New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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NOVEHBEB 10 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 573 PENNSYLVANIA. 8! FkUsdtlphl>.^nie poUUealOtbt, wblcb bu MB wMlof Itralj ror tha put iwo wttu, tnat to ten bftd little, It U7, effect upon matun ttw- atrlol. TbenbiabMnbnttBllglitralllDgoirtroin tba lug* ln<lD«a dosa daring ih« weak aodlgg Oct, se, and tba pieaantwaat, wlib acniml noiel- Itea IB Una, pioinlaca wall. Kule Barroggba niakM bar ant appcaruc* bare m a alar, Raaaell'a Come- diua oooa wlUl "A Barlair," and "Tba Trollar 8f nam" la alto aair. Pabx TaainB.—Sadia HartlDni, in "Tba Vdt. port," plajad to larga bouaa all laat waak, nia gnatcai Inlcreat ttaia wrak caotm in Harla Bar- rooftu' ant appaaianua in Pblladaipniana a atar, panlanlariT ai aba will glia ptneto'a new piai, ■■Tba Pioaigaia," ita atat Afotrtcan pndncil 'n. Owlngtoan InanBlclent oninMr of rab«an«la. and Uw fact tbat ua aranarr la balnr oiada ben, it will not ba pnlonnnUliba 8Ui. Tha aarlj part ot tba waak la giTan orar in "Jndab." Funr luca cornea neit weak. In 'Mlaa Innooance Abrnad." OatBimr Bnin TBiiiai.- "Tba airl I Laa Babind Maoaloaed a ronnlgbtof ralr bnilnaaa 3, (ollowad 6 bT Roaaall'a OomtdlaDi, In "A Rarlaw.'l Nan waakjBdwanI Harrlgaa'a OompanT- EMriBB THUTiii.-Tba Urgeat waak'a bnalnna Id tba tuatorr of tba booae raanliad from tba en- tManMBt Of AiBT Laa, la ■■PawB Ticket 210,'' but waak,andaTerTnlgbtwaaanonulon. ■TnaTroller STataiD" tlT<a tba oarnaila Bros, ample acopa for Ibalrownpaoallaraijlaor bnmor. Tbar are aop- Cirted bj Jar Uuni, Lew Rawklna. Annie Raawll, Innia BrU and tba Uiu Slaun. Next week, ■■Hen aod Woman." BwuD Stbut Tbiitri.— Tba Boatonlana are doing a good bnalneaa, fnllj wananitd b; tba ex Calient parrofmancaa TbiBwe«k,''FMInltta,""nie Kald of Pljnionlb'i and -Robin Hood" are ilTaB. "Tbe Maid or Pljmooih" will be mvaB one nlgbt, 8. It bai naier been dona hen belore. Next week, "Mme. Saaa Qena." OiBiBD AtindbTbbitri.- Wllfrtd Clarke cloaed hia incoeaaful engagemanl laat week In '■Mra. Otbello," and aoccceded la prodnclng considerable fan (rom ibat bnadlj farcical akll. Tbe acane obaagaa tbta week, and tateaamnre nombrabne. Oraalon Olarke makea tala ant appearaoce In ■■Rot Blaa," wlib ina agpport of Manager BolUnd a aiook oompaar. Hr Clarka'a engagement la for an In- dellnlre period, and next waak bewiu apptar In "TbiAp attia.' WtLvtn Brain THaiTRi.-Hnbart Haniell nlajed manrpniloglr larga bonaea Uiatweak. bla (amlllar pi >}a drtwln; enormooa andlencra. Tbia week Louie Colllna' Tionbadnnre give 'Tbe Fair Eqatainena" aod "Tbe Derll Bird.'' Next weak, Joaepb Jaierao". Id repenorj. Buou.—Thaalilb mr began witb "Tba Ulkado" and a TaodeTllla bill fnralaned bjAlclde Oapluina, Ra;inun Wocre, (Mall and Faga, Stalaj and Blr- beck, Fiaak ftllaj, linrler and Uarrla. Dnrell Brolbeni, tbe Helilllri and lloLeaa and Ball. TUB ACOiroRiDif—Tba Nlgbt Owla laat weak Elated to aatiafaciarr retoma, and Willlama' If eieora It'week promla* to do Mwell. Next week, tba Orenlar Lrcenm Tneatra Companr. KOBiriDOB'R TBitTRB.-Tbe atock conpanj, Ip "The PiuDger," packed tba booae all lut week. Tbiawaek, Dadla llaaion, la'^A Kcotnckj Otrl," aod next week, tbe Bio;:k coopioj In "All ibe Oointorta of Hone." SOBiirriiUTisTHi^ OPRBi HODai.—Big audlencee umed ont to aee iha Lfcenm Tbealre Com- pany In '■Tb-< Aauzona,*' wbico rune for anotber week, giving wa; to Olga Netbenola, wbo la biokad for tbrea weeka. NiTiONii Taai'iiix.-'-Tlie Prodigal UMgbtar" met wlib an anibiialaiilo ncepUon laat week, and plarad 10 big recelpta. ■'TneHpanor Llfe'> l< on tbIa week, to be f,illnwed br Utnlona' ''diipertia." FtorLi eTBUTiB—'■Old Olnry" reaulieo In one of tbe n>oat preaperoui weeka of tha aeaaonat Kanagar Biadi'nbnrgb'a honae, and la followed Uila week bf "RlaTea of aold." Next week, "Tbe Sirugie of Lira." LTCauH TuBtTRB —TWO Of tbe moat pnpnlirat- traciluna Ibat pla; here are tba Haj Howard Bar- laaqne Comaany, wblcb plared la big bnalneaa laat week, and Hlaco'a Lit; Ulnb, wblcb la tba cnrrent aUracllon. StiNDiRD TnaiTRi.—"The Polae of New York" ilajed to large bonaea laat week Tbia week, "Tbe Jld SoiMb," and next week, Ulllan Kcnnadr, In ■<8ba OoalOn't Hitrr Three." Ei,BviiiTB liTHirr Opiu Hodbi.— There la no change of bill thia week, toe bnrleaqna and ape- ciNltf aoie raauliing In good boaloeaa. KiKSiKOKiN TaaiTRB.-Oeorge Learock, In hit own venlon of ''Faoat,!' Olliid tbe booae coiup^atelj all at laat wf ak, ann promlaea to make a ancceaa of bla atarrlng lour. Kate Spragna'a Tronnadonn, In "A Socul Seaalon," tbIa week, lo be followed br "TbaOldBontb" NiNTB itHii ARca Hrsinif.—Tbe faatnrea tbit week are Bandeen (DInd reader). Com. Foote and alater (dwarfa), Uhariea B. TrIpp (armleaa man) and Jobo SmItn and Jamaa uaiTreT (tattooed men). In Ibe toeatre. Oma'a loperltl Jape. OBiNDOriRi B'oosB.—Tba LcnlaeBeandatOpera Rogira CampaoT opeoa ibe aeason bare In' Jaclnta.' Tba caat iDOlnaea, bebldea Uiaa B«aui1et, Big. Faro- gtnl, Edwin Bievana, Manda Young, O. D, Baroea and otbera Noraa-BlecUon retarna wlU be read from the a'ageaof taotbeatrea Tbe fonetal of Joaepb Arnold, 1 te aiage door tender at tbe Walnnt, oocarredl Bandaomo nml oiranngaware made bF the Mantall Company, the atiaobea of tbe theatre and tt» Tbeaincal Hnobanlca' B^^neOclal Aitocl- atloo am; Lee will plaj a reinro engagement at Ibe Emiira In tbe Bprlng John and Nellj llealj bava heen apjoUlir engaged for Ibeprodno- Uoo of * rne Uld Bonin" at tbe Standard "Nlglit," a curtain lalaer, br Rnaa Wb;tal, of tba aiimrd AT'one atock conipaoj, will be produced for the Ont time at tbat bonae n The Onalal Male opena bare 10 Hauager John A. Fon- pwigb apiiria a tundaom« diamond atndded watch obirm, tba reanlt of a big rote polled lo iTie Item's nujorrtltj conteti Uenr; Pinona, a former aotor, and recrntlr maoager of tbe Winter drcna, baa opaoed a pobllo booae called "Bohemia." It la dwloedlj noliiae, being paitened afier an oM Bog- llib Inn, and promlaea to becooie Immanaalj popu- lar wlio theatrical and newapaper men Mar Boward elated laat week ibu ana intended to retire iiom tbe raodevllle ataga, baaing accepted an oner tor next a-aaou to appear in "Tna uimlc World," onder ibe management of Canu; A Lederer Oarl E. Nllaaon began an acuon lu tbe Common Pleai court laat week agalnat Alexamter D4Tld»iD and Hberman Brown (tbe American Traveatr uom- panj)forauallegedbrcaciof contract. TUeplainiiir aa;a toai on Jai'e ao laat, wblla be waa in London, he entered Into a ouotiaut with tbe defendania to aell them two baileta, called "Tbe Uhameleon'e Dance" and 'Toe Aital tialiat," oonaiatlng of appa. ratna "for Ojlgg Ore wunen in midair. With ail the bnalneaa, poaea and moredienta inenfor." Tbe oontract alao ailpulaied that Mr. Nllaton waa to tumlab Ibe cable, laekle and lenaea dited for cal- oinm and eleoirlo porpoaea, ae well aa Ore dozen Tlewa fur lantania and aiidea of mixed oo.ora. Plaintiff waa alao lo Inatraot tbe workman e>n. plnjed b7 tbe defendant, and waa to bare racelred (too npoo the aigning 01 the cootnot. Ueallegea taat, aitaougb be algned tbe contract, tbe mone; waa not paid to blm, and tnat be ba< not receiTcd a oaot ainca, altbougb be baa fnnlaned thaapparatna agreed npoo, and bad alwaja been wllllog to In- auaottbavmplojeaot tbe detandaDta In tbeir nae. Tula latter, ba aara. he baa not been allowed to do. Harold Blloermanwlll do tbep'eaa wo rk fur Ibe Orand Opera Honae, wblcb renpeua next week nnder the managemaat of II. F. Tltaot Cr<'a(on Olarke wai rebearalng all lau week at tbe Temple Itieatre, Utmden. FllUbarn.—Oomedr holda tbe bnarda tbli week at all onr local houaea, aare tba Park, where male drama ta tbe aiUBcUon. Citr BHD TnaiTRB —"Our Dnola Dudlei" Nor. t and week, "Men and Wornen" acored a bit laat week. "TbeLoatFandlaa"13 Altin TBiaTRI.—Fruprleior Chaa. L. Uarlt, In "Altln Jaaljn,"6, for bla aecond eggagemeot at bit own Ibcau*, bit Oiai harlagoccurred in tbeaeaaon iMi-aa. ToeDandow.Tmotdero Vanderllleacloatd aapleadllentagementa. Joeepb Murphy 12 DpQDUiiB TaatTBB.—Joaepb Jeireraontbla week. Btoan Robaon cloaed a nigni; aocoeaafaleugaae- ment S. Uclla Fox. In "Tne LItUe Trooper," 1^ tor iBe atat time here. Buou TBUTBB.—Ward and Vokea, In "A Ron On the Bank," 6, for tha Otat tine here. Bieve Bn lie made a aocce^ laat .wees. Ubanncer Olcof, In "Toe Irian Artlat," 12. far tha Oral time here. Park TBaaTBB.—"Tb« Veienu UctecUre'' will bold Ibe etage UU U, wben "Tne Polae ot New York' «IU replace It. Lime Lottie Briacoe, in "Tbe Bnrilar," plaaaed well up to a. New OBaUD Oriaa Hooil.—Wm Barry, In "Tae RlalngOeoantltiB," tbl<week. "Bnperba" proaed a atmog oagnet np to >. "Tbe Ooontrr Urcna" II. UtBaTWuxiaiu' aoioiht op Moaia-Hida'a OOfliedlaaa will III the Mil Uil U, wbea Baa De- Tara'a Uwa Oompasj will aooceed uum. Tbe New 1 large bnalneaa ot tbIa York atan did tbe bonae Uat week. HiBRT DATia* Edbii MCR|B.-Fat Udlaa In llrlng ptctorea.Uiacanlna paradox and tbe hoiiagmon* keja, Oorbett aod Pititlmmona. are tbe pnnclnal newfeaintc* In Ibe curio ball thla week, while tbe augaabow laglTaab; Brjant'aComedjCo. Bnal- neaa la excellent. ODTLxru-NesriF ail onr bonaea will bare tbe eleoUog retnma leadfrcoi ihettagee Sereial anrlil foncilnna were glren laat week In honor of Htud Miogcler, otthe "Superta'' Co., whoae home la In thla cltj Tba comnltue rrcenUr a> pointed hr Pluebure Lodge, No. 11, B. P. u. E., to adeot a alio for a new clnhoonte for that organln. tlOB. nporta tkatihe bonae of the Proablnn BInglog SooletT, at 3M Penn Arenna, can be madeverr aultabla for tbe Elka br a few alterailoba. and tbat Itcaobepnrcbatedfor I32.0C0. Tbe o«mmlUee la al*a conalderlag the adnaablillr of purcbuloi tbe clgbbogae of the Randall Clno on buquaana War. Manager Thoa. F. Kirk, of the Aivio Theatre, pgilnpractroe,l,anadTenlalo|ecbemarorthernrth- comlog engagemeutnr Cbaa. I. Darta br pubilihlna Intbe local papenaooupon wblob waaexcbanteable tor a free ticket to a performtnca of "Alvln Joairn," II preaegted at tbe box nfflce between tbe bonraof nigeanil ten 1. a on Ibat date. Braeran o'clock morning ot l a large crowd had aaaamblad alihetheaire.and br nine o'clock It bad awelled to aareral tbooaud peraona, wbo waged a deaporata battlewiui each other to get to the box office win- dow before tbe hour allotted for the laanlbg of tbe tree tickeia abonid expire. Sereral ladica fainted, aod onnaidenble darnage waa done to tba elegan' Teatlhnle of the theatre In tbe Court ot tSom- non Fleaa arerdlct tor tn It for a prlnilon bill waa given, 1, to Percr F. Biullb, a local prioter, Aialntt tbe oirnere ot ibe Baroum A Bailer CIrooa. Defendantt' attoroeja have died a motion for a new WaL ReaillB>,—'Yoong Hn. \71nlbrap" waa plared to email bualoeta at tha Academr of Mntlc Oct. 20. <>ANI|htattbeaircua"hadapaorbonae 30. -The Black Cniok" dnw a large audience 3l. Richarda A Prlogle'a Oeo'gia Mloattela were greeted br a email asdlence Nov. 2. "L«m Kettle" did well 3. Coming: Edward llarngag Oiu Wlillama •, Chaa. T. Elll'i T, "Pawn Ticket 210'> 9, "Kantaama'' «, 10. Qrand Opbra Hodsb.— Arllngton'a All Star Com- Mna'luu, an amateur organization, gave plcaalng petforuun. ca Ocu 90 3I. prof. Bamrf S.aud Klule Bildwln week 01 Nov. 6. • Uuou TnaiTRk.—"Wild R«c"drew well Oct.29- 31. TtieFArFntterll<ineai|ue (Jo. had good bual. nea Nov. t-3. LeonI A Evereii'a f.adlaa' Club Unr- leaquo Co. week ot 6.- Nora8.-Miaager O. W. MIddleton will give a midnight tKrtormance at tne UIJou Tbealre on election nlgbt Prof. J. W. Lee la th> proprietor ot tha Crjatal Dime Mgaeiim, which la giving per- formancaa herc^ Altoonw,—At tbe Eleventh Avenue Open llonae '-ThH Princeaa Bonula" drew the Urgeil andlencea ot the a««aou UCL 30 The 3 H. 0. aign waa dla- plared earl; In tbe evealng and tna bonae waa uxcd to Ita ntmoat cpaciir. "The Power of tha the Preaa" had a mclluui elted auillrnce Nov. 1. Honked: "Tbe Stowawav" 7, "The Black Cr<>ok,<' booked for 10. canceled. ltota;rt G. logenoli 13. UaHRT Divia Edik UvsBa —Werk ot Oct. 2a- Nov. 3. John Ij.Uaonlng, wild Burl and Little Sure Bunt ai.d NewtuD Beera lu ' Ltiat In LHidoo." Tola week "Enoch Arden" and Olileil'a trained fflonkera- IVIlkeabarre,—Polltlea divided the honon durlug part ul the paat week, hut nutwlihtundlog theae ciiunter attrecilona tbe tbaairea received a filr ahare or attendance GutND orxHA lloima.—Nellln HcHenrv, In "A Night at tha Clri'ua," Nov. 1, had good bjalueaa. nm Uurphr, In "I/tm Ket'le," 2. had fair aiund- B'lce (jiiarlea T. Eilia, In ■■i;a9par, tne r<idler," 3, bad fair bU'lneaa at two perfurioaucea. Tucome: "Young Mit. Wiuihrop" a, "HcFidden'a Eupe- ment," wttn John Reroell aa ibe atar, 7, Euward Uarrlgan, alib "Relilr aud the 100," a, o, Oua Wllllania 10. Hmic lliiL -Tbe Ltdlea' Clu'). Oct. 2a, ao, 31, bad inir imelueta Kale •Spraguea OomeUlaua ago the Bo»ion Female Onboair.), Nov. 1,2.3, had vood hualneaa. To cuuia: "Wllil Hoae" 6, a, 7, "Tne Polae or New York" 8.», ID. WosDBRUSo TaBarKa Mvaaa had fair bnalneaa with an excellent ipeclilij companr Bud intereat- Ingoorloa. BcraDton.—At tba Ac-tdemy of Uualc "Ytmng Mn Wluttirop,''Niiv. 3, dreaa urgehouae. Chaa. T. Ellli, 2, bad a crowded booae. Tim Murpbr. In "Len kn'lle," 1. W4a rdcelred hr a autHl houae. Booked: E lward lUrrlgan t. 7, Jiilin Karn<l| 8,1a "MoFaddi-n'a K oprmrui;' ■Toe siotrawar'' a, lo. FauniiNOBAU.—Joaepb Ulirpnr came 6. d. Mra. Langirr 7. Im at' Band hnd guo*i bonaea a. Book, ed: Uarbert Otwtboroe. In "A Cork Man," 8, Tba Amerloin P.arere 0.10, Rnbi. Flir-almmona* SpccUl- tr Co. 13, "After Tiremr Yeara" 1«, 19, Kate claxlon and Janantchek 16,17. Divu' TuBATHB.-Week of 0, Uolmea Forealar Co , In "Tba tJounierrettDr." Erie.—At Mamercbor lla'l "Spider and Fir" Save a good entertainment to fair bnalneaa Nov. I, omiug: Sonaa'a Band Nov. 7. J. E aiRABU'S WONOBBLAND TllBATHB Waa lavor ed with lanie attendance i no paat iraek wlin lona'a TToubad„ura and Lw Huv in curio hall. Week of Nov 6 lle<an Cootlln, K.Hiie Uonl Btoi., Julia Hupp 1, Ozal, Venald Uma., Jerome, Eddie Melruae, HOb'ir Carroll, Lima Uardner, Nora X-nio ago Emma Waklrsc. LaBratlei-.«Ai the Fuluiu Opera Honae Nellie Mcllenrr, In "A Night at the Ulrcua," bad good bualneu OcU 20. ' Tue Power ot tbe Preaa" dH weU 90. Qja Wlillama, In "April F >ol," plaied to good bnnte 31 "Tbe umliea Mail" waa well re- celred Nor. 1. "The II ack Orook" Had large bonaea 2.3 Prince Okane'a R'ljal Japanaae Troupe 6, 0, Mr«. UngirjJ^ COLORADO. OewTsr,—At tbe Tkbor Ongd Open Uogae, week ut NOT. 12, T. W, Keone. LYCitiM TuBATKB.—Week of 0;t. 29, "London Aaaurancc," hr the Block, waa plared to packed uoutea. cuitria Btbbbt Tabatbb.— w.ak of 2>, Omior ano Fox, lu "Hainiuialea," piajed to tba lilggeat bualuera tbe honae baa nad. Weak of Nov. 4, Riiaoo A Swift'a "Uncle Tuni'a Cabin." VBKTUt, Tbbatbb.— There la no change In people. UualucBalax.«d. HBKTioK.-Uenrr-U. Ulbhe and Phrllla Rankin aiotia have aovered thrir c innectlun wiio the Liceum Block Co TBeo. M. Brown, of Ihiaclcr, baailgned wl'h tbe Marie Burrougba Cv, for (he laieon .Tne Romandr aod Uoif concena on Bundar ereulnga, at tiie Tatmr Grand, are packed to tbe doura. Paeblo.—'The Silver Wedding" plared In poor buil.'aaa (Ml Xl Coarok aad Pol bad a aofld taouM 17 "darrr Ovan" did ralrlr J» BnokiDgt: -Jollr Uld ■'burnt" Nov. 1. S. Sfaaffar and Ztoilo 7, Btrlov Broa' Hiniar»tatl,'Cbanai'a Aaar IB. Tba Couoly Pat." 17 (;oLDaaiA.-"W*tk uf oei. 0-Not s. aaadapiaiioDol "Ju«'> «aa alvaa an4ar Iba liua ot "WaoUd a Wlfii" lo addlUuD lo r;la« ctaoioloa. HaaurOba*iar. Uany Eaa- Jiyijad llanr hl CUIr lo UitlrapaclahlM DABUa'a HTAaDtaD —Ail Jaat waak'a apactlalllat hold oYtr aoilaa«a it tair Roiaa—''ooroy a Poi'« orchaa<ra latdar. Aolbooy Oral, Bot oat ao atuelioiaot airalo»i tht eoaiptay a (rinia oiaalcaod boi rtcalpia. cl.lcotoilhraainooinB' arraara ut aalarr. Tba isttitr waa auiieaair aau ad bafora JodaaTnoa. Rranionl. wbo ha I li«aad iba a'laeh- mtDI allla. OraallGa, (ba wall kpowa aarotiaUc allndaacar, aaTablfib to aramaladilld UsLfi. RHODE ISLAND. ProwldaBre,*-!! tbe ProvldencoOperaUonaa, Oct 29-Nor. 3, Ueaman Tbompaoo, In "The Uld Uomeetead." Nov. »-10, Wm. UlUelle, In "Too HncbJubnaon." KBira'a Uraaa Uoobb.- Ocl. 2B-Nov. 3, Ballen and Uart inada their annual rltli and aa naual plared to the capacity of toe bonae. Tbla week •■A Hide for Lite" aatea lu Inlil il appeanoce here. Nov. 12-17, Oaii. W. Monroe, In ■ My Aa<il Bridget.'' WbxTBIBitbb Tubathx — Ucl 'J9-Ni>r. a, toe :jos. ton Noveltr gave a good thow and bad fair jatmnagr. Thla weak, llany Befion'a VaadavUle LoroBOP'o OPBBA Uovaa —Tbla la the Uat week ot thla buoie nn>lrr the prraent manafemeotand Ibealtraclion la Katherlne Holier, lo "TbeUltmeo- CMUate " Alter tbla tne honte will be oted for a varleiy ibealrr, nnder aew mantgatnenL WB. 0. OBABB, wbo baa tor aavaisl aeaaona been tbe niaaager of Lotbrop'a Open Honae, wlU prob- bblr go w Pawuckel to masaga bla bonae Ibere at tbe cUiaa of Iba pfaaaot week. OHIO. Olnelttaatl.—Perbapa It la only tbe nanal slump befora eleoUon, bat Uwie la no diapniing the fact tbat bnalneaa all around la sot np to tbe alandard ota few weeka ago, when tbe ooUook tor continued pnepeilty aeeined ao bright. "Our Flat," wlih Boillr Bancker and Conrtner Thorpe, hu been reeling bare aver tlnce It cloaed at tbe WaUnt Street Theatre, pulling In a lltUe vacation until the people have aeuled tneir political iXHtt- eneea. They expect to all Fanny RIco'a lime. Aa tar aa thla tlneea City of tbe Weal ta concerned tha campalgntn haven't bothered Ihe Iheairical man. ager any. There bare bean no big maaa roaeunga atallandtbeatorleaat tha hot tlmea in New Yori read like a romanoe ben. Cancellatlona continue lo caat a abadow over tbe managerial path ot John D. Davia, and II be bad any aurplua hair It would Boon turn gray. Four sncceaalve attracilona "fell down"ouUlaL Thar wen: Leater and WilUama' Ca, ■'The Pat Tralu,'' "Tbe Veteran Ueieouve" aod "Way I'f the Wurld," In addluun lo theeeacraUbe* torUcU38, Nov. 4, 11 aod 18, Uarry WilliauBb<a alao canceled bla data lor Jan. 30. Attar a oaal ot hnailloa a,l Ibeae weeka bate been Oiled aave that otl8. Nev>r before in tbe blatory ot Robinaon'a Opera Uouae baa ibare been any ancb aa expetl- enoe u tbla. Ohahd OrsBi UODRB.—Frotaman'B Empire The- atre Oo. came B lu ' SowiUK the Wind." Nellie Hoaobud beaded Ibe lun raakera In *'A Snmuicr Blluard," which piajed 10 lair bualueaa laat week. Sul smith Roaaall IX WaUitn' BrHBXT TuBATHB.—"Aladdin Jr." ex. hlblted bla wouoarful lamp here fur tna dnt time a. singularly enuugu the American ExiraVagaoEa t^upauy played bare darlLg election week In tbe Spring, aud luey will alau play aaatnat tne o*Kla ut tha batioia tbta utne. Juaapn JeOVjnou a eugage- meat waa only fairly proBuabie. The p.iputaco did not take kludiy to the duuoiing ot tbe uaual leeeat the door, aod the early houaea wererahercnaerleaa inaiie. Later la tba week "Hip Van Winkle" drew beli«r, whllo tue bouae w«a all aold cut fur tue Oratniguiol theuoubte bill and fur Saturday matinee. Sandow 12. Uavuk'b TUBATaa.—Lincoln J. Carter'a "Tbe Toruadu" blew to, aa It were, 4, Juat alter tbe ruau fur ■'A Railroad 'fioiet" bao utkaaeil. Tuere bare been loiaol aymptoma of tne old time pru^perttj ai thli Weal Euugeiu recently. "Tne Siuo Suuwi 11. FuUKTAiN TuaATHB.—''A Breciy Hmo" Bepi tue down t4jtvo atuuapuere atlrribg 4. Too l,unduu Beliea did a fair btuineaa uat «eek. Haiaon .Hh tera 11. llBUCX'8 Opbha Uochb.— 'Tbe Wilbur Open Catu- piuy, with the living pioturea arrauged by ouala Kit win, opened a twu weeka' oogagemania. "Tno Maacvua > waa the Orel ou the upera'io bill, whii "Fra Uuvalo," "Ulaoa lluaaar," "Bvhomun Ulrl" and "uraod Uuobeaa"all uimbrllned. bUilngtbla ebgagetueut pricea have been reduced tu twouty. dve oeoia—tne old rale at which the Wilbur Opera Cuinpaay naa crowded a Clnoinnati theaue for five or BIX aoccaaalve weeka. slily Btrry Wna vulod very olcver in "The Kiting (Jeneraiion" and ilie play waa induraed aa 0. K., tut ihuugg buainraa wa<4 good Ituugut to bavo been larger. lloairiaoN'aUraHA lluuaa.—Uany llanlaon and the New York uramatio (^>tnpany revived "The Ticket of Leave Man" 4, taking tbe place of ' The Pay Tralu," wbicn ttnceled without due uotice. Laat week, after irylag ' Uucle TUu'a (iatilu" fur (hrce daya u> rather pjor bualnaaa, tbe Fauat and Tnurne Company put titck to "Wito for Wiru," whtcb had beeu iilvea tba ptevloua week. "Dan- gen of aUreattJllr" II. PaurLB'a Tubatrb — Tbe New York Stan, relo- torued by Yuuug uniTii, the Auairaiian diriiicr, upeuedl. Lut week Klelda A ilauaun'a Draw- tug Carda bad a tremenduua InaUKUrai aud aver aged well. Their alar wreauer, lurry paraer, ul Sria, Pa., wbo mot all couiera, loti tneni auiiia culu, fur Bert Walker and Frank UdUie were autuug ilitf local Kntgnu Ibat atoud with hint to the iimlL Uyde'aikidiedlinall KuuL & HiUDLBTUN'a MusBUB.—The bollod inab waa uie atar ireafc in ouriu haU 6, Mda. Aiuo, luo lady magician; uamum'a wuuiir dog, the mtniaturo uil deld, Hue. Verino and lira. Hlitward, toe aer pent queen, ware other featurra. Tue Damui Faiu- uy Vucal aod Igatrutueuikl t^uartet appeared uu (be blJ'JU atage, wuile the uiiu wia pruvibud by William Biera.Uarobit and EatclJe,(AiiiuonSlau:ia, Hay Wllaou, Fux and Flaber and Fuaicr auu »In- btua Uat week t^apiaui Manard and bit awlen, with their bulitt ptouf doth, cieated quite a aeuaa- Uun. PiKB OrxRA UOOBB.—The (jueen Uty Mammoth Mluatrela appared 1 lo a b^uudt onuirtalnmeui fur (be Prinien' Aihleilo uluo. Price Uonderaun waa the luieriocu'ur ana Wiuiam Blue, Kraua i;urali. Ell.Batcher, Jim Ualaj, vhariea Uauar, J. Ubamovr- lalu. Will Juoaoo and Jack (;rippd un ihouiitia. Uiini Pnilllpa, George (Ula, (be Del It'll (Jiianette, Foreal Uandolin utuhe<tra, Jamea L Bailey, J. F. Wllcux aud Jacohua and Adul ouniriuutcd to iiiu programme. TbeOluulonau Orcbaaira Aaauoiatiuu u til give a aeriaa ut nlua concerta. Fifieeu ur twenty mualclana will be brought lu Ulucinuail lu Buppiemeiii tne local luroca. GudBip OP TUB LOBBV —(loarlea A. Burke, the Wrigut N. Scrluble of "A Bummer lliitzard,'' cluaed with that company bens Ulile Eraua, now at liberty, la vuitlog her old filcuoa here, bbe apeut ue week with uer uuaoaud Uuarlea Sune, or ' A llaliioad TickeL" Price, a Lluclnuati tin, Juloed tbe Luodou Sellea at (be Fouuutin oulae GaJO aiay, who la aiiorily (o be eeeo tu '-The Juggcraaut," eiijuyed tne week hero with her huawnd, Maaager William L. Halley, ul "Tbe Itia- lug Geneiaduu.'' .There were two hulloay per* furmanuca ut "TnoUeuiaO'' booked, one by the Apollo UiubCbrUttnaa week and tneutber by May FeaUTBt ou Dec. 31. Toe ApoUu Club will abandou Ita pbui Theodore Tuuiuaa givea twu concerta bare early In Jaunary Ueirtuan Bellatedt Jr.,aa advicet run, created a lururo among tue mutiu luvlogpeupldut Uromen. Tueclnclnuail corooliuii waa uruwocd with a wieatb or laurela Cvttuuv Moore Lawaon baa a large uumtier uf engagementa for tbe Winter. Sue la to be ine avpranu aululat in "The Heaaian." LitUe U ga a oaughler ot Man- ager Geurge E. Baker, el Ueuoi'a, pbiyud Uitlo >A'a dnring tue recent performancea ul "Uncie TOm'a Cabin" at Kublnaou'a Uarcella Ltudn aud uonred Bebrena are m be the aoljlauatiha Ural Bunder Pup Joseph Jeir-raou waa feted br maor irleoua white bare, and 3 be waa tne gueat ut Bunuratarecepttun tanoered br the Literary Uiuu. Thaopi relit of "t'loderella" la lu be prcaeuied under tue atreoiluu uf Cblattnl Suiltvau aud oy uie pupila of ton publiu Khuoja Tbe mualcai aea- aon la wed under way. At Uoilege Uall Poilip Werinner, Hugo Kupferachmid, Liuu Matuoll, John Hneod and David (Joiavugei gave the drat of a sellea ol three obamoer cuuoetu. At the UJeun, 3, uandro Cauipaoaul gave an luvliailoo violin re- cital Hauager Uarrr Uilnaionb eojuyed bla meeimg wlib Mra. (.vmuie Jackton, a alitor ot Jueepb Jeffeiaon, here laat week. Tne manager of the Grand waa a call boy at tue Beaton Mnaeum wbeu Mn. Jackaon waa the ong. Inal Topay in tna Huteum a pruductlon of "Uucle TOm'tUauln." EmmaCaina, lata ot tbe "Bpidir aud Fly," who waa "ptaaed " from New Urieaua to thla ctiy, Waa "paaaad" un to Bruuaiifn by tue gal- Unt Major Caldwell Hauager Uerbert lleuck waa tUiyyean old 1. Ue waa fcaaicd by bla frienda, anowcrrd wlib Ouware and aerenaded bi Jubo weber'a comb.ned btoda.... Manager M.U. Ltaviu was In toe city durlug the week. U. U. Hartford,of tbe Fountain, la eotenalulua U-utge Aden, ol Ringuog Broinera' ulrcua Will E. Uuluane, late oi tne Bi. Failx Blatera, la here organ tSiOg Culnane'a Mlntlnla R. 8 Schleaaloger, bntner ol Mori la ScOlesalugtr, traaurer of tne Fuuntaln, baa algned in do ■ advance" lur the Lon- don Belles and baa gone to Ueiroii Manager M. U. Andaraon baa returned from New York. Colawibwa,—Ai Ibe UIgh Street TheaUe Wl|. llama* apcclalty Co. opcntd a Ihree night eugaga- ment Nuv- 6. N. B. wuod bad auwd buaioeta (Ki. 2B-31. '■The Seuiu Before ihe War"turued ptuple away Nov. 1-3. ''Toe ship of SU(e" uimei B, lul lowed by Sot Hmlin Ituaaeli 0, 10. Oliver Hymn opeoa a three nlgbt eof agement 12. Gkano UPasA liui;aB.-Tne Sandow Thwidero Vaudeville Un. iipened t lor three uirhia "A Breeiy Time" had llgbt hnalueee 0,:t. 29-31. "Tue Girl 1 Len Behind Me" uld luucb beiur Nuv. 1-3. "Tbe Cuontry sport" cornea a-io, 'The Ueruy Winner" 12 and week. c;aniow,«*At Ihe Grand Opera llonae Huian)l Reed nad good booae (KL ». "A Texas sieer" pAted to ' s. K. O." Nov. I. "CooB llulluw" did well 9. Doe: Mote Cogblan 7, -Tne Power ol Ibe Pma" 10. Walter Wimealde 14. TBBATBBOiaigVB.—DaB and VonOneley, Hand Htlford, Fraakle Ut Han, Marie He Wolf, Uuit U Rue, U o sdale and Bwney.Laare Webb, ABBle Lane and Edith Oondnuw. BiLBBB'a Moaic Uall^LoIb Wealvoitli and idaBeyaolda. OlaTeUwd—The chaags ot Ita Iwo attiactlnna at each hnnae tha paat week gave ae holta qnantliT and qnaliiy. aliboagh hnalnem was commenaurale with the latter. At the RuolM 0»em llonae Mra. Potter and Kyrle liellew vera aeea OoL 29,90,31, la ■Charloite Corday" and "In Soeieiy." In the laitar, iMih aian wen seen to heat advaoiaga. Good bnalneaa attended their elTbna. Rolamr Reed fol- lowed Nov. 1, 2,3 and madn a ancreas with "Tbe Poll'lrlan." B lalnesa was brltk and curtain calls and a apaech oronrred at each pertoritiani'e. 8«1 Snilii Rgtaall 0.8.7, nrednclng "The llelr at Law," "A Poor RelaUon" and ''Peaceful VaUev " Rose Ooghlan 8. B, 10, In "Diplomacy" and "A woman ot Nnlroponance." LTOBI'M TUBATRB.—"A II tggtge Check" Oct. 2>, 30,31. atarrlua Aitnnr K U iuluio, did fairly. l«wlB Mnrrlaon, In "Fanai." Nuv, 1,2. 3, altn fared well, imnnrliy and Qlrard dU la week olowlUi'Tbe Ralnmakar." H. H. Jaoobb' TnsA'nta.—Heaale Bonehlll gave an acceptable pertormanoe of ''I'lavma'ea" Oct. 9, so, 31, but did not do well Oaanclally, N. S. Wntd tol lowed Nov. 1,3 3, In "The urpbaas of New York," opening wlih one ot tbe laraeat andlencea at tbla hnota tbla a^Niann and ooollnuing wall. Mr. and Hre.():lver Byron, In ■'llpa agd Dowga ut Ufa," t, e. 7; J. K. Rmnioi, In "Fritz In a Madhnuie," 8,9.10 STAR TllBATHB.—Dutincaa continues fair. Ora- nlen' Lvreuni Tneatn Company, under the direo- ilon or John Uitrrlaey, ongroiaed tha ationilon ot the many pauona ot Uila ibealnweek ot Oct. 29. 'TneS'iuih Before the War" week of Nov. 0. The Hone mil Knglith Folly Co. 12. CLBVBLAND OaAYR'AHHOBY.-Tbla BBW pbtOOOl amitaoment will bo opened a hy sonaa'a bead. A numUar of Qnt riaaa aticaotlona have been booked fur iblt place and In Ita line Iha Armory will be a formidahle competitor not to be daaplaod. CVBa —Obta. Stnnim, nf tha St^r Tbrain, la la New York, repreaenilog Manager Drew ai the con- vention or variety bnute uanaffera l,ewlaMor riBun la having a new play wrl'lun for blm on tha linraot "The Flying Uotcnmtn," whioh he will pro- dnoe next aeaaou. anil ir a aucoeaifiil opening It maitn elaborate acenio elTecta will he Inimduueil- Uinager Obaa. II. Ilentbaw, of tbn Lyceum Tneaire, In conjunmlon with K. 0. Uniiorncr, for merlr manager nf ilentbaw A Ten llmerk'a "Na* tioha." will next aeaaon put on the naiil a Oral niaaa comedy company In a reperinry. Manager llan- ahaw will reMIn the manageiuonl of the houar, at- tendlug the booking and htialurts part of the new vrninre trntu here All tbealrea have made arrnogenienin for full nttirna or olaciioiia, which will ha mA durlug (he porforraancea eleiumn ilav. Tlllin Hnniaev, wife of Manaior Ui.rrlacy, of llrenlors Lycoum Theatre Company, waapreaonted, 30, Ity tbn lurjtl iiiombcra of iiin Tbualrliial Uei:h4n- Ic4' AKaouiatliiB, of wblcb aha la one of thu few Udr bunnnrr titxinbcra, wtih a ami loaihor invellPB use, ciirilalnlnB a comnleto allvor toilet ant (dpi. Jnntea McOregor haa lieenonganed aa (enclog loatrnnuir at (he ulevclaod Alhlollc Aaanclailnn. On elac'lon dtr Manager llrnw, or UtnH'ar Tneatre. will create an Innovafon hv preaeiiting (wn perfornmneea the name oveoing, (lie aeonnd to begin at II o'clock. "The .■tonth llettiro iho War" la toe attraciloii "The Ulkadn" will Im parfiirmcd toon Uj amateur Intent for charily. Oayion,—At Iho Grand Open lliiuae 'Tna Dirt I l.riiH*timd Ha'playatt In a fair liiinaa - ct 31. TNaaaiardr Knoa't vaaiair lo "Hniiliara " inilira'ea a f noil li„uM Hnr. t. Mill amilh KoBaal . la "l*»aei,ful Va|. lai."rninaaB "A Hlack Hharp" 10 I'ANK Tiia,THa—W alien A Martaira '-Roiilh Htlnra Itio Wmr* fliird (b« hniiaa t,i pfaill',wlna Oel II. 'In III* Name ul tha Caar" li^il lair bitainaia .S'nv l-S, I'alrlrrin "Tlia Kilt' 17. 11. U . Willlania'H|M ■ ally rn Hndp'n "aha" 12-14. OtiTar Hiriin 15-17. rtuiniaav IIumr TneaTaa—'A Bratiy Tini.." 3 liaS tnoit b-aUivi*. Hiiokad: "Tlia Idltr" H. 'Ttia Turpfl"" II AwiM'iAiinN llaix—New Viirk Plilllia'niuoln<!lulia Ui.iliiiN TllKiTHi-Haknr anil llanilal, MauilMll Kla- inra MlonlaHuinara, (AWranca aoi Traay anil aanrloa |,| livina iilPMiraa. Nlaubenvlllr,—At (lie Cllv llpt-ra lliillae "l> iwn In liiile" hung out the S H. (i (I <t. m. Tlio New York Uatliio Vaudoviiln u.)., aaiiaiu-l by local laleni, annearoil at tha KIka' iMuedl, Nuv, 2. 3. Ilnwaril Wail npenaii, fur nnc week. -'Tho lllrl I l.efi llehlnrt Me" I'l At tne l/iuiKm Tlieatrr, week uf r,, liaii and Oira l'.iiiilcy, Lapclltn Haul, Arina'r"ng and I'urier, Jennl-i l,i'arv.Hianford anil ill. cialrii, I,lx2la Aualln, Pearl 1) lUfllat, Clara Uarlltigi in, l,ir.2la LthMo and Mario Auatm. Akron,—At the Aiailiiiiiv lit HuBlo "A Toiaa S'err'' played Ut a large hontu Out. 31, l,niila Aldrlrh I'Aiiiein ralr tiualicaa Nov. i. "Uuoii Hut. low" had a amall liouae 2. "Alrln Joalin" bad a lilghouaea Honked: J. K Kinnifli7.^'Hpldoranil Fiy"a 'TbrHnuih Before the War" 12, "Theiiin i U'ttUehlod Ma" 10. Vlndlay,—At tin Marvin Opm ll inan "I'eek'e H^il Huy" gavn two perfiirinanui-a Ont. 'J7,1'l uuud hiitluraa "Tlio Kid'* had alalr hnuae .10. Coining; WaU'iti HIatera* Uii. Nuv. B, "rne Loai l',<r.ullao" lu. At Turoer'a Op-.m llonae the Geary Stock t;u. dill a fair tiiidnrta week uf Oct. 27. ManaAald.—AI Iha Memorial Opem llntiae lln<od Heed, In " The Pulliloian," kept a fair aluil hiiiiinlnan uproar ot Unghter Uot.31. 1,'iulaAl. ilrlcii, lu "Uy Partner," entertalncil a tnuderaia elai'd aiKllenco Nuv. Ituaa Oogblau, In "Dlplo- mai-y," come* 0, "Tbe Power uf tou I'reaa" a At the Fiiortb Biri at Andluirliim, Geo. It. Wendllng leclurea 9. Hprlnalleld.—At the Orand Opera llnuaa "Tha New Hoy" pUycd lo a fair aUnd audience Ooi. au. It"l»rt Maniell Nov. 0. The Hinduw-Titicadoro Vaudeville C i. 8, Watwn Hlatera* Kitrevagaijiia Co. lu At liiaoB'a Opem lloute. tValie'a Oimedy O) week uf Oct. 29, had gooi biialoeao. KENTUCKY. Iiowlavllle,—.U tie Temple "Lady Winder- mere'a Fau'' caino Ofll. W for three nighia, playing to good honwa. lues Mocuaker, In "Tiie I'rima Donna.*' 6-7; tlie KJkn* MInalrebi. under Iho aus- pices uf liiiulavllln Lodgii uf UkB. N, B. HACAUi.Br'i<TiiBiTHB.-"Toeldler'iandKilan>rs living picturca played to moderate builncaa laat week. Tne biat nlgbt uf the engagemeni "Tbe Untat uf Hicleiy" waa given. -'A Black Hbeep" «-•. AuniTOHitia —Adi llnban drew largo andlencea Nov. 1-3. "Tne l.ui Wnrd," "Tna Taming of tha Htrew" anil "Taeilth Night" were tho playa pre- aenied. A'fred II. Fariand, liinjnlai, B.u. GRAHti lli'BBA UoUHB.—"Tho Hiiiwaway" waa given a beany reception fr,ioi the opening to the cloalog of Ibe engagement laat week. Cha-lra lllckaiin, lo "Inoot," week of > AVBBUB—Out lllira Nuveltlea dallghteil tho pairona uf thli houae last week wlthallni claaa apeclaliy perlnrmtnce. Many pcupie who bad never wlinrtaed thla kind nf a performance at- tended. Jamea U. Hackle, lu '-The Side Hiiow," week nf 6. Buu>iKiiiiAM..-llaTry Morria' llurl«ii|no O) endail a prouiahia engagement 3. nice A Uarton'a Hi«e Hill Kngihb Folly Co. week of a. Niw Oaw.-New ffea week ot 6: While anil Btrnea, Meyer and lllrai, Cun Fraiibllo, Noma Parker, Haagle Tnleaa, NlniUaaon, llitUaMaaon, and Kd. and Jeaate Foley. Bitalneaa la good. Nursa—Tbe FJka Hlnttrela to lie beard at the Temple 1,9 la entirely eumpuaed of membera nf the organiBail'in. Tbe prnceeda will tie applied lu the charily fund ot the lodge. AI. nonrllar, manager or (be Temple, la duwn oo (be priigramme as one uf Ibe end men At the Saturd ly ntailnee of Ada Hehan'a engagement u the Auditorium, aeviniy. of l/iulaviTlea debutante ooi:iipla<l tbe lioxca ot Oven the Ihiaire upon InvHa'lon nf Manager Gullp. F,ach one of tne giria held an American beauty riae, and at the clnae ol Ihe play they were gathered In one abeaf and preaenled to Hiu llehao. Padacah,—At Morlon'a Opera lluuae ''Coon ll'illiiw," Oitt. 34, aod *Tae Tornado," for the lienellt of the Padgcah Fira D partmeut, '/o, did aa ex- ceedingly large hualneaa. "l>ttila TilBle" draw a crowded neoae Nov. 1. The living pictoret, wblcb have been quite a feature with the "Cara llolluw" Co., were nuiinown here, aa tber lell Ihe company atHempbla and went to New Orleana w7a. Baker, of Chicago, who managed thi nrudnotluo of ■-Tne HIkadu" alveo laat Summer by lom amateur taiant ut this city, |4 hare, and will begin rebesra lag the aame company lo the open,' Pucabobtaa," which will lie pioduced at Mortog'a at ao esily dale. ^ ^ CALIFORNIA. Laa Awfalet,—TheBurliank Theatre held good tliadaedlaaeaa lor "Tha flilvar glog" Oct. 11.27, "Tba Barlaar'a tooipata" S-Hor. I At Baaaoo'a Uraad Upara lloau "Tba Marry War" wat praatotad OeL 11-17 -Iraettd fair auanlaaea. 'Tl,a Brtdal Tl ' I Hov. a drantlie parloraiaaeva wlllba >adat laiaboaaa. wt>b "Uanlaa" w (ba blu U. Baaitaea, Boaa Fataar, Baairlea tieb aaa i tad atlraalad fair auaedaaea. •-IRI S . aeaara'ad itoaraeU.L . NBiibiB Ibteaal... .Tba Laa AaiMaaTaaalrawttBark eaaa aadlaa (let 17 laparltl Haala Uall oalayad B*Bdpairoaaaafl-fr. NEW YORK C rTY. lotal Weeli'a Hveiila.—Tbe record of the paat waak li exceedingly mesgro. Not a alngle new play waa produced, there were hut few ohaageaot aitraoilont.and tho only avenia worthy ot Bpeolal ntentlun were tho drat metropolitan pnaenutlon of r new light opera and lavrral aeceplable revlvala. Tho llatof aarnniBiiracilona, however, being an Inviting ono, the avcrago ot bualgraa waa quite aaiUfaoiury. It la Intereailog and Inttnictlveionote, Incnnnoctinn with the fore- going aiatement of dnanclal rcturua, mat by actual count ooincdr. In niuiio form, holds the atage^ln three-tourihB of the entire nnnibcr of recognlaed pbicca of amuaciiient In ihla oily, ilonovor, the terni oomeilv la naoil alinve In lu generic actiie, and aghdlvliled Into apecloa nnder that olaaalluailon It will bo tnginl that the major part ot tho current attraclluna ahnnld preperlr be calleil tarcea Hie continued per- loriiiancea lur the week ending Nov, 3 were; "Hr. Srniai" at tha RuoAnwAY, "Sbaoaodoah" at tho AOAnxar op Uirmc, "The Bauble Shop" at Iho RuriBB, Ihe Uliputiana at the Fiitii atxhub, "The New Bor" at tlie SrANOAHii, "A nalctr Hlrl" at' DaLT B, R. II. Sothem at tho i.yubuu, w, II, crane at the STAR, Olga Noinerenie nt Paijuh's, "Litile Uhilaliiphcr Uolumbua" at the (Iahubn, "A Milk White Flag" at lIurr'H, "Tho Irish Ariltt" at tbe FuuaTBB.NTii SrHBBT, and "Tne Uovll'a lleputr" al AnBBr'a, the one laat named olueing up,in ihai date Tho one weak atanda olualug Nov. 3 wen; ''Biruuk UII" at Iho I'Bori.Ba, "The Cuuq. irr CIroua" at NinMi'a, "KIgnt Holla" at the GRANII OriRA llutiHB, "A Flag uf Trucc" al JA(»Bn' TiitHh ArkNCB, "rue Hpan ut LKo al (he AMBHIUAN, lUubaiil Uanadeld at lliu IIablbii (irBRA lluvas, and ■■UoFaildeu'a KlupcinenC at tbe Cni.iiauuii Coniiiuck'aHliialnla cuntiunoil at sr. JAUtH llAi.1 1'drfiirni incca lu Herman warn given at tha Ihvihii Pi.tux and Gbhuania, and parfiirinanoea In llelirowatiiieTiiAi.iA, Wi.iii- aou and Aoi.BH'a At tne IIbbami SqtiiHB ruKATHB, on (>c( *Jt, tbu Whitney upera Ci. gave the Hiat molriipuiiian prtmeiiiailuii of ■■Hiiii Huy.* Ibe laivat Joint npuraiio work of Harry t). Hnttlh and Hoglnald da Kovm. A roiiruaetiiatlva aud taabiunable audience eruivilud thu iniuae and gave the upara Ihurough enduraouiont. Tnia pruvcU to lio tiie mual impurlant n|ierallu inuduttluo or the preaent aeaaon, fur nut only )a tlio wi>rk exceedingly incrlturloiia, liut the atagliig la plo- turoaquo and Uio cniiipAiiy uf uuuaual vucal ability At Hie Cahikii, on (Hit. 'JJ, "I'ne Pawing Show" waa again preaouluil, having Juai returned from a very iinia-eaaful lunr. It will ruuiHtii al thla huttae uuul tho cx|ilraiiiiu uf tlio teas I uf Canary A l,udorur, wblrli cuiiiuh tu an end lu tho latter partnf tbt* ourrent niuiitli, after wliloli iltoniu lit lite piece will Ihi ouuuuiiudnt IhnBiJuu TiiiiHirc, uf which tbIt ilriu li m ubtniiod piaiaeuluo. (ilga Nudiaraule, liavlug aiiifonil In ouiiy wnyiibiiiugh tlioinanaiorlal uimr which iwrintttoil liur 111 uiNhu hur Aiiiurican il,<liiit in a puiir play, wlllciilitlniiu aud oiiijilolc hrr run al 1'ai.iish'h TllBATHB under more fnvnralilo auaidi'oa. Hiiunp. iwarud at that huuiu Out. '.M, In "Catiilllu," and nut iinly doepiy linproaaoil her auillunce, but won beany priiiau rruni uiaiiy who bail pruvluutlr but ligbilr eatociiicd hur hiairlnnio piiwora. Hbn iiiiw citiurnanda not mily rcapeot Inn adiiilra- ilfin, and Iter auoceat In ii ruli*. tbr.iiigli bar aiMuntptiiin ot which aliu iiurcHMirlly invlu-a uuin- panauu Willi aninu uf tlio Ivndlug HilrcHaeauf Ilia day, lavlawed with mtioh anilaracilun by thuta who nrlgliially reciigblied Iter great alilllty, in apliu or (li-i uiiaadatacbiry niudluiu Ibruugli wliluli It waa at dralabuim. Grcauioai will 1m hon uulaaa her own or managerial fully aliould mar Iter deallny. K. 11. Sutburn revlvcil, at tliu l.roRUU Tub- ATHB, on Oct. 'Al, "Lurd Uuumley," one of lilt early au<u:eaaea, and nnt uuly aeoured tor Iho work a re- newal uf Ibe faviir originally lieahiwuil upun II, but gained fur hlintalf thu vunllot that lila iierfurui. uocii tliurein ahuwed iiiucb loipruvemoni, cuiiao- fpieiiitipun the ountlnuiiua gruwth of hIa lilittlunlu puwera. At Ibe uuiilnou, Nuv. 1, lie preaenled "A Way 10 Win a Wninau,*' ami tbla amnio, inunt will uouUnuB during Ihu Ume tbat '-liord Chuiuley" linlda tbe laurda liAHHMiAN'HTnK. ATBB, which haa been fur a long limn dark, owing to Mr, llarrlgau'a road lour, waa ru- opeiicil Oct-19 fur a prnapecllve run uf "Tbe Man WithouiaUouniry," which runuived tnareup m (hat dati: rroiii anutbar tlieatra In Ihla city At Ibe lariHU Pl.ACB Tbbathb "Dor tVelaaa lllrach," hav- ing met with anbaUkUtlal luccou, oooatHuled the aula orfjriog during the pittt weak, lliuruby ifiai punlogtoalakrdaietliu prnduoilun uf tliurar..», "Her Klelne Mann," whIoh bad bueu anoounedlor preaenlalluu Nov. 1 At tba Oi'BRA UuuBB, ou Nuv, 1, Ulohard Manallul<l gave wh it lie waa ploaaed lu term tho oral perfiiriiunce of l/irl- inur Stoddard'a new Ovo act drama, ■■Napulaon Bunaimrto." The Ont preaoutaiiun uf thbi play waa given o ;t.'J7, at the Herald Hijiiara Tlioatre, at a public full dreaa roh'arial, and tua work waa reviewed In our laat lBt<io Chailea lllgelowas- agmed un Nuv, 1 tho rulu of O'lJiaillgaa, (lie dolaut. Ive, In "1,1'iln Chrlauiplier Culumlma"si ilie Gaii- BKH TllBATHB, Uuorgo Walbm, who iiaa iHien plar- lug thu part, having rollred fruni the mmitwj At tlio HrANiiAHU TiiBArne tho nrtleih perfurniancn nf "Tliu New lliir" was given Nuv. 'j and auuveiiln wcro ditlrliiuied awirdlug Ui atlaiillalied cuaUim. (.'eaar Tliumaun, Ihu Helglaii vlullnltl, iiiaile Ilia Aiiicrl';an debut al a cuncertaiUAHNcin Miihic Hti.L, Oct. :i'i. Upon that nriraalun Maria l/iulae Hallur, "h American girl who baa lioen miialcally educated abroad, fiuiilii bor metrupulllan dehuL A rwuBtrr It on foot fur the eatabllahment of a now indopead'ul theatre, louilelcd afier tbe ila- fuuci I'beaire of Arte and Leiiora. Tub lliHTriiHiAHB will liegin llieir aeaaon at inn llroaiiway Tbeatre, Nuv. 10, with the drat prudiio- Hon of VIotnr Uertirri'a now nuniio open, "Aua. lat" During (hetrteatnn al tbla huuie ihay will produce "Mexico," anuiner n<-w cuinle'ipera, aiid will revive "Fatlnilza" and "lluhln lluud.'' A PUHTHAir BXIllBITIU.t fur Ilia iwuefll of Ml. Jubn'a Guild and the Oitbupiuilc lluappal waa bi fun Nuv, 3. at the Nallunai Academy of lictign. he ditplay cunlalna only portralia uf wuunu, bum. iHirlng aunut (ntee humlrod anil Ofty. and pn^aenia a atuuy by oomparla-in uf the wurk of aiinuit evf ry piirtralt artltl uf note fur the Uat twu liuudred yean, AT TUB akqUBST ot Ihn l.'oryplieea' I'rutactlve Unlun a cuumiitee v nipiiaeil ol turae moiniiera from Ihe Cioiblng Wurkera Uuloiiand una niamiier from the Actora' I'nnecilre lliiluiicaiiedupuu Hag agar Sehoeffei at Ahlwy'aTueaira, Nuv. I, tu pMtnt agalaat the eniplu)iiien( or (be cliurua gIrIa and danceia brunglK over here lur "Tha (Jgeau of Bill- Ihmia" by (ho Ulllan llu»all Opem Va. It It the olalin of the Coryphera' I'niiecilvo Unlun that thate Impuned gIrIa are plain, ordloarv utuployra, and ilmi Miaa Kuttell'a cuiupany ciuld get Jiiat aa good pcrloruien here. The cuiuiolllre waa p<i.lleiy dia- niiaat'ii with the Biaieuebt tuat Hie gIrIa were arilatsfr WuaTU's Hi'aBtJg.—The usual repuria of con- Ubifeil good tiunlueaa cuiiie fniui ihlapupul ir h-iute. For Inla week ilieiiai ul perfuriiiora In tnellKaire portion of tbn buihllng arr: Tne Wiuraa Wm. Courtrlght, Kildy Oniiyi Omle llarl, Uaiule KKiw- en, Fred Fiper, Pearl Hayiiiuud, liiily Young, Alloe Mackay and Hen n Ian. BUaPAir BHrsHTAmBBMa on Nov. 4 comprlaed tha tbird cuucert at the Muimpulluiu Upen Houae by ibe Meiiia CunueilCu., r. c-ibcrrt bi (111. more'a Band at the Acajleniv uf Hualc, and an en- tertainment enlliled "Mualo, B-ms and ruem,"pra- MB'ed at Palmer's Theatre br 0 II. Hnar.alle. TiiBl,AiiBaga«e Iha araf'/piiuUil" ol the aeaaon at their ciunhouaa Nuv. f. Tbe ruuma were orewded,aod an itllereailog prognmiiia wat pre- BBBled,