New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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656 THE nSHEW YOKK CLIPPER. NOVEMBBB 3. riuiiB'a TniATRi^lgtHtUitnotoMMrelllio roltot OuiUla Oct. 9, for tto ont tlm* in UUi cooniTT, u In cUlrao4, for Uia Ont Una on u^augo. TUo aadloDco vulirce, uil nodoabt tliera wera maoj or lia nombar who wara dftwn Ultber bj tbc fMi iliai mis joong Eoillita aoinia wu darlog lo iuginr> a role Iba Meal performuoa o( wblcli «aa accrciUted to Mme. Hoiljeik*, Banta Btraanl or Utanoi Duae. Uanf, perbajM, wara tliera lo ba loicDielj oiluul, and to aboir by com- ptrlaoQ tba BlariDRfaiilUor tbo joodi atplimat lo dramiiilo boDora. And ao It ma/ be atld wltb aatatj tbat on ibe riaa o( tbo curtain on tha Drat act Mlaa KeUionolo could bavo coanttd upon ber llonra tboaa ot ber audliora wbo liad ffiaadlr feel- iDi for bar, or ■dmintlon ror ber eoerL Bat It la Inat aaaafa to aaj Uat wben the ounalo tall upon too deatli aceno In Ibolaatactlt would baia bean bard to nod n peraon la Uie andltnco who waa sol ber admirer, whila naDr want to ibeir bomaa wltb a saw ld»l Oamllle. Hlia Naibanole gltai oa a now UarRucrlio Uanller. Bbo dircaia tba cbaractcrot much of lu wantonosa, aad adda mocta to lia womanllncaa. liar caolllo wakea ber baar- ara from a teallnR akin to rapOKoaoce to tbat of forfilraneaa, tbon pit;, and, floailj, wbaa Annand boliiabor dead (om In Ilia anna, nraranca for bar memory, wbUa our pit; soca ont to tba man wbom dcalb baa robbed of oo nobto hearted a woman. At no ilmo In tba plaf did Nlai Ketberaola givo afldaooa ot tbat lack ot drama- tic control complalnoil ot In "Tbo Trana- greaaor," bnl waa ercr iinlcti; airecura. Ja ber acena wllb Arioand in Ibo lint a<!i, wbara Bbo Oral bcglni lo feci ibit aba reall/lorca btan, aba abowaibaiahodoca not want to glvawajto tbo taeling, and tbat abo la dgbtlng agalnat It. Wlicn at laat abo baa glrao op tbo Dgbl agalnat bar fcolloga, lior ever/ inionatlon, word and acilon boar cvidanca of hor luTO forArmand. Uar acana wlin ber lover'a fatbcr traa louoblogl> eOtolIra, and ber euiweiinoni leave taking of tbo loan abo lovra waa dramailoand forceful. In Ibe ballroom acana; wboniberonljilioggLtla lor tbo aatetjot Annand, and abo beaeecliea blui lo Itf, ber acting waa luianea.' And, Ooally, Id tba dcsUi acena aba diaplajed tm aune uf art. Uamllle'n dcaili, aa dona b; Mlaa Naibaraolo, la not jnlalul to look at, but baa a faacluaUon. Lllo Mcnii to go out like a nick- eling candle. Uaurico lUnrmore failed to give agoudporlmjalot Aiinand lJural. Ue wia Jerkj In apeeub and aciloii, and, wblio at ilmca be waa ittj eirecUvq, be did noi gITo an o?on perfor- iijtuca. J. U. Iiamu 08 lions. Uural meilu great £nil BO, and Ura. Iv. J. I'bllllpaaaUmc. I'rnoancOiJ. . lluokeloua iia (IuiUto, B. U. Uollaod aa Uaaloo JUcux, KDdtitangOluclriintaaNlcbeUa were all good, Tbo pla; trim well aiaged. me cut: Ar- naiid Duval, Maurice UarijDure; Moua. Uuval, J. Il.Uarnca; (l<aian lUcux, h. U. ilollaod; c'omla Do Vatvllle, Ueorge Naab; UnaUva, J. B. Uock- •Uino; liooior, uiaut Hiawatt; MeBWDier, Ito; Kiircblld; Mmo. I'mdenoe, Mm. t!. J. Plillllpa; Naulur, Ma Cojiiineai; Nicbclle, Kvaogallne Irving; Ulimpii, Marlon Ura;, aod uamllle, uiga Netner Bole. AT TUK LTCIUii TliaATKI On Monday, Ucl. 39, K. II. HoUiorn gavo a roTlral of hit muat popniar role In "Lord UbDuile/," and a largo and approela- tiro audlonca ihorougbl; enjoyed bla clover Im poraonailon of tlie errailo aod gcneroua beartcd nobleman. It baa boen aereral yeata alnco tbl< play baa been aeon In tbo cll; proper, and II prored fully aa luierealliig aa befora, wbon tbo oildlitca and pccullarllleaof Lord Uoorgo,asakillfally drawn hy Ur. bolliem, lo au Inlnilulily hnrooroua way, made It one of too HirongeHtooancicrs la bla reper- tory. Tlie caal was good, aod Mlaa Kimball, Mlaa aironx and Itowlano Uuokelono arc capeolally wortby ot pralso for cxctllcnt wort. Tlio comedy will ba on tba lioards all ine week except at Ibe TbniidaT mallneOjWboii "A Way to Win aWoman" will ba toe bllL Tiio caai lecluOej: Adaiu Uuitar- wortti, Itowltnd lluckaione: Lieut. Duiiorworth, H. Bolbam; Oupcr Lo Hago, Morton Bclian; Tuuimy Tuckor/j'ollyMariball; blink Uuuk.U.P.riookion; WinuruollouiiT. J. Uurpby: Kieauur, Oraco Klui' liall; Jcaala lloane, Borina llariluil; Lady Adeline, Kanny Addloou-I'llt; Mug, Manou Olioux, and Lord Obolmondoley, ti. II. Boiburn. NisLo'sTuuTaK.—Tlie uual very largo Monday nigbt andlonco aeaomblcd here Oct. a, to wllnei oradllable ptodiiellon or "The Country Olrona" Tbo comedy porilon ot Uie programme was higbly appreciated, while tbe novel clrona parade, and tha rallatlo aooocs in tbe ciroaa arena, proved a anr- prlslDg treat lo the patrcna or this nonaOi Tea pUylog coat wnn: Tony Oarnuiii, Uarlln Vody; Uaptain Joe Ulasa, B. K. Obeater; omad rorklda, fnd Olarko; Uoctor Bwop, Arthur V. Olbson; BavlUla, Kenyon lllahop; Aunt Ilulda, Mrs. 8. K Obeaiet; Hlleut Dnow, Amy Hlono. Arenio pro gramme; llota Uoon, ilio Blatara Hon Aobmai, Prof. William Uooiad, Josapb Mnrni, tbo Dark Uen Aobmaia, I'ror. Ueo. L. Wood aail lillli t'onrail. Kail wetik Walter Sanfonl'a Hiock uo. wfil prtiaaiit a naw nielndiaina, by Ouorge lluoy, onililed "x TalaofOorBloa." London TuBaTni.-Mlaca'rt Olty Olub Uo. p'jiy a return engagement bero this week. Tbo opening attandaneo, Ooi. 2>, wa^roiy good, conalilerfng tie EoUUcalexoliemonilu thai portionofibeolty,iba ouae being wall Oiled. No iiiaiorlal cbaogea lu tbo programme bavo beon louud ncoceaairy. Iti Kellf, inab comedian, aloger and dancer, baa been added ibia week. Harry Urrant and Uarrlo Pulton do a oomeily not, Thouiag U. Nolan, Kdsrard Bar- neU, Uryaniond Havllle and iho llaniolla rorulabing tbo romulnder or tbe olio, Fanny Kvorotioonlluuca suoooasfully In her apeclaliy and leada In tbe bor leeiiuea. lHo lUing piciuroa are well tecalved. Next week, llloe ,t Barton's Uutlosquors. HiNkH's lluwiuv TuKins.—Tbo Motcon opened to fair linuBoa Ool. 'J». Tbo performaoco waa licart- lly appreciated by lair alMd audloncog. Tbo full rosier of tbo company wu given In lut week's loane, Next week, 11. W. -Wllllama' Own Uo. Jacobs' TiiMTHc—"A >'lagot Ttnco" received, on Uou 'ja, lu drsi prodaollon on tbo east aide, bo- foro a good alzod Kurtlenoe. Tbo obamolera re- oolvod careful lulorpreiailon at the taanda ot tbe rolluKing: Jobn WoodwanI, Uoiaoo Hltoball, J.J. Fanell, Kdwlu K. Kuiabura, Albert l,«og, Joaepb Voider, IliUe Loreita llooly, little Lowe Drlaoo, Ullvo wiilto, Lou l.llllau Urklu, and lleaslo Lea l,oaUaA, conaplououa among wbom wero John WoodwanI, who auaialued moat capably tbe pari ot IMd llowlUii,andlluracoUllohcll, wboaoooilug was at tluioa quiie forocful. Koxi week's bill will bo "Tbo Two Blaiora." UauDSN TuiATiii—Tbo rcaulis ot tbo experience andakiil wblcli Mr, luco brought lu iholau ot im- Stovlog "Lliilo Uhrlaiopbcr Uulnuibus," aflar Its nt presoutallun bore, are pleaalngly aiipaient In tbo present purformaDce. New people and new toalurca bavo been aililcd, wlUi oxcelloni rcaulis, and Iho good work will bo ooiulaniiy conlloued. It began Ucu 'ti ibe Uilnl week of Its run. Fimi AVBNiiR TUBATBK.—Tbo Llllpullaba, In tbtir Uleat exiravagania, "llumpiy Duiupiy Up to Half," liogau Ucl.'JU tbo elghib week audlbolaat fuitulgbi ul Uiclr ciigagenicuU Tbo giant Kaleb sun walks Ihruugh iba auditorium, and aa Ibe J[boat walks wlih iiiual r(iinlnilly,lbougb at loogcr nlarrala, Iwhlud lUo curulu Juy rolgna oonilnu- otisly al iiila hoiiiic. Daly's Tiikatiii.— "A naleiy Ulrl," now In lu ■ovcuUi week bore, maluuina a reooid or good Iiousi'a. AuiiBV'sTiiKATni.—l''ranola Wilson entered Oct. St U|<ou Ibo olghih and Otul work uf a prootablo oug«iiismcnt In "I'no UovII'a Ueimiy," wllb which ho will next week woo rortunc uiitm Ibe road. Ula nucccaaor at inii bouse will iio Lillian lloasoll, wbo TVIIl appear Nov. T, In 'The ijuecn at Urilllania." AoiDSHv UF Mi'aiu.—"3beuauiloab," wblcb be- gan Ooi. hi the Icuih week uf lis run at tbb boDB^ Ts Btlll, It In clHtninl, a conaplcuoua sucoeM. and la cslabllabtug a record wnioli will bo a nllsfaclory Slantlaril fortiituro prodiiotlons. UsUAUn'AY TIISATHI.—Do Wolf Hopper, In "Dr. Biniax," cuierni Oci.'iUupou the ninth week of Ills oaga^oiiiciii at tiita huiiae, with three more weeks st.-(uiilng to his crctllc, cotioting from tbat dale. I'roOUbioHlleiiilaneelaatUUiorulp. BriR TiisATRs.—Wlblam Vrane bai fuond In raul U. Toller's liucat play, "The Faolllo Hall," an 4>rreilDg tlioruunlily laiiarsciory to bis patmoB and admirers, aod Is n*Jniciug lu Inoreaaed proapeilty. Tbe alxUi werk of nla eupigi-uioni, and iho aeoond of Ibo oiliience nl tills play, tirgau Out. '.I. FuvarssKTii sraaKTriiaATHa.—Cbauncey Olooti, In 'Tbo Irisli AiiUi," bt'gaii Oct 'i) lbs Ofib week and Uat rurtnifiht of an enoagomont wblcb baa tbua far proron i|iitlo suofesarnl. Uijou TiiSATiia—TOO Ural work of tba engage- laenl or UucksIiuIlt's Uliistrvis noi bavlbg proron floonolaily iutlHriu;tor>, Ibo roiiialolug week tor wblcli IDor « eio iMMkril baa been uauccled by mu- toat conaont. Tlie buuso Is tlieraluro dark this weak, tint will again tK> upon Itie list Nov. 0, when Hirla Jaoseu win be scon la ''Ulu Dynamlio." Ilorrs TiiKArKK—"A Milk While Flag" la night- ly dlitiig tbe house. In adiltilon lo Ibo Iniaipola- iiun or the tramp role, Mr. Iloyl baa Blade aome Ja- ilteloua cliangea In tbe play, wblcb bave gained tor |t au liioteaae ol p nbllo (avor. HBiLD 84PAU Tbiathk —The tVhIlney OperH 00. gave, on Oct, n, at tbia honaa, the Orst meifo- poUtaa pr^iejitallon ot "llob Boy," a spectacnisr comic opera, In tbrteacis, Ibo mnalc of which Is by Rsflnsld do Eoven, and tba book by Harry Oc Smilb. Tbis work bad, at tbe bands ol Ibis com' pany, IIS BiM prodnctlon npon snjr stsge at tbe Detroit (HIcb.) Opera llonie.on ibe Orat night of Ibe onrrent mootb. Tbe itoiy of tbe work nas already appeared In onr colnmns. Mr. Bmllta olaiss tbat It Is fonnded npon Sir Wsller Bcoii's work ot tbe same name, but Ibia claim cannot be ad' nitltd, tor not one of tbepromUianlcbanclcra In Sir Walier'B work rtappcara In tbe pitaent story, even tbe Rob Doy ot tbe opera being not tbe lamona onilaw or hero, but one ot bis sons. While we cannot bnl be somawbst displeased with Mr, Bmlib tor Ibe profane bands be baa Iain npon alrasnred olaasle, tbo general excellence ut bis wotk pleads atrongly for torglvenea, and wblle recognising blstanli, aad claiming tbo ngbt ot protest we llalen to tbe tnuspet tangoo uf bla good deeda and gnntabaolnUon. Bomerliorlous In fact ta tbe book It olalnulnunedbila considera- tion. Tbe story tbrongtiont moat ot lis length la exoaUenlly conceived and bandied. Its character drawing u masterly. Us lines are crisp, Its aentl' nentdelicate. Its witorlglnal.and lU bomorof eX' qulslte Oavor and cbaracieriatio ot tba race. Tbe lyrtosare cbamlngandct absolnte literary merit in Ibe dlslrlbnilon ot praise between the co-labo^ en, Ur. Bmliii la enuuad to clam precedence wben we begin to compare tba present opera wllb tbe moat notod ot ibelr former worka, for In Mr. da Keren's score wa miaa tlie atmpllcliy and dalnllneas ot ibo isaslo ot "Uubin Hood." In Its place we Ood an elaboraia score, showing melnods more suited to grand opera than to opei* coBlqne, wblcb tbls work really u. In aplte ot tbe misleading cisasiocallon put upon tbe programme. It IS tnie uat tbe iheme of ttie former was sylvan and almost pastoral, wblle tbat ot the one nnder consldeiatlon bsa munh ot martial character; but nevertbelSM we wontd be better content 11 Instead of oavingonr nndeieiandlog assailed onr beans bad been beguiled. Wo owe alleglanoe to moJem collore and to advanced Ibongbi and netboos, and we are willing to meet onr obligations npon call, bnl wo prefer to bsva Inisnnlsalon ot dtmand, ana 10 pay mental Irlbuto only lo the anbllme maaiersof musical aclence, white we reaerve onr beart'a colO' age for Iboae wbo bring to ns ine"masloot wonder lul melodies." Boob melodies. Indeed, Mr. de Koven gives as at ireiiaent Interrala In the pitsent work, bat ho bss accumpanled ibem wltb aucb a blare ot braaa, and so oyolonlo a tempteat ot Inaim- mentatlon, aa not only to bide tne underlflng themo, bot to canae th& slogois to abooi In oompetlUvaeiTbrt o.»aslonallytberecomesalollln Uiliiempestot bewildering harnionles,andlbenwe bave soutlnl BstlatacUun in snob nnmnen as "Tba Mar]oiT Bong," In ibe second aciCIie gem ot the open); "Tbe itoalto Catch," In the same sot; "Toe noognboy'B Whistle," In tue third act, and otben ot like quality. Nor are all of tbo gems ot the opera In Ibis simple suoln. Tbe doo of Prince Cbarlle and Flora, and the "Jacobite War Song," In lbs Qnt act; 'Tbe lay ot Prinoe Ilnpert'a Cavaliers," In tbe second aci,aud Prince Cnarlle's song and "Tbe Bong of the llaolet" In tbe laal aor, were alike commendable and enloiablo. Nor from tbis calsgory should the "Town Crier'a Song" be omit- ud, nor Flon'a love song, which ror absolute merit has no peer In tbe present work. In splieof tbe oblectlons ibat will be registered aaalost ibe score In IIS enllraty, Uie tact wlU probably be nn- dispnied Ibat Ur. de Kovon Is growing In mU' alolanly skill. Ills present work shows mora breadin and warmtta of coloring; he baa taken a tner Olght bis style la more varied iban over be- fore, and In many respects be Is mora entiUed lo credit tor blapieaeni labora than tor anyot bla prevloua work, and ir ba were aatlsUed wiui ula primal crcaUve skill, wlibont constanUy striving to prove his conmructlvo ability, then would be no dissenting voice to mar bla m- umpb, Tba ibomo ol the work readily lends Itself to speclacolar display, and every advaniagc baa been taken ot tba opportnnlty, Tbe sottlnis are elfeotlve, and tbo ccatsmos, woloh sra prodigally varied, are remarkably banosome and plclareaono. The work was ezceiieutly rendered, all or tbe prlnolpala vldng In tbolr esorta for chief recog' Dillon, and diailnetlcn In tbIa reaped would be nn fair wbere all did so well. We have beretotots had occaalon to aaaert Uiat Jnllelie cordon baa f<w pecra upon tbe llgbt openilo atago. Barron IleruiBld proved brmselt a dnmailc tonor or rare valne; Lltzle Maontohol already enjoys a fame whlon ber preaent cifort fully ausiatna; w. u. McLaughlin baa rare comiiaas and son- oroalir ot tono, and Isst, but by no mcaoB laist, Wm. Pruelie was very muchlike ibe pen ponnli ol Rob Hoy dmwn by Sir Waller Bootr, and sang with tkatssme oxcellent voice and meibod ibst placed and baa kept htm in tbe front tank ot opentio ban- tonra. Auna 0 Keeta waa lu cieiy way very oapil- vatlDg In a role wblob was vocslly ot secondary fm- puriance, and tbe two principal comedians, Hicnard F. (;airoIi and Joseph llerbert, gave perroroiancea so thoroughly and uglilmaiely btimorona that they commanded the hignest pnise. Too i-lioma aaog well and was of excellent volume and balance, wblle Uie orcheaiia, Ibsnks to tbe skill ot Big. Da NoveUls, was Uiorougbly cniolant A word or praise la dne Mas Fneman, under wbosa dlieo iton Ibo work waa produced, and It muat Inci- dentally be nienuoned here that Uie tabloan at Iho oloae or tha second act waa one or tbe beat ananged, the moat quickly bandied, and moat ploturoaquely eifeoUve ever auown npon a stage. Like m' sl of Mr. Smith's worts, not excepttug "Hobln Uood," the tnlid act wan deraotlvo, and Its conclnslon. Which, by Uia way, woo borrowed t em Sir Walter Bcou's "Redgauntlet," was Impotent, meopera made an Immediate sacccaa. lis muslo la very Inspiring, and itaeapplansc waaot tbe moat hearty sort Itla certainly destined lor a long run at tbto honse, aod Unre Is scarcely a doubt tnst It wlU, In Ibe course ot nany bearings, bring oumuio- Uve proof ot merit, and oonslantly win Incrcoao ot tavof, aa we eaaae to oonumplata It at a whole, and anrrender oanelvea to the study and eO' loymeut ot lu sepsnis nnmbert. Tne caal: hob Hoy MacUregor, WllUam Pruolte; Janet, Jnllcile Cordon; rrlnooObarlaa hMward Stuart, Bar- ron lleithald; Klon NaoDonald, LIzilo Hacnicbol; Dugald MaolVbeebki. Hichard t. Carroll; Lochlcl, W.ll, McLanghlln:Capuin Rilph Sliarldau, Anint O'Keotc; ilanay UaoShorey, Joseph Uerbcrt; Tarn' mas MsoBorbe, Uarry Parker; Lieutenant Comwal' lis, MItUe Alherton; Lleuienant Clliiion, liOiilso Oinne; Aogoa HacAillsler,Jeanaltorerto; Duncan UampbcU, Julie senac: Btuart Ucroenou, Franklo Leonard; Donald UavAlplne, Carrie lllogor; Nelly, AnIUAusUn. KiiTii's UNtoK Squint TiiiATBi.-The usual big business wblcb has been tbe record ot ibis bouio averalnce ll opened conllnuea, and. It anything, growa larger. On Oct a tbo bouse waa crowded an day, and at night U waa aJmoatlDpoaslblo to gel Inalde tbe doon. The bin, as uanal. Is lliat class and Includes l.ydla VoaDsns Tllns, asalslcd br Fred Ttloa, Mile. Aloldc t^pttatne, Raymon Moore, Lea Frtrea UrcaceodoB, tbc Fletcher Trio, uatn and Da- bolB, Geo, Fltber, Janaon.Hlano and Bentloy, rrtnco Kotln,ihe Fantoas,ilio Kdlaona, I'antr.or aud Bcoit, Ward and Brown and aenrudo lUy. llUBsn's I'AUut MvsEi'M.-lluHlncss contlnncs at nn oren rate at thla bouse, ilia attcndanca (icL ai being on a par vrtita tbo iiansi avomgo. Tha bill for the week: Cmlo halls—Tbc Australian Uiish- men (second week), the Kuiulinaux Tillage (second week), Chief, tbo long uik'd pony (vouml week), Eleolraiaecond week), Young .\mertcua, I'araabaa- Ika and Morrrll and A. B. (Xiulsn. !>iHfe-Toe Bnaerana, Unrion and Dcalmo, Uosou and Hunter, Kid Itayuond, liarrj Kmmonon, TOnj Jdtck ana the living ploluii'S. IIARHIUAN'S TillATIIB.—This hOnSC WSS TO- opened Ool. ':>, wlUi "The Man Wlibnnt A Country," wblcb was innstairtd from snother theatre. There was a good altedaoilteace, aod tbe niece waa well pteaanied. Arthur Ktilot replaced K. J. Henley, wbo baa been engaged ror "Capuin I'snl," wblob Is to be produced at tbo Casue Square Tbealie, Beaton, Maaa. Mr. Elliot gavo an exoellent pertormance. BT. Jamis' Ualu— Alexander Conulock's Mm- alrcla oonllone to bo tba ailncKon at tbis reaort and drew a well ailed house Oct. -JP. WItlla T. Bwea'Dam, David Aadmda, the Ooinaiock Mando- lin Qaan«t aod otber favurltea were oontlnued, and " rho coal BUck Hag" and olber teainrea wen Iniruluced. KariBiTaiATiti.—John Draw and bit play, "The Bauble nbuo," an alike prime favorlica ai this houae, wlib Mand Adsmii and Iho other luomben ol bla (aoclieni oonpaoy receiving a llboral share or appreoiaUon. Tbe elgbib week ot the engigemcnl began Oct ai, and the end la yet far oir. HrAKPAHO TuBiraB.—"Tne New Boy" atarted Oct 9 npon the aavenib week ut lu run. Jamca T. rowen has mide the ilUe role peonliarly bla own, and Inoreaaed bnalneaa baa reanlied from Uie added ailraci Ivcneaa ot ihe ptrtotmance, tor wblch MUtBUiMtout credit Tony risroB'n riiEATnB.-lt waa a gcnnlne Psator night at the above honac Oct S>, and late comen had to he ccnient withstanding room only, thero were Oowen galore, new people, and Ibe genial manager wot borne oigaln after bis tnnmpb- ant Fall tonr. This week marks tbe opening ot the regular Fall and Winter season at Pulor't TbeaHe, and that evaot alwaya marks a big Ume. Those In (runt always show their appredaUon ot tbo por- foroerson Uiatoccasion,and the spplansswnlcb' Is bestowed npon each set Is ot a very hearty ohar- acur. Then tliere la alwaya some performer Intro- duced who has never been seen In New Tork be- fen, and here Ibe stranger In a stnnge land al- waya recclvea a royal welcome. Mr. rasior's fricoaa believe In giving performers a chance to become acquainted before ibey crlUdae them too severely, and those EDgUab people wbo appeared Oot it most snnly bsve felt tbat they were among friends. Tbe blU this week Is mosUy made up ot performen who are well known to tbe natrons ot New York's vsndevllle tbealrca. TheNawns started the evening's enter- uinnient In tbclrsketcb, "Wrlntlots," and net wllb a beany recrpuon. Unib and Olirord toUowed In ■The Johnny's CaU," Introdnclng their negro mek>- dlea nod fonny dancing, and created coiulderebte amuioment I'nDoesa Pauline, a pretty and clever EngUeh girl, came next It was ber Oratappcar- ance In America, and ahe was received wlib ap- punae for bor acrobauo work. In which ahe la very neat Her work Is done In long sklrU. AtnoUmc do ber sklru gat above ner shoe tops, yet ahe Ibmwa band sprlnga and back Bomeraanlia. Next came Ur. Pastor, and tbc applanae wblch greeted Mm could be heard In the atreet For fully two minutea, he conid only bow bis thanks. Uis songs wore new and op to date,and canned much amnaeoent. McCoy and May came next, In "High Jennie Johnaon," lo which Mlaa May Introduced ber wooden shoe dancing, with uuing etfect Annio Uart, tha Bonery Olrl, followed. In a nper- lory ot songs, which are alwaya euro ot mak- ing a go. Mlaa lUrt canght the bonte the same aa she always doea. Huilcal Dale, who might trnir be csllad a master In bis line, dis- coursed aomo beaailfol music on the bells, and olber Instraments. Mr. Dale's siarr bells an bis own Invention, wblcb be has felly patented, and they sbow bim to be pmgresalve and fully np to the Unea. Next came Ihe Frealon Blatara In character changes, and they wen Riven a welcome which cerbtlnly sbcnld have pleaaed them consldonbly. Tbay an quite clever, and did well. The Rogcn Broa., Uatch oUlect com- ediana, then started In to amuse, and did ao to per- recllon. J. W, Kelly waa on hand.aa usual, and had plenty to Bsy. Ue kept Ibe bouse In conUanal lansh- Kr daring the euilre time beoccnpled tbealaga. He waa In Ihe beat uf splrlu, aod Beamed to enjoy tbe run aa mnch aa anyoody. Tbe Uarbecka (Kluleaod William) cloaed the bill In excellent faanlon, their Juggling and serpentine contortions meeUng wltb lavor. Tat OieiHO.—"no Passing Show" Is sgaln Uie sttractlon at thla bonte, thla entcrprlaing veblcle for me presentaUon ot amusing spccUlllet by promi' nent pertormcre having returned to Its nnmerons Now Yorkfrloudson Monday evening, Oct it. It was greeted by a bonsetul ot lovers or exlnvB' ganza and ail tbat that implies, and the fun Uiat the piece contalua in abundance waa exdactod by tbo clover performen to their foil eaUsfacUon. During Ibe period that bad elapsed durlog their abaence from the city a tew cbaoges bave been made In tbe cost wblle tha elimoUoa lias been mode brighter, If possible, byadditlontmadowltba view tobrlnglDg 11 up to date. In tbe main ibo aame ncopki ml tbo more Inipcrtant parts, Uiore having been no neceaslty tor change, as they quite Oil the bill. Verona Jarliean ai tue Coiinlcai or For getiiie-not gained much applause. Nina Far ringion also added to Uio IIhi ot ber admlrere when eho mode her appearauce at Uie bead or tbo list ot cntorumon In Uio draw- ing room or tbo Dawdle Club. All the former gHiaiy or pcrformcni who contributed lo tbe soc- ccts ot tbo piece wben last seen bere-^ohn R' Uentbaw, ueorgo A. Bchlller, Charles J. Host, WlU. lam (Umcrou, ue tptlgbuy Lucy Daly, Jeisie Car llale and others—wero Inero, and tbey did their ut- mosi to msko the abow go wlUi tbe snap tbat marked lu ntarn to the old stand. Among tbe now eonra Introduced waa one enuilsd °'airl Wanted,*' snug by Jobn E. Henshaw, a very taking bit, tbat la euro lo succeed any wbon, and evoked rem ot applause. "Tbe Modern Olaopam," a iraveaty by ubarles J. Itoas, brought the enurtaln- ineni to a dulna close. It Is newnere, and ths bor IcHiiie AcUng of Ur. Ross as Man Antony and Ver- uoua Jarbeau as Oioopain, wbo lakca wblskey as Ibe beat means ot reacoing an anilmely grave after tbo death of her lover, stirred tho andlance, who maoltoaied their pleaaun by abundant applansa. A repetition of the former succeaa ot Uiooilnva- ganza may conOdently be expected. Kosrsn A BuL's.—Tbo programme presented Oot 20 and week Included, beside living pictures, A. 0. Duncan, who made bla reappearance; the Uarllnoul llns.,aerobau; IvanTsohcmoirand bla ironpe ot trained dogs; Marietta Dl Dlo, cbsnunse International; tbe Fbantot, In goblin gambols, and Enganio Fougcre, chantense excontrlque, aU In their eighth week; tbe Fionoys, expert swlmmen (ihtrd week); Bio Uoassn Uon All ironpe ot Anblan ikcrobata (third week), and Ena Berto^dl, center- ilonlat (rourth week). Tbo oaual concert by tbe Koasulb Unngarlau Urabestra, waa .given slier tbe performance. Announced tor next week arc Er- mlnla Ohelll, trapeze performer; the Roesows, lillpn' lUn atuiotea; and the Fonest Bros., mntlcal eccen- trica. MiNBR's Eianrn Atbni'b Tiiiitrb.— Dob Fltx- almmooB moved up bora from iho Bowery Theatre, opening lo a crowded bouse night ot Oot 2t, Tbe week's DUBlness is spro to be large, aa Ibo company Is A airong one, and ibia pogliut'n aur la Jnat now very much In tbo ascendant Mr. Fltzslmmoiu gave bis scene In the training qnarten, and also had a lively setto wlih bis sparring partner, Oon niordan, wolch elicited Uie cbeen ot tho large audience. Next week, Ihe Fnocb Folly Co. Pkoi'Iji's TnBA-rnB.—"Strock Uir> began tho week 10 One houses licronlgbtol Oct 2>. The excellent comedy work of AI. u. Wilson sod Jnla Stuart waa accorded heart; asphmac, while their ainging and danclug apeclaltloa were encored npcaTedly, "Struck Oil" closes lu season with this engsge- rocnt Next week, llallen and Uart. WoxTU's UDBBUU.—There Is no chsoge ot bill ben. Iliialnoss is evidently sallttactoiy to tbo managemont, as Ibis order of things baa continued for over two mouih', end tbo colored mioairels appear lo have enougu drawing power lo wamut ihitr retention from week to week. TbIa Is, how- ever tbo closing week ot Uielr eogagenient At TUB Irrlnt Place 'ibeatre, Nov. a perform- noco will be givon lu honor or tho tour hundredia oniilvoTiaTy ot tbo birth ot Uana Baobs. "LIta. bctha, cluea Knfherm Tocbter," aud "Der fall, reudo Scbuier," two uf Bach's own pttys, will be sclcd by Mr. ijonrrld'a company. Anton Soldi wlU aoncnr na Sacba In eolcctlona from Wagner's "Uasicningcra," oaalatcd by William Etevenssnd Ida Klclu. Tub Uahubv Atdkk.biim Co. baa leased fora lousitnii of years tho properly at tbo comer or One lliindrtd and Tweuty.flfib Street and Madison Avenue, on wblch they propoae to erect a theatre, which will be run aa a cuutlnnoua variety place. Tuo bonao will bo knownaa the Harlem Atheuicum. Messrs. .seamooa and Levenacn will act as man* agere for tbo company. IlarlFnt.—At Ibe Uorlent Open Uonae Marie ^^alnwrlgbt did only a lair week's bnslness, ibe rainy weather proving a drawback. Richard ManaOeld, In "Beau Urammell" draw a fair alseu aundance Oct a). During Ihe week Mr. MansdelS nlU preaent "A Pjilslan Romance" A, "l)eau1irunimelI"3i,"XapolconBonepario'' Nov. 1, ■> "Prlnco Karl" maunec 3, aud "ur, Jekyll and r. Hyde" nlgbl of 3. Next week, "Cbarloy's Aont'' Cou'uncs.—Louie Collins did a big week's busi- ness nl this bouse. "McFadden's E«pement"b«d Us New York bearing t», wiui Jobn Komell In the leiMIng nl*. Tna piay Is like moat or the farce comedUa compoaed ot vandevnie people. Uollla E. Coi'ly IS aciibg naoagar, Wilibun ilamroeraiein, btto managrr ol thla bouse, la the advance for the company. Next week, I'nmrose A Wcat'a Mln- atiela. Oi.Tiirir.-Tbe Fay Potter Oo. did a fair week'a hnslnrai. Sain liovere'a Co. opened to a good aiied house 2v. Next week, Orenier'a Lycenm The- stre Co. IlARLiH MrasrH.-Tbls bonte bat held lu own to far this seoton, and wilh me cold weather ap- proaching «lll, no doubt inake mooey. Cnrlo ball —I'icr. Biraab;irg'a dog aod monkey clreus, Ibe Three He Aces, Uerman, Delia Zolo, aud Priaoe Albene. Stan — Ei. Rodgars, Wm. Cogan and Rose Bacon, Uabol nice, Ed, and Ned Bareils. Oeo. Wheeler, Blllj wuuama and Htrle Lclcener. NEW YORK ST ATE. Braoklya.—At tbe Orand Opera Honse Frlm' roaa A Watt's MlaalralaspoDOd Oct 9 lor a week's an sagamaat ta an ovarcrovdsd hoow. Tba oDiDpaay la a blBODaaodambraeistbaiaal aod ths ceaaurrsltdork- ar- Cfrnaldfraula vartscy U rcprasaoud id ttaa pro- Sfamna. Tbsirflmt paiaSs ws'iaelsvsr ilrokaolbal- leaia. asorit W. Boaro^ In ' My Aant Briditt" •aa hsralsaiwask- Kof, a"Tns Caantcr clivaa:''^ll,BIUr Barry, Id **lb* niaiox asnaratloD." Biroo.-JoMpb Mnrpby opsoed 0 Id "Tba Bany (low," aad daring Uia waak wilt prasaDt "flhann Rliaa." Tba eomsdlan. as iho bltlba bUoismtIb, vaa aa aatarol aa of roia. ntpisealartlUlibfd.aawMBbcvaby Iba lar-' altaadanfis. 'Ola Olion" mat riu* mimam lut «e< Nor, e. "Od Uia lliMl>l|>pt:" II, "Ihe Span ot Lirs." FiitH.-MsrlaWatowTlRbt oponsd loalarg* aadtanea Oct S lo bar flsw soolaiy drmma, "Danslnsrs ot Bra." Miu Waloiingfatacerod a paraonal SDOca«a, her aoUns lo tba dual rol* or tho sistora belDg aittttlo and alTstllTa. Last waak "A Tamperaoca Towa" plared ta crowded hODMS Nor. aLllamnaan: It. D'ArrlUaOptraCompaoy. OOLuaalA.—WlUlam Uiuaua bano tba waak, OcL S,to a loarlog tooja lo "Too Mocb JobDMn," wblob ti ax- eawUaly farctcaL Tba ran bagloi wtUi tba saeood act and continoaa lo tba and. Mr. aillotlafflidaadsetded biL Tha Bostonlaas aadid a saecaiarul twowsakt'an- ftasOBiaot 17. NoT.S, Franela Wllfon's Opora company D -rba Datll'aOapotr;" UTtt Olrl I Lsll Bablod >la'' BTAR.—"niaWbltailqDadrDo"wss sugsd Oct.». aod paopta wara tanad away. Tbe pltca was piaasniao od a ■nasplOoaDt scale, aod uaioeole«ll««t was oraed. Wal- tsrSAnfoid'a Block Coopaay, in "Tna TIcaat or Laava Mao." had a Boad ma last weak. Nov. 0. "Tba Walls or NswTork;"ia,Waltar BanforO'a Stock Company, id "A Tola or oorilca." Uvea a aanHAifa—Hany W.Winiams' Own BoocUltr Compaor opaned Oot S to a loU beoaa. Sam lioTaro • Company was iba altiooUoD lost weak. Nov. 0, Hopktoa' TrODS ucaaolo; 12, Wobor a Pisldi' Co. • UDaaaAasBBABDT'a—Cots twpao tbo nInUiwoak nt tha llrlos plctoru. Tbs raople; Tbo WMton 81s Qaorsa Lasur, Mtania Sctaolu, Fielda aod Lewis, Kitty Boaai Aarsios.—Fanny Rica bosan a week's aDsanmsnt bsraS, Id "Ul»s lonoeaDca AOroad." She was naatatf by a wall fltlod bonia. "Hojadala" played to Rood boil' osss weak endlog tr. Nor. t. "A Tomparsaca Town " EHriaa.—Wahar Saorord'a Stock CoupSDi piaaanta "TbaTickatof Laavailaa" thiawaok. U mat wltb lU share ol suuass at Ur. Baarord'a Vastara Distrla bonaa last weak, ana It doubUoss win ba aqoally aoecasalal hero. Tba opaotD|bonia waa good, as waa last waeb'a builaass. 'Taawbtla6qaadroa"Nor-s. Oatbit.— Ajood bonsa wolcomad Lords Collloi'Tna' bsdoursOetS. SaUiractoiy oniinsaa last waak. Irwlo Broihara* Uo. Nov s. Ltoxoh— Tba Loots Phlltlpa Stock Co. ravlvod "Ibo DsDlraa" Oct 9. Tbo opontog booia waa larga aod svl- denily wall plssaod. Noxl we«k Uis stock company pre- saat^Uoder tM Oullfht" TuBATRS UsiQua—A crowdod hoosawsa praaSBtbara Stiii wstoome vlyoD's Oaiaty Ulrts KuTSs.—An Eauani Dltlrlct pbjslctsn baa baffon an adtoD In a loosl oItII eanit aeafait Loulo Collins' bus- baod. to rKovar a bill for proiaHStooalsarvlcoa roodorod ■Ita ColUst Cbartas B. Abbott, ol Ua "Itatodala" compaor, wblob plaiod tba Ampbloo. Iiad on altsratlon Isst weak wltb >lalTlUoW.SulUi.atocat nawspapar man. Aa a rasalt tbo actor waa dstaodaat In ao seuoa brooitbt by tbo raoortar in tba Loo Avaona Folic* Conrt Tno martu or the csaa will ba |ono loto on Not. L Bafralo_At the Star Tbeatre Lewla Morrlaon camaOotO for tbra* nigbta, Ttiatcbtr's "About Ootb' am" Nov. 1.8. Stuart Robaon noil aook. Murpbr, Bleb* ards aad (^tald. bt "Lam Eoula," gara ratliucUon 10 poor atlaodsnea but wo«k. AOAOBMr or If oaia-"Iba BUch Crook" startsd Oct » for ono waak. Four F.Daly Nor 5-7. Mrs. Foliar and Krrlo Ballaw did a sood boauiaas. iDoaas' Band ap- paarod 28 id good attoodsDoa. Ltcsos Tubatks "Tba Darby Wlonsr" began 39 for a waak, to ba sncoaadad aaak orKor. a by "Boss an ' Uoa." ■'Old Olory" aronaad eoDildoreOl* oDtbnsJasm. Cocav SrasBT TssATna—Tbo Lilly CUr Co. bava tbe iloio Ibis weak. Noit wook. lbs RaaiafitaUoy Co. BaBA'a Koaio llAU..—BonUi aod Badd, Law uawklns aroanTlllo Bisters, Prad BoCloltao, FooU Boat Braihers ilio Qracas, Uraca Ltvloiatons aod Dick aod Altca HoAvoy. Albany.—The post week was a quiet one In fitattlcal cirdas, but good bualooMwu roportsd at alt tho bouVR, Uia Lolaod Opera Uon«o baa nbarltsT. EUls, In "Caiper, Uie Yodlar." Oct ti, a, u. and a lair aiUDdaofa raapoodsd. Ullle Akorstrom apposrod la "TbaHnliaD'a FaToitto '23, aod amusad a larga audlenco. Tba Oonnan Broa.. Id "Tbe ailliooloys Abroad," floishod Uio weak to oxeolloot andloncaa ComlDgTKlL st, "A Trip to Iba Oily;" Nov. 1, a 8, ^^pklDS' TranaOcoanle HpooialtrCo : 0.61 roturn aosasepooc or Uarlo WoId. viabt la "Dftuabtera or Bro;" t, Carrie Toner, In "Ttaa OomlDg WomaiL" BAaaA»oa BLttcKaa H all bad '-Waog," Oot n, to oDS ol tko larsMt boosss or Uio soaaoo. "Tbo Wblta Bqaodroo" bold Iba boards 28,2S. r. and sood aadlaneaa ware rasn asob nlsbt Comlos: SI, tba Bobin Sood Opota Co., Id "Tba antokerboekora;" Nov. 8.7.8. Btotia WiUaid. In-Tba Llulo BpocuUtor." TssOAirrTTSBATaaoonUDnsd no sood record lor tba saasoD br bariDs laraa aadlaneaa ibroosbont last waak wllb ibeOtty Olob. Comlos: OoL 2t-N0T. 9, tbo London BaUaa; 8-10, Uia Marl* BsnBor Barloaqn* Oo. Rooheater.'-At tba Lycenm Thesin "Charley's AoDt" bsgana thraa nIghu'aDsagamant OoL 39. Maria Burropslis comat lor Iba last two nlsbis ot itaa waak. "Lam Ksula" tail 24, and * Tba Flams^' dopanod 27, aa«b dulnga light bolUaaa. Nor.taad waak, Uagonback'a Trained Animal Show. OoOK OranA noDBB.—Buaiall Broa'Oomodtans basaa Oct 29, playlog for Uia Irtlbslf of tbe waak. JobnL Bulltran oomaa Nov. 1. playtof ont tba weak. "Mora, wood' and "A Llul* flpsoolator" pUrod to nodorala botloaas last we«k. Comlos: Nov. 8>7. "Tbo Oorbr Wlnnar;" S.U Hob HtUUid, In "Tba Nomtnso " Tbb AOADSik ovUOBiobad'Tba Borstal" Oot 29and wsot. TbtWalaonSlauia dewrted n.pUrlDstoUskt boosaa. Waak or Nov. 8, "Klllsrnor aod the Rblna." AT TSS WcioaaLASD Mrass-TBaATaa bnslaosa eon- tlonas load. TbIa weak. Oorlo Ualla-Eralaaa (waltr auaoD) aad waltsr Roll (ona man baod), Tbaalra-Jaaiia Hilar, BoUiTao and corbou (bos moakoys), Horritt aad Woloh, MInala Loa, Oa Vtani aod MUta anSIralan). ByTaenae.—At tha BstUble Tbeaire Janxa O'Neill, Id "TirstnlDa aod "Uonta Orlita," plaasad Ursa audiaaoaa Oct lUS. Wtak ol 3>-Nov. t^aaon. bsok'aTTaiDod Animala WlSTlKOOrsSAiUonaa—Oaoraa Tbatobar. U"AbOBt Ootbsm," had good buslooaa Oct 2a t8. "Tba FaacUs Msaisr"bad larsa auaodaoca 27- Booked: Mario Bnr- roasba. Id "Judsb'* and "Iba Bospasoat," n-at. "Obar- lor'a Anal" Nor. l-s. U. a Jacobs' TnaAvaa—Tba Lilly day Qalety Co. bad "a.R.0." Booked: HossaU Broa'Comodlaaa Nor. 1.3. (^rlnnoB-7. Ttoy.—At the Orlswold Open Honse, Oct. 14. "Tha White Sqnsdron" draw wilL "A Bassasa Chock'* did falrlr wVlt 28.27. Dan McOanby at In "Tbo Pride 01 Mayo;'' Oorlons, U "Baadrtck Bndaoii," Nov. 1^ 0. ^RASna OrSRA Boubs— Tlia Oorman Broa, In 'Iba OIUMoloys Abrosd." coma Oot 10. 30 ths OoblQ nood Opera Co , In "nn EDto;erboobora," Nov 8. Tba bona* waa dark laat weak. OAlBrr TaSATU-Muaiar Uaana baa aacnrad Ua London Spoiu(3o for tba weak tr Oct 29. AuUn'sQi. BADtaana packed tba boose all Isst waak. BiBghambin.—At Uie Stone Open Bouse Dorotbj Uoitoo, ID *^Tha Fanelos Ma*tar,''eame Octal 10 a rood sitad andtaooa. "Obarley's Aont" 2A da- litblad abtiandlaooa. LawUHorrliontS 27,ln "Fanst'- aod "RIcbeUOD," drew iba blasaat bostnaaa of tba aia SOD. BMblogs: at, Tim Hur^iruslsUd brOao.Bleb irds and Bo(r»oo_Caneold, lo ''um lottia;" Nov. 1, Charlos T. Bills, la -VtrntT Iba Yodlor".. ...At Uio BlIOD Theatie: Bono A Wtuiams Co.In "AnArabltn irds and Eoaooo CanSold, ' Nov. 1, Jlsbt"' Tbo Ultmanctta Otso" and "Zoll" wstk ot Oot aibraw wsU Dltaasd aodttncas. Das: 99-Not. 3, Frank M. and Jobn B. niUU, to "A LIbtrty BalL" ■ Klittlra.— At tbe Open House Springer t Welly's "Black Crook" woo tbo aUraoUoa Ocl II to sood bosloaai 'Tbs Fooolps Masttr" paoksd ibo boasa H LouU Aldrlob, In -Uj Faitotr.'<dtd lalrlr wall £ "raual" draw a modarala sUad bonaa >7. Tim Morabr prawDltd "Urn IsUla" t9. Powell, nsoremaiiMr, cue b, Mana J^ooa CoDoart Co Nov. f. "A Ooaot^ 4555'' r.....Xotblna Is anooaDcad at iba HadlMo Avonoo Vbaairu Ilia EUntra BIta' social SMalon Oot u wta Urst y autDdtd.......Dan,qnlnUa It ooasldoriDau oirtrtamaDasta baodol Barear Fana'a FiokanlDDias for an BarapaaaloDc Kala Sprana'a "Soalsl 1<» SIOD"Co.optDt8aDdarban. ~om oaa. -_?'^7'''"''lf'~'" Academy ot Untie "Tbo Two8liitra"Nov.x Tbt Ootntn Bros, wtrateeordod a Botraos wtlooma Oot at In "Tbt Oilboolyi AbrotS.'* ward UarrUto at, lD"RtUlr and Uia HDL" and "Waui" OD Its rtlDjo IS titd ttaaolna room only" Jobn Ktretll. la "McrtddtD-t Elopomtnl." comes Nov. 8. Vilca.-At the UUca Open Haute Oeorge Thtlcbw'a ''About OoUam" U. draw walL ObarlaaT Ellis cl<>sad„Uit wtak 27, to good buslw oSSiloi: Jamaa O'MslU, Id "Honta irltto," Nov. I, "Tha FIniat or rtnunet''(loal)a^VJIOMwoiJd"a '""•■laiaeoi MINNESOTA. 8(. PawlH-At Ibe Meirapolllau tbe American BatTaTistaia Compaar. Id '-Aliddta Jr.," pUrad to SS.Vii'If ^f- ClatolAad's'MloalraU eona IL 30. ai, -aba Cbartty Ball," la* tba baatfll or st Loka-awtiai 19. j« 01? I. '^hi. 8tSa3!"Vo,rt 2,.\ NstC. ao.4wlo saod wttk. .iViftT.'yjSl.'^ good wlih '-TbaFowtroraold" W} 'iS^V *o"' notnl" waak ol 181 "Land ollhalldDlsbtRna"wttaorNtT.t ™'' OLvario-KtlbStM'a Orpbaam Man dtSAppoloM wtak or OCL 21. Littit MornT^mpaaybtiolnuioad Id btr ttrtloD or -NtntoDO tbaTreoon'aRaabn-" But oaa wunod. WatkotIS: Lorain ood HowoU-Waitiad Vowltr.LMhamartaad llaaUos^ Ibt BaitouLUa Bna aaorslaOromiloekaodtliaatoot: """•"■^ B0PinA.-Wttk of at: KiiUt Botka, D-n Moon tad Laa, Uiac* Moors tod Salao tad Rape. BoatoMltrmL Dalath.—Tbe Lyeeum hod WUllo l^olller. In "A gjcklii^b*T,''OcLaits. "Itaa aalltySlavt"alltd oat nlrtuif u;t*wISf: was ban Uia laat tw. {SS5.fcV'ViasSi£SSSSi'Si."^ '•'^ Tu Edin Hum wUl cloM for one wMk pre- Tlou to reopenloff Not. lo »■ » wcnderUihi iq oonaecUonwltbttMEtfenlCiuee. AtboUorlmawiii be wlded that vlU test •bonX fioo people it etch per. jonunce, end on tbe itsga wlU be intiodoced bitb clau vtnoilone. Ooneldrnble moeey will b« epent hy tlie proprietoni In order to make tbe nec«iu aary cbaogea. P. It Dllta Is to be tbe leneral bui. sees manaffer, nnder and a percentaae or tbe proflf B. Nona paoM Wtui A BiXFOBo.—We open oar ■eoaon vltb oar owo conpaDy. ihe Bottoa Ideal Comedy concert Co., Nor. 6. at Wllford, Kua. Oor roeter: Nerand BUnnlo LeroT. Wylle and Banford Clara Uanbal, end William Allen. planUt. Nona FROM W. II. QonLD. H1010UNt~I OMD wllb Oonld'i World ot Xaglo Nor. 10, i bare ■peolal paper, and am bookednp lolld to April, i carrr eeTen people all toldt ToNT Ft Roes. Jogpler and wire walker. Joined the KIckapoo Indian IfedLclne Co.Oot.25,at Itodn. Wte. *^ Nona and nsur or Dtll EaowltoD'tDiir PoorConMdr Co.: W«op«i«doar«*woDOet.l7ktToblu,NM.,iocood bntlnui. Tb«ibovhubMnr*ornolud,«BlArnru>d B«wly KiQipptd. wltb D«w ipMtal iMatry, n*m« MtUjin •to Jlr. uovIiOD roiaroftd Irom Cbtuto, III, OcLll wltb tbo now bud QDironni.aod tbtyan tlfflplf in*. m«DM. B«ff*«r: Dtll Kdow1u»d. proprhtor ud mu»- gar; W. J, Eoowlioo. ouga muMer; 0. P. BUvn* •qooiMln mftiiagtr; .1.0. Contr, B«Ue Know)ton, Mtjii Ball, Inoall.DUoii. Lllllo Jieknn and Llulo PMrl* wltb J. B BarrioadTaoM. Toe UovuKO Diavisu ronnarly of tba Barr^lo Bill flbov, and Bolla Farina ara daw with lha Ouo Scbaldt Mldwar FlalaaocaSbow at Macon. Ca. ^ Looia P. Booe, wbo vltb bh wife rallred rrom iha pro. faatloD, ta now gMog tnaalc loaaooi aod Iniiraeiioff baoda Mr. Booaaliapabll«baihlBown6oiDpMiiioDi. WU.B BaAOiaaod wlfo io«ani tba lou or ih»irll(ilf. daoBbtar. Rotb Eatalta, wbo died Ool n at tbair bom* iq WublDgion, D. U. Mr. Btaitie waa fonnatlj naoactr or Pnt. Jaitk Loria* ComblDatioa. COAa PiLtaJa. laatliUhMncOblKaBaoto, Nr..nt tloff readytoukaont bla Parlnrof Pod. Tha rtttar«i] aUrmouoBi will ba hln tralood paacoeka, nid lo bo ih« ODlrooaaoDaiblbltloo.aod Marter Will Ulltoo. Jraioa Bai5AnD wu itaa aua»t ol tDombara ci rbe Anarlean Levlonol IIoDor at Bosard'a Bar* ol wblcb Mr. R«man] ta a mombor. OviKO to tho illoaaaol Utno. Pardloaod, wlfa of fti,: F«rdlotod,nii|lclaQ, Ihor bid to eaocal a twoTo«bt< aDfaiaxiuLbotbopatoopaoNor. S. Tbantaior: Prof Panliaand, Uoia. Fenlloaod. rrloroM RaMatno, Prloeo Baidoaoo, P. Bon, wllb 0. W. Ooodvlo, naoaftir. MisciiLUNiocrt BBOoa—Boatar of Kicbapoo M«diciQ« Co., I'artr No. U: Dr. Cbarlt* W. Plcrea, maiiRier icu locturar; Hra. ' harlai W. Pierte, JiokOoM, black fua eomadlAo aod trick Iwoa aololit: tba A<idltoa Brothen Dioaleal taaia; Cblaf BIIU, Troo Elk ood SlioAk bw i:ro«* At WoodTlINi^ Oot, Oot 10, Ja<b Oou oalebrttcd bli blrtbday, aodwaapreaoDtodbytbo vhlio t^owla ol ib« company with a foil headed oaoe. altar wblcb tbor ut down to OB ojaifr topper Notea l>oia Troopa No 31. Oraaen lodiao HodlolaaCo.: We bavaloat doaadanc- caulal tonr oftwaBty atgfat vaak* ihTODob Oblo aod Wmi VIrglola. Tbo niter: Capc T. W. Maoloo, lactororaod tnaoaiar: Mn. Agoaa MaoloB. traamrar: IiiaMaBloe, WalUr Abaati Oral Sbaal4 Taiaa KiL Ed Browolor, Obief Had Ea«lo acd wife, Pnlria Plowar, WbliaCload aoa Joe Bad Leal Boatar of Alnrd BlocinoRtlt Co., No. 1: Dr. A .Alvard. BtaBosar; Mr. aod Mn. II, V. Lae, Mr. aod Mra. Obailea Walker, Roaa Bbca. Riui* RaBdolpb, Baby Tilt* aad nBalda, tba aootlDfr lady, tad Mra. A. AlwaidL plaolA. Co. No. 2: Prol. a J.Mftrrall, maoayor: Mania Htart, tba McOaailoa, Ton Wiiion, Ulila WllaoD, Louie Oair and a braaa baod aod orcbu- tra Tbla CAmpaoj travalB la thalr own oow floatloi palaca Nolaa Iron the Dr. Howard Cortii Co.:Tbu la oor aaraotb waak Ib tba Btate ot Mluooriaodwo baredABa a flaa bailaaaa. Janaa Laitoo, ooa of oor oontdlaoa, narrlad a StosRhtOB lady on Ool ttL Al. Fack'a wKo Joload tha partr recaBlly. ErariihloK looki brlpbtrorancca«aralaaa«on lo thla Rtata loraa Oor crmadiaaj are: ALG. Fo'k. Jim Lattnp. aL J. Qanble, Mrs .Al. 0. Pack and Oode Qamble Roatarof Dr.B. F. Bpaoeor'aMadlcloaCo : Dr. B. F. Bpaoear, proprlaior aodnkDagor; Ed. O. Tooof, eomadiao aod noikiao; Fred Troolay, cootorllonlat, and Ed. Tamoa,aarlellat, wbo baa Jnat JoiBod, CANADA. Toroato—At tbe Grand Open Hooae, Oct 2Z-2T, "Charlay'a AoBti*' No. 1. nude If tint appaaraBca hara to a blR boaloata. CodIbi: O-Sl, WlUlan Morrla, Ib "TbaLoatPaiadlae." Jacobs A BPAmaow*a.-Oct.3Mr, BellljA WoodV Co. drew lane oowdaataaeh parfomance. Thtaweak, ^ba LiraOoanl.** aoadbmt op Husra— Ool tl-37 tba Maria Baonr Bi* traniaoia Co. bad (air baaloeaa. Raaraa M Palatr'a Coenopolltana 39-NOT. 9. MiaaraMcaio BiLU—Oet 19 Mr. W. B. Ranurlo "A Trip ATOnod the World" flllad tha ball to aiaodlof roon ooly. Uooaa'B Hmaa—Biialoeu li fair. Laotareball: Holt, Fill Jiin aod Aoola aod AUaolar'a boxlof mookaya ThaatiaiMcAToyaodBogara. TanpletTbamMajaiha Qraoaa aad tba Toolara, OiUDOBu, BixK.-UoL B-77, O. B OlaaaoB'a Horaa 8hov draw big b oBiBoaa. HamUtoB.—At tbe 6randUirleBotTonBti0,lD ■Yha BcipMoat,'* dall|hl4d a largo andlaDca OcL 71. Tba Maile Hugar Bariwqoa Co. #honM do well at popn- iar prieaa ». NalllaaanlboByeomaaS). 8l,**Tba Loit Pandiaa'* Mot. l. tha Vttmn Blaura' BoHoMiaa no. 3, ■he Viaoaa Ladjia' Orohaatra 9.10 At iba biar Tbaa> ir* OcL S0 aod weak: Taad aod Teed. Oaaey aod La Olair. Raid aod aonnao, Ungbei aad Qilaoa. John Pan and Tlllr BuaaalL Gaelph.—Herbert OliTemler baa airlTed from WKBlpes, to anona cbarge of tha Royal Opera Booh, wblehwUl baopaaad abontNoTtd. TboopaDlogattrao- tlon baa Bot jat i>eao made poblla Mr. Taramtar la alao themaoaiat or tba I'a Tao CoortlaadtCo. Tda Svadlib Qpanat Oo. apMar oodar tha anaploea of tha Cboaan Frlanda Soelaty Not. 0. <iaebec.—At tbe Academy of Unalo, Oot. u-u, Janaa O'NallU Ib tepertorr. plavad lo bie builoaaL TotUlada'a flpoelaltr Oo. cornea Oct 29-Nor.8 At the QnebaoTbaatra, OoL 12-77, tbe Fraooh Opata Co. coa- tiane todnw fair honaaa. Ifondon^—At tbe Orand Roland Reed, in 'Tbe Polltlclu,**OcLZLbadatoodbonaa. Maria UorroojbiL IB '"Ae ScapMoat]' lL ditTratrlr. Bt^ad: NalUa Oan- thool. Not. f, 1, ThaLoat Paradiae" a Oalt.—At tbe Town Hall tbe Torbett Concert Co.,OoLS.bade nodarata bonae. Fnaar*B Dianailc Oo. pliyad to good houiea lA-ax WAterloo.—AttbeTOwD Hall tbe HlaieaWeb- llni,orLoBdeD, Eog., appear In dranatloand nnalcal —oma rech alOctai. TEXAS. Ban Antonio,—At tho Qnnd Upeta Uonae Ohsa DIaon OcL 16,17 drew good bontta. al O. PItld's OolonihlaBSItaMiaa,II,n,hsd fallhtnsaa Contna: S, U,"no Danftr 8l|nal;" 17, IS, ■natoniado;"a)ilI, Intala Bord'^ "AConniiTaaalra." Wisnixoioif Tnoiraa -Ool It: Jotia WUaon, lllea ^labtr. Mar Brandoo, Edna Barla, Oaonnt Fowoia, Do|. la nota nhttltr. Wllllama, TilBa LalBaaa, MayCodr, f adit Darooo, Vlolarla Tomar, Bd. aod Ona La Boao, B. M. BranitEO. Dick Tnrnor, Joo Clotty, Bailor and Oordonandllowanlaad alton. Dallaa.—At the Opem nonae Ohaa. Ulokaou did wait Oot S, O at did 'Tha Colonel" 31. B and ia 0. rioM'o Utoslialo n, 27. 'ThoI)aniarlll|rasl"c«oittB, », Alba ntrwood 31, Nor. L Ttoa. tr. Koont 1 3. JOB Blue, Loin JLtwun, Kiitla Oiant, Tom lallr. anrttt tod NttiUt. Dooo Mlldio'l, Boma Oala, nyon and Lta. Florenca WllHtmo and Daaa and Lawranoa. Oinr cratar.—Btrua fay, the Bandals Joslo BilBhL Caanon euitn. rtroy Uotd, Honiy and Uowaid, Oiaca Latlar, llany Uolmsa aad Uia Ponatta GalveatOD,—At the Treinont Opera Boose ObarlaoOleksoopiasant«d"lBoos"lo a larsa aodltnM (OL to. "TbtOsnittr8laoat"drawatopboaTynoafaia Ucrpnundtltihtal loll boosts It. at TboaW. Xtooo liptBtdbltaoKaiiaaiont 2^ wltb "Tba Marcbantor Ton- 00." to a Itraa andttoca. A lama ibastrt ptity ttuod- Id Ibt pthormtooa to honor or Mist Dowot, who is a osdlogBotolbtrorilr.Kttnt'soompaay. Itlartbtptr- ronnaace Hr. Kttntand wlt«, Mlaa Downi, and Mturs. Aidtn tnd Etalsoon wtie tnttitaintd by tin parly allbt Uarttn Vtnla. Aaalln,—At mUeU'sOsera nonae "The OoloutI" did waU Ool IA ntmoaan eamt to B. R. O lA Cbts. nicbtoo dtllBhttd a large aodtaaoa 17. "Tba Danatr (•Igaal" oama M. AL o. riald a Mlnatnla aoobad ut boast O. "Spldar and Ply" oomu Mot. A 'iba BIlTtr Kipg" la -Bdgtwood rouit" li SallaBrea.'Olms -lUoablbltbanU. WE ST VIRGI NIA. Wheeling.—The thtaiica oC thla city, ai well aa IbraogtaOBt tna aatara Blata, ara snffarlag tanlbly as a iwnltoribo political campaign tut laatpiataal In toll blast bsra At Iba Optia Honaa "nt Loot Farsdltt" WSS booM for Ool 4 M, bnl owloi to a big doDoooln- Ueointaonor ol Got. Mollolty tbt Ontnlgbt'sboost Ttry tlto, aod, baring btaa offtlld a good roood by uit local Dtmoorauo commiltaa for tbo nia or Iba Ibtalia for a WllsoBBmUng,t4,lbaaaaoagaB0ot aoctpttdittndtald'itr btiw on (bas data. Tba aama oonuottlaa boBBhl olT tho TlTlaa Da Monto Compasy at tba Orand for a mtaUot tba soma nlihu <^ra Booia bookloioatt; 8ptDtat'a*'WlDcwiBonolo"r(OT. I. "Ibo r»or oriba Pma- Awallar Wblittldt a, T, "Ibt Pliataa errania««"(k>otllAB. anaso oraoa Bona.—Tha TiTlan Da MtBU Ipaelaliy Oo. oama II, n lo poor hasleaaa. Tbtr wtra foUowtd br Jolt Walur'i "8,da Tiaabtd" ls.17 to lair batlataa. OOBlng: -^t Otllfr tura," Kot. 1-1, N. a. Wood M. -WnL Sloan, ot Ittl," and AUoe SaBUon monn tha ion q( UuIt ulua daukler, who died neenllT IB BanUbWf, ra.