New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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572 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 10. — Uolicrl l>. II] itr, proprietor Mid mcniger «r Ilf d« • Comedy Uo„ wrlict u foUowi froiD Cln- ciniwil, 0., andtr i)>le at Oct 38: ''Mr «d. In Tni ULirriR or Ocl. 20 ijroDgbl mo Uio larunt nonilMr or nppllcHiloDi I IwTO eret received, tni I diui n; ihu II li the odIt p*per on earlli ror ii)tD»ren- I am dolDK ihg beat liaiUneM I luTe done In Are ytun. I htve now tbreo compftnln louring Id- ilUDB, BDd ell Nre miililnfi money. Louia Itoldock has UfinipAoy No. 3 In flood runnlDjr order, and la tarolnx people acT DlRlitl/, Joh. P. Wlllard haji Ihe miina||eineotor(lomp»nr No. 3, anl r>parliCliF hoi pmapeola ror the aunn. It la inrlnlenllonU) pot out two mnre compulea In i coople n( weeka." — )^r* Umliiun Cllfi liaa aluned with Huufier W. B. HmsTcs io pUr the leading part In "llanda Acruaa ibe <ea.*' opening Not. 6. — "A Wild liork" oloaml lia lonr Oct. ZT. — The UcCof Blatera bavo been eDnicd bT jolin II. Knwil inr iila coraedlani. In "A Iterlew." — IL A. Ilaliom la at hli bonie, Beaulce, Neb., alowl; recovering Iroin an allack ot malaria rever coolncied in Teiaa. — Jobn T. Ticrnc; la dnlag the character or Ne- raildpn In "The lluatler," ilie part fonnerlr plajed b; JiiliD Krrneli. — K^ibcrro Upton nordog, prorcaalonallr known aa 1lHr.el Imrrlain, waa granied a dirorce froDi Jaxi.n Oordnn In Chicago, Oct. 17. — Un. Win. J. Bcanlan bwliren granted an order In iticHiiptriorOiiurtor tiila Bia'e permliling her lu fllapoiHi of ber iioihand'a ilile and latercet Id ■•liaviiorne«'ii,'*Htidh«aarr«iigfdloMill loAogDalua riuiu ilie eole riglit of prmlocilon or the plaf. ~8Tdner Iireir1nloii<ta1o produce "The Bacbe- lor'a llAb;,'' a h-w cnmrdf. In lllcliniond, Va., Nor. 0. Kre<leil''k llrytoo allliM In the ca>L — II la rrp Tied that Mra. Lcalle Uaner Intendato relom in iliitaiago. — UiirioKlDitlo baa added "Daogera or a Orcat Cllr'' to li>r rrpenor;, and pUjed It for the llr«t lime Ocl. 27, Ni oitaHH, O., whi-n alia aaanmed ihe role (iiiliutiiugli girl. Km Ktiiste appeareil aa the rHiiaiiHiid Hid Jew. Ulai Kluse tliloka the piaj will prove a winner. — uarl Urehtn, nmnager or "Ten NIglila In a Par Room," waa prcaenicd wlih a gold lieviod cane by bla company uu bla lilrlhda/, alter which a tmngoei waa aerved. — Ilatilo Slarr (Ura. Chaa. I,. Ilarria) baa written ao opf rA fur lie Woll lloppcr. Tbe autiject la en* itrrl; new, and It la Bid lua neaer been treated In opera or plaj. Tlio inualo la briglii and caK:h}. Tlio BCiiru will lie nuiillahed b; M. WIrmark i Dona, with whuoi Htka Btarr haa algoed a all ycara' coo* txaot. — Itoaicr III mr. U. F. Hhaw'a (Jhallenge Band, wlUi liaTo II. LewU' "Undo Jnah Spruceb}" Co.: rnir. U. v. Uhaw. olartnnei; IliclMrd lliiiho and W. H. Conn, ciirncta; Onaa. I'rokop, barltODe: Krank Wilalna and Kd. Hiagurd allde treobonea; Imr, W, E. Il"lipnttcln and John Farrell, altoa; U. I,. Fox and J. Kretli, tonora; A. U. Mailaon and B/d.B. Hjlvoa'or, driima, and Fmnk H. Thavker, tuba. Tno inuil ta liiaklnga apeclaltj ul doacrlpilTO oicr turca. — Kilwin P. Hilton, manager or Flolao Vlllard, In "The l.lillo HpcculHiiir," wai| a Ui-iri'iK caller Ni>v.2. Ur. Hilton aaya he haa flnlahed hla tunr thruuKb New Ktiglaoil. wboro he waa very aucccaa- rul, and ijaadupllCHteu tlio good loipreaalun niado there, at llocheaier and nUier Now York clU^ Hla aiiracilun plaja at llarinanoa llieccker Hall, Allun;, Ihreo innhu tlila week, opening election night and readme rolnma.aud the adt-ance Bale waa Tcrj lieAVr, Ho will ihon plaj Hjrracuae and aunia rvnnailranla cliloe, and tho reojda'aTliea- tio. New Viirk. ror a week In liocomber. The new iDeintiera ul the compaoj havo made htla and all lodlcaiiimn point to "The I.title Hpecniaior" being aiiona fldn aucct^ Ur. Hilton will be In New York for aome daja. — Ulivor lAiiHilidiiaarejoined lho"Mulo Triile" 01. aa atage manager. — IL K. Hlroiig, or Uoiralu, N. Y., will leave lor Cleveland, u., Nov. n, wboro hla etator, Ploreoce ilmiMlue, otiho J. K. F,mniel LM., win bold a re- ceptlim rnr hloi at iho llollenden Holel. — Jack J. Kelt, comedian, lell tho OarrlQ Lament Co. at llufluniontj Tex., and opened wltli Uont'a Vuuiedjr Uo. at cllniiiu. Ho., Nov. t, Ur. Kelt and hlH|Mriner, Chrle. Ilrnno, will atarjolnil; hextaen* aoii liiararcooooicdj.enlltlcir'ThelleirTTrHnip " — "Iho Uuttnn King," now phi;lng In lloaion, coiiiea to tbia eltj thla Winter, ror an IndeHolle run. — Wlillani A. Uiadjr haa copjriglited the plav rn'ltlcil "A llowcrr Ulrl," a meludraniallo pnHloo. ii'iu. whirh ho Inlcnda to pruduoo ImtuodlatelJ aturr Utarlainiaa. — Sheruutu Urown haa aold hla Int^reei In "Og the Kanh" to Uaoagor Ihivldaon, or Uavldion'a Tiieaira, Milwaukeo, wla. — Julia Uariowoliaa aocopted an airangeinent nt llruwalne'a plar, "Coioiiibe'i Ulrtbdav," bj lloae Kjtlnge and H. Aria Flaiier. — unarlra Frohman iiaa ooniploted arrangeueDta for the appearance ur John Drew In J,ondoD next Aptli. Ula anpponlug compsnj, Inoluding Hand Adaina, iiiu licun cngagal, and lie will preaeni "The Uuiiirillra," "The Uaaked llall," and a new pla; now living written rur hlin bv an Kngllab autnor. Uia l/>iiduu aeaaoD wlli oontlnoe until Uio ulddio orJuir. — Manager llnbl. II. Ularko bu aeciiml Jamee F. Mmiih 10 wrlio a four agt luehvlraiiui lor bla atar, Kobt F. rarkinaoii, whloti tili ahnni; be produced in olltea onljr. Harrv B. Muk, tnualoal p«rt> riuor, rui'rniij Joluoil iliHClarko-RiiSiuaon Co. Tho com- |iiiU7 report good liualnraa iirt>ugb NIaaourl and — ManlnaTllia, Ind., Nutea: At IHIe t l>ark'a Upem lluuae, del. 'J3, liio Alluilan L'oiioert Co. played tu a ililit hiiiiae. (lot. 'Ji, Walter Crow plar- ril In a very giml andlence; Oct. Z7, tbe "iJnolo lllraiii" 1)0. played to aUndlng room only; Unt. 2P tlie"8i.l'lonkard''C«. pla)ed to a lull buuae, and lieuplo were turned away. — TliB ^'entuu llrua. are doing well In **Tbe W- oiirl and I" Co. Uuaiiieu i«pon«1 to be more thau up tu oipeotailima. Tiie C4iiiipaoy tlnlah New Kng- land week of Nov.'Ji^liee 1, aud iiien go directly Weal, wliere iliey ani tioukol in ail weak aianda. — Fred 0. lloey reqiifain ua lu deny the report that tio had Juliiuil J. u, lliKiloy'a Co. -CiaytuuK. White liaa Juliied "A Hummer Blla. unl" Co. -"Tho I'llnia IMina" Vo. having oloaod, Nell i.lieiiarUI, Yankee cnnudlan, u reeling at hla homo III lunwcll U. — Noica tnnii the Ualdwln-llogrm Comedy Co.: Wo H» out again making nar Florida tour, and bualnin la good cuualdcrlng everything. We carry Iniiricn peiipio. One iiaiid and orohoati*. Uiintoe l>me Joined tho oumpany at Tfellabaaacc, Fia., t'<t tho aeaaou. He haa been alok at bla hone at llouiiuu, To.\., lur aevoml weeka.and bit rrlenda wlli be Hlad 10 know bo la about well again and doing ieada tor the Itopra Slatcra. — Noiei rruin Frank Tiickor'a t^inedr 00.: At tho oloae ul a gonti week*a bualueea at the (Jpera liuoae Uriiim, <l. Uanager J. W. Iloua'r, ot tho houae, tvmb red ibe eoinpaiiy an ehtboiale banquet. The coitatlon took place on tbe auge and waa a very merry aiTaIr The lueinbera o( the company who parloiik or the roaat were: C. I'. Coaai, J. Knox Qavin, U. A, Hum, Uen. Ilulililna, TUu Hanln, Uirou tiebnrmerhorn, the Arton Quaricite 0. W. lileiriuh. Jane Harbuiy, Ocriio llubbliia, Vaiene 11*11 and Kihol Tucker. The alnir or Ibe honae. In- cluding Manager lleuaer, waa aiao pmenL — hbtrr L. llxiey, bualui-at lUiinager ot the "Whtli- ll4|uadrvu" Co., waa tiiniwn Irum a borac (Icl. 'Jl, ai lYiiv, N. Y., and auaialned liijutlea about the lace and laaly, Including a bivken tiuae, but toriiriaicly waa nut dliUuurcd. — K. J. Aiiram aud Nelaon lloberu have pur* chawd iruiii Mraara. mnary A Merer tbe right In prreent "The l*aaA)nK t$how'* In lowna which are not lu l>e vialied by i lie unglnal New Yurk Co., the iiiur or whii'ii wtU tie under the control at lAinarv 4 Ledercr. — U II. Henry, agent ror Leaiora Bnullay, wniea ualbal the "Olrcua din" Co., which atianded is- ceuily at I'hiiiiioni, N. Y., waa Ulaa Bradley't Co., Meaira. Ilarpi-r A Tayhir, managen, and not L. L, Orveno*a t>i.. aa waa onvneouily reported. — It waa the Tneairlcal MHhaulca' Aaaoolatlon nt Bi. Loula, UD.,and not tbe Tbealilcal Brother. boi>d of thu city which lecenuy auuered fnm emlieuleoHiit — .\epBc>vclie mrnrmt na that he will lake ihe roadalHini.N'ov.I. Ilohai been vltllUig lelallve* tu Bay City, Ulch. " — Uirtna Fiankilo, or Ihe "Ooon Uollow" Oo., waa takeu aerluoay III at Cairo, lil..*nd waa lert Ihrre at Ihe lUlliday llouac, Ocl. 3*. uer place waa llled by Clara (Mia, who Joined toe oomnany at Bey. niuiir, Ind., 31. lu ibe lueaullme tho part waa to- cepiaidy taken by iho musical dlreemr. , - The Melville Bitter*, Ida and Hoae, who ii« doing an uulquo apeclaity enuiled •Two UiUe Jaya' la "Litile Obrtitopher Colnmbnt," at the Uardrnlhratte.tbia nly, an engaged ror lh*ea- itre run or the pieoe. — Robert Fnirord, the bnaband ot tbe late Annie PIxley, arrived In London, 'Ril, with the atliea ot bla wire, wboae body waa eremaied la Euehind BborUy ari^r berdeaUi Itiere, aboht a yearago. Mr. Follord Inlenda to have the aahea Interred healde th'^ rematna or their only ohtid. — llotler of Oilrk'a (Jomrdy Oo.: Addia Haaon, Ulia Unngiaaa, Mra. n. T. Oiiok. Jeaiie Daitnn. O. M. Bracklln. I«o Bhuler A. J. Wrich. Will Haaoo, llarrv Clark and Harry T. Ollek, manager. — Nnies rmn Oimy A Wondholl'a "Annt Ballr" no.: Wo ale now on onr tweirib week and have vet to Ond a loaing week. "Billy" Oray It nuking a hit with hla aongs and comedy work. Hr. Vondholl will Dtnage the company rrnm hiaNew York oDIce, and at tbe aame Hme attend to the hooking or hla olhrr auractlona tor next aeaaon. Oeorge IS. Oooper, Joined the company at Baraloga, N. r., aa treaanrer. — Alice Kemp la wllb the BnirOonedy Oo. — Oeo. Oregory hu engaged Cook and Uoarard, Tbna. M. lie Snrdo, (leo. Kane, Iiorothy tltiera, Frank Cranael. I.ICBIe l^nrnlne, and Jennie Oordoa ror hla new "llampiy Dauipir.'' — Roaier or Uoorord A Benlon'a Conedy Oo.: Jamee W. Forrest, A. R. Urary, II. Wehb Cliamber- lain, n. H.Orary, W. U. Heed, u. RnckaOeld, Oon. Heloh, K. U Royoe, W. J. Hamard, J.I,. Bboemaker, Frank Laorimore, Ohati. Dcardnnrir, H. A. Dnnturd, L. 0. Uckiider, Uan I>. Rob, Lillian Price, Ualay Zahlln, Uargsertte Crsry. Lil'hin r.iliock; Huh k l,eckllder, pmprleMra: II. A. Unnrord, manage ; Jamcn w. Foricat, aiage manager; Don. Heirb, miitlcal director, K. I,. Boyce, leider band; l>. Ward, nuMter pnipertlea. — Rnaitrand NoteaorThe New York Pla'Me: We opened oor aAaaon at BprlnRVliIo, N. Y., Nov. 1, to the lianncr bualuaaa or ihe aeaaon, wlUi everything runolngaaamooiliaaalik. The company will tnur New York Biate, rcnnitivania, Ohio, ami the WeaL We ar« iKioked aoild tor twenty one weeka, with Otit claaa pmapeoie or a aurceaaTul aeaaon. Tne roaier la aa rollowa: luiph Dean, aiare nirectnr; r. J. Urklna. awiaiant ttage dlrec'or; I). J. Ileliej, trtaaurcr; W.J lUyrs,Bidney B. I'lia>in, E.0. Ken nedy. Jack HrKenney. Tom Uary, Pmf. w, II. Rymn. Ton Nev la the agent In advanc; Lou ilwdner. Alan AddlwD, Florence St. Clair, and Uaaier Rddie Fox. Frd La Vound la Ihe manager. — Nottarmm the Jnhn L. BoiUvau Co.: Immenae iinalneas la being done and everyltody happy. John J. Howard,onr baalne.amanager, waa married In llrnton, Utaa., Ital week to llaitle Rlanrhatd, and ia now receiving Iher.oDgiBlulatloaa of hla frlenda. John W and cnmiainy and other frlenda and rela- tione all auendedibe wedding,and Hr.and Mrs. □. received many preaeiita. All will and proaperoui. — Ura. Uillan Bteroard baa preaented her bug. hand with a baby boy. Mother and child an doing well. — Ulaa Oecll Wataon la now convaleacent, after a protncteii and aarlona iilneaa — P. N. Ililigt haa Joined Daltio Uarkoe'a "D. T. 0." Oo. aa iiublneaa repreaenutlvo. — R a. Burgeite clnaed with Ibe A. H. Miller Co, week ot Got. 22, ai Uahnque, la. — Noloa rroro the Carer Comedy Co.: We are doing a big liniinean, a'-il the "B. II. O." aign li brought Into frequent nae. — Ijioien Ilef okf r Joined the Andy Amann "A Clean Sweep" Co., at CharJetton, III., aa muilcal dl. rrcrnr. He came direct trom Oermany, we are In- formed. — Julia Hnrloy, character aclrt«n,lt enjovlngs nieaaaut and aucceaarul aeaaon with the Wallace Hopper Comedy Company. — "Behind the Hccnea," an adapiailon or Iilon Bonclranit't old comedy, "The Uehuianle," waa acte<t rnr the flrat time under the above title at the Bchllirr Tneaire, Chicago, Hi., Oct. 31, iiy Felix Uorrla. — "Upa and Downa or Life," a ronr act play, by F. A. Scudaraore, Americanized liy Oliver Ryron, was acted for the Orelilmo at Urake'aOpera Uonae, Kiizaiietb,N.J.,Nov.2 — Arthur Rigor mrurma ua tha>. In aplte or con Uary reporta, heiaailli with Donnelly4 Oliard. — Jule Keene la Ihe authorized agent to secure Vow Ynrk talent ror the twenty rourtn annual bene- III or rnlladelpbU lAdga, B. P. 0. EUa, which U to be given on tho afternoon or lleo. 14, al the Chest nut Bircet 0|ien Uouse. — Uaik Kenynn, wiio was reatnred with "A Una- alan Uoneynioon" ihit aeaaon, met with a painful accident three weeka agu, but baa now fully re- covered. Ue is now at a sanitarium In KlrksvlUe Uo. — Cliaa. r. Relnhardt, rather or Laura llaiTla llnpp«ri, died UcL 31, alter a abort Iilneaa. Inter- ment occurred Nov. 2. — Nulra lmD"Loat In Egypt" Co.: We opened Nov. 1, at Ut. Temnn, N. Y. lloaicr: Lester D. I'owell, Uanv B. Ilealev. Harrv U. Alien, W. o. Uavlrs, Joe 1)I>Iud, Tony ^\'eat, onarlea KMia, Carrie La Hojne, Florence French, L. W. Waahbnrne, niaoagcr: II. W. Link, hualnns manager; Harry a lleal'j.atage nianagor: Ble Utetan Ben All Troupe or Araba. ten In nnniuor. The company carry a band aon orobeeU» ot twelve plecea ana uavol In their own slevplug and dining can. HELEN BERTRAM, WbolspUylngibetlUerola In "Little Uhrtttopber Culonihus" with Ktca's Uurleaque Co., at the Oar- den Theatre, this city, baa rapidly come Into promt nenoe as one ul tbebctt or light opera prima donnas, Bhe was bom la Tlisoo:a, HI., twenty-four years ago, and la Ihe daughur at a aubstantbil grain mer chant now toaidlag In Indbtaapolls. Uerglilkood waa spent in the Ulter olty, where shesanglna ohuroh ohoir and was a member ot the Lyra sing- ing Society, Bhe became prominent ta amaleur mnalual events, and ber debut waa nude as Yum Yum In a local perronusnce nt 'Tbe Ulktilo." Sub srquonily, while yet a aehoolglrl, the appeared In "Knuinle." After an extended oourse ot voice Inaluing at tbe Clnclnaatl College of Mualo Hiaa Bertram came to New York in May, lisa, and waa engaged by Kmaia Abboir, to whom abo played aoconda ror a aeaaon, fidlowed by a^Bumuer aeaaon with the llees Opera U>inp«ny In Milwaukee, Win. Bhe waa ihtn eniaged by the Conreid Opera Co, and was the original I'rlnce Jullua In "The KIne'a Fool." When Marlon Manola retired from tbe Mo- Oaull Opera Co., at Falmer'a Theatre, lu thiaolly, Ulaa Heriram waa engaged to rephtco her In "Olov. cr."clherauialnedikyrBrwlihMoCaull,and was with Ihe liuir Opera Company tor the next two aeaaou. DuilDglhoput year ahe has been In tellreinen', aiadying under tbe Uto Hmo. Furacb Madl. Ur. HIceseleoted her trom many Kngilab and Amerluu anpllotnta tor the awagger, Jaunty cabin hoy In "Utile Oiirlatopber Colnmbua," a role created In Ibe London venlon by May Yuhe, and now peraon- atcd by Florence Bi. John. Mlas Bcrtiam haa maile iicr beat tuoceis Id ibia part. 8bo haa a dainty Ig- ure, acta with much vivacity and ainia dellgbl. fully. Her "Lailly Drowally" and "ch. Honey 1 Hylloneri" have become very popubw with Ibe UanlenTbeaUe audienoea. Uiss llerinun haa been twice mariled. Her drti huaband waa Sig. Tomaal, the mutloal dlreotor. During tho naat Summer Bbe waa wedded In St. Loula to G. J. Ueniey, Ihe well known actor. VIRGINIA. ltleliuiand_"Charley'a Aunt" received lis drat preaeniatlon hen at the Ulohmond Theatre, Oou s,lo the capacity ot the houseiand madean In; Btantancoua bit. Uarleiie Weema, 91, proved a die- uial failure, "A Kenincky Ctrl," Nov, 1-3, bad lop heavy bouse*. "Paul Kauvar," at Ibe Academy oi Uusio. 1,3, drew iigiit bnalneaa. AOiDiHT or Ufsio.—-TbeaalioyBlavo"),:, "A Trip III ChinatowD' a u, "rhe Black Cinuk" li, 13 "The Koalgn" II, ■>, "Toe Colonel" IS, 17. HiCHBONDTuaaTaawlii be cloted lor the next two wireka. I'lTMH'e Tnumx OiiiiQi'i.-Openlng t: Joe BryaoL Bual ueag la fair. Norralh,<-At the Academy of Mualo "Paul Ktuvar" phDed to good bootee Ocl. 1), 90. "TOc Veudelta" had fair business Nuv. 9. "Toe b'nsliu" ^iJOD TBiATHi.-Openlngt: TbellowardSlstett, Ihe Uuudloes and Beaale Bland. Business la good. BOS uuNTiKu's CiRcue, haviagcloaed a auooess- tul season, Introda to wtoier In Norfolk- The anliualaaie oomtunaiily quarieted at Leanar'a Park, while bisolock oocupleaiuo subuiban car hooaes. A RKANSAS . Hot Sprlnga,—At Iho Opera House "n» Ooloetl." wbtek eaa boehad for OoL H laI'M toma- Mnalia*. A (oodlr alate bouM had ammbM, bal waat a«*' dlaaproleied. Tl» iiion«y waa ralondad. llba "BJpxne rolka," eamt ir is a uaot boow (.haa Oiekaoa la ■•laooe." waa anatad by a fair aadi aooaa aoekadj AL iT rlalda Hlottnii Hoy. «, "A Kr.!?f.'""^ .1. 'TbaOnanlrrSoalia" It, Hlilaa Oe>. S-lt, gtvlag im panoroaaoaa dally ta larn aedl- MISSOURI. at. I.awla.-^e pollUoal meeungs Injured tbe smniement bntineas last week. At lb* Olympic Theatre "Bowing the Wlud" drew htrge aidleocea hut week, aod It waa prononnoed Ihe bea> plav of the aeaaon. Felix Morris tbla week. Robert Han- tell Nov. II. aniHn orxnt Iloiiai.-Julla Marlowe drewlalr houaea lart week and remains UUs week. "Aladoln" comae 11 lor one week. UlTLIN B TUUTBI-—"Shart NO. 3" dfCW lOp- heavy hi.uaeL alter tbe dret nIgnL Peter Baker tbia week. In "Chris and Lena." "Plonegaa'a BaU" 11.. UiOiH TiixiTHi —''Dairy's Biondeit" drew good houaeeailwetk. Rubertaaylorulsweek,"ABuin- mrr Blizzard" tl. BTANbiRnTuaiTAB.—London Empire Bnienaln. er« made a big elan and kept It up all week. Oi s Hill's World iirNovelilea this week. John F. Fitlrta Drawing Cardan. Pork* TUKaTHL-Thls week: Faacall Slsleiv, Two Aheros, Lealie Tu'cs, Maggie Le*Olark,Toffi Uack, Pott ami Clistnn, oiayUin, Jenkins and Jaa- per, Ullbert Barony and Fiona Uattlog*. Toe dra- matic company wlil pretent ''The Hoop or Gold." WihTSK OaHDOH.-Tnos. Doylo, Ada Yooog, Qco. and Drila Dunbar, Itoaa (muacle dancer), Alex. Kirk, Uiile Yucca and Frank Uaney. HaOinLar'e Mueioii.—King Zeuner, May Biy (impaloient), tne Uoitune (awurd act), Minnie Httcncll (guitar) Uin IHil (dancer), Dave R oert (vocaiiat), BinlUJ Bro*. (acrobsu). Oelaport (come- dlab) aud the Block company. In -*The OnicaeL" Kauaa's Ai-uanaiu TaxiTMi.—Tne Relnua. May llaii, Cnauucry Powell, Jania WlijUma, Uattis c<rleion, Violet E<her, Louie Thorne, Wall Terri, Nellie Ulnar, Jubn E. Carroll, Uigguis and MUllgan and una. Kayo. LonuonTuuthb.— 1 be Itodolpbee, Harry Fentoo Maggie Ucyeni, OakUud (cnnunioulal). cnarlei A iibud. Hilly Hall, Adeline Jennings, Ada Clliton and Otfrtie Hulden. CuuiqusTukATHL-Llllie While, Ada Wrat, Fred and Muie Van Buakirk, Untile (lordon, J. J.Mumy, Benie Thornton, Mlluud Flimore, Alma Adania, Lizzie Arooiu, U4lBy Oordon and LUile White. iiJOii TuiiTHC-Wo. Uayter, Tllile Kollysa, Liiiie While, ar«cle Uiiie, Tilile Oe Uuobe, Annie Adaua, Diauiund WhIUoch, Joaeph CaMneW, Cme Feeuey and Oeo. Billea. Oig TaxATnx-l.izzle Parker, BarrT Ellaworth, I'niilp Clyde, lto>a Naynoo, Belle Parker, Walter ferry, Lottie Uslie, Blanche Wilbur, and Ooas. Oiady, WHO lakea the old man's part tbia week. Bhvant'h Tubathb— SmlUi aud Meyer, Billy Hart, Ida Walling. Frauk Jones. Ida La Pearl, Adulpii Couialea, Kltue Eavea, Uairy and CbrI*. La Hiiie, Dulorea Aruhjriita Alien Atklnaon, J. J. Uar- Ueri, Dave McCord and Minnie Palmer. cuar.—J. B. buddy and J, u. Barlow have doubled up here, and will do a new act, entitled "rnelild Soldier and ihe Tough. ' Uaiy Zie- bold, a BU Louis girl, who has been aiudylnr In Italy, made her debut at Milan, Sept. 90, tn -'Roy Bias," aa tne t^neen JainejJ. Butler, managtr ot ue Standard Tneatr*, thu city, and Rich and Burke, the ireosurcrt, vrere In New York city last week, atteuding the ayndlcau cuhTentlon Pope's rheaue Building Is belngrepainu>d outsloe, and It don't aeem probable that (he owners Intend Io demolish 11 rur some time to come Charles It. Fiipe, who built Popo's Toeaue, has arranged a Mrleaotenlerulnmenlsto bo given at the Mitio Hall this seaaon, to be loauguntitd, Nuv. 12, by a lecture by Oeo. John B Oordon. op "I'oe Last Days ul tbe Cooredetacy." On Dee. 12 Vsaye, tberamons vioilnlBi, and a concert troupe will appear Col. John 1). Uopklna win present the Crystal Haze al goo Olive Sireet next week Manager Iletd ul McCaaland's East BL Louts Opeia Uouse, pre- aanuid Robert Oayior and company land (Janers "Faat Mail"! L F. Ornber, doorkeeper at Bav- lln'aTueatrcwan married 1 to Minnie Sielnwand, ot thui city Landburg's Oarden TheaUe, which burned 'Jli, will bcreiiuUt aud ready ror butlnee i t Dec 1 Jeeaailae Rogers wlli retire rrum Pope a Theatre Dr.imatic Comp uiy lo. and will ne aucc.ed- ed by cella Alliburg. Ulai Rogers did some eicel- tentunaracter wuik, eepedaily as Beaale Falrrax In ■ TueOoldeu Ulaoi Ulue." A new theatre will be erected in Ejtt si. Louis and be ready ror business by Jan. 1. J. W. Heed, now or Mo- Caabind's opera House, will b* the manager. The D*rriirnianca will be a cuntlnuoua one S. E. Taylor, eon ur Ihe.duorkeeper at Ihe Uagan, la now preaa agent at I'ope'a Theatre, In place ol Ooas. Mc- Donald Coi. John D. Uopkine, manager or I'ope'a Tbeain, 18 vrganizing a cunoert company rur Ibe luaii, with Alice J. Snaw, ibe wbiatler, at the 'lead Tuiii Hack, late of Barlow, Dolsoo i i'Dwera' Minstrels, opened at Pope's Tiieaiie, 81. Loula, Ho,, Nov. 4 Kanaiaa Clly.—Coalea' Opera Uouse will be d4rii unUi Ihe laai three nights or this week, when "Friends" wlil make lu aunnal appearance. Imi week Hie Pauline Uall Opera Co. gave "Dorcas" to fair bUkluess. II wss Pauline Hall's Hist appear- ance here. OBaNu Orv-a Uui'SB.—Willie Collier, In "A Back Number,'- win entertain Ibis week. Wiieo "In Old Kentucky" played bore Uai aeaaon It accmed tm- potalble tor anvahjw bi play to bigger tiuaineas, but last werk "In Uid Kentucky ' lieai its previous record. Next week, "In Darkeat Russia,''tor the Oral ume here. MiKTO BrRSBT THBITHB.-Thhi Week, Nell Bnr- ge»6' "County Fair" Last week "A Bilvar Wed- dini" closed after Tuesday night's perrormance. When Manager Oiark booked ih* show Ohas. Sea- man and Molile Tbiimpaon were In the cast. When tho company arrived here toea* uiembais were abaeni, and then wbon Sol and Jnite Aiken left the ahow Uacagar Clark canceled tbe rest «f tn* en- gaaement. OiLLis OPBRt Uocex.—Ocrirude Bnuggeue, In "Ttnglee," pruvtd ancb adlaappointment hat week that Maiuger Lewla closed ber engagemeut alter tbe fourth perfiTmance and the honae was dark fnr tbe remainder or Ihe tieek. This week, Ihe London Empire Eolertalnets. TnatTHB CuHiuuB.—The same bill holda over rrom iaat week. Doaloesalagood. CLirrBhlNus—Alfred UcF^rland, toe baojolst. gave a concert al Music llall Nuv. i j, Aldrlcb LIbby, of the rauline Hall (A>mpauy, will leave the company la two weeks. INDIANA. Iudlanapalla.>-.Tho dreniatlo event of the season waa the appearance ot Ada Hehan at RnglUh's, Cel. 9S-3I. Tbe performances were aliendeil i>y large audiences. "Down In Dixie" Nov. 6-7, Rnlit. UHntrll 8-10. QBaND.—The Emma Beach Yaw Concert Co. drew a lo^d sized audience 1. "Bowing th* Wind" t-7. Stuart Robeon l:!-u, "A Tnp to iThlna. town" 1M7. PiHk.—Tbe Vivian de Unnto Specially Co, had fairly good hntineaa Oct. 2a-31. "She" waa well received Nov. 1-9. "In the Name of the Czar" (-7 •The Kid" D-IO, C. W. Williams' Specialty ui;, week OC13. buriHB.—Flynn k Shctldao'a Oily Sport* Borle*. que CO. enjoyed gjod baalneaa OcL 17-31. '-Oor counU7 Ciiniln" urew rair elted bonaea Nov. 1-3. Field t Hanaos'a Drawing Ctti week or 4, Ona Ulll'a New Yurk Stars 11 and week. .S0Tt8.-Oa ektcUun dav, Nor.«, the ntnroa wlU be road rrom the aiageat Bnglltb'aandihe Empire, and an extra performance wlil be given at Uie lalter bonee, the curuiln lo ring up at 10.90 r ■ A handsome new cnruin naa been added to English's. Marian.—Inea HcOnsker, hooked ror Nor. so and "Obinana," Nov. i, canceled. Every available root of ataodiog room was taken Nov. 1. to see Ul, Henry'* Hloa'reis. Couiini: I'airloe, In "TheKId " 3, Jaa. R. Waile'e Comedy Co. t and week. Rvawawllle,—Al Ihe Qrand "The Tornado" pluad 10 fair ba>iBeaa llcl. IS -X^ooe Uollow,- ]ll did will Bimltd:"Tha 8lda ■>ho>"N«T 1 'Ibi Dnil'a Auotlon'JL 0 -'Mr Baniaa of Nov Vork." alui Emma Rift Itwliliarolllar ll, "Lady Winltroara't Pu"is ■■na rrima DoBBa" IB. Al ike Pvopla'a RolMrl Oay- '."""iJ," 'Sirs? "JAIUafr,:' dUod Uia bogwlw. A i!°*!fl'„:,'^'' '£''ii"* Nov «. "III. EM ' II. 'Tlia raalltail"lS lhalheaua fVmlqao baa liaan aldad UB tad It ready for Uw Winur ctmpalia Wm. Wrtu t>a>,bMa appolaud maaaaar. The Bill lor weak ori>: DaVareo and Haaafa. llquMl* aod Latoida. OBirtaa L. Kyit^Rtalonl and Chapmaa. Bab; KBi|hl 'ad Ooldiaav E. TravlUf, riaaloL.. ..«. B. Aaliaal hai lUuTht iiiasaaanitDl ol (unbaisar'a Wioitr aaidaa bar* The K- it: 1'ta.r. Mat MaJi-oi. FraakloLM Blily rooUaal. TT Btaawood and Sana LaOoaia. Mr. kerabaraar bat laiialBltd and taoloa«l tht Sammor aartaa and i» Baaitt It lorebtrxar'a Winur Oirdaa Ibaauai UTAH. Salt Lake CII7.—Al the Sail LU* nnxn Iha Paat Mali" apptaied Mov.l^t. 'X^kailay'a Aaaf oiaaa t-HL laUa Bmnau a Lvoaea.—tba ateek la BfaoMUag **n* Tbna Bata" to ' bealaaaa. Llnag plataiwaM the bill aMkaes*. Job Uowixn, the deacrlpuve singer, write* thai be Is maklug a aaccea.'i all Ibrcngb the Weat with the Itttat ballad, "uer F.yea Don't Shine Like Dla- nohds-" UizleErans laalaoalnglngthlsaongwlth "IQ Old Kentucky," and Uarry Downey, oT Oaro- croaa' Hinoirels, haa been using It conUnnonaly ror eight weeks. Tax UAMOirriN TRonm, a new minstrel or ganiiailon, will give a perrormance at the Qnnd Open House Hall, tnia city, Nov. 12, before begin- ning a tunr ot Ul* Stale. Among the people are: Fa:)! Uonier. general manager: A. E. Bllla, treas- uter: W. B. Morpby, P. 0. Pnreelle, Burton and Col- llna. RuberU and IlcatUi, U* Unt Trio and tHe Denver City QoaiieL ^ ^ RogrsR or rag Fobbbst Oombdy Co.: TM For- resis (Uowsrd and Maml>), Andy Cnmmlnga, bleve Ueanv and Pmf. Uons. Oe B«ge, Dan 0. Spencer Joined Sept. 37, bavuig closed with D'Eata's Medl- ''uBOBag Wiuioii, of Prtmtos* h West's Minsuels, has been Introducing wlUi success tbe new march aong, "Leader of Ciimnany B," by Dave Reed Jr. UB.UDU.B)i,of Mullen and Unnn,ot ibe Nigbt Owls 00., was trten ven sick In Plusburg but week, and his part was played edeotlvely by Uarry Scherer. . „ _ WiLLiAiiB AMD ADAMS, lb* Ebooy Swclhi, lepovt meeung with anccees at Camcn**' MIubusU. Philadelphia, lo their apeclalty, "Black Romeo and JoileL" They ate engaged t.-rUteaaaaon. Tbb MnnorouTAN combdt CoMrAxx opened Its aeaaon at Orl'jn, III., OcL 16, and report playing u> good bnalneaa oo far. Tha roster: Wm. cnapple, manager; Jerry Uerzell, slag* manager: Bert Kiobardsoa, Oeorge Roan, Mnsler Isaac Onapple, Jeasle (MIUD, Ltltle Cotton, LeiU* Ford, tnd little LutU* Cbtpiile. The cumpany will tunr lUlnols, Iowa and M1aner>ta. „ _ . HiNNiB bcBULTZ Is sluglng "Oh, You Oreat Big Dari1ng,*a now song by Wm. Nelson. wgtxD AMD WiLcn, IclsQ comedians, anon Inelr way E-'SI, and •sped to open In New York City. OLLIB Yotnto. club expert, and John A. Murray, vocalist, :<>ave Jotned E. E. Elsenbsnh's World ot Novelllee, now touring Ohio. UAMIB AND AU AMDBBSOH WCI* quit* • rSTd St Lothrop's Orand Uusenm, Boston, Usss., week of Oct. 29, In their planlailon act, "(»m Bread." The tei>m are ailU untbe New England Clrcnlt. LUCY Dalt end six giria will shorUy Intndnce Ford t Brattou's new song. "Tell me, Rcbv, Will YooTrue Be," Is "Tbe PasalngShow." Oanoir ft Lederer are having special ccetume* made for IL TBB OXTBB BBOe.' UlKSTBBLB ISpOlt gOOd bnSl- nesa tbrungb Ultsourl. Lawrbkob and UABRmoTOK Joined Halien *nd Bart's Co. In Providence, R. I., 10 do their specbilly u "Later On." JODN L. RixroBD tequesu ns to deny the report that be bad gooa to Europe. NxrrBB AMD WILLIAMS suts Uut they were re- engaged alter their Brat performance at Waterbuiy, CI., tor two more weeks. 'Tbb MoUowsmb, Jobn 0. akd Lizzib, dosed with the Uily Clay Burlesque Co. In Syracuse, N. Y,, OOL 27. HAMIB Sobtabd, ot Whlllng and Shepard, vrltb Rnastll BP'S.' Comedians, Is sTnglng the now song, "I DontWsntIo PlaylnYoorYard.'' Uabbt and BB81IIB BoooiHi and Alex. Never htve completed oU atisngements for a u>ur ot Eu- rope. BiLLT Ststbns, Ihe rube dram major, and Oeo. Cordon, Uie boy club ewinger and Juggler, will pre- sent a new and unique act later In the aeaaon. srABis AND Dalis havs been successtul In their new comlo knockabout and acrobatic aoL Tbb rAHiLT of Ada Blancbb, Ugbi rope per- former, who died In Paris, France, are informed uiat there a letter for them, from that city. In onr can. Tub obioinal Dbltorblli Bans, will bereaffer be known ae Deltorrlll and Uelpbino. They bave added to tbelr already expanaive wardruh* and In- sirnmenu. Tbey arc now pUyIng Uirougb (Califor- nia, and are said to be a hiL They will come Bast before Inng. Tn* I'lTRtBS are ailing engagements at the Crys- tal Pabice and OaUi's Hutlo Hall, London, Eng. Tbe are booked solid until next June (hMugbontttae provUice*. BiLLiB CLirroN AND wiFS, Wiley Ferris and wite, and Fred Durrll are reeling at Canton, Pa., tor a tow weeks, prevlon* 10 uking tbe roail for the winier aeaaon. Llllle Trevanion (Ura. Ferris), and Jesale Ciltton havo Julned hands,and will work double this winur. NOrXS FHOM JOUM P. FtBLDS' DRAWINO OARDS.- Weopened to an exceedlugly largo biisineuat ihe People's Theatre, OIncinnaH, 0 , on Ocl 28. John- nie Uarroll scored a big hiu The Rogers Brothers open with us at SL 1,'inls, and remain the lest of the aeaaon. Maude Ravmond Joined the eompany at Cleveland. The show Is sUil piloted by Jas. D. Flynn. TBI PBOVtDBHOB (H. I.) OFBBA HOITSB bas been sold to T'*omas Trowt>rldge by Oeorge E. Lolhrop. Ur, Trowbridge will iske possesslun at onc^ and ha* engaged John Phiiilps. The llrst entenainment nnder the new management wlil be given Honday, Nuv. 12. Ur. Trowbrldie, the new proprietor, come* from New naven. He propose* 10 make many changes In tbe house, and cater for the very best patronage, especially that ot women and clilldren. Tht alterations will not be made to the building. In all pmbablllly, until Uie cl"se of Ihe firesent seaeon. to aa not to Inierrera irltta th* com- ng performance*. Ur. Trowbrldg* will endeavor to preeent blab class vaudeville, with uccaslunaily a standard drama of the kind Uansger Lothrop so successfully pmented at this bouse. ' Norma Bhownx, one of tne members of Rash's "n bite Orook" Co., wss taken suddenly III OcL 28, and was compelled 10 lay off during the week. Bhe IS recoverlngand will soon be able toieaume work. Tub i.ATXsr addiUon lo the number or wS known alngera doing Chas. E. Harris' song sno^ ceaa, "While the Dance Ooea On," an Anbnr E. Deagos, or "The Halnmaken;" Jame* W. Reagao or Primrose A Weet'a Ulnsirrls; Jc.epb G. Howard nr Flank Ilaira (>slna. Coicagu, 111.; Herbert A. UolcomD,or Banger's "Unncb or Ke;s"Oi: Uane Warren and 6. Mcl^be. Ur, Harris' latest song now In preas la euUUed "Ue Loves Ue, Ue Loves Ue Not •' Jau. UcVavin bas reUrcd Inm tne management of the Bar'ow Hro*' Mineuela. and has bi»n sue- ceeded by E- H. Durk. Ralph Peckam has been re- tained as bnsloes* manager. OoRMAN AHD ADAMS an dolhg Well al tbe Qalety Theatre, Bavannah. Ua. Bobby and Jbssib Fiblds Interm ns that their new act. "A UUrd Affair," met with success week ot OoL 2a, at the Oaiely Theatre, Oblcago, 111. IH TUB mostbb op Pors's Tubatbb, Bl Louis. Ho., published In uurlast lasue, the name or Paddy Morpny waainadvenentiyomlued. Tbb UTTLi McCor BierBBS wen one ot the blls ot tbe show with Huaaeli's Comedians last week at tbe Chicago Opent House, taking three and fonr bows on weir aloglng of "UIss Donn." Ida Waltbrs, of the Walter*Slsien, is III at her home In Brooklyn, N. Y. Frbd lucisr, or Lndrr and Arabmervi wrltea ua that his wife, Helta Arihmere, will reUre ftobihe Slag* for the remainder ot the aeaaon on acoonnt of Ul tietlth, and will spend Iho Winter at Ban As- tunio, Texas. Mr, Luoler wUl Onlah Uie teaton alone. DuLTB AND Sdbib Lxtino have jolDsd Onnler's Lyceum Theatre Vandevl.lea rur Uie eo<*on. Wblcb and Wbiob, sluglng comedlaLt, are olav- IngtnruughUieWeti. ■ .."lepiay Frbd. Waldhann's BrsciALTT Cumfamt will return* It* road lonr Nov. li, with Samson. Uie strong man^t Uie principal rutnn. RicBAaD PiTMOr, Uie lulutor, was relieved or a Una overcoat last week. Mr. Pitrot hung tbe coat on a rack lo the house where he lives. WM- A. Qallaousr, or OaUagber and Orllfln. Irish comediana, wnies ns that his flvs learou nSli'"; ft2^.?^**"'S!: ""••PPwiooe week or °."'*.-.*' 'U** "'d_way Tbettn, Lemoni, Ul.,sloglng "I Don't Want (u Flay In Yonr Yanl." ••"•"'B had about btir ¥nlahed'her turn Ute'crr crilre*wa* started in Uie gallery andastaaptdewasimBU enrd. The aame* conid be eaoUy *een Urongb th« windows, lor th* balidiog onire was bol tar mm tha Ibeatn, Dcaplie this and the fact that many of in* audience were lumMlag over '>a* anoiher In their endeavor U) gei on^Mlal1Tat«nconUaaed her song, tod when tbe orcbeeira atopped Uielr Playing and made tbelr cwiape *h* anl*hed her aong witbonl their aid. Uer cooineoo, and the ataiemeat rrom Manager Wluiam* Uiaiib«rewaa BO Inmcdltl* danger, rt*a*nt*d Uie aodlenc* and Ihey^etly dlspsised. ThaOndldnotn*^ «M Hamib SaarABs, of BqmU Bra.' 00. u .<«.i— tba popular Dumber, "MlaaOaiii.n ""vm Nona noM Wiu, B. CuiaAMi'a MtNangLa.—We OBaB«d our tour Nor. >. at Oynthlana, Ky. Reatar- HIitOB and Bram, BnlllvaB and MoOowan, /caepta 0. Donning, Ab* Wbli*. OharU* Whit*, AmoMo, BhowamI*, Troman 0. Prond, H. Btewut Boas' bnke, &1. Becker, L- 0 UntonlnarHi, Tntile and An- dre**, Wm. H. Bridges, Prof. Le Roy, tbe Floor Ull* Qoanel, Prof. Btreif: U.S. Pnmro**,grn*ralateni- Pror. Le Roy 1* leader or hand. 13 plecea; Prof Streit, leader ot orcbestra: Will B. Coihane Is man- ager, and Thomas J. OalbAne, tol* owner. The company gneaSontb. Nblub 0x88 ta aloglng "Her Eye* Don't Shloe L'ke Diamonds" and ■ December and Hay" wlih uneress at Smith's Opera Hons*, Orand Rapids, UlOlL TUB Tbbbb OORHALLA RROS. OpOD NOT. 13, at the Orpbenm, San Francisco, Oal. Tub W0AUBT8, Udy instmmenuUlBts, wen pi». tented on Nov. 8, at lb* oloae ot a two weeks' engagement st Philadelphia, Pbu, wlih two hand- tome oterUng aUver medals, aoconpaakd by bon- qnets. Mas. Ida Oilmorb, ot Ibe OUmore*, InfsnM ua that her bnahand, Ons Oilmen, la Ul with typhoid tnenmonla. HOUTla OrjACIBON* MABSBT'B OlTrOBOON TAuni- vlUe Co.—Blily Jackson, Daltey Ivoir, will Betteia ind wife, Will Porter, 8U Dixsno, Saole Rollins, Lne WUmnr*, Dnraln SIstere, Lanra Brown. Ed. Ualaiy, New York Qurtat, Onlle Torner. Annie UcailL Hand* Soiltb; Dav* Haaaty, propilalor: Billy Jack- son, manager; Will Betters, matter of transmna- tion; Lake Puily, leader of oroheatra, aod unlusi Uosbey, advance agecL Tbb ahsrns, ladder peroh performers, are at Pope's ThsAUe, SL Lonls, Ho. FuNCxa BUNT, dansens* and vocalist. Is at Smith's Upeis Uon*e, Orand Ramds, Ulch., where she IS winning favor singlog "Ur Irene," -enie LiUle Pappoose" and 'Theie's a New One Coming In th* Homing." Rbnob ano Kbhnbdy, and their irslned glraie, Jargn. have Joined Dwin Bro*.' Big Show Tor lb* aeaaon. buuiB Hblhosb, who baa bean laid up nnrslng a poisoned hand for several weeks, u *U ngbt again and opened Nov. 6, at the Wonderbind, Brfe, Pa. ALLBH AND DxLHAiN an plavlng BO engagement at Engel'a PavUlon, Chicago, III. Oeo. W. Ailea Is wInnlDg applauss for his singing ot '-To Err Is Unoan, to Forgive Divine" and I'The Tattoo on the Arm." Sill WILLIAMS haa reiamed rrom New Orleans, La., where be waa called by tb* lllnesa ot bis wife, and Is again at hla post at Oarncrosv Opera Uonte, Phlhidelphls, Pa., where be will remain Uie aeaton witb hie partner, Joe Adams. Mrs. WItUtms Is 1n- provlns. UadWilbok opened Nov.(,allbe National Thea- tre, rtcnma. Wash., ror ronr weeks. TBB Walibbs, royal marionettes, wlil play a roar weeks' engagement at Madison Square Oat- den, this city, during December. - Barrib ucPbaTl, lat* of Woods and McPhalU was preaented on ble birthday, Nov. 4, by BeUt A.. Cunningham with a diamond ring. RoaraH or FosrBH>8 notbltt Co.— Feeler Bros.,, proprlelora; Dr. T. Blackwood, manager; Foy, re- male Imperaonator and stage manager; Allan SL- John, Irbih comedian; Harry Sheldon, musical per. rormer; Fred Ltften, Swedish comedian, and'. Airred Snoliz's HandoHu- Qnartet Oomptay la. playing week atandi, and report good boalneas. 'boTBa OP Harry Sbpion Bdrlbsqds Co —Vie- opened at Uie Palace, Boston, to very big bnsineas. Minerva and 0. P. Blatt, Ibe cannun ball catcher, was a big feature. Mav B. D*agl« Is msting a soc- oess wiib the song in tbo opera, "And Uer Q.ilden HalrWas Banging Down Uer Back." J. J. Coleman Is business manager. Harry Seiton ta tinging bit latest songs, "Howl Qave ih* L1lU*8heeaey Ikey the Laugh," "Maggie Farrall at Qoney Uaad With the Kids." and "Jerry Said Let Her Oo." Urs. Rosa MrLLiOAH, who bas been lit lor lh* iaat ten mooiba at her bom* In Robblnsdale. Minn., Is convaloaclBg; _ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Wa*hlii||ton.—"A Trip to OhIntlown," all Rapley's Nallonal Theatre, had good business all lastt week, notwithstanding Its havlDg been seen ben In- qnenUy before. Marie Jansen, In "His* Dynamite,"' had an excellent week at Uie Albaugb Orand Opera Uonte. "UUt Dyoauiui" held tbe boards all Uie week nniil Safrday night, when "Dehnonlco's at «-' wa* BUI B'ltaled. J. K. EomeU, In "FHit In a Uadhonse," but week, at Kapley's Academy, had fair hntineaa. Oeorge W, Monroe presenlea "My Aunt Bridget" si Butler's Bijoa Theain, and pleased the patiooa Immeiuely. HIc* k Ballon a Uomedlant, In "HoDoodle and Poodle," were handtnmely received at Eernan'e Lyceum Tbeaue. Raplbv b National TuaATRB.—"The Amazosa" Nor. S-IO, Boetonlana 12-17. ALBADOU B Orand Opbha Boubb.— Thelliatpio- ducUon OQ the American suige ot Sardon's "Hme. Bans Oene" Vlo, "Tbe Oreat Brooklyn Handicap" 12-17. RArLBY'a AOADBMY OP Udsio.— Tim Hurphy, In "Lem KetU*," 6-10: Uanlona' "FaDtasma" 12-17. BDTLBR'S BUDO 'Tbbatrb —Ada Oray, Ul "Eaot Lynne," 6-10; "Pawn Ticket 210" 12-17. Ebbnan'8 LtoBtn TBBATRB.-Rus*eU BtothBn' Comedians 6-10, Usy Howard's Burleaqii* Oo. 12-17. OONTBHnoN Mvsio Balu-Mid*. U*iba, Soda Bcalcbl, nertmda Beta, M. Piancon, H. Hangnelrer and tbe New Yora Metropolitan Opera Uonte Or- ehesira in concert and the lltdi act of "Fanat" Nov. 0. NorBS.-E. B. Connor haa signed wlUi the Caite- lon Opera uo- In U'o oapaeliy ot preaa agent TnemagnlllceDtaiag* tnmliaie need Id Manager Augnttne Plton'a piodaoilon ot BardoD'a "Ume. Sana Oene" waa on exhiblUon last weok In Ihe lobby ot Albangh's Orand Opera Honae, imit waa gtestly admi red. DELAWARE. Wilmington.—At tb* Orand Op*ra Bontv "The Oreat Brooklyn Handicap" wss presented' Nov. 3, S, to good buslnesa. Ooming: "Eight Bella" 6. '-Wang" s, "The Black Crook" s, Josepb U'ur- pby 10. - AoADBMT UP HuBtc.—Tbe Oeorgla Ulnstnls ap- peared Oct. 2a, 30,31. It waa neoeasary to display Uie "S. a 0." sign 90. The DestaoD-Kelby Oo. be- gan tbelr season hen Nov. 1,2, appaaring to light Bnalness. Dooked: Learook s ''Faust" 6, ^ T, ur- penler'a Juvenile "OIndenlia" 8, a, 10. WoNDEsLANo UDsaB.—Ruslnesa conUnuee good. Peopla tor 6 and week: Curio ball—Fat women's convenlhn and Evaleen (water queen). Tbeatn— Miles and Ireland, Van Leer and Barton, Williams and Hnllane, Prince Huro, Eugene Ward and tha Sielaon Bioa. LOUISIANA. New Orleans.—During the past week the god ot pleaenre lured hla alwaya loyal Loolslana snb- Jeci* to numerous social gaiherlngB which, while well attended, did not aeem to diminish the nigbUy paltonage nenaliy accorded good playa. Orand Ofbra Uousb —"Suver King," wllb Ohas. A. Uaswln and his nreuy wife In the caat,ahly snp- Eorted by Cbas. nster, waa ngnlarly w*laomM y large and orlucal andlencea. Nov. 4, Oil* Skinner. AOADBMY OP MD8I0.—"Bine Jeana' >< tlist visit t» New Orleana waa received by tbe pttiona ol the Academy nt Mualo with the meet unequivocal algna of appruvaL During Ita euy ben fasblontble and diKtlmlaaUng aodlenoea patberad u> wltosss ple- toree of Hie In a country vUlage. "Bine Jeans" hss decidedly made a ohamlng Impreaalon upon the patrons ot tbe Academy or Music Nov. 4, Effle Elitler. BT. Obablbi.— "Tbe Daizler," in new gloiy, la- oreaaed Ihe popnlarlty it wun during previous en- gsgemeni*. Tne entire oaat anted well, moat of whoa caUed IntatequlslUontalentaUiatpleaaad th* andlance. Nov. 4, '^ne Tornado." SOU TH CAROL INA. GMmrlestane-At 0i(ena' Academy ot Mualo Thoa. <). Seabrooke, In "The lale ot Ohampagne," drew a good bona* at advanoad ptloe* Oct. 80. "Itai'' bad Ul* Bnt ataoduig room ol th* aeaaon Nuv. 1 at advanoed prloa*. Ward* and iamea did fairly wens. Coming: "aharUa'aAaafha, "Peek's Bad Boy" «, 10, MAINE. Portland.—'The Mew BoaUi< played a retnm eafagooaat to a loU hoaaa Oer. s ■iJ.oid Ma^r T, D. Seillvaa Bare aa tattiaetlBg aod laatrve'lv* l«o tanealilahalkitti'.taagudboeaa. -TkalvyLaaT wiU k* ban Rev. a, ^Raalt Tdb-b Ortda" - -—'^ ■eBaat 'T. Maaaaar HUakall | wotth." la •lSaaIla," aa lb* ■ aateeva^AkaMgt '