New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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606 THE KEW YORK CLIPPER. November 24 utmoi'OMTAX Oriu IIoiii.—Tli« Miiion o( gnui optn. Id lUllin uid Froncli.iDdertlM dtrac- lion 01 lleorr K. Abtinr and Utorica Otu, wti la- Kaffomled Nov.iowllbkinrtomiuwot aoDDOd'i "nomM cl Jalleiic/'wlilcli wu (iTcn In rrenolL TOO aoliw rlpilon Hut till* uuon la souiullf lugt, uil, la xldliioo to tbo iinlMcrlMrt, on ImmaDit niroDflDvaitcd ihe bouio. Tat conpaoj one ibiu coDld icarulr l» OKwII'd Id *dt of ilio homo nr grond np«n la KamiM.and U larfclf compoMd nfilioM truly ffretii^lovGrt wbobure too iiuidcDof lutpOMonalilDinphi, 'i'tioruiMloctol ror this opening parrurmitnca wu hMded bj lime. UcltM, HDit cnmpiiiKd onlf ot hrorliw 'it ronnor •ojioDii, irlili Ilia oxuptlnn of Jioa do Vl(n«, wliu woa hoi'dfor Uieor<tUniau»inenilitr<ir laKcoiii' pgnr. It wu aocleij'a nigbi, ib« bcginnlDf ot tbe Kcliil araion and llio parforoiaDce aoltend oomo- wlut Mcnoeo iho aitcnilon waa divided between tta alMora and the oorupaala of llio hnxea. The cajt: Juliette, Ume. HoIIm; iilapliann, Jaoo Ue VIgna; nenrndo, Uilr. llauornielaicr; Krero LMrant, Kd. no nmke; Upolet, II. runcon; tlarcullo, H. ilroni7.e>l(l; Tjball, U. Ifaniulera: Le Dor. IM Verono, H. Otalelmarr; Orogono, Blanor Dc Vu- i;iinUl;ilcnroglln, Rigour lUaaldlnl; llomeo, Jean im nat/kc: Uoailnctor, Big. Hanolaalll. Roulnl'a "William Tell" la annonnccd tor :i, Veidl'a "Alda" rnrSA, and "Ronieo at Jnlielie" tor rapeilllon at iliooiailaeast. Ttia llratol tbe acrtaa ot Bnadaf Diglit coD''aru i<7 tneorcheam and mcDiMia ot ibe i^nfflpHii; la annonnccd tor 2S, npon wblota occulon Vaaja, tna vlollnlat, will alao appear. llo%T'a TniAToi—"A Mhk white Flag" begin .N'ov. la. tba aerenih week <it iianin. Tba play la c inataiiUy bring autijaotod tnclitngraotaomeaon, and auiong those niado upon tna liunn date waia ilie adillilona of aoma new aonga ud aoTeral alter nilonain Itic ca«l. Wllllain WolITappeared aa lien. Ilunuy Uurlrj, Lllllo Larkallo as tba oipbaiLand Mw Uioom ritturiicil to aaiuaie bla toriner role ot t>io iramp. Tlio Ofilcta iKriormanoa la aiionnoed lor Kof, M. HTiHTuiiTai.—Wm. U. Vmne oDl«ra<l, Kot. 19, upon tlie ninth woek and tjia bat tortolglit ot hia engagaoicat. Allbnugb liodld not Deeiwltb tbe oncjoraganiont he dcaarved during Uio euljpor- iliin of nie tIiIi, wblle preatnllng Hbtkoapoarcaa c'jmedr, he bu derived prodiatjie reuma Iroin faul tl. Poitot'H veri cnlarialnlnRtarclcal comodv, "Toe F'ClQo Hall," In wblcb bo will conllsue lo Hiipear during i hn remalndar of lili ataj. FODKrHHTII HrKE(T TUIITSE.—"Tlio DrowDlea" bu made an ezcclleiii lopreaalOD, and abonld prove rerf au'ceuful In Ibia clijr. bpoclal itreu baa been laid onon the fact that tbe pUr will airord <lallghl tu chllarnn, and, wblle ttala la undnnbtedly me, It la alrnvt equaliV cerlala Ibat lia adult via- Itoni will Tlo wllb the llule ouea In appreciation ot the dHlalitXul obteililnment ItaiTorda. It began Nov. It ine aannd week ot I t rnn. OiRPEN TiiiATHB.—"LItUo Obrtatopber Colun- liaa" licooatantl; growing In favor owing lo Ibe cnergeilo and nucceiafal eirortaconalanUr made to impioTo II. II la now In good abape and aOMda excellent eniirlalnoent. It bogan on Nov. 19 tbe Bliib week ot lu rnn and on that ooculon wu aliowatorthe drat time » now acilea ot Kllinfl piouna. Tho alleged fliiletli pertormanct wu comine<7)r.r4led nii ilia above dHio. llaHtLnHvuiHK.-' Hob n'i)"conUniHatodnw crowded bouxa. K la the nioit merltorioai light npank of the preacni aeuou, and In tact It baa bad tew pcora In recent veara. It inaan on Nov. it the fourth week ot Ha mn and la llkel/ lo remain iiatll iiie ciMe or ilie preaent theatrli-il aeason. Very nun; are not miiHOed with a aluglo beating and ncaia aio being aecureil tar In advance. Tao com- innjr H otoxirAnrdliiarv merit. Kui'iHE TiiiATH*.—"Tbe llaublo Sbop" entered Nov. I'J upon llic elovenib weekend Ihe Hat fort- night of lia run. Tula la ilie onlf eogaKoment Joon Drew will play In tbbi cliy Ibis aeaaon, and iliod<*niand fur ai'Aia tor Ihuaa oloaing pcrtnnii- Hucos la already vory lurga TLo hualneaa ou been uiceltont Ibroughoiir, niid Ur. I'fcw bu surprised won hIa warmest adiulreiH by the cxcollenco ot hla work In a Hold which \thu entirely new to blm. Tbo aeuon of ihu atuok company of tho bouao iicglos 1100.3 wllb tbe prwenbttlon ot "Tbe Mu- iiuuntdera." STAXUAHnTUEikTHR.—"Tho Kow Uny'> Is now In the leutn and last week of ita run at ibis house. It biu boon fall ly auccea^ful, hut liaa not acquired tbe popularity prcdlcTcd tor It. 11 gave, however, an (ipponunliy forJiuneaT. I'oweia to win blgberdla- tliiotlon tliau lie had ever lietoro enjoyod, and linnnni have also been.woa )>y oiheri ut tbe cut M m. (lillclto'a new coniuly, "Too Uuob Jobuoa," will be awn m. I*Ai.iiEH'BTUEtTHE.—"The NOW Woman" began Ni>v. IB Hie second week uf lia atay. It cannot i:ialro Bucvca*, uor does It rrflect muoo credit npon lia aiilbor. It Is In tho imla well played, bat ibe cin>rti ot tbe playera are worthy iii a iMUor Ofttist, Fimt AvKKira —The oipoci^nt public or that punlon of It that dellBbia in riaky playa wu mis Icl by tbo augicatlva titio 'The Uoniing Woman," niid waa gnailv dluppolnlnl to Dad ihe play barm- leaa. Dui, uatortannicly, II whs a'au aioplcl. It will however bo rciHlnoil tor tho Urnt bait < f ibe pi-eaont week, and "The t'mat of Biiclcty" will l>o ihouiTuring tor the latter hilt. Tbo Louise Baudot ilpentCo ln"JAClnia"2ii liHOADWAY TiiiiATiiB.—This lioutowu dark Hon- day, Nuv,li>,t<>|>ormliof aOnalrrhoaraalof "Prince Ananlaa," aunoonced tor produolinn by the llot luilana upon Ibe (ollonlng nlgbi. Uenllon ot tbo now wurk will lie iitadu in our next lame. lijHis HvsEUM —Manager iioria liu lor bla lead' ng carlo hall foa'nre tlila woek a band of gi piltB, who Blvapiclure«i|<ie acoooaof Iheir dally lite In camp. Tnoro aro aevcral torinno tellen In Ibe troupe who promise to f.jrotell the lady vltlton' foitunea free of charge. (Jolp Uroa.' Uollaod Hand boldaover tor tbiB week. In tbe ibcatre tho spe- cially pcnpio Include: Findo and Btono, Mont. Uyolo, uioililme.4, llairy (lirdnrrandlbeWarda. tliMBH'a llotrxHr TiiBATaE.—••Tbe Wblle Crook" 00. opined lo fair houaos Nov. in. ■•A Royal Rt' onpllmi" starred tho porfomiance, wllb Emma lloae John Hrlco. Illubard (Inilln, h'lii. Ward, Albert I'atteraoa and J. J. f^utou, la tho loadlog rolet. The apcclalilea laclude Juo Fields, Uutcboomedbtn; tho llighlcya, In thoir coiuedy musical akeiob; Uarlo ll'tdgen', a ningor wllb a nieaaaot voice; Jen- iilu lAUiont and Joslo liove. In tliclr new aot, wbiob went well: Kruiiia ll'MO l«e. In songaand danco'i arlillanudllrlr.'. coinodlans; the Vonjena, and J. J. Fcntnn, Uinionu singer. •'Tbe waito Urook" oiuclndrd Ihe show In go<id alylo. Aloz. U. Ooraian la i>mlno8a manager; W. II. Aahlou, repreaenta. iivo: I'mf. w. 11, llugan, leader. Next wctk,lbt .Sight Owlt. LuMhiM TitEATDE —May IIovrard,M the bead ot her cuinpaoy, uponed.bor aecond eugagement at ton house, to good sued audleucca, Nov, lO. A now nrai part set h cniployod, which la very pretty, UUa lIuwaM'a rccepilou waa cordial aa It ftHraya la nud iheflOirrtavorilrsonthoblllbadlbelrHalao. A. Ilollman, I'olly llatdioilor, nud tbo reat ot tho cut weroarea Id Hilvaiiugo In "Uigiitilica," the duel "Alice" by Ulu Howard and llelluan bilng beau- lifuliy rendered. Tho Yalo Kliteia' apeclaliy was nopUuded, Beuniur Frank Hell, Ullo. Carvcratte, llaulry and Jarvia, Uonroy and HcFarland, Bell- umii and Jaiio IHily furulsliod Ibo nllo. The laitar made her dobut u a apeobilty pertoniier In I'hila. (lelphla last week with succeaa. • Oao Uoaa Ul^ cua"the nllickliig nftorplo o, wont wllb the aO' cu<ii<mril d<ah. Next week, tho llcalz Bantley Uo. l.vcKi'M TiiEATiiB.—Owing lo Iho Important ao- cial KVrut, Niiv I'.i, the opening of the gnnd opem hCaaoD, tiin prcsi'niiiiluu of Sardou'a play, *;\ WomAU'a Vllrucr," miieclally wrilion tor the stock conipaay or ilila Iiouk^ wbh deferred unlll the fal- 1 iwlug uighi, when ti>o rreular aeaaon of tho bonae la nnuouuctd lo open. K.\tendod nollco of ibla i-rrut will be nudo urxt week. Oasiku.— Ae ''The I'nailiig Show" hu again gone upon lie Iravrl', and as tbo leaao of Uioary .V l.'d- I'l or expires daring the current week, ibla Itouiels <'lo>ed, and, lu yel, no dale hu btcnauneanced tor lis ro<peulng. Dii.v'a TiiKATBK—"A nniety Olrl" brgaa, on Nov. IV. tho ii'iiilinnd Ileal week or lla alay. The auick oouimny ur the hnnso, vlih Ada Itenan again ,.t xeail, will ttlurn '.11, and be Been In "Tweirih Mghl." itcAoiMV or Hi'aic.—"i<benandi>ah," wblcb hu bold Ihe boards at ihu hnute alnco Ibe lieglaulni ul tbo leaaoD, la diHwing very near to mo dote ol liasucvCMful run. It began on Nov. le tbe talr tecnia wei'k and ln:«l ruritiigbl uf l;a alay, and will In fiiUowed, a dno preduciiua ot 'The Oolion Klug," a new melodrama wblcb enjoys an exooMeni repuiaiion. Auntr'H TiiBATHB ''The i|aeen ot Drilllanta' entered Nov, le upon the iliird week ot lu run. It haa nut bi en at all tucccaslnl and was lo have been wlthdt^wn at Ihe clone ul Ibla week to l« repltoed iiy'Tne (Irand linohea*," bnt u aneclal acenery and aiip jiiiunenta are being prepared tor thia work It wllliiut lie rraiiy for pnHiaotlonaithaappolnled line, thua oecckaliating tbo temporary retention ot thecurnriitatirnoilon. ' St, JAMin' lUu,.-Aiexandor Oonitlook'i Hln. atrelsduiliiueai this bnuae, and opened weak ol Nov. l\i til a good aked audleoce. New aonga were tuog acd teaturea Introduceil wllb tbt tavoiitei CMioed. ToKv PUToa'a Tngmi^Tbt week of Nov. I5 optned In lloe shape, for Ihe honte wu well filled and tbe andlence wu ot a demonttratire ntlnre. Josh ud Uzile IIolbrook,ln Iheir maslcaltam, opened Ibe bill In excellent atylo. Tbclr act la n«*t, and tM manner in wbleb they perform on Ibeir Inalmfflenis abow Uum to be tboroogb onsl- claas. nrace'VautbD, a clever acrobaMc diacer, waa next on tbt bill. BDe Is Tory gracetnl, and 1< qnitaatroDtand Uck klaker. 'nllo Ibla Is her first appearance at thli bnuie, (he bu been actn In Ihe city btforo, having appeared si the roof gardena Ian Hammer. Mnrr»y and .Mden, akeicli tram and dancers, alao do clever work. Paollne, thagngllataaerto crnilo ami acrobat. Is becoming qnlle a favorite. Ulle. Derilna, conlotlionlil and kicker, who rolliweil, la vera anpple and iloeasome exceedingly clever woik. Ucr m-at dinicoltirick probaMylB when abt tlea an tgg on her forebead and nreaks Itwiibt back kick. Tony Paalor ren- dered IiIb laoal budget ot oomlo aonga, bnt hesl- ways bu Bomething new and Ida reception Is of Ibe baariKat character, namia and Amn. comlo gymnuia, kept the andlence la good bnnior, and tnelr excellent gymnsailc work bronght ronb conauiorablo applaiiM. Tbe Pre<t>ja Bliiera, In chataccr aielcbea, are becom- ing hig tarorltes. Tiielr clert:nrfs becomea mote apparent erery time one seta taem. At. U. Wilaon, one ot Uie best li^rnuD dht'eoiconedisna who hu appenred st this bouse lnalonillme,plcaacdlai- meoaoly. Hoate Oolllna and Norma will>, acclety akelcb team, were very good, and received dae ap- preciation. Imngene Oooer, conlralio singer, wu recalveil wllb mends ot applsosu. Bboaang"Tbe t'mcl Ulas ' wlih lolling cffuct. Tbe RyUera rrony and FfUkic) In "A Ulrcua llohearui,"lntrodaecd aoine well trained mookeya and were well received. KBirii's U.MO.v Sgi'Ana Tuiatrb.— Tbe builneas on the opening of tbe week Nov. iti wu ahead of tbo nanal record tor Uie allsmoon, wblle at night the attendance waa ot anillcleni alze to canto many to BUDd. Tbe blU la ot eicollcnt iiaallty, and cnn- talu the namea of aoma excellent people. Tne irloclpsi carda may lie mentioned u the Three ■logenea, l.'otban ana nam Troopo. L'atban Is wen known aa a atrong autacUon and bis act, which has been fully reviewed In these col umu, la alwaya Intereallng. The Kogenea aro u clever and dirlng trapeze performera ae our tbeilregoen have ever aeon. The ease and grico wblcb tney diaplayed la wondortol, and lliclr aa wu received wlib mncli applause. The Barre Troupe aland among the leaders ot ranalcal teanta and are also well known. Tliey are alwnya sore ot a besrty leoaptlon at tbla hoate. 0;hcra on the bill aro tbe liloae Broa. In aiatuepMlng and acro- batic teata, Heehan and liAvniond In their mntlcal comedy aletcb, "A Lucky 8ulke,'> Ohaa. V. Lea. maa, monolognlat and mimlo; Francese* Redding and Ungh Htanlon In •'A Pair ot Lnnallet," nealey and Teed In a lime nonsense. Vic- toria Waliore In songs and dancea, Tborne and Carleton la n tkolch, i:eorge Los lie, nodgklna and Lelih, in their Yankee absurdity "Sllu and Utndy'a Uoattahlp," biward H. Banker, In cluracter chaugea, John P. llogan and Prot. Italpb Slooffl.ln iheir sketch "A Prlvato Rebeaiial." This wuUr.Uogan'ailnt appearance on the vaedevllle atage In eight years. He la u graoefnl u ever u a dancer. Barton and Cameron appeared lo advantage, mingling tun, elccirlclty and harmony In a novel manner. Tbe Kugenea to main next week. UcBEn'B Palaie Ut'SEi'ji.—In tbe carlo liall this week an Itlallu (strong mag). Lcali (gluleu), Prineo Tina Hlio (midgci), I'nif. King (ilghtnliif calcalator). Hlle. Almcc(totiooed anako ch»mii), Big. Allllab't cat rltcns, Yankee Bcott. Idnmucoa (Qowllng dervish), and n'alKr II. eiusri (arniieaa and legliu map). Bisgn—Horan and Herbert Yonng Amerlcua, Anna Hercedet, Uillard anil Kmerton,ThOB. J. Ucrron. the Weaiun SIsteni, and the living pictures. Huslucaa conilnaet of a pay. lag chancier. Frank K. Ficcmen Ih again con nerted wlih the inusenm uadverilsing agent. BiJuu TuBATiiB.—'South llcforo the War," piece mado up or Suiiihern piciurea. opened week ur Nov. ID to a guod slKvd buose. Tne company wu made up cblcay of colored performers, who In* troduced aonga, cbomaea and dances nil thruagh Ibe piece. Tboao which found most favor with the andlence wcra Ibe genuine >l ukey soagp. Cliarlea Uoward u the old darkey, Kp^ Ulawton, wsa very good, and the rest of tbe oompnav aldul him lo making an enjoyable cntcrtalamenl. Next week Wm. iToey la "The F.ama." KotriR A BllL'9.—Tbe bill for tho week ef Nov, 10 wu made op ot Ks-iral newcomers und popiiur holdovers, and drew a crowded house on Monday night. Hooa. and Slme. llruetltlvlcre, dnetilsla and mlmlot, made tbelr Ural appearunce on an Ameiloan auige and were a prononcced snccese. They are pleasing In appearance andintiucrund won ilieir auitienco from Ibo abirt. Tbay atnga nomberof dQetaandulalcrludeaglvclmltailonsof dirrorcat lanlmmunis and alao alvo a cat concert In which they make una think of ibo cita ua our hack fence, and flying iwoilAoka. Tnelr pertorniinro la reined and artlsilo and they were recalled several times. HcAvoy and May, cccintric oumeilUns, roapprared and proved theniaelvcB good tun niakere. I van Ticbomoir and hla troupe ot trained dogs (cleveniii week), the nrolhera Ilossow, illlpuUaa athletes (third week), Bnnlola Ohelll, Irapeziat (tblnl week), Una llcrloldi, contortionist (seveatli week), the Finnaya, expeil aalumen (dlih wetrti Kokln, Japtuese Juggler (ihird w(Fk), Kugenle Fongeiv, cbanteiiio oxcon- trlqae (eleventh week), aod Unrmonclis (third week) were all cjnilaucd tavcrlict. TboMilorm- ance doted with the over iiopular l.lvlog I'lctureii. Tbe usual concert wu given by tbo Kuasuuillon gatlan tiroboatta. MDtA'sTniATnE.—Tbensual birgt Monday night aodlence ataemblcd night nt Nov. lo, and a hearty welcome wu aceorJed Nellie Ucllenry m her circo com'dy, "A Night at the Ciroos." Tbo ton began with Ibe rise orunrtaUi, and Iho capsule membera of Mist Uollearr's oompiny did nut allow their audience unob teiplto trout laughter ihnngliout the entire evening. HIsa HcUonry'a earnest eiroria to please were eutlicly uucccasrul. Next week Waller Btolord'a Htoek o., la •■Uador the Luh." Wonrii'a Uusei'ii.— Tbe coniluuiua vaadevHle akow la aiUI lu vogue here and buslueas coulluuea to bo ssturHi'lory. Tlili week's eutertalnem In- cl'ide: tkl. Adams, Kd. llugers, I'. J. K'nyou, Ada wlisoti, Urenucu and Wilson, tVcMey llAnla, Sl| Iluasell, MoUannnd Uall, lliirry J. Kv]i:t, Uo llalll and ValoH, Irving Jonce and Uus A. tS'urgcl. jAOUis' TiiBiTRE.—Nov. 19 us'jtrrd In Walter Banfniu'a "ToePowertt dold," wblch pivved to be ot auniclent potency to diaw a large number ot admirers of sensational Incldenis nnd rrallstio cireciB, iviib wbl.h the piece Is abuiidAnily sii|i- piled, and which give It tank on a toprtiscaiative play ot tbla kind. Much approval wu beaiotred opun tho aiage pictures, which weto preacntrd with commeudablo bitie, and no btct ot approba- tion wu accorded tu tbo efforts ol tbe company, whiob Included Fred Suiiioierileld, Bairy John atone, K. T. Bletann, CsrI Siirauioo, J. Vincent, II. >:, Buckley, W, II. I.ewl>, 0. h. stone, Hannah U Ijgham, (trace Lyndon, aeitrudo Itoheris and Uary l.ynlun, '-Tue Walfaot Now Yoik" comet Bcxt week. New Yobk UiPOE B. I*. O. r.i.M Ills ducldcil that tbelr lodge tiMm is too anwil to accomiiiodaio tbe large number desirous ol nItnCMing the lo- pKtslvo memotUl scn lcea to be hcI'lSuudAy even, lag, l>ec.and anoihi r public ball will be secured for that purpose. Tliellev. Ur. Houghton will ite. liver the piwy'rand Frank Mordauui will read the Kneral culogv. II liu also been decided to admit 0 public by Invitation. PEOrtR'a TitEATHE —Rngeoo ni'hlnsnii'a pro ducilon of Ihe powerful iiiMuilrHiiia, "Paul Kauvar," It alwaya ante uf attracilag the lavorable attention ot the patrons uf thlathuaire. Uansgcr lloiilnton bu eniuolllihed lila play inia iieateu wiih ilogantooalomluganil ancclacular scenic eirecis, while the cut l« capable In every iiart. Tliom«n.r strung dtsinatli,- icciea andsliuatlouaof the pM; were oatbnslutU'Slly apphtudcd. Next weel "lluscdslc." MistH'8 EiouTii Art.svi TnEATHi:.—Uarry Wll llaiiM'UwnCo. op.-neda week'a eogagemeni hero Blgbt of Nov. Ill before a crowded uaiitc. The o^ ganixallon Is moat complete lo liseir, but liu for Ibis week a powerlnl magnet In the ptiaon of J. W. Kelly, whote aot on Monday night kept Ibe large aaalenre In conllnned mn ot Ituguier. uatman, abailowgraphlst. cle., and LltUe Flossie, In her songs and coararler ohangea, wero among tbe most eatertalnlBg nuniisia or Ike programme. Next week Ibe Rusacll Bm.' Bbow. tiioaililiHitoal«;liiaon»dadhoiua. Nsilctik, tbt llArlsHaoKsr BartaaniioOo. . ... .iw... IUauul(e«soii.-Tlio aunetioni og«v«»,aiaabove itAva'>(e.awlas a THull TOd b««'"a»",ls i^erle hilt-leh<lMSrliou wd Ms ■jat*"""* "ijaij To«t». 0«ri» llQldsr. Al«x Wajar, LensJltr Birrr aid Pfol wbll.. HUE»-IlurT HoAvoj ajj ,^oj"a Fo««rk Jw. W. Themjuon. liL and (Ian. WUfrlrafT. HtUe BmlUi, Usttaad Alice UsMar, and fiad Wlai.e*. MEW YORK BT ATE. Droofclrii.—At the Ofand Open Uonae, "Coon Dollow" WA1 il>(«L wnk iKiloolai Str, IB, baUia u tuditsMthst u«ud the tutlogcapidtrot the boose. Lut ir«k. Wm. Bairr bskt tbo boards. Ilslloo and Bart rho Nov RoDtli" l)te a. UrJOC—M. B. Curili, lo "Pau'IoI rotsa," lo tbo atlrae- lloD this vaok, opoiioi .tov. IP, btlcio a foil honn Alihootb tlw till* ol tho ploca Isold, tba play bw liooa u) oratlr ootliolr tawiluon that It lo now op l«dato. 'TIM Hpu 01 LU*'* iDOtallbooeccoilaitweak CbaaQoor OlcotiS,'*TbeHllltAlArai"Doo.S. , . Fiat -"Shore aerao" bwaa a tbroo woaki' oaoafih moot, Kov. to, to a erovdod lionia. Tbo D' AwlUo Opoia clwi^aAacoeiiraloDnaomoQtlailwaok. (;oi.olliij.--'lboairl I un eotitnd Uo" la eaatlnntd •onhor waok, ud is mootlna with ooecua Oraidod hooM*iiave&ooB tbe rata "aowlog tho Wind" »,E K. '"iffAH.-'TiioT»i>»loUro"ba|«ha wook'oaoiMamoot Mot. 19, wboo itaodlof room oolf eoold tM obialooo. 'ThoT«loofOor«lea" cloood a ineoeoitol oojutmoot 17. "The ro»r ol OoM" ft, Walter Suford's Stock Compur. la "Uador tho Lath," Djo. 1 lUrlem.—At Ibe Uatleoi Oprn House "rbe AmaiOBA" dill oaly a (iir builaou«o«k ofKor. 11 So OoaM ttlolOB II'O rrtcvi hkd ooraktblng toiloailbit glee's "mf nidB Its giol arpootoaeo bofoia a llir- Umaadliooo IP to'DOnl 1h* boltUnn^Iavclilitboufoo oribootttoa. Koiiwook'AOnotftiitl." COLOMHCS —llorrniano lait iioei plaroit to oiofdld booHO alt tho wook. Ubaontar U'cult, la "Vho IfUli Aruo*." oraaod to aoroirdodhouoa If. .Noxlwook, "Bnah Oltv." (h.vnrlo -nic* aed Borma bavo bo i oaana to eom, Slato or ibair booioo«;JailDt iho'pvt weak. Rooiolt ret'. (Jeandltao nado thair giol llailom appaa^ Ih OS* BsnHAS-a-Tbo Fraoeb rollrOompuijoponod lor ibr wook. Rov 1>, to a fait houia. I«il*>OBWoboi floUC Companv plajod to aood baolDsn. Irwio m'on' CompaDrl) Uydo i Bobmaa'a Oaa Stare min4B t oaaBiaoVa—lulna plemvao coBtloat to bo on ouolleol roalaro or the or ibo bllU ot Ibis pwaUi pUwofainoumOBl. Ttio twoinb weak ot tbo Plotatoo looan Hot. It. btlora a bit bouo^ Tso vandovlllo pirt ol tba proxramna 10 BUdt BP or The IKalps (Joba ud Nollv),MlooloVoBway,Anl7U«la,lllaorra Lae, Mla- nloAnoltoDdAihon ^ . , , Airaiox -na LiilpBtlau this weak per tbelr uoul vUltuMr KdowIoo' Eioton DIaulot playbonia. no OBdlone* ihot praoM iboir piTMBltdon ot "aompir Demplii Up to Data," It, waa soineloat lo domonitiata Ihot tho lltUo pooii'a aro tint poputu with tbo aormu tboAtn lolaa pabllo er tbli put or iboolir- Tbo ladlca. oBtatomoBtboralP, ISBOwutbUpailot Iowa. Iteoa, taloo eiany otlrrlBi locldoota oalonlat*! lo roeonoioaa It to tbo hoBoa'o patrono and it ooght to do wall It Is voti proooolod br Waltar Modtoid^Moot eompoar- Loot wook 0 boilDou wta toKaoaBorWathbBre'aoAUsttctbB. ^ OAVCTV.—A bfg aoilloooo volcomod Wobbor k PtoMo' Oont^ompoBrberttS. BaUTietorr boolnoM laatwoak. Lr<1la Yoamuo-Tltus and lltvmoii Koora bead aoit "l'tc'u"—t(o Looii Pbllltps Sioek rompuy tbla wMk rorlTO 'Tbo T«o Orpbaas," with Eorao Bell In tho sfm- potbollo ehtraeur «l Loolao, Oio bllad boralao. The obMk couDpuT Is tiocomlDR iiulla popoUr with tho bouoo'i pftinna, and ao a cob«o<ibobca tbo booto Is dolDx s lailtraotoFT baoluooo. "SaoMocad to Daalb' !«. UMuea.- Tba (ioleaol oBdl" lothlowook'oauiaiilloo, npocloiiiooarelnliodacolbT iho 6L Felix Sltun, ■Uo. Zoo And mo Worrall The opoolag bOBiawal big It loobi to tbouah Haaaior (!>iv hat picked a wiaoor la hlAhouso. ThoLondoB BollsoSI. , . ..^ NnriLTV.—Tbio hooit vlU op«a tt wllb "Tbo Row South " Lks ,\vssea Acadouv.— XeEvop's Irlih Comedlkst will opoB Ibis hoola tt. Albany.—Tte week opened with minslttlnat tbo LolODd Opoia IlQooo Nov. IS, huniobod br Law Dookt'idor, and a bouio racked to ibodnenauoooB. W T. Carloloa'a Optra Co. ub> '^bi Spoetit Kni(bt'> and "ChAlHv Btslu at Home''to (itr rtlnmo 13.11 Tho ramalador ot Uio vook •o< takes up br "Coon Bol- ov," •bleb MOiDid to ploast Itrio aodloacoi, Conlog: 'J. a. 21. Uoi W. Uonroe, lo ^'HrAuot Bridgot:''!], '-('aolo," bv a local wuponr oramauero; SI, ' A Tokts Rioer','' il, roiroll, the Natleits: 17, ;^ a,-7bt Uot ItANHANOS RLSlrsea llALL hold one ot tbo larioit aodiooeosnl Ibo laaooo II. «hoD Soua'o Rtad rato a coocorL Ub Ibis octAiloo was yraoaatod ror tbo Orot timo J. Auiiln RnrloRor'o oiarcli. "rho Hsrcb Blox." iloolatoil u JobB niitip HtBta. Prat. Btnbolonit«'s K.|alno PAildoi IS, 17. dolllbted yooOE tad ehl ibtt <iotnl>d tlio ibootro ComlBs: 10-14 Mr. tad Bra HtmllB Ralilvlu. lomlon roadiqa: 0, Mrs. Lanptrf, lo Aootha TvldoB:" 2». 30. Doe 1, "Ibo folica Patrol" THS UAiKTY Tbbairb past wook piosoDtod ,tho Ltllr niAj B'lrlofnue Co. to optoodid btuloeoa. Kov. 19.31, the Rooti-stBtler Oo ; 36 Deo. 1, Loadoo Oalotr lilrll Byracute—At Ibe Bulable Tbealre, Franz Wluiok's lloacort tl". bod Isir bollnoM Rof. U. Tbo CArlelooOpera Co. bad llRbtbutloru IS. IS. Hooked: Eildio Pov. IB' OITtliKtarib," is-ll, HloolorotlaJooolSl WiBrj.Mi uraHA llocso-.Roooa'o Band bad tood buolnoro It. *Uur Plat" had aood boslorsa 13 II. "Hlioro Acrro" bid "fl R o." lt-17. Booked: Quo Will- Ituio, In "April Fool" 19.1). "A ToaoaBuer 31, Mr. ood Mra. Arthur Lenta, la "Ibe Idler" tad "Fbt Ciujtor lauoni' TiiKAvnx.—''MePaddon'a. Elo^mtat; Kocloir," 31-21. 11. It. Jauon. --- - - - - - - drair ratrly It II. Bob tttHlmmoBt Co. btd"3. R O.' -&.tr. To come: Boilon Uoward AUiaDRam (To. 19.31, Tbo Polioo Patrol"OIL UcniMi tbo oparrlos bout botwooo Bob tlliiiuimoBS anil bis spai tins itrtaor, C«b Riordko, Pi, ibo lauor wu o'ruck uo Ibo cblo. Falllog to cnoio op bo waa carried iBtoiho wlopo, wboro otoit effort wu as»d to larlvo blno HeoiplroilatU08atDrds7A.a. kiiitlnimoBS Is UDdsrtooofaoriiroohaigo. It la said niordso bu beoo drInklDc bAid o l lata. Ilochealor,—At Ihe Lyceum Mr. aod Kre. Arthur Lowlt bolu an ooatiemoot of tliroe nith's aod a iDAilBoo Nov. 19 DoTlog llio latior ball of tbo work the huuio will tomklB dtrx. "Bboro Aem'' and Mule Walowrltbt lofI U aod 17, rcitpeotlTtlr. aaeb playlor to (Airboiiloou. Aououncod: 38,39, Mn. LanguriSO^Dea I, "tVaot." Tae CuuK OrCRA llocaa had "RAfflOOD*'with Walter KoDoodr la the loadloB pan, tor 10 r,>r three olahla. Tbo Howonl AtbooKOiu Co. frHno 83 rjr bo romalodor or tbo ««>ok: ror week of SC. "Hy Partner" flrot Uiroa olfhta, ud "Two Hibton." (or Iho last throe oigbta lbs Booie- Hanlt»7 Co doptrted II, drawlBg onir fair bouooa -'Mo- Faddon'o Blopoul ul" loft 17, playloit to apod builostf. THS ACADSUYOl'Mcsio had PaalloaTarkor, ID ''The Wild Ro««," I'J, to reinaia lor ooo week. "A KOBtnokr Oirl" did a rair buolooti tbo pait wook. For tSaad week, •Ibo Poliro rotrol." AvvnoWo:<osaLAND Molsa-TaHirua, tor tbo woek. Curio hktlo-MsAler I'lioA. Csrier aod rorrlDOo Mullo. la '-EocapodIransflBU<iinR."aodnittor(PoU4rKioi) Vbo- Atto-Jaiuoo Aobow, Ward aod Lrocb. Olark aod Tomnlo, Mllo. Uarrotia, Klttp Cltitoa aod CanuicoUa aad Lu- olllo. Uiifrulo.—At Iho Star Tlieatra '-(iff tbo Kirlii eoiuos Nor. }:*-1l. Koldi'aOtrlioitro 23, Ssdio MoitlBot next week. Ilasoobooh's 1rA:utd ABimali had a most proiporoui ooBo^omobt. AOAUXHV ovUraiu.—JoMpli Uurphr canio 19 for Uiroo Blohii, til* UoriiiaoB 2J ai. "Vadaoe Kaos UeBe"aoit weak. "A Itati 8uor" leiuo to have lost Boat ot lis dranlDR.iokl'tUk, l.xcsua TOKAVaa—"UcVsddoD's Klupmoal'' started 19 for uns veok. John L. Humvao titm wook. "IboPu. Ilea ratnl" doporlod 17 wlUi proflta. r:oCRr8TatBrTosAraK.~tl W. Williams "Motoon' lioRiB Tor OBO Wflok 19. Rhornian tod kti-riser bad a Blcetollowioalattwoek TboSuodsraTaolngeooeonU boeonilOR a toatura at tlila hoaio. SUBi'ri MusK' ItALL—UaorwIo Parker, Oraelaaod Ror onMB, IdkRuflOoll. KrodMeOfollan.Bii-eh Brotliora, Joha ABd Noma Uot'tTthr, LollA TrIabU aad (guidon. Sue, dar »Toiiliig eoactrls art also sivon baia, Noras ~tIio oaasoa of cotirerla bf tho BBftt'o Hrn. tboor OrchoAtni, At static lloll bo rIb t: wlih Cii-iar boQiioo ai the aololst Wm, llodion, ot >*oor ultx, iboAuUiorol Mroral plaTa,hAl bv>n the Riioot rr Joba Hfoco. Ur. Iludooo ba« roooatlv dolobad a oow ooioedr wliKh will probtblr HO Ibo llaM tbli Troy,—At Ibe Criawo'.d Onora House I'arlflon'i dlieracoupoDr did laifir wall Nor. 11 -OmdIIoUow' drew lAIr uouioo l\ II. RIekeit'o Trootudoum. la "Coloool Jock," livl 1l|ht Ttie IVhItoor llporo roui|i*Dr, IB "Tbo KoBcIng Uaaur." packed tho houSA 17. '-rho Trelloy Ryatom" oaoio IMI, Mra Lus- try, IB -A Wile's roriP' A "ATexu Btoor"31. llAMi'a ursai lIoCHa—Puwoti canio 19,3C Bailholo. mew's Equlua Paradoi tl-31. Tho bouse was dark lost 0.irKTr TiiKAina—Tho Lllli Clar Oalotvrompaej 1'. Aod wotk. Itio Uarlo RiBierCouipsDr packed tho hooM to tho doon all last week. ninatiniuloii.—.Vt tho Htone Upcrs House Trip llio Cl>>" coma Nov. 13 to (tlrlr tond builBOfs. ' Mr t\'llo'a lluabaod" eaocolod U. Itobt. FllcalBiaioos wAiwoll rocolvod II. Uoa WllllaIo^ In "April Fool.' pletseda loir audiooco IS. "Tba Raw Ron'fi." 17, ' lieliced a laTR* audlooco BooklBsa: It. '-WaoRr . eiMlevolla Junoa At ibo B'Jou Tboatra, AqiUb' aisoBiOAna Wllb IIvIbb pictaros. bad 8. R. 0. 13-11 Doo 19-31, tba LaJlai' (llab, with lliiut ploloroo. I'tica —At thertlcaOpcnt Hensai'TheFeaclng Maalor'' N>'^. 13 oloiaod 0 ItiRO aodtOBCo. Robert 111 • llonl'H ralum daio, ta "Tho Nowinoa." II draw blx Jat. n. Adanta. la "A Crvar Lot" 17 (hdad to draw. OiiilDc: "A IfNAS Sloar' tl, Btatsoa's "UncleTom' CAbiB" IS. Newbtirg,—.tt the Academy ot Hnslo "Char. loa'a ABBt" oomaaNoT. the WbltnoFOpoimOn 33 la "Tbo FoBclog Muter." Tba houao was dork all Isat week. Iho (icaa Optra Co. cornea Tkukiflviog woek ir ropoiiorr. Rltiilr*.—At tbe Open Boose "OoonnoUow" wu Ibo altiaotloa Rot. IStollsbtattaadiBc*. "A Trip 10 tha Uily" wu pnsoBla d It to folr builoois Tbo Joha ThoioKS (MBcait On. ploaaod a erowdtd booio IS. "Itia NtwSeBilidrwwttirlvwollie. Kollarwaatrooiad bra wood trad houM 17. Doo: "Wtag" ti. 'The Ulrl I LaA BoblBil Mo" ti RethlBg la aasoaBcod tt tbo MAdlooB ATonuo TtMktrw. — ariir wiiliams aodLeoa LswLi ckuad wllb •'The Uoloael and 1" Vo. at Botten, Haat, Kov, r — Bland lloit hta stoaitd tke Anatnllan rt|bu 01 "Tbc Fatal Card." Edu HuTT CEO. Bt'H, o>- Till 8im B10&* Show, unooncc* for tbe Toledo C«dcts Mldirlater Oircai» wblcb Uiet plico Dfxi wtek: Onla HoJU, prlnclpil •omemolt barebut tct; Mile. CleveUDd, prtoclpal KiMdbDidie; aeo.BiiD,c&uiplno Jargler; foar WilloD Broi.. premier aaobAti: Wm. Doodzo, blsh wire; Wm. De Boe. heed b4*ucloc tnpeze; UAlcoim And Toeolo, vrUlleii Md nrlo? rlnfi; W. R. Ae&e, ctoirn; Alfredo. contortloDUt: Ue v*jo», sTotcuiM comlqQO ud uuiespeoUltj; wm. Aodrewe' itlkfof borM, trick nolSy Mid iroope ot doge; K. W. Oole't pour ud ROM clrou; wlibleftps udiambllubj laecompaov. ft epccUl tmar*. A *m, nor *U1 be erect«d end Mfttlu c»puUj for 8.O0O pM)pl». Toledo ftnd nrrooDdlog towsa are bcATllj billed tnd eiconlOD tnlos «a «U nUlroada vlll bo run dorlDg tbe week. Tbe oompuy U ornolud fur ODC week odI/ ud ft Ado btulDMS U ftnuclpaud. Norn ntou waltia L. Uaim's bbows.— Tbo Muon of IBM li npldlr ftpproftcblog Ite dosing dftT.-wbtcb oocvn D9C. A ftt areeoTUle, Alft.. oDftk* losftiefteoaofttilrtTtwoud one hftUweeka'dorft- tloo, wblcb U piobAbly tbo loogett ftetion nude hj ftOT biff ibow. Tboietsonbu been « long ud proftpoftMii one ftod bM yielded s bftndaome bftl* ftDco on tbo ngbt aide of tlw ledgvr. From Qrcon- vlUe. AU., wo iblp a dltunce of tlx bnndred mUei to LooisTlUe, Kr., wbere tbo "Big Bbow" winters, iftTge ud aniUDio oiurtere in tne oentro or tbe bulneta portion ot tbai clt; btWng been cngigrd. NegoilftUoDB tor MTorftl itMtilOK teatoreB for isoo ftre In progreu.ud tbe sbow will open ira softion efttlj ID April, IftTger, grftodcrud bettertbu eTor. It id ANKOtTKCiD Mm. P. T. BAmum'B M0,ooo UDQltT, leCt ber br the wUl of ber late bnabftsd, will be provided for bj ft faod to be retained br tbe execntora. Tbe property ftt Broadway ud Hoiu- tob Bixeel, tbli city, from wblob ftu Income ot «u,000 Is denved, will bo kept for ibis pupose, and ibero Is lufllcleDt property In Brldgtporf, Ct, to inaoTO tbe batuce. 0x0. W. Lk R081, eqalllbrlet, bas signed wltb UrlngstoDO'i Circu for a long season tbraagb Central snd BoDtb America. CouCiiifl.BULST bas resigned fts press agent wllb tbe SolU Bros.' Sbow. 0. A. ForrXB wbo baa been tbe advuce agent ot tbe Adam Forepanib Bbows, HoCaddon St Ander- son* mansgera: mooma tbe loss ot bla devoted fatber. wbo died on N'or. i j. TBI ronie book ot Walter L. Ualn'a CiKoa bss reacbed oa, ud It reflects greatcredlton ibcpnb- lUber ud compiler, Edward ArllDgtOD. Tbo book liUlaatrated,contalnlDB a pictore ftnd a sketcb ot almost every person wbo hsa appearvd wliL tbe sbow Ibe past mbsod. ud nlotores ot tbe most Im- fortutbutpeDlagsdurlDgtbeaessoD. UaUocon* aiDH A leaJlaUc aketcb of Ibe wrock at Tyrone, Pa., wblob bappencd in ICay, \m. Tbere is conalderable valoable Inforoatlon to clrcos peoplo In tbe book, wblcb cootalna IH) pages. axo. W. B0Bl^u,1alllQgud8lDfrlDg o!owaud cometliu.taas beenoonflned tobla liome,atWbeel- loff, W. Ya., for tbe la8t foartccn weeks, wltb lonunmsilon of tbe eyes. U was tbuugbt for a time tbat he would lose bla eyralgbt, but no Is on tbo mend at present, and bopes to be telling tbem bow Itbappenrdbvtno boUOays, at leasu Ur. Botlng aftyane would llko u> bear from fnonds^as be u looesome and QDat>le to write. JOHN B. WBinnr, or WRionr and Whuidt, baa lost doled a saccessrol two weeks* eDgagemeoC, at Ibe .Mld-WlaterClrcaa.UUwukee, Wis., as talking and prlodpal olowo, and not Frank Wrigbt, u irss pohllshed. Wbitimi Ailin. general press agent of tbe Adam ForepauKb Bboirs, for aome sesMna past, baa tonakoa tbe wblle toots, at leiat t<uip3raTlly, ud sees In Advance wltb a working iniorcat in tbe Faony Rice "A Fran's Frolic" Co. Tnx Tv Bii.LS were nroaenlod wlihabudaome noial uibats wblleplai log Wltb tbe Ringllag Bros.' CiroosAtvtckabarg, .Mtsa. RoBBBT ItuY ud Wife havo c'osed ibeir sec- '^nri sttcces&ful aosson wllb (bo lUngllng Brotbers Bbows . K. o. ORBiNB, trombone so!oUt ot SellB&nent- frow'B Olroua, Joined tbsNaabvllleStQdenta.S'ov, 16. Vammxiuion and QARNBL,at prescut playing In OblcaKo,wlil sail for HexlcoDeo.s, tojoln Orrln Brotbers* Olrcos. WaLTIB L. UAI!I*8 ADVIXTISINO OiR. NO. 3, Notes.—We close tbe season at Greenville, AU., Kov. 28, bavloft mado an elgbt mnntbs* season. We bavo traveled IhroDgb tweBty>one Statea, ud oloss uliboutftnlsbaporumipleaaantocoorTence. Tbe following liave made the enlire aesBon wi*h the car: Cbaa. Bernard, nanager; EdwardAlken, H. J. Uorst, 0.0.UerwlD. lU P. Juette, aoo.Fruler, AI. llAmmeludTbosaklorgan. Obas. Bernard and B. F. Janelte go direoi to CleveUnd. O., to arrange for ibetonrof ihs Uelnn Family Concert Co., wblob opens In tbat dty daring tbe oolldaysa TBB FiBsr coui-AMYot performeiB engaged for Onlo Brutbert* Hbow, Mexieo, will aall from Pier lu. East RlTor, Ibis olty, Nov. 24. .\ seuond w>m- paoy will leate 1>60.1. Edward Oiria is la town concluding arrugements tor tbe oomlog seasoui NEW JERSEY. s Hosa —Arrlrili for 10 and vt*k,_Chaa. On* d Baersov, PlonpaIl«K Hack aad ColUr &iiii> Nmtto, Prof. BMto AoO Jaroa*. uabuman iroi. Rd>i' rau Via fAlr U aadwttt. Jeraay Clty.^Edward Barngao.ln "Ueilir aod th* air'opM«d fnr tba «*«k at tb* Aeadouy Not ig Tb« damuid r^T mta lodlOAtM m pro«p#mai u»y. rowar or Ootd." Id plac* ol "A>K>QtuoiliaiB"^tollo*i Tba pnbllo Duda Wm. Uotj't weak •vjcoin a proBublt 00*. hqs Tox^—Boauim kafpijsp to^ U>a_*taa^ATil. Tbli iMuanrChirluBiaoi ol tbaHtn'dBqaira TDMire, jour cltr*ac«oinpMla<] bj TiraCroDln. mvmi blic)dtim«p«rtairftTUitl& Itwu ili* flmUiD*Mr Vtabi »a|o*«l walof "rho Flams" ud h« nre Jir' MoraltDl aad ThompfOD. t „_ __ Ooato CliAtUj D* Fom*t wilt potoo llio B'tcfe fiutaa J. I.O.—Tb«ain«l nrl«^. Th« tMoUognworoDotui* Doanead In tlDO ror ilili tuaa. Batlowr romttoi food Utucar Bolbtr bu appolotod Mre. Ou Rolbor u uua- nw Hons.- Tbaalra, your "-a*f- loji „ — , — Bo*7Aeoralftla»«tlof, wboDbomido bli tppMrtitcn' Uarsftrotlo Kao^ wlfo m Oto. Eana. ol ihoOar maDlA, Uobokto, and Jowr Fonldld an act for Uo bton- fit or tba Boo Ton -.a It Mra. Bu»*i flmappeannc* on tba arago. Topack atfd Bte«l Bllod EtBoadr ud Will. Uas'dau.aDd tba ManlaaSlttarsdluppolattd at tin Boa Ton weokons £»E(r.->Edwaid Hanlflan oponad bli w»«k at th« Aoadimf to a picktd bout. HAsaiar lluUr tuiei thatbiiroadlaaaoD hu txcMiadhla most itniaiD#«i. paotaUoDi Paoplaatiha J. I a-. UaUlo Ht«rii. .Siu. Ola BaauU, Jaany IUrla,Carrla Baiton, Jick Ljoch loa Frad Ba) BioDd. IIsboken.*Tbe Hoboken bai taken aq Impetoa In Abnilnaaa lonaa and good attnoboaa haialnJoo i«a/rf0 lo complain. Tlia LllipnllAaBmadAmtn« hibpy and liara ni QnancliHr paiunad. "A FlaR ni Troc**' opaotd foribra* nlibla 19 to a veil fljlcd bocw. "Uy AantBridstt"2M4 Halt v«ak * BbaftNo. V* naaaAHfx—Tbo arraUommoarAr billlns hut «rek aomavkal ooafoaad poonlo. The Loodoa Sporu v«ra ooderltnod lor wook of 11 And tbalr pnpar aod iba Wblu Crook papar waa all poRUd toiaibar "Tb« Vhlu Orook" la a dlatioctAWl dliTorant orsulutloD. oodar tba maoagrmaat ot Edaara P. Roth. Tbt LooonD "porta thli waok to plica of 'Tbt Uooib Bafoit (ho rAT." Baalooaatbepaftwatkwaaitood. luraRiiL-Cooke and Bnad, MidqIs Dttnlt, StOlo Ro<«aFrAnblaEmmaUABd MatIo Woiloo. Biulaon ii lirta. CANADA. Noivark.—.Vt Hloer's "Sbore Acres" pbiyeU a Ooa wrak aadlsf Kor. If. Tha hoaaa «aa flllad at trary parfonnuca. RaalUm wilt btra a ctaABCo htro tbla woek lo '*Hbtft No. B." It Inpraaaadagood aadlaaea (aTorabty ifaiid wlllprobablr pniTaaattoDibUL **Tba am I UR BtLInd Ha" waak ofU * Jii-oBS'.— 'Ob the MUitalppi" doeed a DMdaratalr EDdneek IT, iha lut batr balog baUtr than ibe flm. w Doekolidar'a MUatrala aro oomatblnBor a weakot aa alib Newark peoplAaod alihoogta tbelr atay tbla west will tw lODier tuAB uoal tbtythoaM rto wait Tbay opeoad plaa<uUy 19. ThAabafflvlogveekbriniaQaorsa UoBroelD«<MyAontBrtdseL" * WALi*Mtv:t*o ~Tba liovaxd Aibesff^um do. wtr« (tlvaD tooil impport allKai weak. tbeattaodADeabolaf aAil>faa> >ry. TbeNithtOvttaaaAllj pUrtoatwatAUtbat>u*latu Uio bou*e wlU bold, %dA Hit pnuot week abonld aot he ao eiceplloD. Thar atanai Jo proper lorn 19. U. W. Wllllanti'OvaCo. weokofK. ilHANu.—Tbe WlBt«r OtrcQA whldi opoaed at tbla houM, ftrao ratbar badlr lut week. Altboash Iba *bo» wu nntolaw lo All reipeoU tbe pabllo did aot Mem to "eaichoo." Itwaattaied lut woek tba PoUr CoofcUa ffaimutglovlheafaow, bntbo iayi ba wu almplract. loR for Dan Uica, wlio. be ear A wae the promottr of the icuaine. TbeabowcloatdSatanlayol|Ltil7, ooaceoant olibe ilalabualooaa Uiinv.—PtoreacoLontia, Bella neBtbaw.Carrla Prt- TArtABdProi BaobmaBn. CLuiiv.—FrABfeie Roiaetr, HttUe tfajtra, FrAnkle KlmbaUaDd Piaak Koitb. eTAn.-Llule Krvocd, NtlUe Woodi, Alice MarkbaL and J. ff. Oroab y, Pimmr. Trenton.'At Taylor's Opera House, tbe Im- poilalVtitdtTlllaCe.wullif atUAOiloa lor Nor. IS aad *«ek. The compaor nre aatlilaetloa aod the butlnea wu ralr. Baoklaaa: • Hlshi BelU" 31, **Rolila Uood" Oppm Co. XI, 'Chtrler'a Anet" TX, U. "Tba FaaoloB Muter" 37. "PrloeaH Roanlo'-n. Joa. JtrTaiaoaao. Marie ■atber took lltrtlna'a place la the Taudonlle perrorat- tare at ibmhooaa lut veeb. Taa.M0x Motar>i.—Boilnaa coallBuu food. KorlO aad week: Joha RoaiN Yarloaad CBrlla,Rlohanla Oook Howard tewlB* BiblMt, llarrr Alloa, Bvbby Daller _ . LoMie Pallor. I>aa Naitb, Bartauiliuoraawi Ooloru Ponaad«a,(lrtce lUntea, rhil II. Uortoa ud Hanr Oolemu. llarrr Wlllt, tiaga aiaaacar, liu beeo od tha ilcklltt.boi UlmpravlofiAnd la able to attend labia daUea. NovBLTv TBSiTna^Tba l^illea'Clabwu caacelad at tbia bonwIK 16.17. 1-tiur Fruktla aaJ conptaTrt. turn Iron a tbort trip Aad report |ood bulataa. Tbar open bora 19. BllBBiioth^At tbo Lyceum Theatre, "Paul laoTAr,'* Not. 15. oiniatAAfAlraudleBca, "Roblallood" Opera 00. caoM IV17 ta Urae aadltacta Theoompur plajod 'The KDlokerbocbw' 17 to a auiAller boua, bBt ^idaotpIeBMtuwtlL Comlas: *^eHMB or Life'* U, 'JiaA,"nBdertbe aa«plceao( thoColoafbaa Coart, 1.0. O. P., » Robait UlUlanl, la "Tba Noumea," O, Edsar t>aldto t>e& 1. bAAha OraSA Hoi-aa^Bldoay Drew In "Honor Bonad" Not. IS bidapniall boow. Tura ViraUi Vor WaarU. local, beaaBi tor the hoipltal 14. OobIbb: I'rIoiroM A Wui't Mlaauati IP. Uaalooa' '*8QpeTbf < IX-n, Trlnea«BoDole"3A, LUIIao CoBaedT B,SO IHe. L Nona—Bra. RiaHp.ortbeRoblo nood Opera Co^lett Ihe ooDpAar Nor. 19, Rolea RalBilor BIIIbs bar place an Mild Harloa. Oleaieot HirahaU bw aeiorod bit cob- BOfliloa wlUi Ibe ODopaar. hit place bolai Sllid hr A. u. Gnliau. MabIo Ceil>l will aliaraala with Hauil Ulnitr aa ABBAlwl Id ibe laina compuy, Pateraon.*.\t the Opera Ilonse ''Paul Kanvar' atirmcied a ipleadld aadloBce Nor. 11 **R«btn UoM' wu auBg lor the Snt Urn* lo Ihia city 13 to the ttpaeltr olUiobouie. "Tba Kelckerbocbor«' «u rudtia^ U bfiheiaoit eomptar to a |oed booae. "ToaoBMra WlBtbrop" wu pr«>«Blrd to a orowdad hoaaa la. Tbe eoaduct rl tbo saUBrr lodt darlas the pradacUoooi "Yjuor Mi>. Wlflihnp" wu dltineofal. Ih* eadre ptaioof ihtcltr ualttia eoadamaatioo cf (be "blooii aad ihBodtr" portloB of theaBdloaet which aaftablnl la ihu aedloB of ibt hooio lA HaaaBtr Uoetacbiaa bu lataa itepe to pivToat a racuiraoee of the dle- •noofbl proeoedlDn romiiUtBed ot RookiBa*: ••The Bpaaol Llla' iS-tV, 'The World Asalaot Her' B-ia, Daa MeCanhj'a Oo. tA-U "Aloae la a OnatCliv" v, ltobLHilliard,la'Tl>tKomlaee,**AS1. BtJOOTaiATaa—* Koealea tQt Uft" bad poor bntK BOM is*ll. Tbo iMBae wu dark is-lf. Bottklflaa: **nie OU Roolh" If aad vetk; the Llll/ Oar BnrleasBtra week of" Toronte.'Tbe OrAQd Opem lloosc Nov. l^-u BAJiduk. Rtaaa eAua 1%17. Oonilaa: "Tho rAtaport" lft-31. Loula AMrlcb. la "Uy PArtnar, aJ-». ToBorro OraaA Korea — "Uom ud Uota" l2-)7 pUj%i\ to bir bBalaaia. Oorlaaa comes 19-74 ACADBMrorMoaio—The Motenra lM7dM ablt^ioil* tat. "A Jayrirotu*'conifalO-M. Mooaii'B VbsaabubaeadAlacaeood bntlaetiL Uc ire ball—Chu. Oarier Prof. Malle anit cbtuollo, in AI. TbeAiro—Chu Carter, Carllo tad riirte. Uelto Cooklla, Poo'a-Boul Broa ao * MoAioy aod OojIa. MmAi&TRBKT Risk.— Prof. UletiDB bai beaa dolog a Rood boalaoia. Nona—Tba LlUr Olaj- phitera s^t Uaoaicor Biair, ot Ihe AcAdemr ol HqiIc, ibio treotile Home oaa took oiTaoaeABd chanted ibaniaDtgtr ud titabll)po«t*rwlth axpoalBff to Tie* plolarea (oBdlBic to corropt oubhn moial*. which comu ooder a iouIob of the cfimlBtl ac*. ThoH parUea ware aummoBOd to appeir at Uie Police Coart bat tba eaio wu nni raidr, aoi) ihar war* rtmut'iHl ubUI JAOuarToe.TL ThIa li ihe flrtt case of tbla kiad bora aad coBuderablo latertit la takoo 1b ih« reaolL l/amlltoD^At the Omod Dan UcCariby cloved a aoeoaufui Uireo BiKhta' OBBaaeuMat Nor, 17 Kellle Oaathoar pbra a rBlara aa»aK«aieot tt>. Stdio UAitlaotoomoaU At Ibo RurThaatre 19ud aook: Tbe .\nioicai Ularloo Trio, Dllonl aod Elmore, ibo Wblt- log«, PoataBool Bros, Uie llAoleja aod Oao. U. Wlooa- nar. Vaelpb*—At tbe noyal Opera llouso ilie Swed- ish Qoaitat Co.. Nor. 0. bid a Isrco bouio. Du Br- Carihr. jB;Tlie Frideof Maro.'' p'af od J|,o tiaadjoj room jly.' *A. Wobdboli** ''ABBt Uly" CoIS. bad aecd bauooMi. OomlBg:ai /aailo; 24, ViapoaLAdlaa'Coart nrchoatra and Hoyal EoMrtalaora; Motirt Ujraphoor 0<ob, Berllita—At Town Uall rAQllne Johnson ami Owen Haitlar lo recltala Nor 11 ud "Tho UorsUr" U liadaach largaboaifa. Yiaanaladloa'CouitOrcbtaira eonttt aO-37. Oall.—At TowD Uall "The Bnrgtsr" Co. olaTed tofalrbaalaeaaKoT, 14. Vlujoa Iddles* Court Orcoai- lrA73. Hnmbarc.—.\t Town IlAll Blm Fax, obsrftcler ToealntABd dramaUe ladtar. Nor ai. INDIANA. Indlaiiaiiolla.—At ibe Orud Stuart Ilobsoa cloaed a blgbly auceeaai'jl throe Dlgbu' cDgagenaat Nor. U. '*Tbe latartoprr, or tba Foot of Ycooi," lo relTod Ita drat prodottloo ob uj stage, a£d aooreda tooecaa 11. "A Trip to Cblnatowa" waa well patroatud U-17. Chu Diekioa, la "A JoUr flood Follow" tod "iBgna." 19-11: Sol. anltb RarielL la "Tba Uair at Law," 31-34; Leala UorrliOB n-DiCl. BanuaH's—This iionaa va« daikaptoNor, 17, wbaa Ul Hean'a HlBatrobi opened to fair busiaus. 'Too Power of^Uia Pre>a" 10-21, Pror KollAr weak ol 20 Pabl-O. W. WilllAna* VaadeTlUa Oo. flUad the boiue week ol 13 fJrada Brnmatt. la "Tha Polae o( Now Tork," week ot 19, Wataon Blatara* BitrATagAczt Co. i6 ^^irjBr-aaaHUra New York Stanpiared a wIsBor week of is. UydA'si'.oBied Una week ofiB.Baiu Darere's Big Boom iC ao d week, Harlona^Waite^ Comedy Co. held the boftrds Not. 5 aad week Ut tareo hnsinaat. tbe "9. R. 0." alga belagoatioor aiRbta JoeOit. la"Tbe8iaraaMr."wta BTOowdbyalAlreitHlauditaco U. BtABdloct room wu ooM at ererr perfoitaure of Palmar Coi'a "KrowBlea in FAliylaad.'^ia. IS, IB. Uaderllord: Obu DIcktoo, la ■aa/iBHw. tw. laf, sw. wantaiiiuru. vu»" A/IUBSVB, lu locog," 17 "The I>unr Blirral" a, Mta JoBaouMilkr S.' aiorlUA" >• .HadIa FarloyTltAdlBgladr la A. V, Poaraoa'a "-hba,'* l*duaer<iutlj III at irBion Citr, lad.. oriBflamiaailDn of tba bovela Urav* rwra are aaur- talBtd of bar rMovarj. Uar hatbaBd la at bor badsMo. 0. H llaBgeo bA4 b*«a aeoand to lead (he orebes- tnatBL MarjAO The Daolord A BaotOD Oooedr Co , which aiarif a Irota OroeoTtlM, O.. tbo third wuk 1b Beptaoabar. collapsed at Moalpalter, lad, lu the PhiUlpa A Kaana Comadj Co , upued at BorlnaQohl. 1)1.. 1) J, O. Marphr bu taken obsm of tbe Ulgb oireoi Theatre. MbdoIo, lod II. II Uodtoo hu reorfuiitd Ihe FubIo Marabau Burlcciiae Co. Thor oroood at Jaraar.IU.lL Terre IlaaCe«>At Xaylor's OperA UouboM'U- Uam Collier, tn "A Back Natnber." Nov. 19, aaTesatlifac- Uoa, bat did a h«ht bosiat»«. Paince, la "Tbe Kid." If. bad a imall orowd, ud Ibo aaoc oioerlooce fell lo "Acnta tbe Potomao" 17. Comlog; 0. "Blue Jaaaa," SO.Jaaiaa J. Ooilit t Coa Holko, oi "Tiio Kld,"wu proatiAtad br RBddtB llloeaa durloff iba ptrfoioiucol*. aodbe wuaoatlotoflatib hit part. Tbegrfaieiieiai. tloBi wore aoceaoaiT tl) revtro aim tromaralaUDg«>B* dlUoalaio which he loll, bat hawu abUiolesTewlth tbeooaipur IS, Air. UaoiptoB aod JobauuefD,or '-The Kid'* were entarlaiacd at the Torre llaaia Olab 14 by l>oal fneada. EvanaTllIea^At the Grand "Ur. Barnes of Kow Verb" bad a ulr hoaaa Nor. 11 wiuia Collier. In "A Back Namber," did wall i4. ' Lady Wlodornaro'ri Fu'* AUraeied An arerAte andlanea lO. Sooklogt: "Tbo PrIoiA OooBA" l!i Sdooow SI. "lisr* l4,"Blae Jeua" 27) ArcblaBojd. la "Ooaairy SnQtro."S. At tba Fto- pla'a A. A. Farland, baoJoUt. bato twoeieallaatreoKals lOlopoorbaslaeat. "loeKId** drewwelilt. Coming: Tbe rut Mall" 19, "Tbe Folaa ol Nav York' B. Cbaa. orbaslaeat. "ineKlir* drew well It. Coming: jatMall" 19, "Tbe Folaa ol N«v York * B. Cbaa. A. liAder, la "Ob. Wli«t a Night!" to The TbuUo CoDlqaeaod Borabervar'i Wiatsr OardeaAra nuuing variety billa lo fair bnsloeai. Fort WayDea<-.\t Maaoolo Temple, "Udy Wlndemare'a ru" Nor. 18. Ju J, Oorbol^ 18, "Tbo HosUar" 8i "Tba Derbr Wloaer'* Daa. 1 Stoadar A Bnltli. proprlelora of the Ttmple, have gone Into Ihe bUI poatlng t»us<oata, and airaadr control aome ol l-a choicen locaiioaa iB tbacliy. CONNECTICUT, \ew Haven.—At tho Uyperlon Mrs. Lugtry came to IslrbBalaau N'or 13, udid Rlcbaid Kaaalleld 14 DaanuB Tbonpaoa came to crowded booaaali!, ir. Local eatorUiBoaou boU Iba boaida onlU 31, when Harry Biabam la aadarlliHd. 0aam> OriRA Uovsa—VLoattn Bgrpl" came to fair ratana is-li. WaMnaan'a Spocialtr Co., wlih Samp* MB. did a big bualnwt is-17. 'rnioOerbT HatooV'oonioa l9-Sl."TooBg Mra. Wlnthrop" SM4, Pou'ft Wo.xpaRLAiiu TaBATAA—Boalaeu otntiBuu ■ood. Tbla week tbe Eddy Famllr, Laa PraroaCraaMo. doA Tbompeoa and Oolllat, Atda N. Armoar, RIcbIa Koy. ^ odder Blatera and otbera. llartfonla—At Proctor's Operallooso tho Baker Opoia Co. ooma Nor. IB, "YoGDa Mra Wlatbrop" tf. Prtmroaa A w«a('a HIaaltala ll. Jamas O. Koseb, lo * Rory of Ibo Bill," tl, XL Bnttnaaa lut woek wu bmto the AToraia. Blebaid Maaafla d 13 and Mrs. LaBaiiy ll hod Mflkod boasea at adrABoed prlcoo. wn.aiUetut "TanHacb/oboooa"wMir«et«d with orowdad boniea 16.11. -F«bloRomul"dJd ralrijWoUIT. AL1.T9 nau..-The Loodoo BoUw wUI boaaaatt.ZL Tha loBi looked for coaiut with broadsworda between MlHBoilobardt aad Prof, Abels wu welt atuadad 17. MiM BaslobanltwDBbjaacoreofMtDU Than were HTatal bOBU with loilik fucr uooilag aod tog of war coatMta to naka a good etoalai's oaurislamoBt Foot Qdabd Hall— llisChailtrWArblen'Udr Mto- tUota, oouliiiOK ol lunrortl'a aoo'eir holloa, BB«far ihe direttloa ol Addle lola Amaa aboold pioreAdrAwing AUractloa IS,» for ihebaaofltortbaUanroPilCltyMU- aloaarr. Boou'eBaDdooBOsZl Noita-Allrn Hall ooraped aaanoutSrall Ablate wu dlaeoTorfd aadar tbo tla|o Botd by Peoay Broa, when Ibey war* proprlooro, u a carlo lUga. Tbeara dapartmut qolcbly napoodod ud bad thofl'eoatb^ Aia aay aerious daioaao wu dooo Tha BarueM Lodga, No, lit B.P.O, B.,wiu bold their aaanaloiauio. iial aarrice at Proctora Opera Uoata Dec. a.