New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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Kotembeb 3. TBJ^ NEW YORK CLIPPEER. 60S WHEELnSTG. R. VUdMUMenon poblUm ft MOarot pnlM tor "Let MtDto With Ibe U>ni Oaf at Ronw." RKOORDS OO BY TUB BO&RO. Xjl»T »ni PoHf r hawet Flgnm ob the Ka>t Walttaau Traok. Ttw tniUogtit oa tue 'ojcllng ncorila Mnlluoei, ni teaottj »<Ur puaea Ui*t llur/ o. Trier ssd Utha W. Porttr do not add to tbelr rMpeottT* lagitU. On IC01HU7 ftClemooD, Oct a, ttie weattitr MlDg pleufto' ("d tlio inokiU naail, In caplti) eondlUon, Ui«r lud tbelr ooatoour/ Irlalf. Trlw lovend ttag tvo mlla D/Ing at*n record from 4ni. 4<ia. to 40.4>., and Porter placed AUtn'a time (or iti« mile, alasdiDg itart, 10 Ibe ihade bj going tbe duunce In tm, du. AUen'a time was 3m. 2,Sa. Tiler apptftRd on tbe uack abool tbree o'clock, ant, arier Umbering np a liuie.begaTetlieirord (or Ibe pK« nukcri 10 go abead. Tbe tandems took biffl over tbe conree In tbe following Umea: uoaitar sa)<i.,tblrd 33Kb., ba1( UKr.. two-tblrda icn. itxa., inree-qnarure Im. mile Ira. to>.'i., oneandaqunermlleBSo. 3l.Sii.ono and a tnird miles im. 41X9., one and a bait niuea sm. isi, one uid iwo-tbltd miles Sm. 2l»>., one and three- aoirter mlios ao.3l\'s., two miles 4o.4b. Trier wu paced br Coleman and Tbalcber, Bnlnbrtdge and Qtrdlner, and MoDuiree and|8mltb. porter tben oimi ontand woni(orllienille,Btand- lagitart. He was pKed bj Callaban, Uowaand ff laner on tbe triplet and Baggertj and Wllllaina on the tandem, and but (or poor work o( tbe latter riders Porur wonld bare msdo Hie mile consider- ablr lower tbon 3m. Bis times for ibo Tsriooa dls- tisces were as follow: uaart«r, SJs.; tblrd,41><a.: bsir, im. fw two-tblrds, im. los.; threo qaatiera' \m.Wi>-i mile, 3m. a. L. dDlllvan oDlclated as referee. J. A. SaTlllc, w. 0. Sanger, A. F. II. Emerson, timers; 0. H. 'mfL R. D. IMnnell, W. P. Rowe, timers. SometlilDg New fram France. A nevblcTCle lire has Jut been devbiedbTil. Oeiird, citf Engineer of Bordeao.x and Picon, wblob Is Intended 10 do awar wlib Uie defects ot all olber Urea. It conaliu In snbsianco o(aihln robber lobe wbnse Inner snrface la Intersected b/ rnlibcr disks perpeodloolar to It and placed close to one anoiber; disks and snr(ace are all moaldod In one piece. Tbe disks aro Iblckcr at Ibe circnir (erence thao at tbe centre, to prevent tbo Inbt, from sinking Into tbo lotenilcea between the aiip- porls, and inar are made cccentrlo so as to dis- irlbate ibe rotlaling power of the aorfaco with, oot Increasing the wolgbt of ilie tire. Tber divide toe tire Into a very largo nnmber ot air cbambcra, perrecilr Independent of one another, ao that It ono Is pierced tbo others are not affected; these add to Ibe elaallclty of the tire, and do not need to b« lUled wlib compresaed air. The motion Is aaeaar as tbitof the beet pnenmatlc tires, while ibeaccldenta to which pnenmailo (ires aro snb. jecled are done awa; with. The tiro can be ap- plied at once to all rims for solid or hollow tires; (or pnenmatlo tire machines sodo slight but Inoi pensive modldcatlon of the rim will be nccesfiarj. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAO Want* of Managen anti Parformen, Op«n Dates, ete—Sao AdvertliamanU. DRAMATIC. "The Kodak," presented by tbe Noss Jollities, seems to till a popular want. Pobllc and prefH en- dorse It bigblr. Mufllcliins ate wnnled by Uana- ger Fred Noaa. Time can be Ulled at BobloHon's Opeia llonse, Olnoinnatl, 0. Uasde Ulliman withes to lease plays on royalty. Adelaide Ulih claims all rigbis and titles to "Tbe Qteat Divide," "Ibe Now West," "In tbe Foot- bllls" and "ShasU Peak." Open dates can be filled at the Cooperslown, N. r., Opera Bonso. Bene and Ford want dramailo people and mnslolans (or "Josboa SImpklna." "Down on the Fann" can be produced by a llist class nianaier. J. R-Walieannonnocs that all vacancies In bla company an Oiled. Power's Opera Uonse, Lanslngbnrg, baa open time. Dave Levis wania dtanutlo people. DIok P. Sntlon wants people for "Sinlre EsS' kins." Dramatlo people are wasted by Hoore and Long, Dalsle Harkoe, HcKlnloy Family, Oeo. U. Noble, TBos. Ellnwood, J. a. Qlssgow^ Alcaur, Fred Marsh, B. B. Uardy, E. 0. Johnson, Earl 0. Doty, Biage Di- rector, Frank W. Comstock, L. L. Oreene, F. L. Teianca, Ohas. BUI, Vernle Lee, Leonu Brothen, Payloo, A. OMaford Jr., James Oeary, Piof. Bel mer. At liberty: Nellie WblteOlfford, Edna Clare, Lew SUveis, Lonio Lester, Frank Ileal, Uoia Hall, Ultle Beaale, Prof. Oeo. Dean, Lew Olenn, Barry Jack, son, Kata Jackeon, Blllr A. onnin, Lillian Floyd, Frank and Kcll Calrlo, Alice Kemp. Will u. Youog wania repenory people. Open time can be Olicd at the Oiand Opera House, Wbeeling, W. Ta. G. B. I/>ihrop offers good open tUne nt bis houaca In Portlaud and Brockton. UVSIOALu The Jotin Ohurob Oo., Cincinnati, Ibe well known mnslo pnhUabug boose and dealers In musical In- stnunents, are uiUlzlog dve (all columns of our apace this week to acqnalncthe profeaslon wltb tbe (act tliat ibey have published a nnmber of song publications, many of wblcb most slDgets are fa- miliar wltb, and olaen which tbey sbonid know of and have In their repertory. This dmi will snpply any song of tbe llat (or ten cents, and by a aeries o( exobanges, ibe sniire llscmsy be irled (or the price of one song. Oompoaera are Invited toeendilaa. (or publication on buslneas princlplea, many lead- ing compoaera now being nnder contract. Band and oretiestn muslo Is also (oralsbed by ilils house. Raymon Moore Is singing "Tmo Love,"pnbllsbed by the N. Y. Mualo Co. Tbe I'elila Mule Co. have Isiucd "Tbe Owla' Serenade," "Dear Doroiny," "Tbe Scboolbouae Bell" and "Come to the Armsol Yoor Baby" (ree to pro(e8alonals. ■■Uark to tbe Singer" and other sous, by Olio De Harlon, can bo seoiucd (lom tbe aoibotess and Lyon and Uealy. Jane* SUIlmtn has pnbllsbed "An Old Fashioned Talentlne" and "Tha Ohoir Singer." "Oood Friends. True Frieuda" and "A LItUs White Lace aandkerohlel" aro published by Slater andOardenler. "Sweet Bnnch of Daisies'' Is itae title ot a new song by Anlla Owen. L. F. Boob has nuhllabed a new march. "Xevera Orldo" Is tbu latoit publication ot the W. B. Leonard Co. Geo. U. Kempaball will exchange saxophones. Frank Beckor, musical director, has closed wllh the "Ole OlB-in" Co., and Is at liberty. J. B. Benson wants a drat olaas boaa alnger. Iks WIdmer-Stlglor Mnslo Pub. Oo. have a long Uitof new songs. S. 8. Bicwart, who Is cironlating mnch Interest- ing Information rcgardlag the banjo, and auppllea a anpertor make ot Instruments, will send a caia- logna to those Initresied npon application. wlllRosslierpolntalothe (IgolOcantfactot his songs, "My Irene," "Mus Unon" and"Craol Hlsa," being aong with immonso Buccess bv promineut •Ingen, such sb Annie Uan, John E. Ucnibaw, SltMTt, Imogene Uomcr, Al. Ueilman, McCoy Bis- ten, Maude llaymand, Irene Fianklln, Katie Em maO, Theee publications are aald to be hits, and can be secured for ion cenis each. ne Warner Music Co. have published a list of luaoesafnl songs. Musicians ate vrantcd by Prof. W, n. CIKIon Peek t aloe, J. W. Macieady, John F. Stokes. "A Father'a Love" Is iBsned hy 0. W. Lane. "Be'a Billl Uer Baby Boy,'' snog by Mamie Flower tnth big ancccas, Is leaned by H. 0. Dyer. "Paited at the Altar" can be oideied from Wm. Pflllog. Hairy Pepper * Co. have Issned "Mary" and "Oapncs." At Liberty: Prof. 0. L. Tumor's Orchestra, Frank Hllchoooi N. N. Brown, Charles Nelson, Fiank J. OitKr, W, U. Byron, Uarry II. Hopping, V. Lulu Bawdalte, Victor Anibony. Ths English Bong Fubllablng nonse iopply nomber of new songs. Frank Harding aavarllses "After lbs Show Is Over" and "Mary o( the Mill," two new songs. "Maggie Rellly" Is aald to be a ne'w aong hit, pnbUftlisa by Iba Tourjea Mualo Oo. Om. Wait Fleming has Issued "Where Stan Are nietasL** Joi. w, Blem A Oo. have iBncd Dve naw songs, Thleb thoy supply (or ten oanta. VARIBTT Alio HlilSTBaiLS. The Four Rlehards an eanged (or Palmer Oox'a Biownleiltalaweek. Le Bif4o. oontortlonlst, oan be engaged. Prof. 0. Oonsantlna tcanhea Btage dancing. Frank B, Reynolds wants a partner. J. Begin tciehea masdoUn and banjo by mall, and itage danetng. neDorvtahcan beeiiaged. MoEee and Franks wlil be known benifteraa .ody and Fioi» HoKee. W. H. Evans wants speolalues and cnrlos (or the Mgaee,OI10lty,Pa. Lcua and Miss MInnIs, hand balancers, band Juopeta and tqinblers, can be engaged. SpeelalUea are wanted (or Lonis l>e Leon's Favor- ite Variety Oo. HadJTahar will shortly Import anewtnnpe of Arabs. Musicians and perfonnenaro wanted for Hahara'a Minstrels. Mlaa Roaana. dancer, can be engaged. C.)Ie'a educated ponloa aud goati can bo booked. Tborae and t^lcton, the oomedy couple, have Umo booked aolld until Deo.-.>l. Tbey can be an- isged (orOhrlaimasftnd New Vear'a weeka and alar. The McCoy Slaten and mother.Mlnnle MoEvoy McOoy, aro open (or engaietaenia, owing to "A Wild Duck" Co. oloaing auddenly. The glrla an a taleoied Juvenile team. The alslers an lie en- gaged alone U necessary. The Downer OoUegeoiDanolng.of OMcago, haa opened ft branch dramatic and atage oanclaa school at 41 W, Twenty-elghth Street, New York City. Mile, Downer has originated ft new lightning dance. Specialties are wanted by Ed. King, Leouto Bros-, Fiftok Morton, OoL T. A. Edwards, Dr. flio. 0. Tallerday. Medicine Co., W. 0. Porry. John P. On- lay, Taylor Button, 0. U. lit lug, Lonia Oenry. At Liberty: M. A. Acker, WalL Teiry, Lew A. Warner, Barry Jordon, Oeorge Wctver. Chaa. 0. Allen wants people (or Natuia'a Hemtdy 00. Pearl V. Kobblns, In his monol Jgne act, "Just for Fan." can be engaged. He claims originality for all ot his work. Avery and KInr, aeilallsts, have niomed rroin the Oarden Show In South America. Dooley and Catnll can be engaged. The Four Eddys, whose unique acrobatic act re- ceived well merliad praise in Boston, can be en- gaged after Nov. 10. Archie Sands wants a high class magician. Ohaa. J. Oorman wishss to All the week of Nov. 10 at Qorman's Theatn, Manchester, CL The Moalcal Rtvana can be engaged. EaverU'a MInatrehi, who opened at the Orphenm, San Francisco, Oct. 39. will be nnder the personal snpervlslon or J. B. Haverly hereafter. The com- pany Is booked (or a tour of the Pacldc Coast. Stoart, styled the Male Patu, has beeo re-engaged for Keith's Boston Theatre, after closing the olio laatweek. Waller J. Pllmmer'a agency Is brought to the at- tention of professionals. Prof. Roach's Academy offers facllUles for learn Ing siage dancing, acrohatto and mnslcal acts. Olark and Aogellne have a (ew open weeks. Oeorge F. McOann writes songs, etc. Camoinallons are wanted for Oalely Theatre, Chicago. > OIRODB. HIngllog Biolhen claim to bars nude tha big- gest kind ot a favorable Impression ibroughoDt Texas wllh their big show. They are playing three ehowasday, and their lants sre totally unabloto accommodate all eager (or adululon. In some Inatances tbe ring and hippodrome Uack were en- croached upon by the crowd. The full price of od- nlsilon, Iny cents. Is levied, and cheertolly con tribniea, The newspspen of Dallas, Deulson, Sherman, Waco, OalnesvlUo, Fort Worth, areen vine and Waxahachle are quoted Id proof of the above ataiemenls. ningling Biotheis an already making prepantloa.i to put their show on the road nest season In hlthi.:to unequalled magnlOcence, and on a mammoth scale o( grandeur, lermlos It tha Ooloesna o( tha Show World. Ulgh class artltts and nertormers, and all novel acts are being searched (or. Bamum t Bailey's business onices are located at 109 West Thiny-aeventb Street, New Ydrk. J. A. Bailey, sole proprietor end manager, wishes 10 hear (rom mtle and (emale per(ormen In all lines of the circus business that are Ont class. Blllpoaten, llthogiaphcn and progranunen can address Loula E. (^>oke, agent. "Ronle In Rhyme" can be ordered (rem Roy Oyon. flI80EliI,iU(EOnB. Attracttona can book time at The Fllihogb, Os- wego, N. Y.; Morris Opera House, ElsboRy, Ifo.^ Ulldreth Open House, Charles City, la.; New Masonic Opera Bouse, What Cheer, la.: New Tem pie Thealn. Dyeiabnrg, T«nn,; Opera Uonse. Osh kosh. Wis.; New Bioadwiy Thealn, Ohelsaa,Mass. Opeia Houss, Watarbury, CL For Sale: Snakes, etc, byW. A. Oonklln; trained cats, by Biann; tricks, by W, H. J.Shaw and A. P. Uoffoun; tent, etc., by ((enter Payton; llgnres, by Chas.Lee: slides, by Smart, Irwin JkOoldlhoipe; eword walking ontdi, etc., by W. Nelson. Piofeaslonal Hotels: Derllhy's, Philadelphia; St. Oloud, Philadelphia; American Home, Flttaborg. Prof. MoiTla wants a oar. Jacobs Oiothen tnrnlah clothes rnide to order, at low flgnrcs. At liberty: A. 0. West, agent; Heldon, agent; W H. .Sherwood, advance, etc. Vtn an odeied tor nnt by A. W. Van Hosan. J, H. lAlnewantsa billposter and a suga car- penter. Ocnetal Oarl Dice wants perfarmlsg animals. E. P. Noll t Co. mount showctrds, maps and poataia. The ntums (rom Ooldsmlth's special sale "ad," In osr columna still conllnnaa to keep them buay ailing many large orden for tinnlia and make-up boxee. The Midway can be booked. John La Olair oan be engaged lb put on Water Oamh'al with latest Improvemenis. Havens and Andrews' TWO HITS. 'After the Sliow Is Over," DiacRiPTiVK Euma bt e. \v. rooiir4, amd "MARY OF Till] MILL," RAILAD RV nr7.PAVItI':X A.S'R IIAVBNS. TllEsiiTwn so.vus AHK .NOiv Bi:i.S(i .n'.Mi nr HAVENS AND ANDREWS, WlUi aDteundtJ flQ»»«^ To prof«uloo. lOc r*r copjr. ri«4*«e«lUtouTMa*lfiltooin»ndhMr all ibn UU^Iot onrlUUM. FRiNK IIAIIDINO'H Mt'tllC tfTORK. it) Hovorr. N8W York. WANTED, (JUICK, FOR "A Comic Cyclone" Co. TWO PIRflT DIaLEOT UU8ICAf* COMEDIANR. flnt dtM Ulj plADlit, A No. 1 Mubroita. (ApAliI* of dolog soac kDtl daaM iprriBMlM. All iuubi chuiflo ott«o. Cointdlao* tnunt on (mcw. Hitta l'<w««t ulUT 10 flnt )«tur. «i II )■ liUlttt. Mu (kft HlT»no«>l. Bttow OMDi Nor 10. Hillf lliwolla. hleKA will*. AiMfMi Frank W. Conntonli, Ba6 411 TV. law. A ludvid, Idlo dado of aX«llow csUod od & doctor, wbc uked, among other tblogB,"Oo yon over' ftnreiercteot" '^Not maob," sitdtlieiDao; "l ja-SB, I wind Dp mj warcb, bwasli ro; owa balr, clean mj own teetb, and woU my own olgftwette«. Pffl not mncb ot a hand for action, you know. ExerolM donH agweo wltb mo, I Ctncy." "WHEN GOflBEn AND RTZSIHHONS GOVE TOBETHER." Br WILL J. BABOMAN. Nutir OBt jtt to do Ihll BODff. Well pat togoUMF. Unto Ibe llm««, nlubl* for iDM or womu. aed wtlhlo uepr1e»or al). WrlU«Q bj amanvboiiiidentaiidiblibiiiroeM. Words and moak, uoesnta. aualiawelu rabllihedbj WILLJ. IIABD' HAN, 8ooc sod Sketch Wrlier, IIE Fourth St, Ns'^ Tork, R. VWTOIf AllDEBSOV, DBAB SIB: YooFMBf, Let Me Ofe Wltli Uie Lo¥td Ones ■! Hems," I baTi tooksd over eavefallr. sod flod It a traly beauria' ■oDf TbeMolioMDiligra^' —.a.w Tbewordaandmelodtare i aoDf TbeMolmMDiligrawLaadtbiBekMlris lOTelf. Tbe worda and melodtare weliwaM»d. Iwiilpntiton atoDc« at the FalaceTheatre, and «ll) feaura It all ibe setMS. verritDcerel/a mabiBwarren. Palaeathaaire, Bostoo. Uau. ClirlORettlst It Llbertj-lkomdlf Ei. FBBIBVOBD Beat of reftreoeea. Oal/ leipoDilble Buaaitn need replr- AddrsH r.mrBRNA. atb., at. inii, mo Wanted at once, two Good ActorSi RTATE FULL FARnODLlBS ADD LOWBCT &1L1KT. FBOHT a raiiBBAWB. nt— b\wk mebim. WHtil, Leiitog Ulfi SNUrelti illli Spa- elallr, awl Al L«ad*r ud 1*1100 riafw. A\»n % food Rp« elallr Taani. Asiwtr qiieS I>. L. ORBEM!, >^l oirr o>.. K«» Biiwia. n., nor. X wio««d. ci- a. WANTED. 600D ALL ROUND RETERTOIRE PEOrLK. ALSO MAW rOB PIANO i.N'DSHllL PARTS NU raRES APrA.\CED. Addnw WILL C. TOUKO, OlaafO. Mlcb, Hot. I, I sod J. HA6ICIANS, Nil ud SecoBd Hud Uiglcil ArPABATL'a,ILLl-llO)I.AKTMiri RITUAL aOOD«.<la, rornloworbaloweott. LlilaforfluDP. A. P. UOfP- «A», at WalllGstort Coon. Clonlaod, O. BAND MUSIC 'A°jg!'JffJlaii'^»|g;5: AT LIBERTY, CORNET PLAYER AUD BIXD LBADII. RIIOILT flUT CUH. AA- daaaa TIOIOB AIRBORT, l a t e a ae. ladluk FRBB. 5 SoDgs, 5,Orchestrations. Jule Keen. (DUPFALO DILL'S UUTCII.11AN.) ' TomyProfessionairrlendB. tVIIV 8IIVKEII U'lll::^ "ANAKEN" Is gaarABtefid to CVU1£ yuii nf lllivumm llsiA In a Trry few day«. It li hlalily vacorainehdnl by ull who barfi usta It HoncI forclrcalBi'* 107 Kast Hist Sireot, N«\r York. "A FATHER'S LOVE," Tho Sons "Illl" oflba Day. Solid for It, 'TLIYING ON THJ-: ULi) VILLAUE UKEEN," A keKotlful homo aong. vrllK rullcho- Bf. Proroaitonal co|iloa, sic. eMCh,oivhao* Irs partJ, lUc. extra. O. W. LAMU, Uluaraatcr, naoi N. T.AOBNCr. LAWRKMOENllVaLtV AMI) KUPI'LT CO. CLirPhll BUILUI.S'd. YOU MUST HAVE ONE IF YOU HAVEN'T COT ONE YET. Oar Makc-rp Uoxira ardspoclalijr Mtlnpicil for profeaaloDal uao. Tlicj aro iiiaiIo u( the hfit qatlltr tlu, Dully Onlalieil In Rolil nnd blAck, provlaed with a trey wllh coinp.irimcni8 for coDib, brnah, powdcra, ntnl iin'KU) i>hIi]Ib, etc. 8lw, loxTil, ui ccn'a. Your iiitire palnicd 00 wllHont exirk ohargo. Uraaa imilloct, 2', ccnta. "6olilsinllhTroiiks,"6lhAt.,4lstSt„N.Y Our DOW lifto^ about truriks. wrilo for !■ nnw. 111 CERTAINTY OR SHARE. J EAN JACQUES, Waterb ufy, Ct, OBAND OPSIN IING. THE PAUCETHEATRE, NO. 7(1 BT. LAWIIENCB BTIIEET, MONTREAX., CAN. N6«lr ttfllUd and il»cor»titl. Will open m a lint daw TaudOTllle Uieaire 6ATUKDAY, HOW 3, IU>I R 0.—First cUw noToliy and ipecialt/ i>cople wire for ouroiieotDR aod lattr da'f>« aod lannp. Addiau all coramuDleailonp to LODH IIENIIY. Manager ud Proprietor, FalacoTbvaire, HoQtreal.CaDsOa. WANTED, A GOOD LEADING MAN, TUAT OAN PL4Y BOTH IIRAVIEfl AND JUVKNILE . Salifymasibe lo actorOaoco ni'hUieiimoi. HaaaHe* meat pays tioard. Balarfptlil every week. Uuful rep4>r toire people that are doI almid to work. wrl'.«. Kui Jolaatooce. Ed aarainuod and wK*. write. PRANK li YEUANCE, Kaaager, FaulA Veraace'a KiceUlorUtimedy C'V,5 Bootli BUlefltfeet. CouorU. H. ll..or ai i>Br raJuU. Colar«d clarionet player, playing Rand B* Aleo colortxl performers, double li brass preferreil, and nioslclan for "!lla< very D«ys*** Atldro«s JUIIN K. 8TOKE9, 3Isr. ATTENTIOX, MEDICINE CO. JIANAGERS Tea wiU leara of sooetblnir lo your lotorAJii by sendloit aiyoarsddreaa at oaoe. Orea ooi confllrt wlih loar tMnlarblL Ifynu are out Inr ilia uufT WKITBUUlOI CINDBIlEU.ACOMI'ANy.Corry, KrIeCo, Peso. nt»TR I l->Mend PruKranme anil 10c. stamps for malllnif, anti mention irlietlter you wish ono or nil of nbovo songs. * JOS. W. STERN a CO., 304 Baal 14lh BIrcet, Ifnw Varli. CLIPPER Wanted Quick, VOR "SQUIRE HASKINS''COMPANY: A good atrons oomedlBii for tbe Bqnire with lipeolaltleii a gooi Irlah comedian with iip«olaltle% • atrong noalcal inm. Preference gUtn these who plajr bruH. Huat Join at once. Make It low. AddroBf DICK P. SUTTON, UiiUer, Ho., Norember 8, Rioh IIUl fi, (lalona 7. POWERS' OPERA HOUSE, LANBINOOUItO, S. V. Open Nor. 3, 0, H, U, 10, '43, 'M, St7, :<N, 3U, UM' 1. 3 lo H, 10, II, 13, IT, IM, lt>, 4(1, 44, !U to 31 And l»l«r. CoiiiiiaiilDa carrying bsnd preferred. P. IKVIWO CRAKB, Wonnger. FOR SALE, Sword Walking OuHlts. tadder, Plre Bworda. and Pecret huw lo On ihli act, BIO BtMtk Art 10order, Pire llluMon', all id ooe.|til. Aerial Bu»|t«aJiloo, wllh coaiumean*! palotin|.|l6 AlulT- td animal cdrtoa and psioilniti cl>«at> Limber Joiee, with secret bow to become a coQtnftlootat, |Z per boitle Tsnua, one taiid with onler, balance (i. O. li. WM. NKLgQW. 13 Kullon Hirem Wurceoler. Uiu. Viola to Doable la Brass and Properly Man for Snail Parts, Tbat Cao Play Bass Drun bf Note. BoUi malt be able to nlty lilRlicit Otn of rauilc Ad- drasi PEUK A RICH Mioafir^ i:irVs U'and Opera Uouu Stock Co., ■aocheiier, N. II, titii week; Coooord, W. U..peitweefc. THE MUSICAL RAVENS. Bis Hit at Pastor's Last Week At llbertj for coinblnntlona or dateiu rimuowtaddrow 7 W«r. KourratDii, al. Now Vbrkciir. SuotlouBl BDd Nnabrelte L,tfa4lf, irllll Hlirclall/. Addnu MERIDEX, CU.1N., lliln w»k, WI.N9TEAD, COXK.. iDdllloiU^ UERR'S OPERA HOUSE, BLUFFTON, OHIO. OOOD OrEir TIVB FOR PIRAT OLAHB ATTBACTrONH. Waat lood aitracilon lor TbutiuiTlor nl|liL Upon Ume to Dec . Jan.. Pel*., and MarrTi. A<l-lr«M EATON FLICK, Mniincers. STOCK PEOPLE WANTED, CHANGE BILL MOXDAY uid TnUIUDAr, C Nl>l,la. 3 Mtlmtea. JAMEJ OEABI. Mgr.. Tutor <)wr» lloaio, rinilUr, 0. THE ABSOLUTE WONDER OF JUQQURY, Alirr AMDBRWBATIO^ K.VKRV WIIEIIB, SL NT X3 I> , A Good Class Blower. wnil QUICK, t. 0. BAL'WUEI, UOBUQUE, lA. WANTED, A'FIBST CLASS BASS SINGER, Huat PIbt In Dind. Applj at once to J. H. BElNtilOIV, (.'areofOPAULUINO b URAY, 10 Went 27th Mtreet, W ew York City. WANTED, A FIRST CIASS I with Specially old man part. Plait join oit receipt of telegram. Also a leader ftir oiThestra. who can play brass In band, Ittate lowest salary, abiolutely eure. Write or w:re DAVR MCVltt, Jerary- vllle, III., Nov. 1| Virginia SI, Havana 3, fo nt lac a, L HAND MEN THAT OAN 'INU A LITTLK Oil WORK RNU WHITK. Alio MiDMar or Ailvuiea A,ut »llli 111(19 cjpllil (DO Ufflla.) I bATO moat7 to luii iliow, but »AJal Mtnt 000 lo Itilp mo. TAYtOlt IHITTOK. M«ro|Jil». TODli. OPEIM- TITVT'FI, WEEK OF NOV. 19, AT 60RMAN'STHEATflE,Manch8Ster,N.H. WrllA or Ttloinpb 'lulck lo cms , i. OORM»N. Lwne and Maiger. Successful Songs. MARY) WALTZ BONO, MARY >- MARY)HARRY PEPPER COQUETTE I ■•"■•"'JT'* COQUETTE > w. a, uhnjariin, Hood lUlDpl. IIARRY rKPI'XH i 00., 57 WMi.Korl y-i.KOBdat. Now Yofh 1:117. 00 TO THE DOWNER COLLEGE tlSTIIBEDIIIICING udORIIHIIIICIIRT, rOR ALL Hiri.KHOK NKW NrKOIALTIIM, UKAUKVULANUMTKI' UANUmil, for Mrtlculwt. CAll II w. ()ili Bl, No» York Cllr, or IM Wsbuli A>«.ni,lco«o,lll. K L. UOWNHH.ilUAHLIWT, roRKYTIIK. Illroclori WANTED, A LEADING MAN, AND REPERTOIRE PEOPLE. «ddr«ii PAHON STOCK CO., Abllint, Tbui. FULL BEARD FREE ToottfTpgicbwroftboi of BOT'I P/imiAV IIUll, Hupfriur to tor nm oror ai«1 bt piolouioula. frioo, bie. A Mt or Rolf B«illuK Wblikon villi «T«rr Imoll I'fleo, J HI fliaoiDO lAkM. AddroM or OYfEK.r 0 Boi nt. Btitimon, Hd. WANTED AT ONCE, LEADING LADY, Ladr for nmeral Boiloeu; aUesOonadlBD.mtwtilof. LH'tyTO HKOR. Opera IIobh. PBefntapaey. Pa. WANTED. HUSICAL ACT (Shgle or DoHbli), LADY VOOALIRT. KOKU ADD OANi R LADY AND AN AOBRT lor UQ wtlu. Wlllloiai Trio And JoliQ U. MorUifrllOBO. 11.11. IRVIRU lUtorblll. Miu. AT LUEITY, KORBE WEAVER, BUCK rAi:B ooaiDuir, rioxo rALiuo ado iibouo irBUTAtTlil. Alnn »Is dtu. AMnM UBOIOB For 1895. We aro now propnrod to re- ceivo advertlsoments for tho next edition of Cupper Annual This valuable Rscord Book hasalwayt proved an unsurpassed advertising ne- dlum. A large pail ol the edlHoR Is taken by the patrons of athletic and other sports and pastimes, amuse, msnt managers and artists In the va- rious branches of the amusement pro. fesslon. Hilill will bo found a most direct neiRS of comnunlcatlon for managers of opera houses and halls, actors and perfom. ors In all departnonts, nussun and circus managers, dealers In tbeatilcil goods and costumes or penons who supply anything used in a theatre, cir- cus or museum; dealers hi baseball, crickot and other sportbig goods and Implements, dealers In guns, annunl- tlon, etc., fishing tackle makers, boat builders, etc., etc. RAmOFlDVERM: ForNtpue,7 l-2i4l-2 - • (40.00 Forhilfipin . . . 20.00 Forqiiulerodpite - • • 10.00 Fortwul)-flielliiBi,iiili* • • 5.00 For tn UiK igile • • ' 3.00 Foilfhilliiiigita .... 1.00 .• AOATB HBiiuiei roumaii uni lo am IXOU, AMD tUE OOLOMRI ABB I t-WM. WIDE Ad<r*u all coaBaaieall«B< ta The New York Clipper, THE OLIPFEE BUIUUIIO. n aad BO OairtB* Stow*,