New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 6. THE NEW YORK CIjIPPBR. 407 THfl WORliirS CHAJIPIOHISBIP. Kltulmm«ai Im«m a ChmlUBKa to Oor> b«U fisr 4ke Title. iQUDcdlfttel; afur tlio brlst tiftttle between Robert fluslnuDou and Duklel Crewlon tt Neir Orlauu, ust week) Uw fonDer, u expected, unoDoced biB iDtentlon of oIttlleo|lDg champion Oorbett to flgtai for tHe premier lionora of tUe P. It, now beld by ^ Utter. Tbla uoo&DcemeDt wia nude good oezt momlnffi wben the following formal dell waa trired to all paila of the cooDtiT, and donbUeu for* Disbed Intaraiing reading for Jamea J. over bla coliee and rolie: jiMts CORBITT, OhUDplOQ ot th» WotU-JJfor 3lr: At •retr oppoiuuDiy «b«n mj name bu been naed In ami Mcuen «ltti e battle wllh jeo for the vorld'i ctaempton- ■bip Joe bare ewleaTond la beUtUe mj elalin for a d|lit 00 tbi ■^)llDd^ aajoa p^t It, tnati am not in roar euaa, or taat jon hare boi Man ihe color ol mf meoer. I am TciT «*U aware of ibe fact Uiai, aliboaib I bare earned Boremooaj than jou ac flshUog iioee I bate become Bidille«elibt champion, yoa can buy and eell ne Oaan- uftUr. no donbi, year Cioulir oi aaTloa being betUr ttan ^iai Tberefure, I hope ibat a $lO,m ilOe bet will oot IbetUrttan »be(wlllDot Maad M a bariler anaioit oocufa nittch wiUi too. Tbaamoaotor moaer IhacIahHUpat up baa decided uior a cbamploninlp contctt In ibt paat, and I hope iou will not reiu(«. When roa aigo for a fA^VJO puree, ucb ai la offered bj ibe Ojympio Club at Uie prewot ume, yon, wlU flod my name auaehed witbootaabini lor ft iMtr*! eod Id ordor to ataow my ilocerlty tc^ihe pni^ lie at large I win make yon two propoiitiooa: fint foat we engage the larg«ai hall la New Tork City, and glre a boxing eabibttlon—foer roaodi, •dtntmo poiou only—for iDa beoetUoi the poorer Naw York City. IwlU giieany plAdge thityou may demand ihatl wlitBOtaueaipt to koocM jououL locaaecom- t«teotJud|«a decide that I am not In your oUm, aa fu ai kiiil and Mienoeare ceocemed, I will oerer aak lor a Biftidi with you agatD. ttocoDd. leak 10 Mellowed to formallyeballangejoQ to give me amaioh to aoolan to diotdt the world'a eham* plonihip acconliog to HarquuofQueusberty rnlea la order to again itiuw mytiocorlty 1 bereby dapoattthe lan of llUiOUU aa a tide Mt, wuti the priTilegc oi laeteas log It later on If myOnanclai tiannlnv wlU allow. I oHMtKtpeetiully call your aitenilon to the lacttbatl hare aliveily aigned anidea to maat you twlore the oiyopto UlQD tor a lOiUU pane, winner to take ail. and 1 unwioQ wilt aee your way elaartodo lliawiie. Be- tptoUnilyyoun, KuBkRT nissiaiion niulmmont arrived at Jenty t'lty, .f.J., on Uaiuiday* t9, and wu leoelred by a largo wvd of iportlaw men tod admirere inm thti city and Newark, who weluomed bim Tooireronsly aod OKoned bim to Tajlor'a lloul. where an Informal reoepuon waa beid. John Uourtaey, •r Nawart, Toinnieeradiheloloniiailon tnu lour boat* Data men of that city had each otfarad to ra)oIih MijM ■or ^riB*' In a match with Cotboti. Toe lattai- declared that In caie the champion refaeed to make a match with bim ha would, at the end of thiitydaya, claim the title ud itand ready to dafeod It agaioit au eomem, barring P4ter Jackaonjihom he haddaclded not to nret becauae orbia color. That U where Bob made a great mUiaka, lor be aboold know that there exiau ne color lino la tha champlooahlp oi the prize ring, and if he abouM become champion, aod a chilteDga ehooM be liioad to bim by Jaekaon, be wouid either baie to Mcopiltor lorfelt the ttue. To aaumetach apotliloD amply becaose the Soutnera people ontertaln a preju- dleoagalnat the negro la rloicuJoua,and "Flia" wiunnd Uiat, anuald the poiat be rmieed, the pabile wiU aUxibnte hiateiaaal to asbt Feter to a dltferentreaioitaiMlooe loat win not redact credit on bla courage. Uowaver, that baa no bearing on the preaeot aituauoa. Un Mon- day, Oct I, Plizaimuiooa, accompanied by hla manager, i;a|iialnOlori, called atueoitlcoor/afAeurortiftnUa and there dapotitad ai.oou in eoppon ot the cballanie glreo abore. which made tha dad good. At ibe aante time W. A. Brady, manager for Corbeit, appcarad at tiio oiBoe, witn othora, liavlog called for the puipoae of pen- lag a like adm aa a depoalt lor a challenge that biete O'&ODnell b»/\ lasued to f ltzilmmuD>.tAe aame being in- tended aaa loll for Corbeu to the auburn baired Aaura- liao. A T«ry atormy coaference wu the retult ol the meetmg. Brady auied thatCorbettabooiutely would not light ynuimmoDi until the laiter bad toagbt and do- loated O'iwnnaU, wbo,be aald, the champion regarded aa the next beat pugllut to blioaelf.aod tnat Sob eouid bare u beatblin D«rore Jim would conildorblm "lo nia olaaa," with a lot luoro oralmllar nooaenatcal talk. Fiix- almmoDH emphatically aiated that bo would notatpree- enc make a match wlih any one except corbett, nnleu the latter utterly reioaed to loeec bun lo Ibe rlog, In which ereaibo would, altar iho upeaoi the thiriy dayn for which hla chaileogewaa Itit open, lorualiy ciaiu and aaaume poiaeaalon of the proua utlewblcb Ita preaent bolder appeared loath to daieod. Then he would b» pre- pared ID maiouin withlu the rapee that hoaorabio poal* lion agatnat u'Dooneil or any other white man wbo mlibtupire to wreatihe title irom hira. HoaerlmonluuB did the leaRitiy alieaaaione at Umea become, eipoolally twtireoo brauy aod AnlmrLumiey, thatarvoounolo phkalcal foice noeaod InmlneDi; but jjjjj tue trlenda of tne dlipuiaau aucceeded lo prereotlag rucba diagraceiul termioatioD, In a leuer to ibicn publlolty waa giren ibe loilowlug day (;oroeu reltetmied tbe atatemeota made at tho ineotiog by hia maoftger— that be would peat $3,uui wiib any repuuble newapaper or reaponaible man in the coootrr, to be paid to Pltz- almmona In eaee be (Corbeuj abouid reluaa to Btrht lilto attar Bob had beaten U'Doonell-end atatad Uiat Kltt Deed not wait toirty daja for him to pay auanUon to bla ohaileoge, aa he bad reaoiTod not to do ao, aa be cared nothing lor the uaagea or cnatoma of the F. It., aod regarded the future aa in nla ownbaodA Tbiamay oeaccaptedaaehowiogclearljex- aotly where champion (;orlwti atanoa, and tbo American Cople can Jadgebim accordingly. He baa drmly naoired at be will not makeamatcbwith Bub >1izaimmona until tbe latter haaiougbi and tMateo BureODonnoiL Buch iMlog the caae. corb«ii muai, In acooiOauce with the wrluoo and uuwrliten lawa of the 1*. A., giro np the Mtle orohaDpiootohuobaileoger, leaving ine pubno to Inior that hu aotlOQ la due to bu dread ol ine reuit of a maeu Ing wiihin the ropMwiih Fliuimmouarather Uiao to the r«aaouk beadvancea ihvreior, orereo iv the greed (or the almighty dollar which largely controli bla aoilons. If be abould paiaiat In hia proMOt eourae, howsrar. he may expect to dnd that bUrefuuiorafair and manly chai* leoge Irom a w^nby opponent, one who haii far more than a llrlnit chance to deieat him lo the ring when ailoided the oppoiiunity, will bare tbe eifeaol loaerlng bimgreauy in the eaumatlonof bla oountrymoa, whu admire courage, patnoiiaui aod honeaiy oi porpoae moie than they do more llauo proweaa, and tnat una chaoie oi aanilmentwilloxerclae a detrimental effeot on lae auo caao of hla theatrical entarpnaea, tliua atriiing iiiin where he wlU feel the blow the bearleat, la bu po&oL THB NEW ORLEANS CARNIVAL. KltialDimona Alukee Hhort Work of Ore«doa»EverliB.rt mnd Abbott Di«w. Tiie second of the glore conteala before the Otymplo Athletle Club, of Iba Creaceot City, took place on the erenlngof Bept B, the prinelpaJa thereto being Kiaatoo Abbott, 01 EnglaDd,aod Jack Ererbart, of New Orlcaoa, aod the porae $1,100: Thia waa the second oecaalon of their meeting) tlie former encounier, at tbe Bane ptaoe, bar. log been won by Ererbart; bat It waa etalmed that Die Bngllabman waa really entitled to tbe dectsloa, owiog to the alleged fool Oihtrngolbiaopponeau ua liiia ocea* alentbey fnogbt tweoif-Qre rounds under tlie aye of another releiee, who haa a reputation lor flilmeu aa wall aa knowledge of nis dutlea In ilio Sieffllaea, and Uie aoience of fouls wouM In- Icate toat the lonner leporta veie oot alio- Sather tiuitwonby, while the rerdlct-a draw-prorea lat Jack waa aa good aa bla opponaot. thna reatorfog itta repuiauon. The mill waa cliaractenied by aone good dgbtlng aod a great deal oi eaay work. Brerbari waa aeoonded by V. v. WUiia. J. J. Batei ud tbe Uutberland Brothers, woile Abbou bad the aarricea ol Jaek Dunn, Billy rilmmer, Aif Kobb and Billy Obitundeo. Erar- banwaaon theafgreaalrethroughontaDd at umea did good exeouuon, but Abbou proved blmaall Uieclererer performer and i|nlie aa bard a puncher. Toe reaslt waa dlaappolnllng tu the apecuiort. Tba third eogagemont. and tlio atirbattle of theaerlea, wu that between Bob Kiiutmmooaaad ble fallow Aua- tralian, Dsn Creedoo, which came oO on Wcdoeeday eienlDg, a, thoy dabiing for a purse of |A,(W, and the bout being limited lo iwanty ttre rouoda Eraiybody waaaaUfdMl, however. Ibat it vould oot last nearly that loog. Toeaiteaitaaceoumbeted atwut aereo thouaand paruDB, among ttiem Uaior flirpatriok and aeveral raembeni ol tbe city poreromeot. Judges and other prom* lueot Indlvldoala. Flit'lmmona weiebad lUHa, while Creedoo tipped the scaleiatlMb. Tbeionuerhad lor seooods Jack Dempaoy.Jio Uwyer and "Kid'* MoOoy, with BUn Btero for timekeeper; Oreedoo was waited upoo by Tom Traoy, Hick Jfooo aod >;barley Dane. Frank uraabat waa the otQoiat timekeeper for tbe club, while fftC John DnfTy wu tlie referoA of tlie cuoieat. Time waa called at 9.1&, aod die priocipalaatappad lo the centre and aouared od for TUB nanT. noood I. Creedoo oi»enfd with hla lefUbotswonB wild llacamebach and touchadBob ll|hUy«iih Ibe left on the oaok. Bob laughed and Ibumpoa hla right hard on the Jaw. OreedoB totio oo the atomaeb, but tlob rar ~ * hlmlianloocbeatandneck. Boblaodadblarighiaoi and auggered (;reedoo, lepeatlog the blowa with greet rapidity. Ue hammered bla mao hard and oaeo. The r^aod eloted with Oreedoo atumpting an upper cut, wbich weatwikl. 1 tireedoQ dodged a left hand looge for tbe atoroach. ue got lo one oo Bob's rlba, but be caoibt Uie left aod ri|bi en Ibe head and oeek, aod a learfnlleftlo tho Jaw nojredblm. lie waliod for ihe oloe lo be couotad be lore '!alng,aad rtia auppei bach and gave buu pleoty of ilmetogetaqoarelyonhUleet, Creeduouleaio get lo uoea, botKliutmmooamat biu*qaaielr with bia Icftlo I le cbaet, and a umble rigbt band awing on ibe Jaw. Creedoo weot back about niieeo leet. aod Bob followed •latchly. and began to nae his bead for a panching bat Creedoo did ooC aiand " " - — , e Hill - - end valolr esaaied to aelog hla enuA lie waa Dieedug from the oeae and mouth. Vita nrod bla pi|« drlTlog lell Ibr the kaock oat Ue drew aUed op tbecoraled laadiag place, aod aent Ihe htood oovarad gleva In like a ahot direct Fbr the month 7.^Jl*** landed with tenlde r>ree fuU on the mexue. J^readon want down like alog oiid oaveraiirTed. Baletre puffy oooated bim oot. end the orowd went wild with nciumeoL Paademoolitm broke looae, and the referee celled Taioty for qolet. i.'cwedno'e aecooda Jumped loto uertngaad carried their uncooiclooa principal to hla nraer. Tbe Ogbt luled Juat four mlnotee and forty *^Bda It waa folly Bra mlootea before Creedoo rf> luaed eoneel OMooit Oaonoi BioviTBioo defeated John KllpohrlA m Ihiea rwa at Chioego, lil^ BepL m, for the gat* twMpm, ATHLETIC. Onnada** Amatear Champions. TlieannoalOeld Deetlog rorttie decision of iha amateor obamploDslilpi of Canada wu beld on tbegrouida of tbellonircal A(Lat«Dr Attiledc Aa- flOCUUoo on Satordaj afternoon, Bept. at, under Ibe aosplcaa of the Canadian AmaienrAtbieUc Aa- soolaUon. Aananal,tlieprlnolpnlperronncrawer« memberBOt tbe delegation repcownuog Nev York Ultj, wbocarrieduitelcTcnot too tbineeo eTenis tormina tbe prognuume, ten ot taem faiiiua to re> teseninUTea ot tbe New York A. U. and uae to * ftttloie Jl 0. mAn. TUo ercnte won by CAoadlang were not partlolpated tn bj atbletea Irom ibosiaicfl. in winning tbo lurlong ninT. I.Lee eouuied the itmataar record, ud Ui tbe &Glb welgbi tnruw J. B. UiicbeU Burpuied ibe Cauadbui record, but in on Attempt to beat tbe world's record (nUowii)tie laUed. R. Wataon, ol Montreal, OlatlDguisbcabini. aeir b7 ecllpelogthc CaoAOun record corpoie Moitr log, aa U. kiipaulck did In ibc hair mllo run. Tbe weaiber waa Kr| plciuini aotl tbe giruea wcr« largelj attended, hummaij: On^nundrrd perdi npi.-T. I. Ue, New Tork A. 0., woo;J.T UcOairy,Toronto, accoud; B.U.Curiey,Hut- ton, goebeo, thiru. Time, 10s., the laaiaat iimo oier made atat;anadian cbaupionahip moeting. i^ttUnp tte ieft,iAo(.-tJeorge H. Uray. h«w Vork A.0., woo; A. Bmitb, Jlontraal, aecuoa. Uuience, 4iiu IKio. inoinliiff AffA/HBv.-d. Uhaae, New Voik A. u., won; U K Hhrldoo, Mew t ork A. U.. aecond. Uelabt, Ml Hio. nco Amdrrd ond iwmi# yonu rwn.—T. l Lev, new Ton A U., woo; J. T. MeUarry.Torooto, Mcood: W. J. bnlih, Mootnai, thiid. Tune, JlH^ Tbia tlma *<iuala the worU'S record. rArowfnpiAc Uft wfpllt.—J. S. Mltcbali, New York A. -., won; ueorgett. Uray, New York A. a, Mcond. Uie- tanoe,34lL8Kin. OAceilicnm.—QeorgeOrton, Mew Tork A. C , won; U. 0. UoUaoder, raaiime A C, New York,' aecond; a a. Klnoey, Montreal, third.>|a Thru Mlkj mU— a Llebgold, PaMime A. C, Now York, woo; W. (ieniMman, Mootreal, second. Time, >tar/iifiidredand>trrtv pordr ntit.—Q.ParlA Bonlreal, won: A. J. Brady, tiauiac, aeoond; J. Teea, Bnntreai, third. Tune,flt9tB. Pola «auU-fiL Wataon. Montreal, won; R. H. Wblto, Wanbaaaheoe, aeoond; F. B. courtemaoohe, third. Height, iUU inuwlnp tmoA juaip.—L. P. Sbelden, New Tork A. C, won; J. J. Mooaar, .NsTlar A.C., Now Vvrh, bkodJ; H Taylor, 8l John, N. b., third. Hooney aod bhetdon tied atJlfLPio. rorflntplaeeaodbadtojaupover. Hiieldou won, wlibSifb >4lo. JW wuta run.—Oeorge Ortoo, New Yotk A. O.. woo; IT. A. Uowan, Qoebea seoond; W. OentHman, Jlomreal, ibUd. T<ra^»m. HV- Buhl huMrca and tl^ktg yarU run.—<;barlu Kil- pautck. New Vork a.u.,woo; a. W. uiiToni. Mootroal, aecond: 0. 0. Uellander, k'utlDe A. u, toird. Time, D. tin* ■ beating the t;ena<iian record. ntrvwlitp left AaBUMr.-J.fl.MiicheiL New York A. C. woo; diatance UUL liM>a.; Qeoige B. Uiay, hew Vork A. U., and J. Btoiey, Montreal, tied lor aecoou place. Uray won the throw oif. One AtMdrTrt ond (Kenfy yards hurAtc race.-n. Cliaae, New York A. U.. won. Time, ieH«> The AtlAntlo AaaociiiUoii OC tlio Amateor AtbloUo Union beld tbelr annoal cbamplonsblp fleld ffleeilng on Saturday afiernooo, Sept. 29, on toe groanda ot tne Atbletlu Club of tlic ScbojlkUl NaT/i PbUadelpblA, Pa. TbeauoclattoD were faTored wliii pleasant weatbcr, ilio grouutis were In eioeUent condlilon and Uie MAbmbhtge was qnite largo. Daring tneattornoon two aiiuu- uoAosoclAiivu records were ImproTcd opoo, J. a. Hcuunn Clearing a riuioiag high Jump ud tfonlo Uiark 14U(L 7io. in tne beinuiurtbrow, xne Itank Olcrks' A. A. won on llie score or puiaiSj wltn ti] PbiUdelphbi Y. U. u. A. second, Ju-, aui leUo Oloo oC tne d.0.tnird. lu; rhliadeipau Cdie donian Clab rourtb, w, Piusourg a. u. arih, V2; Wasblugion Y. M. C. a. sUib, 6; t;olumbiK a. v. seveutb, 3; Baltimore Outmg dub tignili, i. Sum* marj: une AuiKiral yarxff run.—0. T. Buchoita, II. a. a. Bret; J. A. MeKenoa, l'. A. U., aecoad: a. ll.Aalibj, B. t;. A. A, third. Tlme,l(iXe. tiaVmtU run.—IS. W. Aolaey.B. C. A. A., drat; t;. 0. Bleaiea,O.C., aecond; Monlo Jlackeuxie. u. u., thiN, Time, 2io. ifHnUeruo!, UOyda.-J. W. Sylreaier, B. U. A. A., Ilntt; Lewia U. Leww, miadalpbia V. U. u. A., aecvou; J. U. Wood,A.(;.B.M., third, lime, J4>^. OneMUetwtlt-li.J. Bainl.^u. rt. N., flrat; Walter Rudolph, Pniladelpbia I. M, V. A-, aecond; Walter \t loa* low, B.tJ. A.A., third. Tlm^7m,abK■l. Two kunarta and UBfntfvanlinin.—0. T. Badiolii, B. aA. A., dm; A. H. Asbby, JI.O.A.A., aeeonu; Albert Boaenhelui, BaiUmore Uutiog Ulub, third. Tlm^ 'J3^i% One nite rua-E. W. kebey, B. 0. a. a. flr»t; Hirvid Thomaa, B. O. A. A, second; 11. B. ffoil, 1:.c, tbliO. Time, «m. Was. ifurue rave, tI>yda.-J. W. HylroHUr. B. C. A. A., Ibsi; A. fl. Asoby, B. 0. A. A., socond; il. W, Bdilicur, U. U., toird. Time, 1S?i\. TArte nlW nin.-i^ V. Paret, B. 0. A. A., drat; K. 0. BooniweJ, B. 0. A. A., second; U. A. LatUy, c. t;., Uiird. nma, 17m. iSJie. , „ , Qtiorto'mltanm.—J. A.Mcl£eona,P.A.C,nret; P. R. Proeman, I'oUadeiphia Y. M.i;. A., secooO; h.A.i)ternti, P. A. 0., tblnL Tiuie, AufMUV MfhjHotpL—Joan A. Uctilpnn, A. C. a N., ilrai, efL»ln.:^. lJ.PTieE«U,P. a. c,aecooj,eii. mn.; titurgo U. bodoipb, Phtladeipbia V. M. U. A., 6il 7tu., luird. AiiAMfw brvaa iuMp.—Lewia c. Ifsvie, Philadelnbia V. M. 0. A., Arat, lilt IKin.: Jobo A. McOlyoo, A. C. 3. N.. and & J. Williams, A. u b. N., uled lor kocood placo wiinaiiLlOliLeach. McQlyonwoo aeoeod place ou tho ~ tia. iU«BauU,forlielghL-Wm. A. Stewart, Pklladelpbia T.M.U.A.,nrU, IUL; U. T. Buohholtt, B, C.A. a,mo- ood, IbfL Vin.: B. Muaaalman, B. B. A. A, and U. M. Price, PbiMdelpbia Y. M. U A, Ued lor third piece with lit, 6id ~ieb. nrwtng Ith Aaiuur.—Boalo Clark, Wajih logtoo V. U. 0. A.flre'.liviLlia.; Adam W. Jobomn, C. a. 0., see- ODd,litnLiia.;OharleaU. rhiili|ia Jr., a.C. S. N., tnird, inL4io. i^inp Mil ihol•^obQ Irquharl, 0.0.,i)ra^ VIL 7ln., Q^m U. PblUipe Jr., A. U tL N., second, 3NL ilHin.; Edward king Jr., 0. U., ihlrd, SSIL *U>o. Aiut the gamen a match u lacrosM was played by the teama repreaeaUng me Uieaoent AihlsiloCmb, 01 Biook- lyn, N. Y:, and tbe AUileuo Ulob of tha dooayimu Navy, tne former wianug by a acore ol three goala to one. The Football Seauon Waa opened on Baturdar, 8epb 29, when a nunilwr of games were played In the £uL Prom now uoul Ihe adTsatol wlotry weather kicking the laatherwlll coom lata the faTorlie outdoor puiUne of oar ateleio^ while tbe annual oonteat betweeo Ibetoaniaol Yale>nd Prince- ton Colleges remaioa tbe apodal feature of thoaeawo, with the atmggiea betweeo the repreieoutifva ol Yaio and Uarrard, toe latter and ihe l^niveraiiy orl'eooayl- vaola aod possibly with Prlocetoo, and betweeo ue tauer aod tliePeuuylTaolaa aa moat loteresUogditurai, though of nloor importance. Tbe dubi lormlog tbe American FootbaU Asaooiatloo, tbe Oaelic KoutbiU Aasoolatioo, the Amacenr League and ue PruUsloo al League or Pooiball Pieyera wilt luud their aid lo keeping the belt rolllog and bouncing In lively taahloD, and, altontber. the prospect lor a busy season on tbe tooiball fleld waa aerer b«tter than now. The different teama are rapidly geUloc loio drat olaa playing trioi, and are eager to win victories lu tbe BOTorel conieau for champlOBibip lienors. The gainea playodonSaivlMtewiih aoDBiaTiKed: tJoUaae teemi— Uarrard beat l>arUDoutli,a to d ati'anbrwMe. Maaa.; rrloeaton beat Lalayaita, au to 0, at Princeton, N.J.: Yale beat Tnolty, 44 too, at llkr*ford.Ct.; tebigb beat Botgers, 14 to 0, et Booth Betbiahen, Pe.: Amherst * aet Woreaater Teehnology, Q10 0, Ambertt, hsr*. ; Aodorer beat bieur.M to (TAodotor, Uaia.; uiracuse tnlvar rity beat Uobart (College, 10 10 4, Byracuio, N. V Union beat Keosaelaer Polylechio luatltute, 37 t. a other orgeolutlooe-Bouih Uraoge r. u. Hcoad eleven beat Ulgblaod AttaieUo Club, 13 10 u. at Hooth Orange, N. J ; Volnnleer beat >faohaitan, SI to 4 hew York i KoaovlUe beat BiooaillaM, ai tt eleven BouthOranga. . .,, - - -— Iaatltuie,e eaeh,(Urange, H. J.;j BliiAbetli A. C. beat ho- ^"^Pleld tAob.lD loO,U Koglawood.N. J.: L«w- The Ismaf Cup* Tbe doal onilog and games for tbe preaent season of tbe members of tbo Urltunbt Atbletlo Cinb otme on St Oak Point, tbla dtj, on Sept, 14, and tbe event aitracied ft good sized crowd to tbat resort. TtilsmecilDg closed tbo point competitions (or tbo latnAj Cap, wblcb wu nwarded (o W, Bernard. SoDimsfj: Om Aendmi panii raa.-Flrtt brat: Woo by T. Phil. Ilpa, lOrda.; o Johoiiooe, llrds., second. Time, IIS«. Seeooii lieat: Woo by A. Dodd, ^da.; 11. Jonea, 9ida, '—oil. Time. ItHi. ThInI beat: tVon by J. Walpnie, .* - VW.BenaaFd.lyd.Booood. TIroMla. Foorthheat: 5*"' •II.?'* Dicker. 7>d*., second, ^.'^^''^ft- /'"Ihoai: Won oy Dodd,\lafpole aecood, tilllire Ihlrd. Time.llV< raoAundrrdandiicniif mrdihunilf mar.—Ptrai beat: Von hi B.Jamsaoa, soratch; W. Wallace. Hnla., aecond; J. Walpola. lOyda. third. Titna. 3^^. f^coud heat: Won by r. Dlckev, lOjila.; R Wilier. Ma., aeeood: W. Remaid.ayda, third. Tlme.39i;<. FIfiel hiatr Won by WIlUr, Haroard aeoond, Jamaioo ihlid. Time, /fturAundmt aR4.;br/p rardt ran.—Won by AUodd, ttjds.; IL Mitchell, ¥>yilK, hcodJ; J. WaUoD,XUrUa, third. Tlme.CISa. £/gAi Amidrnt and d«My par>ir run.—Woo by A. Dodd, SSida.; II. Jonaa, aOjOa, wcodJ; j. Broadhunt, Iftrda. third. Tlm^tm.l»\1. ibnrhiuidrrd and Jbrty yarrfr run, for' Brllannio men not moubon of ibe club.—Won by (Jeorce Fader, W. Headowa second, J Barrow ihinJ. Time nae eUlf tniU.—Won byCharloa Johoaioo*, Ntyda ; n. Wluer, Iftjda., a«cond. Time, 8m. 67.*«>>- Ton Co:(.*(OH«. of Lancaahlre, eod Jim Dnane. auted lo bearaaldant or Montreal. Can., eosagwd lo what waa advertiaedwamatchat miiad wreiiltng. lorihaeham- plooahlpofthe world and $211, at Ht Jamea' llall, Uan- ohuiar. Rag., on Baiurday evaoiog, BepL 10. Aboutfoiir ihooiind peraooB afiamblad 10 wlioeae the coniaat which waa woo by CooBerB.ho tatlng the aacood fall (catcb aa catch cao) lo Om.. aod the ihlid (qreco Romae) 10 4a. ISa.. iinana having been awardta the flrat Call ioollar and elbow) Inflin. vs. Jou.f LKOXtap. the well huowo Irlah aihlele.dl«d at hla realdaoce In tbla city on Sept. S. llo waa ooro at Droskoda, Ire., and t>eioi^ coming to ihla country achtered an oovlable reputatioDaa ao all rouod athalet^, winning prlxea at running, la01 ptog aod weight ilirow loo. lie woo many viciorlei lo cooleala with Uaell- atbletea lo America. Janbs FintiKRAiri, or Tralee, and Michael Nolan, nf Carlow. were opponania in a maicb lor tbe handball cbamploDfthIp or Ireland. Tho match wa« cenleaiod at a court In Patrick Etieet, Dublin, on Rapt SO, and Fiieger- ald won, taking sit i;amoa to hl> advaraary'aone. A. B. Downin dereated & R. Huaon In a two hnodred yaida match, amateur, at tbe Kenoiogtun Oval, Loo* dDO.Eng., BepL IS, bla lime t»elngl9j»«., which equala tho amateur record. Tiis PrlQceton Oltege Atliletio Anoclalien bave elect- ed the follovlogoiUcera: PreitilenLU. H. Blaaall; seore* lary. T. H. lluntlnaion; ireaiurer, T. A. Porkioa. ath tiraoge, n. J ; volunteer i>eai Maoiiattao, lo a hew York: KoaovlUe beat BiooaillaM, tc i,at Bloomlleid. N. J.: Hoath Oraoga P. (j. flrat iven aod Brooblin Polytecliolo.Deliher aide Moring. uthOrange, N.J.; OrnDjeAihlotlo Club and Bievena ..ttltuia • - —- nBoariua beat MeV jareey a. u.,lc to 0, at PrlbcoiooTN. J.: Brown IJniveraiiy beat Port AdaoH, td to oi at Prorl- dwee. R. I.; Dorian beat Mystic,» to UKaw Yoik: Lionel beat Mou Uaveo Jr.,Mil/'(X Now York; Beotlnel beat Brighton. 13 lo 4. U New Yoik: Twenty ihlrd Hlreal Y M. O.A.tNet Brooklyn OelDmblaaS 10 3, New York. Fblladelpbla Olob, of the Profeasional Laaioe, leal AibleUelsto 1. Pblladclpbia, Pa., Bept. 39; Plnladelphia beat Trenton, U101, PhlUdelpbIa, Pa, BepL &; Uarn'- oweaabaeiO Ceooeila, 4 pointa to l, WaUaco'a Ridie- woodPark, BrookliDTN. Y., BepL30. In the Utter game Polar, of Uie O'OoooelU, «aa accldeolAlJy kicked by Ward, of Iho danyow^na, auaiaioing a eoinpouod frac- ture or the left leg, wblco necaailiaied him helag taken mm Ihe Held to Bl i;atharlne'a Uo*pIU). aod will, it la e:(|MCted, keep bim off the Dcld for at feaat • munih. The Clipper* Id the Field. Uames were bcid nnder tbe auspices of tbe Clipper Atbletle Clnb, or tbU citj, sc 8alz<r*s Uarlem River Fvk,on SandajaneTB00D,6ept. 30. Sammarj: One kwitdrtd yards run.—Voo by Jobo A Dair, Joe O DonoeU Baoond. Jack Ba«y third. Tima»,iC^«. ilai/run, BovJoe.-Won by W. Mett, M. Lawlor aecond, (leorgeEarle third. Time. »ni.a». >b«r Auidtb and/'frtg gardi run.—Won by T. Curili, 0. BuiSLBMDOod,Tu-t>onaeil Ihlrd. TJme,Ara.,, , ^ mniam^wdimp.-Wonby M. Uwior.irr. tin., with l«tHii7'^™*'^^'»««^ W.J.ilrifllD, fllo,- T. L'orila. Jin, aetood, MV llo.; W. J. Oiimn, •^yjlMw&'w'-WOO by J. MehL Wide.: M. U.Ior, 7irda,Mcood:O.Bogelia.BciaEcii. third,^ >li<mitoVwiL- ProtJ.Keet>ybeaiJoeep b Bliaoaa M. !>■ Man. of rnaea, woo the loureatlooal amlllog iJiuJJVi%eU oTSapL «, rowlDg tbe iweoiy-flTe kile8a*tnalBftn.SXa. WHEELING. Heeoid Maklwg »t W»Hh«B. John a JohaaoD saade aa effort to lower J. P. Bllaa' record at Waliham, Maas^ 00 BepL 17, bat he oootd not ride fbaur than Im. SSKe. foi the reeed nillot dying flaw That, bowaier, wa«a*t so vary bad, and his lallare may well be altrlbaled to tbe eool wealber and atreog wlod. A W.Porter, Waliham tJlab, lowaiwd the two niirsCiaBS A, aopaced record. Ttke beet prerloua tiraewaa dm. Ha Porter's lime waa 4m. U.Ua llerley Davidson, the Cane- diao cmtk Olaae A man. orealed anew record rorthe ball mll^ miog aian.Oolag tbe dliiaooo lo ttMs. Ue also Inwared the belt mlla.Btaadlagiun, to In.Tja. J. U. Kemsoo waa refatte, J. Haville, II. B. Weaton and II. 0, Tyler tlmera. JobnaoQ oiBda another oealaught on Ihe oille reoonl, Qodoi like oondttloQs. 00 Frldaj aftenoAu, U aod this time he waa auocemioX plaoing Ibe fliutea at Im ttVa., tMaUog the previoua Ikataat timejnat two saoooda Tyler oOclaied aaooe or Ilia timekeeper*. Johoaon came out tin the ti«ek about lonr o'clock aod after a lllUe pT«|iB- Inary work gave the word. He waa paced by tbe Calla- han Itroiliare, Bauodam and Mayo, aod Murphy and KieeoMn. and ihilr work, under tlie dIrKtlon otTom RMk, waa partetL Johoaoo nrged bla pacemakere to keep movina aod hla riding waa aooderroL Ilia time fnr the iDtorrnaulate dUtancei waa u fnlloas: Qaarler. ffs,; tbti^ SBTi: ; hair, S»a.: two thlnls, Im. U.V *. three- quartan, im. 13^: mile, Im. MlVa, llarley Davldeon rode a quarter lo iDaa. and a ihlrd in 3tH*, both Olau A roue a qnarior lo nfai. em a loiro in wia, itoin uiaaa a reoorde Johoaoo irlfd lor Ibe mlla, aiudlog alart^bul quit alter going halt thedlitancebeoauaehlspaeemsar^ went wroov- Tli» Otiiiwn 'Cycling Club HelOa Ecrles or races ntmuawa. lll.,onTbiirsdA7 artcmooD,itept.'J0,an(1 tho> were wiinesscfl hy a argo crowd. Biimiiisry Orufflll«, noTlce.-J. II. Kchroader woo. Hart llann'O •ecoad. W. II. 8aaa third. Time, 3in. tt*. Qtarter mitf. open—K. K. Anderwa noa. M. NeUoo aecAid, A.J. Meolatihlni. Tliiio,SJ\«. Half mtU. boya.—A. R. .Meman wuu, D. Hoyls aecood Time. Im 160. Ont Mtle-~VT. C. Iludn, eO)-dp.. too; A. M. Burr, Urda., oecoud; M. Nelson. SOjii^ , third. Time, 2ia. tv*jS. Ont/ikiiilrnl if<xrd$fiotra((.—J. Homo woo, J.J. Youos ucoad. TlmD,liJ^a- ThrtemlUs—k. L. Laonard, ItOyda. won: K. B Aoder- Mil, leratcb, aecAml; M. .S'eiMn, liXMs., Ihliil; and A. U. Burr, 32})di., lounh. Tliue,7iu zO.Via Oiie nll^, opeo —A. L. Looohtrdt won. E. R Andermn aocoud.U B. Hlckerihinl. Time, 2ni. t'Kt, //or/nf/e—Karl«,rhlcai;o,woo; AiiiUraoB, RniMlhouae, aecood; bcbroedgr third. Palmar fvudli. P. Wiog dlili. Time, lm.6>aa. (;nf mif£.ciiaupIonili1p, La Salle anti'adjoiniagcouo. tiea—A'Inf won, ti;hulis BKOOd, Orern llilnl, Veuln lounh. Timo. tm. it*. One /lundml aiiel UHrtpyard^ raa —Browo. lOyiia. won; TouQg. Aydn., second: Dnaon, acratch, ttilrd; Uoaley, lOyda., founli. Time.ll)<a. rinif nK<r, lo beatuiilo record of ^n. ini«.—K. K. Ao- derwinwun, Sni.S)^!.; M. Nalaoo fwrotnl. liri \2*im. Om nife:—BitUmD woo, S|>lko locond, Hrady IliirU, Vtrdoiourlh. TIdif, Tin. 4tJ^ii. Hre nltcf —A. L. Lennhirdt, Kratoh, woit; E. P. Church,SMyds.,i<ecood: V. Loon, 2S>lyda , Ihlid; Hcliulla, Sttidji., fourth. Time. Lira. Ma. nrv milts, team —Mouth Hide Trcline i:iub woo, 14 polnm; Uiiawaiecond,OpolQta; Jnliot third, 1 point. Tho nac«B At Aubura* The annual race mcctlog of ibo Auburn (S. V. AtbleUo Assoclailon wits liold at thofAlrgroands 00 Baurday afiernoon.Bcpt. 'tl, wlih tbo rcsalt shown In tbe summHrj lielow: >irc mtUt, road itce.—Prank H. Jac<iuea. AubuT?. drvt; Eddie Hama.'S Auburo, wcond: Frod W. Pla'jor, Byra- ousa. thlid. Oac nf(^, novice.—V. W. Carr, Anhurn, flr.^t; 0. I.. Sulllvao. Auburo. wcood; Frank J. Maooidg, A<ii-aro, thtid. Tliiio,2m.4l-4a. ^uartrrnflCiOpoD.—Eroniatt Bniltli, niw«go, flrat; W. II. BuniolL Auburn, second; Prod W. Fiaber, Byraeuae, tliird. Time,StSa. /fa<r mf/e.-Edilie Bame^ Auburo, Mjds., flrat; J. If. DIokloao'. Hyraeuae, aeconi; W. J. McUraw, Auburn. TU'da., third. Time, lin. df^a. Oec ml^ ojian, limit 'iin.39*.—Run tlirae limnn in Sm. e07(4.. Sin. iWit-t lax iVii, reai>Mllvelr. Itororeo de- cUied oo race. One mltr, ooaoly rldera—K. K. Juhnaioo, Auburn, Uyi1a,flrtt; O. U. L'rauer. UoHdIao. HSyda. aecood; P. L. Hraooick, Auitnro. Hlrda, Uiird. Time, 3m. 9Ih. UtiUmUt, open.-Kred W. Plaliar. Hyracua*. f)r«; Km* mlitBmltb, Oawego, aacood; J. Fred Barry, Byraeuae, Uiird. Time, Ini. Im. One milt, opeo.—W. J. UcOmw, Aubura. SOyda., flrat; J. II. Dicklbsjo. Hyracuse, llDyda. aecood: A. P. Sena, Whltesboro, fOyda, iliird. Time. Im. UV. AwBK Down In Tenaessee. A very succcssrnl race mcetlog was bold at Cam* berlAOd Park, Ksshvllle, Tonn., on Friday after- noon, Sept. 31, when tbo NasbTllIe AUUoUo Clnb bad tnelr annual compciiilone. Itesult: One ml(«, oovlce—W. 8. Tliompjon, NaOivllle, woo:fl. M. Hooper, Bpriocdeld, secood; D. A. Cofsr, Naabvilte. ■*ilrd. Time, 2r J/a(^nlk-0. „. Ciiattanooga, second; Kosa Im 734<■ Oae-iburlh wiKc—B. Warren, Blrm'osliaio, Ale, woo; O. U. liooper, HprltiRaald, aacood; W. M. Uinting, Plor- fnee, Ala, Ihlrd. Tlror,33a. Oncniffr, N. A.U.chBmploo*blp.—W. H. Paaraon won, J. s. Hollar racood. A. W. Ulaik ihlrd. Time, 3ro. Mi*. Tioo Miles—<J. E. Quion.ClifctlanooBa. woo: J. P. Pi«ck, Riimiuaham, Ala.,MCf'DO; L. U. Oreliani, Chattaouoga, third. Time,4m.&7?aiL oneeifir.-il.B.<juian, Chanaoooga, woo; R. Warreo. Uirmlogbam, Ala, Docood; U. H. Kinble, Louisdlle, third. Tloje.9oi. iKe. OiK nllf.—(I. E. (juinn, Chstiaoooga. woo; R. Rpeer, Ailaota. aecood; J. V. Flock, Birmingham, Ala., uilrd. Tine. 2m 34s. i'lMHilltf.-^. E.(JalnD.CIiatian(Min, woo; J. P. pinck, Blmiloiihsm, aeci^ou; K. Kpear, ihlrd. Time, 13m. U?is. third. Time, 3m.»^i ~ M. Uooper, HprlngileM, woo;O.Talbot, riiil.Nubvilfe, Ihlrd. Time, Ilaoliig In the Wvel. Tliroo tbousaod peraons gatborcd at iho (rronnds o( tbe Peoria (111.) Ulcycio Club, on 8epL in, to wit- ness tbo annoal races. Tlie festiire of tho ocoaston was Uie making of one mllo, oopoccii, standing start, lo 2ffi. 'J3s. by K. K. Andcnou. Hutamarr: One nllc, oovlce —I*. W. Pilot woo, II. I.. Iluichison aecootl, aTw. Moodolball Ibiid. Tune, 3ni. 40a. rmmirr«-c. & BaicheMar woo. W. u. Bartlall aee* ood, J. P. Fardta Iblrd. Time. 4iii /ra'/mtie, opeo.—E. E. Andeiaon, Itoudhouae. woo; HariousNeiaon. Chicago, aecoud; John R. Miller third. Tloiaulm. Il>;s rorr'! mlUi.-J. ¥. Perlea von, O. B. Huyder aecood, Batea tlilrd. Tlrao,7iri 9Ta. 0/ien(K. oiiao^K. P.. Aodaraon won, MarlooH Nelson aea^od, freO Parinaiiier ihlrd. Time.2iii.aia. /Mirml(«, boya under allUoo.-Karl t'saeell woo.8ld< oay tlaullKciod, w. p. Johnioo third. Time, lm.33a. O/unlic.-11 H.ltoolbear woo, W.U. BaiUett aecood, J.T. Iluntar, tlilrd. Tiiiie,tifl. Tra. On€/burik miu. open.—Marinoa Nelaoo won. P. L. I'armeular aeooou, P. H. Coloinan UilrJ. Time. S4,'js. One mile, uapaced.—E. K. Aoderaoo woo.Marlnu* Nel- aoo aaconq, Fred Phrnienier third. Time, Ini. 3)b. Acroiilcd Road Rocorrts* Tbe Ccoiary uoad Cloti, wblcb bas assumed jorlsdlcUon over tbe road racing In Amerlcs, bsTO accepted the followlDg records: C. A. Kmlse and A. r. Senior, Halt Uko CI17, rtah, loo nillcs. «b. 'jam., iano j; I'lOJ. T. fi. Jeosoo, bait Lake City, riab. I0rollc*,£im. 'jes.iJolr lo, Ut4 (SUlo record). W. U. iDgham, Halt Ukc Ciiy, riab, (> rolks. iftm. ais., Bept. 21, IBO! (ritaie record). K. Uoward Uarrey, Qsjtlmore, Ud., llagcrstown to Frederlok, VT.i miles, lb. 66m.: Frederick to Baltimore^ a n miles, 3k. 4im.30i.; llaReratovn to Jtaldmore. il.ft miles. Ah. 41m. 30s., Oct. l.'s lh»9. w. B. Furaao. Lima, O., 20 miles, &»ai. Ms., Mar »i, l«M (aiata rrmrd, F. U. Bfaowooii, Cblcagn, III., cblcsgo to New York, abont i,uoomlirs, Tt.4<(o.,Aug.lM0,lN«l, BDOisMrDrrriBwoD the ten mile roati race 'ff ii>e Maldeo(Mia«) fflioalmeo flepi.2',and he broke the world's record of Km iftiL, riding tlie diatance in So. Oo 8ept. r> tbe one third mile rvcord was twice broken, ao*! Uarioy liavhlaon ma<ie iwoftviib marka. Tyler and JohDponmndetrlaleak oM r«CDrda,bnt Ihllfd to lower any, iliouili the day was perfect lor reeord work. Charles Murphy aitemoiad to cut down tbe two mile leconl, bot be alao failed. Davidson's flrat parlcrmanoe wax the lialfnlle. flyiog aurt, aod wu aervoiuble nerrormaoee. TMoidmarhwaaedS^-tSedtbeaewoBelaUV- I>evld< aooroede Iha niiartar la aod the third loSSMa. Ilhodeaaod lUiaiier wentDext againat iheooe third mue uedaiu record end cut It down to9Sa.ftom S\a. Plve rolnniea later 111* Oallalian brotharaatarlad ont to lower the now nark, aod aucceeded. making 54.Ha. a world's record. DavldiieQ then atarted lor the uopaced mile, (laas A.aodaoccetded iooutting it down to tm. UHe. Tbo intermediate tiniea were: <)uerter, S4S"-: third, 4ft>a^: hair, Im. Ks.;twu thtrda, lu.3iKa.;three-ttoanarB, lin. 4i,Sa. Racing In WmI Virginia. A nMloQAl olrault meot was beld by ibe Wheeling Atblcilo Wbcolmcn on Saturday anomoon, Sept. 20, and It waa mado cspeouily attraotlvo by ibe presence ot memtKra or tbo Glass 0 dlTlslon, chief among them being Walter 0. Bangir, wbo oaptni«d botJi tne one mllo events, aa also the bait mile and two mile laoes. The weatber wu line and the natb Id good ordor, wblle tlie attendance waa big. Bofflmary: Half nitf, OMD, Class B.-Dr. A. I. Hrewo flrtt, R. 7. OoeiiBooood,TiHu(kioper third. Hay Maodooald foortlu II. A. (Iithena dIUi, I*. D. Cahanoo aiiili Time, Im. ll)ia »na Mlfr, opeo. riaaa A —F, L. Tra|>pa oral. A. L. Banker aecoud, U P. Berohanlt third, B. W. Hamaay fourth. Time, nu. Ml One Mftr, opoo, Olaas B —W. 0. fiaogar flrat, L. t!. Joho- aoo aocfiod, 1:00 Baker third. A. H. Ooehler rourlh. H. P. rtoeunnh. Time. Im. na. One ndr, Claaa A.—K. L. Trappe, t;)eTo|aod,Byda., dral; aeorge Kodrem. Wilmeming, lajyda., aeoood; Utto Haya.KrlB,aOyda.. third. Tima,lffl. ITUa. Mile, loiernatlooa), Ulaaa H-W.U. Banger flrat, Ray Hsodooaldaecoad.L. D. Cahaooelhird, A. I Browo fourth, II. A. Ultbaoa Allh, L. U. Johnson aiilh. Tli 3oi. SAWN. Limit, 3a. Sa.; ordered run over. Ranier flrat, Nacdnuald socond, Tom Bddy oi Columbus ihrrd, 11. A. (iitheDsfourih. Ttme,3m, iHa. One HiU', open, tilasa A.-U. P. Btrohardt first, L Baokor aecood, J. B. Pauarsoo, Pittabarsb, third; H. W. Hamaay fnutlh.U. Inlmby fliih, Time not up to limit; declared off. Ttfo nUfM, Olaaa It.-Tom Cooper, 0)yda..nral; L. h. t:ahanoe,scratch, aacood; L. 0. Johnaoo, toyda, third; R.F. (loeiciUyda.lourth. Time, Soi. STiie. Half mlU, oMo, OUn ll.-W. 0. Hanger flrat. It. A. MiUiBnaaoc/*oil, IL F. Uoeta third, R. U. Juhourn fourth. Time, Im- ll.t^a. rim fnUtt, upeo, niau B.—W. U, Ranier (Int, L. ll. Johnaon aecood. L. 0. cabanne thlnl. TlD)^ ^ln. 30a. Hnolaf mt Ilia Hon«ai»nt*l CUr* The annual 1^1 toanamaDt ot ibe Uaryla&d Bl oyole Olnb wsb beld at BslUmore, Ud., on Taciday and Wednesday, Sept. us. Sfl» and wu not very tne* rm flnanoially, owing mainly to ibo ooolneas ot ttiB weatlteri a keen wind blowing down Uio back* atkviob.wblob had the effbot ot rnUKyini the et* rorta of the oraeks to accomplish remarkable Mr^ formanoea. Fttd J. Tltiu made an attempt to beat UarTT Tyler's record for one mile, Sm. S^a bnt railed lamentably, bis time balug 'Jm. lOa. Bnm* mary: One MIU, BOTlce.-L. P. Ilarpel, Ceolury Clob, laltl* moie^rauT. B. Jacoba, L'eoiaar vluh, HalUowre, ae^ end; w, W. W. atiairetta, Balumore, ihlid. Tlma,ftn« MaVMlKClau B.-llar MoDooald, New York. Uyda. I ret: L D. Cetkan&e, OleveUod, aeraieh, aecood; L. CC JohBaon.UlevelaBd.aeratcb. thud. Time, Im SSa. OM mitf, opeB.UIaM A—W. P. BIme, Waahiogton,flrsl I a B. Jaek, Readlac, SKoad; R. P. Moeardy third. Time, tm. Be. Ow HtlA epen, Claaa R.-W. 0. Baager, Mllwaokee, flratl L. D. CahMBe,Ulevelaad«seoood;ui k Uolter, Toledo, Ihlid. Tlme,tm.WL neo MdrLDIasa A—W. F. SIma,Wuhlogtoa, setalob, flnii O.Bl Jack,Reading,35yda,eeeoDd; W.L.K«khait; BalUBkeie, laiydi, third. Time,bB. 1«V- neo Mtw, Olau B.-A. II. Baroell. Newark, »rd^ flrat 1 Tnm Cooper, lOyda., eeoood; O. B. Brandt, alQida., thltdg M. IICBST, Ihe Freodi rider, woo the one haodred bllomeirea race and rha'aplooabip of Prsace at lbs v«1q drrme do laSelDv. l'arla,oBHuBday. KapLBl Time, fb. ■m. T. BALpa A?cD J. W. RoonsiD rode half a mile 00 a tan d«m bicycle, flying start, ever a selected eoins west of B«*la:BDi.W.«.laMa Pnlaillnff In 4h« Smoky Clly, Tho Kuystono Ulcjclo Ctub, of Jliuiiurg, IV., held a very succcssrnl raco iiicct at Hchenley Park nn Friday altcrnooo.Hcpt.'iH, tbe wcaibor bclog ilellghtfulaod tbo grounds In exoelloolconiUilon. A number of Ulass It raolDg men were among tho onirlrs for tbo leading oveuts, nod a capital anor* noon's racing was eujoycd liy tlie big crowd of spfclators. Honimarj: mlU, opeo, Olau A.—Krank Trapi«. (Devehod, flr*t; J. B. Paiuraoii, Willlamaburf, >ecoad: Uaorge Hedfern, Wllmerdiog, Uiird; u. U. Tllll fuurlli. Time, Im. Ii.'i'a. qunrur mttt. open, Clau B.—R U. Jolmaoo flrat, A. I. Bruwu aocobd, Turn Cooper third, L. K. UatMone fOartb. Tlv=, V>^a Ont silt/, Claaa A.—J, K. Nawlium, liOyda, Orst: Otto Maya,Eria.CQjdii,MCoad; J. P. Patierfloo,eOTdM.,Ihlrd; al. WitfaioHion, l.'a>|da., fourth. Time, 2m. H?k<. one nite, opoo. Clau B.—Ur. A. I. Bntwo flrat, L. D. Cabanoe aecond, W. U. Haoger ihlrd. Time, 2iu. 4l>ia Ounritr uiton, daaa A.-Krank Trapiie flrat, A. L. Rankaraeeonil,PenlKalBoo Iblrd. Tlme,UL 0ns Mile, tllaaa n.-B. U. Jobosno, Shrds, Aral; Tom Cooper, Uida., atoood; L. C Johoaoo, 4Ayda, third: II. A. (hiii«ua,3UrdB., fourth; W.U.gaDger,scnicli,flub. Tine, Im. TTfrL Ont Mllf. Clau A.—Praok Trappe Aral, B. W. Hamur, Erio,aecoud;ileorgeiiaJiero,Wllmerdi<ig, third; P. K. Jaekaon, Pltuburs, fourth 11100,310 Sta. Hal/mitt, opeOjltlaaa 11 -Dr. A. 1 Brown first. Hay Mc' Dooahl ae^uud, U II Cabauee thini. Con. Baker foarih, IL F.aoeiidltb. W. C.Haoierilath. Time. Im. lia. One mtU, challeoge onp for WeiUro Peooaylvanla r1ilera.-A. I*. Uaoisr Rrst, OUo Maya aecood, P. K. Jack aoo third. Time, 3in. 2Z9iS- One mite, agala^t tlin«.-J. P. llilaa. in 2m. ISa. ilalfmiu, aflalositinie.—A. L. Beaker, lin.Sa, Ons mtU, claaa B.-A. B. iloobier. flDyda, flrat: L. II. Cabasne, sormidi, second; 1*. U. Juhesen, TOyda., third B. F. flo«ii, TUtda., lourtii. Time, >m- Be. Baoger. 13 pofnla,flrat: Con Haber, A. B. noehler, lli A(AiheDa,ipulo(aeacn. Tine 5m. 30a. Among the Oil Welle, A gerlcs ot very Interestlog raoea was beld at Brans Olty, I'a., alKint tweoiy>sli mUes from nita* burg, on Thumdayattcmooo, BcpU iT. The mist- ing was held nnder rery auspicious clrcnmstances, the weather being clear aod pleasantly cool, and there waa a goodi; aasemblsgo of lovers ot tbe wheel. The Butler Count; chauplonsblp was cap- tared by Hark Mcbrdle, a lad of sliteen years, who can tnlrlymake the whcela whirr, raiil Jackson rode an eibliilllon mile, paced, for a dhimoad brooch, to beat 'im. 4Ui., and ho saccccdc<l In doing the irlok Id aiH. Bommarr: Oii« mUr, navloa.—P. Uraham Aral, W. J. Nierrett aeo> oad.deorgeKelglar third. Time, 3m RV- One Mt/r, opeu.—tV. W. Brovoeller flrat, raulJackaoo aecood. Time, Slii. Hi. one miu —P. Urahain. Kflydi., first; A. Ihjmberi,IO»jds., aecoBd; W. W. Broeooller, lubyd&, third. Time, Ini, onemtu. ButlerCounly cliamplooahlp.—Hark MoBrlde firal. Uavid EuniogeraecooO, r.A.Urmh ' ~' 3m. Sla firs mlln.-y. Orabwn, SItyda, flret; Paul Jacksos, scratch, aecood; W. W. Browselier.aityOa., third. Tine, 13m. iva. riHiBillri.'>peii.-Pau1 Jaekaon, P. A. fl., flret; W. W, Brnvnellar aacind, A. Uamt*art llilrd. Tima, Om. lir*a. na>Bif(ri, lap.—Paul B. Jaekion, flrat, SI pulota; A. DointMri.aeooad,30 polots. Tima,aro,4f«. One ailti^Sm. 3m. claaa.—Paul B. JachaOB flnt, W. W, Tlioe,fla.fle. : Liken Hrovoelier aecood. onemlif. eoauilalloD.—kimer Uelnibolt flrsi, ar«i0d. Tlme.'iiii.Sla. ^.'xAli'trfAn mile, to beatSm 40b, prlieadiam<>od hroorh. —Woo by Paul K. Jachaon. Time. In. 31s. l(aclD|| ait Oaeeego* Tlio rncea hold at the track In Uawego, N. Y., on Thursday, Kept, ao, resulted as shown below: OAcailu, nnvlca.-Jamas rsylor.tMwego,first; Cbarlas HcoviU, Hyrmcuaa.aflceod. Tune, Tm. 47a, tne wtue, taodsiu -Peodergaat and Barry, Hyraeuae. Oral: Hugiiea aod Ilei, Hyraeuae, aecood; PerreUaod aod llnmaa, Oanego, thlnl.^ii, floz/aau/, opon —A.J.PeoHoriaaL flyraceae, firali B. flmiui, llawaio, aecood; P. W. Plwer, Hyraeuae, third. Time, Im. UXa. /1M mitra.-riUTe Humes, Oswego, flret: A. A. Raooi WhiUiboro. aacood; Kdward Parrell, (Hwego, third, Time, 18m. 2H. At llie <;ity of Mtralts. The Detroit (Uich.) Wheelmen held their ddb an- nual racemecUogatUie track otlhoDetroltAtbletlo Clnb on Thursday aftemoon, Bept. thu wlnncn ot Uie dlirerenterenta being aa follow: One Miu, novice.—Frmok A Wheeler wno. Time, Su Bs. ^^■ar«/-milr, opeo.-F. L«ugbeed,Hafnia, woo. Time, 'i/aV "■<<--ltklpb Hamberg, Port llnros,aOyda, won. Tima,lm. lU. OMailJ/. oi>en.-F. Longhead woe. Time, tm. tfVi fte Hll'i.-JobB Kehaflar, lOOyda. won. Time, Sm. 6^4. //a^mft^ open.—II. It. Morria von. TloM^ Im. W9U. Onm mtu.~i'. H. PviUr. Vayoe, (Oyda, woo, Time, Im.Tfa. Twomius, lap."F. I«agbeed woo. Time, fe>. 47^ THUS saw HifoBOfl for England were made lo trials amoat Ume at the Heme llill track, Loodoo, 00 H«pL B. Herrtt rode a bleycle ooe mile, aopaced, lo to, iljfa, beatiBi Pope'a lime of 3m. 1^. J. Platle-BetU tbeahad a Ay al llarna'mlle MwdreforJ(rm.4Ma, aad be wae aeoceisfel. leverlof the flnres lo 3a. ihiL for Ihe mile, and the loterDedlate dutaaoe records 10: alf mile. In. IKs i three qoarters, Im. mtt. 7. 0^ borae then irted to lower the reeotd lor a fiyiBBiaerter, |iKa,aodhebroscbttheflgufs4sva lolUis, Time. 4m lb>ia. Ua{f nils, upsb, vimn n.— mj ariroaafu, naw lofm, flret; L. U. OatwoSkCieveLand, eecood; J. P. Bllas^Cbt* gego, third. Tlne,lm.6H*. UM wMK Olau A.-w. K. Blmo, Waalilogtoa, seiau flrat: t^laudaK Levherberry, Baltimore. Tfida^ 1 for l»nl ridtog, Yoose, WaahloglAD, Slflyds,, . aeeoad; J. M. While, BalU. nrat: iiuudoE Levherberry, Baltimore. Tflyda., saooodi a^H. Mct?erdy. Pmladalpbia, BOyda, thirtf. Time, tm. ThrreaiirflLCUaa A.—W. K.aima Waahlareo,aatftteh« flrit: M. ll.i1al^BalUnotw,ae«hBd, u. B. Jack, Read log, Pa, third. Time, BoL 11!S|B. 0ns mil*, opeo, Uiaaa B.—Or. II. J. Brawn, Oletelaad, flret; U. 0. Oaluone, Olevelaod, aeoond; W. 0. flaoger, Mllwankeo, thiid. I8%e Rey MoDooaU oaioa lo Bret, Detwaadlaquallded for l»nl ridtog ntPremiiAiilueB—ti. B. Yo ~~ flrat: W. llTllullikio,.1Byda. at more, auOyda, third. Time,7w. Ida. nig Dmr fbr NIeolat* Tho raiton (liL) 'Cycling Club beld their FWl races oaToeaday atierooon, Bept, w, ihe alar of tha meeUngbelQg A. J. MIrolet, who won orory raoe IQ whlob ho was a starter, taking Ave first priiea. Banunary: nsD nlUf, Idji —A. J- .Mrolet won, J. it. NIeolat seoood, Kd. Chureb Ihicd, A. W. t;ieavar. t;iiioago, roorth. Time, am. ITHa. . —• . 1 itoif MlU, ladles'.-Plora Baroaa wuo, Mrs. J. A War* in.seeoad. Time, liti. fiOe. lUncg irfrt rUlnf.—A. j.^Nleolel wnn, Uerrr Oweoa secood. ilntf Mill', ohtniuloaahlp of Kaitero lllloola—A J. Nlocletwuo, J.ti. NIoulflt aeoood,H. B. llall thud. Time, Sm.Sla. ;/u'/H((«,noiloe.—F. Uourley won. A. U. Feoton seo- ond. Park Haopr third. Time, lai. I7s. QiMrtrrMiie.opea.—A. J. NIeolat wun, J. il. NIeolel eecood, A. VV. Clearer, Chioago, thiid Time, Si^a. One eilta, eoooty.—W. White won, T, Kenip seoond, P. MeOraokenthIrd Tims. 3m 3)^0. OM Bitta, opeo.-A. J, Nlcolai who, J. (I. NIeolat seoood, A. Vr. uteaver third. Time, Sin. 36)i. /fdir ml/r, oouniy.—V. Kemp wnn, P. iiuurley second, P. MoCracken third. Tluie, Im. IDjs /tue MUri, chamoloaahlp nl Ford County.—W. Wblta WHO, P. iloerHp secood, F. MoUraoken third. Time, Mm.aiHs. One mlU.unpacfld.—Ed. <.*bufch woo, A. W. Olaarer SKond, J. P. Uoutani, Dlsuo, Uiird. Time, lui. Sl\a The Ooaiiellavllla Whfl»elaaon Held their gecvnd meet tbis aoaaon at their track at 0>nnellstllle, Pa., on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 20, Ihe eronta resulting as shown In the sDmmary below: One mils, no*lce.-Waila Marrlalla, i;oonellivll)e. flnt; L. C. Ilarrer aecond, Koy MeCurwiok Uiird, Tine,lnu fflKa. j/(i(^Miff.opao.-i. L, RaokerjritiahurgAUiletloOlub, Oral: J. II.Hoell, L. B. 1)., a«wnd; J. K. Patteraon, P. A. U., third. Tina, Im. 7a. tlat/mUt^ hoja uoder Id yeara.-ltalph Porter, aoraloh, flrat; Will H, llaer, Si^da., aecnnd; Arcblo WlUlaioa ai>da, ililrd. Vurfff ■ifl«,apeo.-A. Bankeraral;(leoHedlem, W, A. A.. aeeoDd; lllyde guloiby, H. A. t]., third. Oaeoilb; county ehamplonahlp.—H. il. (luhle Aral, J, K, Petieraoo aecond. J. II. noell third. Tims, an. HH*. 0ns mils^J. B. PatUreoo, flOvda., flrat: Paul K. Jacksoo, ^^A, seoood; J. V, Hnitfa, I'/jfda, utird. Time, tm, cm«mlc«.3:40elass.-Olydegulmbr flrst, J. K PatUrv soo Bocood. Paul B. JaekaoD iiiird, Tiiiie,am.UKe. ITirrc MUr«.-B. tl. (lubie, ITUrds., flnt; J. II. HoelL Oyda,, aecnnd K tia Tha New Hour lleoord. H. Bnulioon^ a comiiarallvelF aew flgure 00 Uieleadlog race treeks of yraaee. oo Hept. 17, at Ihe Hordsaus iraek, ihowed hlnseil to be a peppery meml>er of the raelog brigade by Irerellng on a bloyota Jt inilea 793 yarda In aa hour. llwasaceompllJlied In a ulal a^last tbo boor record, held by Dubois. TtiO pace waa not particularly aaroi uoUl about ten kllomeion had beeo eoiorau. Tho llrat kilometer was done In Im 37Us.anlaBi Uuerry's iiii. Il^e. In a ainllar reoonl tnat. and from tbat on to iheteothkiluneuriiiolualve lie wea uauhlePoaroler'a record! At the eieveiiih he cut uuder Uubola* 1 dgurw, doing the elevao kllometera lo lan. SMa agaloat Uubuia* Uat. 31Hs- Tweotr five milea waa riddWL 111 Aim. liMa. PoMlog tue lioor, he weot uo tn fliiy kilo- niaiera (ihlrty-ooe m1lea>in lh.7B.flAXa Tlie average waaSni. lIKa per mile fur Iha loial diaianoe. Bouhuura Is a uiadlum ilud man, round ol limb, aod Uiurougbly hardened 10 the long dialaoee work. Amanic Ihe llooalors* A ntco mcoUng was held at riyiiioulli, Ind., on Krldnyallvroooo, Bi-pi. 'Jl, which was porilclpatcil In prtoolpally by Itical wlioelmon, aod provided ox* ci^llent Hpnrt for sovt-ral hundred iwrsoos. Bnm* mary: l^eomlUi.—(;. F. Ferguaoo,n)yda..woo; ftoulsBartoo, 30'Jyda.. aicood; Beit Aabiuo. iUOrda, third; William Keotochler, IMyilL, rourtli. Tine. nn. ft, //a^m^r.apao.—U. U. tireoi wuo, W. u Weybumseo' lIKs. Keller third, Bert Apple fouttb. Time, Im, t/tne Mlfrr.—0. F, Perguaoo,BOrda.,won; li. Borhio, tODyda.,aeoond; Bert Aabtoo.47ft>ils.,Ihlrd; D.fl.flraok seratch, fourth. Time. lUn. Ijija. O/icnfM; (ipeo.-l»eai] beet betweeo J. M. Eeeler ami U, H. Perguaeo, W. L Way burn aeeood. Time, Siu. Uo. TUB NoHTii IluiP C1.0H hebJihelraaaualtwsBlr-four booia'rwad raee over a now eoareo 00 Uie Oreetnorlli Itoad, Ens. ee HepL Ift. There were thirty.two aiartors, to iba majority or whom tlie aew course was straoge. Ttiere wera three taodema, flvo irloyeles aod tweoiynne aiogle aalatlea. 1i»e race waa aiaried at 11 r. M., and the niiieafaJHrel); K.Bnchiay.Baleiy,seeood,B lahe, Irloicle, third, USHlSbout). J. Vao llooyaonsaoa Park lligliati, taoden aafeiy, Buiabed sereoth, wiu siS wlooer yrovsd Ui Jm 0.0, Foolaioe, F. tl.jCj, ialMy^i|n , inini,BUJitShout). J. vao iiooid* JIiBliatt. _ : mIlea (abool). Tbe now route had yotlo be faiwum, but It wss estimated that Funialne had bealeaP, W. Bhorlaod'a record by two niilesL wiille the pertonoaaees of Bid lake and the land em orew also formed oew reootda. J. IIHBRS, of the Koriliamberleod 'Cyeliogaad Atblet- le fliub, lu winnliig the Ally milea arastaor ohampfeO' ship al lieree Hill London, ftug., HepL lA orealed aew records from tweoty-seveo milea (lb.3m. Ii>ja.i toflflr (lb, 6Sai.4»H>-)' IB oo* Dour be covered. S milea 1,311) yarda. Tag flfty Dillea bleycle race for tho cfaamplooafalp of Wales, ao anaual eveut waa decided uo Mepl I. at Oar* dH aod waa won by thomaa Linton, flolabiog three milea ahead ol If. Jboea. a|ih F, W. Iwe a mile aod a htlfUblBdr Tine,3li. Iwu. 37a K. Dayc a,UetfordC. v., ati«npted to break ibe record ftir tbfl rM* from Luodoo tu Brighton, Eng., and return, riapl. C. )•■ waa Micceuhil, eoifiplellug the Journey laNi.I3iti l«a, baating H. F. Kdge's lime by twelve siS- fiods only, J. MiuiiaaLwoo ibe ooe haodred' mllee ehamplooalilp ol Wales la a rafe at the Cerdlff Herletiuloa' grounds. HapLflk heflBlshlng thediataocf in Ah, kin. iSs. T. Lin' ton waa a loog dlaiaoce behlod, blBitime lor the "boa* dred"belog Ni. Smi. S*. A TBI HILB BOAD AAOB took placo Bt Aabory Park, H. J., BepL », uoder Ihe auapieoB of Uie Aabory Park wltoeU mea. The race alerted and Bolatied at Ihe Ocean lloiel. and was woo by Uaorge Taylor, 4M., in40m.3Ps.; Cbarlee Bchaaeki Am., aeeood, aod Jobo Mania, fun., third. T.T. MiCK.a l»caj uoattacliad whoalmao. la credited wllh bavlog lowered Ihe duable eeotury rocord over ihe coarse iroui Bultalo.N. Y-. to Erie, Pa., and return, hla figures baloi I4li. 34m, Us. Tiiia time was lowered oa Bept S to lA. Sim. BOa. by W. 1'. BUImsl. Tan road race of the Weet Eod Wheslmeo same off at WUkeeberre, Pa., en Hepi.», waa woo by J. T. Nich' olaoB, Sqg., lo &)n. 41a.; U. Kai :maa eecood. imarlea Bo* gle third. Uarry Keller wen the Ume prlieU ceuo.a!a. TaaflAy Biles bicycle champlooahlp of KcoUaod waa contended for in a race at l>uodae. HopL II; the wlooer beiog J. Millacky, with H. II. Marlio aecood aod B. U, Crawford third. TlBte,ab.»iB. UV-. AUVATIO ITKMM. AnsiTissosswiHMfBO. by WallerO. DonplasL of the Jlew York AthlaUo Club, anaaieur ebampioo, ba* b*sa Isened from the preseoftneABericaQliporu Pubilablog Oompaoy.oithlseity. It eooialos lull inairectloos re* ganliagihevarlooaatrokeauaed lo Uieartorielmmlojr, with ctiapure 00 dlvlog, plooflog aod iralniog, and will lie foaadferp aselul, nut ooly to U.s oovloe, but to those wbe ere moparsUvely eaperi Tssanauar swlmmlog cbamplooship ol lUyds, wee eoflieoded for at Uia (lorbaiB rublie Baths, Olaegow, 00 BepL 13. Moore, ol Edioburg^ proved Iht wlooer. la tm. wi-. which now forms the HcotUsh reeordi bealiog tbe few. 3Ka. of tlarrp Adam. Tagbalf mileawimmlBgtfuaploasblo of Irslaad waa raead (br at the Blaakroek Baths, IhiUla, reesatv, aad was won by Osear Coa wBTt