New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBEB 20, THE NEW YORK OLJPPER. S29 , KihiAiti-llutliiK. 'M, Xt- IIIB.. Irtt; KoU- aiiiiMiiJ;. * ■""^Lyiu Atok luiw-Kennll, 4lt tKIa, Int ,SKi%. •»>°3rut ixio.:, ""O'lliMMr. «i. '•StJLSthjUmii-JianUmMr. lint. 4R IId.; „^;'ff^ id'afL ei». ■ McBlln. ■»», mi ni, ^ll, IXIo. Th« BraoklTn Athlatlc Olnb wamMiB enpge* "> •"f" comp«U riooi oa Saniter ancrDOon, OcL M, it tlieir ntgndi >i Hupeth, L. I., the eTenta decided le- ^jUiiM <lioira tn till) ■ammarr tuat (oUon: —- M hellht. Won br rimnk J. Smith. (nr V'tignrtM, Jn . lhlid,8IL4ln. "Vlr'i ' .un. V William J. CoDroj, mirit: iLhIv. MrtUh •wond; Wllllim iL BMar, Onjila JiS^rlnit <m brMklDi thtneonl oi ih« ^iJ'kiilrS^iiTdi rwn-WoD br J'nr Plti|«nl,l, lljSi ; ThomM Codj;. «rdl . •««od; Wllllui J. Oon 1?. ii»uh.llilnl. Tint, HKl JSSiul ioid ; WIMlimJ. Hcood. tiL Sr^imuD P. cldtr. tlo. thin, srt Sin. iMinliil ttocul /UKit—Won br Mrillum J. Oodrij, »L uf^U^W ><»■>': rndstlck J. anllh. in. sin. mwikI, hJi'tIo i TbomuCodT. lit third. IMt llln. niuufit I''*' "ux—Woo hrThomu Codr. m with (uTviniiuii r. EMer, in. McoDd, tjft. sin ; rnilirIA J iiiiih iri eiK'i thiid. zsn. '■S^uiimdrtdttiHtltlut inrtfj ran.—Von bj Villlui 1. PMor ^ilt.: Tbomu rody, icratch, Mcond; Jmtt nMmlil.8);».third. Tim«.Im.Ol. rniM'drtiKiivlliMitlii tforti raii.-Won brrrenk J. omitb 6rd«.; JirtT Fitucrmtd, S;aA, iMond; Ttioinu Hi: Ibltd. TI■D^ lu. iiiVrluiiJKdiliid/brlj tttnlthtmUe raw.-Plnnl ha4t: WMbrThoniu Cwif^ Vill'am Coorojr 8«cood, Willlun r BM*r thlid. Tlmn. Ira. 8a. ntwlnncra irero: ThoiiiM '*odr, flnt. 177polDbi: Wil. ii/oj.Conror.ncond,lu; Jtrrr Fltmenld, thli\l, l*>; rMkJ.Smltb,'onnh. ISt; RobertCrou, mtli, US. m loK toarsiment closed et Uie groaods of Die 81 Andteir'e Olub at YoDkeni, N, Y., on Saiurda/ ititraoOD, Oct. 13. The amateor cbamploiishlp wai woQ br L. U. Sioddard, SL Asdrew'H QoK Olub, with 0. D. McDononeb, Ctilcaxo Goir Clob, aecood. ne iriDOCr o( the proreulonal aioglcs was W. F. MTla, iDBlmclor of toe Neirport Qoll OInb, who de- fsiolSamiielTacker,liiBUaotoroIttieSt.Androw'a dnh. _ TBI Onnlte Oarllnf ClDb, of Toronto, Oot., h'ld tteir iDDiial election laat week, at which the rol- lodocincersirerechoecn tor ihe eDBtrinsrear: Ftctldeet, Arihnr B. Lee; vice president. Wllbor 0. Htuhewe; aeoretarf and treasurer, William J. unlfjoho. THE RING. Corbett Hnil FKxslmiuoBii. PnnnaDt to agreement a nieetlog of Champion Junes J. Corbett and Robert Vll/jlnimona was held at the onico of a coniempoiar; in this cllj on Tharadar, Cel. II, ac which the following aniclea irere drawn np and agreed to: Theifl artlclM or ai.'rMm*nt aro to eoTam a glnra ceolMt to a Onl*b b«t«aan Janiei J. Comu. cliainpinn of the vorld, aod Robart KltzilDiDiooM, of Navarlr, ,s. J.: yiri/—Tt)« ioatcli la (o decide the lioaT^velfhi diam- Soothlp 01 tfaeirorld.aaiakeol tventf tlioanod dolUn iiflxn aod a pune ni fortwooe thounod dollars (111.000). and the i\>llee nauiu cliamploqahip belt .S'wmid.—The conlaat iliall take puce t>efore the Florida AlbUUe Club, fit JachMioTlll«L Fla, on a date atier Jolr 1.1101 tj} be Mleclrtl hy tlio club. ralnJ—The Ftorida Athletic Club afTCoftodorofltwItb Iba ilDi] itakelic?der Uie aum of die thounnd dollara (t^.00O>aaaiiuaraateeAr good faith. The club lorther sffaes to par to each of Ihe prloclpall on April I, lasO, the CQoiol one tho'ia^nd dollar* (tl.tol) for tnloiogexpeoM. Ihe dob Mill litrtbor aitreea to oar Into the liAnda ol the permanent slakohotder, tea dava prior to the data of 'be cootett the anni of ttalnr-lonr tlioaaand doUira (131,000). 01 thepuiaoortll.OODL after deductloR the amount paid CortialnloaeipaDW ($2,001), the balaneo (139 QUO) iball be Mid to the winner. Aitfth —The principals henbr afree upon Ur. Philip I) rreraa permanent atakehuMcr. Piflh —Eachorilieprloclpala hereby asrtea to poat In tbenaadaof the Anal eiakebolder the sun of drethon, lud dollan (%i,(ni), the full amount »t bit state, with Hr. Pblllp n«ier. .i^miifA.—Robert J. Fllzllmmona her^deiMilts the aam of twentr fire hundred dollan ft3LH0) on Feb. I, ItM.and twenlrlfre hundred dollan (92,600) Uar 1. ISU, making the foil amoaot of blsitake. A'fffJUA —The contMt ^hall be under Uie Marf|Ula ol Qo'eoberrr rales; Ihe ttloTea must bo the smalloal the cmb will allow, and olherdetailaol the conteac ahallbe Utttotbedlacreilon ol the Florida Aihleuc Club. The dob Ihall oaqia the nfaree. /fin(h.>3hould either paity f^l) to compir with Iheae artldea. the raoner In the haodfl ol ibo aukehoMer shall be forfeited to the partr who shall have lullllled hla obllRttloo accordlog to thia ensaeeiiient TmlL^la eaao theFloilda AUilello Club falls In aof war to bringing tlilH contest to a aueceuful conclualon. the men h»rebr agree to cootfst before the dub ofierlog the Isrxeit perse, Wa prefer to let Ihe above arilclrg of agreement go wluiont comment (or the reaaon that, aa Uier ■lasd, they are not binding, nod future develop menis maj aoect the half nude natcb nrj materl- ■llj. I.ODIB JrarBH, the well known boxer, who for ■ome time haa been leaching ilio art of flsilcodh In Wilkeabarre, V*., le suied to have made a match with Ulllv Dacer, of Brookliu, K. Y., to Dght for tm a Bide, within dfteen miles of Wilkesbarre, on or BbootNov, 1, Unless Jes>er lins conslderalilr im- proved, and Dace; baa correKpoQdlngly deteriorat- ed, Uila shonid bo a good match for the Long Island- er. And In aaTlog tlile we are hr no meanscasling aOT reflectlun on JOJitor, for Dacov la a more than ordlnarll; clever glove praollUoner. TioDT GALLAOnen, of Sloui Falls, 8. D., and Jack UtishlQg, from Umokl;n, K. Y., met on the prairie, eight miles from the former place, on the morning of Got. 0, and foaalit with two oonce Slovea for a puiw of $200, which Gallagher won In iree roonds. Abtddb nALLiN and Jack Dover, Englishmen, fonghtfor two neartho French capital onSepL 29. After boxing two boats and fortj-one minutes. In wblcb lime clgbir-two rounds were contested, a draw was agreed upon. Both men were aeverelr pnnlsticd. Uabbt Oairtox and Tom Woollej were princi- pals In a glove OgUt, under the ueual roles, that took place at Ouizon llill, DIrmlnghain, Eng., on th<evening of Oct. 1. Thej fought for a stake of (ZW aait a purse of (310, and Overton came off victor, twelve rounds being contested and the baille being decided on points. TOu OaTANAon and Pat Wilson were aniagonlsis In a glove conleai at PcrrT, Oklahoma, on the night of Oct 13. It was plain from the Orst that Wilson hsd no show with nli opponent, who put him com- plelel; out of It In two minutes. Jacob Ziuuhidiah defeated Joe Conror In six rounds, for a porao of (100, at Chicago, III., Oct IX The battle was nuiked b; much blood and IllUe Bclence. UiHiiY DoDLiNand (icorge FUzgerald are matched to Oght to a dnish with dvo ounce gloves at a point near Ohloago, 111,, Oct 27. WHEELING. The Wliorl In Wisconsin. The result of the annual Fall races nt;Janesvlllo, WIS., OcL 10, |g shown In the summary that follows; Out esUt-Ed. 8. Chaidi, Chicago, won; D. K. Van- wilt. BvanaviUe, second; W. 8. Kenron, Chicago, third. Time, tai. 23s, „ «u<mcr mllr, opsn.-WIII llowio. Milwaukee, won; F. k. Oasr*. Eraosillle srcdnd: E. R. uhurdi, Ciilcuro ik^rd. Time. Ttlii. and 39>is. The hnt heat broke the IfnVnUIt-A. DlngbfImer won, Pnnk t-Jtoon- Belolt sacons; Don Vanwari, KTsnsrltlA tblid. Tlm^ InU . Om muc apen.-W. K. Renyoa, Chlcago. won; W. B. Buger second, WtU nowie, Uilwankee, third. T1m^ im. sia .««iiUlo.-A. Bloli. Mllwankce. won: Fred Bnrgoss, BraairUla, second; W. B. Kenjun, third. Time, Im. ■Xs. ^ W. Blus, on Oct 1, rode one hundred miles on a tnovcle In the wormisiccordtlme of 4h. mm. W.<<s., a> Uenie mil, London, Eng., thus btt'lngbr nearlr twentrnlnnusihe perfnrmanco of Emoat uieele, at Painer, on Sept 20, lie begun 10 hreck the pre- vious records at six miles, and excepting at the tventj-thlrd, twenlr-fourth and twentr-dfth milts he created rmh records tor every mile to the thlah. MOKTi Soorr rode twenty-live miles against mne over the Flalndeld-Panwood, N. J., course on OcL 12, and iraa credited by the timers irlth completing the disunce In Ih. Sm. 2i;it., which Is taster Uun •he previous world's record for a Journey of that ■ength. The irlal was mado under the aosplcea of ihactesoent Wheelmen, several of whoso memhsn toot iB tlie ttaaoicap, Bcott going Horn icnich. l.A. rooLi and iL Uomnan did some record ^RiiS.iiJL'SK.S" slmultLvSSi" S? Pn? S!"*?.™*?"? " ten- don, Eng., Oot L aa chron ded elsewhere. Thav lodea taademiilorolednymllM 102h'»m ma. esUbllaUng new ncords 'frotn ttJeniyS milM up, Uiers not having been anr tuiem imi^s a&ovethlrty miles prsViirtottJlrISJm"!. ' TBI Rpxbuiy (Hais.) Wheelmen held their sn- S? »" ^'^^y attem„n Oct Sr^ilVJ "i?"" opposite the Forest Ulils Station. Mm. t«s.; d. A. Vlrkamper, 3m., second. The /a«t Urns prize wss won by Dany Gordon, who rode tromacrateh, completing the distance In r,m. vj. 0. Mabtiii had another try at heaUng the record tor asafeiy ride from London 10 Uath, Eoglsnd aud retnm on SepL M, and this ume he was succeifui, SSi'?.'' "Jl "*.."<?"'?»• dUtaui-e In Oh urn. 61s., thu barely beating Wrldgeway's record. W. J. KXASOH beat the northern record for twenir- foor hours on the road on Sept 2», when he covered !S,x mUes 00 the Uucashlre, Cheshire and Shron- shire nads. Bog. The weather was foggy and un- plesaantdDtlcg the nIghL WiLUAK R. UsNSBL, Of the lloyal Oanadlans, made an attempt to wipe out Dave N'astnltu'a rec- ord dgurei for the ride from Toronto to Kingston, Ont-i on Get g, and he aucceded, covering the l<3 miles In I3h. 3m. OuABLis 8. Wii,ia,acoordlng to a dispatch dated Oct 11, rode a half mile, flying start, piced hy tan- dems, at Agilculurai Pari, Sacnmenu, Ual-, Oct 11, In U.Si. Obobox Dinrr completed a distance of im miles 177 yards In a twelve hours' race at the Putney track, in London, Eng., on Saturday, Oct 13. CRICKET. Toar or th« BoKltih Auttleun. Tbe EoRllah uiuttun brouRbt Uitlr T«ry taccwlal toar to a doM tt L«w«U, Uiu., oo Oct t), wbtn Wnj «uilrdcr64ledtli« MuuchuMiiM flfteeo brtnlDoloit tnllSiuni. lB»ihlblUon |4mevftiibMcouineDc*0. vbeo Ihe BDilltta (Mm Morad 79 for ihs lora of *ix viefeeli, D* TniTonl ud WhitweU b«inB oot out wiUi uofMof Slftod It raoi rtipMtlvelr wbaa tho iiumpt vera dmwo. Tb» tMin xhnn JiibudeO, ftiutlorityui tb« pUjen l«aTlnf LovcU for tbli ciif, mm whsoce tb*7 tuiad lor BofUod Oct. 13. LonI llkfrke. accoin- ptoied br C. W. WriBbt, will tUU th» Won loaiei before SQiof boa*. A. J.u Hill ud R. 8. Lacu J ilcod a Mr hantioc party at TorcDto, One, wlitia U. R. Uo TftiTonl took bltwlfo and hii inter on a irlpihromb the UflltadStataa. All the plarereaipraned tii«BinlT«a btru plAjM, AOd wen nnanlfflniu in praliloR tUe luilj appraeiatad aad proiusa boepitallty aatoadeO lo t'.em dnriDi tbair brief tour. Fit« gana* In all wer* p ayed dariof tb« toar. throe of wbldi w«t« won oy Uie bngitnli amataon, wbtle two vere drmwo, botb beioK leit no- DoUbed OQ accoQQt ot ratn. Tbe drawn gamaa were vlib ibe New York and Canada, rain pierootiDK mora than one day'i play in tbe opening coatast wiUi ihe former team. Toe Bnilitb team twice declikreir do- f«et«dtbaitroD|C amateuralaTan ibatrepraeaoted Phila delpbla. a rasolt wblcb vaa uneipected when ibey ilrat mec Toair other tIciott waa icored oTor tbe aJaMichu- let'a dfteen, and vai the eooolading cuotaiL la the all ianlnif of theie Qtb gamea uo Enil*ib ama- teara Horad, with t*>e aid of eitraa, an axgrrgate of ijiA, glTlBganarerageofaiOiaio an looloir. Tbelrop- Knenu scoiad, with eiirti,Tn for the Iom of 81 wickeu tbtia guaea, an average of B 71 per wlckat. In ihoae Are gauei tbe eitna icorad by tbe Eoslieh team amoontad to lOP, and ihoea by tbeir oppoDeota u> fu. A. J. L. Mill la%da In baiUng, olOMly ivllovod bjr turd Uavke, L. C. V. Batbum aod U.J.ilordauDt. L C. V. Batbartt aptorM the inoet wioketi, and ran W. K. Whii' well a eloM race for the lead IQ bowling. Below will be foaDdtbebatUoc and bowling arerasei ol the twelve pUyen daring liie lout: BilTINO AVBRAOES.* BUWLlNn ANALYSIil. W. O. Orioi Jr., tha cbamploo'aioo, made Iti ruov, not out, In a wn* pLUWl BepL32aDil S3, at Heliaui, Koi, For four hour« be baUed without glvlnga chaaceagaioii lliebowllogor BiohaidMa, Broekwell and uiliora. Ttalt ff-rrbnninoa lllortfatae bow "cricket rune In famlllei." n liiiiidelpbia. Pa., elmttar loitaaoai coulil ooea be cited In the five broiliera—Waltar, Ueorge, Rliarlai, Daniel and Robert Newball. aod the Wiitar, Morgan, Tbayi r ud Bargrava famlllee. An aioiTKro oonnr took plaoe. S#pu 2L at fiortoo, Hau, the Botton taiui then deleatlDg the AnJover eleven by 51 to SO, tha lotala of the Orat IooIdk- Saundera bowlad flnely for tha loeare. captuilog eeran wleketa for 13 noj. AQUATIC. Tub stcoKO RACBof the series between the female oarsmen. Rose tlosenthelm, of St Louis, Mo., aud Time Asbley, of Uartfurd, Ot, came on on anuday attemoon, Oct 14. The distance wa« one mile sod a half, straightaway, down the Ulislsslppt lllver, from the foot o( Palm Street to a point about two hundred feet above Ead's Drldge, and, as on tue previous ocosslon, the Weslsrn sculler carried oir the honors, winning hy four lengths In the shstea time ot llm. 23Ks. There was an Immense crowd or people to witneai the race, and the winner was the recipient ot great applause. A RioDLAB HBiTiKa Of ths eiecutlvo committee of the .N'aUonal Association of Amateur Oarsmen of America was held at the Hotel Harlborough, this , on Saturday evening,^ Oct 13. The Vesper I Club, of Philadelphia, Ph., throngh their dele- gate, requested that the case of Edwin Iledley, dis- quallded at Saratoga, ba reopened, which request was dented. It being oltariy ehown that the uont- mlttee wet« right In the action previously taken. TAB Quaker Olty Barge Olub, of I'hihulelphia, Pa., held their annual eleuuon last week, at which the following omcers were elected for tho cusning year: PteeliMnt Alexander Urow Jr.; vice presi- dent, James U. Yardley; eecretary, Samuel v. Thompson; treasurer, Frank J. HcBeath; captain, B. Uarbey Mount; coxawam, B. A. Yamell. B. T. Lakuoaib and P. Sullivan defeated Starter Dwrer and J. B. Colllus In s match at live pigeons, Sltr a side, tor IWO, at the race track at Maapetn, L. l.,ooOoMa. Score, 3S to 31. THEATRICAL. (COKriKUBO PBOll I'AOK C ALIFORNI A, Los Asigeles.—At the Los Angeles Theatre "tJhailor's Aunt" opened Oct. 1 lo a iiacked boosa, anil aroiaiod good ba«loeas dnrlos ihs reraslnJsr uf tlis week ...Sanson's Grand Opera Hoose eourej epon lis career I, with "Ship Abor" as Ibe bllL soil baa •-fl. H. o " as a Bunar. Buileeu continued good dur- l» Iba wMk* »nie Tar and Tarur" lallie bill t-ia. Muasor A. W. Benson left for Ibe Kaat 10 to arianae lor lutnrw atliaouooa aod new pilnllni......Tb<Ini- oertsl Music llall Is provlOK a winner nolwIlIiilAndtng nnmeroDS counter sflncUons. and dsjorrei lis oopu, Isrtlr for tbe eseellenoa of the enterulonisnlorrereil. wVo{»-tS: Dellorelllo Bioa, Brsau Hfoc. AOdUHI.lers. Mnada, Juno. W. U. Ilulme, Bli. Loreiu, and Ttopreo SdOro. At tbe Bnrbsnll Tbealrelar.e audiences Si? UiiVule. "A UarkBaotel" was tbebll 1<, lo«elber with llTinc ptetuias. Bar Burton, aod Uis Araetlcui oirasir QisSat WKikot S;!! -irnlbls, the llomany OuMa-'udOnda rt»»b W.t'-on.nllellfor l^ieBaal 7 Tlie newspapera isport Cot Daniel Boone's sliow mWim atulhsaal The V<edlol^<>u, IS, wblle ni ronie "r I«aCOB claim ol $!.«», ss*f to U due II. F. Mo- auTUuiiormsr ouaaier of lie show. Ban Dls«o.-At Fisher's Opera Uoiise llicsn- son opessd wi"b • Cbarlt/'s Aunt" Oot «to blj buslneu. "In Old Kenl nctT" IS. ^ ^ NEBRASKA. Omaha.-At Boyd's Theatre "lloeh City" oneiied a three nlihu' eocsienisnl Ocu II, Ibise Cosblan !Xi.!rio ID 'Tte llostis?' II, U U Hossol's Om»- S?S"»i'i7. •j3i!««"S!did»f«d""i"";,"-jjiir. pla;«a loAir bo««e« U, U, U. ARKANSAS llotSprinffta—Attho Open llonM "Tbo llul> Ur" waB Men, Oct A. branaiidlenoo thataeamad thor eaghly pleasoii. Tbomai W. Keeue preetDiad * RiDhart lil"!^ nil ImperaooatloQ of tha ehanetar wmi eaty, ■rac«lnUoddl«siaed,and«oo iha MipfwlaUoa of bti Ma|1'*nca,thD»tarbelD|calla>1 baforw Uie carttlo at tbe end of »acb act Notwlthiuodlag thei prkae war* ad- vancad ooabelt, and PelU Biw.' Cimi «tvaao alUr nnoD and evenlot performaaea the eame dale, tha tran- dianwu graet^l bra large andleDca. H«mnun,the tn«Klcian, myatiaed a large aadieaca t. Booked: >Tbe TorDado"ls Kella Rroa.' CIttui gave two perform* aocee 8 to tremeodoni bniloeea. DEATHS I N THE PR OFESSION. CmRLn E. Wood, a veuian olroui man, died OaL4 ai Dlt home lo Brattlaboro, Vt, ireo dyeenierr- The d*. ceaeed wai bon June 9. IHU le UeotreTlUe. TL. aod le a latl avloced a eiroog liking lor aniniala. At tba age o tweir* be enured the employ of epaoear A EIngiley, who had a itage roou lo thoea daye from Brattlaboro to nrvsoQeld. lie moo drifted Into tbe ctrtoa bnaloeeik however, and wu with tbe Van Auburgh Aow from the time of lu orcaolutlon uniil It diabaadad, with tha ei- cepUoo ofayekr or Iwo now aod than, wbankiiottaarmui* kgerwoQld eoMaed ia eecdrloi ble earrloa^ BotVan Arabiirch would alwavi get him back. Wllh ihie ahow ba vae the trainer aod aaDaral manatar, bad ebarga of tbe traQipoTtailnnand laldoui tbeiontee. UewaiaptnoHr In Iha prufeulOB in tine roeniry, aul aa be poeeaeted a »tmag and pacoHar apUinde for tba hoaloeea, he wia the cboMo teacher of tnaov of ihe preaent dty «oeeaMftil eir eui men aod wae tba father of tha ctreue of today. He wai t<it eeratal yearn with P. T. Bamom, aad waa the early loatraetor of both Bailey and HniablnMo Prank Hyatt, at preeent tha maoairer of the Banum A Bailey Bhow, wta lotlmatalr aaNwIeted with Mr Wood lor olee- loan yaira. At the braahlov out ol tba War ol tha Ra- bellion Mr. Wood waa with the Van Ambunb Show in the Houib aod piloted It aeron the line Into tha North. Be afierwardi entered tbe Union anny and waa In the 4utr> termaaier'a dapartmeot at ForireM Mooroa. Dnrlug bta long period of elrcu' aad caravan life, when olrcoaeeltav- e)M entirely by vaiiop, Mr. Wnod acqolrad a knowlfdie of the Uoltatl ftuuii poaMeaed by but few. It ta aaU that lie bad been in every oontr Eaat ol tha Rocky MountalBi, and that In lonia of ine larvar Rtataa ba could accormiely ilefc Ibo the oourae of every blibway. Ileliedaaoudtrful Dieniory, and waa a kean obierver. Abont (IRean year* aco he retired from eircaa Hie, and had tram that lime iiiiiti bla death, made iile home with El Qor. U K. Fnller. whoae wKe wu a (kvorilo oleca. Ur. Wood waa never nierrled. Mr*. Fuller aod Oeo. J. J. Batey. a n#pbew. auivira him. Tbe reinalaa ware Ib> lerreil t>ot 7. lo Proapect Iltll Ceiiieiery, BraiUeboro. CiiinLis Y. 11. D CiiATTiRTON diad (let lOatPrintoo- on-Bea, Rog..rrotu cooaomotlon. Thadafaaaed.wbo waa iliirly Mven yeara of ag*, waa bom In thIa olty. lie wta well known lo theatrical eirclei and aaveral yeaia ago iTa« aliacbed to the baaloeaa (oroei ol Augoatln Daly, a ronltloo he (llkd lor two eaaaona. for tbepaat ili yeara ho had been Ueory E. Abt>ey*a privau Moraiil?. Laat June, on accAont ol III health, be led Mr. Abbey'aem- Eltiy and went to I.ondoo, Rng., where be bw ainea beea tialoeaa roaaager ni ihe RuJamaaTtiaaira. Hr.Chet- tartnn waa a brother ol Higoor Peragint (John Chatter- ton). Tbe luneral occurred (tat 16 at PrImioD oofaa. SimuHaDKOuR »ervic«a were held lo thie ettv by the Rev. I'aiher Ducay, who celebrated commemorative maea EnMi 0. lIuiHt'RT, a rarlMf performer, waa haraed to death Oct. 11 at Whue Plaiia, N. V. The deoeaivd waa a riieiuber of Liod'e IHujIod Co., a ifavellng ebow, anil waadreaaiDgin tba company'a wagon for tha arenloi'e pet roriiiinea when the veblole took Ore from an eiploalon n\ a Ke^ollne apparaiua, winch Prol. LInd wae arruglog. Th« roiina woman «a« hemmed lo by a alafi door tod waa unroed todeaih before abe could tMiaaenout Prof. Llod wai alao aeverely burned, but It le thought he wlU recover. Vkvu llCRdHO, the veteran nitoitrel. whoae death waa annouDoed la our U«t laaua, waa fgr aoue time Inier. locuior lor tbe old Oanicroai A Diiryfki.. In Pblladei- phiih Ka. Mr. Barter i>o»euad a powarial bete voice ami woo much prade tor bla aloglog. It ta aald thet no aaveral oocaaluna he nana before Prealdeou Van Boreo aad Polk, at private aaOlencea and by their eperlal ra- qoBft Mr. Berger oaji uoe ol (lie oMeet mtoauela In llie cnuDliy. lie leavei a wife and aoveral grown op cblk dren. Uarry Haumomd. a variety porfomier. lUed Repi IS ai hla homo In Eeat Hurry, Me., aited thlrty-alx vear& Tbe Ooceaaed bad tweo In the proleralon ilnee )k3J. lie waa with the lau Cnmlcal Brown'a Concert Co., aeaaoni of i(M9, I|9J and lAJI. Vox Uie paet Iwo aaa*ona be waa a meiiibarol Ihe AI. Manx Specialty Oo. lie oloaod wlib tbe laiter JuoelOoD account of 111 baaltli. Dot H*NOALL(0'ace It Olliford). a variety perfumer dledOet II, at herhome lo Rronklyo.N. Y ThadeoeaMd wae lwsnty*one veara ol age and bvl beeo oo tba itage fouryeara,beri]rittppearaiice having been made on a concert hall ataga at Cuney Uland. Inflamniatlon of tlie bnwalfl la girea m iho caute of ber death. Intarmant ■a^ III flreenwood Omeiary. TiiOHiB ti.RTANirA'.*, an ector. died Oct IS. at Mont- pelier, Vcfroni typhbid femr. The deceaaad. wbo waa tweoty-elgbt \ eari of an, made bla drat proieialooal ap- uiiarance in iPiD nlili John l>almoni'ii Co. At the lima of (liedeaih beheld tlie noaliionof leading man with the J O. Rockwell Co., with whicli organlaaiioo ha had baeo fs^rtbapaitniteeii montha. The reoialia wore aent lo Waterbury, Ut., bla noma, lor Interment PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAD. tffanU of Managare and Parfonnar*, Opafi Datfls, etc—Sea Advartlaamantii DllAMATIC. ".Vobody'i Claim" eao be bought Irom K A. Locke. "Rettery B" a new plav, which hav baeo prodaoei] lo Bn<ioo. la offered for lale by Roberu A EberC J. Walter Kenoedy la alarrlng In "Haiuaoo." a heroic pUy, with many etmogiltuatlooe. Time la now belag Looked. Open datea can be Alted at Hobineoo'a Opera Uoaee, f^lnclonatl, U. Tbe week of October tA le open. Jaraea K. Watte wanta reaerlory people Corabloatlona can book time at Oavla' rrhaatra, lMirao< toD,aDdiheB<Jon,BlngbamU.o. EioniaHlnclairaBd MaMar Bddle are at liberty. t'oinpaolea cao aecora time at tha New Opera llonie, ^Tbe we'ak or''j)ee. 17 li opeo at the llolllday Street Theatre, Baltimore, Md. . . . Dr. M. Campbell waouto bear Ironi Asdy Lewie and T. B Hrowne. Draniatio people are wanted by J. A.Taognay, I- B. LoiM, a A. dt Cyr, Praaer'i Oranatlo Co , Arthor Pbll llpa. Kred La \ auod, II. C. (llllurO, L. L nraeno. P. llulcbina, Oliaa. D. Ilanimood, llarrr L. Palmer, J. C. Hockwell, Fred Wllllama, Seymour. Htrattoo A Co , Chip- mao A Kyan, J. W. Macready, nianager. At Liberty: Oenrie Armi'n>ng. H. _ , Eamood. Belle llanderaon, MatiMe Ooodrlob. Allan St. . h. Kloiey. Ilarrr Jolio, Dick Qollier, Flora Htaraford. BobartHcOluDg, Kichard Brougbton, OlKTord, R. O., Ileovr II. WloehelL Membera of tbe Earle Company are called for raheanaL Libadle and Rovell waoi^ play. Jamei K. Uew waota to leaae an opera bouae, MUSICAL. U. Wltmtrk A Runa have tho grallOatJoo of aaalog several more ol ihelr i-ublloMlooa eDlorlnK raptdlv incraaaluK ponntarlty. 'Twn llaartq Will Beat a«Ooe," > lIcnMiiroilaUer of IflaFalber." "Three little Worde" and "Her Kyea Don't flliloe Like Dlamooda" are aao* cove*, aod can beordorfd for lOcenta each. 'Afif<r Nloe," Charlea K. llanU'leteat prodaollon La ruppltsfl by the auihnr. Sloe eitra topical vereea hive Iteeoadded by SJ. II. Boavnfeld. aod theaoogcao ba reo- deied bvtiiaie or female *ocallau. "Wbtle tbeUaaoa (lMaOn"laalioituoc«aalul. Tea canto aa«h to profea' ilooala. -Wheo VIolela Are Tliara," revlered with neat »»■ cen by Julta Mackey tn ■ Huperbk," la publlahed br Flao- oer'a Huaic Uouae Inr un ceoia a copy. It la aalu to l>e a vary eatohycobiiMltlon. *My lreDe''lNpub1liliedby WIIIRoaaliar. Annie Hart ha« made a big hit with thia aong Hong booba aro alao aonnlled by tliia puhliahtr at l^w pricea ■■When You Know the nirl Yod Love, Lovaa Tou" la (be catchy title of a verr Uhlag aong, pabllahad by Ppautdlor AOray. and rendered wlih great inoeeaa by aataral well koewn voealiata. J. Afdrleh Lllibey baa Inaugurated Ihe Orm ol J. AU- rich LIbheyA Co., aad ihay are publlabiug the taleet MinRa. 'Hnily'a the <llil for Me" ta eopplled for tao oonutopmfcMlooala. , ^, .w « -4.1114" fa a new pulley aoni lMu»d by the Coupon ''''ALlt°IeBowofBlu»."aungbya number of Inadlog vloiferm can ImnrtlKred fmm Ctiu. W. Meld, The OtlTT f>lt><iii Cii. advertlae llirea now aonia. W. b. i.*:evi>i4(i>l eauta an orebeatra leader aod mupl clana, ., , Ilarrr Pepper A r.o. liaro iiubll*)i*l twt new MOge. "ThAre'a a Hlir lu the flhy lor l/a All" le liluad by '''■■/iiwT^IV^n'l^ Trwe Frlenda," rang by Deleoe Mora, UaupDlljdbymaferAairdeoler. "A Kaiiier eIsOTe"li>publi»bed byO. W Laoe. Hurt Rluok waDtaarauaicaldlraoioraodcJioroiladlai. Tom Ceier liaa la^oe*! "Dofao'e Bicycle Ride " MM*lclabaare wanted by J. Cbatuway, L. W. Waah> Kennedy Publiiliinc Co. The Wi'Jmer SttRler Pab. Co. wiab artlaU to tend or call f"r their aonapiibllcationa. ... _ « ,, At Liberty* Win. Kaoar:. Freob P. Alti»rton. Moalclaa. Eii; ni. ileioat Uerl. Hert FotUr, Fred Whtllook. Croarr Brothara have laioed a number ol very popnlar comiMiaitlooa, wbloh are lo the repeitory ol many l«edlog 8lo;r.rp.a» ten ocnu per copy. ^ , _ J. H. Hcholl aupfllae aflne make of baojoa. ^ "My H- aetbaart of Lona Ago," wblcb <■ belog tang by Marie Warren, Je^ale Olllvier, Jeaale TllUra, Bmnle Tiiomton and Facoy Hlca.wlih great eue«aai, la laued bvtbeSprlngOeld'MnileCo.rortaa caota to pnfaaeloa- W. W. Delaoay haa a r.umber ofnaw eooR pablleallooJL The Enplieb Bong PobiUhlng Co. aupply oloe of ibe lai«n Loodoo aouc bit* at i«n canU ea«li. ' Nellie." aod the ' WLiie HUr Lloe March." are tuned tjy tho Brvoka A Uenlon Co. VAIIIETY AND HinSTRBLfl. Billy Voooglnlonnamanigereol tbe oileUnea v4 a tflini which boaayaaiepetfortolDgbla original Idea of aiiiualcalict ...» « Annie Hart an be eoiaxe4 altar Mo». B. „_ . Jack aod Roia Burke Id aboiingact eao beeogagad. Th« Canera can be eogaged to do tbeIr oew notl* "nlf^Flve Paitfoi' ad le eoderaed by Manager ttglli TbetreyeUDf bwUfeiaoeeaa, They can bt «BaHM< **UvlngPl«tora^** aa parfbmad bp DotIm A Rloa'i TrttTeAy Oo^ eao be booked. ^Jl^rta' tialaad poAtaa can play nriatrlWd other ^Bentle^ad nrara, nvaleal aoaadUai^ va with Oeorge ▼lolet Maeeotte eao ba eavegMI to prvdaea botleenoee ■lUar Broa.' tHonulavlthacaolar'e Lyeoam tbaa- SpMlalUeaooa book time at Jaha D. Loog'i rarfe Thea- tnkChleago. ((. II. BalebellerwaalaaombloalloBa aodpaople. , HI Ueory waalo u all r««nd property uil uaoeporta- sTamaaL leiwa bai eloead bla Aodtiortom lea Pal- aoa^ In Baliimorai, and will epee tbe Howard Aodiinrlu'n eaavaodevlllatheatraNoT.L Neit year ba wiUerect » eollralv oew thealta oa tbe *tta of tha preaent bonae, wtaieh wUIbaflmelaaa Itf araiT nrpMi,playloR combt. aoUona. Ume ii now baloi booked.^ Omeoa oaa bo aagaied (br oeraral open weaka llarvar and Pnoeaean t»angaa«d. Prof. Boeeh laacbae doMlnji aod mnalo. wlibelm, etnog matt, oan be aeoarad. (leo. P. HcRaon wrltee aoogii to order. At Uberiy: OUBaMwto. BaatrloeRmlth, PritiRmroeri, Htoeb, La Pehta Btoel, Hatter and WHUama, Talbolt aad Robloaoo. B. D. Oarcia. Kob-I-Baba. BpeolalUea ar* waatad by Otto Bebmhlt llarvrBf Uea- tar, Dr P. P. tllii. AI Mart^ Baokp MooauinOII Co., Will R. Col.>aD« AebtAD and lubn. Bly, W. RaoelU Browolea and Uardy, Dr. Whlta OlooA, Dr. 0. Hehaafar, Dr. Laoo Smith. The PePoreeetm daoeara, cao be eogaied. ( ^^rloaltiee and perfbnnarf are waoied by lleniy Llioh. Beo All'a Troopa of Araba oan be oeiotlated lor. Tbe Davlaeo are eaoeeaartilwltbtbetr new aot, "Jack o'Laaiara " Melville and Stateoo art doloi oew Imliatloni, eotttled *Ve«k aod Jill." Tbey oon ba angagad, *■ uia 1 _Hp*olalty acta era wutad for Tbaelra, inecloaul, 0. Poontain Si|uare rraofw. Naaoa wastaamoelealact, aUo an orolteetra laederfor'MIumpty Donpty. Prnt. Wantar'a tfoupa of trmlnad aheep can ba en* ■■l*<L lony Bmlth waata premier daoeert, alao eorypheea aod ■eoooda U CoaatantloataaobeaitagadanelDg. oiRoua. Run Brvtbera wieh lo eell aikd bar olrona property. On|. (1. v. Illllwaote trained aoimal perlonnan. Cbaa. P. Raed aad aoo, rMara, wIeh to aaoora eovaga- neoia Cooper ft Smith want einnapeoplaaDdihow pioporiy. Tony Utwaoda waota atnaatalaot. Jame* Dooono wlabae to bear from otreaa people. Webdi Rratben offer olreoi property for aal*. Orrlo Brethere are booklog Ulent ler Meiioo. AIBOBLI.ANBOUM. Atiractteoa oao boob time at WlUleraa Opera llnuea, Waldo, ra.: Colombia Opera llouaa, Wauaau. Wla ; Orand Opera llooea New Madrid, Me.; Mooodavllle. W. Va.LodteB.P.O. B. Benefit; Haw Opera lleute. Hen- ologtoo.Vt; Plketoo Opera tlouaa, PIke'oti, i).; T«iiii lloion opera llouee, MootoutivlUe. Pa; Qnora lluaae, Jeaoetta,Ph; Opera lloueo, Aamoaol^a. N. Y.: Jarvia Opera llouee. Latham, 111.: Opera llou'e, Haoiitogfoo, W. Va.; {himeD'eTheaira.MaDeheetar..N. II. OoupoB lieketi eia. are tupplied br llbier Brotliera. Otio AebroMtwIitiae to book tba Midway ai Utre aod tipoait For G Anlmaln, b^ Baory.fl, Rtaolea and W. A . . __, aoakeab] bora*, by B. P. Tic; aara, by tl. W. Beniley Cooillni'b'lobVby dao. baa u^Holoieaj. inwlirloeout' flt« by Prof. P. n. Itioe; aaaki - - - by R. A. Kenoady: Uiok uotiL by B. P. Beyea. At Liberty: Uerrr O. De Moth, egaot Puncb Wbaeter will beraaltar be known aa I*. Htndcaui Wheeler. Jaaobe Rrotliera are meetioi Iho damaoil for Winter oloihee with low flgaraa, aod good malarial and work- Murray * Co. deal lo oaovaeea, el« New aad aecon<J baod unij aod aaate are promptly euppllftl. MartiokaAOe napplyahidowgrapha. triokn etr W. II. J, flbaw will laeoe hie oew eatalogoe Oct 33, not on iba lAih, aa aiated lo ble card. RliaanoD. Miller A Ciana, whoae tra<le loark la fa* miliar to all proleaalooal paopia, oarrr a full aioeh of all apportaoaiieea foraian aod ring uee A calalngua la aant by them upon application. P. IT Wolf fbralahea irea aevnerr. Uohlnnlth auppUee flrtt elaaa tninka lor ali dollar*. R B. Price oJere a theatre lo Brooklyn for root. WOIfDBn WOnKRRII. —( IIAVR ii.rai WORTH ol hSx>ND hand MAUIOAL and JUOdl.KKH APPARATUB FOR RALK. I waQt tn buy BI,OM antUi mora, Baod for tha lateet triobe ami aeeret*. A<Mrew TIIK ORBAT IIBLMR. WB Walker Rt . Mllwanb ee. M i>. KOn HALB ~UU HAdlCAL lAVnilT. HHA.N|> NBW. FOR figiL OH WILL BBLI. TAHtsKH t)It HBPARATB TKlTiKH: A1.40 ALL KINOH OK JUU- QLIWU UOOD^ OUEAP. Addreaa ORO. BUff. TolMln. O. WANTBD to hear fmm Andy Isowie. Mgr. The Wey ol the World to., W.T.B Browne, Mar Altar ll&Yaaraul Rlavery. Write me at once aod aend route llav««at aeoood-baod opera ehaira for aaU. I». H CAHPHKLL, Maoaner Campuell'a BmolreThyaifo, heirnit Hlrii PHOPESHIOMALH DKSIHINO U(H)I> HOAHO and pleaaaoi rrwima can fln<i i*te atnve at HfiH. LI/.- ZtB OLABV'8, 157 Eaat TwelHh Rlreet. N«w York. aKRTOIIBH wniiao etieap. Hand autiip lur prices. HAHBVriBrfOKRHON. LBnCoeareetKl .lAnlBvllU, Kr. PLAVH written reaaonable. Hand atauip (or Uf rii*. llAHRYllBNUBBBOH.I.PIOeogiaaaat.LouiiTllle, Ky. OLD PLA Vn made oew. Rend atamp lor eaUiiiaia' llAHRy HBWDHHBOK, l.tOaCooffeaaHt.. toohritla Kv. VARIBTV PBQPLB waniad everv Hat nleht oommeoclofKoT. S. Fourth eeaaon; ar ' yon get It. IlUB BURKAU.AOnartHt, 'oorth eeaaon; amall iood«v, bul KAU.ltfOnartHt.. Rnarno Maa#, ATLinBRTV.'B'H'HA HINflLAIR'ANO HAHTKk EDDIBBINCLAIR. HTUOK OO. PRBFUHRP.U _ 4tOLlPTfJH PLAOR Jer^v Cjly. K J- PAkliOR AMD PAKLOH HLKEpIMI riAltri.^ OPFKR tTiX MONADOH PARLOR^ ANU I'AULOH RLBBPINU OABH RBMAININO UNMOLl), al||bt In ell- at prieee radtcod U to U per ceat frnm loiinariioota- tlooa I bava alio eli Bieoralon Ar Pemlly eara. (I. W . B EKTL ET. iS Hroailway. N. V. UOLDgMltll'II.S Ih Aea. a B < «tst at. N. T._ l'BHiA?tS*o4AlR*Smsfi&a'«.*''Adrtres!^ rHBDHBlO K MAVWABD. H But IIMhKt.N 1. "wXRfS'tfTfASoitXSA iirmttCKrliSr auu price aaloUiar eanilciUi*. JOHN E. HHKNNAN, U> West »Ui HI,, N, Y. WAIIT£i> duiUiC, KinalleDsTEeallnii l«lt .nli aJuTsntla udy iTlialcaa sloi prsferredl, Kapenolre t»r three to els ol oar ova saocaurgi ptata. Jur.plle Men that ean slDf end plar plaao preferred. Must l>e Lsdirs aad llSDlleDien, Kood vefdrtttie. •llllDi to vork Inr sal- aries Id keoplDi alth Uieea herd UiDes, bat uust lia eag- able At people. Answer ouleSj staUng Invest pnssilile saUrr. Wa psjespeoses. OlIirMtN A HTAN, Amsrl- can Tb.atraflo.. Latonta. W. II. _ BKNRATII TimAir triLLnLOHKllUT. IK. OnUialHar 7 bales orpapemotisr aod I barreleof told aod sIlT.r will be «vin to ths poor, (looijbr nolll tlio ItutiSDe aesi as alu. irStL, 7* 3alM tllTH, »6 a-kMKKKf rUTH, pnh gUHLKBgUHHIIUW look tetUrsdl, all lllEo; also750 food llthoirnpbs. Impnotoa toponl.. Inr Kinnr llalll'.o.;jBit 110 lele Uie let, - " " ' Main at., NoiUi Adain., Haas A. U. NlClltllJI, m K, ..■0,U(>UI>YBHriAflLl!(XI)ITIIHT1lll(II.TllHAIi|t(IHST, one doloa tao or more tune preferred; atat. tneesi salarf and sIlTon eaji aod will do Address DR l,Kf)N H«I TII. P. II. Bel n\ Wa sM nalon. l> 0, ~yikk'tt,'0, SKSiEu# klX MtwuiOYiJftT BS OIIBAr. ilBKU IM^HXtr, DElSWIPrlON ANI> LOWRHTPmn g. AddreeaBo s S», All/sof. N. y. "iK'BTtiiTica, HONO*. cutntUntN, iiirii. I.KIKIUEN WItlTTKN T<) nHllKB. Hanil uailll>, JUHKI'll KEH^K ": : yalrmu nt Arani:s,_Phllsdslplils._ "WU tt-rmiAT u.vb r, KiiR AifiSTCrrtK ctT, Partonnerala all braaobes; laallotnaalirdeportuitnt as- Sooted sod total absuioare; stau ssscUr what rou eao oakd lowsitBstarrwithImrd aniltraoiporlatlun. Pr.fl. Be lisalTer, Pswsee Med, lie, I7t --t.f li m.Vhll a. m WANTBD, TO UUV l.ivfc A'nTAaLM allKinim, huht sboiiIiap. OHRIINtroon flAHIIEW. Paalr..' Islsnd, U.liia, TiTilcm, A[TiAHk BkuiiKiN. siNkCKNT IIAOII, so stV|,K<<. HBNUaM. rilHlfAllpUH. II ABHy iXsnK. aUp mce Wissl Phltad.tphla. I'a. ~"OQNlivnri6oKK"-AIIOM'AI«TI«:iliiH'li ronSOIf OUAMA. shtill easL Ats.j olbsr (;oraediss, Dramas, at«. Boltalilaloraiocli or RapertoirCoinMal,., Hand etanip lor rumpleta llaC AdurMS BOI «0. ISTStli Araeua. Kew yoili (lllp. WAMi'Bto, Two Uood HadiolaaTalaels auDlaalo. Ist, ConediaoB, Moslclaoa roaob and Jedy, V.nlrlln. nulsla, aosf and daaea, able lo cbani, prnarsmms sis olabu lo week. Halarlss aad hsa. In Orit letur. halarr low, boiasr*. Will telefrapb on reealftt of lattar. Ad- dress wu. BENILU TUllaIn Wresi, Llill. Hiks, Aik, OuAlT. 'SeMribe^r^uUy and live price, which noM ba low. • ' ' 0. u. KiBHICH, Atarsli, Mich. O'lollei Gompoeoraod Airaogar, tod Wife, Plaolat now wiib Heodeleoba Opera Co.. wlab eqiaamant Up in variety aim. Addreaa, cata of BKHBBN8, OoiaLa and Boa tb Tea ea La nd Oo.. Ilwiiton. Tei- PUfl. II. IIATflll. ltstlaelia WIS. 'MfAtPfiar^k UaiI illt.V-\>bSm k rim CLAW SOVKVtl ACT- Tboso dolni Iwo toraa prsfsrmd. aiaio lAwast salarr Brat letter. Atldrese AI,. MARiy., Beat Blndie, K. II., " , OcL », OreenTJlU II, prefsrrwd. AI,. MAR. Wllloa.a. _ * p. LBABT, 410 Weet iileUH. B. T, IIURBMKR'H OPBRA llOVSB. THBBB OABB, VTm. KewlwAta; eeating oapaMty, ttb; eteaant lUga and eeenerr; ropulaiion of lowo, lOtl^ vflh a mod ettuniry ol 0,010 to draw rh>m- FOR OPEN TIME addra*a WM. BRBMBB. <NK A CO^Wbanaa iba ^ '^'Kuliui _, parioereitip liaretoiute aiiinlog betweao Qaorga L. Kleok aod Arno Dley, under ibanm name of OforgaH. Kleoh A (kv.bM h»aailluolvati bv tbedeatb of Oaortf M. Klenb, ai>d iha bu'ln'aa la to ba rontiooed by aM Amn Hiey, theaurvivingeoparinrr loeetd Arm, r"* Wherta*. Ibe eald cnpartneiabln bu tn . btiBioau to ihie ataie lor a i^eilod or Araioanaod ap- wanla, Now. therafor^ I, the aQdnT«i«ned, Arno Blay, da bara* br canity that I am thi* poIh i<«rena Dootlaiilag the om or, and now Otalinv ami liaroador tu deal ooder Iha tfia oaaia of Ueoria m. Kienk A Va*.; and that my plwaol abode and prteolpal plare of huMtneaa ata at No. HI Bul Twenty-ktnrtli Hirt^t, tn Uip iMty if New Voik. Dated Hew Vork, October latlVt. ARKO BLST. Oily aail Conniy nf New York, aa; On tha lai day nf Ortoi>er, iwt, befbra me pareooiUp appaarffl Arno Blay, lo me known in be tho aama parUR deacrtbvtl In ami wlm eiocutnl the futavolog eartlB* cat^ and he duly ackuowMgnl tome thai beaxacalad the aaua. wri.i.fAV nnLDRTiaKBR. _ Hillary I'li hllo. New York tTouoty. KOii fiAXlic'—OliM Ti<i<e. i;ane, mlvora, bbede^ Birda, Fruit AiMiiiala, Peos Notwnrk, Wlor>,Ulaia Ba< r[tavlna. Hmnoth anti Rough FIrea, averilhlng oaadby kOoyiiUaa Hliiwora: oooharge forcaaea or cartage V. RIUCA,!«1tlreiMljMrMt_HiooklyQ.VT. ~lFHfR HAhK. A~VK|IV HTllO.MUriMAink- TIONAL OKAMA. wiihiwi»Tv* atrle«ai apeolalplotorial B^^•^ for Biw. inrimjinir ■—* - * — IIIM A. CLIFFUHO, «« reiilral I'ark WaaL Www York Olty. IVAK'rRi>. i-'oir NrkOi^V-iTbAH MCi^ DRAMA. Leedtna He<. ll<<avr Wiiniao.Huubratta. Lead, I'roiiarty Man to lUivUe Hc«ii»ry, Heavy Mao,other pa<h RIe, l4ilrrianl*t.allu«i|iiiit Agen*. l.nwe*iaa)arT. pbm j»e,jo ifr-t Mtiir. imiii V I. 1 ' AI.MKittMaivern, Iowa . l-0>fPfriCT'il'Mwirrliii> Hh^iw Uutllt ULe SUM, ft A Tenu. Kleva e<l Heau. Ml I'eoplf roriahle (Uaie.Uur* lain. Pole*. Cola, Unir'*. kIa . fItiK No further uae fbr aania UoIdk abwaiO ni uur I'loatitia 0|s«ra Hoat PROP. tHAHK H. RlOB, Kilen. Mil*., earent xtoui Hrd. t'o. HOMO A!iir»A:4riii1.Ai»vlVANTS GOOD I'AUfKHIt ATOMOkUAl.KOH KKMAl.K. _ K MONTKI.I^A.jn N_Tw#mh^T*et I'hiladelpbia. ViTAN'V'Kli. lur the TomlloiHin OpVra lloua^ Moo* touranlk, I'a . KHhl one iiipht auntl, alw repertoire Co. All n«w, MAk nntah.ijiftrA chairs, alortrlo liaht aoatloi eapaolly I'Ai, aUite nifK. ooinlnrlahle ilraaaloa rootui, H(vnvry ami aiaen axiurwa ritinpUle, I'Diinlatroo LODD, Aililreaa .1. A. HHOOlim, ii\ K<.nili^t. WilUaiiiiportPa. 'poii f*AlfK, iMitmrKh ■i ii'K"*'nHnAR. babV nu;K, HTIIIKlNil MACIIINK. LtllilTri, I'AINTINUB, BTt). Hl'lltn anH Hroa^way, HI. iH'Uti^Mu. ' FOli HAI.itr—tiliHT TRlT-k'lMiMHKlVlMlDkfW, ll.i* hauile, llitlit ire>*. rorfrclly aonml, iloea Mahotnei and other flr.ii wiirk. flM). no le<a. i)iilck. K P. VIO, 31 »Uratii)(a Avoimo, Ituoliralor, N. Y. P. H—I'arttee to* whom 1 «nnl phriiiB. pliMi*n nsturn wMltniit Im uhle. ~ciT^iioMKTWVi~tioiToKi*^^ KHTV, r.tiwrietirril ami tollable, itral elau refereoeea Addro** U VHWl AN. V9rtlh Avunim. Milwaukee. Wla. ' \VA'NTI£I>.— An'r^pf neiicwl mnhriiie l«olurer. ttaa thnmitgtily nil In hUltueiiiPM HaUry u<kmI In rightotaa. Aililre*a. with Inwa't t«riiia. Itr.ll ll.ll«tDli.Harloetle,Wla " WAN'rKU.a—**>MioK II llaictiiiiat aii<i viiilln piayer. One wpaMe III tMitina viiibII band and orebeatra. MattIa Uownle, Arriiia the I'laliia rn.. HApapra'o^n. I'e 4» I' R N T I dl •<:,->jkAM(«kT<l'lt Ol»fe1ltX HilUMK. JKa.NNKTfK. I'a I'npulatiuii ufUtwn and ear- Toundtnii*, lrt.iilit; en main lloe Fonua. H. II.; M mHai pa>t lif I'lliaWurg: .V iiiIIni weal ol Jnhnatnwo, ftod IB uillpa ninth of MoKon>|iiirt—nine nf the laneat glLJv hituaaa In Ibo I'. H., ami all working. WrIU or wire, WM It. H HIIf.MA M. Mann er. iVANTlKriy, lll.'lir.K^unK' HliKt.K>1J|iK ill'iflltR HrK<ITAt:UI*AH A.\0 V.\|;fiKVII.I.K 41) »> A NI KR. Ad. lire*- ' lUHKIMATK " Avrt. Tliealj^e. H rmifclyo. W Y Isl'I'IIOH, ilAl.r iihNr.'Hiiiiii kl ivi'itia inreanplef (I. l.tlM. I.HlMInnarn-RMrBfl. I.<ml-vlllii. Kr._ SOUTHERN VARIkTY IGENTS, TAKE NOtlUiE. WANTED, FOH THE STAQE, A Few SdeclGeniwB CREOLE or OCTOROON 6IRLS, With natural lalnit' fnrninalna itriil lUnnlng. They niaai hm yt K, Itnel) >l.i| «n.l nf KTIIIKlNll HKAUTr. Kine vtiarini ii>r rtytti raiMi*'. ami lllwral pay to aienie. Kiirwatil |>lit)lo>4 III Hudia uUh lacn plir>lii4) with lolj |iartlriilai> In mw. wfnnlil, vkIi-h aMi laUnta, and iiiHnilun I'roTiiiiiaMaae eiji*ri«nce. t( any. Muit have i:u iiltlrullini iMtiRT^liiiif. I.<ini;»>ntraci. Addreaa i:. A- KI.HIKiN, S. V. I'iiii_ninrii Nrw Ynrk. A HIGH CLASS COMEDY OR PLAY: ALSO MANAGER To Aeal«l lu la lllff City Prod ac I Ion. LAHADIK A KOWHLL, Tar* Ac<>ie<''-aliitilnvrA.. OwntMo. MIth. OOMl!:i.>IAIV WANXisli Whil can (In aoToral at^td aria, rhange huame^a fur tbraa nlilila. aad put tin arte wilh ■iri*ll en Ho tiobtan^ QlgAr* elie nunila. lailv k|ll*r#, nr<r hialirannMl apply, (m alao Uia V.AKYVi. hKKmi TKAMM, HimiDAl. A* T, Kle..wltb III)- Nisrf. 3 aiiil 3 rM. Halary iiiiiat hn vary low. Work the yrar itiimd Inr mmi isaoiilH. Tlin*n playlni plana orgao, iir violin uivrn |.rKr<irenre. AilHraa« KUHKRTIIYDK, Prntiirtler llytln'^t'oMinU (:ii.,Murria|itBn, Ind. Heaanliln Kiank llainra _ Bis OliAiaoe. Pirtntr Winlad, it Onca, wllh Imill CipHil in^ E>perl«iicg lo Run i Fareo Comedy Compinir. 1 f'Wn the I'lay sliil lia.s all spMlsl prlntlnf asu tuts el It. iialil lur. Ttf a i£o«i'l man I •111 kIt. a liall Inlsrest rer WANTED TO JOIN AT ONCE, A 6000 llEPhllTOlUR t.KAIlleVd HAS; niuat lie an eB|s«rIeBOed aDiiir, with waidrnlio. (ntiar aud reliable. All week Biamli'. Halarle* Inw tint aure, unce e week. Manage iiioot pava »iMenK»«. Hulo lnweat aalary lo Oni letlnr. AllltiUnTa ariairariiil. Huat Im raa-ly to |olo at once. Aildrcae J. it litil.'KWKI.L Manaiar, Itnrhwitll'a llraniaUrj!o , llar'lwleb._Vt_ Animals and Tent For Sale. One Ocelot, a Irtauiv. t»: ••ne Barlfary Apeflarge) tap; Pair Vauiiiirna, TIkm r«Mika'(Hfe. BlI. (laiiTaa, BO t>y h). tilt, walla, Po-aa Hitpnis, HiabM, ele , all lo good mo* iJitiiin. cuBl tia),%lti)li»ym It: ilan a Una.llHbt two borM i:aga, nearly n«*, r„ai tUi\, inr tlW. Addreaa K I' IIAVKM. Ifa^ril VrK.Ht, Haverhill. Maaa^ M A <3r I o ; Jnat out fiotubar Hlnck HlinoU No A, cnrilelntng a hull sit now big hareilna In lln* new aiiil aacond hand appa* raiiia rnul fma. ruitiplat* raiahtiueol overlOOetan* daril and unw f r'rba. lOe A. IIOTHKIIKIUrH MAOIOAL APPAHAlOH.aft N iTIark St. rt«i 1 nilraao. ML I mi. Laitiio. Stands. fooil rvAillnK lustier sml f I li*r Baiii|flS(ir 14 sheet staod In ryiliiia:t .laivis, 11-. 11 .laiKls, f7: I>,a3:a,|l<. Ml- TIIINAI, MTIIII I'll., m N. Hniiod HI, I'jiihMl.^phla, FARCICAL OR 'LI6iit"C()MEbY. Til" CIlW KNIII.IHII AI.THKHMSWOLI.II I.IKK KNOAdKaKNTIN HKI.IAULK l.-imrAKV. lIllAIIAI.'TllIt i-amth. olu WOMKK. bti;. _ II. ll.ciieiiflll.lI'l' KII. ANNA HOUSl WCAGO, ILL./ NEAR'ALL IhfiairM, r«>r (Hark and IndianaHte OHAH. r.HAHMBY. MnoeKer,'oriiiarly Mr wick lintel, I'lilladelpbia, aod H'.uOi»rn (liiic'_f:Mc*r^ ^^■iv^A anil any hiiMidi muBicarrtngad aod ^■■■■lll^B ooni|H>ji««j. Kmall a»nga et reaaoo* XlllVlaX «t)i« rmiM. OrlNioilBooga,et«.,wr(i* BjlllVBIIJ UD. Tahnii ilitwn. HoOMalaOfbt WW BIWW A. HKIHKIIT, ST7 K . loO i Wt. V T. AyATEURS, 2'LADIES, 2'e'ENfLEMEN, FOR IKKIU CimPANY. Aaililllun anil sbllltr lo lur. el cnnssiiu.n'-^ tlisn prsrlons amateur etiierieoea, Kar.i S/lr.oce-l A diliim lI'lX A. 1.IWM At... lleT Tom. AT LIBERTY, FOR FUNNY OLD JAY PARTS or iilfl mno, iMMt soasfin plars'l Ksr. Keodairs part with .u«'«u In - A Pslr nl Kill., " Ill •eebe. Addrau llEMgT If. WINOIIKI.I,. l.m Kast Stii HL, Kaa.aalMtr, Mo, Wanted, Repertoire People, Gentlenen TO nOUBf.K IK BKAMH: alwt f\vu mA Toba for b404 aod o ffheaira- J. W . MAt'llHAiiY . Tamagoa, Fa. NEW TRICKS. Lilait brapUB Nniltlii. Metie,8eooodmgbtaed AnnnpinlaalUoi, BandiaeoU er oew OatAtocoo: 10 cauta (or eompleta Uala: aapoataia. W fl.LHKiiy. IffU'wirt Wr—I. ■twteo,Maea WovMUketo Bin 12 orIA LiDglhi of GIreat KKATimor luUarliliili. Also "l •, aiaU loaall prita, II II, I.IVIMIHUI.IIL a;'»r.ijlAHI<,V IKl U-' K lIlhaiHUili A »e N. Y, Oltr. ForRtDtBi Ihe Night, Wtik, ytilli or Sn- rg:FH^i^j''A'!!'r:'/aV^\'L','r;,?p»°»oW^i; BAND HURW. 17 Xn: M. If Ke«lr). O, ». A. Oo., 2ni HI J.mM Si. Moplreal. Oae. SHAW'S -^''''-""i?-.'*'"'' fKeelicsou- Dm e4.