New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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558 THE IS^l^rW YORK CLiiPPER. NOVEMBBB 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FMNK QUEEN PUBLItHUM CO. (LlnlM), PROnUBTOBa GEO. W. EEIL, HlRlOD. BATDRDAT. NOVEHBEB .1, ISM. RATES. ADVXBnBBianiTB. Twaiif euta ptf Ubi^ H*K Irp* Bwnn; •;•« 01 o» iD<h tu> latk HuBtltn. A Mnelluied) p« out u •Uov«d oa adnttlinMfill wb«a pftU (or Uino mootM Id tdruM^ ud OD adTortlMnoott BMfBTlac UP UnM or Don BDBSOBIFTION. OMToar.lfi ■drufio,14:ilxmooUu,>l:cfaroaBoalhl, ronlfD pofUfO onn. na|]«eop[M,UetBti«lob. ODB TBBM8 IBS OABB, THR OUrPBE la unM otoit WMMidu nonlsK. tko wb. uth u4 iMb (idTttuioii pHM 00 TO mm ON MONDAT, tai Iko Klh, IMuI olbw t<|M oa TDEIOAT, The Forms Olodng PrompUy at 4 F.IC n«uo molt br opna mosoy ortor, chtok, P. 0. or- d«r or rofflf tor*] Utttr, ADDRtSS ALL COMMUNICATIONS For Ui« Edilsrtal or Ui* BaolnoH DepulmcBt to THE NEW YORK CUPPER, r. 0. Boi ILHM, or OLtrrBB BDODIlia, a Ud (0 Ooolfo BtiMt, How Tork. Id EniUnd—Tia Oupns eon bo obUlotd. wholoiolo ODd roliJI, of oor uwu, Bnlth, AlnoUo A Oo^M Now- eaitloBimt, Bmu. Id rrueo— Tbd OLimtlooD foloot Bfoatoao'i oowl dapot, 17 Aracot do J'OpoiOt raria. tr TUB) HBW VUIIK OLIPPBB Jiab- llahaa OBl|r oma odlUoB, sad tkmi la dmtod mm ITaw Yorla*^]^ QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES BY MAIL OR TELEGRAPH. AoDBBHaaoawaaiiuBooiaifOTOiTn, AuiaQnat or iuoa taoffbo vaira to Taoaa waoa taai naa, la UHorTHBCUI'PERroarOnua Au Latnaa wiu, aaiDTaanaaooaa VBHi OBLY. Ir vmb aom or abt rauTauii* ooapivr u aovoar, Raraa fo cub uar or Booraa OR AHorBBB rAOB. WBOAnaoraavDaoona at BAIL oa rBLaaBArfl. TIIBATRIUAL. Atdliti, rhIlailclphlB.—YoDr act BhoDld be wortli oM DDmlrad dollarB ptr weok Id a flret claaa TandOTlUe hotue, and you might obtalo UiatBuni, or itrj Dear It, with a rond coiDpanj, lodepoDdeot of jonr inDBponaUoD. FlAjlDg dat4ss ;ou woald, ol coDno. n; jonrrallroad rarea. W, a., Il«d uloud.—Yon will Ond It advltable to adjuat (BO lenglb to Uio bIu ot Ibo alage. It Bhould b« from nnooB foot upward botwcon nupporta. UiiBLO.—To oonipfr with jour requefli would Boceaaliau oar glviug wholcule Kmtiiiioua advcr UilBg. liuatoiiii, BL Ixiula.—1. Wo know of bu work Bnon tho aubjeci. You might, however, wldnjiw W. A. I'OBd, U UbIoo Bquaro, Uila city. 1. The team would get from forty dollaia mr week opwardi aecordlpguiAiilllty. a. There la nodeniaud for a oomet aoloiat upvo tho aiaiic, nnlesa the per former la of widely recogolied Riililty. 0. B. II., WaablDgtoD.—We cnoDol Infono you of tbe return dais ot tho compiioy. Watrli our route oolnmua. U. U., Uarlem. — Wood'a (lymeaalum, o Kaat TweDiy-elghUi Btreet, thl> olty. y. H. h., bu l.oul>.—Addreaa letter Id caroof Tub (iLirrBR. II. U, It.—Addreaa lonor «i WelllDgloD Htroel, Biraod, W. 0., London, Kng, 11. M.—We have no reo«nt Intelllgenco from the company. Watob our route coiuiun, however, aud In the meanUrae addteeaUio purty In our care. 0. W., MemphlB.-tUiadnoD, Miller t Uiaue. Boo Bdf ertliemeDt elaowhero. L. U. U., OUiey.—1. Wo cannot ailvlao yeu how to aeenre an engagetDont, uor do wo tutvUe you to adopt a ataio career, 'i. Krt(iueuUy. 3. Nut nadlly. 4. So. y. J,. Ooboea.—1. About tendollara. i. Wo never famlan Intonnailon oouueruing tho relUblllty ot managera or agenu. W, D. U.JR., Halolgb.—Uonaldaun'a nulde, pnb- llabed by W.u, UonaldaoD,01nelunatl,u., will give the dealrcd iBtorDBtlou. • 1>. K., BL I'Bul.-Wedonotkuow the whcreaboula ot the pkttlca, ao advlao you tu addreaa Icllor In ouroate. Pbrfomibb, rhiladelphla.—1, You can iiae your ranlon without hlnurucv, as there Is no copy- right wllb wblob It oan oonoloi. 2. We do not know who baa the paper, a. Poaalbly Oily dollara per week. M. W., uirmlughMn.—Kono that wo know of. A. L.—You are loo young to tie employed by a olroua eonpany. K. B„ rialBB.—1. Addreaa Lyon A llealy, Oblesgo. 2. Twenly-flve dolbtra iwr weelc. u. Yes. J. II., novldenoe.—To« party la, wo believe, playing dMoa. .Addreaa letter In uare ut Tub ULirrBK. Lbiuii, Jeney Uliy.—l. Wo know of no one do- ing the act. 1. ' Yea. a. It U. 4, Twenty-dvo dollara per week. B. L-, Toronto.—We have not hoard of tho ooni- puny. A IIBiDBi.—1. Prehslily lltty dolhtra per week. 1. Hlicou to twenty dollara per week. P. It. 1)., liidUuapolta-—1. You ahouM aeek a po- BlUon u llthoamplirr with amluBlral abiiw, or any combliMtlun tnitt bllla largely, and tnua gather ex- perience. 1. The "ada" would eoit ft and 11.40 roapecilvely. J. II., Mt. I'ulaakl.—We bave no oorrospondent In that town. V. U. I,., la J unia.—Addreaa Knuik Uunont, lu canolTuxUuiTBH. W. Pateraou-—There la no demand whatovor. w. B., UlnclDn»il.-Wo do not know the iwrllca. Addroia lotiera lu care «t Tiib ui.irrBH. K. U. U., IVirUiiioutb.—Watch our route lUU J. J.r.—K, H. Bucet,4S Urooka Biretit, Ilarttoid, Ct. J. II., I'blhtdelpbla.-Wo have uo knowledge of the party. H., IMdge.-r. T. lUmum died April 7, im. J.H,, lllaliig Biar.—We have rocvlved uo Intelli- gence of I4ie death of the party. U. v., ruilAdolpbla.—Wo uoTor turnliOi lofomia- Uon coucomluR the reliability of iiuuageiB. Our own deallnga with the party In queoUon have alwayi been aatltraotary, ). U., Waterbury;—The law aim atandi but la i:ot enforced. 0. F. W., KonllMid.-tVrlto to T. II. KWnoh, 2S Weat Twoniy ihlrd Btreol, tbia olty, fur catalogue of playa. r, II., BU Iioult.—1. The play le not pnbllo prop- erty, 'i. A pnuted play cau only be uord without pormlialon when the i^onla "all righta reeervcd" do nut apiioar upon the llllo imgo. 9. We think not. K.A., Krlc-Shedldnot. J. L. 11., Helena.—Wo cannot poaltlvely decide tho dliputo, but have rcaaou to bclluve the party la the uriglaal Uilud Toiu. J. a B.—KranolB wiiaon pUyotl Outntnx In Ibo original pruduetiun of "Krmliilo" at ilio Uaaino, In thla elly. Fred Bolouon waa not In the oaau CAIIDS. WaoxaocBrr.-You cannuL The dcuoiulnatlon of a bnlld In caaaluo cannot be changed except from a oard played from the hand, couacqneouy you could not employ the douco on tJio ublo to luerraao the bolld. J. J. H., Ueinphli Haeh player wanting but one to git, tbu parly holding high wina tno game, not- withaiandliig that hla opponent bid three and iiMde them In play. High latva prtredeuca In value of overything olte In all caaea. A. N. S., JoxoD ^Tho game waa won by the player holding Jack, game, aa he wanted but two poluta, while his opponent hail throe to go. The former'a cards took pnteedcnoe In tank of pcdni. W. 8. U.,New Vork.-liBch nuu having taken two Oban ceo, tnelr second ibrow could noi have boon conalderedatlifuwoiTof the tie un unloas they mulnaliy agrred to so make It, nud conwnnonlli A, who tbivw M. was entitled to ihe priio, aa he oau to his credit the bigbeat throw during the actual ralUe. u. A.O., Balem.—Indrawpoker, the player who opena a jackpot, and no other player aiaya In, la not required to Bhow more than epeneia or better. J. B., Memphis A, who Is six points, wanting but one to go, and drala and turns up Jack,goes ou^ list, notwithstanding that U, who baa two to make, boidi high and low. The Jack count* aa soon aa turned. A. L. 8., New Tork.—The dealer IB vrreng. The eldest band leads to tb« Iral trick. F. K., Omsba.—In asTen op, when tb« cards are nn and card turned up iboold be of theaame aolt as the original tmmp, the dealer mait mn the carda until the suit la changed; or, falling that, Bhould theaame suit be tarnea until the cards run out, then the cards mnst be bnnolied and dealt anew. r. F. Il„ Brooklyn.—In the ftme ot enehre only the party who saaumes leaponalblllty or the imisp, by either taklngit np.oideiing It np or making It, can play alone. TopiayoihOTWlsefs not the game of euchre. A egchra connu two points only. II. K. II., Uhlcaga—n* esUmaied odds against a noibare wi to l, and agalnit aatialghiSM to], those against nuing a tour straight and a four Hush being proDonionate. J. 0., Loulavlllo.-B, Having bnt one point to nako, and holding low, went out before A, with blah and game, and having two to go. U. U. P.-At Blxty-Blx, when ue talon Is ex- hauated, or after tbetrompbaabeen tamed down, ault ranat bo followed, oiherwiae tnmped, and a player muat uke the trick It he can. At the com- mencement of the (ame the non dealer Icada and may play any card In bU band, and the dealer may play to ft any card he pluses, without reatricllon uto ault or value, the BlgheBtcard ot Iheanltied winning the trick, except that tnunpa beat In- ferior suit*. OABKBALL. OBIOKBT, HTC, 0. II. 8., Ralllmorr.—Yon win. John llaUold played left Held for the Cincinnati Rede In 18«a, and ■'Andy'i Leonard tiled the aama poalUon tor that team In lue and laio. J. lu, Urooklyn.—A mamen over In cricket Is the llTS or all halls altemaiely delivered by each bowler, oil wbloh no mnj bave been made by bat- Ung. K B. W. Toronto.-It Is a draw. ATHI<BTIO. U. B. W., Jameetown—While the patty referred to has the repniatlon of ttalog an experienced and HccoDullsned swordsman, be haa no claim on the title 01 ebamplon awordsman ot the Ualied Stales, nor, ao far as we know, ob that ot any other coon- try.Wa do not know tbe alleged expert from Lnck- now, India. BILLIARDS, POOL, ETC. II. J. L., Newporu—The Bmnawlok-tlslke-Collen- der Co., ot this city, will mmlah any Inlormailon you may itqalie. lURO. X. r./,., Newark.—The maximnm limit ot mld- dluwalghi, according to the regular prize ring code, la iMIb. a. w, U., Ulnueapolls.—The Sght between James J. Uorbeti and Pciier Jaekaon Tu Ban FrBuelseo, Ual., was decided "No contcat" by the properly con- Blltuled anlliority, the referee, whose decialon helda good. Had It been a diaw,then each principal would have been entitled to one-half ot the purse contended for. In that conteat apeolal mles, made by the club, governed. P., Fhlladelphla—Bd. Bmlih waa defcnted In live ruooda by Peter Jaokacn In a glove conteat at Obi caao, III., May IB, 1890. OOKBTSKT ItBlDBR, POOtla.-WbCh Jobu 0. neenan and Tom Bayen tought In Rngland the American weighed niilb, and uio British champion leaa than lOllb, but tlie lattcr'a exaot weight waa not known. T. II., (lolncy.—We cannot answer positively at preatul, but will endeavor to do ao In our next liuiiie- J. B., Inillanapolls 1. Ho haa not. 2. We never licaM tliat ihero waa illinouliy In securing bla olicilunce while In training. J. U. a , (luliiuy.—SCO answer to 'T. B." A4tVATIV. H. U. K., Uadtaoo.—Addreaa J. Q Qaudaor, Oeorge 11. Iliiamur, Oonrge Lee, Wallace Itius, Fred Plat- eted and Kllla Ward, In care ut this ortlce. All are capable men, and one or more of them may he at iliioriv. K. K. U., Kukorao.—When tho wind la nlioamt When nailing dead before the wind the boat rune away from lis full force. HISUELLANEOV8. (I. II. r. p.. New Ynrk.-Tlie bet aianda at $300 In tliM In any ease, ahonid D win, he cau claim but tlOO from A, and anould the latter accept U'a Offer and tell, llie hutor would not be out of pocket mora than $an. U. J. L. H., Kansas.—The qoeatlon having been left 10 the decMon ot Ibo Secretary ot the Treuury, and the repreaenbktlve of that oitlclal having decided In favor of oneot the naruca to the bet, the opposite party to ihc wager la In honor bound to ablin by aald declsloD. AH OLn IteiDBH, Oulcago.—The Sixth Avenue elevated road was conttmoted before the Tlilrd Avenue. llBsnsR, (JInolnnail.—We have no knowledge whstsver of the fUnlly. J. T. M., Philadolpbla—Thla b a plan ot certain amngere who merely tnnaerlbe a melody and charge a much larger sum when thoy harmenlBe the composition for publication. SuBaoiiiBBU, woonaookfU—The article mentioned la UBOd for laundiy nnrpoaea. M, U. J. Jr., New York.—The beat rccntd tor atay- Ing under waur Is 4in. m.Us., by Janra Finney, In l/ODdon, Kng., In lewi. BeopagoaeorTnBOurrBR ANKuii.tnritM. A. K., Brooklyn.—Would advlae you to address Tlir Tur/. yina ana Famt, this oily. J. w.—If you will utODilon the year we will eu' doavor to give you the Information yon are In BBtrch of, L. u. S., JackBonTlllo.-Nowadaya It la the rule In tniiilug horaealioea to place tour nallson each side. Tbo oxoopilon Is In oase a horse tua a oom or almi* lar attecilou, when. Id order to relieve bim, three nails only are placed on one aide ot the toot and two placed In the toe. WHEELING. More Amatewr Violations. The Hacing board of the League of American Whoelmeu, atthoir last meeting, examined a num- ber of caaea of repotted violations ot the amateur rule, the result ot tbelr Investlgatluiitand dellbera- llous being given herewith. The toltowliig men In Olsa.a A are declared to bo In Clasi B, In conse- quence ot their having rendered ihemselTes no longer eligible to corapele In Olats A mces: U. Urocklngton, Jamestown, N. v.; A. W, Itlchards, Tlonnia, IV.; A. N. Osgood, Unullon, He.; J. L. Parka, Falrdeld, Ho.; 0. L. Brown, 0. L. Bmltb. L. W. Sullivan, (^Hrihon, He.; W. Wagner, Mount Ver- non; A. W. Trueblood.Veuintl Ulty, la.; K. Qiaodlo Marlon and J. Pitkin, Viola, la. Tho following men have been aiaiiendod from track racing for tour muntha: F. Kdmonda, Hatla- wan, N. J., and 0. Oktrk, Biorm King, N. Y. H. Van Uoren, 1.0. Palmer, I. Ilrlesnack, NT Ohapraan, K. Ilavlland, II. Blearn^ U. Morris, It. Pctrle, W. lltlleck, F. II. Connolly, F. Jones, F. naxlngton and K. Van liuren have been aiiapeaded for alxiy days tor competing In nnsanotloned races. The following aaDollona for record trials have been allowed: The Paelllo Coast Itanibler team, at iM Angelea, nntil Nov. 13; iluaker city Wheelmen, at Hivorton. N, J., on Oou -il; Springfield Bicycle Club, unui Not- 1». For violauous of ciMs A rales 0. A. Maxwell, WluQold, Kan.; W. H. Poltlgaw, Weat Newton, Uaaa.; 0.1). Smith, New York City, and W. Tbaek- alory, Fort Worth, Tex,, have iwen placed In ChuaH. The board also announce their acceptance of the following eUlmcd records: Halt uille, dying alan, -Mccil, Mt.; halt mile, flying alan, paced, U>aa; vo-lhlida ut a mile, Iin. llSa. Tncte rocoidawere m»lo by J. S. JohnacD. Tho quarter mile aiandlng teeurd, unpaoed, ot J. W. (>unpbell, of Spokane, »Sa IloBil Hetfavda OniitB, The Century KaaA Club ot America last week announced the aoceplanco ot the toUowIng minor reoordi clalrawl for road riding: IL r. liMrl^ RootrMd, lll, BD mllaa, Ith. 9m., Ana. t, \m llllnolaBlaUnennl. J. A. PalllUrr, Oiuniaa, la., 10 Dlla^ 9>. Slai., July U 191. lowaKltIa ncunl tv R. raru>ai>. Una, (I., U aillaa. nm. SSa., July 4. ML 0hlo8ut«r«conl. T. K Jnwa, Halt Uta City, Ulab, 101 mllaa, tb ISO., II1L 17,194. Vl«h Tarrttdrr ratord. F. W. XnaalaiKl. Brraouaa, N. v.. 10 mlla^ Ifoi. eoa, e«pL tl 1(41. Naw York Ktala rMord. Alfta] U. SinlUi aid A. L. nitochL Htldaa, Haaa, Boaion to Chloaso, 1 IBS iQllaa, 110. IBi., Bapu S to S4, 'W. R. A. Oialli, Rk Loala, Ho., 10 mtlta, Bn. 41a, May 191. MiMourl 8ul« r^id. A. Ii. rrenta, Umaha, Hah., It mllsa, 4tiii. JBKa, Joa* It. 191 Mlaa4iQrlBUt«l*0Dp1. _ A. L* Jaal. Bn*, PL, D mllaa, lb. tm. leai. Rapt t, ItN. NoeaylTaalaaiata aacoid. J. A. Waavar, Bt.Loau,Mo,SLLonb(otla Bots and nuire,Bi)Billat,Mi.,o<l. r, 194. Coatat raeoid. JOHIfSOil'B FART PBUFOBBfAHCB, He Hidea One Mlle,Strmlgli<awBy, Id Ian, 35 ii-9a,, at BnCralo. The'cycling traiemlty were atariledon Tbntsday, OcL 26, when they received the announcement by telegnph that the hero ot many wondertol achieve- ments, John 8. Johnson, the Western 'cyclist, bad ridden one mile, paced, from a Hying Btart, In the wondettnl time ot Im. liKs. This wuslightly bet- ter ibsn the tutest performance tor the distance by a rannlBg horse, In im. 3SXs., accompllahed by Saivator on a atialgbtaway iriick at Monmouth Park, some yean ago, IB a trial against time, Themaklng of the aatsnlahlDg ride Is described ss follows, to- gether wllb the ctrcomitanees under wblcb It waa done. "The weather was not anapldoua for fast riding, and hnndreds ot persona who had planned to tea tba trial staved awaj, expecting that It would be postponed, Hain fell at Iniervals ot halt an hour all the morning. The Tonawanda Boulevard, however, wta found to be In excellent condition at 4 e'niock, and Johnann decided to make the trial. The boole- vard la laid with a brick paTemeni, which bad been awept perfectly amooih, so then wonid be no dan- ger ot pnnclnrlng a tire. The wind waa very cold and blew right down the course, so that Ihe rlden would have had to face It it they followed the phtn adopted. The eourae was, therefore, reversed, which placed the wind at tbelr bacls. This made the Bist quarter ot the course down hill, the second aDarter np hlU at about the aame Incllee, and the iltd and fonrth quarten companilrely level. "Johnson snd hia wbcehi wen takes to thestart In a carriage. Ho wore black tlghta and two black aweal«tS| and the American nag nnttered from bis wslsU He weighed laa ponuds. The qnadmnlet teaiD, which was to make the pace, consisted ot 0. n. Oallaban flist, W. A. Seavey second, Patrick O'Connor third, and W. A. Rhodes tonrth. The tiarter was T. J. 8ayles,and the timers wen: At the Btart, John Qonrley and T. Mayo; flrat quarter, T. W. Eck: tecood qnarur. A, I). Kennedy and P. Bbeehan; third qoarter, 0. R. Moiphy and U. R- Btemtou; flnlsh, w. A. Loti. The Indges at the fInUb were W. X. Stark, F. Bryan snd B. Vsn Vel- tor. It was a mat'er ot tome regret afterward that more dmekeepeiB had not been alailoned along the line, ao that there eonid be more contrmatlon ot the time. Anelectrical timing arrangement was pro- vided, however, and by this melbed eaoli quarter traa cheeked at both start and llnlsh, so that there can be no donbt ot the acenraoy ot the time. "Johnson mounted his wheel at 4.46 o'clock, snd rode halt a mile hack of the starting tape. The qnadmplet started from thu point at a lively pace, wlthJobnaon hugging Ihe hlud wheel and rfdlng witb apparent eaae. The five ridere dashed over the tape with the nportot aplatol, Johnson hipping on the "quad." They were going at a terrible clip. The arst;qoarter was covered In illis.; thU was ihe down grueqnarter. In theaecond quarter, which was uphill, Johnson pedalled the dlihince In KKt-, making the half In Then the rlden atrnck the level coone, and witb Johnson urging Ibe quad, men on they nude tbo third quarter m fuat2&t. Calla- han and Beavcy showed the eatets ot the terrible pace In this quanor, and slowed np a Utile. The pace Id the stretch was wonderfully fast, and when uo men In theqoadrnplet oioeaed the line Johnson was not a toot behind the bock wheel, and was riding eaally. Tho omclal time for the mile was im. Wit., although one timekeeper made Itlm. 35s. The last quarter was made In 23;(s." (Betore accepting this sa a genuiDO performance, worthy ot beTng pUced among the records. It la necesaary Ihat absolute proof be produced as to the corrcctneas of the timing and the trueneaa ot the conrae. From appearances It would seem that the course Is not one that, with Its up and down grades, can be considered a perfectly fair one, and until this doubt Is eettled In favor ot the performer It would be unjust to give him credit for the other- wise moat phenomenal scblevemenu It must also be taken Into consldentlun Ihat the rider had the wind alrongly with him threughoot the distance, which tact, of conrae, made consldenMe dloerence In the speed or the performer.— Bd. Clip.] On the 27th the eelebrated team of Dulblo tandem ridon, Mayo and Saunden, a pair of young bnt very speedy nianlpulatora ot that machine, uled tbelr bands and feet over the same coorse, and were credited with creating fresh Umea for the mile, which they made In three seconds faster time than the pravlous record boldere for the mile on Ihat type of 'cycle, F. J. Tuns and L. D. Cabanne, Ira. eia., accomplished at Minneapolis, Minn. The trial Is thus reported locally: The youngaten were paced tor half a mile by Murphy, Callahan and Ken- nedy on a triplBL They got away to a good start and reached the quarter In UHt; the bait In W.<ia., tbo mile In Im. 4ts. There wsa a strong wind blow- ing today, wblcb made the couise at least three teconda slow. The triplet team named above then went an unpaced mile, but could do no better than im. 64s., the pacing of tbo tandem team having llnd them onu Tnetr time by quarten was aos., 64s., im. 23s. and im. 64s._ Fresh RMonia In Knglanil. Tho Inflexible Club, ot London, Eng.,onOcUl3, held tbelr annoal twelve houra' race, for which there wen fourteen etarten, and the reault ot which was a contldsnble Improvement on former records for path riding. The race took place on the iraok ot the Putney Athletic Oioh, fourteen ridere anawering the call of the starter, tho principal abaentee ot tho twonty-seven entries being tho onck, 0.0. Rldgtway, who did not feel In condi- tion for a hot struggle witb ibe other long dltlauce riders, whom ho wasaware he wooid be called upon to meeu During the aeventh hour, or In tho laiih mile. Hunt worked ahead of the records, heading the exIsilDg dgurea by a traoUon over 6m. at tho termination ot tho I3«lh mile. At 160 miles Hunt beaded the record by 6m. its. In the elghib hour be tell oiTagain, and was only 4m. 3Qa. abead of re- cord at lei miles- He had been 7m. lOs. In trout of record at one time—the I6ath mile. Watson got a tall In the ninth hour, and Hunt lost oonsidcnble leeway at thla auge ot tho nee. He waa but 3m. ahead ot record at the IBTth mile, From thlsont he Sadually gained on the eoylbe bearer, and beat e beat previous record by 2 miles 67 yards. This WBs made by A. 0. Waltera, In tho Anchor Shield race, Sepu 21, lasu The beat pravlous record ou the Putney Imck was 261 miles 1,710 yarda, made by J. T. Hudbam on SepL 10, ao that Hnnt boats this perfonnance by a milea ±17 yards. Inoldenial with this rece,several tandems started out to ealabliau new Baurea tor that apeelea ot ma- oblne. A. E. 8. Oralg and W. Studor were tho Drat Stir. Tney made 23 mllee 6M yards In the drat our. They rode over fonv-tlx miles In the two honn, as did Hamilton and Walton. The latter went ahead ot the record at Qfiy-ono miles, made In 111, 13m. 36\s. Oralg and Studor did neatly elghiy-seven miles In four hours, and one hundred and eight miles In Ave hours. In six houn they did I2em. SDOyda lu seven houn one hundred end forty-three miles were done, and in eight bonn they did lejra. 1,370yds.; nine honn, one hundred and eighty-four mllof; ten hours, ons hundred snd ninety-nine miles; eleven hours, 217m. l,3;oyds. All their miles from the dtty.flratnow term records, SB there wore no auiheullu dgttres existing prior to their attempu Tbe potluona ot ibe Bret hau doien riders, with the dltunce ridden by each, wore as follow: a. UuDL bicycle, 2Mm. 177yds.; T. U, Brooks, bicycle, zlSm. anyds.; A. E. 8. Uralg and Studor,tandem bicycle,23am. i,2e8yds.; J.Jones, blnycle, is-jm. 243yds.; H. Cole, bloyole, 230m. 303yds.; W. 0. Watson, hloycle, nam, Tyler's Latest ArhleTement. Itariy 0. Tylar aocompltahaa anoUiar woDdartnl tier fomiaoce at tba Watlhaoi, Han., track, oa Salonlar alUisooa, Orl. 27, rlilluii a tvcad mllii, Inin a Btloi atan, to Im. *S\i, wbkh uiuat M ial,d a aoparlor par litniiaoeato ihatof J. a JohoaoD In rldiox a aljs<iilit- anar mlla oo Uioroaaraaila Bou'vian), at Uatlalo, K. v.. lu tin. .UHa. aapaolally aa a pan of tba lallareoutva la Ooantiill, and lime aeeompliahrd upon It nay fono a raconl. Tua saaUiar had b««a uolaTorable for l«o dara pr«c«dlua tba trial, pravaDllos hlm laltioa tha oa«eiaarr pralltDluair pwlic*. which cIrenmalaDea adda to ma fieallauMol the parloniianoa. Tvlar had baaa ridlns ao aaally thai llta^niBd bardtj eradlbia when lhr«« watchaa losiatarad Im. ItSa. tor lha tliriie-,)aaitani, cna and on*, fllu aaeooda railnr Itian Johuaiin'a prerlwua world'a rtcun). Ooaa tlia homaatraloli ha cama with lha aama aaay motloD. aida by alda with Iho Umdara. In Im. iSVa.. oDo and lvo.flltli aaconda futar than Ihe Dilla ot Ulto Zainr. at Saoranianln. Tha oflklala aara: RafarM J. ('.. Karrlaoo: Jud|««, Uoorso 1.. Bulllrao. A. K. PM-k. and Cbarlea II. Liowlo; ilmari, Waltar 0. Baaaor l'halrall.Htti,aiidA. r. II. Emarvn. "^-a^'. rnd M. Uaiimu' and II. u. wlUlaoia, Uit Wallham uudaoitaaiu, fullhrao Claa« A laodam raconJa lower Ihaa lha prar loua world'* roconla Thar ware paoad lor two-tbinJahrlMlahan, Wianar aad Uowa oq a triplet, and cat lha drat quartar Id MHa-. a uaw world'a raeoid. Thar roacliad Iba Iblnl lu S&H^< aaolhar world'a record. Thar raada lha half id Si.S'., twolbllda In Im. I3\a, Uit«»quart«ratnlm Sa.,and lhemtlalDlm.USa,uiatr thlid world'a racord. Accoanisa to a dUpateh from Uecatnr, 111., two records were made there on OcL 26, Ur. 1. A. Brown riding a quarter mile, flying attrt, in 33>it., and 0. P. Bemhaidt and R. t. Ooeta riding one-tblrd ot a mile nnpaeed, on a tandem bicycle In 3]>is. ACCORDINO TO A DIBTATOT flOm BU jMlM, Ho.. Bert Harding, a clever Wtstem rider, rode one hundred mlloson the Fair Qionnds traok, Oet.24, In 4h. 37m. MMs., which Is better than the reoord made by Prank Redway, a Oaoadlan, wheelman, which was 6h. im. 12Kb. 0. A. Maxwell, It Is also staled, rode three nulea attheetme pUce and on the aame day. la 7m. 6Ks., which. It correct, ate beats John B. Johnson's record ol 7m, 16s. Neither alleged performance has aa yet been authenticated, 'OTOLiBr Biaau, who set ont from Oblcsgo, III in an attempt to ride to New York In Ave days am llfteen honn, arrtved hen at 12.16 r. h. on Ocu 23, having occupied six dsys, seven honn and thinv minutes In completing the dlstsnce. He would have done oetter nsd he not had tbe 111 luck to mn over a dog at DUca, N. Y., which accident occa; Binned a delay of aeTenl boon lor repain to man and wheel. The canine, we nndentand, was not sc- rionily Injured. AXTBiw A. ZiHMBRHiN WBS to havs Sailed from Havre, Fnnce, for New York, on Tuesday, OcU 30, the day Tea Ourrxa went to press. He comes to partlolpale In the coming profeaslonal and ama- tenr tonrney at Madison Bqnan aarden, this city, daring Thanksgiving Week, In which the cnck riden ot Uio world, of both cUstts, are expected to compete. UouBBH,the Belgian rider, who detested A A. Zimmerman In Fnnce, shonly after the UiKer's anivBl abroad. Is tald to have reeenUy fallen and fractured his leg, which accident will prevent bUn being a participant In the Thanksgiving week ton^ namont, St Hadlson Square Osrden, this city. This Is parilcnUrly nnfonunate, not only tor nunselt. bnt tor the managera ot the tonrney, as be would have been one ct the bright, pattlcniaratare ot the allMr. Tea Kbbkoh UtnoH brought off their one kilo- metre road race at Paris, Sunday, 0«u 14, when the Tsry large number of 4S6 men came to tbe post, out of wblcti number 2B6 completed tbe century. M. Brecy finished Ont, comnletlnif the Journey hi ah, 18m. Ko prizes were oiiered, but each competitor who covered the dietance Inside six honn received 'The 'Oycllsts' Diploma" from the U. V. 0. ATHLETIC. Aiaong tbe Leather Klchers, The result ot the football gamca played In dinei^ entpsris of the country during the past week are herewith enmmarlzcd: Oct. 2i-Pttncelon CoUega beat Lehigh Dnivonlty, 32 to 0, at Princeton, H. J.; Lafayette College defeated Bvnrthmore, 4a to 0, at Eaaton, Pa.; Havertord beat HaddonOeld, 40 to 0, at Uavertord College, Pa. Oct 2a-0nlverelty of Pennaylvania beat Unlvenlty ot Virginia, 14 to a, at Washington, D. 0. Oct 3T—Uatrard Unlvenlty beat Cornell Uolvenltv, 22 to 12, at Sliubatlan Field, New York, this being the flret big college match ot ihe season In ths metropolis, and It at- tracted a good sized crowd, bnt one thst failed to to equal the expectations ot the mansgen, whils the axeellent showing made by ths Oornelllans sur- prised the friends ot the (Abridge playen; Yale College beat West Point Udets, 12 to 6 (Captain HInkey, or Yale, being abaent, and the team being otherwise weakened), at West Point, N.Y; Unlver- slty of PennsylTanIa beat Naval Academy cadets, 13 to 0, Annapolis, Ud.; Princeton CoUege heal Volf nteen, ot New York, 34 to 0, at Princeton, N. J.: Orescent Athlello anh bew Ratgere College, 2n to o, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Onngo AthleUo Club beat Lrhlgb Dnlverelty. 14 to 0, at Orange, N. J.; Wlu- lams CoUege beat Dnion Cullsge, 4 to a, at Albany. N. Y.: Montclalr Athletic Clob and Irving Field Club, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., played without either being able to aeon, at Montclalr, N. J.; South Orange F. 0. beat PaBsalo A. 0 , 4 to a, at South Orange, N. J.; College ot the Olty ot New York beat New York Dniversliy, 13 to q, at New Tork; Cleve- land A. 0. and Arilngton A. (]., a to a, at Orange, N. J ; New York Y. U. O. A, beat Oiange Y. M. 0. A., 10 to 4, at Weat Orenge, N. J.: BeloltOollege beat Rosh Medical, 24 to 13, at Belolt, Wis.; Wabash beatln- dUna Unlvenlty, 4a to o, at OrawfordsvlUe,Ind,; Iowa College beat 8L Louis Pastimes, 13 to 0, at Orlnnell, la.; BnUer Unlvenlty beat Rose Foly- technlo, at Tern Haute, Ind,; Illlnola State Dtat and Dumb Institute beat Illinois College, It to a; Unlvenlty ot Minneapolis beat Purdue Unlvenlty, 24 to a, at Minneapolis, Minn.; Chicago Ath- letic Asaedatlon beat University ot wrscontln, le to 4, at Chicago, III.; Iowa State Unlvenlty and Unlvenlty or ODlcago tied on 18, at Chicago, III.; Washington and JelTeraon College tied with Oberlln C»llege, neither scoring,atWasulngton, Pa,; Pitts- burg A. 0. beat Allegheny A. A, a to 4, at Pitts- burg, Pa.; Unlvenlcr ot Mltslsslppl beat Univer- sity ot Alsoama, a to a, at Jackson, Miu.; BU John's College beat Maryland Agrlonlluial College, 3a to a, at Annapolis, Md.; Boston Athletic Assoclallon and Ambent College played a tie game, neither Bide scoring, st Boston, Mats,; Elizabeth A. 0. beat Oermantewn A. C, aa to 4, at Elizabeth, N. J.; Flushing A. 0. beat Metropolitan Life Insniance Company, 18to 0,atnnshlnjrL.I.; TrinityOoUege beat Polytechnic Insutute ofworcesler,l(aa8.4too, at UarUotd, Ou: Peddle Instluiie beat Princeton, ta, 18 to 11, at Ulgbiatown, N. J.; CapU Bieoken- rtdge, of the Princeton ttun, was carried from the held nnconsolous. Ocu 28—Wolf Tone beat Meagher, 8 lo 2, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Ultchela beat O'Briens, 2 gcali and ssven pelnta to o, Brooklyn, N. Y.; AUanUo AthleUe Club beat Newtown Ath- letic Club, 4 to 3, Brooklyn, N. Y.j Tarana beat Bhamnck, of Hobokon,N. J., 14 to 4, Bay Ridge, L. I, The Harrard Gamea, The annual Fall sports of tho athletes ot Harvard Cnlverelty wore held at Holmes' Field, Oambrldge, Hate., on Friday afternoon, Oou 2«, the events n suiting u follow: One Auiidnd Fonfrrva —Won t>y F. H. Blgalow. aentcb; M L. EaiaD.Srda. aaooDd. Tlma, NUa. <hu Auadrrd and tiaeiuy porda Aardb nut.—Wea by T. Unaroa, aciaicb; P. Haaoa. tyda, aacODd. TIma, mt 1*0 mllo etCBMa fu«.-Won by W. R. BuDoliarbeff, tOyda.: D. B. Bitdlaa Jr., saoyda,, tecoad. Tlm^ 6m. oaa mill watt.-WoD byjDilntStaaob. 9a.; 0.0. Daw, aontch. aecoad; a W. nlulpt, (ha., thiid. Tln^ 7m. Oae mile nia.—Woo by r. 0. elDoklay, Blyda; 0- B. Itaniaut, Hyda., aaconl; II. T. Bacon, logyda, third. TImfl. im su. ^ CfpM AuniriTd aad rtoMp fordr rvn.—Woo br 0 W, Ccawlay, lOyda.; U. EmanoD, Vyda, tacoDd. Tlm^ am. Sa. /bur Auadrvd dnd Jhrts aoitfa nm.—Woa by J. 0. Rica, HM"''.•{■. J S^kar. aftda, ittoDd; W. H. HanaaeM, lords, thinl. Tlnia.6tHa ffumfap Mph jaBp.-WoD by J. H. AbboU, tlo.. halsbt MulOXIa.: A.btiMnar, iklD.. aecoad, tllljtln.; W.B- niniap lih i/m.-Wod by B. B. riark, ut.. tan gia.; S:.Ji SfJ! "«■• "'<■ 610.; E. klalD, ut! inini, tsit. SID. ...1»»'Dla« lt» toBiBKr.-'Won by W. D. llaDDao, loll, tOIILTin.; B. U. Clark, an.aeuud, lollt ilD.; U. B.B. JobDalon^ aoiatcb, third, 97fc. Bio. Dacon Again ■ Winner. . Tba rataire Diatcb batwaao P. B. Baeoo, amataor oham- pion of Boglaad, and J. J. Haltao, champloa of Iralaod, ava mllaa, cama off at tha BallahrMse track, near Dob- llD,Iia.,)>D Octm Oiaat iDiaraat wu lakan Id lha niatch Id both couatrloa ircm tba tact that Id lhair pr«. Ttoua coolaa*, at foor mllaa, BacoD waa ratoraad tba wlDocr. whlla Id a aabtWDaDt nwetlDf at Balfaal tha Iriibmao'BDUbad tbaad, bo bolos to iwoatpl ot aa aUow- aat*. HulloD want M tbe frontal oac*,aoil mtda oasrlr allcharuODtDg-balBaooDwaaalwayawltblaatrlklsadla taaea, aad when lha ball raag ba movad ap lo lha irlah. man. WbaDlbaplDcheamathaEoRllahchuiploadnfw olaar away. HnftaD boos on for a tima. bat aaaad np whao ha aaw paranit waa bopalaia, aod Bacoo romped Id SD eaay wiaoar Id Om. BIKa. Tbb Loa AKOBLxa (Cu.) ATnumo CLtmwlu hold their annual Fall open anutenr field meeting on Thankeglvlog afternoon, Nov. 28, when the fonow- ing evenie an announced tor decision: looyds. novice race, lOOyds., 2aiyds.,snd 44ayilB. runs,open; throwing the hammer, miming high Jump, ana the foUowlDg bloyole evente-One mile, novice; halt mile and two miles, CIsas A; aod one mile and three miles. Class B. Anyone breaking a coast record will receive a special gold'medsT, and the regular prizes sre wsU wonh contending for. The entrance fee Is fixed at one dollar, wblcb most accompany the entr] , and Ihe entries will close Nov. 21, with A. u. Cummlngs, dnanclal aeereury, South BprtngBireet, Los Angeles. CaL Ths meeung wui be governed by the A. A. U. and U. A. W. rnlea. CnsBLBV WiLBOH, the weU known ahniUeboard expert, defeated c. O. Thora, ot Buiralo, N. Y.. in iheir natch tor lloo a tide, which waa conteaicd In that clly on Uou 34 Alihoigb Thora has the looU reputatlun or being a very sDong player, he wu beaten by twenty-tu points, Wilson winning by a score of seven games to four. The total score br points was 30610 lie. ' Ta« swoBD and bayonet contest between Ber- geaat Hajor Morgan, ot Klngaton, Out., and Ser- geant Hawker, ol Montreal, can., for the cham- plonahlp of Canada, came off at tne latter dir on the evening ot Ocu aa, and terminated in a tie each prtnolpal belnc credited wllh nineteen point*! Philadelphia'* Creek Colleglana, Then was a good tnmont ot speomtonontbe occasion ot the Fall hsndlcsp games ot the Cm- venlty ol rennsylvsnla. hald on Btinrday after- noon, OeU 17. The weather and track weresll that oonld have been desired, and the coniesie wen sen* eraUy prodnoive ot close flnlsbes, thus reOociina oredft on the good Judgment ot tbe handlcsnoer bnt no phenemensl pertormanoet marked the mMil Ing. Much dlBsppolntment was felt st the tallnre otunuks 0. w. urton, the celebnied mile rnnner and 0.0. Jarrls, the InteicoUeglaie champion at that dutanoe, to meet In the mile erenl, tbe ftllon being caused by Orion being seized with luneaa after llnlshlng second In the halt mils mn. Suin. marj: OM Sufltfralpardfnin—WonbyR. A. Statrltl,'sy u eyda.: 0. E. Blaekborn. tj, L.,7yfl8, tacoad; 0.8. Borar* •ft.O.ayda.,third. Tlma,IIBia. ,u.i..Dojar, BalfmlU ran-Won by 0. 0 Bichal, ta. a, JOidi.- Ooorxo V. OrUD, IS. aoraub, atcsad; H. B. WaA, -M l ' (nda,thlid. Tlma,1m. aa. ' ' ibur Miles >alt-WoD by J. M. MltabartoD, '0, r terateb; lr. J. Bobbma, 'M, M., Drda, ttond. ^m;' tm Ua ^ JfUrdte race, lOfda—W,:a by 0 M- FargDJoo, Orda. - p. A. Bunrl'%0, tyda, aatoDd; J. A. Hcaiyi,D,ts| . ^O.aydi, M..4yda. Tlma,l8)<a. IbMrAaadndandfbrtyiordrniit.—WoDbyO.C Bichal 1S,0.,ISfda.: R. A. narrttl,'B7,tl..tydi.,steoad: J. H attlur,'«L O. llyda. Ihlid. Tlm*^. noD nllcr bkgat race.—Woo by W. a Donglaaa, ■n c flydai J. A Wllbom, '«>, Tlyda, aecoad; t.' Caalaa.te.CltOfda.llilrd. Ttma,tm.7a. Two Amdrc* oa* twaut yoidt rue—Woa br 0. 8. Boiar. tl. 0. eyda; A. b.iullmu, tt. 0., Byda, aaeoad^ 0. B. BUekbani. >7. L-, Uyda. tbinl. TIma, IWa Burble race. SOyda.—won by O. H- rarnaco, "07. c llrda; W. A. Blawarl, 18, O., tarda iocoDd;P. Bam or IOD,'la.0,l3yda,lblid. Tlme,»(a. ■ One siUg ran.—WOD br H. I). Wall, tl, L.^ IMyda.: 0«>rga O.JarfU.'ia.H., acialch, aecoad; 0. fa. LilUa^ '«LCr,UPyda.third. Tims,am.I8j(a ^ Aantfao Aj0AfuDi0.—VOD by J. D. Wlaaor, ■87, c. aiD.: CT. BurJioItt,'ta. L., 4in.,McODd: 0. M.remaoa VTlO., llD., third AotDaljnmp.tlLTXiD. Jhtfinfaff bradd/uaip.—woo by 0. T. BDCholli, la. r 1ft; J. AUcUlyoD, 'OLn. IfL llD..aecond: orH. Par gaaoD.'Sr.Cllt.ain-^lid Aoiual lamD, lOIL guui. ftteeoui.—WODby w. A- SUwarL 'tt.O., tcialcta; C. T. Pocbolu, 16, L., •cratch, aacond: A. A. Btarrau, '07, M., IfL eiD., third. Aanal Jump, 10ft. 7in. The Behoolboya of Philadelphia. The annual Fall games ot the Central Blgh School of the City ot Qnaken came off on Saturday atier- Doon, OcU 27, In the presence ot a big crowd. The weather and path were both good, and the events wen psrtleiptted In by good men, so that the sport waa Interesting. Bommatr: Ojw Amdro* J tt.Syda.lla; r lyd.. Ibltd One Aandrcd yardi rva, Jaolor.—Won by J. Emblcb. 19.1jd.,llMa.:J. Walll,'M,irda., aaooDd; a.S.WIUili. aoD, yj, acralch, thiid- nur kmtarM and JWV panda nm, taunt of tba 0. H. B. and H. T. B.—Woa by u. U. TboDiaa tud Boy Coomba toran.8.,esj<a _ Amfilfla broad ftmp —Won by W. Conroy, *fl6, Itlo., with 17(L eiD.; A. H BlotOB, "aa aciatcb. 18IL Ua., aacond. Tw hmand and fvolia pordi nn.—Won by B. rraxiar, 'la, lOyda., UXa: B. Codd, te, tyds., tecoad; U. Tnomaa. '07, toimtch. tblid. Oac mite Mcydc race. 3:0) cltaa.—Woo by V. Blodar; ma.lm.6^ ' ' •■ TTkrovfni Bonlor—WoD by B. PraiJar, * lydntoeoDd;!,. Brace,'sa, tlma,>m.taka.;L L. vfntbank, atcood. TArovfna ue boael Praalar; >BD. tocaad. Ktali.—WoQby L. Bnc*,'8a,saft; B. Bairnlu nai.-W0D by A. FlbiU ta, tOyda: Jobo ODbbinca, sradaala, acialob, aacoad. AURnlMStoAyuiiip.—Woa byW. L Low, *8a, 4Ul., with 4IL tXiD.; 0. Bncklay, IB, aecoad, aorauh, 4lt loia. One mile tlcfctc race—Won by V. Bindor,'8G,3ayda; timt, tm. 46Ka ; P. Zook, ■U, Stedi., aacoDd. Om mlU run.—VoD vr H. Thomas, aeratch,8m. Ota.; Jobn GabbbiBa, 18, Ttyda., aacond. The Vale Colleglana. The annual Fall aporta ot the Yale Traok AthleUo Association were held at the college held In New Haven, Ou, on Bstnrday atlemoon, OcU 27. The weather was dellghttnl and the track In admirable condition. .However, although the games wen highly Interesting aad Oaoy in the hurdle ncca Chubb In the furlong and quarter mUo runs, and Kenhaw in the pole nnlt did splendidly, no recordt were antptssed st the meeting. The games wen witnessed ny a large crowd ot nndergndnttas and others. Bummajy: One Aundrrd ponfr nm.—R. W. Boraet Jr., Olndo. aati, 3yda..woo; B. O. Baker, New Tork, aecoad; laaae JoioaD. tllDclaoatJ. Iblrl. Tine, laa. Ifurrilc rotf, ItDyda.—Ernaat H. Cady, Bartroid, ayda., woa: J. W. Bah, New Toik, aacond; B. 0. Fartioa, Hartronl, third. Tlma,ieMa- Tlco tulei tlctde rdce.-Wllton Pock, New Haran, aoyda, won: Bbaaaiar UI tl, Daubury, aaooatf; J. Lnkana, New York, ihlid. Tlma, 6m. SIKa. oac mtte mn.—WlDthnp Biataaid, Hoalraal, aayda, woa;J. B Horpao, Batax, Ct.,McoDd. Aanue rjcc 3alyda.-K. U. Oidy, Uanroid. acntch. woa; H.O,PerktDa,Hartlon],aacoad. Tlma^XtKa. Tloo Autidred and (wntv yard tint.—I. H. Jordan, uio- claaall, Ujdr, woa. Bandon Ohubb, Orange, N. J., a«^ ond. Tima, Wil> aalr mlw nm. —Joaapb E. Honian, Baaai, CL, acralch, wan; W.J.Lapbam, Oleoa Falla, N. T., third. Tlma.lm. 6a. nu MUU.-0 T. Taa Wlokla, RldieaoM, ou, won, 8<utln.; Bai Korthaw, PbiUdtlpbla. aorateh. aacoad, IBILSiD. Jtutuuno Imad iaan.—P. I. Pawamllb, Newark. N. J., 61a., aitu OILttD-; tLHItobtU, Claclaaatl, BIU 3ia, aofopd tflsa yiaav —I. W. Rowa, BraobtyD, N. T., IXln., BnU 8ftflo.; J. U. Tbompaoa. New Yora. a ' THoiias HOBSrooi, the veteran English pedes- trian, who tor a conaldenbia period was ths pro- fessional champion ranner ot England at one mile, and was credited with many Hue pertormancea at otherdlBUncea,dledonOcuia,atnlsTesldenoe In Nottlnghsn, sged sixty-tour years. THE TURF. The Tratters In Kentaekjr. The Initial FSU meeting ot the Lonlsvllle (Ey.) Fair and Driving Aasoelallon was held last week, opening on Oou 23 and eleslng, owing to bad weather, M. The resoltot the events decided during the meeUng are henwltli snmmailzed: 2:13 cisss, trotting, pnrae |l,oca-Ulss Nelson Bnt, In 3:14, MW, 2AAH\ Bourbon WUkea Jr. second, Answer third snd William Fann tonnh... .2:10 ohitB, pacing, Bnree tl,aoo-Fnnk Agan Ont, Lottie Lonlne (won ■e third and founh heaie). second, Coleridge (won the second heat) third, Colonel Thornton (won the fifth heal) tonrth. Jack Bowen (won the sixth best) llfth. Time, 2:11, tMX, 2:11X, 2:11M, 2:13>i, 2:12, iMii, 2:13 2:28 olass, trotttng, purse tiod-Oamlet lint. In 2:22K, 2:20K, iMHj Koloeson second, Fanny Bmnswiok third, snd Prince Edtall fourth 2:21 class, trotting, pnise tSoo-lBBbelle Bnt, Ssrah 0. (won the flnt snd second heals) second, snd Ohsrmlng Chimes (won tho third heat) third. 'Hme, 2:18, 2:18K, 3:M)i, 2:22X, itax.iMK 2K»class, trotting, purse tl.OO^Phabe Wlltea lint. In 2:11M, iilW. 3:>3-<i Azote second, Darid B, third and NlghUngaie founh .2:14 cltaa, paohig, pune $<oo-8ahle Oin Ont, NoUte 0. (won the second heat) lecond and Ted Crook thlnl. Time, 2:14,2:17,2:14X, 2:18, 2:ia>< 3:17 elsts, purse, )1,0W, trotlliig-Rek Amerions Drat, In 2:18X, 3:l4Ki 2;I3V: Antfaln lec- ond, Wheatland Onwanl third and J. M. K. fonrih. 2:13 class, pacing, purae ttOO-Martln Box flrat,ln2:18X, 2:l7)i,2:l8; SadieBnnston second. Bright Light third and Charley D. fourth. TroUlBg Bt Philadelphia. A rather nnaatlatsotory Fall meeUng was hsld by the Point Breeze Tntung Assoelaiton at their track In Philadelphia, Ps., last week, oommenolng on Oou 22. It bad been the IntenUon ot the organiza- tion to continue the meeting for Ave days, with the ouaumaty number of races dally, bnt rain Interfered on 24 and 23, and on 26 the track was very heavy andilow. It proved a losing game thnnghouu Snmmary of the events decided during the week: 2:17 class, pacing, pune ttao-Amorita Int, Lntle BIrathmore (won tee Oral heat) Mcond, Lucy Pan thlrd,1and Olok Wills tonrth. Time, 2:laM, 2:I0>.'. 3:16,3:11 Match trot for |l,)0O-8cnnion Belle beat Huokbnra (won the third best). Tlme,2:23h, 3:20){, iMX, laiH 2:31 chus, trotting, purse liOO-Chance nnt. In iain, 2:18)4,2:ie.><; CitapnIt second, Ashmald, third, and He Wilkes tonrth...... 2:ta olsss, trotting puras t60i>-James L., ant. Bravado (won Uis Ant and fourth heata), second, Oeorgle U. (won the third heat), thlnl. Time. 2: lax, 2:18X, 2: UK, 2: IBK, 2:18, 2:18« .3:2* cbus, pacing, pone taco-Nonon ant, John L., (won the second best), second, Billy C third, and Mabel P. fourth. Tlme,2:lfV,2:13)i.2:ta.'i, 3:11 3:37 ciss*, tntiing, puree laoo-^u- bllee,BrBt,lu2:3l727«0>(, 2:31; JuneWlthen eec- ond, Magnolia ((neen third, and Prince Manslleld tonrth 2:30 class, iretung, pniss, iua- Oatherine Levhun, lint, Rockbum, (won the ant and third heats), leoond, Soudan third, and Oei- malne fourth. Mrs. Matbbw Dawboh, wife ot Ihe oelebnted veteran BngllBh tnlner, died on OoU 18 at her booo In Neinnatkst, atur a brief Ulaeas.