New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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November 3. THE NEW YOKK CLIPPER. 559 BASEBALl.. OFFICIAL ATERAGBS. BfttilBf Fieldlag Il«cord« of Ifce W«Bt«ra Irfftgae PUyen. Tbe offlcUl ftTetftfei ot tbe plftjcn or Ute Weit. em liMpio for tlM bmsou ot idM.u oompi:ea tj rraldent B. B. JobnioD, glre Uie record of one hundrvd ud Udr^ eigbt plftrors, wbo took ptrt In tABOT inoreoliAaiploiublp noie*< Tbe records are MfoUOW: WEffBBUH LEfcOOB eTAWDIWQ. lloBx dliy ymii' CI V MlUMMlW..." aiudiApMi... jajjluuipolU. SSmairM.'.''". BATTIWQ ATBBAQBa ■IKl AHD OLCI. "1. Wii*lit,<(r»Bd Bftpidi.... l..DugBBtI}«trolL , S .HlBWi HlDBUpolU , 4..B«l,KJUUM0l(f.. B..a«on«. Onnd Buld*.... I .Eloimiu.KftnauClty... T..W«rt«^Mluw|wlii ^l&oOi^B'HanKMUi'.'.''.''.!! U..WmooL MtU iDd , H.-OuToUTr-. Ormad lUptdi. lJ..Monri>Mi K>« Toledo U..aUUi Toledo TliMT. MUuM\polli U..Bsmu.l(loiiupoUi ie..Bhtf^EAn. Oltr ud Mil U..<VBou1i«. eiODX Olij »..lllU«r.TMalo n..OUn«r. Toledo Oamp, Blonx City B..Bni«tLD«tTOlc WAlib,e(ouOitr FbUUpa, iDdlftiupolli S, .OeBluSUiLK Cliy K.,lUrr,tilDU<1ltr zr. .Ounpftv, Detroit S..lonu,Detroit, Hlnneapolli.. HlataoUEuiMCIt* aO.. Bofiivrer, 8lou City SL.OUor.Mllvftakee . "..OnoUiMluupoll (kUopy. Qrud Replde... 33. .Onou, Mluupollii.. (kUopy. Qrud Repr' BonioorcDotnlt 3S..KoOutb7, Indlukpolli A. .York, Detroit S..KimauL8Iou Oitr ..BAlAaML Toledo, Oroee. a., Detroit DAlfTDpIe, UdlUMWlil 41. .Gulo, fodluupolte, Oetrott.. CI..Bkk«r, E. CJtr, Milireukee.... 0.,MeaalivU 10004-oltv M..Henoa, Kuuu Oily , tf. .Doiree, Mlonoftpolle IS..HeObiil«r. UbL, HlooxClty... ir.JllM.TtnaiOfly fil..Howft, Bloox Olty, Ifilweukoe. BAymoDd, Delroit , n..Uuoii, MuuiBepolli , 81. .Buu, Orud lUplds , O..TinaouiD, Hlooi Olty.... ~ " I, llllwMlioe M..OUii|riua, MllwftohM. JUOPL MlODft^^lll OwutLen, Orud BapliJi.. Novell. Bloux Oltv BS..Uolob«o, Sioux C I9..BP1U, Onod Rapid*. Bioot, lodlUMolii 91.,LDby, Mllwooke^ eod Tolodo.. MubIdk EauuaCltr 63..TiLylor, Imvukee.... ei..FlDko»r, Onod Rapid* tS..IionB,ll{lvau%eor: M.,Lunfoid« Mllvankeo. - Detroit Logi. Saousrity S..JUM0, Detnii 70..Wllaoa. MIoDoapolle Ony, iQdianarolia 71..KU]o*o, O'd. R. and Btoux C... n..BUwtrtt8loax Cl'.y 7I..BhLD»a, Qnuid Raplle. 7»..MUIA ladlanapoira. 7I..OuiolD|haai, Uloox City O'Brlea.BloasClty 7e..FUh*tt7, Mllvauke* GamlUO^ DetrelL MtfTuDany, lodlaoapolli IL.Wbeelock, Orud Rarlde Dooley. DotroiL Gmham. ladunapolJL 84..Fl«Mi,Uilwaakoo MtAliOd. Toledo 89..0ood*iioaffb. Mllvaakeo»iialTlD, Detroit ..BoylABiom Olty. SB..HoniTiToledo aod lodlaup'i. SO. .Walib, HUnukeo „.. SI.. Feoord. Toledo SJ. .MeOaoklD, Detroit inil Toledo. Earle, Detroit. foreman, Toledo sa..Plo«k, IndtaDapolle sa..Pepper, XadlaaapoUA.... S..OonBor, Toledo ..Donahaa, EaiuaaCibr... 09..JoM,8Iou Olty aoa Oread R, Lauy, lodlaoapollf lOL.WetflakA ladlaeapolla. I01..fnMr, ■laaeapolli Fuker Qrud Baptde lM..HoaieUand, Onad Rapid*.... DoboU and Toledo. __jr«, Toledo ffl..OUD•ea, Deirolt , ..BtMtieai.Mtmukee 10B..MoOu)a, Vilvaake* lU..l(oiphy, Indtaaapoll* in..Lobman. Hllwaotee 111. .DBaJela,Ean*aa City lU. ^ 111 Uliuk, uasaaClty lia..HQyirIand, Mlnneapoll* U7..Balta, Detroit, Onod RapMi. US..LlJU»ltt, Mumeapolli Boberta Mllwankee UO..D«raaey, lod'a^Oraod Bwpid* in. .flaAlon, MIU Eaoaaa oily... Walkla*. Onad Rapid*. IS. .BoteDTBuvaakee..... Weot^ Ormad Banld*.. UB..Harley. Detroit.. US..Boyder, Indlanapoli*.. S..OrotA iBdlaaaooll* ..B«ttfl«r. Toledo, MUwukeo... UB.JIoTey.Wuvaake* UD..01aytoB. Mllwankee Ul..r«an. Detroit lfi..Bln, Toledo W..N. Baker. Mlnoftapolia UL.Puf la. MloaeaMti ICHoihea, Toledo US..Ma&loty, CaaauOlty S..D4rtiy, Eanau Olty ..MattM.Iodlap. Kaoia* Oiiy.. lai isi i«3i in in 111 a m n IM 391 THUD B19EMAW. ..O'Brait., Biou c;iij. ::ffa3nJSK'."'r.;.:.;::: .Onr* ladltaapelli .Mltla. lodlanpella .Raymood, Detroit .Cup. Blonx clif .Newell, Blonx City .Wllaoo, Hloncapnii* .Hnlea. Minoeaoollt .Pinknay.Ofud Rap^di .Flaborty, Mliwaakhi .Bvarolt, Delroli .Onbaa, Inllaaipoli* •DoTeaiy. Iod..ardn'd R<pMi. fillORT BTOPa I. .01lncmaa, Milvaokie.. a..oiikP, Toledo S..TAjlor.MUvaakee 4..KlopCMlDBeapol-* ft..Re4rv. Etaaa* City 6..Wbe«Ioek. Orand ftapMi 7..N*iUad. ToMo. S..UtDM,Hlootapoll* 9..UQl«B.HIaa*apoU* Pbarr, Eaa. Olty aod Mtl II. .LaonA>Td. Mllwankee Holohaa. Bloat Oliy U..R«at, iDdiaaapell*. U..Cfoaa, H.,Detnli IS..Callopr, Oraad Rapid* lfl..Mllti^(ndlaaapoll* l7..ET*r»tt. Detroit l8..WtlaOl0QxCtty Kewell, Sioux Olty fci..Wal*b, Mllwaekee Il..araluia, lodlaoipoll* B..DeTeney, lad. aaJod Rapid*. ..Barle, Detroit ..LoDcMllwaokeo ..Ollt*. Toledo ..ManalBir EaataeOlty ..aeniaASIooi Ciiy . .BumU. MlaaeapolU ..RtalUofa, Kaoiai City ..Uowrleror, 8(001 City , ..Twrieb*ll.Hllwaakoe ..MIobol, Kaaaa* Ci'y Pruk. Toledo ..Oeorte, Qrmad Rapid? OimllO., Delroit llernoo, Eaoiaaruy Ormr, lodlaaapoll* Miiitr. Toledo . Wr(*bi» Grand RacUi HoTey, Mllwaakee Fjienaa, Toledo VcOuokla, Detroitand Toledo .Paara, Detroit .Viaotr. MiDo*Apollii MoOatro, Uiooeapoil* UUDH, UlQQBapall* ,Ooodeoough. Mllvaakoo Totk, Detroit Caxroll P., Onod Raplde MoCartbr, lodlaaapoll*. WatklOAuraod Rap'd* .NewnMo. Milwaukee .Daliymple, lodiaoapolii DoDsaa. Detroit ,BaraeP.D«>nltand Hion L«ldy, ladiaaepoll* .Ulflok. EeoiaaClty .Canpao, Detroit .WUaoDrMloDcapoll* .Ueory, Tolf do and lod .HoTaaieoy, lad Pruer. Miaoeapolia .Lohmaa, Mllwaakee Hove, SfosxClty and Mil Parker. Orand Ripldi MoParlaad, Toledo.. ..Mart. SiooxCltf Canp, SiooiOity ..Laby. Mllwaakee aod Toledo.. ..HoCaao Mllwaakee . .Mtaauao. Dot aod To] ..Dinlola, Eaarai City THY TWO EIOMT CLVB LEAOVES. ngLpniQ ATEmOB.-OAtOBEBB irtme. ..Bpltt, aimnd Bapult ..Twlaahii ..glWtpa, ..DoBf*--- ..Wmi ithjuD. Bloom CItT.. traTllUwtiiliM Mhnt, Kftnut Oltr... lllu.. Iii4lui.pollf Mn, Mtroit. 1.. I. . 8.. t.. •.. t.. i" n'.'. II. . 11 . l3..fiomill««,Tol.Oo U-Mupfar. InOluupolU . ••..HvUtuD^"- l8..Kl*lf, Dtmlt {j-yu-n, u'.'j D.. ..rwill, MUwutM.. ..Kiui, BIOU Ollr ..Botaa, Hllw.nkM ..Bvmu, Hlnoo»«lli... ..HtruluiLB.ToMo.. [.MUnnkM.. ..wi]ion,lllos.ip«lli... ..BoylJiSiouOl^ . .Bordw, Inrtltnipolli.. ..BtUit».llll»nAM... MBUT BABBMBN, Uo^ InOIUADOlU.. TVooi, IlKlHllllwlU, Klunu, r ^ CIVf .auM7,n> ?! .JUOtr.ToUdo ■TyiBOIiimj Bloni OUT .WMoa, iriBGwpolli Mlular, HisD. Blou CII7.. .Olnlh*ii, Qimad BifUt. Itilo, OAol't. ■AnUr, DMnli .naoro, Tolodo .O'Brtu Blou CItr UbT.BIlw«<ili»t,Tol»l»... BBCO KD BIBBIUB. I.-Jblor, HUnUM. ^ I..C0UW.TOMO 117 I..Wwb,aiiB4 BtMt 8 •.■tUBlncIu.cTlr a , Rm Btou oitr, MUngttt.,IHSit .b«u,Onaii BipUr.. .WkjMsok, anno fiiipid ..OMili, luaaoiir, ..W.Ilb,BUwMlkw:. ■ -9!^*^^ Cllj, MUnakM ..■ini,MUupoUi • ii«u 01 or :T»nm.amtltttUt:.... nil Bl m 18 4SI '{I 41 a to ^ a .m m.m Dy Acting In llariiion^ tite Eiperlment May Frov« a Succeti. Ttie cbamploDBblp teaton or 1604 vaa tn muy myt a \etj aocMtarul ore. Ii It clilmed that ever; dab In the Natlontl LtaRoe ami ^merlctn Attoclntlou came oat abtad In a flnanclal way. Tbeie la so donbt but ibat It ms alto a ralrly proa ptroQt to ihe dntit o( tbe mlAor leagnea, •• masT or tbtm did vdl, end tbat, loo, la tbe face of '. tbe bald llmca tbe connirr In genemi bag lately i Ixen eip«rl«nclng. Tbia tbowa tbet ibe national Soot la once more upon a bula wblcb, ir notJiing ppent to mtr lla eecnrity, la bonnd to proro a ; prooiable Inveaimrnt ror toe next (ew jeara. tt baa patted Ibrougb irrlng tlmta, bat bat mtnand, , at a great teanclal lost, to weaincr tbattomiB tbal besieged lU Nov that It Is again upon a sound tooling. It It to be bopcd tbatnoibing r!ll be done to Jeopardlie lit Interetis. Tbere Is no Oonlit tbal aa impioTement can be made In Ibe present tirelTe club feagne, wblcti Is certainly an nuwleldy and topbeaty aOklr. Tberearetoonaoytallondclub), and tbey are a dng on tbe leaders. No one t nowa I italt better tban too magnates tbonselres. Toey ' hate glveo tbe preseot plan a tborongb trial, aud it . bas pioven a umentabie rallnre. The past Ibree teaaona tbonld convince ibem ol tbls,and enable I tbcm to mite tncb anaDgemeLta tlitt ibey will be ' able to present an entirely new programme to tbe ■ pDbllc before anotber teason sets In. Tbere Is plenty of room for two leading org.nlzailost. Two ' sood cironlis of elgbl olnbs eaon can be formed, but Ibey mutt bo worked la barmony witta each otber. Tola cannot be sccompllibed by Infrtnglnr upon one aaolber's tenfory. It Is veiy donblfn If any one olty la tbe Dolon wlU sopport two club?, and at Ibe same time allow a pndc to botb ic bas been tried In former years, and baa Inrailtljlr Kroved a rallnre. It ttaeretore aeems like a tool- aidy piece ot boalneas, etpeolally by pereons who bare a tboiongb knowledge ot past experiments, lo again Invorve the ssme into another e'ruggle timlltr lo that with tbe Brolberbooi, They cJinnot reaionably entertain ibe Idea that they will tuc- c«ed. To carry out tbe plana already mentioned Is bound to bring anotber atrnggle anoli as wtiwlt- necacd dniing tbe eeaiona of leto and 1811. Tnls would cenalnly prove a detrimeut lo tbe game. If not a death blow tbal might require yeara to re. coier from. Tbe couolldallon ot Ihe VaUoual Lcarae aud tbe American Asaoclallon, at a mceUng held dgring the winter of leti «l, at Indianapolis, lod., wu tbe only means that tben eeeme(l poanble for seiillng tbe dlObrences between tbes* organlzatlona. B~ dolngao Ihe former took upon Itself a heavy debt which, by clever maDagement, It bu since been able to pay oir. The magnatrs were obliged to rC' sort to the etrleteat erooomy, by reducing ptayera' salailea, snd onruilllog other rzpeoaei bttore this reenll was reached, now that Us purpose bas been BccomplUhed, the league It In a potlUon to la- crtais sslarKs wbere It reels thai tbe caae warranis lu Thererorc, ir the players are foollah enough to aland la their own llgnl, and Isvlts another war by lolning Itsnes with a new orgaolxailon, tbey will be the greater aulieren In tbe end. Dow many ot Ihe IndluR plaieis ai« they wbo took part In tbe Dfotberhooo revolt thatcancommand Urge salaries aa ball players at tbe present Ume I This subject la well kcowo, and thoold bs carefully cnntldsred ba- tore an attempt Is made to bring on tncb a itato of airairs aa eilated a tew yesra tgo. I' Is hardly be- lieved that the public will connienauce another baseball war, and tbe orgaolctUon which Is cbleoy nsponslUo for snob a sttlfo, will receive tho re- ward It deserves. Txe new aaaotlntton cannot hope to aucceed It It loc*t*a cloba In the olt'.es occupied by the major league. In the hnt place It would have to prestat as strong, If not stronger, ao attrao- lion than the present league does. The new aaso- olailon cannot do Ibia, as It bas not got the playerr Ihe Dia}or league having about all of ihe best ttiai can be obtained. Th<rerore, the only way tbti ttie •aaoclailon can hope to tccompllao Ita purpose, would be by slgulng tbe players the older lesgnt DOW have under reservation, and by doing that It will bring OB a atrire with the older organliaUoo, which It claims It does not Intend doing. Tbe proper way to form a new staoclatlon, and at Ibe aame time work In hannosywlib tbe major leagne, woBid be to get four clubs from tbe latter orgaalzatloD, which can readily be aptred, and then select four otOer prominent cities—mtny ot tbcm now hsve the material Ibat would answer u a nudeua for a good team-ud an ezoellent rlrcoll could be formed. Tbii would then reducs the ma- jor league to eight clubs, aod aire It a much more compact drcoli than It nowbu. Ttieoanvaliy auch as wu witoetacd lo the days when the Na- tional LeaAOO aod the Aoerlcao Association were separate oTganlsatloos, aod the pabllo would tben have another chance of aeelug a struggle between ibetwoorganliailoni In a Dual series at the dose of th« Rgalar champlonshiD season, u was the i*m»» A feir years ago. Undoubtedly this would bring a new era ot prosperity to the national game, and would solve a problem wbleh Isssnonaiy aObcv lug It now. To make a soccsis ot two such orgso. laatloBS tbe magnates would bave to deal with each other In afUr and llbemi manner, and no un- just advantages should be allemplad by elUier PM«7. • ,„,, John J. Onrtock, the ones noted aecoad btsemsa, Is DOW a nwlal poUonato at Prospect Parkparods gimaStt BroofclyB. Winifred B. Uereer, who Is gensrally conceded to be ono of ihe moat pmmltlng of the young pliohera who came to the trout during tbe pan seavin. It oQder reservation by the tTaihlngton Olub, ot too National League aud American Aitocltllon. He wta bom June 30, 1874, at Wbceling, W. Vs., hot learned to play ball at Kul Liverpool, 0. He toon mastered the art or curving the ball aod oalned consldersble local renovo ss a jiltober. Ilia first ptofestlooal engagement iru wltn tbe Dover IM. II) Onh, with which clnb he began the seaKo ot 1803. It waa not lon^, however, before hie good work in the pitcher'a poslilou began lo atuaci the attention ot tue olub managers of tbe New Kugland League, and shortly sftsrwards he received a nattering oner from tbe fall River Olub of that league, and finished the season with Its tesm. Toward the cloao of tbe aeason of 1803 Uanager Sohmelz wbo bad tben been engaged by Itie Wublukton Club, was travel- log througb tbe New England cIrcDiton the look, out for young p:ayeis. Be beard ot Uercer and visited Forthkud, He., where the latter was booked to pilch. Scbmels saw him play Ihcro snd waa to much Impressed wito his work In tbe game ibnt be engaged him for the Washington Olub, tor lOo aea- aon of ItM. That Hanager Bohmels made no mla- lake In his teleoUon has bosn fully demonaliited by Hercor during ilie put aeaun, when ha was credited with some remsrkably fine pitching per- foimaooes. Among Ihn moat oolsworthy ot uiese was the preventing tbe l,oDlavllles from mating more than two ufo hits off bim In a game pltyeil Hay 2). at WaahlnitoD, D. 0. On Aug. 9, tt Bosloii, U^sa, Hrrcer pliolicd soother or tbe tlod or games which did to much toward plaoing htm In the very front rank of the pitching talent or the proresilon. Tlie lloatona made only forir aafo hUs off him and were eaaly beaten by a acore of 8 to 4. Then on Aug. 14, at Wuhlnglon, the Clevelanda defeated Uie WHSbluitons by 1 to 0, In ten Innings. The victors mane only four atra hlla oir llnrcor. On Sept. 0, at OInclnuall, U., Mcrcor held the Olooln. aM4 down to ronr aare hits, and sltbonBli his own tcamusdoilXBaro hlla, itio Cloolnnatia mansgort to win by 4 to 1. Ucrccr 14 a hard and conaolrn- tloiia worker, and as companl' nnble a loiing man at lio U a flno pitcher, and lit very popufsr tiotb on auil oir the tisll field. DIA9IOND VIELII UOSSIP. Ijateat Sayings nn«l Doings of Ihe Bitae* ball Fraternity. Jjhn H. WaM, manager "f tiie New York tesm, lelterales <he Btory that bo la to retire from aclivo duty on Ihe greon dUimond. In a recent lolertlew he aald: "In the first place, let me s<y tlist, tliongb I am now bidding farewell to the diamond, after seventeen years of It, there Isn't a finer, squaier bnslneaa In the world tban baseball. It can stand a Lexow Invesilgallon. I wsnt to ratko a point ot this, and I tblnk the Temple Oop aeries onght to prove It to tbe pabllo beyond the shadow ot a donbt. I will recur to It again. Tbe New York team, lo my Judgment, it the beat nloe toat waa ever gatbered together In the world. Put that down at a dellberatei not a merely partial, partltan Judgment Wby did the llaltlmores beat uh? 1 will tell yon. FIrat ot all, let me ear that the Daltl morea are a superb tet ot men. li*a no dUcredIt to bo beateo by auch a club. The Bsltlmorea atarted on a Soutbem tour early lu Ihe BpMog, mid got limbered up aod In worklDg order before wo got tOawed out. Tbey got the start of ua, and when we came up against them the/were too r.r ahead ofns to catch up with tbelr lead. When we did get Into playing shape we outplayed tbom, as the score since June smply proves. We could onifield, out- run, outmanuaver the BalUmoroa when wo got right down to bualneas In our true sbspe, lu only one respect were tbey our superiors. They oatbai- ted OS. Thia Temple Oup was a god seod to us, lor It gave us a chance to demonstrate wbai*we bad worie^ op to, I rather expected to lose the dm Same.becaoae It was on their ground, and they were ished with victory, woeo we won tos second, I felt we had woo tbe cap, snd yet I thought It not onllkely we might lose the third snd fourth games running. Wby i Jaat from oror snxleiy lo win them. Also becante of the moral eoect upon our Sayen of the nueaay feeling Ihsi, If we did lose em, many ot the public wosi<' Mlleve nnjutUy that we were purposely thro:;, ■ the game In order to prolong tbe contest and '...jasetbo gats receipts. Th.; was one reason why 1 stood out atlffly for the slity-flvs and thlrty-Ove basis of di- vision. Instead ot bait and halt, so that the pabllo might not feel It was merely a play tor money. And now you wish me to say somethmg atooat mfselt snd planar Wall, I'm going to retire, and put In two yean ot bard work batting lllaoksione. Chilly, Metcsir, Blahop, and a good maoy other legal fltcheis of tough curves tor the mind to gat ouu. studied law (or seversl years, bot I'm preuy rusty, aod I ibsll hsve to work bard before I can make a boms mo with tho Judgesss omplres. But, bsring worked so severely tor sereoteea yeara, I m going to tske a little rest and recreation before buckling down to my law stodlcs. I am going to Hoolsna. There I ahaU bs seven days In the saddle before reaching my first ranche or reit. Arur a epell of buntlDg there, I thall swing down througb ths Siiuu, and return here early In the Hprlog." Templing offers hsvs been asde to HcOuthy and liuiry, of tbe Boiton Leagne Ulnb, to Join the new clnb ihst will represent this city la ihs Ameri- can Association, but It Is not believed ihst they will do so. In ipeaklog about Ihe matter, McCarthy ssit: "I do not care to say at present whether Duffy or myssif will sign a New York contrscL You see. we are going loio boalness st Boston, and It would be more pleassni tor os to live there. Neither Duffy nor Long received an equitable ssl- sry for Ibe work they did for lOe UosIob Olub. While we have not yet alned, we both think favonhly of toe propMltlon.'' Tbe players of the New York Olub will spend the winter montos ss follow: Divli and Van Uallreo, at 8aa Francisco, CI.; Farrell, at Manboio, Haas.; wilaon, at Denver, Vol.; Hoslt, at lodlaospolls. Ind.; HMtIn, NswAlbiny, led.; Oennso, In Msry- land; Westervdl and Borke, Id this olii; Doyle, at Uolyoks, Msss.; Fuller, al Cladooall, 0.; Tlemao, at Tieoton,N.J. MorpnyaodStsffordhaverttsiaed to homes In New Bnglsad, and Olark to bis, in Feon- svlvsnla, and Ward will go en a huoUof trip Ihrongh the West sod BostO. It Is aow stated Ihst Vaoager Buckcnbergtr baa withdraws ths new PitltbnrgClub from Ibe Ameri- can Assoclatloa, staling as nis reaaos that Flita- burg will not support two cloba, oor caa he get de- straole grouods. U Is dalmed that Ihe LontsvlUs aub will pre- sent an almost entirely new team nsxl season, The qnestloB that Isapperoostla Uie mlodsof Ihe baseball poMlo st the present ume Is. wheUier Ihe star players of ths Nsuooal Leagos aod Amaileaa AMOCWloe will slgD wlib the as* SBBoelslloB that | WIS ncaaily oriaalied st Fiuiadslphla. "The plana. It iliereeverwereany, fur the placing or an American Asaoclallon leiun In Uhicsgo have never been given to the pnbllo In a definite rorm, nor has It been poislble to find snytiody who knew snylblogortbs matter," uys Tlui Cltlmeo Tlmrn. "It has slwsys been supposed thstOsorge Williams, the well known reitaurateur, wu tavorablo lo an American Assodailon club here, and would beck It liberally: but It turns out that ho declines to lie a party to the latnt. 'You tee, I have never been favorable to the aoheroe,' aald Mr. Williams, 'be- cauio I alwaya consldeieil It tsr too vltlonsry. In Ihe first plscs, Iknowbetierthsn loputmy money In s wild cat plan to fight Ihe National I,eaane and Amerlcau Aaanclailon, What I want to do Is to seoure a Weatsm League tnnohlse for Ohiragosnd pisce Fnd I'ferrer In chsrgs. A fine circuit could be formed to Include Ohlotgo, Kansss Ully, SL Lonis snd MluneapollB u Weatsn teams, and mi- WBUkee, Detroit, Culumhus sod BoiMo si Kaslorn clubs. 1 sro not favorable to making a fight of any klad, but would play the team boro while Ibe Na- tional Leaguers were sway. The publln, I think, would support Ihe tesm with twenty-five ceois sd- mlulon. . It would be necoaaary to nave the prnieo- tlonot the national agreement before f would put one pennv iiohind IL Yon can deny moat potlilvely for mo that 1 am a party to auy acnome which Im- pllca a Othi with atronger powers, tor auch a oonrso would be suicidal on Ihe face of It. Pfelfer and others should know that u well sa I do.> These filain words knock a avoDg prop from onder the ocalendof the newly turood American Aaaoclt- tlon. It wu evident that Pfeffor anilcipa'ed awlng- Ing hia friend Wllllitma Into line to back a dull here, but tns groat locond lissemao will now bave to loot eltawhere. Ao Amtrlcao Asaoolsttoo team could be made to pay only on tbe bull of oon fight- ing, u laid down In the meeilog at rhlladelphla, but would have a struggle st that," Prealdent Dyrno, of tho llrooklyD League Club, la reported u having sent to eson of his old players who have not signed for noxt aeaaoo the fodawlag notice: "You are hereby notified and advlaed thai your aervicea are rcqolred by ibeBrootlyo Olub for Ibe aeaaon of llot." At a mesilng ot ths Bsltlmore I,odge of Elks, Oct. 34, In that olty. Captain Wllbert lloblnson, of the Bdtlmore Club, wss presented with a gold locket, on one aids ot which wu a big diamond and an elk's hesd, wlih diamond syes, while on the reverse aide wu ensraved: "Wllbert Robloaon, from Hem- ben ot the flalilmore Lodge ol Kite, OtI. •M.VOt" Notwllbslandlog tbe luperclllousoraa with which the National Leagne magusies gue upon the struggle for cxiatence or Ihe new asaodaUon, they sre nst rscngnUlog the tsct that a war tor players, very similar to thai ot I8M, u on. Iieaplto lbs threats of blacklist lbs players reslly favor Ihe new association, an underourient ot sympaiby prevail- ing, which will appear00 the lurnce whenlhsnew sasodailon bsglos lo hid for their servlcea. (llaaacock, Ihe veleian abort atop, will probably be found wlih the UlnclcoatI team next season. He leads Ihe major leagne players In that position. In tbe olDolal HMIng averages, and although he his not baited so hard darlog ths past season u lu toiTner years. It Is generally conceded that he knows now to hit the ball, snd may do ao pretty often DOklyear, Nearly all of the New York and Brooklyn Olaba' Slayers have left this vlcloliy for uelr nspeoilvs omes. His. Ocorgt Oore, wire of Ihe ex protesslonsl pisyer, hu Pieeo granted a divorce on atatolory grounda. PIlohsraUlfaionaBdHollahon, of the naltlmore Olnli, were each fined |U, for assaulting a pollce- mao In that (lly. W, U. Watklns, who will maosge the lodlanapolls team, of ths Western League, aexl year, hu en- gaged several new pisysrs for bis team. Tim Uorat, one of the omplraa ot Uie VslloBsl leagne sad Amsrlcan Association, has bsea sn- fsged u Ihs ondsl itferee of the Bntlde Athletic Olub, of Oooey Island, N. V. John CIsrkson, the vsterao pitcher, la dolBg so well lo his Dsw business ibst he hu no dssire lo ittnm to the greeo dlaoood again, A. 0. Buckenbtrgtr hu bcea msoUoned u ths Ebable manager oinexiBesson'BFltuborg Leagne n. Hit raursment donng th« psst asssoa wu brought aboulliirongh W. 0. Tsnpis, sz-pinldsnt of thai dab. The ofllclsl featuag svsrtges ot ths IfaUonal Leans and American ASBOciailoa itoently Issaad by Pnsldsnt Yoong sho* a grtal Improvsinent over thoas of test ysar, "OOptalB ABBon'sOhloago ball playtn trill bt In eoDdlUoB whaa the season ot liat opsnt. n« team will go to some point In Texu early In Ksieh aadisDalo Uiete anill ths men are Inshspefor •oUvowork. la years past eflbns bave been made to get the boys mm condition by trips to Dsnvsr aodnot Springs, in neither cass wm theiesnlt favoiable, Bnow storms and ■taerally bad wealher wenenoonntered each yesr,sndwhenthssesBos opened Ihe team wu far from being la perfect snaph last season Anson Ihouaht he ooala do aO Iheualnlngnecesaary at borne,''aaia TAs Chlmpo BeraM. "The aiienpt proved a diamal failure, aod It wu Dot ontll htte In Juno that Ihe club playta wInDing ball. Those fallutea have vexed Frest. deolDsrt. Us Is determined Ihst ihemen tor onoa shall be la the plok ot condliloo when the tiell ringa for the opening game. Ilo packed hia aatohel on OoL 91, and look a Dtght train for Texas. He will begooeaweek or lea days, and will vltll Dennl- son, Wsco, nooslon. Forth Worth, Anitln, lialUa aod OalvealOD. He will lovesUisle lbs menia of each ptsoe aod will select the u>wb where the dl- matelalheoioattavniBOle for Ihe dovtlopmeol ot Ihe Bent'abilities u playen. 'I do not piopou,' htuld, 'loplckatowowhereHecansecore (imeaL Whst I want Is a place where the mso oaa let Into Krteol condition. This done, I will send the team utii early In the Spring. By the Ume tbebon an In shspe ths Bouthem Lesgae olubs will ba ready lor practice games, and we can thus seonn all IBS oootesis we want aod gradually work oor tray North. Tbe team will ilay lo Texu aod tba Booth ODIII the seaaoo Is rea<ly to beglo, and ths people hen will oot see it unill U plays the obsb- Ing ohamplonsblp jpune.' Tliare la a prospect lhal Qslvetton will be the town seleoted." Hlohael B. Beanloo, ono of the baoken of the Wublngloo Olub, lo the new American Aaaecla- Uen, la very eothualuUo over tho proapeotsof ths new orgaolsatloD, aod confident that It will suc- ceed. In a Rceni Interview on that aub]i>ot, he _jld: "The AmortcaoAaaoolsilonwu formed prim- arily tor lbs pnrpose ot giving the ball loving pob- Ilo an opportonUy to enjoy good games, closely oonteated and well condncie4l, aod our objeol lo organlEing wu lo bo In the field wheo the Matlooal League carried out Us Inteoilon to reduce Ita nom. beror clubs from iweira to elxht. We are tally awtn that ihia aiep la eooiemplated, becanao Boa- ton, rhlladelphla aod New lork want an eight club league, and are bonnd In have It. Unnng Ihe paat teason Louisville wu compelled to sell lla alar ptaysn In order to pay Ihe aaltrlea of others. Von der Ahe had to borrow moo ly In bt. Uola, and the pUyera OBoe rotuaed to auri on an Kaatem trip until thor were paid. Hoblson bu lost nK>n>y la Ulevelana,and bsaofihred I bat dub toraale. That city will probably be Included lu the elgtai oluli leagne, but Bt. I/iula and I,oulavllle must go In the west, lu tho Kui, Wuhlnglon, and rliher Dslllmora or llnotlyn will be dropped, snd It will bo most prob- ably lirooklyn, bscauae llaliimon won lbs otisa- RIonahlp. Tbetocandlilnna open a fmlltui field for IS new association, and wt projioae in oultlvale Ik The acheme will not reaull u tho llrotherbood did. The conditions are entirely dillonnt. The Brolhe^ hood bad no grounda or clubs In mani ot lis cities. ItlsthelBtenilonof the sshocIsi Inn lo have dubs In BnlTtlo, Detroit, Hllwautee aod Uhloago In the West, and Wuhlnglon, rhlladelphla, rrovldeooe ud either llalilmora or Bronklyo In iho Rast. Then sro srtKinds asd a dub resdy In the cities ol I'rovl- donco, Buffalo, Detroit aod Hllwautee, u well u In Wuhlnglon. Bo the expense or groonds will out BO figure with us. Wo will not uke a mao who la on Iht retervollat ol ths clibi dulis that will re- main In tho league, hut we will try tn get those be- longing to the other four that will lie dropped ont I believe both tsioclatlnna can form a natloniri agreement and go alnng nicely aod quietly wllbonl any disturbance at all.'i Hanager Selee, of ihe noaion Oliib, la very Indig- nant over the report that l/iug, liunyand HoOarthy Intend drsening tho IIosud Olub andjoinlegone connected wltn Ibe new Ainerlusn AanooUllon, lis laid: "You can B«y for mo that I will list a newsoll of clothes that Duffy, HcOarthy snd liOng donol plat with the American Asaocuilun noxl season. Why, It Is simply rldloulnua to think nt It. Twool Ihcao men have liivcaled It.uoo In liuslneaa In Bos. the Dock sbooUBC Is gsUlBf to be qnlle a spoit wlib « KOtssrioBsTlMrplaysr. Inn, sud why should Ihoy want to play In New Yurkt Thoo sgnlii. If theynmat make a change tlieio la nota cinU In tho miijor Iraguo whlohwoiud not offer them a gooit advance over their pnaeni ralary, and It stands lo rouon Iher would soonsr play with a rocogiil»d auooemrul orgsolHtion Ihtn tsko chances with anew one. No, no, thty sre loo level headed fur thai, and you cao also wy that they will get what ihov demand tram the lies- ton Uluh, and they are cnlUlod to II. There are no hnrder working pLtiera In the prntcsaKio today than they, and they are stars of the Oral ijisgDI. tqdc; BOinuob ao. In fani, tliat I wonid lie In favor or giving them all that the liuslnssa can afford, All thU talk aimut my going down on my knees to plsy- en lu I'lttalmrg la all rut. I only approsohed two men, and you can bet my effaris were out eounly rrulilesa. I have algned aeverti men. aod they are not all newonea at ilini. There will be more old faces on the Boston team next year tlian most peo. pie Imagine." Arlle Latham la getting liooa ireek ror playing the part or a policeman, In Uontoy i Fox's farce oomptny, "llo( Tamalss." D. A. Long, president ot ths Toledo Uloh, who Is vlaltiDg Lowell, Mua., hu sisood llosoh, of the Pawtockel team, of tho New Kugland Uagoe, for his next aoaaou Tuledo team. W. W. Kerr and I'hil Aalen have porohssed lb« stock ot tbe Pittsburg Vlah held liy Mr. llaldwID, tho fsiher of K*n Usldwln, ifie professional pitchgr. Ucrhee, ihe clever second basemsn ot Ihe Oln- doDa'l illW), will late his usual Winter outing oa the Bl. Francis lllver In Arksniu. (Jhsries A. I'omlskey has two strings that hs Is polling st the present time, Ilo la holding rlT from algnlug wlib the UlndnnatI Uluh for next season until hs finds out wboh ir or nut he can gel a f no. ohiat for Bt. Paul In the Weatsm League. Tbeannnal game liotweenUio Trinity and Toronto Hedlcal Uullege teams was played not. M,^st To- ronto, Unt, iRs former then winning br 7 to t, Usrlln's pliohlng for ibe viouin wu a reatare. lis nilred seveoteeu of h Is oppnnoots oo atnkss. It bu lieen snnounoed Uiat the Ainerlcao Aaso- clalho circuit for osxt season will lie u (nllowai Provldenee, Hrookirn, Philadelphia and Wuhlog- too In the Kut, and Hoflltlo, Detroit, Vhloago sod Hllwaokes In tbe West. Tbs aooi,sl Dueling of tbe Nstlooal I.esgDS ao< American Aasodsilon will be hold Id this olty on Nov. 14. Hsnager Ohapmsa says tbst lluff.lo will have a winning team next aeaaon, no matter what leagus or sasoclalloo It la conaected with. Borne of the UlndBDatI pap*ra woald like to ss* Book Rwing maoags the Uloolona'.l team osxt sea. SOB, The BL I,ouli team will apsod Ihe mnnih of Hareb at Hot Hprlngs, Ark, Tlie Lsll grounda tiisra have alrtsdy been lessed by I'tesldeni Von|der Ahe, The American issoolalloo sdopted the Klllh baO st IIS ncent meeting In FblUdelphls. Klfft wlu alto f orolah tho Association Ouldo, The Brooklyo Lesgoa Vluli expects to preseot a much atronger team oexl seaaoo than It had dorinc ths put ooe. AonmliarotlheDulorlesgtii pisyera expeot to put In Ihs Wlnteron ibe I'aclfio i;<iasL If enoagh of them go then a tesm will be furmiid lo meet all local learns, olhsrwiss ths Kutern pbiien may Join Oalltornia teams, Jsck Olsaaoock, the veteran sharlstop, la In neat demtad. When Ihe Pltuburg Oluh releaaed him It wuuld that he would have to retire or go Into a minor league, but hs bu tooled the know slls this llBt, as bit services svt sought sfler by no rtwer ihsB thrts of ths major league clubs. The Boston Clnb has algned r. II. Dolao, a tsfl haodsd plichtr, formerly of tbe rurilaud (nub, ot the Hew EoglsDd Lesgue. Hanager Uamle expects to bare ao Aosrlcaa AssodalloD tojm lo Urootlyn next season that will suipaas IB every wsy any that hu been seen In that olty In many a yrtr. It Is asid that President Dyme, ol the Brooklyo Lesgas Park, fsvon Ihs Ides of his dub's rstara- log to Wsahlogton Fork, Its tonotr boms. Bs ihlDks the oU park is fsr more csnlnay located Ihso Is Ksstem Psrk, the preseot home ot the olab, Tom I/ittos, the vtteno player and manager. Is Mw lo boBlosaa at Uubnqiie, la., and doing very Haosgvr Mae, of the Bos'on tesm, will hav« chsrgs of a polo tesm during the coming Wloter, a sport that la vtry popular In .few Esglaod Blalss. Rdward (kiolay, an ex prnfesiloBal pllohtr, died of ooDsnmpllon, Oct. I7,at hlahomtls VallsyfaUs, ILL Uonleypllohedrorihs Bridgepntt(OtjOlab, lo 1881, aod for ths lIaverhlllt,of tbe Nsw BBgtsad Lesgoe, lo itu. Ut the lul few yean ot hfi Dfe his neallh wu so broksB dowo that he wa«ehlli«d to retlra from activs duty oa the diaaioad.