oloalof apoD Hut date .The one week atand. oloaing September n wem: "The Silrrr King" at tbe rIU^La'^ "The 8b>u|hniun" at Ninio'a, "I'eck'a Bad Il07"at JicoBH'Tniau Avbhub, aod Yon YoDKD" at the UoLiiiiat'a Vartoijr en- lertalointnt waa tamlabed at Tony Pianiu'ii, KosTBR HuL'e, the Obnthal (irBHA Houaa, the I.ON0aN, the Hhiok S<jUAai, I'rultub'ii, Ihe ULTKPIO aod HiNaa'a Uowkry and KiuilTii Ayb- hub Performancea In Qerinaa were glYoii ai the OBHUANiA and perforiiuucca In llehrew at ihe TIIAI.IA and WiNiuoa At llie Ktah Tiibathi:, Sept. 34, Wm. 11. Urano appeared (or Iho flrstllme beture a melropoiltan audience la Uie role or Sir John FalaUiT In Shakapeam'a cnniedjr, "The Herrj WIvea or Wlodaor." lie gave Ihe work a magnlfl. cent prodnctlon, anil \>} hia aotlng In the tHnilllar charaottr won tor hlniielt great oredit At Ihe III- jou TUBATHB.on the date Uat menlloned. Tim Uur- ph; appeared, tor the Unit time In thlBoltf,ln"Leni Kettle," a tour actcomedT, br Uenrf (Inf Varleton. Tho plaj waa (ounil to conalit ut an ailnliliin ot merlbi and (aulia, with a pteponderanco vt lliu former that waa ellll Inauillclent lo eeenro for It nioro llian lukewarm praine. The coflaeniuaotnphi' Ion WM that ibe title lole waa a mliHt for Ur. Uiir- phj, which, however, dlHgulicd rather than dliOg* nrcd bliii "Tbe Olrl 1 Lelt Behind Ue," lieiian Sept. a tortnight'a ataj al the IIahi.iu (irBaa IIOUIB At lllO I.YCBUU THBATUB "The Vloti'rU Croaa" waw wlihilrawn arter Ibe performance Hept. 2A, and upon the futluwing ovouloit K, II. Huihcrii ahil hlaoonipanj prcaented, for ilie ami lime In thIa cIlTi "A Wajr to Win a Woman," a oomedj, in three acta, ti; Jerome K. Jerome. The ph>y wai written for Vr. Boinern. anil hail at hla hanila Ita drat pro- duction upon any alagu uii Uiircli lu laat, at tho Uolllii Siicel Theaire, Uuaton, Uaaa. It waa leen and heard here by a rcprcaciitailro lijcfiiiu drat nlfht audience and nude a profouiiil Imprcailon. From the beginning 11 coninuudcd aiicutlnii, aod held 11 without relainllun of leiiHlon unlll tbe dnal fall ot llie curtain. Hiultea, langhler, lircatblcaa >tlllncaa and teata were the Irlhutca tu He puwer, and If tho mi-rlta ot a pkij could lie Judged aolel; liy the eirtcta upon llaaudleiire,lh|ji play might claim grealncaa. llulauoli Jiidgniunt la not Infallible, and niuat ho rovluwrd and put tu thu teat of nuu-oinoUoiial and logical mental trial. Tbevurillcluf tbla higher court lutbUicaau would not be a reveraal of Judgment, and would dlia'r from the former one lu dugme, hut not In kind, lo a word, then, tbe play la nut great, mainly ho* ISO at one point ot hie etury tliu author, Iwvliig approached almnet bi the pinnacle of aucceaa, takei a retrograde courae. The etory ot Uila play, which haa ahcady appeared In our columna, la thoroughly dramatic aud of abiurblng Intereat, The plot la original and la la the nuin handted with great aklll. The dralact la admlnable, lor therein woaru lulri>- duced to all ol the pnuclpal oharaolera, the abiry la Ormly outlined, and we leo the naturea of both the hcru and heroine aiinicluuily dlaplayird to afford rouona fur all ut their auhaequent acta. The main diamclrra are worthy ot the cloaeet aludy, and eapcclally la tula the ciue ut the heroine, wliue*! nature can only bo appro- claud liy thoie who are willing lo b08t4iw upou 11 cluieand Inttlllaeut acrutliiy. To inch aho la a charmingly coMiplei Btudy,and In everything »he la oudo to duur tu lay IhrouHhuul Ibe play ahe la true to the author'a Ideal, and, though forced by olroumaiancea la ba wurlilly iiilnd(d,alie ahowa tlie nohlut Mirl uf woiiunhood In her lutorvlow lu the drat aot with Hie luan wliu an truly luvta bor, In bcr acorn and aell loathing Juat prevluua lu her lie- trollul, and In tier remurao and conaciiiirut reiiun* elation of the wonerpartof beraelt In the dnti Bccoe. TliH play la pure, aud In Ihia fact dnda auf* dclunt vindication agalnit thu puaallile charge that It U not conttrocted accjrdlug to ftn Uh tltdf modele. In tbla counccduu It U worlliy nf note that tbe Vice Chancellor of Oxford rccenllj pro biblted lu that unlvei.liy town Uie perfurmancoot a play which, whan dunu lu Ihia city, recilved alone In our columna cundi^iiinaUon for undeaullneaa. AnoUicr rare went poaaeeaed by the play under prraentcooalderatloolBtbeoluio relatlonahip borne byiheaubaldlaryplotiuUieuialaene. Thejuienlle role and Uut of Uie Ingenue are not, aa la too iilten the caae, thrown lo only tor the purpoae uf giving blghllgbialoibe plclure, but tbey are Intimately connected witb liie Btury,and have a diruct and atrong Intereat lu Ha denouement, and by their preeence not only add to the enormity ot Ihe crime comuiiued, but llirongh the Intereat which tbey are given In tbe plot lead to Ita oompleui unfolding. There la not a loperduoni character In tbe play, nor are any of the lubeldlary rulea given, for any pnrpoae whatever, more prominence iban la bImu- lulely n'ceeeiry tafulOII tbe pujpoaa ol Uielrcrea- Uon. Tbe play la amodel of corii.ructlvo aklll, aud la, moreover, a literary work ot nnnagal value, Hie dialogne being fluent without eiTualrcneiB, and varied lo aiylo to ault the nooda and temperament of each aod every cnaravler. Finally, the play la of cumulative Intereat, tbeatorj aleadll; unfolding, without Intervening momenta ot dollneae, and growing IS Inuailiy ot Inutoet and in draiiuilc Btrenglb nnlll the cnlolnalloD Immediately pro- ceding the dnal curtain. It la tlila aoiouthueM and atcadbieaa ot oouree which fliea Hie attention, aud which aieadlly Incrtaaea Ihe menial tenlaoo.nntll It brlnga quickened heart throbe and teara, and ae- curea tor the nlaguldcd heroine and the guilty hero that afmpathy which condunea wrong think- ing and evil doing, Wa are au fond otNr. Holliern aa a comedian that wo are prone lo oooalder llglit- ly hte occaalonal aertvoa work, and to clone our eycB aod aenaea to the proofa of veiaallllty he baa given ua. No young actor baa ever been more for- tunate In aecnrlng a ancceaaloo of good playi, and Mr, Sothern'B fame baa grown throngh "The lllgh- cat Bldiler," "Lord Vbufflley," "The MaltUr of woodharrow," "The Usnclog Ulrl,""(;apuin Let- urhlair" and "Bherldao;" bat, comedUn alone tboogh he may be eateemed, be bu abown In ttatM numetooi producUooa • veraatiuiy ot gllta and of acijolrenuou which entlUe blm to the high- eat cosBlderailoD, aod lo none of hla work baa he beeo noreancceaaful than In "The Dancing Oltl" and In tbla prtaenl play, boUi of wblcb call tor ae- rioua edOrt, asd lax alike hla hlainoolo aklll and emoUonalrcaourwe. UbelaaotatallUmesihemost peranaalveof lovera,lt onat be remembeitd Ibat Uura la no fofmala for kive maklog, aod thai all own do act have Uia eaaw (aaliloa of eowUonal ax- prailoa; ikMdaeso/otBpeeoblaiwtaaaDlverBl glR,°Bor oa« nervou force always be nnder com- plete conlnl, Hr. BoUtem In all ot bla BUlooa work Bhowa careful atndy, good dlacerament aid earatalataa, and to Ihu work bla avowala ol love, bla yearning and biB pleading are thoroughly eon- tloclng, Nole, moreover, the obaof e In hla aiyle of irooing when he cornea with Ue conquering tor- tune In bla hand, and wlUi ramone and aalt loalb- Ing In hla heart, and dually itudy the method at hla expiatory conleaalon. Ilia eyea are flxcd, tho worda eonw with Irregular aod uncertain panaeB, and hit speeoh antrcely varlta from a monotone, la he not entlUud u> pralee In the hlghett for tlila work! llaa he not atndled It with the nunoat care aod perfoinied It witti eoo- aumuato aklll r Shall he ooi receive high pralae when ho coramandaadinlrailont Ue la mure thao the loy of our lighter mood^ and wo ate not only wUIIng but glad lo take hlo aerloualy. Uiace Kim- ladl waa alao rovealed lo na aa wo have never be- fore Been her, and, although ahe had the muet try- ing rolo ot her brief career, aho met Ite reqnlre- iiienla with a atlll ahe haa never beforo abown, and the poascaalon ot which we are bappy to have dla- covcred. Vomplox though the character li^ tbe author haa at Iniervala thrown auob light upon It aa nakea lU underlying goo<l apparent lu her .<.rlonBdlacourae, lender, rogntful and pitying lo the Irat act, In her duo ecorn and rebellion agalnat beraelt In Ihesccnnil act, and In her remorae, rapent- anca and renunciation ol all but luvo In the dnal acone, we are ahuwu with how niiioh of true woman- liDod the anihor haa Invealed hlaoreallon, lo apllo ol the worldllneaa which, like bnrnaclea, haa grown upon It, and Hiaa KIuiImII \ij hi-r excellent wurk not only doea Jutlico lo the authnr'a Ideal, greatly to her own oreillt, hut Ihereliy materially aaslaU ua In our ■tuily ol H uiaatorpleco ol literary aklll. Ti> anch length haa ihla uoUco ot the play grown, |i la prac- tical only lo render pralao In hulk lu Uie other moniboTH ul tho oonipany who tMrilclpaioil In Ihe parfornuuce, and whoio nainca appear lielow. An Inolilenl uf Hio play wbluh lo likely to caiiae illi- oiiaaliin U tho dcrlpliorliig of the photograph cf the letter tty nioiioa ol a CHiiiem lona uaed only aa a reading glAw, ii feat which wtiuki niem lu In ImpuaKlbic, lint whiuh nt'voriheluaa la ihuioughly pracllcalile. Tliat which, hiiwevor, hindora tho play fruiii aitulnliig aUauhite grcaini-ai la tbe aub- ildenco of the Kom wlUi which tbe bendno at drat apnrna tho piiiohiiao of lirraelf, and the apccdy acceptaiico ut Ihe oirur which »lio bad an cunlcmpluoiialy Rluaed. Had her refunil iieen ali- aohite, and at Uiat iliiio. and undrrihniecundlHuna. unalterable, her virtiica would havo lieen greally magnlded, a ninre aatUfylng cauac would bare lieen pnividoil fur the undoing nt Ihe wrong and Ibe reatliiiUou of tho money, while theeudlngnf the play wuiihl have noeitcil no alteralluu. The ounvonlencc uf o|ipnrtunlty tur wrnngdolng, and ibealiiiiillMncnuancaa ot nei-d anil the meaiu tor Mllafylngit, which la dlacuvrrrd lu the dmlaot, und which la liaiilo tu iiJvoruo odiiiuiuuI, la entirely periuluttilu miller ilrainallo llcenae, tho ooiidltlnna whicli giivcrii the diainatlat lielng vrry illirerunt iruiu thiiae uudor which the nuvrllat priHlurra bla wurk. Taken all In all, tlila pUy la lO far Iha dnrat ninirlng of the nrcauni btiiniii. Tho Mat: Harry lUlwiiid, K. II. Huthurn; liau Hraliaiii, ItuwUiul lluckatuiio; Archie rhillirlub, Vincent Htcrnroyd; Nun. Neal llliibe, Nnrlon tteltun; Hr. <;arrulhera, W, I,, tiraiiaruiiilio; Ur. Ihivu, Arthur K. Lawrence; Hr. Ualward, U. r. Klocbtnn; Htirvant, T. J. Hur- phy; Uulgo Uarrothern, CIraca Kliiiliall; Kold Kl- pblck, lleriha Uarilctt; lira. L'arruUicn, Kate l-aul- aunHellchi IMiiiola, Fanny Adilliun-l'IU; Hary, Klhcl Kvelyu "I'lmHIrl 1 Ufi llehliid He" ho- gan Hept. II H fnrtnlghta eiigagemcut at tbe IIah- i.iu OrxHA llnuriB, and upon the aaiiiedalu engage- ineuta of llkn duratluii were lieguii liy "The lllaok crook" at Hio Uhanu (IriiiA lluuaa and liy "A Trip toUhlnalonn"atthc Aubhiuan TimATHS The IHviNu Flaub TiiaATiie, under Ihc.manageraent ut llelntlch Uuiircid, began Ha acaaun with a |>er- fnriuanueuf IKIntloh fAUlio'a dvo act drama, "Die Karlaachueler," which had Iliefullowlngcaal: Duke UburlcB uf WurUmlHirg, Haltlileii I'fell; Uounteiia KraualNbaur llnliouholm, Kiumallalieluiann Teller; iloncral lUugcr, Arthur Kgiellng: Ijiura, Anna llraga; Von HlllirikaHi, Uarl Hlok; llklillll, Adull Link: Frlnlrlch Hchlller, llurmaii Huliiuvluir; Auiuu Kuili, Uudnll Hunlua; Von Huharpaielu, Heiu- uiy Heninan; Vuii lluvor, llulurloh Halirloh; I'oliTeri Uacar Hanui]| I'elori, Jauquea llur- ■llii; Uhrlatoph lllcUHtl, Anna Fraiioah. 1)1 tho above Kinnm llaliclnMnn Teller, ller- luan Hchinelxer, Call Blok, lludull Hunlua aud Jaoiuua llurwllx iiudo llielr Amerlu i dutiuL St. Jauui' Hall waa npencd Hept. w by Hau- aierAloMndorCniiutuek, wHh hla own Uelmpo.l- un Hlii.lrel Company. Fiirlhur meuHun nt Hila event will lie found hi anutlior column Tlia CXNTBAI. Oi'BHA lluu.iB, wbluh WBB uptncd uuly u a Huiunitr reaurt, oluaed Ha aeaaon wlUi the concert ol Bept.eo Ilagenlicck'a Iralnod animala re- mained upuu exhlblHuu at thu Haiiiwin HgUAaa UaanBN, Oul llaguulicck, Uio iirnprletur uf the ■how, arrived hcru truin llainburg HepL 'jx, hut will return home at Ihe eaplrallnn ot u week. Hr. Jaubx' Hai.1 Tbe acaauu at Ihla houae began Haturday night, Hupl. 'JU, wllb L'uraabick'a Hliiitrela, The lower part ut tliu liuuae waa cruwded, while Uie laHcuny wia well dllcd, anil a nuiulier uf ibmdeoa were lu the fuyer. Thu programme pre- •outed waa old lime mlnatrelay, the perfurmera, all lu black face,furmlng Ibeuld tlriin aemlclrcle. Home parte of Uio onteruiuiueut were excellent, while ulliera could Iw grcHlly Imumved. The perform- Biiceabowed plalmy thu Uici uf pruiwr renearaaU. Tiio Drat pan waa apullcd lir thu curtain deaceod- lug um auuu, and right In Uie middle ot Jonn K. UoWade'a liarlUjnu aulu, "tliu I.UBt Uliiird." Ths aliiglng In the drat part waa good, but Ibe comedl- ana, wiUi unoexcepiluo, were uut very fuiiny, Wil- lie r. HhCuluam eailly carried iilt the huuura tor Uie fun, hla aooga and laylnga lielug loudly ap- plauded. Burt llaveily luok care ot the lara- iiuurlue end, with Willla I'. Hweatoam oupoalte, aod A. U. Hurelaad wu tho Interlocutor. Toe Blng- era Included lUyinund Hluw, wuu rendered the tenor nulu, "Hbo l<oved Nut Wlaeiy," very uleat- liigl;: Kmll llauer, wnu anng "Uuwo Heap WIthIo thoVelUr;" Havid Aodnuht, who aang "Htbetilrl ruu Ixive t»vea Yuu," aud John K. HcWade, who rendered "rhelx>Btu6urd." The burleaiiuvon living iilciurei cautod much laughter. Tlieullululruduoea Kdwin French in banjo >«(ecllunB,Hyuuuila, llughts and llaitua, Willie 1'. Sweatnam, aud the iiiaodollu, ~ultar and vlulln quartet. A burleHiue on Uie «xow InvtiUgatlng Uumniltteo elMeil Uie ahow, Thu pciforniauco, aa a whole, waa far from be- Isg up tu tbe atandard of fiiriiier minilrel enter- umnirnla. Cbaugea arc Luedeil In llio uuke up uf tbe company, and utoio comedy and tuu could be caally put Into the performance wiui guod eifeot. It la tne IntenUun ol tho manager bi ealsbliah a permanent minitrel ibuw In tbla clir, but be will nave Ui give a better iierrorinance II tbe experi- ment la tu Iw aucceulul. (liuiuaa'a Iiahu, oniler Uo direction of VIcter llerlierl, gave Dept. U, at tho Academy of Hiulo, the Brat of ft Ktlea of Hunday sight conccru to be oonlinued at that houae. KowASU llAaatUAN will open hie Uealnaboot Uecl, with the drat production ofa new comedy ut New York life, from bU own pen. A iiBrioiBNur ludameot waa entered, Hept. it, agaloat Fablua M. Ularks and Henry T. fuller, aa recelvera ot the Naw York Concert Uuopany, Is tavur of W. II, Arouni. The Judgment la Ibe oat< growth of tbe Vaalno lltlgaUon. Tus Boanu or onuvruHX of Ihe Kdeo Hnaea bare decided ihat nu more vaudeville enUrialnmesU wlllbealvca at that raaiitl.and Uiat keresllOTIta atage will lie need ooly fur euncertect claaalcal aod pooolar muNlo. Hiaiaa CaHAar ALbuibbs barehegni oakUii arrangemeaia lor the piwluciion ut a new bsrletia, "The Tweuileth Caeuiry Uirl," llhretio bv Bydney Hwenleld and inuale by Ludwlg KngUsdari Tba drat perfuflnance will tu* puca about Uao. I, at a oltyttHatre.