New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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520 THE ISTETW YOIIK CLIPPER. October 20. TBE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLKHHN Ca (LlmHtd), raOFBIROBt. GEO, W. KZIL, Mivian. BATDBDAV, OOTOBEB 20, IBM. RATES. ADVJUfi'lBJIIMlIiniS. TwMt7 MnU p«r Uaa, ■caia typ« maann; ipftM or OM intb VJO ttek Dim H at. A MaeUoaof B p«r Mat li ftUovtd OD tdnrtliiaMDta «b«a ptU tor IhM bmUu la adTaaaa, and oa tdTartUoaau OMHOflav UD Usaa or mora BUBSaBlFTlOH. Oaa yaar. la adTaaoa.M: ili raoalba,IJ; tbiaanoatba, foraiKB pottac* aitrmp BiaKlaeopla<^10eaaia~"'~ ODB TEB1I8 ABB OAIB. TUB OLTITBB la latoad ararr Vadaaldar Baomiajr. Tba mlLUtk aad UUi (UTaftlilaa) rtru OO TO rBEW ON ■ONDAT. aad tba UUu UiTaal alkar paiw oo TUBSDAT, Th* Tomia Oloalng Fromptl7 at 4 PJL flaaaa ranlt br aipraaa mooay ordar, abaak, P. O.or- dar or ratlalarad tattar, aad ADDREM ALL OOMMUNIOATIOH8 For th* EdlCarlBl or tha BaalBaaa DepaitmaBt to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, r. o. Boi a,w, or oLima BoiLDiMa, BlDdnOaona mraai,Ha* Tork. Id EBBlaad— tub Ouma eao ba obutaad, vbolanla aod ralall, of oor aaaota. BBllb. Aloalla A Oo^ M IVaw' eaiUamraal, Vmr, la Trasca— Tm I'jrru la od aato at Bnatuo'a Q«v> dapot, IT Af anaa da I'Opara, Parla, ar TIfB NBW YORK OMPPBR jrab- llabManI^on**dltlOB,ud UlSt Uoa tnm Haw Vork.'VB QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. ■ iiiiaaaaMiia ■aaaaiBniiiaani niTia Aixiv««a*r or aooi aaoDLD vaira to rmou waoM ran Hia, iv OAaaorTUBOLIPrERPofromga. AuLimu will BBaoTrenaaDoaawuK oaLT. Ir tbi bootb or m rvBiTBiOAL ooirarr n bocobt, rbbbr to ovb uat or BOOTBa OB ABoniBa riOB. WBOABBoraao bovtm bt ■AIL OB TBLBORarB. TIIBATHIOALu W. A. W., IIrile.-l. Wo cannot Inform joa wbero 70a cu oliiAla a mBDOBcrlpt copy of ibe play, but jou can bava yonr own varalon mAdo from tba novel. 1. Tlio tamia wonld depond on. tlraly apon tba srico ^oor plajwrliibl wu ablo to coimnand. 3. we bare never aeon » printed copy. 4. lie iroulil not, aa Ibe book la not protMUd by loptrlght In ible oonntrjr. , BAlilmore.—vra are notadvUed of ibe Bon'a bootlniia ot tbettrra In jour ollj. Watoh onr Utldinore leiter ewib week. J. F. B., 8aoraniento.-l. While tbe tbealre at Wi Hroadmj, tlila city, wa* nanaged bj Obarlea T. Wbite, wlioae occupancy began In 1172, It wu known aa Wblta'a Atbena:nai. Robert W. Bntler opened tbo bouae In Angoat, 1813, and called It tbe Heiropolllan Tbratro. 'A It wbh not. a. We can llnil no record ol tbe party'a appearanco there on Ibat dalo, HiNiaBR, liangor.—We bare no record of tbe , J. K., Ilocheaur.—You aak If you bare the right to play aonaaot comedy written, aa yon claim, by "Tbe American greaioat author of playa," bnt, aa you lall to name eliner the play or lla author, wa cannot deflne yoor rig bla. M. J. T., Springaeld.-l. About twenty dollai*. a. Wa know o( do Unit. 0. N. w., Newbeme.—Wa do not think tbe com pany la on ilie road. p. H. T.—We cannot loeaio eltber of Ibe paitlet. Addr«aa leueia In oara ot Toi Uurria. W, W., Hooheaur.-l. Tbereiiatalr demand For a beginner twoniy doUara per week. 3. Yee. 4. Five per cant, B. M. a., Vickabnrg.—1, Wo never give Ibe agea n( living profeaalnnaJB. Biromonda A Urown, 1,'J31 Broadway, tbia olty. 8. Standing Hoom Only. 4. Hee anawer under Turf heading. 6. We never re- commend any apoolal aobool. I., Albany.-!. We ibink U would notpay. X Ai a rule tliey do not pay board, bnt always pay (area. OHIO.—I. Thiao dullan. 3. it would noL 3. ^enty dollai* per week. 4. lie baa. >. Advartlte In Till OurriH; ace nua at the bead of tbis oolnmn. DDBaonniR, noctaeaur.—1. Tbere la a demand, a. Probably twenty lvo dollana week at llnl. a, Apply to manaoen ot tiavellng abowa. \r. T.H.»., flailowood.—1. Jamea A, Dalley, ». The abow will winter In Bridgeport, Ut, bnt tbe bnalneas beadQUarlar* will probably be In tbIa olty. R. U. L., Troy.—Addnaa letter In onr care and «e will adverilaa It. W, N, 8 We do not know tba oompoalUon. OONSTANT RiiDiB.—We never give penonal deaoripUona ot tbe aort yon dcalre. iLLiniONisr.-Tiia lllulon wonld no doubt ba a good drawing oard In noaaunu, bnt It la Impoaat. ble to quote aalary, although wa fear tbat ti would not be aumolentfor tbree people. Ton bad better oorreapond witb managers of acme o( tbe large mu aenma. U. O. U„ Bridgeport Hake application to some dramaile agenL Hrs. U. w., Philadelphia.— Wo can In no manner aaalat you In placing your eon under InatruoUon. ' AOLirriBlliioiB.—We never (uinub intormA' Uon cnnorrnlng ib« domeatlo asaira ot performen. Oonauli tho programme of tba Uroadway Theatre. W. a,—Wu have no record ol bin appearance In tbe play you name. Ik liisri, llrooklyn.—1.1,8. Bond two ooplea ot tba play, logaitier witb ono dollar, to tbe Librarian ot Oongreaa, wiuhlniton, U. 0. 4, e. aonoially the bualneaa manager or tin nianager'a lepteaaniallve. Honda are aoraelimas rcqulrori, but rarely. It tbe naity la or known good raimlallon. I'., Kaijmirjjo —Tbe aalary ot an advance agent la uanally rroin Iblrty-flvo dollar* upward*, acoord- lug to Ibe eunilard ot the aiiracUon and (be rank or ahlllir or tbo agent, d ifin " Uo la fnrtbor allowed tnnaporlailon and lunlled eipenao acconnt. H. AND A., Pblladolphla.-l. About ntiy dollars per week. 'i. Ther« la a fair demand. K. 1*. A Uo., UUwaukec-Jluob a Hal aa yon deair* baa never been publlabtd. T. F. U.—Wa never fnmlah lorormatlon onnoem Ing tho reliability or managor*. All we care to aay In Uila oaao la mat our noallnga wiih tbe parties yon name have always been aaualaolorf, ' Hrs. II. u., Janieatown.—Addreas tno party In carootTuB ULirria. W. F., rhiladelpbia w<> wonld advise toking tbe partner If you can secure a good one. Halaiy sboold range from forty ilollara uptvard II you olthtr]oln a company nr play dtiea In variety Imubcs, n. A, L., DoaUMi.—Iieilen bate been olalmedby bim reguurly. 0. A., Tullabom».-Apply to Hartlnka A 00., m SIztb Avenue, New Voik, CAHOS. WtLumoH.—TBI OLiri'iR la lla own anibority OB oarda, aa on all other niattora of wblcb It ukea oognlaanoe. A. 0., Franklin.—The player who held two act* won. Tbo handa ahow tor themsolrea, ngaMleaa of what the pUyera may call them. U. 0. iMD \r. H., Howard —1, lupotortbe opener otajaokpot, when not called, la oolliMd to abow openera only. 1. In aeven np, wbeu one plajor baa Ibroe point* to make, and his oppononi una point, tho latter goes out drat It b« baa]ack, which connti berore game. 8. l>o not undoratAnil tbe qneatloo. Blat« II clearly, and we will endeavor to enllghbm yon, 4. See "King" anawer*. J. P. F., l'hllB<ieTphla.-Ue la. In the aenae that England la tnolnded In the nonntnes ot tbe world, of wblcb Jamaa J. C!oibett la champion; bnt be doe* not bold the uile ot "champion of Rngland," whlob la In poeaeaalon of Jim Bmltk ander the old rnlea, and In tbat of Ubarley Mitchell under the (Jneentbeiry rule*—tbe fonuer governing flgbia with tbe bar* knooklea and the laiiar governing glove oonicsta. OmwA.—After his return from Rngland r«Ur Jkokaon, the colored pngllist, met Kd.. aliu "IMn. Ter," BmlUi In a ilore couie«lot a UmlKd number of ronnda In a hall In Oltlcago, 111. tij USB, Bpringdeld.—Tue leoond meeting that bad bean arranged tor between John L. Sullivan and unarlea Uiicbell at Hadlaon Squaio Harden, ihla olty, waa pienniad Ibroub Ihe former noi being ln_prepar cnndldon for nob an •noonnur. W. O.'T, (Itanon.-l. un tba day that Bob Fia- simmona and Jack llampaey foishl U Mew OrMaa^ La., Bome year* ago, tnelr alatad waif his w*ra aa follow: nlaalmmoDB, IWMB; Daopaey, MID, t. TbemaxlmoD Umll of middleweight la l>4lb,ac- cordlBf totheoBlrmlc* gorarBlng sn«hmalt«n. Any man who llgnia above that weight cannot be properly claaaed a* a middleweight Tom Bayer* w*« really a middlewalght, althoogh he was the beaTyweigbtchamplon of Rngland forTeaii. Tbe correct dednlUoo of a beavywelgbl pngllist ' "any weight." 0.0., Hartford.—1. In poker, when stralgbis are played, aa they gcoerallT are nowtdayi.a straight Hush I* the highest hand thai can be held, beailng fonr ace*. 3. In aeven np, when there I* a tie for game, th« non dealer, or elder hand, score* the point 0. AMD W,, Peona.-Any Ufalght dsab la a "royali dnab. 3. No,roriheteaaonlbat wedonotanawer qneatlon* In Tna Ourria Anndal. U. U. I,., Provldonce,—B Is tbe winner, hi* high and lack connilog before game. OAmCBAItL. ORICItRT, KTC, a. B.O.,Pateraoii.—1. McOrawbaa been playing irilh the Baltimore team danng the past tbree aea- *eni. 1 Jenning* wa* wlih the Lonlavlile Kam during the eair* part of the aeaaon of 18*3, and then wa* engaged by tbe Balllmore OInb, being » ohaDRdfor T. O'Renrke by the lattar, T, w. B., Brooklyn.—The conatltouon of tbe Na, tlonal Leakne aod American Aaaoolatlon baa 1 olanae 10 ine elfact that It ahall conalst of twelve club*, and tbat It* membenhip eball not be In ereaaed or dimlolsbed for a period ol ten yean from November, 1881. 0. w.—A* yon word tbe bet, A loae*. B wa* not betting that tbe New York* would win Ihe aeriea. Ue wu taking only the negative of A'apropoalllon, and, therefore, wu wagering simply that the Boatona wonld not win the aeriea. 0. P. T., Pblladelphia TwentyK>na games hava been played between repreaeniatlve Kama of crick' etera ol tbe Unlled Blaiea and Canada. Fourteen Same* have been won by the United ataie* and dve y Canada, while tbe gamea played In 118O and 1884 were drawn. 0. Bm PorismoDth.-Ye*. On July 34, 31 and 38, at Ihe Polo Oionnds, In thli city, by score* ot I to' T to 3, *Bd 18 to 4, raapecUvely. ATHLETIC. T. K. H., Baltimore.-In onolllng the measure ment mut be taken from the centre ot the molt (bead ot pin) to the nearest vlalble Iron. - The pin muat be revel with tbe clay. 0. P. B.—That qneatlon abonld be anbmltled to the aaioolaUon, whlob may have made special role* governing snob oaaes. OICB. OOBIINOKB, ETC. J. 0. W., WhlUh*ll.-B lo*e* the bet F. A. II„ South Amboy.—See answer In U*t vreek' paper. TURF, B. V. 0., VIcUbnrg.-They are caUed "bloycle enlklee." AliVATIC, n. H, R., Hadlaon.—Jacob 0. Oandaor can be ad- dreaaed In care of tnia oDIce. RINQ. L. B., Allentown.—Jamea J. Corbett aland* ett iKIn. In height; Bob Filzalmmon*, eft }ila, nlBOCIil.ANBOVII. J. R. P., Represa.—That Is aomellilng no fellow can Ood out, poalUvely, and we prefer not to goesa. I>. E. L., Hoaton.—We are not aware thai anob ralea can be obtained In this country. You mlgbt write to the Philadelphia Kennels, 337 Bontb ElgbUi Hireet, Phlladalpbla, Pa., for ine lorormatlon. RUBS, Ben llarkor.—1. Tai OurriR is on sale in New York, Wednesday, at 11 a, u. 3. Boston, on Wednesday. 3. It will be mailed on Wednesday morning. FL08Sii,Alioona.-Lelierbu not yetbeen claimed. To Correapondanta. R, W. RriLLlR.—Ilkva wrliuo voa. H. f. OBTRAHoaa.—aaiD* taoalved with Uiaoki. You did veil. UH. BOBABPIR,—Your klBdoail appractatad. Jab. Hill.— Voura r««alTad and aniwered by mall W. BaWARD.—Tlia flrvt varlatloD U faulty. It can ba wonbywhltaiftarthaStolDmoTa. 8. II. YaoMAKB.—Your* al band U. If. Am lodabtad to ron lor Rimfa. . .\ evra 01 the Game. JaA. mil. 111* ealabiatad audior, aaalrat and plarar. la ow ID Uilacouotry Uo lli*9d ot lao praaaalDioolh h< «rot* ui that ha waa Id PnvldeDca, aod thai h« aooo ai p«ct«d to vUlt Mew York. Mr. bill Jouraaya oRaai aaroaa tba "bl* «at*r" than all olbar diackar players combload, wlUi Iba aicaptloo ol nobt. Loekban. W* BballbaTaarmralraatvliao ■« Diaal Mr.UllLaa ha baa many aoacdoua or plafara ba haa mu (tDfl tbay ar* lasloa): baalda'.ba lawaU ap 10 iba lloaa nrplay that aia popular uo Iba "Dlbar ilda," 8. II. YauuiaDc wrltaauB Uiat baoipacla aooo to b* Id propar fonn la raoaira all oliallaogai rortaaui luaiohaauiai bamayb* lODorad witb, aa Uia Near Tork playari ara dov aaluag Id trim ror Wintarplay. Tbaeluuioom laopao DlBblly, onr. MlDlb AT*DutaDdThlr1y.rourUiBtr««t,aDil aaroDa otaiaalad loobaokei* viUbaoordlally walcoiuad 0ad' Btay away bacaua* rou doo't play ttroDa, bot com* id aoo Jala Da,aDd you will flad planty that play oo atrooaar tbao yoD. ADd II you play real ■IruDB, coma Id aD< faalpot Id ourtaaoi matabaawllh our orolhar cb««kar playara, for Ntw Tork waou 10 wId aod malotalo a laam lupraoiaoy orar our aalshborloB clilaa tbiawiaur. ir w. W. Avary. 0 (^oakly, J. browa Jr. aod Harry rllla. burr wlU kIDdly Mod Uialr addraia 10 Cuaekar Editor, CLlrraa omea, tbay will ooofar a Ibtot oo to* N«w Tork Cbaakor Olub Bro. Calrart, ol Tlie Wut, aayi Uial ProTldtDOa moo hara iDlomad Jaa. Illll diat may ara IIIIDR to back Cbaa. r. Barker afaioat Jii. rarrle for obamplooililp ol tbo world lor any raaaooablo anooot. but waot tba oialob playad la PnTldoDoa. O tba I U. KraODUD would _. probably _ wrluao Bobon Mol^ Olaiaow, to tbIa aOoot Provl. dODOo peopla hope Ibal Ferrla will lao lila way olatr to aocapL Tbara la no doubt tbat Forrla, by sividb ol blbluoDB Id dllTaront efaackar play Ibr oaotna, couU dod It BoOolaDtly laWDoarallva to laka Iha TeDtor*.aad wo coacb Barker. Hr. Ulll haa ar* Ml* tbat liia AniancaD playoi* woold moot obrdlally auloaot Kcotcb oiport. rocalTo Bad aalooDia tba t OBRO baa arar, lo our trod parooD la play Ibr BOOA wlib iha claim to 80100 or lb* Mlooaaoia pUytla au Uiat Dr. W. K. Tnui would bowililo* to cODUat a grToo oumbarol atmoo wllhL.ailoadlorUia8tAtaebampiooAblp. Br. llaad If aouraly asrooabl* to Uia pnpualtioD.—Iviliaufv CAfoa- fcla.rrlfmpa. Ur. Tmax U tba author of'Tba Blaok }oeb>r UpeoioR.*' aad waa chaaploa of HIDOoaola, bat lioot oonoidorad aaaily aa alruoaai Mr lload.aod Dovar olaiwad to ba. Tba uiatob would bo iDlaraiUog, bot Ubo roiult would ba all ooa ilOao B. P. UBtraadar baa ohallaDBAd E. W BpllUr 10 play a loalah for St* a alda. Thia II Uia aooood oballooio ol Mr Uauoador'a. Illi arm waa mat by Hr. HplUorwItb Uio qnaatioD ol bow moob mooay did ba IMr. (J.) want lo play lor, and thai ba(Hr. Bldoatrod to play for moaor: ao Mr. Oilxaodar aayaUial na wlU play Mr. Bplllar Ibr Is a alda, or aiore, If Mr. 8 dailras. Tbe matca will bo ol coDiloorabIa id. iar«il,aathapla)*r*ar*OT*olymalobod. Mr.Oatiandor Ibrtbor autaathll iha malob wlU not t>a for Ibo diam. ploDiblp ol Bnoklyo, aa Mtaara Brown. Da Praait and watblaston hava aoBiaUilDR to aay about Ibat tl D. Bbariow. colorod cbaniploD ol Ibo world. It MUDda oloa, doB'l III BulwhoraoldbaiatUiollUal WabaTabaoo playlo*oliook*ralorlwaDty)a«naDd bavo Dotor hoard ol a eoloiad champloo no bnowlods*iboao luued b> 1 the colored ehamplooiblp. TbIa gooa Ilia bllodlold cbauipiODiblp of tba world. No oballonif* haa bean Itauod lo oootaic tnt Uiat lltla, al laaat ■iDce Btrlcklanddlad; ratarery oacalo awhile wa oa* oaa ol tba Mrong Mladlold playora* aaiae uaollooad witb tb* IIU* ol cbamplon of Iba worKl atlaabad. Far- ■ooally Mr. Bb«rro« la a an* man, but If b* wlab** to hold uo una ol colored champion of tba world b* Bbould laaua a eballaoi* lor Uial (Itio, allowlns aolBciaDt lima 10 bear Iran MeBlaad. aod 11 lit Rata it oy plajloR lOr II, or by dolault w* aball ba Iba Oru lo aouua Dim. douaar. 01 Jarooy ully. aay* tbat ha will bo la raadlDoaa to play Ita* Broofclyo taaia aooD. Tba Brook- lyoa bava itartad Iba iDtataity play, aod tba local play, aia may roataianrad that, wlUi auob *o*rR*ilo paopw aj 0. A. Blaadln,or Kaaark;Prot Pilot,ol BnoklyD: Bit Yaomana or Maw York, aad M P, Oloaaar, of Jaiaay (Miy, ebaokar* tbta Wlatar will ba atoi* la u* laabloa tbao arar. Uarauifor* about Iba only plaoa whar* taam aod olub mateb** wan abaadaal waa In Booiland, but mm praaanl lodloatiooa N*w York and lla vloUiity wlU " a atroai rlvaL Newark t*. Broeklrn. PuraaaotloarfanKoiuaolauiadobrPnf. Flint, ot Brook- lyo. and 0. A Blandlo, of Noaark. Uani* mm tbaaa two olllai mat at iha T. H, c. A. noma la Braoklyo, and vara pal lad aa follow: " "la, NawARi. iroM.Drawn 3 O. A. BlaadiD 0 1 I Kdw. Uymaa. BBUOKkVII. MolTiD Browa J. Da Praoil Thoa. Plnn W. A. Ilarlaad John Jehoirf " r. Ootnodtr r.IUtbbun J. HimpMia W.8a*d*b*r T. Waablniton .. . . P.M. R*yn.._ . I Olmnt Ropp.... . 4 O.A. Ulckman.. . * J.A. Maadar..... . B K. A. lAyalon* . 1 U. A. Lllli* . a J.r. Mnrrav ... 0 ... I ... 1 ... u ... u ... 8 ... t ... i .. 1 I ToUl*-BraoklyD..IS Kawark • II Anar Iba play ProL Kllal lovltad all banda to bava r*. mibmaalL Amon* tbo Dotibia* piaoant won Ur. Bdia*. lar, John McKola* and Uao Rtaaart mm Maw Tork. Tbo Dootor waa oboaan to adjudicate Iba oDanltbad gamea Tba BrooklyDllaa aipaal 10 viiil Newark lo two weak* 1 play a raium Dkltii. Tb* Impeloa tbat Ibaca taam maicbaaglTolo tb* iBiaraatlo Uia game la aroat. Brary oaa le OB bla m*u] aod puu lonb hi* mott *araail ao* doarar lo play Uia boat eoockara thai b* I* capable ol; boaldaa, ItorMto* a baalibv rivalry batwaoo tba play*!* ol Iba difforaol clllaa. That. loBotMr with loomay play, dnoi moN 10 loolla lb* play *ra lo dn ihair boat than any- Ulng aloe. Tb* Mawark Clab I* in a baallby eoadltion. Tbay bava a mat forty mamhara, and witb •nob naa a* (X A. laadla, 1. r. Hniny and Bd. Bymaa ibay will aoo* raaah Iba hall oaatarT aaait. Tba rooma an allaalad al — Broad eiraat, Newark. AU lataraalad la lb* gan ar* ooidlally lavllad. ■olaUoB orPoallloD No. 311, Vol. 4a. ■T J. T. WABUIBOTOII. BROORLTir. END OAMt Black 1 a II It l«. IT, » Whita 31 S a 17 X 10 I e a s 13 • a o 17 14 1* a >r 18 a u Drawn. Po*ltlon n*. 33, Vol. «B. *T BBaar maiwblu Raw tobb. END OAME. Blatt a 7 a 10 II H .»» Whilaa 2J 31 17 13 White 10 play and draw. Oama Ifo, 33, Vol. 411, DODLBB CORNER. Played lo tbo Brooklyo Y. M. C. A. roomi reoeotly ba. iwoan Meura A. J. Da rraeel aad J. Ralbbun. Mr. Oa Fraaal ^^7*d bl*£k. 14 18 It tl B la la 14(0) 18 • a 14 B IS 8 II a 11(4) II IT s 18 14 37 O 4 8 B 18 e 8 a u I a 81 a 8 II a H 11 IS 11 18 18 7 It a 17 > 13 S 18 II ir D 7 M a 18 le 91 11 II 10 17 la IS 11 18 O 18 7 Id 18 II in It II 7 1 II a u 17 a 1 I 7 1 IS 17 1 I 8 II DrawB. (a) RomayoaraABO,loagamawithtbelataJoboDorop- eter. Dr. Bonaalar played: la B 11 laT 1 a 8 >« it » B8 18 II 18 la ma sii7 a 14 8 14 11 la 97 a • as ai8 I* IS 3714 la 7 II 4 8 11 a 7 Id 18 u a 18 an 91 s 14 a 37 la at H 11 14 18 10 14 14 a aa ai8 ai nie ei3 Drawn. (b) wboB tba PioTldeaca taam vliltAd Mow York 0. Coaalay played tbIa agalDat Haffoar. aod loot aa lollowe: a 31 11 17 o 18 a 14 10 a OHlfiSS. Notmbla NotM IVo(«d. Tb* flrvt Ds«i at huiM In ibAl ihe Alblo-Wiowalter DilcJi At our IftUct iDformailoB ttooi] two tod iwo, llorr K. barlnii woo tbt Ont ud third. Mr. a, th* third aod loartb KvnM Tb* ■dipme of * moiropolltJiD letgo* moT«i it«tdllr OD tovanJa complatloDj It nu our wuid> **t «tili*«lor lt«perr*otiuw«u Thli lia lood tlm* to ba ramlDded U«t the Londoo ll*tiopo)ll*D LrtBue, li ell lU md** Md ucUon*. ouiDt>«rt orarooe huodrw itdoeio'tteam utboQiib ttonHlit locoit ftTtiy cluba. n*u itmnBle to gat np a Itamie hare wlib too or a doieo iD*ml)«fiL......Tb« moTQmaot ctwinanl '"waf diiwD 8oai Id Diile" m rerbapt more proouaaced ihao *Tar at ooe time before Cnarlanioo haa a more vIr- orou* aod eoUtutiaiUc dub tbao arar; th*oId Atlantlo tJlub, vblch al ooe iloa* almoit ■eamtd monboDd. ban altooethrr bnghtaood op,reorflaotied, re-eollatad o*ailf aliih* oM Di«aiti*TB. reMlT*d a •trooR Infuiloo of new blOAd, got a oew aad Httar home, aod udowod tbe high road to peniiaoiot and hooorable proaparlij. Vire rAllaotlo • . R.I The -ro|»ctad MiMilnlppI BUte Cb*u Aiaoola-loo, thaoki to tli* able aod aaibaitaatic hand! loto «hicb th* Mhema fell, la oo* aiaured of a trinmphaac •uccaaa. Ttala la no* tli* afcond Souihero H 0. A..ibeg|Mtiooiold *Moth*roi PreaideQU"belDgtbe hoDorea plnoeer Toui, at ibu dlaiance, "amao up a tree." aa It wera, It looka ai though Oiorgia, Lnulalaoa, MaryJaod and Teaoaat**, at leaat. ought to nilf at odo* toih* aaelllDg raoki; ao pronptly. iDdted.aa to n««t to grand battle arraj uoderthe Kgia of Male orgaolia- tlOQOD the oeit r«ourr«iice or UoeleUeorge hIa blrth- dar Now. wliithar the lollowiDg aa**nloa la agree- able or otherwlae, It'i true. Tba diatlDciIre poililoD of cbeaa Id tb* NavOrletaa C.,C. aod W. Ciob fbr aom* r**ra hu heanat,ri*( to all plajara lofalljdarottd to Amerlcao chraa. But—what do joo thlnkT—a light, a llghtl A large bodf ol amateura, beaded hr Brok. Oal' braathaod Begula, racoiolilog the need aod teeiog a b ood and diKlDct opporiualtr lor retb«d;iog aOhlra, hare lua*d a trumpet call of do uDcerialo aouod Id The 3andaif Staia aod nmts-Democrat lor the aoafllllatad amataurato meet and orgaDlteaoew cb*M. ehach«r aod whiat club 00 Moiawbat oew and more popular lloaa, aod ODlj ataiuodarateeoatpercaplba .TfcerapMk coo OdaoUjol epeedllj. nravaual Uie atari eollafog ooe huodred and Olir t*onilia. Tharbav* our heart; ayn- Kliiy; aod It la aoteaii to ate bow th*inoT«Dieat can otherwiaetlian a poKect aac«aju Oo hla rmtne to tb* raoha editorial Bro. Oalbraath «eem*4 a luile BtlfT, a^ though th* hanHia felt uofamlllar; bat ba haa "atrock hia gait" ag&lo. aod all but the tmi will g*i die- taaead—mlod that, oow Bloca eipre^ingadonbt, or our IgDoraoe* rather, aa to whether Uerr P«ul Llpke, la an amateur plaiar, w* are moreiban pifAMd to learo tbat he !■» itudaot at law at Ual 1*40-Baal*: ao !■ oot onr la llhaly to b«eome a proreaelooal chaai player. Tbia adda aooUier "glorf'* looheaa from the outeome ol the Leiptlg touroey. Bro. Poilo<'k oalvoly nya that N*rr L, waa quit* a cooaplcQOoa flfpira aoioog the maat«r*, aa be la oTor ilK reetitli Bro. UoffergiTea ao eotertalo log aooouotof th* to uih*r« law hoowo fooDgnaaian who ao gallantlj iwla lo that "PiaM of the Olotb ol Gold,'* wblob we Uo^ loon to And apace to ibow our reader*. _ Holutlnnii We ar* aa avena aa any onr readen eao ba lo tahlog up ao muoh apace with iolutlona, but It atena oec«a8aiv aoma ilmepi,aod the more aaw* cao no lonnr delay olearing ourdeoka for the prop*rr*cepUoo ol the aaaanft t« ba made upon na by a aarrltd at ray or Urat rata tarplecea Irom 7%e Chnt JrontAlf'israuThird Tourney 01 Enlama No. I.Ml, Part 1 -l..ft H to KtSI, 1* to KT, t..KttDK4dU-f,a(o.: II Black 1.. aagbtaUa; r..ntoB a +: aod 8..R, B,or Kt malaa Very baautllall Part 11.-1..Qx KtFI,Ktohl*A:3..Qx K Kt •f, ata ir 1..Q Kt to fi 4; <..R toQ S -f,ata: II1..Q Hi x P; I..1 X Kt, eto. etc. Problem Btttv" ^^^T ^ (Aa bafore notad, th* Black , _vt Q B 7 abouhl be Wblt*)-1. .Q Kt to B 01. Q B x P; b*r KtSi.eta.: II1..K loll J;l..g KMoE|4 + ato : andir 1.. aagbtaUa; Ktto B6-f, etc. Prablam 1,90-1..K to R lll.g to Ktl orBto Kt6; .Rto KtSlI, Any nor*; 3..U.orP, -f; and 4..Q.or P. matea: II 1..K KiowTct; a.-U-f i S-.y, or P,-f; ud 4.. g.orP.matea: and (I l..Ktnl)Bft; a..QtoH7LQ Ktto hli S; S..g toher BT and 4.. tn B S, mate Dnul «a h«aT from The V. M.'t loumey ihl* louat he pronouncad the greataat fourmoTeprolilemol llAl. Bnigma I.MS -I. .g to Kt 71. K to g 8; I. .R x Kt + : ...Qiualaa: If 1..BX g.orK Kt to K 8:a..Rto K^+; etc.: It I..Kt X H* a..gio K7+; and Bmataa: and in.. X B; 1..R10 BBdU 4; aod gm«tea. Final "Problem Bitn," Aug A.-l..g Kt to blaai, K Bx Kt; ato bar BII: and B.or Kt.mat**: and li 1..K x Kt; X P<f;aod9..B, or Kt, malaa: and iri..Kx Kt; .B X P4-; udS..gD>itea. Kxcalleotl orrkuBLUM mo 1.9a. l..gtoRa<|ll RtoKMI) I 9..Ptn64| Adllb. l..g Kl-blaftll K B X g I 4..R, or Kt, maua. (1> 1.. IfKloKfit) |S..gxB4(a) Adllb. 1.. Kt X Kt B. or Kt, noraa | 4. .g, R, or P. mat«. (a) Or 3.. Kt <at g 4) to K g^or g B I, ao'oy. i.. iritx BP(9j|V.QUih«r4. Adllb. I..QRttoCO KxR |4..g,orKt,inataa it KBX n4) I 9..Kt X B4 KtOhliS - Ktto K 8 KxR .1 4..g.her4,mat», (4) 1.. If BtoQS I..KPXB4 KXP . gai Karaiadt who would aay tiiat Barr Fachur'a prob- em ihonid not bnW ih* tank aMijnicd to that maatar'a prvduetloor—klmoji. |9..QtoB3<f KtohliS I 4..Pmat*i, Th*r«lbutfor Problem No. ],U74. Prom rA< PMUaittphta Ttmtt. "a M.'a" Mo. U —AHOUXMQVt. ^BI.ACK WHITR. Whiia to plar and gtva wu la alarw uon 'B.M'af'a-B.r.i*«iTgm ^ ^ ^ alK Kite OKI, E8>- * r alKWlB, KRB._ Wblumataaln flfty'two. -Barr Ma/ar. alao, Ko. ts.—ooomT-ooKnn. ^ ^ I) itQKIN, KS, IBl * t atKKtx). . Wblu ma'aa m etxty.leor racoDIIy aaot aa tbla pod. Nam-Barr Meyar, i<"»"Z,"ei.;lJS"BSS;' tloD (Part I) aa bailot appaarad lo TU Baft Ova nper, O0l0b«,Tttbitdld alt Mpfly^lba MlnllMh-Dordoae from Maiar-e "Onlda to Cbw. • p. I0l-«work wa hara Darar MOD Ha alTea iba poaltloo aa abora, bol Tba AwlMokrpp.81>-T3,7lTea li wlib Iba While K at 0 Ktl, AkoWnidn. UoTo.ta. It la wonhyof note thatoor preaaalcoolrlbalorempollbatnilta KonOEIl,lben anaad II, plaalaa bin aa abOTO. Wa take tbla paiaa to MO II aonM oaa ou aod will rarlly Ihe poillloD and aap- ply the eoloUoD, lor Bro. Ralcblielm'a laaona tweoly mora Itodi la a oooaplcoona eiamplo ot bow lH'bt a cbaoae makaa qalln anothtr Ibinf of tbaaa canluUj balaaoed etndlea -Mi aOy. Qiame Ho. 1,074. ;lnothar or iba "eorend kibim," lor wa an yary maft otDr. TarT«Kb'ewaror Tiewln» llwbon a tBalcb wIUi atalDlla waa mooted: 'i wonld like to laa bow Mr. a woDid BO to work to beat ma" • OIUOCO eiCILIAKO. Wblla. J. MIeva I..PIOE4 l..<)It-B3 3..P-I - Black, Dr.Tartaacb. .1 Kl3 KKI-ES a..KB-Ita 7..<]lt-E3 8..reatlM a.QH-Rteql 10..P-K Rl ii..aKt-Qa il..qKi-ll4(b I3..P-QB3 l«..BrxEt I>..p4>4 I8..qi(t-R8 l7..K-hleRa PIOQB4 qKI-B3 f.K III 3 XB-KIl P-QI llMl ElMia .B mta) . KB4 XKI-R3 _ P-K3 4(4) Rl-hlia KRIXB XEt gKI-H3 il-K He) P-K4 O-berBl l8..KKc-home Kt-Kteq l9..qEUKia P-KB3 a..qrxKP(iiBPxKt Wblla, Black. J. MIeeee. Dr. Tamieb. tl..E3dPxP gtoEl3 a..Q-ber8 fiaailaa O..P-q 114(4) 9Xt-B3 14..0)5 BP+ U..KlPxQ(*) B..p-Eai I7..E-RMI. ■8..EBXB 1I..KHXR SxK'b 91..QH-KI74- E-hli9 a..gBXB R-()Klai)(0 axt-B3 itPxp Ki-Et e + 8B-bla3 IF - Il-K 7 + 1^47 8B.I8 l-El K-KtX) Ex KIP „ .K-hlaB9 l(I..Kt-<)4 + K-bIa B 4 RMPXP K R-Kt7 P-Kt7+l/) R-Kt8 + EtxEP^ KI.SI8 Baalsn*. Born BT DR PuLLOOl. (a) II li not vary dilQcull to eeo what klad of a mlilora tba areat Doelor la makloa al tbla poln^ but Blaefc'e (e) To block the game, iboohl Wblta adraaee QP. (I) A Terr remarkably dee eacriaoal (TrDe,o EbiBl lee II lllaa-l: BLAOE (Or. 8 Tarraacb). WUlTEIUarrJ Mlaeai). Mora m>da-I)..Q Px K Pl| (d) PoabtoB tbe attack Tliorooaly. (*) (The alroDReet pbalant of central pawsi eihlbltad for many a year.} (e) A dettparato effort to ratrleee Ibo (ortnnee ut Ibe day. (/)ir M..R X El: 37..R lo B 8 +, E moTea;S..P Queooe, and Black |tj bia do raaourca. To OITaet the above wo glTatbe Doctor*e ylctory ororthe reoown ad problem maalar. Profeuor (MaalJ. Boraor.—axtated. _HUt VOftZ Kn PANE. ; Prol. Boi I..P10I IEI-B3 araer. Dr. Tarraech. > K 4 P10 E « OEI-Ba P-UR3 K Kt-Ba KB-B4 P-l]Kt4 KtxKt Prof. Rargar. Dr. Tarra*cb. ia..Etoffeq ~ " ~ " KHioEtl Q-K Kt4 KR-B3 KB-KI9(t) Q-KBa [ P y P fKR3 Px EP Et-BHn) K R-B4I .E4 KRxBI XKB QB-lftl RBa d-KtS . KB4 it^tt B 3, KlaEtl,PtoKEtlwlna. ia..P-QBS 17..K R-KIK IB..P-a4 I8..Q.K](I) I)..ER-EB ll..P-KKtS(ai) -■ P.K4 9..KB-Kta 4..KII-R4 4..P-<)9 8, .CaaUeMp) 7..KB-Kt3 9..aB-Kta()i) r- t. .0 B X EUI) ' IO..gEl-B9 1I..i]KI.<)S ll.KBxKt QR-Ktlq l9..KKI-qi.<) P.ER4I II..O-Ka<|t KR-hla3 aod Willie reilgaa; for If 9 —HorpBR (0. 4..PtoQ 831* mora In tbe epirit of ibe opoDloa, CealllDBbaiBB hardly called for at thIa etoRe.— Pollock. (A) 8. .Q B to K 3 alM RlTia ao eroD Rama.—If. (t IBn. Pollock hwe alna an elabonie. and brilliant, I labiawoDt, varlalloD,commaoolDR 8..qBtoR4.raD. nlDR adotao roor.e and aiaklnf Wblta win: bnt at Iba eJoee there appear to ba aooie typoarmphlcal errora.] (0 Tbii la meant lo proroDt tbe Kt boloa plooed and toralaaaa iho(); Itlaof nooaa. bowerer. 13.,Pt« QB9 mlahtboeuRaetted; botallarq B to Kta: II.TPIOKR3 OBioBa |ll..Piaq4 EBtoEtJ, l9..P-EKt4 B-XI3 land Vblta baabyao maiDi a good aame. Black'e loal reply la Tory well played. In- (t) ObTlooiljr If I8..PX P: l«..Ktlo Bl-U. (II I8..q 10 E 9 wonld al laaal bare drawn Ibe itame. Prol, B. waa aflald of the double K P, lo oaao Black cbaogadqueooe: bolba wiamlilabeo, e. o.; i^'Sl°''i 9"^ lii .QRtoqai qatoEtg BPxq ltR-67 .la..llR-Ba<hwllb^ Iba bolter — - . i R-Baq.1 name.—U (woreiralDOIbaTlag room for a diagram to iDUxau tbla Imp^itADt and beauUful yarlalloa.-BD. OLirrBH) (■) Ap- arootlr Ihera le bare no other mora.—H. (0) If »..K Klo Kaq. qs 10 E3; and If a..ElloE4, Rto B Iwlaa Black tafcw tba aura aad elmplaway to Tlclorr.—H. BASEBALL. M«Jor Leagae ObamploBa. For the lliBt time Id tbe hlatotj or tlie mA]or league, the BaltlDore Olab taia won tba ohAinplon- ahlp. The Boaioa aod (mioago Olohs eaoh won It els limes, wblle Kew York and ProTldenoe won It twice, and BalUmote, Brookljn and Detroit each once. Wblle Ibe past aeaaon haa been a (torlooa ono for Ibo manageiB of the BalUmore cinb, It tuia been a partlcohuly onroruinate one for aoma ot tbe other olabg. Tbe New rome, tbougb ibej did not win tbe pennant, have one or two tblogs to aolace iheni thia winter, tbe moat Important being tbat tber defeated tne ohanplooa In ttie Temple Onp aeriea. Toe BalUmoro Club's record la tbe bciit ilnce Ibe twelve olnb leagne waa toroed. It muai be remembered Ibat tbej bad to compete Bgalnat eleran of tbe atrongeai teaina tbat conld be gathered Into one league. The National Uagne, wblcb baa, dorlng the peat tbree jeaia been known aa tbe National Lcagaeand American Aaaoclatlon waa organized In 187«, and altboogb nineteen cbamplonihlpe baye been declared, onlj aeven olnba eajo; the dlitlncilon ot bavUig been awarded Ibe pennanL Theae are tbe otucago, Boeion, Providence. Detroit, New York, BrooVlvn anil Balllmore Olnbs. In 1881, tbe ohamplonablp race waa divided Inio two seasona, and aa tbe NevelaDda won tbe aecond hair, bnt were defeated bjtbe Oca- lona In tbe dnal lerlca, ttaev maj be conaldered to tbateztent In tbe record. 0( tbe pennant winning olQbe, two have dropped from the ranka of the major league. Provldeoce dropped oot aitbecloae or the aeaion of 1888, and Deiroll did llkewlae at tbe end of tbe eeaaon of 1888. Tbe following table givea the winning dnba alnce tba NaUonal Cgaone waa organlicd, logouier wlib tbelr neroentagta and tbe number of Haines won and lost bj eaob: Won. Ion. fo'CtnL THB BALTIUOBKaAUl OHAUPIONi Thmt la What Pnaldent Tobiik Sar. r OlaeaaslBR tho 8al>ject, " N. E. Yonnf, praudent of tbe NaUoail Uam. and American AaaocUHon, In dlaenialng tie nuior leagne champlonablp aad tbe Temple Cnp uriai said: "Tbis talk abont tbe Temple Cop aeriea belD. the real obamplonablp teat la all nonaeoie n! aebednled saoKS of the NaUonal Lraine and kt^ lean Aasoclauon for ue aeaaon an tbe \,a,tZ'. ue pennant la tbe real tropbj of cbaffloing.^' Tbe blilmore Olnb U the obamplon club and nSh° lag can vrestiia honora from it. The Balumon; won tbe real obampionablp booeaUv, aoiuM? cleanir and bj ibe beat and most conalai^nt nh. throogbaBeaa«n.lnwblcb all of tba other cleTm oluba bad tbe aame Incentive to win and the nn,! oppoitoolUea lo do so It tbej coold btlot the n! qnialla aklU lo bear. 1 repeal tbat tbe Bariiiiiana are tbe real champions, and tbat tber are luiir Utled to a; tbe pennant of tbe aeaaon on their menta without regard to the reanlia or any dd>i aeaaon aeriea ot the gamea, and It la uofairto deprive ifie team of Ita oonois which codm not be won from it on the field, i do notbe! Ileve tbat tbe onp baa belltUed the pennant, ii lanatnral tbataoltr which faUed to uke the pennant and won tbe onp abonld make the meu ot what It did win. Anj town that had won the cnp under snob condiuona wonld glorify the onp nee. That's bnman narare. Tbe cop rate haa been tortnaale In one waj aod nnfortunate in another. It baa alreadr had tbe effect or makiuB the race warmer for the eecoud place. The eiofc nence of tbe major leagne la that when tbepennui waa pracUcail; won tbe aecond, third and fooith cluba did not Ight eo aggreaaivel; as when iheia waa a chance of winning aometbing more. ThU will have a aiUI atnnger enact on the gamca or th, lutnie. It baa been nnforunaie In Uila, lia iitt aeaaon, becaoae of the declalve waj bj which tbe champion olnbiraa defeatad. Bnt this, too, hai iia eiplanatlon. In the llrat place. New York had erei7tblng to gain aod noibing to Iste, while Balii- moie bad everjililng to loee and nothing to gain la Ihe war of piaailge. New York nerved liatlf np rot theflgntgOr, toaptakmore to the point, li did not relax in he plajlng, hut cunilnned to keep liaeUon edge for the aecond battleof the jear, taavingfound one In tine where It wonld have to light iia moat conaplcaona ovnteets. UiUumore, on the other band, wu under an enormous airain lo the cham- plonahlp8lmg|l»—a strain bir greater uan thai DBdar wblcb any olbar dob bad boon. Aa acoa u tbo deoldlng paooaat gaioa waa won tba playara ielai.4, and aoiDiog waa more aalorml than tbat tboy ihouiil do ■o. Now, bora Ua polBL The Baltlmoraa did not rally Id lime- It wu Dacaacarr in their caf>o lhat ibey •hould rolaa, and than key up egain for ibo poii wiaoe gamea. 1 bollare tbat if ibay bod woo tba peooant two waaka aarllar la ibe aeaaon Uiay would have got oo edn agalo. and tbe lempla Cap gamea would bare been noc^ cloear fleble tbaa tnoy wore. 1 nw tbo Baltlmorai pUr many aamea tUa yrar, aad I aaw ibe cop gtmei, bsl Uta Baltlmoreaol tbo OOP gamea ware nottboBalilmora wbom I aaw play wlib web marked bnlliancy id tlie Na- tional teague aad American Aaaoclalloa acbedoled coo- laata. Aa to wtiat caodltlooa tba Temple Onp will bo playaj for ID tbe lutora la a mauar thai raata wiUi ibo u£]er iMiraa. aod I will not prophecy. Tlia aoggaailoD tbat ibe Mcoad aod Iblrd oluba play for It, aod aire a per eaolaga ol raclpla lo iha paonaot wiooer, aonM baxdlr MUafr Ue olnba lhat do Ibo playing. It migbl probably be a good tblng to lot tbe nrei, mcoo4 and tbiid olnba eouleal lur It, but 1 wUI not coia. mUmyMlfpoaluvely on tba point. YonwlltdoO loibi fatura tbat tba Brat dab wilt want lo contend for il for lb. money the pUyora will Rat out of tba gamea 1 wiib tomakaatroe •tatomentol tbia maltar. 1 did noloi- preundeelro lo aae Kew York win the paouaotoicapt early m ibo Baoimer, when tho cbamplooafaip Ma* u open queetion, and nn iboogtat 01 Ita going to Baliluor* waa Indulged In by aoyoody. 1 then made a roniark lo Uairy Von der Horat, traaaurer ot tbe Baltimore cinb, Uiacwbea baiaball la popular In New York It Is populu tbrongbool tbo couDtfy, and It would ba good for Ibo game il New York woo, a aaotlmeni wblcb Voa dor Uorti waa free lo ODlortain alao, tlmugb nobody can atcuM him ol not wanUag bla owo dob to wlo. When I wu la Boeloo,! made ao eoob lUtamODL It cwnld bo uooattbtt time bow the dibo wan baadiag, aoa 1 would not bat. made any ollaiiDca tbatcould by any pnaalbllltr bo coa. atrued Inio panlaan aanllffleni, tor I bad nona. 1 did nol Ma aalDilo laportar In Bomton. tbouib 1 law prlated aiale. maniatbatl bedaipraued myaeil In doatou ufoToriBt New York. Whan BalUmora got ua paBoanl I r«Jolc«il Ibat a dub wblcb baddooa aucb pplaodid work had |ol Ita luatrewaid. Now aoniberpolot baanng ou ibe odo eutueOL Ilia eboutmr alleged cbangool front In aareo- iBg lo tba dIvliloD of tba racaluu od ooa peicooiaio baali, followed by Iba chaoga back to tbe orlaloal coocl- tioDofauty aT.aodlbiny.aTepercaDt. Uheolwirodto Haoagor Hanloa tbat Uie change would anil mo 1 wu u. awanng a queallon aa to forty-ore and dny-aro parcont, not an equal dlrlelon. Bot 1 added In my reply that f woukl DOt oblicc to eocb a chaoga, proTlded Ward aa4 Byrae wore uueded, and 1 aald lurtbar, tbat Byrne wai In tbe Waal aad ba ihould bo comnuolcalad with. I Bty Uioae tblan to obow thai Iba cup gamM were ftlr aod eqnara Tba umpirea wera oboeon by tbe dubi tbemaalroa,and notbmg mora conld baTe boeo douo to obuin oiactluAlca. IbeBatllmere Olob baa tba cLao. piuo taaoi. Th. New Y»rk. bava won tba cup, and 1 do nol bolloTe iba cup bu Injured iba satlonal lama." Averagea of the Tenple Cop Seriei* The batting and fielding averagea of the plajen who took part In tbe gamea tor itae Temple Cup are aaioUow: NBW TOBE—BAWIKO ATBBAOni. itomi9. Doyle Maakln Van Ual Iran.. Ilnala PanoU Burke Ward Davla roller Tlemen Mnrpby Bnrke, II Van Uanran,d.. So'le- P MaakiD. p Pairall,e rallar,m Ward, lb Doyla, lb Da? IB, 9b TIaman, rf. Murphy, of.. AIBOI. Jtaiu. 17 e 14 7 18 a . u . 1 . 1 . o . 11 B.B. 18 a 7 a a 7 ..Chicago ..BoatAo ..Bootoo ..I^rideoca... ..Chicago ..Oblraao ..ChleiRO ..Boibtn ..ProTldODee... ..■"blcago ..(^Icato ..DatfolL ..New York ..New York ..Sraaklya ..B'^lOB ..Roaton ..Rooton BalUmora.... ... aa ... «7 ... aa ... >a ... ei ... S4 ... B7 ... n ...81 ...88 ... r7 ... n . te 14 17 It O 17 a s 47 4! 41 81 48 44 31 .481 .708 ■Si .au .au .7(0 .777 :S .ass or the duba now comprlaing Ihe twelve dub onaolaatlon Boalon and t'blcago have eaob nUved In nineteen aeaaon*, Cleveland, Hew York aad Phlladelphu In tvelve, Cincinnati Is nine, Pttta- Dnrgtneight,st.Loala and Waablngton In seven. BTookl;n and Lonlavlile lo tve, and Baltimore In Ibiee. Several otibese olnba fora number otTcata played In ibe Amerlcsn Aasoclauon, wbeie tlier wen gocceaatol in wlanlnc Uie pennant, bat aie notoonntedlBtheaboieta&s, ■~— Mod raw Kallay Holla: Boblnwa Kaelar Oleaaon Bronibeia Jannlnge Brodla. Bonner UanmlBg Baper Uawka EaUey, U Kaaler, rf.... . Brodle. er Ralia ib |apor,p Booner, rf, aa... Broutbaia, lb . KoblneoD,e .... MoUraw,3b JaDDiDga. aa.... uleaaoD,p Uammliig, p.... Uawka. p BALTIMORE—BaiTiBa araaaoBA o. AtBax. Sum. b.U. 4 la 1 I la la 11 a le la 14 a 4 ... IS ... 1 .... 1 .... 91 ... la ... a la 11 IB 1 8 8 I M .144 .xa .971 .919 .SS .SO .OU l.OO 1.00 .119 Si Si XI .so .tu .197 .19 .ml .DM .dU .WU on At. l.(OJ l.OU l.l)U I.oil l.«u .»J .IS .*a .an .718 .uu .mi TBAM aVBHAnB-aaVTIBO. . „ ^ itUM. Rml. B.BUM. -"i Now York 143 39 bl ^ BalUmora 137 11 s .m TBIM aVBBAOB-nBlDlBO. AUOiU AUIMa. BrrorB. i'. NawYotk lot 47 13 BalUmoia loi 48 lu .m Toul baeea 00 bits-New York n. Billlmon 14. Eamcl rnna-Now York It, BalUmora 9; off Hullo, 1 (twogamil) : offMaaklo,! (two gamei): off Bapar, alone game); on Olaaapn. 11 (two gamos); off Uawka. 4 (one gamai. Binck OUI-N.W York 8 BalUnioia M. by Kuila 9, byMeokla4. bv Bauer 3,byaioaaon 9, by Uonimlng 3. br uaw.e u. rim bus on balU-NowYoHi II, HaltEnore lA off Hiielo 4, off MooblD it on Baper I, oir OleaioD 8, off UamDiiDi 3. off Uawka I. Lafl od baaaa-New York II, Doable playa-Naw York 4, BalUmora 4. Pitvl baao 00 arnn-Naw Tork 4. BalUmora*. Wild Plldiea-Maojio 1. Olaieon 1. Paaaad balre-Parnll 4. Kobiiaon I im by plloUr-By Ruole 1, by M*a>lD I. Two baia hlu- BDrka9 DoyleJ,, DaTlal,RDila 1. Vaa Haltno I, KotKr I. Tolal-Naw York 10. BalUmora I. Tbraa baaa blu- DaTlalTlareia I, Van Ualtnn I, Ooyla I, Kelloy 1, Ol"' •pD I. Tolkl-.'law York a, Baltimore 1. Siolaa baaeo- Burka I, Tlaraaa I, Vaa llaltna i, Doyla A Pnlla' ■. p.ria I, PariaUt, Bndle I, BranUion 3, Ralla I, McOiaw I. RoblasoB 1. Tolal-Naw Tork U, BalUmora 8, Baui- Bca >'lt-Ward I. Ths Pivpoaed Now Asaoclaiien, Uneot Uie projectersnf va new NaUonal AMO- daUon, wblcb. It wu aald, wonld probabU bi Id a meeting on Oct. 18, In this city, esid Ui a leceni lo- tervleiv: ma aaaoclalloa aebeme 1. a go. and wa Ura worbwl aoqaiaUf andineoaairull. thai wo are nlmoal taadr 'o oraaaiia, aod aa will probably 00 Oot 18, lo eltber Pblla- dalpbla OTiD Ibla city. Wa ara oot going idio Ibis Uleg bUndly.ior w. ara all baaaball van of aaparlaat*. sad kB>w tba bualeaaa Inm A m L Oar Bahama la 10 'aka avaol Iba beat playaia fiom each HaUonall/aagna aad Aaaoriaa ABBclatloD elnb,aad paylbwn mora meooy Iban ibaraiageulat aow? Ibaoin wQl taka ifca beat