New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBBB 27. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 547 The Famous Midway, now under tour tliron'frit tbe Sontlt. Great Success Everywhere. Now Booking for Next Season Note fftat tie SI Loali Fair Auoclitln lii to uj b ngvl to tUt imt ittnttloi ST. LOVIBi'.Oct. (, ISM. OTTO BOHHIDT, Esq., Fair Onand*, CU|r-DBAB lIHi I tok* gnat pleai. ^ la Mkaiiwltdfflng that yoa ban raUT- eompllad witk yoar eoatiait ts (arnlih ai a aartM of orlglaal Hldway atuaetloai, aad (hat (amt kava baaa rally ap to oar expOTlatloai ai popalar drawlag eaida, aad (hat yom ara at Ilk. ,rtr *o to «* at mnr aad aU Umu lor oar ladortoBtat of (hU fact. Torr ixaly r»»"t BI. LOOia PAIR AUOCUTIOIf, J. K. OWTHH, awroiarr. Address OTTO SCms/^roT, Pair OTeaad>, Baeon, Oa., aaUl Wot. 4, Moatgomtrjr, Ala., U> (bllow. New Britain Opera House, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. J. W. B1N6B0SE LESSEE AND MANIGEB. POPDI.AB VaSfm HOORB, PLATIRO TWO AND THREE NIGHTS AND WEEK STANDS. OPEN mi IN NOV., DEC, 1894, JAN., FEB., UWCH AND APRH. 1895. We do not (wear to aMdavlU ■aaraBtaolag kailaom, but aU attnutloa* po*- ■Milag merit roceire lIlHral pstreaage. THIB HOnSB HAS BBBR KHOWH TO DISPLAY TBB R. O." 8IOII. GRAND OPENING. THE AnDITORIlIM. g«attag oapaol(|r I.tlOO. Newlj- refltted and decorated, will opea ai a lint olaii VaadeTllle Theatre, Sfoaday, Rot, S, 1004, aader the maaaBOBeat of HAHLOW & KIIIOHT. First clasf apeelaltir people write for opeaiBic week aad later dates. Address all letters to JABIBS MAKLOW, of (HARLOW dc PLIinKBTT), Andllorlam, Toroato, Oasi Good Strong Specialtios Fv mV, 26, DEC 3, ID, 17 aiK 24, Address HIDE & B£HUA]!f, Brooklyn, N. T. THE GREAT NEW SONG, "Tbere'saStajinilieSkyforllsi" l9 BOW tttag tuag bj th« Pe«rlesi Teeallat MR. WM. OAlfTITRpOM' WITH "XHK FASSINO SHOW." This Bone is now beoominc a great favorite with all slncers and Is sore to be a b&; snooesa. J. C. OROEN£ CO.. PnbUglierB. 19 Arcade, Clnclimatl, O. JULIA MACKEY'S LATEST HIT, SANG IN OHIOA.OO THIS WKKK. 1 LOVE m OLD IHE DEMST." ProfeuloBftb, ■«nd and pnvramme. Orahwtra pavU, 10e« •xtn. T. J, KOBanBEi, Soatb Side P. O. Block, HIlwaakM, Wli. O-ieatest .^cxoloatic .^ct EVBR BBBIf IN ASBRICA, II«OI.tIDIIIO DIFPBRBNT DOUBIiE BOIUIR. 8ADLT8 TO BHOOI.DBR, The Four Richards. This week BIJOU THBATRB, Philadelphia. All eommaaleatlooi to OIOK RIOHARDR, Care of CUPPBR. QatJl THE ACME OF BEFIN£M£NT, MorelandiTliompson inaieNaj CaiarDBiied In EleasBce of Wardrobe, Abllltr aad ITsataess. AT LIBBRTT FOB PAROB COHBOT OHCOnDINATIOn. Thl*4reek BdeB Hasoe, Harrlsbws, Pa. Regards to Sam sad KlUle BIortOB, the Barkes, (he Roblasoas. TTie GrTGoX Strl laLe ^^m^^, "BTJINED THBOTTGH THE STRIKE," BY 8T1N1EY CLAYTON. ''TTNZTED AT LAST." ■onjlbrw. 1. aslMD,olDoetiUd«filllnttnl(i. Bllh.r o(;Uie sbsTSMtspoa neslplel^npuiD.sod note 'J NuToDtl Xulo Do., 31*-ai Wsbeib AT•Bo^ aklCMe. '.B.acRAi.tu)lik.r et BipenorToDtd BAlfJOl; »1 Wabaih ATsaae, OhIesBO. -B«*4 MiLioB for uust calslena 0pe«ul tmtss to "WT CLASS COBFANIBS FOB OPBN- INO NBW OPBBA IIOUBB. *«lla|Capacltr.TO0. Fopalatloa, 4,000. „ ,., _ Prairie da Chiea, Wli. ^ Ly- Kleier . MaMger. S p £] 3V El XI. DON'T OVERLOOZ THIS. TBB MOST oniBlBLB AJfD IBSOLUTBLT TBB BEST HOTEL IN AIERIC* FOR PIlOFEStlONALI ULOOATIDAT 70IVINE$T,,PHILA., PA,, AID rsanDBD otbb bt the abtdii* fTimioH- an ruBin) AHD uooBrABULB CATERER, "MIKE" TELLER. OOBTBinBUT TO AU. TBBtHBII. LOOtUTT DB LioHmrL. .niOBOBWimBB. OldinndleolloDise. I elU ipsi* oo puss,le mik. sll pstosDS sieepllABSIlr eonfftrwl.. BOORa ALL FBOW T. MaaaBOT. WCMABL TBLLBB. AT LIBEMT, HOWABD TII1I& CIRCUS CANVASES. ■bHBiHlBl«MITITB.gkHfcMfc MISS or, "As Soon as the Banil tegan to.... Plaj" By LEW H. CARROLL "•&m TIME A RED HOT COMIC MARCH SONG ertat "lUUh" tor Mitntte or Mrio comic torn ProtcssloDsl Copies 10 cents csch WnX ROSSITER, (Song Pusliui) M Sth Avenue • - CHICAQO Okl I'm «t doing a Ihlng—thli tnson STBICTLY FmST CLASS, It Tei7 Reasonable Prices. WlivD Madlag tbr MtlmatM, fall partlcalan. S. 0. XHORP A 00.. no Faltoa St,, B. Y. JOS. W. MANSFIELD & CO., Muafkotann ol til kind* 01 KNIT THEATRICAL aod SPORTINe GOODS. ComblaatloD Haiti for Llvlot FletiirM, ruier Oooloitlon Bolti, Ttdt of all klodi BrBOlAI* riUCBH TO MAHAOBBS for eOBpUlM. 8Mld rot OftUOffQ*. I Wllald SUPPldV i pLatb tbu UTi 1 prlDtod In D. B. or Bum, 4tU«. ud Vo.M^: two I gnpbt of TliwtricBl or ethtr MltbrltlM, oablaii ■ IM. ak. MOb; PAB«1% 11.10 •Mb; Pnoob ud bfUah *boto|ra^« kt fpteUl LAWRENCE . . _imtM. PopaUr Boon: Aa ' PrnM SoBKftTMoa DtfLTuUlr BtMt^ tm or abnw , tta, mah. All tnok< nSHBf ta ho^ ud Um Oiwda, ■applied U paklUhu*! Mom. Bend oub with order, irojtwdl uobtagad.'^AWHBNOB MOTBLTT AlfD BUrVLJ 00^ a uid CD OMtn BITMU K«w York. "THET COST MOilE. BUT LIVE LONfiEli." sr;'aicActf-'i05tJ4PST.N[Wn)ilic CENTBAL" TBXTNES, Ms., IMO; Sis, tUH; Bln^ tlJO; aus, tUB; IMa^ |f^; Ma^llOfl; OoBPWtm.otasvikni.lsfbons^ll Kiiaeinutrasti,|Aaa>aipl«s. BUI trenb, BtiBiU Issue, (MO. Lltlo tmsks, (tKiBiU loiU^ llua KnpsssdiksMoa roUowtis, U» sod 11 JO. UUmi OD reoslpt or 1100^ boL 0. O. D., es«pt STor BD nflai tbes isalt whels iniMst MosloU isitramnt. Uek.l tod miositnr tfooks to ord.r. Bsttsa Bedets, with ■iBjr, Uslof: oonr, eto, SBs^ (lUD; Bis^ *IUD; Vis. lUAL BsSteaiblppodoDiseslptofprtee. ■IMOICB S 00., ~ENTBAI. TBOHE flOTOBT, --ii>.UH. a-«i Wont TU> mm, rMUd.ipbli. J.E.Bo|4,A.H.Bo|fi E.LBord. B.B.&B. PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS. All«Kh«Dr. Ft. PATTERSON'S ftbrloid tiv, sad sll ett »rs,flO fla. wb. terns. Mih Is •dnoes. O. PA1TBRBOII A CO. ua W. math BlroyKlKdTiigfk. Pa. FIBST CLA88 attraotiohb wahtbd FOR DRAKE'S OPERA HOUSE, STANHOPZ:, N. J. P»paUUoo iOOD; now booklDv MMooof IBIud*M: Im of baildlu, MitD: sUk*. SiM; b«v ■Motrr: M«Uot ^Mitr, OO; drbud br ru-hMUd br iCa*m. "a. J. {tEAtB, OwMr ooTSuutr, P. O. Addrna. Wttewirw. J. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TO TBI "PBOrBflU." And Um bat tOdt » MMt Uak ia joordula of Chd*. If foa b»w » md portroli nt of roaiHir (or lUUeBarr ud idTirtiiioc. W« mmko ib« rlgbtktad lor 91.00. iWklDdiol eattfer ■bowprinUot fekftdUoouL WrIU * CHICAQO PHOTO ENQRAVINO CO., m Mndltop SL. CbleMo. lUdeij Aipantn, Tridt OlMMt, Etc Be*. (Utr lOsMiBlsd beet •to- leru, mmhisf sp u dsu, IMS rsrier irleki eslaletse tna _ BlBTDnA * 00, ai mis atws* titw Tei*. PERFORMERS wmtr Ub Addr«M UBM lUOOOt In th% eODfM of* MU W. H. POKALDWOW. Oln«l« onibt 10 frma a OouM- aeo'iaild*. UvlUii|T« ILO. AT UBERTY, CORNEniST, THE LATEST GREAT SUCCESSES. Hurrah for the Girls in Bloomers! By ARNOLD SOMLYO. 1. Thpy inuimt tlioir wheels with read - i - nrsn nnd grnco, Thcy'ro Thoir dress has charms that young nnd old ad-miro, Tho -I V not a bit too shy, mosh-ors know it wolf, You ought to BOO thcni fly; They Por-hnps you'voheard thoiutoll; Thoy REFRAIN: For they aro the girls in blooinore, Tho quoena of tlio-rflad end whoel, Oh nhore ii tho nmn who said he ratt Ahead of tho girin in liloomorar A Fine New Song for GentlemoB: I Am a Highly Educated Man. ver'ner. -s sung wllb Immense success by Mr. Edward Garvio ot floyl'a -A Milk While Flag." Higs witb Orchestral Tarta are FREC TO mOFESSIONALS sending Card or Frograa). THE S. BRAINARD'S SONS CO.. 147 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO. Annie wn Mowellh "Nlihl Oil.," 18 MAIINa A "UrT' sllhtb. .V.sHlory Ooill, LOVE ONE ANonnt Hi B.—Toa m Un "roal" r*opUBlO| mr pobllofttlooa. nii : I'm do' dninv t ihlnit-lliii *pa»>D. o..,....._.e WILL ROfVITBH, Publ. of "A lliurl IIim." It SDi Ai« , CIIIPAaO. ProrwloDAl WP7,10 COOU. TBS TWO 2 LITTLE STARS XHE Li^ie McCOY SISTERS, Ab the Tweatleth Centary Caith Girls, aad tho last spoelnlty oa tlio bill, aad tha HIT OF THE SHOW AT EVERT I'KRFORHANCK, Ihe nrlghtest and Smartest JuTenUe Team In the buHlnesii, RAIl NONE. BaraatewllhOaltel'oA WILD DUCK" CO. OctUI, lUvlla's Theatre, tjilraio, III. Address rare of CI.IPI'BIt, S. S. STEWABT'S mo REIOIED BU, IN USE bj III LEADINB PEflFORyEHS el the dif iHitraaMBU Bar iala Pte^en, Otabs aad Baa)* Comlilnatlou of all hladi. Ple> eala Bs^fae, BameaattBee, Bala BaajWi Peay Banjos, Oaltai^aeeh Baige* aad Base Baatas* Books aad ■■sle la mat varietj. ftalf Bwh pabllshed oa uBaaJo tJlabs," BOe, Bead Itar liMe Ulastratad Price Itlst^ad'aamphlels •! rail laftormalloa. Beat Free, ■edal mm* Dlploasa awarded aTWorid's Oalaablaa Kiposllloa. Addrees S. S. STEWART, 221 and 223 Chircli Stfaet, PfclladBlphla. Pa. SHANNON. MILLER & CRANE T«8 BROADVTAT, T., OMB DOOR BBLOW nillTII BT. (Fonaerlr 4» NsldM lAi«), MILITARY, THKATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. llaii,TSMli, Btooade*, nibts, Bblrts, PuMlDn, UiU, Win EfosAlaa ud AUUtUo Ooodi, Ootliimtn' and Bsdi* Muen' Bnppllei, lUT ao4 BoolsiT TtUnmliifi. Anion of all klsda to erder. Bend (or SiUiuiaB, sad bstTttal nook ol ta«t* foodi u tw taiud ujwber*. Ulroolsn frw, Ooods isttir — oold aad SUnr laoei, TrUifas, 8| Sboea ud JnreUr. niealrtoal, ~- pisd tnd Buneti, miK TmiAtgestiiBiilihiiiit :0.O.D, "It Hasn't Happened Yet," Tb* aarv memg, mnagalgUlj wUh HIBB IXORENOE ELEITB, A eapltal tenB for tka varlatr ataiai local vana* can aasilf h» adaptad. Estra Taraa* will b* mtmt io ih» prefasiloa, oa appUsatlaB. Also oopf of soav. oa neatpt etoard and 10 aeata la itaape. H. B. STEVEWB COilPAHT, «I8 BoyUtoa atraet, Bostca. SnENQER HnLL, NEWARK, N. J., BEDA VOIGT, Proprietor. Batlrelp raflttad, nmedeled, llshtsd with electrlsllp, at a cost of over tlOO.ilOO. BeatlBi capacity 1,S00. AI stage, wsll eqalpprd with sceaerp, will open Uri. I. Ue- slrable opcB tiate for flrst class coBblastlons, Address all ronnaalralloas Io BBDA VOIO T. asea je r llall, Wewrb. It, J. 1^ Wanted, for Gift Carnival and Specialty Go., WIGS THB OI/D BBLIABLK AMD OBIjV PBOVBBBIONAL WIO BAHBRB OVTBIDB OF WBW VOHK. A. M. BUCK & CO., IBB IflBlliBI., PhUa..Pa. BATiBrAonoM auARAirrseBD. HENRT O. MINEB'S ENTERPRISES. Jtmrf 0. Mlaar'a VlfUi ATaaaa Tkaatoa, IT. T. Baanr 0, IUa«'c PaepU'i Thaatra, H. T. Hawr O. HlBOT'a Kawark Thaatra. Nawark, IT. J. Haa>7 O. IflBar'a Bowaty Tkaatra. 9. T. BaaT7 O. Klaa*** Ei«htk At*. Tbaatra, N. T. OskisAAdns^ lltts." A44rssisOaosuassl«u«Bsto HBHRV O. MINBR. Mb AmsusTIimu.. H. T. MAeiG TAIGE JVOGIINO OOODS, fcse Bsfii imir. 1. r A. BIO HIT IN BAN inHANCJIHCO OK LARRY DOOLEY AND LEW H. CARROLL. lata •( BAUiBI AID HABI 00. lale of O'SRIBM ABO OASBOLt.