New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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Omili>f».lJm, bj na Fnsk Qomb pomuiiIiis compuj (UmlM). Founded by i FRANK OUEEN, IBSSJ NEW YORK, SATURDAY, ISTOV EMBER 3, 1894. (VOLUME XLII.-No. 39. I PriM 10 C«ntti THE STAGE CARPENTER. ruiTTii roa tbi umw >obx OLirrm, BT HOMROB R. ROaBMPBLD. He mnden ap, be wuden down, A pbutom on Ibe scene; He UIki to none, he doea bla work WItb oointeBaDM serene; Htbongb bla pone Is aerer lal, TIs like bis llgort—less. Wbai la tbere be nnoot conmrooir An elepbsnt lo bim Is bot a tlinple pllgbt, or eke A dragoa terce and grim, And golden goMeie all begemmed, Tbat nenr will grow dim. Be bnllda a ablp, a pwadlse, Wber« angela mailo apeak— Brlgbt angela wllb a atUrj Of ]aat dve bones a week; And jet, lo aplte ot genliis, HIa acUosa are lo meek. Tanks are bla special workmansblp, And bozz Bwa meelbls line; And cottages and otber tblnga— At tbeae be'a ittj fine; And be can make a tbimder clond, And moona tbat more and abloe. Bnt wbo applanda bla m;aUc artt Tbe baas dram wouldn't nod At blm, wbUe on bla dall/ rounds Tbe carpenter dolb plod; Tbe manager t He knows blm not— A stranger in tbe fold. I wonder It be ever tbinka Wbo cleverlj will make A little box for blm, eome daj, Tbat will not be a take, Wben LIfe'a laat scene on blm aball close And HeaTon'a J07 awake I DIBB S''Dl'LE MMAy vunan ArnBTDB oirjuk ron Tia .mbw tori olippbh, BV "WIKIBIIOP." Hr. Portman Dlbba waa an elderly EngUsb gen- tleman of consldeiable meaoa, a pedant tbrongb and tbrongb, and for manr }eara aconstomed to a ragalar mode of llrlng. A amall and tmated circle ot tttenda satlsded bis social needs. Oe concerned bimselt aa llUle aa poaslble abont tbe dear nelgbbor, and belonged to tbat rare class ot people wbo are able to lire next door lo esob otber all Ibeir Uvea wlibont even knowing one anolber bj ilgbt. TO one of Hr. Dlbba' ateadf practices belonged a jearlf trip to tbe Continent, wblcb be, bowover, unlike most people, was fond ot undertaking oTorj Spring, Instead ot In tbe Bnmmer montba. So It came about In doe course tbat. In Harcb, I8M, be made tbe naual preparaUona for Olgbt, and Bw on tbe daj preTlons to bla departure bis friend Hr. aoldamltb again aa guest at bla dinner table. Sbortlj before sepaiailng from blm Hr. aoldsmltb drew a Ultle Jewel case from bis breast pocket, and said; "I aar, mj dear friend, aa jon will also stop at Luiera tbia time, jou wonld do me a great favor U 7on wcnid dellrer tbls Utile case to mj brotber, wbo Uree tbere. The diamond It contalna poa- aesaea. as too wUI aee, sued a bigb value that I mnat try to send It In the anreat way- The Utile packet will put yon to no Inconvenience whatever, and Ton wlU not run tbe least rbik In carrying It, aa no one wUl know tou have lach a valuable Ibing on lonr penotL" "Wltb pleaanre," replied Dlbba. "Ont ot friend- ship tor Ton I would even take the taoona koblncor asa tiBveUng companlont" During tbIa convenallon tbe two men stood lean. Ing against the window, wboae ahadewaa not low- ered. Aa be waa about to pot tbe little Jewel caae into bla pocket DIbbs caanally cast a glance over tbe street, and looked, as be did so, directly Into lbs tsoe of a passing man—or bad be been standing tor some time under tbe window t—into a tace brightly lighted by the street gaa-a strUung, dark com- pleiloued bee, with along, black moualacbe. Tbe stranger, apparently, proceeded quietly on bla way, wbUe Dlbba uimed haellly to aoldsmltb. "Do« any one besides yonraelf know ot the com- mission t" bs naked. "Not a wnl, my dear feUow, except yon and me. Hy bookkeeper la tbe only one, in tact, wbo baaany knowledge ot tbe present none-" "The man hasn't been with yon lung; how does be look t" "LUe yon, like ms-at any rate, very respecuble. What kind ot tboogbu are running tbrongb your beadt" "Doea he wear a blank niutacbe t" "Black t No, bla mustache la gray-almost white, ant what's tbe matlar with yon t Did you see any bcdTjnstnowt" "Wben Ton banded me the Jewel cass a man •lood close under Uils window. I tbink be obeerved ns; and be mlgbt have beard ns uuilog." "Tbenbe must still be visible," said Ooldsmlth, openUig the window and looking ont Dlbba also leaned ont; bit tbe street waa deserted; not a aoul ■as to be seen. "InaU pnbabUltra nelgbbor or ■ servant, who went Into a booM," said Ooldamllh, soothingly, to bis trtsnd. "In any case, be coold not have beard ns; and I aiB,inoieover, qnlle oertaUi be dldnotsea OS." Tbe next day Hr. Foitman Dlbba started on bla trip to Bwlturlattd, by way ot BmaseU, stopping Arst, u wu bla wont, Ui Oatend for a M daya. Then bs bought atloket for tbe express naln, and ■Mk a seat, wtm a contented heart, In a Oist cUaa i^artlage.^Almoftan bear mlgbt have gone by be- ("te DMS folded np bis paper and took a cursory v'-oc/ft the ooospanta ot tbe oompartmaot. Bla iJI'Sgbta were tanylng mote wlib tbe doings of /'ntUamant, which he had been readbig, than witli bJs fellow travelen, wben bla glance met iba ejea 01 a genutman iltong opposite to him, wbo was lookbig at him anantlrely. Eaob ot tbe two be- came aware, at the Bme Hme, of the observation ot me otber, and toned qnlohlytfdaw»ri. BBtIHbbs> b>iet«M vBi aiousd. Bid be aot alieady iMleed tbls face oncer Was the traveler really a stranger to him, as be u llrat tboogbir Had he not aeen bimsomewberet Andwhenr Wheret Suddenly, the remembrance aune back to blm iiulck as light- ning—tbe face ot the one oppKslte to blm was tbat of the man ha bad caught sight ot on Ibe evening before bis departure, b> Darloy Street, under tbe windowl There waa no doubt abont It. Tbe fea- tures, complexion and black moD>taohe were too. striking. InvolnnlarUyDlbbafelttbebreastpocket that concealed tbe Jewel case; .v bo did so bis giaace once more met tbe r je ot ibe stranger Oxed on him with an attenllvo expression, and tbls coo- templaUon caused blm an oncomtortable feeling of anxiety and care. Under tbls Impression be made by this renewed meellng. That tbe suangor was following blm was now certain, and, whoever It might be, be knew ot the secret ot tbe diamond, wblcb through chance or design bad come 10 bis knowledge on that evening In Barley Street. Wlibont temporizing long Dlbba decided to leave Bails aa biatllT as Bniaaela, In order to rtd btniself ot the care ot tbe precloua diamond, lie did not teel In acme measure quieted until tbo moment for tbe departure on tbe morrow bed come, and no trace ot bis pursuer waa to be eaplcd at tbe slaUon. lie remained on the plattonu uniil tbe last minute, and not till Ibe algual tor departure vma given did be take lilj place as the only pauucnger, with a aigh ot relief. But the noise hemado In so doing had nottscapod the stranger; tor Ulbbs became aware ot a oautlou< movement on tbe otber aide ot tbe compartment. The fatal moment bad come; the man vras surely preparing 10 make Ibe attack, and, In his mortal terror, DIbbs let bimielt sink softly down and crept under bis seat. How long he remained In this poaltlon, halt ■ulfocated, and not daring to move, the poor fellow was notable to tell later nn; ancb •liuaUcns know no time rcokcniog. An unexpeoted drauiht of air made bis heart at drat stand still, and then sent his blood boiling through all bla veins. Tbe second door bsd St all evenia been opened. Buniethlng most have happened—bat whatt nia strained ears up bla mind, after natiire conelderaUon, and al- though ashamed of his fear, to excbango bis usual stopping place In Bmssels, the Hotel Bellevue, lor tbe less known Hotel NaMan. In tbe preaa ot the arrival DIbtoloal sight ot bis fellow traveler, and, having become much more tranquU, be let himself be driven to tbe Hotel Niaian. But deep tooled baUla are not slighted without anything further. The traveler felt nncomtortable In the strange hotel; Indeed, merely because It vras called Hotel Nassau, and not Boul BeUevue; and disaatlstaollon with himself and his whole sur- ronndlngs were the conieiiaences. "How could I toiment myself on acootint ot the tellowt" be thought, while enjoylng'fels after dinner cigar. "That ha waa In tbe mmi naln was certainly only anaccldenL I must drive tbe nonsense oat ot my hMd I" With tbls IntenUon he left the room, and gtaied In tbe doorwy a belated dinner guest. In whom he rcoognlxett, with secret dismay, tbe ob- ject ot bla tedeouons, The next morning the Itst train carted Hr. DIbbs to Cologne from Brnoels. This waa again a change in bla pfogramme, which regularly included a stay ot bom one to two daya In the beantUnl caplkl of Belgium. In spite of the greatest atten- tlca bs could discover ui the train no tnoe of bis bngbnr, who. Indeed, did not spring up again In Cologne. A quiet night In irell known aorroandlnp gave Dlbbi bis ordinary menial eqalllbnnm sgaln. Fol- lowing ont the original traveling plan, he took a ■U np tbe Rhine In tbe ateaabcat, spent a short time Ui Halnii, and found blmsslf soon aflerwarda Ui the "Tbrse Itueens," In Basle, the Ust testing point before Luem. Bitting alone on the betel teirace, which aoorda a view ot the Rhine, be en- joyed tbe ohaimbig plotore of the spreading laad- sape Ui the bright oconahlnei Soddenly be be- came conaolens ot the pteseaoe ct another person. Close beside blm app«Mod the tace and Ibim of the nan with thablacfcDonaiaehe, and bla acanaly qnlaM fMis weraaioused Ui Ibe hlibes* degiee Slowly the train act Itself In mo'lon. Ot a sud- dsn the door of thn carrlsge was torn open, a breathless man quickly threw In lap rugs and bag- gage, and assisted an equally breathless man to get In. Tbe doorwaaehntagaln,tlie loromoUve gavea shrill whistle, and the train left Bulo HtaUon. In one coner ot tbe compartment lat DIbbs, In tbe otber, the turtheal, leaned tbe man with tbe black muslacbe I A long Jonmoj tsy before both, and Portman DIbbs possessed no kind Ota weapon. Uls courage sank below lero; Instlnctlfely be drew bimselt back as tar as possible In bis corner, and apparent- ly became abiorbed In tbe study ot his guide book. Ills fellow traveler did tbe same. In spile of tbst tbe snspenie waa frightful to DIbbs, and tbe forced tnaouvit) almost Intolerable. Lite an IniplraUon the thought came to bint, although be was not aruied, at least to appear so. Tbs manmuf re lulgbt prove effectual, might Induce bis pursuer to post- pone his evil design, or at least to beallate. Ac- cordingly, Dlbba assumed a cold blooded, dedant mien, tolled bla eyes, tbrsw threatening glaueee at bis neighbor, and thnst bla hand Into bla pocket, as It utendlgg to draw a weapon. With Inexprt*- ilbls delight be pctoelved tbat bis brick was at once ancotsstnl. His teUow traveler became un- easy, and diew back doea to the carriage window. Bnt kov was tbe decepUon to be keot opt What vras to be done neitt Tbe whistle of tbe engine trtgliiened IHbbe out of bis deep medltaUcn. Great Cud I he bad not reckoned on the long tounel, which they were now approaching, and be iuvolon- tartly looked at Ibe lamp. It was not UL Oaugbtl U>stl The wildest tsnclea ebsssd through bis brain aa, with a last piercing whistle, the locmo- dve now dashed Uito tbe tunnel, and all the rail- road attacks he baa ever beard ot flew like a flash, in el their shocking deUUs, before his mind's eye. A horrible fear took p os s ession of hUn, and, aUnost nnconsclotti, scarcely knowing what his aim waa, he tiled cMUonaly lo opea the oanlags door. In vain I It.wlibstaod sU his elMts. heard no other aound than tbe roar ot the train In tbe tunnel; In the carriage liaelt Ibe stillness of the grave rtflgned. In unspeakable excltonient and meaaureless tstonlsbment be waited In bla hiding place nntll tbe hope tbat bad scarcely venlored to silr In his breast was roused to new lite, lie round himself really alone; be was saved. Uow this wonderful deliverance had come about he did not Imagine I Tbe end of Ibe toiuel was almost reached, a faint light broke through the window panea, and Itliiba crept cautiously from under tbe seat. Tbe stranger had left tbo oompartmenL At Olten Station, which lias ImmedUtely at tbe end of the lonnel, Ulbbe changed bis sent for one Ina waU oconpled second class carriage, and a few bonra later the troublesome diamond lay In lbs hands of Goldsmith's brotber In Lnxern. • •••••• DIbbs' adventnie oauaed, on bis relun Ui Lon- don, no sad ot surprise In tbe olrcle of bis friends, and made him the hem ot the day. Whether he alwaya gave the acoompanymg clrcnmslancea In tbs same way u la ben related ta niumportant. ne that sa It may, his fnend Bodkin, among others, got np a dinner la his honor, and wlUi th* nsoal puootoaUly Dlbba put In bla appearance as Iba ■Mgneab "I mj, Dlbbi," said Bodku, JesUngly, as tbe two tnsnda stood by tbe Ireslde chatting, "take can Ihat your lanreU are lot dl^nied lodayl Do yon know Liroy, your isigbbor, In Barley Btieeit" "God torbldl never saw the fellow la all my Ufa. What'a the matter with bin, prayf "lie protesaea to have had anadventateslmliarto yonrs. Tbe thing also takes place In BwlUerland, aadRacbeaitsclUnaxlBatnnael. Itaseaulome ssU It wseIn the Olten tuusL" "Zooksl atouveolnclden'oel*<laogbedDlbbi. "In Lenj'a story, bowavsr, there's do nbber, bnt a maolae," eonilnnad Bodkin. "Unj waa foUowed bya man la hotels aod mini. Ton will bearltibowersr, bsMtiomhls ewa Upe. llMeBd Is trlgbitul. lie Qnds hlnsolt all alone In a railway carriage with the madman, who carrlea a revolver; a long tunnel swallowe Ibe iwo up, and the goard has torgotien 10 Ilgbt tlie lamp. Leroy hears how Ibe maniac glides towards blm In tbo grave like darkneu; ho has enough presence ut mind to open tbe door ol the compartment, apparently In order lo anring out, but. In reallt;, he conoeals hlmsell under the soat, ille stratagem saves his life, He thinks he beosine nnconclcas In bis palnfnl posi- tion, tor when he la again al>le In think clearly tbe tnin has already left Olien aiaticn, and he Is alons lo tbo carriage, The madman bad disappeared without leaving a trace lieblnd." Uodkin had spoken so anienlly Ihat the Im- prcaalon bla narration made on Dlliba allogolhet escaped hini, The servant now appeared, and anncnuced: "Mr, Lemy," liodkiu iirMti'il tbo new oomer with the greatest vivacity, and led him, beaming with Joy, to his friend, "Yon two niuatinakontehiiihor'a arqiuiluuinco," he said. Bnt they already knew caub nther, and their re- cognition WM mutual 1 Ulaoonrencd, In apevcljlein aaliiiilahnif nt, Dllihs beheld Ihr man with tlin black mnnalache aunding before blm, wlillo l.or»y, tcrrlfled, tuiLCd Into the face lit tlie uanlanl JESSIE D. BUSLEY Was liom Is Albany, N. r., IWKnty one yeitn ago, Hhe made b»r prorcsslniml dolnit In Hoslnn, Mass,, Nov. 10, laoo, In 'The llolls ol llMleiiiere." Iloring the fniiowing season, IKOI-S], alio was a inoniber ot llobt. Hsoteira Cotnpaiij, pUylng Ingenue and comedy rotfti. aud upon one oecaalun pUynl Dcs- deinona in Ur, Htnloll'a lltliellii, bla leading lady having auddonly licen laknn III. In tbe Kail of litn she Joined Dharles Frohnan's furoea, drat playing under his managomout In "The New Whig" end "Horrendcr" corap-tnles. I,aat year she was a memlicr ot thn "Uliarloj'a Aiiiil" company and played Uie npptialle part ti> Irfinl Kaiirnurt Uablier- ly. While Ulta lliiali'T has nvi|iiltlcd heraolf with credit In ovory nito In whliih site liaa appeared, her great nppnrtonlty to prove hor ability did not ar- rive anill this acoann when alio was cast fur the role ot Nancy lUiaoli, In Ur, Ktohtnaii's priiduotlon ot 'The New Uoy" at the Standard Theatre, tbla city- Hlaa llualey then anrprlKil and delighted her audiences hy the presentaUon ot n strle of roropisg girlliund now to the stage. She is sUII playing tbo mie and winning all wbo ace her per- formance. Ilor Nancy ihiach la lugenuoiii, franki trollcanmo and enttroly devoid of onananeaa or atoglnuw. 11 la Inlonacly natntal, the einbodlmeni ot thn nioal rivacluua. Innocent type at girlhood, caroleaa nf conacqiiencpH, iMicaiiae Ignorant of wrong, Hlaa Uuslny lias tuuch poraonal atlracUva- noasand laeicoedlngiT winsome. THE POWER OF THE HUMAN EYE, A family dnigglat In North niilngo liappened to liKik up Iram Uio liili ot fnilt ayrtip be waa com- pounding, aod was aatfinlflhod In see Ibe ahaltered wreck ot a man enter and throw Itaolt upon a ohair, Tlio wreck was In an awtiil condlilou, bleeding, llks Uol. Marco DaumH, si ovory vein. "What in the nsuio ot HIr Walter Hmtt has hap- pened to you t" cried the dnigglat, "I'uur a (aw i|uarts iit arnica on me," reapondod the wreck wearily, "end I'll tgli you," The druggist nllicbcd him up and auakcdhlmln healing dulda and llaiened for tbealory. "I live nil uilflou Avonuo,"Bald the wreoh, "I havo lately liecn rcaillng tip on lion tamers, and I came Ui the dincUialun tliai the human rye would aiilHino nnT lieaat that walks. I tried It nn all the animsia In tlio nclgliliorhooil and It seemed lo work all right, for two or three weeks I went areund niibilulngihlnga with my eye. Then I got Into an argument with a nelghlwr on the iinoatlon. He held llist a rtelly flerce animal didn't can a red cent tor the human eyo, I olTered tii lict 110 tbat hecouldnt prnducoan animal that I couldn't con- i|uer liy looking at." "I can guom tbo real," asld the druggist, "lie trultrduiitalilR laaitlg with a mouth as large aa the ArcUo rcglnns, anil yuii tried to aulidiie It, and It wouldn't aulHliie to amiiuiit to anything; and In the grand iiympoaliim tbattiiUowed the dng tried Is make a record at plain and fanRT'-hewIng and ano- ceeded." "That aounda reaaonalilo eiioiigh," rc|illod Ibe wrcrk wearily, "but It waaii't tlio way It happened. Hy nolglitiur took rae intii a atmnKO yard hy moon- light and aakcd me In hypuutlioa Idg sorrel hull- dug tbat waa altting nn thn porch. Several atran- gem were there lo aee thoexiMrtiiient, and I wentto work. I atarrd Ini/i the orlia ot Ihat lieast for It- tcLii minutes, and It didn't seem to move a muscle; then, u> show that 11 waa Ihornughly aulidiied, 1 wont upand placed my baud un Its bead. It waa a cast Iron tmlldog, and waa auMned when ItllrsI came from the foimdry. While the spectators were biugblng I akllcd luUi my neighbor, doiennlned to whip him all ronnd the block and up and down an alley, and you see Uie result. I wish thai you wonld pour a pint ot oil of aaasafraa down iny neck."— OlilcoQO Dalit/ Triixmt. EQUAL TO THE SITUATION, Tbe shoirman, Uamuu, was alwaya equal to a siwatloo, laid a Santoga woman, tbe otber day. Tean ago, wben Tom Thumb was his only aUm». Uon, he came to Baialoga and attempted u> give an enlertslnineut. Tbe Tillage Cathen, however, scared blm awsy by the price at their llcenae, end be went to Hsllslon, tbe neit town,and advertised tlis psr- fonnsooe. A special train was ran from here, and agreat many of us went down on It, When the cur- tain went up, llarnnm came out and made a Utile apeerb. "lAdlea and gentlemen," he began, "It waa my drat Inlenllon to give ihia enleruinment In Bar*, toga, hot I aoon discovered there wen soms men In tbst place su much auiallsr than my famona TMa nomb tliat It wuold be useless to attempt oompetl- Uon with them." Tbe Saratoglans langbed ae baril aa the BaUsteg folks, awl tbe bit was niaUsd for many a day.