New York Clipper (Oct 1894)

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550 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. QOTOBEE 27. Hi/LAN J^Gr'EFL&. 1 villba flAmlnrKaitDaitmnntb. If TOUftraloohliiBrnr NOTRLTT ACTtI, ron wlU Bod IhtibOT* liftOBAV- r<l OAHD IUthumd tImK tfUr loT U RpactAl LITIIOB, Four Color', PBRVOBUBItfl. JldoBU HrlAcopvwu. U«o joar own braint »(t Ktndr MmothloK n#» to make mooty. muvouuno, •> ' ' Aiu'riu PH»NK IIAU. H WINTER l'Itu:U(l,OniO "00. BILLT TOUNO. If you are not a bailed singer pleaae do not send for tbis song, but If you o»n do a good BODg Juetloe, eand at onoe for the beautiful, exquisite and touching story. NEM EiW: By America's ooknowledged and most orlg- Inal song writer of the day. CHAS. K. HARRIS, Composer of this Season's Oreat Buooess "While the Dance Goes On." Ploaso enolnMe programme and 10 cents for tall piano ocpj. Orobeatratlon of ■loejuartM 10 roubi oitrs. N. B —IVefesiilDnBh plajlog Mlliraukee will alwajN flad a warm welcome awalUng tbem at the music rwirag of fonre, "After the Ball," CHA». K. HABBim, HuhIc Publisher, Mllwankee, Wis. WONDERLAND Musee and Family Theatre, WantediGurio Hall^ Vaudeville Attractions SEASON OPENS OEC. 3. Various prlTllrges fur ritnl. hlfkm ItlRii, write. Adtlreiv A.Il'rHUR U. HBYMUUR. MamtBCr- TREUENDOUS HIT. THE lilHUEST HIT KXOWN IN IE1H8 WAS MIDE BY MR JOHN W. WILSON, THE Tn^Mr», IN RICE'S *-LITTLE OHRIBTOPHER OOLrHBUS" OO. at the GARDEN THEATRE, NEW YORK OITT. HIT, O IT MISS BERTHA WARING Al ZDllvha, Ihr Danrlaa Ulrl, In KIcr'a "LITTLE VIIHISTOPIIEU CULVMHUH" Cfl., ■« llif Oftnlon Tlifi«tr«, New Vurk .JUHX AUUIVKD FKOM EUKOPE, WITH 1118 DOG AND HONKEY CUHEDIANS. JOIN lIAIIIiV WILLIAMS' OWN 0«. OCT, «4, FOIl THE HBASUN. THinK. wmRRHAULTinil IIOXINII D<KIH. JlirVKY VnNKRV. DnXKHHtULT MONKRr, RLUWN MONKRY. ud ihXINLY BAHilON TKCIPKIlrr VAN In Ilia WlillLD. Inooiijiinallnii allli Uia LalMt l.-»iilun aod raru NntaItT, HBItPICNTINB I>A.NOINC» DOUfit. RIUKB NOVBLTIKS (o PULLUMr. ISTOTIOE! I ^31 tlals 3VOTIOB. 'y I , „ All vnrrvaponileaca lr«Kt«d Willi the alrlctaal conflttence. Only lliitaa maBitlBs bu.laeia write, ntbaraa*Te y«Bral»m|M. l>eilu*Bent aitdreaa V. M, BHIOOS, P. U. BOX hn3, STAMPUKD, CUNN. W.W. CAHROLL AXTD BZ2TDESS.G. Two Topr«a«nlallvaa or tba oM time Oouth.n) ilarhar- Rnnaa danoaaaod tnlmlnolnathair c«iiilo DuDimj Molai "rBTKR." Thli aot la naw and otl|>oaL riKATKH HKVTARK. Tlialono>lD|lallar>i>aakarorlUfll TO WHOM IT HAY rONOBRN. Mai*Ti. Oamll and HladaaoaTamn with nif o«>nt|iaof for laTaral w.ak., and liaTabaaD dorian Ibit Itma Rood. ooQaolaailoua workara. Thalr act la a nood vna, full of 01NUI*tR COMKDT, anil kaal lhaandlanoa Inroaiaol lauah'ar Imm atari to flnl.b. 1. . . ranianant aildraaa leK nh 8lr*at. Kaw York. chMriuUr ra«umtnand tham to aoj tnanan.r Raapaett^ilt, .. „ BUillAHD lIYDMlVda'aOoniaJlana ★"COtlBAGK BOYSl" ^ <q"ALT<i ■■•■fniR»niiS" W\ ariMne "oui* r.ABT waltz," aoMntt "I r.OJCNO TO HEE Or.I> lUEI^AND ONOE MOKE," A TRUI.V RRAUTIrKI. IHiatI > IIDVlT^tWAK' tiftvit'* ItltNl) "WHEN WE WERE YOUNG. Pnll Dl tandaraaaa «1lb a aoodilaaorlpitra atoi; m an oMoonplaoo tkair Qoldan WaddlBjt NiRliL 1^ Raary protatalonat plwuld aeml tor tha^ aoo|i Thar ar* tama Tba lour mallad to orolaaalonal llB|«ta onlr. aaodlBi iiivirainnia and l*n ranu No altaniinn paid in l.ttarad.ttattna rram iha forvaolnii taaoaaL AXBH1I1AN NVMO rUBLIillllKa IX>.. No. It Saal riluxoUt Rtnol. Kaw York Ollr MS PHN.N., tllllO AND NOUTIIBKM NEW VOHK, HBND BAIILIBKT OPKX TIMR A.ND IIRlirTEH.1I« IN NOVtOM* HHIl AMO UKrKHDRR, rOH OAVIN 4l BUTLBR'S OIIBATHST OP ALL LAUGH l>HOO(t|;BH!l, MANAGERS "The New York Hats," OIIMAT ALL STAR «l>P.OIALTV CAST, lurlaillni IIOVAL. STAR aUARTBT, ». P. CVnUY, AND OTHBR WRLi. KNOW* AllTIMT*. Write qaiek or nrire lo r. W. BUTLER, Mr* roid'a Operm Haaae, Baltlam, m. CLIPPER For 1895. \ V \ We are now prepared to re- celye advertisements for tb^next edition of Cupper Annual This valuable Record Rook has always proved an unsurpassed advertising me. dlum. A large part of tlie edition Is taken by ttie patrons of atbletic and other sports and pastimes, amuse- msnt managers and artists hi the va- rious branches of the amusement pro- fession. will be found a most direct means of communlcatlen for managers of opera houses and bails, actors and perform- ers In all departments, museum and circus managers, dealers in theatrical goods and coshimes er persons who supply anything used lo a theatre, dr. eus or museum; dealers In baseball, cricket and other sporting goods and hnplenants, dealers hi guns, ammuni- tion, etc., fishing tackle makers, beat builders, etc., etc, RimOFMERn: Fofm|llg6,7l-MI-2 - • $40,00 Forbyiipigi - - • 20.00 Fofqnrtirof jpige • - - 10.00 FtrtiMtj-fhi lilts, igite* ■ • 5.00 FortHliuiKttt • • • 100 orniillHtigiti .... I.QO OAOATB MUSUBM rOOEmil LDIB TO IN INCB. ADD TBS COLUMNS AHB 19-UIM. KIDB. Addrau »ll comakaalcKlloBa to The New York Clipper, THE OUPPER BDnUDUO. 88 omd M Outra Stnal, NewTwk, Why not leave your orfer and get what you winl Inilead ol buying "ready nude" In a hurry. BETTER GOODS. BETTER WORKMANSHIP, AT NO MORE COST. Kersey Overcoatings In Blue, Black, and Brown ^lE Cfl Made lo Order ^WaQU Single or Double Breuted, iny length you want, deep illk velvet collir, line oheok ill wool llnlngt, lip leimi, raw edgei, siriclly pure wool and lad eetort. There never wu tuch a bargain offered in line tailtring line. Our London Stripe Treuiera at Have been a great lueceai with ui. FULL DRESS SUITS io^L) In West ol England Broadelotb, Crepe and Dreu Woretedt, allk or tmtta llnad. Sanplei and lelf-meaMremenl guide lenl on ippHoalion. JACOBS BROTHERS, $4 and $5 $30 829 Broadway, opp. P.O. Bowery, cor. Brooiae St. N. T. SIEGMAN&WEIL 110 uid 112 QrMM Strttt, ntir PHnf, ft Y. no«t oompUta ttook ol all OOIaD Am pOiVBR njuuunuo, bwl, bbiUM* for tbHOrtCU WWlUOtW _i ailowar prtow thkn %af other booH. M lAcb BATmS la •twt aTeolDf iihad«, tf&- flDo. . 1 J /ymi^ OP CHlITA SiLKrVibm vidaTSO'iacSSi^S^ ononr baUnatt and not 'iSSjaalnhaUe prtoaa Ihaa any ottii M Incb SATINS In atan oraalnf ahada, 4t JoalreaaUad aftill Una or BVBNINaaHi [OB and BEARDfl ol araiT daaenpUoa (oada r piamlaaa rroia liunaa balr) In atook or to ord.r. Kip'a visa tt, OS; Ladlaa' win, lUD and opwarda. ■ SNASeB' HEAD4 lor farfaot loiltaUou mada Ol raiT duibla and only walgblaf 8 iRTIOl pataot ODNOL.-. . BATln aCCP^EHt. eiTI: BARDAU, 01'. el.T^«^Oanfi »; CL OiiB. tXli. ata. nolITS, BBmrs aU^t&ppiIIGB n liD port and mala oofaalraa. Cottoougbta, ti-K} aiti* baary, loU laatlonad, 01.71, (waai battai than tUl aotat ad tlihta): woialad, tuo; allk. UM and e<: batt allk. OTJO. Wa oafiyn aiadaa la arary QnaUty ami ilM Id Btaek. or make tham to oidar in trar daya. Paddad '^AWoISb, etW a poaad. BVUJOn - daap OB eaaa • raid) to ^WEliB iB^MtUnD^^IAORgl, f^Wona&tTloMaad arair tnlonsauoo aaatbymal). OBPOSrro taaalrad on aUordaia. TO MANAGERS. W. E. WHITTLE, VENXRir,pQXJIHX. Now vltb tbt Bob PitnUnnouCo.. appurat Mliwr'i Bow*T7 Thaatr* wMk or II, at Mloir>i elilitb ATtnm wMk of 9 Whkt Uw PblltdoIphU mu baa to tar of MB, WBirrLB'B tgta: PUILA INQDIRBE, OoL B,'M-- W. K Wklula In ^•otrtloqalit act that mad* a hit PUIL4. ITBM. Oot Ilk 'M--W. B. Wbiula, who la a tb« LroBam Tbtatn tbia wMk wlib tba Bob PitBtlmtooDi Bbow.liona ot ibadaToraMTaotilloqoliuoB ibaitav* todtr. Ua rooaiTMat aaob parfonnanoo a goodl/ ssd waU daaar?«d sbuaol applauo itka to baar from ttinani . WOBld ■M. AddraM ran for Masoo *flB and baar from i <I6 Fourth Htmt. Harritop." N. J. oniiu. iM m OPTHB ADA! FOREPAUflB SHOW, SEASON 1894, eompUia rbroDlcle ^^ lotsn. , UM) bftpp«DlDia Aildrett _ P. B.,IIUTCniNBil PrawDtlDK a eompUia rbroDlcle ^^ lotsroMlnt artnti UM) bftpp«DlDia Aildrett P. B. IIUTCniNBilN, Forer«iiih WiDior Qoartort, Loblih ato ud EdaaiDODt Pt.Phi^ad>lpbla.Pa WAXTTED, BLACK FACE, DUTCH OR IRISH tlOMEDIANS, FOR 7 EVENINGS, NOV. 10-17. Addraaa, iiaUaglowaitHlair. J.B.OBBENB, flou'bhrlflca Mmo. STORED, OARB TO LEASE. NEW JERSEY CAR STORAGE and REPAIR CO., Vlaw (Potowoo), W. J. FIT CUSS mm piuisr AX LIBERTY, To OMD »t ODD* fulv k<Dd of butlOM*). no travallnR «r Bandar abowa MantianwaBtlDRatboroajibtf compa- lODtand nllabia mao, and wUUsk to t>ay a tl«c«Dtularr oDljaDiwar. Addra*« PlAWiar. Woi W—t rorpwall. W. T. NELLIE A. BROWN HMvtel, Cliincltrt tr OM Woimb. Bip»r1*nc«d. patoitkblDtaoirvM Wardrobe Sr«f oUm. rraitr onoDlvhtiiand eo. Roiotwiiiblt iaaoaK«noolr aJ^fW CT NORTH OBBRRT OT.. 0*t»>bnra. Ill WuM,i8M<AU'RmiCMW«aL Hnl ba Mbar ase a bo'tlar Maka raor aalary lowaa It U anra. J19 o DATBIIK)RJUBaf*r. Btomno MIO«.,«oi*nTna, Wla MISCELLANEOUS. Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, and oijv skin, pre- vented hy CutJcura the most effective skin purifying and beauti- fying soap in the world. The only preventive of pimples, beause the only preventive of inflammation and clogging of the pores BoMtliTaDghontthsirorld. IMM,Ste. Forria J>aoa AKD Cbcm. Conr., B«lo Propa., Doaloo. w^il gibmi tho Bkin ana Ilatr,'* maUedfraa. FREE GRAND PRIZE! TImaa are bard but w« mast do bosl- nets. To gataffenuatartedieilioffour Rooda we are almoK glvlag mrmr Ik. iblaeaDplelot oC geodilell* lofftbem wltbODt regerd lo coet.lesitbaa oDO-tblrd tb* wboleaaler— ' " ourver worib i Ulp pee, #l:Ul 1 roccopoehetbooK.ttci I nne gold plated wet«b cbelnaol cbarm. IIJO: 1 extre Am EulUb flUek HaaM>. gl.TOf 1 Fatont Penol) Bbaipener, lOci lBparblla«Eeet Indie niaaead ShlrilMf d, gV.eO) I itk gold plated Scarf PId, 71c; 1 bandiomo deeoratcd Pocket Pboto Albont.eoc;! iwo-bledepockot bolferaxer steel aod tortoise sbetl handle, TSe. With flrat order .a^^^^^bma^Ta* *o ^^xil ''REB oar 9S.90 ?J^^^K^^SIK& opeDfaeeWatcb. Tbe caste V^^^^^BKy are made of a pleto or ilk ^^■^^^^ goldovertbe floest qasJIljr ^^^^^ of solldOermensllver, mtk- iDga cose composed of notblngbataneOermaBellTtr wllb Ilk Roldon the oaulde and Inside, eoual In ep- pserance to a ^M.OO solid Ilk gold walch, flolsbed (o loleaalaprleei i box or rven flnest lOo Olcarta >rib tUCj 1 reFleble KuZ Id pea, #l:Ul 1 Ooo mo- adaexllngbrtg^tQ«ss,wlth eitraglatedastcap,0tt«d with tbe latest Improved Kplete. fell iewrbd cscape- inent,stem-wlDdaodst«Bheet patent nlcaelmoTemeot wlttaflneenameleddlal. AgOKranteoforMjeuegoca wllb OTerr wet«b- We are the only boose Id tbe codb* trr offering a good rel labia wat«b as a prlie to ageats. aire us a trial order and see for yoortelf. Agente wantad In ererT town. This entfra package eeot 0.0. D. Yoa can eiamlne It at tbe eiprese offlce aed If found sallsraotorr P*r the agent oilt one-lblrd IntrodDCtorj price, geLOft, and eipress charges and :eep tt. If rea don't And the goodi alone worthdoaMe themoner.lhe wateb fully e^iaal to wat«heii advsr tlsedfroml&OO to ai9.00,doa'tpar one cent. Wo giro this watcb free with flnt order only. AgeoUmako more moDev working foros than thej can atanr- * ce and get thla appear again. You can double 7oarmoney flratd ay. w ben sold out order again. Wedefy competition. HrttereeraaM, •men eSse tad lUI* DlsWy. Addreaa INSUnAlfCB WATOU OO.. UP hAis« aueet, cmaoo, UA. TAPE-WORM!hS Vilb ae^d, eroo charsa. la. alanp lorl^mpMtL Dr. H. Niy einllb. Bp^llal, WIl Ollra 8L Loul.. Uo CIITIIDC Wire and HVSRANO. Portanaa ate. rU I UilE Wire Wnia to J. EABLY, UI Wub. inaton Bt. Broo.lyn, H T. Bamplea mallad an,ahara lOa CORBETT, FITZBIHUONB, DIIOM. JACESOX, t CaMnat Fbota sAs. HcOILI.. (S Ilanrr SIra.l. T CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. TAmnt*a EatraAt ol Oababa and Copalb* (a a aaia, oertalB aod qniek eara, aad la an oU-tlDia remedy, eom- blDiog lo a blgbly eoDoeDtraiad rem tbe medtoloal vlrtoes el oabeba aod copaiba, Its portable shape, freedom trora tuta, and speedy aoUoo (eurlDi lo less time tban any otbar preparahoq) B<^a^t TBB HOn TALOABUt INUWK BBUBDT. To prereat tmod, see that arerr paokage has a red atrip across tba lac* of la- bel, witb tbe slgnaiara of Tar- not A Co.. N. T., opoo It PRICB, il-OD. Bold by all Jragtlsta. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER I Mt^jfshelnBBA* Basiosu legal and qaite. Biaoehea and CaoiMtlaa lo otbar BtatoL I BoatOD,llaaa.,aiHleeawhatyoaTlllgat. EDMUND £• PBJO£, Counselor at Law, mow YORK CUFFKa BVILDIIVO. n AlVD BO OBlfTRB BTBBEr, Iffaw Tork CttTf Piaetlea u all tba Ooorta, Olnl and Orlmlnair Boeoial attaaUoD glrao to tba ooUaetlon of alaloia aii< dabtaof all klnda, tbe pnpaimtlOD ol agnamaiitB aad other l«fa bualaeea O^Lo_DOWirB HEAi;rH BXKRCISER. For OentlaiMo. Ladleo, Toothn, atb- letaorInralld. Completagymnaflum; takes tiD. of flAor room; new, ooleouOe. durmbia obaap. Indoned by KDiQOP physlelana tawyen, olergyineo, edlt- ore aod other* now asing IL Illofr tifttad dlrcQlar, 40 eogiaeloia, fi*e. Address D. L. DnWD.BeienllOo Physte- al aad VocalColtorsS K Htb Bt.,V.T. rH.WOLFACOj CHiCAeo)i4 u»* THB ttOBT UTKllflVK MAJturAOTDBSBllOr Billiard and Pool Tables ' W THE -WOBUft' THE BRUIISWin-BAUEmLENDER COIPiUt. vra soo droadwat. Kewua* aod mod etesaat mita, nth the U fVQOALBp ■ORABB CUIHIONB, BlIMard raaUrtalaa eloih,J «oaa,eta. of « TB* r- nhtnam. I cugBiONB, BiiMara maunaUa ewu, »»» of oarown maoDiMlareaod >nipoTlaooB. t BBDKVWlCK-BAXaKE-OOUaBKpEBOO- mMtnneil. M. Umia fco maeisea. MAGIC LANTERNS'WANTED^t' HAHBACH &Ca 800 f ilbtr'.St.Ctil.