New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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674 THE nSTEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 10 BijduTnitTRE^NotirlUutindlDgtluttiiewetUi- er «u Torj ■tormr and allogatlicr tHaHtoUt, the popnhrll; of lb« aUr anillced to MiTMtk too4 ■Izeil uiidlenco Ut m» hoaiu on Hondar ertnlng, Nor. b, wiLon uprlKlitljr Hnrlo Janwin madt hor n- appear.tnco on ilio tcono ot toroirr Ulnaiplia,aod met wlUi a nauorlng wclcoma from old friondi. TlUa occwion nurkcd llio Out preaonlatlonlnlbia cllr ot Oloa MtcDonough'afarco,"llliaDjnanillo," wnicli lua lull » auccoutal lour tliroogli tlia pror- locei. Tbo ator; o( ilio raru baa xma already told In our colunica, unit lireqalreabacallgbtnrfraiiu licro. Till) 5 ;tluo ukea |ii<m la llie gaj capital of Kritnce, the clmractoni boinit nierottora ot tbe Amer* ICAU coiouy 111 rariH. A midillo aged nacbelor tiaa goue tbeto from ibe uiktea nltn two vlTaclooa nelcea.wlioac gunrdlto he la, Hud Ibe tnnot tbo Blqco lilngca ou a Milea ot amualDg advoDturea irnogli whicn ibev so In i|ulclt ancccaalon, and whicb aro inHUily ibo reanit or Ue liluoiloriug or ft I'oacciicd Franob detcclWa, wbo fooclca be la on tbo awni o( a djnamlio coDMilnoy, Uia object of wblcu la tbadealrucUoo ot tbo noirl at wuicn tbe Bforaisld gaj baobelor DDcle and llvelj nlccea ate aiopplng. Tbere are two aoliora for tbe hand or Mlaa Ueorgia, tbe elder Dicce, lnincrMuai«d by Ulia Jaiuen, one a pour arilit auif aca-pted lover, and a aporUng Engllab notiletnau vltb it peDchanl (or Qatlo putlmea, aud a yeanlug dcaire lo tepleDlih lili cxcbeiioer by nurrt'go wlib ao ADienuin belreaa. Tnera la alau K ricb Anierlcaii wiiloir, wllb a matrltnonlal lean' Ins luKHrila tbo uucie. I'ue conpUcaUona reault- lOK from tbe tiroria or iho iKIcctlvo to cnpmre tbe aUHrclilita areiiruJuclivo ot aancceaalOD of laugb utile Bliuatlonii, wblcb kepi tbe iiuillence In a con tiDual duller or merdioenl, and gunrauutd Ibe aucceaa or luo now aililltlnn to ibo lepeitory o( Ibe HUr. llliiiiJan>oaauaialna Ibo burden iir tbo piece, ot coureu, aud la ine enaciincol ur the part nbo brlngu inlo play all tbe piqumu; aud rlvaolona- neai cbamoiorleilo nf iiur, me Impcraonailon lack- log noibliig calculaicd lo pleaao a orlUoal andl- voce. Hbo WM greetml wllb applauao freqaenuy, and In Act 2, where alie dlagulaca lieiaeir a« "Mlaa Dynaultu," appearing In a loll aearlet coatutno, wiibtlguia, nnil HlngaaneiiocomlOBOug, abe wm Sreaenicd wllb a iiouijoet or hcautirul nowcta. Mlai auwn baa aurrouuiied beraeirwith an excellent coupany, all liic lociuliors ul whiuh HiialHlned Ibeir pane alily, coutiluuilng iliclr run iiliara to tbe gen- cml Jullliy or tbo Mlllcking onterlaionMiIt, Tbe picco wan moat crouiiMblj alagcd, Hod Uie cot- tumea were rich and very naudaiiine. Hint Janwn touting psrucubirly poit and "feiohlng" In bar aullol iKurlei, wlilch iilaplaynl berpbialcalcbamia lutbobi-atitdviinugo, MayUerrloi looked band- HOino and hoiciI well aa llenrlelta tJruger, tbe wealtbywiiliiw. IlopolloaanuideaobaimlngMarlon Day, FfFdurIck Uuml gave a droll aud eiTeotlve furtrayal nf ilio would iio alem uncle, aud Boldeno owoil'a work In iha rule of Ibe Kuglltb nobleman wllb »|iciniug proclivlilca waa worlliy o( com' nieudaliuii. Tnu otbura «Dg4ged roniJercd an ex- CL'lloni ucuount of ilioiiuvlvee. The farce la a worthy aiitix-mur or "liuliiioulcu'a at 8lx," end will ftrove quite aa gooil h money toaker. Tbo oaat: irexcl II ly, Froucrlr. llonU; Nud Vanci', ChArlea B. U'alk'a: Kugcuii VVitlier, AVIIIIaiii Nurrla; Tom Hor- Uio, CiiiH. Uaauii; ilio Uaniula or Enuoguiii, Holdoiio I'uwellii U'liirlUon, Knil W. Polora; Ueuil' ctia C'rugir, Uay Merrick; Marlon ll«v, Hope ItoMi Dailier, Auule bhIoiUo; UeorgIa Day, Hariu Janaoo, MlKkii'H UOWBiiY TuiATuii.—Harry Wllllanu' o an tJu, upuucil to good iinuaoa Nov, 6. Tlio coiU' pany lutroduuiil la ennipoaed of many lluwery ravorltcg, who were well rcmotnberod' Khrnu iind Uulu ojionuil Uiu olln lu liuicli cooilcallUea. Utile FlnaHlo, n ctovor chatHOtcr change andeocon' trio dancor, riillnircd. Tbo Kvnna, in iheir well knowoact, maitetliolriiaual lili. I'mr, Fred Macart'a troupe of educated doge mid iiioukuya gavondl vonililed oxiiiulilun of many Irlcki. Tlio nioekoy comcdlnna wuro vrry runny, mid the aerpcntiuu dancing hhiI boxing duga ahiiwed rooiarkablo tnlDlug. Iningtioo t'linier, deacrlptlvo alugor, wlib Kaytnprtilicnu vuico ur laiicb power, aaog aereml now ballailri, huiuiih iliom ''The Tattoo uu the Ann," wnlch iimilo a hli, lleury and K«to rolloweil In llilr aoi, "Oapilal vorana U- bor." t'aiitiMn, the abadowgnipblal, nlinic, olo,, pmvlilcil iin oxcollrnl cntennluniout, varlirt aud amnalog, .Uat;«lo and Uanli'la, iriib knockabout uomeillauii, amg, kicked, pniiclied and Jumped to everybudy^aanUafacUoD. Fiank_UoraDuxpounded Sir" ploublyon Ibo lopica or the Umee. UoPnooand ill In a hnrlxouinl bar Hi^t, preaciited many i trioxa, oxecuted witli graoo and akill, "Mulllinn'i IlecepUoii,■> with A, II, Khoroa, Joa. HoCaic, wm. F, Ktye, Kddio Kvana, Hi. Uiiulela, llora Uole and LIule Fl|>iale in ilie caat biuupbi tbo abow lo a iHUgblng dniab. Next week, llelhy and Wood'a Bbo^ NinLU'aTuXATitc-Manager Waller Hanrunl pre. iienled a new oireilng bero nlgliiuf .Nov, r>. Ii la h romaullcuietudrAiuii, hy Qoorgo IIOL'y, ciillllcil Tale or ConlCAt*' nud wna urlglnnliy producci in NeirOrlcaiu twelve yoiua ago, under tbe niimu of "A I'rleat'a Vow," Tbe aconca ot the play are Uld In Ibo lalaiiil of Corsica, Two brotliere, Augtio ami Mateo lluiilnl, love lima Honteforo, ibingnicr uf Ugo Uonlofero, ngnlnat wboao borne Ibu llublnia bave Juat duclanil a vomlellit, Tbrongb h coinbi- naUou i<r clroumauncca tbe bnilhoneavo tlio life ot lima, wboao true Iduntiiy la unknown lo them. Augolo, wbo la aware or bla biolbet'a luvo, aacrl' ilcoa bia own love and rollioa luloihe oburcli. Tbia ucuun lu aiil I, Tbo dranmttc fentitrca ot Ibo reatvt tbo aiory are liulll around the uooteaalnu of a nturUeror to Aiigcio, tbo prlcai, whoso own liiotner, Hnloo, laulHuit tube isn'cutid rurlbe criiuo, and the priun'H von will uut permit lilm !»■ diBoloao woo Ibo mnidcrer la, lo tbo end tbe Irae tnurderor la rovcalml and Ibo alury ends sallsfai.- lorlly. Uiany o( tbo cllnitxea woiv airoog, ami lue acting was uoiroriuly good througliont. Tne play waa well aiagiiil, under the supervision o( loe HOtbor, wbo played the villain, TVirahll, olTonilvely, Much u( tbo avunery, palaleil by Lools (J. Youoi vraa new and appniprlrttv. Tbo oast follows: l*ao1 llublol, Frank Foster; Angelo Itnbino, II irry MalO' ball; Uaici Itublnl, Frank Lauder; Vgo MKnle- rero, tlharli'a Nuvlns; Uiievitllor ilu Uonanil, C'riplle I*alnionl: Torrflill, t:i>iirgo lluoy; I'lchu, hM' ward J, llriuii; I'lrlni, K>lgar Forteat; (llajoouio, II, MoUrtireny; Uaulatraiu, Nelson tJonipalon; AO' toulo, William Uortuii; iHiiTana Ferranie, Victory lUloman; lliua, I.ialo IaiikIi: lioria, l,otUo Willlnnia. Next week, "Tbo VVIillo sqiutdrou." L0HDO.1 TnaiTBX.—Itlcu i Uarton'a l.''jm«llan!i In' llauloliazilo," witb ihe two well known com odlan managers In ilio two principal rules, proved It meet laughable eblortalnment for good audiobuea Not. t' Tlie comedy ban been Improved grcally tills year, and tbo aiory worked uut by Ibo olevur com- Kny, wllb tlio aMjIalauuo or a cbunis or comely lift, proved nil iiiiiutlDg enwiublo, Frankio llaluea, as Juilet ilurv, was well ncoived, and aang HudHoiO'i won, (Jliat. Iliiriun,a3 MolHiodle, with bla DbaraoIorUilu ainilo and aclluua, provoked nuoh lulrlu, iKo. W, IIIco, aa Foodio, was alao ruony. 'I'bo I* I'oilo ,Siaiura' duet waa well renderod. A, tl. LawteuL'O sang a barltene nolo, aud save avnio clever veuiriloqiilal imiia- tlous. The oibcr iiicldenial songa, quarlets, dance aud uharai'tcr blia weio lotorspersed to good advanuigii' John anil Llillu Ulack did a abort siwoi- alty act. Mr, Uliti'k'a iiauclug waa well applauded, ^'bu M'lilini'y llroihcni iK'tturiueil oo vatloue novel musical Insirunirui'. Tlio uibets In llm mat wen Jay l)ulg oy, aa It'iincoOuro. Ibo snakapcarlau aclor, Uiilan lilHvx na Un. McIKmnIIo, llehla lj« I'orle aa lira. Finxtlo, Ju.m J. uunk a* UuIk>. Id* Ulller, Nellie Slicriiiaii, Ada tVrletub, Lizzie Miner, Jennie Hbaw, Maliel Mllablr, Killo Auelalraud llazd Uarih' not. W. 11' IsliHiu la rvprvscniailvo. Ilowani Wait- iiey musical director; (ico. Clundlcr, properlles. Next week, llii>si'li llr.>liiei«' LVimcdlans. AN VMui'a iKTKHiAiMisKT cninicd, Mnsic, bong and IViein, I'loturtcally lilnsir,iic(l, waa given on Bnnilay eveuing, Sov. 4, at Faliuer'a Theaire, liy Ur, buaaellc, an Kng'.iBh aingtr, racouloor aun tivvelor, Mr. !toa»ilo sang acrrral souga wllb exoeilent eilcci. Ilo baa a low barliouo voice, full, naonanl ami iiiiisIihI, Ilo aisn gave acvrral leclta- Uons, Ilo was assleiod by .Marlu Uoll, whose aiug- Ing,boauvcr, waa not an acceiilalilu. All of Ibe aongs rtudrrcd weru illualniicd by piclurvs ibrown uiHiuHSoa'en.andoibi'rpiciuii'.i acre also abown t ndcpcndciit ut tbcae. Mr. ilbaulle told aevrral hUiuuroua siurioi iinliu crvorlj', A clilme of bells and a bidden eborua adilcd eiTeuilvenesa lolbo vocal nuiiiiicrs. MiHKa'a KiiiiiTii AVKKi'KTitsATiiK.—Tbe Frvnob FnllyCoiupHUT.onoor llnltrri klanvliraier'a popiiUr urgaiilziiiiiiia,iipriitU a week's iiigageinrni bero night fir Nov.A good nici'il auillouce bad hiaved tbeliiclonicul aviiliir i<f Muiidjy nlghll leujoyibe onieriHlinng projr.uiiiiiriiiTi'rvd,and Jndglngny Ibe applaiim), WKU-ii nna iilnioet couilnuona irum tbe opcnins liuiIitiA, iliej Iml no ranae lo regnl hav- ing vcninrril uul III Hurli wcaJlier, It la a capital gbow. Next week, tbe Kighl owls. Kornn t BiiL't,—Week of Nov. 6 waa nsbeied In at Ibis resort wllb a programme o( onnsnsi In- terest, wblcb Included tbree ancceuful American dsbnif, Desplie tbe rainy weather Ibe boose was well mied.aod tbo audience gave evidence o( ap- proval by beany and trcqnent applause. Ermloia Obelll, trapeilst, nude ker drat appearance bcfoi* ao American andlsnce, and made a pronoonced sooccaa. Mile. Cbelll la o( aUracilve appearance, and pcrforna many daring teals on tbe swinging trmp»« wllb an easy grace that r^llevei her andi. ence or all feara (or ner aareiy. altboogh she per (oma wliiioet a ne'. Tne Roasow Droibrra ti>rl and Fraic). I.llipuilaa atbletes, alsu made ibclr debnl In Ibis connlry, and recalved ample applanse to convince them tnat ibey litd (onno immedlve ■avor. Tneae Utile ilvala o( Handow aretacnly two and twenir tonr ysara old respwtively, tbe elder being ihlny-one Inches and Iba younger iwenly-nlnehlib, Tlieyarewell vroporil''nedand give an exblbfuon ot tbeir midget K'rength by IKi- uigdnmbbellsaodwelghis. Tbeyauogtve aercral bonis In wreatllng. In wblcb Ibey tbrow each oiber very cleverly. Tbe Bretbera Forrest, musical eccen- trics, also made tbeIr llrit appearance on an Ameri- can suge, sod were accorded theheanv recogolilon tbelr performance earned (or ibem. Tbey make op aa olowaa and do some clever tumbling aad eccen- irlo work while playlog upon vlollna and olber mnslcal Inalniinenis. Among other (eats one ot ihem tarns a aerlea of side somersanlis at tbe Muno time be Is playing a concertina. Car- menclla made ber reappnrance In tbis city, and was given an ovation. Sae was recalled sevsral tlinea. Kokin, Japaneselngglrr, reappeared brre, and wu well received. Kna Bertoldi, contorilon- l«t, entered npon ber flttli week as great a favorde aa ever, and Eugenie Foogere, chanuuse eccen- trlqne; tbe Haninetil Bros., acrobats, and Ivsn Tscnemoir, with bis troops or trained nogs, began Ibelrnlnib week, and were still popnlar. Tbe Kin- nays, expert awlmmera (ibird week) conilnned to win applause for ibcir wonderful exblblllooa tinder water. Tbo living plotoroa concluded tbo ezcellebt eniertalnment. Tbe usoal concert by Ibo Uungar* lans wu given after the pertormaoco. laviNO PLici Taxarni.—Tbe (onrib centennial Hans Baobs celebration waa auanged by Manager (Mnrlod (or tbe evenlog ot Nov. e, and proved a grand ancoeas. Tbe house was crowded to tbe doors. Anton Seldl led tbe orchesira, strengtbened (or the occasion. Emil FUber, William Siepbena, Paul Bli'gel, Ida Klein and Marie Haurer ren- dered solos. Tbe ovetiure, "Die Uelstersloger von N'nmbcrg," opened tne (esUval. "Von der Lisa- belba, KInoa Kantberm Tocbler'■ a tragedy. Id dr. acts, was presented, allgblly pruned, but tbe text vraa adber(^d to, as well as tbe primitive mode n( stage presentations at tbe tloo of Baebs. Kacn onaiaeter bowed to tbe audience on eniering and leaving tbe siage, and all lines won read, with llie speaker'a eyes suring siraigbt in front of him. Tbeeblfiing oisoanety wss avoided liyiireseuilnga sign, wblub told ine audience tbat "eiue sndcre (legend" wax being preaented. Tbe soloa from "Die Uelsttr- singur" were rendered by Messrs.' Flaber, 8ie- pbons, aid Blegel aud Misses Id* Klein and .Utrle Maiirer. "Der (abrondu Sobueler" was presented In tbe original, under tbe same early methods, Hudulf Neuioa playing tbe title role. Max lUnseler llie (ariuer, and Adoipb Link Ine (armer'a wife. Tbis sweet carnival play tells tbe story ot a traveling acholar wiio lulls tbe (armsr's wKo Ibal be baa Juat arrived (rom Pandlie, where bo siw her Urst buaimnd going around wllb noihlog on but bla tut and a coat Hbe preeaes the Bindont to go bick to paiHdIse and deliver aoiiie money aud clotbea to tbe deparicd. Tbe eoholar takes the gooda and Itavea. When the simple lady mromia her second husband of ber kinduats, beatosce scisoucoo bis boras to catch ilie rascal, lie overiskea bim, but lbs vcbolar tells blm tbat he baa seen tbo tlilel Boing In another direcilon, ond ibe farmer leaves la horse In bis care In order Ui conllnue the jiur BUlu Tbo sobolar iben makes oir witb tbe borao. Un returning the latmer wcs hiuiseK outwilicd, and lo Older to avoid ridicule tells bla wife unit be has sent tbo horse to tbo deparicd. jACOiw' TniiTHB.-"Tho Two Dinars," which proseniawlib mocb vivldneta dloeivnt phases of cliy lire, wllb Us looiptailons, began tbo week at ibia bouse Nor. 6, befiro an andlenco o( good pro- portions. The piece has (or lia present Inteipreta- llon the tollowlDi; people, wbo give caretol and en- Jojable pottrHysIa o( tbe rolos: Add Ityman, Wl|. lard Leo, John Barker, Thos, H, Uniy. J, U, Mariln, llene Tboniaa, Master Jack Lynn, N. S. Joseph, llonrlellB Leo, Klbol Marlowe, Kmlly Slowe and Udt Wells. Next week, "Jane," 1'xoi'i.x'H TiiiATHB.—Hallen and Hart began a wrck'a tngMgeiiieol hsrv nlgbl o( Nov, The audi- ence *>sciubied wu o( good pmnonious, when iiio lerrlblo weather which prevailed la coosldei«d riielun In ' Later Un" Is Incesunt, and the com- pany capably tendered llioir aevend spccbiltles to an a|iptsolauve andlrnrf, .Next week an Impor- t-uit event Is annoonced lo Ibe engagement of rrlmroee West's Mlnstrels.- BT Jaxbh' Hall— llualiiess at Ibis bouse coo- lluues gooil. Kdwln French and Uugbor liough- oriy were uewcomets Nov, :,. Tbe akil on tbo L'xow invenilgailiin and 'The Coti UIMk Kag" were oonllnncd. Uas'iki, Fruuuan baa decided on "Uorolboa' _ Ibo title tor Ibe new Bardoii comedy wllb which tho Lycoom Ybeatro will open Us regnlar scsson laie ■bis miiilb. Tne plet e baa been In i«hear<al (or aovemlneeka. stihTiibatiii.— W. n. Onuoand I'anI H. I'oller, auiliurof "The I'aoldc Mall," have equal teasoos for being satlsOed wllb tbelr reapccllve rebtllons lo tbis phiy. It Is a niost prouoanced suocoss, sud II will not only Impiove Ibe appeatsoce or Mr, Orane's ledger during tbo n'raaln or or bis slay bore, but will alao boor great raliie upon blasub- soqoeni toor. The aevontb week or Mr. Crano's en- gagement liegan Nov, 6 rALiiiH'8 'TiiaArHii.-nigt Nolboisole again ap- ponrcd In "tbuuillo" on Nov. 6, when sho entered upon tbe tounii and nnsi week o( ber suiy, Sbo made a most grailtying success In Ihis play laai week and forcedriomberaudltoraauacknowledgc. moot or ber grtat palters, Uarlng ine current week MissNsUcrsolewlll be seen la"Koiii(oaud Jullot," hut Ihe date ot Its preaeniatlon Is yet unannounced. On Nov, I'j "Tbe New Wo nan," by Sydney (Inunly, VU HUT, « U« .IVH V nmuj VJ OJUUUJ will have its llisi prodncilon In tnhi eouniry. llKHALU SgVAHI TOEATRk.—"Itub HOV," WblCb Is now In Its sscoud week, la Inoiapolaulr a suc- cess' It Is a work ot aeiual merit, iiiuat pic- lurciqoely staged and prest'Uled by no excellent company. It packed tbo bonse lut week, and will no doubt mott with similar good (oilunc lor many weeks to come. It Is in every way commeudablu, and will be round worttaj ot inure than a single beahng. U.tfliNO —"The Paaslug .show," wbleb began on Nov.t the second week ot lis return visit, la dupil- ca:lDg IIS original record, owing lo tho apeedy approaoh of Iho termloaiion or tne prrsent leaso of inu house, thia nbowwlll remain only two weeks more upon tbo I'aslno sbtge, woeiti li bad lie dni preeonuuon. The many rrionds or the ptesesi proprietors will no doubt msko iba>e gsia wnika. Lvi-'Fl'il TuEATiis—K. U. Soihrro's reriral of "iMnX tlbumlet" pruvoii very succ<sarui last we< k, and ptesumahiy no luriber ohange u( ii'il will lie made during bla prtaent ongagemeni, "A Way lo Win a Woman" will bo prcsouied at tbe Tburaday roailnce, Mr. Holhem Is now in tbe elevcnib week and Iho bisi fortnlgbt ot his stay. KxriRt TuiATaiL-Juhn lirew oootlniies lo aiir prise and dellibt bis auilleuces by bU rxoelliail wort In "The lUuble8hi>p,''a playof very ointrent sort (cnm those In which he bas been acenstomed lo appear. Ilo eonllnually plays loctowileilbu sea. Ue began ou Nov. 0 ibe nluin week ot Ins engage ment, and will remain at tbIa b'tusountil Ibo end or tbe current nionlh. Ann* Adams Is now pbnlng Ibo rule o( l^dy Bellenden In pbtce of Kale Heck, and JoMpb Humphreys Is pbtylag Ibe rule o( Mr. Body, replacing ilobert Cotton. Ai'AUBMV or Hbsic—"Shenandoah" preaenia eonUnnai reports o( good biitinrss snd luueh cor- robotallve ttsilmony locretir. Ii becau ou Nov.: the elevenib week of lis runsudwlil reinaiu tbe sttncllon at ibis bunse uuili lico. s, when It win give place lo an elaborate production or tbo new plar.^Tbe Coilon Klog." llAiudAN-B raiATRS.—"Tbe Man wiibont a t'onn'ry" closed Ita engageinent at llils bouse Nor. B, 1b« uiatugvrtKlDgHa-laOetl Ibat tbe play waa not Bulled for a uoiioiwlllan tun, A rtfud lour Is an- nouneed, llAHUkM TaiiTRi.—"Llille Chrlttopher t'olnm- bus," now lo the rontth week of lis ruu. Is oonilo- ually IraprovlDg, and Is aiTordlng excellent enter lalnincnt to ibo l«i go audiences wnico niabiiy vlilt II. II Is llleraily crowded wiib good ihlngs, en- tirely (00 Dumeroui tor ineiiilon, but wor.ny the aiieutlon ot all whodsllgbiln variedenlertalnmrok Ualv's Tuiatri,— "A UsieiT Ulrl" entered Nor. t noon tbe elgbib week ot lis ran, and will yet i«- maln tbiM week* troB tbat date. Tony Pi«roa's TngsTM.—Another American debut was on Ibe bill (or Nov. 6 at the above bonae, when a good alced audience wu preaent. Tbe lingllab people wbo made tbelr American debnt lut n-eek being very clever, bare becoos favor- ites wim Ibe patrons here. Oeo. W. Kenway wai (be now comer s. Uo gave ImKallons ot English music ball per(ormeis wbo are not known on Ibis side o( tbe big pond, and oonseqnenily did not gain tbe applaose ne might deserre. In ola lopctson- stion ot a singer wbo wu diiappointed by ber fllano player bs wu rtcelred wlih a kindlier (eel- og, for In tha' pan of tbe performance he wureiy good. Toe other performera on toe bill were Her- mi and We:co,kuockabont song and dance team, wbo did some good work. I'auilne, In bor serlo comic and scrobsilc spcdslilsa, gives prom- Uo or liecoraing a warm favorlia, her work being neat and pleuing. Mens. Tmvelle, asslsud by Mile. Trarsile, wu pleuing. TOni Puior, In bis nsnal budget of new songs, met wlin bis acooslom- ed reeepuon. Untb and Oiurord wei« giren a rousing recepllon, tbelr act seeming to go with more vigor Uan ever. The Slaters Preston, u chtracier songs and dances, met with favor. Ho- Aver and May were funny. Musical Usie, In bis mnslcal act, wu londly spplaDded. J. W, KeMy Is always sura of plentv ot applanss, and Monday Digot wu no excepilon to tbe rule. Button's Dog Cirons olosed la* bin In good styls. Kirro's u.vioN SquAiiK TogATRt.—While tbe stormy weather aomewbat affected tbe boslneaa at tbis bouse Nov. t, tbere were not many vacant aeats to be bad atier eight o'elook. I.ttona, tbo musical uamp, and narrlgan, Ibe tramp inaglclsb, were added reatnres, altbongb tbelr names were not on Ibo piogianuies. Tbey ate both clever perroim- ers, and were loudlyappUnded. Btustt, Uie female Imperaooalor, altbenah qnlto 111, appeared, and met wllb aocceti*. Tbe Lea Pbantos, grolesqee aorobais, mada their Orst appeaianca at tbis boa>e, and caused ounalderable amusement. Lrdia Yea- mana-Tlias, accompanied by Fred J. Titos, nst wllb ber nsoal reception. Bogart and U'Brlen, In Ibeir musical act, were funny. Capitda Forrest did ber dauoa amid a new uuing, which met with approval. Tbe Palicrson Bros, olever horizontal bar pcrtormerA, did not Anlab tbelr act on acconnt o( one ot (beir ban breaking. Tte La Hoae trio. In "Fun In a ODIneae Laondry," created considerable laughter. Willis Obirk, In a burlesque enteruioment, met wllb lavor. The iVsbley Team, comic skaten, made tbelr Araerlcm reappearance a(t«ran absence ot dve years, and did well. Felix and Oaln, In a mnslcal and aero- Italic (arco, met witb aucceu. Mile. Aibcrte, on ■be blgh wire, did some clever work, llorinn ud llcvclie amosed tboie In front wllb tbelr nonsense. Mods. I'anio snd Mile. DIka, Frcnob ecccoirlques, met wllb success. IIubbu's I'lLACk Mt'sxuu.—The rainy weathv Nor. wu beneMial to the aUondaoceat this uoose. Tois week's bill: Ourlo Hall—obarlei Bf robman, oolet (long tailed horse). Dexter (oyttl- riing Austnllau), Ilialto (Iron Jawed man), Ibe wild Hen o( Borneo, Aabury and Itoblnson, Ari- zona Jack and Uuceolppa Donna Uanlnt. Stage— Barney and LoU MolleUy, James Thompson, (he Noonana, Kluy SnKb, Loo B. Knight, IMcey ssd Lseds. and ibe Living Plctorca. In Tag Superior <;onn o( this Slate, on Nov. 6, Judge QUderaleove denied tho moUon o( Oscar llammersteln tor the appointment u( a receiver (or toe Koeier k Olal uoropany pending his aouon fur a dlisoiutlonot tbo company. The court conlinoed tbe pielimlnarylnlnncdon restraining Roster tt; Blal from Intorfenoi wlib Mr. Uammerateln'a tight u a director of tbe corporation. Standard TDiArRk.—"The New Boy" Is draw- lug good booses and airurdlng muob enjoy ment to all wbo see Ik James T. Powera Is winning goMen opinions by bis clever trestnent ot tbe uue role, and bis support la oxcopUonally lood, Ilobert Cot- Ion now plaia tbo tole or Felix Roach, formerly aa- sumcd by w, J, Le Moyno, Tho elgbin week o( Ihe run began on Nov, n, "Toe New Hoy" will close Ite slay at ibia house Nov. 'U, and will be sQccecdcd by William Ullleito's "Too Mnch Johnson." UovT's TugATRb—"A Milk White Flag" Is sdll crowding Ibis cozr house. Tbs changes nude In this pbiy since Us advent here have gn'silv Im- proved It, and It now ranks well among Mr. Iloyt'a uumoious woika. Ii began on Nor. c tne mib week of Its run. iMW Bloom bu rellied (rom Ihe cut and Alice Uunilngion bu replaced Rlllle Deaves, aa UzsDngro. KuTU AvRNUi TuiiTRX.—Tlie LUIpnilus, In "Uompty Uu'Jipty Up to Date," began on Nor. &ibe niniband flnal week o( tbelr engsgemsnr. They will he (oiKiwcd 12 by OanleTurner, In "The Cool- ing Woman." BKUAUWArTaiATBt—DeWoU Hopper, In "Or. Synux," issuil drawing a goudnonaenlgbUy. Ue entered, Nov. (, upon tbe tenin week snd the lui (orinigbt ot his aiay. FouartEKTU SniB(rTaKATHB.-Cliaunoey Olcoti la now In tbo alxib and doal week oi bis appear- ance In "The Irlah Artist" at Uils bonit, where be bu met wllb deserved success. Ho win be fol- lowed l-J by Palmer Cox's "llrownles," wblcb will then be seen for tbe Ural Ume In tub) clly.- N'aw York Loooi, B. P. O. ELts, win bold a lodge or sorrow on the evening of Dec,» at tbelr ball, noitbeut comer ot Uroadway and Tweoly eeventh Siroeu Thh) wlU be tne Ural one since March s, is:), when a publlo one wu given at Irving Hall, aud tbeie were onr eight hnndted invited tneais and brotbera or ibe order presenL Uue bad pra- Tlooslrbeen boldat Maaonio(nowClarendon)Ilall, Sept. 4, l9>o. Col T. AUston Hrown, wbo wu tlio chairman of the committee o( arraogementa, and wbo wtoio (be general eulogy ou both o( tbea« oo- euions. Is cbatiman o( tho funbeoning one. In consequsnoe ol not being able to secure a sulUhle ball on thai dale (or tbe affair, aud invlio tbe out- side world, II bu been loond neorssary to bold tbe lodge o( sorrow at their own rooms, and m the sealing capaolly o( tbla ball Is less than (onr buu- dred. It bubeen decided to admit no ooeexcepUng meoibera o' the order. Toi UiaCDLO (MLOK Obrvaktei, composed of Spanish residentsodhlscity, gavoa dramaiioand mnslcal cnleiialnmeul at ibe Berkeley Lyceum Nov. 3, when "Uoaio el Fer. en el Agua" ('As a Fish In (lie Waior') and "Zaraguola," by Alia and I'amun, were played (or the drsi time In this dtv. Toe Utter iHay wu originally piodsccd at Uadnil, Spain, Usl February. "Tub Yuuku Libutinant," by Chaa. A. Tuomu, wu acted (or Iho Orst time at ibe uonlral Opera Uouse, UcL li, by amalenrs. noma' Moatux —A novelty tbat will, nodoulil, prove entertaining to Manager Dons'palroni ihla week Is ibe engagement o( toe Austtalitn B tcDcr* ang Throwers. Oiher new leautta ot ibe curio world ebown are: Toe Erquloaux Village, Blily MTeUs, human anvil; Joule Allyne, loog haired woman, aud I'nrf- Horo'a trained blribi. lo tbe Uieairo the stuck, headed by Carrie Stanley, are aiipearlng In 'The Lanat ijoeen." ■larlem.—At Ihe Ilarlgm Opera Douse RIebard Hansllold, lo "Napoleon Bonaparle," turned pcO' pie away the lut three pcrtormances lut week, "Uoarlej's Aoni" opsned a week's eogtgement to a fair sice<l audience Nov. b, Noxt wvek, us Ly- ceum Slock Oo. OLVXI'IC TuKAraa.—3sm Oevere'a Co. plsred to fair huuacs all Usl wi'ek. Orenler's Lyeenm Theatre 0«i. made (beir llrst New York appoAraQce 0, to s fair blsed aiidlcoco. Tbe company wu wvll re- cclved.and luoludestbe following peuple: (}rlm. mlu an-l (loia, Obu. v. Seaman, Tune Moniiey, Ihe Four Udduies, the Dalys, Leimo, tbe Rackeil Uro*. (ibree In nomli n, Frank Appel, Chas. New- ion and John Momsey and Miner Uh'a Noil week: Hire h B iiton'a Comedbina. CoLVHUi'S.—Iiosloeu wu (air the put week at Ibis bouac. Primrose ,\ West's Hliisittis wen to give a attcel parade hut ram prevented. They oiieni il to a gixid alreil audience .1. Next week, Ueirmanu. UaRLBti Mtniiw.—Business conllnnes good. Tbis week: Curio ball-lljol Broa.' performing bears, Y'ooog Amerlons, Cook and Uoward, W, IT, McKee, Annie Unxhnm and IW, While's Punch and Judy, Siage-CarToii and Larkin, Dick Hack and tioina colur, DuIit B, Uowo, Uarry Emeraun, La Siraugo and Jessie (Sarll. NEW YORK STATE Orooklyw^-Tbealrtgoeia ot this city s;« to have snuiher pisce or smustraent In lbs near ta- tnre. Stale Senator w. u. neynolits bu secured tbe old "Abbey" site, on FuKon swel, near Plat- bush Aremie, aud bo says that he la going to erect one ot the largest and handsomest tbeattrs In tbe Bute, Thepiiiperu exiends fnim Fulton Sittet in Ue Kalb Avenue, with a frontage of eightt-llvs feel on the former and one hundred and Oliy tcH on the Uauer. Ue proposes to build me Iheaiie on ine lis Kalb Avenue side, and an viegani odlce building on Ibe Fulton 8li«el aide, with an anade running be- tween tbe iiro ttieeta. Wbei OnUlied It wlO bt known u the Montaok rrbealie, and wBI be nnder Ite management of Col. Wn. Sinn and bla son. Waller E. slnn. Seveial now producUou aieglven SI Ibe ibeaires this week, and BrooklynlUM are hiring a good wsoilment to make tbelr seleeilon (torn. An exiia matinee wu given on election day. Orano Opbra HotmB.-"Tne (.'outrj Clrcna' opened for tbo week Nov. », before a crowded house. It hu been Improved since It wu seen here Ust by tbe ongagsmeni of more Impoitant people to lake part In tbe olronascene, wblen Is ihs most Important one In Ibe pbir. Primrose A west's Mlnsireb were here last weei. Billy Bairy, In 'Tns Rising Oensrallon," i:; "Ooon Uollow" it. Bijotr.-"On Ibo Mississippi" began a weskis en- gagement i, to a big bouse. Tnls wu lia Srst presenuuou In Ihla cHy. Tbe piece sppealed to the eye u weU u tbe senslblllilea, and wu weU recelred, being Ubeially applauded ibnnghont. Toe cut la o( nnosnal alze, and Inolndes a nimiber ot old frlends,who were warmly welcomed. Tbe aoUior sbltu bis chaiioten (rom monoisln to city, from Ksrdl Oiu revels to a dcsolals swamp, m a very piotnresqns manner. Jouph Morpny, In '■Kerry Oow" and "Sbann Rhus," bad goodbnsl- neulast week. "Tbe Span of LKe" il,U. B.Onr- ila»- ^ Pahx.- nertmsnn tinned people awart, woen be opened for (be week. Ue Is a favorite bete and hit eniertalnment ot magic, Illusion and spe<l>liy eturmed bia andlsnce and btid ibelr alteoUon lo toe end. "Tbe Artist's Dream" wu a good teatore, and made a diailou bit. Mme. Uerrmann's dances were clorerly sxecnttd. Marls Walnwiight, In "DAugbters o( Ere," met wlib sncoeu Ust week. D'Arrille Opera Company 12, "Shore Acrea" u. COLDBBta.—FrAbou Wilson's Open Uompanr, lo "Tne Uorll'a Deputy," opened (to a large audi- ence. Mr. Wilson wu u Jocund u erer and en- teied Into tbe spirit ot tbe role with zest, and bis efforts were well seconded. Uls support u one ot even excellence, Tbe cboms did exceedUigly weU, and tbe monnUng wu rery atllsUo. Mr, Wil- son bad his aodisnoe In a reiy bappy ttame of mind during the whole evening. Last week William OUleUe wu seen in "Too Mocb Jobnion." "Tbs Qlrl I IiSft Behind Ms" litglns a two weeks' engagemeot 12. BTAB.—"The Waifs ot New York" opened i and (he bonss wu crowded. It Is not new, bnt It wu coecilve wllb tbe nadlence. Ii wu presented by a company or wbloh Amy Ames wu a conaplcnons racior. Unle Hnlrey wss also well received, "tbo White Squadron" held tbe boards bist week. Wsl- ter Hantord's Slock Oompaov, In "A Tais of Oor- alcs," 12: "Tbe Two allien" it, UYDiABgnHAM's.—John Uoptlns'Tnns-Oceanic Specialty Company opened to a packed house &,and It wu a well balanced and generally enjoyable per- formance. The audience wu demonsirallrs and etpeclaUyapprsclaUve of tbe efforts ot tbs per(arm< CIS. Harry Williams' Own Specialty tympany did a good buslnesi lut week. Weber i Fields' Com- psny 12, Ibii Freneb Fully company It. UvuEU t UBiHARDT's.-Uring plctiitea contin- ued wllb every sign o( approbailon, tbe tenth week beginning (*,be(Ofe a large house- VanderlUe acts by Topack and steel, Weaton Slaters, tbe Mayes, Madeline Frank aud MIonle Shuli made up tbe bill. AHPBioM.—"A Temnennce Town," wblcb began aweck'aengagemeut here 0, la well known is Ihla pan or town and Is also well liked. It bad the mlstorwne ot beginning Its engagement on a niny night, and u a consequence the attendance was light. Fiinny Itlce closed a prooiable engage ment a. "Charley's Aunt" next week. EyriRi.—"The White Squadron," which opened here 6, bu always proven a drawing card in this pan of town and win doubuesi do a big boslneu during tbe week, tbongh the disagreeable weather i earned a llghl attendance, Satlatactory buslneu last week, "The Two Sisiers" ri, tliYBTY,—Toe Irwln llroihera' (X>mpsay are this week's entertsmem, Tbe people: Tbe American Uses, Oslns and I'cUenglll, tbe National Trio, Sam and Kitile Morton, Uarr and Jordan, Klcble Foy, Uie vedder Slattri, liench and Kennedy snd John White. Lome Collins played to good bnslneai lui week. Coming 12, '•A NIgbt at Uie Circus." Ltvbuii.— Tbs Phillips stock Company Uils week revive "Coder the (iMUght." New scenery has been prepared (or tbe pruduclloo,andeTery- tblng hu Dc«n done lo make tbe nllrosd effect u reallstle u possible. But week's bnslneis wu good. U.NiquE.—A new company of apeolalty people oc< copy tult Ibeolie ibis week. Despite the Inclomont weather 6 there wu a (air attendance. 'The uew minsgeuent has met with success and Intends to keep nia patrons by giving only Oni cbus petrorm< ancesc AHiKny.—Tbe box onices made a good showing theputwKtk, tbe atiiaouons belogwell palion- izeo. "A Trio to tho City" (umlsbed amusement torgood sized lumouts at tbs Lelaod Opera Uonss UcL 30, 31, Uopklos' Trans-Oceanlo Speolslty Company tuied tbe bonse at euh pertormance Nov. I, '->, 3. Ooming: II. 0, reum engagement ot Marie Walnwrlgbt, In "DAugbtara ot Kve;" 7, e, Emily Bsncker, In "Uur Flat;" o, Oarrle Turner, la "Fbo Coming Woman;'' lo, Camilla U'Arvllle's Open Company, In "Madeline, or tbe Magic Kiss," llARXAMPa BiBECKtH HALL held a large andl- enco Oct- 31, to llsicn to tbe Robin Uood Open Oo,, lo " Fbs Knioterboctsrs," During Ibe past week Ihe baU wu largely used (or political mass mtet- logs &>mlng: Nov, o, T, a, «, Eiolse wuisrd, lu "Tbe Little Bpeonlator;'' 10, Adama' "A Oiazy Lot" Co.: 14. Sonsa's Band Ooncert. Tng iiAitrr Tbhatrb presenied a new vande- nile company this put week In Ibe London Belles They sian out under tbe management o( Frank 0. Hnffinan, with w. u. Bock u tresanier. Coming: Nor, vto, Tbe Marie Banger Unrlosqne CoinpAOy; 12-17, The Lilly Clay (kimpsny. Notes.- Nora Mtck, who was In bavs appeared In Ibe supporting company ot Otma 'forner, bu serered her connseilon wllb that oompaiiy. Tbe managements at all tbe booses will bavs Ihe elecilon reuirns announced trom lbs stage on Tuesday evening. DufTalo,—At Ibe Star Theattti Stnart Robson comes Nor. ( (or one week. Next week, Uogen. beck'e mined animals. Thttcbsr's "About Ootb- am'' pleased goodly galhetlogs, as did Lewis Mor- rison, In "Faust." AcADtuY or Uusic.-Peter F, Dalley began ror three nlgbia i, "New South" s-lo; next week, "TexuBicer." "Tbe Black Crook" departed 3. Music Uaii Sonsa's Band o-io. Ltubum Tbbatbb.— "Houand Hoss" began l ror ono week. "Tbe Police Fauol" next week. "Tlie Derby Winner" did well. SURA'S Minio UAU.-Matle suurt, Bnnib and Rudd, Hlnole Lee, Obrlstlan BIsssIng, Fred Ho- Cltllsn, Uodgea and Lanncbmete, Santord and Lee, Jlin MoAroy and SslvUil BroUiert. R. J. COLXjiAN, rotmetly of the WaUb-Seymonr Open Co., of Ansuolla, Is vlslHng here. Mnehesler,—Tbe Lyeenm starts Nov. i, wllb lliaenbeok's Animal show (ortbsweek. ''Ohar- ler's Aunt" snd Marie Unnongbt lett Oct. 31 and Nor. 3, respeellvelr, escn doUig a (air boslneas. Announced: 11, Sonu's Sana; 12-14, "Shore Acrea:'16 17, Marls WalnwTlghL Tbk Cook Opera Uou.ix presented "The Derby winner''0,11,;; "Bob Ililllard.ln "TbeNominee," the lut three nlgbta. Rnnell Btoe.' Oooedlsns left Ocu 31, dolus a good business. John L. SoIU- ran bads adieu 3. douig a big business. Booked: 13-14. the Kentz-Saniley Oo.; lt-17,John Ketniiu, ID -MeFadden't Ku>pemenb" Tub Auauihy of Musk- bu J. L. Toole, In "Kll- lamey and llie llblne," for 6 and week. "The Burglar" len3,altrM;tingonly (alralied andlencea. Fur 13 and week, Sadie Uesaon, In "A Kcninckr ulrl." TUB Wonderland MuetE-TngATxa drew good sized andlenoea ibe put week. Tbis week: Ourlo Ualls—Blmoo and Tehl, F. Wallers and Wsller6te< art. Tor ■ ~' — ■ ------ dsl Olo, ards. Srracwae.—At the Basiable Tbeairo week ot Oct, 2»-Nov. 4, Uageabaok'a uolnod anlmala tnmsd Ibem away. To come: lUebaid ManaMd, la ■'Bean Bmrnmel" Nov. (, '-Tbe New Sonib" '. Mr. and Mn. Roller 0,10. WiBTiNo OrBoi UonB.-Matle Bnnoigtia, Ib "Judab" and "Tbe SoApegoai," bad a lane atten- dance Oct 2>-3l. "Charley's AnnV had lone bnsl- neMNov.l-3. Oamllle D'ArrUle, In "Madeleine er Uie Maglo Kits," 7, Ooraun Brotliett, la "Tbe (lU. booty Abroad." s, Marie Walnwrlgbt In "The DaugMen of Eve" and "An I'oeqnal ilalob,'' t>, 10, U. H. Jacobs' THBATBX.-Rus>eU Broa.' Couie- dbtna btd aeod bnslnssa l-.\(;otun^ln"^endrlck Hudson," i-;, "Mr WITs's Husband" B-IO. Trey_At tbe Oilairold Open noue, OoL 2t, so, Dan McOttlby, In Ibe "Pride o( Male," draw good bootea. Cortnne. In "Bendilok Bgdson," paoked'ibe boose Nor. a, a. "A Trip to Uie out" oomes b, camlUe IPAntlle, In "Matulelne, or tt* MsfioKlaa,"*; Marts Walnwilgbl, la "Daubtan 01 ST^" 7; OttTleTiinMr,bi"nie OoBlagWooaD," I: Rletiard Manslleld and Beablca Cameron, in -Prince Karl" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Uyde," lo. Ramos Orgxi Bodsb.— The Oonmint, in "Tbo OUhooIrt Abroad," did a good baslneaa Oct. 2), so Tne Robin Hood Open Compaor, In "The Knlclct. booken," draw r big bonss Nor. ». "The New Sontb" comes e, Emily Bsncker, In "Oor Fiat " >,I0. OAinr Thrathb.— Rush's London Bporia parked this house all la>t week. The Fay Foaier Borietqne Company cam e 1 (or Ihe wrek. BlnghamtoD,—At the Btone Opera Tloniv Tim Miifpby, In "Lem Kelile." came OcL 3i ■„ light bUAlness. Cbss. T. EUbi, In "Casper the Yodler," bsd a fairiy good sized sudlence, Nov. i Bootlnga: 7, i-Mosswaod;'' 9. Camilla D' Arvllle Open Co. In "Madeleine, or a Uaslo KM;" lo, "a Cork Uin" At lbs BiJou Theatre Frant u. and John B. Wilis, lu "A Liberty Bell," h-'d good bnii. neatowelliileascdaudlsuoesOct.2<l-Nor.3. Hue 6-T. "Dnole'Tom's i^abln:" t-IO, "A iVIld Rose.'' VIlCB.—Atltae I'llca Opera Uonte James U'Nell In "Monle Crltlo," Nor. 1 drew well. "The Plratni o( Penzanco" OocaO Nor. 2. 3 packed the house. Dated: Mr. and Mrs. Keller 7, lllchard MansQeM, in "Dr. Jeikll and Mr, llydc," s; Oonnan Uios., in •nte QUhoolys Abroad," lO; "Tbe Fencing Mss- ter" 12. ^ Newborit,—At the Academy o( Muilc John Kemell Nov. e In ' McFadden's Eiopenieot." "a Flag o( Tmce'' b. "The Two SIsten" drew a good sized bonse 2. Election returoa will be read rroni Uie suge on Rlecuon night. MARYLAND. Toeaiiti-The Bloiela, Frieda Rndolph, Lulgt Olo, the Ammons, the wblUngsand Qus RI^E- BBltlmore.'—Hanlooa' "Supeiba" aUrscied nn andlsnce o( .''S. R. 0." propoitlone to Harm' Academy Nor. William lloey closed a week or good bnilness 3. Hallen i Uart come 12. Ford's Ofira Uucsx.— Kate Olaxion and Unc. Janaoscbek commenced an engagement o( ihrtc nlgbu6, wHh"The Two Orphans," drawlok alltii' bousa. Local attiactlona oil out too week. r.\- wardllanlgan did a moderate business, cK'tlugs. "ReUly and Uie 400" did noCappeal to local itieaiii< goen and gave way i u> "Cordelia's Aipinilgni." "fbc Amszou" come 13. ALBADon e Ltoeum Tn batrb.— "Tbe Q real liruok - Irn Handicap" aronacd tbe enlbuslasm o( a gnou sized sndlence c. Next week, Usrle Burrunghe In npetioiy. UOLLISAT Strbit Tueatrb.— The cnatoroari crowded coodlUon prevailed 'at tbe mAttneo ■', when "the Limited Mall" commeneeda stay of one week. "Slaves of Odd" made a big hit week ea i- Ing3. Morrison's "Akuti" comet 12, UoWABO AUOITORIDH.—Furmer palrona of ihlj reaon could recognlie very lilile o( tbo old place In tbs reconslracied Andllonom wblcli Manaxcr Ker- nan's enterprtu presenied lor Ibelrapproval 1. The elevated seais which (ormerlr ocoopled Uio nar ot the orctasatn door bare been rem»vcd, and ii gisdnal Incline gives an unobitri:cicd vieiv oC ilie stage, Tha galieiy remain] uhchangid, Tho spe- cial feature of tbe reopenlog wu a series of living pictures, which (ar tiirmtsed aoyibloE ot '.he Innil ever seeu here. An exccllenthouse bill lnlr<>duce<l tne Tonajtda Troupe of Bpanub ^lugeri ami dancen, Wm. Henry MunbtgncCharl-a BclnioDi, Dordby Drew,Trlnlia Cor.ez, Smiih and (^inpnell, Moon and Vivian,CarolliioOdnoinand Kll'y iJlark. "My Uncle from New York" wu a mirui prutokiug dnale. Kbbman's Mondurktal tueathb.- Tne May Uoward Burleaqne Co. drew a lull bou«e 1. Utde'a ComedlaDBhadaprospcronswFek,cluiing3. Hop- kins' Trans Oceanlot are doe 13. OsiON TBBATRE.—New 0: Umms Colrely, tbe Cwhinin, Uae Rbcs, Kelion and WblUark, anil ihe Bernards. NOTES.—Tbe fpenlng of (he new Music Hall, uc(. 31, was a great socgess, resolling lu a pettcci crush The acoustic properllai proved al that conld be desired, and ihe Uoitoutiympbooy orclies- tra, Mmea. Melba and Scilchl nud MM. I'laiicoii and UangQlere were hi-ard to uie grvatesiadrno. Uge in a floe progniiime Lucy Ford.daugblcr of tbe late John T. Ford, baa been appolnieil In- auncior of drewlog in the puullcacnools I\i:r business oosed toe closing or ibo Front sireci Thentro 3 Tbo Maryland Siate Uaed vi PI give apopolar concert at tho llolllday street Thcairc 0. Tbe proceeds will go m the 1'. s. ailmore mouu- mentrnnd Uarry ford will lake Ureslun Clarke on a atarrlng luur In Uio spring Tae aeven- teentb annual beuedt of Bammore Lodge or Kiku takes pIsce st Albaugh'a I'l NEBRASKA. Ouaha,—Boyd's Tbesiro will be dark onill Nov. It, when "The Uounlr F.ilr'' wUI he presented for Ibree nights. The only aiiiacllon the psit week waa "Friends," which drew good bouses 3. 4. FiFTBBKTU Street Tbeatke— Chss. A. Lodcr, In "Ob, What a Night:" opened a (our niglm' engage- ment 4. "A Man In Blaot" coiura s, V, 10, l/moon Specialty (.'.i, 11 and week. "4-11-44" did good busl neasOot.2S-Jl. "Dov." NKwiiAN',who bu beenadverililng agent at tbe FKteenth street Theatre for a long time, left lut week ror Topek«, where be will look aficr tbe adreiilslngot \rr. Cnw(ord's two (heairea UO'e. W. J. Woodward, (urmerlr wIUi ibe Kim Kendall i;o.| succeeds blm st the FKuenih. lilncoln.—At Ihe Unting "A Cold Day." "Chip 0' OM Olocf came OoL 23. "Tbe UiisUer" did an exc*llenlbuslnrasl4- "The Bur Qatcr" had good bnslneu 2S."-JIUI" came!; to light business. "A Trip to OiiIoau>wn" did nice buslneat A beneflt by local talent, (or Louis Wen>!. o( the tVeriz Bros., acrohata, wbo wu injured luisepiamlier br a fall from bla trapeite, dialocttlng or (raoturing one ot the cervleal renebrae, from which he Is partlaUy paroly/.td, wu gIren Nov, 3 to a good noose. Coming: "Friends'' i, "Uot Ttmslcs". c, "Oh, Wbai a Night I" e, "PlDafora ' ». by local Uleni, (or Ibe beneflt o( U. w. seamark, mmicnl conductor of Trlnliy Church Oboir, "A Sliver Wed- ding" 10, "Shenandoah" ii, "jsne" is, charily en- tertainment by InoAl bdent u Tbe New Fnnke bai'PanUne Hall's open Co, 20, CO NNECTICU T. Hew Hawen,—tbo Hyperion Kellar cane to big nluns Oct. 3», u did Seldl's Oiobe^tn 30, Mme. Meiha and her conceit oompany came to large bnalneu, at increued prices. Nor. 2. The RobUi Hood Open Company cams 0, James A. Uene », 10, Oband Upbba Bovsb,— Tbs French Folly Com- pany caoM to light bnsincis OoL 29, so. Tho"S. R. 0. " Ilgn wu brought Into leqolsluon Oct. 31, Nov. 1, dnruig Uw engagementof "On Ihe Misai»lppl." ''A Jay Circus" came to large ratoms 2,3. Uvm- Ibg: Tbe Boston Uoward Atnenaom Uompany (, 7, Qeorge Monroe, In "Aunt Bridget," t-io. WoMDxaLAMD.—Tho bcsl business ot lbs aeoson was tbe record (or week of Oct. 2e. Ttiu week: Don Wiley, Drew and VImer, Blnns and Dinns, I'anizeraadSooU.Uie Bherons, LydIa Pierce, Ber- nard UyUyn. LItzle May Ulmer, ibe Orton Trio, Farnnm and Seymour, Fulton Bros, and Warren. Ilarlflinl,—Al Proctor's Opera Ilonsa tha Rob- In Uood Open Uo. come Nor. n, Oarrle Turner ». 7, 'The Old Homestead" S, Nellie McHeory u, Kate UlaitonandMme.Janansobekdld a big hosluesa Cel. 31. "On the Hlsal'slppl''did weU Nor. 3,3. Richard Mtnsdeld comes 12. ALLYH Uail.— The Vuderllle Amnsetpeni co. Limited), after a season ot nine weeks, deeidtd lo does with Ihe pertormance Nov, 3. F. F. Proeur stIUholdsUiel&ae, and wlUrent (or (slrs,dsnces. and local enteiuinmcnis. Uanford la hardly large enough toaupport acontlnoons pertonssnce. The blUlssi week did weU. Bridgeport,—At Uie Pork Oily Ttitatte, Keller, the magician, drew a large bonse Ocu 30. Booked: "Bhoro Acres" Nov. 8, tbe Boetonlana i, NeUle Mc- Heniy to. AvoiToiiini.—"A Jay CInns." Oct. 3D, ao, at, draw weU, at did "Mugis' Landing," Nov. 1,3, "A Liberty BeU" oomes, t. e, 7. FLORIDA. Jackaeavllle,—At tbe Park lUeatra "Jane'' atuaotsdweUdUed bonsas Oct. 2;, LUllan Lewis presented, (orthe lut use In onr cliy, "Oieopttn,'* Rpon an elabotole scale, and wu gnsled wlUi a loTge ondienee. Nov. 1, "Arude 47.'' Booked: Fred Ward* and Louis James, In "Ueii^ IV" and "Riohatd III" t, 0, "Ctaarley's Aoni" I. Tne Uiealn, ander tbe management of Qeoige Bnr- btldga, IB ptosMttng, and Dom ptosent IndlcallonE BwluecdpseaBoUietB.