New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 20 THE NBW YORK OLIPPEEl. 527 u,.H Id the EuUrtt. VMUro aod Hiw BDtUn) *^SXmiiMU BuUtr tbui ttww or Uw tw«tT« olnb IwirM. r^Iadtlplit*. rroTld«Deoor WaablDstOD Id Uit SS.uS'»^I*n'"^.Wo h»«ootdeaoil«t7 ^Sad upDD <ti* «lU««.for the roMon ibtt lomAor !bl«ftrsboldlD|Offt<tMO«tiatUieotb«ndo. NowTorit frtji rlioi u fir u Johnwo ii conoonied. bat If h* doea iZmatuA Amaricu AaaAclatloo, 1 thiak wa eao dad sSir maa wllIlDf to pat ap ibo moooj Por tUai matier, ffTcinalo d«al i om ihrpugb. w« might leave New York !Liud take-lbaootiior floe cltr. Id nraahlD^too, Wal- tUftiwM la all nad; to lUo hoM. and, with the praaant a Loan ta*m traoafarrad to bla etty, bawoaM nake !^B«r PbltadelpbU will be Tary atrooR fiDaDalaliy, and rTbaTO bopaa ef landiog Olamaota, WayblDB^Caraaf, bTtiT Croaa, ITallauii aod Uanlltoo, of tba preaant nllaJalpbIa team. Dalahantr. Salllvao aod Taylor kTraalrMdraJBDedwItbRoacbaodRoflani. AaUraa Knokim l> oonearaad, wa bave aeeora'l aroaDdi, aod Milto the aotire Brookh d team wban iba tin* eooieA. wlllmanaca the CMcaffoOlab, aod wlU ba backed kTriaorca Wllllaoia aod foaroibar capUallata. Hia play kto aacire iba praaaot OI«TaUod team, aod ba will nuke ueffar to Araoa Roaie. ol tbe Naw Yorko. of twice an Bfleh mcoer aa be re«elnd thia aeaaon. Ruaie alned ^tb PTaAraod Wllliama id 1(01 to play In Cblcago. aoi ktvooMbaTapUred there bat for the eonaolldatloo ol Sa NatlAoal Leafoa ud tbe American AaaoeioUoD. lolbio u on the ranee. tMt wa aro not worniDff. lor we Zu outadub Into dt Loula withoat tronble. Hilwaakoo Sai^oidr offered to so In «ltb oa, and baa a atroDv dab. ir/obnuD neaoa bmloeaa In ibla city, we uo dnthe aoura Boaion team, barrloa DofTr andMcCar* £r «bo won't laaTa Boaion on aecoaot of tbalr boalaaaa fuun ^ ^ preaeni Itow York leaffl P. T. Foweraean manoge the team If be nnu to accopt tbe poaiilon, and we wonM try to lodooa Jebo B. Day to accept the prealdency of IL Oar Idea la u^DTgaDlM 00 tbe baala of tbe oM Amerlean Aaaodatlon, lad mM for reoDfnItlon and protoctloo, lor you know nrr walltbat waoooM oaTorRatproteoUoD ootll we bad (aropd Ua iii«|or league to torma It la oor plan to locate dobalocltiM where tbe pobllo fa dlHatlaflad with tbe ny ibiiia are being mo by the twalre olab leane, ant TeBgor* that each a aUlo of aflatraexlitfl In Wiuhlog- ton, rbUadfIphia, Brooklyn, Cbloago and PItuborg. DIA.U050 FIELD GOSBIP. ItSteft SAflngi and Dolngi of the Bkie- ball FrBternltj-. W. 0. Tftmple, donor of tht Tempto Cup, wuoeeD gft«r too Weir Yorka tuul tf^/eated ibo BalHiooTeB (or tlM fourth time, and, being taked what he thoogbtol the victory, Bald: "I am delighted with the reault. It pleased me espeoiaUj to see the oap woDlDthemaanerlnwhlchuwas. It would have been at least tMO more In the pooket oi eaoD player In tbe oontendiog teams had they resorted to Jookey- In^, ud played the entire series of games. I'he de- elilre manner in wbloh the New Yorks won speaks Tolants (or the honesty of baseball, and the men who ^y the game. I Hm not prepared lo say that New York la the better team, because It won the oop. It must be oonceded that the winning uf tat peooaot natoraUy threw the Baltlooree oir ot the nne edoe wbloh they maintained all seaaoD, and wblcb brought them the ohamplonship. The New Torks were fortunate in not beiog womed up to the eidiement aod consequent deaioratizduon which Inranabiy foUow the winning ot the pennanu I picked them to win oecaase of this fact Tbe ooly thloglregret in the matter lathe way in which Vou derBorst and Uanlon acted. In all of tbclr actions they allowed an ntter Uck of appreclauoo of the donorand hla offerlbg, it the public siatementa of what ihey said concerning the oonieeta for the oup are true. It la not every tnaa who will go down In his pocket for such aiAilrB, and when one does the fart should be appreomted." President Yonng. of the Nstlooal League and American Asso^Uuen, annonnces that the follow lug players haye been engaged for next season: With ulnclnnaU-F. J. Foreman, U. B. UUler. K, HoFarbuid. Uhlcago—Klundge, Slrauon, Qrlfflo, Hotchlaon, Abbey, Anaon. Decker, Asa Stewart, Dabien, Irwin, Lsoge, Wllmoi and Terry. 81. Lonlj-Uartln F. Uogan. Flttaburg—Smith, Sten- cel, Uenefee, Ehret, uierbauer, W. F. Cluigman. F. Qenloa, Moste Cross, WllUani Uart and William Nliea. Flayers have been selected and releases fiorctiased under the nauonal agreement as lol- uw: By Uhloago—Donohue, Evereu and Dnngan. Bosioa-Pltoher James SoUlvan. Olnclnnau—Uo. vnerer, Ononlngham, Rhines, Henry Spies, Fhll- lipa and Gray. LoniavUle-^Uughey aud F. Koat. Cal. FMoffton, ot Uolyoke, Mass., recently pre- sented Nick Eogel,of this city, with a group picture ot the ouce famoua Uolyoke team of 18T0. and It has been placed on exhibition, forming one of the lArge ooUeoilon of pictures at the latter's headquarura. The group iDolndes Manager John 0. Cnapman, UUlesple, Valenune. Winchester, Ulchael Welch, Torbody, Lip Pike, Hocne, Powell, W. Sullivan and JeriT Uorgao, the flye last named being now dead, wbUe the others hare retired, with the exception of ICanager Obapman, who la now with the Bniblo Ulhb, or the Eastern League. Aihley Lloyd, treasurer of the Olnclnoatl Olob, waaseen recently, and when naked lo reference to the itory now lo olroulatlon tnat F. 0. Banorofit business mnnager ot the OlncinnaU Utnb, waa to be released, he said: **That is news lo me, and I have no reason to believe that there is the slightest foon- datlonforsuohatale. President Urusu and 1 have never discussed such a subject as Bancroft's retire- ment, and all the arrangementa for next year have been made with the idea that Bancroft wliinii his old position as btiaineaa manager." U. R. Von der Horst. treaaurer of the Baltimore ClQb. la qooted as saying: '*lt Is miy opinion that the National League aod American AssoolaUon sbomd convene at once and decide npon some pUn ot action, i have learned some ihioga about this association movement that have opened my eyes, and there is no use rldloniing it any longer. I aiii for war and will Oght if it comes to an Issue. 1 have been throngh a great deal In my baseball career, and I don'cpropose to back down with this new rival in the flefd. Something moai be done at once, or the Nauonal League and American Aa* aoclailou will have a peck of trouble on its haoda." "One ffloratrlbntatotbebenaatyofibagraatnauonal gaae baa been paid by ihe obampiona of iba major league and ihair greaieat riTala," aaya 7U Cinctmtatt Ttwui- filar. "Balumore, tlie viotoia le the ireatraca of tbe year, foundtbamaelraa ootelaaaed In iha aartoa with the new Yocka Tbe lauer woo Uie Tenple Oup witboui the loaa of a alogle ganw. With fonr atratgbi riotorlaa lo their oredlt tboy liaTo oapiored the haudaoma trophy Ereaanted by W. 0. rempUs the ex preiideot of (he ritu- nria, and wiih It the rfgbt to divida anty-Uva per COOL of the reealpta taken In at the gate. In only one gante did tbe cbaoplona bare a Nook In,' and than an error by Hugh JeanioBi and Mtka Tlemao'a atiek work pat tbam out ol IL The New Yorka lelt oon- viDced thatiher bade beuer claim to ibatiUeorchaoi- puoa than Ualtlnwro. A bad aurt oarlyla tbeaaaaon baadieapped them. Ttw Baltlmoraa, ebodlUoaed by a BoRiharo ainjoum, loat oo time aod they tMgan their oam* palgniortliedagthedaythaiijaiRamewaapiayad. Tbe New Torkadidn toomneoMto olimb until aoiae weaka taur. Tbee they bad too mooh loat groaod to cover but ibiypr.ned alirlraia aava BalUmor*. In the race New York ud Baliimora dlfidad twelve rlotorlea equally t>a* twaantbem. In iba Teinpla Cop aeriaa, Baltimore did cot Sua ehanoe to win. Tbe unaportamaDlIke iqoaal ot Mo> raw, otaL, before the aeriaa commenoad waaeTldanoe ol a laok of faiih lo thelrablllty, aa obamplnoa. lo capture the cap. Bad penooal gain cut any Uaure lu the aeriaa it voald hare been the part ol doaoolal wiidom lor Ual Uaiora to bave woo a game or two. loataad, How Tork'a alioalTiotorlaaare elwiDaot laatlmoDiali to IheUlraai aod aqoataac aport on earth." O^uln Naab, oi tbe Boiton team, ihnee ohamplooa of ibe m%|or league, In a racaat loiarriaw talla bow tbey failed to wlo iha paonant thla year, aa follova: '*We loat Iba cbaraplODahlp atmplrbacauaawe werawaah In ihe bn. There war* tinea wbui we did Dot know wbethar wa bad a pitcher or noL No club cao play ball under *ach olroamatancaa aa wall aa a elob that baa got pitch- an. Mo OM can tall ma that wa wan aa atroDg Id pich* aiau weabODld hiTo Mao. Tlie player* played tbe t>eat bailthar oould nodar the circuntuooea Tbey did re* uarkably well to make aa good a raoetd aa UMy did. If wa nad bad the pitehara of aoma other elaba *a oontd have won the paonant haoda dowo. Oioba oaaded pltdiar* thia year mor* than ibay did luL ThebatUagwaabatdar,aiid,eonp«qttan*ly, tlwpaO' ubmant mor* aerer*. Do I thick tbe oawaianciatloo *IU be a go r I bare t>eeD gUen to uodaritaodlot that UwlUba. I hear that It baa plaoir 01 backlog, aud will ba no OD pnnelplea. It la in tbe bandv of boatlara who baro geoarally bean aBceaufiil and who are full of eo- uDilaam. Tbey oertaioly bava aome good towna od laalr Hat,and, 1? ihey can proBi br paai aliL> dm, oaght to Jo «A)L It wlu be a good thing for the Iwil playan^ uy. _,Tha oaae of M. J. OnfBo. eoatr* Heldar of tbe Brooklyo vlab, agalnat th* franaia, now oi tba Waihlagton Olob, fat foroerirof Ihe Thltadelpbla Ulob. of th* nayera' i^Hv*. to r*ooT*r an alUgao claim of SOO waa Boally dlapoaadoT In Jodg* FaUonon'a RoooodD'itnetfkiDrt n Bmoklyn, N. Y., od Ool19. Upon motion of Prank s Hltiot, or Pblladelphia, oonnael for the Waaoara, tbeOoortdlamliaad tbe caa* aod dlaaolred the attach* g^terthalrfweaipUIn th* poaaaulooof the Brooklyn fiamDelTarrelLofOoalph,onOecSplckod op Id froot ofRaymond'a brlak ahop Cbarlia Haddock'a baMbaU pla. wpao the Mapl* Leaf* woo tba ebamptonibip id the early /«aih*lradalr*ri pr**aDl«d U>tm aacb with aaoid pla, fr^nogoo a ahlaM tbe worda "Champion Nin*,^ aod oo uiareTara* aide Ihe oame of the player. At tba time of H^mood'abig Ore. Id WA. MaOdoeh loat bla pto. and It la ■append the recant baavy rain brooahl Ittothe aDflaoa. •haienrenlria aa good aa aaw, fniy that lb* ball aod wa ib^iaiah*apth*c«Din place ar* broken ooL ~s* 7i^rr*J^*^U*>ud<t"«k,cateb*r,"ontheb*eaar*b» i •7=.°.^ lir.Terr«u lotraia to Ot the planpaDdfBr- •uli'.'^J'^^'*^* aomaeh to wla fanaa aad V^T lor tb* ehanploa nla*. Obarlea 0. Oampan, ot the Detroit Club, of tbe Weaiem League, la a well known aod popular play- er. He waa bom Oct. U, 1863, at Detroit, Ulcb., aod It WAS white attending school at tbe Uolveraliy or Notre Dame. Id Indiana, that he learned to play ball. Afier leavingachoolCampaa Joined iho noted Oaaa Olnb, of bis native city, and soon gained con- siderable renowD as a batsman and an outOelder. His flrat professional engagement was with the Kne (Pa.) OlUD, In 18S6, with which club he r^nulned until It disbanded, when be Joined the Loodun Ulub, of tbo IniemaUonal League. In I88d he wss with the noHpb (Oas.) Olob Ills excellent work that year led to his eDgagement with the Savannah Olub. ot the Soulhem Leagne, for the season of 1687. When that club disbanded, aner playing thiny-two champlooablp games, Campan Joined the New Or- leans Club, of the B4me league, aod Unlshed the aeaaon, taklug part that year id one hundred and one champloDSulp contests, and ranking seveotti In the ofncial batting averages ot the Sooihern League. In 1868 Cantpau accepted an engagement with the Kansas Oity tJlub, of the Western Asaocbt- tloD, and after taking part In forty-two chainplon- fililp contests bla release waa obtained b} the cham- pion Deirolt Club, of the Natloual League, with which club he dnlebed the aeaaon, taking part that year with the latter club in seventy championship games. At tbe close of that s^asnn the Detroit Club eold some of Its best ptayera and then retired from the National Leagne. Later on, however, a club waa formed at Detroit, which Joined (he Interna- Uonal Leagne. Campau Jolued that club tor the season o( 1888, and took pari la one hundred and twelve chrtinplonatilp conte^ia that year. ll|« n- cellontliatiiug lieljicd btaclubiowlnlhechaaiplitn- ship ot the IntcniailoDai Leagae for that scaaoo. In 1890 Campau began tbo season with the Detroit Olub, of the Interoailooal Leafliie.and whenihai league diftbanded be accepted an eDgagement wltD ibeBL Louie Clui>. of the American Aaaocia- ilOD. Hbd there flnlbhcd the Hmaon, faking part with the falter club In aoveDiy-foor uhamplonahip games, and ranking well op lu the ofUclal baitlbg avuraRea ot that aa^icIatlOD. During the aeaaon of Uel Campan waa with the Troy Club, ot tbe Kaafero Aasoclailon. taking tnrt in ow hundred anil tweniy- two cbaroplonahlp ciinteatR. Campau liegnn the seaaon of ittMwitb theCoiumboi Clut),of iho Writ- ero IvCagoe, whoae team won tbo cbaniplonnhlp ot tbat league. When that league disbanded, in July ot that year, Campaa algned wUb the New Orleans. Olnb, of the .<touthern League, and bis earoeat atiil dashing playing did much to help tbe latter team to flDlah Iho af-cond half of the ohHmploDaUlp lu aecoDd place. Campau remamet) wlUi tbe New Orleana Olnb during the season of ISDU, ranking seventh in the batting averages of tho Southern Leagae. Ue began the season or IBM with tbe New UrloaOB Club, aud when it dlshaudcd, during tho Summer monibs, he Joined tho Waablogton club, ot the NaUODal League and Amerlt^n Aatoclatlon. After taklug part lu a few charaploDRhIp games he waa released to tbe Detroit Olub, of the Weatern League. Oampau ta a hard hlifr, a fleet and dar- ing base runner, and a reliable and conicleDtloua worker. He bi dve feet eleven locbca In height, and weighs about 100 pounds. JobnT. Brush, president ot tho OlnolnnaU Olub ot the NaUonal Leagne and American Aasoclation, said In a recent luterview: "Fftlth lu a manager never wonagameof baaeball. Faith has nevercnl any Ogore In the game, and it never will. K faith had anything to do with winning ball, then Clocln- natl ought to havn won that pennant In 1692, the Orat year that Oapt, Comlakpy came here. The town waa all keyednp and tbe enthuslum gn»ater than at any time alnce the dais of the famooa Reds of 1660. we were ail mil o( faith and hope, hot we did not get the peooant. As long as there are twelve dabs In the major lesgue there will be ten of them who can not come 1-z. We are dla- appolnted over thla year's showing, hot if we were to lose hope then we might as well give np our francblae aod gat outof thelaagv*. There are other cltieawheT«thedl*appolntmantli aakaan aaltia here. Take Pblladalpbia inr toataoc*. That team taaaatrooy, iQilirldually, a« auy ot tbe twalre. Year after year, uDdar Uany Wright, the JliiUdelphlaa m«1e a nabl for Ibe pennant, and alwaya fill down. Tba Pblla- delphia maoagtmeot lalt that sooiaUitog moat be dune, ao tbey triad a naw maaagar. *vitb tbat groat taam Arthur Irwin baa not dona quite aa well aa Bany Wright did. II the Cioclooaui aiait of and win id I8U, and we hope tboy will, thla town will tw Jtit aa oraiy aa BiUiinore now la. Aootbar thinr. ibere bare baeo many enial faiaahooda elroulatcd about the opportanlura ComtMay ha» mlaaad to gat pUyen. Ot tbat Hit. the otliop day. virtue waa the ooly roan offered to CfDclooaU We u1a<1 all year to coax rbtladalpbta to (at ha»e ao oaUeldar. Krary baaa- >all man boowa they wonU Dot part with I>«leDaDiy. W* made Pblladalpbia two pr>poa(uooi, *fa (here asy man wo bare got tbat yon want for aiibar Tumor or Thompunr wu ODeofthem. Tbey did Dotuketbair pick, aod, flodlDg a trvie outof tbe queiiloa I aabad tham to name a caab flgora tor the ralaaao of alibar mao. and that latter waa Ignored. I nofar got ao aoawer- It u charged Uiat wa might have la- < lured Eeelar. Tbat ft irna, hot tbe derelopmaot of CeelerUoDaofthaaurprlaaa ol tho roar. No roaD od tnp of thia earth oouki for**** loeceaa la bim. Ttia Naw Yorka paid ISDO for bin releaae, I beJlere. They ao^urwl to all a bole at thirt baae. If* waa irlad there, troTed a fatlore, aod Brooklyn took blm oH^ Naw Vork'a laoda at tbe original dgure. Ai Brooklyn hn wai alio found waoUog, and he waa threvD to, aa a aort ol good meaaura, wban Baltimore aeeartdBrontbara for Tradway aodHhiodla. Baltimore did oot play him ai third l>aM, Uaolaa aenthim Into latt, where be failed again. Than beawtteh*iblm,afaloai thawlahea ol Keeler himaalf, to right Oald. Ilia work tlMre taa part ot the aeaaon'a blilory. To llla»traia tbe eaaa, U wouM be abwut the aame If we alioold rolaaae, aar CaoaTan, and that nait ataaoDbewouMtDmupwtih aoma oU>er club, and load tba league ID bItUDg Tba caaa ot KaaUr la u pure a bit of luov aa wloDlDg a capital prli* to a lottery.*' Charles H. Dyroe, preakloni ot the Brooklyn Club, In a recent sutement regarding the proposed Na- Uonal AssoolaUoo.aald: "K these people propose to pot aootbar olub in Brookl>D, tharwaill be a Sgni to aOolah. All tbelalbiDg Id the world will Dot fore* the NaUooal Uagne aod Americao AaaooiatioD to reeogiU* thla allaaed aaaoetaUoo beyood a battle lo wbloh one or theoUiarmnat lall. Thar* will be baying out dobikand do conwtlooion our part, but thar* will be a dght that maaaa Ooanclal mln to aome- body. IfanyoftbeBrookijnpUyar* wantto loare m*. ther can to, bnt wban ihay do tbey bom tba bridgoa be hind them. Tha Katlooal leagu* aod American A>aoeia- tion baa uaatad all tba playara lalrly aod igearaly, anil If they want to deaan there la oothlni to atop ihera But I will aay right now Uiat tu no lottaoco «lll any ol tham be taken book. There will ba noblacbllitlng. but the National Leagna and American AaaoeiaUoo will aimply agrae not to aign aoy of Uiam af>»r ibay hare oDce brobao away. Uowa*or, I bar* *ISD«d rnora ol ny playara than aom* people Imagine; but I wlU not make thair oamaa pooltc. for that ta ny prlrata bnal- oaw. I will haTa a lood taam oeii tear Id aolta ol all tha natit nil aaaociaitona od earth. TbaB* people who ar*booiolaglbaaaaMlatlon achem* ar« the onea who baTeD'tgotadolUr.bntar* tryiog to loduea Iodocmi poTioDa to aloh tbalra. la my aaUmatloo lb« wbola hlDgwIll fall flat, for ibay can't raUe the money. Ii hey do orgaolM. however, ihera'll he a Sabt, and tha Brooklyn Clob wiU be ngbt In ihathiekaat part of IL" J. Earia Wagoar, ol the WaahlDfioa nnb, uld lo a r* cant Inurrlaw: "At lait wa are oat of thai p*»h r twaiflh )laoa which baa baeo auch aboodootoiba waahtoitona ut aaaaona With tbe man at onr eoumaQtf,D*w wiunDtriadaaiuny ofttam wore, a* did oot hope lor S«h baiur loao taoth place ihia year. It la do oaa mtng orer Ppllt milk, bot wiih aoy kjod ol ao arao ahow by DBpiiet we might hare fold a rery differ- ant rtorv thao ibat with which wa flolili op the aea- Mo of 7»" Th^re la no dwylof the fact that in nomarana InatMOw mt* waut agamai the Wart- lortio Clob which akecM hare bean Tirtori**. ud airba<Bbae ibe umpire* aooabt to corry f"or wlih Freoldeot Tooag. wbto ba waa aa«t«d lo tbe grwod ataad aiSpltolKark. Wearonotat all onroMODable moor demaoda bat when the acaar>D ol 19) bagloa, w* •baU InSrtttitiJerreiabplaT ballon lumam^^^ farther aiparlmaota witi umpiroi b* atonraa- «nM nVbara aome good llraly material la tha r^SlogMOub!aod wapropoM tootllta* itpthabM edmuSTa* *o?d u tha pUyloi aeaaon of W ahaU be laaagaraiod.'* The playent ot Ihe Now Yiirk Club met at the Polo Orouoda, In thla city, on Thuraday momlDg, Oct, 11, and were given a autamuni of the receipts ot the Temple Cup series by SuperlntendODt Arthur II. Bell. Kvcry Now York plaf Mr will receive |7m.08 aa hia lodivldoal share. The gamee in ihlaoliy were attended bymaoymord people thanthoaoat BalUmore The receipts of Uie two games at Balil more were |e,l»2.26. At the Polo Orouoda. thla city, fO,111.T6 wasiakeu in at the Saturday gams aod $4,311.50 at liie aecond game, making a total In this city ot 113,423.26. with a grand total In both clilea of $10,014.60. Tbe two games In ibis city ei- ceeded the two at Baltimore by $7,m JobnT. Uroab, president of iheCloclnnatl Club, was wnlle recently in thla city Interviewed aa to the actluD the NaUooal League and American Aaao- clatlnn would take against the new National Aaao- olailon whlob la to be formed in opposition to It, aodheaaid: ''I am not prepared to myluat yat,butl<Io Dot ae* why we ahoola take aoy action yat No naw baaatall aaaoolaUoo rao aprlog up like a muabrooto Tbe backara of auoh a achame muit baroDioaeyllrat, thelrgrooodMtrand ataDdB.aDd la>t,but not laaai, ilie plajara. Iwlora Ibay can giTo tha Naimaal Loaguaaod American Aaaoclatloo aoy oppoaitlnn. Then It la alwara a caae ol tho longar puraa. Tba an called National Aa- aoolatlon la a muihroom. Aa long aa Uamia, KftlTer and Buckanttargar are doing all tbe talking it doean't worry ma at all, fur thay have no caplul. Rut whan omd wlih money C"me foroard and Idaoilfy thamaelrea wlih lh# morament, than It wIM b« ilmo to act. At prennt, I have no avldance tbat theaa aavKlalion boomara ha** aaonred gmuada and fliturea In thaTarloniettiottiiey hare aeieoied lor thair circuit: bat erao II thay bad. ihay would twllheaclotMow loarchant who raouaatoraaod bura abow caaaa,but baa oo gouda to aelL In order to ba able to do bualuau aa a Brat elaaa baaeball orgaolutJon Ilka the NaUoul League and Amarleao Avaooiatloo. thaaeprojacion ot Uia auoclatlon muitbaTatbaplayera and I don't ballar* Ibat there la a plajer today who would alnouuldalbe protection of the natlnaal agraameot aolaaaherecalvad btaenttraaalary loadTano*. Ifthaa* aaaooiation people think thay cao get proteeUun from tbe National Loagoe aod Aueilcao Aaaociailoo, and at the aame time lorade Ita territory, ihey are greatly ml** lakao. Nobody daDle« th«m iba nglit lo ortan but the toomaot tboy tnlrtng* apoo onr righu (aoit they will) thar* will ba war. If aorbody attempt* to put another club id ClnotDnail I wllldghtildollarloraollar. Tbat naana that Uio whole twalre club league will dgbt, aod tha public koo*a that It baa money to carry on a war. I have learotd that A. L. Johnaoit ta Intoroaud In Uie ijOw Tantur*. and *■ lar aa I can loam ha waoUpetr*. It he haa to fitbl fo' I'. But baiaiha only moDaret man I hoTsbeardof lo ooonee- Uod with tha whole baaloe**. Aa tar aa my playara are oooeemcd. If tha auoclatlon wanu to take a fow of 'bla year'a team which floiahed tantb. I ahould fa*l aomawhat gratafoL It atrihaa ma ibare la a claoi* to tha contract which may prove blodtng. It lio't like tba old raiarve rata, wiildi waa a baaeball law, nnd wsa ihrowa out oi court, but itlaaomethlng which aaya If thaelu>ra live up toeeruln cuudlllona, tharliava thorlKhttoanopliun on thair plaiara' Mrrlcaa for n»it awoo Rilll, I aoi aot wall po*ied on thaiubJacL aad muai read it op. Dapeod upon It that tha National L«aRaa aad Aroarican Aaaocla* tluD will oitbaworat#d, wbaiever bappooa Ifibare'aa Ofht, and tharewiU be If tha saw aaaoclation attemputo pby ball. It will bate tha death, and ihe NaUonal Leago* and American Aaaoclatloo wilt win." Bao B. JobnaoD, pr*ild*ntol tha Weatom Laaaoa, ao- Dooneao tba oamaa ot the pla) era who have b**D reaerred byclubaol bla league lor ueat aaaaoD Milwaokea r*- talna Ibeaniira team, with the etcaptloo ol Cllogoian, aod baa aleo clalnvl farroli, ot Cblcaao, aod Humroarc, of Toledo, Pltchera Fanning, Taanaliill and Ueorna W, Davlea, aod lofliMar J. Trubr Urooka aod Wardeo, pUlioed i-r Detroit, plaird with Mlno#apolia tb« pact aaaaoo Manager Vaaderbeca a«aert*d thai ibe mao aigoed cuiitraeta with MiDoaapolia m which iiii>r* waa DO reaarvatloD claoaa, and that be haa a right to claim lhair aerrlee*. Th* following la th* odelal Mil: Mllwanhaa-Bolan. Hattaar, Hlephona, K. Baker. Caray, Hbarpa. Tavlor, riahartr. Lone, tMtodanongb, TwlichaU. Kolpf. Hold t.llogBiao. (nalmfd, ParroL ot Chicago, aiil W Hummam, oi Toi*ilo. Kanj«a Clty-etalllnp. Donabua. Klurmao. Board, Nilaa, ■Idwll, IfamoD, Ifaatlnia fiarbr, Danlala, B Herar kod. 01ain*d, John fi Bneo, W. Kling, J. Virto*. aioni City—MflCaolay, Uolohan, O'Boarke. Camp. Eraoa, Boyle, nunalogham, Killeoa. Ilogrlavar, ifarr. Hold. Ilarl, aiawart, Oeoloe araed Haplda—Rhloee, Jonea. Parker, Camtbofa Bagao. t'allopr. whaalock. WrighL ^. Carroll. W. Ueoraa. iTulinad, Pr>ramao, Oody, Hwaet, BrocaaorMge. batroit'dUDhaiviD. Borcbari. Ilar- r«r, rear*, Brareit, Barla. fJioa*, Vntk, i) i.'ar- rolL Oayla, Baymood, iiarapau, Jaaiies. Claimed, Praamao. Daallv.Croeka, Werdoo. Co4y. lodlaoapoll^ -Weailala. I^lllii<*. P»pp*r Hhialda, Hllia. Boat, Ifeorr, Dal-ymola Qray. uiainao, II. lloabea, J, g#rwin n. WMda, U Beater, B.flMar. B Hill b Bcalih. W. Morao, JohoaoD, Paatonna ■lenaapolla—llioea llnlao. Barna, WiIaoD, Banali. Pamn, Preiler, N. Bafc*r. iJlaimed, Tooy Hnllane. Tol«do.-Caraey. Conoera. Nliaod, llai- Seid.atika. Uughay. 0 Frank. ClBlm*d,(;. Feuy.SlppI, Laby, Plynn, Uhlriah. Tb* Naw Torka were ilr** a baoeflt at tb* iro*dway Theatr*, thla oiiy, on the evening of Oct It, whan they wM* pr«a**tad with tU Taanpi* Cap. THE TURF. KaelBg mt Mdapelh. OoLSk—Flrat rao*-l^ar** $IAMlllDg, flv* farlonga— Belleori^raoy,97.0orbley, IS to t. von; Paragon, KB, MoKoliht, aveo, a«<ood; Boo Vorag*, lOL O'Bnan, 10 to 1.third! Tim*ri:UUV-.i -.(loooodrao»-hir**mHll- tot, tour rurlonga aod aavanty yard^Ferona dlb.Vfi O'Brteo. a to l, won; Norway, 111, K MtDemoit. I to t a*ooDd: raoadaJaeh. Hoohi, lltn I. iblid. Tina 0:asu. Thlnl tac«-Par«a ^BS oaa mlla-Lldgerwood, U\ 0 Bloaaa.atoak wen; Coniralteeolt. ISV W.Lvnoh,ltn l,a*oond; May B.. IS0,J.Coob,(tol, third. Tima, l:4& Fnunh race-Puroa tXA Are furlonta-CaroTaD, III. J. aoarr«y. t& to l won: (Xliata. 103, O'Brteo, S to 1, anond; Jack Wynna^ 1(9, Corbley, I to 1. third. Tin*, 0:67 Firih race Pura* $>a. aclUnf, lour (urionga aod BeTeDty yarda-FlneblDf. lO. HoKaighLeTrn, won; itadrroaa.TofH,J-<Mrr«s.Stol, aacond; Blacbloeh,*^ Ot*aa.iD, S to i, third. Vlroa, t:OH t)»ib rac«— Para* $1U. all furtoage-llarlent. (■«. Ooiblay, I to ft, wen; Laughing Water, S\ OBileD,S to I, eecnnd; Ar< gyle III, W. Hocka, n to 1. third. Ttma^:ttK. Hor- Srla* alao tan Bvvaiilh rtce-PorM gJOIX oialdaoa, T* (Urionga—Jim Oram, t'tt, Lear.) to I, wad : Fearlaaa, tot J. UaviB,! lA 1, aacond; Maraachioo, i'orbtey,3 tt I, third. Tim*. IHSW Bi|hihrac«-Para*$iua aelliDg, four furlooaa aod aeventy yarda—Wang, MolLntghtt I to won: tAlTah.(fBrleo.6 lo t. BMoad; Ruby. I'otblar.S to I, third. Tiui»,U:MH Ninthrao*-Por*egSO, fell- lag, aaran and a hall rurloaga-Arohbithop,t1oroley,tto a, won: llrmao, McKnlghi, f tu lu, aooond. Tin*, I MM. Tanu raoa Pura* $90. (ailing, lour and a halt lu^ long*—Bolivar, V7.0'BriaD, 4 lo I, woo; TriiieOardBar, vr. J. Oonnalty, 1 to4,iaoond: Roman. v7. Btraittift to 1, third. Time, lAI BlavenUi raoe-Pura* uUk Mil- log, four (\irloDgaand aeventy yarda—Aleppo, m)i, Tat- Ur. 4 to6 woo; Jtopublla IQl HoKnlgbU 10 to l.aeooDd; Marble Poau vi.U'Brteo, StoV third. TIma,oisu OoLS-Firat rao*-Five lurlonga—Frank E. llarf, IdS, MoUermoti, ttot, won la abatd drivebv ahead; Wang, lOlX MotCnlgbt, 4 to I. aeeond: Frolieaonie Laaa, 104, Ron- red a lo I thirtl. Time. l:)eu BacoDd tare—Four (oriongaaod aeventy yafua—LiiuUQaabirae. IB. Corbler, 4 t» ft, woo, (irivlog. by a langih aotfa half; Nor*ay, Ivl, n'Brian, t>g to l, aacood; Boonton, U. \V. Bamtt, IS lo I, third. TIma, 0:MU Third raco-Hii aod hall fUr lunga-Mlrag^ 110 HcKnl|ht,9 lu MX woo bandlUbya lon«lhaada halt; Half port, 119, l>*lahuilF,4 to 1, aac- ond; Little Bravo.9ft. l^rbley.8 to •. Ibinl. Tim*. IrWM PODith rac*-t>Daniil* and aeveoty yarda—Daunt- leaa, tUV Konrad, 9 In 10. won eaiily by thtao Irnatba; Lou Rliett, U)I.U'Brlan,6to i,B*eoDd; rilborla SB corh- ley, 3to I. third. Tine, l:ftiH VtUh raoe-Un* mil* aod a quarter—Arehblphop. HM. Corbley. 7 to 10, woo eaally by lhr«e partaolaienith; aaraarluo. UB, Koarad, 8 to A,aecontl: (h^ntralio colt, lot, Polahanly.lft t» 1. third Time.1:lftM Bitih raM-Flve and a DaU fur- longa-Tytur*. Hn. UcKDlgbt,8 to 1,won,driving byi laoglb; Jack WyoDe, Kb, > orblay, to I. aoconil Aroca Blly, Its. aofirad.4 tot, ihird. Tlm*,l:UH Sevanlb raoe-8ii (brlunia—Haak,IVl, MoDemotLl to 1 won haodlty by two iMigihaj Flualilng, SP, HoKolght, 4 U 1, aacond; Bla* Bird, Iw. Bcaolon, Tto I, third. Time. l:IBIi Biabib raoe-Plve furlonga—Hirtabura, ICU. HoDamott, M to ft. woo drivlna br toolangtlia: A^Juit, 97. (lla*<OD, ft to I, aacaod; Whiieauvna Iwi Aodrawa, third. Tima, 1:0) Ninth raca-Flv* (brlonaa-Wla', KU, Oorblay, aveo. won driving by a langih and a half; OwanUoldan II,97,M«Knlghl,SlAfl,aeooDd: Argyl* 111, n, Aodrawa,Biol.Uilrd. Tim*.,IKnX-:---.t**>u — Tim*,IKnU Tenth race— Four rorlonga aod aereniy rarda—F^ln, liT, Corbley. 1 to ), won: Haahar, laa Flla«rminona,9 to I. eeeond; Koi- alia II oolt, Itft, J. Uodirav,»to I, tbtfd. Tloie, OM Bleventh race—Plra fitrlonaa—Hamio B. B., 97, J. Unn- 97. J. oelly, 4 to 1, won baodlly by a leDplh: Uertie. H7, II mv I^u^Ulln, ID 10 J, aeoond; Bella of Fermoy, loi, avaoi la*- third. Tims. 1:1ft. Ufit a.-Kiratrac*-I*ut«* $BkX aalllDg, dra furlonga- jirlnkle.9ft. O'llrlan, 4 to 1. won; ChaUau, KMK.Uodfrev, 7tot.aacoad: Fraok R. Ilarf. 1141 Kooiad. 4 to 1. third. Time. I AM Hervod rac^ruroa $00, lour fUrloaga and «eveniy yerda-Jaek Wyno, IOV(^>rbley,Sto I, won; Wiliiem Penn ue, Knoiad,9 to 10, aeeood; Tommy Lally, ia.UDdlrey. Ift to I, ihlrd. Time OiBU Third raoa- Pnne$UlL »elllog,«lB furlonga~L*llah.9e,0'BrieD,9to ft, wod; Aoilrew D , 9K, lloaLahan, S lo I, eaoond : I'oca hoolaa. liU, Knorad. ft to I, third. Tlina, IAW Fourth rare'PurM $aA ownera* haiHllcap, Av* aod a hair farloop-Paaln. liO, f)orblay. B tu wud: IIod Lueey. ItDL Konrad, 9 lo ID, afcand; Mary Lovall, lOJ, O*llrrtD.4t0l, third. Tima,l:ll>< Finhracw-Pura* fit), for uialdaoa, fl«a lurlooga-Lllllpute, IM, 0. Mloaoa, In I, won; RImpllclty, IU^ KnarMl. 7 lo ft, lerond; O'llaam, IQ^nara, tu to 1, third. Time, 1:09 HIatb race-Purte $tlD. aalllag, an lurlnoga—Baak, J. Me LaughllD,6io I, won; Lou KhotU ii'Hrran,4tA I, eecotitl ProlTekioma La«a, Knnrad, 6 tn I. ihlnL Time, 1 rS) KAvantb raea-l'iir** gm. aalllng, (Ire lurlonga-Bliie Bird, lot, P. MoDormutt, 7 lo 10. won: Tiger, HO, Ciodlrar, I'ilo I, aecond: Itauglilnir Water, 1(0. Iloullliao, S lul, ihlnl. Tlm«,l-04H Kighih rao*-ruraa SftJO. ila fur- loDta-Dauutlaa*, Konrail, If lu 10, woo: Kad Orou, J. (ImI fray, 30 to 1. aaeond; Lnoathanka, H. MoDarmotL S to ft, tliird. Tlma.l:P>K....Ninth raca-l'ar«a$ID. aalling, aln (urionga Black born, UD, t^orblar, ftio 3 wMi;Claofaian, 97.O'Brien. 4 to I.aicond:Hapraoo. V3AH. Daiehant), ft bi . .... . _. . — ^ _.. py^.-—.. _ 1 Ihlrd. Tiiiie.l:V .^anth race-Puraa ■»>, tailing, lour furlonga mil «Aveniy Tanl^Haahar, Corhlay, 7 lo 10. woo; Triaey (lacdner, O'Brlfn. Ift to A, ■aennii: Billet Doui Mil, lloullttaD, 7 to 1. tblrd. Tlina.U:6IU Blevaoih race—Pure* am. aeiling. Bv* and a hail f\ir looga—Electric flight,IOS,(ll>*aHiD,4 toft, won; Dalbultar, |03>S,Ufliie,IltoT. aec—^ * " I, third. Time. 1:17X Oct 9-Flrat raca-t , „- aod aerenly yarda-FraDb H Ilarl, ICS. P. Heliarmott 1 tn 1, woo; Belle of Feniiny, V/t. l^rlily.ft to 1,aecond: Waoa. IDS niarf,! tn 1, third Time, U:MK Becoml nc^Huraa.SWd, aeillng Urn furlonga-fiharoo, 110. Dal ehaoty.S to I, won: Louli Uua'orto. lflB.Corbly,8 tn b, aeonod; tHIIaia, HHK. lonrad, 4 to I, Ihlrd. TluirlnJAK. Third raea-PuraeTOQi matdan*. all forlonga-Marai- ohloo.M,Corbly,7 to S, won: lllndonataa, 07, MeGulrk, Htol, aeaond; FatRabiT.97, (VHriao.P tol^ tolrd. Tim*. IJiJtt Fourth race—hir*a$KD aalliDg.fourfUrloDga aod aaveaiy yarda-tloliMlgiar, IQI, Dalahanty, 10 to I. won: UarUe, OH, OleaBon,4 to A aeoood: Klogvood. OB^ Corbly.Hto I, third. Tlm*.0:ftftX FIIUi race-Pore* ISO; maldeoa, two year ohia, luur furhmaa aod aeventy farda-Loula A ,llft,J.Uodlrey.tlo I, woo; Annie Hyan, iaLl>alahaDty,8to 1 Moond: Aoitriana ieldiD«,llf, P. MoDarmott,4 tn |, third- Tliiie, OM. BiiUi no*- Porae SSiA aeillng, Ave and a half furlonga—Bolivar, 101, J.aodfray,4io l.won; Biackburo. lofl. Corbly. 4ioa,a*o nnd; Fan Klog.W.tiliaeon.Bio l,Uiird. Time. I:ll>;(.... 8«vanth raca—rurae|ni,a«liiDa.hail amil*andaavaniy yarda—OwaD Ooldoo, M, Olaaaon. 4 to I, won: Whlt*- «tone,ff7.W. Aodrawa,Sto I, ■econd; Jin (*orb«tt. IW. naenlD,0 to I, third. Time, 0:tM Kighih raoa- Puree SaOi. flv* furlooga-Uetrolt, llHU.O<leman.9lo 10, won; Tiger. 112. Uodlrvy.ft in l.aecnnd: Tbe Huily, I :I.^M. Panar,Kto l.third Tim*. I MH... .NInih rae*-Pnr>e$>u. Are and a hall inrlonga-iniauau. lOi. Vetur, 1 to f. woo; Harlem. )94.Corbiy,Stol.a*oond: Hay U.flCL Ihiu- lihao. lft(oi,third. Ttraa,l:llU Tenth raee-Purae $UI, aeilioa. Bra ftirloDaa-AiljMDrD.Si. fllaaaoo. ft lo I, wod: LaughlDg Water, K. O'Hrlan. 8 to I. aacond: Mag- ale Beob.W. lreAdama7 toathitf<. T1me,l»H Eleventh raoe-Paroe $kD, aalllag, five ann a haif fur* longa-Maak, li», Clar*, l){ to I. woo: lliah n .119, Ron- r*d, 9 to 1, aeoood; Aleppo, 117, iMlahaoly, 4 to ft, tliird. TIme.liUW. UoL 10—Flrat race—Purse $B9, •elilnt. four furlonga and aeventyyarda—darila 99, aiaa*on,llol, wnn;Oh*r- oke* R4ie, ft, O'Hrlao, H to I. a^cooti; Fan King, lUS, nodfr*r.7 to 1 third. Tima, 04TK Heoood rmoe- Puree $BD. for (wo yaarolda ■•liiog, dva farlonga-Nor- way, in, delger, 4 (n I, won: CaruveD, iirfllark, < to I, lecnnd; BooDton, 91, lloolahan, 8 lo I, third. Tlnia, I inn Third raoa—Pure* $00, aelliog, flv* forlonga- OlrcuUr, Oft, Ifoulahan. 4 lo 1, woo: HIackioek. M, iPUrian.8 to 8,a*cood: Argyla. Ill liarr'aoo. Ift to I, third. Tim*, I wM Ponrih rae*—Pora*$ni,owDera' haiHlieap, aaren and a half furloDg^Hario Lovall, fr, lfoulahaD,8 tn 8, wod; Con Loeay.TS. A. Ri«ward,t to I, aecond;Talhyrie.AO,illaaaoB.VtoS, third. Tlme,l:4iM- Filth rac^Purao gjrilL aelliof. tear forloDia and aeveoiy yarda-Horpria*. 97. Uorbley, 7 toft, won; Taralio, 103, L«ar, 3 tn I. aecoDd; Pat Ralill, 07. J. Uavia, 8 to I, Uiird Time. OM}i HlaUi raco-Por** BSD. aaliiog. four farluogs aod aeventy yarda-Johony. MM, J. Pavia, 4lol. wMi:Maaher. IO»,Haat, 7 tnA.aecoDd: Hay D,, R, lloulahao. 8 to I. ihlrd. Time, OMH Hereoih raca- Pura* 8XU. aallltia, four furlonga aiM aaventy yarda—HL Mark, lOD.J.Uodrr*y.7to8. won: Anna Bell*. lU, J. Da vla y to t.aMMDd: leaiaad, »H, Laval)*, i to I, tblrd. Time, OMM lEIghU) roco-Pura* UM. •eliing, Ave rarlong^lllacklock.yi, Moalabao,8tofc won; Adlual.91, (llaaaoD. 7 tn lOL aeeood: Maggie HIehaida, SBK. Flatobar, 4 In I. Ihlrd. Time, l«K Kioth raeo-PDree $an, aevao and a baif farlonga—Hymao, UP, Ko"rad,8 tol. won; WiaL 109, Corhlay, tvaa, aeoond; Hontlece, 109, Do- lahaaty, 18 to ^ third. Tim*, l:<ftK Tentli raee- Purae taii,aii rarkfDia-LnDgibank*,loe, Veuar. I UtX woo; IllaUrac*. lOB, tConrad, Uo I,aecond; Flalnilfr, HI, Boat, S to 1 thirJ. Time, l:ltH KleTaoih rac»- Poro* $ID. aalling, halfamll* aoo aoveaiy yard«-Hall« of Farmoy. 104, Corhlay,T to JO, woD:Trli*y flardoar, 97. O'Brieo,?tot aeoond; Blue Bird, 107,J.Oodfray.ftto 1, third. Tima,eUM- Oct II.—Firat race-Fan* $m aelllnf. flv* farlonga Alooao, IQlk, J. U^frav, 10to I. won; May D , KBi 110018* bao, 7 lo t, aoannd; Tbe joher. Kt, f>ai«baaiT, 10 to 1, third. Time, IMii, Hacondraoo—Puree$tllLaal|ing, lour furlonga and aeveoiy yarda—Oaravao, 114, P. Mo DariDOtt, 4 to I, wnDjHIberIa, 117, (hirbloy, 7 to 10. aeo- nnd: Tomy Ully. Ill, flodfrey, U to I, third. Tim*. OMii .Tliird rac*-Parw$Sb,*alllos.aii and abalf foriong*—iiolyaoit, UB, Daiehaoty, I to 1. wnn; Liuia Bravo,0t Corntap, ft tn 3, a*eoDd; Ronao, B7, <liaa*on. 8 to 1. thud. Time. I:9)X Pnorlh raco-Para* $XD, Ova aod abalf lurloDga-JIra KcLauihliD, 118, Coietaao, 4 to l,wnD:L<oa Rhett. 118. Teiur. 8 toft, aawnd: Ball. aarlaa, (Torbler.«to a, third. Time, 1 :l4ti Filth raoa —Puraa $S0. for two year olda. lutir and a half furlonga —wtiiitat Peon. 101 Konrad. I lo A, wi«: LonlaQda*on*, lis. f:otblay. II* I, aecond :F*roDa Ally. lift. Yalt«r 0lul. third. Tin*. lAJOK Rllth race-Pore* IPV.aalllag, four forlnnn aod «*v»nty yarda-Karaoioa, 97, Corbley, llloft. won;Roi*lia tolt, li», Hortfray. 8 to i, a*#-ond; Oertia, 97, Ulaaano, 4 to 8. third. Time. OMH ■ • Hevanth r^e*—Piira*8V0. xiUng. fouriarfoofaaoo aevenirbarrfa -Laurhing Water. N7. Iloulahan, S to I. woo: Hllan If.. 107. V> lur, 1 tn I. lac/tod: Wabb Charm. 100, J. Davfa. II lo I, IbirJ. Tima. OiftU Rigliih rae*-Pnra* $Xn, a«lilnf. df*and a hair furtonga—t>*lrDit,l07, W. MorrI', SU)a^woo;lAiiafa, 107, iHiahaniy, « to 1. oacood: Jack Wiiaon. no. (Jndlrty. 8 ro ft, third. Tim*. 1 :UU Ninth raoft-Para* $XIO. aalliog, ati fbrlonaa—aopraoo. 91, Hoolahan, 7 lo 1. wnrt: l^ogahaoka. lOIW, Tatter. 7 lo lo, a*eeDd:Tfi*Bfllly.98i Ro>i. 13 ro I, ihlrd. Tiio*, \ Tooth rae*-Paraa %w >«l]iag,fvnr forlnnga ana a*v»nlr taida-Flondarcr, IW. Clare. 7 to lO. won; Tito PearLIS Alford. lOio 1. aa«opd: Rapablie. 9tk. iierbtey. Sinl^lhinf. Tima,OM. Fkvantb rae*-Para* $fV, ■allloa. halfa mlla and aeventy yarda-Magiia Hicharda. 9l)i. Fl*iAhar,8tal.woB;R*rtt;raaa,9ft.i. Iji*via,Sto I. aariind; Magcie Ba^ 107, Mcldams, 7 loB. third, TIma, ntlUi, uflinr, _ __ Ik-Flrfft neo-Pora* $B0, •*lllBg, flv* farktng*- Oenaral Uordon. 99, Cnibley, S to I woo: May D., • Honlahan.lioa^aaooad; Vagabond. lOBK. Darfce.ttoi. third. Tina, IrOM Seaood raeo-ParaeBIBk forlwo rear otda. loarftarlooia aad aa«**iy yard^WarwayoO' "' — 'loCweo: MamioMarfe. r- d^ lli Maalof*.8 to I, woo: Mamio Biarfe. Iis, 0eibley, Hol,aa>oad;My IrrUf. llft. nalakiskr,» to l,lhlfi: Tlaa,OJIK Tblid laoft-far** $aA •elllnf, ala for- !pnga-Ail|0Dra,H Dieaaon. • to &won: Laflab, WiL O'Brien, 8 to 8, aeoood; Holypnvt, 107. OoUhanir, 4 tol. iblrd. Tlm*.l:tu3< Fourth rae*—raraa $1X1, a*v*o and a half larlooca-Uuia Lnvail, \m, J. I*^h, •van. woo; JItn MoUuahilD. Ill Oolaman. 9 to 1. aacondi Baiiiatitta. 118. Cnrhiay. t tn 1, tblrd. Tima, 1:4nM Filth ra<«-Furve ftin, aatliag, lor niaidana, ala forlnnga —Annle,llyan.87,iiiaaaon.9ri> t&won: Aaairlan*gafd- llDulahin, 9 to ft, aacond; Bell* B fllly, VI. A. "^iwaiiSioi.ihinl. T1me.l:IIK Rlalhraoo-Para* IXaallloa, oaa mllf-Hatnarlleii,l04, Maolov*,! to B. won: Uu Rh*tt, lot, IMaTf, 1 in I. aecond; Wbf, 107, CorWevjr to a, Uitrd. Time, 1:47 Hev*nib rae*- Pura* $100, aalliog. Ave fUrloaga—Hollvar, lOB, 0. Moaoa, t tol. won; BUekbum, |i\ Corhlay, aeeood; Blaebird, 19, W. fliher, thiid. Tima. l.iftU Rlgbth rac*- l^ira* $ni^a*lliDg, alaamlahalf f^irlonaa-Ht. Laeraneo, lOB, Yattar, ato^wAo; Jack Batehtlor. lA Morki.Sln l,Baconil; FlorloaOVili^Mttn.8 to|^ thud T1m^l JOM. Nioihrae*—Pur** $SK^ aalliog, four fUrl>*Bgaana aeranty aarda-Bobolink, IOOl Corhlav. I to i, won; Com- pradnr, IB to 1. aeoond. Tim* n jfii Tenth nee— Hailing, flva lurloog'—iVrn Lucay, if^i, W. Manlov*, it to *l wod; rhatoau. lOS, Vattar, 1 lo 1, frmnd; rarnallla, U, (li**Min, 8 tn I. Uiird. Time, IIMK Klavanih tae*-8alling, aitrUrlonga-JIm (lrem.99M, (1. McLaugh- lin, 9 to ft, wuo; IHndpoaian, Parka, Id. aaraod; tunlttl- lo»f|t.TlmmonatOi. third. Tim«l:WS- net I3.-Flrat rac*-K«lllnff, flva rnrinnirn—Red t^maa, 100, J. Davla. 8 tn 1 won: Sainta K, V7, II HoLanahlin, 7 to i,aacoDd; Adiuit, 97. iilaaanp, i lo I. third. Time, Hecood rara—helling. Ore f^trlonaa—Norway, l^^jgar, s to i. wonVt^aroven, 117, WhTiavia,a toT, Barond;Tbnui]F Lally,JM, Bngarr^lO to I. ihlrd. Ttine, , -ws ri'iiart. IV to i. iniiu. iiins, fH .ThinI tiee Bliand on* hall nirinoga—Alappn, 108, tialgar, 7 lo I, wun; lioogahaoka, IIIU, J'anay,B to 8, »acond; Haagia ll*ck, iw. McAdama,ttii ijlhlrd. Time, 1:><U..... Fnunh rara-fnur and a hair ban Maid, lO, V. HlaiB*.ftl4il^ won: Fagin, lU, Itaioar, 9 to a, aacond: Kintaiuna, Ifll. tNilemao. n in I, thtrd. TIma, InVH FlAh rtca-Four furloDga and aeventy raitla-Foranio. lift, lleiiar, I lo I. won: ll'llaan, lift, Clare. B lo t. awrund: Hay Daly, il^ HeilM), It to I, IhlPl. Time, 0:At*l4 Altlh rare - Rii aod a ball mrlong«-Rieok»iHid, III Dlare, II to ^ won; Ilia Oraae, lOi, MclMrniott. ll to ft aecond; RHta- b*lh, 104, IlUaann, S to I, thIrU. Tiina, I JO. Rarenih rac«-K»lii[ig, n%a l>irloitaa-ToDt HcO W. llmitahan, II tn 10. won: ElP*laier,91 Flatcher.fttn I, aacond; Flontia. 99 tilaaaoD. even. thin. TiniMiOOX t:i|ihih rar*— Htlling, dveaodahaltfliiloDg^t'hataau. il>7. Veitar,l tit ft.woo:<lerUe,99. tllaaaon, 7 U> I, aacnnl: Hon Mathaiir. 98H, Mel.auiMln. H to I, ihlnl. TImnk 1:18 Ninth 'Helling, fbur fiirlongsind aaventy jarda—AUnthre oll^ I04,uiar's8lo6.won; Rnn Voy««*. HUM, Huaart, 8 to 8^ aecond; KoraniOL IM. Ku»t,3 tol. ihlrJ Tima,0-ft7. ,Tanih_ ra««-Ha|i|n|. lour furinORa end aavanly tania-l'at Rabbit, <||«aK>n. S in ft, won: Arahi Paaha, M, Fletcher. Ift'o i. areonil; Huhy, in, Y. AHnnl, 1 to I, third. Tini*.u:Mta RinT»ihr*c*-4i*iilnK. roar lur* longaaod aeventyyaraa-Mnr K. let, MfLauphlln, 16 tn l.won: Lauahlog Witer. inf. lUlgiar. 7 tu lo, aecond; Willi* lloulahao, 99, lloulaban, S in I, tbird. Tlm*,U:ftft. MUllRIB PAIIK llACIOM. Frequent fturprtscs andoMrlilni dnlaliri fnarkod iboraolDg at Morrla Tark net, tt. Pivo favorltos wero beaten sod Ibo riclOK van nf the moat seont- tlonal order, Tlie wsaihor waa oloar auil ptfnaant, tbs attemlaooo large and tho licttlug lirlali, Tto OBlr favorite to land a purae wu the nil^ Huittolonl, wbicli won Ibe nialilen two jear nbl rauo. Tho Hliib HuoiDOW Hinkea was mailo hj HHglan hf a bead frura llrandTwlOf. ThelilgHCSl upaal of ihn day waa In Itio Virat 8etlal llautllcan which waa won hv lllaok Hawk, at lou tn i. Mahl Marlnii lumt llughrenuja noae In ttiu flrat racv, and lowered the Bto furliHif record b; a i|iiarior of aa«C4ind. Hummary: Pirat lare.-Welivr waight hat>«MrB)>, lor all agea, a a*aapBiakaa, $l.tU)a>itia<l, firm liirlimga. IanilnliHiabla'aoii.oi. NaM Harlan. 4. by UiaatTom KuillaHoNaltT, III; tltuftadd4loB illaylun I Hcf ralfarty A Wtaliard'a li. g. Hugh Penny, 4. lift; 9 lo 8 aoii 4in6 Mei'arferir I Onach Htanla'i b. f. tola, S, il»; ft and 3 Ihiagtlt 8 TlBia,0:e8M. Wnn by a head, ihrea leiigtha baiwaen •aoind anil iliinl. Mutnala |>ald: Mihl HaiUn. $.«; i<lae*, S)l»;thln],$«tiB. liujih PaniiMitac«,87fll:lhliif,$«ie. tola, tblrd. $7 nL Hanowl rac*.—Foriiiaidnn two year uMa. a aasapalebaa, $l.ujil addni, aalling, all ittrlnnaa. tlidaon A Dali'aclt. f riolilelent, by Uneaa Abundanrn, iUJ: 8 tn Bawl7 to iU llrlffln 1 J. W. Hogori' b. 0. Habrloa onlt, liH; aod eran (iiayton 1 P. Lorlilanr* b. c. April Frol, IIS; B and 4 to B ilenillioq I Tima. 1:I0M. Won by two lengthy a leiiylli l»at«Mn aamndaud imrti HntunUpaid: Hufncinni. 8i6 ll: |Oac*, $9S): Ihlrd 8708. Kalirlnandt. place $11 fift; tlilril, $8». AprllFool.llili(I, |7.ift TMrd rao*.-Tti* Hiiih Ihinninw HUkva, (nr two |»ir ohia, aawaepilahei, $l,UDaddHi, all rtirluiiv*. P. Il*linnni'« ll. 0. Haglan, by Tha III L'Kati MagneliBiii, liO;4Hand8loft Hliiia I 0 11. P. HeimoDt'i oii. n. Hrtnilywina. Iiy HI. Hlalw. Htianuehanna. ill; luaiida Ilahililon I B. HfCraliaod'ablk a ilanover Julia L, 113; Hand IK fiiayioB 3 Tima, IrlUM. Won by a iir>*i. three itngliia l>et**OD aafond and tblril. Molunia Mid: Magiao. RHIO; place, tfU7ft; third $UW. Hrandywina, |>Uca, in78; third, 17-80. Ilaiuih thini, Biau. Fourtli race—Flrat Three Year Uld Kerlal Handicap, a haotllcap fnr liiree year ulUa, auaraniaetl eaah velun tifXM). flva furlunga. W.n. Ynung-ablh e. Black Hawk, by llyder AII MIu niay,93: IWandlti Kaaf* I Blamton llubla'a b. a. Jack of Hpailaa, III; lltn ID and! toft (Irlinn I Unualiacrea Htable'a b g. I'eacamafcar, 114; 8 ainl 1 Taral B Time. 0-M. Won lir a leaglh, three iiaarleiv ol a lanilh belwasQ Hcond and Iblrd. Huluala Mid: Jack orRpade*.$ll90: Hac«.$7JA; third, ftStO. HIark Ifawk, RIae*. $ia«: third, 877.1». Poaramabar, Ihlrd, $ll3ft o wfontng tIekM aoM nn Hlack ilaik Fifth rac*.—For three laar ohla aod upward, aalllng, a awaapftakea, $1QD addan, one mil*. W B Janolnga' I-r p. LIv* l)ak, 9, by Idodan Annla HtAiit,BH; lend 4 to 8 . flMllln 1 Praiboeaa HUble'a ar g. Adalbert, IIS: Hand 3H Khoa 1 J. K.Beagrara*a b. g. tTotorloua, 104; ll lu iU unl 1 to 8 ^ Ihigiatt 9 TIma, 1:8PM. Won by a neck, aaina iliatanu lerwaao aacond and third. Hutuala paid: Live (Nik. airaiiht, $»; plac^ |li.4B; third. SHfl). Adalbert, flace, $21.18; Iblrd. $H7U. Vicbirioua, ihiid, 88.HA riliih race—For thre* i*aro|0> and upward, a aweep- alahaf. BI.UD ad'tad, one mlla. II. K. Vlngufe eli g. KeUuhat, 8, by Ilimyar Floaa, TBI BandSlo 8 ' Davia I Uougbacraa HlaUn'i cli. m. f.uitre.4, 94; 7 to 8 aod I to 4 dlaytnn I W. Wooda* ch. g. Mealraint, 4,HI; IM and 7 to (0 Hhtedy I Time. l-J$U. Won by four lanuiha. a niirb balween aacond,nnd,Uiird. MQluai«paid:H*tauhar,alralaiit.$f7 BU; I niirk balween K'lee, $18aft; third, 19. Luatrn, place. $^80; third,'$ft9».' ■traTDl.Uilrd,$y.lO Tbe heaTjr rain of tho foroniHin, 10, bail a lelllog effect npon the allondaoce, dpsplle the faolthat It oleared orr In the ariomooo. Tlie track was wot and sloppjr, but that made but llltlodirference with thebcifon, aalhoy lAobad the horsca freely, aud fave the bonkniaiers all Ihev could atlond lo, ami and Kleff were the lucij Jookeia. aa the former piloted three horsea In viotory and the latter two, all of wliloh wore at fair ddda, RelfTa monnla both bolng oulsldsra at long odds. There wero two suke eTODta, the Hunter Handicap and the Coaniry Ulob llandloip. lUral riding the winner of caob, Beklenaudlhirlan. Haramar/: Firat race—Far all ag*a,a awaapaiakei,$1,110 added, Avafnrtooga. M. F. Iiwyar'ach e Btooanell, 8, by Hionahengo Nail, 118: Itoftaod I toft Hima I O. R. Hmilh'a cb. f. Applauae. I Sft; 4k and 4 lo 8 Cragln I Blamton RUble'a b. m. Lady Vlulai, 4, 100; B aod I Ui (Irirtlri 8 Time, OMU. Won by two lenglha.a lenatJi Irolwaan Id third. Mutual' r" " plaraBT. race-Fort added, ala furlonga. aecnnt and third. Mutual* paid: Hlnii»he il. place, $S. Applaui* plara $7. Rtiaight iiiuluaia daclarad oir, Ifteond raee,-Fortwo year olda, a aweepttakaa, $1,(10 Kendall f*iahla-acb. I. Urania, by llano*ar-Wanda, 119: IMand av^B taraj 1 0. CitllaSald Jr.** b. t. Booibaiella, 98; 11 to ft end avan Clarion S Onecb Kiabl«'a ch. o. Ooggatt, IM; 7 aod ll to 8 .Dnfiett 8 Time, 1:18. Woo hy three langihi. aianaih beiwean aeoood aod ihlrd Mutual! paid: Urania, plac*. $IM76: Iblrd. $8.aj llomb*r*iu. place. $980; third, $« n. Dog* gaiL third. $410 No winning Itckaia aoid on llranla. Third race.—The Twaniy arnh llanier Handicap, for Bill** thre* yean old, a awaepaiahaa, $l,8Waddeir one mlieaodagnartor. Praakoaaefliabla'a b, f. BeManiara, by Belredara>ria' lege, m: ftandfttoB Taral 1 nurndge Broa* b, f. Barooaaa, M: 18 and * Cjai u>n 3 rreaknaaa Biable'a eh. I. Llghtfoot, IH; i and t to 8 HIma 8 Time.3:l]M. Woo by half a leniih. a langih lMt«e*n avsDd aofi Third. Hotiiaia paid; Hulls, $9.40; place. $«JU. RarnDapr.plare. S1880 Fonrth race —The hIimi i>nuirf niub llandirap, for all ) added one niila anil a fkr- jrw. Rngere'b fl T>orlao,8,by Pir Mf'dred HIandar*, 117; a In Band I tnl Teral 1 E. 0. Ilaadlay'a b. e. Joim r;noi-ar, t. III; Ift and 8 <'layir>n t W. Donnlioe* b_h. Rnche.ft^ lift; 10and 4 ririaio 8 TIma, 1:48. Won by hgihi, half a lanalb betwaan aacfMd eecAod and third. Muteala piid: Uorfan, $19; K'loe, Vn: Ihlrd, $7.10. John i.'oopar. pbee, $l8Ja: ird,$il48. Koch*, third, $14 n Finfa race.-Forallage^a aweapeubea, $1,000 added, -Jiemila MfCalfertr A WMharri'a b. g. Nero, egad, by Flnnd' gne- D Raa». 99: 7 aud 3 Kalff 1 M. M. A'leo'a br.h. haaaetJaw, 4, 91: avao aad Ijo 8 ririOlo t P. J. bwyar'a b. h L«QDaweli, 8^ III; 18 to 6 and 7 Co 10 , BImaS Time, 1 '.HU. Won by a neck, laniihi between a*c- ndandth*rd. Matuala paid: Niro, alntahL $19; plee*. • SO: third, 188* Haaaallaw, pile*, $870; third, $8.18. %oflaweli. third. $S Hieihrae*. For iwn y#ar oldf, a awaepitakea, tlJVt ■dded, aalilDf, all forlonia. Me<:alTertr A Wuhard e C. f Haralict, by Lake Black. burn Saflia Maian. Id): It aod t Helff 1 Maaheuea BUbia-a b. o. Uilaa. 1«8: f CoftaDd 1 toLBims t B H^ieUaad'a b. f. Hay Day llUy. lOD; 4 and 8 to 8 Olanoa $