New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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NOYEMBBB 3, THE aSTEW YOBK CLIPPER. ^j, BttlMiH, 0( Uw Iltj Homrt Co., ud LoM« Koen. of "A BUok Bheep," wtn nurrled In Uili ollr Oot. II. Til* Mr I* » alattr ot Fnnkia Uiinei ud B>*d*'li*r dtbm mm Rlct ft Buion's Oomc- tflUlUltMUOD. Ernl U>iuuii ud Ocorge Wldmun, t nbi- piDleMlootl, wan mttrled la Boboken, M. J., OeL ji, cttt. Huhrud Hollle Raid MUd u beat penla. HIM Lomlne'a aaaoclittta pnaanted Ue pilr wltn aniclea oC vettD, and Ibj Dowiud, aa a iaaia, fa" *'■*■■> * tea aaifIca. Hlaa Lor. niM wlUreUra fnm Uia ataga. TOM BOOHY AMD JIS9I1 FOBBISTIIt iDform Da tint Uia/aca a( Uia Eden Ttieatre, Now Orleana, La- aad sot at Wengei'a. The foimar Is ataia laDani at tbe Edeo. JOBH Baoox, ot tbe WUla Palace Tbeatia, Baa- ton, Fib, loforma oa tliat be baa porotaaed WUliam Aagerotb'a Intaieat In tbat booaeud unowiola snatletor and manaiter. Kons noil Biblow Bbos.' I(ixbtul&— Wa are iUU In tba BoDlb and tbe bojs aia all well now. Fitnk Borke.ot Bnrka and Weat, goibartwbll* plailng baaebaU about ibne weaka ago, and bad 10 »J ot a week. Tbo boja bafo not piajM ball auce. In WaTonMa,aa., wewereabakendownln nodabapa. While on pandewewere paaalnga labool, and tba boja In tbe nu ot tbe band were Biniek wttb atonea, one or tbeiD,onr Oataplayer belngaereralj ban bjaatoDelbitiwnbjtbaMKool. boja. Wa nn back and one o( onr boja got Into a dlnota wilta tbe pioCeaaor and waa arreittd tor daring to kick abont gauing atrock on tbe bead wllta a atone. Tba jndge lined bim lira doUara for II, and tbe people In tbe conrt room were eo Indig- nant tbat tbaj took op a aabaoilpUon and paid tbo me. BwonuBHi imi Howabo Inform na of tbelr ane- ceaa In WaKrbarr, OL, last week, alto ot ibelr pleaaant paruolpauon InJibeElkaWnbllea In tbat 9llr. Uirr Wills, conoiut, and BUlj Rltcbla bavo Joined banda. Boar JOBSAM reports a ancccsii In bla original Aat tooted bnek dancing apeclalty at BiUl'a Caainn, Cblcaso, wbere be waa ra-engaged (or anoiber weak. Mia. t. B. awiFPOBD Is Tliiung frlnidaatKo- komo.lnd. Mr. Swaifurd la In adrauce of Jas. Hor gan'aNew Idea Vaudeville Co. Oio. A. WooDWABD bas been engagad aa moslc- al director at Illcb'e Tbeati e. Fall Uver, Maas. HiTiiLT'a MiKBraiLa, who were rtcenUj reported to bate met wlib disaster, are now In good thape and opened ucl 29, at tbe Oipbeno, Ban Fianolaco, UaT. Frank N. Utwlej baa retired from the managenieut of tbe conpan;, and J. H, HaTerlr will peraonallj direct Ita fniore moTe- menia, and he feela sasnitd that eacceas will crown bis eltortg. Alter a lour of tbe large dlles of tbe FaclOo Coiat tbe company will reum to Sao Fraooiaco, Nov. 21, and will remain tbete pennaneatl/ at ue Alcazar Tbeaire. Uol. Haverlr'a name at tba bead of tba organization and his band at tbe helm win no doubt bring tbe com- panr Into daaetvcd repole. Hicis'Obioli comfant, organized for a twelve monilia' lonr of tbe East, will commence the aeaaon atSbangbal, Ohlna. Tbe following people an en- gaged: tbe Qltirds, Eolle and Kale; Hand Ulck- too, prima donna: tbe Macte, Irish ■pcclalUee: Daabamj and Moalion, horl/.ontal bars; Violet Brandon, serlo comic alnger: tbo Pardn Slatera, French quadnila dancers and Ucrven Slaien, aero- bate and gymaaata. Several well known pertorm- eiB will bo added to the compao; betoreleavlng New York. Kilanji'a Living Flcurea will be a anongfealnre. Tne enilro compan; leave Nov, 14, and open tbe LvcenrnTiieatre, Shanghai, Ueo. 10- Ohaa. B. Bloka,wno aalla from San mnclico, will petaonallj anptrlntend all delaua tor ihe tpecialir oompanj. Tbe Uarmston Olrcoa will belooked at- tar bj Robt. Love dnrlng tbe Manilla and Java sea- son. Nous fbok IBB watsoh Sisrma' Co.—We ato enjojing a proaperona buslneas. Tba companr were taodered a banqaet Oct. 26, In Hocbeaier, N. Y., bj Manager W. B, Wauon, In honor of his blnbdar- Members of the BUI Uoe; and "LlUle Speonlator'i (M.'a were alno prtsonl. Ur. Waison waa tbe recipient of several verj coatly preaenta. Eddie Evana, olab Jnigler, Joined 2S. Tba new tiBvatty Ob Steve Brodle'a "Un tbe Bower;" la a very decided bIL Boslneaa good, and aalarlea prompt. We pUv two weeks one night elands, tb«n Olnclnnail, 0. Olaba Waonbb, vocalUt, wrltoa na that she Is not the performer who la billed under ibat name at Whlie'a Hoseoa, Chicago, 111. Hlaa Wagner stales tbat the la reiUng at her borne. Wallt BiLSroN, of tbe Uelslons, and Jack Donglaa, of Moon and Bnraets' Minauela, London, Eng., wUI Join banda Nov. 12. FaAHK HoBTOH wrltea na Ibat he la now eole Snpnelcr and manager ot tbe London Tnestie, teahenvllle, 0., Frank i. Watson being no longer conneoied wllta tbe cstabUabment. Tbe honse la ronnlngaa usnal. Fantzib AMD SCOTT an doing oxceptlonallr well In tbelr latest acl. Dbuhhond ahd Stalet are working a alx weeks' engagement on Keltii'a Olronit, two weeks In each bouse. Thi Valdabbs closed a vei7 anceeasfnl engage- ment wltn tbo Tonj Pastor Oo. Oct. 27, and opened al lbs Ljcenm Tbeaire, Uoelon, Mass., 29. Two mbw oohio S0K09 Will b« leaned Ibis week bx the Englltb Bong Pnullahlng Oompanr tbat are aatd to poaseaa ihe ugndlenis ot anre Mpularltj. One la a deacrlpUve narraUve enUUed "Pataev and Ihe Uoraeaboef" bv Felix McOlonnon, and tbo oibarlaa song with Indloronslj (nnnx taxi, called ■loan's Koiuing Too Good for the Irish." Both are written on the stjio of those comlcaltles eoni bj Maggie Clino, Lizzie Rajmond, Jobnnle Carroll •nd otnen, and an salted for either male or female special lata. Tea Mbjucam Zahoba Fauilt, In their triple tra- peze aot, an acorlng a aacccss In ibit citr. OouTOH AND Bhbxn are doing tbelr Irish SpeclalUca wlUt the Shores & Shore* Medicine Oo.,No.l. ASA BouLDi!i, ot the Bouldeos, nulcal per- formers, la oonDned to her hoaio In Fhlladeipbla, Fa., wllb a.1 iDjnnd ankle, received Out. 20 In Eaaion. The mm have bad lo canctl aevcial dttee In oonMqoence. NoTis raoH Uahaba's Mikstbsls —Jack Ha- haia, wbo w*ashotOcU20, br inln rabbers,near Wagoner, I.T., while doing advance work for bla companr, f nnder tbo can of two phjelolaoa, and la doing vetT well. Ue wlU bo sent lo Bt. Louis, Ho, botpluL aa aoon u he la able to be moved, wblchwlu not b* tor at least ten dais. Mahai«'s Hlnaltels, when plajlng Wagoner, called on blm In atodr,andiha band pla;co seveitl selections at bla reqneat. Be la in Une splrlis, and bla ultimate tetoTerj la but a toeatloa ot time and can. U»nj FIddiaiand Qordon UoUlns, comedlaoa ot Mataan'a Hlnalnls, wen banoneued bj tbe local colond olnb, of CoffefTUle, Kan, and wen tbe reclplenu ot an nmbeiellA and cane. 0. W. Hozlej bi reatlrg atMamn,Texaa, afew weeks, on account of bla vo- cal chorda being alteoled. Be la nnder medical ttabneat,and nponed ueodlog npldly. TBI BaeiUN BOWABD Atdbnaou SriCIALTT CO. will open lla reorganized loar Nov-1. la Sew Uaven, CL na following people oomprue ibe list of laleni now en note wiin tiie above lee ornnlz*Uon: James Thornton, comedian; "Anna bello,'^ American noveltt dancer; Joa- Howell, favorite serlo oomio vocallat; Regan and Klrwln, musical arueu; Fltnt, mimlo; Adrleune Anclon, aerial wonder; Andj Baghea, HoBrlde and Walion, sketch pertormcra. Jamea J. Annstnng, proprietor and director; w. 3. Moore, manager; and Jack Manford In advance. t. R. BLITZ wrltea oa tbat be baa wlthdnwa mm the management of the Rden Mnaee, Ban Fianclaco, OsL Dado. MAtmiMaAKD IdaHakmiko an engaged at Bnanl's Theain, St. Lonis, Ho., to produce their dw drama, Memphis, Nov. 12. Habbis, BarmH i Dsan lelegnpb tbst ibe Btndow itoeadtro VadevlUcs plajea iheir bonsa la BalUfflon lut week to tbo largest bnalneta tbe boot* baa ever done. Tbey ihluk tbe companr la tbe etrongaat ther have ever played and bare booked for a ninm date. TONT BiOTB informa as that, notwithstanding all Rpona to the conlrarT, h* doca not Inland to leave ■uaoltrandgoloDoaioo, _ .aiirro,tbepDilllai,ls to appear wllb Qui Dill's Oo-atUaelaaatlTaTand 8L l^ols, Uo. BiBmA BBDsn, the Iilsb lionet, baa Joined tbe "^Jar oucna" Oo. lor the reatol tbe aeaaon. .BTAiiSANnViDocQwenpreaeniad with ahorse- •no* ot Dowers. OCL 22, bv {beir friends while pla/- ■niat Bide * Bebman'a, Brooklyn, N. T. TBI Oabdxh Tbbatbb, BL Lonla, Ho., wia boned Oct. 99. Bott Bhaw, a waiter, waa over- noe b7 snoke and bamed to a onap. Beveral ""—I ampioied sbont lb* plao* bad nanov Booinos.-At iha Wblu Paltta, Bamob Pa.- Dd 567 'B?i'K%2!ft" """v"™" "•"•^^^ BlA«>, BtrtlDt Utlla. BMna^uDlai.jMQli lUlu?^ Kt)ir ud Cvtf, ud Prof. DkTia At Butoo'i WiJC JobnIODU. Dot BnwalDv. Ui* nnnrfint? w» >SlOBU>. Dot Bnwalon, ih* RoadlDllL Hw rrukiL Tvl'-ff ■ i'".**'. 0*^"- 'ort Worthy i?5r Tb»TBni*r«.OlMy Barr. th» B*rl 8llten. BulaTbtokM ud Uabtn. JoliD T. Borai ua Ttj toj. IUJNOI& OhlcagcTtie ftUnoUou ahUt steTory local UMfttra iftT* t«o,ud lb* ebannUrorlhamottruta moT* t£t lodlireiwt offtriog*. Tbtre U maeh ooTtlU bat llttla real mant In tba corrant blU, and bat ttlv twaeaU eaa be uptotad. Cbiuoo Orifti Hom-RaaaairiOomadlaaabaffao a vaek-ieDfag««fantlD| ibalr naw Urea, "A Bavlaw," (or tba flnt tlma baia. Tba Harta TaTary Orand Opam Oo., conu naitwaak for a lorlBlgbt'a pir mhuUod o( a raportorrof Bnillab eparat. l«itwaak 'Tba PaalDK Bfaow" llUraUr paolad iba bonaa at all parfonnaoeaa, npaaUog tba lutteia oblalnad thraa waaki ago at aooibar boiva. I^tar lo tba aaaioo It comat btM lor an aiibt waakt' na. Umrd Opiu UoQla.-DooDall7 and Olrwd glra "Tba Balonakara" iblivtak.balag foUowad brKoUnd Raad wllb -Tba PollUfltaD.'* Laat waak So) Balth Bauall aodad bla lortnliht witb pnflt, bat airoog oppoiiUoa llnDiad bla baalaaM to tba poonat rarolta ba ua obtaln- ad locallj lor many aaaaooi. UooLBT'aTauTU.—MatO. Ooodvln bagan Iba raoitb and copdiullng wmk ol bla bliblr pnOubla aoiajta- maot 0, Ibao aauamlDg tba tltla roia in *'DaTld Oamu*' lor tba flrat lima labia lira. "Land Ha PIra BbtUlaia" wUlboktand aaanalUrbalM Laat «a*k wudafotad to prodootlona ol ''In Hiaonn,'' baiioau baing ai* tremalr Urga. Oo Not. ft Ada BabanwlU loaaiarali bar Oral >ocal aougamant aa a atar. CoLVHBiATBUTia.—DolLftFoi Dadabarit«Uard«bot bar* 9, in Tba LitUa Troopar." and wit) boU atUoUoo for two vaaka, being rollovod bf Pttar P. Oallar. Ubaa. Krohmaa'a Bmpira Tb^tra Rtoek Ca wdad a Ibraa waaka'aDgagaonDt 37. tba raaaltof tbalr Tlalt banng bnofbt lalr pioflL BOHiLLHii TaK4Tn&—Falti Morrli wlU eoDtlnaa 'Tba Bast Man" op to A'adooMlaT olabL wban ba will giro for tba dnt tins on aor tUgt **BaElnd tba rtcaoaa," bla own adaptation ol an old plv, 'Tba Pint NIgbt" UIh bnal* DAububaaaTarrenotT. and bli work baa won lor bin daaarradpnlaaoD all banda. Mn-Pouaraad KjrlaBal- lawbagin an aDgagvmaat aaii waak, proMnTiogarapa-.tary ol plari naw to tbaaa prrotncta. MoVicKU'8 nuTU.—'-Hn^ Clir" waa loeallr pro- dnoad ti aoti will raiuaio tbU waak, Jolla Martow balog biUad to loUow lor tbraa weaka. Jotiapb Jaflerooa ea- Jored pnwparltr dunog iba fottnlgbt be bid tbiastage. HAVM-tHKiT Tuuf aa.—Ward «ed Vokas glfo "A Ran on tDa Bank*' tbla watk. Laals Aldrlob, In l*aTUar,*' baiDg annoonoad to follow. Lart weak "Buparba" ao Jojeaaaaasoool ptoapadtr and garo splaoOid wlsiaa- tlOB, Julia aUekaya being aspafUllj Urored with applaasa. Linoout Tbiatri.— "Land of the llldolgbtRan"waa flTin lla Brat local rarlaw 3S, and will giro wap to loranoa Biodlap, 10 *Tbe Captaio'a Mata.*'^ LaMwaek basloasa wu rary good wlib Ada Bothoar In "A Baoeb ol Kaiik** ALBABBni Thhathb.— 'Tba Still Alann** la tbLswaek'a ofTanog, 'Tbe Uaiilar" betag due lo follow. I«at week "Darkait RoasLa** waa spleodldlj aetad for tbe baaefitof ereolp good tomoaia, tbaeMtbalogeica«dlagljoom> petanb Uatlir's TuiATBB.—Plorence BIndl*7 (Ires 'Tbe Capuln'a Mate" for tbe lint ume bera.tnli week, and realga iq fanr ol "Acroaa Iba Potomao watk "A Wild Duck" auaload oolr lalr rvolu. I«ast iOADKHv or HuBia—'Tbe Piodlgal Paibar" is tbis waak'a nuniatt *Tbe Still Alarm" moTlng over oaat weak. Last week t;om Van TaMeU farad onlp modar- ualj wItb "Tanne'Me'B Paidnar." OUHKBTlUTTBBATU-^aO. DlXOB'S BMClalip Co. la OB (or tbla week, wiib "A CiBChar Jack" to lollow, Laitweek "Boatb Belora tbe War" aaJoT*d large tun- ouu oontlDoallr. Him T Jacb'8 Orau, Hoima.—For this week Manager Jack preeaata Ham T. Jack's Creole Barleaquera for tbeir aeooad aBngeraent ol Iba eaaion. I4sb week AtM LaaTltt'a HeoicBaoUer Burlaaqae Uo.. auiaotad good turaoutaataUperiormancaaand gave ao eioellaot bill ot burleaqae and ranatr. TbeopanLoig aofAbbakea naaraaoCanlrat"and tbebaTleuae^vanuaandApoilo Up to Data" eDMagad UlaraSlmoooa lo tbe priooipal bor parte, rapoonad 67 Edltb La Mont*. Pkaiia Sl Olalra^ Deiu Roako and Louie Biliott| tbe olio balDg proTided bf MarioD Blake, Toddr and fllan BlmoMS, Joa- A. Laslta and RJner Teoiej* Oiara Simpson aad Jba Howard and Wm. WUllams. An adltloa of a dowo llrlng plotnraa waa intrvdaced la a cieTsr manner. ROTAi. EKULiaH CiROOS.—Manager ProBk llall'SBewest anterprlae la becoming flmlj gnoodsd lo faror, duo as mocb to tbe nnralty as to tbe eioelleat psrlormsaoa far- oUbtd. Tbe tbird week's eaiertalnmaat wlU be lur- DlsbedbpWm Da MoiLBIIIj Barke, AL CerroiL Robt.. Buokner. tbaDeltorelll BrDB.,tbe Lam lArMn Faralif, Bama utlcboep, Banoack and Adair, RobL Wbltiachsr, HoaaDockrIll, JobnClOTaUnd, Wm. U Dale, Ron Let, aeo. EUoe, Castel BridgaajProl. Bowei's canine para, doi and Mme. ManDtetle. Tbe paoiomlme, "Tba ratal Wedding," and tba water caniral arerelalaed, tba latur (eatute being tbe most wurtalalng laotor on ibe bill. Feakk UaLL'aOiBiso—rrospsrlTycooUoaeato mark IhealTorUorManagar Ball, and wblle becoDilooestbe grade of noD'Stopplog TaodarlUa pariomaacaa sttbeir preaaat standard ol eioelleoce bueloau (a llkair to re- main at aTorr ptoQtabla basis. BtageMaaagar Billr Rioe puts forward for tbIs weak, Leooaraand Pulton, NoTallo, Hart and La Hue, Adel Beiancoort, Sutton and Bap. Uiy Uoap. tba Dalton Broibara, tbe BaacbCbiMreD, tb« Boiia, Prank Billboefar, Loiange and Lotto, Booker and Bn/* der, Tirana, Cbaa. and Jennie Suwart. Kalloy nsd Woods, LotU Prootor, Miller and HoiselL Kinura's Troope of JapA a troupe of Tjrolaie waibUm. nod a band ol pickaninny dancers. Oerile Oocbran, voodarlQl joang girl, conoloded a four weeks'engage- neat 77. LToara TBBATBB.—Rloa A Barton's Rosa nill Bur* leaqoeCo., beaded br the WubburoBlitera. wlllfuraUh tbla week'a amaaemeoc, being foUowad next week by Barry Morrla'Bnriefqoera, lor tbelr first local engage meoL Maoager (Iranler preienlad a boose bill las. «eek siyled tne Trans Conitnealal Bpteialiy Co.. bull aess belDC only lalr tbroughoat lbs week. Tb« bill eo • gaced Adolpb Adama. Zarono, DurolTs luianaMoul Tiio, Jerome, Jobn T. Tborae and Grace Carleioo, Kiity 01aiton,l*>e De Porraiia and Eo. O'Brlea, Alice Jea. nlnga and Aona Mabel O'Brien. Singe Director J. R. McffonooJih took a band In 'Tba Benator," a one aot comedy Ibat finished tbe bllLaod made coosldemble basdway as an actor. Manager Qrenlf r bas a good line of eomblaalloni to foUow, ud additional bnilaees is likely to result. 6AI1T. Jack's EMriRR/—Tba RentB-Bantlay Boriasqas Co. moveacn>e8 tba rirer Ibis weak lor prasenistioosol Ibelr excellent entartalnmeat. Last week Baui T. Jack's Oreole BurlaiuneCo. lunlsbedtbe amDsament,(slriiiud booses beloa u>e rule. Tom Brown and Bob Cole, Belle DavIs. Bd. and Prank Mallory, Qto. WlUiams sod Alex May, Mr. and Mrs. Tout Hclotoab, Cbai. B Jobaeun aoO Dora Dean, Doa Bayle* and Kluy Bro»n lurolilied mast ol tbe eojuyineot, twelra living plctarts beiag Iniro- ducad lo noUb oot tbe perlormanoa. OaibttTrratrr.— MaoaAerOrt'cou contlnoes to nio ErsBiioe for tbls bouse bftbecipabla nanoer lo wblcb elsdlnoung iba destlniea or ibia reaori. etch week bnoslDg mure pairooage to tba doora Tbe bill ol sir«lRbtvsneiylemalaulnedatan excallsnt tiandird. tbla week'a coterie ol antertatoers Inoludlog ibeTbiee CoioeUl Bioibers. Loul»o Deuasay, Dixoo Hovers and D Ron (Ibelr second week). Tboma and Carlston, sod olbero of enoal merits Lastweek's snterialBmeolen- BSHed tba Bickeita (tbelr second weak), the Bitter* Par- cea Tom and Mettle Webber, Frank Kent, Dlioo, Bowers and Dlioo, Lottie West Symonds. Norrls aoJ Qoodwio, JlarrlORlanand (Jarmeal, Aona Dsfe and ibe Raodolpbs. Manager DrUeoll bas eotrusled the ntsg* naoaiemeDito BlJiy RobloMu. ULTMNO TnuTRB.—Afar Ibree weeks of combinations Maoager Casila returns to a bonsa till) for tbla week's sniuBeneot, Ihe Keowieh UliUre, Deraiier ard Allin, Fisbaod Qolgg, and Will and Aggie Barron iMingaiitoog theobltfeoieriatntrs LauweeRRai*«ll Brotber*' Vom- sdlaosfoond aboodaot reva'd lor preMotlng iba best TUletr abow ol the esason, ibe speciaJilea rivw b? Beit Wblling aod Mamie Blieppud, Harry UaatlogaaDd Dave Hanon, Will U. Pox. Lliais B-RaTmoBd. Johoand Jamsa Rosaell, Bam Beroatd, aod Tbos O'Briso and Clara IJavd betag awarded a liberal amount ol applauM, vhlchwas lostJy doe tbem. Bam Bemanl and Jsmss RuimU usoued tbe cburrolas la tbe alUrplece "Clarke" wblcb brouRbt evenlbing to ao amoftlDg doltb. Parr Tbrathr —Maoager Nick Sorton Is pashlng tbe fortaotaof tbls lioo>ewiibTlfer,aua(a geiDlng his re- «ard In coin of tbe realm Tbis week's blU csUs I^r Florence Millsr. W. W. Horpby and Ljdla Raimood. D. B Emsrr end Laura Bosaell, Wm. De Boe. il Tbom^ sou and Uany Jobason, Fsrvando Fleory, Moor WiI - 1* Petra^ DI "* ' '■' EROBL'8 Patiuor — Arthur J. Lamb's borlesiiue, _ .-A . • llama, Faoa MeraoU. k Patra^ Dlek and HItly Cammlogs and "EawalUI." IS tbe cblef feature of the eoUrtaloDeoi bcre, a good list of ppeolalUeebaioc offered. Last week the bill eogaged amoogoibera, Eddie Bbayne^era Mel* pipbl PaarrAieiaoder, ooliy Daaand Faony Weltora. LiROOU* AviROB TBBAnR—BaslBesa beremalaulna anrofltablebMls with nlairbiUol sualgbiTarlaiy pro. TiSed. Tbe Iseturaof tbla week a progiaiBBa U a pair ^^yrtltilhSSon DiM«MrsiCM.-Cuiloball this week: Capt. WbUUer wllb waur oaUt: Clan Mack, lirioir pie- iWrea- tba Marlcold CblMran. long balrrd Albinos. tlomeaao.naRlciao.aodMunge. Oe tbeaisge: Lsorn Hortimsr, bea Wallara. Peude Rose, Jobn Usnniogaad "koVl'S MiDDiiTOf'a OLORR DiRR MciiR.-CnrIo h*ii> Ella hwlof. Rlaouas; t^ommodore 8p*<b aod S>n»lg«5T Uia Yooo..*mailcian: MDa. MoonUIn Md UolSed dogs, and tba Buota^ Llrlof pictures w be sbewo 00 tbe Slate, aod a spedsiir programms wUI StlroBbyMeOeeaodAUep.aDdotbera. ••lbs wbAt U It:" HelUm. tbe (ABoon baU lesser; aod pi^CKnlasa. cola eoltaa^o. will batbefeataresol nrto EIu £isMab.boorly stage abowi being gtrea by a fS**",!*^!? 8?'TJJS*»*1"»W'?«. Mr.Jefferyswore^ <( ■■^•r^tbatbedld not giva aesirUlo pTomlMnry note to Mr^bblaa,wbicbwaa later pnmueed loevUeof^ Prank David Joioed BoMell'e Comedline at the Cblagu Opera Hoaae n 'Tba Ship olBtale" Is lying la sboal water btra. bot will uke tbe nad agatoneRi weeb......"Lan1 ol tbe MtJnigbt Rdn"lai.1 off bare a part ol laitweek. nwing lo a badly boohed ranu lo ihU St^te Tarry Ferganoo and tbe T«ln BrotbeieUloaa Bare entered an arraaaemeut m star nitxt teatnn In *TbeKewJudva,"ari iiiih eomedy Will Waatt. wbo bas for soow ume bteo with Manager Rayoor at the People's Theatre, Milwaukee, WU, baa bean appoloted maoaifr of Welisr J. Plliomer's Ulaaincal aaeney MuMer HanT. Jack last week S S^i:l*f*^^*«*/^''"">* «^1 In unoool of lUOLfU) acelBat ttu Ckleago AVm, the W. C. T. U. aod Ihe eommlliea which rwreoUy lorf sllgatad his hnoie Tbe OrtUTloo will opon again nrxi weat, 'TtiaRtrlhe" beingAaied by jAteafa Lt> Bru<ti TbeOrotia Music Ball raopeoedRstunfay night wllb prices reduced and Ear attandaoce Mlonie Rsrtells, i.'harley Reese and lUe Bean sod CoumiotsaedRuight oto ihe prinol pal entwulosrs Manager John W. Donoe is re- hearaloR tbe Pattt RA^at'noiedrCA here to hegln ihs seaaoo at Osbknsb. WU. Not. 0 OUdrs Wallls Is the S"t..S^**^ MMadan'B comedy. "A oUi's Way" being Iba bill BartbaOrelibioo Is bete arranging to go "astanlog"ln"HwaetClelly." (l«lBe7*—At the Empire Paulino llRll, ln"Do^ eas.'* dU a Ma bosloessOct. IS at aUraaced prleea. "lo Old taotocky" esme Ti, raatloee aod nlRbt. 10 tba larg- est audUoca eloee Uia house opened, tomlag pmpTe 5a*W* .3?*.'*'*!l ' Amotion" pUysd to good Business tXi*. *TbeHustler'oomeaSL OMAtar.—At tbe Powert' Grand Jolla Marlowe- Tab*r drew tbe fine*! audlsnce ot the seaaoo o«L tL "Daffy's Bhiodore<* Xi seemed lo iteligbt a top heavy heoee. PaQltne Hall. In "Derosa," pleaeed a fkir bouhi B. OoDlng: 'The UusU»r" 31,'Tbe Derira Aociloo" Nor. I, Rom Coghtan 1, 'The Cross Roads ol Llfs" tc "«-ll-il''9. WillieColller IL Pearlaa^At the Qraod Open Donso Walker WhiteaUs drew a large hoaas Oct. 71 "Land of llie MM. olsbtBqo,"K had a fair house. Ramer Pergosnn. ».IT, badaadraac4iale. (doming: 'Tbe Star Uas«r" Nor. Id, "Aeioastlis Potomao" U, U. N EW JERSE Ya Newark*—Serenl ratoy dara lut week inter lered somewhat with buslneas. Mr. a^d Mrs. Keller, at Miner's, dM nicely, howerer, sdlpiing their wwik bent lut year. "A Temperance Town" will, no doubt. In- eraaae In popularity tbiB wsek. It openeil In good share Oct 9. Week ofNoT.», Wm. Iloey in "The prsms." Jaoois'.— John Keruell. in "MaPsd'litn's BlopetoeoL" mored aloflg lairlr welleaalnit ihseleiueaui lut week- 'The Roslgn" elll treat the psireost > ■.une realUni thia week that shooM fltl tbe hooasL tt drew a Rood aitend. aoee Ooi. S. ' A Plac 01 Truce" comes Not. b, i, 7. "Paul KaoTar" B, 9, la WALBBA!i.t'B.—Tbe ralo did not lotarfera mtidi wlili tbepatreoage bere last week, for the Preach Folly tmupe. vlth BampaoD, were well treated. This week Webvr A Fields' Oen Co. are here with a ihow tbst ought t-i re- eaire tbe best kind ol support Tbe bouse «ss oiled n aod lbs week Is likely to bee olgone. Baoi Derere'eCo. Nor. 0. itTAR.-C]ara rhappslle, Praokle aorman. Ada Hroen and M smle Haya, OLOBs.—Plura Da Buls, Mamie (^lrtla, Mlonlo Oupree and Prank North. OAiarT.-Miille HartInU Ada Doenle, LIUIao Doliuore and Proi. Bacbinann. ITRML—Ur. Hmlth, whi hu beeo roDnlng the flur free aod aur sloce it opeD«d,«eT<ired Ins conoertloo wltbltR AMr. Loot, a loTuisr employee. Is the iirBMol manager Bob Fiiislioffloos' Hpeolslty (*.o. will eonie to tbe Aadltorlom Not. ft aod week Tbe Rxoeutlro Commutes ol (be CbrlBltao Oltlieasblo Union hero be r;ua acrusadaagainst "Indtcaot. lomoral aod ausRsat- TO" tillla being potted In Kevarli.anil baTo pstllloaiHl the Haror and Couinoo O>oncll 10 make aod enforce lawB relaUUR to the SDblect John Most wuto bsfo Ereeeoled "file Web#r" at Oerlel'e Hell ouHooiUy night □t, on onlerp from Police Capulo Uergeo, tbe hsll vu keptolosed. When the Most aotore arrived and louod tbat tbsy could oot play, they put up a bis Higo saying that the police bad unlustlr laierfsrv), but that the sho« would be glTsn at a later dale. Cebt HerRrn had Uie Blgo tskeo dowo, aod than Most aail his followers vent toZlok'aUall lo Bediord BtresL When ihe police lol- lowed ibem tbe onwd herrMIy left by a rear entrance and went back lo year city. Hoboken.—Palmer Cox will prcwnt the "BmwolM" kv Ihe Hoboken, under Ihe pa'ronsRA of the Ladlet' Oulld of Trioliy Church. Oct. n-i\. Rate Clsi. loo aod Hma Jaoeoscbecb, In "The T«o Orphans,' Not 1-3. Thecaatlaastioogoue,aod the demaod lor seats points to a profitable suy. Poe: ft-f. Unrriwn's "Pausi"; B-IO,-Shore Acres." Mar llo«ard rare a week ui gilt edged TaadeTllle lo fair reaol:a, eodlng 0:L 31. ObbhaNIA.-O. W. WllllaBS' Come-lUns. wllb Mile. Aanu i^hsrcor, hypootio niarre). nroogly uuiterltneO, win bold tbe eiageweek ol 9. rtenon's ComloU|iera aod TaudaTllle Co. etosed a prosperous week 77. iHrsHJAi..—A Tlalt to Ibis rewialvaypfioUs It filled. For Ibis week: Amy llolm, Jlu t'Aibiey.cjoo Ksios, Beasis Csrroll, Rosa Jeooetie, Fred Ward, Bebe Rial auiJ Prof. Handera. OHiiKTAL.—TbIs hoase will haroasiage performsoce only 00 Haturday olghts. NOT10—The locruse ol buslneu at tbe llobokeo Theatre sloce the opeolog brings many leltsrs tu Mens- gertJiarke from excellent altracilons who desire lu Is plaoed (or next season Harry Hefiou wu laid up all lut week from rheumatism "Oioeue,"»s a spMlai last week at ibe Oemiaala, gare 'ha Daoca Du v«nire lo a maooor tbst wu oot only anlsiie, hut iboro of a Hreat dral ol the Tulasrlty lo which the act Is KOBarally uooe. Hba will be with Baui Oerere week oi Nor. ft Linie Wesloo la playing (be loads wUh Harry Hsiinn's Co. It Is tbe am tine during her Ibeauiesl exbenooce tlist slie bu vom tisbia llsrrr E. Fuber, of tbe ■ame com- pauy.sofTsred witha com lut week, hut norkod all ihe Haioe Tbe Iry will reopen oeat week witli John Lynch, u manager, and Tom MoAleer, proprietor A lant^banotrwithtbe Uobokeo Thulre's curr«Btat traciwnlaaaobleathat elnkei therlsttAr on Untllni lo Ibis city Minorraand Blattnll^lforOutia tojmo the (Awanda Show Heory WlllUins. iialy Bro>, an J Walts and Wallaopenwltb ae Leooi a BToreitHbow at WilkMbure, P a.ocLag Pafcnon.—Seymour's Spifdattj ftree, '*A Trip to (be Clty,"wu preeenied. lo lis rocuo'tiucted form ot the Opera House Oct aft. 17,10 spleodM huaincss. wliii tbe loilowing cut: Maiy Aon ilelone. Loul'o Aroot: NuraMaloo»,Cam>« Rmna; Nellie Halone, Auole Ljnid; Kitty Maloor, Amy Muller; Uauiie Melon*. Alberta Had- let; Beraerd Uorork. Uus Uortimrr; Timothy o'Weill. John Murphy; Johnny Hcfuib, CorrdonC. Uiiror:Kusg- htlll. J.O. Haraha); Bile lluelle, Frank I'srkor; ifiHiu Wbire.Jobn W. West; uillcer Roombicbsck,Cbarl*H M llerrlL EiecutlTe sisiT: Prsok Kefiimur, aeuwrel maoager; B. N. Black, luanaRor; ItsiiOi livmun, repreaantailTe; Oue Motiiwsr, siago luensger; Obarlw J. Wilson, musical director; Ci<arles Fi»iaeli man, carpenter: W. A Rorkwood, eUctrloiae. Tbe fsrce la brimful ol strooR speclailles. many ui wblcb vsrs highly appreclsled. Tlie eleeiro paooramlc Tiavs of Mew York liarbor. and Uie bicycle rue sround Unioo Siaare, msde bus. If*! Ilerrlgso i>reseoted "Rsiilr aod tbe CO," and "CorO«lla'« Asplratioai" 10 ''siudlog room only," Sf, ft. Badle Msnuol prsaeolMl her DOW larce,'The Pawpori" toroitr l>D•lua*^ ir BoeklOBs: Tlie OiirDells Brus. lo "TlisTroller Hfstrnt' S,SI, Pstsr Uailey In "A trtmolryHport" .Vur I, -'Mc- keona's Flinailona" 2,3, 'Tbf IusIku"(I,7, 'The Der- by Hascof'S-H BlJuD TukATRR.—The Far Foiter Burlernu#r^ Oct. n- 31,'-reeks Bad Boy" Nor. I'd "Uuin:a* i<eadioa" ft-r. Audio'sniB«oicaopH-lil. Tlie Lioduu (Isleli flirlstiid lairlj goo4 u.usoafjci.naod tiMk '-K<ng" Kelly wai ■ddco to the Mat nf sperlaliy pe:*|ilo (or iiirea oighu. lORR MrrilR.—Maoager lni-v«y ban cluseO iijeraude Tills ball aKhishouM. snJ lo ibefuluio ilto poilrei-vr fotmsocevlll begiTCo m Ihe llie*tri>. elieie tliecooUn. unus peKormaocepIsD, Irom 1 'o II cm., will Im tried. BusJoeae hu b*cu ruimJ, but tbe |i«irooe Lara nni tahm blodly lo tbe Ideaul beleg coirpqilod in sund iip while theeolertalomeot wastwlog given. Ifalaveek: K«lce> aod La Rrse Usurge II. Ttnimoim. Barton sod Caius^oo, MsrieOrimih. Medio and Edeards. Panola Mlaco. Mur toe a£d Colemso, Loery and Frsocis, Buvhnsll and WlUlamaao'i M ullooe. Jeney City.—Tbo Academy preaenta for week of'^l W*'Wao|;,'' villi aatropg cut of rAnifriiane.and wllloodonbt re pest Ihe saccvHa ol la«t >es«<»D el this houu "Ihe PrwllHSl UJughUr'* l« uoUerlioed tu M low. -dlaresof(lul>l"Kare utuiutloD, in •pileoftbe he«Ty ralos, to a aeueroiM public, we»k eidiOK 7t. Do:(T09.—Todrlve dull ure swsy. aod luske life en. (lerab'e. lli> inaosgeroeni here a capital hill. einifi|>riiii)g J. B. HadclllTe, Prank Cuihman. the UmollAM, rarmii aod Uindeo, Coooers and Ht«Ier. Dlsrio and L«ng. ItealyaudSauoder' ilierreaiicaB.1iuieIr«ne Fraohlio. Rsldvio sno Italey, Msbls htinUr, llodghlos aod Lellh Madeline Franks soil Wulie lUiOy. Hu*lDr*a li gut d. J. I. C.-Carrle Hrauneck, Fsnol- Kelly, Alia Brauuack aad Prtd Raymond. Bniioeu le lalr. NOTU—Press Ehlrlie.on scoouBt ofthedeaihoi his fsiher, closed atibs Hoo Too laitweek Era Vincent iBher act, "Bee Trsfa'a,'* treated tbe pnblie lo soBie^ ibiogoeiraodeoJnyabledBrloR last week'a stay at tlie Bon Too TIte Jersey i:ity KUegsTo ao old lime sug el their room V Lsedsr II. F. Wsgosr, ol tlis AcaiT emy, gore anoihar oew medley, bis own, Issi week. -Uoe'dy, My B aby." Trenton.—At TAflor'a Opera Ilonie "The Oreat Brooklyn Handicap,"Oct-lists, had poor boalosia Oua Wllllsms, TS. did weiL Fuoie Hice.77, bed gtiod buaiOMs. Booked: "A tUtuairj R> ort" 9), "Jfeo aod Woiseu" Nor. ft,"W»og"7.'TiiaKoBl|n" U Noviirr TRRAthH—Luler Prsokhn aod ibe stock eonilnoa to felr busioeu. TRRRTOR Mt'sicrR —Ba*ln«i« (or S atid week was big AtiractionslorweekollO: P. D King. Prol. Hurn. HoT brooia. Mile Olga Harry AI1*b. Ch^a. sod Jsno<e W«|ib, Banita, Hsrosyaod OraHullsllr. llsrry Hiaeits, Hirry ud pJDlly llAioil(oo.aod Hi. JollaU. llARRTTATLoarMuintatbe nisoeaemsot of T«y]or's Opera House Nor. I, a('er an abwoce «I a acason aod a EllRabeih.—Al ihe Ljceim Tbeaire "Ueo and Womeo" Cime Oct. U tn a tinail eudl*rnce. "The Peas- pert" U bad a smell sudlsocs. "Musrs'l.andlDg" played ITlAaliTg matinra end a stnsll hotea 10 tliAeTaolog Oomlog: Dockeiader'e UiostreU 29. NelUe MelJeory Nor. S, Keeoedy'st'o. in repsru>ry week ot^ DRAora OPiRA bocsi.-The Uennao^la 'The Oil- boelsys Abroad," bsd a lalrlworeN. "Wang" ff drew a Iklr stxad aodieoea. Coating: Oortu'a HlosUalaS, Four DaUy U. < gjTafBi ^n Bor. t, Jeba KaraeU 1^ *^e — At OonnaD'a Thtsira, Naachnlar, N. n., "Eq*. mica lor Uta" pUjad -tkn* Dliliia la<l waak la ra- porla<l good boalnni. nalMny'a Spactali; Oo. Us- Uitied Ilia week aoH HIca'aOranilOMn liona*Slock Uo. opanM OcL 39, wlui Pcitr Matnr'aUn. to luilnw. — lleniUi l/>wr; arabun, wllo nl Ofotwa ambam, aad a Don-pmrtuiunaL <1|m| at Waahlnilon, U. U., nnOci.21,orconaonipUan,a(t<13lj«*n. 8how:<a Inlamd In Ml Ullret Uaneiarr, WnUUdiuid, 1). 0. (lol. a. Tba raaoml waa largely ait«ad«4, — A cnmmuBloailKii haa naunod ua, iliaed bf fnnucr niemlMn nt "na TIdo of Life" Oo., whioh, II aiaua, aiianiled Id Wllkeabarro, Fa., laat weak, Willi aaUrica lu anvara. ale — 'Tlie Two widowa," Edward J. Oalnoii, waa orlgliMllj acied at ranllao, Uloli., Oct. a. — "Ttia Wild lloae," now belDi doo* bj raallD* Parker, U Hear; Ueloat'a old plaj, "n* Seout'a Daothler," — William nillette*aii«wplar, "Itt« Muob Jobn. aon." waa acted for the Drat time on aar atan at the llolfoke, Nana., Oprra Hoaae, Oot. 29, —un aoounni or ibeeleeiloa eiclieoient and poor baaineaa In tbla Sbiia nuie Akerauoni haa deotdad to oloa* her lou until a(ur THaakaglf Int. — "Alone," a two B«t opem, b; Jobn J. luagan and 1^ Uapp*,waa orlilnallf aetad at Uie Aodliori. UD, Spokane Falla, Waan., uot. it, — n lliOD a. Itoaa, who bu abjured Uiealrloal (or commercial bualnraa, wrilaa that h* haa anlred •ale and aonnd at Lirerpooli Kotn attar a Teir suirm; paange. It will iw a monih let belora ba raacbca bis dcatlnauon, lUo de Janerlo, 8. A. Mr. lloaa lelt lioeiou, Utn., Uot. a. — Tbe Naw Temple Ibeaire, Djerabnrr, Trno., iipenrd Fair week with tbe bum* Wamn Uu. lo Roiid bualDCsa. The boeia, wblcb la nnder new niaaagameui thla aeaaon, lias nbderfone nubi Im- Provamenia. tl. tt. UlUer la manamr and Theo, naler ireaaurcr. — L. L. Uracne, maaager ot 'The CIrooa Qlrl," wnics ua that Ida play dldnoteloaaln llllsaeld, Uass., aa has bef n repoitad, but la ailll out and playing to good buslueaa. — Ihtn Quinian gots wltb "Shon iorea." — Waller U. Kellj, Mra. \V. A. nouse. Ti ud Shine and A. B. I.lpman go with "A Special nallfarr." — Ituae TliTtnj haa Joined "Siiore Acres." — Nowiou Uliisnall Juinrd '-A Trip to Uhlnalown" laat week. 11» look Uen Ueorge Baane being Iraiuferred lo auoiber «t lloyfa aiiraoilona. — Uoula Qrlssel bai been engaged for the Osall* Square ThOHtie, Uoatnn, Uasa. -Unoo llunUuilou opena In "A Hllk Whlia Flae" nait week, lUUle OcaTea joins anoihtr oua of Uon'a plafa. — iviliiam Wolir, lata manager or ibe aeblller Opera Uoinpanj, haa been engaged lo pl.r ibe rol* ol UeneiHl Untie; Uurl; lo "A Hllk White Vlaa" wbeu Frank Koenau reilcea to J,ilu the "Ullver TtrlHi" CumblONilon. — Maggie Winiou, wbo atara next aaason lu "Ualonars IUiIId," Joined "Ilia Nllia Ihe Uarou" Uo. Oct. 3D, at AllUncii, a, 10 plaj Ihe leading Irish cbanoterrule. - U. V. liurr haa algnod sa musical illnclor wlih SttUun's "Uuole Tom's Utbln" Co., wllb a band ot aliieen men. — llarr; Uunpboll, hualaeaa Dunagor tor Uan UcCatuij's compauin, loiucBU ua to deny ihe . cent report tbst ho waa the manager (or the ••McCHtUij'a Ual" fo. — "Moaswood" la said to bare oloiad Its aeuon on Oct. 21. — Lil.inn Keene wriua us that her sisler, Lra Hois, who has been 111 with pneumonia In Miuue apfillH, Minn., la now ooovaloaccnt. — Kaunj Idee will close her season Nor. 3, In Uroakl;n,N. r. — Alexis K. Bcafar anil Itoaina Vonna oponod UcL 'JO, lit .Siiilo'B Tlieaire, tbla ollj, wltb 'Tlie Uouiilry circus," tills lielug tbelr third season wlih Uiat companr; later thejr aall for bouth Aiucrlua. — Walker Whlleslile'a preaeiit lour of Iowa, Indiana and Illinois la leporicd to be the nwiit sua- ceanful ot bla career. The auppiiriing oomnanj cmliracca Oraco AddlaoD, Hra. Ibibt. Mauleli, (.ella Wiilauio, Ueo. II. McUulloogli, KkOcU Kowlor, Geo. II. Ilakor, Ashle; Miller, IMiiiunil Uoriliiier, Jobn I,. lUpbore, Herbert lliu, Frederick Viuuui and John U Sturgeon. Mtnager W. J. WIntaibum haa the aiklelauoo of Mward J. Hnjdor aa buslneia man- ager, with II. I'bllllp FblUlps and U. V. ArUur in advauco. — Among the people already engaged tor "In the Fiiol Ullls" are Uraon Uiliturd, Adelaide Worth, llicliard J. Rlloy and Frank A. Deolthomo. Tbe Hfaaon Is iKHiked In the leading eiuea and In Drat claia Itouaea ouly. The tour Is under Iho illrecllon or M. F. Snader. Adchildo UIgh, the aulboreaa ii( Ihe play, will Mraonalij •iipetlniend the opening produii un Inllurr.lo. — .N. c. Good win Jr. easayed ibo chancrer ot liar. Id Uartlok, In T. W, Kubortaon's comedy ot that name, tor toe Drat lime, at Uooley'a Tuoalie, Uhlca- go, lll.,UoL39. — "Mra. utbcllo,'ialhreeaci tarco,adapted by the late Fred Usallo anil Auuiur Hhlrley tioin Hie French ot Mona. Uouoberon and Murnl, waa acted for Ibo nrattlmelnAmeilcaatllieUlnardAreuue Tneairo, I'niladripbla. Pa., ()i:L 39. Tbo piece was iirlglnally acted at Toole's ThiASIre, London, i;ug.. Not. ii.iroo. — luu DiaiBoolal aeulon thla season ot llilladel- pbia l,odge, Nu. 'J, U. 1'. u. Klka, was given un Sun- day evenluir, Uci. la. Aderaiaw reiiurts by the clialrinan, Uio. K. K Bluipson, Ihe urohestra, cum- p<>aeil of sevonKcD musicians under tbo dlrocilon ot Bru. Ueo, llatry, leader ut the I'eopie's Theatre urclitsira, rendered an orertora In eacelient stylo. The luvlled gueau and members, nuinbi-ring abuut iwu liuudred and Oily, partook of a auinpiuous col- lation, the mtnu uouipruiog all the duilaules of ilio season. Alter stUifylug the Inner man tbe riillowingprogramme wsa piesentcd: Htcliatlon, "AiKep at the Switch," Uiv. J. U. Itobens: song, "The Uid Stage lurar," Uru. Max Arould, ot Ueiiolt l,<ijge; Irish soni, Uru. Uiilr UanoU.ef Ueirol. Lodge; "Jeraey Blue llanilBerchItt," uro. Satn bauturd:upentiloB<)lacilitfi, "Tempest of Ihe Heart," Slg.uiolnl.or the UIJou Upent Co.; "fsollug Tu- nlgbt un tbe Uld Camp Uruuud," by (lie Bijuu Quar- tet; recitation, "Uuluns," Ukylou Fry, ot Ckm- r.russ' Uiosirula; leojarks, Bru Harry b. F,nuobB; curael aulu, '■I'lie iMt iJburd," Wui. II. Utslla; oveiturc, llio. Uto. I'arry and orobealra; liulia. iloDe, hfmuk Urrant; balbfl, Bro, Harry liawley, ot lt:iltliii(iro l,ouflc; coniicaliiiea, Kennedy aod ({uluii; coniio aong, "lu tbo Same Old l-iace," liru. Jiilu Keen; duct, Ulaylun Fiy aud lliu. 11. Uiiwloy. Tlie ekvuu u cluoB loaat,' Tu Uur Abacoi Broihera,'' waa ilruuk, aiandlug, after iiluglug (bo drat vtiae uf "Au:(l l/uig i<yiie." The loaat tu our departed liruibtr, Andrew J. Ibtles, was drunk, suudlug, aod In alienee. At I'jai o'clock, the brullieis furoiod a circle, and saug "AuUI bing Byne," aud, with an Kika'beany Bhake, IhelHiilai was adjourned In Iho regular way. Tiie cuiotulllev uf arrnngeuienta coutltUd ut llroi, U. K, Ueriiiey, U. I. Baunigralx, Win. J. Unnnura, Ubas. K. Uaauu andT. U llarnclL Tnoannualbeuclltolihu ludie will iM given at Ihe Ultestnut Street Opera lluusc, Hiterouoii Dec. 14. — Ueuti;«n UI the "Charley's Annt" Co., No. I, ■he Mario Haogcr Uo., aud HIlay A IVunila' Co.. Ibtnrm ua that tne Uessni. Uiuwn, proprltiurs u( Uruwn'u Il'ilel, Turoni", Canada, gave (hem a sup- por aod dance we^k ut Uct. 32. — Jusepu Arnold, for several ycaia stage dunr tender ai tbe Walnut Strrui Theatre, I'blladelplila, I'u., dropped dead In fruntof liie thea'ra Uct w, Tbedcccaaed wasaerrnly.twu lesrt uf age, and pilur (0 miing his poalllonal that house liad ursu pnr perty man with many road conpsnlea. Atwui iblriy) ears ago bo held a alijililar pmUllun at Klhln'a Oardeo, and had a'su beeo the dreaaer for John wllkCB lloiitli. lla wu also wllb Lealer Wallack fur acreral yeaiB. lla waa a member ot tbe Udd Prilowa and ut the Tbeairlcal and .Mechanical Uenetclal Aasoclatlon. gotneiralanlaaPandexdM lUrtrwaUOet SkM. 1MB MaCaHby *<i«M bavadnaabattarilD. Onmla'; "Rob. tohood" Oixia Od, MS', a, (torla Tatost *, 7, "ne OM BooaXetd" d Katlia HeRMiT IL AU.TS lliu—Tba Tanlarllle aneiamfal Co., lUmilMtikwpka.lncinxl (wpls. Weak Oal V-KoT.a: Tna lliBhr,r«.ih. (luihim 'frto, Rotoh and Caallana, Joalahantt ati,1 nian^h.iil Mav T. LavreBM. Moea BU. t«o. liitl Uafp t>«ntr .rooT nuiBi) itAiL-tli. Raiitl orebaaim del. Ml Frol- Itaktaln and wira Jiil t ulr buaiaeaa Ibe Inl ol rf, •••k '"t iiiti.»i a>ay iha latter baU. Tba li>llnalTia>aia.1l>i ih«.i: All..i( rMliliia, Ada Oalny, lamta H.II. Mannn I'oii.laiica, t..Bitr Maanat aad Leaaa Paiir. HiLnwiii a.ip wira w.r. abot at oa (haatfaal* OoL ft, 00 Uia (ar >" 'ha Uiaaii*. Tlia bnllal aiMsd Utraosh Iba profaaaor'a haL Tba wobU ba aisaiala anapwt GEORGIA. CONNECTICUT. Ifew lliBTaD.—At tbe Hyperion Joa, Murphy cima to eicallaDt bu.loMa ffei. SI llajjaa aad iTart draw fair ralurn, .1 aadid Wlllltin OlllaUa M. l.llar cnm*. 9. Raidl'i UrdiaiUB aj, aad Um: Halba. Haa. ttcalchi rl 01 Her. t UBiSDUrava llocaB.-"A Baieaf* Ciiaek" ttiae (a lalr raWfns (icL S-lt, rallaod.l'a kdaBlrala bad load bii,ta,M 31. "r^a Tau atatara' hU "H. R (>.' ], V. Coiaing; Tha Fraoeb folly Conpaar », m, "Oo Uia UlMUfi^r'SI. Hor. 1. Wu>Daiiu90.-Thla waak: "Llostr LoBiar, Leer." Mlpala llusltaa and Biloo MlaaAv, vrill K Nukarllia. Ua B^ll ftrr^., Hoitb aodi'ani'Mll, Uf,Iaa aad LMbardt. JubD w. World. Ntiacli aod KaeoMy, aad (ba csrforaIoZ llralTa "Jaifo." KvTaa.-Ad Hjmia, «r "Tito Two Btitar*'' OenpaBv, waa eoafiatd tij alckoaaa (ji bla rooa dnrios tba eon. Pjof'a anaaaamaol la Uila city Joaapb l-oli, bralbar orwaoaatrg Z. roll. Bed aaalataat naaairrol the Woo- deTlaad,la«:lu<allrlll*lUilrpboldl«Tar; llariratd.—ltpiociot'a UparallMaa bosloau Uia teat >Hk ina laiamMad, th* boos* baloi aajaaa 1 aaTaanali.—"A Btiuk Bheep," OoL 2>,ptar«4 to aaoodalaadaudlanca. "Tbt Daiilar" aama Hhia Jaok'ada.aa. Rlfla KitalarM. iT. Comtoa: LllllaaUais 9 t\ "Tha lal. of dtiampaeaa'' Nor. ^ a, Pmraraiea'a (Uiitt Thbatu ta dalos a laraa basV aaaa. Tam aod Ith.l Rattar aod llalaa Btookloa oo» Uoua tbair aaiafaioantaaothpr weak. AtUnla—At Ihe Onnd "14M" Oot. 0,90. Big. CanipnInllA'a mneah. tor tha baDadi ofihaUradr Uoapl. taXilraaonaoftholaraaat boaaaa ol Iba Boaaoa. -^A niaok a^aap" JI, a. aitraa(*t laraa audlanaaa. tha tbraa KiiornaBru nluialboniaag Ilaabiook'aup«ia0o.0ak Ir, war, waldoraait brhnukaiofaplaodid proportwai, atadraaeail rn«aa B<iotaJ:Wai<^ "ntiarlar Auoi" t a, Jamaa Walliek r, a, LHIIaa UwlaaX na Uiia'a OrssA liocas.-aani T. Jaok'a BMrarv ■aoa 1^0., Oo'. tl waapi»«l'ad to R. II. u. Iba, play a ratorn data Nor. Id. Tlita bouM waa dark S and waak. RoniwnoD AvaauB THUiBB.-BBbal ralaa olosad a aucoaaalBlwaak^^ Annaslar-Eme Kllaler, In "Uorls" drew a aniati Ufiuta Oet. IL Llillan Uala to "Aniela 47," aat "Ulanpalrw," bait atMat atltndanca Rant. T. Jaera Bi- IraTaianta I'a. id i^rria Riill riahlar." had ajood hnuM 17. coHilna; S, Tbn. q RMbrouka, In "Tha lata ol UiiajnpasBa;"st. ''lOJ;" Kar. 1, WanlaA Janu' Co. INOIANA.-(!X«rag«tM.] Fort Way n «,—Uaaonio Temple, owing lo oaa- oallatioaaiin uiurlniillca. aaa rl^^atitian ol laat waak BtKikait: "fMk'aHiil ttrt"'-eLS."Artoralbal'ulainas» ap, "Tlia Nawlloi" Jt, "My Parloar' Niiv S, "A Banal of Mooay" S, "Iha Hhlp ut flula ■ a, "On iha Bowaiy" S, la OHIO.-IS" f*V> Hi ] Fladiar.—Al the Harrln Oncm Hoiso "IMX 10 Naw York" draw a bif bnu., IJ«I. S. "I'wk'a Rid Boy" bail two laraa aailirocea]?. CnDioa: "Tha KU" n "Tba LOBI faia.liaa" Hot. Id Al tbeTurear Opai* ll'iuaa tiray'a Kitiak VnniMuT playi aiary alibt IhU WlBUr, bailDDloa ta, bi iMipiilar prloaa. FOREI GN SHOW NEWS. "DiR WRann," a dmiita, In Ova acta, by Oerbart llaupiinanu, was rtrrfiirined t'<r the Oral llmo week of Sept. 34, at Ilia liiiuiaDlto'aTiteHlro, liotllo, (lor. "UNURHAinaNB KtHnm," a oumodr. In tiuir aola, liy I'aui LItidaii. waa gliou Ha llral pnHluoilou Uot, u, at the ItoyMl Hchaiiiplol llaitJi, llerlln, Qor. "liiBHuiiMcrrBHt.iKiin .Sciiijioiit," a oomoity, Id tour sola, by Heriiianii Huileriiiann, ww pruduwd fur Iho drat unn Sept.-jn, at lite Leulog Theatre, llerlln, Oer. ' • UK HiiiuttTONPiBH "anewl«ilotdirer)Isrmenl. In une lalileau, liy tinio. KnUI Unnor, mitalo by Kmeat Furd, wm prca -ulcd fur tho Otsl llmo UoU a, attboKiiipIn, I/iiidiin. "Fuurnai.i., im Tuii Wi.><hikii Tram," a sonM- llunal Bkeluli, In live Bceaos, by Krimiind Utirnoj, waa glToii lla InlUsI preaeuiatlun, UoL N, at Uta (Jllcrii'a, l/iiiiliin. "WABuanAHiiuHR,"a play In ono act, from (he Ocrioan uf Uuatav.llrlu, waa acted fur the Onk llmo. Oct. II, al llio Kgrouiunt liulltule, Kgremunk Uhcahlic, Kng. ^ "Mav MB>Tii<iiR,"an oparelULby Harry Kowall and Hiiro Wyiiuu, wan glron Ita Oral porturiuanoe, UoL «, at Iho Town llnll. Heading, Kng. 11**1 DEATHS I N THE PR OFESSION. Andhrw J. BiTUi died In I'hiladolphia, Pa., on Oct. 'a. Tho dcccBa<^d, wlm waa In hia miy-etihUt year, was at Iho llmo ut bla death Tyler uf Hblbb- delphia Loilie No. i. B. I'. (I. KlhB. a puallinn whlob be hail held tor manr yearn, lu (uroarynan be was In the museiini and olrous liuslnoas, aiiil mado atone time an Komprait luur wMh Mlllln Uhrtallne tho well known muwiiin auractinn. At the iHigin- nlog ut hiB pnifewiliiniil rarcer ho waa adnnco agent lor B. H. HanfunI, ilio well hiiuwn inla>lrel perlumirr. Ho waa alau a lucntiior ut Iho Uaaunio uriler, Kiilghia uf I'yihiu and Impruvcd Urder ot lird Mull. F.i.t.A l.txrat iKKa Owoni), an aclreaa, died (let. 93 at Kransvlilo, Iml. Tbo iluceaaed waa Bevonicon yranof ago ami had bueu upim tho aUgo furOvo yeara. At tbotlmeiif hcrdealbaiia waaaniemlier ut tho I'uhch HulierlHiin Co., with which nrganiKi- tliiu she puyed anubruilo rule. She had rellred the previousoTonlus lu apptrant guild health, but tailed u apiiosr in Die iitunilng. hlio was fuiiod In her room In an iiiiconarloua c<inilltliiii ami diod dorlog Iho aflerninu wlthuutruouverlngoiihMcloita. ness. A cungeatlve chill, fulluwrd by hoart lalluro, wu given aa Iho cauin uf her death, Hne was tin solo support of a widowed iiiuiber and a yiiunuer brother ami alaicr, who realda lu UinueapuTla, Hlon., 10 which place the rcniiilua weie forwarded Uct. 'a. Jaubh j. ci.iKriititi, a well known variety Be^ former, died iii:l. ID, at hIa huoio lu Uhlcago III, The dtcesBrd w«a a blaok fnca vini ami dance nor- fnrmcr, nndatdilT.^reat lliuis liairiirrn a meiulier (if the Icams nf Muilaiiy niiil UIIITuril, Hall and Ulllhird and nf Ituwo ami Ullifnnl. Hrai.i.A IiBVBHB (Mra. tv, II. 11 idollrTc), an aclreaa. diuil Oct.'4). at her home In thla ell), frum cuo- aumii'liin. Tne dcceaiwl waa twenty-elglil yean ot age and bad apivared In a number ut spcclacular priHiiicllKua. JuiiN Hiui.BV, of 'Tho lloinany llyo" Co., and later staxu rariienl'r al iha Uiaml iipem l|iiu<e. this city, died Un 'Jii, ui the Anyluiii (or the luaan* at liiideDstiurii, X. r. " IbiiiRar T. iiLRhN, at nnn iliiio a well known per- fnrmurand iiiaiiaRcr, dicil i),>i. ir, alhia liuuiola Uiiialia, Neb. Tiiu ilccca-cil, whii was siRly.soven ''?!r*.'''.f«''l I'l" yuutmer ilajs, cuiioeoted Willi iiolh clroitsaud iiiltiHitel rniiipanlea. Atone iliiio howultiueoiir Iho lluyal Lyceum Thrairr T,iriiiilii,C4n., UDdi-r tbo Itnii iiainu uf Taiiiieblll Jb' (llenn. HoB(ierMardali->iiKhtti.olluward,l«iiarlslin A Cailo ■ lliacK Urix.k" C>i., which be, with Jai'k I. ioarlami aa pariiiFr, imik un Uiu nwl Ibruugb c«ll("ruia and Ueilcu. In ihu (all nl |ii;ubevaniou> Oiiiao i, whrro he reionlu,'d iintli hIa ilraib. In IWi hu upeued the uid Academy ut MikIo aa a varlttf buuso under Ihe arm namn u( Ntisont, Olenu i I'rraton. (lu reilrliiif (rmu Ihl, hn opened a lliiuor sakiuii 'Tho KIk," wlilcll waa well knuwii liy luul*. iitr. ii( Ihnpnifeaalnn. Fnr Ihe paalaovenyearab* had lived lu rellreiiirut. Ho leavra a widow. "The Cypiey Qu**n," TlilB three a/jt ciiriiiuly drama, by llnh Watt waa nrlgliialjy aclcil at Myall-, Ui.. .Mom. -u, wllb Hoblo Kiliiuglicck in Ihu all lihr riilo. Tbn sluri: Juhu atoiiiravo«b.a<lAUiibieni,';ialrand Stella, lucharx* uf li.inIM l)4»Miii, whn la aim givuii Ibe Kuardiau- ablpu( cerialu prupurty which will oiirao luUieiD unmeir iifjirliy, liA*s<in, wuhiiixi-i aeoure the pmperiy liluiii<li,caiiBcatbe uhlbl stoija bi lie stolen by a liypar, lURvln. Viun |ia>a, ami li.i»wm. hear- ing iinirnng innii the unild ur llagglu, Ihliika that iiy inarryliiguuir, who lias now gtuwu in wiinun- biud, he can secure couirni u( her pruperiy. He bu a rival. In liiu pennu nt a young lawyer, Karl Hp-noer liy name. Ihiiing a visit nt H|ieoc«r lo tiialrat Mr, Uawson's country luanainn tne Oypai II. gglu wltb tbeolillil bulla, knuwu aa (lyp, appaar un the aceua u iirulling turiuuo lallera. luggto reouxnliea Hawaun, and In a scuiUa br.K a poaiiuluD ol paptra pintlna Hialla'a Idtallla HaialolaaiablMdby Ilawwo. lla ilin< nut obiua the papsiB.hiiwaiar, aa Hyp baauiau lliain lioin RZaBin'a poavaia wlnla lie al„.l. anlMtiiullOB lilauk Hpaia la Uiair ataad. aad htdlax Uiaoilaiual. man iruo Dotbr Uia onip nia. Aliar i;ia draih ul Hinln, ll,|., in aompaay alUi JlUaa, a loroiaruaariiaarraptor llawM'O'a. wbubaa biaoJlieliaiaad r.,r Iniarcidlna far ilia atpal.a, cooia la Haw York. Tliar lliul Karl K| ibrituah aaadiar- llaaoiaiil 10 Uia naa.|«paia. lu Ilia m.aDtloia. Dlalr. uarMeutad by har suardlan'a aUaiilioua, taaiai l,U lioma and eiiniaa to aaw Yurb. liraflnn-tr niiillilna HHar^r 10 neat bat nl a cailaia place. UaWMo Uaiot or 1MB and aanda a bv^ita la!.arani It, Hiifficar which put, blm oir Uia Hack. Dawaia caaHB l.'Iatr to t« a^uclad aid cnnrA.u.i m a Rrninuliuii kal t by una altl Boyca iThalhumplOf T.irtr), frmn wblih piaea tttt la ao4r«M;ii«*il>r Jilrt.audUlp.and plaead la apancar'a eara. J'diii »>vtl aupwari oa tba MBaa and Iba pap.ia provlDa Hiallaa Idaoittr baloa l"UOd ID tha *ir.i lroniai,i|t (Kit. iho play aada nappilr. Tbaeorntdr la runii.l,»t Ij) Jiliai. t),a naaru. aad Uaaft, a n-aldaa auol t.t (.'la r**. HpaeiaKiaa aia iBtndqeaa by oiaflitiaia ot ilia c4inpaor, anrt aboaiDf baotlatba roAmul BillBoycaidoaujUia.OacL Tnaeaal- Baaial Dawaoo, (;haa. yorraaur: Bart Hptacar, Alban a. Bnwo; Uialr aeotl. LilJIaa llarrick: Jaaoia oaA. jlope formict; 'i«r«a WasbiBaioa JtbMi Wilitamr baraaidi Kaiilo. John Raad: BUI Boyea. Ubaa |ir|lll. tas<m«! Joija keou, Wallaea Taakars Oyp, Eallblltt,