New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 13. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 507 OHIO. VlaelBBaU.—^thoiigti tta iiuu|«fi bne _—U inml"^'"'—orkMwibwtrlalHuoD aoi of U«a bwtlMO to nfliUru taiphuto ptolMt. BtnnI of <M •ttfMtIm bocktd >i Bablaus'i Opm ap Uulr d*u Iwt wMk llw Umll or oiuluuM wu ,^«l,ud Kiuftr Jokn O. Diru dMioiK.thil bo MOPOMd U I'*'* '■*■■> allwt dim- {ni lsrnch imtaiut Mr. lobloom fooli Uko ipoiid- [giAfovdoDonto fladoatil onltortwo brdAffltfoa voo't bold food. ouxD Onm± Howl— JobutoDo Bonniu li fore BUtiBOOitboiowbooraooooln "rb«Amuou,"0<t& IbodoOdolltDdBUIooBllioo u* "lb* othn" iloun. {STu lood. "IbonnlDfaboWU. iTAun 8IUR Tauni.-Iollu oponad «. "Tbo gu mm UK Woit" pbrod to bl| todloDcM lo tho bo. i4BnUix.battbirowuft eeotnaloD oo tbo ««ok vore ImTam Uor'i pppnUtltroonU not uto bit ploy ina erilklJB. It li blibl/ impmbtblo. bat li boloi oblppod lota botur Ibopo., Don DOTldioo. wbo ••- HEV tbo nlo bi Tbo Cal »rt tbo oonpuj s ud woi necoodid br/. B. DooooUr. Idwud Miu oudo tbli Uoopld. "Oorrut" li HATua'sTiiUHl.-Buiio/rotiraun wii iood 7, In •Oiidr'i Blondon." 'Vopa HolIo>"wu «>ll reooliod uft oook. PloroDco BH'dlop li ^iCHt Onu Bocn-Jobn EtmolL lo "llertd' dw'«Slopoinool,*'ooiDO 7. Lut «wk *'Tb« btowowoT" pU|«l,^obflaiooOilbatoTongod (ood. H«o)ou"?a- opoDod 1. witb Chorloi/OBiinolMtoioa. -a Jop Olitoi" iMoploodldboilBOio. TboBODUSuUorCo. M. Boiu<ao>'aorauUoini.-84oi Jiok'tbiooloBorloi' aooCoapuydldoanlit buloioa ud coiDnooced tbo Hcoodooduitivooi'iooiftfioinont?. SodU UoMooli. noiii'i T«iii«ij-H»riT .MorrU' Eounoiooim optood 7, racoHdIu tbo RuaoU Bnthon' Comoditu, (So oon ondllod wllb |ItIo( tbo bott Ttrlttr poiftiiin' uoa ol tbo poor to tanto booioi. Tbo Boio Bill Boj loiqaoCo. 14. loiL t Uipnmrt Mutpn.-iialllo Hillios woo lUU luuur Is tbo Ooiio Bill Mn. milioid (iotbo noio), JlidMio OoDora (Clttulu boUneor), Ooio. Foot* wdoUtorond Ell Bowoo tboll nun acrobat) hopt bireompur. Tbo BUnn Mlonfo aamnon, Joo Allto, Miior UoirfL Tom Oormu, LuIq WIIioq Uwlabtonii MUBloi'lto Jolnrootorud Tool Willlomi prOTldod tbo olio. BOilDOMlOIOOd. *^ Ootur.-Lottlo Ullloo voi eollod »» rtom RiuwU PMlilo in UlnblDf or tnloi [Oreo eomodjooitoooioo. Tboodoim Floffllo, Wllb Montoo, tIoUoIil will niko o oooeoit loar dorloi tbo Wintor Curloo BtHlDMO U DOWdfOunlOKor ftootboriptotaaloooUod ■Hlliopotn." BoUad Bood'olttaaoionmoot pioTod to bo tbo onit piDltoblo bo oror oiporfoocod In Olooln. otu HuiT ManolU bnko biood witb Muoior JuMi 0. FoaoMir ur^ In tbo woob BonDoaBoll- ndtJr. boionlTOd In Bromoo. cioToUBd^A teTinl ot bmlDeis wu genanl dorloilbo putwook ot OU tbo bouiM, bit tbo EodId ATWDoOporoBoiiMoollpoodOTenlUowniocoido. Tbo rKi^^M"*:."'*" CorapooTboM tbi booida ■MkorOcLITboodToncoulowutba Unoal lo tbo bluorroftbo lH»ao,ond "aB 0."wai iblralVdacloi O""'^* J»JW" "C«moo •• -Tannb.wor." "tohon- .^a"'''* "»•"«•'* ' and"IlTrofatoro"woro pnwolod IbocoDpaoF.lowiTor.lianlodiroiontonu. uuJoOjtboebonii wooLond ibowloic lack or tralnlni. LTCtCM THUTAB^SuIOIU' ' PutMlDt," W^k Of I. dl(lUMbMiweek*ibuloeui]oa«atUilib«uM UiU Mt- AmIIb* Ball «U1 pndaea "Dorou" for Ui« Ont Unt In tloo," 11, II, II Bhu, we«k 01 i9o ^■■""•.-^'••^ Mount ?55iil??*5l!kS "'^*°''"""'' ?*f.?'.'Jf'^^^f room buKam ibToood o'-fi^ *■ "MoOwHlle tod Poodle." B. W. WUIIftiDi* Ova Co. VHk of IS. ™2Tr? S**"**?** ^**''* *"»rf »m bo fonuUr if?.!?".'!'"*.?* ri^^' Thofttrt. It off duty, bfllait l«td up ta«»M>C BIIIjB»rr7;irt.d»bM two plAft lor put •euoD, ooi -*pAridiM All«»''uid tb* SKL: .?'*rf"S^."- ^t"J'''^""i'-'h.r . ^'''■"baa^At ttie High StiMt TbMlre "Wife Biiiwr»im*Co.b*d ftorovdod boaM4, «bklo RuimU'i CMMd^i did ootr WriT ft, 0L -Tho Lo»t PAndlM" SSopliSco*"* byiho PmIIdo -ilKHf ..i*>P«"-r^» WUoi Open Co., la wu to hATOflJIod tb«dftt«&but obuiadto Utorlo tb« . '^yCoB.—At the Orud Open noose Sun T. Pwlloo UtH iX • DoTo lo Dlila * 17. 1^*5'I".?*™"--;^* Wilbur Op«r« Co.dlPpUf«l th« " .^■"J'''l*'''JE» Ploiaroi bofoff ibo i«'*!J".f .'2^ "i* Mtna iLnfAoKUHUie NsutIUo, In ■Con »" ood "Tho Bor Tiamp." BoLDiotf HoiiiT«iAimi.-*'X Cork lUn," a; drew big bwlooM "A EeolQckr Oirl" 0. "Irlob UemMtud' IS pJ£"Ili'"Jf"*»'i"-:rO*>« TimMrLwit»L»w«D««,Ada vtra! Blat«n,Tom dormutnd LoUlo Be n ^."•fi?'"^* ^"^^ MP'w Hooee the Kat] fLS'S'* ^'^P"'- ■upponlof Ortmrit*. lo "Mitum*," ll/'AOfOM UM PolOOlW** 14 th!P-?*'V9?"*«"^%=-!""*«»' tb*«relidoing* Siu.'Sli*?' J"*"' «^T"•'^% Baini* Cotrely.Minofi ■Moo, Jeonio LeairnDd Laor SUwud. ^UiB'fl HooiO HALL.-BrowaB^OB,tndLlI■leJobQ■ wn^'^^'"w>^^S**^:^^ 0P«« Hon* "A ^.Jf T^^i^ '^1'*^ booM. GomlBw: \ IhiwU'* Coid»- Btuk'e <}p«m HooH Jobn arialh,lo "Pentv'i wu wiUrtMlfed bra Iwfo oadleoeT'Wetk of8: Madge Taeker, at popolar prleao, 10, X) ud 99 oaoio. * tfAuafleld.—At tbe MemorlAl Opem Hooeo tbe CU7 HporU gave a gi«d t*-.vw to» ■ouU bouae Oot.4. Tbt oomln otom od "Loto to. Miecblei," a loaibable UfM.aadanoedln"AUotNltbt"aad *Ti;eBlop«£ent" i^*?^.'*'..^" Mtat^ned a toir tUod an7l«oc*e. "Ibt Daoler" oomei "A Trip to Obtnotowo" O. t ^ MnrvlD r>pen Hooae "Al?lii iSS? i^*^ f tUr boaa»^8e»t.t7. "finolBto'i Boll" h?rL*/iW'X"*.®' ',5*.Wbai»Nlihil"?iMwa loir boaMOet& OoffllBg:'X>arCoaotj7i-oaAlD"9. ZmaMTUIe^bATlM L. SiTla will givt his an- BulpnoMitalioa of "AItIo JoiUo"ateQbaru-a, Oot 10. TbotoM Q. Boabiopka, lo "Ibe lalaof Cbaaparao.'* 10. ^neOWity BalT'dnv a imall, but DISTRIC T OF CO LUMBIA. WaihlBgtaB^uA Milk WUte Fl»g» wu pre- MBtadiotargetadlaneMat Raptoj'a KoUonal Tbootn. Gereralebongw bar* been mode In lb« oatlre alnoe It *w prodocod ban loot mudo, and wllb markod bono- ilff^.nmlu. Tbe Booton Bowoid Atbenaun Taoderllle Go Und badir loat week at Albaaib'e Unod Open »?^. PlUB«l lone andleooM at in tbtMlrlib ployo, eneoeoded lo Ailing BuUefa Bljon I:.7^S? ^ perforaaooe lut week Field A Uan- wa ionwLnwOanlawantreeto tbeir name lucweek BV-TliSl* Wfwum Tbeotn^ loa Natioval HiBATKi.-DonQellj ud Olnrd jA^Ttie Balnmaken^'* Oet Aag. DoU'e Comealue BootK-Marie Walnwrigbt, DTtrlSfJ'^* udXoBU Jameo. In npertoir, lB-» eJ*"*-";* AOiDOMT or McBio—"Tbe Bnafgn" 8-lS, *'fKh?fft ^"Qg jyTnn.-"Tbe HUU Aloim" 8-U, Ton*t«i.-Webar4 Field*' Co. »-ia, n»%I^~^* pral^laaiT eeaun of tbe Albaogb Onod "i^/f BOOM cloeedi and tbia week narkiibe opeotoi ^i*^'*ituajdnraatloHaM>D, nnder tbe nunagemtnt ^ Tbe boAbloge embnc* former S*fSP«l>tna nceoMoe "Under a Hbodow.*'anew netodroma viib aenaaUonal featoroo, by Wn. BoUoaf ik^ o"*'BU'i Lyeetn Tbeatro, will go on uenodneit eeoMm onder tbe ataetgeoient orT.B iiTfO'V-'-'A tbMin b lobe erected by Jobn W. en0,betweenTwelflbud TnlriMntb Btneie, "J*:\wl>oltj. TbepmleotlBbaobedbyBoetonoaplul arrt^."ff.fhtnbMoeeeond. Tbedeein 2uT «<>a*tn»t*d of wblta moible. Itwiu be WLfnot byuoft. deep,wiihopenlDp roifiiluooall •jrf ikT* "^nil cnpeolty wiu be obont B*io floor WIU be on tbe lerel of the "net Tbe eoet le animated at SXDuOU)^ and It li pro to oonptoU II for tbe opooiag of IBBfte ihtTV !:1»* been pronineaily ideeuaedwltb ui ffoUoDol Tbeain Boamer Btodk CaTule dtf. for tbe utZulT* ■eaoflna.baa pennanenUr located In u!?^ T^*^ BaiidlBft w>en be boa eeiobilihed B^"iHf?^^*^Sclioolof AeUng.** Maod Bay- ™^ 01 tbe Boitan Rewaid AtbenMn Ool, baa figoed lib Vebor A rMdi* Oo.. tn open Lrr....Hanag»r S;;isi2i Ot"? o«n DOOM, bo. MASSACHUSETTS BoitoB.—Butaeea picked op very perceptibly In town laet week, andaU ol oar ngular hoaeea eiiloied •seeueol patnnoge. At tbe noliu street Tbeaire Ada Rwon cloeed ber eniagement to a brlUtont boaw ae lUtberlne, In "Tba Taming of Ibe Jbnw." For week ot OM. 6 we bare Mane Jonun, In *'Htn Diaamlie," and a week Utor tbe mooagement annoancea mbmao'e .Vew Tork Lyoenm Tbeure Co., In *TUe AmauDi," wbleb wlU tben be pruoRted in tbie cUy for tbe flnt lime. Bowooiii BquAU TBOATIII.-A week of good bwloeu wu tbe renlt of staging "^be New South." at Manager Atkloeon'iibtatn. wben It wai prodooed Inn credlublo n^^^A^i* '•^J2«^ f> ""e'^cX^Kl!;*'?3 hSS lUflm Ameilcao prodocUoD. it ■« from tbe pen of 8n^ r«ier sell. b. ii. Bender; J mm* Appetlto, Andnw Beloher; DetecUre, Fnnk Jooti: Bettie Dnr»oo, Mey Jhall, Amelia eommerTllle; EUIe Kent, BiWu femu. dei; Jane, leah*) Parker. UuMi.-RIeboid OoMeD'e week In -04 Jed Prouir'' kept tbe Qnnd fall at every perform, enco, and must here netted good money for both the ■torud management Week offl. Murteld end Haiee willpreuot''PawnTicket 110" Neiiweek, "ABaggoge Check" lor tbe flm Ume In Boetoo. CoLOHiu TutiTBi.-"On the Bletloiippl" hu proven ^^*'*^^^°'°P<' ^ Rleta.RarTlaAFrohDan>e^iouM, udwtll he continue] anotber week. Ibe play bun- eelred tbe approTol or preu ud publlofor ite ektiiral iDoldenUlo eoaibera lire, and tbe heatt> Uiul tnectewblcbettiod one of tbe moot perfect stage moonUoia ever proMntad to tbe olir. Keit week. Uarrr Lacy, In "Tbe Han fro n the Wear' Park ToBATM.—Alter two proeperaaa weeks atMu- Offer John tUeieon'e bouae, Geo. Thatcher oloaed tila bonking In "About Gotham" A and la aoeoeeded ifaii week by FunyIUc«,ln''Mlu luocooee u B.j:urtri. In "Sam'l of Poaen," neitweeh. KiiTB-a Nnr THOATam-Muoter B. r. Keith apreedi a Boo fuat of apeclolUea for hla potrona week ora Heed- ing hie Hit be onnouncea Uteeoatlnoonce of ble llrloi pictnni. Other leatorwa on tbe programme anLydla YeamuaTltot, F. J. Tiioa, lb* Plre Athoa, Rormon Moore, Molntrn ad Beotb. AlcideCapltalne, Lea Fnroa Creecendot. De Reuel, Odall ud Pue, Jamee T^orau)n. R chard Pltrot.Ford and FrueliTMortoo udSereUe. EMon and Norloe and Buraa ud Bart ToiHO]TTTouTH.-Veekof 8patroDaortheTr«mont will oeo Uoleo IHavnyud her co., wbo will proMot That Blaleror Uia." Naitwoek. Htce'a Earprlae Party Id which la booked for four weaka. The Duff Open Co.. In "Die Mikado." cloaed a fair week G. Boeioa MosBCM.—"Prloce Pro. Tem"oontlBoeatobe o Btnoa [OTorlte wllb the patront ud flila the honae at ererr periorniuco. New buainooa la lotrodoe«d weekly.ud the prediction recenUr.mode that It wiu nn well into December bide t^lrto bo fully rerllled. Bono:* TbutiVo— Tbe loet weekbutooeoi DMmon Tboapeon In "Tbo UM Homeateid" la uoounced at UwagerTompkloaMbaaue. where It baa, according to Boalneu Manager Fond, been doing a tremaodonaly heavy boaioeM. "In Old Kentocky" Is la pnporation. Aoiritf A fmsrn Mc»dm.— In ihe lectan boll cu be seen CbeTollar Deino Pilts, thecaoe. watoh and tword Bwollowar; tbe BwIh Mountain Oboir, Vmconio'aRoman BtudentA tbo Eddy Bros, (maglclaoa). tbe htatorlCAl clock and tbe baby gorilla, Onmbo Jr. This week's aiAie aiudeou an Bt Leon and HC'ualok, the Bheerua.Three Vento Siiter*. LUrord atl Eimnro,Johnaooand Milieu, tbe Joggllog Btarr, Haater QulRley, Mouo Stater*, Willie Liocolo. Lew ttele, Jos.CamptMll, ih> Ashley Broa., Uol- Und and Wilson, Bonnie Rote Uuley, Ar Jiur BTenite. wiltoQ ud Nelaoo. Ltoioh TBSATOB.-Tbla week's big bill la beo'led by BrncAsud Deotoo, followed by Ptiyllla Allan. Karauai andSermour, tbaLenton BroA, Hlie. LoulieUeand bar tnlned atorks, Bdvarda ud Keroell, tbe Kina-nara, Swu ud Bombard, tbe AnberSlaters, Qeorglo Qintd, Bimtw ud Tebi, and IWIog piclureo. Howard AtuiitdPH —A lino olio end burlesque la laid nut tbla week br Mueger Lotbrop, wtw will ahow Howard caller4 pfeotF ol llflag plctirae, Prof. Kiralfy ud bia ballet (be Kentucky Rosebud, Joa Plynn, Polly Holme^ tbe Booftaa, Nile. VOIaco, Ida llowall, the Rydero. MomU Flower, Allco and Billy Bayne, MukIa and Walker, Aonle SylTe*ier, Logu and Deloag, CIioa Keooa.and tbe Howard BorleoqaeCo. lo "Arcadia." Oramd MoaiDH.—Twantf Qve lemole athlete', who ■par. wreatle, ud lodnlne In other muscular eierdsea, an on the boards at (be Onod tbla wtek, wtiilo he dm* metio ounctloQ win be "Tbe Hoop or Gold," wltb a ■tnug cut lodudlogTeule Dangle. Robert Cuuroioga, J. Oordnn Edwards, Cameron ClenMnB,and othen ol Lo- iltrop'n Slock Tbe olio will lotroduee HcLrsn sod Hell, theWsterbuiT fiioa. Mllu and Raymond, Kluy.Jsmw W. Tbompaoo and Jwk Talbot, Kitty Allyoe u«i John Robinson, in farn co uedr. Pauci TmuTMB. — HoBeorr's '-Eogllsh flwaVs," beaded by nyreoe. boiln o weak hen 0 A brlffbt va- riety bill wlllbe irlven by Biealsod Mambel, Alda Wnol- ootL Marlowe and Plontett ibe Tramp Qoorut Kl'a Du- nnd, IlarrTKnmer. tbe Petdlag Broa, Will £. Nuke- vllie, Tm Leer and Barton, tiarvar and Royoue, Ltllie Weaton ud Fred Bacon, ud tbe Weet Point Cadet MhW NiCKiLODiOM.—Tbla week: Mona. B-lwarli, In block art; Oay Uead Indlu Pottery Co., Prof. Rwollow, Plgoor Multomo (flrekiog),Raffl Slnier (noilclu), iha tbr-e beaded lady. L. Oroaae (contortfoDist), Prof. Horu (trick pluisi) ud Day's Punch and Jody. Mamaobr Wh. Aoanx la Indlnut ottbesuumsnt pent in lost week that be wu willing to Kell hla Interest In the Polaee. ud that bis bueineu partner wu Ftuk J. Pilling. Huaier Austin says tbo Palace always bu mode money, t* doing tn now, and rIvu evideoeo of cootlnulog to do ro. Mr. PlUiog la under eoutnot only. Mr. Pllllog odlrmad tbe statement that be waj ooly PlUlog oil r oaalory and tiod DO oitiar lotoreat lo the liouoai. Lynn.—At tbe Lvoo Tbe*tre Lottie Colllos come Oct 1 to o good bosroesa. Tbe R^blo Hood OpenCo. played "Bobln Uood" ud *Tbe Knickerbockers" 3L 4,io loirbonsu. I'rool Kauvor" bod o lOod buuaee Cam- log: ilelen Danvny 17, "Fawn Ticket 210" 18, Marie JuwnSL Musio Haix.— Mucbeeler'a French Follr Co. eoiues B-10, Jamu R. Adams "A Crvr Lot" 11-1^ Hoof Oordao Variailu lfr<i7, MUco's "City c'lub" 16-ax Uomip.—Ausilo aOlffuteau ud Living Pletares.or- gulied ben, nnder tbe touog^ment ofTnomu F. OafT* nay Jr. opeiu at Manchester 8l The eompuy Inoludts Jessie OliTsr, UUhD and Mite*. Morrltoo and Devine, Carry Uawkts, the OArrisont Kdword adoraa ud Uie Herwlok Slaters, wltb Prof. Aosun'e HtIoc pictureo, and Fnnk Aodenon In advuce The Fnoch Poily Co. bu added 0 Oni part lo thetr bllL called ■ Iq tbe Tender- loin." May Younr, skirtdu<-er,lolns' A Cniy Lot" bare Dolly Mitchell Isvliitleg Irlends In tbts city. Oo InviiAiInn ofMuagan DodieA llarTlaoii,of tbe Lynn Theatre, tbe inmotaeof the Oblld'eos' Home at- tended Ibe matloee perfnrmuce of "Pool Kauvar" & Woneiter^At tbe Worcester Tbeotre **Tbe Spuof Life" woepreseoted to medium elaed oudleneea Oct I, a. Lottie Collies' Tnnbadonn appeared to a good honu S. ComlUe D'Arville dnw a orowded houn L James A. Berne, lo "Shore Aeroa," did o big ba*lneaae, e *TbeTwofilaten"S, Lewis Morrison, in "ITauat" lOL .£dward Uorrigu It, Blobord aoMea, lo "Old Jed Pronty," 18. LoTHRors OnoA Hocan.—Edwin Ilufoid, In "The Bbemrocb," did a Uli buaiueu oU lut wuk Uncle Emmett In "Tbe Pulee ol New York," 8-11 Pkoitt BrniiT Ofiha Uocsb— 0. W. WilUama* flpe- claltyCo. dnw |oi<^ bonaea I S. "Slarerr Daya" drew light bouses *-e. M ..taon Slater*' Burlesque Co. 8-13. Low«ll—At tie Open Uoiue "Wong*' caoie Oct 1 too pocked bouse. LoUieCollins'Troubadoundid a big business 1. Csmllle D'ArrlHe. la 'Madeline," 1 Sloyw to a big bouse "PulKuTar**dldweiU. Jomu . Uorbett ^ pl>;«) to 'U R. O." Dodfstsder'a Hin- smla onwded tne boaae ft. Edward Uomgu, in "Bellly ud the ICD/'come 8i,wbicb Uunlvar^ary night Ibe "Robin Uood" OpenCoDpuy.»-IO,HtuartRobaon H Mouo UAtu—"Oohlen Cllir,'.' eioged I f, did a big bneloeu U. W, WlUlAma* Comedlus ployed to packed bousu4>A Comlog: JomuR Adorns, in '*a Uruy Lot" 8>ia Aoatln'sOlguteuslllS BuouTaOATiii—TbeMey Howord Compuy coma I S ud ployed to ooMClty of tbe bouse. Tbe Prencii Folly Compuy come ift, ud tiad big hooaee. Tbe Ladiea' Club Comedy Compuy come 8 ud week. Lawrence.—At tbe Open Hooie tke pagt week wu raon tbu nsoally iaisroating. tbe bookiots em- broelng o varied ood ploosug Hat ot otira^tiooA Oo Oct 1 Corallie D'AmDe's Comnaoy, In 'Tbe Mogio Klas.'* pleased o good bouae ot odvoneed prices. James J. Corbett to *'OeDUemon Juk," piojed to good bu*l- nwat. A fair house greeted ' Paol Kuvor'^S. Dock- etoder'B Mioamla. i, and "The Bobio Uood" Open Uooi' puy.S. did o fair builneeo. . , , Qaiitt.— Tbla bouae liu the ueoAl ran. playing to leir boalneu weekly. Bookings: 8. Corlin ud Prlco, the Mortons, OIHeTnompaon ond Tom Klllen. TnantoB—At tbe Mew Tbentra '^tie Pkt Tnin,"0«t I. dnw poorly. "Tbo Power el the Preaa.'' S. had o loir houw "MaJeielne, or the Maglo Kiss," ft, dido good buslnees. Coming: 'Taut Kauvor" \ "Shore Acru*^ IL "Tbe Two Biatore ' II At Wblu'e Moale □aUNorrla BroL' Bqnlne and Culoe Ferodoi 8,9, iO. .The BUe hove eocnisd Uollu and Hart for their annual benefit 0*c.J3......UmtfTA>^ia.ot A»i\a A Bheo, muocen of "Modelain*," which played hen ^ struck o aTight "snog" Jaat tMion tbe_pUy com- meneod. Borne Ume ago ieraord w. Priest- moo. wbo livu In Boston, painted eome ecuery tor Mr. Askin, ud ihe ^lnur gave him o check lor llti on o New Jersey buk in poymeat for bu servieu Wben Mr. Priastmu went to gel bis obeck eoshed, be round tlMt there wu no owney u ibe buk lo cash It with. A writ wo* Mot out ben, oi^ Deputy Bberlir Folvey oUoched the recslpu at jbeboioton. Tbe biU wu settled alUr owbila ud the amount for- warded to Mr. Pneetmu. BprlBfa«ld.-At ailmore'B Ooart Boture TbeaueoOctABtoertRobaon. Id "Tbe Uuneito," bod IlargetoSi. Ed-HorHpo's-'Cordello'^ Asplntloos" bad Sig boalneso,5. *-l^g" dnw o b«sfir hooae, A TSeker'e Porter Theoire !• dolog a .W, hMlo-sy. Week of 8: Charlie DlomoBd, Mott "d Abu a. Do Tuni, Taylor and flymonds, deoiy F. Olork and Mottlo OBd (MO. risfaer. PENNSYLVANIA PhllndelphlB.-Ailde from tbe nodevlUe boueee and tbe stock compuy prodacUooA bulneu at the theatru lut week fell bokwtbo aTeroge.witb one notobloeieepUon. Tbe opening of **FrlnewaBoBAle'a** ■eeond eeosen at tbe Brood dnw pocked bonaes ot every perfomun. Whether or not the opem^moku o bll on the rood, the Ekct remtlns thot Mr. Boanaer oonld moke o fortune with It right ben In Pblladelphla. CooaUering theqaalllyorihowork,lu ptienomeaal suoceaelomon IbSQinrpnslng. Tbe poonUrity ot tbecut Isnodoobt- •dly largely responsible for the opon's having beu o go MaoogarUowe'eionovotloD In iwlucing the price ol the beet seats 01 tbeWolnattoglbu bone goodn sulto. Bo (or u novslUM on e^neened the onmnt week Is rotber bomo. BngenoBondow makes bis in- lual bow to the Philadelphia pubtie. '*Old (Hory" re- eel v« lu fliet lAcol predneUoo, ud cooaldenble lourest oentree lo the Ortt oppeoruee ben el Ado Rebu u o star Asidsri«Dtheaetheattiocllonaonold,udauy decidedly sbopwom. National TiinATBE.—Muucr Ketly gives the only new plav oftbe week In "Old Olorr." "Dsrkeei Rosata^' lut WMk ployed to Ikir receipts. Uulona* "Putuna" neit wHk. CamHOT Storr Oraiu Uotrss —Doly's Oo. loot WMk ployed to poor boueu oiur the Urat night Al- though then wu eoue eurioilty to sm U. R. Oliey In hie Dsw apber», the conpony did not altnct the aome ot- feotionu formerly. Ado Rebu u a ator opwed o two wMki' eeoa^eaeot S t or repertory for ihe week la u rolioos: Moid«rt TueeJoy and WadDOsdoy luotlaee, "Tbe lAH Word:" Wedoeaday night, I^y T«ule,tn "The School lor Bcoodol;" Tharedoy. Frlioy and Uoior- day.*TwelfUi Night." N»it weak she wiir|lve"Love on Crauhss," "As You Like Ii" ud "The Taming of tbe Bbnw." AODiroRiDii.—Tony PMtAi'aCompaoyolwsys plays to Bood bu8tna»s hero, ud lut wMk wu no eieeption. ienagar Oilmon la to oe ooogninloled tbla w«o«: In ae> curing the flrat Phliodelphla eogagouaot of Bugooe fi.^n• dow ud hla Trocodere Voadavllios. Tbe oompur in- cludes. twaldMSudnw, Tom Brawne,the Loclien, Jue, Bdly Vu, Madge Bills, Mlu BcoUlo. the performioji dng; Auun, Jordu Fom'lyonilDaatiam. NeitwMk, Bydos Coroadlano. BOOAO STNsvrToifATOB.—"Prlooou Bonnie" metwiih pheoomensl soccean list WMk, ud the nmolntog thrM wMks befon the open gou oo the road pnmlM o repe- UUon nf ust week'a bualneas. OitAiD AviRDB TiiiATnB.-Muogsr Uollud bu not had a poor wuk ainroihe aooion opened, which lanotot oil turprlsing oonslderlng the quality of oitrutlons pre- Moted by the stock compuy. "Tbs Ueir ot Law" filled the hottu comfortably every nigbt lut wuk, ud this WMk "Mooei" to being nvlvad. wlib Wilfred Olorke u Ueory Oroves. Neitwuk, tbe fourth ud toit of the old comedy revlralo tbe play wlU be "Tbe Rlvolo." for which Mn John Dnw hu bMO engaged for Mrs. Molo- f>np. Joseph J. Hollud tiu oiao beeo aMdotlv eogoged or (Ur Lnoius OTrlgpr, ud WiUred Clarke v III be cut Cor Bob Aorea. WiUiTT Btriot Tbbatra— 'Tenneaaee'a Pordner" onsiod olovonble Impruslou lut week, and did (airly well from o finuetol atondMlot ol viaw. Alihough not strlkleglr orlglnsl either In constnctlon or tnoiuiut it is brlgbt ud crlap. and presenu good opportonitiea In the uabreite role, of which Con Vu TosmU wu oot slow to take advuuge. Josiph Muiphy orened a,wlth "Kerrv Uow" ond "Bbsun Rhuo," ood BJdie Foy oom»s neit witb "Oir the Konh." Buoo.—Buslneu nrooinsthe aouie here, for with the proawt accommodoUoos it couldn't be better. "Doro- thy" gave MiKon AlMro u eicellent chuce to be fuony lut WMk, ond tbe nmomdtr ol the cut wu enuolly Iood. This WMk *Tbe Mucac" la beiog aung, wlih Mr. borouLorenio. Tbe vaudaville features ore Barney Fogu ud hla PickuloDles, Morlo ud Von Aukeo, Lew UovkiDS, QMrge K. FnrUacBO ud hla daitiMer Vlolo, George E. Austin, John ud Nellie ket^tliy.lAun B«n oeu. Field end Lewis, and the Puweia Family. PiorLR■ TiiRATOH.—Mtnager Hlupaon fsltauaureof 0 good week wltb MorrlMn'a "Foun" UkOt hecutdnvo hla sdvariUIng lo the Bundoy popere. Nor wu his judgment at lult a« the teceipU for the wMh sliuw. Joaeph Orismer and Pbmbe Davis opened A In "The Hew Boutb." Neit wMk, J. K Emmot in "Filu in o Mod KOUM." CuiunvT BTORar TanATHB.—UsJIeo ood llort. In ' Laier On," ptoTed to houses snrcely half lull lut week. "A Trip to Chlnotown" begu o two wMhe* ujogemeot A ELivitn Btrist Okora Hodsr -Muogar Coraeroso hudMided lo reuln hla trolley |>arty burltxiue loru- other week. **Tbe Bird's Soiree'* ood other popular fso- ruruof lutwukonolsonpeoted. Buaineu kMpa up lo Ibe etAodard. Nine AND AHcu Mdiiiuh —Tbe fat glrl'a race proved o big cord Ust WMk, and cnvded tivuMS ware die rule. Big lluoah won the atohaa. Muogfr Uiodeobuigh a orled o new nco 8 OUiar leouirva on TliumpMo*a "Daatrucilon of Pompeii" lo miniature; Jiu l^rbelt ud Hob Fiii4lmiDons, the apairlng moukata, ud the Amer- ican Srllliuto, Including Ollmore ud Feruaodrt. Mile. Gsrretu and ber performing blrda; Aaiorte, KuiuBls- tan^ oitd (^oxroy ogd DsUnay. , . . PAOitTuiATRn—Donnelly ud Olnrd did o loirbusl- oeu with "The RolamUen" Tbe ourocilon tbla wMk 1« Peur F. Doliey in"AConniryBport" Uaaoftbenuvei- ties of the season ud one which reflecto no small ODouDt of credit upon Mr Howe'omonogerlaloolorprlse, will be the drit pruduetioo upon uy eioge of Palmer Cot'a "BrowDlea, ' nait week. FonRFAuau'ri TuiATBB.—Musger Forepough wu obliged to lorn ^ple oaoy uaarly every d*y loMt wuk, with Fuor MoIotyreutliei^ouoteuLeonon in "Credit Lorraine.'' Tbla wMk, "Tbe Burglar." to bo loUowed neit WMk by Jobo L. BuIIItu In ' A True Americu." hMfiRBTuBAToE-"A Rallrood Ticket" • nly met with fair rsturoaUaiwe«k. but Primroae A Weal'* Mioairels shoukl drew big houau this wMk II Lialory la allowed to npeotltMH iJeitweek,-The NawUouib" LTCKUH TUBATRA-^twrge Diiuuud ibo Uolety Olria' Burlesque Cop puy proved 0 etnng duuble otmctlcn lut WMk, which ebould be dupllcoted Ihia wuk by Bob Fiiialmraona ond bla v lodavlUe troupe. Next wash, the FayFoaurBuiieaqoeComnoy. , , , ^ bTA.NOAMO TuoATnB—*'nie Tide ol Life" olo»ed a fairly a>ioceuful eogagement 0.ud iliia wMk "I'ecb'e Had Boy" holds the ooorda. Neit WMk,J K. Toole, In "kilianeyudtheBblse." ^ , KsjieiKUTOH Thoator —a atoek compuy production of 'The lrl4b Patriot" wltb uvaiol apecieltlN tnur apereed, la the blli thiawaek. Buaiuou ountlnuufsir. Neat WMk. *-Mugga' LudlOK." , NoraB.-"Pnncau Bonnie" will tour the State u the ehMeoftbe PQiloisiphlo angagemenL The dm aiond WlU be ot llarriabunt The lodits' recepUon room oitbeCliviinutStreeiOpenHouse hu buanmudtled udredMOioted Slmoo Hoaaler will proMOtospc- dolly orrugsd Httmuu proirammeot ihoCbMUat Btrut Open Uouro, 1ft, m honor ol the Ofiletb univfrsorytof Johun Btnuu uo cooductor.wblcb uolrersorr will be celebnted in Vienna Tbe Boston Bympbooy Or- Chutro will glvo Its dnt concert here 39, ot the Academy 01 Music There wu a profeuloool inatlnMotthe Stoddard 6 LbsrlH W. buine bu resigned from the aiotf of Vu Uiatf to go on the road with Souso'a Bond. In odditleu to doing the prus work, he wiU atrengtbao tlie eompaor u a borltoDe awlolat Roberi Barr liu lelt tne "Priuceu Bonnie" lorcM to Join 'VuperbL' Louise Flaher hu ratuned to her borne In this city oflsr o oocc«»siul tour with the Bummer tJomedy t>>mpaBy. Bba hujoloed ibeQIrord Avuue stock compuy.... TheStor Tbuln rMnned % under the muogement of Young's eompuy Tbe In- terlorhutmn rscousuoeted. ud the etuootions on IbeBcenle Theotn iromttae World'e Fair and ocotous- u\ Wilfred niarke will tour Lbe Bouth Immediately lollowlng hie ugagemeot ot the Ulroid Avenue •Oblch" HoDlneon will takeout o oomMnt ihia Foil The repertory will ladode 'Robert Macolre.'* "The Hooey- iooon,''aod "BbeBtoopeuCooiiuer." llehualgnedUua Tolly, Wlilord Wright J. Doyoa Byron, Juiea Relliy, Berry Brown ond Maude Btook bridge. Tbe tour will open at Wast CbMter onThukagivlag I>ay Alice Carle sod William BeUnapJoiaed -A Hollroad Ticket" here lut week W. H.Fitacarald, formerly oftblBolty, bu been ugoged aa at«ge muoger lor Hie "Athuio" eompuy in Chicago Tbe Melbo Uperotlo Com- pany will sing at III* Academy of Musle 19 ud n Tlio Kentucky Bvaebod Variety (tem- puy alnnded Ust wMk st Worouier, Mou, ud Monager George Boberu is bock in town AtTliMi's this WMh: Tbe Hoyooio, Marie Wlnaon ud BIU Allan JoHpb T Funin hu Joined the etock eompuy at the Kensington Tliaatn Muuer Free- oun. of "A Railroad Ticket" suted lut ■e-bihothewu aagoUoUng for the purebou ofo new force comedy, lo which Jomu T. Kelly will ator oeit soosoq A com- KM ol Uermu oeton wiU produce a venion of ■ Chor- y's Aut" 01 the (lermuiA Tbeotn, 8-10 Frueu Uosfun, Bteuor Uovn'a ondanio'ly, aug tbe title roU ol' Princeu Bounie*'^e. lo o creditable muner Mn- aleol Director Flixglbboe, oi tbe Btjon, la omnglag u everiure eoauintng ubloouo ood vocol feoturu Hme. Belmo KoertKrooold soils tor Eorope II, ood will mohehardabutat Hamburg George Word bubew oppoimed lltliof rapharoed door tender ot tbe People'a, vJu WlllUm Mock , reslgnad. PIlisbBrg^Tbere !■ DoUHog but UQ|bl«r for our theeiregoera this wMk, tragedy end tears having bun enunfy relegated »«the beckronnd. Pari Tmbatri-—Du MeCorthy, In "The Pride ot Meio," (hla week. "The Old Bo)er" wu mustered out Octft.baviogaeoredoblL Adoffrojll. , „ ^ Urabd OraoA Uot-u-Louis Aldrleh, lo "My Port Der."8 ond wMb. Boroey Fernaon cloaed a good «»• ■siemeotft. Oso Uonio^. in "ay Aoot Bridiet" Bast Kho TiiBATOB.-Powell, mogidan, ihia wMk, Wordood Jomu doled o good ensogemMte. Bessie "riVJi'T^'ifra'i.v. I. - Off tbo Bo,tb...4 for diet Ume hen. Helao Douvny did nwdenuly up to A comllle D'Arvlllo's Uomie Oi-en Co. lA Dcqoubo TBBAroB -Tiwo. Q. Besbrooko, In To bosoo," 8, for flru Ume bote. M. B. CnrtU cloeed a floe ugagenent 8. Wm. Hoey, lA I* '*nie Plomi," lor flrat timehere. BiJuo TBSATOA—"fitnck Oir, A for (be flrat tine here loMvenlyeon. John Keroell did weU op to C "A Eollrood Ticket" lA „ ^ , llAOOr Wl(J.IAHO' ACADBBT OP MfSia—The B40(S- SuUay Compuribis week. WeoerA Fleus'OwnCom- esoydoeedoBplaodldwMke. ^ _ , LlARaT Davu' Bobr Mobbb.- AotMlo TOO Gofn. tMlh bolueerondcooiortioeiat intboneweord lo tbe r:orlo HollthUwMk. Tbe living plctoruan oonUnued, ud u eioellent obow Is girto by the Bon TonHpeeloHy Oompuy. Bujinwa np to ft wu big. Hbri ABO Tbirb -£d. J. CoDBsIlr rebeoned the port of Bugs In "McFodHsB'e Elopemeol" U the BUoo lost alBhtnad pUysitthliwoek A dellgbUol riveres- corsloa wu uedered to some of the tbeolrieoi p^^oplo In town 7. by Coptotn Clorke.oi Uie eteoner Mayflower. Wllliwobarve.—At t&e Omsd Opm Uoue Bolood Boed. In "Tbe PollUcIoo," Oct t, bod o crowded booso. FrimroM A West's HlastnU, A bod oMgbonee. Richards ond Coofleld, boohed to praoeo >TbeCl>tu Clown," d, toUed to pot lo u op p oon nc o, "i o eo d alA" A had Mod boslaeso. To eoae: "Iri^ losplnUon" A Oeo. DtioD'e ToodeTlllo Co. flL Coriane 8i ^'Cbarlev'a AonVia Sidney Dnw lA 'The limited MolP' l«,*Ao Power of the Pnso"1A 'TbeUallaySlovw" 18 _ Niraio Hall hu bow ibonosbly nooTmt#d ood ro- flited ond is now well adopted to ooeoBmodato oil oUMMofabowe. "Tbe Oiemenooan Coaok" l-A hod baa(- Mugood. "Alohamo," A bod a good Aoaeo. JobnL. Bulitvaa, 10 "A Trao Amerieoo.^ A dnw o cnwdMl house. 'The Bnrglar." t,A bU fair otteoduco. To ' "liBr* A "Anblu Nights* B. to^ **Peck*a Rfcl ft - - - Wo.HOBkioRD fiilAToii-'VFaiB, WMk of 1-8: Theotre— nis«.,And Jeonle Wejcb, Booker's Hiaye Prof. Boy" 11, )A IS. Mlur Irish vralton" IM8, IT. RIce A Barton'e ODmediou lA IP.0 Wo.HnBkURD TUBATaa-VFaiB, wwk of 1-8: Theotre— nis«. And Jeonle Welch, Booker's Hiave Llflk Prof. Bhasabsrg's Dog and Monkey OlreuA Dieh and Alton MoAvoy, Wm. (3ertu ud Rou Booen. Bnalnass is (bir. AltooBa.^ttne RieveDtb AyeDDeupcnUooee loss MMttsker. In'-The Pnmo DoBoo." bod o (air houM Oct I. Powell 1 ' In the Nome ol UieCaor" booked lor Seuevled. "A BrMu Tine 'did fairly wallfl^ 'Holder end FiycouM 9,J.H. Mwkar U,'The capuln'a Mote*' II. Jobn KenoU \i, Barry ti'NelU Ilk Llhtu Kennedy l(k It. K)L Harbt Davis' ktiin Mvub hod crowded bonau ot ererr parformancewMk of t-4. The leading attiooUon HeadliiB.->At tbe Aoodetoy of MqbIo "Tbo Great Brooklyn Handicap" dU lalrly weH Get A4 Jos. a lloworth. In " RoeedolA" pUved lo good buslQew 8 Coming: "The Limited MoH" 8, CorioneKtHidbey Diew ln"TheUi|deU Age,*' II. "Charley's Aunt''IA gbaho ArBHA Hot7iia —The Riblnson Gpero t^niiur Sloyed (ugoo-i business 11 ronilng: Nose JolllUu 8, , '^llloney and ihe Rbina" 11-11 BIJOU TaOATRa—The Utad' n Bporta Big Burleaqoe Company dnw wall 1-A Mr. ud Mn. Haniey, iO^'A Wild OoMO Chooe" ood * Bqoln HashlOA" B-IA Tub uatAT Lo:«ooh Zoo —Tbe ParlsUo Doocen, *Tha Oriental Holy l^ond," Wliiloma* SpMloity Company, ou auUimotio WIM Weal Show, Whiiukar (buundlua Jookey) and Bord aod Weliiol (wire wolkaia) were uiimg the oi- tncUooaal Uie Barka County Foir, iA ■■*vriB0iir||.—&k (DO upcrm uuooo WMt'e Mla«trels Oct. ft. bail -8 R U." nr<K>hi)n lluillcap," A nod poor bu*lBei Jomu Mackle Rice's "ivr* 11' (rlab tas| llarrlsbarH.—At the Open Uoase frlmroee A „ . . ^ y „ „^ bu*lBua. Booked: — — ..lab tasplniion" IS. Hakov Uavih' Kobm Mnia —Wuk of H: Merauerite BimpaoD, gusinlll, Sllbor, Puiser and Hcoit Co M*r- Hoe ChlMion, Harry ond ilice Hleoioo.ond Phil WII "OfflS. CnAOLsa F. HfAVD, of Reading, ud Bello Hats, or PblUdelplilo, membera ofibe burif ai|ue company which etrudedhen onew^ ego, wan marriedl iTityore spending iheir boaeynioonnn thU cltj; B«rantoa.—At tbe Protblngliam Eugene San- duw hod 0 good houM Oct AS, Itlce'a "\Vtr'9, 1", Uis I'riu Wlaner Muucol Fealivol 11. Moaoter J. A Uloe ha* lauoduced a todlM' orrhwiro, which hu pnrea quiu on ettnctin leotun ot thiabouse. AOAUBBl.—The Kimball Open Co., with Corlnne, In "Itendrik lludeno" A BUuey Drew, iu 'The (HMed Age" ■0. FrehmsD'a Co.. la "ChorUy's Audi" II, Krohmu's Co. tn "Man ud Womu" It. Datib' Thbatba- Ralph E. Oommlngs' Oo. 8 and wMk. "Our Irlsli VUltora" the put waeh hoiTpacked hDU*H LaBcneter-^'Tbe Olroui Ulowa," btllcO for Oct I u Ute Folioa Opon House, eolUpsed ot York, Po, Kept tt, ud the compuy went to New York. Conueily A Gardner a ' In Uie Nome of tbe Cur" foiled lo oppoar UoL A 'The OrMt Brooklyn lloodieop" had o good houM A BIdner Drew, in "The Qltdsd Age."8: Frnh- rau a l o, in "Man ood Womeo," 9; Huloo Bna.^ "Fu (umo" ill; 11, Rln's "IS9J" ii Krl«.~At .HwDorrcbor Hall, le««cd by Park OMn llouH leueea. -A Trip is Chlnotown'^ Oct t. pU«ed to Urge aUMduoe. The "Kid ' Co. A had giml bualneoA "A Baggage I'heck" eomea A J. KT U1- rord'a Muuum ud Thutr*. wlOi o speololty opiU|iur. hoii large bualosas the put wMk. Week oi ii: Curio holl-o. A Lule^DeitoroodGraoeOortlaod. Tbeaue- ' The ThrM Little KlttM*." MISSOURI. Kaaean City.—laat week proved a Torllablo IwDuulorUietbutreA What la kuowo u -ConiiTol WMk" served to bring many airaiigera loiheoUy. ud the box oHlcu took lo oooalderable munay. COATU'UrBHA tt0CBi-"Lady Wlndammea Koo" cornea (or thrM olghis ud o niaUoM, oomniaaclDg Oct 8. Lut WMk Froliuiao'soompuy t>res«Blail 'Kowlng the Wind" sod -'Liberty llair* lor thrM olghta (o bla busl. oess. Julio Horlo«e weak oflL " (iKAHo urauA lluusB.—Tills wMk, "a Teiu HiMr." t^t WMk.'The Devll'a Auctroo." A apodal iiiailnM woa glvso Tuosdair to S R. O. Neit wmI, 'Tbe iluiUer." Ninrn RTRBaTTiiRATBB—Thia wMk.'The Perby Win- ner." Laet WMk. "Tbe Put Mall" bad a big wuk'a husloeas. A aueolol matlOM wu oko giree Tusodor wlUi good results. GiLLis OPSOA lloitaB.-The(llllls Open Hobm, hood- aniiiaiy nfltted ud decorated, thnw open (udoon last Hiinday, ud aUriod out llhao winner. Tbehuuiehu nndorgeae a complete chugA ud la now on* ot Ilia liudaomut UieslrM la the dly. A aewdrapourUIn, rcpr"MBting o Coiorailo loDdicane. la o bMuty. Tlia bouM will run o Aonilnuousperformuce, aoii then la oorooaon why 0 payiag ottanduee ahould not be Uie nault There la a eoaliouous perlormaoM ronnlog lo St (.ouisood oDo In Dee Molnas, ootl ih» establiehlDs ot such o tiouu bare rosons the (orralagofo variety droutt udo good one, too The atalT: J. Harr* Lewlaaiid t^BlerU. Cn«iprd. JeaeeM;f;bar|eB P. TbomsA rnaii- ager; Mlu Mario Bhlager. Ireuunr; II. HoaA door kMper; Cborlaa ZlNlar, oblef u*her; R. R, Brain- ord, naoliiolst; R. Wilaoa pmparUu; Ben Dunn, SS*"!?..?^"'^: " WhMler. lesdar of ordiMin TliehinUatWMk lotrodneed -Peril." byiltestock coio- pany, aod the lollnwing apMlalUM! Peal Jodh Huuon oud Wasuer. Purl IfaTgtat. Klesle.lhe Two Oalloeeftod Jua>oMI)lAr. Tbe stock compuy la comprised ol Fruk De Veraoo. J J. Wtiliau^ Veraon Homers, W. r«L '*"«•. i"- "'lIBUiA Bom'l CborUA Will Double. Olive Msrtlo.Moy fifftoooe, Anno H Ouiao end Mlu Plowo. Tbla WMk. "Bsmenkla" will bo the hit). In uoJnaoUon Willi Allyo ond LIngard. QMrglua tHglo, Uie DoltooA aarixade Reyoolde and Uyary UuliAo. Neol week. ••Under lb* Uoailght" PrioM ol the Glllla raa from ISe !2"'iT,4'' popalArmaUasssBve UmMowMk.ol whldi Ma. will be charged. TllBAVBB COUIUOB -McCoriy and HeoA (IroAu WoHaoa. Annie Lorreiia,Turn Fay. Alrao Booth, Ooao Kd. Iioberty, BerUjs Ring ud Guosie Klmare. Buslneu la Immeoee. 1 LirrBNiRoa—Proprielor Cliu. H, Yale, ol 'The DevU'a Auotloo" Company, wu called beton Uie eurioin at the Buodoy matinu and preunred with e buketof flowsrah* Uie local KIkA to niiiombenoMnf his bind- neu la afsgo nuoglng their benefit lost yur L. M Orowiord wu here to atund Uie opeolog of Uie OiHia. Horry Walker Hr, proprietor el ihe ThaotnOom- Ique, wu ooaSnedlohiB home with alokne«8 loai week. L H. Orewford reperu that Jim Moore will toko ehargeofhiaaawCarUa Ktu**, (ipen Itouae, Deorer. SI* JoB«ph.^Al TooUe'a Tbeaire Ubag. rrob- mu'a Empire Thoolre Co oome Oct A !• preuaUno '-BowiBB tibo Wind'* and "Llberir Hall" to loir busiaeu, **Lady Wladermen's Fu" come B, A witfi maiioM. to Mg hu'iaefo. Notbino la bookrd until IS, nbu Tbe Itua'Jar" cornea forona night and o mat Iom. CHiwpoRO'aTUBATiA—'The Derby Winner'couiefl A wlUi inatlUM; "Tlie UevH'e AuCTlon''A Edib Mussi —Busloeu the put WMk wu good Tlie people WMk of R: Jocobe Family Bond, Mn W. H. Low. lar. Howord and EmarMO,Tfaon)e ond Corleloo, WllUrd ood Hall.gulgterBrM.. ood Polly lUlking moI), in tbe curio ^alI. Muoger Monla. ofUie Mubm, leorw neat WMk for on esunairo trip through Colendo ud Old Meilco, for the benefit ol bis bsolUt ARKANSAS lloi ilprlBgB*«>At Ue U^n Uooae Nellie Mo- Ifury. Bep:. 11, hod o foIr houw to sm "A Night at Uie Circus." Bsade Booobill. Oct I, bod light bosloeu Booked: Bobby Uoylor's'UportMeAHIsUr" «,' Tbelluet- ler" A llemnun 9, T. W. KMoe K> HelU Broi^* Uir eusonmuA They will drew u imiaeau crood, u It hu bMO thrM yeonslncooDlroua vUlted ibLs tAwo. LliUo H(Mk.-At Capital Tbeatre BeialeBooe- hlU, In "Playmatoa," eome Oct 8 lo a madiom houu. Doe: A A Bobby Oeykir in •^port MoAHIeter." and liv- ing piciurM: A llernaann; 9, la T W. KeMo: lA 'Tor- nado;" lA "dilvar Wadding:" Oct 9. HelU Bretbsn' Oir- eus: wMkoiA Polna' "LulDoyaof PoupeH,"ot West Bod Pork. LOUISIANA. .low OrleaBs—Tbe regalar aeaaoo |g here ond Uie pMpU ol Uie Oreewot Oily eumtotM thor- oughly owo/e ol tbe tut Daring tbo post wMhonr tbMtna were thronged with Urge ud opproeloUTe OBdieneoA Obabo Opbba UocSB.—'The ColABel" pUyed (o lull bonsM (Oft WMk. Get 7, ChorlH Uioksoo, in **ln«OB" snd "A Jolly Good Fallow sr. caaotae.-Al.O. Field's MioeinU pocked ihlahouse durteg 111ouy here. OetT, 'The Danger Bignol." AQADBHT OP MVSIO.—'The Olrl J Left Behind Mo" ot- tncUd good boosM. "A BUch BbMp" 7. SOUTH DAKOTA. lloHK Pallo.—At tbe OiBod tb« reorfaDlzed Aodn«sOpenCo. pnsentad**Falko,"Oct A Tbelowo MaUBonddldalalrbnslBesBl.AA 'The Folic* Intpee- tor" bod a poekod boBU 4. FIMwre "A Cold Day''ood Bootl'e "A Cbip of Ibo Old Block," wbleb bove conooll- dotsd, eome if. l*Bis UTAH, fall Lako Clijr.«At tb« Salt Uke Tbeaire Uu Bom* Dramotlo Cub, wltb J. H. Bloddoft, Ailed week o/ Oct 8 (eoalsfOMO weoh). LTCsni.-**01d Dsods ood Tonag Boortr Bllsd the blU to MgbaolooBslaBl week, partly owlag to tbaUrlag »U- IR TBB iFJOMonoB iDtf brousht by ChoTlM Fnhmu Bvtlast ThOBUsO'Mollay, of tbo Lyeaum, for u lofriaBe- ment (elolmod) on the rithu or"Cbarley'a Anoi." the OoortdMldedlB fhTorol Hr.O'Molley.dlpaoltingtheln- InaeUon. Mr. O'Motlsr will now proOMd ogoiost Mr. Fnbman, on bU tmnd, Ibr domsges. GEORGIA BavaBBali.—Aroble Doyd, la "Tbe OouDlry 8qoire,"wu hare 0«iAi< uid pUyed throe perform* aaooa to ollm buelBsoi 'Tho County Fair" wu well ro- oolrodAaad U»e ledlcailons on Ihattho eompuy will ploy to good bouMf for iho nmainiUr of ihsir engago- nut SlHiAB Nobleok A Ndiu Mollanry ll. Uofltha oafuooh Tbutn was HoU to ihe Anteilcu Tbutrloal Buhugo. The aala or the property wu brought to a heed by lleorr Oreoawoli. one nproMniad ihe Anter- lou Tbeotriou Kiohuge, and agreeable urine wan roschad 4 with Huoger T, F. Johnvon. The Prieo Boked fbr the propartv wu BU^OOBl OUier urme were agreed on, ont Mr. ilrMowoll will p«y •SOLinroT tbe propoity. osd Mr. Johosoo will nulo oluLrgeoltho ibeoiro uoiillhe oloMofthe preMnta#a- •00. Tho purohonra wlU rsMlve It April IV IW. Mr. (IreenwallsoMihatihe Aniarlcu Tbuirleal Bichonge Inteikds to oipeod BMIXO lu impravemMtsoB themn- Rriy. The eeeilBg coraeliy, when complotad, will be OOl Bhieh U threo bnadrad greater Uian at proaent Than will bo aiiht tHiioA tour on ueh aide new pluah npholsiered open chsin will Uko the pIOMof ihe pree- oat ebsira,ond the ihvolro will bo dooe Inwhito, old Ivory udguhl. Thoourk wlllbegia May I, USA NEW YORK CITY. Last Week's Kvenlo —Apart from the pro* duntloD or two Oenaan pbajn now to ibis oouniry, and tbe Aral metmpoilian producuoD of a dniua of the IrUb tjpo, tbo pant week pnnontcd Doni.TelllCA UiiBlDeaa, wblob bad bfeo lojurloualj afTuoied dur- ing tbo pn-ceillDK week bjtbo expected visitor a i-joIoDlniiorni, ahovod oooildmblo ImpruToinent, aod inBdoauURloctor/ATCrago TbeuonUnurd pcrfortuanoea for ibo week cDdlog not o were: Klco'H"UOJ*>aitUe (UuuKH, "Tbo IJttio Trooper" at Ibo OiSiKo, > Dr. Hjnug*' at .the Hhoahwat, '-Hhonanitnah" at the Auadihy of Hi'du. **Tho Bauble Hhop*' at ibe Khfihi, "Tho OotII'b DepiUy" at AbbrVh, Uio MllpQtlBoiat tho Kiftii AviKiig, Rtobard Uaudeldat tbe IIbbald StiumR, "Tii Now Doj" at thn btandahp, "A llnlot; Uiri<> o liAi.T'H. K. II. Hi)tbom at the I.Ttigim, Wm, 11. Crane at tbo Htab, "New HlooiP* at l*ALHiH'g, Lem Koitle" m iho liuon, "Tbo (Mr) I l.eri Ihihloil Uo*> at tbe IliHi.kU Oi'BRa lloimi, "A Trip to tiblnatowu" at tbo Ahkhioan, aud "The liUok Urook" at tho Ohahu oi'ika Uudii, tb« live list oained cloBlag upon ttiot date Thu one week stands cloalug (lui. A were: "Tho OapUlo'ft Uato" at Iho I'lui-i.g'g, *'l'awii Tlokot aio" at Nirlu'h; "Tho SUM Auriii" nt Ja- cobs'Thihd AVKKiig, and "In Old Kentucky*'M Iho CoLUMBi'H Variety onicriAhiment won fur- olsbed at Tony I'AHroR's, Kohtiu \ the London, tho Unio.<< tiquAHg, rKtKTUH'e, ihu f)i.VM- Pio and UlNBH'H UuwiHT and KiiiiiTii Avmnub AlOK. Conuiock'a Uliuitruls I'oiiiintied at Hr. Jahbh' Hall and llagoahcok'H mined an I lunU remained Upon exhlblilon at the Haimhunhquahr Uahuin. PerfortiiaDt^ea in Uormau wore glvoDotlbo Ubrmania and Uvino 1'i.avb, and perrnraioncea In llclirowalttioTHAtiA andWiNOttoH At ibo KOUHTBRNTIl HTKIKfTllBATHII ChoUIICDJT OlCdU Op pearod, (lot 1, la "I'ho Irish ArtlRt," a play, In ft or acU, Ity Auguatiia I'lluu and (iivirgo II. JcriO|i whioh iliua had Us am iiiulrnpoiiiaii porforinai oe. Maoagor Uu[ireld,iir tho Ihvinii rLicgTiilA THR, proved priKllgal lu Uiii prfneuiailiin of nuvvl- Uci. OnOfli.l tburo ana prcscntod al thalbfluae "l>er Aiidcre" <"Tlio Ullicr Uan"), a pHycri()ti>g- ical dramo, Id ftiiir hoIh, by I'riiil Uii- dati, maoHou of whlrh wu niailo In our lut laauo. Tbe leading role wm asaunicd b; Max hira, wImUieu inado bU Orst appcaisuce la ihU ooobtry. Un Uoi, 4 iko bill wu oliangod aod "Mauurbluuinrhcn" ("A WallQowor"). a comedy, In rour acta, by lllumoolhol amf Kadelburg, wai glreQ ita Drat Aroorlcao producHim. Ylio ouone of the play Ir laid Id IkrIlQ. and tlie wallOuwer la a protly lUllo liookkoepor Id il» rniploy or an olderly tnanurao* lurer or wad paiwr. Hhu iKiiomra betr'>lhoil to hur employer, but lorra hla nopbew, wbu Ib, however, belrolbcil lo a lady wbo doea nut care for him. Tho old genUonuo laourodnr hla fully, tbo jruuDg man la nleaaed rron hla IwaUb and la united to tho little bookkeeper. The cast: Justus WDcnnann, Uax lloDacler; I'aiil Woerraann. Hai llln; Kduard Mar- herg, Arthur Kftfuliiig; llenrletlo, Kiiinui Ualiel- monn-TQller; Kdlih, Anoa vun Itomannwaka; Hpan- geoUaoh, Adolf Miik; Kranslska, Anna Uraga; Hartln Vulis, Haning; l>r. Lncaa, Jacqiin Ilitr- wiib; Jenny, Anna PmiHigoh; lloniilae, llnaa llntrlco; Kretiinltz, L'arl Niok; UounolMor Herr- mann, Hcminr tlerzmann; Juilga Uonxul, Kmll OUo; Krauae, Wlllloiii llvalitel; HrlglKe, Wllhrl- mlDO Sohluetur; 1IID/.0, Jiilliia Aa^hrr; Antf>n, Oscar Banno; l^ironx, lf^^nanb Knrn. Upon tblR occasloD Ube llanarlor mode hla Aiiier- Icao debut, placing tbe rulo whioli he created whon tbe play had Kh InllUil prothioHon at the l^co- alg Tb^atre, Ucrllo lUchord Huohflnld ap- pearod lait week at tbe likitALU HguiMB Tiibathb Id tbefolluvlDi repertory of plays: "lioan Hniiu- rooll," ereolog or 1 aod loallnee 3; "Arroa aod the Man/'ereologsofsaad ft and lOBlineeO; "I'rlncfl Karl," 3; "A I'srlslao ItuniaiiRe," 4, and "llr, Je- kyll and Mr. liydV' uvenlog of o—At tho Hkoad- W4T TiiBiTNg. sneroooo or 4, l»n Wuir Hopper garu aspeolal perrornunce nf "Dr. Hyntai," to wblob all prominent profraRlonalH now perronulngloibia clir were InvlKd. A nutabis gathuring of players rrsDitod. JoiiH 11. YuuHo hoH cinipluinl dealgoR fur Ihe Nurami>urgTo7 Fair, whiLh la to lie opened l)en. 0, In Ifadlsou H'luire Osrilen, under ibe managemeoi of Fnnk W. rfaoger aod Hnury J. I^Mr. Acoord- log to the d(»lf oa tbe Interior of ihe Uardco will lie laid oat la parallel atieeia. to mo tbe entire length froni MadUoD Avenue lo Koortb Avenoe. and bulU along them will Ite twelve bulldloga mooiBlled after tbe NnnmburgortglnaU. TUB ANNUAL rovel o( tbo Anonvfflooa Club will take plaoe on tbe afterurHin of Oct. ll, at Ihe Uaalno. Among Uie well koowo perforuiera wbo will appear are iMlla Fox, Paul Anhur and JefT D'Aogells, ID tkeir trio aod dance frum tbe 'Mule Trooper;" the Llllpo'iaoa, Id an aot of "llompiy lJumpty;" Hliloey lirew and hU compaoy In tbe ooorlaoeoe rrom "The Ulldpd Age;" walur Jones, MabelHtephcDsoD, Waller U. Hogers, Hlg. Tiigliepe- ira. Once Vliklns, Wiiaoo and Nelaoo, Fongere, Uarle lJuvd aod Konulua. ••TUB 'TWB.vriMTii UBKTUAY UiRf.," a oow tbrto aot horleiia, b/ Bjdoey llnaeoreld and I^dwlg Kog- koder, will bo produced in tbla citr, tn l>eceml«r, b/ Hesara. Uaoary k l^rrer. Mr. I^edenr ao- oouDceg tbot be baa engaged Ubarlrs Kvaoa, leasee and manager of tho Herald H<iuareTheain; Jobn T< Kelly and Jenole Yeamaus to ptav prlnolpal rulea. ARBiXUBiiBKn hove l>een oiadu whereby Carrie Turner will preaoot Uerryn llalhM' new play, "The Coming Wonuo," Nov. 13, at tbe Firui Aveooe Tbe- ain. ADOLFU PmLtiT's new loral c^raedy. "A New York Urewer and Ills Fafnllr," will I>q Ri:ted for tbe Drat time airbe OennanUi Theatre fh-.i. ll. OuuNOD'B"HoniOo et Jullftiie*'wlll form the bill at tbe opening of ibe opera Ncaaon a the Heiro- polltanUpermlloDae.Nov. iv. CiiMBli*—Utrrlgao'R, Fa'tnor'aaod Central. 11URI8' M OSS UM-—Manager Doris Is giving hie patrons ft novelty thUi week lo what Isadverilaed aa "A Coogrcas of Uraxy Inveniora." Tbrrean alg laveoton, witb tbilr Invenilooa oo •xhlbliloo, wbleb noge from perpetual motion tu an aerial oemeterj. Thoa. Howe, chrsi ^ipooalonlat: Liule lUargeas, wbo pkjs a puno wltb her feet; Hoea Preoob. tiearded woman; Xonjaopard woouo. and Uxzla wnv. loog bslred woman, are newreataiea o( itie oono balla this work. The production of dnmaaloltietnoairealaagalo Id vogue h^re, he- RDOlog ibia week wno'-l/ocle Tum^a Cabin," bjr >rla' Btoek compuy. MlHBH'S KlUltTII AVgNUB THBiTHB.-8am DO- vere*8 Uo, inoved op bore from a dowo town ibeaire for a veek's aiay, opeolog oo Mootfajr olght, Oct B, 10 a large hooae. The compaoy la or good calibre and gives aoeDtertalologprogrmfflne. ■•gtweek, IrwlD Bros.'Show.