New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 13. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 511 THE TURF. DS<M or BUBISB HMtiB(S< Ort. »-l»-l<«w To* Jw> «r attb MoirUPi ifc. Th» CIOM at JaioBU Park. TM wMUwr wu til Uut ooDld be doliMl Oot i, tiat UM oiDwd wu nntll ud iba nolng dgll ud onlourfUnc. TMrainiooiuidenblttuut round wlin Ua aijla m whloli Jooke; Rtm iod« Hilton, • I u> 10 KTortl^ In U« BUUi not, who wu btalan btOOTenorSltteliu. Sir WalUr bad n wtlkorer In ina Moond net. Th«OltTStUei,forUiRejeu mill udopwudi,u one mile ud » (iirlong,wt« SudUrwonbjUTtOU. aaamuT: rininta—ror tlUm tw> jtut oU, * nMpMtkM, utMwi, At* tvrloBifl, Miilclik. E BmllA't eh. L ApptAOH, bf Tb* 111 OMd-Booon^ iu- 7 Is UL ud 1 to I DotlMt J 1 I U. * D. U. MoitU' b. t OvUt, UB; e u e ud 1 '•,„ i rua 1 R. c U«adlty't b. I. Otmpula, 101; 3D ud S., Luiblir a Tioif^ 1 naJt. WoDbr«l«ovtb,ftDMkb«t«MoMwad uduiid. huluUpud: AppUue.iau: pUw, H.UI; Ihltil.^'aD. 0«lM;pUe«,Ku: ikiidiHia). Cuipul*, "bkoiH ism.— for lU ifu, budlap, a KMpiukM, UDMlded, ODtmUe- SSUt aukla'i b. a. BU Waltar, t, bj Uidlotblu-U gctli,Jll Dou«u I WtUwl orar. Tbiid laea.—Tha Oily Btahu, (or tbna rair ohfi ud ooMrl, MUlaf, a ■•aopaukM, |l,aD addad, oaa mUa ud i farloDf. w ti J»DBlDi«* br. a bra Oak, b; Undan-AnBlt Biout.07: Iwaandtua OruBa 1 McCatftnr A Wlibaid'a 0. b. Judio MonoT, aaadtHI: l6u>5udltoS lUlIll Joa Adama' ea. a LocblaTar, 3,S9; 9 ud II to 10..Pmo 3 TlBifc Won bj a luiUi. t»o laoglhi balwaan ■MoDd ud lalrd. Hutuau paid: IjIto Oalf, luaiaht, aieiLpUM. ia.tB^ Jadfa Morrov, plaae, Sa.UL rounb raca—for maldui two jaari old, lalllog, a ivMpilakM. SfiOO atldid, ball a mlla itialtbL J. MUlar't br. t Fanole B., by Cbololo-Laor, 100; a ud 7 lot OrllflA I a W.itueat**eb. L FtataaM, l(D;8ud a Pana S a l^- Dajar'a eb. o Uofaaiik, 107; IJ to U aad out Doggatt 3 Tiai».0:49M* Won br a laoglb ud a halt a nack be* tw««a MOoDd and tblrd. Mutaali paid; Kuaia B., tualibt.iaiO; Plata,,ia. Pialaow,plica, llll.lO;tbliil, •a.aklohawt, thitd, |U0. Plilh raca.—For maldan tvo raaroida, MlUog, a iveap- ■tiku, %XD a<id«L hAlt mlla, itralgbL PoriliDU dtabla'i br. o, MlUon T., ttj Uldalgo-Klii Me Quick, ICS; 1 to S ud oat Baltf 1 BairUge BMa' b. o. Bamarltu, 103: b and I to l.Lamlv I Freakoeu Hiable'a cfa. a Luadoo, 111; Uud a...Taial a Tlua, 0:<9J<. Wonbr tao lODathi, nma diatuce ba- taeao •awod am third. MatuaB piM: Mlllon T., |a.eO; pUca.lAJt'. eaoiarlULn, plica, $8.43. Bliih rttt.—For three year okli, aalUag, a ■weepilaiea, tM) added, ill tuloDga Ft. Filjllef i b. 0. dor. Bbaaban, by FtlHIto-AltaIr, IQJ* ud I to 4 Tribe 1 OrviB utu Btabla'i br. g. Halloa, ND; 9 to 10 aad oot. Balira 0. £- Hmltb't cb a. Trinculo, loa; 90 ud 6 Dogattt 3 Tine, 1:17. Won by a laaglh, lame dlituco betwaeo ••coed ud third. Hittaali paid: Uor. ghaebu, laVJAr pitta, gMO. HaltoD, place. uar^oth race.—For three year oUa and opwaid, a •acepatakaa, 1400 addtd, the TItu couia, a|iout l,dD C'r'FoUiai'i b. g. Will Elliott, d, by Blae Eyea- ralloia, lOS; 8 to a and 1 to 3 Tribe 1 J. C. Cair'a o. b. Copyright, a, 111; It to 10 ud II to i) Bergen 2 kocuierty A Wlabard'a b. g. Got. Filer, 101; u ud s Bellia Tine, 1 A. Wonby aleogtb udabaU,aneckbeiveu Hcood eod third. Matoi^ paid: niu EUloU, lUiea; place, ia.70; ibird, gUI. Copyright, place, 18.10; tblid, (ilOl XhiT. Flier Slid *\lSS. De*plla the pleajut weather and llae uaek at Jaiome Park, Oct. 3^ tbe oaneia canlinned to hold off ud the fleldi were •itber Itgbt-or indiffereDt Copyngbt ran telce dartog tbe day, Wlonlng the flntracaudilniBb' [ogucoadlothaalxtb. Tbe wbolailiracee opened wltb oOda on larorllaa, bat tbe two cinches Called to go thtoogb, iDilthe bookinakeie were tbue eared ijomadliaeiroBa diy'^ betllog. In tbeCIaienontBlahei, fortwoyearolda, B. y. Dwyer withdrew Harry Heed ud elloeed F. J Dwjer to win wltb KenneL BnoiniarT: Fitat race.—For thiee year ohl^ ud upward, a aweep. •talea, laOD idded, one oiila J. u. Cerf • b. b. t^ipyrlght, ^ by UnoAKiml, lia; II to aaad Itoa Bergen 1 11. K. Vlngut'a Ob. g. Betuket, «S;a.ndBloa....anOln] K. Fonera br. m. Hin Dlile, IM; >X ud 1 to a UamUtona Time, 1 :iax. Won by balla length, a length between eeo. ondud third. Mutaala nld: copyright, gr.OU, etralgbt: U m, olaca, ud n.m, tbiid. Beuukei, flUS, place, aul 13(0, tblrd. Mite Dliie, tao. third. 8«cond race —The Claremonc Blakea, lor two year oMa lellioa, a awoepatakea, $1,UJU added, are ud a ball for* longa P. J. Dwyera br. a Keneel, by BUhop-Eennebec, ica; lloSudOQt Blmi 1 UcCalfeny A Wuhaid'a cb. a Bbidow Duee coIl loi. eoand 10 Belu 1 Buhauan Btabla'i b. a OUca. loi; O ud I.E. DoggeU a Tima 1:10. Won by aleoaib, a neok between eecood udtbin). Mntoili paid: Kenn>l,«7.eD,^tnlibt; gaJ)^ plua, aad $110, Ulid. shadow Duce colt, gu.09. place, tod gla.3a. Ullrd. Vuca, 17.70, third. Tblrd reca-For three year otdeud upward, •eUlng, a iwe«pitakea.gUO added, the Tliucouree. MeobattanStabte'e b. o. Axniliaae, by Borlnam-Pelo. me, UB; 7 to 10 ud out. Bime 1 H<<^erly A Wiabaid'e br. a Beo Lomond, 107; a lo a eod out Belli a W. Calheruon'e br. o Aleppo, lin; U and a Peon 3 Time, l:13i<. Won byelugtb, eight leoglba between aen»dudUilrd.liutoalapftld;Armitage,a'^" - eod $aa), place. BenLomondigyiO, place. Foarth racOf-For SUlM tbrse jeanold, a eweepuahet, VUIadded, aUIurlongB. ^ , (luck Btalle'a b. r.Toli, by Hldkuhiu Mlarcttunr, lai;iand<taa Dojtgati I Maohaltan Buble'a b. I Flirt, 101; t to 2) and I to a Bloi 3 F. Lowe'e cb. r. Milan, IDS; 11 ud 1 BeH 9 Tlnie,l;l7. Won by a length ud a half, lour leoi the ^ balweu leeond ud tbiid. Hotnili paid: loia (ilold ^ Ucket), tllJB, itiai|ht: J7.ia, place, ui U.<0, third. Filit,ia.<a.iSca,urt^ihM. Milu, 18.63, third. Filtb race —For tbiea year olda and upward. aeUlDg, a iweepitaktB, UOO added, are IbrlonKe, ilralgbt. McOaSenr^ Wlahard'a b. g. Hero, ' *- ' IJaauBeaa, lOB; lltottudlloa... Kero, eged, by Flood- , . I to a. Belli 1 M. Corbau'a b. g. Fnnce John, a, UO; 10 and a to t ;. Mldgely 3 D. T. rnlsller'e b. a Bayetid, I, lll;aaodaiaa..Trlbe9 Tlme,lAK. wenbyalHiUiudaball,ballalaoiUi between aecond ud tblid. Mutuelj paid: Meio, BUD; place,; tblid. ga.10. Prince John place, giua; (hlid, g7 aa. Beynaid, thin), tia. .... Blith race.—For three yeer olde ud upward, aeUIng, a Bweepeiaiea, giOd odd ad. the Tltu coulee. 0. ComehlMn'a br. g. Molntyre, 3, by Powhattu-Tlaa- Tla, loa; 9 ud lit: OogioU I t. 0. Can'a b. g. Copyright, B, III; 3K and 7 to 10 Bargan 3 He(;aJIerty A Wlabard'a cb. a Bnckrene,a, loa; i to a udlioa Helffa Time. l-Jiii. Won by a neck, a neck betweee eecood ud tblid. Uatnala paid: Molntrra, taW; place, gaoiBS. I^opyrlgbl, piece, gSUBB. Fire laTorllei ptond rlcton 9, and none or the Bnlibea were doae or eaoltlng. It was a dull day, ud while the caid wu not reiy Inrlung, itwu lendend leaa Intaieat- log by the numeroua aciatchea, two ol the eraou being cat down to two aurteia eecb. Tbe only leTorlta who lo« wu Old Oonlalon, who wu beatu by Mclntyra BionueU won lb* Broadway Blakee quli* hanplly. Noma auffplonalngwu done by M. F. Owyerud "Pitta- bargPhll,''an<fltwenltbrongballright. Bummary: Pint nca.-For all egaa, hoary handicap, a awMp. •tahee,gaD edded. all Icrlonpa . . „ , _ KanddrBlabla'ach. L Meld MirUD, t, by Orau Tom- lioa. %f*f!i'! E. Pier's br. m. Uiu Dlile, a, UD; Btol........Urrffln 1 TIMr 1:I7K. Won by a length. MntoaU paid: Miid jA' Hariu. fltV. .s*- Beaend7ace.-For two year olda, a aweepllakea, laoo «lded,flrelurloog«,atfalgbt. ^ „ ^ , Xendall Blabla'a cb. L Unnia, by Uuonr-Waada, 110: 2ud Ito 1 J- Heagu 1 J. H. McDonald'! cb. o. Mldgely, 110; M end oTon Mldgely B Uoect BUble'l ft. g. Cockld^ 110; U to «.. Doggelt 3 Time, IJB. Won by a lenilb, a iieak between eecond aad IhlidTMnloala pud: ITruie, »l»Ca; place, tmlO; ihlid,|sao. Mldgely, place, (liA; tblid. (loau Cock- ade, aiid,$l7ja Thlid iace.-Tba Bieadway Blakaa, tor three year oMa ud upward, lalllng, tbe Tltu Oourae, about 1,100 yaida B. P. Dwyat-a ch.U BuneneUa, by Btonebwie-Mell, 111; I to a;. Ooggelt I J. W. Bogera' b.o. Dliconnt. Bl by Decelfer-Hitjio B.. 101; atol . OilBln I Time, l^iv;. "won by three-qurure ol a.Ieagtb. Pourih rac*.-For three year olda aeUIng, a aweep- uakea, IBDUaddad, one mile and a ruiloog. 0. K. Bmltb'i b7 g. Thanton, by Longlellow BaUe lulgbt, UBiUtoIOudauL I>°M*41 M. Cerbeu'eb. i. Parla. 101: 4and t loB «i' } J. Rlllon'a b.0. Dlabolu, 107; Uand 9 Lambley 3 Tima im Won by hair a lengib, a neck between aee. oud ud Uird. MolaaU paid: Tbanton,BIUB; place, 37.1L Parla olaca. tsila. . Firih nce.--For uiiee yeaioMiud npwaid, eeUIng, Cve lorlooii, atjaiBfat C CoroahBni'a b- g. Mclntyra, a, by Fowbatlan.Vlaa-; aandeTen . : UamUton 1 J. E McOonaUa b.g.Old Dominion, I, IK: atoaand aadaiaWng. Ibe mipilie ol tbe dey wij the metal orbnilbewBbFUallon,wbo ru In tha ant ud gitk lacoMlKl won them both, wbu only tbiee dtya pre- Ii?5?f-'.!/tf 'I'V «• larortta. and tu Ilka a »efeo.K,\rbV*3!ii.:?i'riS?£',?!rb;ti? "VlVi't"" V"^ "bowon if. aJirpS? B^'mS?: «5i?s.vjj'co'u'ir * '^J^-. Wj^O. Yonng'a bik. o. Black Hwk.'iili'i 'iS VS T^a 1:Z1X- Won br two toogthe, three leniUabe* tween eacond end th iC Mnluala p2d - Ualun llaja plica. gT.lti Black Hawk, puSrifia '' ' . —>■• «^ - M«>H, ■ leoith and a half im twean aecond ud third. Mutuala paid- Doe colt! gu 'tEi'J"^ "S^'/^'j Tung lace.—Tbe Amerlrmn Jockey Club Uudlou the Sld°aji!iw"" *''"^ ■*"°'' *^ "v'-ii'l*.'''! ''■ »• Banqoet, aged, by Rayon d'Or EUa .T,llD;llo9 Doiwett 1 >■ "'I' Modrad.Mal- une, lU; Uanda Taiml 1 ^iJma,l:llX. Wonbyineck. Mutuala paid: Buquot, Fourth laoa—For tnudu two year olda aelllnv. a •waepiUkM,HOladded,hairamlla ..uuig, a ''•''• e- Beaelkctot, by Beo 111 Pnee, »7l 10 ud SH Tribe 1 MeCafferiy A Wlabard'a b. g. Bulu IBS; 4 ud B to 0. E Bffllib'i br "eV* Pouch "«Vt|"'iiaV'ti" and * eren ..Uunllton 3 nme,0:10. Wen by ahead, two leigtba Uiwaen aec 2!?J°?..!''!"i..ff ■""*" Peld: Benelaclor, go.a; place. ni 31; third, ui.ia. BiHii. piai», luja thTid, liua. Ponch colt, tblid, IBOb. i'i'-T''" !■"•• 1aMa eelllog, a awaepitakaa, HOOiddad, alilbilonga ■• i~ —. Oieen UIU Bteble'i br. g. Utiun, by Ulmyar Mud L, IM^audatoB .* '....Doggatt I O.T.Pulairei'ech.b. Got. Sheehu, 101;19 to 10 and 1 to 3 Tribe 1 J. B. Wblla'i br. 0. Loogbrldge, lid; 11 to a ud 7 to IP ^. Bergen 3 Tlme^l:!!. ^ Won by>bead, two lugtha beteeen mi pi For three year oldi ud apward, aeUlog, e .w Mldgely 1 V. B. Jennlnga'cb. I. Bhadow, 4, ul; 4 end 7 toa.Unan 9 TimalSlMT Won by two |u(tha auie dlltuce be- ■ween eecond ud tbinl. Motaelep^d: Mclnnre, M.': Place, UBl: thlid, aaia. O'd Dominion, place, Bte); Uilid.aln. Bhadow,Iblldiirao. ."LiUiiioa-Pormaldu two year oMa, a iweepetakei. >31Ueddad,hairamlla uarth A Cole'i b g. Uarjla, by Eoloa-Vligeline, 107; IK aaderan " Bald J. K. MeOonalil'e ch.g.Ptndoia gelding, 101; Jp ud la HIdiely i 0. B. Kmlth'a cb. a Pouch colt, 110; land 7 laa..aillBn B Tlme,0:OX. Won bye leogth,three lenwlbabetween IHcoDd ud ihlid. lulaaU paM: UaniafltlB; place, li.U; ihlid. »7J0 randoia Hiding, place, iixio; third, UJO. Pouch colt, third, H.U. TbellieUietdayolihe Beating wii 1, "geuway dey." The aelda were Ugbt ud the Hack wia bad, bat tu anwd *aa laifaaod uthoMMtu, aad the Bnuhaewaredoaa _ .iijpald Got. Bheehan, place, tlAiT Blith laca.—For three yeai iweepatakee, llOOadded, one mile. W. B. Jennlnga' b. a LltUe Matt, by Tolllgeur.BUck Gel. SB; 11 to lOand oat Orll&n I Oneck Slebla'ach. g.Jodu, lOT; laudl. Doggelt I 0. ComehlMn'a or. g. Mclutire, 101; eran ud out UamlllonB Tlma, l:tl\. Won by beira leugtb, a length end aball between aecond and Uilrd. Mutuali paid: Llllla Mau, la.SO; place, gatoi Jodu, place, gaea. SoTeaib race.—For two yeer olda aeUIng, a ewaep- ftakea, $300 added, are ud a ball lurlonga Mubatuo Btuie^i b. a Uuce. by InquolaDocbeaa, ICd; Itoaudout. Bima I a. W.Bueeu'eb^l Jewel. lOB: Send I Baim J. B. While*eb.o Beauregard, IS; 7 and 1 Bergen 9 Time. 1:11k. Won by a lenath. a laogib and a hall be tween eecond and tbtid. Mutuala paid: Ulica, $9M: place, g7; third. aa.n. Buaregard, place. $ii third. BASEBALL. THB TBMPJLB CUP GONTBOVSRSYi Tlie Bales filait B« Adhered To, or Uie Cap WlU B« WlUidrftvrn. When We 0. Temple, donor of Uie Temple Cnp, lesmed Uut tHe BtlUmon and Nevr York teams would not plA7 lor ttie troptv according to ttie rolee imaged by tbe commltue appointed bjtbe Nk- Uooal League and American AmocUUod, beaUd: ••BalUmore baa forfeited ita ngbc to pl«j for tbe cnp. I cannot alt by and aeo tbese people agree among tbemBelves to divide eqnallj the prollia of tbew games. I bare sent word to tbe cap commit- tee In ibe Kaat tbat it le mv desUe tbat if New York and BalUmore play tbey adbere to tbe slxty'dve and tlilr^.flve per cent. baaU. Tbey moat do tbla. Ward and Uanlon bad no rlgbt to get together and saj, *W6 will arrange tbla matter to anli ooaelTea. We wiU Blve Uty per cent to eacb.* Tbey bare oventepped tbeir antborlty, or, latber, tbey ba?e taken on tbemaelTea an antbority not wamnted. Heaan. Bjroes and Yonog, tbe cap commllteo, mode tbe Blxiy'fl?e and tblrty*ave per c«nL rollog, and It moat be lived op to. By taking tbe matter Into tbelr own baoda tber bave abown contempt for tbe committee, for tbe leagtie and for me. Wben 1 donated tbla cap I did It to Incieaae Inttreat in baaebalL Bbonld New York and Baltlmon be al- lowed to play on tiie even up baala all tbe good ln< tended wUl go tor nangbt. Tbe wbole boaeball world la looking forviM to tbese games, expeotiog Coaeettawtestutlar^ifteata. Tbey will be badly fool«d If tbla even divide £*rce Is allowed to go to a llnlBb. Tbere will be no Interest taken Intbeae aameSg and mncb money will tte loet by boUi clubs. Tbe sporting pabllo loves to aee a game wbere Bometblng la at stake." Onarlea H. Bjrne and N. B. Young, tbe commit- tee, make the following announcement: At tb« r«aaUr nMlng or tbe Nuiooal L«aaae ud Amerlttn AmocUUod, beld In Vaw Voik Ollj, Mareb, 1891. C. U. Bjns and N. E. Yoiinfl w«r* appoloud a odd- miUM to takf wUn cootnl or the Tsmple Cup, tad Duka aU rnlM, ncnlatloot ud eoodiuoai wbleb tbtj dMrntdbfttttogoTstaanyMrlMorcuiM ibalnlilit tM plir«dfortb«poiMalODoraidtfopby. TlMeonuDlttM ■0 DuiM). alwr cooildaiaUoo, CunDUJattd mlu ud rMaluloDf vblch tbtr dMintd propar to lOTtn ur Mrl6aofg*mupIar«liortb«T«nipl«Uap. 0. U.Bjrai, 01 tb« commlUM. met UuIod, of Ibt BalUmor* Club, and Wftid. ol tbe Nav York Olab, In ciiDclaBati, s«pL S. ud titer a dear tuderMandlog of the teime, nlea, Mculatlone ud eoodlUooi goremlng ur mfIm, wblcb weraoiBeullr (bnilthed ttom br N. B. Youog, ill panlei aved to eblde by the eameaUd to prooeedand make a edule la conlonniir iheiewlih. u ippeera, boBerer, thet iabee«uioito uia meeusg, Uulon and ward bere arbllrarllr detannlDed, wlibout ooDanlUDg tbe com- mtttee. t« cbuae ibi eondlUoni Iber egreedto abide br, IrbHbaTe no rigbt to do ao. Oo beWl of Uie NOlooal Leane and Amerlun AaeooleUen, we deelre to utte Uifttur sunei played between tbe Baltimore Olob ud tbe New York Clob, in eoofllot witb tiie nlee, regola- tioQi ud ooDdlUooj mide by ibli ooumluee, ehul not be ooQiIderwd u gamee for tbe Temple Cap. bat u mere •iblbiuon nmei. end In no war under tbe aupicee ol tbe Netlonal Laegneand Amerieu AieoeleiloD, and N. B. Yoonc, eaareiarr. «bo weAuthorlcad to eeleetaod ea* eliQ the umplrea tor the leriea, wlU decline to do so, no- leae boUft team* agree to abide bj ibe uUon of tbe em- itttaa- Mr. Byma *1m eald: "I btTo beea qaoied u uylng that Want did not aaaqamrely In hli dealioie with me in CindnDetl. !□ JiuUeo to bira let me car wU he aoted In a felr, mulr aad iportMBuUke way, ud wbu he ' ait ne he wti empbetio In eerlng that be end Uie New fork playera woaU eblde br the ralei drawn up by tbe • lommlUM, or not play et all Tbit wm bte chance to make the BelUmorei plar lor a 9A ud 85 par cent dl- TUIen ol reeeipu or erawL II be hed eo Inatiied, tber vonld have bew compelled to oose to unne. Uu- lon le to blame for the wbole trouble. Ue ooniulietl hliplayen, end went oontniy to tbe plu« of the Cup aommltiee.eimplriOBatUfybie men. Tbla 10 percent. dlvUtonmUee^^^ gamee Cuclcal, ud ihepnbllo wiU Uke Terrliule etocf in them. Merk mrworda If the nmea In BelUmore ete played In oonilict with tbe nilae, Y • A lit «^lAk1« BaWAB. fn» ttltm BAA* grOMly IniQIted, ana i am memr wiai .m be eaaa belor. toe public In lie proper IJgbL' iSuuK JohnH Wetd.oltheKewYoit 01ub.laquoted uiaTloB- "TblatronbleielllByme'e work beceuie he wunoloonlulied lo regeidio the inugameou made between Mr. Tooog. Mr. Uulon ud myMlf. Byme'e ilalamenc that ir we pUy iheie «amw under uy odier mlu thu Iheie mede by the KeUonal Lugue and AmeilanaiaoclaUoncommlllee Ihey wl I not be con- Bidaiad u nmea for the Temple Cup le without fooode- uoa I eaw Uuloo InOlnciuetl, ud be iMmed to be a doubt ae lo the peieaulaie tha olube weie to get, and le eeemed to tbloh that the dob winning Ibe Kallonal ^UuTand Amerieu ae«)eUlloa champlopablp wei to ntelity are per teoL end die eecond only thlny.dTe Mioenl . InMpecUTOol the outcome ol the YempleCup aerial, i than ehowad him Uie ruluand condillooe ai Sid down by Ibe league eommiuae to goTem the eon. tiMi. In which It laeipreiily alaled tbat Ibe winnar of iheaeilu la to let elitytre per cut. W. elao eaw Byni? in CInclniEl. ud he aaKlutleted the fact that Uie winner ol iheeerleewil lo take ililr.die per cent Huuin itiU bid adeubt In bla mind ud (eUgraphed Mr 'thaTb; .Sd iia N« hirlig iromhlm tbe ne.t £Zlng.'uUgrepbedbim.ud be "Pl»d«ba«heb^ nndenuod that die NeUooal Ulgue end a milieu iiS^iuoi cbimpiooa weie to gel aiity are per Mol. hfiU^UieBilUioereiwtre wiuiogto pUy onder coo. dRloM thllibi wlooer lata aity a.e pei c«ii eal the bZr rorrratoMi ceOL. or the wlneer ol the eerlaa take iTTbit inJroM. Ibe new Toik pleyeil heldamwing, iii I wia empowarad to go to Chicago, make ur ar- ^.ImTiuIuw auud accept either ol the prepom. E^S ss.'5i^^^""^p™q^^ uiei " - *—■ *»^W' "ifi SK?t,Su.?am totoation I bad that die OUa B. Siockadala la ■ pnmlilDg yoang piulier oC iha WaablDgion Olub, o( tbe Natloiul Leasoa and American AaaocliUoo. Ila wa« boro Aog. T, 1971, ID CaiTOll Oonnty, Hi., aod It waa at tbe Jobna Uepklna nolTenlty, lo BalUmore, ibat he lint gmlnad reaown aa ft pUcber. llla eicaitcDi work wblie wlib llM Volvanltj team led to bla flrat pro- feaalonal eauanmeiit, wlUi Iba Wllkeabarre (Jlnb. ot Uie Etaurn League, Uia anaon of \K3. Durlog tlio lauar part o( Uut aeaaon Maaager Sctamelc wu inTellog through the oounir;, lookliig up jonng playeia for Ibe Waablngioa Olub, and Bicokadslo'a exculleot all round irork led to bla being engaged br Maaager Scbmala for tbe WaablugUin Uftm (or ihe a«aaon ot iSM. For • grenur part ol the put aeaaonStockidale wu conflned to hU bomo through lllneaa, but u aoon u be rtcorered aumolenii}lo report to bla olab ha did, and bu alice then (ully demonainted Ibit Uanagar Haboeli ratdo no mle. lake wben be aelected him u a coming pluber. Temple ud the commllteo wu tbroogb tlie elatemenia I aaw In tbe newapapera made by Byioe. fiom ll<e eitlcle I eiw lnaoiyeningj>aiwr_l^eeeYouogliaaa|jin«l aalale- ig lo Oblcago, la a dliact contndlotlnn. Then le no dealre oo ihe meoualao llgned by Byrne, wblcb. ironi . . „ . . Uulon had laid ha bad received from Young lo Oblcago, pelt of either the Baltimore or New York plarara lo Bgbt the oommluee, ud I mieelf em oppoeed lo the arty pel cut. beila Peiaooelly, I wut to eee the Temple cup eeilea played, ud oot u eihlblUon aerlea All during tlila trouble 1 have oot heerd Irom either Byroe or Toung. end only know what I eaw in the papeia I aeppoae araiy ooa wula to know what I think about our winolsg BilUmore bu i good inter battaie. but our pitcher*, aeldiie. ud biae niooeia outdo them ud wiaipeotio win." Tieunrei Von der Iloret. of the BalUmore Club, uyi: "Tbe agraemene niched by Uulon end Waid, repreeeot. log their leapectjre elnba will be adhered lo by the BilUmoieua nolwlihiiuding uy and all objeotlooi fromelUieror tMth of the gwtlemen nimed. We ere prepared le play the New York Club eierleeofgamaito demooitnte Uiat we won the penout becauaoolthe eoperlontyolourtaamoferuy ud every other taem In Uie Matjonel Laegue ud Amerieu Aeeoaletloo. Tfala eplilt ao doojloataa oni playeia that the Temple trophy laloetalgbtol. Mr. Temple may put hiacnp In egUii eieeud preeervelt for future Uueball aenereUooe ao ler u we are conoeroed. Ueoiiflnally olfeied It lo Uie NeUuoal League ud Ameilcu AjiocfeUoo wlib ihedie. tleet proTlaloo ibil ality ave per cent of the Temple eeitei ibould go to Ibe winner or Uie chimplooihip pw- nut. wheUier orno Ibeeeme clob ahould win Ibe cap. In aeveial Inurvlawe and In reply to latuiw Temple le- aeeeitad bla orlgioel propoeluoo. Until It became al moat oenala that Bajumoie would win tbeneoout Ihaio wu no doubt eipieaaed u lo the cup coooltlooa Tbu. however. UioNew York Ulob begu to talk of ellty dve Grcenb. lo the winner of the cop aarlea Tbelr alTorta re been Uly eeconded by Byrne. Could Brooklyn hive won the peanut Byrne would piobibly hive wMtedBlnaormeregemeato be played, end bewtuM nevei have angieetea blppodromlog. But be would have loaliled onTemple'a trophy belog played for on the belle of Bli^.flve per COL lo die wlooer or the Dig. To avoid coDlroverey and poulble dluppoiotnieotlo biae ball enlboiluta ud rooure we wifved the polot ud offaied to piny for aU the lecelple or nolblng. It wu anally agned u a comproffllae todlvldethegito reoelpta eqnaDy among ue playeia TboBalUmoreewlIlalByue lerlee oo Uiat Daala whether Meaara. Temple ud Byine like ItorooL Aa I raid before, the Temple cup cu be put in a gleaa caae II tbe donor eo electa." ■uager Uulon.of the Biltlmoia teem, aeld: "Mr. Temple eloae le leaponelble for the nnfortnnau eoodl. Uon tbatconfrooianj. Ue bu Oopped around nalll the pUyeie hivo become dlaguated wlui the eahlbltlon. My mu have played magnldoent bell end won a aotable vicloiy. Tbey eipecud to rMolve allty five per cent, of the Temple Cup aerlei. Bather Uiu appear uowllllng to coeteet Ibe aerlee wlib Kew York, tbe boye welvedUie perowtage danie, ud cooaeotad to en ciual dlvlilon ol ue gau racalpta. Tbey koow, aad 1 know, that tbe bat. tlae will be fooght Joat u etardilr ai though Uie wlnoer wu to lacalve ell the meoey. To lUnitrate bow BalU. moreua feel, I point lo Uie adruee eale ol UekeU for Uie propoaed gemea Kverp leaervad aeat for tha aiat two deye wu eoM within tjire. boon of Ihe opening of Ueboieaee. Mora tbu l^oaoidmlulon ticheu have been eold for the aret Buna irWerdudhli plarereare ofour mlod we wlU play the aerlee uarrugOd, wbeUier orootTemple'etropby iaatalaka And It maybe aald that wo will make no other agreement than the coo now on .'ocord uoleal we play lOr UieuUre geu reeelpu If Ua New Yoikera diaeeot the eeilee win be declared off. Ve have waived loo muy polou nlready." Tbe Chanaplona' Walconae. A ncepUoD, aucb u taaa nerer been gtven lo a pennant wInnUig team, waa accorded the cham- pion Balllnorta OcL 3, when Ibaj relumed from tbe Wtat. Er«r alnce flrat place wu practlcall; aa- aored, that cliy bu been mad wlib Joj and enltan- alaam, laalead o( cooling u tha daja wore on, in- creaoed In InlanallT anUI It culmlnaud in n wild celebraUon oa the eraning ol Oct. 3, on tiie leuim home o( the BalUmon team, the like ol which bu not been wlueaaed there alnce tbe Boaqm uenMn. nlallnlUO. TbemaollealaUonwunotoonllntdu any narucolar daaa, eyerr cluien, regardltM ot aigle, nationality or color, Joining In iSe cdlebia- tlon Slald and conaeirallva old mercbanu, many ot whom did not know Uie difference between a haae bli and a tool lUg were Joat u deraunairatlTe u the moat Inyeteisie rooter, and jelled a* may have not lalled alnce they were boja u, maaaed In Ue deaie throng tbat Uned Uie louu ol inarcb, the/ gave Tent lo Uelr leellnga. Tbere wu acarcelr a Eonaehold In the city, and about the aubarba tnai wu not repreaenied among the UouundB who joined la the ftaUtlUt*. It wu a real carnlwal and no mlaiaka. At noon bnalneaa wu nnenUj au*. nendcd. and Ue cliy uanoed a holiday appear- ance. Bnalneu hontea, u weU u prlrala real- SenoM were decorsiad wim ihe Ualumore Ulub colon aad bunting, and all aorta ot cmblema com- nlUDenlaiT lo the chaoplona wen egblblied Ul the wladowa Tbere wen tew Indeed who did not w«ar b«lg«a. wblcb were u elaU<if»to aa they were uniiine. It had been announced Uiat the plaj- en woold arrlTe at aJO, bat an hoar before that ume CUndeo alaUon aad ylclnlty wu ao packed with oeoDle that tbe police ooold not make room lor Uie euAtf' ■> ■B**" that uey aboyedtbe pUvera and Uie oommitiaa UiioDgh the crowd, and It wuaeven o'clock when Uiey reached UielrcoDieyancea and were ready to head the pro- ceaaloa. tbe playen wore gny uaTellngcapa and fSl dieaa aalia, and u Uioy paaaed aloag were cheered again and again. Byapeclal peralulonol Uie MajoTareworta were aei off along ue Una ol marcb. Tbe paradera were divided Inui eight di- tMou. eachot which irled to outdo Uie other In tbeoilglnallljandnnlqueaeaaotlheiraoaU. Each cuimcd to luie tbe ongloal rooi«r In ibapnu hogSwbo were made to equeaL Tbe InacnpUona on Ilia banaera were, ol ooonccompUfflenianto uu borne torn. There wen lolly »,<« peopA p IMaad II nqalnd aaulf tkn* boon lor li to ptaa a giran polnL Wben the plaveia reaohni iho KKIb Ileglment armory they took their aland at ike bead ot the hall and greeted tbelr admlnra u ihej paaaed. Tbe crowd wu ao great ihat haadahahlaa wu oot ol the queaUon, ao a nod wu aubailioiea. It wu late when ihe reception wu over and Ue ohamplona were driven to toe Uoiel Hennert, wbere the clilzena gave an elaborele banqnet. lJuiIng the proceaalon a aerloua accident ocouned, and tbat It did not reault (aiallf u aeveral peraou laotUyahortoImlnculoaa. Tha parade had mohed tbe comer ol liaalugion and Howard BUeeta, when the all hoiKa attached to a heavy bua. In whiob ware a large number ol people, booame mghloned at the flreworka and made a plunge Into the crowd. The alreela at ibia point were a perlect Jam ol bumulty, wedged lo ao ilgbUy u to render It Im- poulbia lor Uem to eacape. Moat ot Uiam belag women and children made tbe matter wone. The bonea reared, plunged and inmpled down Ue people In a trlghilnl manner. When offloen and olhen bad leoured the bonea and aucceeded In getUng them off the aldewalk, elann peraooa, moaUy women and children, were lound to b« moraorleulnjnred. Fioieace Ingle, aged eighteen, wu taken oot Irom under the horaea'teat, nnoon- acloai. It la leared her aknll la Iracinrad. llenry Krachlen, aged lllieen, bad both bla anna ao badly oniahed tbat amnulailon will be nec«aaai7. Thou two may die. The above named are the only oaea known lo be bnrt, beyond bralaea and oat*. lio n DIABIO.'VO VIELD GOBglP. Latut B«|rlaca and Dolnga ot tha Daae* ball Vntarallr. Ttaa annual meeUog ot Ibe Weatem League wu beld OoL a, at oblcago, III. The work ol reorgani- zation wu taken up and appllcallona tor Iranohlaaa In a new dab received. Tba organliallon will be tor flre yean tbla Ume Inalead ol one. Three ap- plleaUoDB were received from peraona wanUng tbe BU Paul Irancblae. One ot tbaae wu Irom Manager CODlikej, ot the Olnclnnatl team, ot Ihe National League and American AaaoolaUon. TbaoUeriwo wen Irom J. W. Flynn and Aaron Popeny, kottHt FanI men. Chicago alao made lormal appllcaUon and a light wu at once begun. Tbere will be no Tacucy noltu Bloni Oily la dnpped,and It bu not yet been decided to lake Uia action. It la rumored Ual II Comlakey aucceoda In getUng a tranobiM lor Bt. Paul, be wUI, In aome wav. It poaalble, tnna- ter It to Oblcago. Tbe meeUng adjonned lau In Ue attemoon wlUont doing aoythlug doUnlte ea- cept electing offleen. There wu a warm Ogbt over wbeiber Bloua Clly abonid be debarred from Ue league, wblcb reanlted In a deolalun praotl»lly abntung It out. Tbla wu to leave the matter lu Ihe banda of a commluee wblob ihall repnrt Nov. 10, al Chicago. B. B. Jubnion wu ra^lecied Kaidant, and ue lollowloj direolon ol tbe goa torneit year: M. II. Kllllllea, Milwaukee: Jamea Manning, Kanau Oltj; Oeorga Ellla, tirana Raplda, and W. F. 0. Ooll, Indlanapolla. Tbe Drat three named wlU InveaUgala the adalra ot tbe 8I0U Olty Olob. It la almoat ceruin Uat Bt. Paul WlU bechoaen loaocceed Bloux Olty, aod thatyiyon will get Ue Irancblae. Objection wu made to Ooffllakey, Ue oUer applicant, on Ue ground Ihal, u a memuer ol Ue ma/or league, be wonid make a mere pracUce team ol ue club and a feeder to Ue Olnclnnau uan. For tbe aame raaaon Ue mem- beia feared Jamea A. Han, of Chicago, and would have none of bIm u manager ot a new club In Chi- cago. Tbe lollowlog are the old memben of tbe leagne who were accepted In Me new organlallon: Hloneapolla, Urand Kaplda, Toledo, IndUnapolla, Mllwankee, llelrolt and Kaniu Clly. Tba reeelpu ot aaob game played In the Temple Cnpoenea were depoalled In tank nnUI the aarlu hu been decided. The New York ncelpia went to a New York bank and the BalUuore receipt* to a baok la that city, lo tba Joint order ol Meaara. Ilanlon and Ward. Then, alter the deducUon ot egpenaea, aucb u railway tarea, hotel bllla, par of omplrea. ilokel aeUen and the other cnaia, tbe bal- ance will be divided on Ue baala of ilaly flve per ceaL to the team winning theaerlMand iblrty-flve per cent, to Uie loalng club. The Uoalona deteaied Ue Demoreat team by e lo 0, Oct. a, at WlUlamaport, Pa. II la aald Ibai John I. McCloaky bu beeo engaged to manage Ue LoolavlUe team tor neil aeaaon. Manager Bancroft, ot Ue UlnclnnaU Club, aaya that It la more Una likely that Back Kwlng will play lint baae for the Oloclnnail team next aeaaon. Hark Baldwin, tbe veieno plloher.laaald ubava algncd lor next eeaaon wlU the FhlUdelpbIa Olub, 01 Ibe National League and Amerlaao AaaoolaUon. The Wllkuban* uam defeated Ue Boalou by a to 4, Ul an eiblblllon game played OcL 4,at WUkca- baire, 1*0. Tbe Uiaoda defeated Ue luvala by it to 0, BepL a, at Chicago, IIL The loaen made onlf tuor aate blla off Uanaon. A home run bit by Bannon ivu tba only and winning ran made by Ue Uootoaa In Uelr game wim Ue WlikeiMrree.Oci. a, at wukeabarn, Pa., tha Boaiona then winning by I lo e. Tbe PoliatUka detcatad tbe Sbeoasdoak laam by • u> a, OoL », at PoiuvlUa, Fa. Jamea U, Mannlng.tbe am i laitiil oimar aad aeo- oad laaamin ol tbe kaoaa Oitr laam, baa aaTeial oCM to Baoaca oator laagaa liUBa Bait f aar. Piaaldeni Sodeo, ol Um Begun OInb, In rec«nUy ■iTlng hta leaaona wby tbe Ooaiona tailed to win uiapennastagaUiUla>ear,eald: "In my opinion Ue prlmir7 canae ol our loalog Ue ohamplonahip Uta year WHtliedUablllty ol Long, Oullt and Hcltelhy. The litur. while not utually inluied. wu oot of lorm for a lODB tlma end It wu eoly bla willlogoeea to play thai kept bIm In the gama In the eecond place. I at- tribute the leaa of the champlonahip very largely to the apathy eflbehomecio.da towaid ibebometeui. Time and again have I haenl eomplalnla from onr plijaie abootullB tact, that the orowda al the 8onlh end gienoda aava the vulllng laam far more eacooiagemut than Inay lacelvad themielrea If our people rooted u hard for tbelr own pleyera aa the clowita do lo Baltimore. Plttakara and other placee. the club wonld undoobtadly nave mure gamee to llaeiedIL I ailntii that we wen wmk In onr pltcheta ud ealchei*. but oot mora ao thu other oIlleL Mtlabuig end Clevelud eve nolable eiamplaa ol Ihia faoL In the latter part of tba aaiaoo our pilchere and catcbei* did good weib, ud no Ikult could be found. In my opinion tbe fact Ihitwe hid woo Iherhamplon. •hip loolteo hid a bed effect onbeaeball Inlhlaclty.end wu one rauon why ibe apecutoni ahowed lo much ayni. paihy for Ihe under doe. lu Ihe altone lo lUa It awey from ne I elao think tbat our plarere did Iheir beat lo carry og the pennuL Tbe dlrectota ceilelnly one Itieoi ell the encouraaeiniut poailble. while at the auie lime we thouehtthii lor Ihe lateieatanf Ihe genie In thiaolty It weeld be well lor the chaoipioo.hlp to go elaewheie (or a aaaaoD. Neil year, u we try to win Ibe pennant bieb, Uie iimea will be more Intereellojr, and arouae nioie en- tbuuuu. The reaaon wby we did not gat Ullm wu bMaiae we thought e moil lenoy pilce wMMked lor him, more thu we could iirunt to oiy. We mede Ihe Utulaville t-lub whii we cooaldareu a leir oRbr. which it did oftteee at 10 accept. 1 aguia the loeaon Durgraoa Bleadlbat wu buned at ifi^lUX Our boohe will ihow Ihat Tha coat of the obi ataod an $10011, ud we le- celvad IHt,0ll1 tniulenoe, or •30,00) laai ilun we pilil lor It To that muai be ailded the d^at ol llie new Hand, whkh wlllnotbecomplaled till neilaeiaeo. Then ainln. ourbeleweonipellMl lo go Inlhet^toiraaeatreetarounde wulooiltar eouice of loai to ua. In regaril tonait)eer. It le loo early In uy much about IL I uo pot aotlcipite aoyiarloue diincully In elgning our plarare. I do not koov enough ebout thia new laiAclitlon lo eapreea enr opinion ei lo It. 1 hive not haird of uy dieaallaliollon unoog our playera over ealaiy. eicept In the caaeut Tucker, who did not Ihink hewu gettlniuniuchaahe ail worth. Wa ihill probibly hMii all our regular meo neityear, eleo BtlvalUud Oioiel. pnaalhly T.nnay, •ho, I Ibink, will Impiove ID hli llmtwlng. We ahall probably lelain llodann, ami u lo Ryan, It will depend on rircumalucea Hyan did aplanilld woik at limea, end, like Teaiey, miv Improve wllh nioio eiperlanoo. f do oot think that eoy eili can pioreily auppoit Iwn olobi. not even Phllidelplila Thenid Athletici did nut mike enymoneywheu In coropellllDn with the Plillidalnhla tllub. While not prepared lo apeak oinolallr etlhlatime, 1 think I can aarely aay lhat we will give our palrona In Ibia olty el good bill neit eaaaoo u we liira In tha put. There a ill uodoubtedly be en Inoreiae In ihe aelerlea ut lome ol the playera" Tbe Boaton teui will play a number ot eihlbllion gaaei beloie dlibandlng lor Ihi aeuno. tlaniea liive beae arrugad for OcL 10^ ll I'lUaflahl; II, at llieeBQelil: la, NorUi AdeiuB, Hlaa, ud IJ, al Oruge, N. J. The Boiloo t.ani,.i.cliimi)looaarUie Nillonal Luauo ud Aoieriou Aaaoolitltin, delialail Uie Irnnaidee by a lo «, loao eahlbltlon gauii ptayd ucL 7, at Newaik. K. J, Tha Brooklyn team played an eibllilllnn gatno wlUi tbe Patenuna Oct. 7, at Patenon, N. J., tha former (cam llien winning by 7 to e. II hu been annonnoed that llio National Auncla- ilno will prdiMbly hold lu Qnt regular meoUnu on OcU la. In Ihia clly. The Chlcagoa defrnled the Htoug Oily loam, obainploDa or Ue Wentean iMguo, by I'J lo o, lu all InnlDgi, Ilou 7, at Bloug City, la. The Uuban Olanta ilefmled Ihe Lima teani by 13 lo), Oct. S, at IJina, U. "Left Plelder llurke nirrowl)r eaciiird lielng mnlilwl at Union I'erh bernre the leitie yealenley," »iya ne flol. Ifaorr .'Tun. of (IcL 0. "A ouiiiliar uf biiia nn,f mau were onllie Bald pliylne whil. a number ol New York |,|ayera were pracUclng. Huika In letornlOK a liell wlilch lie hadJuateaughV, Birock W. II. Ilalat iiu Ihe head. Ilelal elllroa Hurheatiueh hini liilentinpillv ud like ineah i huodied mm ud buyi luahed it Hiiia.. The police eullv diore the men olTUie Beld. Aller Ihe game ai Ilia Naw Yolk pla)aTa were uterine Uielr'hue Bouia perano Uirew a piece ol brick eviileotfy at Hurbe u Ituerely nilaaed him. roltunalely Iha brick did m, banii. Ilelal OMwared before Juatloe Murrey at lhatlenlrel Piillea HIatlon 10 have e waiiant laaued lor tha irreBliif Burke ontheoheigeofuBault. but after a conaullatlon with Captain Toner Ihe warrutwu nut laaued." Hnreial pepeie larenlly puhllalied e alalaiiient Ihnt hed Baltimore leluaed to play for ihe Teupio I'up Hauaaer Ward Inunded lo eleiiii [heeiip end toe olwiniilonalilp wklob goea wllh IL Piealdaot Young, nf the Netlonel Leigue end Aiiivilcan Aaaoolellun, when he haenl the elatanoDL aald; "I do out koow what chiiiiplonahip they Oftulu olelin. Thaie le onlruiie cliaiiiplonMiip. eiu thai wu won br Baltliiiura The peooaJit ul INH be. looga to tbe HiflliiiDrea end oolhioir cin ever lehe It from Hum uuw. Belllnoie le elieitipiuo, it leut until uother clob wioi UieNiUonil Leigtie v.a American Aa euelltlon pennul The Tvniple l.'up aerlea la alniply fbr Ibe h'inor ol linMlog the tiophy, and fur the laoelple ef the garoea which aie to he divided aiiioog ihe oanleallng pU^ara. Tbere la no cbeiitplooahlp ettediod towlnnloi TBIIIPl.BI UVP NBIIIHM. Wall CantoetMl tiamee Hetwewn the Naw York and Dalllaoorn 'Peaaia. IMapllolbe llireatoning weailier, and the uncon lalnty u lo Uie characler ol Uio game, upwarda of ten ihouaand people wllneiaed Uie opening oun- iMt between the Ualllraon and New York teama lor Ua Temple Cup, which look place Oct. 4, at lialU- more, Md. The wnuglo over Ihe divuion ol tte gate recelpla, tiartod by a ulnorlly ol the lialllmore uam, who deollncd to play uodor Ibe original uoo- dlllona, wu lelUed only a abort lime bifuro Ibe game commenced, aod Omplrea Kmalle and Hunt ilien publloly announced that the opening conteai and all aucoceding aamea would be played under Uie ruloa 4nwn up by a cuoultuie ul Iha National League and Antrlcan AaaoclaUon, tha wlnnen lo get Ua Temple Cnp and ilatv.dve per cenuot the recelpla. Ilopea were atrelobed around the out- Held to preveat the apeoutora enoroaohing Ibereon, ud a ground ralo wu niado to (lie efftol Ual halla baited Inui Ue crowd ahould yield Ureebaaea thereon. Tba New York, who want fliit lo tbe bat, were puttlod by Kapai'a left banded niiobing during the drat four louloga, when tbey lalled lo acore a run.' llurke led off wlU a lafe bit, but wu doubled no at aecond baao on a bit by Uavia to McOnw, after two uieu were out, and he made another aafe hit In tbe thud Inning. Iioylo alao bitulely In Uigfouitli Inning, but alter ateal- Ing aecond ne wu erronloualy decided out hj Umpire Uunl In ao auempibi ileal third. The New Yoria commenced run getUng lollie litu Innlhg, when Vau Ilaliren led off wiU a drive OTor Ue crowd at the ropea at right Held,and IrntUngarouoi] lo Ulrd haae under Ue ground rule, he acorad oo a Oj Uat Kelley captured but could oot Held borne Suick enough lu abut uff Ue run. Farrell aad urke followed wIU ainglea, but failed lo acore. iDibaalglh aooUer bit Tor Uree bula by UavIa and an oat by IHiyie gave Ue vliiuira Uelr aecond ran. Ward made a ilngle In tbla Innlog, but wu thrown at aecuod. Ader two mcD were out In Ue Mveatb Inolog, lluale hit lo cenira tor two haaea, and acored on a wie hit by Burke, bla touilli one la lucceuloo. Doyle drove the hall InU) Ue crowd at left field lor three liaeoa, anil made Ue fourth and but run fur the Now Yurka on an out by Ward lo Uhi eighth Inning. Altar one wu out lo tbe nInU, llualu and Farrell hit uleir, but boU were lelt. Tba llaiumoioa acored oolj one ran, and tailed In uiake more than aaven a(a(- taring auglea off Ituile, who pitched In One form, and wu splendidly aupported. In Uree Innlnga the home team wen retired In llieir alrlhing orilor, Kaeler, In Ue Oml Inning, and HcUraw, In Ue Mvenu, aficr bltung aaielr, were ihnwn oat al the Plata. Jennlnga wu alao caught napping at aecond baae. McOnw made a alngla In the oniih Inning, went to aecond on ao onl, atola third, ind acored the only run tor Ue ohamplona uo a bunt by llelia. Burke'a baUlog and Ward'a fielding were the chief tealurea. Naw voBB. T, a. a. a a.a. BiLTiaoaa. r. a. a o, a.a Burke.ll.... a 0 10 0 U Xelley, It.... 4 0 1 a 0 a TlerDu,rf..a 0 0 I u 0 Keeler, rf.... e o I I 0 u DivlaSo...! Ilea li HrouUiera,lbl 0 u » I o Doylalb.... 4 1 J II a t> XoUraw, ib. 4 1114 0 Watif.Ib.... 4 U I 4 1 I Brodle,el... 4 0 0 I 0 0 Via llalt'n.cfl 1110 0 Helta lb.... 4 0 I 4 I u 0 0 a 1 1 J.ooioga u4 0 1 o a u Pirial],e.... 4 0 111 u Hobloioo, a 4 II I 7 I u Buile, p 4 I I I 4 0 Ktrn, p a 0 0 I I 0 Tolala...BI 4 la n la 1 Total!...10 I 7 17 n 0 New York II C a 0 I I I I 0-4 Baltimore UOOOOOOai—I Earaad nin^New York, 4; BelUmore, I. Beee on tella-N. Y., I; H, > Htnich oul-N. Y., li B., t Um- piraa, Bmaile ud llureL Time, LSI. a Tbe Mow Voiha woo egein OcL a, elUr u eielllog Bnllh, by leering four rnoe lo Ihe ninth loolng. Tlnely hatting and hrllllui BeMlng mirhed Ibe eoalaal. Meekin wu eteady tbroogbuor; ooly lo the lut Inplog did be ihow a goe of the neirnue atrilo, md It wu get Uogdaib, when be lound It dIdlcultLoget Ibe ballorer lb. plate. IMeuon wu iroely bitted, aipeclelly lo the third eod nlBlh Inalnga *h«n Uie N.w Vorhe ecored eight of the aloe lone aedlted to ibem. Yen Ilaliren dlilligulahed himaell by caploiing inumberof dldcull dlea ud pieveoud Uie Beliiinuiee iriiin ecorlog li the grit Inolog by putllog vul e beae loooer el Ihe bone 8lau 00 a Boperb Uirow i« Parrell.efurberlnBnadea 00 luBolog Caleb. Kullar aod Jaonlnga did aome clever wuik lo il^lr p<,ililuo ei aliuit Btop. Belle elao daaerve apeciel mentlno. Devliand Dullog the prelim Inarr piecllee Borke accldanully hit a hor In tria on retuiolog ihe ball to ih. Inlleb], ud oala kr the line, lyarrlral of tha police Bnike woold here teen eeveraly haadled by Ihe eereged mob. The Bililmoree beau tlie rongettlag in tbe eeoond lonlng. Brodle waibd lor lonf^la Belu hit one In Irani ol Ueplala, aadbaat ibabaUtodnL Jeulagahltaaeaiy fooLwhlabDofle