New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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648 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. MVBICAIj. (UOKHHuiD moil rioi MO.) will noult<r continue* limilDg tit worki o( hipiilikr nihora wiui locresMd uu tnd Tt|or, ui uoriivorUt^liiMiiHatttn belnf Jtnop hjpiomlD- CDt Timi-ii, Bull ctn be ordcrM from Hr, Itoftlltr bj iirirMilo.inM for Un reoU «uh. Hiirk'liiKnro wanted bj A, A. KenTTCUT, Al. U. Biker, U. M. Wrlln, D»n l<evl«, W. Umxj. "l.ct He IMn Willi tbt ixiTed Onci it llomr," In pnbllatied bT It. Vlonn Anderwo. It li nigbl/ plKlned inany proreAslnnAli, At Liberty; IT'if. L. DeOraiManil wire, riiinlit, Tom Miiim, Victor Aniliunj, llowtrd Adanii, HwTT Jwolvon. II.RIeberAs C). Imvo puhlMhcd Tlie obronlcle- Te1eiir*p)i Uitrcii, iirntDgcd for llie binjn, tnd other oompoililone for in«i)(lullni, (tiilurt, etc. "Tne Uftii On the N'wa KxprcM" un i>e uriicred tnm Jobn llerneri l.'>nu. Il«n7 Pepjicr A Co. ndvrrtino pulillcA- UOM, The Rnillata Hone I'abllalilnR C >. linTa luned n nnmber or itin utcet KoKlliib biia, \riitcli they 8ni>> plj for Urn coniA CKCh, to pr'^reFalfiiitiri. "Tbey'ro KMiihrul anil Trao In KlilHrnny*' la the titleoranew IrlHb hnlliti, pQiilihliinl iiy ihu tvhlic- Bmllb 00. Their nov i- lun Mi;it.- iiHiie "Jua' a^lla- t«n" la aaldloboAliii. "rbaOboIr Kluger,"publUlieil l>y JameaSilllmu, laaald lo he a auixesa. The Wlilmcr KiiRler Unatc Pab. Uo. Iiiive ft large Hat or aurwH ful aouga, wblcb lliey HUiiply for loo conta each. Oroger llrotli*ra adrerlbia aomo aocctaifal aonga, VAIIIETY AND MINHTRIIL*, lljde & Jlrlmiao want atrong apeclaltica for November anil Daceoiber. The UitslcAl ItAVnna can bo engaged. noo. tV. Snow wania a lAily partnor. W. K. Wniiilo'a venirlloqulalact la aild ki lio aliU vlih Itoiicn I'liuiramoDH' Uo. Morria* tralncil ponlea o in lie liookod. Tne Audllorliim, Toronto, Canada, will bo opened Mov. ( u a TftudovlMo tbeairo. Bpeclaltlea are wanKd. Bpecialtle.i and cnrloi can book tine at ilio Won- drrlaml, mica, N. V. Tne VcUOT HIa'cra, in Ibeir alnglns and dancing ipenlulir, are a •iiccns wlui "A WlliI Uaeli>' Oo. Doolej anil Carroll can bo aaonred tor tlieir comedy ainging act. Oarrull and Tllndca' act la blghlj endorMd by Uanagpr Itloliard Uydc. Thtt Four Riciiarda are doing ibelr olorer acto- hallo aat at Kellb'allljon Tneatre, I'Clladelpblt, UiU ween, UoreUiiil nnl Thoinpion cau bo engaged. Trot, Fred Mioarto lian Joined Uarrj Wllllama' own 00, Willi hia Inilnod doga and monktya, Intro- dncing many noveiuca. Bpcelaliloa aro wanted by J, n, Greene. Jobn 0, Dean, Jesno U. Iiavonport, )ir, K. (Iberlj, llr, K, Grant, K. UiiNoll, llrownlce and llardjr, Alfred Balleir, Frank kf. .Swan, l)r, T. Illackwowl, Waller Noble, Arcble Hands, Itoberl Uantlng, Hno,8praguo and rerr;. At MbertT: l,nw A, Warner, Joe Banroni, Lconzo Brolhera, CUxlon. J. U. lleokwell waula a inau to put on living ploinrea. BUI; roam ami IiIk uuvcI not can bo engaged by firai dua mu Kgora. Barton oucl u-nnoroo, oUrtrlc mualcal comodUuia, can bo engiiKcd. 0- ConfliniiilML' Inarliea alapD dunclug. II. A. Ovcli WAUttft lady (orHrcliirn Irapczuaol- Bione .1 KDaw wont cnrloaliica, apcolaltlea and long balriKl Mlea. U4II01 Iit-Jlon liro wanted for tlio urrlo Uroa.' Bbow In Hexloo. Hte caril | Itoaanna, rnooutclan ilanuer, can be engaged tbmugli llaniiiii Ilun ,V1I, Bbcek lliiiii Taliiir liivilea tlie prnfnaalnn in ace hIa Anb Iroitpus perform wlih Prlniroao A Weal's Ulaainla. U.iarloa J. (Inrman oiTera mrae open datei at hla thutre. In U«ni:1iC9ior, N, II. lie wanIa a lliho- gr-^nner nn^l n acoao piilnlcr. Walter J. I'liintner will move lila agency Boutb OUrk -Sireoi, (Jiiiragii, un Nov, 1, W. B. Ulevoloud waniB iiilnairel people In all branohea. SpeolnlUvKcan lllltlmo at Fruiik Ilall'a Cnaino, Obloago. U'trton nnil t'nioiiiaii citn lie engaged, win J. iiardniHii wriics 10 order aonga and tkoicUea. Pror. Iloach ami wife trarh acroballo aong and doncea, augoiunulng anil mtialoal acie. Tony Pauiiir nuiiouiicoa that alienee will be a pnllle urga'lvo ti> hla corrcspondcnta. Pnt. Uuotcr «'iini8 to placo bli aerlea of living plotnrca. OIHVUB. Porforniora iind niualelnna are wanted by Jeaa Uniwn. A. II. llccil. Uoi waiiu lu buy cirona aluir. Tne AdAiii Korcpiugli Bftow roulo book Is leaned by P, u. liiiichineon. Wallor L. Urtloo waniit I wo hoar boaoda, etc. UlrciiaM'cnican ho pliccU al (Yiuik Dall'a Itoyal Kngllali Winter Circoa. Urrlii BriiibcrH want latent tor Iheir olrona lu Hexloo. 111BOBL.I.ANROUB, AUraollonioan Iwoklluioat KalaonioOpem llonw, LaooniA, N, II.; Nuir Opera Uouae, rnatrlodaOblen, Wla.; ColuiiibU Opera lloiiso, Wanaau, Wla,; Now Opera lli>ita.\ Kllwood Cliy, i'a. Jacobs llruihora agree lu furrUli clothes made (0 Older OS i>ho>tp Hrt rcadT made clothing and greatly superior In iiuiillty and Uiihh. P. U. Ilrlu^d, uiHUAnur or advanra ugcnl, can bo aeonrod. P. II. l.esplnHa4e WHiil.ti'l.x Iitiudrod opera uhalrH. W. II, J. .Sliiw lioa lasuud ft now catalogue or trioka, IndUu rcllcn, elo. ForB4le:3»iikoa,Of Unarira Im; anlmala,by II. nolle,R.I*.Ihirva, W. A.t^onkllnand UrranCollins; oanarira, H; .s, )mM; liihoa, by P. ll,Hulllvau; Bicara uroiiBHl iinil organ \iy Julio K. Ilrall. "UIke" Tellur luvllcs lila piMlciwioual frlcnda to take advuuiiigo uf iho comrotlable homo oiiercd tbem at hla huiel In riilUdclp^ila. Olln BchmlUi'H Midway la ul|(hly ondomed by the oniccra ot iliu St Um* Valr AKSoolaUon, for whom It hoa been rereiiliy pxhililioil with gieittaucecaa. Thia atlraailon la now liring honked tor noxtaeason. Thos. Bi>eiioer iiiinufiioiuri'A otoos- Tiio itityiiiunil llotvl, Phliailelphla, la recom- mended topi'of.-PBloiiala. AS TO GATHERED WAISTS. A|>ro|H>sor Iho fciuiiilue attire, a oharoing llllle iriMsom or beautinu fomlnlnlly Informed ns'tbe other day that gailiorcil WHlats would t>e maoh worn Iho cunilug Kuiuiiirr. Aa a iiiallor of nowa Ihia Iniereating lurornialloii coinoa 10 ua like a flaah of llgliliiing mini n clmr aky, for wo would bare vou rvrtdcr. Iliat le our long ault—we iiican gaihvrlug walaiH. Tliore lan't more than one limn In ft hnndn'il wlio knows bow to gather a walat and gaUicr lirlglii. AgrvatiiMny goatit Iheaame OS UioT tco at WHstilng ahncp or aawlog wood, which la. Indeed, ciiiirely wrong, A walHt should lie gatlicrcil, on a gcueral thlug. wllh lUo righi arm, alihuugh wo are pleased to be utile ti« aiaiu that uur long ptactleo has enabled ua to work with the right or the loti nlUi eqiMl nclerlty. II aliouM be handled alioul as yon woiilil a docon or ugits done np lu a fun- nel ohapcd i>ft|icr ftt a arucerr alore. until you ate euro you have 41 ftll gathoreil and well In hand, or arm, and then, ihu aiiionni of Una aud steady rireasun^ that u llitir, frail looking walal will aland a cnouph lu UMku any man wlah for the hugging quallQrjftllona of a poUr ttcar. Wo bare been there and know whcteet we apeak.-i/npn" iMoui.) un-- old. MBS. A.—whnl did joii let Annie marry your poor boarder forr ifr;*. fi.—lu tliu drat place, ho didn't pay hie bonnl; In the sucoml, Auule didn't cam ners. Again, ho had a good room on Ibo aecond floor, Aim Aniito iho hall room on the aanie floor, (incomoro, ibclhlnl iloor ball iDuui wouldn't lei. Pee put ihrin In thire, and hare let the tworooma on the second floor. Tne nurrlage Increases my |Oc'oine iirieen tloilara a week. Are .tou sallaOed f \yA!l|TKI>. GOOD KIHST TBNOR WUQ CAN VAKRTHtn volt or wriK OTTO AKhnRV8fkll, 1 ,138 Or»iin Ay^nna. HrtHililtii. X. Y . ■=~'^''j??MiR« ¥f,iNKB'' " ar# iliit Ufat anil t'hHl>*lt. A Dollar >n.|.IUII Mnka tip »n t»rtO^ L (UILDOIITII JR.. CIh A vo.»n'l 4l»tl»l,N. Y WANTKD.-IINB KinAT llliaia ARTIST WHO HlKiH ANDl'l.vVilNilTRIIllRNT. Parnaaanl•nna*- lutiillnih* iium ratly. Atldre*«HT>rtHt.lHlf<m.lileh. udUAW, U* raimeoai ATeaMTnUaiaBba, aSi^ T?^iDiilt».WA'^7' L-piwufL DUO, q. HATOa. M>rlatU». WII. BHKnBB*8 OPSAA. IIOVBBL TIIRBB OAlCJ^ Mriu. l(*v mom; wibt BApMltf, ttonat tut* tiM) iMDeiri oopoUtloD or uwB, 1 CCu, vfib ft rood DAQiiirr 01 0,0X1 to dr*v frota. rOB OPBR T7HB •ddnM VU. BRBWBB. OBOnOB II. ULBIIK A CC^WUnu th« eo- Mriosruilp htr»toion •ilttlns beivMo Oeoric* M. RIesIf «rH] AmoBUy, ondtr tbsfinn iifttatof 0«org« M. RiMk A Co.bM bMDdlHolTtd brUi«d«»Ui ofOMm H. RI«Dlr, tod ih» bailOMi li to m eoDUoa«l Mltf Aroo Bi«r. lb* forrlvlDf wMrlstr Id uld flnn, ud W)i*m«, th« aid ccpftrtaenblp tiM trtiuuM builDwi Id ttaU fuu lor a ptilod or flro jttn ud ap No*, thonror*. I, the ODdonlnaod, Ano Bl«7,do b«n by Mrtllf ihfi I am tbi Ml* mfood eoatloalDi tb* hm or. ftiid now dulioi ud btrunor u deal oodoi th« Oiin oamo of neoTK* M. RIenk k Co.; ud tbit mj plaeo ol ■bndaud prlndptl pliMof bailD«MaTefttNo.3il Eui T««otj lnurib HirME, to tho Cltr of Nov York. D«ied Now Tork, Oelobor lit, IflM. ARHO BLBT. Oitp tod Coootj of Now York, io: Od tliA Iti d»r nr Octobor, IV4, boforo no porooBBll; ippotrod Aroo Bl«r, to Di« koown to Uo ibo tUM ponoB doacrlbvfl luftod who eiocul*d Iho ronioloff cortiO- coio. ood h« dair ocknowledg«d to no tbu ho oiooitod "■-ttino. WILLIAM OnLDBTir^KRR, NotArr Piibllft Now York CooDty. 1VANTED.~Aq oiporloocod raodlcloo loctoror. Oso lliorouihlj lip Io hU buiiMM. HaUrr irood to rlihtmu, Addro*o. Willi InwQ't tanp*. Dr.D Q.ll*Eah.MorlDo'.to.Wli FOWI<BH*0 PLAVBRPI.-WANTBO. UUICC. Mu) rorCliarACt«r«. IIhtIoo or Blt,onowtUiiip»- oUlir profarrod. Huit tM Al wllh wardrobo. BUto roll PUtlcuUra And lowrit Mlarr flnt littor JAOR FOWLKfl, rwiion.fa. Ool Pandw^oV; LIomId. Neb. JTU'l wwk WANTJCU.<iOOO PRRKORMBRfl FOR MHD RIIOW. Bujo PUr«ra. Vooirtioqulat, Paoch aod Jod> aod Sioi■ iDjt aod DaeclDK Oomedifoi, Hiate loweNL taiarr lo flr«i loiUr. No K.n.ramadTUc«d AddreuDU. B.OfiBKLV, fro Zool lodiu Mod. Co.. Foiburg. Olerlon Co. Pa. WANTKD.^lDdiua, Porlnrraera ud Uood Mode. Lociurera. cu rlaco yon lor WiDt«r F.oEasemeoi li roarfaUry |i wlUiia reaaoo. Cutthiaoat, aDtTwbeDyou are not of work wril* mo. I will be lAcattd at MaokaUt. HlDo.. for the Winter. Adolphla. write. DR P (IRANT. CISIC AIIHANOBD'i'OR OHCHBttTHA, I'DORMANIHtLlNORUIIfcSrRA. HnOH eODipnjied lo (lut fi wotde or accompaniment mei« for nieloOr. Addreai C'llAH. L. LHWIB.aiWr. Wli RL, CloclnDatl. 6. VZhiKTii reoPitB wanted, haturday Dliht, Hov.}, iDd Heaxjn. Wo mlfbt placo yoa a veefc. Botabliiho) U roera. Hnb Bureau. 89 tiourt Bt. Botion. ~Bttnni*B olf^JbaAkoilAb. UMIdNtuwri, kf. Opao iinioNor., Doc., and^laior for aratoUu tttrMttoe^ Uud preferred. A <Mfoa»i U. 8. HBBRY. Prop. aociMar. AErflUAIU riXVNIOIV.940i f>oc9piuiloD Iila- alon, 916; Rapid Traotlt Illuaton.t'S; Praniool Myatery, Bit. HUmp lor d**-ft ptlon j'rof . Addy. Ja nearlllo. Wla. BNAKKt FOU'hAIjR AT VUIIH uWN r&WK. Two la loot AfriOBD Roan iwn 7 loot Plnaa. Kay what "OQ kI*o In flrat Ieit«r. §0 lu wcuro oio'oaa obaraai. Jtllanco r. 0 U. Andreas CUAB. LEE, laOWDON UIKOl/B. Bos 174. ronton. Poaoa. ^HPBCULTOOIANAflfclKf. IIBHTIMITA* TIUNXitUOQIIAI'IIH t(.!nd tl.uTor 'J Hemple 24 Bhaoi Rr4D'la.tllR«r*Dt Blyle<. W. P BP.AR<m, Bbow Printer, S«).3-J,fi N leih Ri, Uoiaba. Nob. The oM roUablo, ea- tab llahed UMP BefoTenco. Union Hat Beok- WANTBD, aUlUK, Ulack Kaco. Irlah aod Dutch ConiMliaoa who iiaf aod dance. cbao|loff apo'laltloa and alter pioeoa, for one to t'O weak aiaode. noao who plaroreuaod baqjo accoDipaolmeDlJi prelonod. Ha alcalu'lail muad Uetileine Perrnrinere, write. Ttiow who nrote to PotioDtllle. H la., write aoali, an below. Ruts liwea'ulary Id flnt letter. Huat Jolo no receipt oftotemnt. Pny, write. /UKTKR HRItUHBDIOINRClt.. Df T. Blackwood, Mapager, Rok C4. Ilononrlllo. ffU nilEAP. BFAMP KOH LIfir, riniHinUAKDH »7 B. KIBBy HTHRRT. Lima. 0. AVANTKn, A IIUFINBU NIIVBLTV KUH RTHHirLV lll'Ill nUASM CONORRTit PIANIBT PRE PBItHBD(LADY OIlUtKT). JOIIWHON. Manaior. Boi I.WI. Boitop. WAMTKD. I.AlkV PIANIST, ONKWliuHINaS ANI> WMULU PLAV HUALL I'ABTd I'RKPBRRBD. WhITK PL'LL PARTICULiRdTO MU:|ICAL MANAOBR. Muikogon. Mich . ~<»|jANHULtlWKHS' LAVOUTH, OANK AND THHP^ (JIIKAl*. KiKhl I'lmcli PIfiiirM acj ddOPalDllDg lo truak. fA lor lot Kina 10 Tuoo Haod OrgM, Kood aa □ew, |lU;alao durIo ti Icba, cheap. RIIRA. 8H Uruil mreet. HrooklFQ. N. T. ~oFBitA~KOii "hI2 WKKKri, WirU VAHIBTV. r. MAY. Leo ATOouo Aoadomy. Brooklyn. N. V. WANTKI> ATONCB. FIHHT CLAHn MA- lllt;iAN,V'KNTniLO(JL<iaruilPl'NCUANDJUDVMA.V. AUu flood Comedian, who ou ohuio bualneaa fro- guontl)-:ooDatiataioadr rrapociable men need apply; niuatilreuwellPiiaodollihoeUEO. Bend fall partioa lairt. of whatyoQ eao and will do ud lowaattonDatnarat loU^r. ParfonneiBinlaiaaloR rulganty for comedy will tw cloofrl firit ntffhL Long enfanement for ibe rlftb*. mrn. Addr«M« VltUF. ALPftBU RAILBV. KlokApoo Mod lelDO t^.. H trathr oy. Ont. Canada. PiiAVM. NKBTCIIKH, KTCa, WRITl'RN, nilBAP.m 1> PliAVH IIKVlNlibiHend ^Umpiortetma. MARRV IIK KURHa O N. l.tqjroDgroae HU Lonlafllla Hy . fTlTTlO^l IIACF OKNT. REND IDt-Td., HTAMPN. for mnplaa 0 I.UM. l.t0llCongr»M8t.. LoulaTUIo. Ky. INT^ANAUSRH and AUBMrii. DltlHNOAUBO^ , TKOUPB OP FOUR LADY DANrSRS IN NBW AhD NOVKL DANORS.ALBU 1W0 CLBVBR CHILDREN I.V H05U AND DAN0R9. Addreu KODB BeOKRTT,;BaMat MlairoaiaM W.47dflt. Now York Ui^llOH. ONU C^TBAClf. CH^APBST t I'.B. Bond for vamplea. llAHRV OLAHE.BSJ Bprute St. PblladelpblR^J^ ~&~XUCO^rNi> iTurao Merry Uo Koaod Kor dale. SO poople ata trip. Larne ormo, boiler ao<l eoplae. All '~i flood roonlu^onler. tTmt ttQto. Sli haodredrvb in boy It JOSEPlT miBH, Mllfonl,Dol W A Si? M ■ ». Piotog'raphor InrormaMoo ol the ■hero- abontaol iiio "bnirlUh waiout carriage'' proaeoted (lea- oral TomThiint • br Kuropo^n nrailv. . . WILLIAM OLARBXOK VAIL.Rtrafn"*. N Y. WA!1TUI>, Wat DRore*. aiaulo or lu iirou|>^. t-y t faiiii i»lf04. WolllOKtu nra Muaeum Co.. Ryraoua o. W V. ANiSiAL^iToTi B.ii'U—ovu Tiaicu'vA)', 1U(a h4>au..\); pair Vemiitroa, f-i); 3 Wlilttt C<«ka'oc», 31 AUoSJiletUinv PAlnllatja. Drum*. C> mbala. Port«< bleCoBe. Tonr, VrTiOl »|ih pntoa. lopea. oto 1^ IV^llAVRA .-^MfcVSt., llaTor hlll. M aaa C^LL.—I'KMKO11MKHH. Wfif:(r~lS «l[W VOSff aliti>atl43aii(l I4& Ba«l Kinoonth Hlreota TIIB^TRIUAL UK.Vt>QUAUTBIl.>1, two bliKka troin ail the.troa ud Dtea •■tma. Kumlahed mnma for hibt lionalhoaplOf. Pnard MINSTRELS, AHOY 11 TUa Wm IntwcBt Ton I "I'so a Gwino by Do loGtric Road." Jubilee 8<->iiw aod Chonia. Harry BaUou'a lataal Kthi- opian dtUy. Boood to bo ft wioser. "I Won't 6o Up to Riloy's Any Moro." Hv ANDT ailAY. A Tory oatohy aonir. In ihat happy IrUli veto, whioli la alwAya luro to make a lilt. "Byo,Byo, M olinda Jano." PlADlatlon BuDR and Choniai Dy J. ED- LAKBMAK. Jurt what you haro l-oro looklog fbr. Profoislonil ooptes i«nt on ipptfcillon. Orcheatra pirti, 10 cents OljlVBn DITBON COMPANY, 4U «a WArtlllNOTON KT.. BtWUN. Vfw York: Philadelphia: UlTfUN A ro.. J. K. DITBON A CO. OT Broa*lwar. I.SB t:hraianl8L Uf AUTrn A PIRST OLAB!* COMPANT TO OPBN ifflln I Ella New Oron Uooae, Bllwond Oltv Pa., about Nnromber flnt. Joat eorrpleled at ftcoat ol tatiQD. Klwood t;ity la a now l^wn of about 4,01) populatloo, with a good aurroDndioa country u draw (rem. Rllaatad on nialnltaeof B. ud 0. R. H.,aleo coonoelloo with B aiid r. It R. and r. and L. R. R. R. rorty flTO mllee fRim fittabariud IftnilloB from New t:a*il». PrlDClpal 1d- tlualrlfa. luanufactvrlnfi: 14fkcinrlea,allninoloi- would be oleaaed to hear irora onl o>ua onmpulra for Not. I end Ui*>r. OoW unit ahow a week Wa will not r^nt. KKI.LBY A miULTZ, Mare, fcllwood City, PeoD. Want Hvt\ clam repariolr» compaur for laila* pan ol Not. WfiHted, C^iiiok, ■IBAVY .tlAK, CO,qBDIAN AND MV' HICIAKa. UBPRHTOinR CO. Allilr<.» CUmfORUJII.miportH. J Imi. Litho. Stands. roadlBi matter and 91 lor tampla or t4 tbm ttafid iii»lon;a>iaiidi,ii: inii>Dda,tT; I^W;B,•ll. Nl- TiO!iaL i.iTHn ro . w w. ew»'i> i ht. rliil»ii«ii*ii», NEW TRICKS. Utist EuofUi Nmlllis. llap«,>touBdiMftbiao(l AnUltpintuAllAiD. BoodeeuL* Of new Catalone: 10 oenu forounrleta liaU; no r«ot>!i w n. t.H WIT. lai »'<mn Hr»»U llo«4oa. Map* SFEGIAL LETIER STANDS, BETTER THAN type work. OHilaaldealtu. Bead.|ludvM4tB|Diai- SirrbraD-abaetaampleLaoolor*. Tom wUImt* aoMr* OWAID PlW,MfrwMM»»«BttiaC»ai»».MMii B. F. mimmm^mm. a F. KEIttrt'NEIf ~THE4^E, BMion/ aiu.; JHE BflOU, PhnidilpUf, Pa.; a F.'KCmi'S OPEM HOUSE, Vm\i»M;TiXi AND B. F. KM NW uNnnr ^tiijiiit' ., HQMSor a&cBtrBiOBioiMfc, ContinaouB Perftormaiioe. HOOB TOIIMA KO8T0P.' STAB PEBFORyEHS WRITE FOR DATES. H. R.J ACOB8' THEATRE Cw» 3^i> mt||^^^ Ave* yONOAY, THURSDAY" AND SATURDAY. . The Ol orlooe Naral Drama. Keat wa«t-'TIIB F1.A0 orTHDnB." Tony Fnstor's Theatre. MatloeeaTaaadarand FrMar> TORY PABTOB'8 gPLKHDID «HOW. EUNICE VANCE, EDWIN FRENCH, KT. FBLIX HHTBRH, MBLVII.I.B aail n a* trublA nai>l B.nn. naB(i.v iumjb. ami HTETROM, .VRLfHUN THIU, IIBDDIHO nnd MTANTOI, RAMNY UI/OOOOIMIO, HUhI- CALi UAVRfaw, MAMI.N aitd IMKO. AVB- TIN*H, LlVinO HTATUEH. 600D RESERVED SEATS 50 CENTS. ■IBRALO l«]UABRTUEiTilB,BBB0AOWAT iMO TUIHTV KirrB at yi»to—tv kaUa*. at x rala- pheaaniiaUi. RICHARD MAIfUD'IBI.D. Wvd. HaL. br apaalal raqoint, and Tharatfar Era., A FAHISIAK ROfilNIIE." Walaalilar Era.. "BEAU BRDUHELL." Fndar Era, laat lime. "OB. JBETLL AND UR.I1Y0B." futanlar Bra., on 27. a aubllo dtaaa rabunal of -NAPOLEON BONAPARTE." Balnrtar Mallnw omltui). MoaJar, Oct. M, "KOB BOY." Saaia widy Thuta^af. _^ prnpi T'u TiiBATRB *^£<Vt lifi 19 HENRY •!. MINBB. Proprlatiir. ON THE BOWERY gTBVBBRooiB. PRINI BUBH anil« Bin CoropaaT. KOSTER& DIAL'S MUSIC HALL MLLE. or DIO. MLLB. rOUaBRE, TDB FINNBVa, MLLE. BERTOLDI, LR8 PUANTOK. MARIE LLOYD, TBOUERNOrr. MABTIMETTI8, NEW HEBIES LITINO PICTDBES. HUBERTS ST. MUSEUM. Openall the year. fTANTEO. P(iR THE nURIQ IIALL9. Llrlni ODrloalilea. Preaka of Natore, Bare and Cnrloaa Aolmala of erery deaerlptloa for oar new Menanerte DepartmeQt,aiM] at all Uata the roiy bett VandoTlUo Rtara for Ibo theatre. N'o aaUrr too blffb for Ftnt Oluu Noreltlaa. EoKafementa from I toUweeki darlDf the eeaeon. DORIS' 8th AVE. MUSEUM, 391 ttll AVB.,-fl. Y. CITY, Vol BeaaoB '(M and 'U.1. Carlo Hall and BUiao AUraotlona addreaa JOHN D. DUKIS, 331 H<h At«. HABLiEM AIUSEVJII, I16th SIratt and Ttiird Av«.. N. Y. City. TBENTON JMUSEVM, Noftii Broid Slrotl, Trenton, N. J. JOHN IIANHUN Proprlator ED. C. 8UITII ^..Hanager .taaBA* t*fa»l. WANTED AT ALL TIUEA, Strooff Peauirei, Carl- iltleo and Noreltlee for I.octore ilalu: abo Illab Olau VaudoTllle Aou for Tbeatiaa. All applicatlona for •ORagomenta (both boaaea) mart t>e addraoed to ED. 0. HUITH. HarloiD MuMenm. LYMPI CHANOBO, JAS, H. CURTl I30Bt.,udS4AT*, HlghClusVaudMlHM. WBEKI.1 Pwp, ' Ufa aaa^er. THE WILMOT DUO, LKADINO DOUBLE 'OYDLIKTS, TtaU week oloaloti olio with Ratu Dorero'eCii. aiUyde A BehmaQ>a PiiRR onr.» and NOV. 6. PriraiA addreu, Zl URIU HTKBKT, Oaubrldgepon, Uaaa. TTila apaoe la CLIHl'BR Ii reaerred for our weekly addrem "UNTHAN/' AT LIBERTY FOB VARIBTIKB Addraaa KEITU'N NEW TIIBATRK. BoilOD STACE DANCINC. PROP. BOACIl AND WIPE ARB THB CHAMPION FLAYBm A(in DANORHS or tbia eouDtrr, aod tbeir London Muaical aod Daaclnit Aeademf la Uie dout and ino»t reliable aoa^omj in rbloa|[e,aod la ooodocted bf grtdaateaof LoodOD, EoRland, wbo tarn oat mori)pro- lOfatODal plajora aod eipert danoera with artlaUo and eraeel\il atyle iliao anr academj in the world. Tha ealthleat aierolae Tnr ladlea, pontJ and eblldraa U to take daocloR ortoinbllnfr leaaona; It makeayoo active, atyllah aod ftraoefut and derolepa Ibo body. Thialaiha oolracadainy id Too world where Hioy teach book and front oomeraanlto, back aod front band MDrlova, Deck ■pnnfie, head oprlnRe. ahnnbler aprlnia, (lip flapa anfl aide wbool*. io coonectloD with aonc aod daoooi, epaolafa daooe.»kUt daooe nod eaaonce; all the Utaatatagoand ballroom daoe«aet«pa end l^poy daaee^ niih kicfelnir, JuaiplDg.bendlna.aDd tuutblhiataught; atrleilyprlTftta Pror. Hi'toh cballonoea any teacher In ihia couatry for II.ODOiullOtD that can equal hint In hla Imeoi bualnaaa, aod olTora any leaolior In Chlcaeo VOO wbo can do on«- hairolwhathednfta. Uoderataoa Uila liooblnfr. PIIOP. ROAOH AND ^Tlt-'K, AcadoiuT. '.76 W. Uadlaon StTMt, open dar and aT»nlo>. Oooo ljo'.daT> Iroro 0 u> 3. HatI, The Only Popular Priced House In the City. Open time for 8 nlghto, Not, 8, Nor. le, Dot. 15, Ue«. 17, Dec. 20, Voo. 37. Udress THOMAS & WATSON. "LET ME DIE WITH THE LOVED ONE^Af HOME" I) rer/ piotty IndM^. I wilt eln| U la K»W Tork yiSS HUION BUKE, Rentr^titllif C». J. L. ASHTON, AT MBERTT FOR BTRUNO OIIAUOTER OLD MEN OK CUARACTBR IIEAVIBA. BUia dicaelfir aoil pio darar. N<^ ubjaolion m flntciv, m>tk or r^partotre. AiUrau X L. AHKTon.n inii ar, ixtnit Mioh. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, TALENT AUD ODWOUTUi AT IPBAaiTB A PBRirB ■ OnVB, rawABK,a.«r L.OOK!! OIVB TBEM A TBUU BEAD TBB TERHEl Hooi allb ImmtDM aiKaaa bj tha roHowlag aUia: Ljilla Y^amaaa-THaa. Eaiaatlaa Uwla, laUa Boodct, niaala Tbornlon, Hollia Pullar. Joala U PoQtalaa. ). P. CarraD, lltan Dliar- Oao. H. OlaDoad, Bama,! Kaa- nady, Praok ADdtrlao, Joa Kawman and a Dniabar ol itara. BALLADS. Whose litt le Girl Are Too?' Tba blKMC bltorthla auaoo.faaf brail or fiaabora aaioad artlila. "LITTIE PAPOOSE," BoDg with tremeodooa toecou by Lydia Teaotaiia-Tltu. "MAKY LAMB," BooBie Tbonton'a creat ioac. *Tlie Rose My Mother Wore' Buf by Geo. ft. Diamond with roaoda of appUaae "DEAR LITTLE HOME," A bl« bit wlUt Joala La Foalaliia In "Hot Tamalaa." "BANKS OF THE NORE," Bairr. Pappat'a ittataoit. "DORA LEE," Joaie Lft Fontalne'B principal eonf. €H.\RACTKR MORGH. "SUE'S IRISH," A iore winner with Qeo. O- Diamond. "HIST lER UMBERELLA" FaiU Roea't ffTtat oodr now be aoog by erery chaimctor Bloger or leputatibo. Who's DatHuggin'You, Hannah Brown? 6unK wllh uenieDdooR enocen br Anole Wllointh of LotUo CoUioe' Co "Tliere Are Several Others" Boor to Are eneora, br Uonia Pallar In Dallaii A Birt'a Co. JUST OUT. "iJIOTHER AND I," Una ol the moat Hntimental unge erer written, and full or pareat aod tendereat pathoa. "Hush.a.Bye, Little One Sleep," A beantlfnl Inllaby, tender, aoothlPB and aireei. "The Calm That Comes at Evening," Beniloieotal ballad with welta cb'tma, haTlofi all ttte a«*etnoai of "Rveoi Mane," Voida of the three laU aombore are by CY WARUAN, anthor of "flweet Uarle." To PidfbnlonaUflO cenU and pngrainme, enrh, or eall pmoBallj. WI0MER.STI6LER MUSIC PUB. CO., 131 West 4Ud St., New York. BoDga Taui;bi Froo lo Proreaaiooala from 2 to 4 P. M. ' SONGWRITER. WHO IS WILL J. HAHDMAN? Inquire or Tony Pastor. Lew DocVttader, Peter Dailer, Jaiuae P. Ooer, Preae RIdrldge, Billy rarter, bottle Oil- Fiirgumn, Jobnny tJamtl. Bobby , ,JnoA. llardmao, LMKeaodOurdyt BcbulLMortooand Rorelle. Prod Rnberu and RleaA Bar- too. Aotbor or: "tiie Noble Bnlgbta ol Labor," **Por TrylDttoBeaciood Fellow •> "For One Dayol Tnrker Tbem'a 8li Oara ol Ha«h/* "KlUy, the Babr and 1^* (whicb waa eopyriRbted and nans long before "Uollr and I and Uift Bahy"). *>Toe tttrlker aod ille Bon.'* "Bimlra Reionnatnry." "UomeiCead Birlhe," "Am*rica la Good KnouRh For Me." "Only an Old Han'a nream," *'Our Uualcal Home," "The Tlonlo In Uie Wildwood,*' or "Oandy Jookieii.'*Broiher and Blater," nod bundrodaof otbere PoblUbfr.*: Vlllla Woedwanf * Co., WltawTk A Sne, Bpftnldln^ k Onr, Uenrr J. Webuana^frank Banl> R. Mew York; W. P. Bbaw, Philadelpblri; -WUI Roeaiur, Wllllaffla,Ubl«aKO. "Kind Appiauoa^aod anytbIo|r la tlioaooB or akeuh lino wrIUen by aman whoeaideaa are need from Maine to Oaliromlaand In Europe. HIaaae rllo. WILLJ. HARDMAS* 41 Eaat Ponrtn Arret. Now York MVHEIIM« DOSTON, MASS* LONC HAIRED LADIES. rtMlTb AT OScE. AND IK NOT KNuW.N 70 fd KNCL09B PIlOTOar.APH. ffTONR * HRAW. ROLE PR0PRIBTDB8, At'HTIK k BTONK'8 UUBEUU, BOSTON. WELL FORMED Y0UN6 UDIEl FOR AKAION KABOBEa; ALSO, TtSSt OLtBS SPECIALTIES AND'NOVELTIES. R«Dd lowwt Irrmi and aoaliMia pnaramm,. VAITTED. jlANAnKRa OKPiddr oLan houiIEj ik NEnssu: LAND TO HT.SO OPB.V TIHE Ada'e•^ FRAUK aORDO.V, ■ Owarml DaUrarr. yaw BaJtorJ. Mm. After Hdolip's-Wake. By ciiAs. Boswrrz. The treateat nr all Irlab cbaimcter wnia. ProfeaalOnal*, »end carU or proaramme and lOo. for copy and ercbeanra* Uon CRUOBR BKOfl.. g W. asih Bj. N. Y. KJV ROUTE. PAUL &YE(IANCE-S EXCUSiOR COMEDY GO. WAN'nCD, GOOD RJBPKnTOmE PEO- PliKlhai eao asL Moa*. hare ROod wardnbaaod a*a>at cDiiaKe. projtraiuirlor,eic.alaoafood leader. Fareaad- raoeed tor«^naiblep«op1e onlr. BalairrDUtbelow; paid weekly. .Maneitenioni payaboard. PensaBenlad* drMO PRANK U TERAKt*E, Maaaier, ItftoathRlaioRt, Concord. N U. • IV O X I O E. I MOST ^ARVBBTLV ADVISE ALL THE PR0PE6SI0S TU PROTURK A t^OPY UP "Lit Me Oil Willi tliiLoiid Ones at Hime," By R.VIKTOS ANDERSON. Uolorttowii Pa. it Ii iho eweaiHt roop written In year*, and will nndoabteiUr be a bimrl'tt Ibto "The Pardon Came To '.it* * ■c.ggrmird Thomtnn. "LOST i: LONDON" CO. FOR .SU.E CHEAP. FINE, LARGE OENTZEL BTRAK rAROUSAL AMD ORoaM. Ttnaltttan and Hiicl>IIUBall«a>Uorap,nr. JOIIK B. IBILL riaaMaot. IJll t Bt.ML WaablnitoaP. o. YFaiitedf HeaTy Man, DOUBIiB nmjiMf. lOUM A. rUBDII, lMbaa«flll% v. ), OCTOBEB 27. TlllawMk,"OAIBTr," Next,-PAVTOA'a." Proffulonal coplea 10 conta. WILL ROSSITER, 56 StIi Ais„ Cliltago. IIRtDQUARTBR-t FORSONO BOOKS. The Llnit IImI eell-the REAL TIII.fQ. If you're iiaylnv atientlnn to Iho geuulno *%lti" Ilila •taaon. you'll dnd WILL nOS-SlTER baa moteaud nwre flrat cU«a people aiaelnv tti«m tban any bocae Id Amarloa. Piratof all hlawnk'»aio"lQit,"»e«ondl7. he treata elnirera ralrlv. batlon no pru. aod oo pet auif oie, and dr^ea not promUe alotof ibloiianeliapwabaean'tdo. Tlie aano people ceauo inoraeaaonilarlox hti"blta" abonld bo praof enoiiKb ol tbe abore. Will Roiklter la beadtiaarlera Tor Rons Hoota. alio'-Idtaa" If yea oe«d any, doo*t beal'nte to eend for aamplea. WILL ROSSITER, Chlcagoa Ohl I'm not doing a thing—thl« aaaaoa. ill mm mm, iO EAST 109TH STBm. HBW TORE, 00La,l»L UY DEAR BROTHER: At a meeting ol tlie Board of Dlrectora, beid at the reililence ot llie rrealdent, Dio A.<^.Uorelatd. No 161 We»t riistr-fi^orth Rtreer, New York Cliy, on Rnoday. Oct. 31.1894, proof ol the death of Hrn Wm. H. Uaraball, of New VorhLodseNo l,wueatabllalied. It waa Uierefore oidared tiiat aueument So. 40 be terled, a nder dale of OotAber zi, iHll- Voa- are noUQed to pay tnio thla oiRce Oao and ,10 dollaieCIMO) wlihln rorty dayalrom date. Ille rviuaaied tlmt 50a pay tbIa pronpUy. In order tfaat *he bentdciary may receive aa lartia an amonnt aa poaalblo, and without delay Kratemallr yoora, R P. COLLOHD Secretaiy. I WA.1NX GOOXI ALSO, SINGLii: TURIV. BOni AIU6T BE GOOD. Tblr^ *' V eogasemrnL Addreaa with rull partlen' lar» ' ...c. fit NIchoiaa II«t*l. llamHrfin. Oatarlo. SPECIAL STAND WORK will boom year altimttioa, awoll year receipia. Superior to litho. (tend roadlnjc matter end tl for ■ample 20 abeet aiaod, S colon, or- iginal dealgi) Rar. Omaha Nat Bank. CAJUilCTOfI HHOW PRIWT.aie-aaa HthSUOmahaL Neb <'Let Me Die Wltli the LoTed Ones at Home" baa ''caugbr oo<* for aure. To the Profeaslon Pree thli w^ek oDiir. R. Vinton Andereon, t'ntdntown. l*a P. 8—Atllaia ilnaing my aonga ploa'o write, enoloilog photoa for title page". HAMILTON'S IDEAL THEATRE COMPANY, EN ROUTE. AT LIBERTY. TO JOIN A RELIABLE FARCE OR UINSrREL 00.. A CLEVRH AUATEUR; la a Uood Hlnger and cao do a Boeolaliy. or would Ooaulo villi ao eiperlODcod perri^nnor. Uoao uanoiora and oanlea look. lac fnran ansel keepofT. For particniani adtlre^a JOB 8AWPt)IID.iavHN>tt<g«Ofovo Avenuo ChlcaTt, Id. WANTED, SIN6IN6 AND DANCING SOUBRETrL MUST JOI.S ON REOE'PT UP TRLGOnAU. No Kru adranad. Addra.a UA.VAaCR NIOIiEC FLATF. UOH- BPY 00, Llotan. Oreani: Co. Inil. Wanted, Lady Musicians of All KindSi r.oroettttt, FlanUt. Toeallat, violiniat. 8tal« aalair for Concerttto. AddieuAlM BaVor. WinnebagoHty.Minn. WANTED, A FEW MORE CIRCUS PEOPLE or ALL II^IDS, IP FIRSr (iLASS AND LOW RNODOII HALABIBa, tout thar vlil hava in b, aln]r>it aoUiloa. h. T. DaSYE. MtDipMi. T,an. For Sals Glisap, an Eilra Large Bai L)iii Alto tvoyoiiOK R*d Folc^ Uale and Kcmale- Ooed at- traction for vloroabow or mnreum. Foieaaratatne Au- droM all letter* to BRYAN CULLINR Fair Haren. V'L For Sale; Largoassortnienl of Springer FICTOHIAI, Uoe-hall an'l Oar SbaM LITHUORAPHA I'.ll. "ULUVa-t. lUTMid At., ear HlhBt.K. Y. WANTED, MANAGER WITH SHALL CAPITAL To take charge or the EUiabeih Wllllama Dravatio Coo- pany. Thenoreltyoi noveliloa: all ^-lirM artlaia: tea only colored company In the world plajlof domeanc drmniaa. DIOUB A WILLIAV9. ('roprletom, TB Hudioa ATaniia Albany. N. Y.. or ITS LlrlijaaJone Arrona. THE ROOSTER DANCD REnEIVES S ENroniU MUllTLY. (lEO A. CHAUO, MlulCJlDinelO'' Bon Ton ThBAira. J.ri*r liiiy. !*■ Property Man at Liberty, Harmony Horn tW B.lin U.BBV vuiMlfr.1V. IN BAND. N. B.—I do not "twoifr HAREV PHANIt".';. . BMlfonl. lnJlao,._ Wanted, (or A H. Reed's Circus, People In all nraadi,*. alao a r.w Mualeiao, Wlutar'l ADaagtmcal- Bi«>«ialaiT. Waionnhow Addraa>A. H BBeD.nrHn- wald. Alll. Oct. n. P«od l«ii»n Att.. XL R MdTllla. Art. 31 COLUHBU OPERA HOUSE. WAV8AV, WI8.. 13 NOW OFBH FOB TUB WINTBU. All wa»alint»». paniM will ptaaaa taka aotiM ol tho abora. A &in onbaMj«lnaonn««U«B.lrcal)adior. BUIL ». »RKrLOW. Mana«ai. CLOGS. THOS. SPEKCEK, THRORIOn«ALTHBATBinAL TLOO MAlBR; maon rtctt^ferInalllMbranohea tUff nMh ffro*'. N >• Wanted, for Abbey's 'UT, G." Co., QOODTOM AND MARIS. HaM donbia la t>na^ A<> diaai 0. T. •RBOCIWAT. Llaooln. WANTED QUICK, 600D REPERTOIRE