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NOVEMBEB 17. THE NirW YORK CLIPPER. 691 KflciKT ADVICES loTonD tu o( Uio openlDB of tbe Clico PobLUoncfl ud Tatro Yrljoft la Qa- vaai, Cotot Oct. 29. Oarlafomiuititatcflibttptu* pta wen toned awmy iDd thtt tbe eomp«D7 niMla ft decided bit. Among tbe aUncUou at tiM clrcot ftnd tbefttro are tbo foliowlDg: Tbe FOOT Botftlitt, tbe UiglDleri, FicIdlDg. olown janler; SocUnoto'e troupe ot Jape, Trot, welton^a ai dnna, vftnola, PapIdb, ducer; Prelstt'a re- Ottle orcbeitrft, tveUe la namber; ciODfleld, veo- uUoqolBt; KlsHlljian eplnner; tnd Lodr ead Ed- wtfUttiipecepenonDera. Ttio Rueoce, seoretarr of Mr. PDbUlODes: Monte Elmo, tbo ducer, and De Forreit tad WIImd, bUck face comcdlau, left this citj Not. 10 for llaTuia, to jola tbft abov. AMOHO tbe racofaBtul perConneTS at Rll'o Colni- BaanLUaDlob.aormaoy.are PaQUnctil Marco aod natter and Eatrella Sjlvla, wbo bare been dUlog an eitanded eogagement. joEN P. HooAN, after an abisQce of minj reara ftom tbe itftge, dorlog wblob iloko he baa deroied Ilia attention to glvlDg iDatnolIon In Oanolnj, will jeurntotbe r&slcaor pcrformenon Not.io. wben be will appear ai Keltb's UoIoq Sqoaro Tbeaire, tola cltT* Id > origlD«l a* l He will, bow- eTer.oonUnoetogWelcaaous in atago dandog lo titawdpopUa. TBI i/moN SKiTcn Tkav, Clark and AoaellDe, an winning txcallcai nolKea for rlever work. RosiTAbAB Joit arrlTed from Earope wlib ber troope of perTomlDg abeep and dogs. Hamii e. Kuhi, Irlah American roeallet, la alnitog saoofaarallj T, O. Koeroor'e Uteat aong, •'Nellie O'Brleo.i' p. 8r. SouH COLUAK preaented Amy and Elng witb a large oil painting of tliemaQlTca. JAMD H. OuLLis la plajlAg iQ lUe oil/ tbli week. FiKLDB AND Liwu bftTO algned wKb Mlaco'a OUrOlab Bait esq ne Co. for ibe remainder of tbe eeaaoD. Tbey weieorigloallrongagedtoatrengtben tbe Bbow for one week at Pblladelpbla, Pa., bot, oir* log to tbe impRBilon tbej made, bave been ro> tuned. aaiOiiAHD BiVNOLDfl aro epcclallr eugftgcd for ibeFltEBlmmoiu' Sbowln Pblladelpbla, pa., at tbe M^o^TDeatre,week of Not. 24. Mu. AND Has. M. Mabin, of BoffaK), N. Y.. ten- dered a banqoet to Jobn winter on Kor. S, on ibe ere of bli denartare for Baltimore, Md., to atanme bla old poatUon wltli Fred Waldmann'a Specialty 00. MADAin Ansa 1b training a new iroape of dogs and will be aeen bare aome time noit Soininer. FBOP. Robii Is getting aome good Weatern book- Inn for bla "KljiDg Udj." Mllb. ALTiKA.Tnp. piBrBKHNB i>ANCBR, le mak- ing ft bit In Eogtiuid and wlU not return to America ootll next Sammer. Hay H0LI4 (Mas. EnriN 1>l' Doie) baa been com- piled to cancel all ber datee, aa ebe la lil wltb typbold roTer at ber borne In Pblladelpbla, Fa. AKNin Uabt, "Tbe Bowery Girl," Informa ua tbat bar godootber died in lAwrence, Mass., last week, and abe la now tbe poaaeaaor of tbree booaea in tbat city. Hlaa Hart beglna a loorengagement at Tony F«ator*8Tbeatre, thla city, Ubrlaimaa Week. Tbb park Tbbatbb, Lawrence, Mass., re-opened Kor. 13 wltb theae peoplo: Hackle and Walker, Nel- lie Lincoln, Bcbnyler and Ka»h, Louie liurgeu, Jobn H.Tia7nor, Yaoletta and Finro, and BJancbe Fernandez. Hovuv, nATiUND t Co. aro receiving aome Tory flattering leueta from profoalonaii regarding toe auccesB of "Tbe Btdewalki of New York," "Tbo Ulook of tbe Uolrerae*' and "Tbe oolden Gate." Some of tbe letiera are frotn Marie Warren, Touy , FA*tor, Cbaa. Lawler, May W^ntwortb, Meyer Ooben, Jobn T7. Hyen, Carrie De Mar, Cbaa. E. Bberoan and Joe Uart. Uauy Hobbib* UuBM»Qi'xn3 oloae tbelr tonr NoT.2latOblc«go,Ii1. RowiNA Wabd waa only engaged to play Not. 10 and n attbe Imperial Uoalo Uall, Pateraoo, N. J., bntwu retained for tbe concert 12. Mlaa Ward baa been alnglng "LitUo coon" in tbe pbono- grapb. Thb Wabdb SisriBB will JolD Ibe Fred Waldman Co. In Baltimore, Hd., Nor. lo. Bampeoo, tbe iirong man, ta wUb tbla company. Pat F. Coluoam, couedjam, will bo profession- ally known bereafter ai Frank P. Colllgan. ROBT. BIOBMOND and 0HA8. II. DAWLY, Of BoeT- man-a-London Bellea Co., wera tendered a recep- tion at Ooboes, N. Y.. Not. o.afler tbe performance, atwblob were preceni tbe Mayor of tbe oliyand most of the city ofUcU'B,all of them memberBof tbe K. of P., to whlob order Mr. nt<'bmond and Ur. Uawly belong. Ur. Blobmond waa presented wltb adlafflwd collar button, and Mr. Uawly wltb a gold bandied nmbrella. RosB Bydbll'b Lohdoh BbipLIB opened at tbe Foontaln Square Tbeaire, Cincinnati, Oct. 28. Tbe rofter: Campbell A Sbepp. nianagen; J. Clark SldlCB, treaaurer; Dick Birealnger, repr«B*ntAllre; F. B. UoLangbllG, arage carpenter; JoeSborbeit, mnaloaldlreotor. TbeolloiocladcatbeOvePardoB and tbe bloFc:e bear, Cbaa. U. Doncan, C«mpbrll aod Sbepp. Horpby and Hortn, Tbomas and Weiob, Oeleite and Cray, Arto and uayeii, Pierre PAmlly, and a n«w flntjoart enUiled ''Ttio Irlaii Jubilee*' andbn7le8qne,"TneOrnBtotSobrloiy.i> Toe com- pany la tKwked aolld for tblrty weeks. Mabib Warbbn la incoessfolly alnglng "LIring Plolnre* in tbe Orate," a patbetio soog wlilt a waltz ebona. A Moer iKJOVABLi BVBMiKa waa spent at tbe boice of Geo. lI.Fnmroae,of tbewellknofrnOrm Of Primrose A WesWa Hloetrete, on Nov. lo, tbe oc- CBBlon being tbe colebmilon of tbatgenlal perform- er's blrtbday. Among tbose preaeat were: W. U. Weat, Mrs. W. II. Weat, aeo. Wilson. Ura. Jobn Doimellyand Mr.and Urs.Jo8.a*rland. Thedlo- Ber UUe waa loaded wltb t&e delicacies of ma sea- attf.and waa presided over by tbe boat blmscir, while Mra. Primrose displayed great taste In Its decoration. Mr. Primrose was tbe rcdpioot of many gUla from tboee present and from bla absent Mends, among wblob was a bandsomo oomhlni- tlon allTer cl^ar aland, wltb lamp attaohed, tbe girt of Mrs. W. U. WeeL A orysial wine decanter. fiUed wltb ftberry. with moeical aiucbment, waa presented to blm by Mr. West, atuobed to It being tbe following ^loprlato Tene: A ittue mnslo, a imie aberry, Is Indeed insplrlog, aod makes one merry; I can aay no mors, bat yon know tbe reat, - So accept tbla trUe from yonr old oard, Will Wist. Toaatiln bonof of tbe boat and fair boatcas were nomeroDB when tbe party broke np amid ibe "wee, ama> booiB." TUB Mabtbllbs. bloycle riders, are playing a anccesafnl engagement Uiroogtont Canada, in con- lonotton wltb ibe Vienna Ladlea* Orobesira and Hoyal BntertalnerB. ALiBN Hat 1b siiccesifully Introdnclog bis original ooTelty wltb Primrose & West'a Uinstrcls, cnuttod *'PlotnreB from Mfe." Toe anbjectlaibe aong, "Tbe MtUe Lost Ubild," Ulostrated wltb fonrteen stereoplicon views. Jaa WiLao:f, tbe well known colored Japgler and moslolait. iB no longer connected wllb Primrose .V Weit'a HUu trela. UarriiBL and Jone3 ( 'tbe Ebony Comlqnes"). togeUtcr wtib tbelr own "Ideal Oennlne Colored AU.stit Specialty Uloslrela and Big Ootoroon Bar- leaiiae Company" oomblned. are now en route over tbe ffloflenm circuit, and ivUl play all ibe principal boia« West. Tbey claim to bava an excellent company and brass band and orcbeslra. QoooLt ADD DATia, togeUior wltb tbe Ulaok Ambassador, Ike McUurd, Joined tbe Primrose A Weat Sbow for tbe season at tbe Grand Oprra Uooss. Brooklyn, N.Y., dnrlog tbe company*B en- gagement tbare. Blr Kolgbt Jesse a. bblpp, tbo Btaie manager of tbe "BUok Contingent,*' wftn tbe Frlmroae A Weat Minsirtts, was blgbly enter- talited by kU old ex-protesilonal associate, Fred 1>. nslgbt, at hlfl realdence wbilo tbe cnnpaoy were In Urooklyn, N. Y., recently, ai was "MiDsirel nHcOlalo,'' Btage manager oC "Co tbe Mls- ^pl» oo. LouiB Kaldkiblo tuB ananied wltb Artbor J- I.tmb and W. U. Petrte to produce tboir np to date opeiailo extrftvaganu, "Tbe Spotty Prince," lo conianotlon wltb bla Orpbeom Bun for tso re- maialer of aij season. Tbe Orpbeum Stars sro fnr tbeoeit few weeks plailng one nlgbt arantfs In lulQols and Indiana. Mr. KalbfleldialnCbloigo, rebeanlnf and getting 'Toe Sporty Prlnoe*' in sbapefernla.EAatem booklnga. O.T.OiLBiarbas closed wltb Boyd's Hlnairela on acoonnt of a cancer on bla tongne, canaed by emrklng. Erpii HUBOTBD iB Btld to be making a bit tlDBjng tbe DlUon Broibcr's uust song, "Kick liiroirj VBOM LvciiK*J HtKsraBiA-Car busl- re ■ la good and all toe b)js are weil and bapp}^ Wi have onr new overcoata. We bave a gwd idow and a one aet of boya. J. R- Lucler baa com KtM aareral new band pleeei, one of wblob wiu Baaed after tu CLifram. Ue bas sold ovif B.003 osBiea oC bis aong, *Tb«re la No One Like MoifcertoVoB." ScifiEKBB AMD Db Vbmi bave added a net of band btUs to tbelr moslcal act. (loaa. Ububiu magtclan and comedian; lloao UoD, slDglDff aoabrette, and liuie Una Kiloe. cnlirt actrcsa, nave Iplncd Allen's Comedy Co. and opened at Atlanta, Tea., N*ov. 4. Wm. II. Invuio, comedian and vocalist, waa mar- ried, Oct. 23, to Mildred lloward, aoubreito and dancer,aitlieTlvollToeatro, New Urlfana. Fmnk Lnndle, siago niansf cr of ttio Tlroll Tncatre. wu preeentcd wiib a K. of r. watcb cbarm by tbe em- plojcs of tbe iheatre. Mr. Lundie la gv ing to take a trip for bla bcalih to tbe coast for a montb or ao, and bopea to reinm and faioi blj potion wlib belter nealtb. Pun. Mack akd wirs (Louie Mcdior Mark) left Ibis cliy on Nov. IS, as members of Ulck's Oriotca and Linng Klivaol I'lciurea for a twelve montbs* toor o( Oblna, Japan and India. FLO&HiB Li BLAMcna beads ibe following com- pany, wblcn Is tn tour ConnectlCDi: Hernandez, Jobn ArllnRtoD. Katamorfs, Prof. K. U. Bedford, Kala, \ iva Le Hoy, and Prof. C. F. Adsma. Boumxoa -A t llollftDd't WlDt«rOftnl»o. Fort Worth, Teui: N»llla \auaha, iht Orajtoo DltUn. Bart Koi. Cwrud llarUit. llalLV«TOOD tod La MlUi,liUant. ton, ta* Torom. VaraoD ud wlDoin, lb* KBUim. D-lloo aiHl Uoben aadJobar. Buret AiBartoo'iTtaMira, Ntvport Nswa, Va : JtniH E. Black, Baitoo aad teiar, *!?"o<i.P*'MJ«l»*onoo. Uarrr AioiUr. B«tiloa LmIIb, kiiir Hlikr, OMre* BbftDooD, Jalla Coleuui, Uurlil Muoo. Joho lomu. Dolti* BrowDtDS. Dtlla liiiTj, LIlUuBartDo and Ilurr (^uaolaibam. ntrlok yiQD aod Uarrr nah.aBitrad«llo|uio«aihrirMeCb«frr. At Batton'i War* Ici TUUr« lb* aKond wt«k of Truir A JflOM' Cokrtd MiDiirali. PENNSYLVANIA. Plilladclphla.—During oo one week tbla sea- •00 bit tb«r« bMo aucb an abundauo* of food thlosi ornrad atUa loollboaireau I* itr«aoolad ibli woafe. Ttaa DorelliM aro "Jaolnta," whlob opeaa at ibi Oiud O^ra IIoqm; OI|a Nttbonola, la"CainlU«,"aiid'-Mmo.84Da OoD*.*' JoMph JofFatMD aUo playi bt« aonual aogas*. meot. and Uie minor atlraoUoai tn of flrit clan oallbr*. CoDili]«rln;i the ticltamaot of •leellon, fculnaaa lait weak vaa a>l tbat coal I b« aipaotad. bolog partlcuUrlr haarrnnSatanlarnlabt, wbM iho eolt*f*Btad«oiir»U tliat they ovs«d iho toto and eT»i7iblng In It by vlitoa of Pf DDPylTanla'ii Tlctory erer Princaion. QaiKD OrvLx lloraa—Codir tbe new maaaiamont ot U. P. Tiaaot, tbli houM nwpeni Nor. II with iho LoatM BtauditOperm BopiTa Compaay la ''Jaolntt.'* Walsitt 8TRIIT 1 uaiTHa—Loitlo CoUlDi' Traaba- douTt la«i wt«k flikd iIib hoaaoatarorr porloimaoea JMopbJcflorwatwriO bl" aaaualaotifiamaat IS, wiih "Hip Vta WUble." U» will alio do "TboCdQkeiXODifaa Beartli" anj "Uod Ma Fir* BbiUlDsa." Nait waak, "Tba rauiogHtaow.** CUIST9CT SraatT OrsRA ltocsa~"Tb« AmauDS," mlBui Ibe Mnlcw ol Oaorala Caj«aD. did a bla buslaaa* lui waak. acorlna una of tba laiDbaUo btu or loa aaawvn. Manda OJoU dllad Miu \:ayran'i plac4 iiatitiactorllr. UlsaNaibvraola basan a ronoiBht'iangaBemint IS, wtlta "Camilla," whidi will ha tba auncUoa of tba cuirvnc wa»k. NaitvaakHI*a Naihiraoip «ii| make bar dabut at Jallat, and may a)M pulrn "The TranrRrtHor." Broad 8rRiKrTBaiTfta—FInt clau buvlntu srealad tlta aiTor a of the Somonlani laat waak. Auguta* I'itoa'i production oi "Mina. Hint Uena''tb[iwa«li,lol- loved by DailaKoi. ln*ThaLttUaTroopar." Park niSAiRa—Tbaangafanantol H^rla BortODshe wa«ooaol tha prnolpal oTaou ol lut waak. and bull- □wa waa lood, e.ptolallT diirlog tba IaU4r pan of the wek. rloero'a "Tba rrodigAia" wu glriui lu Btm American prodao'lon 8. and iJiai Barrouaba aeblarrd tlia icraatait lucceu of bar career. 1 ha play li a mag- nlfic«Dtplac«o( dramailc work, and ItwaiprodDadloa thoroughly Hlliractorf manoar. MUi BarmQiha waa eoavlocloit and dareloped a •trenaib lor amoilonal act* Ing which vaianioit entlfyiDg eurprlie. She waaab'y •upported bj->oho K. Ka1laidao<l Louli Maaten. Uatog to tin cauealing of Kanay Uicf, In "Mlii Innocence Abroad." tha houia li dark ihia weak, lor ilia drat time lo lutilitory. Naitwaak, William llotjr, lo "The Piami.'* QiRftHD ATa.iUB TiiiATiis.-Cr«ioo Clarke'a Br»t wtak, with * Buy Blaa." raauUed In fair buiLnafs. Mr. Oiaika tbla weak appaari lo "Tbe Apoiiata," wblcb ta acmtibloff of a nortiiy, inaimucb u It baa nut baao aciad here in a Kieat many taara. Neit wa»k "UonCicur D« Birtn^'and ".Siunt,'>acurtato raliarhy RuaiWli|Ul.lo whicli the chaimctari wlU be aotadbv bir Whyul Md Maria Koowka. FORBi-ACUiHTiiBATHa—Ibe little DnpiaauntoeiR be- tween Uanagar Forepaugb aad Faony Mclnijra orar the hiter waarlaR tighif baTloc bean arjaatcd, "All ibe t^omfort" ol Uome"waa alTiarAwiiliuiuJJclDtjreafl FiQ. A cooiDrotoire no a Boallo-' coitome. wlih laaiher leaeloga, «veiraoiad, HarlMn Ayilogaad>Wtlt*r Far- kfoaareipKlalliaoB^Bcd Torthewaek. ttadle ttauoo, la "A KoQiQCkr Uirlt 'plaTadto lair busloaia laitwaak. Ntatvaak, "rtaaBiowaway." CacsLtor Sthibt TuKATici.-nuaiaira Comedians in "A Beflaw,** did a good waak'a bu»lBM«, aod ate fol- lowed ibli weak by llarnaaa'acompanr. lo**BalUy and the CO." Noit waak, "A TainperancaTown." AuorroKicu.—Wllilanit' liMeort did wall laat weak, playing in big houata alraoat erary nIaliL Oraolar'a Lyceum Tbeaire Cumpany thla week, wiin the followiog talOBt: Hlio- RIalia, Crlmmina aod (lore Tlllle 3(or rliAy. Lima and Yioia Daly, Dolpb aod finale Larioo, Uawatt Broihara, Prank Appal, A U. Ihiooan.Oharlea Kewt^D. Wlllli CUrk. Juhn Jfortliay, and Millar Brotbara. Hiii we«k, Halllr A Wood's Company. Buoo.—The Cblmei or Normandy,' wttb Hilton AbOTO ai Oupard, ii Una weak'a dramatio atiraoiloo, aaguianiei by ibe litllowlBk* Taudanile talent: Alctda Capuaine. tbe rietcbera. Hajinon Koore. Flalkew«kl. Mortoo and Bareile, Watarbuiy Biotherv, tba Want- worihi, Ladall and Alrarti. and waid aad Brawn. Uoel- neaa eooiloaei up to tbe top notch. LiciUH TSBATaa—aiaoo'a Oliy Olab ptajed loandr- mooi recelpta Uai weak, and will ran for another week. Tbeeompaoy liiatreoRtbeoid by tbaandliioo of Umeoa, ihe dancer. Neat waak.'The H'liue Crook" Datlamaa Cora par y. kHfiHkTURATRa.—"TboTrollrf*yitam"nia-Jaa hit leal waeH.aod alter opening ni|hi buaioau picked up TMry nudi. "Mao aod Women" la thl« waak'fatimet'oo, wiio a eanbeaded by Ulay UleiuioL KoMweek, *Tbe Couotrr t'liC'ia " National TilriTRB—"Tbe Span ol Llfa" ilid well laitwtek. The s^'I^'F huiioeat was srett Ifinlone' 'ituparba" ihlnwrM. Neitva«k,"TlieWbltaF(|jedroo." PiOPLS'ti TutATHB—Uptown toroad oat (it nuwe to ree'iliaTanof Uol-)," which did a laraa bu«ina»a TbU waak, "Tlie Frodlgal Daughter * ihouM prora an *f)ual y stroDg attncUoo, aad wiU be lolowed neat we«a by "Kaoiuma." tLKvaiTTU Strbkt OfSRi lIousR.-There la (|alie a chaoga ol l>ill ibta week, two new buria«quai ttalug dooa. Tborara 'Tlie Matrimonial AtaDcy" aiid *Tha Lunch CoDDter," and they will im furtliar augmantid by aumar- oui chaogea In the olio. tiTiyoABD TuiATRH—"The Old Eooih" crowded the hoiueate'err perioimanca Lmi wtek,aod ooe otihe mon proltabfe waaka orthaae«*on «a« thn conaequanee. Ltlllau Keooadj, lo "t>he Touldo't Marry Three.* la the atuacUon ILlj weak, and nait week will be daro.ed to "Mr Wiie'a Uaahand." KBm:<urox Tmicathr —"The Old Booth" morea up lAwn Una Movk.anil wiii boirladoo the KaoiiofftODlaoa. ICalc Hpragua'aTrouhafioura fliled a auoeeufurengaae- maot laat week. Next w^b.' Tan Mgbu in a Birroom ** KiNTU A3D ARi'U Mt'sKDM.—The panicular Itatuiethia weak U a fat komao'a bicjcie race. Fraf riuuda^n (uiad readai), and ibe oUiar nrioetral oarda al laat weak, looloding tiia Imperial Vauderllkti are retained. MOTSit-^^ciIe EU'loR hai bean aniagtd lor the lead- ing aoprano rule in "Jaclata." vtce Haod Voaos Ibe tbeaini, particularly the Cbe>taaL wera dlled wlih howling cDOba 01 atuJtaia la«t Saturday nlgbi, attar the Feooayltula I'rloca'on lootbail saoia MaDai«r Tiaaot. ol the flrand Opera lit nie will give abrtahia>i to tbaaambraer the I/idIm Baaodat t>para B^t:ir«(.'om- nasy.at lila Falla or Bcboylblil raaort u UaoaMr Joho W. UarL of tba KeotiDgtoo, will make hia dabot a« a*logaroldeacnpUTe aoaca natt iiaak J. Q iloo, of ibaUtJoaforcaa, Mipaodlnr a law daya at bU borne In rburoiarllie Fiak'a JobllaeHloRrra ap|>earat Aara- clailwo Hall lb Ilagaal>ack's uaioadanlma!aup«n at the Acidomy ol Muale neit weak, tinder tbe local inaoagainiotoi Nlioo A /Immarman U«adlaK*->Kdward Uarrtgan arewan immense aii4iaoea at ibe Aoademr ol Mnalo Kor. A Qua Wllliama badaallinaadlaaeel nhk\T Rllla oanietoanod buai. neu7. *'rawaTloketSlO'*did modanialy wellB "Fan- ivma" had big baaioaai B, 10- Coming: "Wang" II, jjllie^Rt4«awnr<> n. la, Oie Ampblooa IS,^'Prlae«M Boo- On*»OnRABovsa.-rror ^rl Raod KitUa BaM- »la had large aodlaocta weak or A Tbey will remain three aildiiioeal oigbla. Bates Bros'. " llampiyDomp- tycvmpaay IWT. . BtJoe TnaATRR —L«oole A Breratt'a Ladlaa* Club Bar. laaque Co. ptayed lo good buainau waak of A J. V. Haervadr aod tvttDMa*, m lapariory, ll-lt, tbe Preach Fo'lTCompuiTlS-ir RoBBRT L. Riiirm:* akd Aura QLViaox tnemberaoi tbe Ladlaa* Ctob Company, ware mtrried oo tbe atage pf tbaBiJou Theatr* during tba Mrfarmanc*,e, byAldar- nuoBdiradar. Wllhaabarrf.—At tbe Orand Opera Uonio "McFadden'a Riopamaut," Knr. T. bal 'air buaioaaa EdwKTd lUirInn, In '^oidaha'a Aaplrmtleni" and "Retlly and the «a" s % bad lood baatneaa. Uaa tVllUama. lo "April Fool," lA, had tair bualoaw. To onma: "Prlncan Bonnla** U, 'The MiowawaT" l\ "Una's Daughura" (local) It. "Wang" 10. Kale claaton aD<1 llrea. Janaeeehah IB, "The Me* Bouth" Mnio BALt~"Wlld Itoaa." A AT, had gooil builoeaa. "Tbe mi«« of Maw York." ^TA had lair tuaioeaa Tocama: Tbe Fraoeb Polly Co II Is, 14, the Loodnn Bmpira Bauruinaie lSJI,ir. tbe P*y PeaterClo IP. BL iLj'ACoaQtrrnireoa" si "Tim ih«Tiok«T" n tl. Woypinu^DTiiSATiirHraaa.—ASoeblll or apeolal- lata had coed buitaeaa. Laat w*ak*a naoida: Ha'bnnia. ■ lie. Olga MoDa. Daliano. Val Vino. B'aila Baarla. Wll- leu and Tharoe, llaaib and Cadd and t'^rria Monrne. Noraa—J. W. tianlbgteo. preprlaier ol Wnoiiarlaed Theatre, la to opeo a hooaa aluillar to the Wondarlaod in Uatleton. aod another In Wll)ianirort,Fa.witb iheob- lect oi aluiiitialyinnniaf a circuit LaumBarroo Bueliaaaa kit the "Wild Roaa" Co. 7. Her place wiu he taken by Oaoer a Day. Alloona.—At tbo Eleventh AvenneOperalloose "The Stowaway" did Ulrlr well Nor. 7. It U. togaraoll cornea tl Mia iheMlmeaippt' ii. EaaTHiDS TaiATRB.—Howard Wall'a IdtaU, In reper- tory, oomaa weak of 19-Si. llARRY Datih* Fobx Ucsbh —Bualoaaa waa rery flood waak pfa-IO. Trilnwaak: Curio ball, the /.arro* and Ob|. atil'a penomlng monfeaya Thaatoiiuu. "Kaihlaao MaTonmeen."wIihMKnaiorEdwiD Young aa Tarranee O'Mora. aod Nawioo Brera aa Black Itody. Tbla weak, tbe UlortooOlaolaand Law Bandall'a Jolly Raoihlora. flcranton.—At the Aoademyof Music Qiis Wll- llama. Id "April Fool," .KoT 13. 'The Stoaawar," 9.10, waa rw^lvad by good boaaaa. Jolin KaraaU,H In "Ho- Padilea'a Etopement." had good bualoaaa. Boobad: Wll lard Spanaar'a' Tba Frioceu Honila' 11 IL Kate Ctai- too and Hme. JaoauMaak, in 'Two Orpllan^ 15, * Wang" FR0TSi:((iBiii.—The American FlarengaTegood p*r- fermaocaaP. 10. to lair hAuaaa Booktd: tfubL Pliuim- mon'aSpaoialty Co. lA *'Alter Tw«oiy Taara" II, lA Davm^ TiiaiTas —Weak of 11. Paolloa FArkar, lo "Tba Wild Hoae." Haoagar Davla cloaad his Uouaa 9; lo far the Bni time In lia hiatory rather than prataot a dtaap- polntlof perrormaoco. LBBcaitar*».vt tbo Ftillon Opera House rrloce Okabe'a Hoyal Japaneaa Troupe had good bualneaaNor. 6.0 "llamnty Dumptr" did wellT. Uri Laogtry, in"A Wife's PariL'^8. Morilaoo'a "Faint" 9. aod '^Wao«"U^ bid largo audieneaa. "Tbe Btowaway" IS. Krle.-'At UaenercbOT Hall boosa's lUnd, Kov. TpUyad (0 a packed boaie. Biaoding room nolr waa poatcd at B r. u J. H. Olraid'a Woudarland bad aood ba>[neia weak ol S. Comlog wttk oi 13: Tba Vaoailan Noralty Company. n a n ILLINOIS. Chloago.^wben tbeatrlcal bnalneia Is deprcu- ed eicoaaa are ajplaoilfulai riuaitioaera, but obaarra- tloohaa ihowo tbat tbe prioclpal prolealam agaloit Ibe daalrabllliy of the ainuiamaat field wharein they are temporarily located are thoae whaaeattractlooa are un- worthy, aad who flod liberal reward ooly tbrougb a paoelly ol good altracllona lo oppoaltlun to iham, or througb nnoinal aoUrlty among tboae thaalrkally In- clined. Tboa far the corrent laaion baa been ooly par. tially lattaiactory lo a geoeral way, bat lo every loaiaooe where lutrtiorloua attracllona ware ofTorcd the bualoaaa haabaao fully up lo the Biaodard of moat eeaaooa gone baiore^ while the inlenur (itranoga ha\e unlalllnKly gone uorewarded. Lnat week «aa no aicaplinn lo iba role, tbalcwteally worthy cfTerlBgaoi iha weak being liberally patronlud, In apllaof tbe iDcltoientwaaikar, wblct cened aa an eicau lor the meagre torooula ao cordid those ol our maoagera who rerred a commuo- place bill of tare. Tma. the aercre raloi kf pt many dul- Ura from Ihe treaaary ol our amoraoeot prorldar^ atlll on« If atak>rato know why loioa thaauea w#ra packed wblla otbara taikd to do a prodtable Uale, If tba marlt ol the atiracilooa did not flgora in iha raaulL Thla wwak brlnga a goodly number of ooTeltka to the outlying boua«l^ ttie down towo a'age presaniiog noth In* new id tba nay ol playa or corapanlaa. CuiiTAUO (irtfHi llocav—Tbe Maria Tarary Eogticb Optra Company attmotad rather limlKd audiaooaalau waeh and were adraraaiy criilciaed bribe local piawa A«anaaU ol iha moieraia bualoaaa the tngageneot originally anoouneed for ihrte veafeawiil and wrat uf Nor. II, Ihe repertory balng aa folluMs: 'fuheuleo UIrL" Sunday :'UlgoleUo,"Mundky* ■IHarallani Huatl- caana" and * I'FagllaccI," a Ouuble bill, Tuesday; "MaMba" Wedoaaday loailoee. ' Kauii" WrJoefJay ulgbt; *Tanohaafer,'^ Thunder; "LaTrarlata," Friday; "Caruieo" Ba'unfay naiinee,and "II Trovatora" to con elude ttia eugagemeniiUiuMay night Uranp ursNA llotBB—Holaad Head nmured |ond aliad nudieacaailaai week wllb Toe Foiil'clon," and hagan li.the aerond and coocludlngwaah of hia nay. Next weak, lluyt'a "A Trip to Cbloatnau," baglna tlie w<v>nd aDgag*ra«ntot ibe aaaacn at Maoagar HaiollD'a popularleiorL bouLBT 0 TUKATsa —Ada Keh«n baa ilioa lar packed thla pretty theaue to the duora at each periointaoce. Durlnif Ibk, ber aecnod aod enno udlog week. *lie will be aeen In "AaVou LUe It" JJ; "Loveoo Cruiotiea" IX II and raallO'e II. coooludioa iba week in 'Tanilog tlia bhrev." Uarloi the naek or If Auguatin Ualj*aCvrna- dtaoa will be aaaa. L'uixBBiA iui:fcTnB.-rel»r P. DalleralllbaaaroHilt week Id ' A Counliy Hpon," auiaicd by May fiwlo, Ada Lenla. aodothara. Delia rotsaiabed a fortnl.ht*aTi»li i8, to "Ihe Ltlile Trooper." Iiariog breo abdndaotli praiied and rewaidrd dnring Ihln bar flrat local en*ago- meet aa n atnr. Naal«e«h, De Woll Hopper elll ataga "Dr. Hroiai" lo' tba rtni iiiue hare. ticuilXKH Tll»:ATHB.-Wra. Fptlar aod Kyr'e Balle* ru(atiarg.~coolc opera at tbe Dut|oeane, Irlth comadr at the Alvlaand Uijon.e^raedy aod clreua attbe Ko* araod.comtdr et tbe Beat Eod, and meP>. drama at lUe Park eomprlia Hie auurlment or gooda on tbe eoantara ol nur looal ahow »bopa ih<B weak. URAJiD Ui-RHA Uoaaa.—'-Ibe Coooiry Clrcde"NoT. 12 nndwtek. William BarircAuaad uucb mirtb up lolU FMe- F. Dalley. lo * Tbe 0<tuotry Sport." VJ BiHT Eait TiliriTRB—"Tba Lou Faradiae" will bold tba BU(e till 19, wbeo Uarie Watnwrlibt eeinea in rapanoiy. 'Ojr Uncle Dodlay" gare uiiafaoilon laat week. ALvuf ToaATRB.—Joseph Morphy this week Cliariaa L Darla eloaid a anecaulol oogaganaot ill, Bolaod Raed, lo "Tue Kollilet*o," 19. DOUQKSIB TuBiTRB,-Delta Fog, In "Tbe Little Trooper." IS. lor Brat iioe bare. Joaepb JiiTaraon cto^eda briliiauteogagementIIX "TooMndiJukoaoo," wlih Wb Oilktuln>beca«', VJ. Biiou TaiuTna-Obaaecey ulcott, In "The Irlih Art lat," Ul far tbe flrat time bera. Wart and Vukea scond ancMsaibapaatv^. "Huali rity" I'j FARBTHaATRa-41raclaBmmett,Ia Tbe Pulaa of Xaw Tork " tbla waeh. "Tbe Veieno Da edlre" plaaied well up to 10. 'The Trolley Hyaiem" IV. ifAtiaT WiLLiaaa' Acaprmt or Mciic—Ban Darere'e Own Co. thla Wtak. Utda'at;omtdiana cloaad napkndid eaiagainantio Tiie Ho*a Ulli HtriatqueCo.lP. UAsaTUA^is' tPix Uirssa—T.earuuportatradleBlo liilog plcuirai leorad aacb a aoccaaa lail wttk that Maoagar uaiUaooouncat their rc^ngagaoaot for ibta one. Oura'a Troupe oi FarformlBg Japaoaae. Edie and Mabel O'Brien and Alice Jaonlnia(boBan), and Dalioo and Uailoo are aotoogtLapilaclpwnewfeaiuaa:. I^tt wpek'abBalneas waa large. UiirCRU.—Col K. O. Ingaraoll laciurf* at Old City flail li on "the Bible." cbarlee L. DaTia, proprlaior of the Alt in Theatre, alataa ihe debt on hia boiiae baa al- ready bean »o greatly radocad that tbe dote of ihia atO' aoo wlUaaelteBtlraiy paidoiT. He lotonna ineihatibii la his laM e«a*on on toe tovl In "Alvto Jpalln." aod thai he will tbfftalier devote Limaelf lo Uie tsaoac«m«Dt of hia Air Is Ttaa le. TMalailieaireaoihataaon lo whNb baha« won lauiaaod ioriuBe.aa"Aliio Joalin" vaaorat produced In the Fall ol i^... .A oew amaaemant reaort, called the Eleeuic PaTitloo, la In optration oo tbe tlta ol tbe aid poat oiOee at Filth Aianoe aadgmlibnald Rtr^at It eompriaea a mammoth orcbettriop. a Moorlab MlMTA and aeetof flrlni boraat Hargsrat Barlrar, iheAUasbeor girl who la pleylog la'AiTin Joaba" tbla aea«on, waa ibe neat at aareral w^fatbanafsdor log tbt oompaaf s stay hare taat waek have won a rroiioaaced auccaaa Id "Jharloile t'ur drar" cod will continue tbie aicallant prutlnmlnn ic ihelaMbairof their two wteka'aiay. ■ Prauo-lli'>o," put <in ivr t«o parrormaocaa bad b«ao atled bvre previfitiKir aa "Pha Marrlace Upaaire*' and waa poorly received. Nait naek RobL Maoiall will eipouud beroio drunaa, tu be follovad by' Prlaoda *' MoV'icKBH'a THBATNL-Julla MarToa havao a iliraa wtekk* eoiagement li, preaaollna "Homto nod Juliets" * Twelfth Ntghr'aod ■'ab Voo Like It 'durlegtheUrit week. La«t weak "Ruali Uitr" dolaheda >«o eeeha' aa. sagainaot, harlflg attracted very Urge t^uiinaaa lor ILta nuie. llaraiRRRV TaBATaB.~"On thg Bowery" waa GUre Brodiaand Frank Ba-li. cUite laroritea. will Uaacan ihia weak tor ibe flrat iliiiehere. being foiloeed im by Cliam- pion • ortMtt, ia."tleaileman Jaca ' Laat week Lujia Aldrleh gare "My Fartaer" to good burlo»a>. LLicuLHTllBAins.—'Loet lo Maw Vork." with llaiBg .-Icturea louodaead for ibe drat ilme oo Maoaatr lluu ton'a BtiBa in Ikia wetk'a magaai. "The Darby Wlaner" being Belt In liae. Laai week Florence Biodley labored under Ibe ditboelUei vi lodiaporiilon m praaeotlog " Ibe Capialo'a Mate, • but brarely atock to bar woiS, fair turoouia reanlilog. ALHtHbRA TuaaTaR-J K. Fmmet preaenied"Friit loakfadbonae"iblaw««k, aod will giie wayiHio"Tha Prodigal Fathar." Laat waak Uarij a Kwegli a -Toe Uoatlar" na« bat Calrty oalruplred. iUv'UB'aTH8Araa.-rraeraaa'a Fun Makera glre ' A nailroadTUkat" tooatli patioo ol iliia pAp«lBi Imuv, baiog |o)h>w«d IS b7"Lu*t In N*w York " Liat neak btuinaaa wu lalr with "Acreeailie Fotomae " Ao<iiiHT ur MoBiv.—"Tbe lluatler"Hita weak wliii "Down In Dlaia ' to jnllow. Boalnesa wlih'Tba Billl Alarm" laat weak waa teiy fair. CbAiK avHBir Thbathr.— Uarla Aleogb*a*«nieHtlll Alarm" la tbia wieh'a i»agnai Laaieeak "AC'raohar Jack*' mat rathar limited patroeaga, dee probably lo tbe laet of ita former ounifTona pra*enUllonB lorally. Ban T. Jacks uriaa Uucaa-Hau FJyoo and Pbli. Bba>liab*a i;ily Bwrla lurnlab ibia aaaa'a amar^ln. mant« lairtrdueiog Mne Ziieila aod fiilaala BbarldaoiL tbeprloclpal barle*(|ge iol*a,vif> tba lour Nalaon Hia Ura 'be leatore ft w otln. Tlila oriaaiiation la vary popular bara, bavlog plated au aovagMoaBi with Kaaa- ger Jack a mooili aao, Laat neek Vialan DeMeoto'a VaodtTiilaa eoloitd but fair auceeaa. the eogagamant beioa the Brat tula compaoy bu P'ajad lucaliy. Hillr and LoelMBLCIatre.Haiterand Uadall, Anbar Aroeld and Maod i^aaweiL Ldtlan Acbeiiuan, Harry Diiha and JU- Ward, Billy nod May Uruwoloa. Saupaon, Diana and Will Woite lurolabed the perforaaace, which ended lo e ooa act ler«« called * Bapbaodifa." BoviL E^ounu riaan—Altlmogb the ooraliy ta gradually wwarioa oiT, bDaioaii at thla retort la at'H at a Koi aiaodard Maoeaar Hall adrariiMa aiiaoilvaly fooib all utdlama tboa keeping iba mariu ot hiaaa Calient parioraaace before tbe pnElie gete. Thla waak'a prearamma la prorlded wlih aome new acia, the wi4h Mrioroiaiiu togagiDg AI. Can^o. Hoof. Caboro. Brata Brolbare. iil*ard Laoa.lloae IfockrllLUm Lari Laraafl Family, the Dalterelil Br.ilbera, ao'i Koae Heeia. tbe Utter making ber Ont appaaianca. Tbe water cirolf el wbleb brloia tba firt gniuma to a floUb, ramaioa the leainreof iheparfoiDaoca, acd wtti ht ibe mnaipoiaot lector lo parpatoatioi the Teaiore in ruhjlc eauem FBLi!iK UALLBCAei.vu-Ua'lDeaamalotaiBaaaUodard ol eicelleoee at thia aouae fonod at law o'Aar TaodeTiiie tbeauaa in tba local (oU. hrooght abuat hr th* gra<i« ot Brrormanea alwaya malouie«>). Htage Haoaier Billy iCAprt^aofaaaotbar long and .'irong bill for tldawrak, the liar ambiaeinr. amoog «iibarB,tae Da Comaa, ifaD' nock and Adair, Mile. iMiort^ Loin Ryan Haliy anl KaynoLd. Frank Mlitard. Btoclatr aod raillale. adolpli Adamr. Ida IfirrtDgioo. Tonmpmn aod BaonalL Cbaa. aod Jauaie Hlawarcthe |D<araaittinal Trio. Kdward |!» ina. L>a«btngtao Brolbaia, F> rry Kyaa, Maid aol Delia Waro'A Duay and Bo'lotk, Emma Wuoj, Fiib and galiy^MamU Carman,tbe Beacb Biatera,and Lo^ranin LTCit'iTHSafaa-Oaa UlU'a World of Feve'.tlae b^U a taoUoa tbUweab.thecbirfantanalnar tMlag Propria tor Oos llilL Lail Wfsk bailassa was oaly lalr with Harry Morrle* Borltaiuer*, akbongfa the perforataaee wa-: one of enoaldenble merit, deaatring aoehbauar patrfrBtgm. The ppenlog was obtained by tlia preaenia* uoo of Iba bsrlaUa ' Duleb t'r«ok," engaginc Harry Horrleln ihe chief poaltion. Tbaollo waa turaUhad hy Pd. Lalell. FTueea aad Ida MpKmiy.John awd Wal Vidoon, Marie Hoaielleand J. 0. Flynn and Maad Walker. 1heclPiiaiburlef-ine"A TemMlng T^wo." lotrDduead )larle Roaiallaatiil Orate Ianiley to (he pnnrlpal rvlaa, brloglog Iba parioraaace lo aonmoiing Balah. ttaa T JiCK sHuriBB—The VlTlan DaHonroOomblDa- Hon will tva In r<*a«ra*ion ibiaweah, rrMaDtlBRattntght varlaiT, for the flrat time at thla r>ouaa ibti aeaaon. Lut weak, HamT. Jack'a "Haaappa" t^ompany attracted fkir buaioe^a. and lumUhail an eiralltni pariormancai Kmon Ward. Atmaa MeKanila^ Itoberta Ma Farrait and Charley Banbaauaia*B*d the prina>pkl ridaain thab«^ le<n*n "Hatepra," which flniahtd tbe pertormaocei Tba fliaaa Htmcli llalraaa" baiag Ihe opeaiop banatia fbe Bpaela:iy pnrilooal Ihe bill engaged: ramaoalll and LielllA. will MeRobla aod Vara Baaoa. DiRoe. Bowaraaod Dlion.fToleraauaod Meiia Hlla Jollaha, aa^ HarrlDgioo and Canntn. A earlaa of atiracUra llviog pie*ur«a ware altu praaaoted. (Uivrr Tn RATH a.—Manager HrUceira arTbrtiare laat reetoriDgthta raami loptoapeiitv, ami with a eonilnaa- tioo of ttie vigor at nraaant manifaaiad eomplale aoccaaa laaurwio ridlow. Tolaweek l«aiar aod Willlame aiag* "Me aad Jack," with Piacher Btothan ihe leaiureof (he olio Laat weak Vinlat Ma.4cot loanauraied burlaaqua, pr»Mnling 'The Hummer" lo moolude llie apaciilu progranme eooirlbniad by Dan Keatlog and John Lord, Fein Hvltpae. Mme. Vucra, I'addv Mnipbr and Blanche Amlntwa, Sam lAog aad DoUia Bbatp and WIU and Ida Mnrallo, the whnle forming an eicallent programme, erldanrly quite suited to tie tanaa ot tbe aoOlencea Mma Tncca, Lnla Thai*, iWiaairer and Home, the Morallea and other*, aalling under Manager t^aatle'a caFttuo ot 'The Tran»aiUntlo VaudevtUeT^opa," will glfe way 19 lo Harry Morria' Burlea<iaara. The perinrm' anca Iwt ntek waa romlabi>l by Uoutrlak A MeVai'i Caiirorol: (!:oup«oy, a huuae ahow, nod engaged the BtaalajB, Matlla Fielila, ihe Two Nibbe«. Fred Barr, Lilly Allyn aod tiaorgle Lloaard, Bartha Foy, Braodoa aod R»glol,rearl Brmdburo.Uio McCanhr and Aonle Bey- oolda. Burt Jo don, llarty and Loin Rubinaoo. and Win Ollbcrt. Boalnaia of lata haabaao only uodanta, owlaRloihe praaaoUllon ol bouaa bllla, but eombtaa- tluoawiHimtn bein oidir, when the old time andienee may baeipeoud. Fahk TBBATaa—Uanaaer NIok Hnrten pte«aoti a nonaa bill thla week under tbe caption of the'London Ciiy rtfoTU* Barle*iiue Company." wllb "Heuben'aVlait" aa thd ppeniog act, with 'The HMolght Marriage'* lo cloaa the riiow. The perfomiaboe will engaaa the eirorU of the two Nibbea* Kelly Ilea* and Fannie llnnt. UbiU Ureane, Ma'ah l^Tamaod tlartle llaavon. JeDnleroraat, the Morria Rroihara. Jennie Ripley. FanaLeFatra. Dick anil Klitia Cummlnaa, Mormnla. aod Hattia Banaid. LIvIdi pkturea are alao maintained aa an added lector In Iha bill. Manager forton ia gelning marked auoteaa for hli tiratau afforialo bring tbe pauonaga of tbla booM lo n prvOiable etandard. KaiiiL'BUi'ku Payiliuh —Maaagar Joaepb Knielbaa InerMiadibeitaiidardor merit In the «ua<gbi variety pwriormaocea given hare, end U giioinghla raward in added patronage The bill tbla weak la the etiongeet preaaoted lo uontha,lnuodualngbd. Laull, J. H. Flynn and Maud Walker. Cora HnotLXtlllaa Btatr, Bert and Ollie La Monte, Alalia aod Rapphlra. LiNcoi..^ AviKUB TsBATaa-CapL White aolora lalr eaironaieattblaretorr, and la pnvldlngeBaoiei-table III The weeb'a programme will tniploy iheO'Neala, Cummlngi aod Knlgh\Billy Jackaon,Maud Uatty and BtAgnMaaacar Waller J. Fllramer. QHorrn uuaiu Uati,.—Bnalaeaa at Ihli tMoae Isfklr, the rwJucad prtcaa harlag mucli to do «ita tbe loereaied attandante. For thla week Htaie Manager tir-arlay Haaaa pratentaa long aod atrongDlll.locUding Muter and May llaury. Kmmallall. MinnieHaruile, Lotlleaed Carna R«an, HohaeOar and Hall, Hedle Brooke lioltle l^oninr. Emma llauanl, Carrie U Ktndall aod Ed. and Hedin Wooil«. WiiiTB'a LOKIHI.M DiMB Mcsiis-^rlo hall thla waak will ha IB poiatHitnnoi llnmamao, a nagletan; Hmint Hcliallar. ao otaiflad wnman; Mar Rankin and Booole U■bt>^a pair of lat woman, aod Munio, agiaae dancer no the auga pannrmancea will be given by ilue U'arran, "la Labn, Kd. Iloyle, Bennia Wallace and I'eU De Hoae. KOtll..t ■IPIit.RTU.\a CLARK HTMRRT DIHR tfoaBR-A •coBveotion ol Ta'^raaaer Iha oirll war wll|l>a Ihe ^-hlel laatuTaorAurloiiiH tbla waec. eaefaof iheconteaianu liaTlngaamo uiark nl hia earounlar wtlli theaoamr. I'arrnrniaocaa on tbe aiage will Ite glveo hourly by l.llllao Tioner, Hurley and Tcllln, J. W.HoAndiawa, t'errla Brooka, Allen and Delmaln, andHiaolty and Bcaa- lou. Kuiii. A MiPiiRi.To:(ROLOBBDtaB Mvaiv.-TbeprlBcl- pal numeilun to eoiln iiall thla wetk la an rdocaied aeal with Zip, "the whai it la'; Ilirt aod Beaala In llluakna, and KtUloo, a aoaha cfaarmar, aa addilioeal Itaturea. OnthaBiaga llie prograioiiie will employ Tom Ripley. LoQiaand Ryan KJdle Fuy. I'lckuetieand LaBoidueDd ihaCrolluB Hramalio Company In a one act coiiiadr. Uualotuai all ut the moaauma liaa abowp n oooaldarabia gain of late, ehlch can be Uheo aa ao erldaoca tbat the uut'ofk la more aareaa. ArrRRiATH. — Fralburg'R Opera llnuaa, on Twenty- aeeood Ptreet, between HinleHireet aod Wabaah Ave- nue. >aaent(relydaalro) ad by Ore mnra'ogorit. The liouaawaa formerly >iutie fra<iuant'y in uaa fnr mlo'^r eBUtriAlniiiaDia, aad waa laattii>an to 'lie |iub)ledurlog tha Wurkre Fair teim. wlien CapL Decker made an oa- fluccaa*lalnitriiipttA inalnialn burlaanua and variety. Managar Ham T. Jack haa daparted lo Join bU Bl. iravaiaofA <*o for Ha tour Ibrougb tha ppanlab pro- viDcaaaad ud Veilcu, whkli will 'ooaume abont ten waekA H.B air*lra haie will be lo charge ol CIma. Kaeabanat Bam T. Jtik'aOpam Hooaa, ano Hid Egaon at tbe Kmpira ....Harry Mttrrla' Bar|ar<iuara will lay oir here thla week prevloua to pU»Idb the cooclfldtog eogagcmanu ol Hialr aeaaon at tha Ultmji'naa^tweeR Managar llarryHorrIa will iiiakea vUlt to hip wife, May lluwaid. of ihe May Howard Big Borlai'iaa f:o (luaiave Frohiuao'a •t^ariiy Bair caiiialoto-iownaliamoooolTand gave aapftrieipail>r- maomatibeLlnonlofur the trtnedt nl HabbI Nurtim's J*iw(ili eongrvgatioo Manager Tlioe. H liarla nf LliTU A Keagh. waa Dondord lo hU rrwm rarloo«lir HI a Kttof lutnaek. bet H oow oiinvalaataDt Bdeard M«llorehaaraad hia conipaiiy here laat waak a^d N ran Ma aeaaon In Hhakavpeareao playa at belvldore, HL, I Ilia auiipurt loeind*a Ktaie De Tooroy and Joihoa and Jalta ualmby, wllli Oeo. H. JohoaioB lo adv40ce Dolly liirr, wbo )ia< lor ibraa yaara paatlnaoa member ul the atock at F.agtl'a Hpera Pavilion, waa uiarrlatlbi Jndi:e llembarRvr, Kov 9. to Andy Rtiaeit. Fanny Fiaaiull eodSd har term aa leading lady of 'A Cracfcar Jack" wllb the ntark Hirealengagemenl aod -TBR auccaeded hv Huth MeOoolry Hprtbaldera de ■trojad I ITJOft ol blllboarda fur the Amailoan Bill Foal- iBf On during Iba ca'ebraiion oi the e'ect'sn raiulia BUge Manager Rl'.lr llobinaon, nl tlie flaleiy. monrna ihe Ijir nr hie lHUe (TaagMar. w^u died ol pfieiim(*i)a B. Tlie loarrlage ot If. tlllherl rtnyla, uf ttkO Tliaalrkat Kichaore, Oct 17, tn Anna 1. Biuca. it Jut aonounred. The btlde waa imrna doaoa een- lia1-ool the viirray I.4DaO|«raCn al Claraland.O..lait Hoiiiiiier audli<}'de like ^>alttoa wt li iba Uurt np»m 'o.laat b«a<('n Managar Haca T.iwnilay. rf Muale HalL Craerordarllla. Ind , waa n vlallor to lhaaa pre cinialaalwarh Kcinic ArUat Millar end Ktagai'.ar ranter L«mi<lilrii. nf iha Lincln. are eieenilog a eoni- miaiion trou >lan>grr W. ■>. Wloiarburo fnr a ooraplate pritdocilon tt *llanilel" (•• Le urad by Walhar While atd^. Manaiar Wloieiburi baa al'o and*r eon*rtot a pliMh curiam m iienaai aa ao act drop b' Mr. WhiUpkla in all of hia produelloPB A. H. Wllber wa4 htrm laat »M-k nod otgniiaiad Ihe aala nl tha' riahta to the name ol lleerea A I'ahiiar'a CiiMDorolliaoa tu MaaaotB Uart A Weber, who wlJl take Ilia rnad at the Penple'a Tt<ealr*, Mllwaoke*, Wla, IB The company will locluda LolUa Weat Rirt- ood*. Fadily aod Bleach Marplir, Hao. W. Moore. Qua trn'li, wni Hclloble and Vara Kvana, ihe MnrrayTwin Hi- tan, Jite lloward and Ida Emeroo. IjOalaa ttannaar aud Fnoh wtllitmaoo rhaa. J»roue loioad Waid (uid \'ukta doring Hialr Ha) market enaagemant Uaoa*>rJnho Hafnor. ui 'ha Feople'aTbtatre. Mll"au. k'B^ Wia, Uvl builMpa ig tfaia thiatrieal leotre liai wnak v&nace' Kalbdald i ipeeta to lak* tha read ag-ia *iUi ilieOrphtnm fliara laatorlng tba ber.Viina, "AR|xi'ir Prioce."br Arthar J I<amb Haaacar II. H JacAba and >i*a aoe, (leoeral Tieaaurar M J. Jacnha, wcr* tu towp laat waak, reviewing ihair local Iniaieala, tlie Ainarlcao. Alliambta and tbe ftlark Ntraet Thaaite Maoeier Frank Uali haaaniactd laaao V. Ruahig aa ta^uralon ag'nt for tha Rotal Engtlab Ciraua The nnpltaoi ilio Thlcago Rch'^ul nl Acting will give'The Wi>rtdaf Faahiuo' at the HcliH or. aliarnonn of l» Ruiioa'aMaiiaiar JafcoRiMeathaLerTlioa g Beabrook'a Uparal>>., tam»m*>ara me wi*h aonraniraof the com. paoi'atour. and vrlUaof Ibe eicepilonally la*Ba buai. PDaaliUaur tadulna ihrtrtigh Teaaa and Iheffaaihem circuit Man'gir llariy J. Faw*ra, of lloolev'a, cauMdiliearreat Hatorday night nt D. P. Waiara whn repreaaoied lilmaelf aa eorreapoodent of a New York poSlicallua, tbareby galnlog the eouiiaalaa of ibe bouae PnciiSar.^At tte I'oven Orand *Tlte DerH s Anclton." Rna. 1, badagood >'nuia Roa*<>>glilui p!aaHd a aplaadld anilaoca 1. 'I-II-H" did waH V. Tlie Umae Hmdapf r.ife" did not almw up a aa billed. Ceaitog: WillteroiiUr >3 'Bport MoAilUitr" U.Jaa. J. Corbelt ir, "A Trip to Cbloaiowo" 1> DoBBelly aad UlrardSI. PenrU.—At tbe Grand Upera House "A Rail, rood Ticket," plajad in a large bonaa Not. 0 The ra- marodarof tha wtak tlialMwaa waadark. Coming: Doa* oaily aaduirard "Frieadi" SI. MI6S0URI.-[!»t-eraBQ iM.] Bi, Josaplii^At Tootie'B Tbtttre "Friends" case Kor. 7, aod daHgblad tbe Urgeet aodleoeeof ilie leawB. Tba *t H. O." Sign waa dliplayad early la tbe eviolor. "Darktit Bueala" eame 10. wltb isallMe- Coaroy and Foi, lo "iloi Tamaleai" play a latara eflgag«maot It. Al H. Fleld'a NIottraU l», PallaMorrta 19,Fau|loaRall II. caAwi-uRO'eTHBATBB-Tba b«vse wudark Ibapaai watR KetiBurgasa' "Tbe Ooaoty Fall" Ud»h, tbe Willtr FnierUlomaet <;«. O. SI. KUR.v HtasB.—Bualne*a tha peat week waa oplrfa'r. Tbe people for waak ol 11: Iba Malya, Maggta Lm ClarPi H«b>.7» Boaa. Bold and Burke, Worth and Maraball. Tairn anl Manaue. Kiuie Ueaa'xo, the FarkiOMOBi and Uie Jacola Family Bead, T£XAS.-|BeePafew) Da1Ut.«iAt lbs Opera lloue Tonj rariell did wallKuv.A 'Upldarattd Fly"bto) thrae rood boaaeef, :0. 'Tbe t>ait-er" comH U, 'Tbe Bllver Ktag"l«,lB Plt»n He#tli Yaw IS. JtfSHiLb'a-XelMa MeTlUa. Pied Oarett, nyaa aad Im, Ora«P Letter, Iba Meodyla, Clara Lawrenca, 11111 *"«A. UiaVMioretlta. I.IIUm U*. J^la HrlgMTUarrr tfelmeaaal Latatawloa. Mawar Mills lias dosed bfa 4;sap ttcsat bosfs loui ibe kolldsys. UlBSDnonncedtbat UansierJobD U. naisell IsiflffBilnifroDiaserlons attack o( norvouiproa- tralloD and will be taken (o a saBliarlniD for iroat- ment. Too olose sppiioallon to buslnosR and bnsl* nets reveraee are said to ho iho raiiacs of his hrvak- iBB down, llasaell's Comedians disbanded Nov. 11, larbiladelptiia. 1^ — Notesof *'Our1KiroUiy"Co.: Wo aro now In the heart of Raaiero Arkausaa and plailnK to lond hnoMS nlflbtly. ilosebaak UaloiolDcd at Newport and Is dolnitadvanoe work. Tiio nicmbcra ot ibe oompaoy presented Uanafier o. u. Jolinstono wlib aneoRrAvedcanoat Joneaboio, lluah 1.. UcKay made the presontallon apoeob. IngnttiHin'a "l.tiilo Cyclone*' band la a drawing card, Kddio V. Uower la still wltb tbo ooropsoT, — "Jaclata, or tbe Maid ot MauMnlllo,'* atvo aot comlu open by Wm. 11. Lrpert, mualo hy Alfred (I. Ilobyn, whtob waa orlalnally sdiib liy amateora at ino Ooatrs Opera llotue, fit. rAitl, HlDn.. Uay S3, \m, wu aunr iry profouionals nt tbe Grand opera Uoose. Philadelphia, ra., Nov. VJ, Loutae Beandet playing iba llilo rule. — Tbe Oftade ((qoare Tbpatro, lioaion. Mtas., waa dedicated Not. TJ, when "Capt. rani,'* a tonr act patrloUo drama, by K. K.UoBe,wu aotoil fur ibf first time on rot suge. — Itoae OoBbian will soonpmdnco a now play rlUeo for net by Mra. Pacbcco, ouilik'd *'Tit NemeslB." — Annls Uojd Is aald lo be moeilng wltb auccoia wllb *'A Trip 10 tbo Olty" Co. -1>. U, woods, manager ut Jan. It. Walto*a Weal- em Oomcdj Co.. rcporu lioalness as il MirlahlnE. CaiTle LewlH taibesttr,sopponed Iit W, j. iiigitci', l«ee Stomi, Walter Woods. Kuiene Kilswoith, T. J. Hbearer. H. I>. licOdlloagb. Kreil K. Ihtno. i^apliola Uarsball, and lltHe Rihel Uay, Tito company la booked sollil for the season, — "Tbe land ot Ibe l.lvlnR''waa soled fnr iho flrat tlino on any stage at Htiioactt'a (Iraod Oi>crA llouso.Kan Kmnclsoo, Cal., Nnv, rj — Htiurt Uobeun'fl now pbty, "Tbo Iniorlnpcr. or tbe Feet of Venus.*' written by tho Fmiioh iiratna- tiit, AdrtsD narhnase cvpoclally fnr Mr. UoIihud. wu played fortbe Aral time ai Iho (IntodUpeni Uooae, Indianapolis. Hid., Nov, to. — Nutea from tbe HlnnloHowanlUo.: This com- pany. Instead ot oloeing doring tho eiclilng elec- tion times, canco.eil a nomber of larRo towns, ami Euttbe tlmo lo eicellebt rcaalta in soveral small >vns of Northern Now York, HIhi Howard haH purobaaed A. Ht. T^oroDz'a Interest la tho oonipany, and ibat geniioinin ta no longer oonnootcd with tho sbow. A.J. WlldtRConilnueasaltuainrss manager. — [Mnard OnMnn will oluio wlih tho Jamoa Yonng(;o.oo Not. '.£I. — Notes from llalrn Broa.* ' lloniply Diimpiy" No. 1: UaslDeuoontlnnrs good. Kitty Hharp haa iMWo obliged to lay off on account of sluknrsn, but la on the road to recovery. Ura. Ohaa. K. uolby ]olQf d ber huriband 1 for a vlsll. Uur hand Is nisk - ingahlL We make iho dowr afteols' Uvea miser- able wben they recelTO tbo"oM relhiblo*' if Hie Dumlfor Is limited. Ouy I.. Field Joined aiwry's Aiook Vo. at Klml- lay. 0, Nor. 9. fur Juvonllr, light oomedy and obaracten. — Rob Vlncootlnforinsnsthat ho lissrcorganl/ctl tbo "Conilemncd for Mfu** Uo. — Nolo and n^slur ot "A l.liKiriy noil" Co.: iiiir Irualnoaa tvaa t>een unlfonnly gnod. lloxter: Frank Wills, Jobn Wills. Ktiiroa Hlcitel, Kitia llrlime. Mablo Ward. Hoy vcroun, Cora Wuoil. Aliro John- non, Jaiiiea Ubcrry. Tom Uack antl ihu rrlioroso quartet. — Tbo Itlclisrdson Th^atro. (hiwcgo, N. Y., la tieArh)gcompleilnn,aiid It la r.Npecicti tn lutvu the house In readlDoaa fur npoulug by ClirlMliiiafi. JORTpli A. Wallaca, furmerly tnanager of iho AiriI- omy of Uuslu ID tho same olty, will bi* tlio lituliiik t uianagcr. — Katet;bikU>n bRB purohascd "Uy Udy Rock- ies*,*' a plAT whlub Arthur Furrrst la sitbl lo bavo aecuredin l*arls. Mnic. Janaosuiiok will be lu ibe cist when It Is produced. — Uailio Toiranoe Is playing "Uowllne'* wIlliM, B. Leavlu*a '^ttpldorandFly." — Kdward F. l>ATls wrliea ns that It wss not Itia U. T. U." Co. Uwl plajud week ur Out. at tho ItnblDson Upera IIoom. Uloclunatl, u., but was a oompany bearlDg a similar nsiiie. — we are Inrormod thit Uunagor Heorie A. Ilakrr» ot the llaker opera Uu„ on Nov. iT, left Newport, It. I., wlioru tho compiny viu plating. Oor Infortiunt also siatrH that the mumiwrsot Hiu company had not recelvwl thoir aabtrlcs fur laat week. It Is surmised ibat Ur. Itakor intunda tu go 10 Kitrope. A new manager haa Iicen Rbonred. — '*l'oiaiis('n ''a twoacivunilo upera, by lioul^e Kalluy and Bitloil Woods, wag snug fur Hid ami llmeonsny aiageal Furd's Up:ra lluusu, liaUl* more. Md., Nut. n. — Louis llartman tricit bis rcw three sctioUl- tary drama, "Folloil," it the l.ia uiiib n|>cru lloiiw. H'lndanl, N. Y., Nnv. lu. Ila *>i .iipixiiu il li. I'Ajr WInlbrop, i. l.lvlDi.ion, Juhn II. i.'nno, IMtrir Ok«d, ta. O'CoDMn, Uoli Jickaon. Kcl. U. llnDlcy, llirrt JoDct, KaiUi Uuitnn mul I,. Iig Vrro. — Nnua Iron Fred I). Hir.illn', llalu Urcn.' Mw *'lluiiiitt7 Ihimpij."—Wo mto noi. in nur foDrlli w«ek, «od sro pUtlfig lu trdnfinilou. Iiuil- DCHi IB r«DiU]flviDii. Tlio I'lown linihl mnkH ■ OOT.I alttti pwade, ud !• » l>lg dMWIog rard tTer7«li«r<. Tht cornpaDf Iintn'wii Ililrl. prniilr .Dil Ibe iMDtoinlrao i, ^i^giil wiih » ruil iin, ut riropa., nfinb.nlcal tnait mid irluk .coooiy, .ml • uoder Uin ptmoil dlrecilua ut cIkii, lUvel, Milled lijr wvli clertr peoplo u IKimiIi. Iiucior b nino, II. 11. UnDDdl, Vr.nk .Mini, iiiko, Jamoa H*.OD, K. V. Jimei, WilUaiii A.lii'in, llarrr AtblDO, I.occUj, lh,H'B!eia Uirii, •«'», I'rymdilile, Ihe L« t^fde Iroiipii ul d^uceta, II. A. Illiikio, li II. Htiiintlralli, II. T. I.jncli, (lhaa. * a.iaiyrli. VUi, '/.Her, Fred Witireo, A. Hnillli, Turn Uo- Alliaier, y. tVh ilnst, K. ,\. Hplcer aim K. ,V. ■i.itr. leu, Wlih Fred li. Hirani'i, aole prupiltu.r auil muiger; \. !>. Ulnditll, goiionl kbcii': IIuiIkii UaUlnglcD, UBlaUiil ageni, ud Ihoiilckduoke/, Mrouollk. — LIVI* aeerile llunilniioD Kill tuil on her lour Nor. 33, ilvlug pirlur muatcalca anil drftiilnx room reoliila. Hheiebuuked fur pilvaie fiigaur. ouDIa In WaahlDRiog, lulilmore, rmiailelphla, Trenton, New Yi rk, Alxiny and urrial Nutliieiii clilcf. the nur r jiiciid her lu ir ihniugii iho pru. rlnce ol (Mnua. Miue (leurgle irlli Ue Mcom- psolf d liy her pwoDU. — Owing toeleciloneicllomeni lluuglaa'Vuinedir Uo. UMOIotedUrnporarllr In liuraugo, u<,lci,,wiieia J. H, Iiouglaa ttlll <ii|itnl7.i a Muck mmiatD; ii> opnlhenowllarMgo (ipvra lluuip, lla:.aairr II, L. niceIji Having lila huil«i tijulppcd wHIi Hoaiiiau t LmkIIi' aceo.r/ and eiKiiiu lighia. — UlaiaOulielt and child, Jack I'alincr and Buit AodiiiMgn WlU "In IheToodeikiln." — Oeorgle Ulckiuo J 'lned the rolierlielew Oo. UCblcagq, lll.,Nor. in. — ■ Th«Browole.,"QOwlitlngpla;ed at Ihe Four- Uoglfeglfeat Tlicairr, Ihlacil;, lia. Iircn raanluu liT (lien Molloooiigh, and ilie nrw vcnlon waa pre- KOied for tbe drat tins la llutton.Uaw,, Nov. In. — Annie Utlmodt will altortijr juin "I'M llauliln Hbop." -AdaClnr, who la lirlog Idle lo ibUclir thla week, playa at Ibe (Inad upeia lluuar, Uoauiu, Haaa.| neit week. — ti. W, Drowning arrtred In Uil.cllr Nnr. [0, barlnalen Ua Kalla KranMUHhoir In ValiriirnU. Uen. w. H;ilner,Irom the muu couipao;, arnvtd here .1. — t'hartei T. Nlaliola lor Uo pati lour week, haa keen lying III at lila r<aldenca In 1I1I4 city. He waa taken wits pneumoela, Irom which lie loourtred, but going out b* liad »relapae, aod on Nur, lu waa nacrlilcalMndliloii. — Fred T. Uann Jolna Nnu' Jolllilea at Wlliiilog. U)D, N.O,, Nor. It. The ciiropanjr report niaktoa OMnej and 1*7 tbay are offered rtturo dalea wlin ioaruleei. — Attar tba ereolng purlermance nl llaita Uroa.' Uo. at reinlirooke, uin.. Nor. in, the memiiera or tha compaDy were liani|oeiied by the proiHlelor cl tba tiJHiand llouw. — UdsajIkioUiwaaaddM 10 Ibe Jamn ii'Nelll foroalaal wetk m UuiIod, Maaa. — Hiell* Hwa play. wim llanlgan'a Uo. (or ■ lireo weakB,c«mDunclng.Sor. li, aa LauraUviawell, lu '•OM Lareniler." — Ilosbir ot the lloatoo Ooned/ Coirpaor, now tourlof Paouylraula: W.lij Wni, llarrr Cliaain, Ojlua Obspln, Francta liiw, Lawrence Heed, iierc King.Uecll Uhaplo. llettr Duncan cnapin. Mldiet Weal, l.iuia Marfr, Hri. Halls Hook, aod Uiu, Willi rrot. aid9,j.Hooi. The/are playing w.llr Weal'a coDcdic,, "Pulliica" and 'A Bunanu," Harry Ubapln'a comedy, "A liuconuniad iriro," aad Ceylon Uh.plo'a melodranua. "The Tender- foot" and "Mao to Hao." tVally Weat and llarrr VhatlQ are Ibe msoagera. — Hoeaile Koolt hat I eeh trasiti rred li«ii "Old ojory" to "rhe Voiuii King." K<lwaid KioU Ig alao wllb Ibe taller, - Mark Tball U la tbla city, aoiionaly Ul, [Von-liuiB «li FiOt (M,J