New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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654 THE OSTEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 3 — tm}<» FkvllltiD "Unolc Tom'i CtbiD" Oo. cloMd tbolr leoUog wuod *t Now Ouiod, 111., 0«t. 9, It being iht most pleuutsod lacoeutul seuoo In ibe WtUiif of ibe comptoy, bkTlnR Int onlj one nigtat (be ooUre muod, mill plkflng one Bnndtr Digbt to niAkt op tor lu Ttiere bid not been > •Ingle cbuge In tbo compao/ or bud til Muon. Tbeenure ouiot wu thlppcd lo Llille Bloox, I*., to Timer nawten. rrof. Sniilcr, Jtck Uamj tnd Otiu. Bieil/]oln Bhu'H "u.T. U.," Elmer SoUlfre and wire lo to BL Looii, i. I>. UiUniDi, Comettlit OiMn, Utile Marie, JubD lleilb, K l>. Yoong uA Fred Kent Join Muon h Horgto't "fl. T. 0.," Ool. Feuor will tKIi triende and rtlHilrei In Iowa for a iiionilnie, J. M. Unib; ond Qlenn OuUerwent to Fana, III., lo rent tor a ihort lime. The abow will j!0ontnext Bprlog again and will be grtatl/ en- — Ilarrr 0. Todd baa Joined aearjt 8(ook Oo. at FlndlMy, 0., aa ulage manager and comedian. — Helena Ualler, of tbo Mario Klozle Co., who baa been qolie 111, haa mnmcd bar poelUon with Ue eonpanj. Tbej report good builneu tbrongb Oblo. — Rotter and nolea o( "A Bairellof Mune;:" Kellle Cooteon, manager; D. R. IM Leon, boalneu man*- geriMirkBwanatage manager; W. Denoloj(ton,mu. tical director; Jewie Hue llall, Florence ungdon, Bmoa llajner, Kteirn Hantord, Ilanny Hann, Allen U. Bailer, Wm. U. rowell, J. Knox aarln, John Uell, W. P. Oookaon and Ben Oalor. Iitnnr Mann and Allan II. Ualler have i>cen wlib the companj lire jean, and are plajing the Mica Ibojr cre- ated In tiio Drat perto mance at tbo piece. Wblt- nej Bennlngioo preatDled Jcaalo Mao Hall wllta an Irorr manlouro >cl, inonnled with gold. The compan; la dulog well: H. It 0. at Bollaoil, Beldlag and oiner Michigan clilf a. "Ohocobilea," aiong In which J»alo Mae Hall Ihrowa candj to tbe audi-' euw. la a aucccas. — The Nicliul Blatem (Utide and Alloc) hare Joined "A Bummer lllluwcl'' Uo. — Kreljn Paddook hiu not loll Conro; t Fox'i Co., aa reporicd. — Mania J. Ulxon led tor Ban Fnnclaco, laat weok, to produce Frank llarTaj i Kngllah melo- dmmaa, "The Land or the l.lrlog" and "Fallen Amung Tbierea." Manager Unroaco, of Ibe (Imnd Opera Uonae. Kan Kraiiolaco, will give lioth plara tlioroiigb proiIucUnna, icrnlcallr and urllatlcallr. Tiie playa will bo icen In Netr York aflor tbo boll- daja. — "Tbe Oantaln'a Mate" Uo. laid oiriaat week, on acouiit or Florence lllaillcr havlDi a aarglcal opvmilun perrnrnied ou her Ihroat. Tbe C4pmpanr began a two weoka'jiDgagi-meiti atOlilCHRO,Oct,28. — N'llea and nailer Irom Uerale'a Uomedlana: We bare been plating the Iron and copper coooirj to rair iocceaa. Opened acaaon Or.U a, HUd opened tbe new opera houao at Oomlo, Wla.. Uci. 11. Will II. Iirunn la i rlng atarrcd. Itoaier: Will II. Ilruno, Kdffin Thum, Rerlranil Morroll, Ccdlo Ulajton, Flo Elllaon,aerlruileUeralo.OJllo llenulleu,planlet; K. B. Uenile, manager, and Mjroo Wing, advance. — NegiiUatlonaaru under waj by wliloh, irconi plated, Francia Wllaoii irlll appear In l.onilan, Kng., neil Bprlog. — It la announoed Uiat Helen Ilauvrar may pna- alitly roaome hor tour In a rvrlval or "One of Uur alrli." — lAUlae Beaudok under the rrmnagenientor F. U. Whllney, will begin liur tonrin "Jacinu," Nov. la, at tbe Grand OpetH llnuae. riilladelplila, I'a. — oeorgo Alexander Inionda to mako a lour of tbla cououy with hia auiuk company from UioHU Jainca' Thratra, lAndon, Kng. The tour will begin next Hepicmber. — It la anoooncod Ikal JeHenion li'Angella will next hcaaonUo the alar or a coinio opera organlu- tloo, under the maiiagamcnt or Oaniiry A IiOderer. — Jamea O'Neill ooniomplalca appearing In Kng- land. Ho Inlcnila to lour tbe Kngllah provlncoa during the coming 8|irlug, and play In I,oodon next aeaaon. — BeerhohmTrrowlll begin hit Amorlcan lonr In January, at Ahliey'a Theaire, Ibia cltr. Mr. Tree taoldaibe American righta to Bydney urundy'a "A nonob ot VInlela • tor tbe clllea of New York, I'lilUdolpbIa, lloaion and Oliloago, while Uliatlca Frohnuui bolda thcin tor Ibe teat of tbit country. In ail lltlon to tbli play Mr. Tree will appear here In "The Kod Lamp" and a repertory ot hit old pleoai. — Violorlen Barrioi baa accepted the UUochnten by Fanny Darenport tor hit new p'jty, In which Bti»h Berobardl It to create thn laullugroleln ParlB and Hlit liavenport In tbla country. Ilo bad originally loieodtd lo ohrlaten tho play "The liuch Mt lit Albena," but baa decided to call It "On Donda" In Frencb aa well aa In Kngllah. — Manager Augnatoa I'ltou uncuncea that be will dote bla oompany In "Biruok Ull" Nov. >, In UU olty. — Flurenoe llamlltoo aecnitd her reloatefiom Nanagen orawtord A Lewlt, or the aillit mock Oo., Kauat Olty, Mo., In order to Jcla Ibc VtUX lloaa Uo, tor which John W. Iiunne hHa engaged Qladya Wallla aa tbe alar, to til tbe datoi tiwiked tor (bit organliatlon, and wlU open at HoVloker'a Theaire, Obloago, Nov. 1. — Rotter ot the Wtllace.llopnerKeiwrioryOo.: Wallace Hopper, NolU lloliloaon, Florence Wel- eoow, Jolla Unrlcv, U. K. Fowler, T. II. WaltD, F. BIgalnw, William Uoppor, WlUla rage, Juhnaoo and PoDdlcburv, Laooaahiro dancers; Jamea Jolhmote; banjolat; Kelly and Ilsntrtr, Irlah characler ape- clalij; J. 11. Bhafer and Kd. II. Bamtlead. flood butlneaalt retHtrted tor tbit oompioyforllvoweekt In llalltax, N. B. — Philip 8. Biaau bat algned with Janict Rllror'i "Race tor Lite" Uo., which la to travel onbloycica next Bummer. — LouUe Agnoll (Urt. Joaeph 11. Ulltloo) will herearter lie known lu June Agnott. Bho will tiar next teaaon la a now plar, wrluen by Mr. Ulirion, and eollUod "The lloac ur Vlr|lnla." — J. B, Angell, manager of Aognil'a (;omcdlant. baa piirobaaed the exolualvo rlgbia lo produce (bo roalltilo drama, "IKiwn tbo lUopo," |a Ohio and Indiana. — Uliver llyron will proiluoo hit now )ilay, "Upa and Duwnelif l.lfiv" uy F. A. Soudanioro, In Kllaa- betb, N. J., Nov. i. — Nolea and roater or Fred Uarah'a Select riayera: We ato now in our twcUih week, and have found bualnoaa In tho Boulh very good. Among other fair dalea wc have playoil, la the North Utrollua Blalo Kiilr, at llalelab, week ot (let. U, when butlnoaa waa exceptionally gooil. Una- tor: Lew (llra>nn, Ilarij II. uatile, l,oiila F. U<ir riaon, Oliaa K. Jnnca, Harry 0. Wllllar<l,JooMa>ne, Ohaa. v. WlldHok. Mtilelino illcaaoo, Irene UoLoo, Blanche Otatlt. Frxd Manb, manager; U. U. Wll- Hard, adriuoe, anil Prof. Ilayne, inualoal dlreotor. We route Boulh a« htr u Kuy Weat, rcturaing Norib In (be Spring, cloalng near Now York about June 1. — Many Hull, ot DnII'a Uoniudlant, writea ui that be broke Ihn rcconi or all rcportorr oompauloa week or Oct. M, at Iho Uraod Upon llouae, Madl- lon, Ind. — A. II, Woodbnil will leave the "Anot Sally" 00. and open an olHco In IhIa city lo book nllracllnoa lor oext aeaaon, among them helog "In Uld Mexico." "A Thorougbbrod,"and William Qray, In "Aunt Bally." — Madeline llavia It III In lluiMo, N, Y., aud la under (be care ot the Acton' Fund. — 0. K. noddard hat brought tull tor divorce from Flora He Vaaa. — Ool. J. F. Mllitkin hit "taken tbe etump" for Tammany Uill and la aclliuly engaged In the pieaent pollucal carapAign, — Lew Bllvera hw duaad with Marah'a Belect riayen, and la reeling at hli buiuo In Knoxilllo, Teno. — Walte'a Oomady Uo. Froinlura lland and Or cbeairaK plating tbe mill icwoa ot NcwRogland to excellent bntlneat. At YM lliver. Matt., the bouae waa nightly packed to tbo doora, and at Sa- lem, wbute tbe oompaoy played hul week, the talc «l (ickeia wat aioppeJ before eight o'clock every night, the boDtc being fliled lo lis ntmott cipaclty, and many weio turned away at tbo dally inatlucet. — Uarrle Kilcr, toobroiie ot tbe "Uracker Jack" <i >., la Binging Oua WIenbcrg'a UMtl (ong, "Olrl Wanted," — Unaa. K. Uarllug la (be hualneaa reprraenlaUve et tbe Jualln Adania Uomedy Oo. — John Ttnt, conater (oner, doted wKb "MoFad- den'B Klopement" oo, and opened OcL tT.tnSL Loula, Mo., wllb "UuiTr'a UloUilert.'> — Noiaa from Ibe Urabau luitle Co.: Qrabtm E-irle, Man W, Zlelle and Ubarlet Itoatktm were Inliltud Into the Hcolllth rack, Suoiua Haul Pled, at Brookvlile, ltd. Tho oHoere of Ibe order vlalkd na In tbe next tland, Uberty, and attended the per (orniaoce In the till coatomo of Hie order. We luve been pUylngihe larger (owoa et Ibe Indiana gu belt to large liualneaa. — Eleanor M«rtoo and Obailee F. 0111 (n i-pro- fettlpoal)weremanledUoLt9,at Roxbury, Haaa., the Her. Percy Browne oniclaUag, Tbe gioom It the brother of oen. Kdwio 8. aui, iDann,:lnf edi- tor ol Uie Riufon ThitWIer, Wanm Oomidt Rora.—Mm. Cora Wanar, ot the Ben R, Warner Oomedv Oo., celebnted her birthday at Orcaeo, la., on Oct. M, bj buqoettnf tbe company an«r the petormance. Amoof tbe preeentt the received were: One M ot tolll all- Ter peail handled trolt knivea, from Dr. KeUogg, Mr. wamer'a conaln; one ellver alomUar, allver bon-bon baaei, a lolld tllve/ belt bookie,allver powder box and poit, tlx tllk baadkerchlett, ellver ahoeand glovebnttoner.aallk Ue,alto a bandaome preaent from II. Walter Van Dyke and wire. — Boater and Dctea from tbe Fiaok Tooker't UomedyOo.: WearedolngaUraebutlneaa tbrongb Ohio, and are pleating onr andlencea. The rotter: 0. P. Ooaat, M. A. Dunt, Tbomta Martin, Qene Boh- bins, Btron Bchemerhom, J. Knox Oavlng, u. W. DIettloi, tbe Arlon Cloartal, Jtne Marburr. Varene Hall, Otrtle Itobblna and Etbel Tncker. The com- pany tau been Improved by the wf.iMoa of aevoral dever apeclalUea. A change of managemant oo- corred on Oct 71, 0. P. Ooaat ancoeedlng M. A. UuDt In the management or the abow, 0. w. Dlet- ncb It In adrance. We iball tour Indiana, Mlobl- gan and wiicontln. — Tie Oooleyt (W. M. Ooolev and wire), viollnliu and planlitj, bave Joined tbe Bartleu Theaue Uo. — Itepertorrof us Botlon Oomedv Co.: "Atttr tbe Hall," "PollUet." "Dliconlanted Wife," "MIt*. Ing FUger," "The Tendertool.'' Bulneei repotted onlfomtv good. — William NIobota reqnetla na lo deny Ibat be waa married to Jotepblne Wynne at Dayton, O., on Oct. II, and Informs nt Ibai Obas, B. Bowen wu (be bridegroom open that occasion. • — Geo. M. Jobnaon baa entered Into a contract wllb Obaa. H. nowtll to alar Edwin RoaleU In Bbakctpeareas cbtraeteis. —J. 8. Leerbnrger, general manager for Maroni Mayer, tailed tor Korope Oct. 23, to close oonlracis for mnalcal atlracUooa (bat will appear In thit connlry under Mr. Hayer'i management, teaton ot Iwil-M. Mr. Leerbnrger w(" hit relnm Maater Olrard; Inis-M. Mr. Leerbnrger will bring with him on hIa relnm Maater Olrardr, aged thirteen, tbe tamout vlollncellltt, who u now lonrtng BcoUaod wllb Mme. Adeline Fatti, and also Frieda BImon- aon, ptanhue, aged nine jean, both ot whom wlU appear tbit teaaon ander Mr. Mtyer'a management, making their American debut In tbit olty, " Olrardydoea notappearaaan Infant phenomenon, hut Its performer ot recognized ability, and la, It It olalmed, ot peerlcu repalailon. — Joaeph Knrrli, a cello player, commuted anl- dde hr tliooting hlDuelt In tbe bead Oct. 30. at bit home In tbla cilj. ThedecoatedwatlntbeQtrman army during the Knnco-Pnitalan war aa a member of a reglmenlal band. Ue came lo (bla coontrr about ten yean ag^, and bad played In aevetsl pro- minent orcheairat lo (hit city. Ue was not knoim to have any relallroa lo tbit country. — l.llllan nnaaell and hercnropaoyatrlved In this city from England OcL 3a. Her teaaon at Abbey'a Theatre, tbla citj. In "The Qoees of BiHlUnis," will begin Nov. 7. — Kdward Jakohowtkl, tbe composer, arrived In iblt dty Oct 'a. lit brooghtwltta nima newopetk tor Fnncu Wilton entitled "1^ Careme do Tllloe." Tho book It liy Ohovotand Uuro, and will be adap^ cd Into Kogliah bv J. Oheever Ooodwln. Bealde another opera fur Mr. Wlitou, Mr. Jakobowtkl la at work ou ono tor Lillian noatell. — W. A. McCunnell hta been engaged by Uanarr A Lederer lo appear In "The Twentieth Cenlurj Ulrl." — Ueo. W, lupley, bualueta repieteniailve of tbe Eva Tanguay Uomedy Uo., wrllet (bat bnalneas cuoUouea good with that company, and that ho waa preeeoted bj the company at Curry, Pa., with a large Eogllah mjtallitdog, which he oscaln advance ot tno company, wllb a blaukel oo, wltb the name of Ibo atlractlon and date. — riie KInlae Wllhird Co. lu "The LlUle Bpecn- laior," conilnuea doing well; they aeon play a week at tbo I'cople't Theaire, iblt city. Manager Edwin I', union writes that bo baa replaced 0. K. Oiape- win by Obaa. V. Uomton, who taaumes the lead- lug comedy pari; J. B. Forbea bat been tucceedcd at advance agent liy Fnnk U. St Clair, and Harry U. Barlow has been engaged (o a(rangtbon Uie choruaai.elc.; In ebon, mant Improvemenls bare lieenmade and It It a tore nil everywhere. Br. miion'a Vermont bulneaawatexceedlnglv good. — K. Uljde Undbury, pUoUt, left tbe "Onr Dorothy" company at Ohsalsr, III. — Joacpb U. Uilrion was a UurriR caller Oct 27. Ue Informa na that be will place a No. 2 "Hancb King" Oo. npon the road, opening Nov. a, at Ulog- bamion, N. Y. Ue furiher Intoriu na that tbe No. 1 Oompaoy baa had to tar a auccesatul season. — Uarry Wllllama Is very huay getting nit new company, "A Bowery Olrl," ready for (be toad. Al- though Mr. Winiamt will have tome verr well known people lu tbo oaat, be la not ready to mon- tlon iliclr namet yet In Uie soonio piodncUon, a nuuiber ot well known phioea oo iho Uuwery will bo preieoled. "A Dowcry Olrl" wlU bo seen In .lew York early oext year. —The graceful lltue Uengler SUien opened with Rlce't "1401" CO. Oct It, at Beaton, Maaa., tor a aeaaon of thirty weeks, atltr wblobtboj wUl tall for Eunpe. — "The Interloper, or tbe Feel or Venoa,".ls the Itle ot a new oomedy, bj Adrian Barbnate, a French playwright, which Bmart Robaon Inleoda to produce Nov. 12, at Ue Qiand Opera Uoote, rniladelpbla, Pa. — Notea from "Tho Kodak" Co.: Tbe comedy bat proved a succaatfnllaughmakor, and (taomerabera ot tbe oompany an all doing well. Uarry B. Hoobe la making a tncoeu as wandering Willie. Annie Wblilng It a favorite. Mark Swan, the author, It allll at work on Ue play, whipping It Into shape. Uo Intends (o add two new oharaoten (o tbe piece. — Tne tolt tor divorce bronobt by Qeo. W. Faw- 1 Fiwcet celt agalnai Annie Crotsman Fiwcelt namenp In tho Chicago, III., count Oct n. Tho cats waa anb- nilliod on Ibe p^pen and depoalUons mod, and tbe court entered a decree agtloat Mr. Fawceli. — Oharles II. licit Ion Uiu city for his home at Ubarleston, N. II., Oct 27, to lake personal charge ot bla campaign tor re-elccllon lo tbe New Hamp- ablro LegUlature. Mr. Uoyt It conQdont ot vic- tory. — U. O'Neill A Co., ot tbu dtv, tecored an auschmeut for tl,ooa agalnai Marie Walswrlght Oct ii, for babmce due tor dietms, etc. — Notea from Bales Broi.' "Uumpty Dompty" Oo. No. 1: We opened Oct 21, at Uaokeniaoi, N. J-, and turned people away. Car atreet parade It a feature, being a big novelty and very bandaome. Wo have twenly-lour people, braaa band and nolo crcheatra and Indloatlont politto a ptoipemnt totaon. The abow goea Sonth iblt teaaon. We bave received a trunk full ot leiien In answer to onr.btis "ada." In Tiii CurriR. — — The rctldeaee ot Mia. Ceo. B. Adanit,~1n Frtnktord, Pa-, wu enieted bv bnrglan donog tbe night ot Oct it, but the hsrklng of Mn. Adams' Kt dog awakened ner and her taimly and the rob- ra made ibelr escape. -Mr. and Hn. Tony rtalor presen(ed tbe little Uangler Bitten wllb two very handsome banjoa. "Uiitlcal Halo" bu uught Uiom to play, and they are gelling along mpldly. — Karl U. Doty hu ratlred from the stock of Ue Poople'a Theatre, Mliueapolls, Minn., snd will lake a runcrton company on Ue road, pbtjing the smaller I'llles througb Wtacontln, Iowa and Minne- tci*. lilt nperiorj will inclnde "Ftnman's Ward." "FtutI and Marguerite," "Not Qnllty," "Uls Love" and "The Llon'a Paw.'* — Harelar WirtrartoD, lha loo of Uia proprietor 01 Thi fwalna rrirvrapA. rhlUdalphl*. Pa, w-w daraadaot IB a lull breugbt by Jamaa 11. Bcao, OoL it, la Ibe Sa. praroa Court ollhlafltau. lo raeorar t7,0(n for ihaeoa- luiuai aM-l In "8«t«d Ana," in vhlon Mr. WarbnnoD waa aaaoolalM with R E. Rio*. Mr Baan allesad (bat ha boutht tbe coatumea Iron Mr. Rica, aad aoldlbain to Mr. WarbarUin. It waa olalmed lor Ibe dtlandaot bow. am, UiaL Mr. Daalan, ibo ooalamar. Iron whom Ilia ooa- luniaa war* onitaally pulThaaeO br Mr. Rloa. tnMd lo Mar, 190^ an allaahmoot agalaal Ibo ooatamaa Tor lb* moQoy, and^u^D bla rafuMl to siaal Mr Rica Ua»a, Mr luniaa war* onilaallr pulTbaaeO br Mr. Rloa. tnMd lo aluahmr~' —.-—— - --- l.opoi _ . Warburton had gliaD Mr. ntalaa aohoob ("r Ibe amoaot daa OD Iba coalamoa. Go moUoo ol eoaoaol lor Mr. WarbUfloD. Ibo anil waa dlPmlaaadon lha sroofid Ibat iba plalBllltbad lallid tomahaoolaoaao. — Daolol W. BMrldn, biMbaad ol "AanI" Loalaa BM- rtdto. diod t)ol tl, al all homo la tbla ollr. itom pooa- moDta. Tho daoataod waa bora la Capo Mar, N. J. ' lalt and at an oailj ago wont to rbtladalpbi^ ^. what* haboeamoawoU lodoabtpplBg notebaat AboBilortv Kira ato bo Biarrlad Loulaa Mortlmar, at tbal Uma a II hoowB aatiaai, who ibaa rattled from ibo alas*. A aitt*. moved to tbio ollr wllb bla wlfo, who latarwod ia the itaca. Beoldaa hIa widow ho laaToa iwe oblMraa, Piaaa ndao aad UUIa BUrtdiw, boua wall fcaowa pnloa- -ala. It la now aBnooBood that Mtlo Ralaao, Iba Piaaob aelraaa will poaiuratr eemo lo Utia eonBUv In FobiuiT, uodor tba dIrwctloB ol Abbay, eoboalTat A Oino. MUo, IU)aBo will brIoR bar owb oomraar wiia bar aad win bagiB bar lour at Abbor'a Tbaauo, tali cllv, wborw aba will 111 UioUmo that waa toasrvod (or Karab BanbardI, wboao Tiall baa booB poalpoBad nil noal aaaaoa. Mil*. Ralaao'a npafteiT win lBolBd*"Mm*.6anaOoa*"aBd "Ma Oooaloo," batldaa otbar wall known playa — Aloiaodorlaai^ a niombor ol tbo wallaoo Doppor Diamane Oa, aoeldmially abot Alftod Matab. U«L n. la Iba Lycoua. Ilalllaa. N. &. wbai* ibo oompaay woro plarlOB- Mr. laalo plokad op a nvolrar wblcb bo ba- liavod lo ba onloadod aod almod it at Mr. Manb, ox- clalnlBB,"leokoair* Tbor«rolTorwudlochart«d,aBd tt* bBiM fiaaod Mr. Maiok'a eboaa. It la ihooabt b* Till loao Iho olabl or obo ore aad aonblr bolb. — Mn. JaaonaalOB. widoworfbemat llaaloa, oa* of lb* llaaloB Ira*. dM Oat. 11 la n. MaiT'a Boaplhl, Brookl/D, R. T. ebo loavia a^ntblar. teaa Btaloa, who la OS Iba alas*. — Lois Benrood Is at ber boms la Toledo, 0. owing lo tbe lUoest other moUur. — AmeUa Dean Is la Uili dir, vWllog ber parents. Ber bnshand, a 0. Ban, h« lately re- unsd from Bogtb America — W. Dick Bairlsan, wbo hu snltered from Uree strokes otpsnlrsls In Ua last tbiee vcan, Is now nnder the can ot bis broilier. Dr. J. O. Barrlsos, TlllatotaL Miss., wlUi tiaj prospect of recovering his healib. — Manager Dan Sbdby, of Moslo HsU, Wllkes- bam. Pa., was In this city Isst week,kioklng for sur sttncilont. it Is mora tban likely ibat Klaw A Erlsnger>s atlracUons will ha booked by blm tor Music Uaa — Holes of the Eureka Theatre Oo.: We si« now In onr ninth week, and tboogb boaloesB Is not big we are still oo ue Uo move. Onr roster now slaods: James Oedley, Bamny Horek. Eogene Phelps, Kit WUson, Barry Bniton, W. N, Bweel, Prof. H. Do Oraaae, mnalcal director; Mn. Mande L. De aratse, plaslst: Oleo Benob-, Ins WlUlama and Jennr Ollne. Utile Fanny Joined Oct 3>. — Harry Jacison closed with tbs WUbnr Open 00. week ot Oct s, at Elgin, 111. Mr- Jackson In- forms ns tbst bis sew pisy, "A Msd Manlage," Is meeting wiu good snccea Ureogb tbe West — '^eOomlog Woman," In wblcb Came Turner Is to begin ber tiarrlng lonr Nov.l2,attbeFlftb Avenne Theatre, Uia cltr. Is likely to be ibe tnhjcot of llUgatlon between Bedley Brown, wbo claims a KanUwnblp of tbe play, on tbe one side, and Turner awl her mnaager on Ibe other, xne play u presenled to Mist 'Tamer but Spring wua dramatisation bj Hervin Dalluot EdmnndYatet' tlory, "Broken to Uamets." Itios far Ue linganis But no fDrther. Mr. Brown on bli psn sgree. slieges Ibat, at tbe reqneat of Miss Turner and her busbsod, John Mack, ne rawiole the plav trom be- ginning 10 end, leaving ont ot one bondred pages of mannscrlptonly four pasts of wblcb Mr. Dtllu is tbeanUor. Fortbls, Mr. Brofmsven, Miss Turner made a rerhal agreement wltb blm lo the eftea that hit name wu to appear Jolnllyr wlU Mr. Dallu'u an- Uor of lilt play, and (bat In case (be piece wu tuc- cessfol be wu to have s third lorerett Ui Ue prot- lls. Now, Mr, Brown atterii, ibe anUonblpof Ibe p^ylaiobe toIelyacoredlKd to Mr. Dallas. Mus Turner aod ber manager allege, however, that Mr. Brown wu only uked to amnge a tew scenes In Mr. Dslbu'pity, and thil It aU be bu done. Mr. Brown bu nouaed Mlas Tnraor Ibat be Intends to prett his claim u Joint anther. — FredD. Wilton. managerofPeok'sBsdBoy," wrllet ot denying that he owes Jennie Sohoman any back tabry, or that tbe had obislnedjndg- Dent agalnit him. Mr. Wilton fottber wntet tbal the 140 ptid to Ubis Sohnmsn on an attscb- mont Istued at Red BtoL N, J., as wu mssiloncd In onr but isme, wu psid 07 his manager contrarr to bis explicit lutmcuons. Be alio; tiales thai be bu lulructed his ooonsel 10 recover that money and eipenaes from Mbis Sohnmsn andalaototneber for oxomplary damagea arlting from other causes. MICHIGAN. Detroit,—At the Detroit Open Bonae "Tbe AmaiOBi," Cel. 2191, Hoi Smilh Roaaot, Kor. l9,LowU Morrlion, ft-lOL UatwoohRb«awu tavorad wllb good boalnaaa Lvoaoa TBBAVlta.—Tbo Walea Comlo Open Company plar "Atbonia" UoLS-Nor. S. Tbo laUor part ol laat wook, tbla ooDpur proaao'ad iho aama plooo lo lalrlr loodDoalBoaa ^oBlaok Crook" oomooS-lO. Wairaav'a Oaipp OraaA llooas.—Tlila weak, 'Tbo Polloo ratroL" Laat wotk "Tbo Prodlaal Fatbor" bad a big FOB. Naatwoak. "A BaRttgoCbeck." OAaratu.'s Exriaa Taaavai^^la wook,Prima Doooa" Laalwaok Patrto«,lB'1boKld,"pIaraduilbe capaelty oriba boo**. Hait waob. J. J. DowliBg. WoRDULiaDTHBAvatANO Musaa.—Carlo ban—Prank Cotloo'a donkor cIrcuL Orooooa (wire bair maa), Mlaa Loboid (dao of ualaea allxatora) and Joha lliinaoB " ' loaa Gloria* Trio, -, , Ina. PaiRB B. Mous, manator of "Tba Kid" Co., tararad hIa OOBBOOUOB vlUi the comi>anr wbllo bor*. aod look thoOiatlfalnforNawYork. (Ibo bllod whItUar). flus*—Too An Lii«ID*llOro.tboWhllnayaa ' GnaHd Hapldt.—At Power's Qnnd Open llouio Ui Hoorj'a Mlnauala, Oct XLdrow a rurhonw. aadid tbaWalM' OporaCo. S,2«. ComlBR: Sol SmIlS RuaaoUai. Rboa Hov. I, Mn. Pouar and Iirlo BaUow 1 oaiso Grata Uocaa—Week of 001. fl, "Tbo Two Widowa"drev hgbt hoaaea Weak of S, "Tbo Pollee Inapaolor. SMiratOrtaillouta-Woakota: LaMontaiMIMrod Mornr. Bron Broo., LlaaJa JohoatoB Moaa Wtna, Julia jIappoL and tb* alook Week ot Nov. A BamT. Jocb'a Onoloi. Locsaaav Uaix.— Boa»'a Band 9. Kalamasoo,—At tbe Aoademy of Mntio "Tbe Stowawav." Oct S draw a good boaa*. ComlBg; '-Tbo Polloo iBapaotor" 37. Sonaa^a Bead Nov. 1 At tbo (IronO, Mr. and Mta. Bobl. Warna drew Iblr bonaaa bat w**k. ijiitialBf ^At Baltd's Open House^'The Slow. - ... . . ... .. ^ _ „ .."Tno away" oaraaUcL 34 to a fair aliad hoooo. "Tbo New Boy" VI btnad for Nov. I, "Tb* Lolt ParadlH" t. auf'wavlaikUiapattwaat. NawobaliaanbaiBgpoi In^ "Tb* Harry M&k Malda" naeal) eomta Cot U, Nov. JaokaoB—At Hlhbard't Open Bonse "Lost In Naw York" bad a good honao Cot 31 Rhea e«ma* S. Mra. rouor and Krrlo BoUow Nut. 1 Aosomblr Uajl baa boon romodolod aad a Wonderland Theatre will b« oatabUabad In on* portton ot llaoon. W ISCONSI N. Blllw«wk*«.i»Tbe Midwinter Olrons, tmderUe managaoMnl of L. J. lodrlgaoa, to ooenpy lha Bipoai. tlon BbIUIbi, opooa Nor. 4. A porfonnaoee lor ibo proaa bowoTof, WlU bo glTon Hov. 3. Tb* Urga bnlMlogla now bolns mad* ready, andJodRlnt ttna lb* •itanalr* Im- rTOTaOMBtaundorwara boaauhil alafat la Ib atorelor b* palxoBa. Tb* foltoBlngoooprlao the Oitl two woaka* bill: Oalcado, Uia Nalaon PaBllr. Ralan, Oomora, ifaa LnndRTOooa Loranto, Uirolo and Vaola, ibe UoUanda, La Mouo and Haynard, Bamaa and Ano. Prof. Bowata^ Doga. Jaaa L«Tlia. itao olavolanda aod Prof. Caboon'o BqbIbo Paiidoi. Pror. Joaeph Olandar'a Bead will lB^ olah lha mnaia AOaoaav ot Musio —"Darkaat Roaala" npoo«d Oct B for a wook. Donnollr and OlrarO'a "RalBmak*i«"dld alarg*bBSln*M laat wash. Tbo Oalboan Upon Com- poor icoT, I and weok la 'Tb* Blaak Uoaur" and "Amorila." Bijoo Oriai Hou8a-"A BBOoh or Eara"Oot Sand waaa. "Roih iittr" piaaperel bat weak. Baal* fiooo- hlllNor 4 aad week. OariHOK TBBaTaa.-AnBa Bia Pay Bama Oot 3S Ib- *ad ofll.aa elated laat waok. "AliddlnJr" opoood Not. I lor Ibr** Blgbla, and Iba advance aalo la larga Aag- Dalr'aOompaay Nov. S and waok. PiorLi'aTBaATaB—Oat 33and waak Haaaiar Joba a Rayaor plaeod ib* lollowint bill: Alirn and Llasanl, Wolob and Waloh, Uiolvr Leaf Trio (wboolar. Madonna and Bdwaida), Ctrroll and Blmor, aod PalnHr and Do Moot*, wllb Uo conioilr "Tao Hlih Roller " A bosH abow, boadad by Floronoa Millar, draw aoaiooaola bouaoa laat weak. Rhendaa A Plynn'a "City Bporta" Not. 4 aad wook. 8TA0TTila*Tta—"Amora Dn<cbka,"a tan*, br Ra' dolp KBalaal. waa giToo Tor tbo ant Um* in thta ooanUT Ool a "Ntlban, tba Wlio," 14. and "lb* DoUa' Uouaa," SB, wot* wall patronliM. WoatiaaLASO Hcaaoa.—Oot B aod waok; Oatlo- M*oio (laMr walker), Haaai (atrong man). Lawla aad Paul (canioat), Cbarloa Wbluoao (onkoown art). Pnnrb Hboaa. BUffw—Moirliaod Ooodwln TonrLoaa, Uowaid and Bmalaoa, Mlu Faol, tho Weollaloa. Coorona—"ACraokar Jack"appoai«l at Iba Silunan CaaloOiWaohaalia. WU..Octfr, aod Ibe eompanr camo boTo rorBoodar. Maoagar MIoolal rooorla aprooponoa a*aaoo BialBoaaHaaagarWIilH Oun.of^UioDaTld. aon. look adTaniaa* or hia tbaati* b*ing eloaod loit wook br golna to Pblladolpbia 10 aoo Manager fiboniao BrowB^B^HHtlha Earth." aatl la highly olatod over Ibo rooopUon llneolTod to thai olljr The FlTo Paidoa lolBad Campball'a Loodon BoUoa at Iba PooBlatn Sooai* Thaalro, OinelooaU, B Saaasor J. U. Belianfc, of Iba OalhouB Opera (>)., waa lo lha olty S PloimIr wla nam tatoUia eaalor"RuabOllr"S 0. P.MIIIor, wbo manatwd Iho EipoaltloB Muoio UaU, nilia roar ollr tbla waok Pnak Coon, wbo baa lakan tlckala at iba DoTldaon Tboau* ainca 11 waa bnlll, bu raatfiiod bla poilUon: Tbo Hlaodatd Tbaair* la to agala bo oponod oaaTaBdaitllaIbaatraon Not. II "ACnoher Jack" plara Nallooal SoMlora' Home near tbla eltj Nor. 1. Foad dai Ijac.—At the Oieacent Oct 30, "A Booob or Kara" bad good baunaaa. "ACnekar Ja«k"B WASHINGTON. Bcaiile,-^t Basna't BeatUe Tbeatre Em Een- doli B*d* bla iDitlal bow 10 a Baaulo aodloaea Oca a, la '^aBubaUtnt*." wblob waa wall iwcelTad. "APalrot KldCwuthoblUtl "Obartaya Anat" did a big boal- D*a* IS-A A. L. Parlaad, baaloiat, aavo an ontanain- pi Q,^^^()p .... nont tor the boaoai c lie LIbiaiT at. Robt DowolBg and BoB*nt* Blair eaa* M7. "La OU Eaa- tnokr" floT. l-d, Aloa BalTlnl 14, U Uotoaai'a TaaAvaa-Laoitno* Basl«r aao Bdlih Lomneit begin ttoir laat waok (M. 3t la "OihaUo," la a Bood boaaa. "A kool'a Bavaag*" waa pot oa 3B lor Ib* i«Bialnd*i of tb* wook- "A Taiklah Batb" eomaa Ibr ibrwa Bighta Nov. A Paera —Adalo Smait waa eomp*llod to eanoal h*r *a- gagoaoal at Tletona,B.O. aad layog In ibia dtp to nBooiBo ti«aiD*at (Or a aaTai* throat agkeliOB Maaator (toidrty haa ol«aad a ooatiael wlia the Joobis Wlniuin Up*!* Oo. Cor an *BBaf*ffl*ni at bia ibaanaa la Ibia eity aad re itlaad. •vakame,-^! u* Aadllorlno tbe IslUsl pto- ^■!'*'^ worda bg John 1. Baatan, matle by md Uopp*, both ol tbiaollr, u *T**t wlib«*l paitllal la Ik* hlatorv el ti* a Tl*boBa* wia paeked tothodoon bvaaaadl. wbo baa l owaJ aaatlaans app l aaa* asoa (b* taal aan wbo eompcaed lb* e*at TBI PiRADg given by Pilmrote A Wetf s MIn. strelt m this dty, but weak, wu an nnlqne aid novd Idea. Tbe permit baring been gnnted by the dty offlclala, Messn. Primrose k Wut look sd- Tantageof the opportnnllj to preaent to Ue New York public an auradlon, men u uey bave never before been able to show. It wu tbs Hist parade of Ue kind ever atlempied In this dty, and Frlmrcse A West are to no oongrttnlsted on Ue succcM of Ue ssair. Tbe line of march wu down Bighib Avenue 10 Fonruesib Street, to Broadway, thence along Bioadwav to Fortjr-iocond Street to BlxU Avenne, 10 fblrtletb Street, to Eighth Avenne, to tne Onnd Opera Ilonse. Obeen greeted tbem oontlsnallT u Uey passed slong Broadwar, while tbe carriage which eonveyed Messrs. prUniose A West, wu loaded wlU floweis. Seventy performen were In line, preoeded by a troupe of Arabs, dretied Is tbeir native coammes. Behind tbem came Prlmnas A West's Hllltarr Band, In gorgeona ccstsmes, phi ring some atlrrlng mntlc. beaded by a dmm malor (Johnny Wbalen), wbo dUplijed remarkable txiU In bis mtnlpnla- Hon ot a bat n. Then came the eomedlani, tingen and dancen ot the tony wblict; beblad tbem, Hestn. Frlmrcte A Weet, snd Qeo. Wilton, In s csrrlsge dnim by four while bones, lo a bandaome set of red enamded loaUer bamess. mounted In illver. Another tnupe ot mounted Araba followed, and then came Ue thiny blacka, marching In a style (hat wonid do credit to a mlll- tarv company. ■' 'Way Down In Dixie" wu played by Ibelr excellent band ol colored muslclana, tnd behind them came anoUer troupe ot mcnnlsd Anbs. It wu an Impotlng tight, and Primrose A West may well feel proud ot Ue reception tbcim Uem. Sianding room only wu the nightly occor- reoce lut week st the Omnd Open Uonae. Tas employes snd peiformen at tbe BUnlnl Con- cen Hall, Sprmgdeld, IIL. on Oot 22, presented Hsnager Frank Bcbsefer wltb a gold besded otne. Tbe prtaentsllos speech wu made by Mr. Stanley, one ot Ibe pertoimen. Just st tbe beginning ot tbe evening's performance. LUCY HoNROR, ot tbe Monroe BIsten, Is conva- leaclog at ber home In nilca, N. Y. Ella B. Wiibon, wire ot Oeorge R. Wilson, Afri- can conjurer, presented her butband wllb a girl baby on Oot 21. ROSTRB ANO NOTR8 FBOM MOKTOOMRRT. BRI80N A Ferdon's Oo.—We notice In (he dnmaUo papen tbe number ot managen complamiog ot bad bnal- neas, bnt we don't and It so. Our bntlnew hu never been better than It It tbla teaaon. our ros- ter it u rollowt: Beeson and Ferdon,motlcalper- tormem;IIarrTE. Daly,oomedlan and mimic; Kellv and Woods, Bketob leaa; Banr FollworU, alack win and Juggler; Azo, conUrtlonltt; Fox Bros., In fetttlnmid air; Otrl Ellnwonb, mnalcal director, and W. N. MontgometT, nantger. TbiTatlobs, Cbarlea and Bertlia, are Ibe bappy parenbi ot a new baby girl, which arrived on Oot it. Mother and child are doing weU. Pbof. Hauit Pabkbb writes ns from tbe top of the Blirel Tower, Parit, Fnnce, under date of Oct 13, u tollowt: "bere I am, at Ue very (op or the tower, snd lam looklnir at Parts at my feet What a grand view It Is. I have msde s great tncceu at the new ciront bere. with best wltbet tor Tex OurrxR, I remain, yonn very truly. Prof. Parker, American Dog Circus." MAHaaiR w. B. Waimk writes that next seaaon bimtelf and Dr. Oeo. Olark will lake ont a No. % show, esUUed "Tbe Bowerr Qlrla," wlU tlx sett of new tceneiT and all ipeclal paper; also fourteen lidlps snd leven specially acts. FsiD 0. SPiNogR, formerly of Spencer and West Ue Lanndry Olrls, bu retired from tbe proretaloiL Hit partner, Al. B. Weet, bu Joined Faol La Drew. Tbey report incccn wlih their new speolalty, "A Woman ot Importance." Sim Williams, of Williams and Adams, wbllo phaylngat Caracrou', Philadelphia, wu called to Ue hedtido of his wire, who Is drlng st New Orleans. LtTTA ANO MIS8 MiHHii, band balancen. tom- blen aod hand Jnmpers, now In England, will tbcrtiT appear lb Uls country, MntBiTr AMD WBun, burlesque tnpeie, wen re-engaged for last week at tbe Oalety Theatre, Oblcago. They will pbty over the Moon Circuit Bobbt Cabboll AMD L1U.1AM Oaronrb atttr Uls week's engagement at tbe Wondorlsnd Mnsee, Wllkeiham, Fa., wlU play tbe Wetiem Clnnlt Ui:jST AMD Qcsgit Morton bave signed vrlU Lou t De Leon's Speoualir Qo. for an eight months' lonr. Tbe team will tall for Europe In Anguet wlU Login and De Long of Ue tame company. Oain AMD Do BoiB Utorms ns that Uey have Jut cicacd a tpeolal engagement with Tony Faalor's Oo, atnyde A BehmanvtwoUeatres, In Brooklyn. JOnM O. MODOWXLL AMD BOZII BTRVRNS Will bO known bereatter u (be MoDowells, Jobs 0., and Lime. They opened Oot a at tbe Conn Street Tbeatre, BuDilo, N. r., wlU (be Lilly Clay Bur. lesqueCo. Pabxrr amo Ritardo are no longer with Ue Witaon SIslen' Company, Monxia AND QooDwiM were at Ue Oalety Theatre, Chicago, lut week. Fbbddu BnxR npons meeting wiu snocess In London. She bu been engaged u prlndial girl In Ue Orytlsl Palace panfomlne prodncuon this season. She will relnm 10 America next Joly, stter a two yean' aojoum abroad. Eimi BoDsroN, after puying ten snccculve weeks In Chicago, opened at Pope's Theairfc St Lools, Monday, Oct 28. 0. Bbadlxt Prior dosed Oct 10, lo Blohmosd, Vs., wllb tbe Wslior L. Main Shows, and will join Bo^iVt Modem Mlnttnls, In Wublngtoo, D. C, BiMNRT AND OoArMiH olotcd a Bnoceuhil en- gagement In Canb)n, O,, and opened at tbe Auditor- ium Theaire, Cleveland, Oct 23. They will make tbelr llreiappeannce lo nine yean In um dty at Putor'8 Theatre. Dec. 10. ABTnuR 0. RtoBT hu Joined Boyd't Hintlrelt. Datibs a Hob's Tiuvggrr Co, will open Ibelr Beaton Nov. 6. Toe company, we an Ittformed, win number twelve people, preteniing vtndo- Tllle, logeUer wlU a teries ot living plotnres, which will be (he fea(ure They wHI canr tbelr own acenerr, calcium lights and mechanical ellbn'g. Davlea A Roe wUl be managen, and Lew 0. Shelby, bualneu manager. Barvbt and Prinos bsve algned irlib Bovd's Modem Mlutrels. ToRDtmBARS. A«RtAitsr9,Rpon closing SSUC- oetafnl two weeks' engagement at Winter Oarden. St Louis, Mo. ' Milton and Brah, musioians, do not Join Ber- gelroih's MInatreit, u wu ttated recently, but have signed with wiu i. Cdhane's Minstrels, to open Nov.t,atOlndnnaII. *^ TUB TY-BRLIB, al the oinae of tbe lUngllng Broe.' arcnt eeaton, will open tbelrWInlerieuonlnSt Louis, Ho. Tbelr new head balandng Bnlih la a aoccees. 0x0. F. Marsdall, late wlU Stewan'a Speclaltv Oo., dosed Oot 2i. r- j WM. BSBBg AND ANNA OSOSBRRNT (a SOU-nro- profemlonal), of Dayton, 0., were married Oct 2«, at Covington, Ry. 008 O. WxiHBgRo comedian, and Malcolm Wil- liams, leading man, Fope'a Theatre Htock Co- St Louis. Mo., have establlahod Uemselves u tavor- Itea. Oood bouses, we are Informed, bave greeted CoL Bopuns' new venure of contlnucos stows In St Loula. Tbs Kblso Entxrtainirs were crganlud at Bsiuroore, Md., Oct 22. Tbe rotter: J. R. Kelso andOenld Plene, piopriebn: Kelso, mtglclan; the De Ten BIsten, oharaoler change; Mamie Rar aoobntic: Beaale Floyd, aong and dance; Ue Don- aldtooa,Mexican knife tbnwen; Dellano, oontor- tlonlst; Idtbel Cover, comedienne; J. Carl Blrman. baritone soloist; Mau Bsnley, comedlu, and oiheis. Oompaur is now rehearsing In UalUmore. Mil DrSiyyiSs'SS'S,."' "I" Botd AMD Btnxa an at tbe New OllUs, Kansu City, HO. Smith and Joohbom, of Ue Na*bvine smdests. lecenUy presented Tom Mclntoeb. of Bam T. Jadiis ITcolo Co., with a handsome nog; . ,T"< HRAiT writes OS (bat be Is working with bis oh) panner, DHly Teed, and Is not Ue party of ibsi name connected wlU Bl Benry's HlnsuSs. AURRT AMD UowARO, Dotcb oomedlaos, wUI so West aod Jou Doncan Clark's companjl Dava J. MoRRisxr and jodn WIluahb arrived troinBouth America Oct ae. Tbev wen wiu Um American Vaudeville uo., wblcb left Uls dty Bent ^ oompany playei Uree weeks at dutau and stranded. —.-«»• TBBoron AH Inadvenance In referrtng In onr Itst Usne 10 oil Oaray, male eerpenUne dancer, an error wu made In Ibe gender of the pronoiint. Mr. Oany Joined Sam Pickett's Oo. Oct 9. TBB AsirioM BRoa., aorobals, bave Joined F. D. Btraffln'B Balsa Bros.' Pantomime 00. Maxaix Wabbbi tau been singing "My Irene" for sennl weeks at Ue FBlBoPnutm7Bonon. Maaa.iaad Annie Ban U siso doing Ue soSgSl Tmjr FBstog^ Theain, tUs dty, wlik caplisl sQeqt Doom AND Oabroil will ptaj Btstem daiM opening is Chicago, IlL, Nov. 27. Tbelr set la^ to be a tnccess. Jamb Marco, of Marco and Bailer, nports a ano. cettfnl engagement at Honlob, OeimtnV ' LorriR OiiBOii, Bonnie Tboralon, Minnie Bchnii Annie WilmnU Oornn, Ia Porte SItten, Allan iiot and Sadie 0n»bmtn are aU succcsttnUy slnslnw ihl cbatacter long "Caprice." ^ ^'°» ™ Wb abb ikpormsd Uat Manager W.B.J Bhaw recently had bis band crutbed by a beavvkaT wbllo auliling bU men In tbe loading ot a waeoiT Lbo Barvahn, ot Mora and llirimann wu preieoled wltb a bandaome bonqnet week or rvi £2, at the Odeon Theatre, UalUmore, MdT MtHMIB SOBDLT, WbO It bOW BlOglOg "OaSrlu II wuoneol the Drat to Introduce the ponolar Bn'i>. COBB, "lue Lett Child." ^i-puiartuo- "Nbvrr a Brids" Is Ue name ot s descrioiiTo eong by W. B. Leonard, now being sung by Annie Whriney,wlibMancbetter>aNlgbiOwlaOo. Thm special scenes wlU calcium eiiecis, and One ttam wningt ate oted for Ue song. Tbe song la nnh llebedbTtheW.B. Leonard Co. suipuo Loots Or Lion arrired In UU oily 00 Oct u from England. Bla Engllab and American com pany wui begin lis (onr ui November In New York and work Soutb. ' TBRTwoORAOxs.noreltjr grotesques, bsvt doted WIU the LlUy Clay Show. ^ 'ocigteo Luis Habtinxii bat tailed for Paris, France to fill an eDgagement at Ue Olvupla. ' Tnx Tbrbr Rrkob closed a sucoesstnl euBaea- ment et two weeke at Ibe Boward Atbenanm Boai ton, Mus, and are booked tor a ninm dale. ' NsLUi Sitmodb, the soubntte aod actio comlo singer. It a feature wllb Oeo. DIxon't Oo. Bamib Wintxr will retire from the Olevelud Hlutrela In St Paul, Nov. 1, to accept an offer tnm Obu. A. Loder to play Ue Jnvenlle role In his "Oh What a Night" Co. Thompeoo and Bunell, motlcal comedlaoB, tor Ue put twelve weeka wiu Clera- land'a Hlutrela, wiH dote tbelr engagement with Ue comptov In UUneapolls, Minn., on Nov. 4. Ed. B. wans, ot Ue tesm of Ua whites In- forms nt tbst he hH retired from Ue pntealoo and haa accepted Ue potlUoo ot private deiecure for the Terminal Raliwaj AisoclaUon, st Lonia Mo. UU wife, Rdla White, will appear in ihe SiockOo.atHcaioley^MDseum.lnUia{d(y TBB Bbovh Bros, and Uzzle Jobntton tn nlav. lug at Frank IlBU'tCMltto,Uhlcago,nL BOB BMurr U tinging bU own tongt, " J L. Irom Bcelon " and "Uome out O'Reinv » with Mancbeater's " Night OwU." Kldle Emmet, Dnich toDK and dance pertcrmer, and Our Lillian, child giTOrmer, ot Ue aame organization, an wUnIng Paop. Tnos. B. Addt lettthU dlr Oct 22 tor the West, where Uey will plav dates. Bablow's Bion Class OrSRATio MiNgrxBi Co. which ttsrted ont trom Worcester, Mast., Oct £ nnder Ue management of Fete Batper and Fred Conchle, airandcd 10, at Tlllon, N. B. Allhongh ■the company did a fair bnslneu its memben cUun Uat none ot them received Ibelr fnu tahuv.hnl Uat tome of them were given three or four douan, while tho rest received noUlng bnt promises. The managen an aald to have fonnd It convenient to lave Tlllon after Ue evening performance, Oct 11, and mctt ot tbe memben ot lite organization wen left penniless. Tho tew of Uem who bad mooer enougb went lo their reapeollve hornet. Tot Arnold Sistihs, of "The City SpotU" Co- recently tnliered bereavement Uroogb tbe loat ol Uelr talker. MiBicrrA Di Dio, cbanteote, wu married Oct 23, lo tbla dty, to Stephen & Thom. Too Rev. Dr. Uharles U. Parkbont oOclated. Tan Cdhnimobams (Jerrr and Lonlte) write im that tbey did not open Oct 21 at Prank Ball's Oat- Ino, Obloago, lll.,andUereforewerenotdUobargtd u bu been reporud. IOWA. Dea Blolnea,—At Ue Omnd "AOisoker Jack" ctma Oet 13.90 to lair bonaaa. Doe: "t-ll-44" Not. 1, Cbarloa A. LodorS, Jack Fowlort and wook. Pcent's.—Tba Calboan Opera Co. had good tnnoata Oct 94, s. 'Tbo UoaUar" lartd wall V. PauUntUtU comas Nov t, "Dmrkaat Buula" 9L WoNDtiLANo Mcitl iNo TBUvax.—w*at ol Get a: Onrlo ITall-Capt B. Minor and bla Indian eollocuoa: Paw Waw, Ui* Zulu. Bilon al*t*-Ttnlablng llloiloa. Tboatorlun.-Bill and Lawrea^e, Pleard and ZaiaUa. Qoaal* BImon. Ray Ptnow and Rooer Loi4Uc Tib LiXATin dapatud lor Taiaa 91. BwaaaTllle.—At Ue Qrand 'The Olrl I Lett Ifii^? ' V alliaotad a fnll booao. Faollao UalL la "Doreaa," «to a aploodui peiformaaoa 10 a Bood aodianco B. Bonked; "Tbe Toraado" 3B. *-(;ooo oltow"B»ni*8ldaSbow"Nov.9, "Tbo Donl'a Aa» lion S 9. Paoris'a —Alba Harwood olarod a rotnra onaaaaoaat OotBlloiood boilneat Tbo Pancb Boblnalin ^Vlo rapartoiT. 33-9), did wall Baoodod: -aoortIfctlllaur." 93,' DnfffaBlondanfNtoV. " Ntuia Ualuhar, ■oBbroilo, Jobied ih* Poacb RobiB- aon c^. ban Get 99, BlllBg U* pUa* or SUaLtedTiibo died nan 9a. Conacll Blnfllh—Dohsny's Ttaestie, during the put two weak* woaM bava bean an olopbaat on Ue baala ol Vanaisr Dobanr but lor the goodlf r*ntala ra- c*iTod (ram poliUcal apeueia. who banocnoplad Uit •taa* almoat BlgbUy. .."A^tSiow Candlo" dn"l3r bndniaaOotBl "Jaao" U booked tot Nor. 7. Cedar naplda.-Atareene'a Open Bonae ihi CoiB* ration Co. did ajtood boaiBoaa Got B aad wook. Cbaa. A. Lodofa "Cb. What a Nlabtl" la booted rorS. ■Tbo ObMltv Ball" Not. I, "A Trip to oSoaG.n'* Paallo* Halle, "DarkaatButala" 1, '-Th* H*w Boy" ML BaTllBgtoB,—At Uie Otand "InOld KenUoky" draw well Oa. 9V "iba Dovlfa ABeBon" waa In Una for Si'Jl,"'"!''- Cogblin cornea tl. The Walloid- Bbaridan Co. ai« annooncad ror three nl|bu hoglnolag K«okBk.-At Ue Keoknk Open Bonae Corse «"S?V£?S'*r*'?-SI»" t'eak't eaiagameBI Oct Jii. if °S Sl'M"' O •« • p«>b*riio«ao. Tbo •Cbartl. Rail' bad aaoodatleodaeca 19. Olavolaad'i Mloatrala had bo eanaa for complaint It. HanballtowD,—At Ue Odeon "The Charily Bal"UtH»kad for Gets. Ibo Calhoun OporeUo. pr» aeoled "Amorila" toanB.B.O.hoBaa. t-"-"-"- TENNESSEE. Homphla,—At tbe Orand Open Bonn "Bine Joana" cam* Oct 93-17 to light boatntaa. "Tho Coolly Falr"hadamodanUattaBdaoc*99,2). "Coob BoIIow" bad llaht hnalaeaa ll-RX Doa: "A BLaoh Bhaap" 9MI, "Yon Yonaon" Not. I-S, "In OM lonlncki" t-7, Bamtr F*nuaon0-la AODirotioa-Bonu'a Band had Immanio andlaBcoi Gets 14. Hanaier Maboaay haa airanaed 10 plar an hiioniasamaauat ihla hoBa* bbUI tbe Raw LrcauB ta oomiilaiad. CilattBBaaga.—At tbe Open Hooae "Martha" Oct 91, br Isea] laliBt aaalitad by Joalln Tbatobar. ot ladologaUrlTlng boalnaat. Nor. Big Cltr MoHom INDIANA. lodlaBapolla,—At tbe Orand OIU Sklnaer, In "lllaQiac* Da Orammoat" and "Ih* KlBg'a JaUar," wu landfml a baartr rocapllon by onlhaalaitio aodl- eac« Oot ^^9|. "Lady wlBdoimora'a Fan" waawan r«c*lTad B-97. "Bowing the Wind" NOT.M. BNUUta't -Tbla boua* waa dark op to OcL 31. whan Bmaaja Band gtT* a aBceoaarol coBoatt Ada Vabaa 9S->l,Wm. Barry, In "rii* Riling aoaortUoa," Nor. I-S, "bpwo la olilo'>s-r, BobanManuUS-IO. PAaa.-N. a. Wood. In "Tba Orphtna ol Naw York,' ' arod to big booloaui Oct 3mI "Ilio eilH AUnp" ^llod lbo bnuH s-n- Tho Tlrltn do Honlo Taodaillla R!l.''3 1 "In lha Nana 01 tba Ciar"»-7, "Tbo Rid" B-IO. .?!l^'!^-J!'• Boaa Hill Borlaaana Oo. farad wall vaak olOelJk PljBB A Sborldia'aOilT Bportt 8-JI, Coonirr l^uilna" Hot. l-ai rioU A Hanaoa'a Dnalag Caida 5 and waok. Norta.-T1ia Soma Boteb Taw OoaoortCo. wlU apaoar at tb* Urand for one eoBooit I Banr Boaa aod Jobs Bwui lolaad IndlanapolU Lodga, M«. St, T. U. VIRGINIA. RlehuoBd,—When Ue enitaln wu raised on var u lb* Aeadany or Moalo, Oct 3X than wu tot a vaeaalaaatin ih* bona* No gnat amsul of aatba- altan wat manllMlad, howover, u aU Ib* aptelalUa* aad aayloga war* aomswhal ihraadhara. Ward* aod Jaraaaopanadaio 'B.ILOV bnt bnalaaaa fau eg por- ctpllMr towafda tba UUor pan of tktir alay- "Pan! laBTar" Not^. 3, ' A Trip u Ebinauwn" H 3. RictaoND TiitAvta-"Cbutai'a Anal" Get U, Bar- rlgla WooBiatt "A gonloekr OlrT' Rot. I-l ' ^J??"" Coaiqea-Oponlag CotB: Bar- tbaaiArono*,LkU Taylor aad Jote P. drtgoiT- BoaaooaUnBMgaod. lueia Bvam a coivpho* witk "IBt." fall dewa tbo alapi wbleb liad to Ibo atag* door of Ibo Aadaoy and MT*r*lrapraln*dharaakl«. Bk* wa* owvnnd la bor botoltndmodled aaaltlaaea a»mmoaad. Tboteeldanl laaraiTpBlaral oa«.aad It win balbraawaaka b*tm ab*eaarafnn*bardnll**. AltBrkanagbar ubia jb- qutdlnfUaiaretrari^abeUn wlihifteoBpaaf »