New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. OOTOBBK 27. 1 n« "Bt w /Of loait—Fop Ony. UB, z^lgklBio 1I%0. W*»*r,Tt/tiaUiiri1. TlDt.l*J»}£ TblrdTM* sriT*Ivlaop—LttMrtlD*, IfD. MMkllD,«T«D. voo; Tlia Kwnr. 119. Our. ft U) X ueood: redftwiw, lOL Baritr, |^1|lbfrd. Tlm^ IM^ Konrib rtc*-El^t «od -but mtloon-D««r«t, m, o. Web«r. . _ " Mllk^ 101, Cboni. U to I, tMODd; CommluloD, tiMLWla l.lhtri. Tlm«,J:ftlM finh 1 U> L wi . _ ulOD, IM. b ^ . ._„,:ftlK »inii rM»-FlT» JB|^—fro«l4,1% B. Tftf Inr, 10 (A I, wod; AvMatArt, A UwdBir, to to (, MCood; MIm Yoaog, 100. Qioro, B Ulrd. Tim*. lAX Slilb rtco-fUMplMliM, in »nr»»-8ir O*oni«, ID, (^whran, ii) to l,«oo; LaXfll,l&>tfro«D, B 10 i.Mcoad; C»Ulo Amomp, (^••y, 710 a, third. Tlmo, S:»)£. - 0«t..lS.-Firat ne«—all lurlooii-Miu Bowtit, 100, a. JlAVlL W10 1, woo: H»rdnn P«i. 107, CrMtr. 10 10 I, ,MWBd: Tmu Hfty. lOS. U'llftrft.6io i. Uitrtf. fim*. 1:17 flKOOd ru*-Ull6«Dd ID tlfihUi-Bobollnii. M. K. ^«aoa,lM l.voa: V«D Zuidt, lor. U. lluMlon.SJ tol. •HOBd; MoDUll, 101, Tubtrvillo. 40 to I, Uiird. Tine, llMJi Tbirtf rM«—Hli rurlooii«-rop any, 10}, ■LMfD. i 10 voo; Loiiio Mini, iM. tfaeklio. 4 u> i. |d| FrftDlftToli, tn, II. DATII.M to l.ihlnl. Tint, Poortb rBC4*^aB mlli ud to olibih-PoreT, V«Ofr,lto 1. vod; lltwihorD*. IM^ CaI||Ii.7 lolO, ■mi: Brftottui 101, IrrliiK, 12 to I. Uilrd. Timo hWi riru rse*-rir« iDrloDRi-Uo L«b«. 101, U W«b«r, I .to % woo; Dick l)>h»o IM Ut|ti, Mcond; Wo- ok. 07, E.TA7lor, 13 to 1, tlil <l. Tlmv. I:t3,<i Hillli ir—< H»« farloiiK4-W«rroo l.»l&ad, lii7. (»iorn, Ift to 1, il lAOlodo, 1U7| L«lsb, B lo 1, rtenai; Hltnooi, 110, TO,TU)W.tliIrd. TliD*, l;IC>i. Uoi. IC-Fint roco-FlTo farlooRH-Ur. Joboioo.llO, MfDoraolt, 7 to 1. von; Tfid Uegr, llooM tu I, MooDd; Jidfo r««t,110, FirM0i,8 to t.tblnl. Timo,l:i3 iMoad neo-0li rurlooRa-FloDvoMr, lui>L J'trvoo, •too, woo; FaUio.V/ Ki uD.d to l. Mcood: Joiaborp, Bi,llanbjJ6 lo 1, IhliO. Tlwo. 1:17 Tbird rui- OBOiDUt-Poneo d<Moo,Sr,Ne«rr,*J to 6, woo; Ardi* Mibop, 99, Otinr, t in a, Hocnnd; Toiiimr Bropbr.», WlfwOtt to I. tiiird. Tiiot, l:liji£ Kourih raeo—uii ts'M!*-t\\trtm 100, K'rorad, « in 1. won; Looto, lJu, Bro*D,4101, Moood; <jd«runiiuiflr, loft, Btodsr.b toft, Uiid. Tin*. 1:17 fiiib ruo-Pour ud • half fur loofi-lMoluDlo, I'ooilon, orvo, woo; Hirr U..9\ atmrw,^ in 1, toooBil; FroilCMniaLui, U». Koorad, <to IfUlid. Tine,0:ffi. Ott. 17.-Plril neo-Flr* lurlnofli -RoDAro.Ill, Foil»r, 1 U &woo: LltU* Chorllo, iVft Klai, la lo l.HKond; noluvfty. 100, Uurpbr.fl to I,third Tlnie.hub^ OMOnd n«o-BlK rurlonptfr-lluiiJoter, lo>, Pinwu, iio L woq;OU*tT9ll, lUft. rirnn, 4 t'l l.A*o«Dd UloronlAlo, m,Kiaf,U to I.Uiinl. Tioi*, 1:17>< Tliln) i^m-~ poo ud ODO-KliUintli inil«»-Al&mBD, 102, KliiiD, i to .Vlivpbi'',7'to I.Uiln). time, lifiO..'..I.FnurUi rm— mi »Ddft bair laTlooi»-F4fID, 101. iterbUf, •r«o, woa; ,n*w wHwiataaifi ■«(^~ntmiii«u, iv', ri/iiw, « h Lire«]^PirUo Cbltt,yj,|iMrjr, 4,lo l, lecnod; JulUL ais . , QMOod'Or, IDl. Browo. Ift to 1. ■eeoDd; Trftiior, 99,KlDt, ■ 10 1, third. Timo. 1:23 Fillti rtco-llftir ft rollA ■■nwD.n, Now/.d (o I. wod: l)Kf llovird, W. Hnrpbf, t to Lwooad; rtrooa 11 Ollr. 91. Flroo,! to l, ibii«. TlBO.DJO. -Otk It.—FIrtt r*c«—Plro fbrlonKO—Jiok WfonoJOS, Mm1ot*,6 to 1, wuo; Lur*, 100. llurpbr, OTM, iMOid: JcnbHTi ICO; Bro«o. 6 to 2, third. Tim*, 0:6e... .Rooood '— "^lE forioap-JobDnr, lUU^ Rurbi4/,T to iU,woa; r«r«as 101 MuloTO, 1) lo I, aecoDO; Tloift, 101, Paneoi, M to I. third. Tlino, l:ieK Third ne«-8li aod a half farkoii-Praob IL Hut, 10^, Haolova,! toXwea; ■»»l,0«tt»loQ,Bi>tol, third. Six latloif^BalU Urackhuro, 10l,liurphj, 9 to I, woo: Onad l»ni. lOd, U. L*mi». i to A aeeond: B»ilr ' alol.thlrd. Tliu»,l:i5K. Timo. l:ai£....roarUi raca- '"' .M\k\ ' ' ' ' . . 3nd: MCorbMr.a lo 1,third. Tliua,i:i5K foarMMl a,half fariopxt-^Ur. JobaMn.WSi.i;orbItf,3io 1 Kroiloaorot i, woo: ll«a|ainiQ, 9i, Muruhr. ovto, Hcond La*a,ve,OuorM],8tul.Uili<l. Tiaio.U:MX OoL l9.-Fimraco-Hli ruiloOfla-OtD'lTtn, IMJiram, ortD, voa; Uaodovor, liA, ilnrblty, C to 1, tecniMl: Liuic ^laTO, 101, Par«oo, ») to I, Uiird. Timo, l:i7K Hcc' «ttdrM«-flTa/urioof|i-K«gio, 1(D, Cnrblo7,oioft, aou; PIokavAf, 10, Uondun, 29 to f. Mooud; Uuitaok, ItU, Fll» iimmoBii to 1, tbtnl. Time, IM. Tlilrd rtoo—One BlIo-lC*/ W«Ki, 100, Harpbr, 6 tn a. woo: Hed Riar, f7,-Heiluan, 2> to 1, eeeooO: Alootu. V9, Corbter, 8 lo 1, Ihlnl. TioM, l:i4 Fourih raco-nii furtnofa—Koo' ta*hr Ltd7, IW Konrad, 40 to I, *ud ; Maaon. m, Ultlre, 110 l.tMood: lladem, lul, rifle;.even, tbin]. Tloie, 1:17M I'lnli raco-llelf mlle-Verona II, flilj, U, Hoaubaa. 8 lo I, won; Hen, D>, Curiiley. S to 1, Bocood; U'lrTaicher, 96, Bnwo to lo 1, (litrd. Time, Uok it>l—KirM race—SelllOB, pume UOi. Are furlonffi— Dofffttt, HKI, Oogceti. t to I, drm.; HutQclent, UU, Uriiltn, 1 to ■aeond; BMureRtid, Bl, It. l>«RKeit, A f> 1, tJiiro. Tlno,141,V( Hfcnnd raoe-l*urMt<iJO, one an>i one- ■IlloeDlb iittleH-Doclare. 110, Hi int. 1 to2,Urtt; Liuie, aKeaie. W lo I, aecena; (laUileo, 110. I'oon. 3 tv I. rd, Tima,l:AIJi Thini nce-8«ll(DR, purie, |ltt^ •even larlooRa-hero, 103, Uosfeic, 7 to ft, flrat: Uuid Mlar, 1«. P«0D,2ftto l,HOond; Ulaek Hawk, lif7, Bitot, (to 1, third. Tlroa, 1:3Q KounU raco—Seillnt, pura» IDJ^ lareQ iarloaB«-SoaR aod Uanoe, 102, UnUn,«to 9, flrit; tiovenior iUieebaii,lv7, Himi, 2 lo l, aeeond; Loor »ldn. lOft DofgeiL ft to 1, tfaltO. Time, l:i41i tth race-FdT«e $IM, dre rurloDRa-DeroltouU-O. HImi, Kto 1, uid Applaoee, Ift), Uoggett, 3 lo ft, raa a dead «t; Liulie Ollr, 1U0, Uriilto. ift to I, third. Time, IMU illitti raoa-l'urae tUD, Ore rurlonga-Ualil larua, 111, Urimo.S to 1, dni; BtODeoell, IZl, BlDia,2 ^a,a»ooDd; Heatralnt^ 99, Koefa, 10) to l,iblTd. Time, uot tL-Plrac raoo-flli furlnDge-Markilooe. 10), Ham, 91 to 1, won; Uoroai L., lul, Leoi, to I, eecentl: Yerw, Ml, II-Levie. 9 to 2, third. Tliii«^l:l7i< b«o> 0Od r»et—illi larlooBa-Maak, 105, UUre. ft lo ft, won; FrDllaooma Laai, lOO, Koorad, d to i.»eooDd; JeoolaT., n. HlrAlt.*) to 1, third. Time, 1:ICX Tmnl rtoe- Uilfft nlle-RuruB, 1P7, Murphr,2 lu I, wen; Boo, iil, Poatar. t to I. aeoond; Aahland ifoilpee, 107, Uonn«ily,3 lol,ib(nl. Tlme,0:ftl rnottii r*o«—Hii aod a ij«II tiirloeB«-Orand i'rii, IfH. Uan<l)y,4tiift, won;Keaiao j udr, Id, Koorad, 8 lo 1, lecund; PoiuwoUomie, m, OftDdoDilOto I, third. Timo, 1:21 Piiib raco-Klre AulOPB*~Porfiit, lul, I'amoni, 3 to 1, won; Popee de Leoo, III, 11. l.-wla 7 to ft, laoond; John Atctlarrlgle, 1I7, YattiTtftiol, third. Tine, l:ill>a. ClBolnaatl Jookvy Club liac«i. OoL lA-Flrat raco-Putfo UOH wtllog, one mile Frooasada, tJl, Parkioi, I lo 2, won lo a gallop by aii JMkgiHa: Ureeowlob, l(r7,Tborpa, I to 1, aooond; Hmtna . jft. • Ml, :. Wllllame, 12 lu 1. ihlrd. Tioie, 1 :l« Becood \M ■ - _, _ ig, bra lietd; Lillr .WmI. <i. UUiln-S to 6,H>cond:TuMJiora,lil, PorkliiB, M^rorM f400^ ail aftaa. aoven furlonga-Caaa, Id7. II. •WlUI«aa,0 to 1. woo drtr'ag, br a bead; Lillf " ■ HI I I, uwaiii-a twv,n-bVHW, ■ ubvwui b, * ■ via ...a third- Time. l:ttiU ThinI raea—uaDdlaap, Jed. p\K rtarloDga-Hfendoo. 113, II Wiillamf. 4 £o ftandiry br a laoaih; nalon d'Or, lOft, Uro-ika, 7 to ■ L'aaoaad: Prima Mtalaur, lUI, Pert Ion, 2 in 1, thlid. tlM' liil,V Fourth raea-PurM |«0, foiling, nlle alRioeaib—<lao. Beck, 103. PeikiD*. 3 lo I. won Ativlogbraorok; The Irooniuter, IW, Urnoka, 4 to 0^ Maeedi JodlUi, lin, Tborpa tt to 2. Uilid. Time, 1:49?^ Vifib raoo-Puree giV; maiden two year olda.ilie fartegi-i-olllna, lIUkUaialD, lAtu i, won eaally byiiirae -Mogiliai Bomner Uooo. liu. Iionohue. 4 to i, aeeond; Tolu.lta,Porfcloa,7lo&.ibird. Tliiie,lnilW •<(Mt IB.—Flrat raoa—l*une 9M0. celling. KeTsa nirloDgi —UeiiiTJHklaa, no, J. Pi»her. 1ft to I, won handllr u; lwolaBgthi;Tramona,lQJL W. Pltnn, I lo I. acoood; Two . (Ptilook'lOl, Knho, 7 to I, tliua Time, 1:».V( Heoond rftne i rnni gun* loriworiMr n]de •elllog, als rurlonie ^HookSf, b%lfartlD,ilUi I. wpndrlvinabTaheadrHtalh, iaf.P«iklj)a,a to I, eeeond; I'loarooii. Iu7. UoQnhuo,Ato I, ihVri. TiBN, l:lft>j(....TMnlraee-liiiHllcap, IdUUtddad, bUo ud a nirtouff-Lohman.lift I'ltrVlua, 4 to fl^ won olafailj br a neek; Buokwa, ll2.TbuiM. flto l.eaoond: <Flolua;ill. II. Wtlllanii, 10 to I, third. Tlln^ LHW fe^thraeo—Pume BUXIer two rear n]ii tfnitii, Ave and a ullTurioBn—I^llD.'lOtt, Hrrtok«,!ti tu i, «un dnriog by a lasKtli; Baaao, 113. Mariie. 3d lo I. MfNnd; HlUwonb, lift, OrenaOiBtol.Uilnl. Tlino.l:(aH Fiiihraco-Parae ilHL l>r tbieo year old and up, mile auil aevenly jardi— -PaarlBoDB, 109,Marila,4 to I, won eailly t>y two IfDRih*; Da(»««U,lU,Tb«rinkBtnft,B*«4tni1: Blatar Anita, lUS^ II ,Wllliaaia,SOtol,Uitld. Time, l:47U. Oet. 17.'*Pinc race—l'iir*e ghXi. I>aaten hnriea. ena nil*—Faraday, 101, II. WilMana, s tn ^ wun ilnving by batf a Unatb:Khelt tloode.fft, I'ofhlon. ft to I. otoood^; Pceb*uo.0tl, W. riynn. tft to I, tbinl. Tlmi>,l:41K •eoond raoa—I'drMgtUX lor two joaruM dlllea, oiaaod «'alfftirlooga—Valkyrie. 10ft, Iteuohue. ft to 1, won in a T« by a baad: Belle Hiar. Kn. Perry, 60 i * .AdueBuohaau. IM. Tborpe, ft lo I, ihim. . , .Ttaird raee-lludlctii lur iwu year olde, lUdaddi •2rlT«byabaad:Boile Htar, Kn, Perry, ftO lo I. eeooad; ■ W.Tt - ^ — ludli Bit- _ . , . ant:ilftth,llD.PerbVni,a to l,»e««ioil; Ur*ndo», UB. R. ■nme, I a: _ jldiL$U}audM, ^'^nabalfrurloBRt-'PrliiieMiDUter, li0, II. Wllilatn^ nm. WWII. iiv. ' V. a.uB, d IV i, rwiiini, wivuvix', WllluaK.Bto I, tlilid. Tliue, 1:11^ Koutth Pone ItU, for all agaa, aereu ruiloitRa—Yemen, Hi, Bm>ka,7toB von. riJtlenout, by a leniiih: Lily oftha Wea^BI. Perhina,0 to ft, aecnnd; Ua**. lla II. WiIIIhib, Fit r*««>ua,w iw I, . . — -.- - , BtelthM. Tinie, 1:18 Pihli rao^-Parae giUCLtoi WUaeia. one nlle and iwentj lanla-Pulclter tl, IQX H- IUiaaia,i>iol^ won lnagailoPliyihTeaUn):ihi;Alonao, lOL Btooka, • to ft, OMOOd; Volley Fom, 101, Thorpo, T to Cibtfd. Time, l:4ft5i. OoL 11—Fim raoe-Purae IHU, (nr three year otda and rerard,alIaAdahalrlurlenR•-l'llUbl)r■, loi; Perklna, XvoQlaabaril drlre by a head; llodnDn. 101 A. OltrtoB,4 tol,aeeond:BprinRTale, IDJ, II. Willltmf, Ai lol, iblrd. T1ni*,l:UW Kecooitrtoe-PurM84001 lor tvo year oM dliloi Bto rurlonie-41 ur«K lOi. HrjHike, 7 t«k vondnTlDR by k neok: ADOte U-, lni. ivrhiuikfttii I.Meond:llrrtAla,loa.J. Kiilier. to to i, itiliil. Tina, IsOlK Tbtnliaoa-llandioapiiauadded, nitl* ud a ftrMog—Ohut, 111, Thorpe, ft to I. won clerorly by a BtftBl Bghart, 117. A- 01a>-ion. OTen niooey, a*condr OdAuHAU. Wiauma,7tol, Uilrd. Time, I:MH Teatth laea-Puraa ItOX lor two veir oMa. aellmg. tia lorlOBRi-tobiD, MA, PerkloL 7 toft, woo by a haul; Uik- UrJ9£Brooka.4 to 1. aeeond: Ruira, 101. A.01ayton,7to BTulra. T»B*> Vinh raee-Piirie for a of a(l agaa. one lutla Uii a atiteenih—Judtth, 92, AitoB, 810 1, won eaally by a length; Obtrlut, 9\ itUk tl to I, oMWDd; ttefena D, lUB, Brooka, 9 to ^ rTUna,l:l8M Hixth raco-Purao.gakXafUlDg, aiK ud a hfdrfuriuDRe-Prlnoe ImiHrli Lweadrlnagbr ahead;CUTa Baoer, 4^10aiooBd; Mlaa Lily. 101^ Perklai, i * Sl-Plrat rmoe-PurMtlOO, eeUIng, alifurlonn ->iattUaa,luft,A.Clayton, lain I. won banJtly by two bagtba: Oerro Oordo, HO, J. Plilier. 20 to f, eocood; SnR ll, 191, TI.WIlliaut,Biol, third. Tlnia, 1:1IV ... ...Beooad ne«—Poiae $(00. maiden iwo year old Bre and a hall rurlongi-Jao*, 9i, Walker, 11 to 1, . ^■^F»B», Pg, IIMBWI, 1* W I, Baatlly by tbraeleDttbi; OonJedare, lot. A.Olarion, Bca^iMood;ThoUeorletia, 103, Paikloa,9 tniaihln). TlCM, l:OB>i Tbinl rac*-nanUlea[;, IWO oddMl, i liirloogfl-Oaraldlna. IOA,ThorM,T to raliead: Cheat, icit. Itrkloa.? irpa,7 to I, woodrU- rtoh. »e<ood: Home .Fourth iiBbr*Dead: Cheat, . _ 1. nL J Ballh lUlol.tbliNl. Time, Iiz.-a rouru "iM->araa 1190^ tvo year olde, aalllng, aix fytrloaie— Ala. 101 Parkin*, eveu nooey. voti etatly hj lour ■ithi: Bnekfly. ira,Thorpe.ftto I. aacond: Ulin, llOi OMbaa. 7 to 1, ililrd Tlm^ IrlftK rUih laeo- am tUK for all aiei, aellina, one mile—Ureraaae, n, .. Claflott,7to ft, won haadl'y br a length; K«a. OS, -OaabMBlol.a4>eoDd; PrameDade,9A,rarklBa,7 to ' tblt3rTlma,l:4IM Hiiih raoe-Purae IWL ae MKt«'l0Bfl*-TariffR«rorm,10l.A.01aytoB.l0 lol. ISrlBf by a head; Buker'e OaughUr. 101U. Boaa, U te VMMlf lMlaO^Uir«iklaai»Col,tUil TImJiUK Tlk« Smw Boa(h«rD Club* TtlMO WBB ft fftlr BlCeDdBOCB tt IbO lOMgOTBl mefttloff of Uie Virgtnl* Jocker Olob, it tbo 8l Agftpb nee oonne, omf WuhlogtOD, D. 0., Oct 18. Tbo ir«aUiey waa bBlmj Bod beuUto), ibe traCi WBi la floe coBdIUoo. and tba lwBDtj*flTe bondred ormoroBpeoutoradid aomo llreiybeuiog, glvlox Uie twenly-ODO boolmakon all tbc/ coold auand to.aAiheraolog wu good and (ho flDUbea clOBO aad exclUDg Bnoogh lo pat tbo ap^laiora In a bet- tlDK mood. Uooon were very lairly dUtrlbatcd boiVMi) favontcs RDd oouldem. Hummary: Firat raco—Poreo IMO, alx larlonaa—Leonavell, Rine,8ia i.flrat: nalileo. lOD, PenB, Uto I.eecoBd; J>ar- (arallla. lll.DnflRett,ftto2,UilrO. Tiioe. 1:18 Becond racs-Pur**) fftAoae nlle aod a eiitaentb-Patnctan, l(.0,Blma.8toB,artt; Caadalabra, 110. Doigeti, 4 to I, wcnnd; Prioco Mart, Kil Orlino, 6 to 2, tKlrd. Time, I :«9J^ 1 hlid rae^Porao |l*JO, lelllnE, elz rurloBga— llaina,irB, E Tribe,! to l.flrtt: H'ambaletia Bllr. lOl, OriiDB. 8 to ft, aacond: Cockadr, 107, Doggelt, 8 lo 1, third. Tlno, 1:17 Fonrta raco—PaneIWU, aaliloR, an fur- loo ga-11 alien, 107, eime, 11 to ft drti; Weroberg. 107. Pean,2io 1. eeeoiM; MomoBto colt, 97. Oriiflo, Ift to 1, third. Tlma,l:ie>i Fifth raee-Pur»e ffr«. wiling, ooe milr-Mrag aud l)aneo.9V,UriniD, 4tn ft drat;ii«. ife,4io" ' " • ' uok*t,so,K«ere,ii» to 1, tLlrd. Tine, 1:4IM Blith raca-Perae isO, are fBTloDRa—Albert A., lliL Hioia,Bto ft,Brat; Tuaeao, no. ol.ieoood; Hbadov,U. R. Uoagett,C ai; (IoMm UtU, m, KmI; 10 u 1, ^11 . _ PMnJsto 6. uiiKi. 7mt,i:n. reifect *eatber ud ft (nod Irack 10 bid lh« oireotot dnwlDg about llim UoDsud people to Uit tnok. II wu u oird«7 (or (tTorlid, and lot, In Uia tlUi net, wts ibe 0017000 to laodftpono, klUmoih tlio pobllo got belped out n liulo bj tbree eecona ooolcca proviog wloDen. Tbo Mg aurpitn of ihe dkj wu LoboDgub^ al40 and U> lo 1, bcal- iDg Kennel al 3 to 6 and Baodepnn at 710 6. Ham- m.rj: riiM rae«-Farie po), nil rarloDdf—LobeDgolt, 110, P«no, M«lHl Uto 1,100; KePD.I. llu. Rtmi. a tn f, .ee. ond; llind.puo. IIU, Unfflo, 7 u> 5. third. Ttino, I:t77i. bcnod ric^HolllDir, purM ICP, '.ran luriooiii— Lllll. H.U t), UrIIBD. trio S, woo; Will Elllmi, lOl, E Trlb«,a 10 6, Mutnd; Tollln, Ml, Carter, 1} 10 1, thinl. Tine, 1:0 Teiitl rac—PuiM tw, all furlooga— IfarTlaittOD. 117, alraii. .Teo. wod; Jaelt of Apailaa. 116, (ItllUn, I tn 6, MWfid; Faatotam, lOO. Keel*, a .04 93 to I, Ihlnl. Tin*. 1:1. Kourtli rac—rune 9ttJ. MX rurlODga—l'oehlno, M, (Infflo, h tn 0, won; Kllrt. W, Dtfa- :all, I to I. aacond: Waioli.r|, 117, Taral. 7 10 t, UiliJ. imollieis Vlnb rac^Vorae IMI, Oia rnrioniB- Ina, UP, llauaeall, aran. won; Lllda Ell*. 101. Kaale, 10. to i, Mcond; NInaTab, 100, Urlllle, t to 1, Uiinl. Tliua, ■MH Rillh raca-ualllog, purae iMKI, una mil.— Fan^ lai Urimo, 7 to I, won; Pullizar, liu, l'ano,0 to I, Mwod; MclotTra, lot, Doiiatl, 7 u III, tliltd, Tima, l:u« Tbo racing 20 wu ol a bigh order, aod everr ono o( tbo .IX facta irero moat ablj contcaled, ono or them being to clou that too JnJgca conid not pick Iho vlnner ud decided It a dead beat. The hnnea HereApplauioandUlreloct,Kndu"Pltiaburgriill" nad |l'i,000tietagaln>t|8,000oaliliborae, Applauae, be losl.ied upon the laco being rnu over, wblcb was dnoo tweotj minute, aliortlio last race, aod bla bono proTed tbo TloBnr. Hammarj: Plr*t raea -Elliot, porao tU). Ova turlon|ta~ D3gc«lt. 10., DogKatt, 0 10 1. won; HumclanT, ItIO, (Trimu,^ inO, aoeoad: Haauregaid, n, H. uoRnait, 'JO to I, liilnl. Tlma, Racoad raca—I'urM WU, 000 lolla aud a aiitaanm—Daclara, 110^ Biioa, 1 to 7, won; Llulr,v^ Kaola, Uto I, aacooil; Oalilao. IIO, r.nn.9 10 I, tlillil. Tiiaa, l:illU Third raca-tfalllnK, puraa |HO,a«vro lurlofliia—NafO. 100, ilogfatt, 7 to 5, won: tlold llollar, li«, Fann, 20 to I, aacnnif; Black, llff, ulnia, t to 1, Iblrd Tima, Id) Konrlli tac*-Balllng, purre aaren farlooaa-Hoogand l>anc«, 1U7.(Iritllii,4 loll, «oo: tlovaroor abaahao, 107, Hlota, a 11 L aocnnil; Loog Hrld.a. 107, Uo»am i 10 I tlilnl. Tlioa. I:lil< Filth raoo-Fona t0JL Bra farlDOgi-Uaieliet, luO, tiian, IS u 1, and Appianao, 130, I ■ ■ ^ bant; Liutaa Ollr. 1(0, Urliltn, I Ift to 1, and Appiaaae, 120, Uoagatt, 2 loft.ranadnad beat; Louiae flliy. 1(0, Urimo, Ifl to I, third. Time, 1:0J>2. AuplAuaetiok llie auaoiT eaally......Hlitb tac#7-l'uine IWU. flre lurloBBe—Bald Hailaa, 113, (Irltiln. 3 to 1, wou Htonaoell. IXJ, Hima. 2 lo ft. aecuod; UeiitTalut, 9), Kaeio, lOJ 10 1, Uilnl. T1m^l:01>^ A llQO card waa proiKOicU 'H, and Id conac- Quencoibcro waaaInrge crowdprcHfiot. KxcKing OoUbcBandBurprlBCB were tho order or ihc dAy. lo tbe second race tbera waa a wholcsHla elaugbicr wbea Jodao, ateoaod 80 to i,ilDl8hctl Oral- Tbo two UTorliea onlj were bold at problhliivc odds. Huiumary: Pirai race-Paree |7(0, an futlouga-KIng cold, 100, (lriao,7 to I, Oral; l>ORgeii,li«^lN<Ri;eii. I to a,KccuDd; lIcKee. 107, llBBBvalt, lO to I, tbtrd. Tlnl^ 1:17 Keeood race-Purae UDJ. oon aod a <|iBriBr milu— JodiD,Bl,B-I>og|tatt,Q)aBdHJaBd luO m |,tlrsi; Booi andDiDCO, 103. urline, ereD, aeeond; Krincj Cxrl, lUJ^ Hlmi^d to I, third. Time. 2:10 Third raoe-HvliiOR, tlx furlOBn-Iola, 107, Doigelt, 7 lo ft. that: Mclolyie, ltf7,Rlina,D to l.aecood; Warlike, KO. Uldicaly, lu 1, tbtrd. Tlme,l:ld Fourth rtce-Bolliue,puree liUi. gra and a half lurlooge—MhlKely. Ill, Mttlr.ely. 6to 1, Drat; Bally Wvodlord. UB, Prou, 21 to I, Mc^ud: ikickedo. 108,Dogaeit, 10 tol, third. Time. 1:WK Fiiih rac*i -l^lrM |40Ut eavoB lurloDgt-Ui'rNrRi:ia, llv, I'jRiipii, 2 to I,One; IjNdy Violet, lift Urinln,2l0 ^^«cood. Time, Hiiih raco—Helling, puiaeauu, »tir»Diuriouua —Prinoa George, ltti.Hlnia,i to 3. ar»t: Kilktuor. lu*, Undrum, 21 lo X. aecood; Haloatd. IIM, II. Trllo. < iv i, third. TlQie. ldP;^. Narraganaelt Park Aleellnga Oet 12 —FIrtt rate.—Hia furlooga—VeniUarg, III. Foi, 4 U1. nrtt: Tom Tangh. llV, ClerlcOL.8 loft, iwuiua; Peter Iba Uroat, IDS, BluO to I, ihlro. Time. I MX oDd race—Ualf a nlle-Uaraa. Ill, Fob, 7 lo I, nrtt; PurI- tlTe, no, Ballard, 4 to 1,aeeond: Uueon ni l■lal■nr^ lul, Taylor, J) to 1. third. Tlme,0-JU^ TbIrU race-Uoe Bile-Leonardo. 107, Oaroer, 7 to lO, Orat: UarkoeM. 1U9, BaMaid, 6 to 1, aacoBd; Hardy Foi, ill, WcUb>ae. ft tu 1, third. Tina, l:tfH Fourth raee-Bii lurlenia- LBbeDgula,,7*, J. Header. 8to I, Urat: CaoTaaa, U'JLTay> lof.aolo Laecoad; Joha l.UeUad,n; FinBegao, 100 to I, tbird. TiBe.l:l9 Pnihraee-UBenlle-BlrDiiOB Jr.,Bd, Lev, 3 to l.diat; Now or Ke*or. ho, Uaraar, ;tto I, aecoDd; wllmar, 91. HcOlaln.7 to L ihird. Time. I:4t. Blaib nca—For Agivam lluniClnb, regular aiaAple oliaae eoane, NarrauaDaeii Ou^-Daioiy, IHI^ Uairario, tt> to I. Aral; Paoiy llloa>oui, IW. (I. Utajrion. 4 lo i, to9- oad; Urkipur, leo, Ur. llllllard, ID lol, third. No Ui Oct 13—rlrat race-Puna IdLM, fl«e iuTloafl«-^uiiu P.,I0B. Oaraer.ftto I, won in BBallep by three Uniiiha; Maurineoolt, l08.BiaAe,9io l,a*cood;dIououiBlli, l^A, mark, 2) to I, Ihlrd. Titno. l:oiU Becood raoe- Purae lUO^ ooe valla-Darkoeu, UU, Billard, 11 to ft, woa alererly a leogtb; Clarua, 1K>, 11. Jooee,v>o2,ae-oDd: Pulllier,Br,0araer,9tol thir>l. Time, 1:47^ Third rw^Purte 1900^ all rurleaR*-CoBduoier McSaeeuey. lOf, Boadeker. i to 1, von banolly by tvo leDgtba; RolU, 100,n»mar,B to L aecood: Oallatlo, 107, h'o^le. 4 lu 1. third. Tine, l:lr,H Pnurtii raco—Free haitdleap. Rurae IKD, ooo mile aod a lurlooR—Joe Hlpiey. Ill, Okie, BTao. voB IB a gall'-p by Ore leBatba; NondicaBt, 90, Walali, B to I, aecohd; Panway, 9l, llamer, 9to2, italrd. Time, 1:I9 Filth rare-Hleeplechasa. purae Paboot two Bilea, over etghi Jumpa-Ro-lman, liS. oge, 9to 1, voaeaally by ooe leogih: Flrev^rk^ liK. Duirlea,tOto 1, ferond; Klogoi Noriolk, Iftl. ttieeo, lUto l,ihinl. Tiaie,a:3!t. t>oL II—Pint raco-Purte ftiV, ali forlopRa—Preilar- loVa. 102. II. Jonea, ft to I, wim handily by a IpohiIi: Pay ur Play.lQft. Wolih, C lii I, aeeond, Kappho, Ii4. uaninar, 13to 1. inlrd. Time, IrOl^ H«cond raca-l'uraelku, one mlle-Sir Dlioii Jr., rS, WoUb, 2U lo I, won ouily by a leogtU; Pleaty, lur, II. JuaeH, lU to i, aeooail; CuraoMb, Itl BUke,8 to A, third. Time. l:4i;^ Tbird race— Furee ISU^Htb lurlonsa-llermaoliK. lOI. Ulaik,4 le I, woB drlvlog; Lady niCDuand, lOl.iUrdner. 13 to ft.aeo- oad; LodUlll.Foi, 1ft to l.thtrd. Time. 1:03 Fourth raea, pane IsU nlle ami a lurlong-Pulnrar, w. iitr- feaer.e tol. VOB driving by ahHdiClerua, luB, II. Jonea, ft toleaeoDd; Uaerge Uiten, liu, Uct^lalo, lu to l,Uilnl. Time, Filth raco-l'orie 1310, alx lurlooga— Kartler. 111. Walib,7 to0^«on haudll/bya l»Baih; 'raai Tough,lot,Blake,ft to fii. pecuod; Hed Joba, ha,aariiir, ~ tol, thud. Time. l:lftV OeL 18.—FIrttraoe—l'urao |lu>, Uro lurloBRa-Olianu •L0arBar,4 to 1, woo handi>y; My Uypp, lul, Barreli, Out l.tecoBdiPelydora, lot, Blekc.4 loi.iltlni. Tlaie, i:u;.S. BooDBd raoe—Porva I3JJ, rtTA and a half IuiIodkb— Xm1I,B7, Welab,ft to 1, Wun drlvlog; Bir John, M, Jlc- Clain, a) to l, aaooad; Ju1i« i). 91, Uaraer. 3 to I. tlilrtl. Tima, l:l<W- 'thlld raee-Pm* liaodlcap. puree IGOJL oao Biile—HennalLHJlHaedekrr, 111 to I, won in a gallop; Figaro. Ill, Blaae, 7 io 0. a>^iiil, Pauwty, DUl Brown, lu to 1. third. Tira4s I 41*4 Fourth race—Parte UA.\ flre larlODga—Red John, iiQ, darner, 3 to I. woadnriDa: Miok, UD,Biiedafeer,4tol.eeeond; Bvrwyn, lOO, BurnM, Ttoft, third. Tine, 1:01X Finh rart—>Vve )>audl- otp, nTaraeren burdlea, parte ISUO—Harcue, lOl, Ycadi, Ttu^ WOB handily, by two leniiba: Unevy Cbxar. ill. Pluaa,ft 1A 1, aecood; Llifabert,lBt,L|Beh, 4 to l, third. Tlme.8:HM. OCL 17.-r'lralraee-Porae 1)00, eii furlonea—lllbrrola queeo, 100.11. Joaee, 8 lo I. woa; Hat>i<ho, 91V WeUh, Ik to i.eeooBd: BlueMaaa, 104. Blake, ft to t, thml. Tiue, l:\t\ Beeood race Puree ItOJC oue mile—Aonie Blaliop^ 140, Blak^ito l,woo;ileurRel)ix>)D.i6i,llot-lalD. B)io l.aecood; Plenty. 10111. J«tnaa.lfttol, third. Tiuie, l:UV ThInI raco—l*urae tXiK Mveo turluoga-Tba tlaeea, lll.Biudebafcer.ft to I, won baodily ; IlllTr Boy. lil]^II.JoD»a,ftlol, BocondjllyJoTe.11111, WeUh, ft tn I, iblnl. Tine. UUJi Fourih race-l'urae $310, Bfe aod a hall turloDn-Honuanita. 110, t;Ja:ko, ft to ft, woa; Laiiy Rtebuood,lll,Clerleo,6 io 1, aec»nd; Roliot, liot n*eUb,lltnl. third. Tine.l:IO Piiih ram-l'uree 14-u, oae tulle and a akieeBtlH-luli-rlf aan. liv, UrOiooa, tol,wf-"--" •** ■ • IV •, ^on: Darkaeaa, 101 Ballard. l> tuX •cooad;Kov or Kerer, lCQ,BurT«ll.7 tolkhltd. Tlma.T:ftl. OcLl8-Pirai rac^Purte lUX Ore lurlooia—Poly- dora. 10l)i,3tu I, woa budlly oy o looRth: Heunrae. lol, l^er, 8 lol, eeooad, aad Berwyo, lUei. BalUrd.fttol OCL 18- dora, lOlM - JO, m<i Beooud rmc*-i*urve liCU, oae nite-0ir KBiaht, Idl, II. Jonei. voo drlrtng: Joe Riplar, III. HoUe. ertD, reooad; Figaro, !01 Blake, 9 to 2. third. Tiua,l:4IU Thirdraco-Patte8300.die and a hall r^rloBgi—PolBi Loar. IQS, lambly, 6 to A, won by a aack: Mturlae colt. 104, BItke, 11 to T. aocood, aod Wiadov Uanoe eolt,loi Reitr, t to I, third. Time.l:r0Jii Pourth rtcv-Purae Iwl mile aod a aliieeuth-Harahal), 111, Baadaker, ereo, woa handily by half a lenglb; ('liar- lie HeOooald, 93 Uaraer,8 to leeeond; W. B., Ii<i Ham llion. r to 1, third. Timr, 1 :0 Finh raco-Wrto %SSX. one mile and a quarter, over Ore hunllea—LIthbert, 14^ M.LiB«h,4 tol eaaliy by twolengiha;The KatlU, umaa, ll to I, eecoad; BL Joba, lU.tjbaodler, a lo 1, third. TMBa.l:tlX. 0«t. 10.—Pint raoa—Parte ISsa oat nlla-WUnar, lU Koaby, a lo 1, BnA; Oeorge IHioa, lUi, Tbemraoa, erani eeaead; La Jora, tOB, madeker, 8 to 1, third. Tittail;4Vtf Btoaad laaa-ftoa m »ia larkoca- IMH Tnlnl rao*-Praa handicap, pant $aa oa* mlla and a iliUaoUi-Dr. Oarnall, M. OanarPtalL flnt: Hlr Inlght. 10), Poi. 1 to I, aoeoad; Soondaoio. lia,Bnadak8r,eial.thlid. Tltna,l:ia Pooitb net- PaiM aaa ali lurinn«-«poenlauoo, lO, Lanhlf.tloi, Hrrt; Poljdora, w, Blaaa, 9 lo l.aoeoBd; >r Jera, 101, Himlltoo. 4 to 1. third. Tlma. I:U......Pllt*,MO- Rlatplaohua basdicap, pnraa HAramUratMplMbua onnraa, a^ut two mlla^ orar aafao hnrdlaa-Cbarr • ha>a,tll,IMnea,)lo l,liit; Bodman, ltXBIIim|t,7la a, aaeood; ulanlallon, 1(0 Banr, < >o I,third. Tlo*,9«. OcL n.- Firat rau-Poraa MODI lln forloofi-Oal- Eiaul, 101, Oam.r, 10 lo l,.won: Valor Qaoaral, IH lite,0 lo I, ueood: Fay or FUr, lOL iralah,llo I, third. Tina, inait Iloeood raoo-PoraaU90,onomllaaoda Jaarur—W. B., KA, Hamilton 7 lo I, woD:CUniB,100, B. anca, 10lol,aacond;(le''ncaDiioo,a3, Mc'iUlii.Utofl. tlilid. Tlaia.lMX Tblid rac*-Fnno«9D0, Ira and abairfurlonga—llanch«atfr,01Lafflbla7, 9 to 10.woo; High Point Bolla, 108. Olarleo. 7 to 1, aacond;MaTaboa,K, curb. 7 to I, Iblrd. Tlm^lKiH Foortli raco • Porao %XU, all furlooga-Cbarin, 111 Hoiabr, arao. won; Waat Put, 110, W*lib, S lo I. aacond: Ftidtrlota, 101, BUkc, 10 toMblnl. lima, l:lti( Filth rtco-Paraa giailoaa mlla-Buckrane, IW UallT,4 to 9 woo:Sir DlionJr.O, W.Iab,9to 'Aaocoail; UaidjFox,91, BaDka,Mlol,lhlld. Time, 1:11 Hiith nca—Porao 19001 Ilia rurioon— nruniton, IQI.Bali^,9 to I. won;Uarblmar, IO, Baiff 9 t<^ aocond; PbllllaKa, 101, Lamblar, 9to 1, Ikltd. Tlma, A tlaeatloB of Inleretl to Tarftaaen. 8979 a diapatch tmm OUeogo, llL, dated Oct. 93: "Au Injunction waa laaoed tada7 b7 Jndge Slein on complaint of IIeni7 BImona, a well known bone- nan, reainloing the Oblcago Fair aronoda At9oela- llon from InierferlDg witbklni while on Ita gronnda, or from ordering bim to leave Ita groooda or Inter- rerloR wlib tbe enlrr of bla tsoa bonca. Tbli niher aveeplog Injnncllon wu laaoed wllboot oo- tice, on llie recomoMSOaUon of Huier In Cbuceir WInchcaler. Io tbe blllnponwblcb iberettnlnlog order wa. I.aned Blmooa U7abo lacadblahoneaon toe inck of theamoclauon atnarlem op to tbe llrat ol October, but atier that dale bla eitrlee were re- ftiaed. eimona alao aaaena tbat nellber before oor attar bit expoi.lon bu be Tlolated ao7 of tbe rcgulatlona of defendant goTemlog tbe oaoue- raent of tbe grouoda, or commliled ao7 oireoce Bgaloat ibe aaaoclailoo. The orgaolzatlon dalmi ibo rlRlit to rule the complainant off lie groooda b7 Tirtudofadccbtlon rendered b7 tbetorfCoogreaa In Chicago, expelling tbe complainant mm Ibe prlTilege of a apeoiaior on tho gionndi of tbe de- leodaotcorpontloD, and In rollug blm off BImona dtlina ibat the order «ai laaoed wltbont aor trial or opponnoltr alTcn blm lo eiplaln In relation to tbo cUartca maoo agalntt him lo Ibe Tort Congreaa b7 tlie UDIcagu Raolog Aaaoclailoo. Slmona waa cjcclad (torn tbo track a abort time ago, altbongb ho bud porcbaaed an admlaaloo ticket," Allx Defoata DIrectam* In the inuing match at Ujetio Park, Uoeton, Maaa., OoL 10, between Allx, tbe ({ueen of tbo Tort, aod Ultectum, for a puree of $ll,ooo, Ibe former won wlib tbo uhnoat eaae, and In b7 no meana aen* tiilooal time, Knll7 twel?e tnontand people aa- Kmblcd to aeo tbe nee, which, ibouib one of the DOiable erenta of tbo 7enr, wu moat dbappolntbig, Tbo reaolt waau foUova; Ukiob race, troulog, puiu 911,000, divided, |.,no and IIJVO. AUx. b. m., br raUonaga'Auluta, bj Allop naj I 1 I Dlrocioio, bik. h., br DlrectorStamwlLJer, b7 Ventura 9 9dr riaia, >:IB,1:UU.7:0RI<. WHEELING. The5ow YorkToamameat, Arrangemenia for Ibe 'C7CllDg lonroameni at Uadlaoo Bi|uato Cardeo, tbia clt7, have been per reeled, and Uanager Sanger, of ihe Qarden Com- ptn7, nukca tbo followlog annooncemeot: "We Dave armoged wlih ibo Metropolitan Aaaoclailoo to gire a aerlea of Claaa A iiod Olaaa B racea each evening during Tbank.glTlog week aod on tbe morning and atlornoon of TbankaglTlog Daj, Tbo inanHgement of the ncea bu been placed In Ibo bunda of i;harloa Bheehan, of the lunbaUan lllujcio (JInb. Hr. Zimmerman'a manager, Wllllt U, Trii7, hoa contracted with tbe promolera o< Ibo r.icca 10 ehow Zimmemun and all tbe faateal pioroaalonal tidera in Korope. Mr. Tro7 left Satar- il»7 fur Parlv, where be will pot Zimmerman and IViiecler Ibrouirh a tboronih cooru of Iraliilag tor ■liecooieaia. The notedforelgoraclngmen whom Mr. Tro7 will bring over with blm ate Laden Lou- vet, abort diaiaoce champion of FiBbce; Arthur Linton, champion middle diaianoe man ol France; U. Uurei, champion long dtaiance man of France; A. t'.lidirarda,eliafflplooofEagbuid, and Alexander Verbe7an, cbamplon of Uermau7," Tbo fuU pro gmiume of ercnia which Mr. Bbeeban has prepired Isufollowa: Nov. 27, uuu A.—One mile aafel7 race, for dot- Icca, Horatcu; halt mllo aafet7 imca, for men wlib mllo rccorda of 2:30 or bettor, aoraioo; Olaaa B, ooe mile aa(ct7 raco, 2:19 olaaa; bait mile beat race, flrtt Krl/.o to bo Rvatdod to the man making tbe faaieai cot; three mllo lap raco, acratob; prufcaalonal ooe inilH Rifct7 race, aoraich; Sve nule Balet7 race, BonUolu Hoy. iS, Olaaa A.—Ono mile aatotr race, 2:M ciMa; two niilu aatet7 race, handicap; ubua B,one mile n>tot7 nee, acnalob; live mllo Batet7 race for the In- door cbaiuplonablp, acratch; one mile aatet7 imee, bauillcap; protcialonal one mllo a>tet7 nee, BcntcU; ton ullo aatel7 race, acmtcb. Nov, 'M (morning), Ultaa A.—UairmUeaafetjiaee, for tioja foarteen and lltleen 7ean of age; ooe iiillo Bafct7 nee, tor b07a llfieeo aod alxleen leara or age, acraiob; ooe mile aatet7 race, three mlaole clAaa. Alterooflu, Claaa A.—Five nlle Indoor obam- plOD.Mp mce, ucnatob: ooe mllo Batet7 race, handi- cap; l/'iHta B, two mllo aafet7 race, ecraloh; two iniiu tafot7 raco, baodlcap; prcteaalooal, one mile iiii><'i7mce.aonucb; two mile aalel7 race, handicap. .\ur. 30, Claaa A.—Ooo mile Indoor obamplooablp rauc, Botutob; two mile eafei7 race, bandltnp; Olasa U. one mllo Indoor champlonahip race, aoiateo; Ovo mile earct7 race, acratch; profeaalonal, two mile uroiT race, aoretch; twent7-llre mile Indoor obHinplonablp, acratob, Dec. 1, Olaaa A.-IIalt mile aatetv race, acmtcb; ono nilio ufet7 mce, handicap; Olau B, two mllo •iili:t7 race, bandioap; ono mile lap taoe,aoratcb; prorcnioiial Ave niilo eatel7 race, eoralch; two iiillo aafotv mcCL acnich; tweDt7-roar houn inter- OBiloDAl cDKiuplonahip race, acratch. Dee. 'J, Claaa A.-Quo mile aafevract, aciateb; Clsaa II, II vo mile aArci7 race, aontco: prefeaalooal, oniMi)iioa*rei7rdco. ecratcb; two mllo aaret7Tace, BCiaicli; Ion mllo aarot7 race, acratch. Tyler 8IIII mt Ihe Reconla. Uitrr7 u- T7ler allauked tbe ono mllo oompetlUve lecotd at tbe Walibam track on Hondajafioraooo, Oct. K, on Ibo occaalon ot Uie VaU meeilogticld no- diT Ibo auaplcea ot Ibe Walltaam Park BIC7ole Aiao- ciailoii. Too performance wu accomnliabed In the liivlinilon race, tormiog tho ptloclpaleTeotonlbe prugrainino, aod T7lor woo b7 a bead (lom Eddie alcliiiino, In 3m. Tho lotarmedlate timcawere: i|uiiler,341.8.; one-lblrd,43>.e.; ooe-halt, ltn.3«.; too-iliirda, im. siJit. ; ibne-ouatieia, itn. one nillr,2iii. 6.>i.. Tbo claaa B men were paced b7 Iti'.iiijriilgo aud (larnor on a tandem. Tbe fltld waa miu|K»0tT ot Nat Butler and Walaon (^oltmao, be- elilea Mrliiiilleand T7li:r. Butler tinllon tbe aecood lap, Aithur I'OTter won tbe mile InTltatlon, OUaa m\, race, with Jamea oiatk,of Ootton, a cloea aocood and U V. Callahao Inlnl. Time, 2m. lla. V.H, llHggort7, won Uio ono mllo dub, Claa A, Jamea Clark again coming In a good aeeond, R. U. Uc- Donougn tbIrd. Timo, Wh^ Tni RAUHLgns' IlicvoLC CLUB, of Uairalo, N. Y., bold ihclr annual iweni7-llT0 mile toad race on .Saiunla7, Ud. 2u. Tbo weather could not have been better for the apon, aod the race, which look place over tbo Uartln road couiae, wu a moai aucceuful aifalr. Tbe aianaia numbered nloeieeiL aud Ibo cxcelleot oondlilon ot tbe nada, coopled with good handlcapplog, enabled tbe men to leep ptoit7 cloK logeiber tbtougbout Ibe whole dla- lance. Tho order ot llniab of the Drit hair a doun men wu u touowa: K. U. FeiennAn, lOm., drat, In lb. Km. lie.; tv. U. Duller, 11m., aacond. InllL soio.aiia.; A. D.Judd,lD.,thltd,inlo.20ai.; E. P. Bun. Tni., touHb, la lb, 3lm.: J. N, Well, bd.. dlib. In lb, som.soj.; Oeorge Uager, em., auttta. In lb. 31111. The priu tor coverrog Ibe cooru lo the ruicat ilnio wu awarded lo Jadd. E. K. AiinHBOK, ot Roodbooae, III., U credited In a di.paich from 8t, Lonia, Mo., ot haflng ridden a i|iiari«r mllo, unpuced, dtlng alait, in 3V.a., wbioh, It Irne, la Uw tuleattllaaa A record for Uke Ibe diaiann, beating ibat ot F, n, Oroeaoh, of ratcraon, M. J., made on Aug. 17 UaL T.T. Hack, the nnattacbed Balale, N. T., lUar, on Ucu la regained tbe Iwo hnodrad Bile road record, over ine Uke Bbera comae, rceentlr taken from him b7 W. L. BielmaL he *~*"r"i"*g Ike JonnMrlalMLlooLMa. LBJTiB B. Diuoit, of Wbeellnj, W. 74,, cmled a record between WheeUig and Mtlabarg, OoC lo, by making the round trip iB Mb- llm- BASEBALL. OPFICIAIi FlULDIffO AVBaAOBB. Pnparad hy PnsMeat Voug for «he flaaaoB offlHM. TtiB offlclal deldliiff iTengeB ot ilie NaUonal Laacot anil Amerlcao laaodatlon for tbo oeason ot IBM, u compiled b7 Prealdent YooDf, are aa toUow: CATCH Bftl. Zlnmer... rieneBiB-. Kliindga.. BaehUy... BoblaaoBa. Bebrlrer... Hack MerrltL... Orim MlUer. Hoiphy..., FarreU.... Vaagbo... Dalley Oaacel Bagden... Barle Twloanam. O'Oonoor.. HeOnlra... Olark Ryaa Pall I Teaaey WitaoB.... Wearer.... Htaelov... OradT.. DobojUi le.. Cluft. ...Olereiaad ..Phitadalpbia ..Cbleaga ..Pblla. and Bt. Louie.. ..Balumon ..Ohieago.l ..nttabnrl ..Boa, PliZaaBdOiB.. ..LoaTarllk ..BL LonuT. ..Cladnaau ..Haw Tort ..CInelaBaU ..Brook lya ..Boeioo... ..Pfuebart . .LeoleTllie aadBreoklyo ..BLLoali;.. ..OUTOlaad ..Wa>blB|toB ..Baltimore ..BoetoB ..Bt Lonli ..Boitoo....; , ..New York ..lrf>alaTlUe aud P'bnrg. ..Brooklro ..Pblladelphia. ..WaablaitoB FIBgr BABBMBt^ 1 SIS n S9iajit)|. f\Prr a Ct - .ail .911 .tit .tu .114 .m .ano JVoaac Mou Aoaon Tnckar O. Tabaao... Bo;la Vaogbo Cartwrlabt.. Poota BaobkF Laebaooa... Connor Daehar Lntenharv.. BronUion... CODilakor... O'Bonrka... OuFlO KcCanbr... 0. Tabaao.. Ralta anion oFhaa. Fltdot BlorbkuarJ" Ualbnan L«va Panott. I'bildi Ward OrlB Ward Bonnar. Dalr Baoroid Millar Maab McOaiT Oroaa OOYll Dablao Ljona Pella MeOraw Nilndio HalllF Flahartr.... Haitmaa. Cta>. ..Cloelnaatl.. ..Chicago.... ..OlaTalaod ..Pbiladalpbia. ..RinoUuiall ..Waabiagtoo ..Brookbo ..Fiiiab^ .. Brook Ifn . .Now Tock and Bt. Loni i ..Looiavlia ..BaltlDora ..Clnelonatl - ..LoTlBT'lo, EL U, Waih'i, ..Hew V*k...r7. ..Oloolnoatl ..Waiblngton and Rlata BEOCmD BISEMBH ..Baliinotn ..e«.Lonlt ..cladnaau ..LoolatlUe ..ritubnrg ..PbiladaipbU -Cbicago .ClaTalud ,.Kow Vork .LonlatlUo .Wathlogtoo ,,Baltimore . .Brooaljn ..Waabiogton ..SLloala TBIKD BilSBUBN. .Roaton .Otaraland .Fhlladalpbia .New Vork .Chicago .Pltubarg .8t LoiUa .Baltlmoro ..BrooklFo .Pblladalpbia ..LonlarUio .Waahtnglon .Clnolnnatl .Loalarllle. .Waabiagtoo .BL Lonij .Chicago .B'bbn and LanlnlUa.. .L'TUIa, 8LLonla.Waab. BBOBT STUF8. Olanoock Plltaburg. Dennf. ... Jove. Millar Irwin Ollbact.... O'Bonrke.. Janntngn... RIcbaidaon. Smith tlorcoran ... MoKmo Allan ConnaoRbtvi- Oaliloo.* Long... Snlltru Icwio Murnbr.... BhalbMk... Fnllar PfalUr... Had lord.. Salbadi.. Orlflln BamlltOD.... Thompaon... Woarer Mallear KaUar Dtodla Bhocb Unna Uotaa BlaloT u'conoor.... DeMbantr... Bmltb TIaraan DonoTOB.... Oowd Kaalar Radloid Ewlog Dnir/ Hntko Btraial Canavan HoUldaF Brown MoCaithj.... Bnrkau Tu llaltrao. Bbtaart AiibOF Baaamaaar.. Tomer HcCanbr... Bmltb Ryao Laoga Twltohell Ilof Trad way Clark Prank a. Taboan... Mnrpbr virtue Bannon. Wllmoc O'Bourka.... Deehar Ooolar Nicbol ..nalllmoro ..toolaiUla ..Cincinnati .Brook lya...., .aiaraUod .Pblladalpbia. Boaloo .Bt Lenta .Oblcago .BoatoB .WaMi, aod Phlla .Chicago .New York .Pitta and Waab .New York .LonlanUa ..Waabiogton ..Waabloaton oumeLDBas. .Brooklyn ..Philadelphia ..Pblladalplila ..Loularlllaand PItu... .Claialand .BalUuoro ..BalUoBoie ..Brooklyn ..Brooklyn ,.8L Loni. .illeralaod ..CleraUod m ..PblladalphU ..Plnabnrg ..Now Tori ..Ptuabnrg ..Bt.Lonla ..BalUmor* ..Waahtnglon ..Oleralaad .Waahlnglon .Boaton .Now Vork .PItuburg CInelonail .Cincinnati •LonlarlUa .Cloelnaatl .Otaraland .New York .BL Lonla .Vafblnaton . Waabiogton .PbHadarphla ,,Uo.ton ..LonlatlUo ..Chicago ..Chicago ..LonhTlila ..Cincinnati ..Brooklyn ..LoaUrlUa ..HI Lonla ..Waab.and Olar ..Haw Toik .Ularalud ..Beaton. ..Chicago ..Lon lav.. BL Lonla, Waab ..Chicago. ..HL Lonla. ..LonlnlUa ..Brooklya «:777 The parllca Intereated In tbo new American Aaao- elation are not making any dlapla7 u to what tne7 Intend doing, bot are qafell7 working lo get niat- tera Into aoco abapa thai they will be lull? prepared tor bualneu when the proper time eomea. Tbe clobe ali«ad7 organlied claim io be ampl7 aoppllcd lo a doanclal wa7| and all ot them claim to hafo Kaonda whioh wiU be iead7 before next aeaaon gtna. One ot tbe men who la utoroaied In the localaaaoolatlon club aald: "We cannot divulge tbe names ot oor dnanclal backeniinat7eL Too fact tbat AL Jobnaon iru conneeteil wllfi Uie acheme leaked cot too aoon, and he wu Indoenced b7 cer- uin KaUonal Leagoe and Amerloao Aaaocfailon menlopollontof il Thalwu enough tor naio keep everything elae qolet, and we will have notbing lo lay onlllwe have perfected oar amuge- meola. Yon can uy, however, that me malor league men an prlTlTeied lo rout oa aod tidlcale OUT plan u moeb u tbe7 ma7 aee it It will nuke no dioerence. We ai« going lo mind ourownbnilneaa,aoduwehav9a peifeciLrtegnl right lo anal, we will not be un07ed by tbe re- maru ot peraona wbo know oothlog abool the altnatloo. We will not allow baaebeU to be In- land by 4 row or war. If tbe leagao waata lo dght na Ihe public will know where to place tho name. The American AaaoclaUon la not in Ibe geld to orgaoUe a baaeball llgbi, bnt to provide the KbUo wlui popular gatnea at popular pilcea. The wVetk Leagoe Olubhuagroatatiy cent patron- age which we dent care for; but we think we can rive tba iweolv-flve cent paltona a utile more for thelT money. The New York AaaoclaUon Club will glTe toe pooUo a nu for their mooey." A. L, Le IU>7i one of Ihe baeken ot Iho FlUabnri Clob. olihe Anwnan Aaaoclailon, la vei7 conlldeni lhatUa new aaaoolauon will be a aoccua. In re- oaaUjapaaklBg on Iba anbjeoi he aald: -The new Aaaileu AaoolaUoo b a fact ne people are t'g^'*** "« bononeTed M la«ko(tttiBlaiiriae. nmooBMaVewIott with at leagtfonr ot the biggest raone7ed men In Wall SireeL The Ambnee Park people ot Brooklyn who have all the money they need, will look after Brooklyn'a Intereat. Tbe Unellenberga of Fblladei- phia will mrnlab the money tor the club tiierc. All know who will back tbe Wublngiooa. Wiiuama Ihe oysterman, will aee lhat Pleffer and bla men itt aloog at Chicago, aod Quinn and bla partner ot Milwaukee will bold up Uwt club'n end. As tor tbe eighth CI17, good men win bo tonod to aoaialn eltbrr a Ueiivli or SL Lonla Clob. We are not prepared to U7 701 who aro tin men tbat win represent PIttabnrg, or Ihe playen who win make up ihe tram. Tbo men win be malnl7 thoae who are now looked on aa some ot tbe beat In tbe National Leagno and American 4\awcla- non. At leut tour of ibem will come from the preaentBoaion learn. We have calculated that it will nqolre from $40,000 to tM,oootngivousaauin and we are In a poelilun 10 Ba7 tbat wo bare tbat amount. Each club In tho new American Anocla- tlon will atand on Ita own feel, iliough sbould any of themfalior, tbe new association baa tbe meatis to come to their reacoe, and will aee in It that none fall b7 Ibo wa78lde. All our people uk la tbe name cooalderailon tbu la given to otiiera that enter the Held ot bnalncas. Tbe Nalloml League and Amer- ican AfMclatlonbu not a patent right nn baacoaii or tbe territory In which It la pla7ed. Our aalattca will not be limited, as la the malor league's." CRICKET. Tub Bgisox ol tho Calltorola AsMclBiion came lo a premaiuio cloeo Oct. 14, Ibe CaUfurola Club forfeiting Us renalDlngschedoled gamea, ud tbe fiobemlao and Paclflc iJiuba purine tbeir last game the ruult ot wblcb wu to decide lOe poaaeulon ol aeeond place. Tne Bohemians went to ibo hat dm and their champion bitsinao, Roberiaoo, whs caught ot long on the third ball howled. Nuoo made aur aisnd agaln.t annitba aod Citiald7, wlia b.>wled tour wickoti tor 13 run. and four wickcti torsrooa, reapecllvelr. Tne Pacldc elevenmadee? lo their Drat lonlug. Tbe Uobunilaii.declared Ibtir aeeond loulni cliHied nrtcr acoring si fur alx .wickela, and ilieo made a 11uk07, but tutlk>, attempt to put the PaclQc leaui out before tbe caII otilmt;. Orinitha, however, made an uaetDl sbiDd for 14, not out, and when time wu called ibe Pacldc'a hibil wu 24 tor tbe lois of alx wicket.), tbe Ramo bolog decided by tbe totals of the llrdt loniogs. TOB orBHiKO UATCn ot tbe California cricket car- nival wu 10 take place OcL 20, nh>n the Alameda Clob, the cbampiou leun of tbe Calirurnia Auocla. lion, wu echedoled to play the vlaltiog eleveu from the Citrus Colon7, Placer C0UDI7, cupulned b7 A. E. Coatcs, wbo at one lime plaved wlib tne Gloncea. terablre eleven In Eoeliind. Tpania ot Saoia cinra and Kcroa (Muutlea will also pla7 lu llie tourna- ment, tbo Bobediile ot nine gamea concluding OcL 28, when the picked eleven of the CaliforoU Aau>- clatlon are booked to pUy an elevor. of tne elnog- eat playen selected from tbe vlaliiog icsma Tub CiLiron^iU Associatios, Inoiudiog Ibo four chief cluba of Snn FnuiciBco aud vicinity, bis vlr- luelly finished I14 chauiplonablp eoasoo, ibo Ala- meda eleven, with a record of twelve victories and four defeats, winning tiio peuoant for ihe aecood ancccsalve seaeon. The Vocldc and Bohemian Clubs bad a cloae dgbt fur second pbtce, wblcb the former won by an unexpected victory over the Bobemlaoa on tbe Inst (la7 ot Ihe f caeoo. Tbe Pa- clBo bad eleven victories aud sevoa rtofeats, auil the Bohedhin ten victories and seven deleaie. The Cailtomla wu fourth with one victory and sixteen defeale. TUB BROCXTO!' AMD WORCJtSTER CLt;D9plS7ed thO deciding match for tbe chiunploneblp of tlio Cen- tral Cricket League OcL 30, at Lyon, Man., these two teams belog UOil In the series played diinng tbe seaaoD. The Worcester team played without two of Iboir bc^t moo. Tbo Brocxton Club, alter dlsposlog ot tho Worcester eleven tor Ml, made (1 for the lom ol ooly two wickeis, aod won the rnnant with eight wickets 10 apare. J. Taylor and Keen batted In line fonu lor their respective scores of 20 and 20, carrying out tbclr ban. Tho Brockton Club, baviug won ibo penoaul t'>rlbe third socceaaivs year, tbo trophy becomes the penna- nent property of tbo clob. Ko fewer than fltiy-ihreo Individual scores ot 100 ruuB or npward were mads during the past seuon In tbo United Slates aod Canada. Twenty-two cen- Inrles were scored by Pbliadelpbians, ooorgo 8. Paueraon and E. W. Clark, ot the tiermantown Olub, of Philadelphia, each scorlDi. Tbree cen- turies were alio credited to F. Falrburn, of tbe Lowell Club, be being uot out each time. TOB METHOrOLtTAK DlSTHICT LlAOUK Will bOld lis annnal raeeUog Saturday evening Oct- 27, at tbo Orlcketere'Club, los Weat Twelfth Stmt, this city, when oiucers will be elected for ibe cnsalng year. Jbhoux FUNKsnv, the editor ot The Jnwiixin Crtcktl Annual, Is already at work on the edition fur isoi, and uxs Ibat cluba dealtlog to have itaeir records aud srengea publlabed conunuolcaie with hunatooco. THE RING. How Cralff Bent 0*IJrl«u. A trlet accooDC was given la Tub Olippbr oC thB baUlB belfreen Fraok Cntlg, the "ilarlemCot; te« Cooler," aod Jobnny O'DrieD, cboaploa ot Walca, which occQired Oct. 8, before tbo National Sportlog Club, ot LoodOD, Eog.,tor a parse ot $7&0; bat thoso trbobave seen tbe colored mao flgbt will, no doobt, be latercaicd la the tollovlng article, which appeand In The Sporting j.f/i, otLondoo, which BpeakB ot It being a great fiurprlao and a de- clBlve Tlctorr tor the Amerlcin colored man la the remarkably short epaco ot a rooad and a half. O'Urlen Buffered greatlj by comparison with his onponent, who trom tho oiienlOK clearly aiseried bla Biiporlorlty at all points, and eveniually wod wliboui recelvlDE flo ranch ua a ecratcb. A few ralautea bororo elereu o'clock Fraok Crelg ducked quder the ropte aod met witb a i^:| recepuou. Ileaatla the comeroeereBtih^eiago.wbiio hleaeeoodi, DenoyBuUer aod Barney Bbeppard.feaoed blm with email hand laoi Tbe AtuerlciB "OorToe tJooler" w«a attired la dark paaU aad black booii, aed wa<rlDe,u bedid,a hearydark blue ewetter. lie looked a iipical bogle roaa. Hareral mlout^a eUpied ifefore 0 HrUu eppeared wlib bia at-.eBaaBte. Jack Herper, Miiiilo UjameaodOoncanuon (hie trainer). Anodiornqnuor applaaie went ap, wblcb waa ranoaed when Mr. Flemint; lonnally loirodu;ed the men nnd their locotids and ei- plalaed tbe role* Ror^rnlDg the conteiit. llo Uieo ''esind the conipaoy te deilit from eoioktuf;. Oo the m«u dolT- Ing their iwaAtare tite *Crp«ier'l" tuIeDdld condition waa appareot to nil. Emryihliiit et leogUi belngtn rrid- loeaa. "Timel" wae called, aoj the men ahook haade. Oothe men N>arriogruraaopenlngihedaikeym^uica- Tred about abliuly, but on tr>iag lor Uio bead wilb nIelertbewaeHiurt Aoothtr nlinrc fpar. In which ilio coloied man, alio was edorned wiih the a'enand RtrlMi rooad hUwaiBt,pmTed very tricky on hU leel, waa lol- lowed by O'Brien maJtioe arueb and dealiogout hlaleft. butibeCoolerducbed nlinblrunderihe Mow. Tlieatbe mea dlncbcd end fibbed witli their dlieoimed baoda. bot on breaklogawav tlioalegcrraacuDDlBgly rouadihe ring aad ponied U'Snea by lile aDticA. Prowotlr be •ptugla andletdrlTo Jolt aod right at Jobnay'ilitad^ lome- ipraiig tbe Coolrr iiaalo, aod ■wnot hie lelt oo Jobnap'e raci<. whereupon the pair oliocbed,aBd O'HrUn waa oriler*<l to l«t go. Aeiiiey broke awap from another cUoch O'BrlOB wm iwuoc to tbe boardi, hut, rbtiac oulckly, ho let By wlib both haBd*. oaly,hOwaTor. loflDd UraiR out ol reach. a?d '*Tlmel" waa called wUb the Cooler ebowiav a big adraotaie. Alter tbe patrhad recelred thoatientlnneorthoiraecoode 0*Brlea weal after bii opponent in oaroeii. but, ai he tried to laad, Craig pleated hU rieht wlib groat force oo the law. aod OBrloB dropped. RiftlDCfiultklyu'Brteuled agalik but, aepplng mother betry punch, waa iicntdoaD a •ecood time. Kb he nie agale tho nlcurr madeada*b, end Jobnoy tell ihroogh the rnp«|^ Bacb itme tba ■ Cooler" •tood well, but It waa rlaln lo all preneot that O'Brien -etood BO airtbly chaoce. BtilL ha genielyilniggled to avert tbe Inerliabla, but the CoiUe Uooler would orook BO denial, aad three ttntee more O'Bnea wee aeot back lo the boards The liiih rati rrored a MitJer, aad. a* et iheeipiratioo of the allotied time the Webb ditmploo wu eilli proiirato, Ibe reioreodeclared Craia thewioof r of the eoBtaet. B. J. abrIo oiQclated as referee, aud H. u. Couaiae aa tlma keeper. Jace DiMraiT and his trainer, Jamea Drofro, were given a royal recepilon by tbelr maoy frlcnda and adffllrerg laat week, In Savanaab, Oa. U la the iGtehtlon ot Uempaey to take a real of one aiooth before going into active training tor hU dght with Ryan. Jack EmnAnr, wbo recently fongbt Siaoton Abbott before tbe Olyaiplo Clab, ot Kew OrKftOS, has aghow BOW etltao Midway at the Texaa Slate Fair, similar to llie show Coi belt had In Chicago. III. When they flalsh their eogagement bla com* pany will come East. aod tba lauer ooly Inat maoaRad to aacapo Roma a eralXy dndnioe by tlia atraoaar, vho keptcbawlng a4 thlOR, nod Inao In apraiig tba Coolrr aaalo. AKNiB Oablet, tbe crack trap female aboi, la slated to have broken one bondred cla7 ptgeona In Om. Sla. In a tual at tbo Yanucaw nonnda, NnlleT, H. J., one da7 Issl week. She nsM ihrte traps and umanygnos, loading benelf, making tour bials betora accompllablog Ibe naprccedsBtad teal. BoUo Hsikaa'tune record tor lbs bom nofflber ot inanliiiaie taigeta It im. Mb. I