New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 6. THE NJiiW YORK OIjIPPBR. 493 ttam noK T.D.LnACo.*i MtnoMAjiD Ooitom Co.—Tbt*bM bMo lb* btoHr mtOB of thiihow. W% bftTt oofc pUT«d ft iMioff itattd. W« ouTT alilitan ptO' p)« ftiUir/ootnaodtap,*lihtwuou.aD4 MTMiiMo b«ad of hmiM. Oor mtor looladM: T. D.Lm ACo.« proprttton; Tooj FblUlpa, muAfvr; mouaPblUlp^ tiMflaraT:B«ttlMa>k» (l«oii*, Hurr BovIuhIi, Butt Bm&mfi Prol* !>• I^S>i Fnokt (Uii amntfy oIowd), Arkutu Jo*, ftnd Um tbne auTUoni(r«t cblldno). UuTT abodM hu ebarg* of tfao bmu bud, with nlno DlocM. FroLJoboTbBnn*nUl««d«rororehMtnorili elMOi- "I>*iL"wlUithowb)laoaTelop*%ftppMnunAair oi •TiirSaodaT awmiDg, nolviuuuodlos hart Umot Ud Md VMUMT. JOBKB Mobpht, ^lef Btevtrt. ud ObiM.MaTDud, roar bono driver Uto ol Ptwnte BlU'iWItd WmLkp Hrod bm 6*pt. ■ fflHD Antwerp. B«L jnsiB ALiTin ntoniod from ilio B«lslam Eipof(Uon BiptS, tnd hu KM* 10 btr bono In Boroo. Hut. MiHAUfiw oM of tho mnioam tttrmetlooa eoa* o«ot^ wlththo TtMiM Bill Hhoir mx the *ipo«ltlon. TBI AaioiAvra* Coimirnon of the OoUed StatM ud arett Britfttowiu bo bold etthoBrotdvAr Centni IloUL Uila eitr, Oct 19. AU the leedlDs aoroDeniB of the world tro upootad to be then. Hn. Qtn. TOH Thohb, bar huabtnd, Oonot Mtiri. Bam Mtffiii AddIo NelMo and CaoUln Llablai, all ilule Mop|«,ncoBtlvTlBlt*d Admiral Dot, bit wife ud Babr lUielattbelr boue lo tbleeltf. Mra. TomTbonb vat rwt«to OalreatM, Texa« Admiral Dot hu aereivd ttU coooectlno with the clgareua oomptD* with which be bu beoD IdeaUfled (Or aereral yatT*. aod hu opeoed ACinr eland In • down town butloeu eeotre. ibia citr. raor. J. a. Tau iDfomii aa that hlmteir end wife have doaed ihoir tooUoi eeatoa. Ther wnl opeti In halUOoL U and Inland lo tonrNew Uampihtre, Jlim- ebaitlta ana New Tork State. TBoma B. BiiiTn, of Smiih ud Belmont, nmnatlt, laroima na ihu h» aoecetarailr mide bit ilm balloon uoeailon ftept.2B, at Veodiport. N, V He furtber in ronu nt that b* made awentlou 27 and S8. Tfli ' orirtai-. BotriB or Njiaa BtM* Oaehital or NoTitnn.— Prof J. M. yaab, maito ud Puoch; fnok Kath, oome- dlea: J. A. Bohobeit, abadowfmpba. ud Toaoa, one man bud. TherweiimTeUairbyDowoD tbeUUaitalpDl Rlrer. Prot J. M. Math bnl dlaaolred partoennlpwiih Eddie ud lAain Poi. rAMHii QuiTOVK wu tAkoB ■erioDiijrill at her home Id PbltadelpblB. Fa^ Sept 3ft. Oiani GocBBAB opened et HaU'a Culoo, Cblcan. Sept 30, for roar weeka. HiRBT H. WArrs, the Botfon nedlnm, hu retarned to Tacoma from Sitka, Alatka. He It m mte Eut rla Calironila. (1ILI8 PVLUiA*, vho wut to the ABtwero, BeU Ex* potitloo M ounaitor of the naaeom with ibe Pawoee Bill WIM Weet,arrlTed In New York reo^Btly on hit war home to HuflUo, where be will remain dun ne the winter. Uereportal^wnettBlll ptarlnR throoab UoUaod to lair bnalaeat; notcoftliecorlotUiet are plarioc mnaeamt In Uollaoa u4 Oemuf. KoTBB ritoK WrrBBRBCL A Dooo'fl Patiuox "U. TO" Co.—Mn. Oeo. E. Witherell r^)otn«d nt atSoetli Losden* derry. Vt,SepL 18, bavloi thoiougbl* recovered her health. On 8«>pt 22, at Walpele, N. ue preaeoted her If AOfOU' PJUmOTITB ORIOff. KO. 1, of N. T-, hu laued a braaoh u Beaton, Maa., to be known u daotbtar. PudioD, of thli compu/, with a dUmond _ .M . -^rlf *"— " Laa vu wboiD be tnreled jean ano witb flof. Aftar the perionuueea haoqae't wu«praed and a pMteat time wueojored. At Cbetier, Tl. BepL II, ^ ^j,-^ Pnllaitf,wlUi ^- -1 Balrd'tHlutrela. aeo. II. Miller cloied on the latUr date to atanoie charie of the bud aod orcheetfa with J. AL Sawtelle'a Dramatlo Co. vreroeelvedaTltltfnm J 0. RookweU,muanror RoekwoU'B TbMtre Co.. SepL 9. at ProotonTllle, Vl We «lll eloM oar B>aaon Oct. U B«TBB or BiLLT NiLflO.M'aSioBaBow.—au Smith, ont- iMe laUer; Joe Foi and Bill Mcaowo, ticket a^n: Blllf Fljn,doork«eMr; Chat. Hee. leotanr ud marlo< netie worker; Tom Foi, fln eater; Jamet Obem, the Amtrlcu Jap: Ida Kendor. enake channer: Nellie WoedH, tnlnea blrda; Hay Brook^ tattooed woou; Pruk Sabar, oontortlonUt; Tom Hrookt, etroair man Jack Raardoq, elattlc akin mu; Eddie Conol panalooitt; dorey McCuo, bnmtn ottrtcb Idle Conolnabaa, ex. ' Kloa Oil. puBioDiav, uoT«7 aci'Knu, Duiua oauico; nioa on* more, twUoon atoeoaloa and Tom Bretnahan t HLhtarr Band. Bnttneaaleblr. andweareaUdolatweU. Nom rtOH wntLUB'B Nbw obluxb u?eBOH.-Wo areulllon ibe road with one of the lar«Bt tnTeliDs mnunma In the couatrTi earirioB twenty-two people and irareMoR In nor own apecial car. Our Mton le Ur bu been one of the beat We do not know what bard timet are. MiiOBLLurBOOB Suows^Tlie Aloe Oil lCedloiBeCom> pany an toaring Iowa. The company: Dr. J. P. Oaiatl, fi^eprletor ud muaiter: Id. Biik, Peror BUoo, Ooa leDderaoo, Bui Melay, J. U. Wood. Berti(obua,Wm. UefflaBoR«r, B.E.AldeD. Bd Ltak, tiue muater.and H. & Aldeo. leader ol orcbeetta Dr. 0. V. Oarpeoter le at bla borne, Norria City, lU, oader traatmeot for throat troabla, bat expeott to rtoome work about Oct. lo. Rotter ud noiu fnmtheElokapooIodluMedl* olne Uompuy, Ko. li, now tonrlng Iduo: Bart Imaon, muager: D. J. I. Dorhan, Icctonr; Bert Thatcher, Banr Klmerald, and thefUoux lodlaaa. Plenty Woonda and Dock Two BtkL We ckued onreampUetweekud opened oar Fall and Winter aeaion Bepi 17. Thaicher and Plitgeraldwilleloae toon to work dataalatbeNonh- Weetclronlt Notu ud rotter ol the WblimrrHedl* else Co: Andy Bpear, mantJter; Mtuie Bpetr, treuanr: Dr. J. W. Bcott, leoiurer; Urut Drue,c«mediu; Lou Waihbnnt, aooB and daoce; Andy Kpear, comediu: UlaoleBt(ell,Toca)Utudwlngducer: WIIIQllne and wire, tkateh; Joe Cutarbary, Irl«h oomedlu; J. W. Scon, Inetnimantalitt, and HalUe tfpear wUb bar traln- edeutnea. We bare a new ait rouod top dining teat, ud tbrM tleeplog leott- We aianed out May 14, aod bare been dolof a tpleadid bueloees all Hununer, Ibe "■boat" bunotlalM to walk every Hooday. We dote ataalllpolla,0.,Nov. 1 Tbe NaUonal Hedleloe Co. ban beao out tventy weeka Tbey report bntlneta beomlagaodadd: "We had a blow down ttoot. C, bot all wu ready by nlabt We cloee our Bumater aeaaoo at RonvUle, 0« ud nlll open In open hootea in Uloblgu, We will all take e rett tnton oar omDbiK Noiaii fkom Dr. llany Bella'a Hodlolae Oo.: Wo eloted one of oor moit aoecBainil tenttov aeaaon'a at White Blver JuDcUon. VL, BepL 14. The uoelof niglit Dr. Bella wu Breientao by the following memben of the compuy: n LtBle Bella, Ed. U. Bella. Tim MoTlcken, ChwrB. Hontu ud Mr*. ButtAO. ud by a vlatUag friend, Un. CUra Frenoh Smith (wife of J.lf. Smith), with uoIO' eolld gold wat£b charm, ut with a lolltaira dia- mond. Tbe pnauiation tpeech wu made by Tim MeTicken, and wu bappll/ rounded to by the Doctor. Dr. Bella parehaaed, on Sept 16, a auny oarrlaga ud a haodtome pair of Morgu poulea We cofflmenced onr Fall and Wloter leaaon la hallt on Sept Hi, at Po« MiUa, Tt Pnok McDonald, **pnM'* with the tbow« wutberedp'eotofa doe ■ultofolothet iroo the Doetor NoteelTom ^aab'tEleotrioBeltOo.: WIU B stuteyhuporebttedebairinuroatlaUietbowftoai A. Hpa»b. Tbe title ot the eompuy will not be nged. We ooatemplaie making teveral diune r ahow,aad will add a tip to oar ootflc fbati chui led the than, . DnutlUa Medleiau Co., No. 39, bow In Minaeeoia: Dr. Don L. DooaMeos, leetnnr ud muager: Chu Bom- bam, Jamu Brad/, Don L. Donaldton Jr. Jamea O. Wernre, tbeaoe of epadea, Jolaed oo Sept 34. John A. Kelly lenUlDgablt In hlaorlgloel act,"TbraeTimer, Boya.i* Tba Dr. Cun Bleotrio Belt Co. oloeed their teoung eeaton at Barlan, la. Sept za. Walt McDonald, the mukger of the eompuy, wu praaeaied with a 1.0.0. F. cbcrm. ARer the abow everybody aat down to a banquet tuTBlahed by the mueger. Allhadapleatut time Weopen loooenboueMoextmonib Donald McKay'aSpeoltliySbow: HonDtBgAntelOM, preprieior: Pruk J. Hood muager; Ed Tbiree, lectunr; Prof. Baa, maglelu: Tony Burke, comediu; Prol. Balmford, veatrllooulat; Spottod Eagle ri He tbot Tee abow It now touring Hoothera Peovylvula Roeterof Klckapoo Medicine Co., No. 43: Qua NIebolla, muager: Dr. Broncbo Ned, leetnnr, Performrn: Out Nienolla, black faced oomedlu; Pnl. Thee. E. Addr. magio uo illaaloaaj Hlle. Addy. vocallit. aod Ave lodlaaa. We an tooilBg DatcbuOo., N, Y. Boelnett good, KENTUCKY. L«alfTlU«.*Al Macaalej's Tbntro Olen MaoDoDoagh'a farce comedy, "Tbe Prodigal Father," de- P«rted8ept.0.afUr eejoylog liberal pairaoage. Oct 1, Joe Ott, la "The Star Oaier." Beetle BonehID, la "Play onteak*' week of 8 ATHOB.—"Ludni theMldoUiht San"attnetad good lioueH lut week. Rice aod Barton week eommeadngaa OuMD Orana HotnB.—Falnna o( thta honae cu have BO caoee f*! oonplalnt of the altrtetlont glreo,and ibe pairoaafe received elace the opening hubwo griUiying to tbe Dtnaaemaat Con VuTattelL la "Teaaeaaee'a F&rdaer," adraeted Urg* andleaou at every perform, acoe laitwuLtbe matloeu being etpeelalfy crowded. Rmllt Bueker. In "Our Flat" neea ol 0«t 1. Turu.—Tbiahouiewu darklutweek. Theregnlar •aaaoB beelna 0<4.1 wlUi Olevetaod'a Miutnla for three BiBbu. folloood by "A Wild Dock" M BocKiiioBaH.—The Btjoo Kovelir Oompuy, competed or rioi. muh.ii,. oitiua o'dn.n. j.ddIdm O'BrluL LftQrm L««, WIU Ilowftrd* HiriT ulEfflDU BalUi, UitThrM Albloni, Oner tod Bani.u. L«v sad IKII>W.II*nudRlolll<ud Weill., pre • Int 0mm UMrulDin«oL itimwIiiB itood udtww Uinaitli ihi iMk. ni.LiHrouriMi.irco. wMkorotti. Ntw On TUUTU.—Hi, p.opl« ol Ult wMk hold ur«r ■OMOcLI. TiiBtiLintBianOiROcawUl |ln t«o porromi' UCMOO.!. IOWA. Ot» Holnei—At Ui« atua Cone ?tjian pUytl lo en*dtdbaiuM lut wMk. Rio*, Woolloid * gh.n du'(0o.Oet.l-«. . romt -"lb. D«nri AoeUoo." », did »loird bgilMU. BalHitO«wilnf,la"IMabdlau>r,'', Wm HotyOet I X , wo«o»uii> kom in TauTU—Oct I, nKo ud iKton ball: Walur a. Buwail, Wp. Bloet, Tiola ■ad Inltad, critnc Ckmll. BolUi, Aadonsa aad Inlib, uiaa4aL«i[oiia,udia«B«ma(da. BoilBtM eoaUoaa |acd. Morn.—L;ou' C«ii.dr ComptaraloKd a m et ml tl MaioDatOioot.rPani ■aptn.aDd oMsod tba Wlaior (•am at ledlaaela IT Blekaid HandaB, ot Ibo bloaa'Ccmad/ OA, la nir 111 a Maafai** Banpaab BouUlblalluC . BwUB||taB.-At UManBdttaanfnltiMMni >aa,liiaa|uai<dgapl.llbf BaiUrBaa<kar. AtBlaadld aad|.m waa naaaal aad ibomablf aaloial tlar p. A, ma la tka bMk inud, na BM Mt tba M Itgw 'i?,JSt,!^*\ f "'^ •><>«Ma na pmit and ba- •tovt'llbmlaMlaaaaoa toDaol Ib.iltaaUou^na ■blp of 8taU"Ji eallad a nmaaui l^fSriu diani! (randadopon bl.lorlcal araataof ttaTufSflJll ^a muaptlao aao noUl la good, ud iba tl>M mu anMtabaltiB band.voik K«.r^ tt ™t oiaiocaa bopfan oa ib. osnmooplaca. Tbo eomalv Mmaat, ahieb aHDi to ba aboolau'lTamiiSy \Si!y, dI£iVj\I!fiyjf.*""'^!«»'" Tbir«Sli..'hl?L i-f S2'?f,' At DoUn»'a Tbtatre tbe Wll- IS^iiJyW?.??.! 'S ta""!! did a lair bnilDua wMb Uj'a iant" 6 "OariT Oi«" la, "A Cnck.r JaeV- UL -?***Jt*'"*''*'"~A' Onuna'a OMim Uoom the WIlaOD TbMIra CoBpurbad aood nalronu.vMk ol WalherWMtealfeia, "RoabCity"19. * 5fl?^"!S'~^* Keokok Op«n hoosb Leatar A WIUIaDB* Co. eomea Oct *'Olorlanaa" U, "Jaae" 18- MI8S0URI. Bt. Ifonle.—Boalneu was good Bt tU tliB plac«fl of amotemui lut week, and pnmltw belter ntelU tbit weak on ecocunt of the aunoal lair aad Tailed PnpbeU parade. aBA!n»OrBBAnocSB.-"A MUk White Flag" made a bltlutweekaodtheaadlwcMailedthehonte at every ^rorauea. "ATexuStue'thlawMk,"The Patting Oltmpio fBBiTU.—'nbe Amaiont" did aotdnvu walla* upon the lint wuk. Uuloai* "Snpetba" thltweek. the Keodalt 8-11 UAVuyaTBB&THB.-8adle Bataon did a good boalneea ^1 <ha wuk. -A Oracker Jack" tbia weak. "Land of the MldalBbt8oo"8 lUoat TflBATaB.-"A Bucb of Keje" thli week. "Ooon Bellow" did a good bulotu laat weak. Conny UdF0X7a Btahdabd TiBaTBX.—Tbe Creolta cauvht tbecrowdt lutwiet. RelllyA Wood'aBlgBhow ibia weak, Bua- aeU'a Corned laniT. POFa'BTaBATBB -Chu MoDonald bu been appointed preat annt of thu boute, and unonooei the nuowlni people Tor thia week: Luoler aod Archmare. O'Brlea. jannlnj|eudO*firien, Allyn and Uogard. tbaDunran, Wolf aad B«vl)laL Charley fiuha, Wart tod Browa, Jeaale Miller. Holdah Morgan, ud Madfe Lovell 'The 8U—\t of New-Tork" will be pruented by tbe dramaUa com- pany. Ual Reld will reet lor two weeka u bli voice U getunc boiky, owing to (he two pnMntatlOM par day. Roor Oabdbi A:tD CABiito TuBaTaa.-Thltw1U bathe Utt week of thIa Sommer reaort. Tba people: D, B. Emery, Lania Rurtel). Luigl DelOro. Merriuand Watob, Mamia Ellna, Oyorl Jnleakl, T. W. Bckert, ud McBrlda ftt^ Qoodrich. MoOiHLBT'a Mtrenv.—TbiB booae It dologa good buil- Bwa ataee ue coolwetlhtr tot IB. Tbia wwi: Qeorge (tartle boy). Oeny (fenale Imperaoaalor), Fay (awoid —... Bluet,, wiUlam^ Belle Jamee, Muter Dave PJorkuu'a Swedlah Bell RIngera. aod Gut Hapler'a Stock Compuy, in "Joahoa Wbltcomb.' **i»TBB Oaudbh.— Tbymu Trio, Aide Coeiello, De ^goet Vao Buakirkt, Pbllllpt ud Nayoon, rox and Flthcr. HevanderElrfle, A|. Paika, JoMph Oiew. Prank Q. Duiay. Zone and Llale AmobL LoNOovHctM) UAUh-^to. B. JobotoBiBaunaWettoa. Oertla Boldeo, Bobby Bavmood. Tommy Rraa, Jaonla Duncan, Jobo W- Jaaa, Flonoce Cheater, Ida OlUtoo, Belle Pauereon aod Eva Wright EBBBH'e PAfaiOB TBUTRB.—LlllIU MattOO. HcCtrthy ud BeynoUa, Elag and Zlemer, Mike Bigglaa l«ee MiUlgu, OKar and Saille Kberaa, Lottie Tborae, Marie BeyaoMa, Daulal McCarthy, Alice Aikloaoa and Frank 0. Oay. OABDiif TOB&TBi.—Fred B. Hawley (atafe manager), Mra. Qeorgie Hawley. Mart Taohy. MiUard Flbnore^ Annie Adaraa, LUIIe hitc Oeo. Wllaoo, Clan Abbott, Don la Delmay ud Llale Wllaoa. Buoo TBBATBB^-Mattle King, Ed. Talbot Oeorn Cooper, LI lie De Luche, Jeatle Adama, Chat. Lane John H. Btilet. Jobn WhUama, McDooaU. KIrby and »..<B. KIrby and Tangbtn. Tlllle Kollyot, Diamond Wbiilock, Carrie "wney, Sanb William' and Biliy Baker. Bbtaitt'b THBATan.-'RoMlle allnu and Ra Roe, Bul- look aod Daoy, Alice Barker, Jobo B. Morrta, Chat Palmer, Dave Ho>;ort, Moaa. Goaxalei^ Nadlah, DoUla Waiaon ud Ida Walling. Obm Tbbatbu.— iilU» Baahaa, Oao. Powell, May Lava da. the BIK. (Mga, Billy Zaot^aMrx. Cha^ Flttgerald, Flora Uelm. Eaile Aahiey. Ed. B. ud RnlUWhlieTlIattle Oortoo, Floroaoe Bllavorth ud Cbu Ondy. TBUTBiCOHiQOB—Bd. Marfcey. Atuy Sutlay, Bertie T^oraton, Hynle Plcquetta, Flonnco Laburte, Jameaa Ryu.MudeB. XjOwU, HaUle Qordon, Billy La Oledii Tom Doyle ud Emily Voug. Obat.— A reorodociioo or tbe WorH't Fair Midway Plalaucelatobegtvuat the fttLooia Fair tbia week. TbeSouth Sea laUoden an already here: aPerriawba*! bu been erected lOtHt high, ud tbe daooen will be ban tntlme Cbaa. Ondy, manager ol the Com Theatre. received a vlitt Iron bit brother, 0. 0. Undy. a proapenoB fanner from near Ba]»b Bell, of ben with bla vile of Baraum A Balley't Oircoa bu been qnlto 111 at the Ut Jemu Botel with malarial fever KlUyHov. art leltben with the Rlee I Barton Compuy Buck Taylor'a "Wild Weet Bbow" will be at Bportarau'a Park 1-0; Mick Bobetta, manager Bertha Mile Weeibnwk (Mn. BaU Bold) hu nturned to the city f mm the *'8aQi or Poau" Oompuy Tbe theatru will give matlnaee erary day tbia week on aecoont of tne Stau Fair, KaneaB Olty.«Blff bnalneaa la expeoted VHb mm ou oniuior, u. u. ureoy. a »r from near Indluapolla, latt woak. , of tbe Archie Boyd Company, la rile vlMUag frienda Edith Clark. week. Tbo Pneau oi PaUU* uonal panda lakw plica Oot a and Carnival Day eomw 4. Tbeae atirutlooa, with reduced latu OB aU nlUoada, will lerve to briog muy nruganto the cliy. CoaTBB OraBA Hons—Frohmu'a Compuy. on thilr way from Priwo, play e thru nlgbta' aogatenieot eon- nuolagi. *'8owlogthe Wlad>'^wlU be the bill. Big bntinei* lauUoipated. OBAHoOrBaA uotTBB.—Thitwwk, '^e DevU'a Aoe* tioiL*' iMt week Wm. Hoey, In *Tbe Plama," bad a big wMk. Tbe ehow waa well received by local entice. Next week, "A Tetu Steer," MiirTB BvuBT TaBATBB.—Tbia w«*k Carter'B "Faat Halt" iMtweekMaodeOrugermade herOratappear- an«a ben la Mvenlyean, ud gave *'Iaberiled" and "Plot aod Patalon" to a good weeh'a boalneac Miit wuk, '^e Derby Winner. OiLUS 0»BA, Hona will open 1 with "Peril." Con* Cinoou pertoraucu will be toe rale. TBBATU COHiQDit—Latt weok't bill holdaorer. DELAWARE. WllmlDgtoB,—At tbe GrADd Open Hodw ''The Old Booth" wu prwnted Bept 14, B, to good boil- naaa. Tbe Roblaton Open Co. appeared 19,37,3i 9, tn fair eadleaeea. Comlag: "Boaedale'* Oet 1, 'Tabaaeo" a, Ooa Illll'a NovelUH 4, "Tbe Danler" B AOADBMT or MoBia—At bu alreadr btea ttattd, Iho bouM wu compelled to k*ep dark, owlag to the noo. appMiuee of the Star Open Co. RMked: London Bellea Oct 1. >Th'e Yaodaiu" 3,9. Rob Fiiulmnoaa 4, C, a, "Mngga' Laodlng'*8,9,10, Rnu Budd 11,13, IS. VIRGINIA. Richmond.—Tbe week joat ended opened vtry napnplUonilyfroDi awwtherttaadpolnr, and reoelfta were aerioudy affected, tave In ooe lettuce, '^e Coaaty Fair." at the Academy of Maaio. Bept Ik 15. «u fairly patroolied. "A Blank Sheep," 37-0. broke tlie aeaaoa'a record by packing ibe bonae at uch perfonn- uca. Tboagh the ntn poured down la ternata, render- ing the etraeta like to rlvera, then wu a rnih lor aeat*. ud when the curtain weot op on the opeoleg nigbt the hoote proaaoted a brilllut appetnoce- Mr. Hoytud hit «ln occupied a proeeulara twx. Tbe aathuelaim reached Buoh a pilch at the aod of the aacood ut tlmt nothlogahoRol a speech from llie aolhor woold ulUiy tbeudleuce. Mr. uoyt retpoaded inalewwell eboaeo worda '"TbeCountry Bqaltv," atthaRlchmond Tbaaue, '^MDBMT omSobic— "Voa TouBOo" Oot. 1 "A LIbarlr Bell" 4. 5. "The Daular' 6. V, '*The Silver Elog" lO; Lil- IluLewiall-IS. Rion UONO TaBaTBi.-a. T, Jack'a Co. 9. Eflli Ellaler lu. U.JamwYouoglXU. ^ . . , . n Pn:<aM*e Tbutbi CoMiqOB.-OpeBlBg 1: Louie Oar. teraod AaalaBUkey. Bulaeucontlaoaagood. norfolh.—At tUe AcBdemyof tfoslc "A Black RtaMP" played to good houiw fleptl4. B. "Tbe Coooty Fali*^bad fair bualaeaa S. 'Tbe CoaotrrBquIre" «u eeu by a email bonae T, bad weather latarfaring "Von Tontoo" oomu Oet. I. "A Liberty Ball" S. HeariaiU WaenaLa^ **Tbe Bllrer Kiar' S, *^ Danler" 10, Bam T. Jack'a Bxtnvaguia Company 11 BuouTBBiTU.—Lutweek't people bald orer. Baal- Boat la good. WitraaL. HiiiraOitCCT libookodforl. m il SOU TH CARO LINA. ObarlaatsB—At Owena' Aoadtmj et Mule Tboa W. Kma, Bapl. li, bid a food bouia. "Spldar ud nT"tt. rtrvcktbaWaat lodlaa orcloa. and .aff.nd lo ooaiOQD.Bn. "Tb« Duitr Oliaal" a badpoor boil' SJia "iMr'dWdlilrw.lL 'coBlnii: "ita ro«nlr Foilra" Ooi. I. Bailov Bro..' Mlnurali S, "Tb« Coaoir fair*. .TTsunaB A Balkr-aClreiu Udo. II Bao. aiwKMibbu taooTaiad tnu bu neaat lllaHi aod li aftio atbU pojt ^ ^ KAN5A& WIctalU.—At Oiawfotil'a Omod "Mf win- danDan'aru"dnvlarnaadl.aeaaBtpLn,S. Cob. mi' -^a Tania/<o" Oct I. 1, J. "Mr. Banal omav Aactlon" lA U no^ir**SnoabblM" pUyad to good bnalaeM Bept a BttiTa Owad y CO. played u> poor baaUiaat weU oril. A RKANSAS . LllUe lUeh^At tbe OeplUl nmtn XeUle Hc- fSU-rUM Syof^HpSr It doe «eek eoamiot^ iDfl WiLLUM W. DfLE8,BtoroUieror UoQA. UTbone, tbe well kaown old time maugeraad performer, died Bt CktaUl, Nt v., aeoL si, aied 67. The do- ceMed,U the time oC bta deaib. wu b reUred offl- cer of tbia dtj'a polloe force. Uo wm blgblj eetMised and reipeeted Bmong a large olrolo or rrtenda, iDOliidlog muij lu theaincsi life. Meaooio fonerul earTfoea were bold at the familr realdence, M Weet NIntb Street, sept. 80, and Nhw York XdOdge. B P. 0. B.. perfonncil tbelrltai rlica Bt tbe gnve Id Qreenwood Centeicrj, Oot l. HiNHiBSonntTB la ainflDg Fruuka atidTrevel- nn'a eonj, **0b, demeaune," and "Ob, You QreAi Big Darllog," by Koleon. KoTia rBonCiLLLiDBR 8 Mi^nruta.—We an oowon onr third w«ek tbroagb the Haw EoKlaodBtaiea. Bo far bualnoM hu been abore ttie avfraiia The ihnw now hu ihiny two membara. Oor unliono alreei parade l^ one of the Ooeatontha roed. TbeAratpartaeiiinclRalao oaaoltbeioaUireaoriheabov,and our olio eoDttauni aoma floe aoecialUea, Araoogthttnaro: Chrlatlao, the phaoomenal trick atater, aod the Ancient Otiy Uuariat Weoda and Ray Tmaty, our letdlna comedlua. evoke moch applaoio. Andy Wlllluii^ iho hDman tnt, it quite aaeoaalloa. Klogatury andShelirr, la thtir banjo act an caicblog oa. Our cballanae baiul ol fourtoen mu alcwB,uod>r ilie IvadarvhlporTbnnu Moilty, aod our orchaatn of olae plaoaa oader Ohaa. Palmer, an the talk et every towa we viatt Bkipp Famll, our cliampinn tnck d'ummer, with bit oolet oo tbe ttreot la al«o u- othar featon of the bead. GiLMoni'a Baud, oader the leadarahlp of Victor liar- bettiB giving a aeriea of Suadar eranlog cnncoru at Ibe Acadarny of Muaio, in ihia elir, which bid fbirto prora very *accuainl doribf the Wloter Mr. Herbart hu attoclaied with blmveir aevenl capable ro<«l lolo iiti^wbo aerre lo pleaaaatly vair tlie oicliaainl aoltc- uoaa. OaSooday evening aext Oct T. Mr Herbert will proJaceanaw two-aUp,wriit«D by Hoor«te 11. Roaeoiekl, eaUi}»d "The Boa Manb." oa whloh oceuloa ha will la* iTOdace aerarml novel elTectt. locludlag the aligoiajthe. Ton the audieaoe of bia tnmbooUu. whswiii reader the trio of themarch uaaeiietla uniaoD. It la ruohtr ed lo moilcal ciroiaa that Mr Herbert loayaupemde Boau u Muhatiu Beach eexr aeai«a. Tbb ADAiBtiiBTe oloaed with Harry Morrta' Boter taloen aad an playing dat^ (a the But Tbey are ap- aearlag thta week in thia city. Maa BLLi!( PiBBi, mother of Joha Fieri, oribeQuakor City Quartet died Bept 18, at WuhlagtoD,D. C, amy- dvayaan of age. TUB pBxaiBa, HIgudLlttl^enalllDg*aeevenmoBlh«' Mtagemeatatthe leading uatlo haiia la the Engllah prodocea Tbeyfipeato eat their Clirtainiu dtaaer with the WelJh. and are boohed up to neit Augoat Loo Baav, for ao loag a lime favonbly kaowa lo coa* aacuoD with 11. C. Miaor'a vaudevllta hooeea la thiacity, huplgaedu advuoe npreteatatire ol Sam Devan'a OwnSpeolalty Co. B. r. garrg ixa familt will remain In the White Moantaiae OB a coaching lour throuBh October. A I'aul Keith and B. F. Albee paid the party a nyiug vltit Bept. hiBD. S0LOH0.f JoloB the LotUo CollloaTrouoailoura B*itweeh. TBB UOWIBD ATRINADM CO. OlOMB Oct 6 for two weaB, to reorgulie ud play only the regular vau'le- villa hoaaei. aADiaCnHMAK, efOuahmu A lloleombe, ea tourwiih fiuger'B "BuDob of Keya"Co., la njahinBaproooancod bit with a oaw London a>ng.enililed 'I D^lotoYoq." Toe bebylah Imltatlona Inurpoiatod by the linger lo iha cboruiBnquliecIeverudoriglael, aod luTarlabiy lo- voke uplBaM> tnm tbe andlencta Maoriob Jaoorh la again In tba adrance ol the Loodoa OaiatyOlrU, Joialag them at the Loadoa Tbutre thta weak. OAStr ABO Lb CtAiB were at Keltli't BMouThealre, Phlladalpbia Pa. week ofliept. II. **Por"OBB,fatherni Halt Doe of the team of R»eilaad Dee. dM B^pt IflL at Omaha, .Veb, after a abort llloeaa. "Pop" Dae. who waa wi»l) hnowa In the pnraiulna. waa femeriy proprietor of the -'Baok" lo Leedvllla, CuL, the beadquarten of WMUra perforoiarv. nooom Mvo Davis who atyle iheoaolrwthe KInga or AfHcu Tarpalchore. cloaed their eogatomiDt wlih tba Llodaar BnM.'Mlaatnla8ept 9/ ,%t l<ODdnn,Catada,aD(] ua now playlog J. II. Moore'e circuit, aHer winch ihay win Joio a V. Moore'e Oeorgla Mlnatreli aod Bor- leoque C<t. A WDMAii cUtmIng to b« the wife of Ram Dererebaa brDoght^ult Id ifaiaeltyagaloatltlu for aepai-atioo and mainianance. MraiDevere, e« ahe clalma (o ite, altegaa that In 1881 Mr. Donre enlltted in the amy, and that lux beion be left for tbe war tbey ware married. At thecbwe ot the war. *be even, they lUed toq*ther lor a yur. wbaa Mr. Devon deterted her. Mr. Devon denlea the mar. riage. laoTA AND Odab. IIill, mutloal akatch parfonnera, ^nioedtheLuUr AWIlllant'Show Bept S, at Chicago, B. MiLTOXWBLgB, muiicel comedian, lalorma enhat tikwlUaotgooutthlaaeaaoo, but will atayatbla home In Teua LOTTiB OiLBOit, who Ifl eagtged to WoberA Pleld'a flpoclalty Rbow. "Juoaped" that nniaaiuiloD laialy lo Ma"K Milk While Flag."eoi wu to opao with that compuy lo thIa olty oext«eek, buiihelaw «at appeaiod to, aad alter oaeperiormuca wlib"Tha Flag" Mua Oil* «oo returned to the Weber A Flelda* fold. PtUMK B8BIII0A5, Uto Ol Bboridan and Flyaa. la lying vary low with pBeBmonla,at bla retldenco 173 Ba^t One Uondred and Beorad Btrut " '- -'— —' " " plaaeed toharehlalrieodacai. Uaiiib LiNCOLX bu nturned Lome from a ■occMaful loor. Uer wooden alioe uoga ud ducea were wall re- oelved J. B. TVLia, proprietor ud muuerofthe HIachSwan Soreliv Com wrltM iliat he will enlarge hia compuy daring thU month. ,, , AMTflCB WuiriLAW, the monologue eomedlae. wliu bu been aarloaiiy aick for the put Ave weeka, la alitwiy recovering at hin home in Btyonoa, N. J. Tub AiiBARU. WiiaLiAH AMD MiN.viBtliavo oloaed their thirdauccea>fulMaaonwiibUie Jobn Itobioaon f^rcua, aodoomneacetii'lr Wiattr'awiirkOcuia,aiaiilla'Upora Uouae, Ranau City. Baba D. llBHt apiulatwhllo walking In Liulo ralla, N. T., 00 Bapt 11. aiipped and fall, breaking her left arm aed dialoeailog liar wrUt. BATTHCifrY aod Al. Wuthen have aeparated by mutual cooaaot JAnn B. Rosrauv la no longer with J. W. Maeiaady'e "Peck'B Bad Boy" Co., Iiarlog Juload Lucler'a Mloatnle to do a inoooiogue aptcialiy TiiBTiiRuBi.Hoa ere u the Parlor Theatre, PpHng* Bald, Mat*. RKPOHTsaATlbat Weber A Flelda* Own Co. aod the RuB«ell Broa' Co are plafiog to aplaod d buaioeaa. Mat HowABik. of the Mar Howard Uurle*c)u4Co.,*rltea that the Boog, "Little Alabama Ctton," la a uaoideO ^^UlV'OlUIORB A»0 DBI.LA hi KrB cloH#tl wltlt Fieorbe'a rten<at(t>a Bep'.O, at (inad Tower, 111, ud opeoedatfltLoula. Mo., fair Oct!. BooKiKut-'AtilieCoiDi<iti#, BuUeClly.Unn.: Raaaon aod Foi, LiMie Lulu. Anna Aihler. Oollle Waat ii. Kallle Howard. EtiielOrer, Kliiv <>ond«lo. May llonloy. i^ame Muolag, Triile waoiworth. M*y L\ Rce aod W. J. Kelly and Mo«eHo;d*mlUi At Hie Midway Tbratio Lemoat,HI.: Lew end n«liaWaliera, Toigo ud Daa. lalaliaifle Hart, Dan and Ma Maaolog, (imce LaRooo, Moon Rluer^ u Vina and Howard l>oBdo. Oto. U. Allan, Ida llellnaa, Helen Oarpeator. KdlUi Johnaop, Maud Koowlya M. Nage), Tom Cunnloghan J. A WolD, ud the Welti Leila ud Welly At llaninatoo'i WoaderUod. Wllkefbarre. Pa: Ed P. Johoaoa, Ilearv ilatUiewa, Ohio Kohoe. Ida Ralner. Btcoo and Coaan, Band EUlottrBTllq ud Clark, ud Millar Br«4* i)ia. rutia At tbe Hmadway Thee're end Wondirlaod, Rheltea, Maaa : Foa uo Waul, tbe Morton*, Jack Creiory. Little Alhertia VIo li. Mooraaod Ur«ooa AtKorabarger*«Kamra*raarO«n,Rran>ville lod : I'oul. laiDud Ler, Qetile HoMea, Mu La Cuatf. Van Vrraeii lirothera, Tnohle Lee and Kav Braiid t At Banon'B Warwick Thea'e. Nowimrt Ne«P, Va: Jolin Mack, KlUey Miller. Uoa Ma/.Sjdln Mnrria, Patten aoti Pavla DalUBarry.HadieAoderaua. Harry AInalny, Nellie Tunie'r, Bt f'UIr aad Wilcoi, I'attan aad Dad*, Dele Banr. ud Pnit. llalnei At Rarton'a New Tbaairo. Nawoort Hewa, Va : Tony Mennedr. Lulu LivlnRatoo,Tlny wtOiuaD, Jolla Humman, Ueuu la-iva, Hulllvao ud Hoore, Ueo. bhanono. l>alay Hliaonan, Hml- lie Mnaroe, LiUle Berioo. Joonle Rally, iha Oraiillrll ttiaien and Pref. Burna At Won-ferUod. >'ort lluma. Rich* Ju Rowe,Oollla Cole, two Wrigliia Ltlllin Wl|. llama IHU ud Lawreooe,T. W. Knotud<Aria Rchutio. . .At Theatn f;omlt|ae. Rloui City, la: J. lAua Lewie, nuager; L- Kcoit treuorar; W. II. UrrMikn, *ecntary; L«wia ud Paul Oeo. eDd Hophia ailvne, riark and De Belle. l*r«r. r. Hoy Woolay. Hreaton Wake- Held. Agoaa Athartoo, Faarl Keller, NellieKtorer. CANADA. Toronto,»,Vt tbo Qrand Opera llooae, Hept, 2t4A Heninuo. united by Mme. llarrmaaa, did a big botloeaf. Doe: Oct 1-d. Robert MaalelL, lo "Monbara" I, *The Conlcu Brothan" 1 *'Oth*llo" 1 "Hamlet" t '■Parrbaaalua" A' The Coralean Broth*n" S TOROVTO Opbra llouitB—The eoiopaoy prtaeotloa *'Jaaa" lut week la u good u uy thai ever pnteoti*d the pleta la tiiia city, ud ihe perlonaaneo dr«w a crewded bouee. Ntit week. -The Blarh Cruok." ACADiHV or MUBic—Muagar Hialr hu promUrd ToroatoeblabclaaaTandaTlileihaaue lo (he Acadtmy of Huile- Tne bouae wa< ctoaad all la«t aaek and a aum. bet of chugaa bOTe bun made. Tlie lormal Apeoing will take place alurnooo of 1, with the Rose IIiIIEohHia ^Moobj'b MraiB.-Maoagar Ynang reutrta good boal- new lor the week Tbia week: fiMiare hall-Linle BUr- non ud Oiltiait'a tnioed wolrea Thaaire-Ed. Met- rote. HeIHa ud Valom, Ihe Tooleya, Leonard aod Ful- ton ud Kaikee ka H«nUloB.»At tbe Omod "Tbe DUck Crook" pUytd to good bnaioeaa Bept 19 The lt««e Uill ^oHy Co. MOM O^ ^ Sow. M.BUU Iflt (Mlda Xoaio U/'Tbe Kide" U....7.AI Iha Bur: The Walcbai, KaHy Bma, MIklrvl Monar.May Uneyend the Moawai........The Tlaau LedlM'Orcbeein aod rnperial Rotalaa Coart Ortbeoin. with Alice Ravmoad aad Etbel Llodaay u apetlal aUrmcilooi. played • aaeeoealel eagagameBt at Auodalloa Ueli, Bepi. «.gv TENNESSEE ■•mpkl&—Tbe OrBBd Open Uotiae wbb dmrk Bept V-m, MeUIe McUenry 41d b fair boalaeu U-U hUnr Weddlar waa poorly pelnalied »-U. OMiag: "Deva laOlaJe" Oct 1-^ Bevio BoMhlll H **Tbe Dutler" AAaevelud'a HtattnU UK**nm Olt lUltBahiad Ma^U-a AvoTTDRioa.—*'TbeBrewnlee"wtU bapatoaAA The hoeuwaa need ReptMB fbrtbe dltpUy ol HeBsphU Btuatuiaie*. NsaliTillf a—Tbe TtaeAtre Tendome wu dark Bepi U-tt. NalHe MoUenty, In "A Kigb» al Ihe Clroaa^* eamen^S. totkitboataeio. "I>own la PIKe" Oet M aaA.<(DOrBnA llortR.—"TbeColoaelaodr* Caopraed tbia honM Sept tt, toe large audleoce, aad lair bulMM nifd during the nnaindcr of the engageueat flV V Chu nirfcaoB, In "lacog."ud "A Jolly Oood PeUow*' Oct A A BiJoo —Rico A Rarton'a Comedlua, In "MoDoodla and Poodle." pMkeJ the houaa week of Bept K "Bide Tracked" week ol Oct 1. ChMlaDooffB—Al tbo Opera llooae JoaOU, la "The Htar Uai»r," p'ayed to a uood booeoBeptll, the boaae wuderk the noaiader of the wuk. tiomtng: "Voa Yonano" i>«t g, "ijpl ler aod Fly" It, leclun by eg* Oonreor Bob Taylor U, 'The Oaaler* lA DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Mario:! f.. Br.ipbb, aa actmais died Bept tA at Boa- uid'aBay, Maaa, mm meolnglttt. Tbedeoeaaed, who WW twoBty yean of age, had beea upoa tbe tlaga four yoBTw, hor drtt profaaaJonal eagaaemut havloa beea niatle Willi AanieWaid TlllUr, lo *^e Rtepdaoaater." Ahe alterwarda apoaaiwd la "TneOM llomeatead." I«at aaawa ahe wa^ with "Tbe Algerlaaa." aoil wu to have gone with "The Feaolng Muter" vo. thia aoaaoa. A iiiotheraad alaier, Mn. Joa Jefferann Jr.. eurfIva her. Ihe remaioawera takeo to Urooklya, N. Y,, (or later m*ntBeot XL tlEOHOB M. KtB.vK. of Utf> Una of Oaorga M. Klenh 1 Co., moilo iMib*Uh«f^ died of btart dIaeauBept 0. at hi* realdeBoe,f4l Kut Tweaiy-fonrih Rtrut, thlu eily. rhe deceued, who wu In hit iwentv-iiiaih year, em- barked lo lite iimalo bnalueu in Itn. TheQrai, whloh waaanccwiul Irum Uie eiart publlahed >evenl eoagi which had ft wid» pnpularuv. Toe iniepnant took place Oct I, at the Luiheru t'ometery. Long lalaad llORiCB W.tfTin>>N. (orroarly inaiunr, ud at oaa lime actlag aiaoagerof the WieKeg Open Hoii»e, Byn- cuae, S Y. wuruaorer and killed by the canHeptV, at Roma, N. FOREIGN SHOW NEWS. "TubQubbkop BRiLLiAKn,'* B comto opem to tbree tela, inuslo bj Kdnrd Jakobowabi, worda Bdaoied by finodon Tbomaa from tbe Gerfun of Theodore 'Oftabe and laldor Knoha, waa preaeoted forthaflrai Unw, HeptB.Bt tbo Lyceum Tbeatre. LondoD. "ToBOaiHABAN," a faree Id throe tola, by Jobo Tresahar, waa boiM for the Drat Umo Id LoodoOi Sept 13, at UiR Trafiiltar Tneaire, •'A UtAOK 1>0VB," a new pHrattolo|loal alQij, lo one act, bj K. aod U. (lordon-uiliTonl, waa glveo Ha flrtt preaonutloD Bopu I'J, at tbe rrloce'a Tboatn, Kew, Eoff. "Tni Cardinal," a drama. Id foor acta, and "Ro- leaaed,"a plaj Id one acttboth wrllteo by Walter K. Qrogeo, were played for tbe flrat time HopL H, at tbo Theatro Itojal, Torqiuy, Eng. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAD. Want! of Mantgert ami Parfornitra, Optn DatM, atc —SBB Adv ftlMWfitl. DHAMATIC. Theatleottonof maoaBera,oi the beat Iwi nOlooattro. tlooa, la ttllad by H. B. Baonell, of New Haven, l^t. who haa ft tew choiceda aa opoa tinmeallauly at hia ao calUd Uold Mine or New Ura*>u. He natea that he la booming uiiboihtheHyperlonaodnnnd witliflratolaAaatlractiona aad wurkiog to Hm mutual benadt of each hoaae, more vucceuiul tbia aeaai'n iliao ever l>erare. Atiruiloaa are wuied for Iloblaeoa'a Open Houae, flIncioDfttl. OpfiD UraeleolTered at the New Court Hireet TheatrA, Dulialo, ud Academy el Muale, Toronto, hy U. H. itoli- laana. Owen Bftrlleit la aiarrlBg la npertory. Tliiio la wanted In WHiernBtaiea; aUo dninailc people ud a '''l^L.' powell wuta "Uaela Tom" people ud inualclua. A.J. Pharplejr waniH<irainitto people. Jaiiiaii II. MftChle'a*'TheHkle»ihow-' haaacorad aoollier aucceBaatPUllailetphlaAraneiheolngihB hltbarto lav. oretila verdict paued uptiti ihia tarea comedy otmia pro. ductlon. (Itovded h'tuftui an the rule aod rout* le bookOil aolld itodar Rurt J. Kaodricha' iiiaoaeenient Tho W, II. DooaldBOB <luldoliaabeao found by allthore inior«ated to be a mo«t vnluaitle hudbook, roaUlnlna all the Iniormfttloo. which genenlljr re<iulrea a vart deal ol *-liuiUlaR" on tba part of thi ftdfauce man to oliiain. It la eoarenleally Imloiod and ru be referred tf) at a momenu notieo, aaTlog inncb trouble. It le ruralafced by thauDbllMier, W. il. Donaldaoo, for Uiree dollara, or CKO be obutned at newadfalera and boukaellen at the umo price. . . _ , , AdtUlde I<elib offera a ptay for tale. Dnmalie oeopla an wealed b* Hanager,C. T. Brnck- wfty. McRloloy HninaUo Co., Willanl rUrara, Wm. (niapple. Hoicne UiiWIit Anguailo Neufllle. Don Kram- er, Fnnk Uobert W. K Culhue. Ju. 1*. Hiloun, Chat. (Hiaer. Kruk Allea, Mijor B. A. Hllla. Juatia Adanilk Hao. Peck. Hlowe aod <;o., Tlioa. Kl I In wood, Paul and Vennee, Vernla l4e Dare Uvla, R I. BairO, A. 0. Ford, J. W.tral- llcotte, VV. C. Youai. At Libertr: J. A.^tellon, I.. P. Marali, AlUn Ht Jobo, Mra. Bunun, W. P. Kaiiipiliall, Loo Blelaoo, I), L, Blon dell. ■ Loatin Kgypt" will be prndnnd ondar Ihe luuage- aientnfl«. w.Wulibora. Kaoplearewaoted. An ailractlr>n la wuiad for tlie otHialaa nlaht atUie Hil>iu Opera Huum. HIita'^Tllla W. Va., by H.l|fttM. (VuL Lluyil uil Frederick Lorraloneao (111 datei. MUHIVAL. Carl Clair'* Haniuin A Ballay Military Uandeaaboen- gated after Od.SV. "I UoLoTt Yiiu"lali«cniiilng popular witli a mail. It li nnderMlaucfn idiilly l»rinuy Ifadlngalngaraaudcaii be np'ered frnm Ih* KiiiillBb Honi( PiiIi. Co. M. WlUnerk A KiiOM Rting I'litillcal'itua Inoluda Ford A Uralton'a p-<puUr composltlnna. "Tlie Hall< ul Faft," thtlr laieat U rewArded with three or lour Moorea uheoefar luog by Nr. Foul and other vocalUla. Mine oih*r aooga by l>i» umo authnra ar* lliled, which are Mupplled lor leu ceou each. ",\lrr, Kalry Ltlllaa," by Tony Itayiiiofhl ead Haurico Lari, la anpnUad iroa "A Louer From tho Uld Foina at lluiiio" i« rend«red auccaialullr by Maria Warren. The aotig U pabliahed liy w. vr. PeUoer, (or tan uiita. Bereral utlieriaauat are elu) a ii>pll«il by thit puhpaliar. "A Little How ol lllue" caji bo nrdarad (rum Chat. W, ll*M, for tail cut'. ■'Uvea Mamma l<ova I'apa flallte iiopular tllle n| John U icoo'B laloat coon aong, publlilieJ by Brouka A DbbIoii t;o. AlLllieriy: Harry K lloiran), (laorfaA. Koi.J. M.Htr. tent J. W. Alotaoder, 0. F. Ingraliam'a baaO, Hill Ji<i< tin K K. K^imuur, / A. I'ralt. TliaWdlmar-HLialor Uuilc I'ubHihlag Co. tdveitl*e a annii-ari'l ■urcaMftilaoog Uauaa al ten cenUeadi. 0. V. Lueaiippllei e aoog li<t for Ave conta. "LlMle Alabamfti:oon"cBa be aacure^l from W. Wood. ward A Co "I Woiidar, I Wonder." a new deicrlpUva liallad, hr Chftrira K. Ilarrla. la aunngiy recoinmaniad ioBiagera by tlial iiopuUraullior. Ttii eenia par cry. -■The inmir Rlniier." ft Hiiig relailiig to tlia atory u( a woman who reiiumnl upright and pore after ruaalog ftwey from home, la puiilulied l>y Jaiiiea Hiiitnao fur ten Uy lrene.""L^reUnAAoolher." ud "AUrua' HUh'> are three popolar B-Niga, pubiUhed by ihe aoog iniUior, Will lUiaaitor. >'Jan*.""NrllleO'Rri«>o," aid "I Iavo llia OM Home HearA»l" arela^uad by T t Koarnqr. ■>>biclaly" can b« onlcrad from Frnlav A lUll, ''ly'a Wedding" l< piiMiabed Ijy Uia Xniinoa Mll«M t'll. Tom Cnrtor haajinlilU>>ad "Dugan'i HlcynN ItUle." "riM Iftdm*. Ttier .Scter IH) Tlia'," !■ pqlill«liod by Wel'er Uaup).lo. ' ItMnurt Ha|'|>ened Yot" la puhlltliad hytlMgll.'H. Htevaiii I.'". VARIKTV AND NIIVKTHELH. 1. a KnM aod Beolt niu*ical artUla, can be aogage)!, Frad Witawo'a Catind Vatidavllka will Ireeomplatelr (rreuicad alKiitly, roadr lotakethf rwi. Horelty uia are being aaiaaad ao-l Umo laiMlng hooked. Kaneeoy and 04lnn, in a white fftcaact araancceulal Willi Carnrrnia' HloiUali. Tliey een be aecuied. Alaa. Hoanu la prepared lo luralRh Drat clau living plourta. Fred D. Hlnrilo wult apedaltlf ■. Richard Hide want two Ural cltat Bi>aeialllea for 1 Ilrda'a I'oniaHlaoi. Oct K Perry aad Kllawnrili, lo a comedy act ran be engaged llaathudCa ld havelhe weahanr (iri. lAaod iTopen. Aualla'a Olganlauia ud Living PIclurea cu be boohed. CarlinaodClark'a art la reeouimaoded u oonalitlog ol cl**er dutch linp4r«uiiatloiii. Tliav can Im tacure^. HnecialliM are vaoitd 1>y ^mil MeOooald. J. F. H^ng- lar. Hanelrolh, Ray WilkeaCii. nr. W. N. B'lalguinory, Tayl«ir HotlAn, P. Clok P. (J. Mvlroie. Hlivdmu BmtJt- era. Fraok W. Nafoa, J. P. Coiiurti, M Unko. Ilarman RodaUpergar. J. M. Rartoi, John B. llMly, M. 1>. Mchaall, Orahani Cnncerta, W. A. Heehan, Al Liberty: Hen Oild^ror. M. L-, tba viuooa. I'hillp Heck. Warren lltiokarr, M. W. Rale. Pruf. ?. Frueke, Cameroo, J. HIcbarda, lid. T. Meeka, B. A. Kanaedyaad Capt W. J F. L^noard. who liu laveoted a ballet proof ahuld, which hu wHbatood genuiea teati ud adccsialuliy aiopped a bullet fron aU. H.aovenimeot riOa.cao be eogaged Vi eihibit bit dliwTary for flrat clue DBoagara. Foi4 tort Kraecleare oDeoflheblltof Uophloe' Traaa. OceulcAihlaeataMB. Lioa eod Vina, In a oaw ■peolaltv, are aeen with Ooa niD'a lt*w York Btan for tbe aeawi. Mr. lljira eon. paalee priaant ao errav of 'eleat reraly e^oa ad, JaD*ia Uoeii. In a revo viog globe, elubJogiHag act eaa ba'eoeeged. Hyde A Behnian wtai two ainog tpeclaltiH to airaegthao Uie ebow at their thuUe la Brooblya, wuk ot Rev. Bi. ^ll^amlUea and mulclua uewutad for "A JayOIr* TH* BrunigUB, who an at preeeat Itadleg Bueh reallJB to Uie lri»h Village at Ihe IN. Lonla Pair, can bo unged to do their ahetcn. Pruk end AddloBBrif act la raid to ba a hit. Frank Mall reqeeau vftodavUle peopla to ap^ lot tuBeabUaBBiDo,cbkBfo, PriaeaAIbeaeoflbnta laaeh 8plrlloBlIaa,mlnd raal- lag, BUCK BtUBdl tBdnnbi laaadmetmertaaa, 'aaatag lataagbtof ProftaBDn John HeOanhy leeaa, the Biaglelaa, wuta M advuca agent for hi4 *Br ihroagb Puaaylvula ud Ohio. Tony Putor will ealeroe Ihe "Olleooa a PollU Negft* tlva" pule In fetor*. 0%a. P. MoCun reten to muypromlent artlatt lor proofkulo ihaqoality MhiaUolehaa a(iaga,e'& ^Tite Adftlnan pieylaatt Prootor'athla wuk In Ihelr head balftaeinfl mnFicai aet Mnalral nerelilea an ampiiad by R R. BtiwaL Tha LoBiloB OftielyHirla at* doing thie ee^k one of the blneat wuka at the lAadno Theatn that hu baea aeen then in a loog lima. The ahow la eioaedingly ■troagaod baodMoielydraaaad. Tbay have eiime open timewhirh cu be aecored by either wrlUog orwlttag Joha A. Plyaa, at the Loadoa, OIRUUS. Ulrent ud aldeahow people ud tooalolua an wanted byRT Baaya J. If La Pewt vlthu to aell a htlT laterut In bit Rail- road Bhow. A eall It Ittned lor memben ol Pruk HaU'e Winter Olreoa MIBOBLLAIVBOVS. AitncUoat ou book time at Oommlaa* Mualo Hall, Oakvilla, Ont l*ivr% Mow, Barilngtoa, N. C.; Rreed'a Open Houae, PerrTi It.; Oraot'o Open lloou, Uygn«t, O.; New Opera Hnuie, Farmar, N. Y.: Openlloua*,<H|. letple, HI.; TrilliUB'aOpera Houw, riarkerille, Taiu; Opanllonae. Klk nardeu. Wla; Open Houae, Akuwha- gfto, Ma; Colnmblu Open Houae, Waouo, \vla; Fow- er'eOpen Houaa, lAaalagbnrg, N. Y. ^ ForAaie: Aalmaloaaea.byniUarollmu: three trick horaea,hT M. Poi A 8ooa: devil fUh, br i P. Hmlth; anakeouUt hy Any Arlington: ulmala. by W. A iN>nk- In; balloon, by PrinceHiorafeOa.: doga,bvPn>f. Uay. __PrDieaaloaal lleula: HobinuD Houaa Tonnlo; Hotel Warwlob, Chinago: Hotel tuiiriek, Philadelphia L. Duby wutt to buy ouai luet, etc.; Btioa'a. a blood* bound, etc. HnanuandLaadlaoflkr two etulrlo bomIo ihaatrea lor aete. Jacobe Brethen, tbe all lliHa Uilora, make anlia, Mg aad little, la uy atyle lor |ia at, of all aorta of gooda, whlehoof nu faaoy In thai reruinqualltr. Trunaeni at lour ud HTo dollare ftod eulta at tweafy a / an other • I tult la bailt, "aceonl- to be obiaiaed. while arviHdru Ina to Hnyle." Inr thirty didlarn. Mllberly: ltdwia De CouraoyIagent; U.U. Ho Mulh, ateol; Ueorge II. Fiahar, ilage earponior; L II. I^ Pnulk. Bfceat: D. R. tt^iage maaager ami elaotrlolan. Tbe ParlorThettm, Duoory. nt, la offered lor la'e. Bpicer BroUiera aupply tlgnla for Hvlag iiwiur laodela ^Monagbu Bnihen with to Jltpoieofaoonoennr- dan. Utlo Robmldt wlihu to aagoUala wlih rouagert ot bira eta, for the eihibliloa of tba "Midway." Joha BL BiokM wuta u agent -A.THLETIO. Tha Vaalral Aaaoelatloa ot tbo Amalaur AiDloUo Union lioM Uioir aoniul obamploublp DoM noailDg at Uio groumla ut I'aaUoio AUilollo Oloh, HI, Loabi, Mo,, on Salunlaj •narioon, Dept. U, A nlntlonii pnvalloit ilnrlna Iho morning anit well into tuo afKroiwn, wblori hail Uie oITmI of teduolnf Ibe aollulpalcil Iswu al- tondanco to iboQt ate bunditti, wiiile it miikiicil Ikepau uil Inlhild tatlier lutl, Tboevouuwcro weliooDtceted, mud, all Ihinga uobaldentj, gootl nor tonnanrea «ero tcoomplbilied. Aaumniari rullnwa; One aandnd MnU rua.-J, V. (^nini, tu«. UnlT,r.liy. lr.t,ln IUKl; K. K. Klunu, KA.II , Hi loul., ucoud bjrljil..: K Allan Jr., Kll.a4il>,Uilnl, bf Dda /:jaiuiii>iiiairii>.nin-j.v. ihum, 1.0., ai.i, laiot.a. fA. /iNnifrrJ dad luwiuifMnff nM~J. V.i;niui, l.i;.. liN, la »H' ; K. H. Kluiaa. r. A. *l, mnod. /bur AUNiJrril and Jbrlir itartlirvik—41. L*.r. r. A. U, ont. Id tuft.; i. a, noiUHOKbin, r. A U, iM- od4, liyKfilB. Hul/nlh rvn.—M. R. Hmllb, Ualralt A, (I, flrat, In lin, Uli.: U. L. Vtoil.r»ur. I'.A. 0„ iHOml, brUiila.: K II. lllulicoek, UliniDI. A. a, Ulnl.bra CnoL viil milt ni«.->l. K. Hnillli, 11. A. II., nravln hu h : l>, J. Laar<Mli. 1*. A. O.Meoail: II. W. ll.rrlO'. A. il.llilnl. Ilnrdi* rdcf, la^da—II, KMp, Mlehlaaa A. i)., ItvirolL Ont, lole>ii.; J. a Wiltantora, I*. A.O , MWDil,hT-Jril..: U K rollicli, I'. A. U., dU uol aalib. Khii kniMtat down MT.ral hunll.i ruvAiffid/rdniid Ivoi/v ^lnlr AunUd niri—II. Rh|i, H A. A., flrat. In lloirall, 1'. a.(l.,neiiiid: V,V,. l'ollali,r. A.Tl.lliliir IliiVmlUblifCUnm. Ill.u A.-<l. A.Uai.aM, 1'. A II., flrit in Ini. 104 ; K K. And.riao, 1*. A U., M»iiid, by a loot; w. rolHirn, r. A. u.. Uilnl, br a l» Inchu. unttHtu bltwtbi nud.ulwf A.-4I. A. Uaiv.1l, t*. A 0.. flni, InXn. ITl; W. iloburo, 1*. A. U., .Mood, by'Jrda.; I{. K. And.rwa, K A- 0, third, br . loot Tm PllUkUicUnut —K. IL ADd.rwn, P. A. II., lint. In >m. iaa.;<l A Uaia.ll, r. A. C awiad hraranl: II. A. liirdlna. P. A. ll.,Uilnl, byin. Jlunnlnv AMA Jaap.-ll. P. Poatll, P. A. CI , BIL llln.; A.J llouiUhleariT. U.,eft. lag.; A. u. rull.r, I'.A.U,, .n. tin. Ktumlnt tmid Junp.-tl. A. Rabar, r. A.O., 3lll llln.: A- U araabar, DMr.r, M»iDd; D. UMulti,Ulriiiplo A.II., Uilnl. JWr rau^lnv.-II. 11. Biaok, I'. A. n., IR.Mn.;A. II. KolKr, r. A. II.. gltllo ; A. L. IliMbir, ll.iir.r, Wl nrovlnp Idb A/iniMr-ll. V. Il.nnaiiian, Ki'iitli Ht. LouliT. V.,lluL(<in.; r. Illddl.. Ubloaiu A. A., nan.; U. llnnla. 0. A. U, iblid. nnwlnt Kft ivl,M.—II. I«arT, r.A.II.,>ga3<iiD.: n. ll.oa.nial>, H. Htl.. T. V, »n. l.((lo.: D.UtuDIa, il. A, U.,'J9lt.'iio. K XI Paint VaiMilollUnna. Tbo cloilog acrlea ot point gnuKa betwun Iho oanilMri ot tbo Wlllbinubnrg AinleUo Aiaoclallnn, ol llruokljn, N. Y., which have twon liulil wutkly daring Ibo ■oaaoo. oanio ulT on BiiDilay aftornuun, Bcpl, 30, with the roAultihown lir the.uiiini.r;: .Ylilp.yln iKimr rviL—Wnii l>y ll.nrr II. l^innitr., aeralch; William II. KMn.y, 7jia, Hconil; ll.rrj Klun., MrAloli. third. Tim. T%. Ketntt-M* panU ran ~Wub by ll.nry Dlnno. lyil.; Hiinu.l A. Walt.!.. Ayl... lonDd; WlllUiu II. Kiwi.y, Vpl.,third. TliiL.TH.. rarwAandrAf tnnia run.—tViin by llanry II. (.'unnfin, tldi.; Kainu.lA.Wallara, Rydi., HMiad; ll.rry Klun., Kratoh.thlid. T1in.,as\t. Onr /urtenv ran.—W.tii hy Jam., J. PHn.y, Urd,.; HiU'U.I A Walur.,9fda., lacond; t'harl.. A. Iloaf.ntl, Mfd.., tlilrd. Tun.. W.I X(«/ll Aatidrrd and rlvAly pfirJi rait.—Woo liyHamu.l A. Wallora dyd^; Inc.. rcr.U'li. MCnud, Jam.. J. PMniiy, Hilda, Iblnl. Tloi., Igi. IIK. mx Aumfrrd vanil raH,-wnB by Hinmal A. Walton, flrda; WIIIUuill yMo.y,airila,M«iod; Jauiaa.l.Kwuoy, «l(ili,lh>nl Tim., Iiii. »> TArre tlawllng JuwiM —W»a by If.niT II. UnDnnra, Mralch, MIL 31n : Allllain II r..D.r, OIL tin., Motnd, 37n. diu ; Umit H. I'.cii.n], SA Km., lliinl. BdlL One lAA.fflid nifiU ran—Won liy Jamni J. Poan.y, lIQyila; Jiiliii J. l,ounaid, wralcli, lacoDd; Htniu.l A. W.ll^ia, l>|da, Uil'il Tim., Inl.nUa. /Idnnlntf Altfh ;unp —Winl br Harry Kliina, acratcli, in H\B ; William II. K..n.y, eln , Hcund. OfL; l.iiula .1. Hniira, r,in., lliird, IlL llln, riarffaiMlno&niadJuaip.—Won by Harry II. ri*nnora, .aratoh, lUit, lln ; llunry Klunn, 71a . aacood, Igil. ain.: Haniu.l A. VValUrc IBin., third. UIL lOin. thite VfiuU, tot h.labt-Won lir Harry II. t'nnnnra, Mr.loli, niL: llli.rlaa 0. Iluvlijnl, llln., MMInl,7lL llin.: Hunu.l A. Waltan, lit lln, third, 7rL Ain. rmam gathrring tvmpeiUton, niiy yariU-Wiin l,y l.liu (I. llovUod, ll.rry Klun. awonif, ll.orr II. l.'onanra tblid. Tln.,S:iH'- H.nalaaAop ivpund janii.—Woo by II. Pm. nry, la .In., with aWL IQ^^o : lioula H raohanl. 411, ..c4>od,dTll 410.; Kainu.l A. Wallar*. 3n. ,1d., llilril, siil lln OneuiuitlnghUjhJuwip~Wnn liyl.'harla.M llnwlatid, 71n., with 4IL 7<o ; Willliiii II Po.n.y, Mn., Hconil, m. do.; llaury Kluiio -lln. Ihlnl..fLCIn. H..nU; Harry iNinnnn -iWH |.>ini.: W. If. Kmii.v, Id: H. tValura, ie»K: llirry Kiuiia, IWM: J. »Mn.i, i^: II. P. lliialvid,J J. Uonaid,4l; L. J. I'aotanl,»: l'„ Purd,»;W.ll.gaUar,IPI. Tha llKrVBr4l College Poolbill B«b«liil» for Ihia Pall laufulbiaa, all Ih.ianma 10 l« iilarwl nt Itamltrbfaa, Him,, aieapt ili. i iirn.II Fun.atN.» York, tba Vila,1.nil ii.. auiiaylranla K.inB at Ptnlad.lplila; HapL n. Uart. fflouUi: Uct a. Kaal.r: IfcL Aodur.r: OoL It, Kriivn; im. II, Oiaoa. AUil.tlcUlubi (Ml 17, Aiiili.tat; Ikt 'il, Wlllluiii; IM. 31. np.u data: (let 77. i:<jm.ll; IwL 31, Hoalnn AUiLllo AaMKla'lon: Nor. S, onan dau; Nor. In, llhlra(oAUil.ucL'luli: Mur.M.; Nur.zi, lln T.nlly or r.nn»llvanla. Tli. Kradaalaa will inaha up («aiii. ud playlba'Varalty on opM d.t.a. Ko priivl.bin bu bMO mad. rorplayioa PifncaloD, tliara ti.iuanoip«n Halunlay dalaa .geapt Nor. a. Two (itUKn op O.v.i.Ki PUUTOAM. Uwk place at ItldgowuuO ISirb, I.. I., oo Hunday, H«|it. a, ami liolh were wlincaaod by huDdroua ot aMLiaUiri, the weather belog luil loiuble tor ouuloor apnrt and enjnymciit. The drat match unifaRcil Ibo l«u» ot ih« Klekhasu mu Kaugh a lulltglu, and rioulKd In Uie aucceai or the torm.r by a aciirn nt lira goali aod •oyanpolnlito ooe point Tbo oilier cooint waa iMtween the Kinmella and 2Jo,tKhen, Ihe latter coming off Tictora by two goala and one point Ul Dolblog-* bftd lanliaallDg tor Uie Km- toelU. A OAiif or POoraiLi. wu conimod at Dearer falli, 11., on HepL tl, iietween Iho Kama rijireiiKni- Ini (he Flilaburg Alblello Vluli Mi tbo Ynung Meo'i (IbrlttUa Aatoolallon, or IIl rormgr place. The mult ot the c«ni«,t wae a rlclory tor lbs Plt'ihugera by kaoore ot 10 w t. Tai opening tooihall mtich ot the aeaaonatAn- dorer, uaa., waa oonteaud oo Mttiidny aliernooo, MpL 9, between Ihe u»n< ot Andovrr Aradeuiy ud DoaioD UHn Hcbool, the former prorlog vlo- lorlonf by 9210 6. T0I newly eleeied omeen nt the Dattoionlli Ath- tello College AasocUUon are: I'realdent, A. U, Weet; rlo* pretldeol, W, I.. llarrUi ireuorar, A. 0. BngbM; manager, A. a. Bngbec, Till ToflOMToLACRomiOiro were badly beaten by ih« (Itpiuia.ot Oiuwa, Ust., at Uw Ullet place, B«pi.u. gone,eight(uiMloaoiw. '