New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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OOTOBEB 27. THE -N-EW YORK CLIPPER. 64^ 1§80 ORRIN BROS. 1804 18 EAST »d STREET, OABE T. B. HARUB * CO. OAm Honn 10 to la.'M A. BI., when Br. Edward Orrln cm b« leea petMBall^. WANTED, GOOD AND USEFUL ARTISTS Uf ALL Iin.UiClIBS OP THE CIRCD8 AND VAUDEVOXB BVSmBSS. RING OR STAOE, EARTH, AIR OR WATER. Oood, lonii •DOj.ment. to :h« rl«lit ami ton •Mka, wild prlTlUn <il \mnt. Ko boL do tut „!(lw»ih.r I'.i.riwjji.rt la MMlcM II.KUrM (xiUiwVyr l^jUr.™l«.lT;o"7 Kmroi? ynpim" mown or louit u Ur tlitiJ n potriblt. Encloio do maipo. Bllolw doosuIt " SPECIAL TO NEW YORK AND PENN. MANAGERS. SECO.ND ANMIAl TOUR OF THE ({ItEATEST OP SUCCESSFUL AK AMFJUCiJi PHODUCTIOXS EVER PRESENTED TO ThI piIBI,1C^^ F'RO. ARTISTS SLAVERY DAYS" ARTISTS INTRODUCING TIIK MOST ORIGINAL AND ItKAMSTIO COTTON PICKIHO SCENE i;« FULL 01>KltATI0N EVER PLACED BEFORE THE PUBLIC 20-Twenty Well Known and Celebrated Comedians-20 Twenty of the Greatest and Most Wonderfal Buck and Wing Dancers of the Present Oentnry, aittl the molt novel nlrcec pa i-mUo Inrludliig the entire "Slavery Day." Comuany and Introducing the famoat "Slavery Days** coIoi-lmI eiilo band Roraeonaly nnlformed. There l> no nitKr.gnli«ii or the preaeutday that tdb boaDt of the aarreaa that tbli com|>any liaa aclileved aince ll> organiiallon. It la fall or that whirh mahri > pleaaant evening', entvrtalumeiiti Thu Old Faahloned Uelodlea. the Old Bonthern tfonga, tlie ReallNtIc Sonthern liceiipry, tlit* floniroflbe Slavea, and tke Droll Comedy ofthe Colored Race. Onr printing la aa flno ao can b« produced and wo bill like a clrena two weeka In advance. Munagen In New Tork and Pennaylvanla having open lime In November, December antlJannary and wlahlng to play title gigantic attraction addreiaatatlog beat tetma, .lOHN B, HTOKBS. Ilnnagrr "Slavery Daya." Care Maalo Hall, Yoakfra, N, V, -nr A 'rVT^TTTk colored artists and MVSICIIVNkt alao a haalling ▼ ▼ -^^•'-^ -M- M J% w AOEMT Ibronr Weatern Company. Addrna above. To MANAGERS, AGENTS and the PUBLIC THE WORLD FAMOUS ROS AITITA, Tho Celebrated Phoenlotin Dinotr, together with her assistant musicians, Abdullah and Soorra Managers, do not compare the (lancing ol this lady with the "danse du venire." Roianna perlormi her original whirling and howling Derviih dancing, driven out from the Buddhists religion. Rosanna has been oareluHir taught this danc ing by the wall Known Buddhist priest. Joja, ol Bosira, native ol India. Rosanna wlli acoept engagements to perform In respeclabli theatres only. She Is now at Liberty, and all letter* and laleonms ts bo addressed to HASSAN BEN All. 331 Wast 35th Street New York City, or JAMES J. ARMSTRONa, 10 Union Square, N. Y. City. Sheik Hadj Tahar's Troupe nt Dcdoulnii Kclllun anil Whirlwind, ufthe Sahara Deaert ara. mBeling with aocceaa with Prlmroie &i Woat*a Qllnatrcla. Theao extraordinary Tanbleri and Athlelea were .(rouif fcutorea of Unffalo Blira Wild Weat (tie pact aoaaona, 1MU3 and IHOl. Don*t fnll to aoe them at Grand Opera Hoaae, New York, tlila weak. BHEIK HADJ TAMAR, UunaBer. IMMEDIA-XELY, FOR TUB MASCOT ATTIIACT1I).><, Bolden's Comedy Co2npan7, A MAN F0RCOUED7 AND CIIAH VCTRK OLP MElf; mnn ■lnK,4iid D»w; muit tM nn 411 mod COMEDIAN AUoATflrullloLEADlNO WUM.^aN: aIm a l'r.\.NO PLAYER-iDiIe. *ho ciB amuif*. llkT« DO obj«olioa to M«rflfi| kiopI^ if t-iseiiMr, bit vUl ootlnTammitil ptoplt wlio %f* H4ptr*'.eJ. IIOLU^<f Hn'>4 . fl'iit'i^-n. Outarto. v >Qk Oot. 21: rtt ftiiaiv^ Oa'«-lo, wMkUoL 8. SUCH A SUCCESS HAS NEVER BEFORE BEEN KNOWN IN CHICAOaAS THE Produced by JOHN LE OLAIR, A.T THE WINTBJK CIROTJS. THE TALK OF THE CITY. STANDING ROOM ONLY AT BACH FBRFORHAJIOB ^'SWINGING ON D£ GOLDEN GATE." By PAUL nAKNF.S. *'rhn Hiii'on" rrmn'Soajt OT.r wrlltao. rome and aet It or'aod lOo la .tampa for pn- fotaioDal copr aod nrclianiratiou. CRUOER BH09., 30 W. Twenty-elghtll Streot, New York. HE WANT TO IIEtll Pll<)« UP 10 UATK CUHID HALL ATTIIAC TION'i, NOW A.VD LATEII OKj MUSEUM, BOSTON, MASS., STONE 1 SILAtr, BOLll niOPHIErUIU. TONY PASTOR TO THE PROFESSION: la coiu«iaenct» of lUo Kreal number of letters recrlvud froaii perfarmori', and the labor aud expen»o neceiiary to rrply thereto, I mm coiti|>ellrd to announce for the fdtar«», SILENCE A POLITE NEGATIVE. Thti nie will be enforcod ImpiTtUlly, y«l, tt ih« nme Unei. All loiters will r«C9lv« reip«ctful jQjJy •p^'dfoji. ' WANTED, ACTORS. Comedlau, Character and Leading Man and Woman. Marrlad paopta pr«terro4, liaTlnji plaja for oor alght uiclniiUalMkcoinpuir. Hoal tie tool dioaaar* and ■foia will not adTtDn lire, or pa< ooll«> id.wmmul On Walrbpl. vrila. ako ppeo Tlma. WAUPAW NBV OrEBA HODKE. AHTIHO OPERA II0U1E nOEPPLBR BR01. Mt-.tar.. ANTKIO. WIB. AT LIBERTY. WAITER C. BAILEY, Heavies. FAY ROBINSON, Chimters, 6«b. Bu. ■ tMn«i WALTER C. BAUCT, Pl,iB00th. MaalL TORONTO, CANADA. BOBDrSON HOUSE, 105,107 uid 109 Bsj St ^P|fa t elaaa aMonoiodAUoaa for U par week. Half "•«« tnaa au ibeUM, M, o. rUOI. Piopriator. NEW, FOR THE BANJO. ALFRED A. FARLIND'S ARRANGEMENT Ghronicle-Teli^pli March ant! Twe Sfep, The noat Brilliant March Oat for the Bmnjoand Piano. "Rora Wailz," for Oultar, by Chia. W. Filming. "Skater Watlr," for Gulttr, by Chu. tV. FtidilM: "Marlon tValU," for QuKar, byChai. V.'Fleai' ing. "Greeting Waltz," for OulUr, by Chu. W. Flem' ing "Laughing Water liiiurlia,'' forSuHar, by Chat. W. Fleming. "Tally-Ho Ride," for 2 MandoHni and OHitar(or Piano) by Chas. W. Flaming. '■Marion Waliz," 1 or 2 Mandotlns and Oultar (or Piano) by Chai W. FlemlH. "Chronlcle<Telagruh Maroli"—Innei—for 1 or 2 Mandolins and Oullt'r (or Plane) by Chas. W. Fleming. Apt ai ihe abora naia p'ecea aaot to ao/ atfdiaaa far 390. Write to the nbU-ban. U. KLBBBR * BRO., BOO Wood gL, Plttobna, Pa. CLF.VBR ROITOBc By HAFFOBD WALTKng. By LUDLOW ME] twi SUlup for coploa. UABRY PIPPER A 00 tr FoTtr-»oon<tlltt».t H.v Tnrk. R. yiNTON ANDERSON, UmO.TTOWN, PA., I b.u4 Obaa. n. PltK*, Motto Hlaaar. totradao. Tonraoor. "LET HB DIE WITn THE COTED ODES AT HOMB." la Dallaa, T«i., lut vMfe, aoa ha mula A blr hit vlUi It. 8.04 B. a onpr at ooca aD4 I .III pot It OD'la81. LooU. Yonrfriaod. OHAH P. vonKL ll«eaa«r. "THE THBBB nROMIBI " LEADER ATUBERTY, FORMERLY 5 SEASONS BABRT JAtX)B»OW. HI Bcap'w «mat BiooMtii. W. r. AT UBERTY~.SHtret1i vllk Spielitltoi. PLANIBT THAT DOOBLIB IK BAUD OB WILL DO paora bo«»pa j.i..w^, Adw BAND Mumo. u iios.M.ff b*»Jt). o. N. no.. ■I ML iames fli. MootrtAl. Cad. AT LIBERTY, SUDETBOMBONE. DOUBLES SECOND VIOLIN. BOWAKD AOAn, TelWv (pitaia, O, TOCH PICK. btebt onk or thbar id a winkeb. mUlli PRnM TIIR PRIM-. TUB LATfHT LO.NDON HITS. "And He ITt* Soch a Fonnr Old Man." MAOOE BLtIR- Roartni Oomlo IIIL Baadr Uilt «aok lOa witb orobaatrapana "I Do Lore Tout" BADIB OUBOHAN'R mttwAlts dlUr.UOR U> 3 snd 4 «noena oigbitf wIlhBeaiteT'ii "Boncti o( Ktii" Co Lon Ooo'e NtvMl ead an*test Hit. Bic«ll«Dtlr ArrAond onbeitimUoB, viih copj el soari Tor UiU w»m odIj, lOa "Ab4I Her Uoldea Hair ^ab Uanglbfir DowD Uer Daok,'* BaDK bT LTZZni B. RATMONO*lth RDAflBLL BHOl* O., toSincoreiBlghUj, SUo. wlih orehtstrApsrtA. '^0 Err Is Uanan, to Forffhe, DlTlne." (BBRBERT UOLOOMBB'fl bwulltal deicrlpltTe mdr, for btrltoD*, uoor or cootnlto toIcm. Tb« tnoit pnw4rrul drmmAUobillAdeTArvniUD), lOo. vltborebMtrAtion. ''Too Can't TeU AU That Toa Knon.** B«rlo oomlo Aod loabrelte •peolftltj'. lOo. AoeiOilUnl Dorelty. ^ 'there's A Neir Ob« Coming la the Blornlfiff." Not lOffvetUTA, bol—AWtQllr, Awruilj, fUD07. Hit for •ptclAlltu Awl m«]l«7A teoiAle. 10c <<Bacb to tho Old Homo ArbId." BmqUIbI BftlUd. loo-wlihorchemmloD. '^The 8Amo Sireet Dells are RIntrlnff," BuRllib DeHriplIre Ult, wlOt DrAniAtlo R«olUtlr«. li)e. Witb OrebMUA pATU <^h6 8Up 1 Lore !>' UERBBRT IIULCOMBE^ Urmod Bnrltooe D«fcrlrtlTa Sooir And CbornL h)o withurcheitnuloa «^NOTICR-RUtnp«or Abors nAJiml prlr« MUST bv MoToMd t« lonire ImntdlAle Alfa>niloo. Tde r^cuUr price of >hMeiOD||i to muilC'itor«K U -Klc. KQildtM p<*r copr, UeDUtoa profeuloDslii uo liAvc lti« AdTftauie ol ihe Abore ipmIaI rmtAi, proviJeil rooatr 1^ oodnatd. NO PRBB ooriEa THB ENGLISH HO.NO PVn. IIOVSR, SI .V. Moor* Hinel, M. V. Roop TABRht Pne lo KrofvUloiiAli, 3 to 4 I*. SI. Tftke SIlIU AT»BUW RUf B. H. AlKl KBt off AtPrukllD HI WANTED. CAPABLE YOUNQ LADY GYMNAST TO DO THE CATCHING IN FIRST CLASS RETURN TRAPEZE ACT. Send photograph In costume and itate'Bll.'partlculars. H. A.. COVKLL, 1.193 Broadway. New Yorit. TO AIil.NA.GKR8 FAVIM PARKER, IN THE BEAUTIFUL COMEDY DRAMA, ''WILD ROSE, P1at«<1 to 1,730 pMpt*,Uio cipaclly of llia Now UmIio Open HoQM. BlltAboUi N. J.. HonJAr. Ool 15. liCAiait fleo. TbAUhAT*! "Hm About Uolhtrn" Co. T)io Now DrekAOporsOoDM U thsliou*e to piAjr Id KIIuIidiIi. U. ff.TAVLOK. MAOAQor PauIIds I'orkor. PAollne PArker. la "Wild Ko*r," opoood looklii t<i itio lATRtftbOQAiorUia wiioD TliO itlinwrAvo more iliAu lAttirtOloo. UmOMLF.R .V HPECK. MnoftBOni, OW a. Wi. BlAiid*rd Thoilre. Phllfc-JoU'lilA. I'A ProfaMer's Famous Sorics. CUUPLBTB AND PKRFKCT. A^ilroai ai DlVinlnX AVRNUR. RROORI.VN \ V Notice to Mgrs. and Artists. Oelnctotn laoruae lo 107 biiRlDex Airt roi<i[>oll*«) m mov» into more apACioui (laArtnm flo iit(«r Nov. 1 wlllboloOAiod At .e 1 19. CLARK H T ., Roora«JlAQd2a(Uke»lorAtgi),ClilcA|to. R^Idr ll;ooDlr flrilclaai VaodetlDo Bic)iAD|elii Chiofli^, niBrit. m hbm of StzloUr rincClAU Pen|il« win tlod iito I'loir luteifii book tbrrtOfb ihUorllea. AddrAiJi nnill Nnr. ), l»>7 H. ClAliat WALTKRJ. PLIMMER: WILL WVaTT. Mar. STAGE DANCINC, awEArnni btrebt. nkw voick citv. MR. a COHBTAMriNB iDd Mf.LB IIK.LENK IvAcli I«to« DOTolUei Modoreto lonnA Boforenr^ii Trom paptU DOW on itAg*. CIroulin. IpitKureonatponmurn. ■r papllo BOW on ouiia Aro Beuio i^iayion, M^r ie Cisrl, nnbr. Well^ LUHao, iuadv otlierM. BfADch. liib AO d Art'i Hlreori PMlAilo lphlA. I'A- 'SJLv. -fiLxxdorsorL I HANfl YOUR IIBEAT 8l>.SII. '•Let Me Die Wilh the Lod Ones At Home" LA9r NIUIIT. Ill UmOL MAOftBor "Rlun Krnm Ihs D^iut" Cu. gBI^B FOnPMlCB L18T OP SHOW PAINTINGS. Lowaat prioea. rim eU.a vork. Iioath.r ooniara ud aaitaloUDil. KILLAltD A UAVDRN. lue-lli) Bi»ail.», BiooHtd. S. T.; UTaarawlthTUnHER BIlDH. Kensington Funilly 't'hentrc PHILADBLPIilA, PA. Paw op«D dalaa la Daoombar, Jiaoarr aod F.ltruarr. PlarlogoDlr Flm Claaa Pimlljr Altraetlnoa, flood Or- cb«.tfa,Na*Rc«oaiT.Ladla«*ai.daaala' i'arlor, Auaclita to Colronn, lit up bj Rlrelric Llahia, adrartlMj In oaaipapor, AdTanlaameot WARftn. Prlcta lu ctA to |l. kitxvS JOIIK W. HARr.(l»oar«irt M.oaa.r. W A. IN T K t>, 1 own A flrii elwa comody dr«nii, AboDdAoee ■pecii) Kipor. bill uaDkAilekAibni tickotx Ai«.«(e. •lirexir rroAd. Aa I hATo utlitr liaHlovn< wUl Rlrehftir Inioroit tOAi>«ip«ri«o6*dmpAn4lbt«aiADi|or wl.i will Inroil imAll UDonor. I*i>l aalRrivat to npon .with. AdOntM WM. WARD. « Won IK" fliro*t. N«w T^rk. M Class Trap DruoiiDera DAVIS LRVIH, ••JoAh Bprnrebx" Oom- Daehnell. Illi* Oel. UT, BrardAlowit lU, WInchf ler 30. WANTKL). Ladles for UtId; FlctoreH and IUuhIooh, MatlbOfooof, RMd looklBK BDd w«1| fnrmod- niondo preronM. AriAiwnuDii HUBT oood photb. AImwadi AmftD lo mftho lialloon uctoalnna -Dd pArkCbo(9 \M\uy*. Will bar « rnot-rr nrehoilfk. AdOr«M ROST IIUNriNfi AJ per rA'jte IliioUQA'a (;irciir. j4«llburK. N.C . CKt 29 UeodoioOfl 17. n'orrootno ti, Llt'lttoo«> PARTNER WITH $300, Por (op tn data) OPE'I tLTT AKD LIVINU flL-TC'IIE tM>. bf lira. ai^^rlMMd n«Q.||ar. i'artl.. niaA.il0|r bmHaaa'jiuiHly «»1r«»all«JU>.«»m a-tlOTi Rl.. W. Y. »-pboplk who bay. "I'vrnrr^ all TUB UHBAT J L'nuI.lflUI." AHRTALiI l.MI Tllll'it.'dlf rilKIK llATB IP TIIBT KK TEH L OO KKI) A T BL' XT n. T* Z . WANTED. ABOUT600 SECONDHAND OPBBA OlUlltfl. l.t nOOD OBDBB: (TATE PBICB. P. B. LBBTDIAMl, Bpilaf TAllar, ». T. A BBSj^UTIE'UI.. IRISH BA.L.I.A.I>. "They're Faithful and True in Killarney" By A.RXHUB E. SSXIuXJi. SUNG BY R. J. JOSE, IN DISNMAN THOMPSON'S SUNDAY EVENINQ ENTERTAINMENT. "SONOS UXITSTRATED AMD ILLUIONATED." Joao only atniia thta annn on Banriay OTrnlnga, bnt ytin can have the «• of li erery night by aenallaa ten ceMta, together with prngratntne or raril for oreheatr* pnrta. WIIITE>S.UITn MUSIC PIIBLIBIIINO CO., 0« an J 04 Wtaahopo Ht.. Beaton. ,.THE GREATEST "COON" SONfi YET. "JUS' A-LISTEN" BY B. M. I>AVI?aoN. Siiuff by PAUMNR DATCHELIER, ROTH ClIiDWKI.i., TIIK NICHOLS SI8TEBB, IIKIIWICK SISTEIWwIfh ♦•AUSTIN'S (aUANTEANS." Henil ten renta, tva^tUer with card or proaraninp, fbror^lia.tra iinrta. HKND UUIOK an4 bi. In on Ihia aonR Brat. WHITE-SMITH MUSIC PUBUSHIMO CO., 68 Mil 64 Stanhope Street, Boeton. MIXSTREL PEOPLE IN ALL URANCHKS, BLACK FACE BUSINESS, MUSICAL AND KNOCK- ABOUT, DANCINQ, DOUBLE OR TRIPLE ACT. Wire Jacksonville, 111,, 24, Keokuk, lovra, 26, 26, St. FauI, Minn., 28-31. W. S. CLEVELAND, UANAaRIi CLUVHLANU>« MIKITBaLI. HOYAL ENGLISH WINTER CIRCUS AilipMAN WATER CAftNIVAL. irUANK HALL, Mnniiiroa*. (CORTIKG tlVKH t^OO.aUfl. OACKED IIVtTHO MILLinif u6l.l,AIIIt.l WAUABii AVKNIIB. COnilER lltinilAIlM COI'IIT, CItlCAOO, ILL. Tin: KINBitT AND MOBT CIIMI'LRTH CIllCrH KVBIl IIIIII.T Vi NOHTU AHKRIOA. NOW OPKN. VROI'LU. TVnNRD AWAY KVRilV PKHI'OllMAiytlR. _ JVAV _ WANTKD—Sttt.llir. aoj airtarMuoa iil arair da.cili'truii itillatile lor ciiciTa tin Nooa bat llirt ela.l ) ' , laea (icoO ilrc.rr. :>oili In inil i<l nin|i. Nod. bat 11m ela.i arllaii rrriultfd alw) lliat clafB Tomblara aatf liitM Hnrtb.antalai LMrrr.. I mean Artlalf—iin (til upl: al.0 uoodCIo.Dr, .lib ciiiileaiilrar.. All Uiiki. Rililraw.d KIllllAltll II. Illl'iKltIM, Ki(ui.tilaiiPlr*al»r, Gooperstown Opera Houm, i^OOPKItSTOWN, Na Ye Kli'Rntil wvvt .ronery, entirely rnfllte4 by tllft Df^tawari. Arl Wnrha, of Bliag. I.iinitnn, N. V. Nratlnir Oaftarlly. MDUl alaga |yi4H| el.slrlo llBhta. OI'KN OATBI KOH FlltMl' CLAHM ATTilAUTltlNH. " Poiialatlon 4,IM1<>. Adilrraa B. U. IITt>CKRIl, Uanagor. THE rKEMiEB bamitohk'h obkat mw\ OR OONICnUT NOT A NTH AV. COMPtlHBD HV OVMBIR L. DAVIH. illKin- ■ ..(., Mii.lo PublUliar, 117 Hlith Ar.nua. Na« York Clip. II.XIV halt aook, RAVUKL J. UUItTIS' iiraat hit "AN ULI> P.<HIII<l.tEI) VALENTIN):," bolDl aglf li n:x Inii^inaaunv by tha boHllii..rala~AiriaMeAa(r(l EaaUo<1 aoil li a lilt, rnifaaalon IQeaoti, oreliofr ■ • " JiMP.I) KTII.LyAN. Mii.lo Publl.lnr..l7 Hlith AT.llua, Naw YoikCUp. trnilnn. in F., <l. nn>l A-flat II) nnta, «tra. )I..i>IV i>«it wMk, RAVUK l>oct,uiler'. Mlii.liala Ihia WMk. FRANK HALL'S CASINO. Tl.c iiinat.urcea.rul Va.iely Theatre In the Weal. CiallnR t4IHI,UUO. OTIIRRI TItV ri) I.niTATR, UHT riiBV AllR NUT IN IT. Wo want lo hear from the Baat I'Doiilel.t ALL llltANi;ilBH. AI all tlinea when yna nro going Weatoreo.nlaa Katt " ~ ftro with aa. All Tottara yon CN.i alup off* at Chicago unit |.l^y pruni|,tl)' a.i.iv..rf.d liy yonr. trnly. . wcla UILI V IllUB, Mtnge Manager. AT LIBERTY AFTER NOV. 3, nsortoii and Coleman KeciSNXRIO IRISH COMICOIANH. Mnnnfirr. itrr r<'a|ircltally laTllnl lo trilnoa uur uerrorinaiirn al the OLYMPIO TIIRATItfi, llarluin. Naw Vorh Ulty, thia week, will. IFAY I'OM'rKIl IIIIIILRBIiVIt Ctl. t>|.e.. fni- n.inl.lnatlona nr .lutra. Two veraatlle iin.iuln. IImm |ilay partf* A.lilrr.a llila week ua uhorc. Neat wrek, (Ucl, 4U), PATTICIINIIN, .\ .1. NOTICE TO COMBINATIONS. Crorman's Theatfiii MAKOHEBTER, N. H,. Iloi -.VKKK1 (ly NOV. U AKIi 10 OfR.V WJK KULiF CLV-tl l.'OMI'AMH*. Wiv:i( < I TV •:fiim <K>.lU«l An1>li*d .1 ntKlilM uf NiHil blr: mcolpis rr«M And imitllo mit tli« v.Vfi ilLUn (NJ tr>« .Im rfMt iiurltiaui OOH pAor liiAi |'Iii)tf.l >t«ncli-iler lIiM *oiioii. fur A>>orn uni* Af-lroia CilAi. J.(riiC4Af. Ltifti ki'I M«DftV«r. ANNIE WARD TIFFANY MXAR OXt HTOCIC. Care KLAW A RnLANOHR, Writ :iOlk gtreel. N. V. AT L.1BEBTY, ARTHUR G. SIDMAN, TO ACCEPT pm«T l.LAHl K»(IA(IKJtEltT ONIiT. or .III naBOtUlo with flrat claui ...rnnalbla manairar l» prMiiu .ilhtr "KtfUIIlK IIAHKI.VH" or "A HtlMNKIl. hllOWKH. ' Adilrai. IIOnNELLMVILLB, 9. Y. r. H-.rirata.«h0 ar. pioiluelnr ' aomalhloii" oDdar th» tlila i.f ' WIDIHF. II AM KIIIll" i-a«ar.l RAYMOND HOTEL, Franklin and Vine Sti., Phlli., Pa, PIr.t daaa lablo and front rooma F-IVK 1 >OI..I..A.RH i>or W«eii. - MBS J. HOKEBH. FULL GOUPANY WANTED. LIVELY AND PHRTTV W»L'BRKrTE. riMRACTTKR WOMAff, «niC* Kl>ir OLtP MAN. JI.-VRNII.K MA.f. PUMtAT. 1^- Hkluiel sbilM/ roDvldafAd, t« wAbAt* AflntaUiHfttAce y«DiR«r. Wfit hu«()i04 fOnat uAtt ai aa Att. Wtpey All •iMnitH. loclodlDtf bOAfd In b«it bblAU. 0hAU llrA wt'l If «n doti'i mA'tAceoL TimesAre bAfd, premlui cli^AD, «<• II von 4ip*ft uiiich rnore ihAA np*D»*»doo*t w nio iirjou coM snv ';o . w»ej ipo n k. y. »o « vd. WANTED. LAOY PIANIST" WELL UP IS VAr.rkU Hl HlC W IIKaSRV. RljuaThuUe, North AdAUiA . i^\T.% WANTEOT a Man to Put on Uviiig WANTEO-Man to Paint Sceninianl do LItk. r>nHAPIIIKO. OiiA (litl iindarjiADdi to ItUtopraPh. UoMl lAlh*r. HUblx •n|KK«ini<inl ItlOvMttrj, RABe MUrf In lint UtUr HcanioartUttAAAalst D.R. Ilndl«r« No fAOoy MlArr mnRnUol. Addrena (]IIAH. J.aUAMAK, Uvrman'aTliaMra, Uan<>liailf>r, N. 11. WANTED-Troupe Dogs, Riding Dog or Hot- KBV. OHOtni fur Ibit miod I'arformaraAnd Moalolau (WinUrRoDtli) Artia Ailatr writ*. Af1>lraaa JUIlPf ri. HPAUKA. (:tr<;iia. Wintlon, K. ()., M-O. MISCELLANEOUS. y, STRASSyAN, LAWYER, 92 2< Afly NEW Y»RI. TIIKATIilCAl, flLAIMa aa4 I HbTHAOn A HP IM/IALT T. tHIlr.. hAura. A. H. lot P. M. OUT THia our FREE! nit'lannd ii \n ui wMhyoorBAfneaod aililirBa ftii'lwiiwlll Willi you Ibll wiildi liy rii.|r-»a fur •lamlAAtlon. AllUiilinfce »0H » tu» »rttt «.|ih It. Vifu eiamlna II an'J II rbrtthltiklt AbBrftln |-"y our rani|>lo ttrfro fl.ts aiij Itliruuia. iCIalhaband- UiUWtX, atiO bi«( tlmtliA«ii*r In tiitt wurld for Uto noaaj aii'l IjMitfirtliiniQAnvwaKbaa »r>M f'.r four limn (ho price, COCr ^'' itn «verT »uifhwa rnCL »rnd abiolaUlv freo I'f i ri«rKoo lorel/ao|(| pUiA rlikinaixl chn»iii,araot'DrMK , Atuloi'ifn fiiJi of bamlnf. IVRI1I! Tit.nif, IMaofffrwiri fM't ki'iK.-r airaJii. Adrtr?**, THE NATIONAL MF8. & IMPORTINB CO., as4DniiioiiiiiTiiir, Cmiomo, Ilu