New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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564 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 3. "IMPERIAL" MANDOLINS, GUnilHS, MIINDOLEnES ARE THE BEST. TUB JOHN CHURCH CO. SEND FOR ~ PRICE LIST OP THE JOHN CHURCH CO. Are scarce, but we name a few on this page. There's variety enough for all kinds of "situations." These songs are too good co give away. When a publisher cares so little for a song that he gives it away broadcast, flree of charge, it can't be worth much. You wouldn't think it was, and you know you wouldn't— Read this Offer. Any ProfeBslonal Singer sending ns Program, with his or her name In Rntnc, Kin i;ct one copy of any song in following lint for TEN CENTS. If tlio 8ong yon Rulcct doesn't suit, send it back in good order, make another solnclion und wo will mnll It to yon without any extra charge and you niiiy keep tlilH up till you're tried the whole list, if yon like. We'd RuggoRt sending for a nnmb«r (doii't forget the cash), and If yon try theni all, and none suit, you may send them all back, and we will Hond you the worth of jour money In anything else that we may have in stock. Scabrooko's Great Song, "Swim Out O'Grady" . HIT. 60ct6. ONE OF MctiLENNON'S DEST. "tim gappigan's wedding;' A RATTLINQ IRISH CHARACTER 80NQ, 40ct8. A Grout Descriptive Song, "FACING DEATH" By Follx ItlcOloniion. 40Ct8. Olio of Pflrsloy'fl Ii4ist Songs, "I'll Not Forget Thee, Mollie Dear." 36ct8. i, "(food nn" by Max Knaaer. 'Tm Ashamed to Look My D0II7 in the Eyes." Good for TAndovlllft phllil artist, with 40ct8. THIS IS "ALL RIGHT." "LULLABY SONG," By B. MBLVILIiB BBOWAB, 40ct8. PaUiotic Song and Chorus, "LHtle Footsteps Gome No More," hy wm. ICO hist Hoitsx. 60Ct8. Au Irish lionnty, "Laughing Irish Eyes," MV L,. W. .TONBH. 40Ct8. nUMONT AM) LEIUIITON'S SOMU, "KITTY GRADTS SISTER," 40Ct8. The Great Western Success, "Tlie Birds Have Been Singing About You." Ob« ortke B*it or WslU BOD(i. Br ORU. MCHLKIS<S<ARTH, 40«t<. HELENE MORI'S OWN SONG, "Liberty Bell," ■DUO BT HISS MORA. WITH IM- raiiMaucciwa. 60ct8. Introducing Air of "Rock of Ages" "ThatGrandestSongcfAII" BT A. J. BOEX. 60ct8. Percy Gaunt's Latest Topical Song. "It Isn't Noch When Yon Come to Look It Over." 40Ct8. ODE OF CUABLIE GBIUAH'S BEST. "You Can't Win a Sweet Little Wife EveijDa)." 40ct8. A oate oae—jroD osght to hear It. "TtireeLittleChums" By Jill Inn XSd wards. 60Ct8. A Grtit "End Song," WHIi Chorus, "The Goon That Cut ie Out," BYT .T. W. WHEKIjKR. 36ct8. A SMg With the Right Ring to It, "Remember You've a Sister of Your Own," DY W. K. ROOBR. 60Ct8. TRY THIS IF YOU ARE 6000 ON THE LAUQH. "THE GREAT LAUamNGSONG." BY KD. BAROHIER. 40Ct8. BAND AND ORCHESTRA LEADERS Lank at Ihli Hat of eompoi.ra mmd arraagara, raprMfalcd In oar CmtaloaafU JTohn Philip Sonsa, the "Maroh Klnc," Joseph B. Olavs, Amerioa's Greatest Arrancer, George Lowell Traoy, Rudolph Aronaom L. P. Iianrendean, J. O. Oaaey, D. B. Godfrey. Edwin Ohrlatie, George Voelker, O. E. Bray, H. £. Oogswell, Herman Bellstedt Jr., D. W. Godard, Gaatave Lnders, John Gemert, H. H. Thiele, A. Llberati, Theron D. Perkins, and others. Bend for Cntoloiiue. VRBIC.. ALONG": Hat Dod'i Shore. WE WANT THE AODHESS OE EVERY GOOD FHOFESSIOlSrAL sutgek SEND YOURS. Composers that want to place merltorlons com- posltlofls with a thoroaghly relia- ble, progresslTe, and "np to date" PabllshlDg 'Honse, are solicited to submit HSS. to ns for ex- amination. Bead elsewhere on this page the joint letter from JOHN PHIUP SOUSA, the great band master, and D. BLAKELY, his manager, commenting on onr methods. Among those now nnder contract with ns are JOHN PHILIP SOUSA, DATE BRAUAH, PEBCT GAUNT, JULES JOEDAN, SAIYATOBE TOMASO, Etc, Etc, and XATEB SCHABWENSA, the world renowned Pianist A "Hit" From "Madeleine," "Maiy Had a Little Lamb" By Julian. XM-^ards. 60Ct8. CastellBrydges'Catchy Song "MAIDEN AND THE ROSL" 60ct8. Tr7 thb one by PBiNK DDMONT. "WHEN I WAKEN FROM THIS DREAM." 40Ct8. Something by a New Writer, "That LHtle Wife Of Mine," BY O. H. WILiLiIS. 40Ct8. ITS AS PBETTT AS IT'S TITLE. "YOIRPRETTYEVESARE PICTURES ON HYHEiRT." BY A. W. HOFTMANN. 60Ct8. A GOOD LOVE SONU, ''Sweettiearts, You and 1" By W. S. I-vlns. 40Ct8. Froa Aa Eiant la Red Life, "A Life's Incident," DesorlpUre. B7 PAUL CAKP. 60ct8. Something Neat and Catchy, "KISS m MAKE UP WON'T YOU, SWEETHEART. BY TOM LENNOX. 40Ct8. Play this "Straight," It's a Winner. "When Sousa Loads the Dand," BY IPRANK A. U.BNT. 40Ct8. Banks Winter's Latest, "Leve Will Conquer Aii," IT'S A. CORKER. SOcts. Pathetic, Sweet, Appi>aling, "Come Back and Kiss Mamma Goodbye." DeMrlpllTc, By A. IV. HOFFMANN. 40ct8. Title old—words and music new. "Under the Mistletoe," By GEO. TREBEL. 40Ct8. A Typical Southern Lore Song. "Malaga Mobile," Pasilonate Wordi, Baaulllul Mglodir. BY OKO. SC^HLSIF'S'ABTH. SOcts. A NEAT INCOBE SONG. "EISSIN6 TAKES THE CAKE." BY JULIAN KI>WARUS. 40Ct8. A GOOD STORY TOLD IN A SONO "MCCARTHY'S MININ6 STOCKS." By Toddy O'lVoal. 40Ct8. WILL ARMSTnONS'S SUCCESS, "Darling Kathleen," BY M. K. BUCK WALTER. SOcts. Do Yon Want a "Cate" Liillabyt Here. "Shot Eyceaby Bye" BY CARLO MORA. 40Ct8. As Pretty as They Hake 'Em, "Shadews en tlio Wail." BY If RED. PFKIFF'KR- SOcts. READ THIS LETTER. ST, LOUIB, Oct. 10, 18M. THE JOHK OHUHOH CO., Oinoinnati, O. OKNTkBMBNl I harabr aekaowledge, on bvliBiror Nil. BOVSA. tha ncvlpt«< t6,S8N.S», la Htll.BMBt of lb* raraltla. aarnnl daring Ui« qnartar andlnc Rapl. 30, I8M, on lha lw« aanha. pablUbad bf joo, to wll, tha "1.IBBRTV DBLL" •><> "UARHATTAN BEACH. nR. SOUSA Bad I Jala la aipnulag thaaka fbr the promptaeM aad eiactatM with whirh ram hava mad* joar ralara. ot rajralllaioB (ha marehaa pabll.naa by yoa. Oar ftenhar appraclalloa waa aehBawlad||»d yeitaidar, of tha aalarprl.a aad pa.h which hava characlerliad yoar maaacameat of MR. BUVSA'S alTalra. Tka avaal only iarvaa la eaaim tha caaSdaaea ha Im joar Brm at tha tlma ha alOMd hU ceatrB<t with faa. Vary Ualy jraaia, D. BLAKBLV, MaaaKar Boaaa'i Band. I cardlalljr aadotaa tha ahava. JOHH PHIUP SOUSA, The John Church Company, Cincinnati.