New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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498 M ' H H ! ISTEJW YORK OLIPP^R. OOTOBEB 6. Robinson's Opera House CINCINNATI, OHIO. OPEN DATES IN FEBRUARY, MARCH AND APRIL, FOn FIRBT CLASS MELODRAMATIC AnRACTION. Addreii lor lime, J. P. DHVI8, Warmer. Sliarplii|'s L)ceiiiii Tbtra Ca, A 600D PROPERTY MAN Ibat can Plaj Parts, Alio a RELIABLE yAlltrCHtRAGTERS, Anil oae for 6ENERAL BUSINESS. To inch a fair aKlary will be paid BVBHV TIIUUHD.IV, Addrsii, A, J. HIIAltPLK Y. 81at«r, Mo. A. J.allAUPl.UY, 1 ..,,^1.,. WANTED, A PARTNER, with ready oaih, to Invest In n lare winner, known THE LA PEARL R, R. CIRCUS. Tbli linot KO oi|ierliooDt, but ft irlftJ hucc4M. llftra |ul clnaed ft aeuoii ufufw twaiiiy-luurwfltkn, ftnil DeTsr mlftMil ft ulftrf dmjt ftnd dan't owa ft dollftr aotl oiftJe nooftj. IfftTs ft Tuur i«ftn' rapuUlloa oa Uie urns routs, wlilch !■ fti Huod u aolil. Mr ujlJ'ot U to oiftki ttilf Mio« Iftrgor Uifto STsr fur Mftiun Iw. Ooa wiihlDR to lOTMt laftolrcuB.oD lovefttlgftllng, will And UiU ft rtro obftooe. Cfto rurniali tn« btm of rafortoMi r«Rftrd- log honantr, noil the lucMii of tli* LK VHkHL SlfOW for tn« pftil Tour yuatt lift ■uincJ«nl||ukrftBt»«ft« to mj ItaalotAM quftlincailnDt »■ ft mftOftgtr. Tbe pIio« will MftUKftOtljr «iiutpi»f<l. ErsrrtlilnR oftw for td. I •u fttftln ruDoiDK uiy Wlotir Uiroui tC OftoTlI)«j 111, and ftlwATft hftT« runtrt for cireu> or rariftiv paopts llftT* rlni ftPd auift Addrau J. II. LA rBARL. DftprllU. HI. Now Court Si. Thoatro, BUFFALO, N. T. Academy of Music, TORONTO, Ont, OPEN TIME. BnflUlo, werkft of Doc. 31* Jan* 7, April 1. nil ot Uay vicopt wvak of i). Turwittu, December lU, Jmu. 7, Feb. 4, M«r€h U CJomeily, ViiaileTlllr iir llnrl<iH|ue Com- panls« only. Apply to H. llUIIINSOfV, Court 81. Theatre. Duffrtlo, N. Y. FOB SALK The two beautiful Klectrlc Nceulo Thealrei now plnylng lo crowded Itouiei at tite Ht. Luule Eipoeltioai and Mllwaa* kee Indaeirlal lAiiHislllnn. Tliey are big money wlntiere. itoiieoit foriellInK libe- oauee uur fireat droiie Painting Htudio aaid Jllaioitio llouf Uardeu retiuiro our whole time. AildrvMi, NUHMAN dk LANDIH, M3fl»M3M ». Cllnlun Bi.^ rhlcii||o. III. Commlns Music Hall, OAKVIllE, ONTAIID. ID Mils, from Tflrnnls City. H»<> TOO. Popalalliili 3,U0U. tiuod una night slMBd Ibr lint ol... cuiu|iaulei only. W. C. COMBIINH. U.kvlllv, OatarlD. 4TII ANNKAI. irOBBiaN TUUK, NOW HN HOUTB tTihUUCU (IIIILI.UOUTll AIIBHICA, EDNA & WOOD, 1 TftD t^outitftnlkdo M li>t«rloB 7 NovidftdeSt VUUD. tb«Kftniuu»WliftnlftiidVftDlrllo- luUi; Kdoft, 111* A(r Walker, ftod Com- iiftitr iiriaj>«ui>le. PorftlfD of <:0S4UL AMKHIIiAKn. VftlpftrftlftO. Circus Ganvasosi Tents of Ml Descrlptloos llaDQtactariiL M. It lUNKELY. W 8ouUi Btr—t. WftW Tork Olty. SPECIAL LETTER STAND. Co 1 Bftller Tliftn Type ur Block Vork. No DepoilL H«dU II lor Jl ftliML, Id rnlon-.1 ihttu. Write CQCC S ftO.VftftVft umnwy J7 HO. an HT . Hl.Uft.. I'ft HICC. SPECIAL STAND WORK I will iKwiii vour ftltuouon, iwell Kur rK»i|iui. Hurorlur to Ulbo. iiJ roiulliiK niatier ftud $1 for I Hiii|>lo t) olivet ■UiiO, H colon, or- ll«iuftl d«iilHn. Ref Dmfth Nftt iBank. CARLICl'tlN SHOW PUINT.aiH-tt '>*■ KUi HL. (liiinl ta. H»b. FUTURE WlFE AND HUSBAND. Tb* boH uiifftlly tor olKUHft*, niURMiu*. l««nUuifttor, •10 UiTVuUra and iiftii)vl«e.t«o eeitta. PUTURK tX)H- l-ANV. T9 Kait Tliirtwmli Btrwt^ N. Y. KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIGHTS luiproTfd ftod retlttcfd. it«ud for oiraalaj, OEO. TATLOH« mOTtJ to 97 Ollll HtreeU Miw Tork, UanufftOtortr ftfid Anet SHOW CANVAS. Bvllt to onlor on aburt uoitca rur nl*, ebaap. od« oai OL IW1IIUL Wrtu luT utntoulftTB. lUu^trftied oataloiuf tree J. <t. mw a UU . lU AiwaterWL. D»lroll. MloR LEHER HEADS, $6 UP. 840J I C«Ol RUlOTt tor ftftUiplM. ■ALL KNtlHAVINUul aojd Uou. H«ud «tp7 Ibr e*Ucui "CALIOPES.' 1 for ftdtertinMiK 7uur huiiiiftfi; rMluotd prloftft TIKW J Nti-ihU. A CO. nnnlnnaii. n '^''.'ir'^iAGreat BigHitll "Whose Little Girl Are You??" BY C. M. ROSENBERG. The Greatest Waltz Se«g of the Dii. Soon bf Kfttla RooDftf. Jeoola Taaraftoi-Tltua, Jo«l« Ia foDlaloe, KftUiiho* Levli, BoddIs Thomtoo. J. f. OorrAD, Ucorf Diilt aad oihar iUri with tremwMloai incuM. ^ ^ TRKHENDOUS HITI "Hist Yer Umberolla." TTordi b7 f V. WAHHAK. author of "AVBET MARIE," Mono hr JOP. NRWMAN. BaoR b7 HAITI R08A, JOB NEWklAN aoJ oiLtr iian Sood 10 c*Dt« with pro- graninie or call pertontlly. THERE ERAL ARE SEV- OTHERS." TOPICAL BONO. By W. T. FRANOIS ODo 01 tliscautilMt longA Av.r wruma, and bonod Co b« popul.r. Ranibr VOCLIP. FULLER, ol UUIlD t ll. rt'. r.o..MlJ LVUIA YBAMAXH-TITUH. A NOVELTY. "LITTLE PAPOOSE." Word, iir or. wauman. .uuior 01 "swiiin' iiarii! ■' AO loJiu Liilltby, v.ry pr.ltr ud orlKlotl LYDIA VEAUANH-TITUfl hu mull It Iter prlDCipol lODII. TWO UKBAT CIIARACTiiR BOKnil, "SHE*S IRISH," Who's Dat Hneein' Yon, Hannah Brown 7" Dear Little Home, n. UENRY. The Rose My Mother Wore, C. KUWAIIU.H. The Banks of the More, r. LVHTEH. Dora Lee, ROBBRT ELK. OY WARVAN, AUTHOR OP "SWEET UARIE." Ulil JooNoviuao, Ui. popular ballatl aJDR.rof Ui., aod oompoior or"nhootlD' Ormp.." h.T. nrlu.D ud eoni' poMd a.Tonl anoK., and tha; nil] ahorU/ b« pub- llaliwl by tb. mboT. eoiopasy. To prorMOlonalM 10 caou and projinaim. EACU or ttU p.lioilAlly. WIU1IUK-8TIULEK UUSII! FUB. CO.. 131 Weat a-Jd airo.t. Wo* Yorll Cut. THREE WINNERS. "IN A DEAR OLD GARDEN." RoOBaod rafAio, tiT Joii. D. Oreao. A oaw aoDg br tLa author of "rha Old Home Uowo od Ibe KariD.** Hvael ftDd wlMleioDia, and lore to plaftM. "MADRIENNE." A Romanu br R- U. StalU. Id two kara.for teuuror barliooe. A chtrmlog kodk ol the faoioua "Uariueriu** aiyla and fair affectlTa. "DON'T RUN THE OLD MAN IN DEDT." A toplomldluy br Uarrr J. BAllou. Tb. word, bf Uia auilior of Mabrook.*. ir«at hit. "(Ireallli. Old Haa With a Bnilla." Ilaa bIe Rood reriM and mor. to com.. BouDd to b« a viDOar. Prolesilonal copies leiil tin ipplIctllOB. OroheilrB parts, 10 oeniL OLIVBU DITSON COMPANY, 493-403 WKihlngton Htra.l. BoaloB. NKir YORK: FIIILADBLPIIIA: DITHON A CO., J B. DITHON » CO., an Broad«ar. 1,2a ObMUut HI. fBALDWIN BROS., Ludlng Aaramutt el the Waril INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE, ARB NOW OPEN FOB SEASON OF lOi Alto aunnlaotuion of .11 klod. ol BaUoob. (Oa. or Uot Alrv R«Dd rorprioollatto . BALDWIN BROW.. F. 0. Bol lit OuloOT. m. P. R A. The thr.. Trick llonii. u.wl In th. Adam Fur.|i.u.h*<Ulrcu.. ThOT >ra known a. Hliottwl Dan, Ob.rt T.ll S.nator, and Luna Tall Torn. Writ, or apply to TUB UALTO. IIOniiB BkCIIANQE, M. VOX «i HOIDII, Prop., 3111.330, 3il Nor'h Rtroot Baltlinor.. Md. TORONTO, CANADA. ROBINSON HOUSE, 105» 107 aad 109 Bay St. Pint olftJi aocouiniodftUODi lor t3 par waak. DftU block ftoM all ihafctrea. M. 0. KHQE, Propnator. Serpentine Dancer, beautiful wardrobe, DBSIHBa BNOAOBHBNTO. Bacreurlaa of fklra wrila. H. L.. care Mftdlaop. T Wen Ulh Blroat. Naw York. J. T. RAVENSCROFT IS UANA6ER ,0F HAVKNSl^HOa^MurKKAlloimB. TheoDlf larfeOpan llottift in KfMih^r* Mtl Kiwio eotwl nx^n lime WM. AHMSTItONO, U6 KaaiLako, Obloacr, lU., pianafkoiur^r ol HHOW OANVAJ3 fall kiotla): al«n BftUoooa. Prleea retaoBabla. Hellclaa Perlomers Wanted, loelaillnK 6001I BU&CK VAVK I'OMKUIAN »ad othar all arooDiTMopla. WTltaqutok. wllh ln«e«i ftftUrr. DK W. N. HONTOOl RKT. care HiuhIpu^h ImiitTt Mw. t*o. Hooea. Iowa. WANTED, 6000 ATTRACTIONS.-ENGAeE- HKKTri BIKIKKI) Al I, TIIK TIVR UIKID (IPBRA UOUKB. I'tifolalluD ,11 citr u.arly ^UUI) Addrav J. A. ISl.KV A BRII. lilaiia««lK Barllnnon. N.n. BREED'S OPERA HOUSE, PERRY. IOWA. HBATtl W. iMpulftlInn, 6 iSO. Uoothlr pty rail. lUOOL Modare •qqlpmaou. rintelftaafttllMUoiuwaiitM. Bew tboe tows in lUte far lu elM. B, A. TBION, M|r.| LETTER HEADS ^ Allal7lea Beod lorlarea wmpla paokiie. Bo. WaoilR- iDfttf, olhaTi imllale. t^ROHrt. M Meatborn at. lihlogo. emeus CANVAS TO PURCHASE, RENT, OR EXCHANGE, A Fiotnra for a Cjolorama. Address UONTBEAL CT- OLOBA3CA CO., Ii'tU, Montreal, Can. (FORMERLY PEOPLES'), CHICAGO, ILL Him m MIHE Open tim. In Oct., Nov. and Ow. for B]ieclaltl«a. Alao.nvcr.l Dale, for Vauil.- vlll.and llurl.BqaeConiblBallouf. Only tho beat talent wanted. M. A. DIIISCOLL, NanoRer. fleooDd hud, la Rood wndltloD; on, nt Booad Top, on. flUft., 00. tmi, on. fiAtV, one OiltD. Writ, for 5?5»Ir ^^ _JA«BB MARTIN * BON. S and 97 Blohinood atrwi. Boaloo. Uai Entirely Newl NoHumbuglll INRTANTANBOUR CURE FOR IIBADAHUB AND CA- TAHKU, Id alumloam oaa*. Leila r(»reT»r. BaUa at ■iRbL Af anta wanted aTorrehere. Hand ii ceota for •auipia and daacrlptlva eircuiai. M. PBTRIK, 79 B. Tlilrtaanth WtieeU titn York. V NELLIE DOBSON Wanted, to Correspond at Once with AN AERONAUT «J<D PARACUUTK JUKPER. WOMAN PRBFEBRBD. BOX 1^ K.laula. Ala. CAROUSAL 0R6ANS. THE FINEST STOCK OF at) alaa ornoa la ifaa warM loraala, at leea tJiftn roat. at TAYLOR A HBRKLLO'ft, tO Fark Row. N. Y. KeMlr lUK ftfld OMtfl 07UnJ»Ta ft apeclallT. R>tabllfthaJ lata. NO BUM WORK L E T T K 1* H E A 1> For ererjbodj. Jon back Irom Europe, boya, wtib Iota of D«w lilaaa. Rtmplav lOc. FRANK MVRRfC Arllat. Room IS.Tlmaa Bldg- K. Y. SPECUL DESCRIPTIVE STANDS. Tba Ter7 abowleit paper pouad. The oolr raai deilfa- era in thalrapeelal Hoe. Rafaranca. the letdioR abow Srlot^ni ot tha D. It. Junt 1x7 our work and b« coQTlDcad. aware of fakaa. Wa do thia work cheapar than aor pTiDlloE (Inn can dravtbabloekaoreoftraTa theatooe, and aran tiieo make ahowler ataoda. We onlj aak a trial trom ahowa who do not know ut. Tbia aaaioa wa bare done the larKWt amognt of ■taad work for old patrooa who have baao mUiakeo, loollDg with muahroom datib- en who do nothoow whatdaURD la. New Idaaa. eatoh7 daalRoa, do dapoalia. ao; quaailty. prompC Mrrlce. 6«od $1 ud reidioq mattar for 'U abfetataDd Id colon to D. C. HUMHllwV><AC0..77 BAuth 3d flc, PhilAdelpbla. Fa TO MANAGER S. THE BRIANT CHILDREN, BARUUERITR AND rillNCESR, OUILD DANCERS, AQEDT AND8, hftTecloaad ihelrroMSvtoaotwlth IOWA BTATB BAND, wllh wbom tha7liaTab«eD appaariDR Id their loDR rapertoire ordaneaa. EodorMd b7 praaa and publia aTar7wharo aa bains WONDEBfl. To muBirara dailrlof; lo iiacura thti card lor aeajoo 'Si- ft, will aa7 ihfti Uiay am at llbarty to aign wlih flraicltM 00. ODI7. flDapco'aaarn atauipa. Addrau all cftmiDUDl- caUonaloaBOROB U. IIOLC0»BE,a,0S IlenoeplD At., HinpeapoUOlloo. FIHHT CLASS ATTRACTION* WANTED FOR DRAKE'S OPERA HOUSE, STANHOPE, N. J. PopalalloQ 1,001; now bookloR aaaJioDof 1691 and alfeofballdiDR. fItW; ntaga, UiU;Qaw acaDar7;»«aUDB cap4oit7,U0: llRlited by eaa: healed br aiasm. 1. J. DhAKE, Ovoaraod Maoager, p. 0 Addreq. Nettong. y. J. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TO THE "PBOFESII," aod ih. fael adda a auat llok lo Tonr ehalD ol lame. If foa bar. a good portrait oat of jroorHlf lor Mationatr aod adT.rtlalDK. W. make tb. rlgbt kiDd for tl.(JU. lu klDds ol cut. for .how prlntiog atadlsoooot. Write CHICAGO PHOTO ENGRAVINO CO., IS Madluo 8t. Cbleaio. Faec) Watclies, Jeielri and Sllieraira Soil- ABLB rOK PAlRII,rlK0U8U aad OIVB AWAT FUR. FOttBa e.Dd lor lUaltratad oetaloiu.. BAXZSTT A UIIKR, 1MB. Mfcllaop 61. Ommo. llC JOB PRINTEI VAN PLtrr, Mffw eauiH aa-M kntiie it.! SHOES. Wfalt* Canraj PoiDpa,ae.: blk. canvaAiOo White CtDTai OtiUra, ololh eolei, |i.gD: laalbar eolwi, $1U; bik. eanraj, oluth aotoa* il.a:laaiharaolaa,tlJa All Leather Pampa, laead, tlJO. Supnortara, Uo. Foaipakl on raoalptof prloa. Tenna,caah with order. 80 paie calalotfue for to. atamp. & H CAI.U 219 UaloBlreaCHprlDeOald. Halt. "-Aja, Oi>eneir," NEW OPERA HOUSE. Muskoges, tnd. Ter., ABOUT OCT. MH. fitege 3518D, H iMta aceoary, plaotj of aat ittoff. eloctrlo andfiaii liRht; 4boiaa, ftJO op«ra cfaalra,with bait cer- taiDtj aod ihariDfi tarma. Addrefta FRED E. TURNER. Mir. COMLNU TO OOTO HOTEL WARWICK, SI Roulh Clark Uioat. ODif on.blook Iron, FoalOince. and coor.oleDt to all Thfta- trv aod Railroad*. Rooui and boatd, tfi p«r wMk. T. V. PAT, lorinerly Loula. Ho.. Froprl.ter. CIRCUS CANVASES ALMOBTNEW. UfLand Uft. Round Topi. AliooawTDIL Be and Top with 90ft Middta Placa and lOm. Bound Top ^aap. O.J.BAKBR.I0lW.TMniaL.ganaaaCUy. Mo. PUMPS For Compressing OXYGEN S HYDROGEN GASES INTO CYLINDERS BY HAND POWER. SEND FOR CATALOGUE NO 2 TO CHAS. BESELER, 218.CENTRE ST NEW YORK. MISS EARLIE LINDEN And her aaiiiiorctaii; contiiaiix want ftn Al Bln|(log and DeiiclnK CumvillRn, a feMmbreile that can nnd dura eliig and dance, alao Good Oriieral Arlor. A good* flair aalery la ofTfrrd lo thoae wUo know nnd will ntteud lo tlieir reapectlve llnea of bualneaa. ir you are not lliuroaghly callable do not endeavor to encaKe. Addreaa IIOSCOE DB WITT. Maoeger. Ln Croaee. Wla. WONDER, I WONDER IS ONE OF THE CUTEST, SWEETEST, DAINTIEST AND MOST CHARItUNG OF DESCRIPTIVE BALLADS EVEE ISSUED BY THE KLNG OF SONG WRITEKS, Ghas. K. Harris, THIS SONS IS DIFFERENT THAN ANY OF HR. HARRIS' FAMOUS COHPOSITIONS, ANB CAN BE SUCCESSFULLY SUN6 BY BOTH LADY AND 6ENTLEIIAN SIN6ERS. Sent to Frofeulonala only .ncloilng card or programme at 10 cent, per c.pyi orch.atratlona ofnln. part. 10 cent, extra, P. 8.—If yoa liaT. not ai yet procured the OREAT HIT, "WHILE THE DANCE GOES ON," Don't loie thie la.t opportnnltr, a. tbere are bat a few proof cople. left. Writ, plain to yoara "Afler the Ball," CHA8. K. HARRIS. ' Mode Pobllaher, Milwaukee, Wl.. FIITIIRF UIIFF AND IIUBBA.VD9 ANDBAIIlBI<.al«> rUIUnC nirC NaamM .ad FonuOM. J. EABLT. Ml Waahlntroo Ht. HwtoklTP. N. T. Raoiplw malM. Iflc WANTED, yiNSTREL PEOPLE; ALSO CLOWN WHO CAN For os iiimFTv dumftv act. tuosb WUO VAN FLAT IN BAKD niFBHRED. tatlor nnrrox, M.mriiia. t.od. Il\l A Bpactacular kfalodrama, Id Lhrea aeu. lotrodaclDs Rl Basaen Ban All'i Troope ol Anba, a Hard of CtaaU, Dromadatlaa and llonei. Band and Orchaatra of Solo Buaiclant. LarBoatparade of aav Opera Boom auraeiioa. TraTellDBlnaapasiftltrmloof TaatlbalepaUcaara. ffANTBO, 3 Al COHEDIANS, Datob. irUh aod Black ra«t, ihu do duolDg apeclaltiai Beapoualbia Stan Hanasar and otoar people In all braochaa or the dramatic bu'loau. Praleraac*toihotadDDbiinitln band, end Al Leader for Band and Orcheitra and other Solo Maaiolana thatdoabla. Htau lowaat aalary. Bipanaeapald. SEASON OPENS NOV 1. Addrau L. W. WASHBURN. 11 W. Sth St., Claolnnatl, O. p. B—Andy H cOldude, Chrlat Oraao, Jobnoy Moi, Jan. Walch, Qao. Beokle, DIUoo. late ofSwaeoey'a Mlii«tre|j,ftaivu TRinVft 3H.1 THUKS BV MAIL for lOo. ■lAfiin TDIPIfft niHiNieiiiNQ rardr and nnVlb iniulVO NlNB0TniBTRICI8,Ueif.: With Ur** honfc. Addieae Jeliii o.ii*k>Mi>-.tHe»eLfta<.n WANTED, FEMALE SINGERS ARLR TO ri-AVTlANO FOR CO.MCERT MALL. OAHi. HHt'linifr t5l W tHhRlr^et FhlHdalpbla. Pa. Grant's Opera Houbo, Cygnot, 0. Main ell town oi Ohio Vaw honaa. Seod for opeo time. '^oiUna bat food aitnctlona wanted. Al ahow town. & OftAlfT, >Uaa<ar and Prapnetor, OrgBMt 0. bistkrsvilIjb:, w. VA. WANTED: STRONG FIRST CLASS AHRACTION FOR OPENINQ NIGHT OCT. 10,11,13,16,16 or 17. All cootracu mad. with fonaer Maoanr, Mr. Work, are coo.ld.rwl itood. Tk. Bljoa Op«ra Uoqm U healM aod lighted wllh natural Ran. BoaleJ with the lAtMt opera chalra. Full atodi of now acanerr. atttlOKcapacllr.RUL OrcbMtra. Blaga dlmenalooa, J)1I0 f.41. Promolum opealar, lOiS TMt BUtert.iIle la alluat.d oo In. 0. R. B. R., aod l.ceotrallr located botwMo WbMlingand Fark.nburg. la tb. cotie olth. gruCoUaod gaa fl«ldao(WMt TlrglnlA. Uaa a popnIatioD oi iJXlO aod Increaeing rapidlj. Coolalna ilrM clean hotel, with beat ol accomroodatioc le now eiptrlenciog Urn grecteet boom ol any Iowa In the world. Maoagers with ooen tima writo. Addrwa R. GATES, Ilan.ger. EISIPIIATIC HIT, Or GONE, BUT NOT ASTRAY.' CompoMd br ODmiB L. DAVIH. Tbiaaongl. beionauog by Ibe boM eingere lo America aod England, aod laahlL FrolMelon, lOeeou; orchealrmtlona, IDo In 0 and A.flaL JAMBS HTILLUAH. Huaio Pohllahor .17 Blllh^ New York Cilr. LOOK OUT FOR SAUUEL J. CURTIS' UBBAT HIT, "AN OLD FASUIONEO VALENTINE " SEAHOIf '04 and 'OS. dESASON' 'U4 and 'OS. THE! The Ulti. One auiDolnted with Feiui. Huir new and startUn? norelUes In legerdemain and Bplrltuallem. doo outaone. Wanted a good, sober adiance ' " . . . BTlranla and Ohio preferred. Slate salary. HAMMOND, Manager, 120 Sheridan Arenne, Pittsburg, Fa. UABT B. dent, dress TWO FIRST CLASS SPECIALTIES TO STRENGTHEN SHOW WEEK OF nrOTEMBCR »6. iKdtlross HYDE & BEHWIAN, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. STERLIISO A.TTR. ACTION THK SMINKWT COMEDIAN, MR. OWEN BARTLETT, In a Special Repertoire, Supported bf a Strong Companir of Dramatic Artists. Opera Houee Managerethrongh Wlaooniln.Iowa,Illinois and Mlitoari sood open time and terma^thrve nlshta and-week alande. 49" We pcodace a urlei of pUyi worthy of the attention oryoar beat patjroni. Write for part Icn Ian. WANTED, PIAIVISX. A nntdaaaaoIolatandilRhtreadar. UoaibeBretolaAa, PreraraltdywhocoolddooneimallparL AlaovanI to hear from riHST OLABS DRAllATlO PEOPLE. Good wardrotM indlapeoaable. To recaiTe altenUoD all lettara muatconulo proeimmmea, and, irpoaalble, photo, wblch will be letoraed. Rlataloveataalair: Mlra ftn, bal|bt aod weight. FaraeadTanced to reapooalble paople. JAMBB A. BARTLETT, Maoacar, Ifiaoo City. lova. TWO NEW 80NC8 THAT WILL BE HITS. "SHE'S MY DAUGHTER STILL/' AbeaatUul BarltoDo SoDtr.auDg by Albert M. Hawthorne, Uarerly'e Ulottrali. "THE SAME OLD STORY," Ooa of Ibe beat Flirting SeoRa that haa beaa writtaa, auoi by llarrr Falrbanka, Tenor. Ootham Cltr QoartaL Coplaa a«Dt free to the profeuion undlnff programme and route. HATIO.SAL MU8I0 CO., 315 Wabafh Avaana, fnncago, III- THE PHENOMENAL CLUD EXPERT AND REV0LVIN6 8L0BE ARTIST, I. one ofthe moet Senaatlomal gpeclaltlea on tUe TanileTllle .laRe, making tbe luoit aatoBl.hIng ca.chea, while Joggling duba on tbe globe. Act la bleblr recommonilcti Ooiu all manager, a* n ' ONE OF THE SXHONGESX SPECIALTIES- AdJreei CMAg. HBHMAW,- Ag.nt. 140 Ea.l Firie.ntb Street, It. V. MUSICIANS and UNCLE TOM PEOPLE tJI»e lownt hard llmen aalarj la Brat letter. THV poWBLL. .. Atcblaon, Kana... 0«t. 13, L.awenwrorth 10, Ottawa 10, Lawrence IT.Topeka to Mtn^ HUE'S OFHIlillill ClnrksTlIlc, Texas. NnkoHsa. Brooiid floor. Seating capultf 500. WANTED-An Attraotloii for Opui- Iiia0ot.l6ora8. O.S.BnbU,Maiunor. FOR SALE, Handsome Snake Ontflt, ConaliUng ol In. our. nickel pitted rail t Taylor made iV^'i ' IVIor mad. Rail Bol All eomplou lor ■ftydoUan oath. Addnae AKY AMJNOTON, lunom ■how,MMoB,aa.,0<ia,AUanla,aa,Octa COMEDIAN With Good Hpeelalty, Addreaa AVOUSTIN BKOVILLp. Park Theatre, DaTton, Oti'o_i. Hosic Anugid for Bail-Aidrass AlrH WILLIB. Elkhart, lod. CLOGS. THOS. SPENCER, TUB OBIOIHAI, TBBATUOAI. OLOO MAIU. B*** IaetBnrUiaUlUbi.HhM. Bi W. Ulh mn.^ K->■