New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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NOVEHBEB 3. THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPEB.. 555 OHIO. ClaelBBAtl.*At Ui6 Qimnd Opm Hooae Nellie B^>Mba<l eune OoL S, aiMl«r lh« mutftrntnt of OUi* Bt|U, Vkd vti iMB lo "A Baamar BUaariL'* Lui w**k **AB4fl«w"«J prMottd br RuNU'cConadlu*. ao4«rvMt mur abutM. ane«rUkiDijoiD«dUi«oom' pw«b«r«- TbttVMcomadf did not Drof* aadtrteiory [DTt* pnMoc kbtp*. ud ib* Cut uiki |i w«j Uiag wblppH iDto tbtp* fln&i«d tbt ImprwiloD ihuUi*M|t fitiBWOM v«n a«r*tf poblHt drua nbMnHU Bui Waivot Rr»WT TMiTBL-Jewph J«irtn«D isTlted **BlP Wlnkla" Oct S. u>4 Uttr la the vMk be iMO laftdonbl«blll."UDdlle PlvaSblUinM"iDd *«Tbe CTiekalMibeBewtb." Leat week Mr. and Aitbar Lawii (ZaOe Tllborr) Id "The Idler." lo ooBluDetloQ ■lib llUorl'i ll*IOK plctor*', proTidad ooe el ifae mott eojoiible eDterlWDtDaoia of Ue rear. Andlaocea of good *li* proved appteoiaUre. "Afaddlo Jr." Nor. B. dATurs TBUTBa.--A Rallroatl Ticket" opened OoL a. B»bartaajlor. la "HeortMoAlllBUr." emabllihad e oew aBMelkl muk Mr Ihe eaaaoo etibatbonH. "The Tornado" Not 4. rovrrun BqoAum TniATRi.—The Loodoo Bellei, b«tded br Boee erdell. borleaauad *Tba Cruit of iioai«i*<i Oct " ed br Bm* Brdell^arleaquad *Tbe Cruit of SoelelF* 0. LMt week Beaie^BoDelilll, In "Plavnatea," 'A Breay erowded the booie at eTeiy performuc*. TIim" Not. A UiCOKtOPiuHoon.—WiUUm BarrT, Id 'Tbe Bla- lof UeoermUoD,'.' vaa ibe attiactlos Oct. 31 'Tbe Police Pairol" bad a blr veek'a ran. Wllbar Opera Co Hot. 4. Boiinuii'a Ortu Uodbi -Edward P. DatIi' oUmIo Tom'iCabiD*'ietDrDed lailu their ihlrd an- laceaent bere wiihln a twelve mooib. "WUebr Wile" dtdDtoelr- "TberajTniD/'NeT.A noruTB TRUTsa-Jobo P. FleMa' Dr»wlDt Carda eame Oot B. ud were reiaforood bj the viMtlera, Rarrr rarber. of Brltu Pa., and Peter Bk umacber. of Calllornla, Oei BiU'i World ol NoralUea drew w«U. Tba New York Btan Not. A riBi onu UooBi.—TfaeQaeen CltpMimmntb Mla- iti«lij[lT«a beoefltto the PriDUrt' Atbletlo vlabNoT. 1. rrtoe Reoderwn wlU aot aa direotor. KoiL k MiODUTwre Monoii.-CapL Ma/nard, Ibe Boalub narkmao. with biateamol lady rllle abootera ADd bla ballet proof coat,were featDreito tbaaadliorlam OeC S. Martlao. Coopon Sletara, Beliport and HaaoD, Aanle BaniA Jobn Poater. and Tom WliHami tcwk pait In carlo bAU ware I^wia BaBb(bDman derrick). Bmiib, tbe nodern Bamaoa, Olinda Odell, George Delaner, WMIUni Lee, Mncrl* Muphj, and Celaaielln. Bulneaa "Jwir.—tfn. JenoeaeMiller lecturea at the Odeon, Get. tJ and 9 "Tbe Loat Will" wu preaeoted bp tbe 8L Baphael'a Liunrr Boelatr at tbe WaloDi Bueettbea- meet.SI Tbebonaewaapacked TbeLadtee'Ariel Beitatte, tbe Smith Blaten, appeared In a ooneert ai Sin* ton Uall,darloRthe week .Durlos the eo(*gent«at ol "WIto lor Wife" m reception waa Blrea to tbe bride of tbe eompup.Mra, CharJea E. Bowea, lonnarly Joiepbloe WynacL who waa wadded at Dapton, O, lent week OonBiUceleSmied bli birtbdap Cat as, and'miur tbe ■how" metnbera vf bla oompanj and edme (rienda belped bun eomnenente the eTent bp the preaeotatlen oi n diamond atod. DATlon.—At tbe Qrand Opera Home "Tbe New Boj" plared lo a fkti a<ted aadianee 0«t 37. "Tbe Oirl I Left BMlnd Me" 31, M. Robenatam Oemant and Frao- eu MoHlUen glTe a piano reoltal Not. S, Robert Man- teUL • Fau TBUni.—"The BtlU Alarm" bad big bualoeaa Oct. U-li. TlTlan De tlonto'i Spedaltp Co. bad fair baaloeaa tt-ir. Wbaltea A Harteina "Sootli Before the Tar" cornea lor ttareeol|hta.e<tmmtnelDc9. Patrlc«, In -Ibe Kid," Not. A,«, 7.0. W. WUilama' Bpeolaltp Co. eiPM. BOLDine* Bom Thutia— norenee Blndler, id "The Captaln'a Mate," plaped to big boilDeaa Oct. M. "A Breeap Time" Not. t, AMoounoi Ball.— Tbe Sooth African Ea^Br Oboir dnw big bnalneaa Oct S. €olambaa^AC tbe Omnd Opera Uonae "A Bremp Tine" opened for three nlgbta Cot. 9. Ur*. Potier and Kjrie Sallew bad goodbooiea9-34 Orlf* fliha* "Faaat" followed to Urge bulneta 9-27. "The Qlrl I Lett Bfblnd Me" eomai Nor. l-i, Saadow-Trocadaro TudefllleCo.»-7. Bkib btbutTbiatila— N. B. Wood cane OcLflfor three nlBhu. "lAdp Wlodarmare'a Pan" dM well S-ai. **IB the Name ol the Ciar" drew well 2S-n. **Tbe Sooth Belore ibe Wu" cornea Not. L WlUlnmaSpedaltp CantoD.—At the Orand Open Hooae "Down In Dlile" had a good boaae Oct U. lanea' Band eppearod for Ihe Blka' beoaBta to big baalnaaa. **The New Bop" a, did weU. Dae: Rola-ifBead V, "A Teua Steer" Not. 1, Coon Hollow sr^"6pld»r and Flp" «, Roae CqihllD 7. TiUTBi ComQOA—Mr. and MriL Marah, Bd Ann- ttroDg and AUoa Porter, Naglrlarb end Butler, Annio Boeen. Dole BmmaU, Bob Bmnlgan, Uasel and Carrie Coertlaod, and Laorie Webb, BotJiB'8 Hosio UiLL—Prank Blonep, Eittle Obap- mno, and Nell B. Hoeeman. Clewelsndt^At tbe EacUd Areoao Opera Hoeae Wm. Boep. In '^Ttae Plana." 0«L 9, tL 34, and "A Teiaa steer." 9,9, >r, did Calrlp well. Mra. Potter end Kvria BeUew 9^ SOi SU Boland Ueed, In '*Tbe PollUdan," Nor l-a. LTQiDM Tbutbl— Week ol OoLB, ^e Derbp Win- ner* eaurialned good bouaea. '-A Bagtage Obeok," 9, aO,SL Lewla Morrlaoo, In "Fanat," Nor. 1, a, a. Don- nallp and Olmtd, week of A B. A- JAOoaa'THiAtBB.—"A Railroad Ticket," week ol OcL ai, did LUrlr good baalnaaa. Beetle BoDeblU, In ' naymatea." 9. S),3L N. a Wood, Not. 1.1A BTab TBBATaB.-JoDn r. P leM'a Comedlani weak ol Ocl9 did well- Oreoler'a Lyceum Tbeatr* Oompany veeK of 9, orbe Sooth belore me War" Not. a «tiTm.-IODee' Band, at V. H. 0. A. Ukll, Oct- U did nUelp Owing to IUoeaa*ln the lanillr oi John V. Bfee, ol **Tbe Plana" Companp, be waa called Beat and bit part waa aaanmed by U. B- MlllwarO, with aueoeaa. Booaa'a Band In Gray'i Armory Nor. 6. Bt«mb6Bwlll«.-^t tbe our Open Hooae "A Breeiy Time' came to good bnalae^ Uei. 9 "Down in Diiie'^ S, the Blae' beoedt (local ulent) Nor. 3,9 At the London Theatre bnalneaa oootlDuea BDOd. opening 0«L9: Uealy and Teed, Jennie Leary, John and Pannp Fay and Lolu Wentworth, AkroB.~At tbe Academj oC Uaslo ^Tbe Hew Boy" came to Ulrhouee Got M. WhItteQ'i female Mio* Bl-ela bad a top beaTr hooae tJ. Booked: "A Teiaa n.«ee' 51, Lonial AUrlob Not. 1, "COon Uolktw" 2, "Alrln JaUm"S, J. K. BrntaetT. ai»ufleld.'At tbe Uemorlal Open noose Rob- ert Ullliud preaeoied '*Tho Nominee" to a imall bat Bleaaed nodleaoe OoL 9. Tbe cnitnlDrmlur >'My Ladr •Ip," wu well re«elred. Bolaod Need, in ''Ibe roliU olan,V oomea 31, Lewla Aidrloh Nor. a, Boae Cogblan A DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WmiliiDgtoB.—AdA RflbBD, At BAplej'a Na- UenaL preiented 'Hhe Word," "Tb* Tuning of the Shrew,'* "An Yon Like It," "The Bcbool for Scandal," "Lore on Omidiaa" and *Tw«lfib Nlgbt" to good baalnaaa, at adTaaoedprleee. Robert HuiellpieaeDied u the AJbangb Qrana Opem Uouae 'AlonbarB," "The Conleaa BroThen," "Pubaalaa" (for tbe drtt time here), "Bamlet"aDd"Borneo and Juliet".toeicaUeot hooaea. **StnickOil"waapr«»eDted at (Uplav i Acad> emrofMotlolo falraiied audieoceo. Badle uaMon.iD ' A KeotQCky Girl." bad a fairly proaperou* week at Batler*a BUoa Theatre. Uyde'a Comediuu bad crowded boaieanlitiUyal Keman aLyoeomTbeaur. ihe Beidl OrohutnL with HUa Lillian Blaarelt, aopraao, and LotiB MlUi, plaalat, rendered Anton Orumk'aaymptiooy, "Prom the New WorU" (for the Bnt Ume here), nt MetierDtiri Haalo UaU belore a large aud^ce. BArLBT'B NATtOBAL TBBATBa.—"A Trip tO ChlOB- town" Oct. 9-NOT. 3, *Tbe Amauoa" *-10. , ALBiooB ORABD OPBEA BoooB.—Marie Jaueo, Id *'Mlaa Dyaaulte," Oe>- 9-Not. 8, "Mme. Hani Ueae," for Ihe Bnt time on the American aiage, e-IO. , ...^^ BapLBT'e AaaDBBT or Mvuo.—J. K. Emmet, In "Frlti IB a Madhoaae,'* OoL S*Not.9i Tim Morpby, In **Lem KetUe." 5-ia BOTLBB's Buoo THBATBB.-Geo. W. Monroe^ In "Hp Aont Bridget," Oou 2»-Not. 8, Ada Or»y, m ' Lynoe," (-10. "Enat Hbtbbbott*8 Mobio Oiu.—Tbe Boiton Brmpbeoy Or; ebeatn, with Mr*. Jalie M. Wrman, CeauTbompeon and T. Adamowakl u iololatj^ OcL tO. Kbbbax'8 Ltoidb TBBaTBB -Hlce AfiBrlon'aCome- 4lana9-NoT.a,RaBae)lUrotheraM0. WiLUAi FowuB, lau tieuurer at the Academy of MuBic, Baltimore, hw beea appointed to a •imilAr poal- Uen tX Manager BoUer'a BUou Tbeatte ber*. Mr. Fowler wuformarlrthe treaanrer ol thia heme under BBrrla, Brltton A Daen'i management Edward Fowler, the former treuorer of the lUon. haa been placed In ehuge 01 the uhero. CALIFORNIA. Lob Anp(«lea^'ln Old Keatooky" packed tbe Loa Angelea Theatre, Oct 18-9. "Uoole Tom*a Cabin." ■n opermUo form, bp local tnlent, attnoted meagre aodl* raoaa U-17. "The Borbeak Theatre enjoyed good boil* oeu iMOt wltb "Uoodman Blind" and aoeclaltiea, u tbe dtmwing magnet "The Bllrer Elor.*' with llonalear Barma aadllUe. Lalo. u apeolal featnrea. >M7-.----A^ Beoaon'a Grand Opem Uooae, "Mlaur Monte Crlaio JrV Pnred a lair drmwiog eud 11-9. 'The Herrp Wu" U-n A fine TanderlUe bill waa preaeniad Bt the loperlal Mnale UaU, 16-9, and reautied In larther aa- •ormooe of the popularlip ol tbla ctnai of amnaemeat hen, br the Urge bualoeaa done. Uold orera: Bankay Broa.. Beaele Fb'aipJ*. Poet and Cbotoo, Aniato nsd L. F. Kleln'a Theatre unlrerMm. Jobo Dorrea itage carpenur, and J. T. Dickey, acenle arti»t at tbe Im- perUl, were injured by the breaking of a Urge plAte glaaathey were arrBOflog lor theprodaction oi lirlog pleiorea Ae a reaalt of the Brmau Broe. appear* 'ofU the BorbankThaatr*, weak Get U-BXthelmperui ■oato UaU managemaat brooibt auti In tbeRoperlor Conn u far BliODuamagea and an lnJuaction.cUiralng that tbe eeilOBol the Braaii Broa, wna in rloUtion ol a MBlraet bywblah they weie to appear at the Imperial for two vaeka from Got 1, and not to perform at any PUeeelaatbeioeeeedkg two eeebi without pennltaion 01 the Imperial proprlaiora. At the trial ol tbe caae 19. weeounmated iheplalntKTaareatnioingorder, with b^afliadugUO. ne Imperial people pnraoed a aim- ■lu oDoree on mme daiec eUimlag SIO) damagea from A W. BnlmeL bultoo*, woo bad a'oepied an engage- ttwtattbeTfeflBaBaffat,andlB ihlBcAaeBretUainrag order waa granted with bond of UD At tbe Vienna Baa;atJa]inWlneheil,Lonfl eadBMnandA-W. Holme, wiih the Berth Family OreCaetn eomprlae the blU TbeThaUBOoBaBrtHaUprwents John MolUgBii, OBrrte LtnroiLMebel UTlngetnn and little (Hark Th* An. diceulhowautractMl Utn«r?idalS» "'•BrB- wl?"i,'?.'*«'T** PUber^i Opera Boom "In Old Eeotncky" came Get. II te an Immenie boM New Great Krodloata Bhowi^e H BU^'in mtS by an enihBAbaUs aadUacc Brwwa PEN NSYLVAN IA. PhlUdelplkU..u looks now u tbongb tbe BnanoUl eucoe*a of the lhafttrlcal aeaaen U aeoued. nnd onrmanageraeipnaa tbemaelTfa aa perlectlp aatUBed with the way ibinga are going. Boalnen wna lolly an good Uit week aa that of tbe prertooi week, and with the line 01 flm daaa attnetlooa preeanted tbla week. In* olodiogannmoerof noTelUea, itHce aboold be do inll- (Bgoir. «*^'',n;?'n',.BTEBiT OroBA Uoo8B~**UadalelBe. or the ?if'S£i^ "^^J:^ * deolUedlp UToiBble lm7?Mlon' BJid drew lane boovei Uit week, li wiUroiomforn ^aTlS'**'""'- opw-J PAaKTouTBB.—Theaecoodand laatveek of Palmar i?Jf^'^v*!S?'''25 Mai PIgman, who an bare th& tmKTi?^Neat week, Marie Burrougba will be aaen aa a alar (or the drat Ume In FblladaIpbl^ QiBABD AVB.<fOBTfla&TnB.-"Tbe Rlrali" lau week concluded the eeriea of old Eogllah comedlaa, with gnt^ "i*^. ■••"i"**ra.otheiro"aoomedy" hp ihe Ute Fred Leelleand AnthnrBhirtey,^ reeelTiag lu M^J***."* TiiBATan- Frioc-m BoonU*^ eloaed 27, barluB pUyed lo ionr«eekeoithebieg«atboitoaH •7*^,^000 In thIa hooae. The BoatoQlaaagUe "Rubin llooo'* thti week, aod repertory neiL Ebpirb fUBATBB.—The Urgett adrnnoe aale ol ibe aen- Booaiihlihooieraaultedirom tbe eonatment of Amy Lee. Pnok Dnane and P. Aug. ADderaoo. In "Pawn TickBt3lu." wblch opened fora>e«k9. "Bight Bella" Uh week played lo bin bflaloe*a, but. owUg to the peptt> UntyoftheJointaien oi "l>a«nTiekei3li?' lo ihUcIty, tbe record ol the heuM abouM be broken thIa weelc. halt week, '-Tbe Troller Byaum." FoftirAroii's Tbbatrb -Lillian Tenoedy, In "She (Wouldn't Harry ThreV* did fairly wall Uat week, but Uie Buooaof Maoaaar Forepaugb'a bouae cere mora lor » atock pruducuona than for oomblnallooa, which la«t hu been Terr apparent tbla eeaaeo. Tbe atock company raappeara tbla week,afiar a three waeha'reat, In 'The Plunder." Neit week» Sadie Haaaon. in "A Eentueky WALKtrr BrBBBT Tbbatbb.— BnormooB boalneaa leaulted from the two weaha' engaaemeat of "Off tbe Earth." Roben HanuU tbla week, appearing In "Mon- hart" "The Marble Heart," "The Conicaa^rolharB" aud"Bonra and Juliet" Lottie (^lllna'Tronbadoura neitweek. UiJoo.-It la almoat naedleaa to apeak of the condition of oufeloeaa at Mr. Kelth'a theatre. It la alwnya tba eame oldaioryol cootlooalitaodlog room and pniroai being turned away. "The Bohemian Ulrl" iB the openUo at* uaeuonibiiweek,withaBoubla addition lo the oom* ii«uy in Warwick Ganor, Inte of the Ulnrlch*a Op#ra CoDipany, who ainga the role ol Count Aroheim. Tbe TaudeTiilebllllflramiBhedby BtahleyBod BIrbeefe, Na- tional Trio. LInle May Ulmtr n^d Mantloe Drew, Uoghee, HoBrlila and Walton, La Boae Brother* and HiH La Rom, M. Lenle. MeBtlde and Goodrich, the Aloaoera, andlUmaaand Ano. AooiroBiVH —Another week of big boalneaa attMded Ihe eogagemeot of Weber A FieM'a Company. Tbe Night Owlaiblaweeb. WlUlama'Heteera oaxtwaek. NATioiiiL TBBATMB.—"A Night Bt the Olrooe" drew well laat «eek, aod tbla week there U another etroDg at- traction lo "ihePrDdlgBl Dangbter." Neat week, •The Span 01 Life." Pbotlb's Tbbatba— '^e Power of the Preaa" pUyed to Urge receipu laat week, aod tbecorreotblU la "Old Glory?* which haa alreaily played one aoeceaafnl aogage- illntbtacltj. Neitweek, **rtUTea of Gold. LvoatjH TBIATBB.-Rlce and Barton lutweekhad no complaint on the acore ol aitendanee, the bonae being crowded aterery periormanee. Tbe May Howard Gom- pany thUweek. Mlaco'a City Clob neat week. BTiBDiBD TOBirBB.-BuaineM waa ulr laatwHk, with Pauline Parker U "Wild Hoae," aboiderdramnlomarly known u "The Scout'a Oao^ier, Tbla week, (lr*flie Emmet In'TnePulaeol Newvork:" neit weec. "The Old Bouth." (;uB0TNOT Stbbbt Tbbatbb.— The changea la **The Uirl I leU Beblod Me" were nuimJeot to draw good bnoaee laat week, and the merlu of the prodncuoo were ImmedUtely recogolted. Tbla la the laat week of thevoaaccment, Buteeli'a Comedlana coming nait weak with "A Rerlew." BLavanu ktbbbt OrsMA norsB.—"Broken Bohem- laaa" lathe tlilA of a new burleaque glreo tola week. "The Prince la Booey" aod "HarryioB a Title" are both retained. Bualneaacootinnaa up to the lopootcfa. KN>Biraroir Tbbatbb.— Adn army, lo "Beat Lynne,'* played to Ulr buaioeM laat weak, and thIa week Oeorge Leaiock upena hia *Urtlng tour with bla Teraiou of **Puat." iiabella rittLewia playa Marpaarlte, llorace Millar Fanai.and Mr. LearockwIirbetheMepblatopbelea. Kate Rprague, in "A Social Beaalon," nett week. NiKTU AND AROB MtTBBOM.—The nitraailooi of the week Include Fror. Boooh (human flab), Ida Bmlth aod Jamea (^rey (latooed), (^>m. Poou and alaUr (UUpa- Uana). aod the Hindoo ulaou. Noras.—Lewla HuUy haa rejoloed the Oncnua forces. Manaser Gilinore will girea mIdalahtperlormaBce at tbe Auditorium on electron nigbuwhen tberetnroa will be announced from the auge Willlnm Me- lAoghlln left (;amUIe D'ArrUle'e ik>mpany laat weak, being under contrmct to appear In' Rob Roy." Tbe flret aocial leaalon of the laaaon of Philadelphia Lodge, No. 2, B. r. U. E, waa held 9 at Elk'a Hall Tbe Uiher ofP&lllpJ. Gordon, of "Tbe Prf<niler Hall' Company. died at nil home lo thiaclty 19 FraocU Bryant baa written a new aoog oalled 'Taakee Tea," wbleh Loulae MonUgue wlU aing In "Off tbe Earth.'*... .Clapton Prye, the inurlocutor of Camorou Mlnatre week ~ to, oreau the leading rolo In an offer rvf^ued „ — „ — a new borleaaaA He prefert Ufe In PhllBdel eila to the Tioiaeltudea of tbe read Tbe Grand perm llouaa, under the new management of II. P. TIaaot, will open Not. 12, with the LouiaeSeaudet Opem BoQlIe (Company, la "Jaclnla." The antuement >■ for two weeimatter wbieb the operawlUbe taken toNew York. Miu Beandet will beaupportadbySlg. Peraglol. Edwin StaTeoa, Maude Yonng, Jeonie ReiSAnb, M.O. D. MbtIoa Stuart linrrold, W. B. Jobna. Alleeo Borpe and Marleooe (;oDTere Joaeph Arnold, aged TJ, an employe of the Walnut Street Theaire, dropped dead In iroot of the theatre a _ PUfabarg.—BoslnesB at most of our bouaes wbs go xl Uat weea aod our local manager! bad no cnuae for complaint ALviN TOBATBB -Baodow'B Trocadoro FaudaTiUea, Got. 9, lor dnt uoe here. "Tbe Amiiona** plcaatd lartaly lut week. Proprietor Oharlea L. Darla, In "AlTin Joa- llo,'* Not. a Tbe KiUnyl llvlag pletarea wiU alao be pre- aentedon ihat dau for the flnt Ume hare, u en addi- tional auraotlon. DoquaeMB Tokatrb.— atuart Robtoa, In repertnrr, tbla week. Ada Bebao cloaed e brilliant engngement Got rr. joi4i>h Jeffereon Not. & BiJoo TUBATRB.—Biere Brodle. In '"On tbe Bowery,** Oct 9, fertile lint time. "Down In Dliey" did well up to 37. Ward aod Volra, In *-A Run On the Bosk," Nur. 6. Parr TuKATBA-Loule Briaeoe, lo "TOe Borglar," Oct 9 "The Old Booth" prorad a good magoet the '^Bw^BABD GrBRA llotiRB-—llaolooe* "HupirW* thU week. **Tbe Hlaok Crook" did a large baikeaa opto Nor. ST Wm Barry Nor. A Babt Emo TuaATBB.—"Men and Womeo" thIa week. *'Jaue" prored more attnoUra than erer last weak. "Oar Unde Dudley" Not. A Uahky M'lLUAua' Aoaoiht or Mosio—TheNew York BUie IbU week. Tbe NiRhtOwU closed a aplendid eo gascmeDt Ocl 77. Hpiie** (Nimedlaiu Not. B, ITarht Davis' Boii.<f MtrsBB.—A fatladlai* loot rmce U Manager Dana' trump cani lo the eorio bell thIa week. Randall'* Jolly RaniUlera gire the nuie ahow. Theat> Uodaoce conuno M large. Reitdlng.—**Tbe OBllfty Blare" drew b llgbt bouaeat ilieAoademy ol MaaloGoL9 Btuart Robeoo played "The llenrleiia" to a large aodleoceSA Faopr Rice, la "Mlaa Innoceooe Abroad." bad good tmaloeM 9 *-Our Uncle Dadley" waa veil recatrad 77. Coming: "YouDB Mrs. Wlothrop'* 9, "A Night at Ibe Clrcni" 9, "The Black Crook" SI. Richardi A PrlngU's UeorgU MlnalreU Not. S, "Um Kettle" A GuxD OPiRA lloi'8B.-Kiule Bhoadea,in repertory, did wall Oct 9-77. Arllngten'a AU HUr Cemblnailon eo,ai. BuoD TBBATRi.-aracle Enaatt to "The Potoe of New York," 917. drew well the early part of the weak. "WIM Roie" 9-31. the Fay PoaUr llorla«iaa Company NbTBA—Olaode Kyle, leading man ol 'the Kittle Bhoede* (^injpaoy, haa been anragrdaa leading support for nraole Emmett "After tbe Ball'company was brouahtbereOcLUby liananaaer lor reoranniiaiien. A utiaUctory arraogeniAnt could not be made wlih the memberaol ihe company nod It waa decided to ditbaod. There waa diOeuKy atK«at the anUrlei of some of the company but tbla waa amicably arnnged and th* mam- bere were foiolahed wtib tickeu for New Yorh. Hydoey Bmlth, one of the company, wllljoln Gracla Rmmeu'a eompeoy. Fanny Mice U prvparlag to pat "A Jolly Bnrpnae" on again. llArrlaborg^At Ibe Onod 0per» Iloose tbe pant week waa not a big one, local aitnetiooi and pollilcal meeting* barlogaiiad eilaaon tbe rMeipts. ^rloceaa Bonnie" cornea Got 9. Bvery aeat lo the bouae WM sold by 37. '^e Limited MbiI'* cemae SI, ■The Old Beotb" Not. 9. BORN McsaB.—Week of Get 9, OalleUl'a BonkeyL Delno Frill, Maude Chorehill, the Karro*. end Crudall aod Uiark. at the bead of a ipeetaltycempany, ORoannATioy HAtt.—During the week of Nor. 19, Manager KolUbough will bare a 71 hoar walhlog match, open to all eomera. Wllkeabarre^Boglneai At tbe Ontod OperA Hoaie 11 on the locraaae. Faonia Rice. I"""'" nocence Abroad" bad gond Btteodaace. "The Black OrooB" Oct M,9. had lair bo* oeaa. '■FaaUsmn'9.17. ii.r»eperrormaoee*.hadblgbaaioea*. Toeome: Ne^he Melleary. lo "A Night at Ibo Clreua." Mot I. Tim Muivltr I Cba«. Elli* 3. "Yooob Mra Wlothrop** A Jobo "affin 7' Edward lUnljao A f Oca WIUI"» Mdb.O UALL.-"The TWe of ' 0«l "^-J^,*^"*? builneea. J. B-Toole. In -KIp 'f';*'*^?^?' 9/^ Ulr buwneu. To cvme: Paallne Parter. lo'Jhe WlklBo«*;»«.7.0raeieBmmetuln-TbePaUecf New Tork." A fl, UX for the beneflt of Jr. 0. U. A. M. WofOBauSi) TBiAtBB.MirBiB.-Prin»TlBnniUBod tbeSiMdaTd Dr mmaticCo., Oct 9-17.bad gootfbealneae. ■enBlna.—Attbe AcBdeny *'FriiUbda," OoL "The BUsk On»h" 9 n. earn* BMked: **TooBg Mn. WlBarr»p<*NeT.AUwatd Barri- ,/RoniBOBAB.-LeclaT«s by J. B. Motl* 9 Roa. IL^'V.VHf ^ J^Pk <^ Cov- >• Inaee^lBod A Fetor P. DalUy, in^ Ooonlry Sport." OeA 9, was well rece>Ted. /*.^V.9C'»"*"»^-''«^ "PbcW Ton'* CBbiB" Co. T.M a A nAU-Bailey btbboM Ooneert Co. L An oaoiiravOB has been iBtrr>(lac«d iBOItyOftuolU, to lery a tu of |ll os Bach «Uttug eonpany. AliMBK^Atibe BteTeatb ATenne OperftHonis RIohBrdiAPrinile'aMInatnU pUytdtouaUbnslnam 2?- 3^' Dndrty" had llabi atteadaoeB H Btoart RobeoD^B ^e Bearletia.*' did UiiIr 9 *>Mea ud W*.nien'V9, '*Prlneeaa Bonnie** 9, -Tb* Power of Jf?fS *» Bt*»A"»l" T. me Black tjrooB" 10, ?'5"I?7'*"*-'">» W«Wo»oo Open Oa. Ib rep- ettprr. bad good buioem week of Gcl It Habbt DATiar edbb MnsA-Uood bnslnem U the rote Ibu senaon ao ter. Week of 9: Corlo bnll-Tbe la Udlea'noBlBgrBoe, Jeppe and FannU DeUnoBad the RbBTpliea. Thaniorlom-Newion BMro, lo "Ooly a Womnn'a ReBit.*' Tbie week. "Lost In Londoo." Brie—At HBDercbor IIaII Bolnad Reed, 1q "The Pelltloian," plared to good boBloeaa Get 9. Zem ZemTemple,My«ioSbrlnB.l)eMihe boarda aod golded the WMJT .iTBVBlara orer lb* dreary deeert wuds M. LoQi* AMrloh, In "My Fartoer,*' 9 J. B. aiBABo'a WoniBUBp had good bailBeea the past week with Boaoar's SoeaUlty Co. nomlaggand week: loBa*s Troabedenro, Ln Boy. and Cbas. DIamood. LABeaater^At tbe Foltoo Open HoDie tbe New York CaalooVaodeTllla ud Comedy Oo. bad good boaloeaa Oct 9 "Tbe Galley Slave*' was pre-anted by a good eompaoy to a Urge hooae 9 Peter F. Dalley, In "A CooDiry Bpert." did wall U. Faooy R>oe, In -HIM lenocenoe Abroad?'bad a larie aodlenee lA *'Toaog Mn. Wlnihrop"^bad big boaloeaa ST. Nellie MoHaory comes 9. "Tbe Power ofihe Pr«m"ao. RH00EI8LAMD. Provldence.~At tbe FroTldeaoe Opera Home, week 01 Oct theKlnbaU-GpetaCo.. In "lUodrlk nodMO,"dld agoodwaek's boalneaa. ThU week Deo- man Tbompeon will praaeot '^e OM Homestead." KBmi*i Opiba Hocsa-Oet S-0, Kato OUiiea and Mme. Janausebeb, lo "The Two Orpbana,*' played to Uri{eboalneaa. Thiiweek, Hallea and Bart,LB<'Later WianiimnB Tsbatba-OoL n-V, Barry Wllllama* Own Oo.dld a good boafoeH. TbaBoatoa KeraltyOo. thiBweek. Neii week Hairy, Sefton'aOa Loniaop*s opsba Hotrsa-Uet 9-17, Katharine Rober, lo "The OoMfu Giant" npportod by the stock com- pnnr; Uot 9-Not. A "TheColonel nod t :'* *-KL lather loe Bf>b»r. In '*The Olemeooeao uasa'* Nona —The concert glrea by the Wnodering Rarda at Kelib'a Opera Uoue Bnoday eraolog, Oct. 9, wu a The profraamewas Iodk aod raried, aod lo- -He pregi „ . elodad aome good people. The fall Natlenal Band aod Loraoberg'e Drcbettrm played aelteiioBa. The mam* hereof theCoriooaL Uallen aod Hart aod Olaatoo-Two OrphaDa"Co.alteodadlo a body Uarrr Calleoder, formerly trewurer el tbe Pnvldanee Gparallooae^waa In town orer Sunday tut Mr. CaHeoder la now manager of**Charlie**"Aaotno. At Lothrop*a Opera Ilouie, Pawtaeket Get 9 9, *'A Barrel of Mooey^' played to Uir bosioeai, and tbe week was flolabed with "Uoeie Tom'f Cabin." At tbe New Audliortaoi. 74, aome Jooog ladlea gara e gooo mlattrel abow lo aidol tbe St oaepo'a Hospital Food. LOUISIANA. New Orleaaa.—AtUieOruidOpem noose large audlaoces ruled laat week to wtuasa ihe enjoyable eo- tortalam*alsglTanbyProC.andHr«.llernnann. Oct 9, "TheBllrer Hog." AuD»T or Metia—"YooToDooo," with Go* lleege Id the title role, attracted large aadletKeitothlatbsaire. Oct a, ''Blue Jaana" Bt.Cqarlsa— Judwlngrrom the oambers'Voider and Fly"lared to lu hula of pleaaore'twaa pUlniy saen it has loffered oo loaa of faror woq In the paat OoL 9, '*Th* Dacaler** ARTUUH DoBiiu BDd the Prsoch Opera people reached NewOrleaatlL KENTUCKY. Lorn Is will*.* At tbe Temple Tbonus Q. 8eft- brooke presented "Tobaaoo" Oct 9, for the flrat time In thie olty. If) a bonae packed to the dooro. Oot. 9, M was glren op to local attractlona On 9-ff the man- agement preaented Otla Skloaer, In *'llli Grace De Grmmmonfaad "Tbe Klog'a JeeUr.'* The aiteodance waa moderale. "Lady Wlodannere'a Fan*' come 3Pi SI, Not. I. HAOADLBre Tbbatbb— Aod lencea ofgoodprnpertlooi were preeent to witnesa "Tbe Girl I Left Behind Me" ibe fore part ol last week. Tbe Utur half was filled by Jolla Hartowe Taber In *^e Lore Ctuae," **The Scbeol for Seaodal" aod "Romeo aod Juliet** to good booaeA Week ol 9 "Tbe Idler** wlU KlUayl'a lirlog ploturoA AoDiTOBiOB.-Boon'a Band gare two eoocerta 9 to large andleoeaa. AdaRehaa Not.1-9; tbe adranoeaala preolcia Urge aodleoces. OBAND OrBBA UODSS.'-^RriSS L. DbtIs, Sa "AlflO JoaUil'* played to atandlog room laat week. 'Ybe Stow- away"^ week of 8. ATBRDA—The Wllbor Opera Company dosed f7 the mo«t aoeceaslul forulgbt engaaemeBteTer giren lo tbla city. Qua niirsNoTemea week (ifTI. HtroBiHOBAii.-Plroo aod Bbarldao's City BporU Com* pany did a pbeoomaoal baalnaaa last week. Barry Mor ria'BpeclalirCo. week of 37. NbwUbhTbbathb.— Maw(iao*'f7: ElllaTenr. MInnU Lee, Parker and Tbelaa. Ed. O. Morpby, Johnnie Iforen, AliceTltfoe, aod Ed. and Jeaale F<Her. Bnsloaaatageod, NoTBB.-Jndge B. B. Toney, of the Iaw and Equltr Conrt9, orarraled the motion of tbe defendent for anew trial. In the damaae aeit ot Paolin* Harkham, agalnat Beuermelaier A Bro., by which tbe plalotlff was awarded •3,100 damages. An appeal waa taken f7. UTAH. 8Blt Lak. Cltr—At tbo B*ll Uke Tliutra BJIuosgn, "Mn^.niMllulM" OeU A H U>|<xpdbg.l' nwa. "TU rul 11,11"(• da. Not.,, "ObuUr'tAoDt** 8-U. LTOHJV.-Tb. Int btll or «Mk or OcL II llil, UiMIra wudAik, «hll. Uiaitock nud.alllll. pror.uloo.1 lour to lormindlDit tovoL Tb. romilDd.r or th. wMk wu 111*60 up 10 *'Tn. Tbiw Utu," i.pplMi.DUd bj llTlOg pKtntM. Ei.tu05.wbo opuotf bl, pffofwiioDftl eorMr it lh« Stlt L.h. Iliwti. 23. U ft BtU Lfth. ptodool. ll.rMorera li* bti bMO known u u UDOl.ut coojurar ftod oipoMr ol iplrlla,]m u4 Dl.dlnm,. OREGON. PorllBDd,—At llie lUrqittD Oranit "Vbwltj'i Aoot" wu If .0 OoC ll>lTi ud K.u. EuiowU ptoBtotod **Ktll*ni,y'*Itf-S. BdiIbm. rorIII.wMbwaaoidluL •Ti. rut MtU*' op.o.d 31. *iD UU K.Dtookr" eun. 34. roiDli«T'll Tui.tRk I, dark. OftPkitiv.—BuloMi eoDUBaoH .imIImi. Wwb ol 3U: Bfoc, Rllt*ni teownl, Kar Bnnoa, Too.r aod rrobal aod AMD* HlaLra. Moaauaa'a Naw TaaaTuConiQov.—Walt.r Fotd, Do wilt Clltltoo, Walur Patk.r. Joha VukaL Uati) Eldar, H. BoUwML Tola AI0.0IL Jatk Oakaa, Bu.; Ktaol.r, llanr D* Lftla, ^.dla Dawar. Ilanr Browo aod franki. OrartoD. AiMoni—Baalrfco Lotoa, Bnll Ubavrial, Batt Babar aod Kallla Uowatd Loovu—Tba VLDBft Q.artat NoriB.-Mr. Parlaad. baajp aololat. caTa a tKltal at ArfOD Uall 19 A mlDMi.1 ooapaor, wblcb had b..o plaf Ini at tba OnbMni oodar lb. oamo of llavarlr'a ■lDitx.ll. JoMpb Da.lar, maoanr. atimodad bara. COLORADO, DooTor^At Ibt Tabor (Inai Opera llanM, waak or Ocl 31, "f rianlv" b; K Mlltoa Borla. plajad lo |00d bouHO. LTCiOk TiiiATai.—Waak otn "A WuodailnlWoman*' br tba atock, tha Urat 01 tbo woak, aod "Motba" Iho ra* malBdai. Bualoaa I. laria Coaria RrftlkT TaiiTcn —Woak of B, Ton/ ParralU 10 "OafiT Owan," plor.4 to fair baalnaaa. Wwb ot 9, Cooroy aad Foi, lo "UotTamalaa." ClkTAAL TkBaTlia.—Mar HailUi, Lona Waun, Lrdia Rom Mabal Wallaco. Ida Baiu Koatkara Ooaiut (W. II. Powan, I. II. Coopor, Kd. t^oooara aad P.n. Wa#hiog. Ion), Hand La BUoobo. Ada 8waao«p. Wortb aod Mar- ihaU, LiUlan M.lbouraa, NoDA WataoD, Prad Qlono and P. Brown. Ba.lo.u la lood. Mnmok.—Joaopb Nawnan Ion for Cblcoko to Join tlia ratll aoaa(lomodr Co., wbleh opMa ftt McVlckar'a Nor. i Jama, WUilama' baoalt at Iba i:antnl (ML 3>. PaablSH-At ttit OrtDd "Krleiiilt" did well Oct, It. "Tbo Rllrar Waddlaf' can, tS, Coarof aod Poi la *'HotTaaMUao"tr. (AiLoaau.—Tbla booao epooad ror tba rantar a.aa n a n ondor tha maoaiaD.nt ol BL ClaJr aod Wbitabaod. Tba inlllal partomaaoa eooilatad ol "A Woman'a Lora" In addltloo to a law ppoclalUu. Bakua'a ttra^Daip.—lo addition to laat waak'a ip*. aal'laaaod tba old alack Ibo rollowlDi oaw attractlooi vaia aoao wmI ort3*l7: Daa Barrall, Jannta lomtdanil Mlnolo Map LowU. Boalna*a U lair. WlLUiAciaa, lormorly aiacamaoaBar of tbaWeodoT' load Tbaaua, new Columbia, and wlfa ua la Iba aip anar aa abaaneo of oror ft paar. la whub Mr. Aakar haa boan vlaltlftg calllorala aad olbor plaoao for Iba boaaBt olblabaallb Tbap'lU probaMrlira a aarlaa ot dra- maUc anlartftlamanla at (ba Oparm Uoaaa abonlp. FLORIDA. JaeluMTilla,—It UM FBik TImUn "Dia rtaiilii" fara aallifxtioa Is Urga illwiii OaL M. •■4aaa''aaMar, DELAWARE, Wilmlngtoa,—At Uw QitBd Ofieik Doom "Tba Ooosuy spoit" draw ft lam ftndlaOM OoL <t ■'Tba nanrlatta" ptaaaoda larga houao O "Rottlp aod tha MP' did leod baalaoaa 17. Oomlne: '^o (Iraat Biooliro llaidkip* Kor. t, i, •■Bi|bl saUa" t, "Waai"! AoaoBMT OP Moiia^' Tfea dallor Rlara" dtd wall OaL ■kWltr. Bookad:naoi|ta Minalf«>il9,aiill. Daahon- I«llp fo bailn lhalraaaaoa baia Nor. I. WokOikLiiiD Mra».-Baaloaaa la Rood. OcL S aad not: lIoalhACadd'acoamllaaa. HEW YORK C ITY. Laat Waak'a Bwaalo.—Ite happtnlnn (lor- iBf the p«a wet) w«i« all ol cempuailpel; minor Irapotunce. Tke? Inolidtd ibe tut pnaeniitlun ot an BdapitUoD ot an old nimlllar plav, tte Oral local ptoMDUlloi ot a new melodraBia, a pub- Ho rehfanal of a sew pttj, and tbe Br«t American pndocilon ot a Qennan drama, whioli waa dona In Ibe orlglntl tongno. Apart from Ibe eomblnatlon hooaea ttitie wen no obaniea what- eTerlntheocoopano]ro(lo<«libcaliTa. TtiewMlher w>i Inolemeot durini a couidiraMa purilon ol tbe week, and tbla waa, no donbt, to ume eateot the cauae lor tbe ladllRreni bulneae wblob praTalled. HoteoTer a nomber ol Ibe oirrent aitncllona bate been mnnlng btre man; wceke, and even In ibia ( It; there Is a limit wblob It U nnwiaa toeBoeeiL ..The oonUnued ptrloiniancea for the week endlm OoL9t were: "Ur, Sjsiax" at the Uroad- WAY, "Sbenandoab" at the aoakimy op Hmio, '■The Baable Bhop" at Ihe Kupibb, "Tba IteTll'e Uepui;" at abbu'r. "Tbe New Roj" at tbo SriMDABO, Ihe Uilpnllana at the KitTii avinub, "A Oaleir Oirl" at Dilt'r, K. II. Dotbcro at the Ltuium, W. II. Crane at ttie STiM, Ol|a Nelhor' aole at TALMia'a, "UUlo Ubrlatophcr Colambna, at Ihe OiBDBk, "A mik While Flat" at IIOTT'a* "Tbe Ittah ArUal" at Iho FouBTBBhTn Btrbkt, RIohard Manilleld at ibe IIibald Dquahb, and "The Liuie Trooper" at ihe OAfmo, iho Iwo Uat named doelof upon that ilaie liie one wrok iuuidi cloeioi OoL 21, were: "On the imwery" at Ibe I'korLB'B, "Tbe I'fodlgal Ihioghtor" at Niilu'r, (■rlmioae a Wcal'a Ululnla at Iba (Ikind Opbha llousk, Uockiiader'a Hlaauoli at the liuov, "The Knalin" at Jioona' Tiiirk atbkiib, "A Han Withont a Coilnir;" at Iho Ahbrioin, Harle WatQwtlght at tba liiMi.BM oi'kra IIuikb, and Louie Oolllna' TiouladoDra attbeCoi.UHbin, Varlotj ODUtrlalDDent waa liirnlihod at Tony I'la- TOH'a, KoKTBR & Biik'H, tbe Ukiiih BvuinB, Ihe London, tbe Olvmpio, PHOcioR'a, ibe l.kxiMmiN AVBNOBOriBA Uousi. and Uinbh'« IIuwrrv and EiiiiiTii ATBNUB Aloi. Uomalock'a UlnaUoli remain at BT. JtVBa' liAU., and llagtnlKOk'a trained anlmala completed ilieir aiaj at Uidibon BouAHB OAHDkN I'erformancet In nernian were given at the Ihvihu Fliob and Obhhania, and pertormancca In llobrow at the TiiiLii, WiNUBiiH and Ani.BH'B, loroitrl/ known aa the Nallonal and mora lectnllj aa tbe Oenltal At ilie Htah TuBiTKB, OcL U, Wo. II. Unno prtaonicil, tor the Brat ilnie upon ani ainge, 'The I>aol0o Hall," a farcical comedy, lo Ibrco acii, trcelj aitapled bj Paul H. I'ourr, from Tom Tajlor'i well known pUjr, "Tbo Orciland llunia," It excollenUi Oiled Hr. Unno, and mot with luiaot succcaa At the AmHiOiN TUBATKB, upon um laat moiilloiied dale, waa producod, lur tbo Oia( llmo lit ihia olljr, "A Han Without a Coontr/," a melodrama. In llvo acta, bji Jaoita W, llarkloi Jr. Tlila plaj waa orlgloallj acted ig, ol tba oumnl mnulh, at Ilia Welling Opoia llooao, Bjncuae, N. Y. It laa moiu- draniaof the lurid kort, which haa fur Ha buala cor lalu tnrchaulcal aod acaolo elTeciR,antl In which Ihe moit prominent personage la the Tillain, wbo, In tbla caw, U ot Uie moat pronounced type. The scene Is laid In Loolslana, and tbe olilot nio- cbanlol appliance la a sugar cruiblng uiaohlno, wblob, ot course, tbe TlUaln endearors lo employ u one ol his Insirumenis ot doaili. Ibis exceedingly wicked peraonage la ao examiile ol u>lal depnTlty, tor ba tbooia hbi laihcr and aini- ceoda In bating two men condemaed 10 doaili lur Ihe deed; he slabs bis toaler talhcr, endeaTora lo have a llule blind girl ground ui dealb In the sugar cmaher, and abio tries 10 kill Ihe same child liy throwing her trom Uie bellry lower, and dnaily plana 10 beguile a yonng woman Into a mook mar* rtage. UeaUi happily pnia an end lo this lutoroat- log career ol crime, and ilie oiber tbirieeu poraon. ages or tke play, whose olilel liinoilons up 10 Uils Ume have apparenUy been lo aiford Uila very bad man opportnnllles for crUse, bieatbo In uuUnn a algbofrcllelandseule iloan lo Uio enjoyment ot llle At the IRVINO F1.1UB TnatTsB, op Out. M, waa produced lor Ibe Dnt Umo In Uils country, "Uer WelueUlracta" ("Tbo ffblia Deer"), atarca In three aola, by 0. Fander. Tbeiceneotlheplaylalna country kouse near namburg. Ibi owner, Alphonw Fomperoo, a former oillcer ol tbe Prenob army, la wedded to aUeroan woman. Tbeydtalreiomsrry their daogbUii Kmmy lo tbe son ulihelrohl Irlcml, Von lloplen. Tbe yonng man has no dralto lur married life, and Is, moreover, III al caae In Iho society ot ladiea, but quila bold wlUi yogng women at moro lowly slallon. Ills father, dealilug hlmui SCO Ibe lady who bu been oLosen sa his tniure bride, leads him lo heliera thai be la taking bim to a hotel, "Tbe While Ueor," aod thus Uiuoduccs bIm In Uie I'omperou mansion. He makca bun- selt UoroDglily at home, peremptorily luuea Ins orders lo everyone. Including Hr. I'unperon and his daugbur, wbo are not In tljo plot, and ut couiae many amusing coupllcaUons follow. The mlsun- deiaundlng Is oeoeaaanly cleared np, aod ihe mar- riage ot the young people Is coosuiuinaisd. From Ibe above onuino ot tbe siory It will be aeon thai the play la piacUcally "Bho Blonpa lo Vuminer," done Inio Oertnao. Tbe cast: AlpbuDBO Fuiiiperon, Adolpb Link; Harle, Wllbelmlne BoblBter; Kmniy, Anna Braga; lIsDi, Carl BIck; Clara, Anna v. Hu- manowaka; Hugo v. UolieaUoh, Kinll UlUi; Karl v. Uopfeo, Janjues llorwlli; Kurt, lluddph Henlus; FmnzT. Handslsedl,Hss lllra;C!bilalloe,tireleaal' lus; Friedertcb, Hax Uanieler; Lammerhlrl, Julius Ascber. Tills play was preceded byaooeaoioome<ly, "Hllllailromm," by Moser aod Von TroUa.... Hlch- ard Haoageld began on OcL a the lloal week ot hhi engagement at Uie IIbbals Bquabb Thbatbb, and waa ssen la the luUowIng repertory ot plays: "The "Bcarlei Leuw" n, "Prisea Karl" 23, "A Farlalan llomsnca," maUnee 24 aod evening U, "Ucau Umnmell' evening 24, and "br, Jekyli and Mr. Ilyde"3a. Tbe matinee 21 wu omilied, and opon the eveoing of iliat dale Hr. Uansdold and bla com- pany gave a pnuio dreta rebwaal ot Lorluor Blod- dard'aoow Ave act drama, "Napoleon Uonaparto," forlber menUnn ol wblob event will l>e tonnd In an- oUisr colomn. It nay be recalled Ihat prior 10 the beginning of tbla engagement Uut haa now cloaed Mr. HansDald had aaiMonced aa bla first offer- ing a new play, wriuen for bIm hy Kro- eet Uoy and toonded upon OapL Hanyat's novel, "Japbet Ui Baarcb ol a FaUier." Mr. Haoa- Beld, bowerer, changed bis plans aai opened tbe aogagtmant wltb "Anna aad tba Mao," promlilog to prodnce Hr. Lacy'a play dnrlog his slay al tbe boose; bnt be baa gone wiUiont giving any further sign ibai US play In qoasUon Is In bis poaaesslon. Aa tbe play la allll an unknown qoanuiy, wo cannot datemlne who bsa snlTeied the greater wrong, Hr. MaoBleld, Uie saUior ot Uie play or Uw expectant poMlo; bnt Ibis mneb bu bean said only to indi- cate to Mr. Msnalald bow aarlottsly wo take bis promises... .Tna LnmaTtiM ATBa va Opxba Uoosb, oUterwlBe tspwa sa TBmc* Oardaa, was raopened 0«LM byMaBacarMlobaal slonal TandevlUs bonae (op tka Wlnlsracason A wtw role, that ot a tramp, wu added, OoL 34,10 "AHllk Wblu>FUg"atflun'aTaBiTBB.. Tnapait WW enlruaied lo Uiw nii>om, wbo auhlevert sno- oess therein. Tbo rhaiBCler U known as Wicked Uodge, and is made a spy ti>r the Daly H:»a. llBR«i.n B«i<inB TiiBATHB.-Hlobard Hanslleld gave, on OcL-JT, ihe doting night of his engage menlat Ihls hinise, a puuid lull dreu rehearsal or reading of Uirlmor titiMliUtnra now five ad drama, "Napoleon llonapane," which Ihiu had lla dist piweniallon 10 iho puhiio. Why Hr. Hanslleld styled thU a rohearasl was nut convincingly ap- parent, tor It dllTereil noi from that which la uanally oalled a periormanee, and was wnneoaed by an andlonoe nniableallkehyrciuonotalBeand qnalltr. Ki-I'realdent llimtion, accompinli'il by roemben ot ble family, oticuploil a liox, and ruany people ot nolo and social dlsilnnlon were presenL Tbo orohteira w..s placol umkir ihe tU(o,and evrn many laillcs atuod lu the rrar of the seaia during Ibe outlra preaoutailon ot the pUy. It Is poaallilo, oven pMhahle, Ihat Iho term rehraraal waa ompluycd 10 dla-triii criilclan. but tbo pUiy cannot In any iiianiior eaoape It. aod Hr. Hansflelil, tor his own perluniiance atleaat, hi<B no rcasiin to tear bi'log welghrd In Ihe hal ance. Hr. BiudilaM'a work la urarcoly enlllled lo Ihe name ol play, lor It la oonslrncled wlinnut det- onnco tu any lit the iiiIch whinb govern ihodra- inallsi'aarL Thrrolauo plot nor any apcclal nur- pose, Ihe pnnuAuor ut wiilch might Icsil to a nnal ollniax. Thoro Is arquenco ,'1 uvotits Inchrooo- luRical order hot no oununully. Hany of the Inol- (lenla an' epiMidloally mtronucnl and strrvo uo oilier ptir|>oao than lo llluairalo by nicsoa ofdba- luiiuo Iho inciiial ami moral ailrlhutea ol ibe "Han Ml lirailny " 8tmii* nno bit of pollor uta man like Napulcoii inlglit hiTomI an exct-roni Ihomo.about which to woHVi) a blatorloal draiiiA. In which ro- iiuncu aliiinlil produmlnato, hut Iho llfo of aiioh a man, or any ennsldentlito p,triion of It, oonRUluiea A thonio toil vast fur Ihoaoopo of iho (Irainallsl's art. Unroover. the lolienio uf Hr, Htmlilard'i work required hlin lo creato t,x> nuny apaaking prttta ino amall lu bo wori hy ot Ihe aitentlou of nulors ut high repute, and too numt ruua 10 lUHka the em- pluymeutolauch aoiora iiruOUblo, while the rulea are novrrlholra Inhon-nily loo inipntlant to l>e cummtllcil to the haniU (il ihoeo to wliuin aiiburdl- nui* nitPs arc UHiiaily aHnlgiied. Fbiyrrs ot RVer- hgo aliiilly Crtn roaillly and Ktllaraob.rlly deport thtinaelvca as noilltniui diikoa and duobraSL-H or ntbcranf nohla hirtb aiiO siittlun, biii kings oiid que, na are apt 10 ovuriax the ptaytr'a rcauurwa, and Ibu task ot giving a aailsfHOlury llhoneu ol tbo BiralrulOfBul Iho wurld'ailcnllnylaune hat brings dismay ui thu averairr aolur unit uxoltua Iho pity I'r Ilie riaihlllty ol. hIa nmlliurH. So inunh fur ine rea- sons wbT Mr. Hbiitdnrd luu fallcil In wrlio a play, and why his work, rail II by any nRiiio, ninal al- ways lie partially iiitaallafHulory In ropreot-nltf- llon, but It duca nut noccaaarlly follow thai iho work will fail tu iwhlevo a meaauro uf aurorRN. It la true thai It lauksauiloii and Itaa rotlundani illa- lOBUi-. but II liaa iliatwiiloh In a great meuure coniliincs these faulia, and that Is lllrrary nerIL Hiireuvor im tiroes anil scHnca an well r huoen and cover tbo uuai Inlereallrg imrilun iil Iho Kinp. rat's caieor. The aola lu tliclt uMcr oxhibil Napoleon In Ibo huura of hIa gieato.i triumph and wurst despair. Tiie Bret aot draorlli, a hall au hour In his lent at Tllall, wboii ho waa at the xenlib ol bis power. Tbo llmo d lliu aoouml act la aftar the Kinpcnir'M nilura Ironi Huacow when treachery aaaallud hini. In act Ibu tliiril lio la Kon at Klld. Tliolonrth aotiB illvlilcil lutu two bucdob, thu Urat ot which la laid wllhlii llio Fronoh Muoa upon the nlRhl prucoiling ihu iiaiilu uf Walorluo. The B4-i;oinl Hr.onD, wnlcli waaiiinllicil upon Ihe nighl ot ihr piinilu rehcanal, itrt:ai'iila a flruniiuf pi anna luciiuntlng the Una tif tiiii groHi Imtife, anil suiiws Naniilcun soil Ilia ffencrMla nii their liurai-B, In the ilfili act wo aeo l/inawnuil, iin ihu lalund uf 8L lleleiuk, anil witnesa Uio d.'ati ol Napoli-uii. Hmmid Hr. HKidihtrd'ii wiirfc meet wiili auci:>>u, ho wiU be nndur inuth (itillgnilun tu Hr. Manallelil, who gave an oxcolicDi purforuanco of iho itilu mln. Mr. Uanallcld haa i>riiiiiiuB<«l lar alKivn iho lovel ul that claas prevluuafy aUudcil tu na uuiiip H"d ol ilniao ul average ability. Ilo Is a alar liy right ul alollar rank, anil novor did ho inuru ihuruuKhiy nrove his UUo than In lilH ImiHTdonatlou <*r too great Napoleon. Ills make up anil dreu wore Inyiinrt cavil, aod his luuk and iicaring wcrRpi rlccL The Ideal of Uiu iiiuritaiilrniK'Inilrrriil Na|iiiieniicould auiTcr nuahuuk by Ur. Uaualti'lirii iwrlniyal, hut on Ihu cuiilrory uuo'a pn-unncutvuil IiIkm ol the grualness ut the Iiuii wunlil li« liihiualded and innru druilr DxcU by wllnu*,lii|i litis purtralluru. It la tniu Mr. Maaallulira niciliuJ or apcouh ohusen ror ihia riilu was iluiiijtlraa a anrpriHo 10 roanr, and for lia uiupluyinrnl there aeoiiia lu lie but littio rcaaou. It may lie brat duaorilinl as siaccaio or ex- plnalve. Thuru wore ilaahoa ur pAiiHOB between his wunlB, and the wurda liicmielvea wi re pronounced without any rchuhig S4IIIUII or auipenalvd iiuallly 10 bridgu tlibiii uno to auuthur. Tnia foahiou ut spceoh, aucoiiipanled by prlnilllvo ejaoutatory Hounila, wu at tliiics f|ulte rcmlnlaceut of Henry Irving, whuni duiiriiici.a Mr. UAhaaaid had no Inlan. tluQ ul copying. Illaapeeoii, luMroiur, ihouiiii uf bdd raahliiii, iild nut iimr iils perfurmaiico, and may iwroliaoco navu euMurcd lis aitractlvuiieas aud vslue. or hla auppuii no Inilividiul iiiootiun ahall lie roadu..; uuiiio were giHHl and soma weiu very bail, hut as this was only a ri hearaal those deserving uf pralao will luive lo lie cunieui to forego thoir cTalnia, In order that tboso u.erlUug ceoaure may out inrrrenilally Buffur br ih« oiula. slon or their iwmvi Iroiii tlio ruilolouuur. The cut was not glvuii up"n thu prugoMiimu and in onler Uiat no error may lie nuido lu iiie Itleullty f>t the uunierous rneuilicra or ilio couiiuiny bhgag«d In the preseoball'fii, Iheortler uf aaatguiuvnl of rolea will lie dorerruil until arior the Brat piibllu porrurm- aiico, 10IM given during llio curniut week at an uptown bonae. "AHKHIUA PHOU UlLtlUaUH TO TUB OOI.UHDIIN Kki'iMiTiuN," HO iilabiriral allegory In mualo, pin lure and aong, cuinpoaeil anil arraiiguil by Bilas U. I'ratl lur thu rolelirailun ol Uw lllUi auiilvoroary ul Ihe evoouatlca of iho Ully ul New irur> by tbe llrlt- lih, will lie presented at llnlckering Hall .S'uv, 24, uniior Iho auaplcea or uio Ihinglitera ut thu llovulu- llon. The piece will ho uuilor thu (llroclluu of ihe coinpoaer, aoaialeil ity a hirgu chorus,orchealna aud several well kouwn auhilahi. VUNIMY Kktsntainiishih ii.i UuI, 2>i I'lnhraccd tho rullowlng: Thii oi^nunil ul the orrln,* ul popular cuhcvrts by iiie HellM Cuucurt f.'ii. waa glvcu at the Hetiopollian ilpem lluiise. C"l. IbiliL II. Inieraull gave at Uie Hiai Tlieairu, lur Iho Brat llnie, a new leclure, sulij'cl, "Tlio Hllilr." The nith or IheserleB ol cimcoriM by Ollioore's lland whs glvi-n at the Acaileinyot Husic,and the tlilnl olTli'iinas Bleveni, llluslrabiil leuiurea up<in Um Yunl idliaclea wu given at tho Filth Avonuo Theatre. I'Rop. Babhv, who wreallcs with two HIberlan l«uiH In Ihu llagvuliet k Hliuw, hail iils lelt car al- most turn from iila head by oou ol the ablnials OcL 2a, at Hodlson H<|uar« Harden. A H4N was ejucii'd Irou 'be HiandardTbcalra OC. 20, while taking bliurihaiid nutea ut uio dia- logue ot "The Now Tluy." Ilia U'lle'-ouk wu oon- dKBled. Ubahhs, UsHiiiY A I.KiiBaBK bave snbteaotd Ibe lliluo Theairu fruiii Mrs. Harau^l Uuivltleand J, Wealey lloaeniincsL Tho new intaagers will as- aomo control or ilie house Hro. 8, and Uio upeulng aliraoilon will be "llin I'asalng Know." Tina will lAlollowMl by '-TlieTwenilcili Cunlniy ulrl." bOBIs' MUHkUN, — Hauagar lluria' Reason la fairly no, and his patrons haro resuinod Iholr rega- lar visits, aa Is nioarly pruvon, a steady succeaslon ol Urge auliencrs Ironi day 10 day now Itelng the riilo here, lu the curio halls this week ars: Billy Wella, Blylcillliehumaoauvil: MuleHlurgess, who playa iitKiu tbo piano wiili fier fuel; liexier, miracle worker; Jullne and her don of anakes, aud Frot. Mum's aviary ol Iraluoi birda. In the uieatre, Carrie Btanley Is appparlng aa Kiluiubd Daolea, "Oonnt ot Honte Orlsto." TUB pmnMikxii pro ecdings brought by tbe Oaalno Company agalnat Canary Jt,Tcr, Irsaees ol the Cuino, lur nun payment ot rnut, have i>«en dlaconUnued. Heaara, Usosry A IXKlerer paid Ihe rent, Oct. 2/>, and auied Uiat It wniiid hara Iwon Etid when ft wa] due bad they known to whom I pay It, Tna AirniM' i'sanorivB llmaH .Vi>. l,ot New York Oily, now numberaaiuoog lu nisinbera aouie ot the leadlog vaudeville pcrfuriuera, aud tlie mcu- brrahip Incieates wlih'eacb succcsalve waek. Bofflo msnsgrrs, who at Brat were lucllued lo view the movement aa aniagoiilaUo to Uieni, sre now among Iho oallors st the rounit ot the Uoloo, and several ol them are secutlng ihelrpeoplotaers. The branch order lo IfMton, Maai., also reporis progress. TUB Maud PowsLLltraiKO quabtst gave Its Ir* concert UcL 2e, in toe chsinher mnsiu room ol uat negle Mnale Hall. The qnaitsllsconposadot Maud Foaah, leader; Josel DoTsrlk, Fiani P. RalUn- bom ud Paul Hleiaolk Thn were atalslad by ranl1Md<B,piaBM.