New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB IS. THE l^TEW YORK OUEPPER. 509 A." mitMor tmit, tb« (U* of 111 mtlodnmu n- ^SBlS^^'toro^. Of UW' «. ihii vMk lor tht ant tioM htn. K»t wW £!fJr?An TAiMl oonti. glrloatlio Qnt otir prodaetloD MiiiMnUr PiiroDte«il and w«U tcM ^^rJVi Si««-Art» SotbDU. lUrrv Poy. CTiM. JjMmr ud oibara pnwDt "A Buucli oi u. «Mi7 Uamr wl U^ok comlnit oeu •Mb. "f m ^JLaThaII" tMinK i*i*n lotmll/ prodaotd Coanj ud S'^MToT-irtn TimUM'Mut wMk, for tii6 drit Uma r*i %^ m«t ftlrraoMV. ''^iBiMV or Mc-io —Wklter Ruiron)'* prodncUon of .JS^ Jtim*T ot Oi>d.*' eonRlog One* Iiiduod la the tZSnar role, bsgto «• ">'"1 ctneluiUug wtak ffi* purler aKCoMtnt eompaDj • «ia" lo ^rttCrrtae Sooth Balora tba War" will ba kivw for STMWT TBtATBit-A. Y. Paanon'i imdioMAa Ji^^' iMk pouauioa nf Hanazar JacobV North SIda t2^7 ud will ba followed 14 bj.tha drat local pro- SStiAii 01 **Tba Cout Guard." Last wa«k Uoraoa Miilkftil urt *'A Plai 01 Trace" lo fair elted tDrnoau. '^oThT JiOK'a OriNA llotni.-Mat. Piyoo and Fbll. f^ndftD'i tUT Bporu Barie«Mue Co art la poueaklon Su^aei Dick iCiiilo'a Marie Baofter Oc. headed by v^e Voo Ralr.aDjojed tooJ buelneu lail wwk, and ^^AsitDdldiaMirifiitoo toaUo'tnera. Iheollooailad ffu aSloQ Mara and Ollaa. Ed. and Kiuy DpaRon. Neiiia T«BB4lal>«ta Leonard aod Uharley Uart.Me&ror »od itetiT Bibr Uart, .\«pitr anJ Ibce'lo. and the UeU SSiri Tlia Udlea' Hanhettao Olab berto the btIL and jTl ao'raan'aburla«iaa.**nie QoMen Bail," brought to a ^■h till ba«t perfonnanca, of lu Hum. we bare wl|. Mwd ttiU waaoo. Kelt weak oonei Bam T. Jack'i gMitio. beuled by HminaWard. RoriL EvoLiaa Oiaocs.—Maoaiiar Prank UeU an' •aoaeai the formal opentov of tbie now candidate lor 13, batoo 11 a praai racepiton will be kItcd, wlien the full RVruDin* «ill beeoactad lor ibeOntUue. IbibulM- wu lollf dea«rlt»ed In a prerloui luoe, and a luriber taiDMUoaol itiepramlm pronpu the predioiko ibat z yi ji ii now aaurad. If attention tn Ueull carerol ZTuMineotand abiRta grade performaDce wir bnoR Mebieaan). Ilaoi^er Uaii baa aciMoipilahed macb In STwarol beaobljlDg and making aitnctiTa e place wflr oeiledad beiore, and will no doabi r^iie both KM and pttntoage lor bla enlarprlta. The in«0Bar«i ■111 tnraae Roee l>ockrtU ur\ Vfm. O'Dale. KuMrt VniHAker, Ba^ Boiraont, aI. Aruier. Jolin foeier, ihe Tbree OiraiUea, Jalla J^wenda, the Smiih Bn>iher^ m Lea.the LiraLarmn Pamilji U tmtn' l>ogOircu«. Oao. Klioe. the FuherBroihara, 4me Heronteite and a MDtAGilme piodacad by Jno. Le Olalre called ' Toe Pkui Viddiof" A wat*r camlTaL lnirodQcl'<g i:on Back* vlib In fiooy ialntmioB will fiolab the perfunnanc*. MiUfer Hall baa •eleoied the following »uir ol aulM* isu: dole repre<anuttTa, Mate EdwirJs: Mieiant Buacer. Jobn II. Plaberiy; traainier. Mr*. M^bie Irinin-Hawthoraa; aqaaurlan dl'soior. R. U Dockrlll, •na agent, De lUMler; auiebint eqaaiiriio dln>cior, LmOraeam; eaibler, Jak« Roaenibal; mnelcAldirector, 0. M. Conrner; bAotomlme direuor, Jobn Le dalre;^ Mllet maMer, U- H Jacobeon; head uiher, P. R. Vouog^ •leeuioiao, E If- B<*ai: maMr mechanic. E. W. Cooke, tedmaiur of properiiei, John MaoKeotle. Two per fermaneaiwl'lbagtveD dally, find the aotenainerawiu taaevtd ererr lortnigbt, thui ranking the oifering (it»h ud aitntctlTe. Manager Uail bee inrested a geodly ean In bringing ihe liooaeup to the eiaodard (it»h ud aitntctlTe. Manager Uail bee inrested a feodly ean In bringing ihe lioaaeuu to the eiaodard of eic*llenee be liaa aualned, ani will pot It leto the leM wallaqalppedinaitparuculara. PUHK Uaix^a Uistxo—Bualoeea bare maintaloa a And4tdolaoaeaal exceUaoov, tfae eeauog capulty be- lag ifSttd at all tlmee irom the oiHrnloK bour In the ■omlofuant mMolght contlouon-perlormaoeaabaT- leg «on Mich pronoauced lavor with uur Tauoetiile da- ToUe». Pdrthiiwe^HtageHanagerBillyKlcepraaenti •aoiher loog llatorantertelnen, tncludiDg the Beoiteyr, Terrr and Maggie Perguion^aady Unrphy and Blanche Andrew!, Loulaa Oempeey. w-id and Market, the Buck . Qlldren. Wm. A- lAoee, HehaeOer and Monti, Bartli and nenlng, Wait and Po«ler, De Dullla and Vnlora, the LuDoot Brothera, Caroiea Stuart, ibe Fa cbeni. Chu. udJeoDleittawarr. Sadie Miner. Allen end Delmitn.tbe Iinwick fiUtara, Billy Bice and aarile Cocliraoo. Bwlm- ■log eibiblilene by Cora Beckultli an cenuoued lor laotaerweek. LTOaOKTflUTRi.-~Allerlhe onrreoi reign ofa liouie Ull it>M "Laater'a Big City Show" llaoaeer Urenler mwentii road oombloailoo* In luoceuton, bevioolOK U wiitt BaiieU Brothera* Coinedlan«. Hoilneie lut week ■as lair, with a booae bill dobi*! the N«v York Looiina Ibeatre Company. Tlie penormanoe eoiaged the cf- forte 01 Fred Ban. Lottie Proctor, Pred Fleb, and Prank Quigg, Kittle Uoniton. WIHlam A. Ling, t:harl«N ii. Daocao, Paddy Hurpby, ana Blanche Aodreva, the Nlchola Siitarik Deraneraod Allen, and Dlioo, Kower* ud DiioD, LlTlog pictures weie glren betvaen tbe ae being pretenled by Alei. Beainan lor the thtnl o«o- HentiTe week. il«y T. J^CK'a BupjRH.—Dick Ltttle'e tfaile Banger Barlaiqae Co. moree over to Manager Jtck'e Went Side kooeo lur a week, aod. being a popular orgulzatlon amoag thoie acnm the rlrer.wlli no doubt ue laTored alth good reenlte. Laat week tiie London Empire Enter- t&lnera were in poiseaelon and atlracted only moderate tonouie. The company wae piactlcaliyreorgulzed lor tbli aoRagement, aa nearly all the meabereoi the oU compmof closed at Maiuger Jadt'a duwn to*n houaa. TbeantaitaloersIncluded ArraHrongand Porier, Frank Fenion, Lllley Usole>p, the Perguaon Brothan. Aib>nl Cnomlan and Koliht, Nellie McOulre, U'Bnen and Buckler, aUe. Vero and Untban. OiJKTr Teum.—Tbe secosd week of Manager Drls- oU'e regime hronghl onlf fair reeulta, butaji the new e^oditlon oraffaln becomes more geueiallr knoenbual- aeaa may reach a paying basis. Tbe mil provided fortbs va*k Ineludea among othem Dolly OeTenport, Adah . HichnoDd and the AmoonaOlerlae Trio, Xioat week'e smosamenc was fumislied by tbe Ball SUien. Hlckar and Con, Bailey aod Mav Davion. Kliile ClMioo, l^t footl, A J, O'Brien, the La Bo«e Trio. Blanclie U CNIr^ Imog Montgooety and tbe Da Heel Twin Brother*. Wbile<'olog bla act ntiiht of 4 tfoDtgotueiy aeiiouelr vTtnchedbiaiett arm b| a sadden weiRht being throwa open bin wbl'e be was performing a beary lilL OLTHPio TUIA1HB—Uarry Williams* Own Co. In* auguraiad their road lasson with Manager CaaUe this week. Kalbflehl a Urpheitm Stan were In pioduble erl- dsneelait weeb.glviDtonlv a fair grade of entertain* Beat Tbe bill eogegi^ Manib De Vero end Oenle Hu- ion. Corner Brookes. Jobu Boidand Chria Burke Mark Lorlng ud Allie Leslie, Julia Keller, Ned sod Era Tbslcherud (JAilagbrr and Qrlina. Acolored gin io* trodncedibeeiectrloxpeclaliybrougbtoot by N«uaHej. raiud tblrtaea liTlng pictures later#peT*«d between tbe set*, addtd mntarialiy to the bill. J alia Kelley streDgib- ened the show fur this eogageineni onlf. Manager CuUabaabookedratKelUyioraooi ol 15, with Nussell Bros.'(.'0. to loUow. Panx TuaiTgg —Manager Hick Norton remains a *l^ tlm to the llTing picture distemper, preseoilni/ lor tbis veek the loortC edition oi Uio ororeorked dUpiay »f femloloity. TbeTaodeTiUa leaturvu of the bill engage tbeetfertaol Pred Pldi and Frank Oulg<. Ed Pox aod Dot Piaher. Colemu ud Mens, the Uantlni Bruiber*, KlUy Wnli^ Bim ud KUly Aoderaoo, Leo aod Mbblo Cnnnm, Morula, Paui Lo Petra ud Dick and Elule Cnmmlogs. The performuce will end with a local com- edretyied *'A llonch oi Jaye.*' fiasineea shows a*)iKht iplo ot lata, owing ohlelly to the Improred alaodanl ol we pirtgramme Ininliihed Lixotur Avggog Tiii4TRB.~Tbe allendance here re- nslna ar a fairly proBtable stage, and aDeeaniy good VIII le fainUhe-i. Htaae Muager Wel'er J. Pllaiuier soDouneee for this week Prank ud MlUle Ucef. Jobo lolly aod Oracle Moore, Msude Detlj. the Ferguson Broiben, Nellie Pox. Jobn llennlnga I'llUu Starr aed Snsia Moore. ErenAX'S GIOTTO Uiiflic IUlu— Busineea Is lair hera, and thepro^pocta lor u locreued attenduee are Terr E[oed. Biaae Director Obarley Heeai profldos a good let ol performera, aod topa toe weeklv bill wiiboueof lis clever ait«rpieceM. Ue praaenis tois week Nod aod Bra Tba'cher, Plsher sod Wsll, Louie Hwao, Ohberc Barunl, Minnie Bartelle.Coglil ud Coop«r, Harp^7and Mliea, tiadie Morton aod a stock company oi living picture poaara. _ ExasL B OPKR& Pavilion -The altaoduce here re- nulnaatlow eob, bnt with reduced prlcoaaod a better oir-rlbg bualoesa mar chune for the beuer Next week Anher J. Lamb's burlatriae. "klwalUI," will be stagAd, With Fern Melrose iq the chief i«iu«le role. Tne eoter- taibuient tbiaweek engagesDixoo, Boweroud liixoo, JtroDe,iheitog man: Long and Eoaanla, t;ora Rauit, Nellie MoFherwD, Oollr Date, Pern Meiross, Paoole Valiers ud Eddie Bbayoe. Hasomio TmMPLa Hoof OABoas.-Thls resort eon- Unnestn draw highly pmlliabie tumeutf. Tbe bill lor this week engages Prof. Ne'lsoo, Jolin lis/nea sod BUiel Ueeetie, 3^eia ud Willy Hamilton. WBTa'M L'lgDoK DjMB Mi-SKB-OuTloMtles lor ihle weekaraMcOatcbeoo.awordswellower; L«dt Mar. Des- ■sDebbsand Badia Burton, hea^jwelghta; Leroy. nail driver, ud iilara Macks In sutuary On the suae: Stella Thorapion, Daisy Brooks, Jobn Raauerson, Ed. Arm Mrong, Beonle Wallace ud Pete De K»9. . EOBL A MlPOLWng'a OLAHK HTHBKT DiMfl MCBBr— IncQrtohall ilile week will be round Capi Huardsod jQlisud Rose MananLwlih Uielr bullet i>rooi oatdi: the ETaoatoD Albino twins aod Hay Atom, a mldxet. Stage perroratucea will engage the Sllrera, ihe Morris Brpihtra and the BUtara Qoodwin, presentlag a laroe ulled ".^crvana" , lfoBLAMioDLVTO.<r80LO)iBMueiB-Thelinorourioa nr tbU week are Carr e p#riormlnr btars. Prof Oalleire rarrau,nerniu Rose, lUca, a swoid walker, and llie Zsrna. Uo ibe suge among others will aupear Aody Adeoi, tbe Barrows AI NaWton, Lnlii Tbala, Valior Blackbom, WlllUms aod Carletoo aod Allla West ArrseuiTa.-8ol Smith Kusaell beglos a two weeks' •ogusneetatUia Orand!», presanung 'Tlie Boir at Uw'l'ud Mj^pn, Weather" during hrs^Uy Mlla. ^lotoed Dam T. Jaoh'a Exlmraguu Co si D^Tton, 0., 1 and JaiiA Kelly ud Mile. Failnawill Join at Hava- na. Caba, Not. B "AOromwelllai ConiPlrup," a MwBre set play, by Arthnr U. ud Cbaa. W. Phlillpi, of tri't'tr. Is being rebesrsed br amataun for an sarly ^*w>aUon Muager Joseph Boiel ud Herman J*hEoBal'a Opera Pevillon, ebJored a bsnaBi0....... '■I. Barnes, who latalr olosed bli eogagameotwltb aS*, Barton, la here ahead of 'The City Sff't^" Mabel B. Uallagber, a member of foV n*»"»rt's BIji Bnrlei'iae Co.. begu aolloo ttr dlTorca la Jodga Snilth'e l?ourt. Oct J... Huager Ileoderaon bu booked felra. Lang'rr i?*.^l"o weeks* engagement at the Chicago Opera i"*" -Ada Babaa makes herArtt local appeannce u s*ur u Uonler'e Not.S Manager John iTiIstIid I *:>*DT|slunffL^a\7lswelLhls locaUapratenia- W.U Breenbuslned lodoibe ad rfrjM^r ibe London Empire BoierUlneia John Bi M^.S<"**^ his tarn oa atfrsnoe for * Thenrowi Road« ■•■•FaoDle Varshaiiu Harles<)aeCo.can>eio Ch.LiV III., SepL 28 and disbanded Paul Sm^ ••'V:iS"o*'>F orehaatra leader at the ainduMs B«*«lth••TbePiasint Show." nerbeii Millard haa SJ«*«»ncted '-Tha Flam*" lor Wo. Iloer Mane beSil? "f^t****."" -Delmonlco'a at fill" to big tj?!^^M the Anditorlnm. tbe pro:««di going to sweQ "NUdheqaer ol the Policemen^ BanevoUol AmooIa- Mo ecmea to the Colombia, to giro "MIm *™aHa" for U>a Am tloa bar* Bulam withdraws from •■ReaA4«u» iki. wejk In BalUmore. Md. ud BsaiSS^MoreSrSViss hi? sJJi'•'^■^ "» "Mass Oily, t«io*-fW,.'S:'w'!S Trt. to China- «^l!SL*'f? f^nk frsToe Jr. amoD.o ib«pBS'.woe<. siogmg luiUbie* r enh.rced re;ii-qient fmm -BTu. ) wna Id Dilriog Jeaos" Harriet Haai lier I Ponl assumed the role of Bus Bndalr ~nmiiUB*''''M''^Katenaxton. ~ J?K^',P?°'" M'F^^fJT"*' ' 0' Hllla.** BuroJ^a «ni?K?w¥"''*^"' «liteeo aeeks htn bean laid up with rheameiUm, is abont onca mora. 'orapaogh Shows sd- Uwe?! BI2^lf™^^!''"**^?"" bn^fifM rapreseota. tire 01 Baua Bro^' amosoamnt enterprleea. . i7t n.Vfi5'»L''''*"M',""'«™' yaaniwIUi BnUon'a pIfbiTiSo.[?.'.i'SB':!/;iS!N%'" ""^^ S'?A,iV Jt''*^* .^''"l"^'* PI'T*": Krerythlngln re- ^d 10 bitsloesa tor the Winter looks bright. We opeoed e New Opera llonee tn MechanicTlile^N. Y, Uat week, T'fn?.«''o.^'^ f «>"i M«banfcTii|e. LIllUo Bat or le uUrlog the lewla JoInlDg as last week. —John P. kellr and T. w Reunfe era sloglng dooble descripiive songs with the Rockwell TbeatrvCo. -.i'T'i°.fi!I."?,'".:''''"i.** l''n''"F'« Co.: Mr. Ltodaayhas sddrd'1>tli«llo" to bin repertory. The supporting com* paor Is good and we aie rec«lTlog mush praise Irom ibe preiA —'• llisNlbs the Baron*' ComedfCe. rtporU wlnoing favor through the West. * i™ — npouor«u)daiiaonud Dun and Msck Joined J, B. Uaaie'e "Hid* b'huw" Co, ai York, pa, r>ct. a — •■O Ntll Washington. D. 0.," Is tbe ilUe ol Dan Sulli's new Uan-el Ilart,«hlcb wssorlglnaily aoieJ at. lluba's Heat le. Wvh., Theairr, P»p|. ». — "TbeMaatnr I*flk>loo,*'which Mso'^e Orauier tried at Sieubenvilie, O. Kvpt. 7,an-i ubicb she sfierwatds called* riot ud PaMlon *'|« not a now pl«ve< wu at flrKt rejiMrted. "Piot ud I'ltMlon*' W4a orlxInaHy scied at tile Otympio Theatre, LenJua, Eng. Oc* I'. IKU deo. B. Dillon, 01 Albe I lav wood s 'BdiiewDOd Fulk^" pro duced ilie play lu <:hicago. 111, three >Hrs ago. It Is pabh'hod In book form — * Booaparu at Schocl.*' a two act comedr, truslsied fmn the Prencb r.y Rev wu ecte I Mr the Arst tiuie oo auv stage, at tbe BtarTbeetrr, UtiiTslo. N. V.,Ofit 9. — Nellie Usnihoov begsn her AmeMcan etarrlog tour at the Academy of Music, (Juvbeo. i:u , Oct. |. —Sutton Vena's roelodruia, "Th^ Oot un Ring.'* was acted for ibo flr^t time lo America at Ilie Bovdoin tiiiuare Thesiro, Boemo, Maai, Oct 8 Th* place wu oriRtaa ly p^uced at tbe Adelpbl Tbca'ro, Loudou, Eng.. March lu — Simeon Fo^som, last eaa'on ailraocerepreaenlailve for Loiia Monteiili ta« returned to Boston, Ma*e, irom a r«* ddy«' rest at Maoie Urove Cottage. Llmerlek.jln. — Notas from the Earie CooedyCo.: Tbe recent sdd(- tiODsiounreomnur Include Joe Bata«. AL Anuer.Joe TOQOK. 0. U. Werreo U. F Plsher, Pioreoce Weslry, Luto Thompson, ud Chas. P. YeliarviollolsL — "The r^y Train" piaied at Qorman'a Tbeatia, Man* cliestrr, N H , Oct. 4-d, tn good bu»ine«a. Uansgrr Oormu Inftrnie us tha* bis boose Is greatly Impruvrd and Is becoming a lesdlog popular prlerd bouse ul New EnRland. — 'The Coa^ Guard." by Mitchell A Vincent, haa be»n sacoran br Burrlll A Daoteta. nrd the coiuouy engaged tliTougli Winnett's Bxohange Tbe plav will rveive lia flrat production at the Clark Rtraei Tnealie,Chicago, III. Oct l4 — vtiirlog.ol We*lport,N.T.. lorormsnatlutEI- inrrUia.A]'j'apiay, "blaveaoi (loid,*'>■ not new, S4 rf • ported. Mr. Laurlng writes: "The play Is (;hsrlos Hold's oM story,'Lnve ud Money.* ud a r<*w years ago adraDiatlzatloo of the same book wsa plared inMaata- ctaoaeita." — The referee (o thecaseol DaUr May Emmet aicalns J. K. Emintt lor abiw>iuia •iivoreeRled a report in ili- Suprvuie Court of ilils Btatf, OclS. recomm^ndlog ihe grentlog of a decree, and a1»o that Mrs. Emmet be granted the cuntody nl thftr child, EloiLor, ud be nllow«d liUlawvek permueot alloioorior the aupi>ori ol ber»<irud child. — Adelaide Flis.VMen baa brought aul* agaloat Jno. C. DiX'>n lor $30U, alncb auionot pJie al'egea ebe ad- vaoced on his prom-sa to sopifly her n drsuia Iron his own pen and to aaslit her lo eurring tn the utoe. NOTBS FROU lIUltTIRO'S ClKCCfl -Pml W. II. JsCObA' Colored Bud, who were emplo\ ed In tbe aide slioa; left Ids Very uDprofeMlonal rouoer UepL 31. Prol. B B TIdler'a bud of ten pieces replaced them Hept 31. ud are giving (he best of ntiiiaction. Beaton Hood. Hon tamer, leit very uoceremonlnaelr Oct 4, si Woodstock, Va At Btauoion, Va, Oct 2 we plar«d oo the lair ■ rouoda. Uur moroloa parade was a>iniented bv a trebles'display of the merebsnta, headel bj two bands, utd, altogether, foniiloB a procewloo otYra mile ud a lalf long. Bus>nea contlnuea to be satlafaetory. hOTif* PROM Lbr'iiLo.'*doxSuow:i— .We are now doing our doUhlog touches to this seasoo'a work. Mlla Tre vaoi'^n (Mrs. Ferris) la mahlnn a big hit with Iter perch ladder set Hra. Lee Is doiog olceir wiib the ahiie Arabian taodem tesiu. bmkrn by Willie Ilaw^id. chas. Lee Jr has been oo iha sick ilar. The ekphut. Pilot, ha« beeo seot home to tbe Wallace nhow, in Fern, lod. a A PiinBB manager ol Porei-angh'e No 3 adr^rtis- Ing esr. closed hia tblrieenUi coaaecui ire svoMin 8epi t9. Qkhubkt flwina uoNsrBR nn Cast Buowd riopod at Batastowo, 111, Oct, 1, ud have gone Into Winter no«rtem at Danville, IIL Ir IS noanuocoi ihu thehelraol P. T. Bamnuhava deudedonthexale of the RamuraA Hailer Clrons, aod that Ibe preliminary deuli« have been complied wlib, but (bat Jamas A ualley will oot coma loto lull pos- MSioD until about Ni>v i. J.J /axorb. at present wlih Usnrhevter's NlghtOwU Co, will Iwve bU own circus on the road next Hummer. PUIL. MILLRR, who lia« tieen with i:has Lea's trlreu* for sereral seaaona past, writes us that be Is at home derotlng bl« time 10 hR>d praoiica on tlin bsr^. Korua FHOM Till Raubum a Hailbv Rkow— Weare reai'lngarlnh barrest In the dnaldsiHoftbepeaeoo.end are lumlug away people at naarlj nverr uand lu tlie Hoathero country, which lulir demou«tniea the fact il>at "tbe a«me prices nonb and dontli" proved a strong bead- Una anu t-^e receipts are corrospno'llnKlr large At LouiSTilla NMSbfllle. Slrmloghs^ and Montgomery the sale of tickets was stoi-ped aud tfae i«riuriiitoce com- menced ahead ut the re-^uUx hour, and late comers had to content themialve* wiih a visit to itie aMei>how Kihe flnt weoH lo Dixie is auv indication of wbat Is to follow. Ihe Bouthcm loor will prove a ' bummer," and the fstt ibst the mo<t promising stands are jet to coioa sruuts well for general ruuita Aiivertistna ■'sr. No. 4.eioMHl Its season Oct Cat Radfnnl, Ve.and at once went lo Brld«epori,Ui., where u went loto winter iiuarteiA This particular cor. und»r the iau«gemoai ol AI. kiaI, haa nbown gnat record In the way oiexcuralnnlilllioKdiirlng the pas( liunimer, ud teimlosted iia tnurwith luddenis ormoretb^oordlDarroceurTenco. Just sa the pay roll received ihe l*st signaure, Mr. RleL ou beltaliofilie "hojs,*' oslled Ja". MoKesg. the bo.'a hill pAster, lotu tbv odlce ud presented b>m wiih a valuable xukl vetch with diaiD andlocket attached, bearlog tne iDierlptlon, *-To Jas MoBeav, from the bor". *'ar 4.101." tiieliaDdsome aouveolr being accompanied by u appropriate letlor. When the congratulation* bad ftaiaed amuod Vr. Hiel biDkell waa treated to asimltarsurprise on ih« pait ofhU worhmen br ihe presentaiien of a large *ea rlni end a go d headea we'ktng stick. J. A. A)l-o, rei reseotlng the "aUIcIsI programme ' ul the Oreaust Slm* ou Kanli. act ed as master uf (.oremontes oo thia occasion wi<b a few arpropriate n marks. * (TsAtf. WMtfThas o^oied wlih Belli Bros.' Ill< shows aod la res'.iog a^hiH home In Noiialk. Va. lie will soon lole will) Tom Uormao, late ol Held and Oormu EoWahdW. UHHi.f, tne ropularinanaiier of thentren Teauo Urrio, City ol «exico. la rvceivlng ttte consratnla- tloos of hie mwr friend* It la a b tr.a ten iwui der, and wa^ buro in Troy, N. Y , KKL 7. Mrs. Orrio ud the batrarednlog wei. . ALHBHT p. UAaui.vuTOX hss closed bla itaaon wlilj Sun Bros.' iMreuB. ' , .. . rnn O^Mi!( BaorRBRa Piiow tn Uoxlea will soon opeo i snitoenihseaano, and Maoager Edwanl W Orrlo la now In ihiR cllr arranglog ugageniHata, eto.iorthe coming campaign. Tbe show la as pupalar aa ever ami tbe circus aod vaudeville a'traoiluns already oogaged proLoUe a aeries of simoc bills 0. W. WAHUiiCH:('ri CiRCtM closrs the seawoat Uil- miogion. O., Oct. U aod will wioterat Wilmlogtoo, 0. Tbe Bb jw will be enlarged for VOS. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wants of ManagBn and Perfbnnar*, Optn Datn, «tc—See AdveFtltemantt. DltAMATIC. H. W. Vu Dyke wuU people for "A Tallow Caodle" ^tttacUoDscan book time at Robioaon's Open Uouse, Cincinnati. 0 Baldwin A Rogsre wantdraniaUopeopIe. The American Oramatio EKChauga, Cblcaio, book compaolesud people. , ., , . o - O E Lcihtop warns attraetloni for bla booaei at Port* land. Me., au'i Brockton. Mase. Ueo U. Udbb wUbea to eogage |>eop:e l>r bis eom- **ila?rV riioale wuU dramatic people fur bli "East ^^ISsle Marko* luues a call. People an wanted. "McN*lt"s'--will opeo aboriily. People ira T?uky Pimng'waniSU' rent a popoUr priced IheaUe The Sijou Theatre. Lowell Uo-. »^'•'{tf'i.^^.,, Urawatio i-oop'o are wanted byO. M. WelU .Bcpnelt fllSire: F J Bobbin*. Minnie Se-atd. ah^PW'-4* ceumTbestreCj , Liwranee Brooie^ J. <.. Dsvfc«.A. Moseler " W^-rtig. VA K. no-e,ffanT Elmer, Augos- Uoe NMvlll.. Cha.^ II. Uarsiead, F * Pg^T aJ"" and rufllo. MsDSger. Musger Trave',p. M. Bomvu K J. Erwood, Wafoer and Oarreit Box A. Uardj Maieo.m ^AtUbeny: P.O. T.iUhell. qmltar.a'j. BarTlck,Chae. 0. Mltche'L J. D. Barnaj fl. U. harrlraan Djltw'i^S'fr.^w pJ Jf^*^ Marl Pearl, Obarl« Brkkwood. Uaijy R. PaU^ ■d p. Bosh's "Wblu Crook" Co. can baooMtd. A enU li iMoed by CUotoo BosaalL KVSIOAIm pL«i BertTMuie Warwn, EH^ ■inart, Hay WalahrMane Bar.ella^ Wee iten wnu. * •wdolog well wtth It Adameand Darby write songs tnprter. JftMl? MvartiFfs the snog -UaOot Lell' Harding hM publie*ied "Dnn*t Tell Mnihar " 'After the mow ud Four Americans in Parae.'* at un cents per ¥. WolsiefTer win siii P «. Wols'SfTer will supply I UieateoDfsatienceoues'-h. »la rnrflftr eenta. PHIi MeOlenno'n't alg Walter Daxpbln advenlaes a new anog. "o/'loj. Ha*ilu.t A i^p have publiebed Obarles 8. ff'tor s catchy song,'The Std aalka of New Terk " t la b^log lung br many leadlog vocalista Joaepb Hart's new soog,^'Keep tbe OoUen Qates Wide Oueifr la aooiher popular auceeta. ProfeaMonals can ^eure tree copies oi thMe t«o «onBa. oJaat Hay Ueod Bye Aaain*' will ahnrtiv be publiabed. "Tne niri I Love" is pnoiiahed br T. B. nama A Co. £rusf.r Hroihera have some catchy songs The W dmer SUBler Ma<lo Co. adVsrtlse their popular puDiicaiions. Bevetnl new sooga can be obUlned horn the Engllab Sent Publltblog Co. '*Mamniaa Love Kong" ud 'I Dream of Tliea. Love," are two oewaungs publlsbsd by a Bnloard*aHons 1:0. Mnaiclaos are wanted bv Johnnie frioale, B. B Etsen- a t'o -FruV McOormtek.KO, Wheelook, Oeo. II. Ulller, Prof. Sliaw. ♦ MeoiT Dobba. Clarence Pry. Ice llawrina. ^ RelUr, A. B. Waralca, Bam "Kaie MaUlgu*e Debut" a new sona, telle a funnr aiory. u le published by Henry Wittenberg. ''A PathsVa Lore" can be orderei fmrn O. W. Lue. He al«o pabllabes "hlarmg en the fHd Village Qreeo " The Chlatgo Mnsio Co. have ImihI seme new eoenA The paiheiic *tAr» of *Eui*It*s Weddlns" IstoMbyihe Binaoon Music Tub. (^..puollahara ol the song, wlifch Is reeoiomrnded to slniera as bomg of the most eaicUr deacriui Ive onter It Is supplied lor isn ceot«. Dr. iieorge W. Huotler wuu a leader, second violin ud comet pisrer, alio a tuor iiogar, for Luclsr'a Mln* ■treia. the RpringfleU MosleO^.have publikbed, *'MrBweet- heart 01 Long Ago." lUeo A 'o. published foor popolar oompoaltlons at teo eentaetch. *-D^tgao*a Bicr-1e Rldi" la lasn*d brTbm Carter. 'The Brnadwar Olrl," a naw aarlo comlo song ^r Onnrge M «*obBD vtl Nnitle Mc-D->nald, la supplied treetu pror«s«lAoal« bv Hpauldlng A Urar. ' Let Me Die With the LovmI Onea at Home" haa been published brUiMauthor, R.V. Aoderaoo. VARIETY AND BlIllHTRBlLfl. Prof. Roneh teadiea stage dancing In a<l bruchaa, u w>ll na give Ie*sooa on musical lostniineois of all eoria. nhe<k llsdj Tabar's Troupe ol Hertlan Athlete^ gun ■Piooera. riders and tumbler^ hare dosed with the Bunalo Bill Wild Weal, and Jntoed I'llmco-e A Weat'a Uioairela. Oct & lla ij ^herl|r, chauipioo gnn ipiuoer. lias been engaged. Mr. Tahar wiU continue lo import noveUlea. WiiliHim strong man and heavy weight liner wlih the leeiK will enter • egailationa furenaagementa. Hesih and Cadd have some opeo date*. Tbe Bdiaooa can be eaga<ed. Tlieir muical not Is higbip recomme- de^ by Muager Richard ll)da Carlloandi^Urk's DuUlisot Is ■•Id (o have been a ancceas at Proctor's Theatre, New York, last week. Thej can bo seen red. Peter Maher'a Athlello aod Speclaltv Co. loolodas some well koowo vaudeville Ulent Musgersholding timeor wisiiiog to book iheni Miould communicate with P. A. Paolacraft L. Mill Boyer eaota Dliy perfnnne's and raualclua for Dojd'a Modern Miosireia Mao? ooraltles will be lotro- dtired lo tlielr porlormuce. Honie open tlnie eao be Ailed. ttpeclaltleaare wanted by II A , Dr. Whttecloud, A. B. Meachau, Friend M. Weaver, fHlflon Medicine Co., Pruk J. Pillieg. £•!. O PergusoD. P. T. Wrlgh^ Oilo Hchmldt, Oongatd Mel'hail. Kiuillo A Leftwleh, rharlie Rema. At Liberty: Emma M. a Acaer. N W. Van D/ae, Ibe Pie^chera, Louise Parnsworth, Rtella Blair, lleleae Carre. W. Henry cancels all penple booked at tba BUou. North Aduio, Mas*., lor week of Oct 31 Du Hriermu wuu u acrobatio song aod duce mu wlio plara brass Harry Thomaoo unounoea a hit at the BlJoo. Phila- delphia. 1:. E.Cbamb»rlalowulsspociallr people. Sam T. Jack's "Bulltfshter* Co. hss acored a hIL They will (our thruuth Mexico aod the Koo'h this seaion. Teo weeks can be BHed at Mr. 'ack's Empire Theatre aod one week at th* Opera House. Ciiirago. iin »«) Tbieves*' Co a"d "Hauppa" Co. are oiTered lur rent llrde A uslimu weot specialties lor Deceuiber. The McNuhy sisters are inttwluoing their new speo- lalty. A msnsger Is wuted by M, B. P. bolHi and Busle Levino are dnioB well. Uenrgo P DuubsrUDOuncesibat hehaa givsn up the managemeot of the Wooderiud, i'ali River, Mass, can- c-llng all dates up to Nov 10. All iMokingatbereaJter hold k*vm1. Mr. Duubar will open thedaleij and Bijgu Theatre, lormerlr the Pleasant Hireet Theatre I rail River. Nov IS. Tne house will be reoovated tborougblf throughout, and Atied alth every Inproveiueot Biroog comedy ud vaudeville aeia are requesied to apply lor time. Aerial acta eao be placed Binos ud Bloos' act haa the approval of the New Tork prn*s. Nellie Waleni has been seeored hrOus Hill for his Vaudeville Htars. Blie Is poaseased ol a remarkably strong oarltooe vole*. L\ural aod Harvey, singera ud dancers, reijaeat < auihots and publiahers to aeod iham their latest pro- dkiciious. Their act Is a hit with tbe RelllyA Woods tlliow. The Cunolngbami are dolog a new act, "Cnlture veraua Oheek,*> wlih succeu De Veaui. Uiuskal srilst, wares managers agalostonn- fouodlng bun with uoiher, who is said to have auumed bla name Htiu T. Jack's '^^rsole^' Co., under Jobn W. Iibani'a ma«aiemeot,Iswdtobe populsr with ladles nod chil- dren. Tno plinw h lo Ita secood week at Xoblnsou's Opera H'^nie, Cloelooail. Mornsey aod RIcli eu bo eocaBed. iMellaud PaKO wHIJoio thu Sight Owls, Ootfl Edw. II Bauker's rpecialty ia aaiti to t^o a hit at the Bou Tiio Thesiro, Jersey Ciiv. lie can be engaged. Murphy aod Huyd am produolog their new specially, '•The Two FoeiA*' lIuKher Dougheriycan beaeenred. Logs" aod l>« Loog are at llbeny C. CoottunitH ■eacltM etage dancing. Chu U. Duncao elalme to hare made a hit at Ihe Lre»um, I'hlcsBO, sini og six snoRS nigbily. Til* uem Pariiir Ttieatre Bridgeport, Ci., will reopeo Ooi. IS ripecUltles ''an tMHik iliiia Hob aad Kittle Eoimett aod "Our LlUlu" cao be '£'*lll!ani and IdeMorello havs the week ol Nov.UopeD. Their comical slack wire sot la a hit. OlltOUtt. A good Ulkiiig c>wo la wanted by "Clown." L c. Horpchiinck rfTern Wlni*ir nuartera to perforoera and snlmale at his Nailuoni Park. Loolsvllle, .Nare»slir Jones nfTers a banosone, wbite, Arablu stsllioo for sale. , _ . . „, The iiertple engaged lurCorisda's Clrooa, Cuba are r»* nuesiedt«>)iave itioir baggage at PIsr IV, K. K, UO. 19. riieamer leaves not U. RIdndge A Irwin waotsliow people. Jnbn U Youog Is IniormeU 01 the death of hie child by l*tH)p:e In all branches of Ibe eireus ud vaudeville buaioeae eu be booked fur a pleasut wgagsinent with Orrio BroiliOta* Circus, Mex-co. Fruk A. Oardner wuis peep •. Atirtctlonican book time a* Unemar's Opera lIooBe, Three fishs, Miefa : how Perkins Opera llonse. Coney. vlrl^ Ka^.; La«o^eoce (>i>era llnute. WmcbeMar, lif; Opera moumo, Malvern. luwe: 0|-era llonae. ('ynthiana, Ky : I'uw rs'Opera IIuhs'. Lanaln^burg, N. Y.: Opem House. Abeidreo. Md.; I'nfno llai|. 4l«do, III.: Dibble (lperall«<uae Maif a«an. N. V.: Up-ra llonae, Uloalalo, .V. U.- 0|>era Moose, Neweouieraiowo, U ; Opera House, E omoo. N. 0. Fur eale: Magic br li-ith Palmer ud Mile. Valeita; 'crnery by M. E Bloom: iiiuMnm nf aaslomy. by K Novra: pluitoa. by Lock Rux TJi; or^hesira chairs by J. r. Orfdfn: Ulcksny JohnU rle>ioNlUren«i W ll. Lalloy: painilogs and scenery by Chaa. Wolf A Co , and Millard A Hsydeo: sbadowEraphabr ll*ed Brna FrlvileBes are uffaraid fur lsa>e by utn Htarsna Neel Vnn Oournuin wuis a denion child, elo, Cnarlea Davla,a<l«lale« lliualnn. A. W Van llairicn nlTera two sleeping e*ni for reoL Jacobs Hrna. make clothing l<» order at low prlcas. The Ulklog horse. "Forest Plainea," eao lie bonked- Muientn minsgera cans cure ssia legged sheep for «■ bihiilon. . , . TheB. n AB priieulooal iniahs are beeaiulngpppu- lar wlib show reupla ^ ^ „ , .', _ J. Moore eu be eaRag«d to produce llyiog pjcluni. Hie Midway, at presantesbtbl>l''g at ibeM Louis Pair, la said to be agreat attraction. Time Is belog booked by OtioRci.nildt At Liberty :Slm Polaom, O'lruce. msnager or lieasura X. V. 7.. ailvance. W. C. JuaHc^, adraoce. Cliaa .1. Oormu wut« a lltbogmph agmt. Mr* Mortimer keeps a Ihsauleal boarding hoesa lo Bo lion. BIL.L.I-A.RD8. tlcba«r«ranillr«l Matehod. Tb4M qaoDd*m to'tRoDllu on tbi itr*.n cloth m*l lo 0.11't rooaii,<1,tll«rMiii«(1lKuuloD. Mrwil tni«nairort«oiiituh«a. UIck H.Kb..btek,rrurHetii,r.r, too Aba Urr, liM* Douclal r.pltMouilv,, ««r,lo effld.DC«. Tbt.iUcl.ii piofid* lor t»o (Biteh.iitll- incbbtl. Una laehorphol l»rr«I,3,a'D miou, WIMCh Dlibl, rorflWalid,, rrconlloi iiicUuDploDuilprul.i. Tt.. IMO •!• 10 uw lor choiea ol l.blfi. Tbo Onl Djub UlobopUyMla «•» Vnrli. btnioolyt Ko» IJ tmch ciKOd Wfi r»r>tlt in IbaliaiKltol HaoriMO.IrsMO Kia .noloil "f lb. anlelM. A aacooil JappMi ol II l»fl la iii ba uula OD or ba'oro Oe! «J. aod Iba gaal dapuill br Ko>. I Tba atoooil nalcn la l/iba plaiad |. Cblra«», Si-ni dan allar Iba tn: aod %)» lotlail ii to ba placad lo Iha bud. or llarrr Balluil lao daia bilora tba Ha' Yota maleli. Iba olliar dajoltu tob.nia<la ud aoo ira dari bal.i» tba aama daunea IH11, u. ba 6nal Maba- boidar lo Iba Haw Vorb milch aart llarrj Ballard for tba Cbicaiona'ch. Ctplalo A. (I tnajo,ol bwaballlun., WuHr.*dtoraraiM bothmalehaa. II ara«4 Id CAM ol a lla Ibat A coabloa cAnon oAUb mU ba plAje^ ^ ALTBiDO III Oao. tba tbamploD pool pU;ar, li la Uili "WHEElLIlSra. Rscinf l« CoaiiMllrvt* A sene* of 'cjoilnir trealB rorrnid ft fetture of lh« oponlDg daj of the umtul Calr at WUIIabmaUo^ Ot, tho QTonia nnUloff as gppcaiB In ttM roUoirtnff lUfDmtry: Om mttc opao.-^ B. NawtOD. Rialtnr^ "^rlrja, first; 11. A (> Adama, Woroasur, second; B. B. Mverniora, Worcester, thin). Time, tm. IO*. Om milt, town of Windham.—W P. Jordan. eera'e>>. ar«t:J. II. Marler,fteda, second; P, B. Mordook, «)>da,. third. Timealm tSHa rriir Hf'e, opeo.-*) R. Newt^o Ant, f. T. Paraona, '^prlnsAeld, secood; P^I. Rlner, Obkopee, third. Tlma^ Iw 14K*- OMmt'e, Windham Coonc?.—o. U Brevarer Arst, W, P. Jordan seeond, P R Mui«lock third. Tima,tm 4Aa. One nlbv open -a R. Newton, setaieh, flrai: P. T. Par sons. Rlrds. eecood; U. 0 Kite, Rockvilla, 60>da, third. |lina,Su ISH* (Mr mUa, tawlen.—B. L. HIeheaod J. B. Ulnmuwon. rwD BiUrf.epeo.-P. T Paraoas sermteh, Arst: B, R. LlverBMra,10rds,seeond:P.L llBsr. eOyda. third; II. (1. Rite, V|da, fourth; Tlaa, Bid. I^a, On Ihe samo day then were ncee at Uie fair ftt Dsnbar;, It bcinff ftUo opeDlng <U7 then. Hum- mar;: One oUle, open, niaae B.-Ra7niood MoOeasld, New Tork, Arat; P. U. Allu, SprlngQeid, Masa, ssoood. Tlnia, toi. SD<a Oaemd^, Duhnry champlAoshIp, Qiaaa A--4tt*rilDg If. PaottO nr«t. S. B. wheeler seonnd. Time, ta. 17a. On« nfla, Clata B —Reymond kfeDonald. New Tork, stratrh Arst; P. If. Alleo, apriogleld, ascend. Time, tm. l»a Ont nflA. open, i^laaa A.-O O. Rmllh. New York, rtret; It. M. Alaiuder, IIartJord,eecoBf1 1lina,to tlH«> One naUACIaM A.—Howard P. Hosier. Storm Klog, N.«t; W. A.Ladne,(-oldHprlog.N. Y.,aeooad. Time, »m. ISa. _ lta{fwme, riasB R-0.0. Smith. Ns« York, Orel; R W Hyer, llsrlford, recond. Time, Im.lMa A 'Oycllan Toarnsmeat Of an loteroatloealobaracter haa beeo arrugod (or,ud la Aaad tq Uke place at Madison Bqnnra Oardao, this olty, during Thsnkiglvlog veek. This wudeclded upon at a oonlerence held at the Harden on Oct. 8 by Muaier Frank W.Ruger and William B.Troy, representing A. A. 7,lmmermaa, who arrived tron Bnrope a fea dara pravlonaly authorised to make arraogemeota on behalf el Zimmerman, whose presenee wss necewary to make iheaffkir a snooeaa. It la lotaaded to offer priieethat will prove sumcleollr templing to Induce Hie praaenee ol tbe lesding Pioiessinoala, (|uui proiemionals and amateurs of bolo bemlaphere*. aoo It la autad that aioneg thoae who have alreaity sluoiAed thdr In- leoiloo to ba 00 baod. bealuea "/inimr." are his Hnmpean connnentra, iloubeo ud Varlieveo, to- gether with Kdwards ao«l llarrla. Uia En<ll*h rrse^a: Arthur Llotno, tbe Welshman; Luclu Uuvel, Har- ry 0. Wheeler ud iba prieolpal American riders of Classes A and B. tibalnnan RavotAod, of the L A. W. Ru'Ug Board, haa gIvsD the <lanlen manage- nient a special suction to hold the Iila»a A and R eveoia. no iliat an amat^or ridere oan cnmpeie in them wiihout renroldlsuualifleatlAD The priK*a In the prufeuliinal eveoia wlii be cash, while lo the amatsar races ihs awards will lie ot the lull value aud charadsr pre«rll>ed by the rules of ihe l«eagne of Anianean Wheelmen. The uaregat* value of the prlies Isplaced at AiO.(UU. There will tM all races each day, two for Claiia A men, two for Uto«e ol Clau ti, ud two for profeulnpale- The raeo* will be decided 00 a Un lap track, which elll be built for the carnival. The dlatueesof the competitions will be from one to dftjr miles. la (he Backepe HIata. A serlcj ot r«cet wm bold on the fair grooDdg At FremoDt, 0., Bept. 3A, la coiiJudoUod wlih the oouDty fair, aod thoj fumlahed enjojablo iport to A goodlj crowd ot couairy folk, HnmmArr: OsemH<,ncvice-^. Beelmao wnn, N. Htulta secood, Olaodn Smith thiid. Tlme.9m.2Sa. nm/mlU, npeo, 1:1ft eISM—Roy Darling won, O. P. Wo'eutt "eeood, a. 0 Ifemulliltd. Tlin»,1m.WL Otk mite, open —Hor Oarlinif woo, A. B. Ilogan second, R Sheldon 'hinl. Time, 7m. V^i*- One mile, 3:61 elu<.-tl. P. Wtdooiiwoa. M. HochsielUr second a. O. Herman third Tlms,lni, 6Aa. /fair nll&opeo.-A. II. Ilsrinan won. H, lloebaletur seond. 0. P. Wolcrtit third. Ttiii* lui. Is*. _ ^ . One BslU. Hanflnsky l^ounty chatni>lo(.slilp —(i. F Wol. oouwoo.Oito Witt eecond, D. II.Bebneitiblnl. Time Xm. 47s Ud tho mat daj there wcro laceg at Klyria, O.. It bolog the oMDing da* of the f/>r4lu Uiiuoiy Pair, which wag largdlj Alundf d. BuiutDarr: One Mlfr,DorTca.-Krilis.Oberlln. won: will Oansler, Clerelud,second; It.Crehore,Elpria, Uilrd. Tlme,Sn). *^aif ntu, open.—A. H. Rllln. Oberlln. won; P. L. Trappa Olaveland, second: U. 1*. Barnbart,Toledo, Uilrd. ^OM ffS/e ^* n Bmeriok, roltinwood,a9vda.,won; P. A. RraKglos, rievetud, Uyd*., second; O. I'roudlooi, Mentor, 9)yds.. third. Time, 3m, Ta. , ^ _ //alfmfte-K. W. Kneel Oberiin. iftrd^, woo: P. W. Braaulnaaecond, P. L. Trappa ihlrd. Tina. Iin. 1IH«. One mtlT.opeo.—A. B Kllis wim, O. P Uerabari aso end, W. n. Buiariob Uilrd. TImaitm. t09i*. one mUe. Lorain Connly.-lt. W. KqhsI won, A. Ba Bills aeonod, B tt Wells third. Time. Im.SdMa. Am aaffn, open -O. B. Sernhan, wod,W. u ..Eoerlok aeeood, V. Pnudfoet third Titue, I9ro, VKa The Whacl In Uhlo. The ADDonl race meet at WeliaTlilo, O., woa held OD Taesdaj ifurooon, iict 3, and was a succoaafu aiblr, albeit but fourteen ot Uie Class II moo en- lercd appeared. Wulior Sanger Onlihird third lb tbe one mllo, open C7eQi, which waa clavcrij won bjA.t.Drowo. IlciQU: //dl/nffe, open Olasa A—P. L.Trapnn wnn,0 1'. Hero- bsidt second. J. K Palierwm llitnl. Time Im fs Hal/ mltf, open t;iasa R.-A. I. hutwn «uu. w. 0 Haoger •econd, L D Cabinne third tlms, liii.ks. Ties mlt/t, V\hM* A.—(ieorue B-d'eia. Wilinardlntf, riQTdN,won; B Irnna, :f7ll>ds, aecund; O. M. Maja, "rre. li<)yda,tbi|d. Time. 4iii. ftls. , , One mite ()iasi B.-L V. JnhnsoD,f:(hi)a, wan: Ia. H Cabsnae.scr4trh,iecoii(l; R P umia T^ds, third; K. tt. Jnhnutn Bd>ds , louttti. Tims, Ym, 3.'s ;/<ii/nUr, npin riaasA—P. L Trapnewnn, O P. Hero >>sr<lt aerond. J. M. Paleraon third, Olio Maya fourth. Tniie lin. Ss. UfK M'/ Olaaa B.—A. I. Bmwa woo, L. D. ra< .anoeaaoouo, WaO." Tlmo,3in as. |tu|er third. P.. C.Juhosoo louilh. buoe aaooui '(TnewilU Oiau A.-B. 0. Irons, Wonlcs. Fa., IM>i|a won: 0. fl lists. WellaviUe. Ohio, l|il)de.. snntiid; 'leorge Hedfem, Wllmardlog, UO|de.. third. Hot*, 1m. "i)oVal''-<^'*>*B.—L. 0. <:al)inDe. s«r4lcli. Aral; E C J'bowo.tftrds, second; L. C. Johnson. 30yda, third. Tim*. Im.SjCta. * „ „ . . . » rK«n(l£>.c|*sa,f:iaas A.—O. P. Bsrnbardt woo, J. K. Paitereoa sec-nd. Otto Msya tbird. Time, 4ui. AM. The 'Cyclers al Hteabenvllle. Tho Bocofid fneet ihia araaon ot the HienbcnTlllo (0.) 'cyclera wgg held od Uonday/anertioun, Out. 1, and It waa ralbLT poorly a'teoded, oliltdiigh a ap» cIqHt aiiracUro prugramme was prrpHrcd and lUe ClaM II cnaoke wcro preaeatlo force. Huiuinarj: ttftifmtU orao.rfaaaA—Woo by P. H. Rlg'-y. T'«lnh«; 0 p Karithsrdt Toledo, stcood; H. W. Maui*>e>. Kria. Uilrd Time Im. 10*. Qttnrirrofnmllt. itpen.CloaaS — Wonhy L H.f a'nnne Dr A. 1. Broeo aemnd, K. O- Johnson tliinl. Time. itm fAI'iff Mtl^. Bute rliacnptnnahlp-Woo hy P B. Rlabr. ToImJo; ii. P. Harnlianll. Tuledo, aeniod; Harry Wllken*. tlilrd. Tlmajn.. 6.V Tieo mVri. ClaM H —woo by fnm <!'.opsr, TH'U ; f/. *■ .ihnson. 110yds., secood; B. U, * ' Tune Im. ItH . JohOND. IMjda . third OuMer mtU. open, rises A.-Wnn hy fl. B Ifalina, Rienlienfllle; F. B. Klaby secijnd, (I H kerohardl ihiid i/jVai'^f'i Open, fTliaa H -Won by W. I). Hanger, Toia Conp.>r aecond, L. (i. Jobn«oo iblrd, K. I. Biuan fourth. Tims, Im 7s ., _ ^ _ . one third saitc, Kiaio cbaiiipiooshl|i—won by P. I*. Trati|*e, i:|e*eisnd: liyd* tjaimbr. Hteuimnville. sarond; 0 P. Bemhsrdi, Toledo, thud. Time, «;>ai. One mffe State record rate-—Wfin bv w O. Sugor, It. 0 f^buneMcnnd, Tom E4dy third. Time. 3in. Sla OM ailfe, Cltsa A—Won by Ovirge Itediera Wllmerd inr, ISMs ; 0. P. Berniiardi, icratob, reumil; J. E. Pat Uraon, Plllaburg, tOydi., third. Time, Im. IBs. A Hew Roail llecorel was msdeby thawlooerolatweoty-Avemlle race over the F.llu*Mtb'Itabwar. N. J., course on] Haturday, fi«t A. Tbomaa llugbeo, East Side Wheelmu. «u the vlntor, his time being lb. 9in. )7s ; ileorie W. i;oillo second, Io Ih. tm. Vt: II. 0. Ilanaoo Ihlnl, lo Ih. 19m. Ms All Ibe ndsrssiar(e<i Iron scratch, and sli man flniahed ahead of IfuRhea. bal. nwiDgtuaenreralglit In Ofl provldioif Jadae» at WsttfleM, ihaae fflso got og the course auu traveled abont tJiree bundrwl vsrds lass than ihe iu<l diaunea. In eooseqneoce nf wblrTi ihey were disi|uallA*d —a hanfabipapon ihem for wbfc'i the naoag*ra of ti.e event were lerpooaihle. Hie former twenty-Are inl<e FAcohl wea 111. Iflia g7a, aod waa h^ld by Cababu, ol Boflalo, N. Y. Mil iND Una. ntoauB P. HaBBiinr abtrted from Newspsper Rdw, la bo«i'>o, Uaaa.. at nine o'clock OD Tbnraday morulnf, Oct. 4. on a imnsouuflarutal *cicliDjrtour. Tber laltDlate 10 tuake ao average of one uuDfired aDd twroty-llre utilee per daj niiUI Ibey rcacb Ueofer, aod to eeubllih a oew reeord lietweeo Buoton aod Hao Kraocleco, Oal. la IN3 Mr. aod Mn. llarrtoU rode from Oblcsflo lo Deorer, and bare eBgaiod la otber loog dlitAoce trlpa. Ai DtDTerUkcTwUl be met b7 Hra. W. P. T1flb,of Eaat BoMOD, wAo will .tc«OBpao| ttm to *PrlAco awti#d. Tha Last Big HM* Heating Of the present leaaoe took place at Wallham, Maaa. oil Monday anernoon, Oot IL and II waa ilgDallied by two seaaatlooal erenU, one lo Olaaa A and Iha other In Olasa D Raoh waa n mile race, aiwl the man the falerao Tom Bokliadlnehargeoarrisd off botherenia, John rt. John- •00 plaeing (bsTaturto his eredll, while Harley David* son. theI'uuek. captured Ihs oihsr. Rammary: One lAftd of rt mlU> open. iilnM D.-ll. ti. Tyler Ant, A> Oarttnvr seeetDri. R t'oulter third. Tima, tta. rcit'klrgi of aMffa,riaM A.-Maivilie lamest, nyda, rtr-t: (1. X MeHdwatds,a^da, seoonJ; O. PlalnUiT. aoyda, Ihtrd Time Im n«. One MiK opvn. <^lsa« A —llsriay D«vldsnn. Toronto* Aral: A H. Daiev,llre«nS*M. secoud: J 0.Weinerareeik MaMsu lhlr\l TIme.Sin lla. UM aUe, Invl'stlon —J s Johasoo flrat, H. 0. Trlsr oeooed Hu McDonald third, 0,M Murphy loutth. Time. In) m<. Oai nil/, Claas A.—Illan^hl. Myds.. Arst: Dsvldaen, serauh,seoond: H. rialoUir vQyda, third; MoMwaribL P>)-(ls, inunh Tun,3m.lW«. Ojw Mire. Olaas H.-ll. R. Bteenson. llOyda, Arst: Hat Butler. &^d«.. aae>tad;0. filter. IPijda., thlnl;i. W. Warren, Tl^da, lliurth. Tine, tm. UHa The Creareut 'Wheelmen, Of puiodtilil, N. J., btul a very eoocmtul neo meet on Saturday ancrnoon, Bepi, 29, altbongk noiblug thAt domanda spoolal aentlon oooorrod. Sammarj: niHe, novlee.—Won by CoUn Kar, New York; O.N. Willey, Prince's Bay. second; tiharlea k. Utevens, aree»< wicb Whaeluieo, third. iJH^ One Mtk, Class a. —Wnn by J. A. llarvlaAn, Aaburr Park Whealman: ('harles ilrangrr. HlvsraldoWhselniso, sectmd; P P ilondtrjtn, Kiveraide Whselmu, ibird* Tinti* tni. A.Hi. Two third* asltr nu*e H.-Wen by I. A. Rllna, of New York; O. a Brudu Nsw York.second; A. H.Hamelh FlalnAsM. third. Time. Iitv ai^a. One aiUs, ClaSB A — Wdd l«y lleorT B. Snott Oesceol Whaelmen. of riaioSeld, lOOrda; William D Knerht» Hatawsn iri))ds,aecnatl: William D.McJnra, New York, IWida . third. Tlute, lio. HM«. One all's. «!Uu H.-Won by A 11 Bamstt,!. A.HlUla seeond. O. B Brandt, of New York, third. Tlua, in, Pite mVet. Cla*a A.-Wou by Monte Reoti, eomiebl iMiarlvaOianger, llOyda., ■eenoil: W. A. HartiMU, Klver. sMie Wlieelntfn. Wfda. llilixl. Tifre, Ihii. iJH^. lUti nirn. (*tau H.—Won by O. H Urantll, S(>J«.; A. It. lUrnel. Miatrh, aecnnd; I. A. Kllvie, 40}da., ihlrd; \V. lU WelUL New Vurk,dd)da, luurth. UV. Mlvie was dlaquallAwl^ Uaring at llldgafleld. Tbo Albany (N. Y.) lileyete Club hsld a race maellng at (ha RIdgedeM grounds on Wednesday sRernnon, HepL H, ■hieh was a large crowd. Uofurtunaiely lliaro was a very lilgh.enld wind, whleh roalerlally tnler* lered with the work of ihe wheslnien. Huuiniary: One nil', Sm. elua—Jsiiiea McLsren, Ailarea flrat; U, W. WsUer, r«tiines, pflcund; L. A. Hiuiier, Uallon, third. Tlme.Siii. i6)i«. onraifl'.—A. II. Davoy, OrMnlleld, flret; K A Sinner, haititn. second; P. Bdmund, Maitsawau, third. Time One mllf. opin.—F. H. Stow, (Nmway, flrat; llowani P. Moklier, Hlonii King, eecund; P. L. Kospp, Keone, third. Tune, 3in I7.*4a. fM4 siH', lawlem—Myron J. Hlggiua and R. Itoba, AlliauyH. I-., flrat; J. Van |te'i*«lioit.n and Hay Murray, I'onulike*pale H. 0.. seT'ind, Time. 3iii.53Ma. niKi etlJri.—A. II. luvay, ilreeiill#|«l. Ar-t; Jauiea U<<l,^rrM 4dnnia. >priind; fl. 1*. Mother, Huitui King. IhUd. T<»a.ftm.»?|a. ^^^^ J. A. HnnitHTMiiK, ol PeiflTlHirnuab, Kng., hast the one hour's recoM at Hornn lllil, Lontliui, on H#pt Bl, pulling togethHr a (tiial ol U nniaa 1,(17) vanh In lliat tlmn lie wasahaail uf tlia rravloua reoonl (rniii Minte l» Ave niile^ wa« UeliiiHl atelxaiid «ev«n iniUa, and ihnrt heailMl lecnrd forevorr mtle to the flnlkli nf tlia trial. U- UcNIali awl KlUati Kcuit, un a tandoin. iiii ihn Ma iie date.lieat all raciirda inmi Itrelva lu mty uiilaa, ridiug the la'ter dirlance In Hi. ASni. 41^a. llut.HU Ai*i> iMHUM, iin a Lvndont, anil 0. II Peok, nn a safety, are crfrilteU wlUi hrraking witrlil'a r«tc4infi liir tlieir reapfdlive elaxeol'iiiacliino In ihe ieiii<iil<« nnil ran* of the llmeago 'Hi cling lliiii>, Imkl nn 'hi( n Tlniaa: ll'ilniea Slid Oiimiiii. II111 J*. : I'ejii,'.'iiii. Tim laiiar waa on scralrti ami tlniahiHl sectind lu tne lainleiiinns, hii had ah .u<lics|ioi3N. rimwi.tMRHiif <ho rano liirthn Anehnr Khield. a. H, Waliarp. al Hiinin llnl I ondon, K'ltr. Hppi vj.iirub«all I reviiiiia r*ciinlH inun Idj tn flH iiiil«M m »iiinii lalur dhtauro he adilrit HUyiU in Ihn l»alvo*. A- A, ■ 'hsa^. wliii Anlalwl aecoiid. Treated new reoonis Iruiu Al bi IMiiillva riiaooe hundred iiiileaHontllih oltsniPlnnahin wasde* cidril on Hei't. ti, al V\ la>iaw, tau aUrtlng. ami llieArak men home iMiihg T. (IraiidlMiiii, wlih K. tl ttrawlunl setv uiflautlW H, HooU Ihlr^i. Time, (h.eilil. s, raooni umto fur tba land of the thiailo. Taa Ovm nilisa raa<l reoml was broken bvChurelmn the oocaalou of Ihe last r«»ad race of iho Q.iaknr City wlieelo'on, ol IlilUdeiphla I'a.. OoL 0 His tiniewu llni HH* : Wenial secoud. In lliil. iJfi*. HuUi men were on scratch. ^TJrlLl^TIC. Nporla ai Mcheimrtaily* The Fall hudlcap ganiai uf UniiMil'ullegowrrelietil nn rtaturday afierueun. Hot. 0, at friieiirrtaily, N. V., nn a muddy track. Among Uin aucc«aalul miilualanls wrre Muds and Kilpalriek, uf Ihe Nnw Yurk Alhlello (lluli. Huiiimary: One humtrtA pnrrf« run —Hamla, aemtoh, Aral: llul^Oa ran. seraicli, ^acon*!; KHrn. Bf<la . tliinl. Tliiio, ifa. Onemfte wri.—Wnn by l'idl<>rlr, scralrli Tiiiio,Hin.AlN. Piro AuHtipif nnil tvnly eunii ruii.-HainU. kcralch, Aral. Ilijll'iian, fttdii.. >oi>jii'l Tiiiin. Z.H£4 It'itntthg Alpa >iimp — raifurJ UraL. I'lilifck aecnnd, Uur. gill thiol. fIvlK'ii. 0 t- *in. one mlU. r>in —Kil|>atr>ck, sera'rli, Arat; Huhiiior, i3 tila. avu'hd; Vi iMnr, rliml. Tiiiifs 4iii 4a ll-,rjlt ftiit, lAI)ila.-l'csrso Aral, Twifunl avcund. T<iii>. ilV- fWv< ''l-i'ainfiieliniRt Hit din. /liHr AUhtfMf awl jiirtt lunre run —Hands, scratch, Aral. O'llilaii ifidn ^acii'l riiiiH.ftii;* Nuanltv''n^itiiintjt—r*lf fid ilrat, il^ticliant secind. lliBiaiira. I7i>. I'liii Ittl/ Mil's run -Kllpatrlck.acnlcli, Aral; l.soe, V>da, s«:<'n-i Tune, 'im t». yfurii(<riicx ifUtili-Ilollnran, aerairli. Ant: Talluitl, H'Stcli. »iiciiiiil. resrie, iftyil*. ir>lrd. Tuna, 3U4. Peo sifvj itUtff^ —Caiiii'tioii. loralnli. Aral; Mylvaa. lar, Wyds,second; Hay,aura'i;)!, IlilrJ, Tlme.ftiu.Ms. (iniiiBa In Canada* Tho OIlAWit (Oiii.) Anmiutir Aitil-ila AaNorlnllon h^lilUiolfNDnual Frill MHinrHiiiiHatunlAynricriiuon, HtipU 71, irlt'i lliu irilliiviiiH rvaull: Oil'Aundr^drtn/lfUd —F.ilhitllrli,0. A. A,fl.,acralcli, Ar^t. W. J Hiiml., M A.A..i|ira,>acnud. Tliiin. IU.l«a. 0 >f qwirttf milf Llcp<lf r'ttr—H W, Kobiiisuii. i;. A. A. I).. eir>is,arsl; 1:. Hpltial, i>. A. A. 0., Uyda., second. ~ini«.SI>|a. ime mtle run.—A. Turcntie, Ottawa 123vdi., l)rsl;J. Buriia, Ottawa tuyds, nacund. Tmie.lm. 1l<i4. Tvi AuiidiM luid Itomty ^artli rhii.-W I'uiron. O. A. A II, llrdi.Arai; J. Taea. M. A. A. A.. ft>ds., atcind, Tmi', Zu. One mlU. hic)cle—M. ll McKMlkr, Toronln acratoh, r*);i;. II. Hpiital, ilMa«a, Hjt\*, SBC«>ud. ik'^ie P.M nffra. hMyrle.—It. h. UrKelltr. Tiiront«. srta'ch, Aral: T. IUrv«». ilitawo. itirds. pefiifl Tim ,Hm.tM. fhur hHH'trfUHfijU'tp yjrfa ruii. - W lluiran, (luawe, yri]t., Aret; W. ru«ar«.ir, I., 1;, ]J)>u, Mcoml. Time. &»M New Itriiorile Ull th«t Klnt* DurlnitHio twutiij iiiilcfi run wliicii fnrnieil Itio rcuHiiff fiMluro of Miu AiiialKaiiiato<l Wutt Krirl Hefeitturiitit hp*iria at H'JiiiifijPl llrlilgp, LdihIiui, Krig.i 'iu' Ha'iunliTy Hricrfiiinfi. wpl. 'it. fl. UrtiM* UQil, iliK tkliifirfr, rretiNid nuw ncuriU fr'iiii alxtutin til iwvtity nilkK, liii:<iiiitvu, ileapllu thti fma tlintK drlx/aliuK rain iiimlo tho Imuk mDur hiuv. W. HawArd WiU Nccnml hihI T. Ilririiutt iliinl. 'I'lin fiuw nguri> art;: hixituii mil h, Hi, 'P\h. 4ti.; kvciiUiuii, in. :H(ii. 'il4.; e<gliUteti. lli. 40in. 104 ; nltinicuii, Ui. filiri.; ;woi(ly, Ih.Miii &ti. Tlia pruvlnua In.'at urria* icur record wan liclil tiv Hiirttiu, atitl uu liili ocuu* slun wu Ifcauui iijr .'il.'.-is. TiiR i.TriRcou.inrATi vsniria TouagAUs.<irlii(jkp)sre lull week Ob Uie srounds ul t'lO Naw Ifaveii (<:l} ia«d leunlariuii, tariiiiDatiaHuq fict i. villi Yale iha winner or the fi'M chsUrnge eti|i. Hesiili: Hiuslas- Nslculm Uhaae. Vale ^clelll•rIo, Ixit Olsreoce Hudloiig. llOfwn, e-S, A'S, 1^9: doublrs-H f;haea and Ariliur Fooie, Yale, beat Taloiaaa ami rihaw, oJio ol Yale, S-0, 0-3 C—1. Thiiallie Y4re pisyers imkm Imth llrat eml vacuntl I'Isceiii tlindiiublts. rsiinaieaudriliaw hiring previuua* ly defeaiH tUilUr an>t Jftrnch, 01 friocaiiiu. FHKO MasMlfT, Ihe tiamar. wlio«i)| ba reniamlrerwl In uunorciion w|ih tbo lunif dUtaiim bickr>a r^caa ai 'OfliMin wiuare Ma'd^n, llil* aitk,die<lat Fiia reaidanea I are on I'cl. 9. snd waa b.iriwl at • Uuii'trd Oi . ft. He waa AL hb'fCi's alt*i.dant Inllip lail laco in «hl<:li ihp CMrMV-ta li^'k pert al (lia OaMeii, aud kiiRiqimiti an injury Uilbe anee. Irom ablcli hoiievar r«c'iv«rHl. I'sraa thtLVBn, the aeli huoao i>«KiaMiria(i, haa retired from Uie runiiibv p«ih, and la n>rv io:erk>ted clii>-Ay In 'oycHrig dlimi the Miiltlbu of trainer and inalrn'U'if tm thaHiover HIeycie ronii'Siiy. wr<0Mi tiead<iueriflis irr at Mad-son Aveiiuo sud rl ty->«v*ti>li Hirret, ibia c*iy, J'i'Iging from Pele'a physical appearance, the bullosas aarevs wiib him. THRfltiailacroasa contest fur the senior Aigiaadlha amateur cr-amMondiip vf Ir«U'<d caiua iiU at.J>nniau, HeJaat, AO Kepi f.'. TiMoinM-loay iiadaacilEsd aefor tbe bloe nbbuO <if tl'O Irlib Lieroaae Uomn, and tlia posing biarers wsre conpo**<l of the Buitli ul Irelaitd aod Ardst;ittb«, Ihe Isiter wloolog by a eeoie of tLrea goals to teo. P. J. MclaiBRST, or UMn, aod Charlea Dooahlson ttided as the Hcniti'li ciiawplon, met In a "etch u catch can wresUing nuicb, lor ''ihe chainph nahip ol fireat Britain aad MU," at Liverpool, Kng., oaUieoieolD|Q( OctL MolAeneyvailhevlaaaf*