New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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6U4 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEK 'M. — TM Utie or "A Bomtj Olrl" ic«iiu to ba, lo I be mlQdj or U»*uio*l nuntgen, t moit Tduble one, u MTenl dniiiUiU tod ntugen olilm lo o»D u4 bold tbecopjrlibL Tbe dratpobllon- noiuioeiii<Dt wu mule bj llwrj Wlllltoi, wbo boogbt Ciom Ad* Lee Bucom bar pl*7 ot tbe eboTe title, wHttcD OTcr ilz noBDM uo. Hr. WUllenu U diepoeed to net npos bli rIgbU, tad nuke i com- plete prodDOllon of "Jl D iwtrr Olrl" tbe l«il«r pert ot tbu mean, nme bu been booked by Mm to muf of tlie letding thtttree tbrougbool tbe nolled Btatei, ud he uie be li etie to protect bl« rlghu totbeuueot tbeplaj. — Frad T. Uwm, mailoel dlrentor, Joined tbe Noei Jollltf 00., erWilinlnglon, N. 0., Not. 14. — Robertfirowertiu beenengwed u muuger o( Wegenbil* * Kemper'a "Yoong lln, WInttatop" 00. The compuj report good boilnera. — iieiuder Itule, of RoMneon'a "Peol Eunr" 00., WHkCLimRctller last week, nelemteilog with tKTor u tbe Uao do BasroonL In tbe Bpilng be iDtendt prodnclng • fueloal plij ot ble own cooitmotlon. — Burke »Dd. iMfihieobt etirt oat Ml "Oacle Tom'i dbla" oo., Nor. it, lo lour Hloblna ud Oenidk. Tne rotltr: Barbe W. Ltmereobt, lole owner end muuger; IMU Sbeara, ndTUice nnnl; U. E. McOoj, lutn muienr; Wo. Irwin, muur or tnupottatlon; wm. Hllii, proptrUee; nor. Wll- iU>ni,le*derorbtod:Pror. Snow, leftdar otorcbta- tim; J. Feme, Jot. Ulloe Pofer, J. A. Fisncla, F. FoT, J. Robmor, J. O'Brien. Fred Bluer, Huter Wnlier Umbert, MlUe Mm Umbert. din Heiuu Hioll, MTrtle HtMo, Anu BtoU, Utile W*lltoe end Anni BudT. — Wdlj Treat, wltb bit dugbter, Uldgei, u •onbrelte, ud Uerrj Obapin m baaloea manager, tepona aood hnaloeaa ibnogb Wealern Pennajl' Tuila wltb tbeir repenorj oompaoj. Nr. Weataara bla new oomedj, "PollUca," la a anco^aa. He will abortlj plaj an engagamont In New York, learlng Mr. O'.apln u> manage tbe Boetou Oomed; Co. — Oennde Noiman la eick at Tonlon, III., wltb Inngterer. Mlaa Norman baa not been able to plaj over two weeka Ibla aeaaon on acoonnt of bar 111 twallb. — Uraper'a "Oondamned for Lire" Oo. bu re- opened tbe aeaaon, and la booked ror tblrtf-alx weeke or one, two and tbreo night atnda. — Prank McOormaok baa Joined "A Ride ror Ure," replaslns BartOool«. — Jamea W. Fomal and LUllan I'ollook Joined ItaeHarle KInile Oo., In "Bbadowa or a OreatOlt;." atHoblnaon'a Opera llonae, OInolnnail, 0.,NnT. 13, — A. H. Hadlaon, ooelcltn, baa cloaed wlib tbe "Dnole Joab Bpnoebi" Oo., and la engaged at tbe Iowa Oolarax Hlneral Bprlnga. — Following U tba roater or "VoNnliT'a TIalt' Uo.: Wn. J. UoImM, Frank Miller, RIobard B. Lmob, Doe FerrlD. Fuller Uaj, Ada H. Jewell, Mae Trambnll, Marie Lear, Belle Larkin and Oeo. U. Rmerlok, wltb Ueo. M. Wlaner, manager; Ullirord W, Meeob, moaloal director, and Obaa. A. llonajr, adfanoo. — W. A. Orad/ bu engaged Bben Pljmpioo to plartbeleaillo(trolelD"Tne OoUon Klag,"wlilcb will be prodnced at tbe Academy or Moalo, ibia oltj, Deo. 8. — It la annonnotd ibat Utroneaa Blano bu eepa- nttd rrom bet boaband, Bblrler Ondordonk. — Roaler and Notn ot Markbam'a Vomedlaoa We opened oar aemoD at Leila, la., Nov. ig, to "8. R. O." ETeiriblOB la ranning amoolblj. Ttio oompan; will loor Icwa, Wlaoontio, Hloneaoiaand Michigan. Tberoatar lauroUowa: A, E. Markham, maiaasr; Fred J. M. Monlgoninf juge manager; OatI Praatler, Oliuda Biown, Oari Walker,adrancei Mamie MoClare, Uora Wood, Minnie Brown, LIlUe aipaej. Mamie MoOlnie, aoabraile, wu pmonied wltha baanuraldlaoundrlng on her Iwenlr'tblnl blrtbdaj br mambfra ot tbe compan;, and a mil Mooded Bpanlab png dog rrom Mr. Harkbam, her Danager. — lUTld O'Bncn'a UomedUna rrpnrt meeting wltb ratr Bucotaa In Iba Bootbera part ot Ohio, pbtj- Ini tbe ooal and mining towne lie Mr. O'Brlen^a laieat ancceaaea, "The liohoa/' and "Oar Yonng Hero" Tboroaler: TbiOoniT"laicbe,"MaT Row^ OaT Leiion, Adrlle Oreenr. Prot. F. W. Wagner, Albert wllaon. Ilecrr R- O'Urlan la alsga manager. — Ralb HoAaler baa joined "A Oraokar JMk,<rn. plaoloB Fannj Ftantcall, and Fred A. Bulilran hu reUref In rarer ot llarrr Trmjar. Oarrle litlar la In ber aeocnd aeaaon wllb "A Oraokor Jaot:" alao Frank P. Ollleaple, K A. Atklnaon and J. Wllaon Dwjer. — Managan Wall; Weat and Umj Obapin claim tbal partlea are naing tbetr UtIe ot the Boeton O'jmad; Oo. — Liule IngUa la wlUi Ubu. L. Darla' Oompaoj, plajloi "Mra. Jnalrn." Bbe will aall lor Burope neit Mar, probably to appo ir In Mra. Walter Bent- ley'a Oompur, whom, Mlaa Inglla wrltea, bu made ber an oAr to pla; the ramala heatr nie In "llaU Mtat Blgh." — M. B. Oania appeared betore tbe ooort at Low- ell, Maaa-on Not, is. and made applioatlon U> lake tbe poor leblor'a oato. Tbe application wu occa alODed bf the ault brongbt by Unncan B. Utnlaoo, bu toroar manager, to reoorer money wblob tbe ■alter olalma la due bim. Mr. OnrUi leaUOad thai — Powtn MndoU Oomedy Notes: Tbe Powell Maaloal Oomedy Co. and lbs Oapt. Tbomu' Bnr- priu Party bare cooaolldated and are now making week ataida. Bo far, In aplie ot tbe bard Umea, wa are playing to good bnameaa. We bare a new tort, top, wiui airt middle ple«a. Ereryiblng la Inablpahapaordaraiidwnrkuiaanioothly. Roaler or tbe CO.: Tbomaa A Powell, anie proprietors; Oao. L. Powell, general manager; Will n. Btanley, stage manager; Mr*. M. A. Tbomaa, tnasarer; ctpL Tbomu, magician; Oeo. L. Powell, banjoitt and comedian; win B,Bianley, character oomedlan and Tocallat; F.ra Tbomaa, terlo comic rocallat; Mrs. JnanlU Powell, balladlat; LIUls Dot Powell, Biln dancer; Oeorgle Cook, aong and dance: Mrs. M. A. Tbomu, aeoond algbt; Mamie Bngle, planlat, and Bonn llankin, bou cantaa man, wltb two amlalania. Tba abow will auy ont all Winter, working Bonih, and many new lealorea will be added, making It one ot tbe strongest abowa of Ita kind on Ibe road. be owned uo nroparty, real or personal, except bla —xne —• "— — . pertyo be alao nfuaed to Idenuty u bla any oC tba algna' wardrobe. Is tba proi Bltr,"8am'lot roaon," becl«1med, it bla wire. Aa a raeana of delenaa tnrsa aUaohed lo lattera and contracu wbloh ware sabmtued, aud tberaby pracuoally aocuaad Mr, Uarrlaon or rorgety. — A former inemher nt Hobinacn's Oomedlaua wrltea oa oomplalnlna Ibat aalailca were not paid ri,r eight weeka with uat oomptny. — Max t). Wilt, mualcal dlrecior, cloeed wltb tba "Colonel" Co., at Uallaa, Tex. — Kale M. llowanl Joined Pauline Parker'a "Wild Roae" UOh 10 play bearlae, opening at Tunkban- nook. Pa., Nor, IS. — llcpe Booth'a lease of the Qtrrlok Theatre, London, Reg., hu uot y it exiiir<id,and abe Inlenda lo try her fonune onoe more In ibo Kogllah meiro- E)lla. Bbe bu eecurad ibe Rngliab rlgbia to (ilea aoDcnonib'a Oomedy "Delmonlco'a at Six," and ■llod tor England Nor. IT. — We bkre a note alallng Ibat Mrs. Ohu Harel la now lying III rmm ibe eiri'cia ot a anrglcal upera. lion at IbeTdyrllblo lloapllal,Thirty tourtbSltMt and Beoond Aveuue, tbfa city. Ucr ttlonda are uked to cciumunicate wlUi ber. — ilia announced ihat Anion llrgner, Iho'cello plMor, xrougbt to Dilaoouninr by Walisr llammacli, and agalnat whom theorcbealnt la Carnegie Uatio Hall auuck but winter when be appeared aa i sololat, Iwoauae bawunotameoiliarorlbtlrunliia, baa taken oni bla first olilaan papers, and hu alao become a member ol the Hnaloiana' Hainal Pro- tenure Union or tbls city. — Frank Uodgea, whole said to beAmerlea'a Eonngeet mualoal dlrocicr, oxpecta to loare fr ngland In llMouber. — Rosier ol Pirkor A llanald'a Jolly Oomedy Booniais, In ' Snap Bbota :'■ Parker A llonald, ado ptopilelora aud managen; W. A. Ronald, ireu- nrer: Obaa. K. I'arkor, atage director; A. T. Bonds, W. W. Taylor, KraUbvr'lT, M. (I. Urgan, Mabel Olyone, Bert llarrey, W. Waiaon and Hairy UonaHlton, leader ot orobealra. Wo bare been oat ainoe October and hare been doing lair bualnem are booked right Into May ibivagb Oacaila ai( Michigan. — A. y. Pearson, acoompanlod by Mra. Peanon, lati New York laat week, to apend tne winter In lUe South. Mr. reamon buaoarraogod bla bualnma aOklra tbsl ItwIII lie poulble lo dlreul bla large the- atrical Uiltr«aia,wlibhla baadquanera In Ibe Boalb, and lofonna na uat he la r«et»red to pertrct beallh — K. B. Kookrlll, manaier or w. B. Wheeler' enterprlaea, aenda tne toUowIng: "W. B. Wheelci' Umnedlant will lake ihe nad Uie aeooml week or January, producing a new mnalcal raroe comedy, •Obrlaiffiu Bella,' In three acta. The company will oooalai ol tvelre people, and luur tbe HtaKm uountry, week auuda baring been booked in tbe brlDOlpa) oiUea. Mr. Wbeeler will alao pnt out 'Ten Nights In a RarrDom,' and carry all tbe acenarylor the piece, wlib tonrteen people In tbe cut. 'The Two Olaa,' which hu been on tour einoe Augnit laal, IsmoeUng with snocea*. i>ommy Kdwarda, wbo bu bnn aaaoclti«d wlih ihc Iry iMt Trio, la no longer oonnootad wllb them. Hr. KocktUI will liook and direct Ihe touis ot Trn Nlgbu In a Barrwm.'alsc 'Ohrltunas Bella.' "nie Two Olea' will be lakon oir ttm nad when ■Obitat- mu Bella' goes oaL" —Tbe Roial BUu gdaitei hare algned wllb J, Sleward'a 'Two Jobna" Uo., lor the reel of tbe aeaaon. — ObarleaT. rarsloe wu atnoken with paralyL- or UierlgblaldaNor.lT,at bla home. In Vila citr, TbeatiendbigpbTalclan aaya Mr. Paraloe'a conil- Uon la not crnfcal, — Nell UlchHeid. Vaskee oomedlan, Joined Ju. B. Mtokle'a Oo. In CInolnnaU, O., lo pl^ tbe part ot the landord In "n» Bide Bhow.>> — Joabaa Bhadrlck, aecond oau ainger, olossdirltta"TbeOuhier,"ana Joined ibeAmerl' can Tbeaite Oo. MARION CIROUX Began ber professional career with B. E Rice In 'Adonis," and won pnmoUon In that ooopaoy aner aerrtng a lengthy apprenllccsblp. She next Joined J. U. aiU'a "Ship Ahoy" Oompaay, ber eon- trsct being tor two years. She wu compelled, bowerer, by serers Ulnets. to cancel Ibis agree meat and to take temporary raL Uposberreslorv linn to beallh Bbe Joined Hilton lluyle'a "Friends'' oompany. While wltb this oonpsnf aheattncted tbe auentlon of Daniel Fmbmto, and wu arier- warda eongrd by bIm ror the role of Kale Blaa- hope In "The amy Mare" road company. Uatnea- Bon abe played Doroihr NerlUe wltb E. B. BoUiam In "Sb^an, or the Uiald of Baib." Hlaaairoux originally intended toderote bar atlenUon loocmlc open, but she bu now ahandcned all IdMof n tnming to that Odd, and at tbe cloae ot Mr. Boihem'a engagement at tbe Lyceum Theatre aba — Oeo, and Haggle Sane go with Oregorr'a Bompiy Damptyroo. — Eddie O'lleli reporta snooeu with Jamea R. Adams' new "Oruy Lot" Co., In bU acnbatlc tramp apeclaltr. — Richard Y. Riley, obaractor actsr, late ot Ibe Otud Opera Bonae Biocfe Oo., of Boston, Informs OS that on Jan. 1, irai, be will begin a sianring tnnr in a repertory ot ataodard dramas, and will cany a biaaa hand and orchestra, Qood time Is belni booked lo New York, Vermont, New llampablre anl Kusachnaelis. —James Forreatsnd Jlmmle Walls hare Joined IbeMarleKlotleOo. —The Baldwin-Rodgers Oomedy Oo. report One hnalneu lut week. In Ocala, Fla. — Knoll and McNeil sutt tor Bsn Franclaco, on Nor. 2t, to nil a roar weeks' engagement, after which Ibey anticipate rlalUng Anairalla. — Mabel Ward la aucceaarullr sinsing ■ Tbe Oruel Ulu" and "I Wonder Will They Answer ir 1 Write," wllb Well'a "Liberty Bell" Oo. — oeo. W. Lows bu taken charge nt Ibe Uardy' Malcom Co., and hereafter It will be known u Ibe Wonderland Oonedy Oo. Tbe roater: Oeo. W. Lowe, proprietor and manager; Frederick Mal- com, Iiarrr M. Blak& Fred D. Hoatow, ubu. T, Hart, Prank Webater, E. 0. Belmont, Nera Cameron, Mamie Barrett, Lola Ooodrlcb, Trlzle Lee, J. 0. Harper and Oeorge Harper. — Obaa. L. Yooog Is butlneu manager of tbe 'aiorlana»Oo. — Johnnie Prlngla will next season take ont bis now musical comedy, In tbise aota, "ranch and Judy." — "Tlie Odonel aud I" Oo. are touring tbe New Eoglaud States. The Fenion BrMbers are playing tbe leading nlea. — Ollle 0. UaU bu engaged Madame SeUU and Signer Vdoaka tor aconoert tour. — Lillian Erans hu retired from tbe Era Tan- quay Uo. — The Theatre Bcral In Montreal, Oao.. wu en- tered by bnrglara Nor. IT, and about gTOO wu stolen. The report Ibat tm.DM worth ot bonds be- longing to Manager H. H. Jacobs, one or tbe pro- prietors of the taooae, were atolen, la denied. — Alexander Byers appeared In conrt inOhlcago, III,, Nor. IT, to proaecuCa Oeorge W. Clancy lor Ball- ing copica ol puya he claimed. Mr. Byers lestUed that Mr. 01ancy,«hcm be bad employed to copy tbe pUya, had taken mors coplu than he wu blrrd to take and bad aold these extra copies. Tbe pUrs In queetlon Included many well known plays, toe property of Oharlea U. Hoyt, Daniel Frchman and uuier prominent managers, wbo were repreeented byconneal. Ontlia wItncMstaud Mr. Byeisatalad that be sold copies ol tbeaepbays lor tn>, aometlnes f60. Be had rorgotten how be got them; all he re- membend wu that he got ibem. Bomeiunee. be admlued, he bought them tmm stenograpbors. rbe cue mu bekl orer to Nor. 91. —J, U. OolUn Informs ua thato. P. Zlagteld wlU aend snother company on the road to produce tbe comedy-dnuna, "In tne Enemy's Camp." He will take Hsmie Ftederlok Item hu "Oonnct" Oo. and feature ber wltb the new renture. Tba company will open ibeir tonr at llaltlmore, Md., sboni Jaii.1, — UeniT W. yuiou the Eogllih property man wbo wu rectoUy acut hack to England IMcause be had enlered Into a contract abroad with Augnailn Daly m work at bla tbcaire in tbls oily, relumed to ibis country Nor. IB. — Fror.Uerrmann's atageeirecis, tilcka and prop- ettica were seised un a writ ur aiiachmani Nor. IT attheColnmbaaThe«<re,lblscliT. Theattaobment tru Bwom cut br Julius J. Frnuk, an attorney wbo looked after I'ror. llerroiann's Inierosiln imi, when be apeculated dlaaatrously In a Brooklyn, h. Y- theatre, and who olalma that tbe maglcuo atiU owes him 13,000 for bla work. — Manager Ulnicn Russell writes us that he bu called In ble comedy oompany owing to poor boal- noae, but that all salarlea wi:re paid to dau. Be turtber writes tbsi he bu loam the Wondeibuid Theatre. Hamilton, Ontario, Oauada, and renamed It Uie DiJon. Be will open the house Thanksgiving Day witn a sloofc company. — Notoa rrom E. Frank llaakint' Oo.: We are doing a Sue buslneu In spite of hard times. May nobcrta, our leading lady, wu prtunted with a gold watch and cbain by Ibe oompany aa a token ot Uioir eaieem. Rosier: E. Frank Hawkins, James MaitbewB, PTt>t. J. 0. Oaner, Bam J. Roberta, Hu Vernon and Mlu May Roberta. — "The World Agalnat Her" Co. oommenoaa Its pnrpoaes sailing for Europe to atndy there for at cut one year In order to flt herself more iborotub- jr to attain high rank in tbe leglUmata drama. Her uplrstlona In tbls direction hare contldetable wamnt, u abe hu prtrren berself nnon ureial oc- caalona to poaaess mncb merll, and wltb tbe ays- tamailc tnlnlog she now contemplates there la mncb promlM oi sacceea la her f utoie career. Detroit,—Tbe Lycenm will remain dark nnlll Nov. n, wbao Corlaoa eomaa for four nlsbu. Tbe flnt Ibroa nlgbu 'ol laat woak Oao. Tbatobar'a "Iboat Oothsm" itcalrad aablll la patroaaia, aad tba oompaay eloMd lbs aaaaon bar* and ntamad lo Naw Tork. Mr. Thalcbar baa loload wltb l«o ol lb* foramoat miaalral eomad tana and, tosatbar UiavwlU oraaataa aa "npto data" bis nlDieral abow. Tba lour will basla abont ubrUlwortheSntoltbayaar. „ „ DirsojrOraaA uooaa.—Loata Aldneb eom»a Kor. IS- I. to ba lollo»ad br lallsr, iraalelao, n-M "A Blaek Bbaap" IMlad the capaettr of tao bonia and plaaaad Ino maoMlr tba forapart it ua weak. Donoally and Oiimid. B"Tba BalniiiAbar%" warn not Car bablnd daring tba latur pan. Bddia For will ba ban NaT. S«Da«. I, In - Oir Iba Earth." _ _ ^ . Watrvar's QaasD Ormu Bocan —Tbia waak, Ward and Vokai, in "A Ran on tba Bsok." Laat waak, rtoranea BIndlar waa walcomad br big tnnonta. Nait wrak, Biava Bndta, in '*0n Ibe IfowaiT." _ OiaraSLL's EapiBB ToBAras—Tbia waak. "Id tba Name ol tha Oaai." Laat waak "Tba Pollea Inapaeloi" plarad to fairly sood bnalaaaa. Nait waak, ^a Borg. IT." WonpsBLiso TsBATsa an Hosaa.—^arlo ball, gln- nia'a Japanaaamop*, La Dor fiba nail hlni) aad Janaa. Bias a—Iialaon, lATaalon and Natron. T. wllmot, Bcben aad Boma Barv.O.Park Byat«,WUIaltaodTboniaAd ^Smtm-Tba Naw Parktaa Ball aad niaaua, at tba ooniar of Orand Rlvar aad Tvainb Btraaui. la now open toUiapabllo,andlooallalant praralla. Tba ball bans aUB* alabtaaa foat wida, OllaaB faat daar and nine Mgb. : I la ramlabad wlib roar faanao. a baanllfal drop eo^tn mm lb* brvb ot Bobart Hopatna, of tblaalty, ud la llibtad wlUi aledrtallr. Mr. Partlna aipscta to praaani Bombar or prolaaalonal paoplatlnrlng lb« aaaaon. arwBd Raplda.—At Fowan' Orud Open Booaa, Lawla MorrtaoD, la "Faost,'* draw two Urga houaaNoT II Ikaadld "Tba aiarOaiar" IS, II. 0am- Ins: "Oa Iba BnwafT"axSl, Olavaland'a MlnMralaK BlAkau'aTronbadAontT, 9. aaiSD Opaa^HoaBS.-Uat waak*-* BaffsasaUbaob" pUvad to fall bnalnaaa Tbta waak, 'A Oraakar Jaak;*' a» tweak, "Tba suit Alans." SHira'a Oraaa Hoobb.— Waak ol 19: Bmltb Broa, (TBrton SlftaiB, nwlln and Olart, Data Zola, tba Btu laya, Mar Boay, Balay aad Baymond aad tba aUHfe. LanalBg,—At Balrd's Open House "The Dai- ■lar" wu praaanlad Nor. IS to a lair alaad aodloDca, lollowad by "Tba Obavliy BaU" IT. to aood bnaloaa*. Coming: "hba tlaplaln'i Mats'' It, Tba Hairr Milk Halda''^(local) II, 'Tba BUU Alara''14 .... Atlba Blar Ttaaaua tba BaekaltComady Oo. haM tba boaidi U and waek to^paylDsboatnaaa. Tbta boaaa will lamaln dark III! 9,8Q,tl wbao 0. W. WlUlama'oompaay oosaa. BBgina w^At llie Academy of Hnalo Donnelly and Oinid playad tn B. R O. Not. 14. Tbatobar'a "Abon ; Oatbaffl" Co. waa bookad lor It bnt tba oompanv aloaw at Datralt IL -Tba Bblp of atata" eomaa la, Palix A, TlneaotV^ '"Oa tbMBowarT"S AtBordwall'aOpara Ilonw Bam T. JaohaOtaolaCo.fllladtblabonaaDlgliUy dnrlBs Iba paat waak. Tba rasanmaatotoiad IT olanda Hawaii and FblllplMiaTat,DarparronDam,l«aTa In a raw dayn for tbaallrotHaaleotafUlaalimantiia angagamaatwIlbOrrlD Brea.*01rDaa. jMkaoB,—At Blbbard'a "The Daixler" pleased a sood booaa Not. IS "Tba Bblp ot Btata" bad aiealtaat bnaioeaaU. "SldaTt*ckad"2l, "Iba Charity Ball 'U DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. tour Nor. U. at Paierson, N. J., wltb tbe toUowlng people: W. B. UarUord, Barry Hacdonald, W. W. Titylor. U. R. Mliobell, Albert Lirlngaion, Ubss. T, Pam, Walter Nlobola, Uatry Wali<ni,8alva Deabon, Lncle Villa, Vee Violetta, Ada Harconrt, Nellie uueen. Era Scou, IllUe HaUle, and Agnw Wallaoo Villa- Sam B. Villa, manager. — Iloator or Uyde'B Comedy «Vi., No. 4: HobL Hyde, proprietor and manager; Kddic Fox, >tar~ manager; Beaker and Wllkee, Mau Bteen, Ba( Welch, and Eddie and Uun Fox. We take Ibe road Nor. 3S. — Itosier of the Fanny Rice O. In "A Fmu'i Frollu," sn adaptation from tbo Oerraan or "Three Pain ot Shooa:'' Fanny lUce, Era Rudolph, Emilj Wakrman, IKokr Halghl, Oarrle D-irkIc, B»pble Itebwuldt, Oeo. 11- Rdeson, Herman Ebrendt, Bar- nry HoUonougb, U, H. Uunon, John Luokman, 0 W. l'urdy,m«oag<'r: Whiting Allen, In a trance. — An atlacbmenl bu been obtaloed In tbls city agalnat Usrry A>kln and Philip A. Shea (or tito In laror of Edward Walker on an aaslgned claim of William BL Pierre, or Montreal, for sorrlces in maalog clotbloi for ibe UamllleD Arvllle Open Co., nt which Auin and Shea were niuagatk — EiToutlona bare been leaned agalost Alexan- der Ooualook on Jodgnirnts oblalnrd In tbls city, In favor or David M. Hlldnth for IW3 and Obarlu B. UlandfcrllM. — Manager o. U. Hess bu gocured Uol. W. 0. P, Hreokliirldge tor a aerica or lectnrro, to ho dellrer- ed lo the proailacnt clute or the country. — Tbe ActoiB' League, No. 1, will give their an- nual hall on Nov. IT, at rmr. Fouton's Hall, Eighth and Colombia Arunuea, I'blladelobia, Pa. — "In the Name ol tbe Cur" went to Ibe wall Hprlnlleld,0„Nor. II, — Qeorge ttiatcber's "About (loibam"Oompai>: oloaoii at Detroit, Ulcb., lut week. II Is reported Ibat Hr. Thatcher will put onl a mlnsinl ooDpany about tbo liolldaya. RHODE ISLAND. PToa-ldvBre,—At tbo Provldenoe Open noose Not. 11-lr, Hioa'a "ItU" rlayad to tba oapaolty of tba bouaaataTarriiarturmanea. Tba fliat ball of tbta waak '-Soaalal DallTarr" makaa Ita Bnt appaaimnoo; Iba r»- malDdar oflba waak Jamaa O'Natll; waaa ollB,DaQ. Uaolon Hroa * "raolaama." KBltH'aOraaA ltocaa.-NOT. ll-IT, Uao. W. Honna II "Hi Aunt Bi Meal," did a bis bnalnaaa. Tbta waak "In O'lfUlori" torlulBlUal appaaraaca bar*; aailwaak, ■-Ubt Jki rionlr." WBsraiHarin TnaAVaa— Not. la-lr, tba IrwInBroa* (Qinw dtd a |\i«d bualnaaa. TbIa waak, Rlea A Ba^ i-n a "Rami* Uaiala," foUowad by Wal«r A PlaU'aOwn Ok LoTBBora OraHA llousa.—Tfaa booaa opanad ondar naw nanaaaniant IS wllb a good apaatalti abow. Tba houis baa baao tanovatad. and lookabauar tbaa Itarar did. ■ VIRGINIA. Rldinaoad.—'ltte Black UTouk," at tbe Acad- amy of Muala, Mot. 1^ IS, draw fairly wall ooaildaring Ibamadloaiaoonipany whiob iinaonlad IL Larsaandi anoaa aU4«t4d th»Ir appraolalloB ol '-Iba Baalga" iK IS, and anibnalasu rao blab. MariaBarlDUbabuaaaealad, a ulasnuu laoalTad Uto 17 aaDaanelai Ibat aba bad olwd nar aaaaon by adTiM of bar pbralalaB AOAoaar or Mraic-'Tloalora^ A tl. Joaapb Jaffar- Bon rt. Bataa Broibara* -'Itanpty Dunpty ' V, 9, "Pawn Tickal 110'119b RiOHloRb Touraa.—Tba Roooay Ooaoady Oo. 11, Mabal ralia » aad waak roraan'B TaBaraa Ooaiqca—Opanlng It^ KItUa Qray'a rrbiaUara. naalnaaaoontlnnaalalr. Narfblk.—At Ihe Academy ot Mnslo Tbe Bn. also" plarad to aooJ boaaaa Nor. IL U. "Ibat Otiwaa alil" badlali bailaaa 11 IT. Jos. Jatbm aiwaa n. Buoo Taairaa-Opanlac IS: JamaaB. Blaak, BartUa Iiaali«,noydiutunaadMamiaUTay. Bnalaaaa u good MICHIGAN WaahiagtoB. — Tbe Bostonlans, In "Robin Hood," "Tba Maid or Flymonlb" and "FaMBllia," tad atandlog room bonaaa all Uat waak at Baplay'a Natloaal Tbaatra. **Tba Qraat Brooklyn Handicap" fallad tomaba a aaoaaaa la Ita praaanlallon at Albaoib'a Oraod Opam llonaa. Tba bonaa wu wall flllad oo iba opanmg nlgbt, bnt boilnnaa waa poor for tba ramalndarof Iba waak. Hanlooa' "Paataama" waa pnaantad at Raplay'a Acad amy of Hnilo to aptandhl baaloaaa dnrlns tba anUn angaffamant. "Pawn Ticket lic^" wlib p. Ang. Andar- aoo. Prank Doana and Amy Laa in tbaeaat, anppoRad by a aatlafkotory company, waa pn*antad at Bnllar'a BHon Tbaaua to good bnalnaaa. Tbo Mar Howard Oo., at Kar- oan'a LTranm. kapl an a nntrnrmlr big bnalnaaa all laal wa#k. Tba IbtldanBDal Para Pood Show, mtCoDTanUoo Hall, wu orowdad nialilly all iba waak, and Iba aama aattaractorr atala of airalra will nndonbtadly eontlnna dnrlBS Uia two lamalning waaka Rinar'a Natiohal rnBAraa —Joaapb Jatraiaoo, Nov 1S-S4, "A T*mparanca Town" le-Daa. 1. ALBACoasOBAKD OrBBABODBB.—UanmaanMor.IS- 14,' Tba Naw Bomb" «-dm. I. lunsT'a AcAsnr or Mcsia—EauOlutan and Hma. Janaaachak, In "Tba Twa Oipbaaa," Not. 1M4, 'Tba Paaaing Hhow" S-Dao. t. Bonaa'a Buoo Ta batbs.— John A. Blarana' "WUa for Wtia" Nor l»-S4, "Tba Bpan or Lira" M-Daa. 1. KBRSAw'a LroBoa TaBaru —Hopkina' star Bnaolattr C-o. Not. IMS. Pisd WaldBUB'a Owe Oi^ M-Dao. I. Msnaaorr Music BAU..~-nia Maod Powall Biting Quartett Co. Nov. II Oonoart br Mr. aad Mra Broa : Lent. Harmaaa RakaaaDD, Anion Scbott and Don Valaafa Bakarg OOBTunoM Uauu.— Saoond aad ihlid waaka ot tba Thlid Anaoal Pure Pood BBpoaitioo IS-Daa. I. MOTBS.—Ttoi Marpby laid off bata luc waak rabaaiatng andpttUlngibaflnubingtoocbaa on Barbara Ball Win f Iq^'^ H nl** **AllfnaB«.** whiilli na ArlaHnallv nvn. duoadat twoaaia , alaalna bu baaa partbolau br Po'oy Wtotar. It will b» pndnoad Ibla weak at bt Loola, i ■ - ■ oomptny atarlad 19.. ^la, for wbiob polol Iba Oimal Panlab bu latnrnad (rom bla ^afopaan Irlpnincb laprorad lo haallb Mill □otthA d, Iba adraoea rapnasBtatlTa of -Tba Oraaa BioDklyn Handloap,*' gmra Maaagar Mlllaothal tao waaka' Bouoa It Tba funiral olllariT Booklngbam. wbo wu uially bomad 11, at tba Pnnt Btraat Tbaatra, Banimora, took plaoa It, from tba home of bla ratbar, Ir Ibla oily, and ww largaly atlaodad. LOUISIANA. New Orloaaa^Thc real Winter weather that bu baaa ourv lo enjoy daring tba paat waak, made Ibaatia going IbeannaamaBloftbebour, ud tba liberal patrooaga, baatowad apon tba Ixonpaa paaalBg Ibrongb onr oily, prorad Ibalr ability to plaaaa. Pbbbob OrsBA Tloosa.—On Nov, 11 "La Jnlva" wu aang 'o u immaou andlaoca. in aaeb act tba laoor. M. Anuty, ublarad a trlomob Tba praaantaUoa ol ibla mncb admired opara u stvaa baiw wu partlearly nal lonii,baviogaoraalli»aabipotlnmeaal. ObaTamoba, Mma Larllla, Mma. Jaaa Daioy. M. aainnaa, Hma. Dafitaaonoa, M. Anuir, M. BalUy, Mma HoQiawlaS, tba mnoh haivldad uanr M Joudain, and tba aa yat nnbaard bafluaa H. SoiuB,_at« sraad onara atngara of iba flrat magnttada. **wariba>"wu blllad for ilabday'B matlnaa. and wu aong wlUi Mma Dargta. MDOa and M. Batlly la Iba taadtng rolaa ObarloUa and WanbaT;wbllalbarolaolBopbtawuaainul«d loMma. Mooiawlaff. Bandar nlgbt a doablapfognnmaoonatal. ing of '"aalalbaa." a two aot opaim oomlqaa, and "La Maacoua" wu anng. Tba atiaoda»ea at iba mallnaa wu not u Una u mlahl bare baao aipaolad. Tba aranlog parlermanoa brongbt out a Una aud- lanca. •'Oaulbaa," In wblob Iba Ulla nU wu arnoa- fnlty oamod bv Mlla Jana Dany. with iba baaao nU • Pfgmalloo anas by M. Sanrto, wu aatla cbaraio alia. Dany mada a praltr QaUtbaa, aad bar aol'~ alteltad moeb applanaa M. Qarrlgiiw wu good _ Oasynada. aad Blraia mada an aiooUaat MIdaa. TbIa opaia wu Immodiaulr fotlnwad br "La Maacolta,' wMab aaoiad a aoecaaa lor Mma. Bi.Laarantu wall k. far MH. Uomarvllla and BoyoL M, Piaiaba provad aa aieallaDl Plppo Mma. Bt Lanraot at Baitloa wu cbamtng ud won ibo moat rhToiabIa eommantltom Uia aodiaaoa. Oa it M. Jonrdato naoa bU iiabal ' "Oarmw."aiidjMilf arcaUnialabaou proodlr wa Taais bara paaaad amaa Naw OrUana bu aaaa tba iota of Oamaa m wall Intorpratad mm it wu IS, br Mma LavlUa. Mma Moarawlaa Hag Iba tola el Macula. M. Qnlllaa gaTaafamaikablataiaipralaUoo of BaeamlUo "La JnlTa," wllb M Aaaity ta tba lanot role and Mma. LarUla u RaabaL wlU ba anax IS. H Baaa will, on IT, mUa bu dabnl fa "La Farorlta " Nov IS, "La Qiaad MognL" UBABDOraaA iloi donog longba - AOAoaar or Mmo —"IM" hu mada ftlaada In iba Oraaoaatctly, aaddnitagtla atay baia tba.eapacily Ibla Ibaam wu lealad. Not. iC'ln CM laalnaky.'' Bt. OaAaiaa-i-"vba Baadimng" playad to Urga aadi aacaa. Hot. IS, Waida and Jamaa. la lapanory. FLORIDA. JaekaoBwUla^At lbs Park TbeaM Bam . Jaek'a "Ball rigktar" pluad a raiam data ta lauly good anauaaea, amily kaldtaaia, Her. Ik -i«a BBaga" aoaaa a9. MaaaiM Oao T Baibttdga iweaaily look agnaa brlplaMaeaa,0^wkaiabawM wadded la Mrs. B. I, Oak..... .Wallar L. Mala-a Otteu ID orasA Uocaa—Tbomu Q- Baabrooha' aaiorad t bla hen havly-aappon. *Tabaa«o''wlU aismamband. UltUDLawUU, ROSrSB OP OOOSMAH A BUWXB NlW OBLBAKB Colored Mlnatnla and Specialty Oo.-Sam Plckelt, proprietor and manager; W. T. Butt, tteuunr; Barry Ooodman, 1. w. Brewer, stags mansgere; Oil Oery, D. Palmer, Chaa. MUls, F. Edwards, Max. Harris, Oscar Brewer, John PampUn, Blllr Johnaon, Jim Bland, W. RedTlck,J.Bawklna,BlUI{. Spenur, OevUe Ararllt, Ihe Wood Slaitn, Uiley Oeary, Edna Oole, Lula Wilson, O. W. Jones, musical director; Jonu' Black Hosssr Band and PetrlcM Qoartel, U. W. Jones. E. Plancbard, J. Brewer, W. Lyous, H. FaUon.TT. Psilon, Prof. J. Olfftn, leaderotorcbes- tn; J DoU, J. T. Bates, W. Rowland, 0. Rowland, O. ibllhert, O. Alexander, J. B. Darls and Sam J. Black, agents. Tan JAOI BmBAxr Oompakt will start from Dallaa. Tex-, Nor. li, and tonr Eui. Frederick Downing will be tbe manager. OLABiHCB BOHMiLt, Inlsriornlor, Joined Olere- land'aMlnstrelsat lA(V«ae. Wls.,Nor. 10, Oobnra and BaldwiD Joined at Wuona, Minn. LrrrtB BBXBkBTLA MAanni, Amerlca'e invenlle dancer, opened at the Alhambn Tbeaue, London, Eng., Sept. a, and wu Immediately engaged for the new hauet until Deo. 10. B» tben opens In Edin- burgh, Beit., IT, to puy prloclpal bey In pantomime, wltb a tonr of the prorloces to follow, retnmlng to tbe Alhambn In Jnne, isti. JiBBT Bait and Lxw Baksb hare left Brownlee t Hardy's Mlnstiels, Hr. Hart to go to New Or- leans, where he vrlll rehesn* Jerry Hart's Hlnetnls. Mr. Baker goes lo Kansu City and Chicago. J. 0. McQuiai, Irish comedian, hu returned from Drenea' Bpeolaliy Co., baring been ont aince IMt Hay. Benportegood business throngb Vermont and Uasssohnsens. . , . Bah HcDowiLL AND Liw Olxhn bare Joined bands. Hiss Hall, a dancer. Joined Rice A Barten's Comedians but week. AnTBDB SXLBT, msnsgtr of Kokee's Enterttlners, reports good bnelnas ror bis companr. Hr. Salby uys he u not engaging any neople tor a concert garden or amasemententerpnae In WaterbuTT, OC-, u reported. Hn. Selhy (Bnile Ooodwin) is tnUb- Ing her fonrth week on the U. 0. Blob t Oo. olrauiL ana Joins her husband Drc. 3. Wallace, tbe mind rexdar. Is wilb them, baring closed with the Wrens. Prof. Frank Ooodwln lett Nor. 12, lo accept an eDgasement In Boalon. Jamea Oleland repbued Frank Walsh, the advance, IT. TBI Alhambba Exthataoanza CO. open tbclr tonr at Anion, III., Nor. 24, In Ihe hurleaiine, "A Trip to Japan." The company wUl carry twenty people, Inclndlng a aliong oboms. The roeur: lenry A. Rlspen, proprietor and manager; E. 0. Cain, teneni represenuailve; Ed. De Caunle, stage manager; Carrand Beach,UllleSuiherland.Aniella Sierens, Annie Franklin and Hay StewarL They will tour Illlnola, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio. From tbb Vitlak Di HOOTOOOHPAHT.-We have cloned onr two week' engagement In Chicago, where boalneu wu big at Bam T. Jack's two houses. We go tnm Chicago to Lonlavllle, Ey^ where we open Nor.-It at the Bnckingbam. J. J. Hagee Is still ahead, and Harry H. Wade and 0, B. Waldron are back wltb tbe abow, Ereiybodv U In good braltb and looking aoxlonsly for Tog OiirrBX every Tbarsdsy. Hr. Msgee, while In Chicago, en- gagMB well known Irish comedian to appear next season u Dan UaloneT, In (Tonnere A Weston's comedy, "Haloney's Raffle." Col. Bicib' Orioi.m Txocn or VAroxTiixa Pxr- rormere-elxteen In number—lelt this city Nor. It, ror Shanghai, China, when ther intend to open a tour ot tbe Ueleatbd Empire. Herbert Falea Is the manager of Ihe organliauon. The trip will be made via San Frmncisco, Cti. One of the main fea- Inrea pressnted by Ihe organisation will be a series ot llrlng plctnRs. PROP- W. Sbxbmam pUyed a Buccessfnl engage- ment last week, st tne tlalety Thoin, Oblcago. He takes out bis World of NorelUes Combination, Dec 8, opening In Jollei, IlL AKDT bnoBss bu Joined the Boward Alhenenm Co., to do his specialty wllb bis two boys, McBrtde and Walten. Mr. Hngbes bu lett tbe race track, and hu the same two boys with bIm whom be bed previous to bis temporary nlliement from tbe stage. AUTXB 0. Pattbn Is In Denver, Cel., where he went for the benellt ot his health, having been a snlferer fromstenuiob disorders. Mablowi Abdbn, contertlonlst, reporta success In ths South with bis Demon Act, wltb French's Sensations, No. 1. fllOXOIA DXAM-SPACrlDlHa AHD F. H. KBIT STO nuking their drst tour of ths Ont class vaudeville tbeancs, and an being favorehly received In their solos sod dneUA. FsARK T. OASrsBB hu been engsged by Manager John Morrlssey lo go In advance of tbe Lyceum Theatre Tandcrllles. A. 0. Lawbbnoj^ barltene singer aud Imitator, of Rice A Barten'a Comedians, wu a Currin caller last week, snd statedtbat tba company wu pUylng to excellent buslneu ererywhere. The Raitle Dazsle Quartette U galnlogfavora ror good alnglug. ALM o. Bn, black race vocalist, whistler, etc, wUI not go out tbls season, having decided to take np the study of music and complete his act with a number of new Instnmental speclsiues. In con- ntcUon with (his be bu joined the Cumberland Mualoal Trio. Btvomdb, HcaniB ahd Rastdb report snooeu with Lew Dookaiadet's Minimis, in thsir new specialty. BBTBLLi CORHALLA lift OblCBgO NOT. 19, to OpCD Nor. se. In San Francisco. ROSrlB OP THk MlLORID HXBRY MAXIBS.— F. B, Putnam, proprietor and manaaer: B. F. Nichols, William Randal, Al. 0, Weaver, Sadie Oldham, Bat- tle Putnam, Lulu May, and Robert Fenlck, musical dlracur. Will E. Hablahd wu re-elected secretary ot the Acurs' Froiectire Union, No. I, of New fork, at tbeIr regular meeting, Nov. 14. Hakaoxr W. J. OiLMORi, or Ollmore'a Aodltor lam, PhlUdelphIa, hu autrarea a sad bereavement In tbe death or bis slsler, Annie 0. Ollmore. Thr DtmsARS bars Inst closed an engagement or tour weeka u tbe winter Oarden, Bt. Louis, snd open In Chicago at tbe Winter Cirrus, Nov- is, Toey have been ensaged for four weeke at the Win- ter Oardan, SL Lonis, to open Jan. I, isti. TamiRisaK amd Oarnxl are nlllug a three weeks' engagement In Chicago. ROSrBR OP BAUD AND OROngSrBA With JBS. P, Morgan's Vandevlllts: Sam Fisher, leader ot oraheetn: J. W, Obaltaway, leader of hand; AL SweeL John Bemls. Oeo. Resls, Fred Smith, Tom HcKenna, D, W, Halgbt and Bert Oole. Tex riser ot ihe Centrel Tbaaire, Philadelphia, In suits against Manager Ollmore wutrled recent- ly. It occupied three days, Ihe Jury rendering ' veidlot In favor of Mr. ailmore. ALT. J. Btbon AND BAM F. WxsiON, bsnjolste and comedians, have become parteeis. THE Aorona' Protsotivr Uniom, No. 1, of New York, gave Frank Bart, one ot their memben. a rnnalng aend off on tbe evening of Nov. It, Mr. Burt depsrtlng forSbaiiitaal, Ohua, under contract wllb BIcka i Fates, Tbe membera of tbe union aisambled si their rooms, and beaded by the Han-' haltan Union Band, marched In a body to Hr. Burfa lealdence, and escorted him to the denoL Tdb OoLia (Jta. and Jeaale) had to cancel three weeks' work on acconntof Hr. Coles' sloknees. He bu been confined to bis hed ten days. They were te play Bradenhnrgh'a HuMum, FbUadelphu, laat irrek, nut had te cancel. Uabbt Thoxsom, Ihe Oerman dialect comedian, bu a new song, called "The Mayor of tbe Bowery,'' wniien by Eddie Donaldson, of the London The- aue, this city. Wm. Wasd hu left "Tbe White Onok" Oo, and Is resting at bla home. He will ahortly produce a new singing specialty. Eva ViNCXHTjolped "That oinns Olrl" Company at Norfolk, Va., Nov. Id. TDB BtJU HUI8T8IL8, uuder Uie management of W. B. wmnsLU, stranded at Lcolsnus, Ky., last week, wllb uUrlea In smsrs. "Barrr Jaci," a banjo player, died at LcnU- nile, Ky» OcL 93, In the city bospltal, of pneu- monia. He hsd been pluing his banjo In tbe aalocns In LouUnile tor aooni eighteen months, snd ssemed contented If be could aeoore encash money te bny liquor and get a bed. No one In Lonlavllle aeema lo know anything about him. At tbe hospital he told the physlclsn at di Sbrent times that hie name wu J.'J. Scaolon, Jack HcOUl and Bvana. Ba ssld te came from Ibe But and his fsmlly wen well coanected. He wu burled In tbe SL Louis Oemetery and -a btiadatone marks bis greve, bearing only "Uappy Jack." Tbb RiTiSBU Bbotbbrs (John and Jamea) Intend leaving the variety proreeelon alter tbls sesaon, snd will go ont In an Irish rarceoomedy. Tbe AnsseU Bnlben' company la said te be Tar ahead, Bnanclally, 00 the eeaaon tbuafar, and U bnelneas oonanned lor the remainder ot the season St loed m Ubu beenio tst ibsyMty they will oicssblgwlnnen. Bak B. Samiobd, lbs Titsiaa tnlnsM. la at work on a vanlon ot "Tbe White Slavs," la mek. BAsniioSANDHAXioNwldtnanevact ror the mum or ths Bnasrll Bros.' Ocmpaoy, called '-The Wreck." Thev have had new scenery iMinitii br arant,at Byde A Bebman's Tbealre, Brooklin and the new mechanical rstcu wan msde by t'tiiui Smilb, of tbe Rosaell Bros. They have slrcadr signed for next ssaaoL. ' E. B. BALAMBO wrltea ns from La Unayia, Venc znela, nader date at Nor. t, u rolkiws: '-Siora wrlilng yon rrom Oanccu , we bsve pUiea in Talencla, Pneru Cabello and La Qoayn, and we are doing well. Buslneu Is good and imr pmipeou Una. We lesre Nov. T Tor Trtnldsd. Wa areall welland happjr. H' show goe* under tba title of E. S. Sslambo's Nsw York Vsndtillin Brcrybody Is anxious to get hold of a CLirrsH. we will iralt wltb patience until we reach tbe Pon of Spain, where will grtone. Obaa. Bailey, Bbotbcr one ol the company'a old mamben, bu Joined ua." SnwAUT AND BBBHT bare clossd a Tour Weeks' esgagement at the People's Theatre, Blonx ciir la., and open on the Kohl A Mlddleten (nrcoii! Oblcago. IT IB BxroBiVD tba: Bill and Lawrence are meet- ing wltb succea In ttaeir new comedy act, enittied "AWsimRecepUnn." ■ Wm. and KrmR Habuok bars Joined Uarrr Williams' Meleon for the season. Tney will rn,l tone tbelr Ban Fnnclsco engagemeote until next lammcr. TOM P. MOBBISST AMD lODIB O'DlLL Intf Dd to take tbe road next aeaaon In the tbiea act comcdr drama, "Tom, Dick and Hany." ^ NnXB AMD ROBTIB OPBBOOXBS A OALLIUOBB'S SpeoUlty Co.—We are. playing Illinois, lows, Kau. BU and tbe West lo good business. We opectd Nov. 12. Hester: Brooies A Oallagber, prepnelore and nanagere; Oaniey Brookes, business nunaaer- Wm. Osllagher atage manager; tnt. Naglo, leader of orchestre: Cbu. Le Mar, properly man; liuccb Pslmrr, W. u. PonUlne La Force, Ultle Ada. Gal- lagher and anmn, Lottie HomI, Harry R KUw and Pror. Price. NOTSS moM TBI Luxv Clat CciobbalOaisty Oc—Edward Kendall, agent for tbe ahore aiiiac. Uon, wu a OUPPBR caller Nor. It and bsniled ns a letter tram Usnsger Bsnr w, Semon in which he reports splendid hualnas ererywberc. ud Ui« nroupe gtnngUiegrcaleatotaatltricUon. Credit la given Hr. Kendall for bmUant Ideu aud clever advertising schemes. Agnee Evsot and Nettle BntTmBsn an among the popular sUra 01 tbe company. MelrUIr, tbe gymnast, held receptions in his dreaslng room for the ipe- etal edlDcailon of the BCvetBl pbysiclanii, am- dents and others, on acconnt of his wnndeiful muscle development, and during Ibe week, at To- ronte, everyone appeared In new lalis, fur capes, JeweliT, etc Tbe company hu tbe record ol doing tne Urgest week's business In tbe bUicry of Ihe theatre, doe prlnclpBlly to tbo eHoru ol Ked Kendall, who "workedltup" by hUcarrUge scheme, having the paper pulled and some excel- lent pretswork,u Hsniager Semon wrliee,Bndiba company did tee rutror tne remainder of the week. At Tonnio tbe Hlssea Evans and Unmnsnn were showered wltb baskete ot nowereby tbe sdmlrlDi students. Mile. La Har, premier assolnu, snd many of the ballet slru slso received dowen and other tokens or admiration, and wben Ihe company left the city the sindenu snd oibere cheered them u the trein pulled ont ot tbe depot, tbe memben standing on the pUtfonn and at the wlndowt of Uie Pullman hotel car. In which they iiaveL Everywhere the trocpe hu played, sstltfactlon la the rule NoUces ot the company state tbal tbe eallra performance Is exceedingly good. Wltb tbe excepUon or some early Urns, the show Is booked clear u Uie PaclBc CoasL MsBSXs. Trroa A Evans opened Ihe Palace Thea- tre, Philadelphia, on Nov. 19, and will hold posees- alon tor ronr weeks. Oeorge Leonard Is atage manager. Babrt Ehbrsom presented lltue Nellie Oaylcr wltb a diamond ring r?iUe playing In Trentcs Uit week. Mrs. Fanny Linx, wife of BlUy Link, comedtsn with tbe "Flnnlsan's Bsll" Co., hu Joined bauds with James Whiting te do a revolving ladder ad. Tney begin tearing the Eut In December. BowABD Powxna and Frami Oubuman wen specially Invited gueste at the New York onckeun' (jinb smoking concert, at their noms In this city, evening ot Nov. IT, where their singing snd stories created a very favonhle Impression. Tbr Bbxlit BROS, send news ot tbelr socctss In Italy. B. J. Wbittibr hu accepted an engagement w trcsBurer wiUi Boyd's Modem Minstrels, now en route throngb tbe South. Major Bbh F. Paymx, of Payne's Arro-Amerlcao Concertino., wlUibU ramlly,a(UTtenrlngWie upper and lower PnvlnI^esor Canada, hu nUuned hoaie te Boston. - Fbamk F. J. RxRNixR bu undersone a aurglcal operellon Inbialelietaonlder, at SL Joseph's Uoapl- tal. Denver, Ool. Fbahi ConoN, of Ooiten's Donkey Olrous, lost bis valuable iroulng horse, Palonlns, which died on Not. 13. Mrs. Liiiii Rosi, ot Jsmes and Llllle Hose, gsn birth u a baby girl on Nov. It. Holbcrand cbUd ^ doing nicely, Fbis Wilson severed his ccuecUcn wlUi ibe Oulno VandevlUe and Elk's Minstrels In Locls- Tille, Ky.. Nov. 9. A MRxroto of Uie T«mpomiy Association ol Vaudeville Managen ot America, the object of which wu glren In a recent Issue of Tbx Ourrss, wu held In tbls city Nor. z The meeting wu held te elect a board ot dlreclon and utke atepe te mate tbe orgaulzaUon permanenL There were present: Wm. J OlUncre, Jas. J. BnUer, M. 0. Anderson. H. S. Robinson, Tbomu L. Oreoler, Fisnk M. Uiew and Benry 0. Hiner. obsliman Wm. J. OIlDore presided. Ibe chairman appointed the following EenUemen te act u a board ot dlnctera: D. 0. Uner, chairman; H- S. Robinson, James J, Bailer and James Donaldson. R. Richard Hamlocfc wu elected secretarr, and Wm. J. Ollmore, tttasarer, or the sesoobiUOD, and Cbaliman Miner, ot the board or dlnctera wu Icelrncted te pnoure an atureey aad proceed wlUi the Incorporation ot tbe assocla- tton. OiATTON Fbyb, Interlocnter ot Oaracross' Uln- atrels, wu made a member ot AUanUo UIIT N, J., Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, on Nov. T. HolNTTBX AMD HiATH.ot tbs Wehcr A Fields On., an rebearelug "A Ked Hot Hasaage" atid •■Mrs. Pepper's Oboei," boib from the pen ol Lavln Wbix^h ANn WnioH, Irish comedians, opened at tbe Olobe Tneaire, Milwaukee. Wla., Nov. ii. Tns URAwroRD Bros, intend te go onl next aea- son in a rarce comedy enUUed "Two New Sports," which Is now being written rortbem. NosHAN, tbe Trug man, hu closed a succet>rui twelve weeke' engagement In the WesL AnsLAiDS Randall, of "Rush City" Co., Is tlog- Iur Uatue Siart'a quaint norel^, "Two Lltue Japaneee Dolls." HsBxiN AND Macx are booked tor retem dale at Kallh'n Union Square Theatre, this city. Oris HARLAN, of Uoyt's "A Black Sheep" Co., Is havlug euccen with wm. Dercn's comic wug, "BlsPitreniB Haven't Seen BlmSlncc" Tdb Balvord Sibtsrr are pbkylug an engage- mentlntblsolty,thlsweek. , - , Jni Pltnn has placeJ his latest soDg,"Ucauiii and the Uvlng rictnres," wllb bU polnlahen, M. Wiimark A S^ns, who irlll ahorttr Issoe It. CBARLRB Flxtchsr, oI the Fletehsn, who wsa Ukeu Ul with pnenmonUi lut September wbUe puy- Ing at Eoater A Dial's, tbls cUy, wu reooTed lo Uie Amity vine Asylum flov. IT sndbrtng mni nen- lal denngement. A few days before be wu sirlcken with paralyals of tbe lower Ilmba. „.,„„., FORD AND BRATTDN'B ROW SOUg, "BbC DldO't UO a Tblng u Him," bu made a most PCPs"*' pteialon. Bom« of our well known conedr aniau an singing It, among whom sn Florrle w»i, oi "The uKnler'* Co., LMinl and Harvey, Wubboni Hlsten, EnuB snd Bnirman, Fnnkte Uttoca. Chas. dowlas. In "Uute Chrlitepber Oolumbus." Barry Harwell, Wurd and Ourrsn, BUly Carter, Preu Eldrtdge, Troja, Dorothy Drew, Slnart. IJ»» Urke'le In "A Milk Wnlte Flag,'' Nlcbol fclateti, Osd WUaon, Hedge Gills, Oeorge Wilson and cUienk noBiNO TOR sparring teatonot Ihe Fllzslmoou Show Nov. IB, at SynouBS, N. Y.. Bob ntistmraonB landed an accidental blow on bla aparrlng partner. Con Rlordan, which knoaed Uie lalter cut 'no Injured man wu oairled off tbe atage In an aucos- aclouBcondlUon and died the followug daywiu- ont having regained consclonsness. _, Hat WAtsu.ot the French Folly <».U singing My Dear Old cbom," by Ford and Bntten, and "loor Love Is Bow Lc«t to Me," by Jen O'Uailonn. NB- lle Uanley, or ibe same oompanv, conUnaes teenioy her rormoT incceu with "^er Eju Don't Bblne Uke DlamondB.'.' Klele Irving, or ''Fanttema' Co.. aud Oeorge Diamond are also alaging UU uica> ballad. JOBN B. WILIS, of 'Two Old Oronles;' Oo-^I;' singing Wm. Conrtrlgbt's comic succea, "Johnny, My Old Friend John." It la alao being aung W Fnnk Latena,wllb the "Night OwU"Cc,.Janiea P. McDonald, or "Bhafi Nc S" Co., and U" hen i;aivtbora,ln "A OorkHu," Ufoatnrtsi "u latest oomln sonw. Laoba Bebe, ot ibe sum co>a mny,is Inirodudu wim snooea, "I Dtdnt Tblsx Wi Po It, Bat DeDld."